marylily-my-beloved · 4 months
Lily headcanons: 
obsessed with the language of flowers, used to always make little bouquets that had cute meaning for her friends (and MARY!!) 
Her favourite flowers were surprisingly not lilies but actually tulips and daises
Her and James actually had a pretty nice friendship bonding over the randomest things 
She was always friends with Remus from the second she saw him in the library pouring over a whole desk, and went up to him, offering to sit with him. 
She secretly loved quidditch even though she would keep up this ‘facade’ that she didn’t like watching it, or playing it actually. Everybody knew of this when she signed up for quidditch tryouts (sadly she didn’t get in :/ but she did make extra time for just chilling) 
When she fell in love with her best friend Marlene it was literally bc of quidditch. And when she fell in love with her best friend Mary it was because of their similarities. When she fell in love with James it was bc of quidditch. When she fell in love with Pandora it was because of their similarities. When she fell in love with Alice it was because of quidditch. When she fell in love with Narcissa it was because of their similarities. When Lily fell in love with Dorcas it was because of quidditch. Can you see the similarities??
LILY WAS A TOP. No explanation. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
LILY WAS THE BIG SPOON (if she liked cuddling at all...) In my opinion she was either the big spoon so she could hold her lover and they fit perfectly in her arms and their legs would intertwine and she could just relax. Or she hated cuddling, like she could never cuddle. The best thing for her and her lover if they were together would just be sleeping on opposite bed sides and just like they always fell asleep holding hands which was so cuteee acctually
I love Lily so much <33
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ameliathefatcat · 2 years
Cancel culture is super dangerous and I 100% believe that this year 2023 it’s going to kill someone
One of three things is going to happen
1)A person who’s being cancel justly or unjustly will end themselves
2)Protesting against something leads to violence and people die
3)Random people most likely a minor ends themselves after receiving hate commits for ‘supporting canceled media/person’ on social media
No matter what is being canceled it ending it death isn’t good. 99% of time you shouldn’t wish death upon anyone someone and if you do you are the problem within society. The 1% of time it’s ok to wish death upon someone is if they are like Putin or Kim Jon-Un or a serial killer, true monsters. You shouldn’t justify someone’s death because of cancel culture. If so shame on you.
Regardless of political party, gender, sexuality, race, religion, age, country of origin, education, social economic background, etc we all are humans and our lives matter. Cancel culture others apposing view points which will only lead to more issues and not solving the issues we have.
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entomoblog · 5 months
Biodiversité : « Aujourd’hui les vers de terre n’existent pas dans la loi », alerte un agronome qui lance la Ligue de protection des vers de terre
See on Scoop.it - Les Colocs du jardin
Christophe Gatineau souhaite inscrire les vers de terre dans la loi, au même titre que les pollinisateurs par exemple, afin de les protéger, notamment, contre les pesticides.
Article rédigé par franceinfo - avec France Bleu Limousin Radio France Publié le 23/04/2024 10:59
  ""Aujourd’hui, les vers de terre n’existent pas dans la loi", regrette Christophe Gatineau, agronome haut-viennois, sur France Bleu Limousin, mardi 23 avril. Il a lancé lundi, à l’occasion du jour de la terre, la "Ligue de protection des vers de terre", afin de protéger ces animaux essentiels dans la chaîne alimentaire. "C’est l’aboutissement de huit ans de travail", explique-t-il, avec comme but de "protéger l’habitat du ver de terre, et comme leur habitat vient notre alimentation, c’est préserver notre alimentation et ceux qui la produisent", explique Christophe Gatineau."
  Les vers de terre, contrairement aux pollinisateurs par exemple, n'existent pas dans la loi. (Photo d'illustration). (MOURAD ALLILI / MAXPPP)
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lebenistgeil · 5 months
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infosurbaines · 2 years
LDC : La JS Kabylie en option, la JS Saoura en ballottage
LDC : La JS Kabylie en option, la JS Saoura en ballottage
La JS Kabylie a pris une option sérieuse pour la qualification à la phase des poules de la Ligue africaine des champions (LDC) à la suite de sa victoire devant l’ASKO Kara au Togo (2-1). Deux réalisations signées Allili et Ouattara, qui offrent un sérieux avantage au représentant algérien avant la deuxième manche prévue dans une semaine à Sétif. Les algériens se sont contentés de défendre lors…
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p1nkch3rryl4tte · 4 years
I wanna talk about this shot for a second:
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Keiichi is in the light of the setting sun, unaware of the horrors of Hinamizawa, and Rena is in the shadows, and she is well aware or them. As Keiichi goes down the hill of trash to help her with the Kenta doll he too is brought into the darkness, as it is there he finds the old newspapers/magazines that bear the information on the incident at the dam site. He learns of the grisly dismemberment and his peaceful life in the village is disrupted forever. He is brought out of the light of his ignorance and naivety and pushed into the shadows of fear and cursed knowledge.
