#alpha! jared padalecki x omega! jen
kickingitwithkirk · 1 year
Greetings from Austin
Summary: Jensen and Jared are at odds over a monumental decision that changes their lives in a way they couldn’t have envisioned.
Pairing: Alpha!Jensen Ackles x Alpha!Jared Padalecki x Omega!OFC
Word Count: 1824
Warnings: a/b/o, J2 are married/mated, homophobia, bisexuality, biphobia, angst, cursing, jealousy, depression/anxiety, medical stuff, sexual dysfunction, infertility, IVF, surrogacy
*additional warnings to be added in future parts.
A/N: Here we go again with one my weird as hell dreams, series Inspired by this art.
A/N II: There is no intentional hate or malevolence intended towards any of the Ackles or Padalecki families. This is a purely fictional piece containing real and created persons/names/events set in the fictional A/B/O verse. Some dates/events altered to fit story.
*no beta-all mistakes are mine
*divider by @writeyourmindaway​​​​​​
*images found online
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Part I
Jared was about to speak when a woman in scrubs called out, “Mr. Bonham and Mr. Page.” they got up and crossed over to her, “Hello, I’m Sissy, Dr. Rodgers nurse, please follow me.”
They pass through the doorway leading through a maze of halls like any other medical clinic, except this one specializes in a particular service.
The nurse opens a door near the back of the clinic, gesturing for them to enter the spacious office, “Please have a seat. The doctor will be with you shortly.” She closed the door, and they sat directly in the pair of chairs before the large, dark mahogany desk.
Jensen, scenting Jared’s nervousness, lifts his right hand, kissing his palm, making him chuckle at the tickle of Jen’s soft beard before twining their fingers together and setting them on his left thigh. He smiles as the door opens, and a silver-haired Beta enters.
 “Hello, I’m Dr. Rodgers. How are we doing today?” He asks, moving to the chair behind the desk.
Jared gave him a tight smile, and Jensen remained placid.
The doctor raises an eyebrow, “Relax, Mr. Page. This visit is to review your paperwork before deciding how we proceed, not the Spanish Inquisition.” Jared released his held breath but couldn’t wholly calm himself.
“I know the process can be overwhelming, but I must ask, is there something we’ve done to make you uncomfortable?” Dr. Rodgers inquires.
“No, everyone’s been nice, very professional; we’ve had issues the first time attempting this.” Jared finished his sentence, but something terrible will happen in the recess of his mind, and it’ll be my fault. Jensen squeezes his hand tighter, instinctively sensing Jared’s mind is trying to spiral. “When we tried this before someone leaked our plans to the media, it wasn't conclusively proven the clinic wasn’t involved.”
We do everything possible to keep our client's anonymity protected here. All of the staff are vetted and sign an NDA. Your real identities will remain confidential, even if you choose not to proceed. It is why you chose this clinic, yes?”
“Yes, it is,” Jensen replied.
“How about we get this bit of paperwork out of the way? Then we can have a more relaxed visit,” he says, shuffling more papers.
“I’ve reviewed the applications you’ve submitted and noted a few discrepancies in the medical section that need clarification. Mr. Bonham, why did you omit Genu Varum from your medical record?”
Jensen kept his expression neutral and felt his stomach automatically clench. He remembered being mercilessly teased throughout childhood about his bowed legs by his older brother Josh and later his buddies when they’d come over to hang out.
By the time he was in high school Jensen’s striking looks and personality got people’s attention first, and nowadays, fantasies are composed in fanfic about his bowed legs.
“The questionnaire inquired about inherited genetic medical conditions; since mine isn’t, I didn’t think it was necessarily applicable.” Jared hears an edge creeping into Jensen’s voice and squeezes his fingers.
“Did you see an orthopedist, and could they determine what caused the condition?”
“I was born a preemie. The orthopedists my parents consulted decided my condition was attributable to that,” Jensen replies tersely, dropping his vocal range. Jared gripped his hand harder, telling him to cool his attitude.
 “Did they suggest surgical procedures or therapies to straighten your legs?”
“No, the doctor didn’t recommend surgery but sent me to physical therapy, thinking it would help them straighten as I grew.”
“So, no others in your immediate family have this issue?”
“Everyone in my family has straight legs, including my three children.”
Jared piped in, “he hates it, but he does this exercise regimen; stretching, strength training. He also takes several vitamins, omega oils, turmeric, and extra vitamin D to support his joints.” They watched the doctor scribble a few more notes.
“Mr. Page,” Jared sat up straighter, “I appreciate that you detailed your mental health status. You’ve recently been hospitalized and have changed your routine to an alternative regimen, increasing your therapy sessions. Has this helped?”
The interview continued for another twenty minutes as Dr. Rodgers questioned him and Jensen in depth about his depression and anxiety; feeling it was ratcheting up, he focused on Jensen’s thumb rhythmically moving over his and used every ounce of his acting skills to appear confident and in control.
Dr. Rodgers closed the files, “I only have a few general questions left, then we can discuss how you wish to proceed.”
After a more relaxed, genial conversation with the doctor, Sissy took them to a couple of private rooms with paraphernalia to help stimulate them into producing a couple of semen samples.
Jensen was getting close to finishing with his favorite spank-bank fantasy when he felt Jared across their bond.
Jared couldn’t get aroused.
He felt as useless as his flaccid cock.
His doctor warned him that losing his sex drive could be a possible side effect of his new regimen until his body adjusted to it. He had struggled with temporary impotence a few times on his old meds; always fearful Jensen would finally see him as undesirable, no longer a satisfactory mate.
Rationally, he knew it was his illness causing these exceptionally hard-to-deal thoughts recently, and the nagging idea this wasn’t the right thing for them continually kept creeping in. Plus, Jensen’s reluctance about having more children at his age also weighed on his conscience, warring against his biological longings.
They had a humongous argument when he told his husband about the appointment. 
Jensen said this was the wrong time to attempt it again, pointing out he was getting his equilibrium back set Jared off on a rant about how he no longer wanted him and would leave like Genevieve had because he was too broken to deal with anymore.
Unmitigated anguish crossed Jensen’s beautiful features. The notion that his mate could believe that he’d ever abandon him hurt so that no verbal language could ever express how that devastated him after everything they’d been through.
That bar fight to Jared’s first breakdown on set, the years of living as roommates while secretly a couple to finding wives who understood their unique relationship and still married them both in 2010.
Unfortunately, the joyous arrival of JJ three years later exacerbated Genevieve’s frustration of not being able to conceive, and it came out with a vengeance on Jared.
His unexpected breakdown in Switzerland was the final nail in their marriage. Gen was there for him, but it was all too much in the end, and she filed for divorce.
Shortly after, Jared’s iCloud account got hacked.
They believed but never conclusively proved Genevive was behind it since her lawyer was trying to break their prenuptial agreement; the videos documenting his intimate and explicit sexual relationship with Jensen were legally considered adulterous. In the end, the court upheld the legal document, but the ramifications that resulted after.
They were summoned to L.A. for the meeting from hell with WB executives, convinced it was the end of Supernatural and their careers. After the reaming out, they each received a week's pay suspension to cover some of what will cost PR time and money to deal with the inevitable repercussions and appease the show’s sponsors.
How would the show’s fans react? Would they still be able to accept them as brothers only on TV while in real life, they were involved in a highly stigmatized relationship? When they returned to work, there was an atmosphere of tension that hadn’t existed before.
It was an open secret that all shows had their share of bitchiness and backstabbing behind the scenes. Jensen may have thicker skin, keeping tighter control of his emotions, but Jared knew it hurt him just as deeply the loss of some of their friends because of society's prejudicial belief that two Alpha males shouldn’t be involved.
Alan and Donna showed up unexpectedly in Vancouver a few weeks later.
What started as a not-quite-comfortable visit quickly deteriorated thanks to his parents' religious conservatism. They had not raised him like this and blamed Jared, saying he had corrupted their son, leading him into a sinful lifestyle, and told Jensen he needed to repent and return to the wife he’d committed to before god.
Jensen blew up, replying it was none of their business, it was between them, and Danneel knew about them before marrying; he reiterated they better not say anything to her. Without another word, his parents left, and he later called them to make amends. His mother coolly stated that he was no longer part of their family and never to contact them again.
After the twins were born in 2016 came the finalization of Jensen’s divorce from Danneel, painful but congenial. They readily agreed on joint custody and still spent most holidays together. Jensen gave her financial security in their settlement, wanting to make sure she didn’t have to worry about working unless she wanted to.
They received support when publicly coming out as bisexual, then lost some of it when they married, and, to this day, get mocked for not coming out as gay, and Jared continually has nagging thoughts that they have let everybody down.
There was another knock at the door, and Jared ignored it, knowing it was that nurse checking on his lack of progress again turned into pounding, “Jared, open this door now, dammit!”
He flinched, realizing Jensen knew what was going on with him. 
Releasing the privacy latch, opens the door a crack and saw concerned green eyes. “Sorry, I thought you were that nurse,” he stepped away and sat back down as Jensen came in, re-latching it behind him. “She came to get me when you stopped answering,” Jensen said, walking over and running his thick fingers through his husband’s long hair, “what’s going on, babe?”
He knows that Jensen already knew, “It’s okay, Jar, take as long as you need.” He paused at the unpleasant scent wafting around him. “If you’d be more comfortable, we could do this at home.” 
Jared shakes his head, “There’s the risk of damage, contamination, and or unable to get it back in time that could make the semen unusable.” Jared quotes from a website.
Jensen softly chuckled, “Nerd,” and Jared noticed the bulge in his jeans, “You didn’t….”
“Drain the snake..choke the chicken..spank the monkey.”
“Fuck! Stop using old man slang.” He shook his head, smiling up at Jensen, intentionally goading him.
Jared reached up for the hand playing in his hair, grasping it to draw Jensen next to him.
“Jack, I don’t want to wait any longer on doing this. I love JJ and the twins, you know I do, but they’ll always be yours and Danneels. I know the timing could be better. I’m almost thirty-eight, and I want our pups running around the house, driving us crazy.”
“For the next eighteen years?”
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Part II
SPN TAGS: @donnaintx  @lyarr24  @flamencodiva  @b3autyfuldisast3r  @lassie-bird @nancymcl  @spnbaby-67  @leigh70
Sam/Jared:  @idreamofplaid Dean/Jensen:  @thoughts-and-funnies  @stoneyggirl2  @akshi8278  @beabutterfly987 @smoothdogsgirl  @siospins2
GFA: @babypink224221 @waywardjoy @let-me-luve-you @all-4-wincest
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moosekateer13 · 6 years
Flame In All Of Us Chapter 8
Series Masterlist 
4 months later… After that night word quickly spread around that set that are and I were together. Shortly after our night together Jared moved into my house. Taylor really has grown to love Jared. Clark is just a baby so he doesn't have an opinion about him yet. At least he doesn't cry when Jared holds him. Jared comes up behind me and he wraps his arms around my stomach. That’s right that night that we had in the trailer ended up with me getting pregnant with triplets no less. When Jared found out at the ultrasound he passed out. Flashback Are you guys ready to see your baby.? Dr. Bryce asked. “We sure are. “ I replied. She moves the ultrasound wand around my stomach. Three blobs appear. “Congrats Jared and Jen looks like you are expecting triplets.” Dr. Bryce said. Jared faints at the news that we are expecting triplets. “ I have never seen an alpha faint like at the news of pups. .” Dr. Bryce said. Dr. Bryce helps Jared up. I just shake my head at Jared. The big strong alpha couldn’t handle the news. End of flashback
“Hey, beautiful how are you and the babies doing? Jared said. “They’ve been kicking the crap out me. I hardly get a rest one stops and then the other starts kicking me. “ I replied. Jared comes around kneels down and puts a hand on my stomach. “Kids can you give mommy a break you are wearing her out she needs to rest.” I Jared said. Jared than insists for me to sit down. We’ve all had a long day on set. I hear the doorbell ring. I figure it must be Tom bringing Taylor and Clark home he’s had them for the past few days. Jared goes to answer it.
Taylor’s blue eyes lock onto mine my brown eyes and she runs over to me. “ Mommy I missed you .” Taylor said. I wrap my arms around her pull her into a hug. “ Mommy missed you too did you have fun with daddy. “ I said. “ I did and I even met his girlfriend, Jessica, she’s really nice.” Taylor replied Jessica Rose Lee Tom’s girlfriend Tom met her while he was in Cali filming. She runs a saddle club the movie called for a horse so they got one from her saddle club. Like Tom, she’s a beta. “I guess I should have talked to you first before I introduced them.” Tom said. “ It’s fine Tom they’re your kids too. If she’s going to a big part of their lives they might as well meet her. Speaking of which if this gets more serious I need to meet her too. “ I replied. Tom walks into the living room and brings Clark over to me. I try to get up to take him from him but Jared’s not having any of it he pushes me back onto the couch. “ Jen stay put you’ve been working a long day. I’ll get Clark for you.” Jared said.
I shake my head at him
“Jared I can get up to get my son I am fine. You don’t need to watch my every move.” I replied.
“ Jared really is the overprotective type, isn’t he. “ Tom chimed in.
“ Yeah, it’s the alpha side of him. He did this kinda stuff even when I wasn’t pregnant.” 
I said.
