#alright that's it folks
tragicotps · 5 months
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Young Masriel au [part 7: making up]: in which Asriel has a hard time slipping away from the dinner table unnoticed to meet with Marisa alone. During their time together, Marisa is caught off guard by an unexpected confession and lies awake for hours after, thinking about what this means for them. It's obvious she's still angry about their sparring match at the dinner table, but he knows her well enough to see most of it is just show. She enjoys fighting with him just as much as he does, though it's a fine line they're walking. Carefully avoiding the topic of daemon separation or witches, they easily fall back into their usual banter, which soon evolves into more interesting activities. When she of course brings it up again, the word slips out of him without hesitation. Judging by the look on her face, it was the last thing she expected to come out of his mouth. The confession might've irrevocably changed something between them but he can't bring himself to care at this point.
(part 1/ part 2/ part 3/ part 4/ part 5/ part 6)
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gg-ladybug · 5 days
On today’s episode, I have now realised the power that comes from using duos / ships for these memes. I’m evolving with every post.
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Alastor: (Part 1)
Lucifer: (Part 2)
Random Groups / Duos / Ships: (Part 3 - Here)
Charlie: (Part 4)
Adam: (Part 5)
Angel Dust: (Part 6)
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soranker · 8 months
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Joan of Arc - Jules Bastien-Lepage // Not Strong Enough - boygenius
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daily-odile · 26 days
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maid dile
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wherenymphsroam · 7 months
Real dad! Leon coming over to help you with your car.
Something’s wrong with it, so why wouldn’t you call your dad to help you out? He gets there, pops the hood and finds the problem that he starts to fix.
You check on him every ten or so minutes, noticing how maybe he took his jacket off, how his hair is getting messier. He’s more out of breath and a little sweaty. It makes you forget he was even speaking to you, asking for you to go grab him a bottle of water so he can cool down.
And when you do come out with the water, his shirt is off this time. He grins and laughs at you. Maybe he’s a little mean and teases you about it, talking about how you haven’t seen a man like him before ugh omg
The tension would be sooo thick after that. Especially if he stays over for a while, maybe taking a shower in your bathroom. He comes out in a towel, making sure it hangs low to catch your attention since you just loved staring at him earlier
Please please please hear me out
oh I’m hearing you Mel. I’m hearing ya.
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“Like mother like daughter”
cw: daddy/daughter incest, leon is your real dad in this, some mixed in religious themes, leon being a cocky douche even in his old age, kitchen counter fucking, slight breath play but it’s only bc Leon’s arm is around readers neck, barely proof read.
a/n: idc im not making this formatting all pretty, I literally blacked out and coughed up 2.5k at two in the morning. straight filth. here you go, eat you little shits.
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And up until that point, it’s just that. It’s only that. Tension. Silent, deadly, heavy in the air of your small place.
That is, until he slices right through it, walking out of your bathroom in nothing but that towel.
When you were smaller, he’d never take showers when you were around, making sure to slip them in during the dark hours of the morning or long after you were asleep. And on the occasion that you were around, even into your teen years he’d all but beeline to his bedroom to get changed, only leaving you with a lingering glance at his broad back. That is, when you’d will yourself to look as he strode down the hall. You shouldn’t be looking at your dad in such immodest state, let alone like that.
And yet here you are, dry mouthed and stock still where you stand at your kitchen island. He had strode in, so confident, almost cocky, claiming he forgot his glass of water. As if he couldn’t have grabbed it after he was decent. Because he’s just so thirsty after all that work today, and the kitchen is on the way to your guest bedroom where he was going to change anyway. What would be the point in doubling back?
He’s about to grab his glass and slip back out of the kitchen, content enough to be swift in his appearance. That is, until he notices the look on your face.
“What?” He chuckles, his smile sly. He knew he didn’t look the same as he did when he was twenty something years old. The scars, the soft layers of fat that had cropped up over thick muscles in his pecs and abs, the healthy line of hair that trails underneath his towel — it’s all a reminder of what his body has been through, how it’s matured through the years. Yet, here you were standing there and gawking at him, as if you’d never seen a shirtless man before.
