#hiccup could speak dragonese!
Apparently how to train your dragon was a book series? Some reviews says it’s a fun book, but it gets, like, dark. But still fun. Quite different from the movies.
i once read it! i don't remember much, but yes it got Intense! but it was still fun, i remember enjoying it greatly even if i could read an entire book in one hour
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Hiccup's report card is giving me flashbacks to my report cards.
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hermesserpent-stuff · 7 months
ive been consuming a lot of How to Train Your Dragon stuff lately, including race to the edge and the books. This has led me to a funky au idea thing. kinda silly and very hiccup focused. and viggo focused. the funniest of bois.
I really like Hiccup being the only one who can speak dragonese in the books and felt like in the shows that they could have used the riders learning dragon calls a little more.
so what i think would be fun is if Hiccup spent a little more time isolating himself with dragons after the first movie, spending most of his time flying and studying all the dragons that had to re-nest because of the death of the Red Death. These dragons who saw him and Toothless take down the Queen have transferred the title and authority over to Hiccup and Toothless.
Hiccup ends up with more dragon mannerisms and language. he is still friendly with the other riders, but still very much a loner. He ends up flying pretty far afield to find new dragons and things that could help dragons.
similar to the show he dresses in more armor, but develops his wings before going past the edge of any of Berks maps like the show. He discovers dragon hunters and traps and starts helping the dragons who he can talk to. He makes prosthetics where he can. He gets some of the other riders involved, but he still spends most of his time alone.
He ends up being the person taken down by Ryker and the hunters rather than Astrid and Stormfly. and also different is that Toothless and Hiccup stay attached.
Its hard for him to get away, because the hunters remove the saddle.
idk how to explain all the vague ideas but I really like the idea of a more feral hiccup messing with viggo.
feral meaning more dragon like. I also like the idea that hiccup talking to the dragons gets viggo to see them as more intelligent than he originally assumed and turning his view point on them earlier. but also seeing how valuable hiccup is.
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wickedcriminal · 2 months
I wanna know about How to Twist a Viking's Tale 👀👀
YESSSS My written adaptation of Half Brother's AU!! I took the format of Hiccup's first person narration in the first movie and ran with it, and am experimenting with a pov switch between the two Hiccups. First person pov gets a lot of flack, but it's really not so bad, and it's been really fun to write! It saved my butt when it comes to repeat names, that's for sure 😂
Here's one of my favorite bits from Hiccup the Younger:
“I met a dragon in the woods.”
Fishlegs cringes violently. “A what?!”
“Common or garden.” I explain idly, holding out my hands about half a foot. “About this big. Green as you like. Sweet thing, really.”
Fishlegs's shoulders slump and he huffs out a sigh. “You know what, of course you're happy about this. Why am I surprised?” He follows me up the stairs at a manageable rate for his limp. “Hiccup, common or gardens are pests, not sweeties. You know that, right?”
“He's not got any teeth!!” I coo, and Fishlegs groans. “He could hardly speak any dragonese at all! I think it might have been a baby— which is strange, really, because he'd have to be a pretty big baby, common or garden babies are about the size of rabbit pups and are usually at full maturity for his size— I think he's just a cute little big baby.”
And here's a bit from Hiccup the Elder!
The night goes on. Snotlout swings by to get his axe sharpened. He cuts to the front of the line like the self righteous snotface that he is and throws the axe directly at my head. I duck quick as a Nadder and the weapon misses me by a hair, embedding itself deep into the wall behind me.
"You're supposed to catch it," Snotlout sneers. "Useless."
Now, normally this circumstance would call for some sort of reaction on my part. Some yelling, some shouting, maybe a bit of good old fashioned fist shaking, and a guarantee that 'my father the chief will hear about this, Snotface Snotlout Jorgensen!!'. Except that would indicate I hold any power in this situation at all, and I can barely hold my own sword.
"Sorry." I say automatically, because I may have dodged his axe but it's a lot harder to dodge his fists. My little brother tells me I 'practically lay myself out on the floor' to let Snotlout walk all over me— in the iron boots I made for him, no less!
(I tell Hiccup I'll make another pair to kick his butt with if he keeps bringing it up.)
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applesandpavenders · 9 months
Been relistening to How to Train Your Dragon, and something I’ve noticed is:
Hiccup chooses his fate.
