#also! my old main blog was too clogged so i attached this blog to a new main @hematites
hi! do you have serennedy headcanons about luis and leon being parents?
Hello!! Of course I do omg are you kidding me!!!!!!! I have a whole tag on my main @wisecrackingeric-2 titled ‘DadSerennedyAU’ if you wanna see my own spin on the idea!!!!! ORRRR if you wanna read something from yet another incredibly talented artist and author I CANNOT recommend @mooseonahunt ‘s AU enough!!!! And I know the lovely @geddy-leesbian has made some posts on this subject also!!!!!!!
But in terms of Headcannons I have plenty!! I’ll put them below the cut to avoid clogging anyone’s dashes!!
• First and foremost they are t4t. Sorry I don’t make the rules (also. Look at my blog name HQNAHWNEHDNDUDJ /lh)
• I imagine it was probably Luis who wanted a kid- we don’t know much about Leon’s childhood other than the fact that his parents died (the very wonderful @highball66 has some more information on the backstory we DO have for him!!) and thus we don’t really have a good idea of what his relationship with his parents might’ve been- but Luis is the TOTAL opposite. We know from context clues that he had a really strong relationship with his Grandfather, who went as far as to encourage his love for science and the unorthodox in an incredibly strict Catholic environment, and it’s implied on some level that Bitores Mendez had some hand in helping raise him, so I can imagine that Luis is very attached to the idea of parenthood and would probably wanna be the same kind of man his Grandfather was to him!!!
• Leon???? Realistically???? Probably a whole lot more hesitant- like he almost dies on the job everyday there’s no way he’d feel fit enough to raise a kid. But also,,,,, this is resident evil and also fiction where we can do whatever the hell we want so hell yeah he comes around to the idea eventually!!!!!!
• Luis is probably accidentally VERY clingy with their kid/a lil overbearing during the toddler age. Everything he’s ever contributed to in his life has either hurt others or he’s destroyed it one way or another- and everyone he’s held closest to him dies in some way. And going off of the first point, he’s probably put a LOT of pressure on himself to be a good Dad like his Grandfather was, so that usually ends up with him hogging the baby HCNNSSNSJSNIS
• Leon, again similar to my last point, would probably have the opposite reaction where he has this gut instinct to keep his distance- like he’s worried if he gets too attached it’s all gonna be ripped away from him just like Sherry was all of those years ago. But I highly doubt either of their qualms last for very long- they’d talk things out and figure out something that works for the both of them <3
• They’d probably go with the same middle and last name as Luis- ‘Serra’ and ‘Navarro’. I know I keep repeating myself but Luis had a really good relationship with his Grandfather and his culture/heritage clearly means a lot to him (ie; the intro to Seperate Ways), so being able to keep that little piece of his history alive would probably mean the world to him <<33
• And going off of that, Luis is ALWAYS trying to encourage their kid to learn more about their culture and heritage- teaching them Spanish, cooking them traditional foods, etc etc etc and when Luis isn’t there to do it, Leon is always more than happy to do so <<<<<<33333
• Let’s be real,,,,,,, Leon is coming up with the cringiest baby names ever HXNEHENDUXNXU CMOOOOOON LOOK AT MR. WHERES EVERYONE GOING BINGO!!!!! But Luis probably isn’t much better BCNENWEJSJ I can easily picture him convincing Leon that noooooo Alonso or Miguel aren’t references to Don Quixote hahahahahaha omg what’re you taaaalking abooout. So anyways if it were a girl what about Dulcinea-
• I’m picturing them choosing to have a kid a lil bit later than most people (like,, late 30’s-early 40’s??? So not like they’re old or anything but it’s not like they’re having kids in their early 20’s yk HNCSHDNSJ) so for that reason in my mind they’d probably only want one kid
• Very predictable but they both read Don Quixote to their kid when putting them to sleep and/or they sing them lullabies in Spanish. Who here is surprised for that one certainly not me
• And once again WHO IS SURPRISED, the kid’s room is very subtly Don Quixote themed. Lil stuffed donkeys and windmill motifs everywhere you get it (<- normalest guy alive)
• Leon’s probably the one who does more physical activities with their kid- realistically, Luis is N O T surviving that knife to the back without some major lifelong injuries, so Leon’s the one who always carry’s their kid on his shoulders or swings him around when they’re playing etc etc
• I think Luis would be a lil sad that he isn’t able to join in on those kinds of physical activities, but he’d absolutely make up for it by taking their kid to work or teaching them general hands-on skills n stuff!!
• Leon ABSOLUTELY would wanna teach their kid self-defence as early as possible. He obviously mellows out and realises hey maybe teaching a 10 year old how to wield a knife is a Bad Idea, but with everything he’s seen in his life there’s no way he wouldn’t want his kid to know how to defend themselves at LEAST
• Wild-card one here but the three of them ABSOLUTELY take family trips to Madrid or other cities in Spain during the summer
• Last wild-card one but sometimes Luis will look at their kid and see his Grandfather so clearly he just starts fuckim bawlimg. Same with Leon. He sees the childhood he could’ve had and sometimes he’s gotta excuse himself to cry. Love these beautiful idiots
Tl;dr they would be very very wonderful parents who would love their kid with all of their heart and soul and you can put that headcannon from my COLD DEAD HANDS!!!!!!
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capricores · 3 years
ommmmmg long time no see hi guys!!! 🥺💕 i hope you’ve all been doing amazing and staying healthy!! i’m so sorry for the extremely long break without warning! but i am so excited to be back!! i probably won’t be immensely active because i am very busy with work + my bf and i are moving houses again, but i’ll try my best :’)
things i’m currently slowly working on for this blog:
revamping my desktop & mobile themes for easier browsing 
changing my navigation section & creating a master list of all original posts: going through my whole blog and retagging old posts super specifically so you guys can browse more easily
i’m going to try to answer asks & start writing new posts asap!!!
going to start up a youtube channel for astrology & tarot soon!!!! 
planning on making a happy healthy lil discord server where we can nerd out about astrology, tarot, crystals and anything relating to spirituality, personal growth, etc!!
free tarot pulls coming soon, stay tuned for that !!!!!! i got two new decks (archangel animals + karma cards) and i wanna put them to good use :) i’m actually in love with them and have been doing some super accurate readings with them so i can’t wait to try them here!
as for readings i’m still taking a big halt, sorry about that!! i’m hoping to accept readings in a new format in the future, but it probably won’t be for another two months or more!
oh also!! little update!! got my official birthtime from the hospital i was born at finally, and i am in fact a pisces rising :’’’) also might post some pics of the new decks & crystals i’ve bought because i love them too much (also have discovered my all time fav crystal, howlite.... my lifesaver!!!!)
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panickedvulture · 5 years
Found this in my drafts, so I’m posting it with no shame to give this blog some life while I’m busy trying to deal with post-endgame feels in the mcu sector of tumblr:
So I had a dream last night that made me realize I spend too much time on this site because it included some of my mutuals and people I enjoy like @theuriearchives ,@yagirlcammmm ,@i-think-im-ready-to-go ,@canyousevmyheavydirtysoul ,@dunjosephurieimagines , and @andbeingblueisbetter to name a few.
I have very vivid dreams and since I write all of them down I figured why not write it here where everyone can see it.
The genre for this dream: a mystery.
The setting: A beautiful cabin (apparently mine) plucked straight out of a “Visiting your SO’s family for the holidays” or a “fake-dating for a visit to your frenemy’s family” AU, my personal favorite. And there was a snowstorm going on outside.
I should also mention everybody had their own appearance. Usually I attach someone’s name with the face in their profile pic, meaning about everybody in this I previously imagined as Brendon Urie at different angles and in different lighting. But thanks to my brain randomly generating faces for everybody, I will be greatly confused in the case that I ever learn what you actually look like.
So, the topic at hand is, as it always is, Brendon Urie. Everybody’s cuddled up on the couch and on the floor in their pajamas drinking hot chocolate, eating dessert, and writing/giving ideas. In the background AFYCSO plays on an old record player, the fire is flickering beautifully alongside some black and white videos of old Panic! performances playing on one of those old big-backed TVs with lines across the screen – at this moment I feel like I am once again a preschooler laying on my stomach and watching movies in a pile of other preschoolers at my old after-school program but I digress–
Then somebody has the audacity to break into my house.
Me being the host of this gathering, I feel obligated to check on the noise. It doesn’t help that literally everyone stops what they’re doing to push me in the direction of the mysterious noise before going back to talking about the size of Brendon Urie’s dick (a conversation brought up by i-think-im-ready-to-go, just thought I should mention that).
So I get up, the second my back is turned nobody cares and I go into the bathroom only to find it flooded because this intruder flushed literally everything it could down the toilet.
To name a few things, it flushed:
1) The monstrous dildo linked on a post by beautiful-tragic-fallout (i don’t mean to call anybody out but its been on my dash with every damn refresh for the past week), who i-think-im-ready-to-go and theuriearchives make a point to explain is out of the house buying us more chocolate-covered strawberries.
2) Every single piece of Pretty. Odd. memorabilia I can imagine because someone just has it out for that album.
3) For those of you who have seen Monsters Inc, the toys Boo flushed down the toilet in that one scene.
4) An entire manuscript that my mind recognizes as smut written by @xxip-smut
5) And pink, fucking, crocs
So I walk back into the living room and round everybody up, declaring we’re on a manhunt for whoever the fuck had the audacity to break into my house, and with that we separate into groups. Accompanying me is Cam who wields a flamethrower while wearing pastel yellow pajamas with baby elephants printed on them.
Eventually after getting tired of Cam pointing the flamethrower at my head even when in ‘resting position’ and scaring the shit out of me, we go into the basement only to find everybody else chose to search the basement and the rest of you have been arguing about who actually gets to search the basement.
Long story short, the basement doesn’t get searched.
Instead to deal with the tension, dunjosephurieimagines suggests we all go back to talking about Brendon’s dick. So we go back to talking about Brendon’s dick.
We sit on the floor in a circle in this basement not realizing its dark and creepy as hell, and if you’ve seen That 70s Show the ‘camera’ moves around in this circle to focus on the face of whoever’s talking. The conversation adds up to smut, theuriearchives pulls out a blunt and i-think-im-ready-to-go pulls out a gun, we start playing russian roulette. Out of guilt for not writing a request sent to me months ago because I suck, I give andbeingblueisbetter a free shot at me. Being a saint they don’t take the opportunity yet.
So anyway, being high and creative a thought comes to us all at once. This thought…where the fuck is @loverontheleft ?
Now we’re all mad and sad and scared and alone because where, the fuck, is cece? Everybody starts asking everybody if they’ve seen her, we conclude the answer is no and we all start freaking out.
Then we realize canyousevmyheavydirtysoul (codename: Sev) is being really quiet.
We all turn and just stare like “So um….whats up?”
Flash-forward, this is all of us trying to figure out cece’s identity, sev is just sitting on the floor smiling and reacting to everything we say with reaction gifs they pull up on their phone, meanwhile we’re all screaming running around, we’ve made a literal office out of this basement and we have glasses and slip-on ties on top of our pajamas.
Then there’s a noise upstairs because we forgot there was someone who broke into my house.
Y’all turn on me and push me up the stairs to my death, I realize this is the cabin that appears in the bodyguard series at one point (wonderfully written by canyousevmyheavydirtysoul, binge it), and in front of me is the super fancy dining room table. There’s mail on it, some envelopes, and I’m like uh no and turn around to come back downstairs.
But you’re all at the bottom of the stairs staring at me and threatening me with your knives and Cam’s flamethrower – where you got the knives I don’t know. I hesitate in turning around for a second so andbeingblueisbetter shoots me.
But I’m like, you know, walk it off. So I do and I go to the table. I’m terrified, break out into a nervous sweat, but it’s fine.
I go and open the folder.
And O - fucking - kay
If you haven’t read the bodyguard series or ready to leap I’m not gonna detail any spoilers, just the main plot given right away, and even if you have it probably won’t help this make any more sense. Here….is the story:
Our beloved Cece started off as a teacher, right? But not just any teacher, Ms. fucking Milton, who started a relationship with the music teacher of her high school, Mr. Urie, who in this case is in fact Brendon Urie of our universe and lead singer of Panic! at the Disco. But the deal with him is that he got tired of the fame and through extensive work he managed to get rid of all the files that legally point to him as being Brendon Urie of Panic! at the Disco. And for the first few years of his teaching, all the kids knew he was Brendon Urie I mean come on, but eventually the whole school and town settle on the idea that this is just one of those situations where twins are separated at birth and coincidentally given the same exact name. So boom, they do what they do – but newsflash, Cece is Y/n from the Bodyguard series and knowing Mr. Urie’s relationship with Ms. Milton, S.H.I.E.L.D pulls a Hydra Bucky Barnes situation in order to train Brendon into the best damn bodyguard the world could imagine because Cece is a valuable asset that needs the absolute best protection. Canyousevmyheavydirtysoul was like a journalist or something for S.H.I.E.L.D and witnessed all of this go down, knows every little thing about these two. So they get trained, they get close, drama happens, then they’re all put under-cover. Brendon goes back to being Brendon Urie of Panic! at the Disco, Sev and Cece are assigned to live their current lives and specifically assigned to write their stories for this Tumblr community to get everybody off their trails.
And then I look up. And there’s cece and I think…
“She is about to fucking, kill me.”
I try to throw the folders at her but for some reason I can’t throw anything in my dreams, so I get frustrated that my arm just won’t work, Cece in the meanwhile uses this time to approach me. My mind can’t even generate her an appearance and I think that she’s wearing a disguise because she’s like a spy or something that did after all break into my house to clog my toilet with dildos.
We maintain eye contact for what my dream-self recalls as a long time. I feel this energy in my soul I have never felt before and it is not fun, I don’t like it.
She takes the folder from me and gives me a red one.
And with her eyes piercing my soul, I get this feeling that literally has my skin vibrating even after I wake up, and I hear this voice that’s like “I know you know. And I’m watching you.”
So I woke up in a cold sweat obviously and tried to suppress this whole thing but it kinda lingered in the back of my mind all day. Then the weird tiny details came back to haunt me when I saw the elephants at the zoo. 
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nihil-goddess · 6 years
Engine Tune-up
Unfortunately, no car will run like new forever. They will all eventually wear out, lose power, get worse gas mileage, release more emissions, and potentially a lot of other things. It is very easy to become attached to your vehicle and it hurts to watch it deteriorate.
I once owned a 1996 Geo Metro with the 1.0L 3-cylinder engine. When it was newer it was an amazing car that got outstanding gas mileage. After about 200,000 miles, that car had lost a significant amount of power. I was still getting pretty good gas mileage although it wasn’t as good as before. While the car still ran fine, it was not the same little car I had once owned.
That is where an engine tune-up comes into play. By taking good care of your car’s engine, you can make sure that it runs like new for a long time to come. There are a lot of different things that go into a basic tune-up. A little tune-up helped sustain my little geo metro and it can do the same for your car.
Spark Plugs
One of the most crucial aspects of an engine tune-up is checking the spark plugs. Your spark plugs are what make engine combustion possible. Fuel and air are mixed inside of your engine and then compressed. When compressed, a spark is provided by your spark plug. This ignites the mixture and generates the power which propels your vehicle forward.
Over time, your spark plugs will begin to wear out. They generate a spark by passing an electrical current through two electrodes. This electrical current will have to arc from one electrode to the other. Over time, these electrodes wear out and will slowly grow farther and farther apart.
