#alpine glacial lake
sitting-on-me-bum · 1 year
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Rati Gali Lake
Morning shot of the Ratti Gali Lake, an alpine glacial lake in Pakistan
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travelella · 6 months
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Ratti Gali Lake, Neelum Valley, Azad Kashmir, Pakistan
Shakeel Ahmad
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willygood · 1 year
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Lake Ingalls, Washington
October 3, 2020
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ennnnno · 1 year
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glacial lake
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kagrenacs · 11 months
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Long awaited, here is the soil map of Skyrim using the Canadian System of Soil classification. Brief description of my conclusions under the cut:
Chernozem: Whiterun Hold is likely home to the majority of Skyrim’s Chernozems. The majority of biological carbon sequestering in grassland environments are below ground, within the root systems. Organic material- humus, builds up, causing the upper layers of the soil to take on a dark colour. Additionally, Solonetzic soils could be present, peppered throughout the hold if the parent material to the soil is salty enough.
Cryosols are formed in Skyrim’s far North and high alpine regions. The mean annual soil temperature being 0 degrees C, with permafrost conditions. Freeze-thaw cycles lead to permafrost at the soils surface, but also cryoturbation: soil movement arising from frost action.
Additionally in mountainous regions, you would find Regosols. Soils which develop on unstable landforms and have had little time to develop, such as mountain slopes, or river floodplains.
Gleysols occur across the landscape of Skyrim, but primarily in Hjaalmarch. Gleysols are commonly found in depressions or low-lying areas where water saturates the soil continuously, leading to a molted characteristic to the soil.
Organic soils would primarily be found in the water saturated soils of Hjaalmarch. These are wetland soils found in forested areas and are commonly known as peat, muck, bogs or fens.
Borrowing from the USDA soil taxonomy, Inceptisols are light colored soils with moderate alteration, occurring under cool and cold climates. These soils would be found in the Eastmarch caldera.
Luvisols are associated with forested landscapes overlying loamy glacial till, or on clayey lacustrine deposits. Lake Honrich dominates a large portion of the Rift, according to UESP, seemingly draining from the lake. I believe this to be the site of a melted glacier, the lake being meltwater. Clay sediments are associated with lakes because of their deposition, coarser sediments bordering the lake near the shore, and finer particles at the deepest reaches. Additionally, at the end of the Karth river, where sandy deposits would be deposited at Solitude, before the stream looses power further down the river, leaving only clay to be deposited.
Podzols are associated with igneous parent materials, coniferous vegetation and high acidity. Primarily they are found in Falkreath Hold and Southern Eastmarch.
Brunisols are an intermediate stage between Regosols (undeveloped soils), and Podzol or Luvisols. I believe with the unstable, mountainous landscape of the Reach, soils would remain still rather undeveloped. Brunisols would also be interspersed among the Luvisols.
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naturallyadventured · 23 days
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"Your mind is stronger then the obstacles in your way." ... Grateful to have had the opportunity and the strength to climb up to Lucifer Peak in the Devils range of the Valhalla Mountains. Camped down at Gwillim Lakes, a place filled with mountain heather, glacial pools and magickal little creeks flowing through the alpine meadows. I still can't believe I was capable of doing this, especially for it being my very first mountain climb. It was hard and exhausting at times but I pushed myself and got to the very top! 2726 m - 8720 ft. Loving these adventurous souls I've been meeting along the way out here in the Kootenays. ... (Will be sharing so many more pictures from this incredible trip up the alpine mountains.) #getyourassintonature
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tastyvietnamesefood · 6 months
Flower road ☘️🩷
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adore-laur · 10 months
— a swoonworthy sequel to pink velvet 💍
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Lake Como is an area with timeless appeal that seizes the eyes of every wanderer roaming the enticing paradise of solitude. Rolling vineyards weave throughout the countryside, with snow-capped mountains rising above the clouds. Romanesque cathedrals and theaters overlook the grand lake, beautifully shaped by glacial movements. Opulent gardens of cascading wisteria and olive groves blossom across the region, decorating the premises of historical villas and estates. 
It's bliss for the second time. 
It also happens to be one of the most desired places in Italy for wedding venues, which is why you're currently driving through the captivating village of Bellagio with Harry the evening before the big day. A year has passed since you were in Salerno together for your third anniversary. A year since he proposed on the secluded beach he rented out for you, bent down on one knee with shaky hands holding a pink velvet ring box that encapsulated evermore. 
Now you're back and ready to marry the man who has one hand on the steering wheel of the vintage car and the other resting on your thigh.
Bellagio, which juts into Lake Como, greets you with cobblestone streets hugged by dainty shops and restaurants. Stucco and terracotta houses painted with pastel colors sit with their wooden shutters open, plants on their balconies, and ivy climbing their walls. Everything is perfectly placed and flourishing under the European sky. 
A boat launch is where both of you are headed since the sun will be setting soon, and being on the lake is where tourists say it is the most idyllic place to admire. You're going to rent a private speedboat for two hours to wind down and spend time together on the alpine waters before being the center of attention tomorrow. 
The narrow backroads lead to the pier, where many boats are docked. Harry has brought a comically large backpack filled with various snacks, books, and other items to keep busy while on the lake. He's currently humming along to a solemn Italian waltz statically playing through the car's antique radio speakers. His hair whips in the wind, and golden hour light dances across his face.
"I know you're looking at me," he says, gently squeezing your thigh. 
You snap out of your trance and lean over the console to kiss his dimple. "You're just really... bello? Is that how you say pretty?" 
His cheeks flush an endearing shade of pink. "Bello, yeah," he murmurs with a shy smile. "Thank you, baby." 
After another few peaceful minutes of driving, Harry pulls into a parking lot by the docks. The piers bob in the shallow water. The lake is even more stunning up close, with delicate ripples and a mountainous backdrop that resembles a contemporary impressionist painting. 
As you gaze upon the elegant villas sitting along the coastal cliffs, the passenger door swings open, a gentlemen-like gesture Harry always makes, no matter how many times you've told him you're entirely capable. You sling your tote bag over your shoulder and pick up Harry's backpack, which is crammed in the space behind the seats. You hand it to him and then interlock your fingers with his before walking to the launch. Luxurious boats rock in the water; their exteriors are glossy and classic, and their interiors are more modern with white leather seats. 
"Ciao, siamo qui per il noleggio di due ore," Harry greets the group of men standing on the pier with cigars poking from their lips.
