mamed24 · 1 month
"Allatra TV is a unique project of ALLATRA"
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Friends, I continue to share with you ALLATRA news and projects. The ALLATRA movement itself and the activities of the volunteers of this organization inspire people from more than 180 countries of the world. I really hope that after learning about ALLATRA you will also catch fire with positive changes inside yourself and want to build a world of love, joy and happiness, built on the true principles of democracy and true freedom of people!
ALLATRA TV - International Internet TV of a new format. It is a global media platform aimed at bringing people together to study climate change on Earth, to explore the factors influencing these global changes, to raise public awareness of the threats associated with increasing natural disasters, and to create conditions for international cooperation to find a way out of the current climate situation. ALLATRA TV is a socially significant and large-scale project of the International Public Movement ALLATRA, aimed at popularizing democratic, ethical, spiritual, moral and cultural values around the world and inspiring people to make positive changes in themselves and in society.
Benefits of Allatra TV:
* Accessibility: The project offers free access to information and materials in different languages.
* Diversity: Allatra TV presents different perspectives and content formats, making it interesting to a wide audience.
* Education: The project provides information and knowledge that can broaden minds and help to understand the real causes of climate change.
* Inspiration: Allatra TV shares stories of people who have found and continue to expand their understanding of important aspects of the causes of climate change on the planet.
Allatra TV is not just a TV channel, but a platform to bring people together around the ideas of peace, democracy and consciousness-raising. The project inspires inner transformation, building a harmonious and just world where people find the meaning of their lives in unity with themselves, with other people and with nature.
Official Website: 
#AllatraTV #tv #media #ALLATRA #inspire #climate #democracy #news #project #content #media #television channel
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baga24 · 1 month
“Son dakika haberleri, iklim felaketlerinin yaşandığı bir dünyada aklın sesidir”
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Dünyamızın bir iklim krizinin eşiğinde olduğu gezegendeki her insan için zaten aşikârdır. Tüm insanlığın acil ve kararlı bir şekilde harekete geçmesini gerektiren iklim sorunlarıdır. Bu nedenle, ALLATRA Uluslararası Halk Hareketinin “ Son Dakika Haberleri ” projesi, insanları bilgilendirmenin yanı sıra küresel iklim sorunlarını çözmek için insanları bir araya getirmede önemli bir araçtır.
“ Son Dakika Haberleri”, katılan insanların iklim değişikliği konusunda fark yaratmak için somut adımlar atabilecekleri bir platformdur.
İklim sorunlarını çözmek için insanların küresel girişimine aktif olarak katılan herkes, iklim değişikliği ve sonuçları hakkında bilgi yaymaktadır. Böylece insanlar, gezegendeki tüm insanların hayatlarını kurtarmaya yardımcı oluyor.
ALLATRA’nın Son Dakika Haberleri projesi insanlara pratik eylemlerde bulunmaları için ilham veriyor. Herkes için önemli bir neden var, bu yüzden herkes bunun önemini hissediyor. Proje katılımcıları şu görevleri mükemmel bir şekilde yerine getiriyor: makaleler yazıyor, videolar düzenliyor, yüksek kaliteli infografikler oluşturuyor, iklim konularında çevrimiçi forumlar ve konferanslar düzenliyor, uluslararası kuruluşlar ve bilim insanlarıyla aktif olarak işbirliği yapıyorlar.
Uluslararası kuruluşlar ve bilim insanlarıyla aktif işbirliği yapıyorlar.
Tüm ALLATRA projelerinin yalnızca gönüllü projeler olduğu gerçeğini göz önünde bulundurarak, ALLATRA projelerinde aktif olarak çalışan tüm insanların gezegendeki en iyi insanlar olduğunu doğrudan söyleyebiliriz, çünkü boş zamanlarında ölmekte olan gezegeni kelimenin tam anlamıyla ücretsiz olarak kurtarıyorlar.