As the electrodes grow farther apart, a higher voltage is needed to arc across. This can cause them to intermittently spark or not at all. This will cause very noticeable changes to the way that your car drives. Generally, spark plugs need to be replaced every 100,000 miles. This is a long time, so that people often forget about them. Ensuring that your spark plugs are in good shape is one of the best things that you can do to ensure that your car runs like new for a long time to come.
Air Filters
Another important part of an engine tune-up is to change the air filters. Your vehicle will have two different air filters. Your main air filter is for the engine. Air is an essential part of the combustion process in your engine. As your vehicle is taking in air from outside in to the engine, it’s important that the air is clean so that your engine doesn’t fill up with dust, pollen, or other contaminants.
Your air filter is responsible for pulling these things out of the air and only allowing clean air to enter your engine. Over time, your air filter will get dirty and start to get plugged. When this happens, your engine will struggle to breath. The Federal EPA and Department of Energy has stated that a clogged air filter will have negative effects on your vehicles’ performance. Cleaning your air filter can improve acceleration from 6 to 11 percent. That is a significant improvement!
Another important filter is your cabin air filter. This cleans the air that is entering the cabin where you and your passengers are. This cabin air filter functions like any other air filter does. It catches those dust particles, pollen, and other contaminants before they get to the people inside of the vehicle. This will make it so the air you are breathing inside is much cleaner.
Changing out these filters is very simple and can be done in minutes. Despite being quick, they will make sure that your car is running like new. The air inside your vehicle will be as fresh and clean as possible and your will be getting the best performance possible out of your vehicle.
There are so many small components in your vehicle that all can have a big impact on the way that it drives. That is why another very important part of an engine tune-up is to perform a thorough inspection. Anything that is loose, cracked, failed, damaged, or unplugged can rob horsepower or fuel economy from your vehicle. Checking to make sure that everything is in good condition will keep things running right.
There are a lot of parts that each need to be periodically inspected. Engines rely on vacuum to function properly. If there is a vacuum hose which is not sealed as it should be, this could cause noticeable negative effects on the way your car drives. By running a simple vacuum test, you can make sure that you have. With simple tools and knowledge, this can be performed. Here is a helpful video that explains how to do this.
It is important that all hoses and belts are inspected as well as oxygen sensors. All of these components can negatively affect the way that your car drives.
Quick and Painless
Auto tune-ups can be one of the simplest things to be done on a car. Changing spark plugs and air filters are both fairly simple tasks. This makes it easy for the average mechanic to do this himself. Many auto repair shops also offer very affordable prices on auto tune-ups to try to attract customers. Whether you would rather do it yourself, or pay a small amount to a shop, it totally up to you. Regardless of what you decide, performing a basic engine tune-up will help your car to run like new again.
Look at Me
That old Geo Metro I once had, ran better than ever after a small amount of work. By cleaning and changing out a few parts, I was able to get some of the lost power back and bring my fuel economy back to almost 50 mpg! If my little geo could come back to life, then so can your car too!
Another article you might be interested in is this one I found on another blog entitled “How Auto Repair Shops Keep Up With Technology”. Please see our article entitled “Your Car’s Shoes”.
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dogfexvbi · 3 years
How do you make a dog ramp for a pool
Dog owners everywhere have found an ingenious new use for pool noodles—informing passersby that their dog is a giant pool noodle. Unfortunately, the pool noodle dog cone has limited visibility from behind, meaning that your dog is still likely to get run over by a car unless you attach a notice to its collar as well.
Can you use a pool noodle for a dog cone
https://images.pexels.com/photos/6741321/pexels-photo-6741321.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 Most dogs are known for being playful and energetic, but they can also be quite clumsy and reckless. For this reason, many dog owners opt for a protective dog collar to help keep their pets safe. While traditional dog collars do a good job of protecting your dog’s neck, a dog cone offers an additional layer of protection by protecting your dog’s snout. In this article, we look at how a dog cone works and why dog owners should consider using one.
How do you make a dog cone out of a pool noodle
There are many types of dog cones, but they all serve the same purpose: to protect a dog's injured leg, foot, or ear while preventing them from licking or chewing on the injured area. If you know how to make a dog cone out of a pool noodle, you can create a homemade alternative to the store-bought variety, saving yourself a few dollars in the process.
What can I use instead of a dog cone
https://images.pexels.com/photos/6755277/pexels-photo-6755277.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 A dog cone collar is a cone-like device that covers your pet's neck to prevent him from licking or scratching an injury. It's one of the items you should keep on hand just in case your dog ever needs it. If you've never used one, they're not too hard to figure out, but you might be wondering...
Are pool noodles bad for dogs
Dogs love the water, and if you have a swimming pool, chances are your furry friend will eventually make a splash. But, are pool noodles safe for dogs? That’s the question at the center of a recent investigation by the Center for Pet Safety. For the study, the Center tested three popular brands of pool noodle: the Rubber Ducky, the Plush Puppies, and the Noodle Nippers. The center used a statistical model that tried to predict the capability of pool noodles to float, by measuring buoyancy, stability, and other factors.
Can a dog sleep with a cone on
Despite what you may have heard from your veterinarian, no one should ever let a dog sleep with a cone on. Dogs are curious beings and instinctively try to lick the cone, which can lead to an accident that can result in a very serious injury. Because dogs don't have a good sense of time, they will stay in a cone for hours, and if the cone falls off, they will lick their wound until it heals. The following video details what happened to a dog that wore a cone while sleeping.
Can I put a shirt on my dog instead of a cone
As you know, dogs are man's best friend. One thing I don't like about dogs is when they need a cone to prevent them from licking their stitches. So, I just made this awesome shirt for my dog. It works perfectly.
How do you keep a dog from licking a wound without a cone
https://images.pexels.com/photos/7646458/pexels-photo-7646458.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, a dog's saliva contains a substance called histatins, which promote healing. Unfortunately, histatins are also pretty disgusting. So, to keep your dog from licking your wounds, there are two main options: create an unpleasant taste on your skin, or keep your dog at a distance.
Is it safe to leave a dog alone with a cone
Wondering if you can leave your dog alone in the house with a cone on its head? Then this is the article for you. From how long a dog can be left alone with a cone on to the best way to introduce a dog to a cone, this blog post will answer all your questions and more. The article will also look at the importance of training and how it can help you to leave your dog alone in the house with a cone or other headgear. First Paragraph
How do you make a dog comfortable with a cone
If you are looking for a quick answer to this question, you should know that there is no single method that is going to work in every situation. Since every dog is unique, you need to consider a lot of factors before deciding which approach to take.
Do cones make dogs depressed
Although dogs have a reputation for being happy, affectionate creatures, they also have a dark side. They can be moody, neurotic, jealous, and downright mean. Some dogs even experience clinical depression. So, are you one of the millions of dog owners who is a bit concerned about your friend’s ever-changing attitude? What is Dog Depression? Cats are known to be more emotionally complex than their canine counterparts. However, dogs are also capable of experiencing a variety of emotions. Not only can dogs become depressed, but they can also be uncharacteristically happy, anxious, worried, and insecure. Angel, a two year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, was diagnosed with clinical depression after his owner, The Best Dog Pool - We’ve all heard the stories of dogs jumping into pools, either accidentally or on purpose. With a dog pool, your pet can enjoy the benefits of a pool without worrying about the dangers. But of course, there are different types of dog pools, and you shouldn’t just buy any one you come across. So, how do you know which one to choose?
What is the most durable dog pool
https://images.pexels.com/photos/6729354/pexels-photo-6729354.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 What is the most durable dog pool? You can also call it a dog pool for heavy chewers. The most durable dog pool is a dog pool, which is designed for dogs that love to chew.  Dogs that love to chew often chew on their dog bed, dog toys, and even their dog pool. Since they love to chew, they will always be looking for things to chew. Some dogs chew because they are bored, some chew to relieve stress, and some dogs chew because it is their nature.
Is swimming in a pool good for dogs
In the last five years, more and more people have taken to swimming with their dogs. It’s a great way to keep your best friend fit and toned, and, for larger dogs, it can be a good way to get your dog accustomed to the water. But is swimming the same as being in the water? Is it safe for dogs? The best dog pool is no substitute for the real thing.
What is the best above ground pool for dogs
https://images.pexels.com/photos/4587992/pexels-photo-4587992.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 If you are in the market for a good above ground pool, then this review should be helpful to you. This review will cover all the aspects you need to know to find the best above ground pool for dogs.
What can I use for dog pool
Much like humans, dogs love taking a dip into the pool to cool off from the hot summer sun. While you might not have enough money to get a real pool built for your pup, there are other ways of giving him the swimming experience he so desperately wants. For canines that are not big fans of the water, you can get a pool cover or a barrier to keep the drowning at bay. If you have a pool and you want to make it more accessible for your pooch, you should look into getting a floating dock. These are perfect for dogs that love to swim, but may have trouble with diving in off the edge. You can also get a Ramp for Dogs that will allow your furry friend to get into the pool with more
How do you keep a dog pool clean
A clean dog pool is the key to a healthy dog. Even if your dog isn't swimming regularly, using a dog pool can deter your dog from drinking stagnant water or licking algae covered rocks. Keeping the water clean is easy. If you have a large dog pool, you should clean it at least once a week. Simply dump out the water, scrub the walls with a brush, and refill. If you have a small dog pool, you can toss it in the bathtub to clean.
Will a dog pop inflatable pool
An inflatable or blow up swimming pool is a great way for a family to enjoy the water without the cost or upkeep of a concrete swimming pool. The main disadvantage to an inflatable pool is that it is large and takes up a lot of space. The other disadvantage is that they are often made of vinyl and will only last one season before they need to be replaced.
Should I wash my dog after swimming in the pool
https://images.pexels.com/photos/2023384/pexels-photo-2023384.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 As dog owners and lovers, it is our responsibility to make sure our dogs are happy and healthy. If they are happy, we are happy. That is why every summer, we take our dogs to the park or the beach for some fun in the sun. It makes us happy to see them run around after a ball and swim around in the water. However, this also means that we have to deal with the aftermath of the fun.
Do dogs know not to drink pool water
Most dogs are very good about not drinking water from your pool, but there are a few things you can do to ensure that your pool is safe for them. First, make sure your pool has a fence that is at least 4 feet high, and that the fence is secure and in good condition. Even if your dog does not jump, he may be able to jump up on the fence and push the panels out of place. If you have a dog in a fenced-in yard, do not leave him outside unsupervised.
Can dog hair ruin a pool pump
A pool is a wonderful addition to any back yard, but it can be a lot of work to keep clean. When you add a floating pool skimmer to the list of things that need to be kept in working order, you’ll want to be sure to take steps to prevent your skimmer from being clogged with hair. Pool chemicals and dirt can build up in the skimmer, and an accumulation of hair can quickly turn into a real mess!
Can my dog swim in my above ground pool
When confronted with the question of whether or not an above ground pool is a suitable toy for your pooch, the first thing you have to ask yourself is what kind of dog you have. If you have a small dog , an above ground pool is an excellent means to keep your dog cool and active on a hot summer day. In fact, there are several advantages to having an above ground pool. First of all, it's affordable. Above ground pools are much less expensive than in ground swimming pools. Another contributing factor is that above ground pools are easy to assemble and take apart for storage. Folding dog pool is a pet accessory that allows both you and your pet dog to enjoy some fun in the sun. It is a portable spring loaded dog pool that folds down into a small carrying bag so you can take it anywhere. The pool itself contains a replaceable fiber-filled membrane, which allows for easy filling and cleaning. So what is folding dog pool?
How do you make a dog ramp for a pool
https://images.pexels.com/photos/3809793/pexels-photo-3809793.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 Most dog owners know that their pets love to play and swim, but unfortunately, many of them won’t be able to do this if they have trouble getting out of the pool or if they are too small to jump out. Dog owners also have to be particularly careful, since the dog could jump out of the pool and injure itself. There are many different ways to create a do it yourself dog ramp for above ground pool, and most dog owners find them a good investment, because they allow their dogs to have fun and exercise without risking injury or getting too tired to play. The best way to create a DIY dog ramp for above ground pool is to buy a pre-made ramp. These are generally sturdy and durable, and they
How do I make my dog pool safe
The first thing you will need to consider is whether you are making the ramp for a person or a pet. If you're building the ramp for a dog, you'll need to consider how big the dog is and what kind of terrain they will be using the ramp on to determine what kind of stairs you should consider. Steps: 1. Sign the build agreement. 2. Recruit a team of experts, unless you're an expert yourself. 3. Select an appropriate site to build the ramp. 4. Get permission to build the ramp. 5. Plan out the design of the ramp. 6. Acquire the materials you need. 7. Build the ramp. 8. Test the ramp. 9. Maintain the ramp.
How do I make a dog ramp for my car
https://images.pexels.com/photos/3809792/pexels-photo-3809792.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 To make sure your dog can enjoy your backyard pool safely, there are a few steps you need to take before your dog makes its first splash this summer. Make sure your dog is current on its vaccinations and avoid the temptation to let your dog go in the pool unsupervised.
Can you build a concrete pool above ground
Dog owners are familiar with the heartbreak that comes with watching your dog struggle to jump into a car. While most dogs are capable of jumping into a vehicle that is parked close to the ground, a jackrabbit starts to struggle when the car is parked at an average height. One of the only ways to help mitigate this problem is to install a dog ramp.
Can a dog go in a liner pool
Yes, you can build a concrete pool above ground. The key is to have a good contractor to help you or to do it yourself. Using a concrete pool above ground eliminates the need for a large hole in the ground and the mess that goes with it.
Can dogs swim in above-ground pools
Dogs are amazing creatures. They can help you feel better when you are sick, bring you a stick when you ask them to, and can even love you unconditionally for years. But, there is one thing that dogs like almost as much as they like you: swimming in pools. Many dog owners use their pools to cool off in on hot days, and with a pool, your dog can do the same thing.
Can dog hair ruin a pool pump
https://images.pexels.com/photos/2907196/pexels-photo-2907196.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 As attested to by the abundance of dogs in the swimming pool in your local park, many dogs do enjoy swimming in above-ground pools. But be careful: some pets have been known to drown in above-ground pools. Also, many owners admit that it can be hard to get their pets to abide by the "no swimming without supervision" rule.
Is it bad to throw your dog in the pool
Use a heavy duty metal garden step. The one I used was 36" x 14" x 3" and it has a rounded bottom and is about 4" high in the front. It would be best to use one with a non-slip tread on the top of the steps to prevent your dog from slipping when they climb the steps.
Is chlorine bad for dogs
We make it a point to go swimming with our dogs as often as possible throughout the summer. They enjoy it just as much as we do, but they tend to run out of steam before we do, and that causes them to start slipping and sliding in the pool. We solved this problem by making a ramp that ran from the steps to the deep end. The steps were just wide enough for them to run up and swim, but it was hard for them to get back up the steps. The ramp made it much easier for them to get back up to the steps.
How do you make a cheap dog ramp
There are several things you can do to ensure your dog pool safe. First and foremost, you need to make your dog knows that the pool is off limits to him or her. To do this, you can set up a barrier around the pool with some plastic that is about chest high to your dog to prevent your dog from entering the pool. The dog pool ladder is specially designed to help dogs who are accustomed to swimming and playing in the water to better manage the pool steps. The dog pool ladder is particularly suitable for dogs with hip problems and other disabilities. This dog pool ladder is easy to install and is perfect for a dog that accompanies an elderly person at home.