He’s met with silence. Wetting your lips, swallowing thickly, blinking a few times — it’s takes you a beat too long to be deemed appropriate to realize you were staring. Barely holding back the urge to curse under your breath, you cover your obvious gawking with a dry cough, a shake of your head. Waving a dismissive hand at him and rolling your eyes as if suddenly he’s a nuisance.
“Ew,” you snort, turning back to the dishes you had been in the middle of doing. “Go get changed, old man.”
“Ouch,” he hissed, snickering now. Directly defying your playful orders, he leans on the kitchen island now, leaving only the hand on his hip to keep his towel secure around his hips.
“I wasn’t always an old man. Your mom was attracted to me at one point in time, you know,” he hums, teasing, playful. Far more playful than appropriate.
“Obviously,” you mutter, willing yourself not to turn around. Your gaze bores down, practically drilling through the pan you’re scrubbing. “I’m here, aren’t I?”
He laughs then, throaty and low, his stomach shaking from the strength of it.
“That you are.”
Coming towards you, the old tile squeaking softly in specific weak points as he crosses your small kitchen. You don’t notice how your scrubbing slows, subconsciously distracted by his warmth as it settles behind you, looming.
“I asked you a question, you know,” he murmurs, piercing eyes trained on you.
He’s done this in times past. Sometimes when he’s reprimanded you, sometimes in joking passing. Directing your attention back to a voiced inquiry that you decide to oh so conveniently side step, choosing to ignore in favor of your own comfort. And like always, he wasn’t going to let you slide.
“What’s with that look on your face?” he rephrases, tilting his head.
Don’t stop scrubbing.
You don’t. If anything, the movements of your arm grow faster, harder, practically burning your sponge into the surface of a pan that’s been clean for two minutes now.
“What look?” you hum, feigning ignorance, clearly so busy with your task at hand.
Rolling his eyes, he adjusts his towel around his hip, tugging it tighter. The action had the back of his palm brushing into your hip.
“Nope. You don’t get to play dumb with me,” he tuts, low and far too close to the back of your neck. A few inches more, and his breath would fan against the back of your neck.
“When was the last time you went out, anyways? Hell, the last time you told me about a boyfriend?” he snickers, moreso at the mental image of the last loser you brought home to him.
Sighing, your jaw sets, your heart skipping in your chest.
“Dad, we’re not talking about this right now,” you groan, adjusting your craned neck, shifting your weight over your feet as you turn the faucet on. Suds slide off the nonstick surface of the pan, pooling and circling to disappear a moment later down your drain.
“You’re right. We’re not.”
Pausing, your gut twists in a way you haven’t felt in a while. It’s that feeling you get, that tugging that tells you the guy you’re hanging out with wants more. That the guy you’re alone with has intentions driven by hunger, need. That he wants you.
But you’re not alone with just some guy. Not alone with even a guy your age. He’s not a classmate. Not a friend. Not some sleazy tinder date you brought home.
It’s your dad.
A deep breath in. An effort of swallowing and burying that feeling. Of shoving it deep enough in hopes that it wouldn’t crawl back up again.
An exhale through your nose, forcing your movements as you reach for the next dirty dish.
“Then what are we talking about?” you scoff, glad he can’t see your face, your eyes that waver. Taking a tone you typically do during your nitter nattering with him, a tone he would reprimand you for in your teen years.
“The fact that you were eye-fucking your father a minute ago,” he mutters, his tone indecipherable.
“That’s what we’re talking about.”
Was he angry?
Disappointed, maybe?
You can’t tell. Out of all the times you’re able to read your father, quick to pin down his vocal habits, of course it’s right now that you fail to get a read on him. Because admittedly, you haven’t heard him like this before.
Why did you care? Did you want him to be angry? Uncomfortable?
Why aren’t you uncomfortable?
Finally, your pitiful stress scrubbing comes to a halt. It’s as if he just fed an IV of ice water through your veins, his voice resounding through the kitchen as it falls silent around you.
You’re hesitant, slow when you turn your head. Brows knitted, lips parted — something you got from him — you can’t even bring yourself to meet his damn eyes.