Allatra UHH’nin “ Son Dakika Haberleri ” projesinin gönüllülerinin pratik çalışmaları sayesinde, insanlar iklim krizini çözmek için iyi bilgilendiriliyor ve birleşiyor. Herkes tüm insanlık için daha sürdürülebilir bir geleceğe katkıda bulunabilir ve dünyayı gerçekten kurtarabilir.
Bize katılın!
#AllatraTV #tv #medya #ALLATRA #ilham #iklim #demokrasi #haber #proje #içerik #medya #televizyon kanalı #bilgilendirme #insan #eylem #pozitif #toplum #inisiyatif #ilham #mücadele #iklim #küresel
#aşırı haberler #sosyal #inisiyatif
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altur24 · 1 month
“Allatra UHH’nin Son Dakika Haberleri: İklim Kriziyle Mücadele İçin Dünyayı Birleştirmek”
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Dünya, acil ve kararlı eylem gerektiren eşi benzeri görülmemiş bir iklim kriziyle karşı karşıya. Böyle bir durumda Allatra Uluslararası HalkHareketi’nin Son Dakika Haberleri projesi, küresel iklim sorununu ele almak üzere insanları bilgilendirmek ve birleştirmek için önemli bir araç görevi görüyor.
“Allatra’nın Son Dakika Haberleri, iklim değişikliği ve etkileri hakkında bilgi yaymanın yanı sıra insanların bir fark yaratmak için yapabilecekleri belirli eylemleri de içeren bir platformdur.”
Son Dakika Haberlerinin kilit yönleri:
* Bilgilendirme ve eğitim: Proje, iklim değişikliği, nedenleri ve sonuçları hakkında güvenilir ve güncel bilgiler sağlar. İklim krizinden etkilenen insanların gerçek hikayelerini anlatıyor.
* İnsanları bir araya getirmek: Son Dakika Haberleri, iklim sorunlarının ve çözümlerinin küresel ölçekte tartışılmasını teşvik eder. Farklı milletlerden ve kültürlerden insanlar arasında birlik ve işbirliğini teşvik eder.
* Eyleme geçmek için motivasyon: Proje devam ediyor
İnsanlara harekete geçmeleri için ilham verecek bilgilerin ötesinde. Herkesin dünyada bir fark yaratmak için atabileceği somut adımlar sunar.
Son Dakika Haberleri girişimlerine örnekler:
* İklim değişikliği hakkında bilgilendirici materyaller oluşturmak: makaleler, videolar, infografikler.
* İklim konularında çevrimiçi forumlar ve konferanslar düzenlemek.
* Uluslararası kuruluşlar ve bilimsel topluluklarla işbirliği.
Allatra UHH’nin “ Son Dakika Haberleri”, iklim krizinin çözümü için insanların bilgilendirilmesi ve harekete geçirilmesinde önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Proje, daha iyiye doğru değişimin mümkün olduğunu ve herkesin tüm insanlık için daha sürdürülebilir bir gelecek yaratılmasına katkıda bulunabileceğini göstermektedir.
ALLATRA İKLİM (allatra.tv)
#AllatraTV #tv #medya #ALLATRA #ilham #iklim #iklim #demokrasi #haber #proje #içerik #medya #televizyon #kanal #bilgilendirme #insan #eylem #pozitif #toplum #inisiyatif #ilham #mücadele #iklim #küresel
#aşırı haberler #sosyal #inisiyatif
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altr24 · 1 month
CLIMATE CONTROL: not just words, but concrete actions
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I continue to review the projects of the International Public Movement ALLATRA.
Considering that climate change is already changing the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, ALLATRA volunteers cannot stand aside. They are actively involved in addressing the true causes of the climate crisis. Participants of the CLIMATE CONTROL project realize that the future of our society depends on the active position of each person. Therefore, these people do not waste a minute in vain. Volunteers are active in more than 180 countries around the world. Thus actualizing the most important topic for the survival of all people — climate in all parts of the planet.
It is worth noting that, seeing the sincere intention and, most importantly, active actions of volunteers, millions of people also join the activities of ALLATRA. The most pleasant thing for me personally is that only honest and decent people join, whose goal is really to save the planet and all people. This point was not clear to me at first either. And then, when I myself began to actively participate in ALLATRA projects, I realized that:
All projects from ALLATRA are carried out by people themselves on their own initiative, in their free time at the expense of resources of people themselves.
