marylily-my-beloved · 4 months
Lily headcanons: 
obsessed with the language of flowers, used to always make little bouquets that had cute meaning for her friends (and MARY!!) 
Her favourite flowers were surprisingly not lilies but actually tulips and daises
Her and James actually had a pretty nice friendship bonding over the randomest things 
She was always friends with Remus from the second she saw him in the library pouring over a whole desk, and went up to him, offering to sit with him. 
She secretly loved quidditch even though she would keep up this ‘facade’ that she didn’t like watching it, or playing it actually. Everybody knew of this when she signed up for quidditch tryouts (sadly she didn’t get in :/ but she did make extra time for just chilling) 
When she fell in love with her best friend Marlene it was literally bc of quidditch. And when she fell in love with her best friend Mary it was because of their similarities. When she fell in love with James it was bc of quidditch. When she fell in love with Pandora it was because of their similarities. When she fell in love with Alice it was because of quidditch. When she fell in love with Narcissa it was because of their similarities. When Lily fell in love with Dorcas it was because of quidditch. Can you see the similarities??
LILY WAS A TOP. No explanation. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
LILY WAS THE BIG SPOON (if she liked cuddling at all...) In my opinion she was either the big spoon so she could hold her lover and they fit perfectly in her arms and their legs would intertwine and she could just relax. Or she hated cuddling, like she could never cuddle. The best thing for her and her lover if they were together would just be sleeping on opposite bed sides and just like they always fell asleep holding hands which was so cuteee acctually
I love Lily so much <33
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official-maverick · 2 years
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yo quiero taco bell
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cozymochi · 2 months
s so
SeaLily REAL???? 🌊🐚🪷
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tia arts source 2 & 1
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soleilnewspaper · 4 months
Marauders ship names
The fandom has beautiful gut wrenching names for the mlm ships but the wlw are left with mashups?? No, no, they deserve the same poetic treatment the boys receive.
Pulling out my ap English skills (hopefully they work)
Dorlene Marlene - Elegant, great Dorcas - Gazelle
= GracefulGazelle
Pandalily Pandora - “All gifts” from Greek, and there is the legend of Pandora’s box. Lily - Pure, Lily flower 
Gift of flowers = Bouquet 
Box+flower = Flowerbox, Flowercase or Flowervase
Pure - angel + box = Angelbox 
Pandora - Panda - Bamboo tree + Lily = Lilytree 
 Marylily Lily - pure, Lily flower  Mary - Star of the sea; Beloved;
Star of the sea - sea + lily + = Seaflower or Sealily 
Sea+lily = Lilypad??
Beloved - love + lily - petals = lovepetals
Mary - marigold + lily + = Goldlily (not mine, saw someone suggest this) 
Nobleflower for Narcissa and Alice
Xenophilius Lovegood and Pandora Rosier 
Xenophilius's name comes from two Greek words: Xenos "strange" and -Phile "love” giving the meaning of one who loves the strange Pandora means all gifts, and there is still the legend of Pandora’s box 
love from Phille from Xenophilius, and on Valentine’s Day couples often receive gifts, Pandora means gift 
Jewerly from love (Phille) as you give jewerly to loved ones, and box from Pandora 
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octogenius · 2 months
i don't know how many people actually follow me here but ill post it anyway.
in a rough spot with my phone and credit card bills since things are weird right now financially. both are overdue since i wasnt able to find a solution on my own. and both my parents are now retired without money to spare to help with it which makes this more difficult. i'm trans and disabled and haven't been able to find a job for years, let alone hold one before then, because of the physical problems im facing. and the trans thing.
but if anyone can spare anything please let me know. paypal is [email protected] and my venmo is @SeaLily. minimum i need to get is $200 but this credit card is going to be a recurring problem since it's over the limit so any additional will go towards bringing that $1600 balance down to be more manageable in the future.
if you cant help, you're still appreciated for just being around and reading this. im still trying to get on disability but that may take years to actually go through. thank you for your time.
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Dark Forest Resident: Sparrowfreckle
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Aliases / Nicknames: Bitch, Bigot, The Downfall of Sandclan
Gender: female
Sexuality: heterosexual
Family: unnamed mother, unnamed father, Archstone (former mate) Ginsengbloom, Chickadeewhistle (daughters)
Other Relations: Indigofoot (mentor)
Clan: Sandclan
Rank: elder
Characteristics: stole kits from LGBTQ+ couples and left them to die
Number of Victims: 58
Number of Murders: 16
Murder Method: leaving to die
Known Victims: Marblekit, Warblerkit, Jasperkit, Yamkit, Wattlekit, Strawberrykit, Loudkit, Bigkit, Brightkit, Elmkit, Gingerkit, Jaykit, Ashkit, Thistlekit, Thornkit, Crabkit, Sealily, Tigermarsh, Jasperwing, Saltfeather, Snowecho, Littlesun, Mulberrytail, Bluestripe
Victim Profile: LGBTQ+ parents and their kits
Cause of Death: killed by Sealily, Jasperwing
Cautionary Tale: ??
