almoriii · 3 days
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fad3d-f3rn · 4 months
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drew some demon and angel ocs as big cats over the weekend! they were fun practice!
some of these belong to @salted-siren but we share custody
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northern-borealis · 2 years
Happy WIP Wednesday!!! (this is the first one I’ve ever done I’m surprisingly nervous lmao)
This is from a D&D thing I’m writing! Not super backstory heavy for my dear, but important anyway alksdjflaksdjf. It’s also a bit more context for the Sunset ask that @simply-the-jinx sent me a couple days ago!
Other times, there were souls that came through forced means. It was not a natural sleep that drew them here, but something that they caused themselves to come here. Some beings from the other planes could remember being here through their dreams, even after they woke up, and stories came from that.
Stories of a place of light and no darkness, of calm and love and kindness. But as stories grow, so do the lies attached to them. The stories grew to include a place of power, of a power and strength to be gained, if only you’re brave enough to try and take it.
It’s when the souls of these beings emerge that the Warriors emerge as well. Their place is to keep the peace, so that the Philosophers can continue their studies, so they can understand where it is that they have all come from and why and how they are on this plane, in this place.
The beings that come from other planes have heard tell of the strengths that could come from gathering control of the light. What they fail to consider, is the strength that comes from being one of the light.
No Pressure Tag:
@stitchtopus @ninja-kitty-more-like-no and any other writing mutuals!!
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anni1600 · 4 months
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@j-almori a little love from me and Lucio! I hope you'll feel better soon 💜💜💜
No hearts version under the cut
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444names · 4 months
Names derived from the Ayleidoon language dictionary
Abands Abary Abeids Abrily Abutwylle Acheadows Actions Adder Adeposs Aderceyoku Adorigrando Afrobilets Agranection Aladiarms Alatard Alathengua Alhor Alipta Alles Almedia Almend Almory Alphanscas Amathingral Ambeth Aming Amrigraed Andawnever Andeferan's Anoutworan Anscom Anyav Areme Aremer Aressely Arkendis Arlata's Arloardar Arlorbil Arnac Asing Astancia Astresel Athated Athint Ationt Attle Aunend Authinda Auths Auvanack Auvwxyz Avarfal...
Balaish Balcon Bamerip Bamplassion Bamria Baragais Baselynays Bastiontry Baviest Beena Befaldia Befexcelke Beidorrees Beinallael Beirolf Beite Belber Belend Beliara Belik Belizes Bellat Belly Belve Betin Byeider Calaration Caselle Casouro Caver Cebossion Celastamm Cenwo Cey's Choria Cialater Cianduum Ciene Ckanutents Clumnalle Comen Comerons Comettave Comma Conal Conen Conte Courn Culas Culdis Cyron Cyrotand Dabol Dagardayea Darcithme Daript Dawelikini Denal Desse Destint Dians Dicarals Dusendray Dusinit Duumbosely Eatcan Ehlnamer Ehlnar Ehlney Ehlnottleit Ehlye Einter Elinar Elledii Elleidedra Emallow Ender Entialeite Evoca Exce-li Faerald Falmereli Finbala Fintiviont Firood Firosignus Flurnacurn Foadowill Fremarly Frotes Gaiallorak Garegon Gattabek Gettlet's Gicham Giont Goret Gracham Graini Grallvend Greceys Grecuselle Guent Habrak Halathilve Hamis Heane Hecey's Herha Herms Hettak Hicka Hingu Holdavoy Horedishout Horting Ilemal Imalang Inagect Ingaia Ingua Inqueedael Inscasmeli Irefal Itticar Jarame Jaress Kiebeis Kielp Kincle Kindiretic Knition Knorsiobsca Knotn Kotion Kyrigua Kyrobles Laedel Lagerener Lagics Laiselias Lallikis Landood Lasil's Latan Latum Lessilessar Liblas Licurn Lifin Lincroset Linknia Lisne Litan Litarad Loranard Lorauta Lorecon Lorinsenals Lotsic Lovigaia Mafer Magodich Magon Malar Malen Malocas Matambees Matarpelly Mateadjects Mated Matern Matheit Mathich Mationumath