#aloy about avad?
cicadaknight · 10 months
horizon drinking game where you take a shot of scappersap every time someone refers to a carjan as “one of the good ones”
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rynliadon · 1 year
i really want to see seyka and talanah interact tbh. i think that aloy had a massive unrequited crush on talanah through zero dawn (and some of forbidden west!) and seyka would simply see the two of them talk to each other and Know and be insanely jealous. talanah and seyka would be best friends tho
like just PICTURE these interactions with me. seyka enthusiastically telling aloy about hunting machines with talanah and learning about the lodge. aloy being interested and referencing her time as a thrush. seyka getting pouty and playfully jealous. talanah has no idea any of this is going on while also being in the room.
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annwayne · 7 months
Alright tumblr do your magic.
Find me Avad/Aloy/Helis shippers.
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cuteallo · 1 year
so sorry but people being happy aloy kissed a girl isn’t biphobia and you guys really need to be careful about how you express that because you’re teetering on just hating lesbians
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singingkestrel · 2 years
Or various Ancient Greek conceptual forms of love.
(Heads up, long post).
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Desire, passion, romance.
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Friendship, affection, loyalty.
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Compassion, empathy, worship.
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Kinship, affection, protection.
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Obsession, jealousy, violence.
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Longevity, understanding, commitment.
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Self-regard, self-acceptance, vanity.
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sunsetofdoom · 2 years
Hi! Just went through your Horizon tag and I'm curious if I may ask, what are your thoughts on HFW?
In a personal sense, my thoughts are mostly that it walked into my nice empty sandbox and purposefully put a foot in my sandcastle.
In a storytelling sense, I liked a lot of the ideas it came out with and spent a lot of it shouting at the screen about how it could have executed them better, but if you want to know an elaborate critique I'd prefer to expound on it in private messages rather than hang my ass out for all of Tumblr to see.
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purplesauris · 2 years
The problem with horizon AU being undoubtedly massive is I want it to be done so I can read it but I have to write it if I want it done
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theartofloss · 1 year
I've got my own thoughts about the Burning Shores, but I don't think Aloy falling for someone is out of character, because they've been slowly building up to that moment in HFW:
This extremely awkward conversation with Avad, who is trying to court her (a reminder that people are romantically interested in her)
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Zo and Varl's relationship - I personally don't think her reaction was necessarily jealousy, just her being confronted with the possibility of falling for someone for the first time (after years of living as an outcast)
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Finding out about Elizabeth's past relationship with Tilda, and that she wasn't as untouchable as she thought her to be
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And finally, her conversation with Talanah at Barren Light about first love (or crush) - all but predicting BS
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She simply found a home with people that she loves and trusts, and now feels safe enough to open her heart for the first time.
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nerd-artist · 16 days
Horizon Rock Bands AU: Rock Breakers
The second (and maybe last?) band of the AU that’s been leaving no place for any other thoughts in my mind. Jem and the Holograms inspired. Ereloy implied 🧡✨
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The band
The original leader of the group was Ersa, who started forming Rock Breakers with her brother Erend. However, after a tragedy left her unable to continue being part of the band, the Vanguard siblings decided that Erend should carry on with the group's formation. After what had happened, their mission was more critical than ever: to bring down Nemesis, its members, and their unfair musical dominance.
Avad, a wealthy representative with whom Ersa had a very close relationship, helped Erend in the search for other members who shared their common goal. That's how Varl, Kotallo, Drakka, and Nil joined the band, shaping the unique and diverse style that Rock Breakers is known for. Their blend of romantic and heavy sound has earned them a loyal fanbase, though, thanks to Nemesis' schemes, they've never managed to win The Proving. During the competition, they met Alpha Prime and came to the conclusion that both bands needed to support each other to defeat the evil group. Ersa became Alpha Prime's manager, ensuring that no one—not even they—would get in her little brother's way.
With Avad as their manager, Rock Breakers dominates their tour, which also serves as training for the competition. They don't have the help of any magical computers to make their shows unforgettable, but they pull it off with their creative use of fire and fireworks.
Character bios under the cut
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A deep voice and deep feelings—no wonder Erend is the lead singer and main songwriter of Rock Breakers. He always performs accompanied by his guitar ‘Hammer’, though it’s rarely the same one at each show, as he gets so excited in playing ‘Weird Space Ball’ that he ends up smashing it against the stage. He started competing in music contests for the love of music, but a tragedy changed his purpose: his sister Ersa, with whom he was originally going to form the band, went deaf because of their former boss, Dervahl, who is now a member of the antagonist band Nemesis. Since then, he has devoted himself entirely to destroying that band, just as he smashes his guitars.
