#allison would need connections. or time.
dcvina-claires · 2 months
even though renee isn’t in the books as much as some of the others, i’d argue that she’s on the same level as andrew and kevin in terms of importance, not necessarily because of her impact on the main plot but more because she symbolizes something these characters desperately need: hope. first of all, it has become increasingly obvious to me that she’s a narrative foil to neil. not only do they leave their sketchy pasts behind, change their names, and dye their hair, but their birth names (natalie, nathaniel) are incredibly similar. renee represents who neil would be if he actually processed his issues instead of running away from them (“i’m not proud of my past, but i’ll never heal if i hide it”). neil is so unsettled by renee because she’s the person who neil has been told for his entire life that it’s too dangerous to be. he dyes his hair to blend in. she dyes her hair to stand out. and she’s HAPPY. she’s not dead like neil’s been brainwashed to believe. then, of course, there’s her iconic friendship with andrew. i’m not going to say that she’s the only one who andrew likes, because we all know he’s very protective of his cousin, brother, and neil. however, renee is the only one who andrew never lashes out at. if renee hadn’t intervened when andrew was attacking allison, who knows what would’ve happened? finally, there’s her connection to jean. jean was denied color for years, surrounded by black and red, never thinking that he would escape. his first interaction with renee always stands out to me because for the first time, he’s left speechless. he sees renee and her rainbow hair and can do nothing but stare. how could he not fall in love with a girl who goes so directly against the rules of his abusers? and she gets him out of the nest. she’s the reason why he defies all the other drafts and stays alive. throughout the books, she grounds andrew, saves allison, and gives jean a reason to keep living. the events of all for the game and the sunshine court couldn’t have happened without renee. none of it could’ve. she was at the center of it all the whole time
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sundrop-writes · 2 months
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Isaac Lahey x Fem!Reader
During his first full moon, Isaac needs to think of something to ground him - to keep his newfound powers from getting out of control. Derek suggests that he use anger, and he knows that Scott grounds himself with his love for Allison.
Isaac finds something in between - thinking of the anger he feels when you get hurt.
Isaac Lahey x Fem!Reader. Pining Best Friends. Hurt and Comfort. Set during Season 2, Episode 9.
Word Count: 2,300
Teen Wolf Masterlist | AO3 Link
Full list of warnings and author's notes below the cut.
Warnings: canon level violence - mentions of Isaac, Erica, and Boyd having to be chained up on the full moon (to avoid hurting themselves and others), mentions of Isaac's abusive father (somewhat graphic descriptions of the abuse that Isaac experienced); Isaac has a self deprecating inner monologue because of the psychological effects of his father's abuse; mentions of Isaac being injured by his father's abuse; the reader also has an abusive father and it's a point on which they related and bonded (and how they became such close friends); at one point the reader describes her abuse as being 'not as bad' as Isaac's abuse (but that is psychological trauma speaking); mentions of the reader experiencing physical and emotional abuse; reader is described as 'pretty girl' at one point in the fic (again, this is very self indulgent); Isaac has a crush on the reader but has never voiced it (it's implied that the reader feels the same way); Isaac and the reader exchange friendly physical affection; emotional angst - Isaac feels powerless for not being able to stop the reader's abuse; I think that's it for this short fic? The themes are on the darker side, but it comes from a personal place for me.
A/N: If you've been following me for any amount of time, then you know I have a thing for sad, abused characters. If you have read my Ellie fic 'My Heart Is The Worst Kind of Weapon' - then you would know why. Isaac is the kind of character I immediately connect to for deeply personal reasons, so watching the entirety of Teen Wolf through for the first time, I couldn't resist writing a fic about him. There will likely be more to come about him, but for now - here is this deeply self indulgent moment inspired by Season 2, Episode 9. If you don't relate to this, I hope you can enjoy it as a distant whumpy fiction, and if you can relate to it - I hope that Isaac can bring you some comfort like he has for me. Much love, happy reading.
While the chains rattled against the abandoned subway car and Isaac tried to ignore Erica’s groans of pain from having several large bolts bored into her head, he couldn’t help the question that was rattling around inside of him. 
“How do you do it?” Isaac asked Derek as he arranged the chains around his limbs. He was trying to push down the sickly familiarity of it - being restrained. He was trying to tell himself that it actually was for his own good this time, not just a sick punishment given to him by a powerless, unhinged old man. “How do you keep it under control?” 
“You have to find an anchor.” Derek told him, firm, determined. 
It was nice to focus on the conversation instead of the anxiety rising in his chest, so Isaac pressed on. 
“An anchor?” He questioned, unsure what Derek meant. “Like what?” 
“Yeah. Something else for you to focus on. For me it's anger.” Derek paused. “But it's not like that for everyone.” 
It was immediately obvious to Isaac who Derek was speaking of. 
He had Allison. It was some dreamy romantic bullshit - using his love for his girlfriend to keep from wolfing out. But apparently, it worked well for him. 
Derek gave a subtle nod. 
Isaac didn’t have anything like that. He didn’t have some cheesy romance to fall back onto. He didn’t have someone declaring a love for him so openly - because he wasn’t worth loving. Even with his father gone, the world had made it very clear that he was just a piece of shit stuck to the bottom of someone’s shoe - a problem being passed around that nobody could seem to solve. 
“It just has to be something strong enough to keep your mind present. A strong feeling you can hold onto. Anger, love, resentment, regret, rage. Just find something that works for you.” 
Isaac nodded, and Derek went to check that Erica and Boyd were secure as the moonlight came to its full brightness. 
It got Isaac thinking about you. 
You were probably the one person in his life who didn’t think he was a problem. The one person in his life who loved him, even if you didn’t say it out loud. 
He had felt all of those things - anger, love, resentment, regret, rage - the last time he had been with you. When he had been sitting in your bathroom, perched on the closed toilet seat lid after an argument with his father. Naturally, the argument had ended with Isaac having a black eye, and a large cut on his cheek from his father's ring colliding with his face. 
You were the only person he ever went to. No matter how bad things got, you were the only person he ever told. You were the only person who ever understood. Isaac had found out the hard way that your own father was much the same as his. On the first day of freshman year, he had seen you wearing a sweater when it had been a balmy, sunny day, and he had volunteered to be lab partners with you - partially to get closer to a pretty girl and partially because a gnawing feeling was going off in his stomach. 
Even back then - even when he was scrawny and powerless, his instinct to protect you had still been so strong. Even if all he could offer you was a shoulder to cry on and the chocolate bar out of his lunch, he looked at you and he felt the world turning on the simple hope that he could make your day just a bit better. Because he knew, even without words, by the tiredness in your eyes - that you suffered like he did. And he wanted so badly to make it better. 
When the two of you were doing an introductory experiment of baking soda and vinegar to cause the classic foaming volcanic reaction, the rubber gloves you had been wearing caused your sleeve to ride up, revealing a menacing purple bruise on your wrist. Isaac spotted it instantly, and when you locked eyes with him, he held nothing but deep understanding there - not shock or even pity. Nothing but deep understanding and warmth. 
He held your hand under the table for the rest of class, and you had never wanted to pull away. You felt a unique kind of mourning when the bell rang and you had to part ways. 
At lunch that day, you found him under the bleachers by the lacrosse field. Without so much as a word, only a cursory glance around to make sure that nobody else was watching, he pulled up his shirt, revealing an array of horrifying bruises to you - some purplish, some green, some faded yellow - all collected from different points throughout the summer. The time when he had been trapped at home with his father, having nowhere else to go as the man got more aggravated with his presence. 
You ran a gentle touch along the wounds - the most gentle touch he had been greeted with since his mother's death, something that easily brought him to tears. And from that moment on, the two of you had a silent understanding. You spent the rest of the lunch hour exchanging ‘war stories’ and laughing with a tainted dark humor about your separate twisted patriarchs. And the next time he was bloodied and bruised, he texted you to meet him under the bleachers in that same spot, and you didn’t hesitate to rush out of bed at three in the morning to get to him. 
It became a sacred place for the two of you to escape to when you needed it. 
The two of you became a sacred comfort to each other - knowing that there was little escape in telling the police or a guidance counselor, because you had nowhere else to go. 
Today, when Isaac called you, you found your house luckily empty. Your mother and your father were away visiting relatives in another state, so when Isaac told you that he needed you, you texted him the all clear to come over to your house for a reprieve. He was lucky to be able to spend the night somewhere else - to get to sleep in your bed, cuddled up close to you for comfort, without fear. 
He tried not to wince with pain as you dabbed disinfectant on the large cut across his cheek. He hated seeing you flinch with empathy every time his expression wavered even slightly. He could handle the pain. He could be better than this. 
“Isaac.” You sighed his name pitifully, clearly on the edge of tears. 
Both of you knew the thoughts that were pulsing thickly through your head, even without you having to speak them. 
Isaac didn’t deserve this. You wanted to hurt his father in return. You wished you could take away his pain, you wanted to help him escape from it. 