They all smile and wave the both of you over. Harry initiates a foreign conversation with them that you can't understand, save for a few fleeting words. Eventually, one of them claps their hands together and leads you to a speed boat. As the other men remove the ropes that secure it, Harry reaches his hand out to help you step on. He then guides you to the driver's seat, sitting down and settling you on his lap as he sticks the key into the ignition.
"Ready, cipollino?" he asks, recalling the nickname he gave you last year while tipsy under a streetlight. His hand rests on the curve of your back as the engine rumbles to life. 
"Yeah," you reply with an eager nod. "And stop calling me that!"
"What should I call you, then?" 
"Your wife." 
"Not yet, darling." He kisses your neck and then looks behind him, giving the men a thumbs-up.
They return his gesture, and he doesn't waste any more time as he pushes the throttle forward, making the boat lurch. With your legs draped over his, the village becomes farther away. Sailboats and ferries float on the water, and Italian flags are proudly attached to them. 
The speed creates swells of water that refreshingly spray your skin as you lean your cheek against the top of Harry's head. He steers with one hand as the other reaches down to unzip his backpack. He sifts through the belongings, eventually taking out a container of mixed cheese cubes he bought a couple of days ago when he went shopping at a local food market. 
"Close your eyes and guess," he says over the gusty breeze, hiding the container behind his back. 
You close them and open your mouth so he can feed you. You hear him snap the container's top off and then feel a cheese cube on your tongue. You chew it, humming thoughtfully while you figure out the distinct flavor. 
"Provolone. That's too easy," you say after swallowing. "Give me another one." 
A second piece is given; this time, it's a uniquely rich flavor you've never tasted. You decide to just guess fancy names you've heard in passing. "Um, mascarpone? No, wait. Gorgonzola?"
"Your guess is as good as mine. I have no bloody clue what it is." You laugh and open your eyes, but Harry quickly covers them with his large hand. "One more," he murmurs cutely. 
Parting your lips again, you wait for another piece of unknown cheese. However, a pair of soft lips capture your mouth instead. You feel Harry smirk against it, causing you to tilt your head with a bright smile. 
"Was that too cheesy?" he asks, playfully tickling your ribs before cutting the engine so the boat can drift. "Eh? Get it?" 
You drape your arms over his broad shoulders. "How long have you been waiting to say that?"
He scoffs under his breath. "What do you mean? I come up with these killer jokes on the spot." 
"Oh yeah?" you challenge, calling his bluff. "Tell me another one." 
Harry pouts his lips and thinks. "Let's see. Give me a second; I have loads of good ones." You giggle into his neck as he struggles. "Okay, I've got it. Why does water never laugh at jokes?" 
"I don't know. Why?" 
He cradles your head and whispers in your ear, "It isn't a fan of dry humor." 
You lean back and narrow your eyes at him. "That was terrible." 
He pretends to throw you overboard, leaving you squealing and holding on tight to his shirt. "Sii gentile."
The following two hours are spent cruising around the lake, pointing out extravagant architecture, and reading the several translated Italian romance novels you bought from an independent bookstore. The mountains are hazy due to the clouds drifting past the jagged crests. The faraway sounds of ferry horns and coos from the wading birds provide a serene atmosphere. You don't plan to remove yourself from Harry's lap anytime soon since his calm breathing and affectionate kisses against your skin make you fall into a blissful reverie. 
It doesn't feel like the wedding is tomorrow. The reality hasn't quite hit you yet; you've always felt like it's been some unreachable day that won't ever happen. But now you sense the forthcoming nerves and anticipation somewhere deep in your bones. 
There's only one more sunrise until he's eternally yours. 
Once the sun has plunged below the horizon and left a blended tangerine and turquoise sky in its wake, Harry lets you take control of the steering wheel to drive the boat back to the docks. You successfully maneuver it between two narrow piers. The men that previously helped get up from their chairs and come over with rope. Harry takes the key out of the ignition, puts his backpack on, and then grabs your hand and ushers you to land. 
"Grazie per la vostra generosità," he tells them with a hand on his heart. "Buonanotte." 
"Sei il benvenuto," replies one of the men with a kind bow. "Guidare sicuri."
The both of you smile and walk to the parking lot, getting back in the car.
"That was so relaxing," you say as you slightly recline the seat and sigh happily.
"Mm-hmm." Harry rubs his full stomach and yawns. "I'm definitely going to sleep like a baby tonight." 
"Really? I think I'll be up all night with anxiety." 
"Why? Getting cold feet already?" 
"No, just nerves," you say. "It's a life-changing event we've been planning for so long." 
His thumb strokes the back of your hand as he starts driving. "I don't know about you, but I'm pretty confident I made the right choice in marrying you." 
"I'm not doubting that. I just—" 
"I know, love," he interrupts softly. "I'll probably be a jittery mess tomorrow if it makes you feel any better." 
You give him a reassuring glance before closing your eyes while he takes the backroads that lead to the villa. The windows are rolled down, warm air envelops your face, and the smell of bread makes you hungry again. Harry will often read the random names of restaurants and shops that he passes or quietly hiccup from all the food he ate earlier. 
Just as everything becomes background noise, you suddenly feel the car slow down and jerk to a stop. You open your eyes and see that you're on a flat bridge made of gray cobblestone that connects the downtown area to a dirt path lined with cottages. You look over at Harry and find him staring at you with an indecipherable expression, his mouth downturned, and his eyes dancing between yours. 
"I think there's something wrong with the car," he says. 
"It just stopped." He scratches his jaw and sighs. I'm pressing on the gas, but it's not moving." 
You blink in confusion. "The car is in park, Harry. 
"No, I think the car just broke down. Stay here. Let me check under the hood." 
"Just put it in drive. Nothing's wrong with it." 
Harry ignores you and opens the door, getting out and slowly walking to the front. His hands place themselves on his hips as he bends his knees and studies the car, like he knows what he's doing. He definitely does not. 
"Hey!" he calls out, pointing a finger somewhere next to you. "It's a little chilly out. Do you mind grabbing my suit jacket from under my seat?" 
Suit jacket? What is he talking about? You turn your head and reach under the driver's seat to blindly grab the jacket he apparently brought along. You feel a soft material against your fingertips, and you pick it up and set it on your lap. Sure enough, it's a suit jacket that's neatly folded and the color of a robin's egg. You've never seen it before, and you don't know when he could have possibly bought it since you've been inseparable since arriving in Italy. 
You hold it up, and Harry grins, shuffling over to the passenger window. You notice that the stripes on his button-up perfectly match the jacket. Interesting.
"Grazie," he says nonchalantly, taking it from you and putting it on. "Fits like a glove. Speaking of..." 