 I go to grab a cup of water. I place a hand on my lower back. It’s getting harder for me to walk at this point. Being pregnant with triplets is no picnic that’s for sure. 
“ I can see why he’s being overprotective looks like you’re having trouble getting up. It wasn’t this hard for you when  were pregnant with our kids.” Tom said.
I roll my eyes.
“Of course I am having trouble.  It’s harder being pregnant with triplets plus they’ve been kicking the crap out of my mommy all day.” I replied.
Tom’s phone chimes.
“I’ve got to go Jess texted me I am late for dinner. You take care now Jen. Taylor and Clark be good for Mommy and Jared.” Tom said.
Tom hugs Taylor then kisses me on the cheek. 
Jared is nowhere in the living room by now. I hear water boiling. Looks like Jared has started dinner.
It takes about 40 mins for Jared to make dinner.
He then places the food on the table. 
After I finish feeding Clark I go to the tablet to eat dinner. Jared’s already helped Taylor with her chair. He pulls out my chair for me.
“ Jen before we start dinner we’ve got to talk.”  Jared said.
I look over to Jared with a worried look.
“ It’s nothing bad don’t worry sweetheart. I know we haven’t been together long but I’ve been in love with you since the day you walked onto set 5 years ago for that tour. I never thought I’d find my omega but I finally did. You’re smart, caring funny, and a wonderful mother.  Will you do the honor of becoming my wife? Will you marry me? Jared said.
He gets down one knee.
“Yes I will Jared. I love you.” I replied.
Happy tears streamed down my face.
He places the platinum solitaire diamond ring on my finger.
He gets up and places a kiss on my lips.
“ The ring gorgeous simple and classic.” I said.
“Taylor helped with it she said mommy usually likes classic and simple. I love you Jen and I can’t wait for you to be my wife.  ” Jared replied.
Taylor smiles at us.
We finally eat dinner by now the babies are kicking up a storm because I haven’t eaten yet.
By 8 pm both Taylor and Clark are asleep in their rooms.
“ Jen I want to take a picture announcing our engagement and announce the pregnancy if that’s okay with you.” Jared said.
“We have to tell our family first.” I replied.
“ I already did while we were eating. Your parents already know though I asked them for your hand.” Jared said.
Jared sits down on the couch and pulls me onto his lap.
Jared takes out his phone and we get set up for the shot. Jared kisses me on the cheek and places my left hand on my bump. Jared takes the pic and uploads it to Instagram with this caption: “As many of you know Jen and I got together 4 months ago. My love and I are happy to announce we are getting married and expecting our first child together. Love you sweetheart you’ve made me one happy alpha.” Comments started coming in right away. @jensenackles  Looks you finally got what you hoped for Jared. I am really happy for both of you. @danneelackles512 Congrats to you both. @mishacollins: You work fast don’t you buddy from 0-100 in 4 months. @louisehoult: Congrats Jen and Jared wishing you two all the happiness in the world.
Jared decided to keep it a surprise to everyone but our parents that we are expecting triplets.
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moosekateer13 · 6 years
Flame In All Of Us Chapter 2:
Series Masterlist
1 year later…
Taylor Patricia Welling was born in January. I had comfortably adjusted between balancing my career and life as a mom. Time sure flew by! It didn’t even feel like it had been a year. I started in July of last year. By April we were just getting ready to film the season finale. It was taking longer than normal because Jared seemed to keep messing up and it wasn’t because of the antics that they usually did on set. He usually gets his lines after a take or two take, it’s been 20 takes now.  Maybe he’s just nervous around me. I can’t understand why though.  I really needed to get back to the trailer they set up for me and see if Taylor was up from her nap.
Jared’s P.O.V
“Jared, come on! We are never going to get this done if you can’t even get one line right. What’s going on in the last 3 months? You’ve been making so many mistakes. Jensen hits hands on the table and then knocks over a lamp. He’s clearly frustrated and worried about my actions lately.
“Is it Jen? Ever since she got here you’ve been acting strangely. Don’t tell me she’s your Omega and that’s why you got her the job here. Jared, if it’s true, you’ve got to keep your distance man. She’s married.  I know it’s been rough since you got divorced last year from Genevieve and you haven’t seen your kids often but you’ve got to focus right now. You can’t go off the rails now. You were adjusting so well until Jen got here.” Jensen said.
“You’re right, Jensen, I can’t. But biology...you can’t control that. I know I have to stay away from Jen and I am trying my best. I’ve never found my true mate until Jen and when I finally find her it’s too late. You've got it better than I do, Jensen. You’ve got your Omega. Genevieve is a beta and I loved her, but it just didn’t fit as well as I hoped it would.” I replied
“Well, that’s just great Jared. Just try to control biology for now. The last we need is for you to go into a rut. We are losing daylight by you messing up. Now I’ve got to get someone to clean up the lamp I broke.” Jensen said as he walked off in a huff.
Jensen’s right I’ve got pull myself together. I don’t want the show to suffer or get fired.
Jen’s P.O.V
Just as I thought Taylor is up from her nap I decided to give the onset nanny a break and feed my daughter. I hear a knock at the door.  I set the bottle down and I get up to open it.  I smile when I see who it is. It’s my husband Tom with a bag of food in his hand with a smile on his face.
He kisses me on the cheek. He takes our daughter from arms and I take the food from him.
“Hey honey, I am on my break right now from filming nearby thought I’d bring some food for you. You are here earlier than I expected I thought you’d still be editing.” Tom said.
“ Thank you for the food. I should be but I don’t have much to edit Jared’s been screwing up left right and center. Jared and Jensen were arguing loudly earlier. I couldn’t hear what they were saying though all I heard was them yelling and the sound of a  lamp breaking.” I replied.
“Strange that is very unlike him maybe the divorce from Genevieve and him missing his kids is taking its toll. Tom replied. I shrug in response I don’t really know what to say at this point. Tom's text notification goes off. “ Looks my hour break is up hun I’ve got to get back to set. I’ll see you and our daughter home later. Love you both.” Tom said as he hands our daughter back to me.
“ We love you too and we’ll see you then. Have a good rest of the day.” He kisses the top of my head before he leaves.
I get two texts one from the nanny saying she’ll be back in 10 mins. The other text is from Andrew saying that I should head back to the editing bay after the nanny gets back. I guess Jared finally got his act together and got some filming done.
4 hrs later…
Finally, it’s time to go home. I go to my trailer to pick up my daughter. When I get into the trailer I am surprised at the sight I see Jared is there with my daughter and the nanny was nowhere to be found. Jared’s smiling down at her and she’s fast asleep in his arms. Jared notices my presence and looks up. He tries to soothe my nerves because he sees I am not comfortable with the whole situation.
“Jen, you’re probably wondering what I am doing here. The nanny had an emergency and she had to rush home. I finally finished and she decided to leave Taylor with me.  I guess you didn’t get her text yet.” Jared said. My text notification goes off. I take a deep breath in than out. I put a hand on his shoulder to reassure him I am not mad at him. I take a seat beside Jared.
“ It’s fine, Jared you’re right I am uneasy with this situation. Apart from my family, not many people other than the nanny have looked after Taylor. You’re good with her. She usually cries when people she doesn’t know hold her .” I replied.
“She reminds me of Odette when she was a baby. Taylor is beautiful like her mother.” Jared said with a smile on his face. I blush at that comment.
“ Aww, that’s sweet of you to say Jared thank you. I’ve got to head home now so I’ll take her now.”  I replied. Before I can take Taylor from Jared I get another text it’s from Tom. Darn, he’s working late so he can’t drive me home. It’s a job the nanny does because I don’t drive. I sigh and grab my stuff.
“Jen is something wrong you look stressed?” Jared asked.
“ It’s nothing Tom running late with work he was supposed to come to pick us up. Which is something the nanny does because I don’t drive? I’ve got to call a cab now.” I replied.
“ Jen, if it’s not a problem for you I can drop you and Taylor at your place.” Jared said.
“Thank you Jared that would really help let me just get  Taylor in her carrier then we’ll be all ready to go.” I replied. We head off to Jared’s car I strap Taylor in the back and climb in beside her.  I give Jared the directions to my Dutch Colonial Two-story house. I kiss Jared on the cheek and thank him for driving Taylor and I home. I make my way into my house.
Chapter 3 
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moosekateer13 · 6 years
Flame In All Of Us: Chapter 5
Warnings: Smut and a/b/o
Series Masterlist
Months later.
Jared looks at me with lust in his multi-spectrum eyes.
“Jared this is wrong we shouldn’t be doing I am still married.”I said.
“I don’t care from the moment I met you I knew you were mine. Now let me show you what you’ve been missing.” Jared replied. Jared pulls me in to kiss. I am reluctant at first by I eventually give in to the kiss. My morals have seemed to have flown out the window the moment he kissed me.
I tug on his hair trying to pull him even closer. Jared’s too impatient and ends up destroying my clothes. Jared wraps my legs around his waist and carries me that way all the way to the bedroom. Everything happened in a blur I don’t remember him taking off his clothes.
“Going to knot you and then show the world you are mine with my mark. If you want me to stop you better say so because this is your last chance.” Jared growled.
“ I am not going to stop you. Go ahead Jared make yours.” I replied. A primal smile spreads across his face. He pushes himself into me eagerly and I can already feel his knot start to form. At the peak of it, his teeth sink into my shoulder officially marking me as his.
Hours go by and I can feel exhaustion starting consume. One thing for sure I am going to have a hard time walking for a while. I hear beep just before I drift off.
I wake up to an empty bed oh wait that was all a dream. That was one intense dream. Great now I am got to change the sheet since they are soaked.  This is the first time I've ever dreamt of being with anyone else since Tom and I got married.
It’s been a hard few months. Tom has still not regained his memory and is currently living in an apartment nearby. I couldn’t bear to be in the house by myself so I decided to try to find a place for me and Taylor. But of course Jared ever the so helpful and stubborn Alpha talked me into staying at his place. We’ve gotten closer in the last few months. Taylor and I have been staying in his guestroom. I‘ve got to clean this room up and take my suppressants before Jared gets back from his run. I don’t him to go into a rut because of this.
I grab my bottle of suppressants that are in the nightstand and the bottle of water sitting on the nightstand. I quickly take them and wash them down with water. I swiftly change the bed and spray Febreeze around the room. Okay, so that’s taken care of I better take a shower. By the time I get of the shower, I smell sausage cooking for downstairs. I throw on a robe and make my way downstairs it’s Saturday so we both don’t need to be at work.
“Good morning Jen I’ve made breakfast. Hashbrowns and sausage because I know you like them.” Jared said.
“Jared you’re spoiling me you’ve got let me cook breakfast sometimes. Thank you for breakfast.” I replied. I hear Taylor crying on the baby monitor.
“ Your welcome. I’ve got her. you to finish your breakfast.” Jared said.
Jared’s P.O.V
I know I shouldn’t be essentially playing the part of Jen’s husband but I can’t help it. She’s been through so much these past few months. She’s tried to make Tom remember but nothing is working. I hear my phone go off I look over at it it’s Jensen. I set the bottle down of second and grab my phone. I answer it and then cradle the phone between my shoulder and my ear while feeding Taylor.
“Hey, Jensen what’s up.” I said.
“Not much how’s it like playing husband to Jen?” Jensen teased.
“Come on Jensen don’t be like that I am just being a good friend. Her parents live in another province. Her friend Louise is in London while her husband is filming there. She has no one else.” I replied.
“Man I am just worried about you. What if you go into a rut and end mating with her. You’ll end up wrecking her marriage with Tom.” Jensen said.
“ I know can’t help my biology Jensen it’s just instinct for me to want to take care of her. I think she has feelings for me too I heard her calling my name in her sleep.” I replied.
“This just keeps getting messier. I am coming over.” Jensen said than hung up.
Jen’s P.O.V
I put my plate in the sink. I grab my cup tea and go sit on the couch. Jared finally comes down with Taylor.
“Sorry I took so long I was talking to Jensen. I also gave Taylor a bath.” Jared said.
“Jared you are so sweet I could have done that.” I replied. I take Taylor from him. I set her in her bassinet.
“It’s no trouble I am really growing fond of your little girl. At least she likes me now. Remember when you were pregnant with her she kicked me really hard to stop me from hugging you.” Jared said.
“ I remember that. By the way, Jensen texted me earlier he also mentioned to me that he was coming over.” I replied.
We hear a knock at the door. Looks like Jensen’s already arrived. Jared gets up to answer the door.
“Hey, Jen how’s things going with you and Tom?” Jensen asked. He walked over to the armchair that is beside the couch.
“ I went to visit him no luck. He still doesn’t remember me I’ve tried everything I could think of. It’s been a stressful few months. I am lucky Jared took Taylor and me in. It’s great to have a support system.” I replied.
“Jared talks about you non-stop. It’s always Jen this and Jen that.” Jensen teased.
“I do not.” Jared retorted.
“Sometimes you doing everything you can for me drives me nuts, Jared. I love that you do that it’s very sweet.” I chimed in.
“ I am going to the kitchen get some apple juice you guys want anything?” I asked.
“ Couple cans of Dr. Pepper would be great.” Jared and Jensen said at the same time.
I grab Dr. Pepper and the apple juice from the fridge. I set Dr. Pepper on the coffee table.