Another interpretation could be that Keiichi himself is the light of the sun...but that is more tied to the answer arc and I don't want to overanalyze. :3
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britinboots · 4 years
live now! A 300 follower celebration! Starting with some Escapists 2, possibly some Animal Crossing and then rounding it off with some Phasmophobia! Come and hang out! https://www.twitch.tv/lgyt19
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signalwave · 7 years
m83 / run into flowerspixies / cactustravis / flowers in the windowthe cult / a flower in the desertla roux / tigerlily
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444names · 2 years
arab, american and welsh names + tolkienesque forenames
Aambri Abder Abdezi Abdus Abreed Achams Adacky Adeh Adieh Adin Adiquez Adoge Ajaz Akihalf Alaikhta Alaill Alald Alamoukr Alath Alaydeh Albanna Alene Alett Alhak Alid Allaaraf Allily Almen Almor Almy Alra Alser Altalman Amen Amin Amlandam Anan Anie Anston Antayeda Aradhes Arasi Araymar Arbia Arkenri Arter Asher Ashi Ashiyya Asimines Asirenor Atib Atthibal Audlema Avone Awalvin Awwayer Aymay Ayousri Azes Azzad Babaxis Baggan Baid Balib Barlyne Bartif Bass Batamma Baterks Bauhaeem Bawil Bazawzy Becindar Being Bejia Beli Berie Berion Bhafréa Bita Blett Bohiyah Bood Booke Booki Bourts Boya Bron Brostaed Brothari Brussiff Bucalin Bulen Candanna Cani Chasa Chawa Chectine Cheid Chugam Clahalda Clishd Clydala Coff Coli Colta Cothron Cothy Dadia Dagnel Dalgarp Dawn Daymaky Dejjaza Delraq Denzim Diandómi Diban Dierr Dijara Dreyat Drooque Dulal Eben Ebra Eishilm Ejatten Elah Elaint Elen Elfwaid Elkar Ellips Eloom Elsheshd Elstë Emahmo Eskaw Essir Eveelmor Eäregui Fahisa Faid Fainuel Faletta Farpe Fawki Fayne Feglocha Fighnna Fimposan Floisana Flond Fourchan Frelgel Gadiyan Gamirei Gari Ghahahir Ghanier Ghin Ghurte Ginge Glahenny Gomari Goraynna Gord Grad Graphyl Grees Grían Guliel Gwellia Habba Habwat Hafithel Hagers Hail Halahi Halaird Haman Hamaril Hami Hamil Haqqah Harawi Hasaif Hasheis Hastevir Haton Hatt Hawar Hers Hilúk Holend Hosaithy Hose Hosent Hossie Houman Houtar Howarby Hubard Huke Hunon Husay Ikriën Ilsail Isalim Jafiquza Jalma Jamjanit Janeza Jari Jash Jawk Jesher Jombrya Jors Jowelmah Juaghbi Jummort Kaisar Kalima Kalwad Kamand Kana Kater Keanes Khah Kham Khaman Khandava Khantop Khelraya Khoyan Kilaltaf Knor Kria Lassa Lata Laxan Leboy Leck Lemana Loton Lyalaley Lyataid Lydachaf Lyna Maal Mabadkin Mabbas Madezees Madorson Maghama Mahir Maliqaqi Malsi Malwë Mani Maqueli March Mardah Masairy Mazqudra Mazza Mcbron Mcdo Meed Meri Mirusa Mohn Moll Moodilya Mooqi Morafid Mordah Motb Mour Mubbar Mírien Naader Nabet Nadiq Nafis Nagh Namasi Namid Nasaling Naza Nazamorn Neyan Noelle Nougha Nour Numasson Níri Nóming Odso Oldë Olema Omadonda Other Paca Pacey Pacildel Pallst Paman Parahrór Pauda Perim Peroboby Perya Phyand Pielin Pirli Polah Porty Prete Qaithas Qubarth Qumbenks Rabhylan Rafrah Rago Rahiyah Ramer Rammann Rasry Razza Rener Rhogh Risonwë Rojim Romineh Roper Rosayya Rotonnay Rubaris Rumayya Saale Sabil Sabily Sadda Sadir Sadiri Saider Saire Sale Salfra Salie Salil Samer Sammer Sarria Sawazvis Sawila Sein Seraff Sert Shabif Shail Shan Shanang Shang Sharence Shawigh Shaz Sheik Shel Shidson Shin Shka Shris Shuf Shura Shuria Sihall Sossann Soste Sper Stend Stourloc Stria Subair Sudawil Suhamir Sukhab Sukhi Surie Suseng Suzmir Swasheh Sweres Swes Tahat Taheen Tally Tarlsi Tary Tephi Terio Thed Thri Topetez Trun Untonia Vielears Wakall Walahri Wani Wara Warbah Washie Wassay Wathryer Wers Wheb Whilie Whistrez Wonwë Yasemir Yash Yasordna Yasquel Yazel Younen Yunnes Yussi Zadel Zafaq Zahes Zahlez Zaiya Zali Zamaultz Zeks Zrassiye Zubain Zubakry Zubel Zull
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fluffynexu · 7 years
Sith Culture Note: Tea