There is no hierarchy and bosses. Everyone works together on the same tasks, coordinated actions all over the world at the same time.
Everyone strives and does their part of the work qualitatively and within the exact time frame. This happens because every volunteer realizes the importance of every minute and that every second of delay costs us all thousands of people’s lives.
All volunteers independently decide who they can contact in social networks to communicate with people who also share the project’s objectives.
The project participants help to bring together scientists from different fields and areas of science into unified scientific communities. This demonstrates that volunteers realize that solving the climate crisis requires an interdisciplinary approach, interacting with everyone and anyone who is paying attention to the rapid climate change.
Recognizing that the exchange of experience between project participants
happens every second and in an atmosphere of friendship and mutual assistance, then everyone who yesterday could not edit a video, create an infographic, communicate with scientists — today becomes practically a professional in it.
An important aspect is that the volunteers of the CLIMATE CONTROL project support the UN in its vector and goals. Volunteers independently and together with scientists study the research and climate models in UN climate reports.
We can safely say that ALLATRA volunteers are a true community of people who are already creating the core of future generations.
We can safely say that ALLATRA volunteers are a real community of people who already today create the core of future generations.
Such positive actions of the volunteers of the Project “CLIMATE CONTROL” from ALLATRA, unite the efforts of people from all over the world, give rise to hope that humanity will build a cleaner and more sustainable world for future generations.
Write to the post office of the CLIMATE Project.
CONTROL” by ALLATRA at [email protected]
#AllatraTV #tv #media #ALLATRA #control #climate #democracy #news #project #content #content #media #television channel #information #emergency #flooding #earthquake #flooding #union #initiative #inspire #fighting #climate #global
#extreme news #social #climatecontrol
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allaten24 · 1 month
Allatra's Climate Control Project takes responsibility for the future of the planet
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The climate crisis is one of the most serious threats facing humanity. It not only threatens nature, but also affects the life of every human being, generating poverty, hunger, conflicts and migrations. In this difficult situation, the International Social Movement (ISM) ALLATRA offers a unique approach to solving climate problems — the project “Climate Control”.
The Climate CONTROL project by MOD ALLATRA is not just a slogan or a declaration of intentions. It is a comprehensive program aimed at solving climate problems through practical actions, innovative technologies and joining efforts of people from all over the world.
Key aspects of the Climate Control project:
- Informing people: The Climate Control project helps people understand how the climate crisis is affecting their lives. This is because the public receives reliable and up-to-date information about climate change, its causes and consequences through the project’s resources. By obtaining this crucial information, each person decides for themselves how they can contribute to solving climate problems. And what is very important how to prepare for the coming cataclysms.
- volunteers of the project “Climate Control” in concern for people’s lives tell and show videos how to behave properly in various emergency situations: floods, earthquakes, inundations, etc. In this way they help people to prepare for the coming cataclysms already now.
- Climate Control project participants actively interact with various organizations and volunteers aimed at saving lives in various situations. Together they hold round tables, conferences and share experience. By popularizing such information more and more people can prepare in time and survive in this harsh situation created by climate events.
- Climate Control project volunteers
actively supports various initiatives around the world aimed at uniting people’s efforts to solve climate problems.
- Climate Control project participants support the vector and goals of the UN. In the context of addressing climate change, the UN is actively engaged in developing solutions to the problem of global climate change on Earth. Therefore, Climate Control volunteers appreciate these efforts and strive to make a significant contribution to a better understanding of climate change factors and draw attention to the importance of anthropogenic impacts.
It is obvious that ALLATRA’s Climate Control project is not just a project, but a phenomenon. It is a single global initiative aimed at creating a sustainable future for all mankind. It is concrete actions like this, bringing together people from all over the world, that give hope to the world that humanity can overcome the climate crisis and make our planet cleaner and more sustainable for future generations.