“So Jensen how are the kids doing?” I asked.
“They are doing great. The twins are learning how to swim. JJ is excited about the upcoming school year.” Jensen replied.
“Well, that’s good to hear.” I said.
“That reminds me, Jen Tom, Shep, and Odette are coming up for a visit. I’ve talked about you a lot and they really want to meet you. They’ll be here in an hour.” Jared chimed in. I spit my juice out.
“ If you really want me to meet them I’d be happy to.” I replied. I rub my arm I am really not comfortable with this situation. Since Jared’s done so much for me if this makes him happy I’ll meet them.
“I’ll go make lunch than if they are coming over. Is Mac n Cheese okay to make.” I said.
“ It is. Jared replied. I go over to the kitchen to make lunch.
Jared’s P.O.V
Jensen whacks me hard in the back of my head. “ Ow Jensen, what the hell was that for?” I asked.
“ You can’t just spring that on someone Jared. What the hell is wrong with you. Is biology really messing with you head that much?” Jensen said. I heard a knock at the door.
“Saved by the door.” I replied. The kids tackle me as soon as I answer the door.
“ The kids really missed you. I’ll be back on Monday to pick them up. Love you kids be good for your dad.” Genevieve said.  Jen set the bowls of macaroni on the table.
“Come on kids Jen made lunch.” I said. The kids run over to the table excitedly.
“ Daddy talks about you a lot. Are you going to be our mommy too?” Odette asked.
“ No, sweetie you dad and I are just good friends. I am already married and have a family of my own.” I replied.
It hurts my heart to hear her say that. I just wish she was mine and not his. I‘ve got to remember though our living arrangement is only temporary. I guess I have to do the right thing and help her get him to remember their life together. 
Chapter 6 
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moosekateer13 · 6 years
Flame In All Of Us Chapter 3:
f Series Masterlist
Jared’s P.O.V
I am having a party at my place for family and friends to celebrate than the end of the season. I’ve finally worked up the nerve to ask Jen to come with her husband Tom. I’ve got to find though she’s been wandering around all over set today. I finally spot her sitting outside the editing bay.
“There you are Jen I’ve been looking for you all over the place. I wanted to invite you to this party I am holding at my place you can bring Tom and Taylor it’s a kid-friendly kind of party.” I said. I run a hand through my hair.
“I’ve been here for most of the day I don’t know why you couldn’t find me. Anyways I’d love to come I’ve been to any parties in a while. Count us in When is it?”  Jen replied.
“ It’s tonight at 6. I’ll see you then I can’t wait for you to meet Gen, Danneel, and the kids.” I replied with a smile on my face. I run off towards my trailer.
Jen’s P.O.V
Jared surely is in a chipper mood today.  I haven’t been to my trailer in a while I can’t get the smell of sandalwood, musk, and salted caramel out of it. The smell makes me dizzy. Good thing Tom is with Taylor at home otherwise she’d have nowhere to stay since I  can’t go in there. Well, it’s time for my lunch break Tom texted me earlier and told me to meet him at the park nearby. He left Taylor with the nanny at our place. I grab my purse and make my way over there. It’s easy to spot Tom since no one else is there. He gives me a quick kiss before a sit down on the blanket.
“We haven’t had much time to ourselves lately so I thought a picnic would be a great way to do that. I’ve made pasta salad and there’s black forest cake for dessert.” Tom said.
“ We are long overdue for a date. Thank you this is so sweet you did all of this how did I ever get so lucky. “ I replied I place a kiss on the cheek before I start eating.
“So how’s work been you are wrapped for the season right?” Tom asked.
“Yeah we are finished I just edited the last scene for the season finale. Speaking of the end of season Jared’s having this family-friendly party and I said all three of us would go. It’s tonight at 6 pm.” I replied.
“That’s a little short notice but it would be good for us to connect more with the people you work with.  Once I get Taylor and all set to go I’ll swing by the set with your favourite casual red dress. I’ll pick you at 5 you should be finished going over the final edit by then right?” Tom said.
“It’s 12 now so I definitely should be. I’ll grab a shower at 4 in the spare trailer on set they are still working on mine.” I replied. I couldn’t tell him the real reason I haven’t been back to my trailer. My phone goes off looks like lunch will have to be cut short Andrew wants to go over the final edit now.
“ Honey I’ve got get back to set Andrew to text me saying he wants to look over the edit now. Love you.” I said.
“Love you too and I’ll see you at 5.” Tom replied. I give him a quick kiss then make the walk back to set. It doesn’t take that long to get back there Andrew is already awaiting in the editing bay for me.
“ Okay, Jen let's take a look at this then you are all done for today and for the season.” Andrew said. Andrew always gets straight to the point when it comes to work. 40 minutes go by and he’s finished looking over it. “Great job Jen everything is exactly the way I wanted it for this episode. You enjoy your time with your family that’s it for the season.” Andrew said.
“Thanks, I glad it worked out the way you wanted it. You enjoy your time with your family as well.” I replied.
I make my way to the spare trailer to take a shower. After the shower, I decide to change into sweats and catch up on some stories that I’ve been reading on Tumblr. Jared sneaks up behind me while I am reading. I guess I must have forgotten to lock the door.
“ Jared how can someone so tall move like a ninja. Geez, you scared me.” I said.
“Sorry, Jen I saw you duck in here earlier what are you reading.” Jared said.
“None of your business Jared this something I like to keep myself.” I replied. Jared snatches the tablet out of hand. I try to grab it from I was unsuccessful of course because he was holding it over his head. Jared smirks as soon as he sees what I’ve been reading.
“ Looks like you’ve been reading some spicy Sam stories. I never thought you’d be one to read something like that.” Jared teased. My face goes bright red. He finally lowers the tablet. I snatch the tablet from him.
“I’ve been a Sam girl since I was a teenager so sue me I am entitled to read what I want.”  I replied. Without another word, Jared walks out of the trailer with a smirk on his face. Time passes by quickly before I know it’s 5 o’clock.  I hear a knock on the door it must be Tom. I quickly turn off and put away my tablet. I get up to answer.
“ Hey hun I’ve got your dress here It’s good to see you’ve been relaxing. I guess you finished early” Tom said.
“ I did and thank you for bringing my dress. Aww, you put Taylor in a red dress too.” I replied. I look at our daughter who is peacefully sleeping in her carrier. I quickly head off the bathroom to get dressed. It doesn’t take me really long to get ready.
“Sweetheart you look gorgeous. We better get going otherwise we are going to be late.” Tom said. Tom leads me to the care he straps Taylor in and then opens the door the side for me.
Jared’s P.O.V
Before the rest other guests get here I take time out to play with my kids it’s been a while since I saw them. A knock at the door stops me in my tracks and I go over to answer.
It’s Jen, Tom, and Taylor. Jen’s changed her clothes since I last saw her she’s wearing a casual red dress.  It just enhances her beauty. I’ve got stop thinking like this she’s married for god sakes.
“Jen and Tom it’s good to see you two come take a seat in the living room the food will be ready soon.” I said. They take a seat and I make my way back to Jensen, Danneel, and Gen who are sitting on the stools by the counter.
“What’s up with Jared you are so jumpy all of the sudden?” Danneel asked. Before I can answer Jensen does it for me.
“ Jared’s got a major thing for Jen. When I major that’s an understatement. He’s been hanging out in her trailer on his breaks. He’s always looking for when he’s done work. I always have to pull him away don’t want to scare her away from working on the show.” Jensen replied.
“ She’s his omega, isn’t she. I can see the overly jealous Alpha in his eyes when he looks at her. Jared loved me but not like the way he’s looking at her.” Gen chimed in with a pang of jealousy in her voice.
“She is and the poor woman can’t go in her trailer now because his scent is all over it. She has no idea he’s her Alpha either she’s too in love with Tom to see it.” Jensen said. I just take another sip of my beer not saying anything about the whole subject. Genevieve does her best to compose herself.
“ I may be jealous but if she’s possibly going to be the stepmother of our children I might as well get to know her. Jared comes on follow me.” Genevieve said. Genevieve drags me over to Jen and Tom.
Jen’s P.O.V
Taylor is the other side of Tom is fast asleep. Genevieve and Jared come into my line of view.
“I haven’t had a chance to introduce myself yet. I am Jared’s ex-wife Genevieve. Jared and Jensen have been talking a lot about you, Jen. I  thought I’d come over to introduce myself.”
Genevieve said. She holds her hand to shake mine. I shake her hand. Genevieve sits on the couch opposite us.
“It’s nice to finally meet you.” I replied.
“So I know you’re a video editor for the show what kind of hobbies do you have?” Genevieve asked.
“When I am not working or taking care of the household I love to read and listen to music. My favourite author is Kelley Armstrong and my favourite band is Skillet.” I replied. She looks over to Taylor sleeping on the couch.
“Interesting. Is that your daughter if you don’t mind can I hold her?” Genevieve said.
“ Umm sure what’s with up you and Jared’s fascination with my daughter. First Jared wanted to look after while I was working and now you want to hold her.” I replied.
“Well can you blame us she so adorable and beautiful to I might add.” Jared chimed in with a smile on his face. Tom decides to move closer to me since Taylor is no longer laying on the sofa. He then proceeds to put his arm around me. Then Jared’s demeanor changes. His nostrils are flared and he starts growling. The bottle in his hand shatters. Genevieve quickly hands Taylor back to me.
“Jen I think you better get out of here with Tom and Taylor. Jared’s just gone into a rut and it’s not good for you to be around him.” Genevieve whispered to me. Tom looks over at us I give him the signal that’s time to leave. I take Genevieve's advice and rush out of there with Tom and Taylor. I’ve never been around an unmated Alpha before seeing Jared like that terrified me.
Chapter 4 
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moosekateer13 · 6 years
Flame In All of Us: Chapter 7:
Series Masterlist
Warnings: smut a/b/o
9 months later…
That night resulted in another pregnancy. I just gave birth to our second child Clark a few weeks ago. After that kiss, our marriage was never the same. We’ve only been fighting and it’s scaring Taylor. She doesn’t like hearing mommy and daddy fighting.
“Tom I am going to clear my head. Can you look after Taylor and Clark?” I said.
“I will look after Taylor and Clark. You go run off now and have fun with Jared.” Tom sneered.
“For your information, I am going to see Louise she’s in town and it’s been a while since we’ve had a girls day.” I replied.
I grab my purse and quickly go out the door. I don’t want to bother even spend another minute arguing with Tom.
It takes me about 10 mins to walk to the local cafe where I am supposed to meet you with Louise.
I see her at one of the back booths.
She waves me over. I go and sit down at the booth she is at.
“ You look exhausted. Still fighting with Tom.” Louise said.
She tucks a piece of her blonde hair behind her ears.
I show her the papers.
“ Yeah, and I am done I can’t take any more of this. I drafted these up last week it’s the divorce papers.” I replied.
“It’s gotten that bad eh. I am so sorry to hear that.” Louise said with an apologetic look in her eyes.
I take a sip of my ice tea that Louise ordered for me before I got here.
I sigh.
“It really has all we do is fight. It’s scaring Taylor so it’s better for all of if this goes through.” I replied
“ You signed a prenup right so all he has to do is sign the divorce papers right?” Louise asked.
“ That’s right.  Since the environment has gotten so bad for the kids as per the prenup it’s best to part ways. We’ve hit that point so it’s the only logical point is divorce.
Enough about my messy life how’s it going with your family? I replied
“Everything good Michelle is preschool my sister Clara looked after her while we were in London. Nick’s movie just wrapped up filming so we are back home now.” Louise said.
I hear my phone chime it’s Tom.
We need to talk come home now.
“That’s good to hear I am glad you are doing well. Well, I’ve got to go I am being summoned home by Tom. replied
“Thanks and I hope everything gets sorted out soon for you.”Louise said.
She gives me a quick hug before I leave.
I am making the reluctant walk home.
I hesitantly put the keys into the lock.
“ Jen the lawyer called he said you filed divorce papers. I guess it’s gotten that bad honey.
I guess this is the end for us. Tom said sadly
“It is I am sorry it had to end this way but we’ve got to do what's best for the kids. I replied
I put a hand on his shoulder.
“ I am sorry too that we couldn’t make this work. I’ll always love you. So as the prenup says joint custody and you get the house.” Tom said.
I grab the papers out of my purse. Tom reluctantly signs them.
He sets them on the coffee table along with his ring. I place mine right beside his.
“ I am going to my apartment you can look after the kids right?  Tom said.
“ Yeah I can and I’ll call you to work out a schedule for the kids.” I replied
Tom look defeated as he walked out the door.
I guess we woke Taylor she walks over to me.
I hug her tightly and silently sob.
 Weeks later...
The papers have been signed and I‘ve been leaning on Jared on support during this hard time.
He told me to meet him in his trailer once the papers have been finalized
They were just finalized last week. So that’s it I am no longer married to Tom.
I head over to Jared’s trailer since it’s break time now.
It doesn’t take long for Jared to get to his trailer.
Jared looks at me with lust in his eyes.
Uh oh, this isn’t good he’s in a rut.
I really picked the wrong time to wear a dress.
Things just got even worse his rut set off my heat.
Jared licks his lips and comes towards me like an animal hunting his prey.