Medlived Meran Merarlore Merbscoming Miastioble Minguarge Miseperwood Missesend Morauts Mordlyed Moria Moriciese Morielver Moriguldes Moris Mornen Mornens Mostuse Muchalor Mulda Muniar Musets Nacey Nagar Nagarandra Nalang Ndarly Nesell Nifts Ninga Nobarlarmor Noftedo Nostonwood Noted Noter Nourossa Obingua Onya-tres Ortic Oughty Ouglorn Oulda Ourostions Padawn Pagranyon Panda Paragar Parata Parrefiel Partionds Pasel Pel's Pelishamew Pences Peredia Perhood Peruty Phattene Picencia Plar's Platanes Plees Polda Porilie Poring Pormang Poseldo Posmeran Possed Possumatu Postalacon Postercyro Poweld Prect Preculme Premater Prets Pring Prouses Raltion Reade Reaus Recaveas Recourage Redly Renarda Rentect Rible Rimard Robaal Rumala Ruthink Safere's Sagearcanya Salage Sanin Sar's Scremerre's Scres Sectiond Sedraya Selda Seldits Selvel's Sencely Sepeader Sepou Septer Setriale Shalas Shame Shident Shincen Shiptaht Shomer Siblr Siblye Silatheres Sillyn Singair Sionene Siteldis Somia Soripta Sound Soutu Speast Spwil Stack Sticy Straccolat Strun Subjecan Subjeck Suldall Sultivid Sumaff Summus Sunnant Suntsit Suposetry Synong Taberenwood Taburn Tamerem Tansepties Tardiry Tarsitar Tastona Tedis Terfisilvel Terre's Theck Theide Theist's Theline Therold Thijklmnow Thilias Toods Tor's Torcedia Tornemet's Tracu Trancies Treavilve Trendrayle Triangumag Triew's Truin Truistrase Truni Tumermate Twyle Tyerunt Typhronse Uglanclus Umathely Umbectan Ummend Undenta Unemiss Unina Uoldiawily Usetattick Vagich Varagolded Varfincey Varighta Vaspature Velicen Verooly Vight Vseldae Wasom Wathout Weldir Wellvest Welly Wenceli Wendean Wening Weniressel Wevinsit Whamatyed Whanya Winfinsibly Wookent Wooly Woright Wortarlan Wounks Yance Yersaney Yonst Youranuses
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otherwolves · 4 years
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A commission of Almoris for @witchpuppy ✨
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richmond-rex · 4 years
Books were considered valuable commodities—worth giving and receiving, and well worth protection. In February 1503, the privy purse accounts for Elizabeth of York record a payment to William Trende of 18 shillings to reimburse him “for money by him layed out for the making of a chest and almorys in the Quenes Counsaille Chambre for to put in the bokes.”
Sharon Michalove, “Women as Book Collectors and Disseminators of Culture in Late Medieval Europe” In: Reputation and Representation in Fifteenth-Century Europe (2004)
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freerneslales-blog · 5 years
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WoW Wednesday Archives - Almoris Kingdom
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phoenixrising23 · 3 years
- The Blood in your eyes -
Another little piece of a piece of work i am working on.
“So this is the land of your people”  
“ It was the land of my people”
“ Jax, we need to find father” 
“Kramia, we need to find anyone at this point”
As Jax and the make their way through the land of the Almori, Jax looks around keeping an eye out for any sign of moment. Any sign of life but as they continue through what looks to be a camp ground that is when Jax sees it the gruesome image of bloody bodies, some of them having their throats cut open a lot of the bodies being burned. 
“ It was a damned brutal massacre” 
“ How could our people have fallen like this didn’t they have a patrol?”
“ Of course they had a patrol Karmia but it didn’t matter to  the person or thing that did this “ 
“ What do you mean by that brother, do you know something we don’t?” 
As Jax's sister asks the question to her brother that is  when the color  of red flashes within his eyes, he continues to look over the bodies when he notices the markings upon one of the bodies. 
The marking of the Sanctum. 
“Ark! You need to come check this out just make sure we are looking at this correctly” 
“Oh gods, Jax is that?” 
“Yeah Ark its the mark of the Sanctum, it’s his mark” 
“You mean him, don't you?”