Like, I absolutely love the whole fate is ruling Hiccup’s life - playing games with him - I mean he is a walking “lost things magnet” to quote the witch. He seems destined to be king because there are so many signs - the blue snow, the swimming race, speaking dragonese, the dragon mark, the list goes on.
But. (And I only spotted this now) In the very beginning, when Gobber sends the boys in to steal a baby hunting dragon, the first dragon Hiccup ever has to train, he picks out one. He gets a nice easy basic brown (Horracow) and he probably would have been very happy with her. She’s obedient, holds similar non-violent beliefs as him, and would have been easy to train. He could have had a fairly ordinary life with her, nothing impressive but he’d have lived.
But Fishlegs didn’t get a dragon.
Fishlegs would have been banished from the tribe had Hiccup not decided to disobey the ‘only the strong can belong’ mentality and given up his dragon. Because he gives Fishlegs his dragon, Hiccup chooses Toothless. And Toothless. Toothless is the key to everything. Literally. *Looks hard at the lobster claw*
The point is, that because Hiccup chooses compassion over self preservation, he chooses to become king the wilderwest. He would rather do a hard thing, like find another dragon, than let his friend suffer. He would rather pick a dangerous adventure over those he’s responsible for, who he cares about, getting hurt. And that’s why, again and again, he always pick the path toward being king.
It’s the same when he saves Fishlegs by claiming he wrote the letter to Tantrum, and in the quest for the potato, and, finally, in how he defeats his father in the flashburn duel. Because dragons are people he cares about.
Yes, Fate chooses Hiccup, but only because Hiccup chose Fate first.
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readtilyoudie · 1 month
‘Just out of interest,’ asked Fishlegs casually, ‘how does a Sharkworm attack you, exactly?’
‘Well,’ replied Hiccup, changing direction yet again in the hope of getting back to the safety of the bay, ‘Sharkworms should only attack if you are wounded. Even if you’re not in the water they can smell the blood and that drives them crazy. And then, because they have legs as well as a fishy tail, they can actually CLIMB ABOARD a ship to get you. That’s where they got their nickname of “Pirate Dragons”, because, although they can survive at least ten minutes in the air, they generally drag you back into the water to kill you.’
‘Oh, brilliant,’ said Fishlegs, frantically checking himself all over to see if he had any grazes. ‘Do you think eczema counts or does it have to be an actual cut?’
‘I’m not sure,’ said Hiccup. ‘I’ve never actually met a Sharkworm.’
‘Better and better,’ said Fishlegs. ‘It’s at times like this that I am so glad that I was born a Viking and not a Roman.’ (The Romans were the Vikings’ deadly enemies – a very bossy lot who wanted to take over the world and had jolly nearly got there.) ‘Think how BORING it would be to be a Roman. All those warm baths and lounging around in togas when you could be out here enjoying the fresh air and the multi-fanged blood-crazy carnivores...'
How to Speak Dragonese (How to Train Your Dragon, #3) by Cressida Cowell
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doofus-and-dragons · 1 year
I'm re-reading the httyd books (I haven't read them since 8th grade, and I only read up to I think book 4 then). One of my favorite aspects of the books so far (I'm on book 3: How to speak Dragonese) is how Hiccup is the only Viking who can, well, speak Dragonese. I feel like they could have used this plot device in the movie franchise. I think it could have been introduced in DoB/RoB as another confirmation that Hiccup is the dragon boy.
That, and I just really would have liked to see Hiccup talking to Toothless in dragonese. I think it's adorable.
Additionally: I spent 7½ hours listening to Test Drive while reading book 2 at work. I'm hyper fixating hard.
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sea-owl · 27 days
About to expose myself a little bit but I don't care.
So back in my fanfiction.net days there was a certain flavor of How to Train your Dragon aus that I really enjoyed. There was only like two and to my knowledge both remain unfinished to this day but for some reason they were my favorites.
The fics were hybrid dragon x human romance with Hiccup being the human and Astrid being the hybrid, usually half night fury and Toothless' sister. Two outcasts coming together. They both had the premis that the night Hiccup was supposed to shoot down Toothless Astrid takes that place as the one who gets shot down with either her tail fin being gone or a damaged wing. Up for debate if Toothless is with her or finds her later. Like I said there was like and both were unfinished but I want to throw some thoughts into this au as well.