“W… What? Dad, I’m not eye-fucking you-“
“Be honest. When was the last time you got laid?” he scoffs, all amusement drained from his voice. Not quite lecturing, nor demanding. But firm.
Glancing up at him, you search his eyes, silently floundering under his hard gaze. It takes all your willpower not to let your own wander down the still damp skin of his neck, his collarbones.
This isn’t appropriate.
When you were younger, he’d physically cringe at the idea of you ever experiencing sex. Would clench his fist, draw his brows at the idea of some insolent little boy getting his hands on you, in you.
“Don’t forget to mention the .45 I keep in my bedside,” he’d not so jokingly quip whenever you’d head out for a date.
“Well, I’ll leave you two to it then. Gotta go polish my bat,” he’d make a point of specifying the one time you had a male friend over to study for a big exam.
It was from a place of protectiveness. Of love. Because you were his little girl. Didn’t want you getting hurt. Even if he knew that one day you’d probably end up entangled in the back of some college idiots Honda accord his parents got him, that you’d one day be introduced to the world of true heart break, he wanted, needed to keep you out of the worlds grips for just a little bit longer. For as long as he could control.
And here he is, asking so crudely when you last got laid.
“I asked you a question.”
A beat passes. Another one. Your neck is uncomfortable, half turned over your shoulder like this. But you dare not turn away.
There it is. All it took was some light prodding and you’re coughing up.
Because he told you to. Because he loves you. Because you’re a good girl. His good girl.
Not some sleazy tinder dates.
Not some broke college boy with a measly Honda accord.
No, no. He really should’ve known better. You have more refined taste than he often wants to give you credit for. Well, that is, until he’s taking credit for you, so quick to remind you it’s him you inherited such trait from.
His little girl was always needier than that. Better than that. Smarter than to so freely give herself to whatever scumbag picked her up some flowers from the grocery store on his way over to the house before a date, smarter than to let some asshole take advantage of any insecurity.
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“You were saving it for me weren’t you?”
His voice comes out as a panted snicker into your neck, spoke into the numerous bites and blooming spots of color along your nape. It takes you a moment, lost in the hazy, sickly heated daze the two of your have made of the kitchen air around you. With pots long forgotten, one side of the sink full of cooled water, the sound of the faucet that had been running earlier is replaced with the wet claps of skin against skin.
Sharp, deep, all consuming when his pelvis collides into your ass, the fat of it rippling under each heavy collision. It threatens to steal your sense of coherency from you with each drive.
“H… Huh?”
Your voice is a mess, not too unlike the rest of you. The thick arm he has wrapped around your neck doesn’t really help, seeing as how it only constricts your already dry throat. Speaking proved to be far more difficult than it maybe should be right now.
“Your virginity, sunshine,” he murmurs into your ear, low and hot, brewed with an aftertaste of amusement. As if he didn’t just address you by the nickname he gave you when you were, what, three? As if he wasn’t speaking over the sounds of his body burying him within yours.
“Y’saved it just for me, huh? Knew only your Daddy could take care of you?” he snickers, looking at you oh so intently, adoringly almost. Far too tenderly, given how the thick muscles of his arm ripple with each jerk of your body in his hold.
You were always so pretty. Got it from your mother. Those sweet eyes, the pout of your lips. Even your tears, how they rolled down your cheeks in fat, hot trails of ecstasy matched how your mother would cry for him. How sweet.
And oh, even sweeter, the hitch of your constricted breaths. Your cries, your whimpers, those broken moans that fall so steadily are heavenly, even if what he was committing right now was far from.
Leon had never been a religious man, at least not into his adult life.
What the hell did he care about how wrong this was? God could twist and turn and kick and scream all he wanted, sat up on his high and mighty throne. He could whine and cry all about this was wrong, how he didn’t bless Leon with such a beautiful daughter for him to fuck her.
But right now? Leon doubts that. Hell. Somewhere, hidden deep into the darkest corners and recesses of his mind, Leon hopes that is the reason he was given a daughter. He snickers at the very idea of you being bestowed to him like the damn sacrificial lamb for the slaughter, his own personal sunshine and warm body.