It was a ‘wishful thinking’ conversation that the two of you had dozens of times before. It always ended with you both more upset than when it started, so you swallowed up those thoughts now. But Isaac knew them too well, written across your face and swollen on your lips like the tears brimming your pretty eyes. 
You put down the cotton ball you had been using and turned your back to him, poorly hiding your crying as you stiffly wiped off your cheeks. 
“What do you want me to say?” He replied, hating that this whole thing had to upset you. “You know how it is.” 
To an extent, you didn't. Your father was a screamer. He yelled loud enough to shake the walls, but he rarely escalated to physical violence. You found that you were lucky if you escaped a fight with death threats and tears rather than having hands laid on you. Isaac came to school with fresh bruises every other week - you had to feel that he was worse off than you were. 
“We should just go.” You said, feeling bold in your suggestion. It felt obvious - escaping. “We should just run away. Get the hell away from all this.” 
You whipped back around, still feeling a terrible twinge of pain and sadness inside you at the bruising across his face, the fact that his cheek was definitely swelling up now. 
Isaac frowned. It was a nice dream, and he hated to be the one to dash right through it. 
“You know we can't do that.” Isaac sighed. Ever the realist. Of course. “Where the hell would we even go? With what money? No offense, but the couple hundred dollars you have saved up from babysitting isn't gonna get us anywhere.” 
“It's over fifteen-hundred.” You told him honestly. 
It was a nest egg that you had been sitting on since middle school, hoping to escape your father and never look back. When you met Isaac, you had another thing anchoring you to Beacon Hills, keeping you from buying the bus ticket you had always wanted. 
“But you're right. That'll get us - what? A couple of nights at a motel?” You let out a harsh, dry laugh. Trying to relieve some of the tension. “Well… we could go on a vacation? Escape for a few days?” You suggested, sounding hopeful. 
The idea of spending time alone with Isaac - a getaway where the two of you could pretend none of it was happening, even for a few days - it sounded like paradise. 
Isaac’s mind went to a dream-like vision - having you alone in a hotel room. A bed just for the two of you. Even just getting the chance to sleep peacefully with you, cuddle you, it sounded like a dream. 
He had to pull himself back before his mind went to places a friend shouldn’t stray. 
“A last hurrah before my dad kills me for running away on him.” Isaac sighed. 
The consequences of it would be inevitable. The two of you would have to come back home eventually. He knew that your father would likely feel much the same. He would never forgive himself if you ended up bruised and battered because of something he had encouraged you to do. 
You let out a sob then - the thought of Isaac dying by his father's hands had been all too real to you at times. A horror you imagined in your mind over and over again, especially after times he had come to you with half his torso nearly bruised black and he had been unable to move properly for days. His father was a monster, and you didn’t doubt that he would be capable of murder. 
Isaac rushed to stand up, and pulled you into a hug. His warmth, his arms surrounding you tightly - it was the only place you ever felt safe. You eagerly gripped him back, missing the wince he let out when you squeezed a bit too hard over one of his bruised ribs. But no - he would never fault you for holding onto him too tightly. 
Holding you like this - he felt like he had the world in his arms. Something tight in his chest, telling him that if anything ever happened to you, he would become the same kind of monster that his father was. But in the same way any threat to you made him boil over with rage - you made him gentle. You made him soft and loving. You were the only person in the world who made him feel okay to weep. 
He kissed the top of your head, not a stranger to comforting you with affection even though the two of you remained strictly as ‘friends’. As much as he yearned for more - you were a life vest while he was drowning and he wouldn't risk fucking that up just to kiss you and call you his girlfriend. He wouldn't throw any messy feelings into the mix. 
“It'll be okay.” He told you. 
Coming from his lips, you had to believe it. 
“Thank you, Isaac.” You sniffled. And then, something hit you. “You came over here for my help, and now you’re comforting me.” You let out another dry chuckle, clearly resisting the urge to scold yourself. 
“This is helping.” He told you, hugging you tighter. “This always helps.” He said the last part quieter, a dropped whisper that you could barely hear. 
It was a truth he was afraid to confront just yet. 
But in the present, it was a truth that was helping him more than anything. 
Isaac hadn't spoken to you since he had gotten the Bite. He had been terrified of hurting you somehow. The last thing he ever wanted was to become the thing that you feared. It would have been his worst nightmare to be the one to make you cower in a corner and cry rather than to be the one giving you comfort from it. 
As the moon came to a full wane overhead, and the mighty rage and power pulsed through his veins, Isaac thought of you. He thought of using that power to tear apart anybody who had ever hurt you - to finally free you from those tears. He thought of giving you the same relief he had felt when his father died. He thought of his love for you, even if it was a silent love that he had never gotten the chance to voice. 
“I see you found your anchor.” Derek remarked to Isaac later, after he had gotten Erica and Boyd back in their chains, tightening Isaac’s binds once again, if only as a precaution. 
“I did.” 
Derek looked at him with intrigue, as if waiting for him to explain. 
“Well, you said that you use anger. And Scott uses love.” Isaac told him. “I guess that mine is… some combination of both.” 
“Protectiveness.” Derek explained. “That's what wolves call it.”
A/N: This is a oneshot, and I wrote this to be a closed off story/its own little moment inspired by the show. This is a complete story, however, if there is enough interest, I might turn this concept into a longer oneshot and expand on the idea. It would not be me writing a 'part 2' of this, it would be me using this concept and writing a longer oneshot. I do have a personal vested interest in writing about powerful characters defeating abusers, but currently I don't have the time to turn this into something longer, so this is all I wrote. Please do not harass me about making this longer or posting something more, and if you're going to leave a comment asking for a continuation, please also tell me what you liked about this current story. Though I have something else in mind, I do consider this to be a completed story on its own.
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As much as I hated the Lila/five pairing just on character stand points and the fact five and Lila would honestly never do that to Diego, like come on, but like if Ritu Arya was looking at me and laughing like she did in the like montage of them moving through the timelines and was trying to make the best of it by being excited about gumballs, I would end up falling in love with her just as fast as five did. Like we would all fold and fall in love with her in like .2 seconds. And don’t you even try to deny it, look at this beautiful woman and tell me you wouldn’t be heart eyes at her
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Now my opinions on how they could have done their whole thing below:
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Do I wish they had made it a ‘brother-sister companionship, as two people who truly get what the other has been through and are each others wobbly support system’ yes that would have been amazing, maybe give five a long term girlfriend in the 6 years, one who he’s having trouble connecting with because he’s been through 3 end of the worlds and 45 years alone and then the commission stuff. And in the 7 years Lila and five are trying to get home, they both connect with the other on how they feel about it all and five helps Lila understand Diego more by explaining why he is the way he is, and Lila helps five understand how to open up to his partner, and sure if you want them to kiss for whatever reason, make it like a
“Yeah that was weird right? I thought it was like a thing we had but yeah let’s never speak of this, and we do not tell Diego, I don’t need him trying to stab you” and then have a lil laugh session. And maybe five hides the notebook cause he kind of likes the life in the greenhouse but the fight is more
“I have children who need me! You have a girlfriend who loves you! We have to try.” And five being so tired of the running to save the world gets on the train, goes home but as they blink to the house five wants to go back to that peaceful world, of no running of safety in a bubble. The whole explanation of they were lost for 7 years happens, five maybe is still a bit of a dick because like emotions and things. We learn what’s happening with Ben and Jennifer.
The whole store fight happens
Maybe he takes his partner maybe he doesn’t but he ends up blinking back to the subway platform again and then we get the meeting with the other fives, we understand that the end has to be a full sacrifice of the siblings.
Five returns to the hotel, and everything continues, Lila and fives partner go to the subway, but both of them get off at the last minute. And five finds them and his partner who has been with the siblings this whole time or most of the time just shrugs cause five is what she wants and she doesn’t wanna be in a timeline unable to remember him, idk you can make something up but they all go back to the hotel, and the ending happens, but five holds his partners hand and she just smiles at him as they are erased from everything, and yeah would it be a little odd? Sure.
But it would be better then what they ended up doing which was five hurts his brother and dies feeling alone and used.
They could have had five and Lila end up romantic but turned it into something different. And they realize it’s not a thing they ever wanted really it’s more they were stuck together for so long emotions got a little hazy.
Give five someone, but don’t give him someone who is already someone else’s entire heart.
Diego and Lila have 3 kids together *4 if you count Stanley as a figurative son*
Five deserved his own person, like Luther deserved to have sloane, and Allison deserved to have Ray, Viktor deserved more time with sissy, and Klaus with Dave. You don’t have to pass one around to the others just because she’s still there. You can give us a new person for five. It’s not even the weirdest thing this show has ever done -Klaus having a cult cough cough-
They had a way to do this, and they just picked the worst timeline train to stop on.
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kybercvnt · 10 months
First Love
Pairing – Klaus Hargreeves x Reader
Summary – You trust your brother and your best friend with the whole world, so who better than to share your firsts with?
Word Count – 563
Warning – Implications of underage sexy-times, mentions of drugs
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You and Klaus were each other’s first everything. You, Klaus, and Ben were inseparable and did everything together, but there was always a deeper connection between you and Klaus. Ben felt like the third wheel even before he died.
