#alley phoenix
doctorsiren · 1 month
Angsty Psychic Lawers AU stuff?
like Separation Arc or Disbarment era
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yeah so I decided Reigen’s disbarment was only gonna be 6 months since that’s the length of time that Mob was stuck in the mindscape world that Mogami made, and so it’s then the length of time that Mogami is Mob’s mentor (and also this allows the ages to not be all messed up LMAO haha)
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x-mensirens · 5 months
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"How sweet, girlfriend to the rescue."
"You got that right, lady!"
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ralucafarcas · 2 months
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Wanted to share some photos showing how my stand looks when I go to cons! I do my small art business full time, and while it's difficult, I LOVE it so much!
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williammarksommer · 10 months
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Aero Bowling Alley
Lost Highway series
Hasselblad 500c/m
Kodak Ektar 100iso
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griffin-the-stupid · 6 months
Cant tell if Alley Rose is actually Wrightworth coded or if it’s just my neuro divergent brain attempting to make everything ace attorney related
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theaskywalker · 6 months
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Imagine working together with your friends Fred and George at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
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Now that my Cohort has an Account . Time for the Dual Destinies Hatepost (aka Our Inside Jokes i've Drawn . They're Funny I Swear)
And to cap it off, a Collaboration between Me and said cohort, @annonymouslyannoying . total drama wrightworth 💕
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ivettel · 1 month
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myabeautifullie · 4 months
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Rooney Mara attends the "La Cocina" premiere during the 74th Berlinale International Film Festival Berlin at Berlinale Palast on February 16, 2024 in Berlin, Germany.
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I'm surprised there's not like. A marine biologist or zoologist in ieytd because like yeah sure death traps on a mechanical level are definitely better for the game design but also there's a giant fucking squid so SOMEONE has gotta be looking after it/researching the technology that controlled it. Ollie is the closest we've gotten, and a little of Ashley because she was a chemist but was working on a virus and I'm so. Bro who's doing the Bond villain animal shenanigans
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phoenix--flying · 6 months
cant even escape homophobia in a roblox game bruh
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karinamorenoart · 1 year
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Day 2 @phoenixfanfusion !! Come get some zelda prints - I sold half of the small ones already 👀 Table 1204!
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x-mensirens · 5 months
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ralucafarcas · 26 days
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Table set up for this weekend's London Anime and Gaming con! Iso happy with how it turned out💜
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ask-sebastian · 1 year
I tried to be very good and not spam this playlist with Fall Out Boy, since I put so much into the Rock On playlist, so I will just go with one that didn't make it onto that one.
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severusimpact · 9 months
Chapter 2: Diagon Alley
Previous chapter
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Alaira had awoken to the smell of damp floor boards accompanied by Raven pawing her face.
It took her a minute to process she wasn't in her own home, but instead in a room located at the leaky cauldron. Removing Raven from the bed she tried to catch a few more minutes of rest before she started meowing loudly.
"Ah yes Raven. I hear you. I really do. Come on let's get you fed and then I should probably head out for the day."
Alaira jumped out of bed and pulled out some cat food from her trunk and put it in Ravens food bowl. Raven instantly became disinterested in Alaira and focused on the food began devouring it.
Alaira's stomach had started to rumble showing that it was time she had breakfast as well. She quickly put on a simple outfit and said goodbye to Raven before exiting and locking her room.
Before she could even make it halfway down the stairs a loud voice called out to her.
"Ah 'ere she is. I knew I'd spot yeh straight t'way. Yer 'airs as white as teh malfoys."
Alaira looked at the source of the voice and saw a large man with long beard and hair even longer to match. She was running through how this man would know her, until it clicked that the only one that would know her is the person dumbledore said would meet her.
She made her way down the staircase so she could properly greet the man.
"Yes that's me. Nice to meet you. You must be the one dumbledore said would meet me. And...erm...what's a malfoy."
Alaira had truly no idea what a malfoy was but apparently they won't be hard to find considering they have the same white hair as hers.
"Eh- ne'ermind that. I'm Reubus Hagrid, grounds keeper of hogwarts. But yeh can just call me Hagrid. Dumbledore said I should show yer ter way aroun' diagon alley. But I'd imagine yehd wanna eat first."
At that moment Alaira stomach let out a sound to signify she was indeed hungry.
"Tom, two full 'nglish for me an Alaira 'ere, come on Alaira take a seat it'll be bought over when ready for yeh."
Alaira had taken a seat at a small table with Hagrid. She could feel people staring at her once before, she wasn't sure if it's because both her and Hagrid seemed to stand out or if it's people thought she was a malfoy as Hagrid had said.
Not long after they had taken their seats was a full English breakfast brought over to them. Alaira smiled and thanked the server before looking at the food and marvelling at the smell. She could feel herself staring to drool at the sight of it.
They both dug in and soon enough they had both finished. Hagrids plate being completely empty and Alaiars almost save a few pieces left.
"Now yeh have eaten I s'pose I should show yeh a few shops around the area."
They both stood up heading to the door to leave but not before thanking Tom for the service and food. When they exited the leaky cauldron they were met with a wall. A wall?? It must be a wizard thing she thought.
Then Hagrid tapped the wall in certain places and it began opening up unveiling a busy winding street full of witches and wizards. She had never seen a place so tightly packed.
Alaira hadn't realised her mind had started to wander till she saw Hagrid ahead of her in the seemingly never ending crowd. She hurried to catch up with him, eventually ending up walking beside him.
Many people seemed to know Hagrid and were greeting him with a small and good day as they passed him. Hagrid usually responded with a tip of his head and a smile of his own.
"That shop over there is olivanders, but you won't be needn' that, as yehve already got yer wand. That ones flourish and bloots that where yeh can buy books and where most the students buy there books."
Flourish and blotts was definitely one of the shops Alaira would be visiting during her time there. To buy books to refresh her magical knowledge as well as have something to pass the time.
Alaira was still staring at the book shop not noticing hagrid had been stopped by an unknown man and was having a serious conversation. Her eyes only broke away when she felt a tap on her shoulder.
"Sorry 'bout this Alaira. There's something dumbledore needs me for so I'll have to be going now. Oh an before I forget, here's your ticket for the hogwarts express. It leaves from kings cross station, platform 9&3/4."
And with that Hagrid had left. Alaira looked at the ticket before placing it in her purse and heading towards the bookstore. However it was just as packed as the streets were. It seemed to be full of families preparing for the coming school year.
Alaira decided to spend as little time in there as possible. She had chosen some books after squeezing between people. Taking them over the counter to pay she had felt eyes on her. Turning she looked to see a man with hair as white as hers. His eyes seemed to hold confusion with them.
She could see that the man was now coming towards her, she quickly paid and managed to lose him in the crowd of the store and leave. She didn't know what told her that she should avoid that man, but something inside her could feel malice within him.
Feeling as if she had enough from today she had decided it was best to go back to the leaky cauldron. Especially as her cat was probably waiting patiently for her return.
When Alaira had returned to the cauldron as excepted her cat went into a small fit at even being left for a short time.
She spent the rest of the day relaxing with her cat and reading. Trying to ready herself for her new position at hogwarts.
Before she had known she had fallen asleep. She dreamt. Not a kind dream of warmth and love. But a dream of pain and a never ending loneliness. Though in that pool of darkness she heard a cry, a cry of someone broken who needed help.
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