#alpha bravo
wing-locked · 4 months
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☕️ for @ribbonkandy
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mostly-him · 4 months
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Alpha Bravo Sketch Commission for @ribbonkandy 😊
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Last 3 are inspired by my friend's 《征途是星辰大海》
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rose-the-bot · 6 days
Autobot Propaganda Posters
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(I’ll let y’all have fun translating the text :> )
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jasvvy · 8 months
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suwokeko · 8 days
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Girl Haul
Ignore the cat hair that's just my kitty being silly
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driver270 · 10 months
Placeholder 🤖☕️
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neephyra-transformers · 5 months
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strawborealis · 2 years
Random Transformers Idea:
Combiner Wars Alpha Bravo and Firefly having the same design cues as Combiner Wars Vortex and Blast Off respectively gives me a cool idea of Vortex and Blast Off, with the help of Mixmaster for their disguises, kidnapping Alpha Bravo and Firefly so they can take their places in the Aerialbots to gather intel for the Decepticons and cause some misdirection and chaos on the Autobots side, While the actual Alpha Bravo and Firefly are just stuck in their cells.
It would be interesting to see how the two handle the idea of combining with the other Aerialbots for Superion since they are well, Decepticons, i mean they are also combiner parts so maybe they can play the part well enough to not look suspicious to the other Aerialbots while the combaticons torture the two captive autobot air team members so they can force them into forming Bruticus with them.
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straight couple. yaoi couple. yuri couple. i see no difference. NONE OF YOU ARE ON THE TOWER
no text + bonus
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seraphinitegames · 2 months
The Wayhaven Chronicles - Update 29/July/2024
Do you ever have one of those weeks where everything is unexpected?
Well, it was definitely one of those last week, lol!
I haven’t had access to my laptop since mid-week last week, which means all my reference, variable reference, plans and things are all inaccessible, as well as normal things like emails, etc.
But I always back-up Book Four on an SD card, which means luckily I still had that! So I’ve been able to work on the different unit scenes in what is becoming a seriously stonkingly beefy Chapter Three, just with some interesting notes to myself I need to go back and fill in.
Eg. "Oh, so close," Maaka jeers at his brother with a smile.
Tane glares at him [through what coloured eyes does he have?],
So that’s been an interesting way to write, hehe! :D But it at least means I can write even with my laptop out of commission for the moment!
I will have it again on Wednesday, but I won’t be diving in to fill in those moments quite then. Instead, I will be concentrating on polishing up and adding in anything from the readers for Chapter Two so that I can get the demo up on early access on Patreon hopefully for the weekend!
I know I’ve had 2 back I’d been waiting on, even without being able to access my emails, so hopefully the others will be back by Wednesday too! *fingers crossed*
Hope you all have an awesome week! Not long until the next update, so I'll talk to you all then <3
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mostly-him · 8 months
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Alpha Bravo bust commission for @ribbonkandy 😊
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nana2009 · 1 year
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Davekat week day 3: quadrants!!!
multiquads (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)
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savage-rhi · 3 months
Wesker: Redfield, our instruments measured that you were driving 100 mph in one of STARS jeeps.
Chris: sorry captain, but the speed limit does not apply when the free bird solo comes on.
@rebelwithoutaclock Coming up! To read the other STARS shenanigans drabbles, here they are 1, 2, 3,
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"Alright everyone, gather around. Let's make this mid-week huddle a quick one," Wesker hollered, gesturing with his right hand for everyone in the STARs unit to come into the meeting room.
He took off his shades, rubbing his eyes while mentally bracing himself. Between his nefarious obligations to Umbrella and trying to run a police department, he could feel the exhaustion creeping in. A wave of regret pooled in the back of his subconscious, wishing he had the foresight years ago to not work two jobs. Alas, he made his bed and had to lie in it. That didn't mean he didn't have an intrusive thought or two about cleaning up shop as far as the RPD was concerned, especially with the shenanigans the STARs team in particular pulled.
For being the best, they sure aren't the brightest...he thought as he made himself comfortable in front of the podium, watching the team members take their usual seats. He put his glasses back on and cleared his throat.