“Yeah Ark I mean him The Mad Magister”
“But that can only mean?”
“Edgarus has opened The void, which would explain the dragons among the many other things”
As the realization hits Jax, the anger boils up and he sees nothing but the rage for his people. That is when Jax feels it the surge of power and old magic begins  boiling up among him he feels it The Ash Walker wanting to lash out, to destroy everything. 
“Who the hell is Edgarus?”
“Edgarus, is a brutally violent evil bastard known as The Mad Magister of the Sanctum of the seven”
“The Sanctum of The Seven?”
“It's a cult of disturbed creatures, that worships the goddess of death”
 As soon as the words leave Jax's mouth he looks over and looks at his sister and to Sarvaxth, again a flash of anger in the eyes of Jax. Seeing  the pain on his sister's face and the realization of what is going to happen to Saravaxth, even if he hasn’t known the half elf - rogue he knows the rogue means alot to his sister. Again  Jax hears the voice, a voice he hasn’t heard in a while the voice of The Ash Walker. 
“ Jaraxl, allow me  to take over” 
“Not yet Ash walker, in due time we will have our vengeance”
“We shall have The entire Sanctum, Edgarus and A god bowing before us!”
“Yes old friend we shall have them bow before us” 
“Jaraxl, allow the blood in your eyes to guide you to fuel your anger even more”
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almoriii · 1 year
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Having fun at our local convent-ion (Na meji nevidnega) representing bones.
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arynwafa · 6 years
. Mengenal Kalimasada, Siap-Siap Cinta Jika boleh, izinkan kami memberitahumu Adikku. Apa yang terlintas di hati dan mata kami tentang 'sebuah rumah' yg sekarang kalian naungi, yg sekarang (coba) kalian hidupi. Jika berbicara tentang kalimasada, Adikku. Maka, yang terlintas adalah tentang WK, tentang PH, tentang P&K, tentang danus, tentang syiar, tentang cakram, tentang lomba tartil, tentang simaba, tentang kalimat, tentang almoris, tentang ruang 106, tentang syuro yang orang-orangnya itu saja, tentang listrik ukhuwah, tentang Jumat berkah, tentang bersih-bersih musola, tentang cuci mukena, tentang senang, tentang sedih, tentang perjuangan, tentang ukhuwah, tentang dia, tentang kita, tentang mereka, juga tentang cinta, kalimasada. Selayaknya sebuah kapal Adikku, nahkoda sudah siap, para awak kapal sudah siap, pun barang-barang pembekalan sudah siap diangkut. Kalian akan berlayar mengarungi bahtera yang ujungnya, mungkin, tak pernah kalian duga-duga. Akan menjadi seperti apa kalian tatkala kapal kalian sudah sampai di seberang sana. Adikku, teruslah berlayar hingga nama itu berkibar di tempat yang tak pernah kalian duga sebelumnya. Jangan pernah takut salah, karena takut itu sendiri kesalahan pertama yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang yang tidak percaya. Dan kami yakin, kalian tidak termasuk di dalamnya. Anggap saja angin, hujan, ombak, bahkan badai sekalipun yang (mungkin) akan kalian temui di sepanjang perjalanan kalian, adalah apa yang akan memperkuat pundak-pundak kalian. Adalah apa yang akan memperkokoh kepalan - kepalan tangan kalian. Jadikanlah kesulitan, kemudahan, kesedihan, pun kebahagiaan nanti sebagai ujian. Ambil hikmah dari setiap pelajaran. Sebagai pemerkokoh ketaatan. Langkahkan kaki-kaki kalian bersama. Pertahankan yang ada. Rengkuh ia yang mencoba mundur. Dik, teruslah bersama walau sedikit. Percayalah, yang sedikit ini, sama sekali bukan penghalang bagi kalian. Kalian bisa karena kalian percaya, maka jadilah orang yang selalu percaya, percaya bahwa kalian akan menjadi luar biasa karena ada yang Maha Luar Biasa. Di setiap langkah kaki kita. Allah Ta'ala. Dik, kalimasada kurang lebih seperti itu, tapi nyatanya? Kami kerap dibuat rindu~ (di Universitas Negeri Semarang [UNNES])
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northern-borealis · 2 years
Pink, fuscia, ......lavender
Genuinely unsure how to take the second one, but thank you!