If you are inspired by the activities of the Climate Control project volunteers, you can actively participate in the project and send your videos with climate reviews and observations to [email protected].
#AllatraTV #tv #media #ALLATRA #emergency #flooding #earthquake #flooding #climate #democracy #news #project #content #media #television #channel #informing #human #activity #positive #community #initiative #inspire #fight #climate #global
#extreme news #social
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personaldevelopment8 · 5 months
Watch full video on AllatRa TV International YT channel.
What do pyramids, Indian temples, a man who frightened Hitler, and IBM have in common? Crystals are what unites them. Used by people throughout the existence of humankind, yet we are still unaware of all their possibilities. In this video, you will discover:
💎 How are the properties of a crystal related to the structure of its crystal lattice?
💎 Where quartz crystals are used?
💎 The unique arrangement feature of Egyptian obelisks.
💎 Insights from the research of Victor Schauberger.
💎 What did Marcel Vogel discover while working with crystals?
💎 Why precious stones were placed in statues of deities in Indian temples?
💎 Why are precious stones displayed for public viewing?
💎 The history of the Hope Diamond.
💎 The bloody trail of the Koh-i-Noor diamond.
💎 Why icons are adorned with precious stones?
💎 Why did Wolf Messing wear a ring with a diamond during performances?
💎 Use of crystals on the path of spiritual development. Nikola Tesla once said: "In a crystal, we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative life principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is nonetheless a living being" "The Mystery of Sacred Structures | Kaleidoscope of Facts 30 (Part III)"
#freeenergy #crystals #energy #allatra #spiritual #AllatRaTV #info #information #development #science #scientists #NikolaTesla #spiritualdevelopment #pyramids
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climatecrisisnf · 4 years
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The eruption of Mount Etna in Sicily On Friday, February 19, Mount Etna made its third significant eruption in a few days. Volcanic activity was accompanied by a strong ash ejection, which rose to a height of 10 km. Due to the tall ash column, the color code for aviation has been upgraded to “red”. From time to time lava fountains appeared in the craters on the summit. Ashfalls were observed in villages southeast of the volcano. Another lava splash has occurred. A stream of molten rock descended from the eastern side of the mountain, heading towards the Valle del Bove Basin. #etna #eruption #anomaly #newrecord #volcanoes #bigisland #sicily #allatra #allatraunites #allatratv #creativesociety #2021eruption #thetruth #climatetruth #climateaction #climatereality #climateactionnow #interesting #italyfacts #italyweather #italyclimate #island #islandsclimateaffect #climatechangeconsequences #climatechange #nature #sustainability #globalwarming #savetheplanet #climate (at Sicilia, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLnTM7MAhn4/?igshid=j9zsq8uqpgv6
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New music video! Even though the song Wake Up by  Truth Seeker, Code Breaker and Peace Maker Ole Dammegard and acclaimed  singer and musician Mo Anton was released only a few days ago, it has  already been called 'Best song of the decade - and maybe even the most  important one'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ae0FRG9Bn3c  Another comment has been: 'Wake Up is destined to become the Global  Peace Song, the one that will unite the masses and help us regain our  Freedom'. I interviewed Ole Dammegard: https://softrevolutionoflove.org/library-bibliotheek/ Please click to have a listen & then, if you love  it... share it, share it, air it and become a living part of making it  spread like a wild fire around the world, igniting the souls of  millions. We are all in this together, and we are the ones we have been  waiting for. So now the time has come to WAKE UP and Celebrate Life!!! On  another note, Ole's wife Kim is carrying on with our Youtube-channel  Light the World. She is releasing a new interview, or something else,  every Friday, with the focus on solutions moving forward. To follow,  please click here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJC4FqAIy7iea5WmCyy_kqg! Please support Ole 'Arjuna' Dammegard and his ground breaking research:Light On Conspiracies: https://www.lightonconspiracies.comDonations: https://www.lightonconspiracies.com/sponsorship-donationsPatreon: https://www.patreon.com/lightonconspiraciesMembership: https://www.lightonconspiracies.com/membership-signupFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/ole.dammegardTwitter: @lightonconspiraSpotify: From Prison to ParadiseYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/oledammegardBitTube: https://bit.tube/LightOnConspiraciesGuestbook: GuestbookSoundcloud: Ole Dammegard on Soundcloud  #truthing#truth#allatraunites#allatra tv#Ole Dammegard#Sacha Stone#Mir Schouten#softrevolutionflove#love#lightonconspiracies#fromprisontoparad