“ Jen I am assuming your divorce is finalized.” Jared said as he backs into the counter.
“ I have and Jared what the hell are you doing? I replied.
“ You know very well what I am doing Jen. I can smell you looks like my rut set off your heat.
Also, did you have to wear the dress you like teasing me don’t you. “ Jared said.
“ Jared we shouldn’t really cross this line I just got off my divorce.” I replied
“ I am done waiting for Jen. I know you want me as much as I want you. Why deny the inevitable.” Jared said.  He looks at me with lust and his pupils are fully dilated. 
Jared slams his lips against mine and pushes me onto the counter.
I immediately kiss him back. I pull on his hair trying to bring closer to me.
My hormones have fully taken over.
He quickly unzips my dress and throws it to the other end of the trailer.
I swiftly unbutton his shirt and throw it in the same direction.
And then I proceeded to unbuckle his jeans.
By now my underwear is soaked and we are both sweating. My heart is racing.
“Damn I forgot the condoms. I guess we’ll have to hold off till I can grab some. “ Jared said.
Jared tries to get up to leave. I pull him back.
“Don’t care fill me up I want to be pregnant with your pups.” I replied.
“Well if you are so sure about this then who am I to deny my omega. Jared said.
He then takes off my undergarments.
Jared growls. “ So beautiful can’t wait to make you completely mine.” Jared said. Jared removes his boxers. He grabs my hips then he slams into me really hard. I hold onto him tightly and rake my nails down his back. It doesn’t take long for his knot to form. “Mine,” Jared growled as he sunk his teeth into my neck just as my orgasm comes. He licks the blood off of the mark he just made. This definitely what pure bliss feels like. “This is just beginning I am nowhere done with your yet.  You won’t be able to walk properly after I am done with you.“ Jared growled into my ear. Hours fly by and by the end of it, we have defiled every surface of his trailer including the shower. We finally clean up.  It wouldn't be a surprise if I got pregnant from this I've been filled to the brim.  I notice the marks from my nails as he puts on a clean shirt.  I blush at the realization that I had done that to his back. Jared doesn’t say anything he just smirks at me. I can barely stand. Jared has to help me stand. Jared magically has a fresh pair undergarments for me to my surprise they are  mine. He must have stolen these when I stayed over at his place. On wobbly legs, I finally manage to get dressed. Jared refuses to let me put my dress on he wants me to wear his shirt  I took off him earlier instead. My omega nature takes over and I end up agreeing to wear it. He grabs an old spare belt and wrapped it around my waist. Jared smirks at the sight of me in his shirt. “ I‘ve got get back to set now Omega. We’ll have dinner tonight at my place, Jen. Love you.”  Jared said. “Alpha I’ll see you then text me when you are done filming. Love you too Jared.” I replied Jared gives me a quick kiss before he heads back to set. . That was better than I ever could imagine it to be. Sore and tired I have trouble making my way back to the editing bay. What crazy day it’s has been. I rub the mark on my neck. Well, words going to get out fast on set that Jared and I are together now. Especially with his mark and me walking around in his shirt.
Chapter 8
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moosekateer13 · 6 years
Flame In All Of Us Chapter 6:
Series Masterlist
Weeks later…
Jen’s P.O.V
Day after day I’ve gone over to Tom’s apartment bringing anything that would jog his memory. All of my attempts have failed. I’ve been putting on a brave face but the mask is starting to slip.
“Jen sweetheart Taylor wants you she’s been crying for you for over 10 mins.” Jared said. I just nod and go up to get Taylor. I’ve had to rock her to sleep lately she’s really starting to miss Tom.
“Taylor sweetie I know you miss you daddy but I’ve already tried everything. I don’t know what else to do” I said to Taylor. I started to cry like I’ve been doing every day for the past few weeks.
Taylor finally falls asleep and I put her into her crib. I go wash up my face and head back down to the living room.
“Jen I overheard everything on the baby monitor. I’ve got an idea but I don’t know if you’d go for it. I know Tom’s best friend Michael is the guest star on the show for the episode we are filming and he’s married to Tom’s ex, right? Jamie likes to visit the sets whenever Michael is filming so she’ll be dropping by at some point. We could set up a kissing scene between us when Michael is supposed to be on set.  It could help Tom regain his memory if he gets jealous.” Jared said.
I look at Jared like he’s grown two heads. Where the hell does he come up with these ideas?
“ Jared that’s a really insane idea but at this point, I’d try anything.” I replied.
Jared’s P.O.V 
Time to head to set Jen called the nanny to come over to my place instead of the set today due to the trap we are about to set for Tom. I go over to greet Michael.
“ Jen texted you to set the plan in motion right?” I asked.
“ Jen’s right you are crazy but if I can do anything to help my best friend get his memory back I am all for it.” Michael replied.
Hours later...
Jen’s P.O.V
I’ve been pacing around the lot of a while now I know Tom’s here because I see his car come in he ran into Michael’s trailer earlier. I know Jamie’s there because she asked where his trailer is.
“Jen we’ve got to set this up now. Otherwise, it won’t work.” Jared said.
“ I know I can hear him shouting in there so he’s going to walk out any minute.” I replied. Come on  it’s just acting Jared’s done this some many times it’s not like we are really crossing a line or anything.
We hear the trailer door slam. Jared grabs the back of my head and pulls me into a passionate kiss. Then everything clicks why he’s been doing it all this stuff for me for months. He’s my alpha. How did I never notice this from the day we met? My heart feels like it’s beating a million miles minute. 
“Alpha.” I whimper against Jared’s lips. I am yanked off Jared by Tom.
“ Jen, what the hell are you doing? You are my wife! Why are kissing Jared? Are you cheating on me?” Tom asked.
“No, Tom you lost your memory months ago. I’ve tried everything this was the last resort to get your memory back.” I replied.
Without another word, Tom throws me over his shoulder and takes back to our house. This is the strangest thing I’ve ever seen Tom’s no way an alpha but he sure is acting like one.
Chapter 7:
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moosekateer13 · 4 years
Flame in All Of Us: Epilogue
Series Masterlist
The triplets were born 3 months ago
Laura Anne, Kelley Alison, and Winchester Ross Padalecki
We’ve got our handles full but we decided we couldn’t wait any longer and decided to get married today.
I’ve been pacing around the room it feels like it has been an eternity since I’ve finished getting ready. I take one last look at myself in the mirror. I chose a simple flowy lace dress and matching veil. I decided to wear a fur shawl to complete the look. Even in Texas, it’s a little chilly in December. We decided to get married in the backyard of our texas home. Taylor‘s the flower girl and Thomas is the ring bearer. Jensen is officiating the wedding.
“Jen you are going to wear a hole in the carpet. Jared knew you were nervous so he left your laptop with a video on it’s all queued up and ready to go.” Louise said.
She hands me my laptop and I turn it on.
Jared: Hey beautiful you are probably as nervous as I am with this wedding. This is just the first step in the rest of our lives together. I love you Jen and I will be waiting at the end of the aisle for you. I can’t wait to be your husband
End of video
My dad comes to collect me for the wedding.
Finally, I get down the aisle to exchange vows with Jared.
“Hello, beautiful.” Jared whispered to me.
“We are gathered here to join Jared and Jen in holy matrimony. Jen and Jared have written their own vows to each other. Jensen said.
“When we first met on that set 7 years ago who would have thought we would end up here. I felt that connection right away and it only grew stronger over time. It eventually grew into love.
Jen, I promise to be there for you  and love you through everything.” Jared said.
“When we first met I knew there was a connection between us. I didn’t follow my gut because it once has steered me wrong before.  In time I trusted my gut and followed my heart. It led to the start of something amazing. Jared, I promise to be there for you and love you through everything.” I said.
“Jen and Jared will now exchange rings Jensen said.
“I  Jared give this ring in remembrance of this hour, a symbol of love that is complete, beautiful, and endless.” Jared said.
Jared slips the ring onto my ring finger.
“I Jen, give this ring in remembrance of this hour, a symbol of love that is complete, beautiful, and endless.” I said.
I slip the ring onto his ring finger.
“Now I know that Jared’s been waiting anxiously for this. You may kiss the bride.” Jensen said.
Jared kisses me a little too passionately for public eyes so Jensen cuts it short.
“ I now present Mr. and Mrs. Jared Padalecki. “ Jensen said.
Finally, it’s time for the reception. I changed into Cheongsam for the reception.  The whole venue is decorated in red and gold with red tulips centerpieces on each table.
We start with the speeches.
Jensen is the first to speak.
“Who knew we end up here. Jared’s been madly in love with Jen since the moment he met her. The love and adoration they two have for each other is storybook If you want to look for an example of true love these two are it.  Here’s to you Jared and Jen wishing you a lifetime of happiness.” Jensen said.
Louise is the next to speak. I chose her as my maid of honor.
“Jen I am so happy you and Jared found each other. Jen never believed in the true love stories. She’s been through a lot and never expected to find her happy ending. Jen looks like you’ve finally found it. You two have something special. Wishing you and your family nothing but love and happiness. Louise said.
Jared’s mom is the next to speak.
“ Jared you didn’t think you would get your second chance at love but you’ve definitely found it.
Before you two together I knew you were in love with her. From the way, your eyes lit up from when you talked about her and the happiness in your voice.  I am sure everyone in this room can see how perfect you are together. Jared and Jen, I wish you and your lovely family a long and happy marriage.” Sharon said.
My mom speaks after she does.
“ Jen my only child see I was right I knew you would find your place in this world. When you were younger you never thought you’d be married with kids. It warms my heart to see my daughter finally happy with a family of her own. Your dad and I wish you and Jared all the happiness in the world you deserve it.
Jared and I are the last two to speak.
“ Jen for the moment I met you I felt this pull to you. I think that moment I was in love with you and I just didn’t realize it. As we spent more time together your caring nature and the passionate look in your eyes when you talk about someone or something you love made me fall in love with you even more. The wedding is just another step in our lives together. I don’t know how I ever got so lucky to have found you but I am glad I did. Here’s to us, sweetheart.”
Jared said.
“To my loving husband, I am the lucky one to have found you. The way you cared about me even before you together. From the moment we met, I think I was in love than I just didn’t realize it. Our children are lucky to have a father like you and I am lucky to have such a wonderful husband. Here’s to us honey and the rest of our lives together.” I said.
We finally start our dinner and cut the cake afterward.
Our first dance is to Thousand Foot Krutch’s Flame In All Of Us
“It's the flame in all of us The same that makes us feel this Flame in all of us, the same That makes us feel it”
Before I know it’s time to get off to our honeymoon.
Jared and I are in Paris now. He knows how much I’ve always wanted to visit it. We are currently at Eiffel tower. Louise is currently watching our kids.
I look out at the breathtaking skyline.
Jared wraps his arms around my waist.
“Jen you look like something on your mind. What is it, sweetheart.” Jared said.
“It’s just that I can’t believe it didn’t realize you were my alpha. I replied.
“That’s not really important now we finally got together anyways. I love you, Jen. Jared said.
“ I love you too Jared. When you finally claimed it felt like I was coming home. I knew at that moment being in your arms is where I was meant to be.”
Jared places a passionate kiss on my lips and takes a pic of us on the Eiffel tower.
Paraphrasing words Jared put this into his caption.
“I love you sweetheart and when I  finally claimed you it felt like  I was coming home. I’ve always known we were meant to be.”
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moosekateer13 · 6 years
Flame In All Of Us Masterlist
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Eventual Alpha! Jared  x Omega! Jen
Jared finally finds his Omega but there’s a problem she’s already married.
Join Jared and Jen on their journey to find each other.
Warnings: Smut , a/b/o, angst, fluff, true mates
A big thank  you to  these amazing and talent writers @sofreddie and @waywardrose13 for betaing this for me.
Prologue  Chapter 1 Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5  Chapter 6
Chapter 7  Chapter 8 Epilogue 
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kickingitwithkirk · 3 years
Greetings from Austin pt. III
Pairing: Alpha!Jensen Ackles x Alpha!Jared Padalecki x Omega!OFC
Summary: Jensen and Jared are at odds over a monumental decision that changes their lives in a way they couldn’t have envisioned.  
WC: 3825
Warnings: a/b/o, bisexuality, biphobia, homophobia, angst, cursing, self doubt, depression/anxiety, married life/disagreements, medical stuff, sexual dysfunction, infertility/surrogacy
*flirting, m/m oral sex, Jensen’s insecurities are coming out, Jared gets arrested, both get counseling
A/N: This part consists of several time jumps over four month period.
A/N II: Hey, sorry took me a way longer to get done than planned, rewrote Oct 23 a dozen times alone and hoping makes sense, trying to flesh out characters more and has some stuff that plays into story line in later parts.
Part II
@winchesterandbeyondbingo​​​​​​ square filled-Jensen Ackles
*Series Inspired by this art.
*no beta-all mistakes are mine
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September 8th
7:30 am
Jensen was sitting in the makeup chair clenching his extra strong coffee container to help warm his hands. He’d spent a second, uncomfortable night in his trailer on location as Vancouver was having an unusual cold snap this time of year and with the covid restrictions the director decided that everyone needed to stay on site.
While he wasn’t happy about the weather, missing his own personal heater but at the same time grateful for a brief break from Jared now that they were heading towards the next phase of starting their family.
