#almost forgot my art tag whoops
a-luyarus · 10 months
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dreaming of the outside
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funny-friends · 8 months
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it's their made for tv holiday romcom
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mokeonn · 1 year
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The S in SLARPG stands for Sonic the Hedgehog
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most normal guy ever. I Promise
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haxxydraws · 2 years
There's something so special about having friends and mutuals who also create art, like YES we are supporting one another, YES we are finding the beauty in our creations, YES we are able to appreciate the unique differences in our subject matter and style, as well as the places where our work and interests overlap HAHAHA!
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purpleleavesday · 3 months
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They should have done a dance of deduction together you know
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cinimuffin · 1 year
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I thought it might be nice to make smaller/simpler patterns for people who don’t have a ton of time and/or experience. Mini gridded pride moth/butterfly pixel art part 11. If you use them for anything please give design credit (and also @ me because I would like to see). Intended for personal use only.
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kittehscribbles34 · 1 year
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day 2: self insert
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thecosmicsailor · 1 year
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Pre-Sidney death guys being bros :}
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lilfunkyphroggy · 2 years
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School whiteboard doodles :D
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aztarion · 6 months
WIP WEDNESDAY THURSDAY almost friday whatever day yayyy
tagged by most beloved @nsewell <33
(again im going off moots i've seen share art and writing so ignore/kill me with hammers if you hate these..)
ill tag @nat-seal-well @scalproie @devilbrakers @dietgabbana @recents @nightwardenminthara @serenpedac @agentnatesewell @kazamajun @nerdferatum and anybody who wandered in here… tag me if you post something & ill know to tag you in the future :D
thought id try do this before it turned into friday for me :D another cheesy snippet from that halloween abandoned farmhouse fic i posted last time too (takes place before that scene) -- its a bit longer bc my art wips are atrocious right now but adam jumpscare at the bottom!
It is with not an insignificant amount of restraint – really, Nate would be singing his high praise – that Mason stops, bites down on his cigarette, and turns away, recollecting himself enough to smooth his hackles into something resembling human civility.
He flicks the butt underfoot and stomps, twice. He rolls his shoulders. He sets his jaw. He sniffs.
Precipitation forming in the clouds overhead; temperature is ten degrees from chilly; slight, invariable breeze. Less birdsong today. Huh. More pollen. An overwhelming scent of pine, and an aftertaste of salt and smog, even this far out from Wayhaven town and the neighboring city. He clicks his tongue.
And, oh, of course — of fucking course. He forgot to cut the label off this goddamn fucking shirt and the way it’s grazing against his neck is enough to drive him back on the verge of a goddamn fucking frenzy.
“Dev!” Felix whoops.
Mason whips around so fast the movement upends leaves in the brush. With precise, fluted tunnel vision, grey eyes narrow in on her.
Deva marches towards them on uneven, thickly reeded ground from the opposite side of the small clearing. The sky, bruising into evening, gasps in a narrow ark behind her, cold kissing her nose and cheeks, turning pale olive to petal pink.
She blows out a breath, picking up her pace. It’s still not quick enough for him — like she’s galloping in sap. Mason stifles the almost-tremoring need to meet her halfway.
“Hey,” she calls in greeting, mid-battle with bog tree roots.
“Get a move on,” Mason barks. Felix snickers conspiratorially beside him.
“Hurry, Dev, I think he’s gonna blow.”
Mason rounds on the shorter vampire, who grins with porcelain-white veracity, but his stewing annoyance dissipates as quickly as it elevated when warm fingers envelope his, shelling his senses in unblooming, noiseless absolution. He shudders, not quite able to quell the flood of relief.
“Where’s Nate?” Dev asks after a moment, as if giving his body time to settle. Almost like she knew.
“Decided to wait with Adam back at the facility,” Felix says, pulling absently on the periwinkle strings of his periwinkle hoodie. He throws a face that tells her exactly what he thinks of Nate’s decision.
“Leaving you two without a referee?” Deva smiles easily. Felix mirrors it — with an extra flash of fiend.
“You’re late,” Mason cuts in.
“Nice Adam impression, he usually goes a little lighter on the murderous intent.” She squeezes his hand — it’s a gentle tease – before adding, “Car trouble. So, what’s the plan?”
Mason rolls his eyes and doesn’t even bother asking after that wreck-on-wheels this time. Deva’s in one piece — that’s good enough for him.
Felix points at Mason, who removes something small from his jacket pocket with his free hand. He offers it to her, rather unceremoniously.
“Radio,” he says. “Put it on.”
“We’re splitting up too?” Dark brows raise as she stares at the tiny device deposited in her palm.
“Eh, kinda. I’m supposed to scout ahead,” says Felix, tapping at his own matching earpiece. “Last team the Agency sent said it was all clear, but you know what Adam’s like with precautions.”