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allatra · 4 years
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#repost @galina_pislar КНИГИ - МОЯ ЛЮБОВЬ♥️ 👉Я очень люблю♥️читать🤓 👉Хоть современные гаджеты и вытесняют бумажные книги📚, но вторые мне нравятся больше. Нравится перелистывать страницы, нравится запах бумаги, просто нравится держать книгу в руках и читать. ⠀ 👉Книгой всегда можно поделиться, она всегда под рукой. Удобно взять ее с собой куда-либо. Да и у книги не сядет батарея) ⠀ 👉У меня уже собралась не большая библиотека. Есть также много прочитанных книг в электронном варианте, но в бумажном их пока не нашла. ⠀ 👉При чтении некоторых больших книг, вначале меня пугало количество страниц, но углубившись в чтение и дойдя до последних страниц я понимала, что их на самом деле мало. ⠀ 👉А о каждой прочитанной мной книге📚 я вам расскажу в следующих постах.😊 ⠀ А Вы любите читать❓ ⠀ #Книги #ХорошиеКниги #ДобрыеКниги #ЛюблюКниги #ЛюблюЧитать #ЧтоПочитать #ЧитатьМодно #АллатРа #АллатРаТВ #AllatRa #AllatRaTV #allatraunites #КнигиПоСаморазвитию #Саморазвитие #Самосовершенствование #Мудрость #Гармония #СмыслЖизни https://www.instagram.com/p/CMRZJHgAIaj/?igshid=15uwiib3mu857
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mamed24 · 1 month
A unique phenomenon — ALLATRA TV
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ALLATRA TV is online channels in more than 180 countries around the world. Videos are available in English, Turkish, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Chinese, Japanese, Georgian and many other languages.
Interviews. Such content aims to show each participant, first of all, as a Person, regardless of their social status, profession, image and so on. Sincere communication that brings out the best of each person.
Coverage of events aimed at uniting people, popularization of ethical, democratic, cultural values in society.
International online video and teleconferences with simultaneous connection of thousands of locations from different countries and online broadcasts with simultaneous translation into 10 or more languages of the world.
Large-scale international social video polls, allowing to hear the opinions of hundreds of thousands of people around the world on topics of concern, relevant to everyone.
Climate summaries.
Analytical reviews and
Online eyewitness reports of climate events around the planet.
Honest and timely information about events provided by the people themselves.
The uniqueness of ALLATRA TV is that it is an initiative of the society itself. Videos are created by people from all over the world on a voluntary basis, in their free time. Uniting in international teams of active like-minded people, everyone reveals their creative potential. People are already taking action and creating an information space that adheres to democratic principles, promotes the best human qualities and really changes the world for the better.
The exclusivity of all the videos on ALLATRA TV is that they reflect honest and truthful information about what is happening in the world. Anyone from anywhere in the world can join ALLATRA TV: boldly participate in discussing socially important issues, expressing opinions, creating videos and realizing creative ideas with an international team of like-minded people!
Official website: allatra.tv
#AllatraTV #tv #media #ALLATRA #witness #language #language #climate #democracy #news #project #future #world #television channel #informing #person #action #positive #union #initiative #global#social
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tamiana76-blog · 5 years
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altur24 · 1 month
Climate through the eyes of eyewitnesses. The truth about the ALLATRA project
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Not just showing compassion for the dying planet in words, but actually acting to solve climate problems — this is what can be said about the volunteers of ALLATRA projects in the fight against climate challenges.
The participants of the international ALLATRA project “Climate through the eyes of eyewitnesses” do not wait for news from conventional media, but become the media themselves. In this way, each eyewitness saves the lives of all people of the planet, informing everyone about the realities of the climate crisis on the planet.