You cross your arms over the window and rest your chin on them. "You're acting really suspicious right now, and I suggest you tell me what's going on before I cancel the wedding." 
Harry simply laughs and heads over to the hood. You watch as he reaches into his suit pocket, pulling out a pair of white gloves made of lace. 
Now you're concerned. 
He gazes up at you from under his eyelashes and smirks, putting on the gloves like he's about to perform surgery. "What?" he asks while straightening his collar. "I don't want to get my hands dirty." 
You shake your head in disbelief. "Where did you even get those?" 
He ignores you once again and pulls out his phone. He types something briefly and then holds it against his ear. "Towing company," he mouths to you, pointing at his phone with a wink. 
You're speechless as you sit in the car, wondering what he mysteriously has up his sleeve. You're not stupid; there's obviously something going on because the car clearly has not broken down, and he's calling a towing company for some reason. 
During the short conversation, you listen to him speak Italian in a low murmur, and before you know it, he's hanging up and strolling toward the metal railing of the bridge. He puts his hands in his pockets and paces back and forth, looking up at the peach-colored sky and then out at the sapphire-blue water. 
As you're about to step out and join whatever he's doing, you hear distant music start playing. You look out the window and see a group of people walking in your direction, all holding instruments such as mandolins, horns, and accordions. Harry is also walking your way in your peripheral vision, a cheeky expression on his face. 
You don't know where to look, but your ears recognize the familiar tune of "That's Amore" by Dean Martin when the group starts singing. Harry quickly rounds to the front of the car and does a clumsy spin, then leans his body and elbow on the hood, lifting one foot up as he begins mouthing along to the lyrics with a satisfied smile. 
"Dance with me, amante."
You release a shocked laugh and join him. "Did you plan all this?" 
He daintily sticks out his gloved hand for you to take. "I might have researched Italian wedding traditions a while ago. One of them involves serenading the bride from outside her window, but... I put my own twist on it, I guess. The car didn't actually break down." 
You hum against his chest as he begins swaying you. "Yeah, I caught onto that pretty quickly." 
"I'm a shit liar," he mumbles into your hair, giving you a twirl. "Anyway, the bride is supposed to lower down a basket of bread, cheese, and prosciutto to accept the marriage." His hand leaves your waist to dig into his pocket. "And my darling, I just happen to have some leftover cheese cubes. Would you be so kind as to do the honors?" 
He pulls out a small bag with only three pieces of cheese left. He takes one out and holds it gently between his fingertips. You take it and dramatically clear your throat. "Harry Styles, I accept this marriage. I cannot wait until tomorrow." 
Grabbing your wrist, he pops the cheese into his mouth, grinning widely as he chews. "I accept your acceptance." 
You continue slow dancing on the bridge as the song crescendos, the singers happily crooning the love-filled lyrics while you're pressed close to Harry. 
Tomorrow can't come soon enough. 
White silk with a subtle hue of lavender feels cool against your skin, the thin fabric of your dress lightly blowing in the breeze. 
Harry is right around the corner, probably fidgeting with his fingers behind his back, toeing the ground, and ensuring his outfit is wrinkle-free. You can almost feel his energy, along with the collection of yours and Harry's close family and friends who flew out for the wedding. You hear them distantly chatter as they wait for your arrival. 
Deep breaths are the only kind you've been taking all day, and you're surprised the pendant of your necklace isn't shaking from how hard and fast your heart is pounding. You haven't seen Harry since you fell asleep next to him last night, knowing he planned to sneakily slip out of the villa to get ready with his groomsmen early in the morning. 
It's evening, so a golden tint casts over everything. The private ceremony occurs outside the lakeside courtyard, surrounded by lush gardens and pathways shaded by trees. The white aisle is rolled out, and a tall, flowered arch can be seen from where you stand behind the trimmed hedges. Stone statues guard the premises, some with moss and chipped bodies. 
As you focus on a yellow butterfly that lands on a blade of grass, you suddenly hear the ceremonial music begin playing. Someone behind you squeezes your shoulders and gently pushes you, whispering encouraging words in your ear. You're too distracted by the movement of your dress to comprehend them as you begin walking down the aisle. 
Watch your step. 
One foot in front of the other. 
Don't trip. 
Yet when you finally turn the corner, keeping your eyes on the ground is impossible. It's as if everything happens in slow motion. You hear excited gasps and violins in your ears, but your eyes are your strongest sense at the moment. They naturally gravitate upward to find Harry. He's wearing all silk, just like the both of you planned, along with the same hue of lavender threaded into the fabric. Silk trousers with a silk dress shirt tucked into them and white suspenders. A couple buttons are undone. 
He's so stupidly handsome.
Once your gaze meets his, matching smiles of pure love take over both of your faces. His is a dimpled one that leaves you breathless, and yours is a gentle one that makes his tears spill over. 
You see him roll his trembling lips in, looking down with a soft laugh and a sniffle. When you reach him, you accept his bouquet of flowers and stand face-to-face with him for the first time today.
"You look gorgeous," he whispers while shaking his head in awe.
"You look pretty," you whisper back. 
He bites the inside of his cheek and glances down at your lips. "I want to kiss you, but I can't."
You laugh and look at the officiant when he raises his hands. "Welcome, everyone," he says. You may be seated." 
Everyone sits, and you exhale a long breath. You feel Harry squeeze your hands as the officiant drones on about the joining of the couple and what lifelong commitment means. You're not listening; you're too lost in Harry's teary eyes as they roam your face and dress. 
"Is the bride ready to say her vows?" 
You snap your head to the side and nod, a little embarrassed that you zoned out during what were probably important and sentimental words. 
You release Harry's hands and take the folded note from your bra, making the crowd laugh. Harry rolls his eyes with a smirk. As you smooth the paper's creases, you feel your throat bob with emotion, thinking about how you poured every bit of your soul into the inked words you wrote for him. 
Inhaling deeply, you swallow the lump in your throat. "Harry," you say with a tender squeeze of his sweaty hand, "you are someone who I believe comes into people's lives with a purpose. You came into mine when I wasn't looking for love, but you swept me off my feet with your kindness and attentive nature. I'm so in love with you, truly. When your eyes crinkle with laughter or when you remember intricate details about me. I even love the annoying things, like how you really love peas or how you have to turn the radio down when the roads are busy so you can concentrate. Everything you do and say is beautiful. Your presence is graceful and warm. I'm so thankful I get to be around it for the rest of my life. I love you and promise to do so through every moment, whether rain or shine. Ti amo." 
