#almost a pet death
honeycombhank · 6 months
I feel like I was this close to losing Tobias tonight..
I feel an immense amount of guilt.
I have kept mama Moony’s three girls from choking by feeding them a completely different diet then I normally would and I’m looking into making my own food, but my other girls and the boys have been eating the good old Ox bow kibbles.
I didn’t think that the problem was the brand of food I was getting, because it was only certain rats that were choking and not all of them. Idk it’s hard to explain in detail.
Tonight I ran out of food and realizing I had some other food that had been left over and was still in the airtight container I figured I would give that to them because Moony’s three daughters had previously choked on it but no one else did so I thought it was still fine for my other rats.. well I was wrong.
Tobias july choked on that same kibble tonight!
As soon as I saw I took all of it out of every cage I had put it in and returned to Tobias to see how I might be able to help him, it was absolutely horrific.. at first he was choking like my other rats were so my plan was to sit next to him and talk kindly and keep calm and watch him as he went through this, but then everything changed and I’m telling you I thought he was going to choke to death in my hands tonight, he was pale and there was stuff coming out of his nose and he started to tint purple, I attempted to help him an hoped that gravity would be on my side. This entire situation was horrendous and so incredibly scary. My love and I felt helpless, I could not see the object in his mouth and he wasn’t drooling the way my other rats have when they have choked and the amount of energy he was using to try and dislodge this food was scary, it felt like a last effort level of energy, then he was limp and he pooped and he was pale and I was crying and hoping I could help him.
I didn’t give up and after a lot of hard work I managed to help him.
As I held him in my hands upside down and forcefully patting his back, he started to chew and it became clear he had the ability to breathe a bit better again, his ears gained a bit of pink and he looked at me, he looked right at me and walked right up to my face and licked me and got as close to my face as he could, my love was standing next to me and said, “you just saved his life” it was a surreal moment, my rat and I had an understanding of how scary that truly was for both of us.
He is in a small cage with water and fresh blankets.
I am asking you all, if you could thank the universe for letting him live on to experience more of this beautiful world and if you could just think some really good thoughts for my boy Tobias July.
I am so thankful, as I cry laying in bed. I Am so thankful he is still with us.
And I am throwing that food out and getting new food tomorrow. I am also going to start researching how I can make my own food and what that would take.
I am truly taken back by how many times my rats have choked just in one year.. I have never even heard of this happening to someone, even having one rat choke is crazy but having to go through multiple choking and for them to go through that!? It’s terrifying and there has to be a way to keep them healthy and safe.
😭 my sweet boy
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puppiedogs · 4 months
hello, my birthday is in three days and my work has kept me on leave for two months and sent me an email on tuesday telling me they could bring me back bc workflow had gone up and to confirm my return within 24 hours, then responded to my reply email acknowledging this and accepting the offer on wednesday, telling me that actually workflow has decreased again and they will not in fact need me back
unemployment has been fucking me around the entire time, approving me for benefits and then denying all of the actual payments for some reason they are not telling me no matter how many times i call
if any of y’all would like to help me out, i know life is hard and awful for like, most people right now, so no pressure, but my birthday is on sunday and the anniversary of my cat’s death is two days later and then the anniversary of my dad’s death is six days after that, so if you are inclined to feel sympathy toward american idol-style sob stories, i think i qualify pretty well!!
p@yp@l - here you go
c@sh@pp - here you go also as well
if you want me to write somethin for you in exchange just shoot me a message and we’ll work something out, i have nothing but time and i’ll be honest crying and feeling sorry for myself isn’t how i love to spend my days <333
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Apparently how to train your dragon was a book series? Some reviews says it’s a fun book, but it gets, like, dark. But still fun. Quite different from the movies.
i once read it! i don't remember much, but yes it got Intense! but it was still fun, i remember enjoying it greatly even if i could read an entire book in one hour
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blindmagdalena · 7 months
hey I’m so sorry to hear what’s going on with bluey, u don’t have to answer this at all but I wish the best for all of you; ur kitty seems to be very lucky to have had you and vice versa. Hope u take ur time and rest and recover and spend time w bluey
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thank you so much, guys. bluey is still hanging on. we're kind of just taking it day by day at this point and letting her decide. it's been both exhausting but also kind of nice. she's been very alert and affectionate. it feels like getting to say goodbye on our terms, but it definitely does seem like we'll be saying the big goodbye fairly soon.
i can't say enough how much i appreciate the kindness y'all have shown me. 🖤
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beetlestarshine · 2 months
Hi, more of a serious post
I wanted to thank the community here for being so kind to me and supportive of my art and other stuff
I made this blog for a resurfacing fixation which I had since I was a kid..