Because why else would you cry like her?
Why else would you sigh and tremble and shudder just like her?
Why else would your voice crack and pitch along the same patterns hers did when he pushed her to her very limits?
Why else would God let his most beloved walk out of his life and leave him with her most beautiful creation, if not to fall in love with her all over again?
“Yes, yes, yes,” you whimper, like a damn broken record in his arms. With your shorts pooled around your ankles, your shirt shoved up just high enough for him to paw at your pretty tits, you were practically a spitting image.
A growl of satisfaction, of delight reverberates through him and you feel it. It all but shakes you to your core, how his chest rumbles against your back. It’s all consuming, so overwhelmingly delicious how warm, how strong he is. You really couldn’t be to blame for how quickly you deteriorate, stuttering through gasped warnings of impending end.
“Ask me properly,” he mutters into your neck, breaths heavy with exertion and hot with carnal lust as he speaks into the shell of your ear.
“Tell Dad you wanna come.”
“Please, please-“
Coughing, your choke briefly around your own spit, and it takes you a second to recover. But it’s only a moment later that you’re shaking your head to the best of its mobility trapped in the crux of his elbow, eyes hazy as you gaze up at him.
“Dad- Dad lemme come. Wan’ come so bad, please, please Dad-“
Eager. So fucking eager, just like your damn mother. All that spunk, all those sarcastic retorts and matter of fact quips that attempt to keep him at bay, stretched thin and see through around the girth of him. He can’t help but laugh at the irony, even moreso when you only spasm around the sound.
And when he finally utters his permission, he’s not gazing down at you to revel in how your orgasm tears through you. He’s tracking every facial expression; every tear, every wobble of your lip and roll of your eyes, all in search of her.
Because as much as he adored the parts of you that were him. As much as he loved teasing you for your similarities, poking fun at the parts of you that were her, he couldn’t help but come to a compromise then.
That yeah, you were a Daddy’s girl through and through.
But at the end of the day, the saying really should be ‘like mother like daughter’.
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sn077nh · 10 months
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in the past week or so ive seen a lot of people posting about how there's this oversexualization of trans girls on the site, and I gotta agree, there are way too many people (including other trans women!) who act like we're all dtf 24/7 or always super kinky and horny. I've been tired of that stereotype for ages and i am saying this as a rather sexual trans girl myself...
...but I think people are overcorrecting a bit now, and are starting to veer into "trans women shouldnt be talked about sexually / need to be shielded from it" territory. and, to me, that's really dangerous, because outside of some queer spaces - and even within them- the sexuality of trans girls is heavily scrutinized, as is attraction to us. as much as I dislike certain aspects of the memes and jokes that kickstarted the stereotypes, I'm kinda grateful for them as well. girldick jokes helped with my bottom dysphoria, voice kink shit helped me like my voice, and the whole "tgirl tummy tuesday" thing gave me a lot of confidence in my body where I hated it before. I think this open appreciation of trans sexiness has done a lot for both me and others on tumblr.
again, obviously its got its problems - people end up assuming every trans girl is horny, or only spread positivity if its related to sex with us, and of course the people who do have dysphoria from the things that are being sexualized are left out (like those the "girls without dicks are like angels without wings" memes, ugh, feels icky every time). and on the note of comparing tgirls to angels, we also started getting treated like we're ethereal fertility goddesses and that t4t sex was some inherently sacred ritual. spoiler alert, trans girls are normal-ass people and t4t sex can be holy for the participants but its generally a pretty normal thing to do as well
coming back to the "don't sexualize trans girls" posts now, I think they were initially going in the right direction, but at this point I'm starting to raise an eyebrow at more than a few of them. I'm not gonna whip out the "youre a sex hating puritan if you post about it" accusation because that is obviously wrong but again, I think people are definitely overcorrecting and starting to turn this into a (false) dichotomy when it's not. its a complex topic and each individual trans woman will feel differently about it.