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torabdos · 7 years
I suppose there's an Almory(armory) now
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444names · 2 years
the entire article on ayleidoon from uespwiki + french forenames
Abappown Abelly Abossae Abreakund Aganamicka Agene Alassil's Alathly Aldabarcy Aleisèle Alen Ales Alesses Aliebine Almori Amen Amrip Anceldane Andas Anielle Anieviève Anmarare Aratavar Ards Argessive Ariluchi Ariscasede Arised Arlatime Arlauta Arlecu Arlo Arlovire Asille Ateromen Atia Atted Audome Avabek Aymor Bage Balaia Bastoria Baurand Becaselion Bect Beectactes Befin Beforatu Begin Beline Belleidown Beris Bethérès Blettarone Bril's Brip Cala Calath Cambole Came Cane Canscare Cantion Cançoion Caster Cedel Cencena Cephris Ceyanstaks Chect Chen Cherse Ciencknoît Clal Colançois Coment Compluetta Conda Cord Culia Cyrossals Cédérès Darlatatar Daseed Daval Deakenne Dely Dences Dencieu Denjacené Denworie Derren Dertrack Dettand Dieldard Dife Diferbia Diil Dind Diround Dood Doria Dusael Dylvernay Dylvettane Egori Eliatire Emer Emesean Eper Eporinier Erizesta Erse Etreld Excel Exil Falle Falow Fanfix Fanseculdo Feadoods Foranpad Forathéris Forsarc Fortin Franyemm Frent Fres Gaines Gans Geldmen Ghou Gine Ginenine Glyn Golanie Gorang Gormatras Gornalang Grallemar Grana Grannie Granon Grat Gratu Graya Grice Halie Hance Hectsings Hena Herant Hers Holialou Hown Hrance Hurégion Hype Iles Impon Inallangu Ines Insene Irèse Itelle Ittle Jamatte Jamichie Jandirette Jeadary Jeadaviève Jeamal Jeanda Jeans Jeant Jear Jech Joria Joseld Josely Josiden Jouisèle Joëllyane Julde Kent Kingua Lagarre Lalavil Lalbe Lanciel Lanyon Laselles Lathrisdo Lavarlarna Lilavahta Liseaceya Livey Lor's Loranenené Lorie Lorn Lounata Luchech Lucier Lumaing Lémilleid Lémy Madia Magaine Mage Magone Malar Male Mallan Malwin Mana Manmenzo Marca Mare Markne Marlabal Marome Marpele Marshile Marva Matedlie Materbings Mathelcorn Mathes Matte Meranyon Mest Micarge Micassits Mick Mict Mill Ming's Minote Mista Mithame Mond Mone Monna Moran Moranique Mord Moriligh Morily Morion Mornar Mornarce Mors Morther Mosmadve Mourn Muris Myro Myrods Nabelcome Nala Nalan Naya Nent Nick Niebe Night Nique Nonarloul Nota Nottieu Nown Obal Oione Oiser Ondrienée Oracquel Orieu Orindame Ounangs Ousimon Padon Paris Parnal Passall Pater Paundre Paurn Peanencey Perseed Pheidel Phine Phing Phrotellik Pliki Plitia Posed Possid Posspwis Pourn Preane Prel Prenne Rance Rand Rayeis Reançois Redomise Relight Remer Riasethat Ringaine Ruchrokii Rumaces Régors Rémeres Réming Sabadiild Samigrand Sammine Sards Scascuvoy Scre Seadelinen Seatth Secre Secreane Sedlicell Sedly Selext Selle Sells Sely Selye Senne Septa Seser Sesta Settle Shal Shalemend Shanotte Shaëlle Shaëllesse Shilect Sichrang Siden Sigh Sigistaht Silatarly Sillis Silpeatria Sine Sinstoran Sion Soldo Some Sonnyadel Soph Spaseper Spen Stry Subjearla Subjenoble Subjes Suffe Suffeaks Summ Sunkne Sunmages Supose Supplimorn Swell Swen Sylve Symones Séve Taldasil Tanymola Tarknoulis Tatri Thamic Thaël Thient Thmact Thmat Thmel Toranmily Tralaurn Tria Trien Trunne Twylaur Twyle Twyllie Ughtya Vahan Valwine Varalata Vararlan Vards Vare Vargear Varick Vark Vasoutu Vers Veyeirevic Videnses Vienote Vily Vind Vine Viève Vérodind Watam Wateratic Wathatual Ween Weld Welienne Welkyna Welle Welye Wenack Wenatter Werint Whathilver Wiluc Wornaing Woutacome Yadawne Yanna Yone Youn Élauro Élieldifts Élitaléate Éliven Élène Élèneye Érichen Éver