So, to start, I would set up Astrid's birth as like she's the byproduct of the gods messing with mortal lives. Say her mom, let's call her Hilda, was from House Hofferson and a shield maiden who had no intentions to marry and unknowingly rejected a god. The god wanting revenge curses her to temporarily fall in love with one of her village's greatest enemies, and that one night affair led to her being pregnant. In shame, Hilda fled before anyone else could no.
During her time away Hilda gave birth to a baby girl who many would say is cursed. Born with patches of black scales on her body, black wings, tail fins attached to the sides of her legs, ears like the night fury on top of her head, and pupils that change like a dragons there was no hidding the baby girl's paternity. Though she did inheirt from her mother as well, she was bipedal like her mother, having all ten fingers and toes even if they were covered in scales, her mama's blonde hair, fair complexion, and blue eyes.
Hilda wanted nothing to do with her baby, and the last thing she gave her was her name, Astrid.
Astrid was taken in by her father, who had a son already. They taught her all they knew about being a dragon. Eventually, their father passes, and Toothless and Astrid stay together.
Now, this is where I might differ from the others. Because a part of me wants to go the route where Astrid and Toothless get caught in the Red Death's nest and Astrid escapes while Toothless stays behind to ensure she survives. I also want to add Stormfly into their little family because I love her and Astrid's relationship, and I ship her with Toothless, so yes, I'm gonna be self-indulgent. Stormfly escapes with Astrid, carrying the hatching on her back since this point in time she was much faster than Astrid.
The two of them eventually find their way to Valka's sanctuary, who, over the years, teaches Astrid about her human half. From Valka Astrid learns how to talk in a human language instead of just dragonese, she learns to read and write, her numbers, and much more a child her age should know. Years pass, and Astrid can't sit still anymore she has to find her brother. Valka advises against it but Astrid has to go.
It was during that fateful raid that Astrid once again was reunited with her brother but they both get tangled up in a bola and shot out of the sky.
A viking hatchling frees them, and her brother pins him to the ground. He roars at the viking hatchling, and they both fly off or attempt to. Astrid was mostly protected by her brother during the fall and her wing ended up sprained. Easy fix she could do. It was her brother's tail she didn't know what to do. No tail fin means no flight.
The viking hatchling finds them the next day. Astrid thinks he looks a bit like Auntie. He's certainly curious though. He won't leave but he's also not doing any harm, well more harm than he already did.
Astrid nearly gives poor Hiccup heart failure the first time she speaks Norse to him.
Or place Toothless and Astrid's reunion after the first movie. Toothless is gonna try matchmaking his sister and new brother. He thinks Astrid and Hiccup would he perfect mates. Astrid tries to foil this plan by pretending to be more dragon than what she really is. Toothless know she's lying. Astrid gives herself away when Hiccup catches her editing the book of dragons.
Either way Astrid gonna be a proper little sister and make fun of her brother's new name when she learns Hiccup named him Toothless.
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evilwriter37 · 2 months
I somewhat imagine the languages in HTTYD/ RTTE; I know it’s in English. I kinda headcanon their language being Norse but slightly different, if you know what I mean.
Like an in universe version of Norse. Kinda like how Game of Thrones have their own languages. Plus the HTTYD book having the Dragonese language. Like Berk having their language and the Bersekers having their language; different languages yet intelligible to each other. Even having the Hunters tribe and Viggo speaking their own language but it could be a mix since some of these “hunters” could be from other tribes (for example Fishleg’s ancestor being a dragon hunter yet still relate to Viggo’s Tribe of Hunters)
With this headcanon I would write fics where Viggo and Hiccup would learn each other’s languages to be able to communicate with each other. I might put it up on Ao3 once I finished. Pretty angsty too.
Sorry got carried away, got inspired by many things to come up with headcanon and some canon moments in the RTTE show.
Hey, no worries! This is definitely something interesting to think about! I write in English, but I for sure picture them speaking in old Norse and will mention it in fics from time to time.
And yes! Please share when you're done! I'd be very interested in reading something like that!! Like, thinking about the different languages and dialects around that area is very cool.
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ivans-back · 1 year
thinking about a book-accurate adaptation of HTTYD again...
i feel like the prospect of having constant Dragonese subtitles was one of the driving factors in the movies diverging so much from the books... but i was just thinking about it and i feel like you could get away with everyone talking "Norse” (English) AND still retain the original story.
the more i think about it, the more i realise that having them all speak the same language would hardly change anything. because the thing that seperates dragons and humans isn’t the language barrier, it’s the species barrier. Hiccup talking to dragons would be just as unheard-of and taboo, because most Vikings view dragons as animals, as slaves, as being beneath them. in the books, Vikings were not only incapable of talking to dragons, they were also expressly FORBIDDEN from doing so. and no dragon would have the want or need of talking to a regular barbaric Viking.
there’s even precedent of dragons speaking Norse in the books - Stormfly of course.