(I feel like the internet just erases any nuance in favor of a two-sided, highly polarized flamewar with unrealistic views on both sides. actually i wouldn't even say this is a super-nuanced discussion because its really not that hard to say "fetishization is bad, but so is suppression of sexuality". will this post just end up being a void scream and people will continue drawing lines between one side and the other? probably. but I am a stubborn bitch and I have hope that we can be reasonable.)
anyways I'll close this off by saying that I wrote this between around 1:30 and 2 AM on terrible sleep the night before, that I hope what I said is coherent enough, and that I will keep being a trans girl who is openly sexual, gets horny over other trans women, and is proud to be transsexy as fuck. I will keep being critical of jokes and trends and memes that stereotype us, even from our own community. I will keep being angry at how poorly us trans folks are treated with regards to our sex lives, bodies, and relationships between the two. I will keep loving and lusting over trans women without fetishizing them. And I will keep doing all of these til the day I die.
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greelin · 1 year
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whew 🫱 alright! 👍
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emile-tb · 9 months
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self imposed déjà vu
(this is why i can’t bring my old man son anywhere. he’s rude 😔)
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All comically exaggerated ofc lol
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francesderwent · 1 month
ask game
fortnight: what’s your new aesthetic?
tortured poets department: who do you declare should be a bigger artist?
my boy only breaks his favorite toys: if you were a toy what kind would you be?
down bad: public place you’ve cried at?
so long london: something you loved about a place you used to live?
but daddy I love him: how do you take unsolicited advice?
fresh out the slammer: once you leave a stressful situation, what is your go-to way to wind down?
florida!!!: if you had to go on the run and start your life over what would your name be? (bonus: what are you on the run for)
guilty as sin?: a recurring daydream?
who’s afraid of little old me?: be honest: are you scary?
I can fix him (no really i can): one fictional character you, personally, could fix and one you couldn’t?
loml: two unrelated things that are inextricably linked together in your brain?
I can do it with a broken heart: can you hide what you’re feeling or can people tell?
the smallest man who ever lived: what mystery (personal or otherwise) would you most like to receive a declassified file explaining?
the alchemy: something you love that you come back to over and over?
clara bow: do people say you look like anyone?
the black dog: a song intertwined in the fabric of your dreaming?
imgonnagetyouback: can you tell when somebody wants you/likes you/is flirting with you?
the albatross: a past experience you’re passionate about sharing with people going through it now, ie something you can say “I’ve been there too” about?
chloe or sam or sophia or marcus: pick a current significant other/close friend and a former significant other/close friend. would the current one have bullied the former one in school?
how did it end?: you announce “come one, come all, it’s happening again”—what’s “it”?
so high school: complete this sentence: “you know how to ball, I know ____”
I hate it here: one thing about the contemporary era you hate?
thank you aimee: a bad experience that you’re grateful for?
I look in people’s windows: when you run into someone you used to know are you generally pleased or alarmed?
the prophecy: when you want something, do you: beg, lose hope, stay cool, howl at the moon, say please, or have faith?
cassandra: mythical figure you relate to?
peter: a way your grown-up years are different than how you thought they’d be?
the bolter: have you had any near death experiences?
robin: a happy secret you’ve kept?
the manuscript: would you ever publish a memoir, let someone read your diary, etc?
send me a song title (or two!)
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astrangeavenue · 2 years
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riding hood, woodcutter, big bad wolf
ID: a digital drawing featuring pearlescentmoon, rendog, and inthelittlewood from double life smp from the midsection up on a dark cyan background. pearl, in her red life skin, stands on the left, facing towards the center and leaning forwards slightly with her arms at rest as if she was looking at the viewer. she is smiling slightly, half of her face and body are obscured in darkness, and her eyes are red and green. the obscured parts are backlit by a green outline. martyn, standing to the right, is similarly posed, obscured, and outlined, though his arms are raised to hold an iron axe at rest close to his shoulder and his backlit outline is yellow. he has a neutral-frowning expression, and his eyes are red and yellow. ren stands between and slightly behind the two, in his red life skin, seemingly looking over his glasses at the viewer. he is drawn as a large, brown, furry, wolf-like humanoid, and is obscured on the sides with a red backlit outline. he rests his hands on the hilt of an iron sword in front of him, the blade of which has a blurry red reflection of something roughly heart-shaped. end ID.