"First thing on the agenda is the lightsaber incident," Wesker couldn't believe he was saying this aloud and shook his head. "Mr. Vickers, when you're on patrol and see a group of teens reenacting a movie scene, that doesn't mean you stop your vehicle and join them. Especially when you're in the middle of an investigation. Might I add the delay in your scheduled flight with Mr. Sullivan made it so Ms. Chambers took one for the team and covered your ass."
Quiet snickers filled the room as Brad's face blushed. He wanted to shrink into a puddle and disappear, wondering who ratted him out. All he could do was meekly reply, "Y-yes sir…I'm sorry. It won't happen again."
"Good," Wesker stated. He ignored the fact that Rebecca herself patted Brad's knee and whispered 'it was alright,' too focused on Chris, who was unable to keep a straight face compared to his colleagues. "Redfield, earlier this week our instruments measured that you were driving a hundred miles per hour in one of our STARS jeeps. Care to explain?"
Jill and Barry, sitting on either side of Chris, quietly chuckled at Chris's expense, earning a quick glare from him before he forced himself to look at Wesker.
"Sorry, captain," Chris coughed. "But the speed limit does not apply when the 'Free Bird' solo comes on."
Barry and Jill bowed their heads in front of the table, their shoulders quaking as they tried to hold back their laughs. Even members of the Bravo team were having difficulty keeping it together at the visual alone.
"You know what else doesn't apply, Redfield?" Wesker asked as a matter of fact.
"I don't know, sir," Chris gestured. "Enlighten me."
"The time-off request you submitted last week. Consider it tabled for insubordination."
"Son of a bitch…!" Chris whispered harshly under his breath.
"And while we are on the subject of cars, Ms. Valentine and Mr. Burton, I'm putting you both on vehicle suspension for the remainder of the week."
"What, why!?" Jill exclaimed.
"But sir--!"
Wesker held up a hand, interrupting their protests. "I doubt Redfield was able to come up with the 'Free Bird' bit on his lonesome. The man is full of colorful ideas, but you two are well known for encouraging him to see it through."
"Fuck, he got us there," Barry muttered to Jill.
"Mr. Frost," Wesker let out a deep sigh for this one as he once again took off his glasses to rub his eyes. "While you are out on patrol, you can't go around with chalk outlining cars and trucks that don't park within the lines in a parking lot or park to the curb exactly with an exclamation of 'asshole parking' and proceed to ticket."
"But it's a good warning system!" Joseph glared and shrugged. "If they can't parallel park for shit, then they had it coming! If you would've put me on another assignment instead of having me play meter boy, we wouldn't be having this conversation!"
"Mr. Frost, get over yourself," Wesker growled. "I know you're angered that I set you on this task, but need I remind you what the alternative would've been?"
"All because I started the whole 'Wesker shits standing up' bit? Man, you need to take a joke!"
"Enough!" Wesker raised his voice. Whatever was left of the chuckles and laughs ceased immediately. He felt a sense of pride rise in his body as well as his blood pressure, and let out a deep breath. "Alright people, let's take five, and we'll meet back here to cover the recent cannibal attacks."
As the STARs Alpha and Bravo teams single filed out of the room, Wesker thought he had a moment of peace until he heard Joseph holler:
"I still stand by what I said, Wesker shits standing up everyone!"
Wesker made a fist, his teeth clenched.
The thought of siccing a pack of Cerberus onto the man was beginning to sound more and more delicious with each passing minute. He smirked to himself, riding on the high from the visuals that came and went through his mind of Joseph being ripped apart.
Maybe Birkin and I can brainstorm later…
If you like my work and feel generous, feel free to donate to my ko-fi account or my cash app account!
Cash App: $JayRex1463
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they-hermes · 1 month
thesus's combiner: how many combiner components can you replace before it becomes a completely different combiner
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yugiohz · 5 months
I had to spell my name over the phone and the lady just wouldn’t get it so after the 5th time I was like sorry I don’t know the name alphabet and she laughed so hard ssorryyyy 😭😭😭
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