With this common goal, it’s no surprise that he’s gotten along well with Alpha Prime since meeting them, though that encounter didn’t just gain him allies—it also changed his heart forever, as he fell head over heels for Aloy the moment he saw her. Since then, nearly all his lyrics have been about her, though Aloy seems to be the only one who hasn’t noticed. He doesn’t hold out much hope that someone as capable and beautiful as her would be interested in him, even though the two minutes she promised him keep becoming longer and longer.
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Varl met Erend at a comic con, and they instantly became friends. Coming from a strict upbringing where music had no place, he learned to play his bass, ‘Seeker,‘ in just a week, solely to join the band and experience the freedom of performing on stage. He’s always ready to carry out any plan that helps defeat Nemesis, even those that require sacrificing his own interests and beliefs. He fell for Zo, a member of Alpha Prime, the moment he met her, and unlike his friend, he did something about it—they´ve been together since, and they´re not subtle about it.
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The unstoppable rhythm of his drum set, ‘Bulwark,‘ is unmistakable. Kotallo has been playing it his entire life, and not even the sudden loss of an arm has slowed him down—he continues to captivate the crowd with every beat. He was once a member of the band "The Ten," where he played alongside Regalla, until she defected to join Nemesis after getting Kotallo involved in a street fight that ultimately cost him his arm. Kotallo joined Rock Breakers to get a shot at revenge against his former bandmate and to prove that no matter how she tries to weaken him, he’ll always be a better musician and more honorable than her.
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He comes from barren lands, though that doesn’t reflect his character at all. Playful and cheeky, his personality shines through in his backing vocals and in the way he plays his ‘Yarra.‘ Every key he presses makes the crowd roar louder, and it ensures he’s never alone after a concert. But his purpose is more serious than it seems: to destroy the reputation of the companies owned by Nemesis members so they stop diverting water from his town for their own gain. Who says you can’t have fun while pursuing the greater good?
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Little is known about his past, but it’s rumored that Nil is searching for redemption. His background is so enigmatic that even the other band members don’t quite remember how or when he became part of the group. Always mysterious, he used to cover his face during performances until he revealed it at the last concert, flashing that intense, mischievous gaze that drove the crowd wild. He found the perfect "Partner" in his guitar, which makes him stand out on stage with its unmistakable sound and with which he always puts on a good show.
Thank you for reading!!
If you want to know more about Alpha Prime, check this post.
Should I make one of these for Nemesis?
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ayaitch · 27 days
One of the things in the Horizon games that is a little tiresome to me is about all these Carja "good ones". Every time we meet a Carja (except for Nil, who is a whole other topic...), the narrative goes to lengths to assure us, the audience, that we should care about this Carja because they were "one of the good ones" during the Red Raids. This Carja wanted to stop things. This Carja opposed the Red Raids and senseless slaughter. This Carja always questioned things and strove to stop it all.
So that's great and all, and I appreciate having "good ones" right off the bat during awful, horrible times in a culture's history, but it's not very challenging. Show me why I should care about one of the "bad ones". Or someone who thought they were doing well by their culture, people, family, only to finally glimpse the big picture and realize how wrong they were and then try to change. Someone who snaps out of it, elbow-deep in blood (metaphrically?), and realizes something is off, thinks, 'Wtf am I doing, this isn't helping anyone.'
Even Avad, who usurped his bloodthirsty, tyrant father (and killed him, I don't want that to be taken away from Avad!) should have, at least up until a certain point, believed what his father was doing was right. It's how he was raised. It was the only lens by which he saw the world, especially considering the literal pillar upon which the Carja royal family resided. He had to be drinking from the same cup as his father (again, metaphorically) and so why wouldn't he believe up to a time, that they were doing what was right by their religion/culture. At some point, he had a Come-to-the-Sun moment (so to speak) and realized his father was a terrible, murdering person and worked against that, but what was that moment? He was already plotting against his father by the time he meets Ursa and helps her escape (if I recall correctly...).
Talanah's father and brother, prestigious and noble members of the Hunter's Lodge in Meridian, should have, at least at the beginning, been totally behind their Sun-King, who made it a point to justify more and more terrible things by claiming it for the best, that their people needed protection from this machine threat and degrading biosphere. I like the way the narrative handled them, but we were still presented with the idea that they were "good from the start."
Fashav too. "One of the good ones", who marched with the Red Raiders hoping to "mitigate" their atrocities. Which he failed at so why is he still considered a good one? Because intentions? There's a reason the adage is "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." (Don't get me wrong, I love Fashav, and wanted him to retire in comfort and accomplished lasting peace with laurels on his arms. He's such a compelling character as far as I'm concerned.)
Every Carja we meet that the narrative wants us to care about had figured out that the Mad Sun-King was awful and terrible before their hands got truly dirty, and were just trying to do their best from the inside to make change without creating waves and getting themselves executed (except Talanah's family, good on them).