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redoaklettuce · 3 months
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bwah bwah tentacles and tattoo this is literally just anime at this point
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nesrinslittleworld · 4 months
DALS S4 Episodes 7&8 Memes
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robezpierre · 6 months
TOTK Light Dragon Crochet Pattern
It's been a while! Here's a crochet pattern for the Light Dragon from Tears of the Kingdom. I'll post it on deviant art shortly.
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Full pattern below cut. If this ends up on P*nterest, I'm going to be very disappointed with one of you.
Stitches used (abbreviations): chain (ch), slip stitch (sl st), single crochet (sc), double crochet (dc), treble crochet (tr), increase (inc), decrease (dec)
This pattern is complicated – partially because I haven’t written a pattern for anything in a number of years, partially because the Light Dragon has a lot of weird parts. There’s chaining and slip stitching into the chains to make antlers, front loop and back loop work, flattening and working through two halves of a round simultaneously, and a lot of positioning.
I typically work in the round, without joining; if you would like to join, just add a sl st and a ch 1 to the end or start of each row in the round. It may make things twist less.
Head (1 in light brown)
1: ch 3, sc 2 in 2nd ch from hook, sc 3 in last chain, turn work (so that you’re working on the far side of the chain), sc (6)
2: sc, inc twice, sc, inc twice (10)
3-6: sc around
 7: in, sc around (11)
8: sc 5, IN BACK LOOP ONLY inc, in BOTH LOOPS, sc 5 (12) (the empty loop will be used with the white head marking)
9: sc around (12)
10: sc 3, inc, sc 5, inc, sc 2 (14)
11: sc 13, inc (15)
12: sc 7, inc, sc 7 (16)
13: sc 4, inc, sc 6, inc, sc 4 (18)
14: sc 8, inc, sc 8, inc (20)
15-18: sc around (20)
19: sc 3, dec around (16)
20: sc 2, dec around (12) DO NOT F/O, continue to body
Begin stuffing here, and continue stuffing as you go
Begin Body
21:  sc 6 in brown, join cream, in BACK LOOPS ONLY, sc 6 in cream (12)
22- 25: sc 6 in brown, sc 6 in cream (12)
26: sc 1 cream, sc 4 brown, sc 7 cream (12)
Rep rows 22-26  1 time
32-: rep row 26 (12)
Continue repeating row 26 until you’re happy with the dragon’s body length; mine was a total of 89 rounds. Then, continue with the tail
90: sc 1 cream, sc 4 brown, in cream sc 2, inc, sc 2, inc, sc (14)
91-96: Sc 1 cream, sc 4 brown, sc 9 brown (14)
97: sc 1 cream, sc 4 brown, in cream sc 2, dec, sc 2, dec, sc 1 (12)
98: sc 1 cream, sc 4 brown, in cream sc 1, dec, sc 1, dec, sc 1 (10)
99: sc 1 cream, sc 4 brown, in cream sc 1, dec twice (8)
100: sc 1 cream, in brown dec twice, in cream dec twice (moving the stitch marker to after the decrease) (4)
F/O, make sure everything’s stuffed and weave in ends
White Head Marking (One in cream) On one end of the unworked loops from Head/Body round 21, attach cream
1: inc, sc 4 inc, ch 1 and turn (8)
2: inc, sc 2, inc, sc 3, inc, ch 1 and turn (11)
3: inc, sc 4, inc, sc 4, inc, DO NOT ch 1 or turn (yet) (14)
4: ch 4, turn, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next two chs, skip first sc in the row (last worked sc from row 3), sc in 2nd sc, sc one more, skip next sc, sc in the stitch next to it (you want the hole, it’s for antlers), sc 4 more, ch 1, turn
4.1-2: sc 4 across, ch 1 and turn (4)
4.3: sc, dec, sc, ch 1 and turn (3)
4.4-5: sc across, ch 1 and turn (3)
4.6: sc, dec, ch 1 and turn (2)
4.7 dec, sl st into the open loop from Head row 8, sl st into the side of the head marking until you get back to row 4, cont row 4
4 cont: skip the first sc in row 4 (this is the other antler’s space), sc 4, ch 1, turn, sc 4, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, sc 2, join into a sc in row 4
F/O, leaving a long tail
Spike numbers depend on how long your dragon is; her back spikes are arranged in a large-med-small-med-large pattern, starting with two large spikes and ending with an extra seven large spikes on the tail (two on top, four on the sides, and one of the very end). I would recommend making two large, two medium, and one small spike to start, and laying them out to see how many repetitions of that pattern that you can fit on the dragon, and how many spikes you need. I fit three repetitions, and those amounts are reflected below.