Like many species and societies present in the galaxy, the Sith have a particular fondness for tea. While the human Sith generally prefer caf, the purebloods have maintained a certain culture and relationship with tea that has been present since before the Exiles arrived on Korriban.
The Sith drink countless kinds of teas for a variety of reasons. Most for the fact that they simply enjoy the flavor of these drinks, but some teas have medicinal properties, while others are only drunk during special (and often cultural) occasions.
The many different types of teas can be classified into five categories. Although it should be noted that these categories overlap and intermingle so often that it nearly makes the whole categorization system useless.
One of the more visually pleasing types, floral teas (as the name obviously suggests) are derived from flowers.
They typically have a very fragrant, pleasant odor, but are mild in taste. The tea water itself turns into colors of muted white, gold, orange, pink, purple, and even blue.
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Most floral teas are simply consumed “for the fun of it”. Though there are a few that are thought to have an aphrodisiac effect on Sith physiology. Humans are cautioned against these types of teas since it can cause unpleasant digestive issues in them.
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The dried flowers used for these teas sometimes “bloom” while steeping, creating those bright, colorful displays in tea cups.
Commonly used flowers for flora teas are:
Star Orchid
These teas are seen as the most “traditional” kind of tea. They are derived from the dried leaves or roots of a plant.
Though not all herbal teas are bitter, all bitter teas are herbal. The tea water is dark, coming in shades of grey and brown, some even reaching close to black.
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Out of all the tea groups, herbal teas are the most commonly used for medicinal purposes. Though they are never a substitute for a doctor or healer, some herbal teas can help and prevent certain common ailments.
Anything from fevers, headaches, lack of bloodlust, to disagreeable meals can be remedied by the right tea.
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This is not to say that all herbal teas are medicinal. Of course there are many kinds of herbal teas that are consumed purely for the enjoyment of it.
Common herbal teas are:
Burning Nesh
Blood Balm
Grey Mist
These are the sweetest among the different groups of tea (in their “natural” state). Fruits teas are, obviously, made from fruits.
The fruits can be dried or fresh when a tea is brewed. These teas are also very bright and colorful compared to the pale, muted shades of floral teas or the dark, sometimes murky look of herbal teas.
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It is said that Sith children are raised on fruit teas, since it is simply the most palatable to the younglings.
And while most fruit teas are purely “for fun”, some are held in high regards during tea ceremonies that take place during weddings, births, or funerals.
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The most common fruits used are:
Spice teas are brewed from the dried, unprocessed pieces of plant matter that would’ve been grounded into spice and seasoning.
They have the strongest, non-bitter, flavor out of all of the teas with the tea water usually being shades of dark reds, brown, or green.
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A lot of the spice teas are referred to, by humans, as having a “sweet and spicy” taste. These types of teas are chilled before drinking a lot more often than the other kinds.
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As stated, only whole, unprocessed parts are used. And once the tea is brewed, these roots, stems, seedpods, etc, are often removed from the teapot before serving.