So. I guess what I'm looking for in Horizon is an actual bad guy of the Carja who comes around before the end of the Red Raids. Someone too deep to see that they were wrong at first, but as soon as they did, made the needed change, and then did their very best to actively sabotage and undermine authority in every possible way. It's not that I don't like the Carja we meet in the game, it's just boring that they're always "one of the good ones" so we should care about what happens to them, instead of just having Aloy murder them on sight. Someone who did some things in the name of an unworthy institution and is now trying to come back from it and do the right thing.
Thinking about all this makes me wish we could have taken down those Shadow Carja in the Daunt at the beginning of HFW, because they're still nasty and awful (but still somehow good and peaceful types?????), but Aloy and Petra are all, 'aw, poor refugees...'. Like.... Pardon me? Weren't they were 100% supportive of the murdering, crazy Sun-King who tore apart both of their tribes and are anti-Avad who wants peace with everyone. What the hell is with that?
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steelsartcorner · 1 year
Art Practice of The Day: Meme Time
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(so like. Avad totally did Ersa’s carja noblewoman makeup before the escape right? I mean it’s not super likely that she did it ….)
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bonus oblivious Erend telling this totally hilarious, whacky, and definitely platonic story about his king and sister to Aloy
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lerudan · 4 months
I'm waiting for tests to run, and my brain came up with something even worse than Morlund's Montgolfiere.
Now, I don't think the three would leave Hidden Ember, but imagine, for a second here.
Avad wants to repurpose the Sun-Rings. Not every Sun-Ring can become a memorial. And the Carja populace is missing their entertainment. But how do you do entertainment without killing people? So he sends out messages to get ideas. And Morlund, Abadund and Stemmur come up with a parcour. Something between Ultimate Beastmaster and Takeshi's Castle (narrated by Stemmur, of course).
Maybe in the Sunring at Sunfall? Anyway. Shortly before construction is done, Aloy comes along on her way back east, and he asks her to test-run things, because, of course he does, and she does it. And it's not trivial. But she manages it. (maybe even in a timed manner? would be quite a fun side-activity like the machine races).
And Abadund instantly realized what a great marketing opportunity this is, because now the challenge is not only "can you manage the parcour", but also: "Can you best the Saviour".
Things get a little difficult, when the first Nora encounter this thing, because, that's just a version of the proving. Without the Grazer Hunt at the start. Why would anyone not manage that. And the Carja remember why there were so many scary stories about the savages of the east.
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People are saying Aloy should have been with Erend, Avad or Kotallo. None of them make sense to me.Before the DLC I could picture Aloy with Erend but now that I know what a crushing Aloy looks like there is no way.Don't get me wrong Aloy loves about all three of these guys but there's a difference between loving someone and being in love with someone.I've never seen Aloy act this way before.Honestly I don't even remember her being nervous.Avad would never work because my dude is too desperate and also dude calm down your girlfriend just died grieve for a while before going for another damn.And with Kotallo I don't even know what ppl saw but I don't ship them.Up until now Aloy never had a relationship with anyone that could end up being romantic except Seyka.People need to acknowledge that and move on.Maybe we'll get more choices and scenes with other people.But in my mind Seyka and Aloy are perfect for each other.
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gangrel-pride · 5 months
My wishlist for part 3:
-VAST SILVER still being around, joining the fight against Nemesis and becoming best buds with Erend (brought to you by this one datapoint)
-Seyka joining Aloy at The Base
-Erend listing off everyone who would be disappointed now that the Savior of Meridian is taken (to Seyka’s amusement it’s a pretty long list, the only one Aloy was even aware of was Avad cause of, like, the whole rebound thing)
-Beta gaining more confidence, Aloy teaching her how to hunt. More Aloy and Beta bonding in general and more of Aloy getting used to being an older sister (with some help from Alva and Seyka)
-Beta and her imposing 100-pounds-soaking-wet frame trying to intimidate Seyka
-Zo earning Sona’s respect cause she’s a badass
-Teb the stitcher coming back as a permanent store at The Base that gets all of the cool gear near endgame so I don’t have to run around every fucking settlement tryna figure out who has the good shit
-Teersa meeting GAIA
-Morlund and Gildun becoming friends cause they’re both nerds, complete with side quest. And huge dangerous machines. Like idk mega thunderjaws or regular fireclaws or some shit
-CYAN and Aloy’s former werak (plus Ikrie and Inatut) joining up, no one is even surprised to hear Aloy was also a Banuk chieftain. Focus for Aratak
-Erend, Kotallo, Beta, Alva and Seyka listening to Aratak tell stories (extremely exaggerated stories in Aloy’s opinion) about Aloy’s exploits in The Cut
-CYAN and GAIA becoming AI friends
-Aratak, Sona and Hekarro meeting. That sounds like a party
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discar · 5 months
HZD Terraforming Base-001 Text Communications Network
Chapter 31 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
Created: 23 days ago
Edited: 87 times
Last edited: 5 minutes ago
To Mother
To War-Chief Sona
To Mother [stick with the more personal tone]
I found The Anointed Aloy [she knows Aloy doesn't like being called that] deep in the Forbidden West. She believes that the secret to stopping the Red Blight, and perhaps even ending the Derangement, is here. We have settled into an Old Ones base [even with our Seeker blessings, that will make her uncomfortable] a permanent camp in the mountains. It is safe here. We have numerous allies, including Erend, the Oseram Vanguard. Sun-King Avad has implied his support. [that's confusing, and she wouldn't care anyway]
You're going to be a grandmother! [too light]
I met a girl. [too flippant]
One of those allies is an Utaru woman named Zo, who defied her leaders to fight the Red Raids. [don't bring up defying elders] She is intelligent and compassionate. [mother won't care] I am going to bring her back to the Embrace eventually. I think you'll like her.