Large Spikes (in light blue) (I made 11)
1: sc 4 in mc (4)
2: inc, sc around (6)
3: inc, sc 2 around (8)
4: inc, sc 3 around (10)
5: inc, sc 4 around (12)
F/O, leaving a long tail
Medium Spikes (in light blue) (I made 6) 1: sc 4 in mc (4)
2: inc, sc around (6)
3: inc, sc 2 around (8)
4: inc, sc 3 around (10)
F/O, leaving a long tail
Small Spikes (in light blue) (I made 3)
1: sc 4 in mc (4)
2: inc, sc around (6)
3: inc, sc 2 around (8)
F/O, leaving a long tail
Under-spike gold
I found this easier to follow by working conceptually. You are making circles for each spike to sit on top of. To start, count your spikes, and chain: 6 for each large spike; 5 for each medium spike; and 4 for each small spike. (I had ch 80, but I needed ch 83, see below). Add 2 chains at the end. Those last two chains count as Tr, not as chains to skip/work into. You’ll end up working on either side of the starting chain, mirroring what you do on one side on the other.
For large spikes, skip 2 chs, Tr 5 in 3rd ch, skip 2 chs, sl st in 3rd ch
For medium spikes, skip 2 chs, dc 5 into 3rd ch, skip 1 ch, sl st in 2nd ch
For small spikes, skip 1 ch, dc 5 into 2nd ch, skip 1 ch, sl st in 2nd ch.
Combine the above to match how you want your spikes to sit on your dragon; when you get to the end of the chain, turn your work so that you’re working back up the chain, and mirror your stitches. You should have the correct number of circles, and be able to sl st into the first ch. I had to put Tr 10 into the first ch, since I did not have enough circles, but the ultimate placement worked out.
For the side spikes on the tail, do the following twice: Ch 10, tr 5 in 4th ch from hook, skip 2 chs, tr 10 in last ch, skip 2 sts, tr 5 in the next st (the same st as the initial tr 5), sl st to the first tr, F/O with a long tail. Sew to body, on the sides of the main tail under-gold.
I had to make one circle for the final spike on the tail, by ch 6, tr 5 in 3rd ch from hook, skip 2 chs, sl st into last ch, skip 2 sts on other side of work, tr 5 into next ch (again, where the initial tr 5 is, you’re making a circle), sl st onto first tr and F/O. A magic circle of 6, increasing around to 12, would probably work just as well; so would making the initial golden circles longer to accommodate this spike. I simply lost my spike and didn’t realize it until after I had placed everything.
Hair (make 1 in gold)
1: ch 21, starting in 2nd ch from hook, sc across (20)
2: ch 4, sl st into 2nd ch from hook, sc, in next ch, hdc in last ch, skip a st of row 1, sl st into front loop of next sc. Repeat across the row. Ch 1 and turn at end. (10 spikes)
3: Working in back loops only, sc across, ch 1 and turn (20 sc)
4-7: repeat rows 2-3 twice
F/O, leaving a long tail
Horns (make 2, in cream and turquoise)
In cream:
1: ch 2, sc 4 into 2nd ch from hook (4)
2: sc around (4)
F/O, and turn so that the right side is out. Leave enough tail to sew onto the head.
Using Turquoise, sl st into the cream starting ch. The horns are made from one long chain with different spikes; after slip stitching a new ‘spike’, you’ll continue slip stitching into the original chain.