Can dogs use pool ladder
https://images.pexels.com/photos/1844897/pexels-photo-1844897.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 Dogs can use pool ladder, there are some dogs love to swim in the pool, swimming is a good exercise for dogs, but to be safety, there are some dogs should use pool ladder, pool ladder is a kind of pool equipment, it is very important for dogs to use pool ladder, and some dogs can't use pool ladder, so we should learn how to use pool ladder, and we should teach dogs how to use pool ladder, and dogs should use pool ladder with us, pool ladder is a safety equipment for dogs, and there are two types of pool ladder, one is foldable pool ladder, and another is fixed pool ladder, because foldable pool ladder is lighter than fixed pool ladder, so it is better to use foldable
What should I do if my dog drinks pool water
The number one rule of pet-owning is this: your dog is never to be left alone in a pool. Even if your dog is the most well-behaved, most responsible dog in the world, a few seconds of distraction is all it takes for a tragedy to occur. Dogs are opportunists; they'll eat just about anything they can get their paws on, and if they see a pool they'll jump right in. This is particularly true if the water is full of chlorine: some dogs have a natural aversion to chlorine, and if they drink water from a pool they're likely to consume enough chlorine to make them seriously ill.
How do you make a pool ramp for a dog
https://images.pexels.com/photos/2108717/pexels-photo-2108717.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 This is the most common problem in the world of dog owners. My old dog, Rufus, has been trying to get in the pool for years. Sometimes he gets in, but with his arthritis, he can't get out, and we have to haul him out. So, my husband and I decided to make a pool ramp for Rufus.
Can chlorine water kill a dog
Chlorine is used to kill harmful bacteria in the water supply, but it can be harmful to dogs in large quantities. Chlorine combined with high temperatures can be fatal to a dog, and can cause severe breathing problems. Even small amounts of chlorine in the water can cause a dog’s coat to dry out and cause a rash. Giving your dog water from a chlorine-treated municipal water supply, either from a pond or a faucet, can cause potentially serious health problems.
How can I keep my dog safe around the pool
The summer is a great time for families to spend time together, and it's important that your dog is included in some of the fun. Swimming is a great way for everyone to cool off in the summer heat, and the pool or lake is a great place to let your dog play too. However, it's important that you take the time to teach your dog some basic swimming skills before you let them swim unattended. Additionally, there are a few pool safety tips that you should follow to ensure that your pup stays safe while he swims. If you follow these simple guidelines, your dog should have a safe and fun summer in the pool!
How do I make my above ground pool dog friendly
An above ground pool is one of the easiest options for a pool, but it can also be one of the most fun. However, if you have a dog that you want to bring in the water with you, you may find that it is not as easy as you might think.
Do dogs know not to drink pool water
https://images.pexels.com/photos/1170595/pexels-photo-1170595.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 As dogs lovers, we love swimming together with our pets. However, when we go to the beach, do we know that our dogs can also drink the pool water? According to experts, dogs do not know what is in the pool water, and they do not know if the pool water is safe for them to drink. That's why they will drink the pool water. Not only that, a research also shows that some dogs will drink the pool water for fun.
Is tap water bad for dogs
When it comes to your dog’s health, the last thing you want to do is introduce potentially harmful chemicals or contaminants into their system. The idea of giving your dog tap water may sound like a good way to freshen up their water bowl, but it could pose some serious health risks. To help you keep your dog safe and healthy, here are some things you need to know about the dangers of tap water.
Can pool water irritate dogs skin
Swimming is one of the best ways to exercise your dog, it's low impact and healthy for joints and muscles. However, swimming also can be a source of bacteria and germs. If you have a dog that swims regularly, you probably have noticed that he often has a lot of hair falling out. And, if he's an older dog, you may have noticed that his coat has become a little thinner and patchy. What you might not have noticed is that these symptoms are often signs of swimmer's itch.
How do you make a cheap dog ramp
Many dogs have a hard time jumping into and out of vehicles. If you have a pet who has trouble getting in or out of the car, a dog ramp can be a great solution. But they can be expensive, especially if you need one for a large vehicle. Fortunately, you can make one yourself that is sturdy, safe and not too expensive. A dog ramp is essentially a set of stairs for your dog. The steps in this article will show you how to make a ramp that is about 36-inches high and will work for the rear door of most cars and SUVs. There are many different dog pool toys out there today, made from all sorts of different material. Some of the most popular are floating toys, and these toys can be made from a variety of different material. For example, some toys are made from tough rubber, which will last a long time if the toy is not punctured. Other toys are made from fabric, which is ideal for dogs that love to chew. (The best dog pool toys will be made from a combination of these materials.) The best part of dog pool toys is that they can help dogs burn off excess energy, which is great for both you and the dog.
What do you put in a dog pool
https://images.pexels.com/photos/733835/pexels-photo-733835.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 Dog pools are one of the great summertime joys of dog ownership. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes (and names; the “puppy pool” seems to be popular this year) so you can find one that’s perfect for your pooch. Dog pools are easy to fill and clean, but cleaning the pool can be a bit of a hassle. While you can hand wash the pool, you can also throw it in the washer for a more thorough clean.
Is swimming in a pool good for dogs
Swimming is a great way to exercise and play with your dog. Just like humans, dogs can overheat when they exercise in hot weather or are swimming in a pool. However, dogs have different needs than humans, so pool safety needs to be adjusted for dogs. Here are some tips for staying safe with your dog swimming around in a pool.
What is the most durable floating ball for dogs
https://images.pexels.com/photos/3013467/pexels-photo-3013467.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 The best way to know what the strongest dog ball is, is to go over the basics of what makes a dog ball strong. There are three things that are most important when determining the strength of a dog ball. First, the material the ball is made from, second, the design of the ball, and finally, the ball's size.
Do rubber dog toys float
Rubber is a synthetic polymer that is very strong, durable, and flexible. It is made from a combination of synthetic hydrocarbons that are created by polymerization catalysts. Many of the toys made from rubber are bounce balls, inflatable toys, and dog toys. The rubber toy is a very durable toy that is very popular with dogs. The rubber dog toy floats because the rubber itself is not water soluble.
Can dog hair ruin a pool pump
He can't help it if he sheds profusely – it's part of the deal when you bring home a dog from the shelter. Still, his hair, that stuff that's falling off his back, legs and all, tends to stick to everything, especially if the floor is carpeted. If you're like me, you've spent hours cleaning up the stray hair. And not just the dog hair, but the other stuff like cat hair and dust bunnies. So you can imagine my surprise when I was told that dog hair can ruin a pool pump.
Is it safe for dogs to swim in chlorine pools
You love your dog. You love taking your dog to the park, to the beach, and yes, even to the pool. But is it safe to let your dog swim in a chlorine pool? Chlorine is great for killing bacteria and germs, but it also has corrosive properties that can cause your dog's skin and fur to dry out. Is it really safe to let your dog swim in a pool or is it better to just keep your dog out of the water?
Should I wash my dog after swimming in the pool
As most dog owners know, the summer is a fun time for our pets. They get to swim in lakes and pools, run around in the sun and play with other dogs. But with all this fun, comes a potential problem: wet dog odor.
Do dogs know not to drink pool water
Dogs are known to like to drink pool water. Some dogs even like to drink water from toilet bowls. Some people wonder if dogs know not to drink pool water. Researchers wanted to know if dogs knew not to drink pool water. They did an experiment. They put a bowl of water in the middle of the table. Then they put a bowl of water on the floor. They put a bowl of water near a pool. Then they put a bowl of water in a bathtub. (The water in the bathtub was not clean!) Dogs that were not thirsty went to the water bowl near the pool or in the bathtub. Dogs that were thirsty went to the water bowl on the floor. Researchers think that dogs do not know not to drink
Is it bad for a dog to swim everyday
Dogs are just like people in that they need exercise for good health. But just like people, it's easy to overdo it—especially in summer! Swimming is a great way to exercise your dog and cool him off at the same time. But is it bad for him to swim everyday? Phosphorus is an important nutrient for bone health, as well as cell and tissue growth and repair. Most phosphorus in the body comes from food, but phosphorus also is absorbed into the bloodstream through the intestinal tract and into bones after being released from proteins in bone. However, the body also excretes phosphates in urine, which is why the kidneys are a critical part of maintaining a healthy phosphorus balance. But kidney disease can impair
What size ball is safe for my dog
There is a lot of debate over what size ball is safe for a dog to play with. The bigger the ball, the harder it is for a dog to get into their mouth and if they do, they can swallow the ball whole, which can cause serious problems if it gets stuck in their stomach. However, if the ball is too small, a dog may not be physically capable of picking it up and chewing on it. The truth is, there is no set rule for what size ball is safe for a dog. It depends on the type of ball and the individual dog. Folding dog pool is a pet accessory that allows both you and your pet dog to enjoy some fun in the sun. It is a portable spring loaded dog pool that folds down into a small carrying bag so you can take it anywhere. The pool itself contains a replaceable fiber-filled membrane, which allows for easy filling and cleaning. So what is folding dog pool?
How do you make a dog ramp for a pool
https://images.pexels.com/photos/3809793/pexels-photo-3809793.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 Most dog owners know that their pets love to play and swim, but unfortunately, many of them won’t be able to do this if they have trouble getting out of the pool or if they are too small to jump out. Dog owners also have to be particularly careful, since the dog could jump out of the pool and injure itself. There are many different ways to create a do it yourself dog ramp for above ground pool, and most dog owners find them a good investment, because they allow their dogs to have fun and exercise without risking injury or getting too tired to play. The best way to create a DIY dog ramp for above ground pool is to buy a pre-made ramp. These are generally sturdy and durable, and they
How do I make my dog pool safe
The first thing you will need to consider is whether you are making the ramp for a person or a pet. If you're building the ramp for a dog, you'll need to consider how big the dog is and what kind of terrain they will be using the ramp on to determine what kind of stairs you should consider. Steps: 1. Sign the build agreement. 2. Recruit a team of experts, unless you're an expert yourself. 3. Select an appropriate site to build the ramp. 4. Get permission to build the ramp. 5. Plan out the design of the ramp. 6. Acquire the materials you need. 7. Build the ramp. 8. Test the ramp. 9. Maintain the ramp.
How do I make a dog ramp for my car
https://images.pexels.com/photos/3809792/pexels-photo-3809792.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 To make sure your dog can enjoy your backyard pool safely, there are a few steps you need to take before your dog makes its first splash this summer. Make sure your dog is current on its vaccinations and avoid the temptation to let your dog go in the pool unsupervised.
Can you build a concrete pool above ground
Dog owners are familiar with the heartbreak that comes with watching your dog struggle to jump into a car. While most dogs are capable of jumping into a vehicle that is parked close to the ground, a jackrabbit starts to struggle when the car is parked at an average height. One of the only ways to help mitigate this problem is to install a dog ramp.
Can a dog go in a liner pool
Yes, you can build a concrete pool above ground. The key is to have a good contractor to help you or to do it yourself. Using a concrete pool above ground eliminates the need for a large hole in the ground and the mess that goes with it.
Can dogs swim in above-ground pools
Dogs are amazing creatures. They can help you feel better when you are sick, bring you a stick when you ask them to, and can even love you unconditionally for years. But, there is one thing that dogs like almost as much as they like you: swimming in pools. Many dog owners use their pools to cool off in on hot days, and with a pool, your dog can do the same thing.
Can dog hair ruin a pool pump
https://images.pexels.com/photos/2907196/pexels-photo-2907196.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 As attested to by the abundance of dogs in the swimming pool in your local park, many dogs do enjoy swimming in above-ground pools. But be careful: some pets have been known to drown in above-ground pools. Also, many owners admit that it can be hard to get their pets to abide by the "no swimming without supervision" rule.
Is it bad to throw your dog in the pool
Use a heavy duty metal garden step. The one I used was 36" x 14" x 3" and it has a rounded bottom and is about 4" high in the front. It would be best to use one with a non-slip tread on the top of the steps to prevent your dog from slipping when they climb the steps.
Is chlorine bad for dogs
We make it a point to go swimming with our dogs as often as possible throughout the summer. They enjoy it just as much as we do, but they tend to run out of steam before we do, and that causes them to start slipping and sliding in the pool. We solved this problem by making a ramp that ran from the steps to the deep end. The steps were just wide enough for them to run up and swim, but it was hard for them to get back up the steps. The ramp made it much easier for them to get back up to the steps.
How do you make a cheap dog ramp
There are several things you can do to ensure your dog pool safe. First and foremost, you need to make your dog knows that the pool is off limits to him or her. To do this, you can set up a barrier around the pool with some plastic that is about chest high to your dog to prevent your dog from entering the pool.
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heavenlynotices · 4 years
Spirit Chronicles: Miracle on Old Town Road
I am the recipient of a true miracle. A divine and heavenly message that literally saved my life. One that sounds too good to be true, a story that many will not believe. While others will rejoice in it and find inspiration about life after death and how our loved ones care for us in the great beyond. What I am writing is the direct result of God and his power to heal, change our lives and work miracles. God has a plan for everyone, he gave his only son to make sure that we could have life after death. This event in my life involves life after death and spiritual activity beyond imagination. Follow along with me as I tell the true story of Miracle on Old Town Road.
It all started with some chest pain and tightness I was having at work. I thought I was just experiencing signs of stress and fatigue. I was refusing to acknowledge something may really be wrong. I have dreamed vividly for most of my life, but recently those dreams have become real, scary at times and hard to understand. My wife had been telling me to relax, not stress and to go to the doctor. I even had an episode where I had to go to the local hospital for testing. After a battery of tests, they sent me home with instructions to get a sleep study and a stress test. The doctor told me all that could kill me were covered in the testing and I was likely just stressed out. Little did he know the misdiagnosis could have cost me my life.
Prior to all this happening we had been experiencing unusual activity outside with a female voice being heard. Several family members had heard this female voice outside our house. A nice voice, calming and in each situation a family member was by themselves and heard the lady. The first time my daughter heard the woman say "I can't understand what you're saying". She stepped inside and told my wife and I about it, so we immediately got on the golf cart and rode around the yard and property to investigate. We found nobody, no signs of trespassers, no further voices so I wrote it off as just hearing things. A week later the second event of the woman happened. I had taken our little dog Finley out to pee before bed time and he ran around the corner of the house. I hollered for him several times because it is very dark out where we live and the coyote population is strong. As I yelled at Finley where are you the third time, a woman's voice said "he is over here". I stepped inside to ask my wife and daughter if they had said something to me and they were both working on computers and busy. So now I am starting to think, something isn't right with this. A few weeks later, my wife heard the voice while she was outside say "hey girl, what are you doing". As the third time, we then began to believe that we may have a ghost or spirit on the property. The final time was a few days later while I was cleaning the yard up, the woman said "what are you doing". So now we knew something was wrong and we had a ghost, spirit, haunting, call it what you want.
We went on with life and talked about it from time to time, but didn't really hear anything else outside. My wife has a friend that she speaks with about 1-2 times a year to check up on her family. She had an urge to call the friend and talk to her. They had a nice conversation and at the end of the call, my wife mentioned the woman outside and how weird it was. At this point, the friend reveals to my wife that she had a gift of seeing and knowing things from a spiritual world standpoint. She stated that the woman's name was Martha or Margaret and she had died on the property many, many years ago.
She also mentioned that there were native american spirits on the property that were at peace, as well as a man that was mad. As with the thought of spiritual contact and all that we see and hear on TV, it is hard to grasp that this may be real. So with this information in hand and not sure what to do with it we did some online investigation, called the previous landowner and spoke to him. He told us he knew nothing of it, but would ask around and get back. A few days later he called and this is where things get interesting.