[should this be part of the previous part?] There is also a Tenakth soldier named Kotallo who seems interested in our tales of battle against the Carja, and a woman from a new tribe, from across the sea [too confusing] and a lorekeeper named Alva from a distant tribe. Alva is very interested in our stories and customs, but is careful to ask me how to ask for permission to enter our holy sites [sounds bad] and I'm sure she will have much to speak to the Matriarchs about.
These new enemies we're facing, mother, these Zeniths... it's hard to describe them. They are immortal [she won't believe it] They bear the sins of the Old Ones [too fanciful] They have new machines that obey their commands, worse than the Eclipse cultists and their dark corruptors. Sometimes I'm not sure how we are surviving against one or two at a time, and they have hundreds. Aloy is a terror in combat. We have a plan, but it's all so beyond me. I'm not sure it will actually work. Not because I doubt Aloy or the others, just because it relies so much on things I am only now learning. GAIA [don't try to explain GAIA] The All-Mother says [makes me sound like a prophet] Our allies believe this will work, and I have to trust them.
Aloy has a sister [too flippant] The Zeniths made their own Anointed [confusing and blasphemy] The Zeniths had a captive. We managed to rescue her, and I've managed to get through to her, but she's scared and she's been alone her entire life. She reminds me of Aloy, but not in the good ways. She's smarter than the rest of us put together, but she doesn't know what to do with it and has no practical skills. She can't even sew up her own clothes. She hides in her room most of the time. Aloy has been talking to her, and sometimes it helps but sometimes it makes things worse. It's like watching someone yell at their reflection. [don't reference clones] They're too alike. I'm trying to get her to step out of the Base camp to see the sunrise, but it's hard. I think she's scared of not having a ceiling over her head. She always sleeps in, too.
There's a lot to see, outside the Embrace. New people, new machines I couldn't have even imagined. It's not like the Matriarchs say, all cursed heathens. [too aggressive, don't contradict the Matriarchs] It's beautiful, but frightening too. I wish you could see it, even though you'd hate it. [probably too much]
I hope this letter finds you well.
Your son, Varl.
[GAIA said she can print this out, but I think I should copy it out by hand]
[maybe I should just delete this, I'm probably going to be the one going to Nora lands anyway]
Chapter 31 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
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foibles-fables · 7 months
I did not know until my most recent playthrough for forbidden west that if you talk to Itamen in Meridian multiple times, he asked if you and Talanah killed Redmaw. And I wished I could gush to him “Yes, let me tell you how awesome my Carja huntress girlfriend is” but Nasadi tells him Marad is just spinning wild tales. Now I’m picturing telling machine hunt stories to Itamen as bedtime tales with Talanah by Aloy’s side, reminding her not to scare the small child.
Yes!!! First time playing the Meridian interlude (so, like, 2 AM on release day lmao) I was being unsurprisingly thorough on triangle smashes for all of our Carja friends--imagine my absolute delight in hearing that line from Itamen. Brilliant. Pretty sure I leaped off of the couch and into a full split. I was pumped to hear mention of the Sunhawk's name so early into gameplay...a little wink wink, nudge nudge, this is indeed Canon now.
At the same time the dialogue of Nasadi's response irks me?? Like it is very much not a wild tale? It's exactly what happened and I feel like them bringing down Redmaw would be common knowledge, lmao. It's in the Lodge annals and everything!! Cluuuumssyyyy
Deeper, I love the implied familiarity with which Itamen references Talanah--first name basis! Makes my brain spin out about how much and how often those two might have interacted since the end of HZD. I think often about Aloy and Talanah meeting a request from Avad, taking him out on a hunt to foster some independence in him--Aloy gets to make good on her promise to show him some pointers, and Talanah getting to see how she interacts with kiddos...delightful. Bedtime stories around the campfire on their outing, HELP MEEE I CANNOT
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