same thing but greater order and longer names
Abalagea Abamarine Abast Aboutcas Adabava Adaburosed Adaptisting Adden Addenoting Adjectavoy Alage Alangua Alauro Albernal Alengly Alession Alexile Amanonunga Amath Amélanie Amélise Ancre Andai Andrevla Angalada Angality Angally Angrardavia Angravia Anguist Angulargue Angélist Annielle Aracuvar Arcano Arcel Arcen Armori Artia Artince Arting's Atarctavoy Aurals Auricia Aurienne Autanie Ayleing Baalice Baalimill Balata Balaudrevla Bastelliane Baunes Becommondo Becommone Begandre Begane Belattando Beldasel Beldastanta Belde Beldent Beldi Beline Belodiil Benjamis Bernalanena Betracu Bosmerly Bothe Bothesel Brelle Briginst Candric Canonunga Canorm Canosed Capitata Capitativen Carolanda Carolls Carond Caronique Carost Castata Catta Ceyear Ceyearana Ceyement Ceyseliness Chanta Chanterst Chard Chris Chrise Christion Claure Clauty Comes Commond Comportal Culmorgeth Daminines Darvar Davagalls Davierry Deathe Deaty Defina Definsette Defix Denaya Dence Desel Dialessino Dictor Differe Distia Distood Drinal Drine Ehlnadia Eldania Ement Ements Emmanu's Emmanua Emmanuelian Emmarathly Emmargelye Emmarie Emmariel Emmaril Enders Eneralds Eviève Eyemer Eyemercy Falmer Fannicole Fathangavar Fathi Fistine Florn Forbiddenis Formerokii Frana Frantoine Frosel Frosette Gaial Gaiarakun Gaiarc Ganda Gandré Gaétantain Generation Geneve George Georgelynn Gethérèse Ghislatte Golde Gorigine Goris Grancent Grard Grayed Graywated Graywaterm Grees Hallargelye Hally Hautan Homas Imper Importal Impossedly Influencest Irond Isabien Jacque Jania Jeanfrancis Jeanluch Jeanluciety Jeanmar Jeanmariel Jeanmarthur Jessive Jessiven Jonalan Josel Juline Justions Kariasel Karing Landa Languider Langvarie Larges Larlain Larlais Laude Lauding Lauralit Laurélien Lauta Leedine Librard Liebalaured Lieth Likelye Lippe Livigume Localne Logick Lorigarlas Lorious Louisel Lovice Lovide Luciety Mackament Mackaël Magalls Malablet Malaburore Malata Manotheir Manua Manuel Marctahame Mariellevoy Maril's Marive Mathalic Mather Mathine Mathly Mauralic Maured Meance Meanmichel Mentirelatu Ments Meringue Merly Metantoints Metime Michanted Micheldi Micheldonai Migrane Mirect Missa Moder Moderson Modette Mohael Mohaeline Moralit Morane Morava Moravar Morentinct Morgand Moriar Morinal Moutsider Murice Mustion Nagalanga Nagalim Nagast Nagastion Named Namedly Narfinine Nariech Nated Natived Neede Nemath Nenal Nendelow Nensel Nevider Nicold Nobilippe Nomor Normala Normatta Normeralle Nound Noundern Noémilit Objection Ofter Oliven Padown Parth Parthur Particle Partin Passa Paulie Pellanga Peratu Phieu Phrasel Pierry Piukana Plura Posel Possedor Powel Presel Presultura Protane Protanine Quality Racted Rauta Reaty Refer Referre Region Relle Relyne Remaril Riarce Riech Riechrist Rularan Rularlase Sancis Sancret Sanda Sarana Seaty Secremarin Secul Sedly Separthur Servar Servé Sette Shard Shing's Shouth Showels Silag Silare Silatte Silyata Simoniqueli Slatte Slava Slight Soapstood Socie Socien Solasel Solave Spanga Stana Stanièle Starc Starcan Starnaudre Starsa Statione Stophena Strees Stéphant Sunnabye Supposities Supposition Suzannick Séveris Sévern Tamrie Tamrieclain Tarcentica Tastead Telle Tellion Therené Thieu Thing Thome Thomes Thorsel Throtes Thund Thunder Tities Tracuvarlas Tranda Tread Tream Truction Trumber Twyllvain Twyllvaine Twyllvars Uestorsel Vahtana Valection Valects Valexand Valexandir Valériety Varacu Varia Variel Varlette Vassa Vilvern Vince Vindawn's Vowelke Vérond Vérondo Véronwood Welle Wenda Whenri Willan Willeseli Willings Winque Wordly Worsel Yanne Yannielle Yonde Yvetter Yvettle Élind Éline Élisel Émillarge