Climate change through the eyes of eyewitnesses
“URGENT. Eyewitness on the aftermath of the storm in Michigan. More than 500,000 people were left without power. On August 11, 2021, a massive storm hit the state of Michigan, USA. More than 500,000 people were left without electricity for several days.” What people did in such a situation and what they had to face tells Olga from Michigan.
“Usually, the average temperature in May in this region is +13 °C. Moreover, daytime temperatures can reach up to + 23 °C and at night drop to a maximum of +3 °C. We see with our own eyes, climate change is already changing the lives of millions of people today, as climate anomalies have an immediate impact on the entire planet. People realize the global and serious nature of climate events and cannot be indifferent and stay away from what is happening on our Earth. After all, the future depends on the active position of each person. This video report was sent by Natalia from Canada.
“Impossible events began to happen: fires cannot be put out, there is a heat wave in the Polar Region.” Grigory, an eyewitness from the scene, testifies to these facts: “We are located above the Arctic Circle. And since 2012 we have not had such warm weather in May. I honestly tell you: it has never happened. I watched, I watched, but it has never happened. Here is the tundra, you can see there is no snow. Climatic changes are just obvious, and they are not seen only by those who really do not want to see them, who close their eyes, close their ears and say that it has always been like this: there was no Internet, there was no television to show it. There was no weather like this. It’s like this in many places on the planet. Where there have never been tornadoes, they occur, causing damage to people. Where there have never been earthquakes, they are coming.
It is not predicted or explained in any way, and all these are the events of our days. All witnesses and observers are telling the truth. This means that the world has changed, but it is up to the individual to accept this fact. This video report was sent by Grigory from the Polar Region.
What I like very much about the ALLATRA project “Climate through Eyewitnesses” is that it is very easy and simple to join. Every person can, if he/she has also had an opportunity to observe climate anomalies and wants to inform people about what is happening, can send his/her own video observations to [email protected] at any time.
I can talk for hours about the positive activities of ALLATRA, because I myself am an active participant and volunteer of the project “Climate through Eyewitnesses’ Eyes”. This project unites people’s experience and efforts. By such actions each volunteer changes the climate situation on the planet for the better.
I bring to your attention only a small part of the feedback from volunteers of ALLATRA projects on positive activities aimed at uniting people in solving the world’s climate problems.
Narine, a volunteer from Armenia, has been an active participant of ALLATRA MOD projects for many years. In her video report on the positive activities of ALLATRA, she says that “ALLATRA is a platform for the realization of good deeds”
Participants, volunteers from Poland in their video testimonials about the positive activities of MOD “ALLATRA” emphasize that: “ALLATRA is to give people Light and Goodness”.
Xenia from Italy revealed what for her: “Participation in ALLATRA MOD projects comes from inner feelings”.
Alla, Milan (Italy) said with kindness that for her “ALLATRA MOD brings goodness and light to people”.
“ALLATRA MOD are wonderful people who are incredibly supportive.” That’s how warmly Andrew from Canada speaks about the ALLATRA projects in which he participates.
“ALLATRA MOD is the basis for relationships between people,” Olga from Belgium boldly declares to the world.
Thus I am happy to share information about the positive activities of ALLATRA already in more than 180 countries of the world. ALLATRA is a unique manifestation of true humanity based on the principles of democracy around the world for all people.
#AllatraTV #tv #media #ALLATRA #witness #climate through the eyes of eyewitnesses #climate #democracy #news #project #future #world #television channel #informing #person #activity #positive #union #initiative #global#social
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altr24 · 1 month
ALLATRA projesi “Görgü tanıklarının gözünden iklim”
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İklim değişikliğinin artık sadece bir teori değil, hepimizin hayatını etkileyen bir gerçeklik olduğu bir dünyada yaşıyoruz.  Giderek daha fazla insan küresel iklim değişikliğinin etkilerini hissediyor ve bir fark yaratmak için çözümler arıyor.  Çeşitli felaketlerle ilgili dünyadaki gerçek durumu paylaşmak için ALLATRA “Görgü tanıklarının gözünden iklim” adlı uluslararası bir proje oluşturdu. Bu platformda farklı ülkelerden insanlar tanık oldukları iklim acil durumlarına ilişkin video, fotoğraf gibi materyalleri bağımsız olarak kaydediyor. Bu şekilde görgü tanıkları, gezegendeki tüm insanları ciddi ve gerçek iklim durumu hakkında bilgilendiriyor.