Anyways, Beetlejuice, this fixation and everything has also been a big coping thing for me since my dog is getting old, her times coming uncomfortably soon. And with Beetlejuice being something that’s death related, it’s been making the upcoming event a little easier to manage emotionally. I’m a very unstable and anxious person and was very worried about being disliked or found to be annoying in this community but I was met with quite the opposite and it means a lot to me. Thank you guys, even if I don’t know a majority of yall personally, know ily 🫶 thank you for being kind to me during these times.
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species-dysphoria · 1 month
can't sleep, gonna share pictures of my cat and her brother, who sadly passed away a few years ago.
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This is Boo. She is the cat I'm taking to the vet. She's very lovey when she wants to be, she loves to climb on my back. She tends to be very skidish and cautious. Boo grooms herself a lot and i think she has some anxiety especially after losing her brother, so i think she uses cleaning herself as a coping method? Her fur is very fluffy and soft, almost like a little rabbit ♡ I know she is a senior cat but we never were sure of her age. we rescued her and her brother, Caspian, together. they were so bonded to each other that when the shelter tried to separate them, they both cried all night. they used to sleep on top of each other...
ever since we lost caspy, Boo has been my best friend. she follows me everywhere and sleeps with me at night. she is my packmate. we are equals and care a lot about her.
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This is Caspian or Casper or Caspy. He was Boo's brother. He was a huge cat, he was 20 pounds normally and vets even said that he was healthy. He was just a really big lovey dovey baby. Basically a giant kitten for his whole life. He loved to pounce on me when I had my back turned. Caspy would snuggle as close as possible to me whenever he got the chance. Purring loud. He LOVED soft blankets and would always be kneading and sucking on them but only if the blanket was on me. He loved anything that was orange, but especially his orange mouse (pictured in the second photo). He would carry that mouse everywhere and bring it to my room.
I still get really emotional thinking about him cause he was my best friend and loyal packmate. Got me through some of the worst abuse I've experienced and was always there to support me. He was almost like a weighted blanket cause I would just pick him up and lay him on me and he would just roll over and chill.
He developed diabetes later in life and never really recovered after that. I would help groom him cause he lost all motivation to do so. I would get up early in the mornings and feed him and give him insulin.
Worst part was that the insulin made him smell different so Boo became aggressive towards him. He would try so hard to just come sit by her like they used to but she would hiss at him and leave.
Every day, I miss him. He was such a sweetheart and even though he would bite me in the middle of the night to get him food and once bite my nose so hard it gave me a little scar there...he was my bubba. I will always remember him as my best friend, the one who was always there for me, and my packmate.
uhh if you read this much thank you. these issues with Boo has me worried and scared about losing her. Hopefully things will be ok.
I'm unsure if they were actually siblings or not, we rescued them together and the shelter wasn't sure. idk how much I trust the shelter cause they also lied about them not being de-clawed. makes me very very very sad for them. I hope that boo is not in pain due to that horrible procedure.
thanks for reading my long ass posts about my cats. enjoy the cat pictures ♡ I hope u guys find them just as cute
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orphyd · 10 months
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Today might be the last day I’m with my handsome little fella I was so okay all week leading up to this but sitting in the vet now I’m gonna freak out I just think this is definitely the best for him
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mvffinhamster · 5 months
ttrpgs fuck you up
everyone says “try out dnd”, including me but dude believe me, dnd fucks you up, ttrpgs fuck you up
there’s this person in your head and you can only scream about them to the other five idiots with their own little guys in their heads
and sometimes you can’t even scream at them because first you have to reveal the backstory you came up with and you don’t want to do that immediately
ttrpgs fuck you up because they make you daydream about your little guy and what happened with them AND YOU CAN’T STOP THE THOUGHTS
try out dnd (or any other ttrpg), they say… but what they don’t say is that it’s all emotional damage
and the worst part of it is that you enjoy every fucking minute of that emotional damage
ttrpgs fuck you up.