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deer-motif · 1 year
/slides into your askbox with exaggerated casualness
Any more thoughts regarding your Feral!Hiccup AU?
hey!! sorry for taking so long to answer this lol
idk if I mentioned it already but I think it would be really neat if dragonese existed in the movies — so I’d like to think Hiccup could speak dragonese! so he’s in on all of Toothless’s snarky remarks.
also, before the bewilderbeast died, he would sit down with the king when they both had time and they would have little conversations to pass the time. Hiccup learned a lot from him, considered him a parent like he does with Cloudjumper. he misses him. a lot. when both the bewilderbeast and stoic died, it was like losing two fathers.
perhaps the bewilderbeast gets a name from Hiccup? I feel like he would come up with names for all the dragons (if they don’t have ones already) and somehow be able to keep track of all of them lmao
I’m also thinking Hiccup knows common tongue through local traders who don’t immediately flee or try to kill him and the allies that he makes (because iirc valka in canon has some allies?), but he’s not the absolute best at it because he doesn’t spend a lot of time talking to other people so he conveys a lot of what he wants through varying hand signals if he can’t find the right words or doesn’t want to talk
uhhh I don’t remember if I talked about it in the main post but Hiccup also definitely acts very dragon-like. he has some habits that he doesn’t even realize aren’t necessarily human habits but it makes dragons like him all the better. it puts off other people at first, but they’re kind of endearing once you get used to them.
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savebatsfromscratch · 2 years
Day 5 - I’m Sorry, I Can’t Really Focus Right Now?!?!
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42168798
Summary: Hiccup has fallen into the ocean, his boat is wrecked by fear. (And the current lol.)
Note: Idk. Hiccup in the ocean what will he do. I haven’t read these books in a while, not sure if you could tell lol.   The italics is either dragonese or Hiccup thinking, depending on where it is.
Cws and Tws: Almost drowning, numbness, getting knocked out, previous injury, bleeding
Words: 686 (oh wow that is pathetically short, sorry small fandom you deserve more than this)
Prompt: EVERY WHUMPEE’S NEEDS | Blood Loss | Running Out of Air | Hyperthermia
Chapter text (under the cut):
Hiccup flailed in the water, gulping for any flash of air as the stormy waves of the open ocean crashed over him. The vampire spydragon bite on his arm made it near impossible to swim, but at least to was numb, because the pain of an open wound in the salty waters of the ocean wasn’t exactly something that Hiccup wanted. 
Even so, the water was cold, and the splintered pieces of his boat kept smacking into him with each change in the current. And as both things shocked any small bit of breath out of him (in a rather irregular schedule), Hiccup already had a few too many problems to deal with.
”You have to get up!” a crackly yet high pitched voice squeaked above him. It was the Wodensfang, and based on his frantic sounding wingbeats, he was struggling in the wind and rain just as much as Hiccup was in the water. 
“Thanks,” Hiccup choked, spitting out water as a momentary lack of waves filled his little area, “I hadn’t quite realized that yet.”
The Wodensfang continued to speak, but Hiccup was plunged under the waves before he could hear the conclusion of the little dragon’s words. He squeezed his eyes shut, so he couldn’t quite see what was happening under there, but he could’ve sworn he felt the obvious roughness of a dragon slide by his leg… 
He was back into the air as four tiny paws gripped onto his shoulder, dragging him up with all of their might as the Wodensfang flapped his wings like a hurricane. Hiccup opened his mouth to thank him, but another cold wave of seawater smacked into him before he could form the words, filling his mouth with salt and splinters from his shattered boat.
“You mustn't do that!” The Wodensfang chidded, breaths heavy and wings slowing as he let go of Hiccup’s shoulders, “You have to get to Tomorrow!”
The thought of the island made Hiccup so worried that he almost didn’t notice the odd numbness in the side of his body that wasn’t numb from the Vampire Spydragon bite. “But I haven’t-” he started, pausing to choke on seawater for a moment, “-haven’t got any of the things!” 