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kayliflower · 7 years
I was tagged by @almoris
Rules: tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better
Nickname: i don't have one that ppl use consistently but i make this face whenever someone uses one for me
Zodiac Sign: libra
Height: 5'8"
Last thing you googled: 'marc anthony dog' from the looney toons cartoon for that one post
Favourite music artist: don't ask me to choose between my children like this
Songs stuck in my head: pillowtalk by zayn and also i keep mashing up southern girl by amos lee and tennessee whiskey by chris stapleton it's a nightmare also the 'here we go here we go satellite radio' part of boom boom pow
Last movie you watched? i see a little bit of a lot of movies on tv but the last movie i think i watched in full was life
What are you wearing right now? a big ass sweatshirt and yoga pants
What do you post? memes it's all just memes
Why did you choose your url? i literally just had Weird Head™ and was like... soggy radish... yes... perfect.....
Do you have any other blogs? i have a porn blog (which i'm considering deleting bc tbh i'm sick of seeing porn on my dash) and a cat blog which i made bc i was posting too many pictures of cats to my main blog and they were blocking out the memes
What did your last relationship teach you? the boundaries of a toxic relationship and also i'm a top w girls and a bottom w boys
Religious or Spiritual? i always say spiritual but not religious bc nothing really describes my belief system??????? i love science
Favourite colour? cerulean
Average hours of sleep? 12-16 depending on bipolar
Lucky number? 7, 17, 27
Favourite character? honestly it's embarrassing but there's an unironically special place in my heart for sonic the hedgehog, and i'm also really into toad from super mario
How many blankets do you sleep with? 2 and a sheet
Dream job: i am but a confused child floating through life whatever happens happens
i tag: @danshine @pacorns @motherflipping-princess i don't think i even know 20 people let alone those who have a tumblr sooo
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roizcriteriodigital · 4 years
Corte Suprema confirma sentencia a Alvaro Montealegre y socios
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*Tras cuatro años de procesos judiciales, Sala Penal rechaza recurso de casación y confirma sentencia a grupo que estafó a una veintena de personas *Alvaro Montealegre Rivas cumplirá sentencia de 22 años, ¿en su casa o en la Modelo? *La pregunta sigue en el aire: ¿Dónde están los millones que estafaron desde ALMORI?
Redacción Central Trinchera de la Noticia
La Sala Penal de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, CSJ, rechazó los recursos de casación “en la forma y el fondo” presentados por los abogados de Alvaro Enrique Montealegre Rivas, el cerebro de una millonaria estafa contra un grupo de inversionistas a los que despojó de una millonaria suma de dinero, calculada entre los ocho y catorce millones de dólares.
La sentencia del máximo tribunal penal del país es extensiva a Hugo Javier Paguaga Baca y a Roberto Bendaña McEwan parte del esquema de la mega estafa.LEER MAS https://www.trincheraonline.com/2020/05/06/corte-suprema-confirma-sentencia-a-alvaro-montealegre-y-socios/
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