She’s a walking, talking hate crime. She stole kits from LGBTQ+ parents and left them because in her twisted mind, leaving vulnerable babies to die of starvation, predator, or hypothermia would be ‘kinder’ than having them cared for by parents of the same gender.
But the story ends on a good note, with Sealily and Jasperwing tearing the bigot apart.
Additional Information:
--Submission by @ambitiousauthor​
--Hope you don’t mind that I added how she died horribly! she deserves it!
--She’s just gonna spawn in the death ring
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radiofreederry · 2 years
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The nine major merchant dynasties of Merland.
While Merland is officially a republic, in which the position of Shipmaster is elected from among the property-holding landed men of the population, in practice the position draws almost exclusively from members of these powerful houses. The current Shipmaster, Lyonal Sealily, was the first Shipmaster in over two centuries not to come from one of the nine great houses, and with Lyonal approaching 80 years of age, the houses are already vying to reclaim their power.
- Fastning: House Fastning is one of the oldest and most powerful families in Merland, having ruled as petty kings in the days before Merland was united as a republic. They control much of Seaspray Point, one of Merland’s most notable ports, monopolizing shipping and trade in the city. House Fastning has produced more Shipmasters than any of the other houses, including a period in which five Fastnings served as Shipmaster in succession, making the role effectively hereditary for over a century and a half. The Fastning candidate for Shipmaster is Ralph Fastning, middle son of aged patriarch Quincy Fastning.
- Lionheart: The Lionhearts made their fortune in building and selling mercenary armies to other nations, and militarily they are the most powerful of the great houses. Demand for the Lion’s Teeth, the family’s mercenary soldiers, is high, but supply is necessarily limited; as a result, recent generations of Lionhearts have discreetly begun partaking in the slave trade in order to procure candidates. The slave trade is illegal in Merland, and while House Lionheart’s participation in it is an open secret, the lack of concrete evidence has thus far prevented the other houses from exploiting the precarious situation it puts the family in. The Lionheart candidate for Shipmaster is Rishor Lionheart, brother of patriarch Errool Lionheart.
- Da Casia: The Da Casias are the youngest and least powerful of the great houses, having only produced four Shipmasters. The Da Casias are of foreign origin, migrating to Merland from a distant southwestern continent called Cruscesca, far beyond the Western Breach. They arrived aboard an exploration ship which wrecked off of Seaspray Point; the only survivors were a handful of Da Casias and a collection of exotic animals known as ant-eaters from their home continent. These beasts proliferated on the mainland, and are now fairly common in Merland and Kakalikos. The Da Casias, meanwhile, found employment with the Fastnings of Seaspray Point as customs officials, and rose quickly to an independent nobility and wealth. The Da Casias’ primary trade is in intrigue and intelligence, typically aligning themselves with another great house, often the Fastnings. On occasion, Da Casias have risen to positions of great power, including, as stated, four Da Casia Shipmasters, but they are still considered just a step above the minor houses of Merland. The Da Casia candidate for Shipmaster is Sebastiano De Casia, Lord of Customs of Seaspray Point.
- Shipp: The Shipps are an old and influential family in Merland. Only the Fastnings and Jockers have produced more Shipmasters than the Shipps, and Shipps have typically found positions of great influence in the courts and councils of non-Shipp Shipmasters. The Shipps control a good deal of the shipbuilding industry in Merland, giving them a great deal of leverage over almost every other family in the country. At present, the Shipps are focused on producing and selling war galleys and caravels for other Kalashan nations, and have not presented a candidate for Shipmaster, instead throwing support behind Ralph Fastning.
- Jocker: The Jockers are the traditional rivals of House Fastning, the only house which has produced more Shipmasters. The Jockers claim through family legend to descend directly from the Sea-Father, and to have once ruled as High Kings of Merland. The Jockers have their hands in a variety of industries, from trade to shipbuilding to hemp production, and they have established effective control over the island of Blackreef, officially Firavemish territory. The Jocker candidate for Shipmaster is family patriarch Bapharius Jocker.