Jensen jokingly said they needed a code name since they were planning on keeping their plans a secret, even from their families, until the pups were born, playfully suggesting a cartoon from their childhoods.
Of course with Jared’s weird sense of humor, he loved it and started throwing ideas like operation: pound puppies.
“Penny for your thoughts.” Frieda said as she applied a concealer under his eyes to hide the dark smudges from not sleeping well.
“You asked about my new job and haven’t heard anything I’ve said, wanna talk about it?”
“Sorry, not focusing very well today.”
“Yeah, we’re all feeling out of sorts with this being the last couple days.”
Jensen couldn’t believe he was down to his last two days of filming.
“Too bad this virus messed everything up, it would’ve been a hell of a send off if everybody could have been here.”
Alex and Misha had left right after they’d finished but Jim Beaver was back for the ending. It was only right for Bobby Singer to be there at the end, having been such a pivotal character in the brothers lives.
Frieda continues chatting about random things while finishing his makeup. A PA stuck his head in calling Jensen to the set. He stepped out of the trailer and smiled seeing his Baby sitting near the building being used as the exterior of Harvelle's Roadhouse.
September 12th
“Jen, I’m taking out the bags,” Jared calls out seconds before the apartment's front door shut.
Jensen was doing one last check around the place for any forgotten anything. Satisfied, he walked into the living room containing neatly marked boxes ready to be shipped back to Texas, relieved they had downsized from the big house Jared had years ago.
He stopped to gaze out the picture window when a pair of strong arms wrapped around his waist, molding his back to the muscular chest of his mate, who rested his chin on his shoulder quietly saying, “I’m gonna miss this view.” Jensen hummed in agreement tipping his head back as Jared nuzzled his neck.
“We need to get going if we’re gonna make Seattle by seven,” Jared softly muttered as they’d stood there for a few heartbeats longer before releasing him. They walked to the door and Jensen turned once more to gaze out the window at the view of Vancouver.
September 21st
“This has been a great trip but man, I’ll be glad to be in our own bed tonight.” Jared remarks as they drive past a green highway sign saying Austin 312.
“Can’t wait,” Jensen drowsily says having not slept much the last couple days. They had decided to road trip it back to Texas, stopping at a few places they had wanted to visit for awhile.
Jared somehow managed to finagal, okay so his mind numbing blow job combined with those lethal long fingers that always makes Jensen agree to anything got him a couple extra days in southern Colorado.
Jensen enjoyed the beautiful scenery and hiking in the mountains but hated camping out. Well, it wasn’t technically roughing it the way Jared liked but still.. a frigging yurt in late September?
Oy vay, what he did for love.
The sound of Jared singing along to some classic country song on the radio as he drove finally put Jensen completely out.
October 23rd
Turning from the open fridge with a puzzled expression on his face, Jared senses the same vague something he’s felt God knows how many times in the last couple months.
Shutting the door he walked over to the island counter where his husband was seated pushing his unfinished dinner around on his plate.
“Jen, what’s going on? Are you worried about the implantation? Dr. Rodgers said the embryos were healthy and optimistic the surrogate took this first try.”
What Jensen wants to ask, the question that’s plagued him since that day in August choosing their Omega surrogate...how the hell does he phrase it without upsetting Jared?
“Did you choose her because you knew she’d be the one I’d pick?”
Jensen slapped his hand over his mouth, eyes wide, disbelieving he blurted it out.
Jared worked to find a response squeaking an actual squeak before he could get control over his vocals, “That’s what I’ve been sensing!” Gripping the edge of the counter with his big hands, “Are you seriously going there again? I was honest about our interactions when I realized she was the one I knocked down at the clinic and FYI, you weren’t exactly in full control either Alpha!”
Jensen clenched his teeth at being reminded his inner need to be in control at all times slipped.
“I’ve racked my brains trying to figure it out how to ask something like that without upsetting you!” Jensen yells getting up and pacing around the kitchen.
Jared huffed, “So all this time instead of talking to me, you’ve conjured up some..”
“For the last two years I’ve gotten the sense you feel somethings missing, kept telling myself it’s your unfulfilled biology. But ever since you meet that Omega you’ve been.. I can’t explain it and now I’m second guessing our marriage Ja....” his rant abruptly cut off.
Jared’s eyes were glowing red, pinning him with an eerie wolf expression, the intensity disconcerting him. “I chose you, my husband, my soulmate, my everything!“ The words should have been reassuring but Jared’s voice was pitiless, something Jensen's never heard pass from his lips before.
Jared took a deep breath and with normalcy returning said, “I love you Jensen and I thought you understood, for me, in my mind, both of us having pups with the same donor means my offspring won’t be seen as just step relations but will grow up having strong familial ties with JJ, Arrow and Zeppelin.”
Jensen started to speak when a low, reverberating growl from Jared warning him not to interrupt.
“I consciously listened to my inner wolf when it came to choosing the person who is biologically the Om of our children and I,” Jared emphasizes tapping his chest with his long index finger, ”have no regrets but apparently you do.” Taking a deep breath Jared drops a non sequitur, ”The dogs need to be fed,” and walks away.
At the sound of Jared’s SUV leaving Jensen’s legs gave out and he drops to the floor curling up in a fetal position wrapping his arms over his head. Arlo and Koda laid down, one on each side, cocooning him between them.
“The kids are in a tryptophan coma,” Jensen announces as he walks in through the kitchen's back door. He had followed Danneel home afterwards helping get JJ and the twins cleaned up and put to bed, “they’ll be out till Monday.”
“Good, cause I’m dead on my feet,” Jared replies yawning while loading the dishwasher. It had been their turn to host the holiday with Danneel, the kids, Clif, Jared’s siblings and their broods.
“I told you to wait and I’d help finish the cleanup when I got back.” Jensen said as Jared started the machine.
“I figured you’d wanna stay awhile and be too tired and I didn’t want to deal with it tomorrow. All that’s left is to put the trash and recycling out, could you grab it?”
“On it,” Jensen picked up the bags walking around the side of the house dropping them into their designated receptacles.
When he came back in Jared was switching off the lights downstairs. They made their way up to the bedroom taking turns in the bath getting ready for bed.
Jensen was sitting with his back against the headboard checking his messages when Jared drops heavily next to him, “I plan on sleeping for the next three days.” He mutters resting his head against Jensen’s shoulder.
“Sounds good to me babe, I’m glad we didn’t schedule anything extra this weekend, be nice to spend some time alone.” He finishes wiggling his eyebrows.
“Hmm, do you remember last year's Thanksgiving?”
Jared closed the kitchen pantries door, pushing Jensen against it seductively lowering his fox slanted eyes huskily whispering, “I’m so fucking horny I need my dick you now.”
“Dude, we’re re in my sisters...“
“..you’ll have to be quiet,” Jared dove in for a deep, dirty kiss, grinding against Jensen until he was begging to be fucked.
“You’re the one who got us busted..oh fuck Jensen..so fucking tight..fuck..not gonna last..then later I get Mac saying it sounded like your dick...”
“Okay..buuut,” Jared tilts his head slowly running his tongue up the column of Jensen’s neck, “you gotta admit,” hand slipping under his sleep shirt, “our sex life,” long fingers tip toe up the smooth, freckled chest, pads teasing his left nipple as Jared nibbles on his earlobe, ”is never boring.”
Jensen groans, dropping his arm, still clinching the phone, tipping his head to expose more of his neck to Jared’s wondrous lips, enjoying the scratch of his short beard.
“I thought you were sleeping the next three days.”
Jared answers by removing his hand and straddling his husband's thick thighs taken the phone placing it on the nightstand and starts nibbling along the other side of Jensen’s sensitive neck, working his way to his slightly raised claim mark flattening his tongue licking the ultra sensitive spot that always drives his Alpha wild.
Jensen slides his hands up Jared’s back finding a grip in his shortened hair, unhappy about how much he’s cut off for Walker, unable to tangle his thick fingers into the soft tresses like he used to.
Finding a purchase he pulls hard making Jared groan at the pleasurable sensation tips his head back till it’s the perfect angle for Jensen to run his tongue across those candy pink lips, teasing them open to grant him access, continues teasing, alternating between caressing Jared’s tongue with his and sucking on his lips.
Moaning, Jared rocks his hips seeking friction, breaks their kissing long enough to work Jensen's sleep shirt off. They end up wrestling a few moments before Jared tosses it as Jensen’s lips attack his more desperately.
Tapping Jared’s thigh, Jensen rolls them kneeling between sleep pant clad legs watching as Jared reaches up gripping the strategically placed bar in their custom made headboard with both hands, his pecs flexing in anticipation of what’s to come.
Not breaking eye contact Jensen bends forward, his lips a hair's breadth from Jared’s, slowly slides backwards hovering, caressing the acres of golden skin beneath him with only his warm breath, pausing to hook his fingers in the pants waistband and pulling them with him as he continues journeying south.
Slowly making his way back north he leaves wet, open mouth kisses along the now naked, extra long, muscular legs he loves, sucking on the insides of both thighs, nipping hard enough to leave marks before arriving at his designated stop.
He hasn’t even touched Jared’s beautiful cock yet it’s fully engorged, resting against his flat stomach vigorously leaking precome. Jensen dips his tongue into his bellybutton lapping up the liquid collecting in it, cause fuck, he’s loves how more sweet than salty Jared’s always tasted.
Hips rolling Jared rubs his cockhead against Jensen’s tongue and he kitten licks the dribbling slit before resting his head on Jared’s lower stomach and wrapping his lips around the velvety head.
Shifting his grip on the bar Jared’s makes nonsensical noises, toes curling at the mixed sensations of his mates silky beard tickling his lower regions while sucking on his cockhead, alternates swirling his tongue over the nerves underneath and teasing his slit sending spikes of pleasure radiating through him.
After all these years Jared’s still amazed at Jensen’s knowledge of his body, his ability to keep him on the edge of not enough for however long he’s in the mood to play.
“..pleease...need to cum...got to..so fucking..uhh..Alpha!”
Raising up on a forearm Jensen starts bobbing up and down his shaft, pausing briefly on each downward pass, working his throat open to take Jared further in until he’s nose deep in dark, trimmed pubic hair. Holding his mate's substantial cock in his throat swallows around him as Jared’s knot inflates, pushing his jaws apart till it’s too much.
Letting the knot slip out from between his plump lips Jensen wraps a hand firmly around it and starts vigorously bobbing drawing out a litany of obscene noises, feels Jared’s balls drawing up and backs off swallowing the warm, thick, spurting liquid.
Leisurely licking until Jared hissed, too sensitive for anymore kisses the tip one last time crawls back up the bed searching for his pillow and face plants on it.
“Dude, you’ve finally sucked out my last brain cell.”
Purring deep in his chest, Jensen gives Jared a self satisfied smirk, who mutters, “wasn’t trying to give you a bigger head.”
Rolling onto his side Jensen displays his turgid cock needing attention, “okay, he’s the bigger head,” Jared concedes reaching down running his fingers over the weeping tip, wetting them with precome spreads it over the shaft firmly fisting Jensen’s pulsing thickness, moving his hand up and down excruciatingly slowly.
“So,” his honeyed voice lowers an octave watching Jensen dissolving into a breathy mess, “how does he want me?”
Jensen opens his mouth to answer when a phone rings. Glaring over his shoulder, “not mine,” he growls. Still stroking him Jared stretches for his, “it’s the clinic..hello? Dr. Rodgers, hey, how are you sir?” He lets go sitting up against the headboard.
Why’s the doctor calling them at such an odd time, on a holiday no less?
Jared's brow wrinkles before he turns to Jensen, eyes sparkling breaks out his wondrous smile making his dimples pop.
“Jensen, she’s pregnant!”
Jared's practically bouncing on their bed like he’s on a massive sugar high discussing what comes next with the doctor. Jensen feels his erection rapidly diminishing, gets up heading into the bath and turns on the shower.
Climbing in he crosses his arms against the far wall, resting his forehead against them closing his eyes as hot water bounces across his broad shoulders.
Jensen knows he should be elated. Jared’s getting the pup (or pups) he’s desired for years and the possibility of being a father himself again. Instead, his heart seized up in conflict.
After that god awful argument in October he ended up at Josh’s, who confessed his mate and him were seeing a counselor because they were having marital issues too. Spending the night drinking and reflecting Jensen came home the next morning to a still angry Jared cause he didn’t know where the fuck his husband was all night.
Filling him in about his talk with Josh, Jared seemed somewhat mollified but a few nights later...
Walker star Jared Padalecki arrested near the one year anniversary of Stereotype bar altercation.
· Jared Padalecki was arrested once again in Austin, Texas, early Sunday morning on one count of public intoxication…
When he got released Jared sat Jensen down pleading with him to sit in on his next therapy session, saying they couldn’t keep going on like this, it was tearing him apart.
He wants..no..needs Jensen to completely open up, stop trying to protect him and discuss what’s going on in his head, what he’s really feeling.
Jared’s therapist started off informing both of them he wasn’t a marriage counselor but after a brief conversation with Jared knew the situation was having a detrimental impact on his mental health.
He listened to them separately, then together, about their observations and thoughts on each other’s behaviors came up with a hypothesis:
Since Jared’s last depressive episode, his random thoughts/emotions were feeding more into Jensen’s deep seated insecurities over his mate’s open, flirtatious personality and how he perceives others attraction/interactions to him.