Klaus and Ben’s relationship was different to you and Klaus–they were brothers, best friends–but having the opposite gender involved complicated it. Peak puberty and newly developing feelings paired with two best friends who trusted each other opened so many doors to exploration.
Being cooped up in the academy didn’t help either, there wasn’t much to do except sneaking out to smoke one of Klaus’ joints. That’s probably how he got the rubber too, the same way he managed to smuggle cannabis.That also meant the two of you were great at sneaking around after curfew without your father knowing, better than Luther and Allison at least.
It was another one of those nights. You and Klaus sitting cross-legged opposite each other on his bed passing each other the joint and blowing the smoke out his window, laughing and chatting about whatever embarrassing things your siblings did that day. The joint must've been laced with something that night, because at the end of every conversation there would be a long silence before someone started a new one and in that time, you felt the resounding urge to kiss him.
Klaus was cute, silly, and would do anything to make you smile. As much as the two of you grew up to be close as siblings, there was always something inside you that made you feel like you had already found your soulmate. If you ever needed someone to comfort you when you cry, or just to keep you company, somehow Klaus was always at the doorway ready for when you needed him.
After your shared joint, you both laid down in his bed with his arm around you, and that silence hung in the air once again. You couldn’t say you loved Klaus just yet, you were young and hadn’t experienced the outside world, but of course you loved the boy you’ve seen every day since you could remember–the boy you called your brother. But, you couldn’t love Klaus. He was always open-minded, and you admired that and looked up to him, so you tried to be the same. Anyway, by the time your father would let you all go gallivanting outside of the academy, then Klaus would’ve easily already found someone to settle with, because who wouldn’t fall head-over-heels for him like you did?
You felt courageous in his arms and so you looked up at him. He looked down at you when he felt your head turn on his shoulder. Another reason you thought he was your soulmate was how he could effortlessly read your mind. Without a word, he pinched your chin between his fingers and pulled your lips to his. It was so sudden yet so euphoric, a first kiss was better than drugs.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to do that.”
When you made out in his room, and he bent over to pull the mysterious loose packet of rubber under his bed, you knew you wouldn’t want to share any of your firsts with anyone that wasn’t the boy you trusted–your first kiss, your first time, and your first love would always be with him.
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s0urw00lf · 2 years
Stiles Stillinski: The Best friend
Stiles stillinski x fem!reader
Stiles and stiles are the best friends.
Also just to be clear I know that the true meaning behind this song is, I just heard that one clip and got an idea.
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(Stiles in a backwards cap>>>)
I’m just the best friend in Hollywood movies, who only exist to continue the story.
The pack had made plans to go bowling, and didn’t think to tell stiles and y/n who were sitting at home trying to solve one of their most recent supernatural problems. Y/n sighed “where the hell is Scott?” She asked impatiently. The pair had been waiting on him for about 45 minutes. Stiles shrugged and asked “should I call him again?”. Y/n shook her head “no, we’re gonna go over to his house and see what the hell is up” she said standing up. Stiles didn’t object following close behind her. when they arrived at Scott’s, stiles rang the door bell. Not 10 seconds later the door opened to show an out of breath Melissa. “Stiles, y/n? What are you doing here why aren’t you with the others?” She asked. The pair looked at each other then back at her in confusion “what do you mean Scott was supposed to meet us an hour ago to talk about the recent “drama”” stiles said. Melissa seemed taken aback “guys, the others are at the movies” she said. y/n looked at stiles shocked while he just stared at Melissa in seemingly stunned. “Okay, thanks” y/n said grabbing stiles and dragging him to the Jeep. Tears stung at y/ns eyes and stiles looked like he had just been betrayed. Y/n grabbed his hand making him look at her. She put a smile on as tears ran down her face “I’m sure it was a mistake” she said the words trying to cheer the boy up but not even believing them herself.
The girl gets the guy while I’m standing off screen
Y/n and stiles watched all of their friends fall in and out of love wondering if they’d ever find that kind of connection, They both found comfort in each other since in the same situation. It was especially bad when they both lost their crushes to people that weren’t them. They sat broken, crying together and eventually healed together.
So, ill wait for my cue to be comedic relief
“I don’t know how to help you to help me tell you something that would help you if I don’t know it” stiles said to Scott’s dad who was holding him and y/n hostage at this point. He looked to y/n “you seem to be the more sensible one here, help me out would ya?” Scotts dad asked. Y/n looked at stiles who just shrugged and back at the tall man in front of her “see I would help you but… I don’t know how to help you to help me tell you something that would help you if I don’t know it” she said making the man huff in anger, discreetly high giving stiles who had a proud look on his face.
Can’t be too loud
“SHHHHH” echoed across the room while everyone looked at stiles and y/n who were just goofing around during the game.
Can’t be too busy, if I don’t answer now are they still gonna need me?
Y/n had gotten a call from Allison who had asked if she and stiles could help find the new werewolf that they had discovered to which y/n politely declined for te=he first time ever as stiles had asked her on a date. After that it took a week and a half for either of them to be contacted
“Hey stiles” y/n spoke up from her place on his chest. She felt his hum vibrate through his body. “Do you think our friends would care if something were to happen to either of us?” She asked. Stiles stiffened as if caught off guard by the question. “Honestly I’m not sure, I think they’d fight to find or save us but not as hard as they would for each other.” He said sounding sad.
Not too long after that conversation void happened, Scott fought his hardest to get stiles back while y/n had sat with boiling anger towards the boy who had only just started caring for his “best friends” again.
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gynnnicsworld · 28 days
Does Derek prefer to believe Scott over Stiles? Is stiles and lydia connection in season 3 really as strong as many say? Stick around for us to talk about it!
I really don't want to offend anyone, I just want to open a kind of conversation with people willing to discuss with arguments and reflect in a respectful manner.
You know, I was in some kind of "debate" with some people online, and These people really didn't know how to dialogue calmly.
But they helped me to reflect and want to find people who know what they are talking about.
Let's start with the first topic:
Does Derek prefer to believe Scott over Stiles?
Context: This question was raised in the situation of Donovan's death at the 'hands' of Stiles, many said that without a doubt Derek would be on Scott's side because to begin with Derek comes back again and again for Scott when he needs him. And that Scott is like a brother to Derek and that Stiles is simply Scott's 2x1, but in a situation like that of Donovan and Stiles, Derek would undoubtedly choose to believe Scott.
While I argued that Derek would definitely go to Stiles to find out 'the truth', and I say 'truth' like that because I argued Derek has ALWAYS sought out Stiles for answers and in moments where he doesn't know what's true and what's not, trusting 100% in what Stiles tells him.
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credits GIF: Colethewolf
I also recognize that at some point along the way, Derek began to consider Scott as a brother or something like that, and I do NOT detract from the connection that exists between Scott and Der, but despite this, I completely believe that Derek would support Stiles, in addition to the fact that Der does not see everything in black and white like Scott does, because Der's personality is that of someone who knows that the world, like people and situations, are gray.
Plus, we all know that Stiles is literally Derek's anchor and Derek goes to him for help whenever he needs it.
Second topic: Is Lydia and Stiles' connection as strong as many say in season 3?
This question is about whether Lydia is the right "anchor" at that time for Stiles to bring him back from the ritual. Some people say that Lydia was already in love with Stiles at that point, and that their connection was special and that Stiles' ajar door was already like that before the ice bath and that it has nothing to do with Lydia and their connection.
And here I do not mean to offend anyone or start any ship wars, no, here I said "At that time the relationship between Stiles and Lyds was not deep enough, at that time Lydia had just begun to consider Stiles a friend, but the friendship between Lydia and Stiles was not at the level that Lydia and Allison was at that time, so I consider that was not the best option for Stiles. Unlike Scott and Deaton who have a father-son type connection. While Ali feels romantically attracted to Isaac and vice versa.
I mean, I love the friendship between Lyds and Stiles, to me they are the smart badass duo, I deeply love the connection they have, to me Lydia and Stiles are the only ones (with the exception of Peter, because we have to be honest, that guy is really smart) who can follow each other's level of thinking/intelligence, and truly getting a connection with someone like that is quite difficult so I understand that both of them feel mutually understood by each other. And I think that's essentially where that special connection they have, they are the brains of the pack, thanks to them most of it is still alive.
But having said all that, I still think that the connection between Lyds and Stiles at that point wasn't deep enough yet and it wasn't the right choice.
Please leave your opinions <3 and thank you
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soshadysoquiet · 2 months
An attempt to salvage S4, for your delectation. S4E1
Okay, I think I'm ready. This is so long that I'll have to post it episode by episode. [FYI this isn't written Fic or script style so much as a play-by-play]
This is I'm sure an imperfect fix but I do think this would have been better especially if used as a base to work on - if anyone does want to, please feel free!
Rules I gave myself: Keep the 6 episode formula. The characters have to start Ep 1 in the same state (jobs, accommodation etc) they do in the show. Use as much as is salvageable from S4 to make the base of this cake.