When you finish, your cheeks are damp with tears as the crowd claps. Harry looks past you, quickly wiping under his eyes. 
"And would the groom like to say his vows?" asks the officiant. 
"Yeah, one second," Harry says as he tilts his head and blinks back tears. He looks back down and takes his vows out of his sock. 
"Ew," you say.
"Shush," he says with a smirk. "Okay, um... I'm going to try to get through this without completely losing it." He clears his throat. "So, I wrote this last night when you were sleeping. I wasn't procrastinating; I just wanted to write it when my emotions were high." 
He unfolds the paper and straightens his posture. "I love you so much. You know it. Everyone knows it. You've had me whipped since I met you, and I swear it's only gotten worse over the years. I told you when I proposed that I was weak for you. Well, I still am. Always will be. Because I hang onto every word you speak, and my heart beats like a madman every time you look at me. The tremendous love you give me is something I don't deserve. It keeps me going, and the fact that I get to feel it for a lifetime makes me the happiest man in the world. Ti amo forever." 
You let out a soft sob and dab under your eyes with your knuckle so your makeup doesn't smear. You secretly give Harry the middle finger for making you cry, and he gives one back, making your family and friends cackle. 
"Now for the rings." The officiant hands both of you your designated bands and then looks at you first. "Does the bride take the groom to be her lawfully wedded husband?" 
You slide the gold band onto Harry's ring finger, his hand shaking. "Lo voglio." 
He seems surprised by your unexpected Italian, raising his eyebrows.
"And does the groom take the bride as his lawfully wedded wife?" 
Harry slides your ring on. "Lo voglio," he repeats confidently. 
"Then it is my delight and honor to now pronounce you husband and wife," concludes the officiant. "Ladies and gentlemen, please give it up for Mr. and Mrs. Styles!" 
Everyone stands and cheers, hollering in celebration. Harry spreads his arms and pumps his fists with a wide smile. 
"Can I kiss him?" you ask impatiently. 
The officiant laughs and nods. "Yes, you may kiss the groom." 
You immediately grab Harry's cheeks and slot your mouth over his, feeling his arms tightly wrap around your waist as he dips you toward the ground. The crowd whoops, and camera shutters click, capturing the official moment.
"Mrs. Styles," Harry murmurs against your lips, kissing them repeatedly until they ache. 
You grab his hand and walk down the aisle together, waving and smiling at your families as they throw white flower petals in your path. There's a green convertible parked at the end, a getaway car of sorts, for you and Harry to take to the reception. It has a wreath hung across the trunk and bottles of alcohol and bread in a basket on the console. Harry opens the door for you as family and friends gather around, taking pictures and chatting with one another. 
"Wait, we have to change into our outfits before we get there," you say abruptly as he begins slowly driving away. "We didn't think this through." 
When you and Harry were planning the wedding, you agreed that you should both change into comfortable party outfits for the reception so it would be easier to move around and dance. Outfits the others hadn't seen yet were picked out and secretly packed in separate suitcases. 
You took a risk with yours, to say the least. 
"No," he gasps dramatically. "What are we possibly going to do? Bloody hell, we'll have to change in the woods!" 
You smack his arm. "Shut up, I'm serious! I've been waiting all year to show you my outfit. We have to stop somewhere." 
"Love, we can just change in the bathrooms once we get there." 
"Fine. Hurry up, though. I'm excited." 
He rolls his eyes and presses on the gas pedal harder. 
After about ten minutes, you arrive at the outdoor reception area, which has circular tables and chairs on the lawn with a dance floor in the middle. String lights decorate the low-hanging trees, and some people are already gathered with flutes of champagne and plates of appetizers in their hands. 
Harry parks the car and grabs your suitcases, sneakily going around the back of the old-fashioned estate that the venue is a part of. A security guard, wearing sunglasses and an earpiece, stands straight as a pin in front of the fancy double doors. 
"Excuse me, sir," Harry says, never letting go of your hand. "Where's the nearest bathroom?" 
He clears his throat and looks him up and down suspiciously. "Take the first left. The door is the fourth one on your right." 
"Thank you!" you call out from behind, since Harry is already dragging you down the porcelain hallway. 
Once you reach the bathrooms, Harry enters one stall while you go into the other. You're both breathing heavily and giggling as you unclasp your suitcases and pull out your outfits.
Yours is a rose gold mesh bodycon dress decorated with rhinestones that came with long, matching gloves. Your beige underwear and bra will be visible under it, but that's the intended purpose. You also bought a faux fur boa scarf to hook around your elbows. You unzip your wedding dress and slip on the other one, then walk out of the stall with your empty suitcase. 
Harry walks out a minute later, and your knees weaken. He's wearing a suit jacket and trousers with no shirt underneath. What's even more incredible is that the color of the sequined material is almost the exact shade of what you're wearing.
"Shut up," Harry says with a laugh of disbelief. "No way we picked the same color." 
All you can respond with is, "Your tits are out."
He looks down at them. "Yeah... I suppose they are." 
"You look so hot." 
"So do you." He runs his hands from your waist down to your ass. "You look dazzling, Mrs. fuckin' Styles." 
"Don't start anything," you warn, gripping the lapels of his suit. "We need to say hello to everyone." 
He smirks. "It's crazy that we thought of the same color. I was going to buy a white vest and matching pants, but something told me to get this instead." 
"That just means you have good fashion intuition." 
"No, I think it means we're soulmates." 
You kiss him. "That, too. C'mon, let's go before people get bored." 
The reception commences, and hugs and well wishes are all around as you and Harry wander the lawn hand in hand. The weather is perfect, and the sun isn't too sweltering because of the breeze from the nearby lake. 
Hours pass, the moon is out, and string lights twinkle around the venue. The dance floor has been open for a while, and everyone is a little tipsy and sweaty as they dance with each other. You've already done the first dance with Harry, swaying to "Moonlight Serenade" by Frank Sinatra as he whispered sweet nothings with his forehead pressed against yours. 
After another slow song ends and couples find other people to dance with, "Careless Whisper" starts playing. Harry screeches in your face while shaking your shoulders. 
When the bridge plays, he gets down on his knees before you and belts the lyrics, his hair falling in his face as his outfit shimmers from the strobe lights. You put the fur boa around his neck and pull him closer. His hands run up the length of your legs, eventually reaching your hands as you help him. 
"My pants just ripped!" he yells over the music. 
"Seriously?!" you yell back with wide eyes.