Common spices are:
Star of Anor
Lorander Seeds
White Clove
Fresh Inshen
Drennil Seed
Red Pods
Green Karmast
Technically speaking, any kind of tea can be turned into a milk tea. All a tea needs is some milk, most commonly from srans in the Empire, added to it.
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Milk teas are creamy and are often sweetened by sugars from fruits or honey. They are served hot or cold, enjoyed in any occasion, and loved by all Sith. It is even said that Darth Vowrawn always starts his day with a warm cup of milk tea.
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In recent years, some drink vendors in the Empire have begun to experiment with milk teas by adding small, chewy pearls. Whether or not the Sith actually take a liking to them seems to be up to personal preference.
While these categories present these teas into neat little sections, in reality the Sith often mix and match various ingredients for their tea concoctions. One could have a spiced-fruit tea, or a fruity-herbal, or floral-milk, and so on.
Whether a tea involves just water and one ingredient, or a multitude ingredients like the famed Marserha’s Brew, the thing that defines all of them is their connection and importance to the Sith.
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snap221me · 4 years
Environnement : 110 ou 130 ? La limitation de vitesse sur autoroute pourrait être soumise à référendum
Environnement : 110 ou 130 ? La limitation de vitesse sur autoroute pourrait être soumise à référendum
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L’autoroute A43 (image d’illustration). — Allili Mourad/SIPA
Un référendum pour fixer la limitation de vitesse sur l’autoroute ? Pourquoi pas, a estimé ce lundi sur RTL le secrétaire d’Etat aux Transports Jean-Baptiste Djebbari, réagissant à l’une des propositions de la Convention citoyenne pour le climat.
« Ces restrictions de vitesse ont trait à l’écologie, à la Sécurité routière, aux…
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en24news · 5 years
couple found dead by gun at home in Dordogne
couple found dead by gun at home in Dordogne
A gendarmerie vehicle (illustration). – ALLILI MOURAD / SIPA
This Thursday morning, the home nurse of an elderly couple discovered their lifeless bodies, in their house in Saint-Astier, in the Dordogne, reports Sud-Ouest.
The man and woman, two octogenarians born in 1932, died from a firearm. She was lying in bed with a head injury and resting him in another room in the…
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lebenistgeil · 9 months
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francehockey · 6 years
Hockey - Vidéo - L'OL officialise la création d'une salle de 15.000 places d'ici à 2022 avec un peu de hockey dedans 
Hockey - Vidéo - L'OL officialise la création d'une salle de 15.000 places d'ici à 2022 avec un peu de hockey dedans
La salle souhaitée par l’OL devrait voir le jour en 2021 ou 2022 non loin du Parc OL, à Décines ou à Meyzieu. — MOURAD ALLILI/SIPA
  Jean-Michel Aulas vient de présenter ce mercredi son projet de future grande salle privée, construite par l’OL d’ici 2021 ou 2022, et destinée à accueillir concerts, séminaires et activités sportives.
Trois ans après l’ouverture officielle du Parc OL, Jean-Michel…
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p1nkch3rryl4tte · 3 years
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Evidence of human presence since the Neolithic period has been found there. Oretans was the name of the Iberian tribe which settled in the vicinity in the north of the Guadalquivir River beginning in the sixth century BC. Of tradition, a local princess named Himilce married Hannibal and gained the alliliance of the city with the Carthaginian Empire. In 213 BC, Castulo was the site of Hasdrubal Barca's crushing victory over the Roman army with a force of roughly 40,000 Carthaginian troops plus local Iberian mercenaries.[2] Thereafter the Romans made a pact with the residents of city — who then betrayed the Carthaginians — and the city became an foederati (ally) of Rome. Castulo lost importance even more when Andalusia fell under Islamic rule in the Middle Ages, and at the same time the nearby village of Linares grew because of its strong castle —first built as an Arab fortress, then rebuilt by the Christians after the Reconquista— overlooking the city. In 1227 the walls of Castulo were destroyed, and the town was depopulated shortly afterwards. Castulo, Spain, c. 150 - 100 B.C. Bronze AE 26, cf. SNG Budapest I 140 ff. (on rev: ethnic in ex, star right) and SNG München 222 obverse bare male head right; reverse kastelo (in Iberian script), helmeted sphinx right walking right, star right; rare variety.
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