I will say that I think one easy fix the show should have done was to keep the long-running theme of using flashbacks at the beginning of each ep to flesh out the story; so I've done that off the bat. Every character has a beginning flashback, but they all include Ben or Jennifer to a degree (because this is his season) and Diego and Lila have to share because there isn't enough room soz y'all.
Starts with Viktor's Flashback: Over a series of 2 years him having a terrible time at family reunions where Diego and Lila are squabbling, Luther is being harrangued. He's working as a bar tender and they keep showing up at his bar; Klaus gets carted off by them to rehab there for being stoned, he has to kick Five out for being too drunk and disorderly. Viktor starts looking for a bar elsewhere, sees the one in Canada and moves there. Shows him chatting up the ladies, being unable to connect to them on a deeper level. In the background of all these scenes we see the Rise and Fall of Ben on the bar's TV. - he's an up and comer, he's in the big leagues! He's one of the wealthiest people in the world! He's committed tax fraud and being taken to jail!
Viktor in present time is being asked about going to Gracie's B day party, and torn about it, by Luther.
Luther is at his work.
Diego is lazily delivering packages, one of them with a symbol of an inside out umbrella on it, he is seen to pocket.
Lila is stressing over the kids party bits and another parent mentions seeing her at book club tonight.
Ben is getting out of prison, he's told by the guards that no one's due to come for him despite him arguing that someone should be, and that his parole officer demands someone be responsible for him. Ben is shown resigned picking up the phone.
Allison's work is running over and she has to call Klaus
Klaus takes Claire to her destination very cautiously
Five is at his work in CIA, staring at blueprints of the country, bitching to his boss about not being given access to blow through a wall to look at the hidden network of stations he's uncovered. Bitches to his assistant about how a few years ago this wouldn't have been an issue - assistant refers to the fact that a few years ago he was lucky to have been given this opportunity before he nearly drank himself out of his doctorate.
Luther comes to pick Ben up, he's pleased. Ben is pissed and seems edgy. They discuss in the car how Luther wasn't Ben's first choice, Luther asks who that would be, Klaus? Ben angry and claims that no, he has a girlfriend, she should have been there,  doesn't know where she is. Luther sympathises, saying he's been there, he'll help Ben look surely it was just a misunderstanding. Ben asks in a slightly scathing, though less than normal way, whether he's still looking for Sloane. Luther wishes he could hope still that she's out there, but it's fainter by the day. Ben and he share a small moment, that it's nice he's not the only one who remembers his family.
Gracie's party, much is the same
Viktor turns up late, is confronted by a blonde woman (Abigail) Abigail gives him the box of cross-timeline paraphernalia plus marigold jar. Says they're needed to save both his brother Ben and Jennifer, that they need to save the world. Leaves while Viktor is asking who Jennifer is.
Viktor goes into the party (it's wrapping up) shows the marigolds and they set up a meeting for later (the kids are still there)- there is frustration about commitments getting in the way and mixed excitement and dread.
They go separate ways, Lila is shown going to her 'book club' meeting where they talk about the Cleanse and the umbrella effect, it's Abigail, though Lila doesn't know who she is.
Diego after waving Lila off is seen pulling out the package he'd pocketed with the umbrella on it in his study full of papers and files, he goes to open it, tries to do a trick with a letter opener and it falls from his fingers, frustratedly he tosses the package as his in laws call for him to come help with something.
Five has gone down into the subway, he's staring at the wall, clenches his fists.
Allison, Klaus and Claire go home. It's quiet between Klaus and Allison. They have a stilted conversation about how they clearly don't want to have their powers back, and Allison asks for help prepping for the audition, Klaus jokes that at least acing those would have been easier with powers, she jokes back that with their powers she wouldn't have need to feel guilty killing his immortal ass for being a jerk.
Ben is with Viktor and Luther at Luther's place demanding what the woman said to Viktor who says he'd rather wait for the others but then admits about saving Jennifer and him, Luther asks who Jennifer is and guesses his 'prison girlfriend'. Viktor is a bit suspicious.
The others turn up, they go through the box properly.
Five and Lila notice items of interest in the box - subway map, umbrella inside out printed on things, items from other timelines, and both notice that Diego has much less subtly shown recognition and pocketed an umbrella item too. The two share a glance but both shrug as neither knows what's going on. Klaus finds and takes the dog tags.
Ben is on edge and demanding they get out and find Jennifer, that they take the marigolds, the others all agree they don't want their powers, though a few of them give some assurances to help Ben find Jennifer.
Ben pockets the marigolds and spikes everyone when they do a toast to another odd thing happening around their family before they all leave. (Viktor stays the night begrudgingly with Ben and Luther.)
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tootalltech · 2 months
the more i think about tua s4 the more it’s like. wow they really just lost steam after the first four episodes huh? like the first four weren’t amazing necessarily, but there was some interesting stuff being set up. i wanted to see what would go on with ben and jennifer, or where the hell five and lila were, or how they would fix some dynamics within the group like between klaus and allison. and i thought gene and jean were kind of good villains, like they were just on the classic tua spectrum of funny, unsettling, and weird. and then it’s like they just didn’t know how to wrap any of it up. like i would fully believe that the ending of the show was not how they meant to conclude it, but they couldn’t think how else to “fix” things in so little time. the five and lila thing i still just really don’t get the purpose of, but it did still feel very rushed and maybe the writers didn’t want to try and figure anything else out about the subway thing they created and five’s new powers being connected to it. and that problem is solved if they have five and lila give up looking (no matter how out of character it is for both of them) and create some lame sibling drama to fill the screen time they could’ve used to explain any of their own world building. not to mention that they then go “oh actually none of it matters anyway because they’re gonna destroy all those timelines and there will just be one real one”- which now that i think about it is another plot hole but that’s another post.
anyway. i guess what i’m trying to say is that some of season 4 was fine. like. the “you’re a good brother” moment from diego to five who looks a little guilty yet touched bc he knows he’s still kind of lying to diego, but he also knows if he were in lila’s position he wouldn’t want his partner to just be told that he’s getting himself into dangerous situations again like that? that’s good. that’s diego, lila, and five’s dynamic right there. lila thinking it’s absolutely hilarious that diego would ever think she’s cheating on him with five? that works, because it is ridiculous. and lila and five both sneaking into the keepers meetings at the start was very in-character for both of them as well. they’re the two former commission agents who get bored with normal life very easily (another reason it makes no sense to have them settle down with each other, lmao). it’s like they understood the three of them decently well before the fifth episode, and when it started they just kind of lost the plot. so i personally will just be ignoring the last two episodes. diego and five love each other even if they are both very grumpy sometimes. and diego and lila still have communication problems but they also are never going to leave each other (and hey, even david castañeda understood that). and then five and lila are commission frenemies who on some level still can’t stand each other but also know they need to work together a lot of the time. and i’m sure they and the rest of the umbrellas figure everything out and stop the fourth apocalypse and live happily ever after. the end.