He tilts his head back and laughs with his hands resting on his exposed stomach. You immediately spot the small, ripped seam on his right thigh and begin laughing along with him. It's not even that funny, but cloud nine lifts you too high to care. 
The party goes on, and people slowly leave as midnight nears. Soon enough, it's just you and Harry left as the music volume lowers and the chairs start being put away. You eventually stumble with flushed cheeks and giddy smiles to the sleek black limo waiting at the front of the estate. 
"Where am I taking the happy couple?" asks the driver.
"Villa Balbiano, please," Harry replies. "And turn the music up loud, yeah? Apologies in advance." 
The both of you clamber into the back of the limo, immediately putting the partition up. You straddle Harry's parted thighs as he begins massaging your breasts. "Take your bra off. Let me see your tits under this dress." 
You unclip your bra, sliding it off and tossing it to the side. Harry kneads your ass and tilts his head back against the headrest, the veins in his perspiring neck becoming noticeable. 
"I'm so gone for you," he says, biting your thumb as if restraining himself from doing a more provocative act. 
"That's sweet." You climb off his lap and sit beside him, putting your seatbelt on. "But you'll have to wait." 
His jaw clenches in annoyance, and you grin. You love giving him whiplash. 
The ride to the villa is short but filled with tension. Harry broodingly looks out the window when the driver pulls into the gravel driveway, his right hand gripping the edge of the seat, his thighs tense.
Once the car is parked, Harry kindly squeezes the driver's shoulder, opens the door, and gets out. In an instant, your door is opened, and you're suddenly scooped up and thrown over Harry's shoulder as he walks up the driveway toward the arched doors. He navigates through the spacious rooms and up the grand staircase in complete silence. 
You know what you're in for. 
Harry tosses you on the king-size bed and crawls over you, placing his forearms on either side of your body. His cross necklace dangles over you, which is ironic considering how he's looking at you right now. 
"Gonna let me fuck my wife, or do I have to wait for that too?" he asks lowly, leaving open-mouthed kisses on your breasts and keeping eye contact with you. 
You bite your lip and slide the straps of your dress down, quickly slipping it off. Harry then grabs your wrist and uses his teeth to take one of your gloves, biting the fabric at the top of your fingertips. They're long and tight, so he struggles, huffing and closing his eyes in disappointment. 
"This is supposed to be sexy. Stop making fun of me," Harry says with a defeated laugh, taking the route of just yanking them off and throwing them on the floor. 
"I didn't say anything," you say, covering your mouth so you don't let a laugh escape. "And those are really expensive, Harry!" 
He just shushes you and takes your underwear off. He then buries his face into your inner thigh as you spread your legs open. You're already wet; your warm arousal is sticking to your skin. He laps some of it up and rumbles a groan. 
"Will you let your husband take care of you tonight? Hmm? Tell me." 
"God, Harry." You whine when his nose nudges your aching clit. "Yes. Please." 
"So polite for me." He teasingly licks the inside of you with one stroke of his tongue, but it's not enough. "Such a good girl that was dressed like a filthy slut tonight." 
"Says you," you reply breathlessly. "You had your tits out all night while you danced with my grandma." 
Harry hums a laugh and pushes his nose forward, making you wrap your legs around his waist and arch your back on the bed. He lets out a long moan, beginning to unapologetically lick every last slick drop of arousal that seems to keep pouring out. His hands grip your thighs so tight that you're positive there will be bruises left from his rings. 
His quiet moans and suckling are muffled by his face pressed right up against your pussy, his hair tickling the bottom of your stomach as his head tilts with each new angle he tries. Your mouth is parted open, and desperate whimpers leave it as your hands tug at his curls. 
You know he won't use his fingers; he's always keen on making you come with just one method. You feel dizzy from the tingling sensation in your thighs and core; your orgasm is knotting with a deep ache. 
"I'm going to come," you tell him, digging your heel into his back. "Harry, I'm going... I feel it. I can't hold it."
What he does next is heaven. Without moving his head or stopping his tongue, he lifts his hand and presses his large palm down on your lower stomach, massaging it in small circles to help coax the swelling pleasure out. Just as you feel as though you're about to burst, he removes his tongue and lifts his head. 
"No, no, no," you say, jerking your hips up. 
"Hey, look at me," Harry demands, his lips swollen and glistening. "What's wrong? Am I being mean?" 
"I hate you." 
"That's no way to talk to your husband, now is it?" He unbuttons his trousers and takes them off, along with his boxers. "What makes you think I'm not going to stuff you full right now with my cock? Or is that not what you want?" 
You catch your breath and swallow, your throat feeling terribly dry. "No, I want it. I do."
Harry squeezes his throbbing cock and hovers over you with one hand placed next to your head, his arm bulging and sheening with sweat. It isn't going to take long for you to come undone. 
"Yeah?" He reaches over to the nightstand and grabs a condom from the drawer. "You like it when I'm that deep inside you?" he asks, tearing the package open. 
"It's my favorite part." 
He rolls the condom on and kisses your knee. "Is that what you want?" His voice is now soft as he strokes strands of hair from your face. "You want me to be nice and give you what you want?" 
"I know you like it too," you whisper. "Don't even try to lie." 
He smirks while running his tongue across his teeth. "And how would you know that?" 
"Because you always put your hand right here"—you grab his hand and gently place it below your navel—"to feel it. Your eyes roll back every time. I love it." 
His nostrils flare. "You love watching me? How did I not know this about my wife?" 
"You're too fucking gone for me to notice," you say, repeating his words from earlier. 
He nearly growls, lining himself up with your entrance before thrusting in with no warning. You gasp, holding onto his shoulders as he rocks inside of you, his cock burning past your walls. The headboard hits the wall with each of his powerful thrusts, and you moan pitifully when he goes long and deep. One of his hands holds onto the top of the headboard, and the other holds your limp hand on the sheets. 
"So tight," Harry breathes out. "How do you fit all of me, huh? You're so tight and pretty." 
Your legs ache as they bend from the force he pounds into you. He sloppily kisses your lips, his teeth knocking against yours and pleading moans escaping into your mouth. His scruff rubs against your face as he continues thrusting faster and faster until the knot forms again, this time stronger than before. You can feel him in the pit of your stomach, leaving you breathless and crazed when his abs move against the slight bulge that forms there. 
"There we go," he praises. "That's it, baby. Is that what you needed?" 
After another couple of thrusts and encouragements from him, you arch and release while gripping his hand and looking into his eyes. Harry comes at the same time, rutting his hips into yours as he shudders with a deep, guttural moan against your neck. 
He hums, pulling out and cradling your cheeks. "You good?" 
