#also Endeavor is like Fuck U Ive been asking you to have a kid for years so they can fight my kid
shotorozu · 2 years
hii!!! i have a lil request! its smth ive been thinking a lot about bc i love him so much, but how do u think shoto would be with someone whos like super counter-culture? like super goth or punk or gyaru or smth! im personally really into goth and have lots of facial piercings including some that are not super common like angel fangs as well as a bunch of tattoos, brightly dyed hair and dress kinda trad goth on the regular w bones and all that.
i can kinda see him maybe catching interest in someone whos so outside of the norm in style as a way to kinda fuck w his dad since he grew up so traditionally and all that, but also he seems like he'd be too kind to actually follow through with dating someone solely to spite his dad.
skfbdidjd idk! i just kinda wanna hear other ppls thoughts on it! i hope u have a good holiday season and a good new year!
(gender neutral reader, no pronouns mentioned— i tried to be very broad when it came to describing aspects of aesthetics)
ohh i think shouto being with someone that’s super counter culture is an interesting concept
before meeting them, he’d probably walk past them— his future s/o decked out in super cool accessories (including piercings), tattoos and dyed hair, and his neck would almost SNAP due to how fast he looked back at them 😭😭
it’s a culture shock, he obviously isn’t used to people that are so.. non-traditional? if he brought you in front of his dad then his dad would probably freeze up (ironically) and get sent to the hospital in an ambulance.
he’d be in awe just by looking at them standing, breathing, doing nothing— the wrist guards (solely for aesthetics, a shock for shouto since he needs those in the heroics) leg warmers, colorful hairpins, intricate and one of the kind hairstyles—
your overall fashion sense has him gawking.
it’s almost rude (and is about to become that way) the way he’s just opening staring at you like some kid on an airplane— but y’know, he’s kinda cute so you don’t make much of it. on top of that, you should probably mind your business, and not start some beef with the current #1 hero’s youngest and also famous son.
when he gets to know you more, he finds himself liking you— whether or not your personality aligns perfectly with your chosen aesthetic, or it’s the polar opposite, he finds himself sticking to you like some lost puppy.
it’s a perfect 50:50 of “i think your personality is cool” and “i need to follow you because i need to look at you more. you LOOK cool”
so he dates you for the reasons above and also because he wants to piss off his dad— because again, looking at you could send endeavor into a shock. (and he dates you genuinely because he actually really likes you and wouldn’t use you without your consent just to spite his very traditional father)
all backstory aside, he goes to you when he needs advice to level up his appearance— that includes fashion. anything you say is noteworthy, and he will absolutely take any advice as long as you say it.
he also comes to you for advice for piercings especially.
yeah, because y’know how it looked like he had some cartilage piercings in some of the latest official arts? he definitely went to you to ask for the pain level and aftercare.
“will it hurt?”
“yeah.. it’s cartilage after all. what if you got a lobe piercing first? you don’t have one.”
“i trust you. :)) so i’ll get one if you say so.”
he would’ve made you pierce his ears— or he did make you. it depends on how okay, and experienced you are with it. (and even if you weren’t— he’d still want you to do it 💀 it’s a good thing you could say no)
he’d also want to know the backstory behind any of your tattoos if you have any.
and he’d also want to try everything with you— that includes touching up your hair dye, getting new clothes, painting your nails, doing your makeup— the endless amount of things he’s willing to do with you, and assist you with 😭 i need someone like that
anyways, besides everything fashionable— he is your number one defender.
someone (for some stupid reason) said out loud “when i think of todoroki, i can’t imagine him being with someone like Y/N..”
and before anyone could say anything else, he just blankly replies with
“when i think of you, i can’t imagine you with anyone.”
that causes everybody to shut up, and you have to bite the inside of your cheek to prevent yourself from breaking into a smile.
he’s ruthless sometimes 😭
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redrobin-detective · 5 years
Dad Might story I won’t write. Your typical ‘Toshinori is married to Inko and Izuku’s real father’ where a young up and coming hero crashes into a shop is about to be pounced on by a villain only for a small green haired woman to smack them with a potted plant. Needless to say Toshinori is instantly smitten. They say they’re just friends for so long before eventually admitting their feelings. They get married in a quiet ceremony and not long after, welcome their first and only child, Izuku. 