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gravity-barbie · 2 years
The Hargreeves meeting someone else with powers HCs
Tw: Mentions of stalking and alcohol
Set: pre or during season one
Luther Hargreeves
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-Luther takes it incredibly seriously when he accidentally stumbles across you using your power, he would report back to his dad if he was still alive, but since that’s not an option, he thinks he can at least use the opportunity to prove his leadership
-He’s almost naive in approaching you, expecting you to follow his instructions even though his own siblings don’t even do that, and though his intentions are good his poor communication could easily scare you off
-But even if the first interaction doesn’t go so well he doesn’t give up, trying to get answers from you and hopefully even make something of a honorary umbrella out of you becomes like a mission to him, it gives him a renewed sense of purpose
-It doesn’t occur to him to immediately tell his siblings, and when he eventually does he insists he’s got things covered, and to be fair he is growing on you more and more every interaction as you realise he’s actually harmless, just endearingly inept
-Luther trusts you pretty quickly, so before long he’s insisting you attend academy meetings, and in an instant your normal life turns into warnings of an incoming apocalypse and the dramatics of a family you have to be really glad you didn’t get adopted into
Diego Hargreeves
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-When Diego’s patrolling the city and from a distance catches you using your power, despite doing so harmlessly, it’s easy for him to assume the worst, that you’re some kind of criminal, or worse connected to Reginald
-Regardless, it’s a shocking revelation that he needs to do something about, rather than confront you head on, he goes into complete stalker -or as he’d prefer ‘vigilante’- mode, staking you out for a few days
-He’s not in a rush to trust you, but once he finds that your routine is actually quite mundane he gives you enough benefit of the doubt to cautiously approach you, looking for answers
-It’s pretty terrifying to have this masked man show up at your door and interrogate you, -no matter how many times he refers to himself as ‘the good guy’- but things start to click into place once he mentions the umbrella academy, and with your cooperation he steadily lets his guard down and talks to you like more of a regular person
-Even though you couldn’t tell him anything new, and it’s not like there’s really anything connecting you two, the fact that you share the same condition makes him feel some kind of loyalty to you, so he tells you where to find him if you want answers of your own or just want to spend a little time around someone who’s like you
-As closed off as he seems, Diego would welcome you as an ally, someone to have his back and look out for, the kind of relationship that deep down he always wanted to have with his siblings
Allison Hargreeves
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-Despite your extraordinary ability, you do live a pretty average life, however you’re not above using your power to your advantage on occasion and this latest time you get caught by someone with a lot of experience in that area
-Allison can be quite cunning when she wants to be and immediately taps into that, keeping her cool and trying to figure out what your deal is without alarming you in case you’re some kind of threat
-Obviously you know who she is though, so while her guard is up she’s thankfully very honest, and while uneasy she is kind once she figures you seem alright
-She doesn’t plan on telling her dad or anything, it’s not worth the bullshit of seeing him, but she’s also weary about just letting you go, maybe it’s projecting but she’s worried about what you could do with that kind of power when you’ve never even had training for it
-So if you express even the slightest interest in staying in touch or continuing this discussion she’s so down, she could really use the good karma of helping someone safely manage their powers (regardless of whether you want that from her or not)
Klaus Hargreeves
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-Usually you try to keep a lid on your powers, it’s just easier that way, but one night at a club you drink a bit too much, and let your control slip for just a second, and unbeknownst to you, a certain partier catches you in the act
-Really Klaus just wants to mind his own business, it’s Ben who insists this is important and he should talk to you, nagging him until he begrudgingly follows you out and ‘confronts’ you
-Your defences quickly melt under his absurdly light-hearted disposition, and he’s so straightforward about who he is and what his intentions are that you follow suit and a conversation easily flows between you two, you’re trading life stories within the hour
-He’s so curious about what it was like growing up with a power in a normal environment, honestly just trying to imagine what his life might of been like if Reginald hadn’t adopted him
-If you’ve ever felt alone or miserable because of your ability it’s a blessing to have been discovered by Klaus, he’s offers all the compassion and understanding you have desperately been needing
-He’s not exactly reliable though, your connection may be instant but it has a good chance of also being fleeting as he’s not one to stick around or maintain friendships
Five Hargreeves
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-You’re quite careful to be discreet with your powers, but you couldn’t of been prepared for Five to teleport into your workplace when you thought you were alone, and inadvertently catch you using them
-He goes right on the defence, immediately worrying that you could be a factor in the apocalypse, and quite aggressively confronting you, granted he won’t do anything too rash without first hearing you out
-He doesn’t exactly make cooperation easy, remaining hostile and secretive himself, but once he decides that you could neither help or hinder his attempts to save the world your free to go, he seems to lose all interest in you
-So if you want to continue this discussion, he’s not your guy, at most he may give you the courtesy of telling you that you can go to the academy and tell them five sent you if you want more information
-Unless he thinks your power could be useful to him, in which case he will take full advantage of the situation to drag you along with him
-He can’t be too surprised by the revelation that there are other people with powers, it actually seems like the exact kind of thing Reginald would know and keep a secret, he at least plans on telling his siblings but it’s not a priority
Viktor Hargreeves
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-You and Viktor live in the same apartment building and by total chance he’s returning home just as you need to use your powers to save Miss Kowalski’s cat from the latest danger he’s gotten himself into
-While shocked, Viktor does consider just apologising and leaving you be, figuring he’s the last person who should be meddling with a super-powered person, but in an act of sheer impulsiveness he introduces himself to you instead
-He’s so disarmingly vulnerable that any worry you had over his intentions dissolves within minutes as he rambles about not wanting to bother you, but having ties to the umbrella academy if you’re interested, and just that he has some experience in this area if you want someone to talk to
-You only take him up on the second offer, you’re so used to your ability being the most important thing in your life that it’s really nice to meet someone relatively unfazed by it, between that and him not having much else going on, a budding friendship easily forms
-He doesn’t try to get any information from you that you don’t freely offer, part of him knows that he should treat this like a bigger deal and probably tell his family, but he also knows how they can be and won’t do so without your permission
-Though he tries not to dwell on it, it’s undeniable that your very existence is kind of a slap to the face, knowing that some stranger in the city had powers and he didn’t, that you’re basically the rightful number seven… it’s a bitter pill to swallow
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blackberryjqm · 1 month
I think the main issue in the final season of the Umbrella Academy is the incompleteness of it. I think it’s very easy to skip over the writing in favour of disliking specific aspects (cough cough Lila and Five), but there were some very serious issues with plotlines.
First of all, so many plot holes. The Umbrella Academy weren’t the only ones with powers - in order to save the world that way all of the people with the marigold would need to sacrifice themselves. How did Jennifer get into the squid, what was even the purpose of the squid?
With plot holes, so many plotlines that were started and never resolved. Why did Ray leave Allison? What happened to Sloane? How did Lila find her parents? What even are Reginald and Abigail? Why were the elements created? What happened to their original planet?
I think some of these were perhaps due to the shortness of the season, but I felt we had a lot of exposition and lot less of the characters asking questions. Upon finding out about Abigail they don’t ask any questions? After all their powers change and mutate, they don’t ask any questions?
There were decisions taken by characters that felt out of character (Five seeking a job at the CIA, with its Commission-like values), and half-finished character arcs (Klaus) and emotional moments (Viktor trying to connect with Ben.) Characters, such as Jennifer and Claire, felt so cardboard-cutout and as if their only purpose was to further the plot. Major characters were sidelined and treated in such a way that felt almost disrespectful - the entire point of the season being to save Ben and almost no one actually trying, Luther, who didn’t seem to have a real journey for his character.
And the ending. The final episode had a heavy weight to shoulder - the completion of a grand four season long time travel adventure. While the ending did thematically make sense (despite its plot issues) the way the rest of the season was handled made it feel unfinished and underwhelming. I kept expecting a plot twist, where further information would be given and things would be explained but alas.
But that’s not to say I disliked the whole season. There were parts that should have been expanded and characters that felt wasted, but there were moments I enjoyed. I liked the family dynamics of the first few episodes, I like Allison rescuing Klaus from the grave as a callback to season one, where he was tortured and no one realised. I enjoyed the way characters acted without their powers and I thought the way their powers changed was so clever, and exciting. I wonder if a few more episodes could have ironed out more plot issues. Overall, I have enjoyed the show and thought that this season was not a total failure and while the ending was not perhaps the one I, and many others would’ve liked, I don’t think it hasn’t ruined too much.
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confoundedluna · 1 month
thinking about TUA s4 again and the ending
and I know it's been long enough now that most people have said their piece and other people have probably said what i'm gonna say but it's just. argh
things worked about this season! remove them from the wider context and they make sense! Diego and Lila struggling in a regular world regular marriage because neither are used to that life? yes! the fuck ass way they went about that? no!
the ending in particular, people have pointed out how shitty the overall message ends up being of 'you are the fault/cause for your trauma and the pain you've inflicted on others across your lifetime and it's better you never even existed so at least they can be happy' but like. a bittersweet ending with the group sacrificing themselves Could have worked! it's just. the entire tone of the season needed to be different for it to work.
the group needed to have Got their happy ending and gotten to be happy for Once, so even if they were leaving it all behind, it happened! they got what they had all been looking for this whole time! and they got to leave the world a better place!