Martha was an older lady that lived on the property in the early 1900's with her husband. She died of a sudden heart attack on the property. Her husband died in a tractor accident years later and was angry that he had gone so fast. Turned out, he was the mad spirit because he died in pain and wasn't ready to cross over yet. After getting the news we spoke to our friend again to update her. That's when my Mom gave me the Miracle contact, divine intervention, call it what you may.
As we were finishing the conversation with our friend my mom came through and told her to make sure I went to the hospital or doctor immediately. My mom told her I had two clots in my heart and would die if I didn't go to the doctor. My dad and my wife's parents also got into the conversation and at some point the friend had to turn her powers off and send them away. Being an empath is very tiring and wears a person's spirit down. My mom passed away in April of 2017. Yes, I said a visit from a person who died over three years ago is what led me to a miracle.
Armed with this information and not sure how to take the news. We contacted my doctor and got an immediate appointment. After checking records, listening to family history and working me up, the doctor recommended a procedure to check my heart. We scheduled it and a few days later I had the procedure. More to come on what happened as an outcome. Hearing things such as spirits coming through from Heaven and such can be confusing at the least. We were trying to decipher the information and make sense of it. I have had many dreams about my parents and always felt they were around me even in death. The weekend before the procedure my wife and I took a trip to the mountains of NC. We were close to her friends house so we went for a visit and things again took an interesting turn.
As we were visiting, talking and hanging out my mom came back through and she was still upset that I hadn't fixed the issue with my heart yet. During this conversation things got really weird as a necklace I had worn for 3-4 years was torn off my neck. This necklace was purchased in the Bahamas and had a so-called healing stone on it. I also wore a gold necklace with a gold cross my wife had given me when we got married over 25 years ago.
My routine was to put on my gold cross around my neck every morning. I then would put on my t-shirt and put the black necklace over the top of it. What I had been doing was putting a graven image over the cross and God was not happy about that. I had mistakenly done this for several years thinking it was helping me with a nerve condition in my neck. When the black necklace was torn off, the friend told me that an old man named James did it. My dad and grandpa were both named James so I assumed it to be my dad, who had come through prior to this happening as well.
Our friend advised that James was an old man close to 100 years old so it had to be my grandpa who passed away in his 70's back in 1973. I remember tidbits about him, but was young when he passed. She said the man was old and had been in the heavenly light a long time and was a powerful spirit of good. As I picked the necklace up off the floor and showed it to my friend, she immediately got sick on her stomach and said that the necklace was bad, of the black arts and had something attached to it.
The necklace was causing the heart issues as there was a battle between good and evil taking place on my chest, in my body. I was told to get rid of the necklace, but had thoughts of fixing it. I was confused and things were tugging at my soul. To wash the black arts away, I had to go to rushing water, toss the necklace in and say a prayer of protection from God and my Angels. My wife and I went to a nice river, put our feet in the cold water and tossed the necklace far away as we could in a deep pool. We said a prayer of recovery and protection and I instantly felt better about things, my soul and got some much needed clarity.
We returned home and I had a heart procedure. Turned out my mom was 100% correct. I had what doctors call a widow maker in my heart. I was blocked in two places and the main artery was about 99% clogged. The doctor obviously cannot state that I would have died soon, but had it not been for the divine warning and heavenly intervention I would probably have fallen over dead of a heart attack. It was one of the worst he had ever worked on and he was amazed my heart had not already stopped working.
In the process of recovery I have found out some more information about things, gained clarity and decided it was time to put some of my life events, dreams, happenings and last but not least miracles from heaven in writing. Final thought on the necklaces, God was testing me to see which way I would go. I received a blessing and have great things ahead of me because I choose God. I choose the light, I choose to be a better person and use my God given talent to continue to help others as I have for many years.
Difference is now, I have better focus, more acute to my surroundings and happenings. I see life differently as I had before and this blog is just the start. I hope you gained inspiration from these words. Just know that God has a plan for your life, he is wonderful and wants what is best for all of us. Sometimes we have to be tested, brought to our knees to realize exactly how loving our heavenly father is. Whatever you believe in the ghost, the spiritual side of things is on you. But as a long time Christian who had veered too far away from God's grace, I advise you to slow down, listen to the good words of people, love one another, give blessings and avoid being a negative energy vampire.
My mom was a great person on earth, kind, loving and compassionate. Now she is a spiritual guide in Heaven and protector of my family. Through this wonderful soul, I was granted a second chance in life and plan to fully take advantage of it one inch, one day and one moment at a time.
Luke 4:10, For it is written, “‘He will command his angels concerning you, to guard you".
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senfinity · 7 years
I have decided that I am going to come back to senfinity~ I know I technically already said this two weeks ago but me being me has to, of course, post a long text post in <small> font highlighting several points because honestly would it really be Tanya if she didn’t write an essay about every minuscule thing? Nope! So with that being said, the rest is going to go under a read more because I am fully aware most people don’t care and I don’t want to clog your dash. But otherwise you can click on (I’ll bold the main points for if you do care but also don’t wanna read a whole post), and also there is another piece of info right at the end so you can also just skip to that //nods//
I just want to warn everyone that I have a tendency to ramble and you can blame that on me having Mercury in the first house. I’ve also been stuck to the teeny tiny constraints of Twitter for much too long so I am just letting loose, clearly. But anywho!
In my goodbye post I said that Tumblr wasn’t a good place for me anymore because it had made me condescending, bitter, and unhappy, and that’s why I left in the first place and said that I most likely wasn’t going to come back. I remember when I posted my hiatus message before the goodbye post, I honest to goodness cried a wee bit because this really was my happy place and where I could express myself about Sehun the most, so having to leave it was a struggle and I remember being so weak that just the day after I wanted to return ;; But I managed to somehow stay off for 9 months so I think we should all be proud because I truly lack self control and that is a feat.
But after being off senfinity for a while and even attempting to start anew with a new blog and then Twitter, I realized a few things and that is what has led me to my eventual return!
Insecurities had resurfaced/were brought to light: I decided to make a new blog to be able to do what I love (talk about Sehun) while also not be associated with the negativity I attached to senfinity. However after the first few days of being on the new blog, I started to feel alone and isolated. Having senfinity and having been on there for so long and in a sense establishing myself in my own comfortable space, suddenly being completely out of it just felt really isolating, as if I had lost a big part of me. I started feeling really small, useless, and that nothing I said or did mattered. This sounds really dramatic, but I think it’s because I in general feel really isolated and have no idea what my identity is, but through senfinity I was able to belong somewhere and have at least one piece of my identity fixed, so I never used to think about these insecurities as much. So when I was out of that, I guess it made those resurface and taint everything to the point where I just couldn’t go on my new blog. But I couldn’t go on senfinity either because I just said I was going to leave - I can’t just come back a few days later. So all in all it just felt really isolating and lonely and that I couldn’t really go anywhere and it was making me sad.
I felt as if I had no voice: In a similar vein, now that I was isolated and had nowhere to really ‘be’ in a sense, I started feeling like I had no voice. As we all know I talk a lot about Sehun and that was what I considered one of my main voices because he’s a really big part of me. But now that I didn’t have senfinity which was my main platform for that voice, and I felt too isolated and alone on my new blog, my voice just felt like it was completely drowned out and eventually extinguished. Considering what a big part of me that voice was, having it gone like that was really emptying somehow and it just ended up making me more sad.
Tried too hard to gain those back to the point where it ruined the experience on Twitter: Because of me now not having anywhere to say or do anything, I decided to use my Twitter that was initially for Sehun updates as a new senfinity in a sense. It was fine initially, but after a while the same feelings that I got on my new blog were starting to take over on Twitter, too - only this time even worse. Every time I saw a Sehun stan or a post about Sehun, I started feeling really insecure because that’s something I wish I could do and used to be able to do but couldn’t anymore. It made my anxiety flare up because those insecurities were triggered again, and because of that, I started feeling like I had to do or say something to re-establish myself and my voice to get rid of that anxiety/insecurity and it just really began to ruin the whole experience because I was too busy focusing on doing something that would have use/impact instead of just enjoying being on a new account. Not to mention because of that insecurity and anxiety, I started growing this bitterness towards everything (mainly Sehun stans lmao), and needless to say it was exhausting and unenjoyable being on Twitter.
Stanning Sehun was no longer selfless: One of the things that was so special about Sehun in me loving him was that I was really selfless about it. I’m selfish for everything; 95% of the things I do is for a selfish ulterior motive, and if something doesn’t satisfy that, then I drop it (be it friendships or hobbies or anything) because I want to protect myself. That made me sound really evil lmao I assure I am not evil, though >:[ But either way. Loving Sehun though was the complete opposite of that. I just loved him for him, and I never once thought about myself or did anything for him in regards to benefiting myself; it was always just about him, for him, and because of him. I didn’t love and support him because he made me happy, I just simply loved him and it so happened that loving him made me happy. However because of the previous three points, that aspect started to disappear as well. On my Twitter I started focusing too much on myself - desperately trying to get my voice back and having an identity again, feeling annoyed when I failed each time, but trying again and again because I kept getting anxiety. And I feel horrible to admit this but I started, in a sense, using Sehun for a selfish purpose - to gain those back. I remember I was about to write a tweet talking about how loving Sehun was a selfless thing for me, but as I was writing it I realized that it wasn’t like that at all anymore. As soon as that realization hit me, I got so so sad because Sehun is my one good thing and he was special from everything else and here I was managing to taint it, to make him just like everything else, to make it something that was no longer enjoyable. I managed to ruin that one good thing, the only good thing I have, and it just made me feel so stretched thin and exhausted.
Wanted to leave: Because of that, I started even considering that - now that I don’t have senfinity, now that I can’t use my new blog, now that Twitter is unenjoyable, now that I’ve tainted my support for Sehun with selfish reasons, now that I just feel anxious and insecure at all these little things that shouldn’t be bothering me at all, now that this is no longer something that is good for me - I should just take a break from it all. I literally considered taking a break from Sehun, the one thing that has quite literally kept me alive for some years, so you can just imagine how bad it got that I even got to that point. I of course never did that because I really just cannot ever in my wildest dreams leave Sehun, but now that I had exhausted all avenues and tainted that one good thing, I just felt so sad and empty and didn’t know what to do. I no longer had a happy thing or a safe place and with my already dreary and dark thoughts, it just was not a good thing at all. I just ended up making Twitter exactly what Tumblr was to me previously and the reason I left Tumblr for, so I just got annoyed at myself for managing to ruin everything.
On a lighter note - the teeny tiny char limit on Twitter: As is extremely evident from this post and from my old tags, I talk a lot and having had the ability to write long text  posts and have 500-word-limit tags at my disposal was a blessing because I have a lot of thoughts, and for Sehun I have a lot of feelings, and I really just need to get them all out. However, Twitter with it’s previously 140char and now 280char limit, it was a struggle. Even if I had the ability to write threads, having to split up my thoughts into various tidbits and even then not even whole thoughts, just wasn’t the same. I had to squish all those expansive thoughts and feelings I had into this extremely tiny space, and it was too hard for me and became an annoyance to say anything at all.
I need to express myself but I had no room to, and because of that I started feeling unlike myself, unhappy, and empty: I am someone who genuinely needs to express herself and express herself well. For me, my feelings don’t feel completely real or valid or tangible unless I’m able to lay them out, hence why this post is this long already, because it’s a way for me to make sense of it all and to validate them. However there is really no room for me on Twitter to express my bigger, more significant thoughts, and so I started to feel really suppressed. I still tried of course, because I needed some release even if it was small, however nothing I said ever felt right or like myself, and I was never happy with anything I said. It didn’t feel representative of me and my feelings, and for someone who needs that in order to feel comfortable with them, it was really sad. All my real thoughts were stuck in my head and having been unable to say anything for what is now almost 9 months, it was all knotted and a mess and I couldn’t make sense of them at all. It was even getting harder for me to actually access my feelings for Sehun because they were all knotted up like that, and because of that I started to feel extremely empty. I even started getting anxious to say anything at all because I knew it wouldn’t come out right and I knew it wouldn’t make me happy but I still had to say something, and all of those feelings was making it hard to say anything at all, which ended up being a big cycle.
senfinity really was a part of my happiness: I didn’t realize just how important this aspect of my life was until now, because for the last few months I’ve felt especially empty and drained and have gotten into really bad depressive moods. From the latter half of 2016 to until I left senfinity, it was probably the happiest (or as happy as I can feel) I’ve been because I had dropped out of engineering and was in a program I liked, and I was in such a content mood. I didn’t realize until a few months after me leaving senfinity that having this blog played a really huge role in keeping me in a good head space and hence in a good mood because I was doing something I genuinely liked and found happiness in. Because of no longer being in a good head space and no longer having that one thing that brought me a genuine joy to do, I started losing interest in basically... everything... because I wasn’t in a good place and didn’t have anything to really keep me afloat. I know this all sounds dramatic and dependent, but as someone who doesn’t really know who she is, what direction she wants to go on, what she can do, what she wants to do, and so on, having at least senfinity - which had a part of my identity, was something I loved to do, was something that made me feel connected to Sehun, and so on - was something that was really helpful and was the base block for allowing myself to do other things. So taking that away stripped me of that positive aspect of my life and made everything feel cloudy again because there was no longer that bit of sunshine.
People from Tumblr ended up going to Twitter: Not to sound petty and vindictive towards some other blogs, but there were some blogs on here that had fed into some of my other insecurities (such as not being enough or that what I said didn’t matter which was because of a different set of feelings that still belonged under feeling isolated, but we shall not get into that!) and/or just in general bugged me, and they had made being on here less fun back when I was already feeling a load of negative feelings towards this site. Being on Twitter for a while was great because I at least didn’t have to see some of them, but then soon some of those exact blogs started migrating over to Twitter and now I had to see them there, too. With all my other anxieties and insecurities coming to surface and really tainting my time on Twitter, having these blogs that did that to me on Tumblr now on Twitter too to add on top of that, was really unpleasant.
The feelings I associated with Tumblr have now dissolved/I know what to stay away from: While there are still aspects of Tumblr that I don’t like all that much, the things that had made it so negative for me to be on here before either don’t exist anymore or I had realized how small in scale they were in comparison to whatever I was now feeling. Not to mention that because I had tried Tumblr, leaving Tumblr, making a new Tumblr, then tried Twitter, I had gone through all the options that I could and in the end senfinity was the least taxing and upsetting of them all. On top of that, now that I exhausted all those options and found that senfinity isn’t as bad and because now I know how much I need to have my own place to express myself, I really want to be able to make and keep Tumblr my happy place again because this really is where it all started and where my whole heart for Sehun has been laid out, and it was a little home for my heart and I want to come back. It’s where I can be myself the most and do what I love the most and all those other things that have now arose because of my leaving can now settle back down and restore a balance so I can stop being bogged down by such tiny, minuscule things in the grand scale of it all, and hopefully find my focus, motivation, and happiness again, not just for this but a gateway for everything else, too. Because I know what made being on here so annoying before, and because I know that this is my safe place, I will know what to avoid to ensure that it stays that way.
As you can see, a lot of stuff has happened to my mental state and experience in the time I’ve been gone. I admit that it all sounds really dramatic and quite lame because I’m sure people think that little things like blogs and Twitter and tags shouldn’t affect a person this much. Sadly this is me, and because of loads of other personal things and because I honest to goodness live in my head where there’s too much going on that for the most part are negative, little things like these truly have a decently huge effect on me because it tugs at a multitude of the thoughts living in my head.