You nod, watching him quickly discard the condom and flop on top of your heaving body. Everything feels hot: the sweat dripping down your hairline and Harry's skin sticking to yours. 
"Thank you," you say hoarsely. 
"For what, giving you an orgasm?" he asks with a laugh. 
"For everything," you reply, running your fingers through his damp hair. "I always feel like I'm floating around you." 
"I'm your cloud." 
"That oddly makes sense. How do you say that in Italian?"
He starts giggling into your chest, dimples carving his flushed cheeks. "Nube." 
You scoff. "Did you just call me a noob?" 
His head whips up as he says, "No. Nube means cloud in Italian." 
"Nube… that's funny." The both of you start silently laughing at each other, slowly coming down from the high. 
"Shit." Harry exhales. "Someone left us some wine." 
You turn your head to where he's looking and see a wine bottle wrapped in a brown paper bag on the dresser. There's also a little note attached to it. 
Harry gets out of bed and walks over to it with his ass on full display, making you start giggling again. He grabs the wine and gets under the sheets, weaving his legs with yours. 
You take it from him, popping the cork and raising the bottle. "Cheers to us. Ti amo forever, nube." 
He grabs your hand and kisses the ring on your finger. "Ti amo, Mrs. Styles." 
You take a swig, letting the crisp sweetness coat your throat before Harry has some. 
You've come to realize that bliss can be tangible. Silk sheets and red wine. Heated skin and purposeful touches. Soft eyes and kisses just because. If you could, you would bottle this moment up to drink, letting the liquified love permanently stain your soul. 
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fredwkong · 1 year
I'm so exhausted from student life, I can't find the littlest of moments to take care of myself.
From my kitchen window I can see the Alps in the golden morning light or shining in the first colours of the evening sun, making me daydream about being up there walking between the jagged peaks and emerald lakes.
Is there anyway you could help me take a break ?
Thanks for your booking with FWK Vacations. Your alpine wilderness vacation begins now!
You wake up in a smelly tent, and wrinkle your nose. Then the smell infiltrates your mind, and you relax. Yeah, you should probably take a dip in a lake today, but your natural scent isn’t so bad. It’s the product of hiking the Alps for months at a time, and you’re justly proud of it.
You wriggle your slender body out of your sleeping bag and get dressed in the early gloom. Before any of the other campers on the site are up, you’ve taken down your tent and packed up to head back onto the trails.
Midmorning finds you sitting naked in the shallows of a glacial lake, your tight, pale body pink with the cold. You sluice off your body a bit, getting off the worst of the grime and sweat from the last few weeks. The view is beautiful, the best bathtub in the world.
In a couple of days, you’ll be heading down into the valley near Grindelwald, and you’re hoping that your stories of hiking all summer in the Swiss Alps will catch the attention of some hunky goat farmer who appreciates your lithe body and natural musk.
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Enjoy your vacation!
Want to go on vacation? Drop me an ask!
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boymanmaletheshequel · 2 months
The eyes of Pan 🪈🏔️
The mountains are a place of unknowable ancient, the culmination of millions of years of tectonic activity moving within the earth like bones, bringing forth more energy than we could ever comprehend. They are the geological gods of earth. The oldest records of history can be found trapped in the glaciers that encrust their grey, snow capped scalps. They are the beacons that shine for miles in any direction, a symbol of Gaia and the earth, and her all seeing, all powerful, all intimidating posture. To scale one is to accomplish something few ever do, ever have, and ever will. It is a chance to see from the eyes of the gods themselves. They are a part of my home here in the Pacific Northwest. And if you look closely, perhaps sitting upon a crag, or in a patch of Heather, or maybe even taking a swim in one of the many seasonal glacial lakes that peeper the meadows of the cascades, you’ll see him. Pan. When the wind of the alpine, sharp and cutting, blows through the 1000 year old branches of the junipers and pines, swept back by the centuries of wind as if it was a comb, you could almost swear you hear music… like a magical dream that is almost perceivable, but only if you truly listen can you hear it. That is him, that is pan. When you are hiking on the edge of a ravine, or setting up a tent in the shadow of a mountain, he is there, playing his flute and dancing around you as if to invite you into his home. He is feasting on the wild blueberries, urging you to do the same, his hood prints are invisible to me, but I know they are there. Pan is the awe, the unknowable and incomprehensible, yet somehow, humble, might of the mountains. Pan is the sound of the campfire wood squeaking and crying as the sap evaporates in the coals and the embers. Pan is the feeling of pure euphoria that you are overwhelmed with as, after hours of hiking, you finally crest a summit, and find yourself gazing upon the earth from the eyes of god, the eyes of him, the eyes of Pan.
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rabbitcruiser · 8 months
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Yosemite National Park, CA (No. 7)
Tenaya Lake is an alpine lake in Yosemite National Park, located between Yosemite Valley and Tuolumne Meadows. The surface of Tenaya Lake has an elevation of 8,150 feet (2,484 m). The lake basin was formed by glacial action, which left a backdrop of light granite rocks, whose beauty was known to the Native Americans. Today, Tenaya Lake is easily accessible by State Route 120 and is a popular lake for water activities.
Tenaya Lake is named after Chief Tenaya, who was the chief of the native people who lived in Yosemite Valley before being driven out by the Mariposa Battalion. Tenaya protested that the lake already had a name: Pie-we-ack, or "Lake of the Shining Rocks." This original name is now attached to Pywiack Dome, a granite dome to the east of the lake.
As part of the 1864 Yosemite grant, the area became the first park land to be federally protected for preservation and public use. Yosemite became a national park in 1916 with the advent of the National Park Service.
In 1868, John Muir wrote about the Tenaya Lake's beauty and timelessness in My First Summer in the Sierra.
Tenaya Lake was created by the Tenaya Glacier, which flowed out of the vast Tuolumne Ice Sheet and down to Yosemite Valley. This same glacier created Half Dome. The Tenaya Glacier was lightly loaded with debris, and did not leave a large amount of moraine material near Tenaya Lake.
The lake is supplied by a network of creeks and springs including Murphy Creek to the northwest and Tenaya Creek. Tenaya Creek is an outflow of Cathedral Lakes and serves as both the principal inlet and outlet of Tenaya Lake. Tenaya Creek also runs through Tenaya Canyon into Yosemite Valley.
Source: Wikipedia
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roomchailimited · 1 month
Canada’s Natural Treasures: From Banff to Newfoundland
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Canada, with its vast landscapes and diverse ecosystems, offers some of the most breathtaking natural treasures in the world. From the rugged peaks of the Rockies in Banff to the windswept cliffs of Newfoundland, this country is a paradise for nature lovers and adventurers alike.