The Wodensfang scoffed, flying a bit closer to him as he spoke, “That’s never stopped you before.”
“I HAD all the things before!” Hiccup yelled back, his arms slowing even as he dipped further before the water. (He was just so cold.)
The Wodensfang spun in a little circle, clearly trying to think, “But you’re the future king of-” he dodged a falling piece of the mast, “-the Wilderwest! You’ll figure something out.”
Hiccup was really feeling the effects of the cold now, and when he looked down at the water, he was horrified to find a red stain filling it. When had he started bleeding…? “Wodensfang!” He said, speaking in Norse out of desperation for a second, “My boat crashed in the middle of the ocean!” He paused less for effect and more to spit out water, “I CAN’T get the things from the bottom of the ocean, let alone in a short enough time!” 
The Wodensfang paused, and Hiccup tried to feel for whatever part of him was bleeding. But it was either numbed from the cold of the water (which was taking away much of his mobility), shock (which he had forgotten could do such a thing until that very moment), the Vampire Spydragon bite, or some unholy combination of the two.
‘Oh Thor,’ he thought as another wave crashed over him, ‘I need to get out of the water…’
The moment he resurfaced the Wodensfang was talking again, but before the water could finish spilling out of his ears (and therefore before he could hear what he was saying), he felt something hit the back of his head. It was like the pain happened in slow motion, first an unexpected shock of splitting pain, followed quickly by an overwhelming sense of dizziness as his arms gave out on him, and then…
And the pain of the world drifted away from him.
End of Chapter notes: Yay. :) I finally wrote for this fandom again.
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howtodrawyourdragon · 10 months
There's something fucked up about the opening game, Survival Of The Fittest. Might be the abundance of dragon and animal abuse. I don't know, it's just a feeling. /s
Okay, but in all seriousness, Horrendous is just looking away with a heavy sigh, little Toothless hiding in his tunic. If RttE has shown us anything, it's that H would be losing his mind at that kind of spectacle.
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hermesserpent-stuff · 6 months
Hermes your au is giving me brainrot I hope it's okay I sent this--
You mentioned in the comments of your original post about Viggo leaving out a game of maces and talons he'd been playing with Ryker and Hiccup, pausing his (literal) hissy fit, to move a piece. now I'm imagining Hiccup being held captive by the dragon hunters, Viggo leaves the game of Maces and Talons outside his cell, just within reach. whenever Hiccup thinks no one's watching he'll move a piece, then when he's asleep maybe or being interrogated, Viggo will come along and play his turn. This goes back and forth for days.
I bet Viggo is happy to finally have an opponent who's equally as skilled as him, what with Ryker not exactly being the sharpest tool in the shed. Ryker isn't happy about it. "stop playing Maces and Talons with the PRISONER, brother" he says before letting out the longest, most suffering big brother sigh as Viggo aptly ignores him. "he's smart, he knows what he's doing" Ryker just has to remind himself.
I imagine the only reason Hiccup plays with his literal captors is because it keeps him sane, being separated from Toothless and surrounded by other caged dragons he knows are going to be killed and sold one way or another probably takes a toll on him you know? especially because he can talk to the dragons. he knows how scared they are. which just makes him angrier and more feral than before.
speaking of, I bet Hiccup bites. hard.
he keeps annoying the guards assigned to him by talking in dragonese and other stuff so they try to gag him or whatever and he just bites them any time they come near him.
Ryker eventually gets fed up with it and shouts "Can't you keep his mouth SHUT?"
"I tried, sir, but he bites!" the guard would respond while Hiccup gave the biggest death glare to them.
mostly just Ryker being so Fed Up with this whole situation and Viggo excited to learn more about this feral dragon kid. "Think of what we could learn from him, brother!"
Oooh. Viggo being excited/nerding out and viggo being a tired but still following older bro brings me life.
Viggo has secret night time visits to play maces and talons to stop Ryker from complaining so much . Or maybe hiccup barters playing with certain freedoms??? Could be fun!
Anyways!! Love this so much. Ur brain rot gives me brain rot!.