But now that I've finally figured it all out, I realized that coming back to senfinity really is the best thing for me to do. I’m excited because this really is my own little place. I’m excited to stop being sad over everything and anxious because of useless things and to be able to move tf on and find a happiness not only here but elsewhere as well. And most of all!! I'm excited to finally be able to talk about Sehun comfortably and to my heart’s content again because I am overflowing with so much love for him and my words were always the one thing that I felt was a way to return that sunshine, warmth, and love he gave to me back to him.
Extra piece of info: With all that said, I am still going to be using my Twitter account to talk about other things like random tiny thoughts or tidbits of my life or things I feel I can’t say or don’t want to say on Tumblr. If anyone wants to know what my Twitter account is, you can send me a DM or a message off anon along with your Twitter account and I can let you know! My account is on private right now for some reasons so that's why I’ll need to know who is requesting a follow~ A warning, though: I am quite bitter on there about things regarding fandom and Sehun and my tone will be a lot more blunt not only because there’s not much room to fluff things out but because well... I am quite a bitter person alskdf. senfinity will be a place where I keep things positive and happy for me and everyone who follows me, unless I have something I really want to say that requires my tags or a text post, and so that is why all my little bitternesses and pettiness will be kept to my Twitter account. Not to mention Tumblr quite frankly can’t handle certain things so... If you’re curious what that side of me is like then you can follow me on there~ Don’t be surprised or think I’m two-faced, though orz. The way I talk and feel and the things I say on here are still 100% genuine and 100% me, so while my tone on there will be a 180 from mine on here, it's still all me. Seriously, though, my solo stan side shows a lot more on my Twitter and I am very loud about only caring about Sehun on there and anything that affects him so I hope no one who does end up following me on there holds that against me or thinks I’m some kind of ass. This has been a warning...
The End
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bearplumbing · 7 years
Why, why, why???
Curiosity may have killed the cat but it doesn’t even come close to slowing down a toddler!  Parents will know this all too well – children ask about a bazillion and a half questions every day, and “why” is one of the main culprits.  So this month’s blog is focussed on the big question: why?  For what cause, reason, or purpose?  But of course, we’ll apply a plumbing angle to our theme!  
“Why” questions are often entered into Google when looking for quick answers to an astounding range of life’s puzzling perplexities.  Why is the sky blue?  Why is this rash not going away? Why is the grumpy cat so popular?  Some of these are harder to answer than others, but the Bear Team has put their collective heads together and come up with the most common “why” questions they’ve encountered in the plumbing trade.
“Why is my toilet making weird noises?”
Toilets can make all sorts of noises, and being such a vital and taken-for-granted part of your home, it’s important to know what’s what.  If your toilet has suddenly become fluent in Parseltongue and is hissing like a snake, this is usually an indication that water is leaking from the cistern into the bowl. This is wasting water which will add to your water bill, so call us to check it out!
Don’t ignore a gurgling toilet. The gurgling sound can occur when air escapes backwards up through the toilet, and generally means that there’s a blockage either in the sewer line, toilet or vent stack.
“Why is there brown water coming out of my tap?”
There are a couple of possibilities here, both best to check in a white basin or a white bath.  Start by turning on the hot water to see if the water is brown. Then turn off the hot tap and turn on the cold tap.  You could have rust or sediment build up in your pipes, which could come from old galvanised pipes in your house or if the city’s main water pipes are having maintenance carried out on them.
If you’re only noticing the brown water when your hot tap is running, this is a sign that your hot water heater is starting to rust and will need to be replaced.  Hot water units tend to have a life span of between 8 and 10 years, so if your system is getting close to that vintage, it might be time to have a chat to us about your options.
“Why does water come up in the kitchen sink?”
When you have water backing up in your sink, it’s usually becuase it can’t drain through the pipes because there’s a blockage somewhere.  This is one of those instances where prevention is better than the cure. Kitchens are the soul of most homes, with an extraordinary amount of daily activity. It’s important to keep “stuff” out of your kitchen sink – and by that we mean cooking oils, fats and grease, vegetable peels, coffee grounds, fruit rind, food scraps, etc, etc!  Anything that can congeal, harden or block your pipes should be put in the bin instead. A drainer for your sink is also a cheap and easy way to keep the “stuff” from going down the drain.  
“Why does the drain in the bathroom smell funny?”
The bathroom can be a place of many different smells, but have you ever noticed a bad smell from your floor waste?  These are designed to hold water to keep smells out. Here’s a tip: Pour a bucket of water down all floor wastes to refill or top up the water level.  For other bad smells, there’s always air freshener!  
“Why do I have low water pressure in my shower?”
If you’ve got low water pressure in your shower, check the shower head first. Those small holes in your shower head can become clogged with mineral deposits, making it spray unevenly. Here’s a simple tip – place a bag with warm vinegar around your shower head and secure with a bag tie and soak it for about an hour. If any deposits remain, use an old toothbrush and scrub gently. Then rinse and re-attach the shower head. Voila!
Poor water pressure is often due to clogged pipes and can also be due to reduced pressure from the water main due to leakage, equipment failures or blocked service pipes but also be aware most new tapware will be fitted with a water restrictor, so if you fit new taps you may find the pressure lower than what the old taps may have provided.
See – some “why” questions are easier to answer than others.  In any of these cases, give the Bear Team a call. If it’s plumbing related, we’re sure to have an answer for you.  And if you’ve got a “why” plumbing question, why not email it to us at [email protected] and look out for the answers on our Facebook page.
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Elmer's Glue and Charcoal Face Mask: Good or Bad?
Back in elementary school, there was nothing more satisfying than pouring Elmer's Glue all over your hands and peeling it off once it dried. Now, we have grown up and apparently, we still want to smear glue on ourselves!
Lately, all over the Internet, there are beauty YouTubers and bloggers posting instructional videos on a "Charcoal and Elmer's Glue blackhead mask." If you are familiar with pore strips, the concept is the same and this is the cheap alternative. The idea with this glue mask is to mix together Elmer's glue with activated charcoal powder to make a thick paste. It's applied to the skin, the charcoal will "draw out" impurities and it's peeled off once it's dried in hopes blackheads will be attached to the strip. But, is this good for your skin, effective and even safe? 
What is glue made out of?
There are two main ingredients in glue besides water. Glue is chemically produced and made of polymer vinyl which is also used to make latex paint and wallpaper adhesive. Glue also contains acetone, which is a volatile flammable compound that is used in you guessed it, nail polish remover. Sexy right?
What is glue doing to your skin?
The chemicals used in glue are not formulated for skin. That means this DIY may not even be effective and/or you could run into adverse skin reactions. In fact, on Elmer's own website it states, "if on skin, immediately wash with plenty of soap and water. Get medical attention if irritation develops." That leads me to think just maybe it should not be applied to the skin at all let alone the delicate skin on the face.
While the bottle says "non-toxic" that does not mean it's hypo-allergenic or non-comedogenic. Issues like allergic reactions, irritation, redness and even ripped off skin may occur.  Since it's not meant for the skin it won't be non-comedogenic, so glue may cause clogged pores leading to blemishes. Last but not least, the tugging on the skin to peel this mask off can cause broken capillaries. 
It's understandable the satisfaction of peeling off a mask and feeling like you removed a layer of skin and/or blackheads. There may be a mild exfoliation effect, but it's not really adding any benefits to the skin and it may be worse off than before this DIY.
Effectiveness + Pores
The key is first understanding how pores work and how blackheads occur. Blackheads are in the pore and not just on the surface. So adhering a sticky product like glue to the surface of the skin doesn't actually absorb into the pore and break down what is clogging it. If a pore has been clogged for quite some time, attempting to mechanically rip out the blackhead with something sticky or even a pore strip isn't effective. It's especially important to take the gradual breakdown approach. It is more effective and less damaging to the skin. 
Some of you may have already tried this DIY. When you pulled off the strip I am sure you saw all kinds of gunk sticking out and thought, "wow, this totally worked!" Well, it may not be exactly what you thought and most likely it was a combination of dead skin cells, tiny hairs and mostly sebaceous filaments.
What is a sebaceous filament you ask? They are tiny hairs that are basically a "bridge" for oil to reach the surface of the skin. This is how our skin produces its natural hydration and everyone has them. It is easy to confuse a blackhead from a sebaceous filament, as they do look similar especially on a pore strip or peel off mask. The main difference is blackheads are firm like a "plug" and have a gray/black tip because they are oxidized from being exposed the air. They are raised and not uniformed in location. Sebaceous filaments are usually tan or white and look for lack of a better word, creamy in texture when squeezed out and hair like when pulled out mechanically. They are also even in consistency so most people assume they are blackheads on the nose, but in reality, they are your normal pores and sebaceous filament!
So what should I be doing for my blackheads instead?
There are many ingredients and treatments that are simply better, more effective and less damaging to get rid of blackheads. 
Non-peeling charcoal products
The issue with the glue mask isn't the charcoal as it is a safe ingredient for the skin. It's highly absorbent and perfect for the oily congested areas like the nose, chin and forehead. Though it may be a bit drying for some skin types to be applied all over the entire face. I recommend NON-peeling charcoal masks because they are more gentle and it's actually not the peeling off process that is effective in breaking down clogged pores. It's the charcoal ingredient itself. 
Boscia Charcoal Pore Pudding is the perfect blend of detoxification of the pores with charcoal and clay Plus, it's non-stripping and leaves some moisture on the skin.
Clay Masks
There are many different types of clay and there really is one for every skin type. They work wonders for detoxing the skin as well as keeping the pores clear. Plus, they are so much more gentle and natural. These are two of my favorite and both can be customized for your skin by what you decide to mix it with as they come in powder form. Rose hip oil is great for dry skin, organic aloe vera gel is cooling and soothing and plain old water is good too! 
Herbivore Pink Clay Mask is wonderful for dry, sensitive and combination skin types and may be used 1-2 times a week. 
Fig + Yarrow French Green Clay is perfect for acne, oily and combination skin types and especially effective around the oily areas like the nose, chin and forehead.
Alpha/Beta Hydroxy Acid Products
Salicylic acid products are great for absorbing into the skin and breaking down what is clogging the pore from the bottom up. It's a natural acid made from the bark of a willow tree. Though salicylic acid products come in many forms, I recommend a product that will stay on the skin and do the "dirty work" instead of washing it off like in cleanser form.
Juice Beauty Blemish Clearing Serum is a great product that is gentle enough to be used every evening on the clogged areas like the nose and chin.
EmerginC Facial Peel + Clarifying Kit is one of my new favorite at home exfoliation products. This is a 2-step peel process that may be used 1-3 times a week. The peel pad first exfoliates the skin then rinsed off then the clarifying pad leaves a treatment layer on the skin.
Get a professional facial with extractions
If you don't want to deal with blackheads yourself, book a facial. When you receive a facial your esthetician will properly prepare your skin for the extraction process. I would recommend getting a professional strength peel during your facial because it will really dissolve oil and dead skin cells that are clogging the pores. Often this minimizes the extraction process because the peel helps digest some of the surface clogged pores.
My last thoughts
While I think there are many amazingly talented beauty Youtubers and bloggers out there, be aware the majority of them are not licensed cosmetologists, estheticians, dermatologists or cosmetic chemists. This means they have zero actual training on the physiology and science of the skin. Or for that matter experience with anyone else's skin other than their own. They are recommending products based on their personal experience. Which is awesome and TOTALLY fine to give a review on an amazing lipstick,  favorite eye cream or the trendiest new way to contour. Rock on, do your thing. But this is when I have open my mouth as the opinioned feisty chick I am. It's totally different when a beauty blogger recommends using a potential damaging chemical meant for crafts on their skin because it's a current trend and they are unaware of the adverse effects due to lack of training/education.
When someone that is trained and it's their profession, we don't make recommendations based on just what works for ourselves. We think of factors like all skin types, all skin conditions, allergies and other things like the use of a topical medication or that your skin is super dry at the moment due to the current weather.
So out of a place of concern, love and great passion for the beauty industry and skin health, CHECK YOUR SOURCES!! Or better yet ask me, ask your esthetician, ask your friend that does hair or better your dermatologist!
Ultimately, the decision is yours on what you do with your skin. I wrote this blog post to give an education so you can make an informed decision on what is right for yourself. 
xo Dana
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dogfexvbi · 3 years
What do you put in a dog pool
Dog owners everywhere have found an ingenious new use for pool noodles—informing passersby that their dog is a giant pool noodle. Unfortunately, the pool noodle dog cone has limited visibility from behind, meaning that your dog is still likely to get run over by a car unless you attach a notice to its collar as well.
Can you use a pool noodle for a dog cone
https://images.pexels.com/photos/6741321/pexels-photo-6741321.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 Most dogs are known for being playful and energetic, but they can also be quite clumsy and reckless. For this reason, many dog owners opt for a protective dog collar to help keep their pets safe. While traditional dog collars do a good job of protecting your dog’s neck, a dog cone offers an additional layer of protection by protecting your dog’s snout. In this article, we look at how a dog cone works and why dog owners should consider using one.
How do you make a dog cone out of a pool noodle
There are many types of dog cones, but they all serve the same purpose: to protect a dog's injured leg, foot, or ear while preventing them from licking or chewing on the injured area. If you know how to make a dog cone out of a pool noodle, you can create a homemade alternative to the store-bought variety, saving yourself a few dollars in the process.
What can I use instead of a dog cone
https://images.pexels.com/photos/6755277/pexels-photo-6755277.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 A dog cone collar is a cone-like device that covers your pet's neck to prevent him from licking or scratching an injury. It's one of the items you should keep on hand just in case your dog ever needs it. If you've never used one, they're not too hard to figure out, but you might be wondering...
Are pool noodles bad for dogs
Dogs love the water, and if you have a swimming pool, chances are your furry friend will eventually make a splash. But, are pool noodles safe for dogs? That’s the question at the center of a recent investigation by the Center for Pet Safety. For the study, the Center tested three popular brands of pool noodle: the Rubber Ducky, the Plush Puppies, and the Noodle Nippers. The center used a statistical model that tried to predict the capability of pool noodles to float, by measuring buoyancy, stability, and other factors.
Can a dog sleep with a cone on
Despite what you may have heard from your veterinarian, no one should ever let a dog sleep with a cone on. Dogs are curious beings and instinctively try to lick the cone, which can lead to an accident that can result in a very serious injury. Because dogs don't have a good sense of time, they will stay in a cone for hours, and if the cone falls off, they will lick their wound until it heals. The following video details what happened to a dog that wore a cone while sleeping.
Can I put a shirt on my dog instead of a cone
As you know, dogs are man's best friend. One thing I don't like about dogs is when they need a cone to prevent them from licking their stitches. So, I just made this awesome shirt for my dog. It works perfectly.
How do you keep a dog from licking a wound without a cone
https://images.pexels.com/photos/7646458/pexels-photo-7646458.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, a dog's saliva contains a substance called histatins, which promote healing. Unfortunately, histatins are also pretty disgusting. So, to keep your dog from licking your wounds, there are two main options: create an unpleasant taste on your skin, or keep your dog at a distance.
Is it safe to leave a dog alone with a cone
Wondering if you can leave your dog alone in the house with a cone on its head? Then this is the article for you. From how long a dog can be left alone with a cone on to the best way to introduce a dog to a cone, this blog post will answer all your questions and more. The article will also look at the importance of training and how it can help you to leave your dog alone in the house with a cone or other headgear. First Paragraph
How do you make a dog comfortable with a cone
If you are looking for a quick answer to this question, you should know that there is no single method that is going to work in every situation. Since every dog is unique, you need to consider a lot of factors before deciding which approach to take.