And now Jared’s inner wolf is demonstrating an intense attraction to an Omega, something never encountered before with past preferences in Beta females, with this new dynamic Jensen didn’t know how to handle it.
Jensen opened and closed his mouth several times sputtering before saying this was complete bullshit and stormed out.
Lost in thought Jensen didn’t notice his husband stepping into the open shower stall until his considerable frame was blocking the water, Jared’s voice drew him out of his musings.
“I can hear you thinking clear in the other room.”
Cupped Jensen’s face between his large hands he gazed into those spring colored eyes that captured his heart the moment he looked into them years ago, “Hey, no matter what happens next, we’re good.”
December 16th
Jared was sitting in his chair chatting with Lindsey and Keegan while the crew was finishing setting up for the next scene when his phone rang. He didn’t recognize the number but excuses himself, stepping away for some privacy answering.
“Hey, everything okay?” Lindsay asked after he hung up, concerned by the visible tension rolling off the big Alpha.
“Umm..I don’t know, I need to make another call...” Jared said, waving the phone, “yeah, let us know if you need anything.” Keegan says and Jared nodded his thanks.
The phone rang three times, “Hey Clif, I need a favor.”
December 19th
Clif pulled the SUV into the parking lot, “Are you sure this is the right place?” Jared inquires looking around taking in the old motel located in a very questionable area of Austin.
“This is the name the guy mentioned.” Clif replied, getting out heading for the office. Couple minutes later he climbed back in, “the manager said the laundry out back.” He started the vehicle and drove to the rear of the property.
Clif got out again and knocked on the building's door. An older Hispanic woman answered engaging him in a brief conversation before stepping back inside.
Clif nodded to Jared and as he got out of the vehicle that piquant scent hit him seconds before the door reopened. The person he’d spent days searching for froze in the doorway upon seeing him.
December 22nd
Jensen, claiming out of the Uber, grabbed his bag thanking the driver, walked up the front stone pathway relieved to be home from L. A. after a hopefully final costume fitting for his new role as Soldier Boy, this flying back and forth every week for the last couple months had gotten old real quick and he was looking forward to enjoying the holidays at home.
Jared’s parents were coming tomorrow and staying for a few days as was Danneel and their pups. Josh said he was still planning on dropping by a few hours Christmas Day since he and Mac were scheduled to spend most of the holiday with their parents.
Jensen felt that mixture of anger and sadness he got thinking about his parents. He was raised in their church and though he never believed in it, respected their choice.
Too bad they couldn’t reciprocate.
Alan and Donna belonged to an ultra conservative church. The foundations of child rearing was to be found in the good book and in the Ackles household-spare the rod, spoil the child-was gospel.
When they were growing up neither parent was the physically or emotionally demonstrative type, only showing their offspring a reserved affection, especially in public.
The saving grace was their Beta nanny who gave them unconditional love, especially Jensen, who was shy as a child already knowing he was different from his siblings. She instilled the confidence in them to discover who they truly were inside and encouraged Jensen to come out before moving to California.
Shortly after graduating he told his family about his bisexuality and his boyfriend was moving to L.A. with him.
Alan and Donna tried to stop him. He was to go to their pastor and confess his transgressions, beg forgiveness for his sins against the church and its teachings, threatening to pull the agreed upon six month financial support while he auditioned for parts before going to college if it didn’t work out.
Jensen refused, packed up, took his boyfriend and left. He got his first break shortly after and quickly learned Hollywood didn’t care what his sexual orientation was as long as he kept it behind closed doors.
His management agency decided early on to promote Jensen as the good guy/boyfriend type. They also set him up on dates to events with many up and coming female artists of the time. He had no problem playing along when he wasn’t actually dating a woman.
His big break came on the CW. After co-starring in a couple series for the network he was offered the chance to be a lead in a new series created by Eric Kripke.
At the audition he met former Gilmore Girls heartthrob, Jared Padalecki, flashing his infectious smile, dimples for days and the most beautiful, incredible color shifting eyes Jensen’s ever seen, he was done for.
Jensen might not have his biological parents in his life anymore but his now in-laws, the complete opposite of the Ackles, helped fill that hole.
It’s easy to see where Jared’s personality comes from. His Om, Sherrie, is overly affectionate, excessively physical and verbal with everyone she considers family, biological or not.
The first time he accompanied Jared home on a holiday break Jensen was literally bowled over by the five foot nothing Omega and instantly became part of her brood.
Barley getting the front door open Jensen is hit with the piquant scent of orange blossoms and spices he couldn’t quite place.
Dropping his carry-on bag in the foyer he followed the scent further into the house. Arlo sat up near the large picture windows facing the backyard where he and Koda are napping and gets up coming over to greet him.
“Hey big guy, where’s daddy at?” Jensen asked rubbing around his ears like he liked having thought Jared would still be on set before the holiday break.
He heads towards the kitchen where the scent seems to be coming from, “Babe is that coffee shop back open, what’s it called, has those sweet rolls you're obsessed with..” he abruptly stopped and blinks not believing what was in front of him.
More accurately who was in front of him.
“Babe is in his office and dinner will be ready in twenty.”
GFA: @babypink224221 @waywardjoy​ @let-me-luve-you​ @all-4-wincest
SPN: @donnaintx​ @lyarr24
Sam/Jared @idreamofplaid​
Dean/Jensen: @flamencodiva​
49 notes · View notes
kickingitwithkirk · 4 years
Greetings From Austin: Part II
Pairing: Alpha!Jensen Ackles x Alpha!Jared Padalecki x Omega!OFC
Summary: Jensen and Jared are at odds over a monumental decision that changes their lives in a way they couldn’t have envisioned.  
Word Count: 3985
Warnings: a/b/o, bisexuality, angst, cursing, self doubt, depression/anxiety, married life/disagreements, medical stuff, sexual dysfunction, infertility, surrogacy
*Jensen acting out of character
*additional warnings to be added in future parts.
A/N: series Inspired by this art.
A/N II: For this part I did some research & delved into a bit of reproductive/genetic testing-please don’t dink me on details, I altered it a bit to fit A/B/O verse.
A/N III:  There is no intentional hate or malevolence intended towards any of the Ackles or Padalecki families. This is a purely fictional piece containing real and created persons/names/events set in the fictional  A/B/O verse. Some dates/events altered to fit story.
Part I
*no beta-all mistakes are mine
*photos found online
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One hour later
Jensen sets two sealed cups in the small niche shutting its door and grabs his jacket sliding it on, his inner Alpha purring with satisfaction watching his husband's fumbling fingers working at a button on his shirt, “Need any help babe?”
Jared’s all dilated pupils and glowing cheeks above his thick beard, “I’m good, I'll be out in a few.” Jensen leans in for one more soft, lingering kiss before leaving. Locking the door behind him Jared leans against it, closing his eyes, savoring the last vestiges of his oxytocin high.
He can’t stop recalling that mischievous glint in those luminous green eyes as Jensen slowly licked his plush lips before diving in to kiss him stupid, his long, sinful tongue doing things that’s probably illegal in twenty states, hands with ooh, so thick, talented fingers capable all sorts of magical things.
Shaking himself out of the memory he crossed over to the sink and caught his debauched reflection in the mirror. Shit, he can’t out looking like this.
Turning on the tap cups his hand to catch some of the running water splashing his face to cool off when his phone starts vibrating in his back pocket. Drying his hands and face he pulls it out checking the text. Glancing up he runs a hand over his thick beard, smoothing it down before leaving the room.
Completely preoccupied typing a reply he rounds the corner heading for the doctor's office slamming into a woman knocking her off her feet, the contents of the bag she’s carrying scatter loudly across the floor.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry!”
From her seated position she looks up...and up, his long, long legs clad in low riding jeans barely held up by a loosely buckled leather belt, his shirts rucked-up, a bit of his treasure trail and toned abs flanked by the sharp V of his hip peeking out.
Jared, embarrassed, keeps apologizing, laced with fuck every other word, squats down gathering scattered items, dropping them back into the bag continuously babbling until she bursts out laughing. “And here I be thinking I said fuck to much,” a subtle lilt in her voice making it sound like she’s saying fook instead.
They move around each other picking up the last of her stuff. Jared reaches for a scarf when the central air catches a few loose strands of her hair, lightly dancing them across his cheek.
He inhales sharply as her piquant scent travels through his system eliciting a rumbling purr deep in his chest, “Fuck..” She breathes out gazing directly into his kaleidoscope eyes, watching mesmerized as they bleed into red with arousal as her eyes flash gold in response.
“I..I..fuck..I’ve gotta go!” She sputters, scrambling to her feet, grabs the bag hurrying away, leaving him holding the scarf.
Lifting the forgotten fabric to his face Jared deeply inhaled her scent, reaching down presses against his cock chubbing up the second time that day. He morosely stares in the direction she fled in once more, a low whine of loss escapes before he tucks the scarf into his back pocket and resumes heading towards the doctor’s office.
Dr. Rodgers, standing just inside in a doorway observing unnoticed, makes a mental note.
Jensen watches amused as Jared sits down with a slight wince, a not unpleasant reminder of their recent interlude, teases, “Did I make that much of a mess out of you Jay?”
Jared shrugs with a nonchalant “eh.” Jensen lowers his chin leaning close growling his displeasure at the flippant response, Jared internally shivers knowing he’s gonna pay for it when they get home, much to his delight.
Jensen abruptly stops growling, “You stink like Omega!”
Dr. Rodgers comes in carrying a binder saving Jared from responding, “We’ll get your test results in about two weeks unless we see something that needs further investigation.” He sets down the binder in front of them, opening it to the first page revealing a dossier and picture.
“Now, the next bit is selecting an egg donor. I’m sure you're wondering how we select the donors. I rely on a protein compatibility test, similar to the markers blood test used when matching Alphas and Omegas, narrowing down prospective candidates.
All of our donors are Betas and Omegas. Several of the Betas are willing to be the surrogate too. If you choose to go with an Omega donor we will have the extra step of selecting a Beta surrogate but that’s something to discuss later if needed.
We also take into account your personal preferences when it comes to physical traits, personality, etc. I’ll introduce you to the top three that are the best matches. If for some reason none of them work out, we’ll try the next most compatible candidates.”
Dr. Rodgers clicks his pen, “Let’s get started shall we.”
Flipping off the light switch Jensen walks out of the bath to find Jared already asleep. Crossing over to their bed he stopped at his side admiring him.
How had he gotten so lucky to have Jared as his? Over fifteen years since that life changing meeting he was more in love with his mate than ever, the ups and downs in their relationship that could have torn them apart made their marriage stronger.
Jensen took hold of the book Jared had been reading, gently pulling it out of his hand, slid in a bookmark and placed it on the nightstand turning off the lamp.
Easing into his side of the bed he leaned over pressing a soft kiss to Jared’s bare shoulder, who only wore bottoms since he always ran warm. Shifting, Jared buries his face into Jensen's neck, draping a long arm across his chest snuggling close, “Thank you.”
“For what babe?”
“Helping me today,” he could feel Jared’s breath warm against his skin, “I know you're against having more but please don’t decide not to, I want to have pups with you.”
Jensen mentality sighed, he’d be forty-three before they were born and didn’t want to be the old dad. Jared had argued that he'd never be, they knew lots of people were having their families later, look at Reedus, fifty when his daughter came and JDM, he was almost fifty-two when George was born.
“I’ll make you a deal, I’ll say yes if we find one donor we both agree on,” he felt Jared’s emotions shifting more positive, “but if you like one and me another, I’m not doing it.”
Jared pressed several soft kisses to the side of his neck, “Okay Jen,” he agrees, shifting to lay his head on his shoulder, “we’ll find the one, I can feel it.” he sleepily finishes.
Jensen rests his cheek against the top of Jared's head, not fallen asleep for ages. How was he going to handle Jared’s inevitable disappointment, knowing it will happen since they have always had vastly different tastes in females.
Five days later
7:00 A.M.
Jared was up to mile three of his daily workout on the treadmill in his office. He usually ran outside this early in the morning but a surprise thunderstorm altered his plans for the day when his phone rang. He dialed the machine down to walking speed to answer.
“Hello, Mr. Page, this is Sissy from Dr. Rodgers office, I’m sorry to be calling so early. He would like for you to come back in for a follow up about your semen testing.” Jared’s throat tightened, closing off his ability to respond.
He stepped off the machine and sat down on the large leather couch, “Sorry I..what time can I come in?”
“We have an opening at 8:45, will that work?”
“Yes ma’am, I can be there then.”
“Great, we’ll see you in a bit Mr. Page.”
Jared sat back not caring he was getting sweat all over the leather and started his breathing exercise to calm himself, telling his brain to knock it off, surely it wasn’t anything major with how calm Sissy was on the phone.
Ten minutes later he was still anxious but able to handle it. He glanced at his watch and knew he had to get his butt in gear to make the appointment.
Walking into the bedroom he found Jensen softly snoring so he moved as quietly as he could grabbing some clean clothes and headed for the shower. He left a note by the coffee pot saying he had an errand and be back ASAP.
He pulled into the clinics parking lot with five minutes to spare. Tucking his hair into his ever present beanie, Jared slipped on his mask and dashed through the downpour into the clinic.