Ch 12, starting in 2nd ch, sl st 4, ch 4, starting in 2nd ch sl st 6, ch 5, starting in 2nd ch sl st 3, ch 2, starting in 2nd ch sl st 5, ch 3, starting in 2nd ch sl st 4 and F/O (you should have worked all chs)
‘Bangs’(make 1 in gold)
1: ch 7, starting in 2nd ch from hook, sc across (6)
2: ch 4, sl st into 2nd ch from hook, sc, in next ch, hdc in last ch, skip a st of row 1, sl st into front loop of next sc. Repeat across the row. Ch 1 and turn at end. (3 spikes)
3: Working in back loops only, sc, dec, dec, sc, turn (4 sc)
4: rep row 2 (2 spikes)
5: in back loops only, dec twice (2)
6: rep row 2 (1 spike)
F/O, leaving a long tail
Sew this to the forehead of the dragon, directly between the horns – the 6th row points out, the 1st row attaches to the hair
Legs (make 6 in dark blue, 3 left and 3 right):
1: ch 6, join in first ch, sc around (6)
2-7: sc around (6) make sure that you’re working right side out!
8: in front loops only, inc around (12)
9- 10: sc around (12)
Flatten the previous row; you will sc through two stitches at once, closing the opening as you make fingers
RIGHT HAND 11: ch 6, starting in 2nd ch, sl st 5, sc through parallel sts in row 10 twice, *ch 9, starting in 2nd ch, sl st 8, then sc into two parallel stitches in row 10* repeat 3 more times, sl st through the last two parallel scs
LEFT HAND 11: *ch 9, starting in 2nd ch, sl st 8, sc through parallel sts in row 10* repeat 3 more times, sc through parallel sts in row 10 once more, ch 6, starting in 2nd ch sl st 5, sl st through the last two parallel scs.
F/O, leaving the leg unstuffed. You do not need a long tail, just enough to tie off and weave in.
Hips/Shoulders/Haunches (make 6 in cream)
You’ll be working directly into the legs, from their starting chain, and crocheting in the opposite direction. Make sure that the work faces out. Try to plan where you start to be where you want the shoulder to be – in row 6, you’ll begin working only half of the stitches, and they’ll be the stitches in front of your starting position.
1: make a slip st, and join into the starting chain for the legs. Inc around (12)
2: sc, inc around (18)
3-5: sc around (18)
6: sc 9, ch 1 and turn (leaving other sts unworked) (9)
7:  sc 6, dec, F/O
F/O, leaving a long tail. Stuff the haunch, leaving the arm/hand unstuffed.
Ears: (make 2)
Inner Ear (brown)
1: ch 3, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in last ch, ch 1 and turn (2)
2-4: sc across, ch 1 and turn (2)
5: dec, ch 1 and turn (1)
6: sc, F/O (1) your tail can be short, it won’t be used to fasten anything. I hid mine between ear layers.
Outer Ear (cream)
1: leaving a long tail, ch 4, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc across, ch 1 and turn (3)
2-4: sc across, ch 1 and turn (3)
5: dec, sc, ch 1 and turn (2)
6: dec, ch 1 and turn (1)
7: sc, ch 1, and turn the work so that you’re working on the edge of the work. Sc into the edge of row 7. Lay an inner ear over the outer ear, and sc into both pieces, along the edge. You’re joining the ear parts together. F/O, leaving a long tail to sew the bottom of the inner ear onto the outer ear. For one of the ears, you’ll have to work backwards or upside down if you don’t want two left ears – or you can just sew both inner ears to the outer ears.
Assembly: Stitch the white head marking to the head. I pinned on the hair, and attached the spikes and under-spike gold. To make this easier, I stuffed and attached each spike onto the under-spike gold first, and then pinned and sewed the gold onto the back (be careful to keep it centered). Then I attached the tail spikes, and stitched down the hair. I added the horns, ears, and bangs, and finally pinned all of the legs. I was careful to keep the legs attached only to the cream, not the brown belly, but that was just a stylistic choice that I made. Finally, you can make and attach the eyes; I used some felt and markers, though I’m not overly pleased with the effect.
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abirddogmoment · 1 year
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