- Butcher: The Butchers are a family of humble origins. Arising from the peasantry as butchers and meat-packers, the family worked its way up to control much of the meatpacking and distribution industry in Merland, developing novel methods of meat preservation allowing for greater levels of meat exportation. Although other older houses may look down on them, the Butchers have strong support from more minor families and has six times leveraged this support to ensure that one of their number is elected Shipmaster. The Butcher candidate for Shipmaster in the next election is William Butcher.
- Marius: An ancient and noble house, House Marius claim descent from heroes of the Deusaera, during which time their ancestors conquered rich lands in the east of the country. The Mariuses are thus one of the few houses which does not make their wealth through the sea, but instead through mineral wealth, mining gold, silver, and rubies seemingly without end. Though they control relatively few actual ships, ten Mariuses have risen to the position of Shipmaster. The current Marius candidate is Zacus Marius.
- Fletcher: The Fletchers, like the Mariuses, do not make their wealth at sea, but instead through controlling almost all river trade in Merland. They have controlled Lake Town, the terminus of the great Elf River Trade Route, for centuries, growing fat and rich off the generated profits. The Fletchers also have their hand in weapon and armor production, as well as horse breeding, relatively minor industries in Merland but still important, particularly to the Lionhearts, who use the Fletchers as their primary supplier. The Fletchers have produced five Shipmasters, but their candidate, Finn Fletcher, has withdrawn from consideration under suspicious circumstances, endorsing Rishor Lionheart in his place.
- Wavebreak: The Wavebreaks have produced sixteen Shipmasters in recorded history, their great power and influence arising from the great level of control they exert over trade and industry in the capital of Trident. Every other family doing business in Trident pays their dues to the Wavebreaks if they know what is good for them, and they are considered on par with the Jockers, Shipps, and Fastnings in terms of wealth and power. Though no Wavebreak has been Shipmaster in two centuries, they hope to change this with their candidate, Thaddeus Wavebreak.
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louvay · 9 months
ravioli ravioli sealily what do you think coirpre needs to commit:
his time, to deadlift
his time, to see the poor
more studies so he can be a super brainiac (dethrone ceddy)
feeding altena's wyvern (with johann's pants and plastic flower)
He can only deadlift a fire tome
He would’ve fed the poor had he not wasted his gold on repairing Fortify
He has already dethroned Cedsy
He has fed Altena’s wyvern johan’s pants and the good scriptures of Bragi
His dad is not Azelle in most cases so no accidental arson here
Probably should deadlift more
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rmyers08 · 6 years
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... #sealily #crinoid #fossil #mermaid #echinoderm #fantasyart #doodle #artistsoninstagram #pencil #sketchbook https://www.instagram.com/p/BuJ453mF_8u/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1d67dg8ypf7u2
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marylily-my-beloved · 4 months
HEADCANON OF THE DAY #13: (i forgot yesterday lol anyways) (Lily Evans!!)
She always felt like she had a special bond with Marlene, even though Marlene was a half-blood and much much different than her, she just felt like they were platonic soulmates. They always hung out together, like the female version of Sirius and James, Lily and Marlene. But of course, Lily and Marlene were better and cuter than them. and then thats when Lily fell for Marlene.
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official-maverick · 2 years
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OKAY i have all my main mavericks designed now. im tagging them all >:]
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coffeenuts · 3 years
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Hello by De Rode Olifant https://flic.kr/p/2mZKFEs
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irkajavasdream · 6 years
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Sea Lily by NOAA Ocean Explorer A beautiful stalked crinoid, likely Proisocrinus ruberrimus, seen on April 29, 2016, while exploring on the upper slope of the Northwest Guam Seamount in the Marianas region. Image courtesy of the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, 2016 Deepwater Exploration of the Marianas. Learn more about the expedition: oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/okeanos/explorations/ex1605/welcom... [Source: oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/okeanos/explorations/ex1605/dailyu...] https://flic.kr/p/YYvm2b
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Parentage of the kits for my next submission! (Y’all will hate her)
Sealily and Tigermarsh had Marblekit and Warblerkit
Jasperwing and Saltfeather had Jasperkit, Yamkit, Wattlekit, and Strawberrykit
Snowecho had Loudkit, Bigkit, Brightkit, and Elmkit
Littlesun, Mulberrytail, and Bluestripe had Gingerkit, Jaykit, Ashkit, Thistlekit, Thornkit, and Crabkit
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fandomstuckportal · 2 years
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((diadem and some Normal Buddies
welcome back, sealily, lovesick, and hippotigra all belong to @official-maverick))
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nohrwoods · 7 years
sealilys replied to your post “i remember i wanted to make some sort of symbolism for sachi and hugo...”
i want to say to go for that sweet, sickass imagery but also don't go for that sadass imagery.
im dying i just wanted something cute but now i’m hurt ;-;
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