Starting in the heart of the Canadian Rockies, Banff National Park is a true gem. The majestic peaks, turquoise lakes, and abundant wildlife create a postcard-perfect setting that captivates visitors year-round. Whether hiking through the alpine meadows, canoeing on the serene waters of Lake Louise, or skiing down the slopes in winter, Banff offers a stunning introduction to Canada’s natural beauty.
As you journey east, the landscape transforms into the expansive prairies of Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Here, the horizon seems to stretch endlessly, with golden fields and big skies offering a sense of serenity and vastness. The Grasslands National Park, with its rolling hills and native prairie grasses, is a hidden treasure that showcases the unique beauty of Canada’s Great Plains.
Further east, the rugged terrain of Ontario and Quebec presents a different kind of natural wonder. Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario is a haven for canoeists and campers, with its dense forests, crystal-clear lakes, and rich wildlife. Meanwhile, Quebec’s Laurentian Mountains, especially during the vibrant autumn months, offer a breathtaking display of fall colors that paint the landscape in fiery hues.
Continuing the journey to the Atlantic provinces, the natural beauty becomes even more dramatic. The Bay of Fundy in New Brunswick, famous for having the highest tides in the world, offers spectacular coastal scenery and opportunities for whale watching. In Nova Scotia, the Cabot Trail on Cape Breton Island provides one of the most scenic drives in the world, with stunning ocean views, rugged cliffs, and charming fishing villages.
Finally, Newfoundland and Labrador, at the eastern edge of Canada, offer some of the country’s most awe-inspiring natural sights. Gros Morne National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site, features towering fjords, glacial valleys, and ancient mountains. The dramatic landscapes of Newfoundland’s coastlines, dotted with colorful fishing villages and iceberg-strewn bays, are a fitting end to this cross-country journey.
Canada’s natural treasures, from the towering Rockies to the rugged coastlines of Newfoundland, offer endless opportunities for exploration and adventure. Whether you’re seeking solitude in the wilderness or awe-inspiring views that take your breath away, Canada’s landscapes are sure to leave a lasting impression. Roomchai Limited is here to help you plan your perfect journey through these incredible destinations, ensuring that your experience of Canada’s natural beauty is as unforgettable as the landscapes themselves.
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Munsiyari, nestled in the picturesque district of Pithoragarh in Uttarakhand, India, is a hidden gem awaiting discovery by travelers seeking tranquility and natural beauty off the beaten path. Situated amidst the majestic peaks of the Himalayas, Munsiyari offers a serene retreat away from the bustling tourist circuits, promising breathtaking views of snow-capped mountains and verdant valleys. This charming town is perfect for those looking to immerse themselves in the pristine landscapes and cultural richness of rural India.
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One of the intriguing offbeat places in Munsiyari is Thamri Kund, a stunning alpine lake located about 6.4 kilometers from Kalamuni Temple. Surrounded by captivating terrains including dense forests and alpine meadows, Thamri Kund offers a peaceful sanctuary for nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts alike. The journey to this secluded lake adds an element of thrill and discovery, making it a must-visit for those seeking to explore the untouched beauty of the Himalayas.
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For travelers curious about Munsiyari offbeat places, Birthi Falls is another captivating natural wonder worth exploring. Located approximately 34 kilometers from Munsiyari, this majestic waterfall cascades down from a height of 126 meters, fed by the glacial waters of the Johar Valley. The journey to Birthi Falls takes you through scenic mountain roads, offering glimpses of the Himalayan peaks and lush greenery that surround the area. It's a perfect spot for photography enthusiasts and nature lovers looking to unwind in the tranquil ambiance of the Himalayan foothills.
Exploring Munsiyari offbeat places like Thamri Kund and Birthi Falls promises a unique and enriching experience amidst the natural splendor of Uttarakhand. Away from the usual tourist hubs, these hidden gems invite you to reconnect with nature, explore scenic trails, and immerse yourself in the serene beauty that Munsiyari has to offer. Whether you're seeking adventure, relaxation, or simply a break from the ordinary, Munsiyari beckons with its untouched landscapes and cultural charm in Incredible India.
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glorioushimalaya · 3 months
Off-the-Beaten-Path Treks in Nepal - Less-Crowded Hiking Trails
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Nepal, renowned for its iconic Himalayan treks like the Everest Base Camp and Annapurna Circuit, is a paradise for adventurers. But beyond these well-trodden paths lie hidden gems – lesser-known treks that offer a chance to explore remote villages, pristine landscapes, and untouched wilderness. In this blog, we'll take you on a journey to discover some of Nepal's off-the-beaten-path treks that are sure to take your breath away.
1. The Upper Dolpo Trek:
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Tucked away in the far-flung corners of western Nepal, the Upper Dolpo region is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. This remote trek takes you through rugged terrain, deep river gorges, and ancient Tibetan villages, offering a glimpse into a way of life that has remained unchanged for centuries.
Highlights of the Upper Dolpo trek include the stunning Phoksundo Lake, one of the deepest lakes in Nepal, surrounded by dramatic cliffs and crystal-clear waters. You'll also have the opportunity to visit the centuries-old Shey Gompa, perched high on a hillside overlooking the valley below. With its rich cultural heritage and breathtaking scenery, the Upper Dolpo trek is truly a once-in-a-lifetime adventure.
2. The Tsum Valley Trek:
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Nestled between the majestic Ganesh Himal and Sringi Himal ranges, the Tsum Valley is a hidden sanctuary of tranquility and beauty. This off-the-beaten-path trek takes you through remote villages, terraced fields, and lush forests, offering a glimpse into the traditional Tibetan way of life.
One of the highlights of the Tsum Valley trek is the opportunity to visit ancient Buddhist monasteries, including the Milarepa Cave, where the legendary Tibetan saint is said to have meditated. You'll also have the chance to soak in natural hot springs, surrounded by snow-capped peaks and pristine wilderness. With its peaceful atmosphere and stunning scenery, the Tsum Valley trek is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered.
3. The Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek:
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Located in the easternmost corner of Nepal, the Kanchenjunga region is home to some of the most remote and unspoiled wilderness in the country. The Kanchenjunga Base Camp trek takes you on a journey through dense forests, alpine meadows, and glacial valleys, with panoramic views of the world's third-highest peak, Mt. Kanchenjunga.