After being temperature checked, Sissy walked him to the doctor's office. Knocking on the door she opened it and Jared saw the doctor on the phone gesturing for him to come in as he finished his call.
“Hello Mr. Page, thank you for coming in. I wanted to go over a discrepancy the lab found with your test, I'll try not to use too much doctor jargon.” He layed three pages on the table in front of him, a color printout of a sperm DNA strand broke down into segments and the others Jared recognized as chromosome mapping. “These are part of the Alphas sperm DNA sequencing. Normally, this one has a wide band in this segment,” he pointed to a circled area on the right page demonstrating a normal sequence. “This is your sperm's DNA. What I wanted to show you is a variant in the same section,” he circled a column on the left page, “which contains a narrow band instead,” he highlighted one piece of the chain.
“What does it mean?” Jared asked nervously.
“I’m going to be honest with you, I don’t know, I’ve never encountered this variant before. I looked at your previous testing from 2016 and it was also present on that test, not sure why it was overlooked. I’ve consulted with a few colleagues of mine to get their take,” he paused resting his arms on the desk watching Jared’s expression, “Mr. Page, I didn’t ask you to come in to upset you, I prefer to keep my clients in the loop if anything unusual does present with their testing. It’s possibly something that's genetically unique to you and affects nothing. I’d like to run a Tunel test, it’s a sperm chromatin structure analysis, it’ll give us more information to work with.”
Jared fidgeted, desperately wanting to chew on his fingers, “Umm…okay.”
“Good, it's not invasive at all, we just need some more sperm.” Dr. Rodgers says.
Jensen was stumbling around the kitchen working on his first cup of coffee when Jared walked in carrying a box from his favorite bakery.
“Those aren’t what I think they are?” Jensen asks as Jared sits the box down on the counter. He opens the lid inhaling the scent of decadent cinnamon roll goodness before pulling out one and taking a huge bite moaning pornographically, “Babe, whatever I did to warrant these remind me to do it again,” he says with his mouthful.
Jared chuckles as his mate continues making obscene noises before bending down taken a bit from the other side earning warning snarl.
“You are so not a morning person.” Jared chided sliding the box over to retrieve his own taking it setting down at the island bar pulling a chunk off.
“You wanna share what’s rattling around in that big head of yours?” Jensen inquires. Jared chews slowly before answering. “I got a call from the clinic, something showed up in my test.”
Jensen snapped fully alert, his roll forgotten, and sat down next to him, “Jared, what’s wrong? Are you sick?”
Jared fiddled with his roll, pulling it apart, “No, not that I’m aware of but they found something off and don’t know what it is. Dr. Rodgers said it’s probably nothing but wanted to run another test to see if he can figure out what it is what if something is wrong and turns out I was the reason Genevieve couldn’t get pregnant I don’t know if I can handle it the possibility of not being able to have pups I’ve wanted them for so long I can’t imagine our lives...”
“Jared,” Jensen sharpness interrupts Jared’s incessant rambling, making him go quiet, “I know you want to go to the worst possible outcome but let’s wait till all the tests are back. If it’s something, we’ll deal, we always do.”
August 3rd
“Jen, move your ass, were gonna be late!” Jared bellows from downstairs.
“I’m coming...dammit!” Jensen cursed as he tripped over the boxes left sitting by the bottom step. “You need to get the rest of this shit out of the way, about killed myself again!”
“I’ll stay up tonight moving the rest of this fucking shit if you’ll get a fucking move on!”
The sniping at each other had gotten worse since the house renovations were barely completed before heading back to Vancouver.
Jensen moved his music studio into the newly created space in the basement from the former guest quarters, now relocated to the spacious pool house. The empty upstairs rooms were converted into the eventual nursery/kids rooms with a Jack and Jill bathroom between them.
“You better start watching your goddamn language cause the last thing we need is for our kids to have a trash mouth like…don’t roll your eyes at me!” Jared threw his arms up in disgust before storming out to the garage getting in Jensen’s truck. They drove to the clinic in silence.
They were flying out tomorrow to quarantine for two weeks before resuming shooting on the eighteenth. Then the clinic called their tests were back and Jared didn’t want to wait till they got back for the results.
After their temperature check they were immediately escorted to the doctor’s office finding him already there. “Mr. Bonham, Mr. Page, pleasure to see you, please have a seat.” They sit next to each other not touching. “Is there something wrong gentleman?”
“Why do you ask?” Jensen barks, “Fuck man, don’t be rude!” Jared bit back earning a glare that makes most sane people back away from Jensen.
“Gentleman, no need to fight. It may surprise you but I actually see a lot of hostility between my clients. I’m sure the added stress of the quarantine while trying to start a family is putting your Alpha instincts more on edge, is it not?”
Jensen sighed, “I’m sorry sir, I was raised better.”
Jared gave an apologetic smile, “I’m sorry too sir, and you're right.”
“I’ve been doing this for a long time and understand the situation from your side, my wife and I had trouble conceiving. We ended up having two sets of twins within three years, now that’s stress.”
Jensen blinked, “And I thought mine were a handful.”
Dr. Rodgers laughed, “They are a blessing but honestly, it’s an absolute madhouse at times. So, let’s get back to you two. Mr. Bonham, everything looks good, you are in the top percentile when it comes to mobility and live sperm count for your age group. One of the advantages of being an Alpha, unlike us poor Betas who’s diminish with age.”
“Mr. Page, I also have your results and the Tunel tests which turned out to be something.. unique.”
Jared eyes widened as he paled, his breath hitching, feeling his stomachs spastic tightening making him about vomit. He knew it, he knew something was going to go wrong, his brain didn’t lie to him this time.
Jensen was out of his chair and utilizing his Alpha strength turned Jared’s towards him before kneeling between his legs reaching up to firmly grip the sides of his head forcing him to focus on him opens up his side of their bond he’d shut the other day when they were arguing to gauge how bad this one was.
“Hey Hey, concentrate on me, I need you to breathe with me,” he held Jared’s gaze for several minutes as their breathing cinqued up, feeling him relaxing.
“There you go big guy. It wasn’t that bad, focus on your breathing okay.” Jared nodded embarrassed as Dr. Rodgers sat a bottle of water in front of him, “Do you need me to get you anything else?”
“No, he’s fine, thank you,” Jensen answers, getting up retaking his chair as Jared took a long drink from the bottle, “he’s usually more aware of these attacks but since the damn lock-downs.” Jensen shook his head in disgust, “We're heading back to Vancouver tomorrow to finish our sh..job before his new one starts late October. I guess it’s really hitting us both that it's finally ending.”
“Mr. Ackles, you can say show,” Jared and Jensen stare at him in surprise, “my daughters are fans, I know more about the Winchester brothers than a man my age should.” Dr. Rodgers ruminates, “Mr. Page, are you ready for me to continue?” Jared nodded as Jensen wrapped both of his hands around his free one.
“After I received the results I spoke with a specialist in Alpha genetics. They looked at all your tests and came back with a conclusion I’ve never heard of before.” The doctor laid a printout on the desk, “This is a visual aid to help me in explaining.”
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“Chemoattactants are what a female's egg releases to attract the sperm to it. You know how it works from there; sperm meets egg, sperm penetrates egg and viola, fertilization. Alphas sperm has evolved allowing them to inseminate all three sub-genders, whereas male Omegas sperm is sterile since they possess both sets of reproductive organs but only need to utilize one.”
The doctor sets all three of Jared’s tests and the normal example on his desk for them to see, “This chromatin structure you carry Mr. Page,” he points to the highlighted section, “has altered so that the eggs of Alphas and Betas are chemorepellent to your sperm, rejecting fertilization.”
Jared sat still-shocked, blankly staring at the results lying before him, vaguely feeling Jensen reaching across their bond again. “Does this mean he’s...infertile?” He can hear Jensen hesitant inquiry, like he's standing across a vast chasm.
“In conventional terms, yes. This is the reason you were unable to conceive with your previous spouse, being a Beta, and there is still no medical intervention available that would have helped. What’s unique is his sp...”
Jared was numb. His dreams of a little Padackles tearing around their home had literally been salt and burned before his eyes with those test results.
In the recesses of his attention he’s aware of the continuing conversation around him, the longer it goes on, the more his brain is tuning out.
The first thing he becomes aware of are fingertips caressing his face, softly wiping away wetness damping his cheeks. Slowly blinking the blurry shape in front of him comes into focus.
Jensen is sitting in front of him. More accurately, he’s sitting cross legged in between his own splayed legs on the floor. Jared frowns as his senses are coming back online.
He was sitting on the chair that’s now off to his right so how did he end up with his back against the desk?
“You passed out,” Jensen answers his unspoken question, “and scared the ever-living shit out of me! I thought you were having an aneurysm the way your eyes rolled back into your big head!”
“I..I..don’t know what happened, I was looking at the results, you were asking questions..then nothing.”
“Stress Jared, you are completely stressed out and it's fucking with your illness!” He opens his mouth, “No, I’m not done so be quiet.” Jensen’s voice dropped with his Alpha tone overlaying it,
“Between that final script having you nuts all year, this quarantine fucking up your meds, dealing with your businesses shutdowns, getting Walker started, you had to add pushing for pups, it’s no wonder you couldn’t handle the doctor explanation of...”
“Explanation of what?” Jared lashes back in own Alpha voice, leaning forward into Jensen’s space, his eyes flashing red, “That I’m infertile, sterile, shooting blanks..”
“Shut that fucking mouth for two minutes or I swear I’ll deck you.” Jensen’s normally warm green eyes bleed into a fierce red, becoming hard.
Jared’s mouth snapped shut in surprise. They had gotten into plenty of arguments over the years, gotten in each other’s faces a few times but this was a first. Jensen had never, ever threatened physical harm.
Well, somewhat that time Misha set him off during a panel and he went for him afterwards. Misha stupidly goaded him again before Jensen gave him a shove, ordering him to cool off before he had to do something.
Jensen’s jaw ticked as he mentally counted to ten, “Dr. Rodgers said that you couldn’t impregnate another Alpha or Beta right?”
“The part you zoned out is that your sperm wants to only fertilize an Omega’s eggs.”
Sighing heavily, Jensen crawls over a leg to sit against the desk next to him. Jared pulls his legs up and wraps his arms around them, resting his chin on his knees processing this information as Jensen reaches over and gently rubs his hand in random patterns over his back.
They had mutually agreed on a Beta donor. Now this threw a wrench in the plans.
“Maybe this is a sign we’re rushing into this again. Let’s take a step back and consider all our options.” Jared’s muscles stiffened under his hand.
“I’m not considering anything else and I’m not stopping.”
Jared lifted his head, “I’m not considering anything else and I’m not stopping. I realize this isn’t what you want so don’t worry, I’m not gonna hold you to our agreement.”
Jensen exhaled sharply knowing when Jared spoke in that tone, that was it, end of discussion, mind made up.
Jared gets up, “I’m going to find Dr. Rodgers and see if he's still willing to help me. If you want to leave, go. I’ll get an Uber when I’m done.” He walks out quietly shutting the door behind him.
“Fuck!” Jensen closed his eyes thumping his head back against the desk. He knew he had screwed up and there was only one way to make it right.
Jensen asked Jared to let him stay, he was wrong for saying that and he'd be open to one of the Omegas as a possible donor too. Jared wasn’t completely appeased but he was happy Jensen didn’t take the out given him.
The three candidates were smart, attractive, lovely scented Omegas in their twenties that any Alpha looking for a prospective mate would seriously consider, leaving Jensen wanting something else.
“I like aspects of all three Jay, but honestly, I'm not feeling it with any of them.”
“Maybe you’ve reached the stage you’re looking for more substance, less aesthetic.”
“Did you just call me old?” Jensen gaped at his husband.
Before Jared responds, Dr. Rodgers enters, “I see from your expression Mr. Bonham that you haven’t decided on a candidate.”
“It’s not that I didn’t like any of them, there isn’t a..”
“Connection. It’s normal, just because your Alpha doesn’t mean you..desire every Omega you cross paths with. With some it takes time to find the right one.” He looks at his watch.
“We’re at the end of our appointment but I have one more donor I’d like you to meet today. She’s doesn’t exactly fit your personal physical preferences but this omega is...special..and she’s willing to be the surrogate too.”
The doctor opens the door gestures to someone. They stand up to greet her and as she enters they are enveloped by her piquant scent.
“Mr. Page and Mr. Bonham, this is Quinn.”
Part III
GFA: @babypink224221 @waywardjoy @let-me-luve-you @all-4-wincest
SPN: @donnatix @lyarr24
Sam/Jared @idreamofplaid
Dean/Jensen: @flamencodiva
60 notes · View notes
kickingitwithkirk · 4 years
Greetings From Austin
Pairing: Alpha!Jensen Ackles x Alpha!Jared Padalecki x Omega!OFC
Summary: Jensen and Jared are at odds over a monumental decision that changes their lives in a way they couldn’t have envisioned.
Word Count: 2616
Warnings: a/b/o, homophobia, bisexuality, biphobia, angst, cursing, self doubt, depression/anxiety, medical stuff, sexual dysfunction, infertility
*additional warnings to be added in future parts.