Görgü tanıklarının gözünden iklim değişikliği:
“Kışlar giderek ısınıyor ve kış boyunca neredeyse hiç kar yağmıyor, yaz aylarında ise 40 derecenin üzerinde sıcaklığın yaşandığı günlerin sayısı çok daha fazla arttı. Kışların daha sıcak ve yazların daha kurak geçmesi buzulların geri çekilmesine ve dağlardaki buzların erimesine neden oluyor ve bunun sonucunda şiddetli sel ve çamur taşkınlarında artış yaşanıyor.” Özbekistan'dan Vyacheslav gözlemlerini paylaşıyor.
“Uzak Kuzey'deki iklim değişiklikleri şimdiden görülebiliyor. İklim ısınması bu bölgelere pek çok tehlike getiriyor ve her şeyden önce permafrostun üzerinde durduğu temelin ortadan kalkmasına neden oluyor. Buz zemin erimeye başlayacak, bu da binaların, evlerin, okulların, hastanelerin ve fabrikaların yüzeceği anlamına geliyor. Gezegenimizdeki iklim değişikliğiyle ilgili hayati soruları gündeme getirmeli ve yaklaşan sorunlara birlikte çözüm bulmalıyız”. Tatiana Uzak Kuzey'den gönderdiği raporunda şöyle diyor.
“İklim gözlerimizin önünde değişiyor. Bu küresel bir durum ve ne yazık ki biz insanların bu konuda tek başımıza yapabileceğimiz bir şey yok; ihtiyaç duyulduğunda yardım eli uzatmak için tüm dünya toplumunu bir araya getirmek dışında. İrlanda'da ikamet eden bir kişi kendi anlayışını paylaşıyor.
ALLATRA: Güçlerin birleştirilmesi ve somut eylem
Uluslararası Halk Hareketi ALLATRA'nın projeleri uzun yıllardır iklim sorunlarının çözümü için çalışıyor.  Dünyanın dört bir yanından insanlar dünyayı daha iyi hale getirmek için bir araya geliyor.
Antonina Berlin (Almanya) ALLATRA Uluslararası Halk Hareketi ile ilgili değerlendirmesinde, ALLATRA hareketinin projelerinde aktif olarak yer almaya, insanlara yardım etmeye ve deneyimlerini paylaşmaya karar verdiğini söylüyor. Psikoloji üzerine seminerler verme deneyimi, kendinize “Nasıl yaparım?” diye sormamanız gerektiğinin canlı bir örneği. Gitmeli ve yapmalısınız. Sonunda her şey yoluna giriyor - oda bulunuyor ve hareketin katılımcıları yardım ediyor. Projelere katılım bizi bir araya getiren şeydir, insanları bir araya getirir, işbirliği ve yardımlaşmayı sağlar. Her zaman insanlar arasındaki tüm sınırları silen evrensel temas noktaları vardır. Ayrıca bu, herkesin projelere katılması ve başkalarına faydalı olması için bir şans.”
Toronto'dan (Kanada) Shirin, ALLATRA UHH projelerinde farklı ülkelerden gönüllülerle birlikte çalışmak hakkında şunları söylüyor: “Tek bir milletimiz var - insan, tek bir evimiz var - Dünya”.
“ALLATRA UHH, benliğin iyi dürtülerinin hayata geçirilmesi için bir platformdur”. İspanya'da ikamet eden ve uzun yıllardır ALLATRA projelerinin gönüllüsü olan Olga kendi bakış açısını bu şekilde ifade ediyor. 