Highlights of the Kanchenjunga Base Camp trek include the stunning views from the Pangpema viewpoint, where you can see the entire Kanchenjunga massif stretching out before you. You'll also have the chance to explore traditional Rai and Limbu villages, and immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of the region. With its pristine landscapes and remote wilderness, the Kanchenjunga Base Camp trek is a hidden gem that offers a true sense of adventure.
4. The Manaslu Circuit Trek:
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Situated in the shadow of the towering Mt. Manaslu, the eighth highest peak in the world, the Manaslu Circuit trek is a hidden gem that rivals its more famous counterparts in the Annapurna and Everest regions. This challenging trek takes you through remote villages, high mountain passes, and dramatic landscapes, offering unparalleled views of the Himalayan giants.
Highlights of the Manaslu Circuit trek include the opportunity to cross the Larke Pass, one of the highest mountain passes in Nepal, and visit the ancient Buddhist monasteries of Samagaon and Samdo. You'll also have the chance to witness the unique culture and traditions of the indigenous Tibetan people who call this region home. With its rugged beauty and cultural richness, the Manaslu Circuit trek is a hidden gem waiting to be explored.
While Nepal is famous for its iconic Himalayan treks, the country also boasts a wealth of off-the-beaten-path trails that offer a chance to explore remote villages, pristine landscapes, and untouched wilderness. From the remote valleys of Upper Dolpo to the hidden sanctuary of the Tsum Valley, these hidden gems are sure to take your breath away with their stunning beauty and cultural richness. So lace up your boots, pack your bags, and get ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime in the hidden corners of Nepal.
Glorious Himalaya Trekking Pvt. Ltd. is an authentic local tour company based in Kathmandu, Nepal, specializing in multi-day tours for solo and private groups. You can contact them through [email protected] or WhatsApp: +977-9813637616.
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quillusquillus · 1 year
I'm going to talk more about Zürich's rivers because I find them very entertaining, idk my sense of humour is broken and finds geology funny I guess.
To start with, some geographical context: Zürich is a major city in Switzerland that sits on one pointy tip of Lake Zürich, a long banana-shaped lake formed by glacial carving. Zürich has two rivers, the Limmat and the Sihl, which join together within the city. The Limmat is significantly bigger, deeper, and connects to the lake in the city center, you'll see it on a lot of tourist photos and postcards.
The first thing that's interesting about this imo is that the Limmat flows OUT of Lake Zürich, and does not flow into it. The Limmat is literally birthed by the lake fully-formed as a medium-sized river. The Sihl on the other hand does not connect to the lake at all, despite pretty much flowing alongside it for many kilometres.
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The Sihl, a modest river from humble alpine origins, has seemingly every opportunity to enter the lake but it can't, it's literally barricaded from entering by the glacial hills that surround it like bodyguards.
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Instead, just as it might finally have a chance to connect to the lake, it gets swallowed up by Big Lake trust fund poster child Limmat, a river which is in every way prettier and more popular. The junction point is actually quite a nice place to hang out, and it's interesting to see the difference in the waters. The Sihl is brown because it's worked its way across the terrain picking up sediment, starting from a stream, and the Limmat is a clear and purified green, full of lake fauna and flora. There's also a nice cafe there and it's a good fishing spot.
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The final punchline of this to me, besides mercilessly dunking on the poor Sihl, is that the Limmat itself ceases to exist very soon after. It spends a mere 35km being picturesque before being itself swallowed by the Aare further down the line lol
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shannastmartin · 11 months
Exploring Canada's Natural Wonders
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Canada is an ideal travel destination for nature enthusiasts and adventurers, boasting vast and diverse landscapes. From the majestic Rocky Mountains to the rugged coastal cliffs on the Atlantic, Canada's natural wonders offer a breathtaking array of experiences that are as awe-inspiring as they are unforgettable.
Niagara Falls, one of the world's most famous natural wonders, is a majestic sight that any visitor should experience. The power and beauty of the waterfalls straddling the Canadian and American borders are awe-inspiring. Visitors can join the Maid of the Mist boat tour for a closer look at the impressive falls, enjoy a panoramic view from the Skylon Tower observation deck, or hike in Niagara Glen.
Banff National Park, situated in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, showcases Canada's breathtaking alpine scenery. The stunning landscape of towering peaks, turquoise glacial lakes, and lush valleys looks like something out of a fairy tale. Lake Louise, a beautiful jewel of the park, is famous for its crystal-clear waters that reflect the surrounding peaks. The smaller Lake Moraine is no less stunning, with its turquoise waters surrounded by snowcapped peaks. The park offers many adventure opportunities, like hiking through pine forests, biking along scenic trails, and paddling around the lakes.
For travelers looking to explore the coast of Nova Scotia, the Cabot Trail is a picturesque highway winding through the Cape Breton Highlands and offering breathtaking views of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Atlantic Ocean. The Cabot Trail is spectacular, with its rocky cliffs, verdant woods, and quaint seaside towns. Visitors can explore hiking trails like the Skyline Trail for panoramic coastline views or join whale-watching tours to see marine life up close.
On the east coast, in Newfoundland and Labrador, lies Gros Morne National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site showcasing the raw beauty of the Atlantic region. The dramatic landscapes here include fjords, towering cliffs, and dense forests reminiscent of Norwegian landscapes. The Tablelands, a striking feature of the park, offers a unique glimpse into the Earth's mantle, with its exposed reddish rocks. Adventurers can explore many hiking trails, like the Gros Morne Mountain trail, for panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.
The Great Bear Rainforest on the west coast of British Columbia is a stunning example of natural beauty and power. This untouched rainforest is home to Canada's most beloved wildlife, such as the rare Kermode bear, also known as the "spirit bear." The rainforest boasts towering ancient trees, waterfalls, and fjords cutting through the coastline. Travelers can join wildlife-viewing safaris, boat rides through the glacial fjords, or guided nature walks.
Lastly, Canada is an ideal destination for watching the Northern Lights. The elusive and breathtaking phenomenon draws thousands of visitors to many countries in the Northern Hemisphere, and Canada provides several areas with high chances of spotting the stunning natural phenomenon. The Northern Territories, Manitoba, Yukon, and Nunavut are popular spots to watch the aurora borealis from autumn to spring. Newfoundland and Labrador, Ontario, and Alberta are other regions where travelers can experience the dancing lights, especially away from the cities.
Whether seeking adventure, tranquility, or a chance to marvel at extraordinary landscapes, travelers will find it in Canada's natural wonders. The primary requirements to embark on an unforgettable journey to explore Canada's natural marvels are well-equipped bags and hiking boots.
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