A/N: Here we go again with one my weird as hell dreams, series Inspired by this art.
A/N II: There is no intentional hate or malevolence intended towards any of the Ackles or Padalecki families. This is a purely fictional piece containing real and created persons/names/events set in the fictional A/B/O verse. Some dates/events altered to fit story.
*no beta-all mistakes are mine
*divider by @writeyourmindaway​​​​​​​
*images found online
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Austin, TX
Mid July
“Babe,” Jensen softly says in a low voice to the person seated next to him in the waiting room, “Babe,” he says a bit louder, still getting no response. Leaning close, he blows into their ear.
Jared starts, his “what” muffled by the finger he’s been chewing on.
“You know you can’t do that, don’t want you getting sick.” Taking his hand Jensen pulls it away from his pretty pink lips, gently caressing the finger. Jared had finally stopped chewing on his hands when Covid-19 became widespread.
“Where’s your gum?” Jared bite his lip not answering.
Sighing, Jensen shifts retrieving his pack and hands a piece to him. “What’s got you masticating again?” He inquires as Jared pops the stick in his mouth.
Jared chews the gum nervously weighing how to answer the question knowing Jensen won’t accept anything less than the whole truth. “What if something goes wrong again because of me.”
Jensen’s brow furrowed. He learned years ago that while their relationship is one of equals, he had to be lead Alpha when Jared’s mental state overwhelmed him as it had the last few weeks.
After the public announcement in March 2019 that season fifteen would be Supernaturals last, they had agreed when finished with the pickups they would take an extended break, return to Austin and concentrate on their marriage.
Jared intended to stop acting indefinitely, pursuing other interests and Jensen wanted to concentrate on his music.
Of course, things didn’t quite end up how they planned.
Jared entered negotiations to star in the Walker, Texas Ranger reboot, along with being an executive producer. Jensen got a call from Kripke wanting him for the role of Soldier Boy in The Boys third season.
But by March of 2020, everything came to a halt thanks to the Corona-virus.
The shutdowns left Supernaturals final two episodes with no definitive filming date and their seemingly never ending last season put their other projects on hold.
For the first time in years they had the luxury of a leisurely schedule, not having to be somewhere on a timetable, they could communicate with friends and family uninterrupted, deal with their other businesses, charities, etc, leaving most days free to enjoy being together without constraint.
But even amazing, awesome, vigorous sex on every horizontal/vertical surface that could support the two big Alphas only filled so many hours and like many couples, they started getting each others nerves and looked for other ways to stay occupied.
By late May, Jared was unable to sleep or eat, even going out of the house became a chore. When he hit a consecutive fourth day in bed, Jensen bodily dragged him into the bath for a desperately needed shower and loaded him in his truck driving to his doctor's.
Upon checking in they were told patients only allowed in the facility. Jared started panicking, saying he was having chest pains and couldn’t breath. He was rushed in with Jensen hot on their heels after morphing into an overprotective Alpha mate no one was stopping.
Jared’s doctor deduced with the lock-downs prohibiting him from his routine checkups and periodic adjustments needed to his medications triggered this episode.
The first step was to wean him off his current prescriptions and change to a newly approved, alternative regime. He was checked in a facility for ten days under observation while detoxing off his meds.
His therapist switched his twice weekly tele-counseling sessions to daily for the foreseeable future and Kodas certification as an emotional support animal was approved. His progress was slow but he was returning back to his sweet natured, big hearted, exceptionally tactical, overgrown puppy self.
When the surprise call from the clinic came a few days ago about an appointment opening, Jensen initially didn’t want it, still in his overly excessive protective Alpha mode. Jared’s outburst made him relent, fearing they were on a collision course for a major setback if he didn’t.
And Jensen, being Jensen, went overboard to ensure the appointment was absolutely private.
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Part I
Jared was about to speak when a woman in scrubs called out, “Mr. Bonham and Mr. Page.” they got up crossing over to her, “Hello, I’m Sissy, Dr. Rodgers nurse, please follow me.”
They pass through the doorway leading through a maze of halls like that of any other medical clinic except this one specialized in a very specific service.
The nurse opens a door near the back of the clinic gesturing for them to enter the spacious office, “Please have a seat, the doctor will be with you shortly.” She closed the door and they sat down in the pair of chairs directly in front of the large, dark mahogany desk.
Jensen, scenting Jared’s nervousness, lifts his right hand kissing his palm, making him chuckle at the tickle of Jen’s soft beard before twining their fingers together and setting them on his left thigh, smiling reassuringly.
There was a brief knock before the door opened and an older, silver haired Beta entered. “Hello, I’m Dr. Rodgers, how are we doing today?” He asks, moving to his chair behind the desk.
Jared gave him a tight smile and Jensen remained placid.
The doctor raises an eyebrow, “Relax Mr. Page, this is just a visit to go over the paperwork before deciding about how we proceed, not the Spanish Inquisition.” Jared releases his held breath but couldn’t completely calm himself.
“I know the process can be overwhelming but I must ask, is there something we’ve done to make you uncomfortable?” Dr. Rodgers inquires.
“No, everyone’s been really nice, very professional. It’s just we..we had issues the first time we attempted to do this.” Jared finished his sentence quietly, in the recess of his mind; something bad is gonna happen and it’ll be my fault.
Jensen squeezes his hand tighter, instinctively sensing Jared’s mind was trying to spiral again, “When tried this before someone leaked our plans to the media. It wasn't ever proven the clinic was involved but...”
“We do everything possible to keep our clients anonymity protected here. All of our staff have been thoroughly vetted and sign NDA, given your professions, you're familiar with how they work. Your real identities will remain completely confidential, even if you choose to not proceed. It is why you chose this particular clinic, yes?”
“Yes, it is.” Jensen replied.
“How about we get this bit of paperwork out of the way, then we can have a more relaxed visit. I’ve gone over the applications you both submitted and have noted a few discrepancies in the medical section that need clarification before we proceed,” He opens the top file, “Mr. Bonham, why did you omit Genu Varum from your medical history?”
Jensen kept his expression neutral as he felt his stomach automatically clench. He had been mercilessly teased throughout his childhood about his bowed legs by his older brother Josh and later his buddies from school when they’d come over to hang out. By the time he was in high school Jensen’s extraordinary looks and personality were what got people’s attention first. Nowadays, many a fanfic waxed poetic about those bowed legs.
“The questionnaire inquired about inherited genetic medical conditions and since mine isn’t, I didn’t think it was necessarily applicable.” Jared hears an edge creeping into Jensen’s voice and gives their tangled fingers a quick squeeze.
“Did you see an orthopedist and were they able to determine what caused the condition? Did they suggest any surgical procedures or therapies to straighten your legs?”
“I was born a preemie, the orthopedists my parents consulted decided my condition was attributable to that.” Jensen replies tersely, dropping his vocal range. Jared gripped his hand harder, telling him to cool the attitude. “The doctor didn’t recommend surgery but sent me to physical therapy, thought it would help them straighten as I grew.”
“So no others in your immediate family have this issue?”
“Everyone my family has straight legs, including my three children.”
Jared piped in, “He hates it but he does have an exercise regimen; stretching, strength training. Oh, he also takes several different vitamins, omega oils, turmeric and extra vitamin D to support his joints.” They watched the doctor scribble a few more notes in the file before closing it.
“Mr. Page,” Jared sits up straighter in his chair, “I appreciate that you went into detail about your mental health status. I see you’ve recently been hospitalized, your medications have been changed to an alternative regiment and you’ve also increased your therapy sessions?”
Jared’s interview continued for another twenty minutes as Dr. Rodgers questioned him in depth about his depression and anxiety, feeling said anxiety ratcheting up so he focused on Jensen’s thumb rhythmically moving over his hand and used every ounce of his acting skills to appear confident and in control.
Dr. Rodgers closed his file, “I only have a few general questions left then we can discuss how you wish to proceed.”
After a more relaxed, genial conversation with the doctor, Sissy took them to a couple private rooms with paraphernalia to help stimulate them into producing a couple semen samples.
Jensen was getting close to finishing with his favorite spank-bank fantasy when he felt Jared’s frustration across their bond.
Jared couldn’t get aroused.
He felt as useless as his flaccid cock.
His doctor warned him that loss of sex drive could be a possible side effect of his new regiment until his body adjusted to it. He had struggled with temporary impotence a few times on his old meds, always fearful Jensen would finally see him as undesirable, no longer a satisfactory mate.
Rationally, he knew it was his illness causing these exceptionally hard to deal thoughts recently and the nagging idea this wasn’t the right thing for them to attempt again continually kept creeping in.
Jensen’s unspoken reluctance about having more children at his age was also weighing on his conscience, warring against his own biological longings.
They had a humongous argument when he told Jensen about taking the appointment. Jen thought this was the wrong time to attempt it again, pointing out he was just getting his equilibrium back setting Jared went off on a rant about how he no longer wanted him and would leave him like Genevieve had because he was too broken to deal with anymore.
Unmitigated anguish was written across Jensen’s beautiful features, the very notion that Jared could conceivably believe that he’d ever abandon him made his soul hurt in such a way no verbal language on earth could ever express his devastated feelings traveling across their bond.
Everything they’d been through; from that bar fight solidifying their friendship, Jared’s first breakdown, the years of living as roommates while secretly a couple to finding wives who understood their unique relationship and still married them both in 2010.
The joyous arrival of JJ three years later that unfortunately exacerbated Genevieve's frustration of not being able to conceive coming out with a vengeance at Jared. His unexpected breakdown in Switzerland was the final nail in their marriage. Gen was there for him but in the end it was all too much and she filed for divorce.
Shortly after, Jared’s iCloud account was hacked. It was believed, but never conclusively proven, that Gen was behind it since her lawyer was trying to break their prenuptial agreement, the videos documenting his private and explicit sexual relationship with Jensen were legally considered adulterous. In the end, the court upheld the legal document but the ramifications...
They were summoned to L.A. for the meeting from hell with WB executives, both convinced it was the end of Supernatural and their careers.
After the reaming out, they each received a weeks pay suspension to cover some of what it was gonna cost PR in time and money to deal with the inevitable repercussions and placate the show's sponsors.
How would the show’s fans react? Would they still be able to accept them as brothers only on TV while in real life they were involved in a highly stigmatized relationship?
When they returned to work there was an atmosphere of tension that hadn’t existed before. It was an open secret that all shows had their share of bitchiness and backstabbing behind the scenes. Jensen may have the thicker skin, keeping tighter control on his emotions, but Jared knew it hurt him just as deeply the loss of some of their friends because of prejudicial, social beliefs that two Alpha males shouldn’t be involved.
Jensen’s parents showed up unexpectedly in Vancouver a few weeks later. What started out as a not quite comfortable visit quickly deteriorated with his religiously conservative parents. They had not raised him like this and blamed Jared, saying he had corrupted him, leading him into a sinful lifestyle. He needed to repent and return to his wife to whom he had made a commitment before god.
Jensen blew up, replying it was none of their business, it was between them and oh, yeah, Danneel knew about them before marrying him and they better not say anything to her. Without another word his parents left. When he later called them to make amends, his mother coolly stated that he was no longer part of their family and to never contact them again.
Three months after the twins were born in 2016 came the finalization of Jensen’s divorce from Danneel, painful but congenial. They easily agreed on joint custody and still spent most holidays together. Jensen gave Dani financial security in their settlement, he wanted to make sure she didn’t have to worry about working again unless she wanted to.
All these years later, Jared continually has nagging thoughts that they had let everybody down. They received support when they publicly came out as bisexual then lost some of it when they married, being mocked for not coming out as gay.
There was another knock at the door and Jared ignored it, it was that nurse checking on his lack of progress again. The knock turned into pounding, “Jared, open this door now dammit!” He flinched realizing Jensen knew what was going on with him. Releasing the privacy latch and opening the door a crack he saw concerned green eyes only.
“Sorry, I thought you were that nurse,” he stepped away and sat back down as Jensen came in and re-latching it behind him. “She came to get me when you stopped answering,” Jensen said, walking over to him and started running his thick fingers through his husband’s long hair, “what’s going on babe?”
He glances up knowing that Jensen already knew, “It’s okay Jay, take as long as you need.” He paused at the unpleasant scent wafting around him. “If you’d be more comfortable we could do this at home…” Jared shakes his head, “There’s the risk of damage, contamination and or not able to get it back in time that could make the semen unusable.” Jared quotes from a website.
Jensen softly chuckled, “Nerd.”
Jared notices the bulge in his jeans, “You didn’t...”
“Drain the snake..choke the chicken..spank the monkey.”
“Fuck, okay, you didn’t! Stop using old man slang.” He shook his head smiling  at Jensen intentionally goading him.
Jared reached up for the hand playing in his hair, grasping it to draw Jensen down next to him.
“Jack, I don’t want to wait any longer on doing this. I love JJ and the twins, you know I do, but they'll always be yours and Danneels. I know the timing could be better... but I'm almost thirty-eight and I want my..our own pups running around the house driving us crazy.”
“For the next eighteen years?”
Part II
SPN: @donnaintx​​​​​​​​​​​​ @lyarr24
GFA: @babypink224221 @waywardjoy @let-me-luve-you @all-4-wincest
Sam/Jared @idreamofplaid
Dean/Jensen: @flamencodiva
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