instead we get Luther reduced to a stripper joke, basically no mention of his wife (or most of the Sparrows at all), and his body mutated again even though that had No link to his marigold powers, living in a condemned building and trying pathetically hard to keep what he has left of his family together and cared for only to lose them all again in the end
Diego gets reduced to a fat joke when his actor is in Insanely good shape, he gets turned into a guy who would dump his problems on his family even after his own upbringing and how good a dad he was last season (at least from what i remember), and a guy who loses the family he finally got through his wife cheating on him with his brother and not being able to properly say goodbye to his children, dying not knowing whether she would choose him or them
Allison's husband walks out on her again, her kid that has been her main motivator seems to have a better connection with Klaus than her, her career has barely gone anywhere, and she dies having just sent her daughter alone to an unknown fate and not knowing if anyone would remember her
Klaus just Has to be reduced to a junkie that gets kidnapped and used and ignored by the rest of the group, except this time with no impact on the main plot, he doesn't have his connection with Ben anymore, and his fairly reasonable turn from immortal to paranoid germaphobe seems played as a joke, plus there's only just a Passing shot of the dog tags, no mention of Dave or his time at war
Five seems the happiest of the group at the CIA (LOW bar), but even then he's stuck back in another organisation like The Commission, and he gets absolutely character assassinated into some pathetic lovesick puppy who would enter an affair relationship with his brother's wife and hide a way home to the family he spent Decades in an apocalypse trying to get back to, and almost abandon them in the end because his BROTHER'S WIFE would dare to choose her family over him
Ben loses all sense of character and becomes only 'I love Jennifer', doesn't really have any real moments with the Umbrellas and barely mentions the Sparrows, eventually mutating beyond recognition and not even getting to die with his new makeshift family that he probably hasn't seen in the years he was locked up, beyond maybe Luther
Viktor distances himself from his family and can't hold down a relationship with anyone after Sissy, is forced to forgive Reginald for the abuse he went through because 'that wasn't me! it was the Other me!' and barely gets any moments with his family that has finally welcomed him before dying
Lila gets watered down and her character assassinated into some housewife that would cheat with her brother in law that she has seen looking like a child, no delving into the dynamic between her and her now-living family, and dies showing affection to her affair partner in front of her husband
making their lives miserable and then having the solution be that they all die and everyone else gets a happy ending is Not a good way to end a show like TUA - imo, it should have been either they're miserable throughout and finally get their happy ending, maybe getting to live just normal lives either separately with their 'birth' parents not knowing each other or what their lives used to be, or all together either with or without memories, OR they get to be happy, just for once, so that they can leave the world behind knowing that even if no one else remembers them, they got to experience happiness
Luther should be the definition of a perfect marriage with Sloane, living that stereotypical dreamlife
Diego should be doing Some kind of active work, maybe martial arts or self defense classes or Something, and getting to come home to his family happy and fulfilled with the life he has
Allison should have her husband and her child, and a career that, big star or not, she's happy in
Klaus should be in THERAPY, and he should be with Dave, finally independent from his family and not needing them to save him but sticking around anyway because he loves them and they love him
Five should be either alone romantically or with some Delores substitute, getting to live out his old man life in peace surrounded by the family he Platonically worked so desperately to keep together
Ben could be with Jennifer or not, but either way, he should have the Sparrows And the Umbrellas, with connections to all of them, even if he is still a bit of an ass - they love him anyway
Viktor should be with Sissy, finally fitting in to the family dynamic, finally in a relationship that's healthy, that he gets to keep, not sidelined or isolated but just another part of the gang
Lila should be a working mom in some way, either doing something like Diego or as part of an organisation, but still coming home Happy to her family at the end of the day, no cheating
whether that's their ending, or just what they get temporarily and have to choose to sacrifice for the greater good of the world, these characters that have spent So Long being traumatised and fighting for a sliver of happiness should get to experience it properly, not spend every minute tired and sad and even hating each other before they have to die no matter what
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snottertooder · 2 months
“Better” ending for The umbrella academy season 4 (A fix-it)
I genuinely think the idea of the ending is a fitting one for tua since the last 3 seasons, they have been doing EVERYTHING but giving up. But they absolutely dropped the ball on the execution and what built up to it (I didn’t shed a single tear last episode because they felt more like strangers in force proximity than sibilings, ESP DIEGO AND FIVE DYING HATING EACH OTHER??)
I think a better ultimatum would’ve been if instead of giving up their existence they gave up on their RELATIONSHIP as sibilings. The goal the hargreeves had the entire series is to A. save the world b. Save their family. That has been challenged MANY times and as a final Ultimatum, they have to pick between
- forever time jumping to other timelines (via subway idk) and repeating the cycle of saving the world to keep their family together
-save the world by getting rid of their powers (like og) and relationship with one another, where they would exist in a new timeline without umbrella academy, without powers and without the hargreeves name connecting them to one another (for this to be really impactful, season 3 needs to be FILLED with fluff and family happy moments like we all hoped to see)
So when they all give up their power (with Ben bc he deserves to be there at their final moment) we get the whole season 1-3 scenes and then when we see the new timeline instead of a bunch of minor characters living normal lives (which lowkey no one cares for) we see the hargreeves living normal happy lives without one another. I think it would be a neat call back/parellel if they showed their lives like how they did in season 1 ep1. Starting from Luther and ending with Viktor (including Five and Ben this time)
My hc for how they would be in this new timeline:
(FYI, I haven’t seen the other seasons in a hot second and the new season didn’t help me get an idea for their motivations so if any of these are ooc sorry 😜)
1) Luther
• I think in the new timeline he would have a fulfilled life with Sloane and a few kids(which he DESERVES, instead of being a stripper). I think they’re soulmates (even tho personally I didn’t care of their relationship) I think it’s fitting that they get their happily ever after. As a Career, I think he would be a of CEO/Manager, his entire life he’s been told what to do by his father and struggles as a leader to the family. Him being in charge of something for once esp his life would be fitting. (I think it would parallel well with season one him being alone and a mess to season 4 him being happy, loved and put together)
2) Diego
• as a career I think a Lawyer. In his new life with his new family he would still have a call for justice except this time he plays by the books since he didn’t have a father turning him into a vigilante by the age of 10. I don’t think in the new timeline he would be with Lila since then the sacrifice would be meaningless. I can see him get with his Dead girlfriend from season 1?? In a diff way as Lawyer x Detective. Also he’s a Universal dilf, he adopts stan from an abuse/negligence case (his real mom is pretty terrible) and they live happily ever after :)
3) Allison
• an Artist. Her entire life is a lie and she’s never been able to express herself, I think she would be a Artist who expresses herself through her art and becomes successful through her own means, this way for being herself (maybe an anonymous one so she isn’t famous as a person but her art like Banksy, I think it would be neat if some of her art was about the civil rights movement) Maybe she’s even with Ray and/or an alternative version of Claire.
4) Klaus
• Since everyone wanted Klave season 4 (rip), he could be with Dave in the new timeline. He would be 100% sober, and honestly I see him being a TV personality, either a TV show host or has his own talk show (LOLL it would be funny if he had smth like dr Phill happening where he’s fixing messed up families, orrr a paranormal series where he visits haunted houses, or even a game show host like love island, maybe he even met Dave on there idk scandal
5) Five
• Retired 100% finally, I honestly think he could be anything but smth in action like a police officer or CIA since he REALLY needs the rest. I imagine he’s living life like the creator of androids in Detroit becomes human with the Chloe robots except the robots are Daloris and his family visit him often so he’s never alone (also because his grandchildren wants his inheritance but he just gives it to a dog or smth for the giggles bc they are all morons) i think he either becomes rich for inventing/discovering something or because he’s a Nepo baby, Either way he deserves it.
6) Ben (the og one)
• An author who travels the world 100%%%%%% I think he would be a professor or Author (or both) but he travels more than he works, he’s a lazy bum for sure!!(for work) I think it’s fitting that he sees the world since he never got to from Dying young + being trapped with Klaus (ig they did explore the United States but he never really got far plus it was the 60s)he never settles down until his legs give out. In this timeline I think Og ben and asshole ben would be twins/sibilings (og would be the older one) their names would be Benedict and Bennett bc their parents couldn’t decide who Benjamin would be.
6.5) Ben (the asshole one)
• This one is hard since he’s barely been developed. But he’s gives me MAJORRRR Ken sato vibes from the new Ultraman movie on Netflix. He would DEFINITELY be a professional athlete teenage girls make edits of on tiktok (that I consume) Idk if he would stick with the water as a sport having tentacles and all but if not he would be a Race car driver, play a ball sport (basketball and baseball esp) or boxing. Since him and Jennifer are “fated” she would play a similar role to Ami Wakita (in the ultraman movie) as a Journalist, lowkey power couple (if they were properly developed) Also Jennifer as a journalist would be fun, maybe she crossed paths with Diego once or stalked Allison to find her true identity. Her first issue was DEFF about her creepy as home town. She wrote many books about the cult.
7) Viktor
• a Swimmer like his parents orrr a teacher/professor. I could see him write books too (since he already wrote one) lowkey try a lot of diff hobbies and Job jump alot into diff professions. Just do everything. Sissy (I forgot how to spell her name) could be in the new time line like the rest of them too with Danial? (I forgot the kids name) as alternative versions. I imagine they meet as Teachers (sissy gives me MAJOR councilor vibes)
• if they were to do like a montage of their lives like in season one, I don’t think she would get one since she isn’t numbered but I think it would be hinted in the background. I honestly imagine her becoming a Singer/Actor. She’s either in a Metal band, go on Broadway, be an Oscar winning actress, end up in hall hallmark movies or all the above ( like singer-> Broadway -> A tier actor -> D tier hallmark movies) (she loves it tho, keeps her on the toes)
The last scene is What viktors been up to but then the Radio plays idk “I think we’re alone now” which leads to Viktor starts dancing, and then it shows everyone else also start dancing from where ever they are in different locations. Because even if they aren’t siblings anymore they are still connected ☹️ and that’s the final dance scene we never got 🙏
I imagine it would be even more twisted if they all lived in diff time periods like how they all missed each other in season 2. Like Allison is already dead from old age by the time Ben is born. Lila is already a Punk rock legend by the time Diego loses his first tooth. Five in his young days had an enemies to lovers with JFK while Viktor is reading about them being best friends in Textbooks yk.