Do cones make dogs depressed
Although dogs have a reputation for being happy, affectionate creatures, they also have a dark side. They can be moody, neurotic, jealous, and downright mean. Some dogs even experience clinical depression. So, are you one of the millions of dog owners who is a bit concerned about your friend’s ever-changing attitude? What is Dog Depression? Cats are known to be more emotionally complex than their canine counterparts. However, dogs are also capable of experiencing a variety of emotions. Not only can dogs become depressed, but they can also be uncharacteristically happy, anxious, worried, and insecure. Angel, a two year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, was diagnosed with clinical depression after his owner, The Best Dog Pool - We’ve all heard the stories of dogs jumping into pools, either accidentally or on purpose. With a dog pool, your pet can enjoy the benefits of a pool without worrying about the dangers. But of course, there are different types of dog pools, and you shouldn’t just buy any one you come across. So, how do you know which one to choose?
What is the most durable dog pool
https://images.pexels.com/photos/6729354/pexels-photo-6729354.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 What is the most durable dog pool? You can also call it a dog pool for heavy chewers. The most durable dog pool is a dog pool, which is designed for dogs that love to chew.  Dogs that love to chew often chew on their dog bed, dog toys, and even their dog pool. Since they love to chew, they will always be looking for things to chew. Some dogs chew because they are bored, some chew to relieve stress, and some dogs chew because it is their nature.
Is swimming in a pool good for dogs
In the last five years, more and more people have taken to swimming with their dogs. It’s a great way to keep your best friend fit and toned, and, for larger dogs, it can be a good way to get your dog accustomed to the water. But is swimming the same as being in the water? Is it safe for dogs? The best dog pool is no substitute for the real thing.
What is the best above ground pool for dogs
https://images.pexels.com/photos/4587992/pexels-photo-4587992.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 If you are in the market for a good above ground pool, then this review should be helpful to you. This review will cover all the aspects you need to know to find the best above ground pool for dogs.
What can I use for dog pool
Much like humans, dogs love taking a dip into the pool to cool off from the hot summer sun. While you might not have enough money to get a real pool built for your pup, there are other ways of giving him the swimming experience he so desperately wants. For canines that are not big fans of the water, you can get a pool cover or a barrier to keep the drowning at bay. If you have a pool and you want to make it more accessible for your pooch, you should look into getting a floating dock. These are perfect for dogs that love to swim, but may have trouble with diving in off the edge. You can also get a Ramp for Dogs that will allow your furry friend to get into the pool with more
How do you keep a dog pool clean
A clean dog pool is the key to a healthy dog. Even if your dog isn't swimming regularly, using a dog pool can deter your dog from drinking stagnant water or licking algae covered rocks. Keeping the water clean is easy. If you have a large dog pool, you should clean it at least once a week. Simply dump out the water, scrub the walls with a brush, and refill. If you have a small dog pool, you can toss it in the bathtub to clean.
Will a dog pop inflatable pool
An inflatable or blow up swimming pool is a great way for a family to enjoy the water without the cost or upkeep of a concrete swimming pool. The main disadvantage to an inflatable pool is that it is large and takes up a lot of space. The other disadvantage is that they are often made of vinyl and will only last one season before they need to be replaced.
Should I wash my dog after swimming in the pool
https://images.pexels.com/photos/2023384/pexels-photo-2023384.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 As dog owners and lovers, it is our responsibility to make sure our dogs are happy and healthy. If they are happy, we are happy. That is why every summer, we take our dogs to the park or the beach for some fun in the sun. It makes us happy to see them run around after a ball and swim around in the water. However, this also means that we have to deal with the aftermath of the fun.
Do dogs know not to drink pool water
Most dogs are very good about not drinking water from your pool, but there are a few things you can do to ensure that your pool is safe for them. First, make sure your pool has a fence that is at least 4 feet high, and that the fence is secure and in good condition. Even if your dog does not jump, he may be able to jump up on the fence and push the panels out of place. If you have a dog in a fenced-in yard, do not leave him outside unsupervised.
Can dog hair ruin a pool pump
A pool is a wonderful addition to any back yard, but it can be a lot of work to keep clean. When you add a floating pool skimmer to the list of things that need to be kept in working order, you’ll want to be sure to take steps to prevent your skimmer from being clogged with hair. Pool chemicals and dirt can build up in the skimmer, and an accumulation of hair can quickly turn into a real mess!
Can my dog swim in my above ground pool
When confronted with the question of whether or not an above ground pool is a suitable toy for your pooch, the first thing you have to ask yourself is what kind of dog you have. If you have a small dog , an above ground pool is an excellent means to keep your dog cool and active on a hot summer day. In fact, there are several advantages to having an above ground pool. First of all, it's affordable. Above ground pools are much less expensive than in ground swimming pools. Another contributing factor is that above ground pools are easy to assemble and take apart for storage. Folding dog pool is a pet accessory that allows both you and your pet dog to enjoy some fun in the sun. It is a portable spring loaded dog pool that folds down into a small carrying bag so you can take it anywhere. The pool itself contains a replaceable fiber-filled membrane, which allows for easy filling and cleaning. So what is folding dog pool?
How do you make a dog ramp for a pool
https://images.pexels.com/photos/3809793/pexels-photo-3809793.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 Most dog owners know that their pets love to play and swim, but unfortunately, many of them won’t be able to do this if they have trouble getting out of the pool or if they are too small to jump out. Dog owners also have to be particularly careful, since the dog could jump out of the pool and injure itself. There are many different ways to create a do it yourself dog ramp for above ground pool, and most dog owners find them a good investment, because they allow their dogs to have fun and exercise without risking injury or getting too tired to play. The best way to create a DIY dog ramp for above ground pool is to buy a pre-made ramp. These are generally sturdy and durable, and they
How do I make my dog pool safe
The first thing you will need to consider is whether you are making the ramp for a person or a pet. If you're building the ramp for a dog, you'll need to consider how big the dog is and what kind of terrain they will be using the ramp on to determine what kind of stairs you should consider. Steps: 1. Sign the build agreement. 2. Recruit a team of experts, unless you're an expert yourself. 3. Select an appropriate site to build the ramp. 4. Get permission to build the ramp. 5. Plan out the design of the ramp. 6. Acquire the materials you need. 7. Build the ramp. 8. Test the ramp. 9. Maintain the ramp.
How do I make a dog ramp for my car
https://images.pexels.com/photos/3809792/pexels-photo-3809792.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 To make sure your dog can enjoy your backyard pool safely, there are a few steps you need to take before your dog makes its first splash this summer. Make sure your dog is current on its vaccinations and avoid the temptation to let your dog go in the pool unsupervised.
Can you build a concrete pool above ground
Dog owners are familiar with the heartbreak that comes with watching your dog struggle to jump into a car. While most dogs are capable of jumping into a vehicle that is parked close to the ground, a jackrabbit starts to struggle when the car is parked at an average height. One of the only ways to help mitigate this problem is to install a dog ramp.
Can a dog go in a liner pool
Yes, you can build a concrete pool above ground. The key is to have a good contractor to help you or to do it yourself. Using a concrete pool above ground eliminates the need for a large hole in the ground and the mess that goes with it.
Can dogs swim in above-ground pools
Dogs are amazing creatures. They can help you feel better when you are sick, bring you a stick when you ask them to, and can even love you unconditionally for years. But, there is one thing that dogs like almost as much as they like you: swimming in pools. Many dog owners use their pools to cool off in on hot days, and with a pool, your dog can do the same thing.
Can dog hair ruin a pool pump
https://images.pexels.com/photos/2907196/pexels-photo-2907196.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 As attested to by the abundance of dogs in the swimming pool in your local park, many dogs do enjoy swimming in above-ground pools. But be careful: some pets have been known to drown in above-ground pools. Also, many owners admit that it can be hard to get their pets to abide by the "no swimming without supervision" rule.
Is it bad to throw your dog in the pool
Use a heavy duty metal garden step. The one I used was 36" x 14" x 3" and it has a rounded bottom and is about 4" high in the front. It would be best to use one with a non-slip tread on the top of the steps to prevent your dog from slipping when they climb the steps.
Is chlorine bad for dogs
We make it a point to go swimming with our dogs as often as possible throughout the summer. They enjoy it just as much as we do, but they tend to run out of steam before we do, and that causes them to start slipping and sliding in the pool. We solved this problem by making a ramp that ran from the steps to the deep end. The steps were just wide enough for them to run up and swim, but it was hard for them to get back up the steps. The ramp made it much easier for them to get back up to the steps.
How do you make a cheap dog ramp
There are several things you can do to ensure your dog pool safe. First and foremost, you need to make your dog knows that the pool is off limits to him or her. To do this, you can set up a barrier around the pool with some plastic that is about chest high to your dog to prevent your dog from entering the pool. The dog pool ladder is specially designed to help dogs who are accustomed to swimming and playing in the water to better manage the pool steps. The dog pool ladder is particularly suitable for dogs with hip problems and other disabilities. This dog pool ladder is easy to install and is perfect for a dog that accompanies an elderly person at home.
Can dogs use pool ladder
https://images.pexels.com/photos/1844897/pexels-photo-1844897.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 Dogs can use pool ladder, there are some dogs love to swim in the pool, swimming is a good exercise for dogs, but to be safety, there are some dogs should use pool ladder, pool ladder is a kind of pool equipment, it is very important for dogs to use pool ladder, and some dogs can't use pool ladder, so we should learn how to use pool ladder, and we should teach dogs how to use pool ladder, and dogs should use pool ladder with us, pool ladder is a safety equipment for dogs, and there are two types of pool ladder, one is foldable pool ladder, and another is fixed pool ladder, because foldable pool ladder is lighter than fixed pool ladder, so it is better to use foldable
What should I do if my dog drinks pool water
The number one rule of pet-owning is this: your dog is never to be left alone in a pool. Even if your dog is the most well-behaved, most responsible dog in the world, a few seconds of distraction is all it takes for a tragedy to occur. Dogs are opportunists; they'll eat just about anything they can get their paws on, and if they see a pool they'll jump right in. This is particularly true if the water is full of chlorine: some dogs have a natural aversion to chlorine, and if they drink water from a pool they're likely to consume enough chlorine to make them seriously ill.
How do you make a pool ramp for a dog
https://images.pexels.com/photos/2108717/pexels-photo-2108717.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 This is the most common problem in the world of dog owners. My old dog, Rufus, has been trying to get in the pool for years. Sometimes he gets in, but with his arthritis, he can't get out, and we have to haul him out. So, my husband and I decided to make a pool ramp for Rufus.
Can chlorine water kill a dog
Chlorine is used to kill harmful bacteria in the water supply, but it can be harmful to dogs in large quantities. Chlorine combined with high temperatures can be fatal to a dog, and can cause severe breathing problems. Even small amounts of chlorine in the water can cause a dog’s coat to dry out and cause a rash. Giving your dog water from a chlorine-treated municipal water supply, either from a pond or a faucet, can cause potentially serious health problems.
How can I keep my dog safe around the pool
The summer is a great time for families to spend time together, and it's important that your dog is included in some of the fun. Swimming is a great way for everyone to cool off in the summer heat, and the pool or lake is a great place to let your dog play too. However, it's important that you take the time to teach your dog some basic swimming skills before you let them swim unattended. Additionally, there are a few pool safety tips that you should follow to ensure that your pup stays safe while he swims. If you follow these simple guidelines, your dog should have a safe and fun summer in the pool!
How do I make my above ground pool dog friendly
An above ground pool is one of the easiest options for a pool, but it can also be one of the most fun. However, if you have a dog that you want to bring in the water with you, you may find that it is not as easy as you might think.
Do dogs know not to drink pool water
https://images.pexels.com/photos/1170595/pexels-photo-1170595.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 As dogs lovers, we love swimming together with our pets. However, when we go to the beach, do we know that our dogs can also drink the pool water? According to experts, dogs do not know what is in the pool water, and they do not know if the pool water is safe for them to drink. That's why they will drink the pool water. Not only that, a research also shows that some dogs will drink the pool water for fun.
Is tap water bad for dogs
When it comes to your dog’s health, the last thing you want to do is introduce potentially harmful chemicals or contaminants into their system. The idea of giving your dog tap water may sound like a good way to freshen up their water bowl, but it could pose some serious health risks. To help you keep your dog safe and healthy, here are some things you need to know about the dangers of tap water.
Can pool water irritate dogs skin
Swimming is one of the best ways to exercise your dog, it's low impact and healthy for joints and muscles. However, swimming also can be a source of bacteria and germs. If you have a dog that swims regularly, you probably have noticed that he often has a lot of hair falling out. And, if he's an older dog, you may have noticed that his coat has become a little thinner and patchy. What you might not have noticed is that these symptoms are often signs of swimmer's itch.
How do you make a cheap dog ramp
Many dogs have a hard time jumping into and out of vehicles. If you have a pet who has trouble getting in or out of the car, a dog ramp can be a great solution. But they can be expensive, especially if you need one for a large vehicle. Fortunately, you can make one yourself that is sturdy, safe and not too expensive. A dog ramp is essentially a set of stairs for your dog. The steps in this article will show you how to make a ramp that is about 36-inches high and will work for the rear door of most cars and SUVs. There are many different dog pool toys out there today, made from all sorts of different material. Some of the most popular are floating toys, and these toys can be made from a variety of different material. For example, some toys are made from tough rubber, which will last a long time if the toy is not punctured. Other toys are made from fabric, which is ideal for dogs that love to chew. (The best dog pool toys will be made from a combination of these materials.) The best part of dog pool toys is that they can help dogs burn off excess energy, which is great for both you and the dog.
What do you put in a dog pool
https://images.pexels.com/photos/733835/pexels-photo-733835.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 Dog pools are one of the great summertime joys of dog ownership. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes (and names; the “puppy pool” seems to be popular this year) so you can find one that’s perfect for your pooch. Dog pools are easy to fill and clean, but cleaning the pool can be a bit of a hassle. While you can hand wash the pool, you can also throw it in the washer for a more thorough clean.
Is swimming in a pool good for dogs
Swimming is a great way to exercise and play with your dog. Just like humans, dogs can overheat when they exercise in hot weather or are swimming in a pool. However, dogs have different needs than humans, so pool safety needs to be adjusted for dogs. Here are some tips for staying safe with your dog swimming around in a pool.
What is the most durable floating ball for dogs
https://images.pexels.com/photos/3013467/pexels-photo-3013467.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 The best way to know what the strongest dog ball is, is to go over the basics of what makes a dog ball strong. There are three things that are most important when determining the strength of a dog ball. First, the material the ball is made from, second, the design of the ball, and finally, the ball's size.
Do rubber dog toys float
Rubber is a synthetic polymer that is very strong, durable, and flexible. It is made from a combination of synthetic hydrocarbons that are created by polymerization catalysts. Many of the toys made from rubber are bounce balls, inflatable toys, and dog toys. The rubber toy is a very durable toy that is very popular with dogs. The rubber dog toy floats because the rubber itself is not water soluble.
Can dog hair ruin a pool pump
He can't help it if he sheds profusely – it's part of the deal when you bring home a dog from the shelter. Still, his hair, that stuff that's falling off his back, legs and all, tends to stick to everything, especially if the floor is carpeted. If you're like me, you've spent hours cleaning up the stray hair. And not just the dog hair, but the other stuff like cat hair and dust bunnies. So you can imagine my surprise when I was told that dog hair can ruin a pool pump.