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corey where can i read the httyd books like asap
delfi my Absolute Beloved !!! i am Grinning So Widely holy trash
[also sorry i took so long to get back to you, i took a shower and was in there for like an hour mentally ranting about--that's not relevant and will probably make some people mad or something idk anyways--]
okay imma go in order of books so this is like. Major list for you 😁
how to train your dragon: pdf | audiobook
how to be a pirate: pdf | audiobook
how to speak dragonese: pdf | audiobook
how to cheat a dragon's curse: pdf | audiobook
how to twist a dragon's tale: pdf | audiobook
a hero's guide to deadly dragons: pdf | audiobook**
how to ride a dragon's storm: pdf* | audiobook
how to break a dragon's heart: pdf | audiobook
how to steal a dragon's sword: pdf | audiobook
how to seize a dragon's jewel: pdf | audiobook
how to betray a dragon's hero: pdf | audiobook
how to fight a dragon's fury: pdf | audiobook
bonus: a fun guide that's for teachers to use to teach the book but also has a lot of cool information about vikings as well as world building that i suggest looking at for funsies
*note: had trouble finding a legit / good pdf from six (how to ride...) onward, so those were the best that i could get and you should just be able to download most like the others ??? some websites seemed sketchy but i could be wrong. audiobooks are all completely safe tho
**note: this is weird because they repeat the story like twice ??? like it is the whole story and legit, but then it like starts over once it ends lol
so, the audiobooks are Incredible ! like. no joke. i actually relistened to them back in like. march / april / may, that area and i Loved it ! actually, fun fact, david tennant recorded them and he does a phenomenal job !!! he gets super into character and does different voices for everyone and is just all around Incredible ! they are a pleasure to listen to!
another thing i'll add is that cressida adds her own pictures and i'm pretty sure none of these include her pictures which is sad :/ but maybe some do ! the art is really cute ! she also includes things in the middle of the books like a guide on certain words or phrases and how to say them in dragonese or pages from hiccup's personal guide to dragon's book which gives you, the reader, more information about the dragons hiccup and the gang are facing, seeing, interacting with! the audiobook includes those, but idk about the pdfs!
i hope you enjoy them because these books were like. my childhood. i vividly remember that i once had a (poorly drawn) map hanging on my wall of the world in relation to berk and where all of the different viking tribes were ! the characters are all unique and quirky and wait also
do Not let the silliness of the first few books make you stop because they get so much more mature as they go on. not to make a harry potter reference because screw jkr, but like, you wouldn't put goblet of fire as the first hp book. you gotta work up to the genuine seriousness, you gotta introduce the characters and establish world building and that's what the first three, four, books does ! cressida is a super clever author too, and everything she writes matters, even if it's later on. it's incredible to watch the books mature, i remember reading every book as they came out and being blown away every time. i was just a kid, tho, so rereading / listening to them makes me gape sometimes because wow there are some serious / darker themes that are handled Really Well.
the books also have Incredible representation for their time, imo, especially with gender roles (which is even more impactful when camicazi comes in in book three) and disabilities (fishlegs is a Huge person here and i love him) (toothless also works here too because he has a stutter), amongst other things. and none of these things are ever made fun of in a way that seems legit. the people who make fun of them are the jerks or the villains or the people you aren't supposed to like. it's just. ahhhhh! they're so good and i have Many Feelings i could go on forever about how much i adore these books wow wow wow but i shall stop now so i do not spoil anything major because i am Great at accidentally spoiling lol
fun extra analysis posts i love under cut oops
x -- do NOT read this one until you finish the series because major spoilers but Great analysis
x to go along with x
not a post but just me here saying that camicazi is an aroace lesbian thanks and also hiccup is on the aro spectrum i don’t make the rules
okay i’ll stop there lol
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readtilyoudie · 17 hours
Stoick was trying very hard not to feel disappointed in his son. He kept telling himself that Hiccup was just a slow developer, and would soon start getting muscles and nose hair, and scoring the winning goal in Bashyball games like Stoick had himself. But what was he doing, earning reports like ‘Hiccup is the worst sailor I have ever taught in twenty years’? How could he have come back from a perfectly straightforward training exercise having misplaced both his dragon and his boat? And how could he possibly have got lost and accidentally boarded a Roman ship rather than a Peaceable fishing boat?
Vikings didn’t get lost.
Stoick opened his mouth to bellow at his son.
And then he closed it again.
Small, skinny, freckled and unsatisfactory, Hiccup’s worried face looked up at him. He was clearly desperately anxious about that laughably tiny dragon of his. Stoick didn’t have the heart to be angry. He crumpled up the report in one gigantic fist.
How to Speak Dragonese (How to Train Your Dragon, #3) by Cressida Cowell
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