Anyways that’s it. Season 4 sucks put me in the writers room atp, I would have the end credit scene be Reggie burning in hell with his wife 4K 🔥🔥🔥
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gryficowa · 1 month
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Can the blue mega finally shut up? Seriously, they go into the free Palestine tags to write shit about voting for a Zionist because they think she's the best option for Palestine… The blue MEGA is irritating
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Seriously, you enter the tags to find out what's going on in Gaza or to share thugs, and the blue MEGA already appears there to write her shit (And classic texts about Trump… Let him win, maybe you'll finally start fucking care about genocide, you pro-genocide bastards)
No matter how much I despise Trump, at least that would be the perfect punishment for you for using Palestine as a tool to vote for a Zionist, fuck you liberals, no one likes you
The truth is that you don't care about the genocide and you are using gaslighting to get people to vote for your Zionist bitch as if Trump wins so that you can finally give a damn about the genocide in Gaza because if your blue terrorists do it, you don't care
Fuck you with the texts about bots, Russian trolls and calling others stupid, it hurts you so much that people care about genocide and that's why they refuse to vote for a Zionist bitch with a history of supporting fucking Israel? Are you seriously that stupid or are you fucking pretending?
Yes, no one fucking wants to see you in tags about Free Palestine, because all you do is force people to vote and masturbate to a Zionist (And the fact that she is a woman makes you think that you will get along with her easily… Really? Misogyny on top of that? You dare defend Harris because of her ethnicity and gender, you are fucked) you are disgusting, you have a history of attacking strikers and enjoying police brutality (And then you take the successes of the left to use them as a way to force people to vote for people who don't even care about minorities, anyway, it's funny that you keep silent about homeless people and people with disabilities, but it doesn't really matter to you, because you consider them to be worth more than you)
Yes, I will not forgive you, you are complicit in genocide and you will pay for it
Now that I have your attention:
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burningmoonus · 2 months
Sorry for the mistakes. I'm half asleep
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Boy oh boy.
Now that was ....something. actors did they job kudos to them. But goddammit. Whoever wrote the script...I'm under your bed, watch out.
Starting off strong, the first thing that threw me off was a time jump. If it's done properly, it works just fine. You can't just give me a recap of season 3 finale and then BOOM 6 years later with no explanation or whatever. And that little introduction into character's lives now is not it.
You need to do more than that. Because it creates some plot holes and not just some.... Big plot holes.
Like what happened to Sloane? How did our characters got to where they now? And why some of them act the way that they act.
Why do I have to think of it? I'm a watcher I wanna WATCH it.
The scene with Allison where she's like 'oh they probably hate me for what I did, I can't go in blah blah...' this scene pissed me off.
Yeah I know we had SIX year gap from the last season, but Jesus christ, you can't just take away someone's superpowers and then write your character's as If they ok with it. That doesn't make any sense.
Luther and Sloane. So you telling me that Luther found the love of his life MARRIED her, and then she disappeared and what? He's not looking for her? Just a brief moment about her wasn't enough. He finally found someone who loved him no matter what, and then she was taken away, and that's it?
The Klaus plot line is useless and tiresome. Instead of making his character go through some development as he gains his power back, the writers just make him go back to his antics ? Drinking stealing, etc.... like that's boring. I was skipping almost all of his scenes. And he's my favorite character, mind you.
Five and Lila. I don't want to comment. Just gross. And annoying.
Lila annoyed me this season a lot.
Yeah, you hate your family, I get it It happens.
But Jesus, why don't you talk to Diego about what you feeling? And the book club/keepers meetings? Of course Diego would think that you'd cheat on him. Instead of hiding things try talking about them.
Five was kinda useless this season. All he did is said that we all must die. Yeah he tried to work things about Ben/Jennifer but instead of finding the solution he started sleeping with Lila. Yikes and then he didn't wanna leave back to the present days; and wanted Lila to stay with him when she has a whole ass family with 3 kids????
Ben and Jennifer....well at least they went with a bang(get it?...cause the reason they gone was because they started to bang each other. sorry that was a stupid joke)
I did NOT feel bad about Jennifer...bc I didn't feel the connection to her, that's bc she was written badly she was kinda bland, and I'm sorry.
Why Ben was the only one who was destined for whatever this was? Why wasn't it someone else?Just bc he died saving her? And don't give me this soulmates bullshit or fate shit! It doesn't make sense.
You telling me that when I just got Ben back you taking him away????
Out of all characters I liked Reginald the most.
And that should tell you have little the writers cared about these characters.
The amount of plot holes and some stupid nonsense is the reason why I haven't seen 1 positive feedback about this season.
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jbaileyfansite · 10 months
Jonathan Bailey and Matt Bomer's Interview for WMagazine (2023)
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Warning: Spoilers for Fellow Travelers ahead.
Matt Bomer and Jonathan Bailey had a feeling their characters’ sexual escapades in Fellow Travelers would ignite a social media firestorm. But apart from some in-person encounters with fans who watched the Showtime limited series, both actors claim they’ve avoided going down a rabbit hole of reactions to their performances.
“The first week of just seeing a GIF of a toe was kind of alarming,” Bailey says in a joint interview with Bomer. “But when you’re doing a scene like that, you know what function it serves—not just in the story, but in the selling of a TV series. I call it the Trojan toe: You slip it in, get people watching, and by the time they get to [that moment], they’ll understand exactly what the show’s setting out to explore.”
Adapted from Thomas Mallon’s 2007 novel, Fellow Travelers chronicles the clandestine romance between Hawkins Fuller (Bomer), a debonair State Department employee, and Tim Laughlin (Bailey), a wide-eyed college graduate, who fall in love at the height of McCarthyism and the Lavender Scare in 1950s Washington D.C. As they weave in and out of each other’s lives across multiple decades, Hawk and Tim’s enduring relationship hurtles toward a devastating conclusion in the 1980s. Following Tim’s terminal AIDS diagnosis, Hawk visits his lover—whom he has nicknamed “Skippy”—one last time in San Francisco, where they both come to terms with the significance of their volatile romance.
“A lot of people feel seen—not just by the sex scenes, but by aspects of queer identity on the show,” Bomer says. “That’s the hope, right? That whatever you’re pouring your heart and soul into resonates with somebody or makes them feel seen.”
On a recent visit to New York City, Bailey and Bomer were affable and laid-back—a far cry from the brooding, tortured characters that have defined their respective careers. Bouncing ideas off each other, the charming costars spoke with W about their approach to telling their characters’ epic love story, the surreal experience of shooting their final scene together, and what to expect from Maestro and the next season of Bridgerton.
Why does Hawk and Tim’s connection make them question everything they thought they knew about themselves?
Jonathan Bailey: You will never really know what Hawk and Tim would’ve been like [as a full-fledged couple]. You can’t judge them on anything, because there’s a survival element at play, which reflects the brutality of the world they were born into. As [the show] expands and this liberation blooms, we see more of [Hawk’s wife] Lucy [played by Allison Williams] and the impact of Hawk’s decisions on the characters around him.
To me, it’s a love story for the ages because you can follow any thread and it comes back to the political backdrop. But ultimately, there’s a real meeting of souls between the two. They complete each other in a way that’s so painful. But in a world where joy, connection and absolution are so hard to find, especially in the ’50s for gay men, it becomes addictive, and there are toxic cycles that come from it.
Matt Bomer: There are aspects of their own personal trauma that are complementary of each other.
JB: And they feed the other’s insecurities.
MB: The sad thing is, when Hawk is finally at a place where he can be his most authentic self and be available and empathetic enough to be a real partner in a relationship, it’s too late.
Hawk has a very specific moral code as a gay man living a double life in the 20th century: He is clearly able to show genuine affection for Tim, but he needs control in his relationships and is able to code-switch in public. Tim doesn’t understand Hawk’s ability to compartmentalize his life, but he still finds Hawk irresistible. How did you want to embody the many contradictions of your characters?
MB: For me, it all went back to Hawk’s childhood and that horrific incident that happened with his father [and his first love, Kenny]. He refuses to be a victim, so he’s going to find a way to survive and thrive in whatever way he can. It all ties into the fact that he will never be the victim of a homophobic society or family again.
JB: What Tim’s really drawn to in Hawk is his center. Hawk is the epicenter of all these people’s worlds because he doesn’t afford them space to veer him off in any direction. Tim’s always there for Hawk when he needs him, but Hawk’s never really there for Tim, and that is something Tim is drawn to. Tim’s quest in life is his desperate need for a groundedness, and the choice I made early on was to physicalize Tim so that his inner and outer world were matched.
Tim finds it really hard to lie; he can’t not be completely transparent. The decoding of Hawk is something that fills all sorts of needs in Tim. But as he gets older and [society’s] way of thinking aligns with his need to disassemble the cards he’s been given, Tim finds a stillness and a calm, which is reflected in the way he can then handle Hawk.
MB: Hawk does have his allegiances and his own sense of empathy, but if it comes down to anything that’s going to threaten his survival, he can go full Scorpio and cut it off. [He’s] a little Mother Teresa, a little Tony Soprano. [Laughs.]
JB: And in the performing of [those scenes], Tim felt so much more love than I thought he would. In episode two, I think it became more confusing to play Tim in the best possible way, because when he says, “I don’t understand you” [to Hawk], it’s because he can see the palpable empathy, love, and compassion. That is just as real as everything else, and that is a bind for Tim and really hard to step away from. When they look at each other, there’s no one else that’s ever existed. And if you’re lucky enough to have that with someone, it’s really hard to let that go.