“It’s just a follow up, right? Back at the old farm house?” Raking swathes of black hair out of her face, Deva hooks the dainty plastic cuff around cartilage as Felix begins to fill her in. Mason still hasn’t really gotten used to the new cut. Change always threw him.
When they’d met, right up until after all the bullshit with that no-count shitheel auctioneer, Deva’s hair had almost been down to her ass. Now it just about reaches her chin – much shorter than his, even. It tends to draw his full attention to the long sweep of her neck on more than one occasion. Right now, in fact, he finds himself casually admiring the two small, purpling hickies he’d left her with just the night before.
Yeah. Maybe he liked the new hair. Maybe he really liked it.
“Helloooo?” Felix flaps his hand wildly in Mason’s direct line of sight, ripping him from some quickly unspooling, sweaty thoughts. “Are you even listeni–?”
“No,” Mason says plainly, fixing him with a glare. Felix pulls another face, then blows out a long breath.
“Ugh, whatever. I hate being the responsible one. Just make sure nobody kidnaps Dev. Again.”
Dev frowns.
“I think I prefer Adam’s pep talks before a mission.”
do feel free to critique if u want/have time to, im rusty af and i know it . & a sketchy adam referenced from john cena in a babydoll tee from some movie that crossed my dash yesterday
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an ask/RP blog for the Ghostwalker of my (@local-angst-satan-diinosour11) other Phighting au called the Insane Subspace au! But he also goes by Devi! OOC will be designated by (())
No NSFW please! Gore (not irl please and don’t bomb me with it!) is fine tho as there’s a LOT of physical injuries and death in this au
Don’t be weird, please
Devi is a very OOC Ghostwalker! He has been hanging around Playgrounders a LOT and that has very much rubbed off on him! He learned Emotions from them as well!
Compared to my other au there is a lot of Death, Gore, and Abuse (Physical and Verbal) from the deities’s side at least
Illumina (“Ultra” as he prefers it, everyone calls him Violet though to annoy him) is a bitch in this au compared to the order au! He’s the source of a lot of Devi’s trauma with how he treated him (Follower Sword’ed him, cut off his tails because he didn’t thing Devi deserved them, branded him with the runes- the list goes on)
None of the other deities like Violet. They all disowned him ever since the Followerwalker incident
With the death of Devi, we turn our attention to how the rest of the timeline is faring with this. Completely unaware of what they are roping themselves into…
Oh! seems Rusty has gotten himself stuck in another universe, but things don't seem to be going as smoothly over there either..
Look whos back, but Devi seems to have wrapped himself in a completely different plot... Lets see how long it takes for the plot to catch up to him.
More will be added as time goes on!
Angst Satan [OORP]
I-I NEED to share this. [IMPORTANT POST]
Yo! Got anything to ask? [ASK]
Keepin you guys updated! [POST]
Look at this!! [REBLOG]
Uuh- hi? [ANONS]
Well look who’s here! Hey guys!! [DEITIES]
You guys are the most resilient mortals I have ever seen [PHIGHTERS]
Dropping by to say hi! [NPCS]
I am not listening to you. [ILLUMINAS]
I-I don’t want to talk about it… [WORLDBUILDING/LORE]
Yoo look at this!! [ART]
alongside normal Phighting tags!
WHOOPS almost forgot! Refrence!
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salmonellaandcheese · 2 years
Tag Game To Better Know You!
Tagged by the lovely and talented @lady--lisa (So sorry for taking so long! I didn't forget! I just couldn't figure out a way to copy all the questions easily on mobile)
If you saw the first version of this no u didnt
What book are you currently reading?
I'm halfway through Anne of Avolea by L.M Montgomery and a few chapters into the Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett. I really should read more, I used to devour books back when I was a kid, but the library I volunteer at is based on community requests so its almost entirely formulaic ghostwritten thrillers (curse you James Pattison). If anyone has book recommendations let me know!
What’s your favourite movie you saw in theatres this year?
I think the only movie I saw was the new Top Gun, which I only watched because my mum loves the original and we went for her birthday. I wouldn't say its fantastic, but I did end up infodumping to my friends about propaganda and pop culture.
What do you usually wear?
Usually loose jeans or other sturdy pants and some variety of print t-shirt with my red flannel. Anxiety kind of made it into my uni uniform, I never thought I'd miss my high school uniform that much. When I'm at home I'm usually wearing shorts and an old singlet that I got in grade 8 or something. Winter means I get to wear big jumpers! I have this horrifically ugly one on it that says New Zealand with a red kiwi on it, I adore it. If I'm reaching out of my miniscule comfort zone I'll wear a funky button up or a more form fitting shirt, I've always dressed quite modestly (although not entirely by choice) and this year I cut my hair off and started to explore my masculinity and being openly and visibly queer. I pretty much only wear natural fibres and very practial/sensory friendly clothing, so most of my clothes are made to last and will be repaired until I deign them unwearable.