Is it safe for dogs to swim in chlorine pools
You love your dog. You love taking your dog to the park, to the beach, and yes, even to the pool. But is it safe to let your dog swim in a chlorine pool? Chlorine is great for killing bacteria and germs, but it also has corrosive properties that can cause your dog's skin and fur to dry out. Is it really safe to let your dog swim in a pool or is it better to just keep your dog out of the water?
Should I wash my dog after swimming in the pool
As most dog owners know, the summer is a fun time for our pets. They get to swim in lakes and pools, run around in the sun and play with other dogs. But with all this fun, comes a potential problem: wet dog odor.
Do dogs know not to drink pool water
Dogs are known to like to drink pool water. Some dogs even like to drink water from toilet bowls. Some people wonder if dogs know not to drink pool water. Researchers wanted to know if dogs knew not to drink pool water. They did an experiment. They put a bowl of water in the middle of the table. Then they put a bowl of water on the floor. They put a bowl of water near a pool. Then they put a bowl of water in a bathtub. (The water in the bathtub was not clean!) Dogs that were not thirsty went to the water bowl near the pool or in the bathtub. Dogs that were thirsty went to the water bowl on the floor. Researchers think that dogs do not know not to drink
Is it bad for a dog to swim everyday
Dogs are just like people in that they need exercise for good health. But just like people, it's easy to overdo it—especially in summer! Swimming is a great way to exercise your dog and cool him off at the same time. But is it bad for him to swim everyday? Phosphorus is an important nutrient for bone health, as well as cell and tissue growth and repair. Most phosphorus in the body comes from food, but phosphorus also is absorbed into the bloodstream through the intestinal tract and into bones after being released from proteins in bone. However, the body also excretes phosphates in urine, which is why the kidneys are a critical part of maintaining a healthy phosphorus balance. But kidney disease can impair
What size ball is safe for my dog
There is a lot of debate over what size ball is safe for a dog to play with. The bigger the ball, the harder it is for a dog to get into their mouth and if they do, they can swallow the ball whole, which can cause serious problems if it gets stuck in their stomach. However, if the ball is too small, a dog may not be physically capable of picking it up and chewing on it. The truth is, there is no set rule for what size ball is safe for a dog. It depends on the type of ball and the individual dog.
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dogfexvbi · 3 years
Can dogs use pool ladder
Dog owners everywhere have found an ingenious new use for pool noodles—informing passersby that their dog is a giant pool noodle. Unfortunately, the pool noodle dog cone has limited visibility from behind, meaning that your dog is still likely to get run over by a car unless you attach a notice to its collar as well.
Can you use a pool noodle for a dog cone
https://images.pexels.com/photos/6741321/pexels-photo-6741321.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 Most dogs are known for being playful and energetic, but they can also be quite clumsy and reckless. For this reason, many dog owners opt for a protective dog collar to help keep their pets safe. While traditional dog collars do a good job of protecting your dog’s neck, a dog cone offers an additional layer of protection by protecting your dog’s snout. In this article, we look at how a dog cone works and why dog owners should consider using one.
How do you make a dog cone out of a pool noodle
There are many types of dog cones, but they all serve the same purpose: to protect a dog's injured leg, foot, or ear while preventing them from licking or chewing on the injured area. If you know how to make a dog cone out of a pool noodle, you can create a homemade alternative to the store-bought variety, saving yourself a few dollars in the process.
What can I use instead of a dog cone
https://images.pexels.com/photos/6755277/pexels-photo-6755277.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 A dog cone collar is a cone-like device that covers your pet's neck to prevent him from licking or scratching an injury. It's one of the items you should keep on hand just in case your dog ever needs it. If you've never used one, they're not too hard to figure out, but you might be wondering...
Are pool noodles bad for dogs
Dogs love the water, and if you have a swimming pool, chances are your furry friend will eventually make a splash. But, are pool noodles safe for dogs? That’s the question at the center of a recent investigation by the Center for Pet Safety. For the study, the Center tested three popular brands of pool noodle: the Rubber Ducky, the Plush Puppies, and the Noodle Nippers. The center used a statistical model that tried to predict the capability of pool noodles to float, by measuring buoyancy, stability, and other factors.
Can a dog sleep with a cone on
Despite what you may have heard from your veterinarian, no one should ever let a dog sleep with a cone on. Dogs are curious beings and instinctively try to lick the cone, which can lead to an accident that can result in a very serious injury. Because dogs don't have a good sense of time, they will stay in a cone for hours, and if the cone falls off, they will lick their wound until it heals. The following video details what happened to a dog that wore a cone while sleeping.
Can I put a shirt on my dog instead of a cone
As you know, dogs are man's best friend. One thing I don't like about dogs is when they need a cone to prevent them from licking their stitches. So, I just made this awesome shirt for my dog. It works perfectly.
How do you keep a dog from licking a wound without a cone
https://images.pexels.com/photos/7646458/pexels-photo-7646458.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, a dog's saliva contains a substance called histatins, which promote healing. Unfortunately, histatins are also pretty disgusting. So, to keep your dog from licking your wounds, there are two main options: create an unpleasant taste on your skin, or keep your dog at a distance.
Is it safe to leave a dog alone with a cone
Wondering if you can leave your dog alone in the house with a cone on its head? Then this is the article for you. From how long a dog can be left alone with a cone on to the best way to introduce a dog to a cone, this blog post will answer all your questions and more. The article will also look at the importance of training and how it can help you to leave your dog alone in the house with a cone or other headgear. First Paragraph
How do you make a dog comfortable with a cone
If you are looking for a quick answer to this question, you should know that there is no single method that is going to work in every situation. Since every dog is unique, you need to consider a lot of factors before deciding which approach to take.
Do cones make dogs depressed
Although dogs have a reputation for being happy, affectionate creatures, they also have a dark side. They can be moody, neurotic, jealous, and downright mean. Some dogs even experience clinical depression. So, are you one of the millions of dog owners who is a bit concerned about your friend’s ever-changing attitude? What is Dog Depression? Cats are known to be more emotionally complex than their canine counterparts. However, dogs are also capable of experiencing a variety of emotions. Not only can dogs become depressed, but they can also be uncharacteristically happy, anxious, worried, and insecure. Angel, a two year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, was diagnosed with clinical depression after his owner, The Best Dog Pool - We’ve all heard the stories of dogs jumping into pools, either accidentally or on purpose. With a dog pool, your pet can enjoy the benefits of a pool without worrying about the dangers. But of course, there are different types of dog pools, and you shouldn’t just buy any one you come across. So, how do you know which one to choose?
What is the most durable dog pool
https://images.pexels.com/photos/6729354/pexels-photo-6729354.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 What is the most durable dog pool? You can also call it a dog pool for heavy chewers. The most durable dog pool is a dog pool, which is designed for dogs that love to chew.  Dogs that love to chew often chew on their dog bed, dog toys, and even their dog pool. Since they love to chew, they will always be looking for things to chew. Some dogs chew because they are bored, some chew to relieve stress, and some dogs chew because it is their nature.
Is swimming in a pool good for dogs
In the last five years, more and more people have taken to swimming with their dogs. It’s a great way to keep your best friend fit and toned, and, for larger dogs, it can be a good way to get your dog accustomed to the water. But is swimming the same as being in the water? Is it safe for dogs? The best dog pool is no substitute for the real thing.
What is the best above ground pool for dogs
https://images.pexels.com/photos/4587992/pexels-photo-4587992.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 If you are in the market for a good above ground pool, then this review should be helpful to you. This review will cover all the aspects you need to know to find the best above ground pool for dogs.
What can I use for dog pool
Much like humans, dogs love taking a dip into the pool to cool off from the hot summer sun. While you might not have enough money to get a real pool built for your pup, there are other ways of giving him the swimming experience he so desperately wants. For canines that are not big fans of the water, you can get a pool cover or a barrier to keep the drowning at bay. If you have a pool and you want to make it more accessible for your pooch, you should look into getting a floating dock. These are perfect for dogs that love to swim, but may have trouble with diving in off the edge. You can also get a Ramp for Dogs that will allow your furry friend to get into the pool with more
How do you keep a dog pool clean
A clean dog pool is the key to a healthy dog. Even if your dog isn't swimming regularly, using a dog pool can deter your dog from drinking stagnant water or licking algae covered rocks. Keeping the water clean is easy. If you have a large dog pool, you should clean it at least once a week. Simply dump out the water, scrub the walls with a brush, and refill. If you have a small dog pool, you can toss it in the bathtub to clean.
Will a dog pop inflatable pool
An inflatable or blow up swimming pool is a great way for a family to enjoy the water without the cost or upkeep of a concrete swimming pool. The main disadvantage to an inflatable pool is that it is large and takes up a lot of space. The other disadvantage is that they are often made of vinyl and will only last one season before they need to be replaced.
Should I wash my dog after swimming in the pool
https://images.pexels.com/photos/2023384/pexels-photo-2023384.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 As dog owners and lovers, it is our responsibility to make sure our dogs are happy and healthy. If they are happy, we are happy. That is why every summer, we take our dogs to the park or the beach for some fun in the sun. It makes us happy to see them run around after a ball and swim around in the water. However, this also means that we have to deal with the aftermath of the fun.
Do dogs know not to drink pool water
Most dogs are very good about not drinking water from your pool, but there are a few things you can do to ensure that your pool is safe for them. First, make sure your pool has a fence that is at least 4 feet high, and that the fence is secure and in good condition. Even if your dog does not jump, he may be able to jump up on the fence and push the panels out of place. If you have a dog in a fenced-in yard, do not leave him outside unsupervised.
Can dog hair ruin a pool pump
A pool is a wonderful addition to any back yard, but it can be a lot of work to keep clean. When you add a floating pool skimmer to the list of things that need to be kept in working order, you’ll want to be sure to take steps to prevent your skimmer from being clogged with hair. Pool chemicals and dirt can build up in the skimmer, and an accumulation of hair can quickly turn into a real mess!
Can my dog swim in my above ground pool
When confronted with the question of whether or not an above ground pool is a suitable toy for your pooch, the first thing you have to ask yourself is what kind of dog you have. If you have a small dog , an above ground pool is an excellent means to keep your dog cool and active on a hot summer day. In fact, there are several advantages to having an above ground pool. First of all, it's affordable. Above ground pools are much less expensive than in ground swimming pools. Another contributing factor is that above ground pools are easy to assemble and take apart for storage. Folding dog pool is a pet accessory that allows both you and your pet dog to enjoy some fun in the sun. It is a portable spring loaded dog pool that folds down into a small carrying bag so you can take it anywhere. The pool itself contains a replaceable fiber-filled membrane, which allows for easy filling and cleaning. So what is folding dog pool?
How do you make a dog ramp for a pool
https://images.pexels.com/photos/3809793/pexels-photo-3809793.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 Most dog owners know that their pets love to play and swim, but unfortunately, many of them won’t be able to do this if they have trouble getting out of the pool or if they are too small to jump out. Dog owners also have to be particularly careful, since the dog could jump out of the pool and injure itself. There are many different ways to create a do it yourself dog ramp for above ground pool, and most dog owners find them a good investment, because they allow their dogs to have fun and exercise without risking injury or getting too tired to play. The best way to create a DIY dog ramp for above ground pool is to buy a pre-made ramp. These are generally sturdy and durable, and they
How do I make my dog pool safe
The first thing you will need to consider is whether you are making the ramp for a person or a pet. If you're building the ramp for a dog, you'll need to consider how big the dog is and what kind of terrain they will be using the ramp on to determine what kind of stairs you should consider. Steps: 1. Sign the build agreement. 2. Recruit a team of experts, unless you're an expert yourself. 3. Select an appropriate site to build the ramp. 4. Get permission to build the ramp. 5. Plan out the design of the ramp. 6. Acquire the materials you need. 7. Build the ramp. 8. Test the ramp. 9. Maintain the ramp.
How do I make a dog ramp for my car
https://images.pexels.com/photos/3809792/pexels-photo-3809792.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 To make sure your dog can enjoy your backyard pool safely, there are a few steps you need to take before your dog makes its first splash this summer. Make sure your dog is current on its vaccinations and avoid the temptation to let your dog go in the pool unsupervised.
Can you build a concrete pool above ground
Dog owners are familiar with the heartbreak that comes with watching your dog struggle to jump into a car. While most dogs are capable of jumping into a vehicle that is parked close to the ground, a jackrabbit starts to struggle when the car is parked at an average height. One of the only ways to help mitigate this problem is to install a dog ramp.
Can a dog go in a liner pool
Yes, you can build a concrete pool above ground. The key is to have a good contractor to help you or to do it yourself. Using a concrete pool above ground eliminates the need for a large hole in the ground and the mess that goes with it.
Can dogs swim in above-ground pools
Dogs are amazing creatures. They can help you feel better when you are sick, bring you a stick when you ask them to, and can even love you unconditionally for years. But, there is one thing that dogs like almost as much as they like you: swimming in pools. Many dog owners use their pools to cool off in on hot days, and with a pool, your dog can do the same thing.
Can dog hair ruin a pool pump
https://images.pexels.com/photos/2907196/pexels-photo-2907196.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 As attested to by the abundance of dogs in the swimming pool in your local park, many dogs do enjoy swimming in above-ground pools. But be careful: some pets have been known to drown in above-ground pools. Also, many owners admit that it can be hard to get their pets to abide by the "no swimming without supervision" rule.
Is it bad to throw your dog in the pool
Use a heavy duty metal garden step. The one I used was 36" x 14" x 3" and it has a rounded bottom and is about 4" high in the front. It would be best to use one with a non-slip tread on the top of the steps to prevent your dog from slipping when they climb the steps.
Is chlorine bad for dogs
We make it a point to go swimming with our dogs as often as possible throughout the summer. They enjoy it just as much as we do, but they tend to run out of steam before we do, and that causes them to start slipping and sliding in the pool. We solved this problem by making a ramp that ran from the steps to the deep end. The steps were just wide enough for them to run up and swim, but it was hard for them to get back up the steps. The ramp made it much easier for them to get back up to the steps.
How do you make a cheap dog ramp
There are several things you can do to ensure your dog pool safe. First and foremost, you need to make your dog knows that the pool is off limits to him or her. To do this, you can set up a barrier around the pool with some plastic that is about chest high to your dog to prevent your dog from entering the pool. The dog pool ladder is specially designed to help dogs who are accustomed to swimming and playing in the water to better manage the pool steps. The dog pool ladder is particularly suitable for dogs with hip problems and other disabilities. This dog pool ladder is easy to install and is perfect for a dog that accompanies an elderly person at home.
Can dogs use pool ladder
https://images.pexels.com/photos/1844897/pexels-photo-1844897.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 Dogs can use pool ladder, there are some dogs love to swim in the pool, swimming is a good exercise for dogs, but to be safety, there are some dogs should use pool ladder, pool ladder is a kind of pool equipment, it is very important for dogs to use pool ladder, and some dogs can't use pool ladder, so we should learn how to use pool ladder, and we should teach dogs how to use pool ladder, and dogs should use pool ladder with us, pool ladder is a safety equipment for dogs, and there are two types of pool ladder, one is foldable pool ladder, and another is fixed pool ladder, because foldable pool ladder is lighter than fixed pool ladder, so it is better to use foldable
What should I do if my dog drinks pool water
The number one rule of pet-owning is this: your dog is never to be left alone in a pool. Even if your dog is the most well-behaved, most responsible dog in the world, a few seconds of distraction is all it takes for a tragedy to occur. Dogs are opportunists; they'll eat just about anything they can get their paws on, and if they see a pool they'll jump right in. This is particularly true if the water is full of chlorine: some dogs have a natural aversion to chlorine, and if they drink water from a pool they're likely to consume enough chlorine to make them seriously ill.