#last night’s vtm session was a fucking rollercoaster#i can’t stop thinking about it#we started with a tattooing session andit was absolutely cute because the npc was a sweetheart and my character got a tattoo#a little line art#based on her pet rats#and then shit hit the fucking fan#we owed an npc and she asked us to investigate why her runner guy haven’t got back yet#he was supposed to get back with the fugitives hours before#and shit really hit the fan when we got to the meeting point#the guy was dead#the fugitives too#they were fucking massacred#and the runner guy was burned to final death#and my character saw them die in a vision#and the vision was like a fucking epilepsy attack#because i had to roll a rouse check and it was a fail#which meant that cassandra (my character) was bleeding from her hand and feet and forehead because she’s a fucking stigmata#and then the other roll was a messy critical#she saw the whole thing in all red#and then one of the hunters who killed the three of them throw a fucking molotov cocktail on us#one of us almost died#we fought him and i drained him so he died#my humanity level haven’t changed but the thought that cass killed a guy was there#and then the secret kindred radio announced simon’s death because he was also a malkavian the host played a song for his sister#cry little sister by chvrches#i cried and i’m still thinking about it and crying a little because it really fucked me up#vampire the masquerade#vtm#san antonio by night#i am not okay
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teamhawkeye · 4 months
spent from 10:30 PM to about 3:40 AM at the emergency vet last night with my brother's puppy, Snoop. she's okay, but she ate something that made her sick and I was super scared in light of Stringer's bloat so i wasn't taking chances and took her
she came home with me early this morning and we went back for a recheck around noon and she's gotten the all clear, so here's hoping all dogs stay healthy from here on out!
and no more emergency vet visits, please
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zemissinglinkus · 4 months
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I had to say goodbye to this 14 yo. sweet, grumpy, cuddly, patient, and loud purring machine a week ago.
He was doing so fucking well for the last two years all things considered and then he rapidly declined in the last 4-5 days. I am terribly sad and distressed, partially even more so because I had to make the decision quickly and had to leave town the next morning.
Shnuckie deserved so much better than he got. I'm still furious with my mom that she declawed him when he was little because of how much that disabled his life. I tried so hard to keep him happy despite knowing he had chronic pain. I do wish I had explored more pain-management and general health options with the vets a lot earlier than I did... but live and learn I guess.
Despite my struggles with his thick fucking coat that got everywhere, and showed on EVERYTHING, cause he hated being brushed; Shnuckie was enormously faithful and a loving companion to me and Angel. He liked his independence, but really enjoyed a cuddle too. I'm so glad I got to experience taking him outside so he could graze on grass and sunbathe for his last year and a half. I am also so grateful to this man for being my emotional support kitty, and white noise maker when trying to sleep (even if it was very loud and did not have an off switch, bless his heart). He had the best resting bitch face even when he was so clearly enjoying himself. He had such a presence and personality about him that just glowed - a lot like his fur lol
I'm really going to miss this special man... I am very glad I took so many photos, but wish I'd taken more videos of him enjoying the outside and purring. Take more videos of your cats y'all, you will thank yourself.
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paleiido · 6 days
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Bye little fella, i love you 🧡
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josecariohca · 4 months
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kittykalliarts · 1 year
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Tribute for an old friend
I still remember how small you were when I held you in my arms all those years ago and I wished I could have more years with you.
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Rest in peace, Blackie.
She was only mine for 2 years after being my grandparents' baby for 12 but she was the best roommate I ever had and maybe the best I ever will have. My grandpa named her Blackie (and her friend "Orangey") when she was a street cat he was feeding. My grandma named her Bebe when they brought her into the house. I called her "Cat" and "Babes" and "Blackie" and "Blackie-baby" and "Bebe." She liked to have her cheeks brushed and to sit in the same room with me while I studied and sometimes to play fiercely with a ribbon for about five minutes before calling it a night, and after she warmed up to living with me she used to wait at the bottom of the stairs until I would go up to bed so she could curl up taking up most of my pillow and purr me to sleep. She's been living with my parents the last two years and was probably 18 or 19. The last time I saw her was last August and I'm not shocked that I won't see her again but I will continue to miss her as I already have been doing. I saw her on a video call before the end and my brother gave her a forehead kiss for me. I used to always kiss her right there. Goodbye, baby. I love you.
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buddiekinard · 5 days
guys i am HOME until MONDAY. please talk to me sleepover weekend etc etc i'm so excited to just be able to CHILL.
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dockaspbrak · 11 months
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i miss my cat
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