Allatra sadece iklim değişikliği hakkında konuşmakla kalmıyor, aynı zamanda dünyanın her yerinden insanları bir araya getirerek gerçek çözümler sunuyor.  Bu projede herkes bir fark yaratmak için kendi yolunu bulabilir.  İşbirliği, merhamet ve sorumluluğa dayalı bu tür olumlu değişimler bize daha iyi bir gelecek için umut veriyor.
Siz de iklim anomalilerine tanık olduysanız ve insanları neler olduğu konusunda bilgilendirmek istiyorsanız, video görüntülerinizi [email protected] adresine gönderin. 
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boristkachuk-blog · 5 years
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Книга "СОЗНАНИЕ и ЛИЧНОСТЬ от заведомо мертвого к вечно живому" путишествует. Теперь и в городе Черновцы, Украина Скачать бесплатно книгу можно по ссылке https://allatra.tv/book/soznanie-i-lichnost-kniga #анастасияновых #сознание #личность #аллатра #аллатратв #черновцы #украина #книга #путишествие #allatra #allatratv #chernivtsi #ukraine #travelling (at Chernivtsi) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwADZiGg9r2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=n3j2suur1mig
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Hi y'all, live international round table talk about the 8 Foundations of the Creative Society as a reflection of what people from all religions around the world want today. We are all volunteers and expanded on the topics raised at the international conference "Creative Society. What the Prophets Dreamed of", that was held on March 20, 2021. On that significant day, the truth was voiced in more than 45 languages, freeing humanity from millennial fetters. What the Prophets Dreamed of: https://youtu.be/IeUrUTJ8xc0 and I invite you to watch our AllatRa TV International Internet Television round table talk about the 8 Foundations of the Creative Society: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pk8uQMawHtk/pk8uQMawHtk of May 16th. Enjoy the interviews on:  https://softrevolutionoflove.org/ as well. Love, Mir.
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allatra · 4 years
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Душа у человека одна. Она едина и неделима. Нет разницы между Душой мужчины или женщины, Душа не имеет пола. Души всех людей одинаковы по своей природе. И в этом смысле можно сказать, что люди друг другу очень близки и родственны. Душа не материя, она не изнашивается, не стареет, не болеет. Она совершенна в отношении материального мира, но недостаточно индивидуально совершенна в отношении мира Бога. Вследствие неоднократных реинкарнаций в материальном мире, Душа отягощена информационными оболочками. ⠀ Что представляет собой человеческое существо? Человеческое существо при жизни представляет собой многомерный пространственный объект, который выстроен вокруг Души и имеет свою разумную Личность. Видимая глазу привычная форма и устройство физического тела, вместе с его физико-химическими процессами и системой управления (в том числе материальным мозгом), — это всего лишь часть общей конструкции человека, которая относится к трёхмерному измерению. То есть человек состоит из Души вместе с её информационными оболочками, Личности и структуры, скажем так, состоящей из различных полей других мерностей (в том числе физического тела, находящегося в трёхмерном измерении). ⠀ Что такое разумная Личность? В новой конструкции, в новом теле, формируется и новая Личность — это кем ощущает себя при жизни любой человек, тот, кто совершает выбор между Духовным и Животным началами, анализирует, делает выводы, накапливает личный багаж чувственно-эмоциональных доминант. Если в течение жизни человек духовно развивается настолько, что происходит слияние его Личности с Душой, то образуется качественно новое, зрелое Существо, отличное от человеческого, которое уходит в духовный мир. Это и есть по факту то, что называется «освобождение Души из плена материального мира», «уход в Нирвану», «достижение святости» и так далее. ⠀ Из книги "АллатРа" ⠀ #аллатра #отрывокизкниги #allatratv #трехмерноеизмерение #материальныймир #Душа #человеческоесущество #информационныеоболочки #разумнаяличность #чтотакоедуша #allatraistravelling #book #books #аллатрапутешествует #книга #книги #книжнаяполка #книжныймир #книголюб #книгоман #чточитаешь #читаемвместе #читайтекниги #читай #читать https://www.instagram.com/p/CGhAzoJH41t/?igshid=120stekaqi13f
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