How do you make a pool ramp for a dog
https://images.pexels.com/photos/2108717/pexels-photo-2108717.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 This is the most common problem in the world of dog owners. My old dog, Rufus, has been trying to get in the pool for years. Sometimes he gets in, but with his arthritis, he can't get out, and we have to haul him out. So, my husband and I decided to make a pool ramp for Rufus.
Can chlorine water kill a dog
Chlorine is used to kill harmful bacteria in the water supply, but it can be harmful to dogs in large quantities. Chlorine combined with high temperatures can be fatal to a dog, and can cause severe breathing problems. Even small amounts of chlorine in the water can cause a dog’s coat to dry out and cause a rash. Giving your dog water from a chlorine-treated municipal water supply, either from a pond or a faucet, can cause potentially serious health problems.
How can I keep my dog safe around the pool
The summer is a great time for families to spend time together, and it's important that your dog is included in some of the fun. Swimming is a great way for everyone to cool off in the summer heat, and the pool or lake is a great place to let your dog play too. However, it's important that you take the time to teach your dog some basic swimming skills before you let them swim unattended. Additionally, there are a few pool safety tips that you should follow to ensure that your pup stays safe while he swims. If you follow these simple guidelines, your dog should have a safe and fun summer in the pool!
How do I make my above ground pool dog friendly
An above ground pool is one of the easiest options for a pool, but it can also be one of the most fun. However, if you have a dog that you want to bring in the water with you, you may find that it is not as easy as you might think.
Do dogs know not to drink pool water
https://images.pexels.com/photos/1170595/pexels-photo-1170595.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 As dogs lovers, we love swimming together with our pets. However, when we go to the beach, do we know that our dogs can also drink the pool water? According to experts, dogs do not know what is in the pool water, and they do not know if the pool water is safe for them to drink. That's why they will drink the pool water. Not only that, a research also shows that some dogs will drink the pool water for fun.
Is tap water bad for dogs
When it comes to your dog’s health, the last thing you want to do is introduce potentially harmful chemicals or contaminants into their system. The idea of giving your dog tap water may sound like a good way to freshen up their water bowl, but it could pose some serious health risks. To help you keep your dog safe and healthy, here are some things you need to know about the dangers of tap water.
Can pool water irritate dogs skin
Swimming is one of the best ways to exercise your dog, it's low impact and healthy for joints and muscles. However, swimming also can be a source of bacteria and germs. If you have a dog that swims regularly, you probably have noticed that he often has a lot of hair falling out. And, if he's an older dog, you may have noticed that his coat has become a little thinner and patchy. What you might not have noticed is that these symptoms are often signs of swimmer's itch.
How do you make a cheap dog ramp
Many dogs have a hard time jumping into and out of vehicles. If you have a pet who has trouble getting in or out of the car, a dog ramp can be a great solution. But they can be expensive, especially if you need one for a large vehicle. Fortunately, you can make one yourself that is sturdy, safe and not too expensive. A dog ramp is essentially a set of stairs for your dog. The steps in this article will show you how to make a ramp that is about 36-inches high and will work for the rear door of most cars and SUVs.
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dogfexvbi · 3 years
How do you make a dog ramp for a pool
Dog owners everywhere have found an ingenious new use for pool noodles—informing passersby that their dog is a giant pool noodle. Unfortunately, the pool noodle dog cone has limited visibility from behind, meaning that your dog is still likely to get run over by a car unless you attach a notice to its collar as well.
Can you use a pool noodle for a dog cone
https://images.pexels.com/photos/6741321/pexels-photo-6741321.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 Most dogs are known for being playful and energetic, but they can also be quite clumsy and reckless. For this reason, many dog owners opt for a protective dog collar to help keep their pets safe. While traditional dog collars do a good job of protecting your dog’s neck, a dog cone offers an additional layer of protection by protecting your dog’s snout. In this article, we look at how a dog cone works and why dog owners should consider using one.
How do you make a dog cone out of a pool noodle
There are many types of dog cones, but they all serve the same purpose: to protect a dog's injured leg, foot, or ear while preventing them from licking or chewing on the injured area. If you know how to make a dog cone out of a pool noodle, you can create a homemade alternative to the store-bought variety, saving yourself a few dollars in the process.
What can I use instead of a dog cone
https://images.pexels.com/photos/6755277/pexels-photo-6755277.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 A dog cone collar is a cone-like device that covers your pet's neck to prevent him from licking or scratching an injury. It's one of the items you should keep on hand just in case your dog ever needs it. If you've never used one, they're not too hard to figure out, but you might be wondering...
Are pool noodles bad for dogs
Dogs love the water, and if you have a swimming pool, chances are your furry friend will eventually make a splash. But, are pool noodles safe for dogs? That’s the question at the center of a recent investigation by the Center for Pet Safety. For the study, the Center tested three popular brands of pool noodle: the Rubber Ducky, the Plush Puppies, and the Noodle Nippers. The center used a statistical model that tried to predict the capability of pool noodles to float, by measuring buoyancy, stability, and other factors.
Can a dog sleep with a cone on
Despite what you may have heard from your veterinarian, no one should ever let a dog sleep with a cone on. Dogs are curious beings and instinctively try to lick the cone, which can lead to an accident that can result in a very serious injury. Because dogs don't have a good sense of time, they will stay in a cone for hours, and if the cone falls off, they will lick their wound until it heals. The following video details what happened to a dog that wore a cone while sleeping.
Can I put a shirt on my dog instead of a cone
As you know, dogs are man's best friend. One thing I don't like about dogs is when they need a cone to prevent them from licking their stitches. So, I just made this awesome shirt for my dog. It works perfectly.
How do you keep a dog from licking a wound without a cone
https://images.pexels.com/photos/7646458/pexels-photo-7646458.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, a dog's saliva contains a substance called histatins, which promote healing. Unfortunately, histatins are also pretty disgusting. So, to keep your dog from licking your wounds, there are two main options: create an unpleasant taste on your skin, or keep your dog at a distance.
Is it safe to leave a dog alone with a cone
Wondering if you can leave your dog alone in the house with a cone on its head? Then this is the article for you. From how long a dog can be left alone with a cone on to the best way to introduce a dog to a cone, this blog post will answer all your questions and more. The article will also look at the importance of training and how it can help you to leave your dog alone in the house with a cone or other headgear. First Paragraph
How do you make a dog comfortable with a cone
If you are looking for a quick answer to this question, you should know that there is no single method that is going to work in every situation. Since every dog is unique, you need to consider a lot of factors before deciding which approach to take.
Do cones make dogs depressed
Although dogs have a reputation for being happy, affectionate creatures, they also have a dark side. They can be moody, neurotic, jealous, and downright mean. Some dogs even experience clinical depression. So, are you one of the millions of dog owners who is a bit concerned about your friend’s ever-changing attitude? What is Dog Depression? Cats are known to be more emotionally complex than their canine counterparts. However, dogs are also capable of experiencing a variety of emotions. Not only can dogs become depressed, but they can also be uncharacteristically happy, anxious, worried, and insecure. Angel, a two year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, was diagnosed with clinical depression after his owner, The Best Dog Pool - We’ve all heard the stories of dogs jumping into pools, either accidentally or on purpose. With a dog pool, your pet can enjoy the benefits of a pool without worrying about the dangers. But of course, there are different types of dog pools, and you shouldn’t just buy any one you come across. So, how do you know which one to choose?
What is the most durable dog pool
https://images.pexels.com/photos/6729354/pexels-photo-6729354.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 What is the most durable dog pool? You can also call it a dog pool for heavy chewers. The most durable dog pool is a dog pool, which is designed for dogs that love to chew.  Dogs that love to chew often chew on their dog bed, dog toys, and even their dog pool. Since they love to chew, they will always be looking for things to chew. Some dogs chew because they are bored, some chew to relieve stress, and some dogs chew because it is their nature.
Is swimming in a pool good for dogs
In the last five years, more and more people have taken to swimming with their dogs. It’s a great way to keep your best friend fit and toned, and, for larger dogs, it can be a good way to get your dog accustomed to the water. But is swimming the same as being in the water? Is it safe for dogs? The best dog pool is no substitute for the real thing.
What is the best above ground pool for dogs
https://images.pexels.com/photos/4587992/pexels-photo-4587992.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 If you are in the market for a good above ground pool, then this review should be helpful to you. This review will cover all the aspects you need to know to find the best above ground pool for dogs.
What can I use for dog pool
Much like humans, dogs love taking a dip into the pool to cool off from the hot summer sun. While you might not have enough money to get a real pool built for your pup, there are other ways of giving him the swimming experience he so desperately wants. For canines that are not big fans of the water, you can get a pool cover or a barrier to keep the drowning at bay. If you have a pool and you want to make it more accessible for your pooch, you should look into getting a floating dock. These are perfect for dogs that love to swim, but may have trouble with diving in off the edge. You can also get a Ramp for Dogs that will allow your furry friend to get into the pool with more
How do you keep a dog pool clean
A clean dog pool is the key to a healthy dog. Even if your dog isn't swimming regularly, using a dog pool can deter your dog from drinking stagnant water or licking algae covered rocks. Keeping the water clean is easy. If you have a large dog pool, you should clean it at least once a week. Simply dump out the water, scrub the walls with a brush, and refill. If you have a small dog pool, you can toss it in the bathtub to clean.
Will a dog pop inflatable pool
An inflatable or blow up swimming pool is a great way for a family to enjoy the water without the cost or upkeep of a concrete swimming pool. The main disadvantage to an inflatable pool is that it is large and takes up a lot of space. The other disadvantage is that they are often made of vinyl and will only last one season before they need to be replaced.
Should I wash my dog after swimming in the pool
https://images.pexels.com/photos/2023384/pexels-photo-2023384.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 As dog owners and lovers, it is our responsibility to make sure our dogs are happy and healthy. If they are happy, we are happy. That is why every summer, we take our dogs to the park or the beach for some fun in the sun. It makes us happy to see them run around after a ball and swim around in the water. However, this also means that we have to deal with the aftermath of the fun.
Do dogs know not to drink pool water
Most dogs are very good about not drinking water from your pool, but there are a few things you can do to ensure that your pool is safe for them. First, make sure your pool has a fence that is at least 4 feet high, and that the fence is secure and in good condition. Even if your dog does not jump, he may be able to jump up on the fence and push the panels out of place. If you have a dog in a fenced-in yard, do not leave him outside unsupervised.
Can dog hair ruin a pool pump
A pool is a wonderful addition to any back yard, but it can be a lot of work to keep clean. When you add a floating pool skimmer to the list of things that need to be kept in working order, you’ll want to be sure to take steps to prevent your skimmer from being clogged with hair. Pool chemicals and dirt can build up in the skimmer, and an accumulation of hair can quickly turn into a real mess!
Can my dog swim in my above ground pool
When confronted with the question of whether or not an above ground pool is a suitable toy for your pooch, the first thing you have to ask yourself is what kind of dog you have. If you have a small dog , an above ground pool is an excellent means to keep your dog cool and active on a hot summer day. In fact, there are several advantages to having an above ground pool. First of all, it's affordable. Above ground pools are much less expensive than in ground swimming pools. Another contributing factor is that above ground pools are easy to assemble and take apart for storage. Folding dog pool is a pet accessory that allows both you and your pet dog to enjoy some fun in the sun. It is a portable spring loaded dog pool that folds down into a small carrying bag so you can take it anywhere. The pool itself contains a replaceable fiber-filled membrane, which allows for easy filling and cleaning. So what is folding dog pool?
How do you make a dog ramp for a pool
https://images.pexels.com/photos/3809793/pexels-photo-3809793.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 Most dog owners know that their pets love to play and swim, but unfortunately, many of them won’t be able to do this if they have trouble getting out of the pool or if they are too small to jump out. Dog owners also have to be particularly careful, since the dog could jump out of the pool and injure itself. There are many different ways to create a do it yourself dog ramp for above ground pool, and most dog owners find them a good investment, because they allow their dogs to have fun and exercise without risking injury or getting too tired to play. The best way to create a DIY dog ramp for above ground pool is to buy a pre-made ramp. These are generally sturdy and durable, and they
How do I make my dog pool safe
The first thing you will need to consider is whether you are making the ramp for a person or a pet. If you're building the ramp for a dog, you'll need to consider how big the dog is and what kind of terrain they will be using the ramp on to determine what kind of stairs you should consider. Steps: 1. Sign the build agreement. 2. Recruit a team of experts, unless you're an expert yourself. 3. Select an appropriate site to build the ramp. 4. Get permission to build the ramp. 5. Plan out the design of the ramp. 6. Acquire the materials you need. 7. Build the ramp. 8. Test the ramp. 9. Maintain the ramp.
How do I make a dog ramp for my car
https://images.pexels.com/photos/3809792/pexels-photo-3809792.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 To make sure your dog can enjoy your backyard pool safely, there are a few steps you need to take before your dog makes its first splash this summer. Make sure your dog is current on its vaccinations and avoid the temptation to let your dog go in the pool unsupervised.
Can you build a concrete pool above ground
Dog owners are familiar with the heartbreak that comes with watching your dog struggle to jump into a car. While most dogs are capable of jumping into a vehicle that is parked close to the ground, a jackrabbit starts to struggle when the car is parked at an average height. One of the only ways to help mitigate this problem is to install a dog ramp.
Can a dog go in a liner pool
Yes, you can build a concrete pool above ground. The key is to have a good contractor to help you or to do it yourself. Using a concrete pool above ground eliminates the need for a large hole in the ground and the mess that goes with it.
Can dogs swim in above-ground pools
Dogs are amazing creatures. They can help you feel better when you are sick, bring you a stick when you ask them to, and can even love you unconditionally for years. But, there is one thing that dogs like almost as much as they like you: swimming in pools. Many dog owners use their pools to cool off in on hot days, and with a pool, your dog can do the same thing.
Can dog hair ruin a pool pump
https://images.pexels.com/photos/2907196/pexels-photo-2907196.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 As attested to by the abundance of dogs in the swimming pool in your local park, many dogs do enjoy swimming in above-ground pools. But be careful: some pets have been known to drown in above-ground pools. Also, many owners admit that it can be hard to get their pets to abide by the "no swimming without supervision" rule.
Is it bad to throw your dog in the pool
Use a heavy duty metal garden step. The one I used was 36" x 14" x 3" and it has a rounded bottom and is about 4" high in the front. It would be best to use one with a non-slip tread on the top of the steps to prevent your dog from slipping when they climb the steps.
Is chlorine bad for dogs
We make it a point to go swimming with our dogs as often as possible throughout the summer. They enjoy it just as much as we do, but they tend to run out of steam before we do, and that causes them to start slipping and sliding in the pool. We solved this problem by making a ramp that ran from the steps to the deep end. The steps were just wide enough for them to run up and swim, but it was hard for them to get back up the steps. The ramp made it much easier for them to get back up to the steps.
How do you make a cheap dog ramp
There are several things you can do to ensure your dog pool safe. First and foremost, you need to make your dog knows that the pool is off limits to him or her. To do this, you can set up a barrier around the pool with some plastic that is about chest high to your dog to prevent your dog from entering the pool.
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