Fun fact, I used to actually dress in a style I'd say is somewhere between classic lolita and cottagecore, lots of pinafores and frilly shirts and ribbons. Next year I'd like to step out of my comfort zone and dress in any way that sparks joy, maybe experiment with makeup, different styles or more revealing clothing (ooh a shoulder, scandalous).
How tall are you?
I'm actually not quite sure, between 165cm and 170cm I think (5'5" to 5'7")
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
Do you go by your name or a nick-name?
I introduce myself with my name but with hopes that I'll get a nickname, I've always wanted one.
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
I'm still in uni but by a technicality yes? I wanted to be a scientist but came to dislike science in high school, but now I'm doing archeology (and history) through an arts degree but I could do it through a science degree. I did really enjoy digging in the dirt as a child, so I think little me would be happy about that, even if i was more into paleontology.
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
No. I do have a bit of a crush on my best friend, who I turned down a year ago because I'm the stupidest person alive and can't tell the difference between friendship feelings and romantic feelings.
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?
I'm good with precision and detail orientated things. I love knitting and I've picked up archery and bread making recently. Its actually why I got into archaeology, I wanted to work in restoration and conservation.
I'm bad at remembering to do stuff. It's the ADHD man. Assessments? whoops. Consistent meals? Forgot. Cleaning? sorry not happening
Dogs or cats?
Dogs, I've never had a cat and don't really know how they work.
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favourite picture/favourite line/favourite etc. from something you created this year?
I knitted my best friend some lovely socks, they're my first pair of socks and my second time doing fair isle.
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What’s something you would like to create content for?
Look I know this means fandom but I have to start planning for what I'm putting in the show next year, it's only 6 months away. I'd love to do some more sewing, maybe make a gunne sax style dress (provided my anxiety will let me wear it out of the house) and I want to find something technically challenging for knitting, maybe lacework? Send me knitting/crafting inspo. I was thinking of maybe picking up counted thread embroidery too (yes I hate myself).
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
Star Wars. I've got brain worms about it. I've been microwaving it for months. Its been on my mind constantly, yet I have no thoughts. I'm forcing all of my friends to watch it. I'm rewatching all of it. I know nothing but also everything. I'm being excessively autistic about a background character wearing a cable knit jumper.
Good thing is that it makes conversation with men under 25 incredibly easy. I've made industry connections over a conversation about Lego Star Wars.
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
Uhhhhhh. My uni's archaeology society? The history society raised my standards high, they do a lot of fun events, whereas the archaeology one is useful but a lot more industry training and connections focused instead of having regular pizza and power-point nights like the history one.
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
Hmm. I'm not too sure. I can flip an egg without using anything other than the pan, does that count? Like just wiggle, wiggle, throw it up in the air and catch it.
Are you religious?    
Catholic but in a cool and funky queer way
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
A concrete plan of what the hell I'm doing and how to do it. A solution to my joint pain?
Tagging: (only if you want to) @elprupneerg @rights-for-redshirts @doveyluvey @notaghost3 @swagtalia @radioactivehydronerd @hetaari @arthoe-iceland @ratfish-blues and anyone else who sees this is welcome to join in!
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caprisun-rat · 2 years
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He compartido 4295 publicaciones este 2022
43 publicaciones originales (1 %)
4252 reblogueos (99 %)
Estos son los blogs que más he reblogueado:
He etiquetado 832 publicaciones en 2022
#ask to tag: 32 publicaciones
#mecore: 20 publicaciones
#@benkaaoi: 18 publicaciones
#my art: 13 publicaciones
#yes: 11 publicaciones
#so true: 10 publicaciones
#yeah: 9 publicaciones
#omg: 9 publicaciones
#important post: 9 publicaciones
#fr: 9 publicaciones
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#en aa6 el caso tutorial empieza con que el cliente es un nene de como 8 años que va a tener pena de muerte si no logras deinir su inocencia
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almost forgot to post this here whoops 🤖🤖
anyway, vulnerability and comfort make quite the pair when you're in love <33
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i cant fix him but i can make him my babygirl
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As you saw me go I was singing this song... We'll meet again; dont know when, dont know where..... but we'll meet again... some sunny day
tgcf shot me straight through the heart again, what else can i say
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flame-shadow · 2 years
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[ruby throated hummingbird, sandpiper, great white egret, red cardinal]
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humming-fly · 2 years
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Meta Knight’s number one motto is “Be prepared”, and his number two motto is “If I get possessed again I better get something cool out of it”
Originally I was gonna put this poster in the background but it got cluttered so here it is on its own cause I still think it’s funny:
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