There are little details that anchor each of Hawk and Tim’s sex scenes—the eye contact, the importance of consent, the shifting power dynamics, the negotiation of how much of yourself you’re willing to give to another person. How did you want to subvert traditional depictions of queer intimacy?
MB: We were so fortunate that those scenes were just an extension of the story, that the relationship was never the same after one of those scenes as it was before. It was always an externalization of what was going on with the characters internally.
JB: I think it’s a rule that [creator] Ron [Nyswaner] learned on Homeland where every single scene has to further the story—and that’s true of the sex scenes. Because there haven’t necessarily been elevated, eight-hourlong gay dramas like this; there was space to breathe, and that constant negotiation between the two of them is so vital. I remember speaking to [executive producer/director] Dan Minahan in Toronto. We had a good few hours, and we ended up talking about intimacy and how you can capture it on film. The thing that I understand [from] enjoying love stories or intimacy on film is the moments where they surprise each other.
MB: Yeah! It’s not like Hawk’s pushing the envelope the whole time; Tim upends Hawk as much as Hawk upends Tim’s expectations.
JB: We basically started with the chicken soup [scene in episode one], when Hawk seduces Tim for the first time. By the time we were in episode four, we were really emboldened as a team. As Jonny and Matt, we were always whispering, “This is absolutely fine, if you want to do this.” For so many people, it’s bizarre to think of that as a job. But when the material is as rich as this, no stone will go unturned into [depicting] how intricate, sensitive, celebratory, and joyful those moments are.
MB: I believe everybody should get to play every role, but I think the fact that we’re both openly gay men lent an ease and an understanding of a lot of the aspects of the relationship.
JB: You can have conversations between yourselves of why your instincts are cropping up in those moments. It was a bit like when, just before they dive, synchronized divers do that thing where they jump up and clap.
MB: [Laughs.] That was us! And there’s no [going] halfway in scenes like those that are written in this [show]. You know you have to go all the way.
Knowing that the entire emotional weight of their relationship rests on the penultimate line, “Promise you won’t write,” what did you want to convey in Hawk and Tim’s final scene together outside the governor’s ball? What do you remember from shooting their goodbye scene?
MB: I remember everything about that day.
JB: Yeah, I do too. Everything was in hyper-focus. It was overwhelming.
MB: It’s one of those scenes that you’re really glad you didn’t have to shoot on day two, because we had five and a half months of history [with] these characters. It was one of the last things we filmed together.
JB: I left [Toronto] early as well [to shoot Bridgerton], so we didn’t finish [shooting] together. We finished the love story in that scene.
MB: Yes, that’s right. It was one of those days at work where you have to try to get out of your own way and trust that all you’ve invested in these roles and these relationships will be inside of you. You don’t have to try to force or push anything; you have to just try to keep it alive and spontaneous when the cameras are rolling.
JB: I think we filmed it in the first take, didn’t we?
MB: Yeah.
JB: There are moments in that scene when it was like the world melted away. It’s amazing to see Tim establish his boundaries and be really kind with it. In that moment, he’s fully centered and aligned, and Hawk helps give him that final push to go, “I know what I’m doing, and what I’m saying is the right thing.” He’s never really known that with Hawk.
MB: Yeah, Hawk is finally emotionally vulnerable. I had every intention of coming into that scene and not letting any emotional vulnerability creep through, but it’s just one of those things where the scene takes over and you don’t want to block it.
Have either of you given much thought to what a second season of Fellow Travelers could look like?
JB: What I hope this [season] will be is a trampette into telling other queer stories, because two white gay men are the way in [to start a larger conversation], and it would be so interesting to have a world explored of [Jelani Alladin’s] Marcus and [Noah J. Ricketts’] Frankie. They were such a massive reason why I was like, “Okay, this is going to be good.”
MB: They weren’t in the book, and it was so important from the creatives that we included that narrative.
JB: I would totally come back and support Frankie’s story.
MB: Yeah, I would come in and do two days—whatever they need me for.
JB: Frankie and Marcus up front, and I’ll be there.
Surely, we all deserve to have the two of you star in a rom-com together (with a happier ending than this one).
JB: If someone comes up with it... Who would be the dream?
MB: To direct?
JB: Yeah. Luca Guadagnino?
MB: Yes, Luca or Andrew Haigh.
JB: We’ll do it!
MB: We’re there. And Russell T. Davies, if it’s a miniseries.
Have you discussed collaborating again in the future?
MB: Listen, sign me up to work with Jonathan Bailey any time. [They shake hands.] I will bring a tray to his character at the dinner table in a scene.
JB: Stop it. As long as it’s [like] Upstairs, Downstairs…
MB: [Laughs.] Yes, exactly. I would love that. Next time, I have to be British though. And I’ll come to London.
JB: I’ll be a Texan cowboy. [They laugh.]
In addition to Fellow Travelers, you both have new projects that will be debuting in the coming months. Matt, what were some of your takeaways from working with Bradley Cooper on Maestro?
MB: Bradley is such a generous and beyond talented scene partner—and his style of directing is so electric and present. He wants everything happening on the camera for the first time. I feel like I was really the beneficiary of his process before I started work on Fellow Travelers because I got to watch him and Carey [Mulligan] travel through all these phases of their multidecade romance. And then, [I was] getting to work with Johnny—who’s so similar in many regards, so generous, always keeping you on your toes and bringing things to the material that make the scene richer.
JB: Has Bradley watched Fellow Travelers?
MB: I keep telling him to! And Carey says she wants to. She keeps asking me where it’s on in England.
The third season of Bridgerton will premiere in two parts on May 16 and June 13, 2024. Jonathan, what new layers of Kate (Simone Ashley) and Anthony’s relationship will we see in the new season?
JB: I’m a massive fan of “Kanthony.” There’s so much to enjoy for both of them now, and we explore that in season three. They’ve overcome a lot. [We’re] talking about the need for communication in a romance, and that study of how they communicate and how little they did communicate until the very end [of season two]. So now, we can see them completely celebrate each other for who they are. There are really lovely conversations about heritage and familial roles, and once you meet someone who understands you fully, having sacrificed so much for the families as they both have, how exciting [it is] to make decisions that might change the course for them [as a couple].
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notakugelblitz · 2 months
A/N : hi ! here is a series of a few preferences (well i think that’s what they’re called). I really hope you’ll like them even though they’re short sometimes ! i’m planning on posting character x reader stories too so stay tuned. first post here on Tumblr so let’s see how it goes ! oh and English isn’t my first language, i’m sorry if you spot some mistakes. enjoy :)
no trigger warning, all safe ;)
You were born on October 1st 1989. You are the eighth child adopted by Sir Reginald Hargreeves. Welcome to the Umbrella Academy, number 8.
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You have the ability to establish a connection between your mind and another in order to carry on a silent conversation. There wasn't a day when you weren't in communication with Luther when he was on the moon. You missed him like crazy, and it was mutual.
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You can get a vision of the near future by touching an object or a person. There are many opportunities to annoy Diego and cut him off at every turn, knowing exactly what he is going to say. It drives him mad. But that´s something you relished as soon as he got over his stammer. Before that, you preferred to apply this mischief to your other brothers and sisters, much to the delight of Diego, who was always by your side.
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You have the ability to manipulate water to your heart's content, melt or liquefy it, create tsunamis, shoot jets from your palms and breathe in the depths. Diego teases you a lot and calls you "The Fish" all the time. It gets on your nerves a little, but Allison is always there to cast a rumour when Number 2 isn't already being sprayed with cold water.
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You have the ability to take on any animal form. When Dad locked Klaus in the mausoleum, you'd transform yourself into an insect and crawl into the grooves to join him. One day, you found yourself crushed under your father's foot. Seriously injured, Grace took care of you for a while. Dad then decided to take control of your powers : thanks to a little gadget, he could control your metamorphoses. And that was quite a burden for you but Klaus never stopped trying to find it and break it for you.
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You have the ability to heal and to give of your energy. During your trainings back at the Academy, you only went into battle when someone was seriously injured. If your brothers and sisters needed you, Five would teleport to pick you up and bring you back. The first few times, these trips made you vomit, so Sir Reginald Hargreeves trained you for a long time until you were no longer ill. It pained Five, but he had to obey. Unfortunately, when he disappeared, you were forced to stay with Viktor and your father : close to the mission but inactive.
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You have the ability to disappear completely. When you were sad, you’d become invisible and cower at the bottom of Ben’s statue. Before he died, you used to play hide and seek with him. The rule was that there wasn’t any. Often, you’d stand right in front of him, invisible to his eyes, and he’d surprise you with his tentacles, tickling you until you’d surrender. Dad often punished you for this but you never ever regretted it.
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You have the ability to clone yourself ad infinitum, but it takes a lot of effort. Reginald Hargreeves always pushed you to the limit during missions, which finished you off far too quickly. Most of the time, you'd fall over from exhaustion before the criminals had even been arrested, resting as much as you could with Viktor who took care of you, away from the battle scene.
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