Midoriya Toshinori (he took his wife’s name on marriage to separate himself from the great hero) works at Might Tower as All Might’s secretary. He is a tall man, very built which is explained by his minor strength quirk. All Might does everything in his power to prevent people from knowing about his family, only Gran Torino, Recovery Girl, Nedzu and Nighteye know. Inko is a seamstress who focuses on repairing hero uniforms (from constantly fixing up her husband’s things). She doesn’t need to work but enjoys helping out and working from home to watch Izuku is nice. Also I like the idea that heroes come to her for repairs cheerily getting to know Mrs. Midoriya not knowing its the Number One’s wife.
Izuku is an excitable child who loves heroes (especially All Might) almost as much as he loves his mom and dad. His best friend is Kacchan who is going to be a great hero one day. Izuku might be kind of annoying (and later quirkless) but Midoriya-ojisan is pretty cool and works for All Might. Toshinori often finds himself on babysitting duty and does his best to guide the gifted but arrogant Young Bakugou onto a more humble path. This makes Katsuki less of an ass and much more tolerant of Izuku. Now Inko and Toshi realized they had a very chatty and hero loving son so they kept his father’s real job from him until they deemed him old enough to keep the secret, about age 7-8. Needless to say Izuku thought his dad knowing All Might was cool is nothing compared to his dad BEING All Might. Also he died a little because he’s been gushing obsessively about his dad this whole time.
Not long afterwards, one day Izuku does not come home from school and a package is delivered to Might Tower. It’s Izuku’s school shoes with his blood on the laces. The note is signed by All For One. Toshinori, half mad with fear, rushes into the fight to rescue his son. He does and seemingly kills AFO but at the cost of nearly dying at his enemy’s hands. Izuku and Inko cry over Toshi’s hospital bed in a secluded hospital while no one else even knows there was a battle. Just like that everything changes. The family moves and keeps under the radar, All Might still fights but he grows weaker every day. Toshinori’s appearance is explained by a particularly aggressive cancer. He’ll retire as All Might’s secretary soon, once a successor is found (He pointedly does not look down at his son as he says this). Katsuki, who has admired Midoriya-ojisan since he was a kid becomes increasingly more angry at All Might to keep his secretary working for so long despite his ill health. Izuku’s continued support of the hero drives a wedge between them as well as Izuku now moving out of their old neighborhood.
Izuku settles in pretty quickly to being All Might’s secret kid. He spends a lot of time at Might Tower (as Midoriya’s boy of course) hanging out in his dad’s office doing homework and helping to cover for his dad when All Might is heroing. Neither of his parents are flashy so despite being wealthy beyond compare they live simply. Izuku is pretty much the same only happier and more comfortable in his skin but there’s an undercurrent of worry over his father’s declining health. He feels guilty for being quirkless and being the reason his dad is in pain every day. Not terribly popular with a few friends but none truly close as most people just want to know him because his dad is close to All Might but he lives in paranoia of being found out. He trains himself obsessively to make up for his lack of quirk. Inko and Toshi see their boy being eaten from the inside out from guilt and a desire to help others but want to keep him far away from heroics.
This comes to a head with the sludge villain and Toshinori realizes that he can no more stop Izuku from trying to be a hero than he can save the entire world. But he can make sure he does it safely, armed with a quirk. His last year of middle school, Izuku is told his father’s last secret and trained to take OFA. He gets the quirk and, given more time and proper training, is a lot less destructive with the power (not perfect but less bad). He easily passes Yuuei’s Entrance Exam and truly begins his hero career.
Toshinori is really feeling the strain being both a teacher and full time hero but is assured that now that izuku is on his way, it will only be for a little while longer. Bakugou, still prickly but nicer, is quite aggressive towards All Might for his treatment of his secretary. Shouto accuses Izuku of being All Might’s love child and Izuku is freaking out while Bakugou is like “I know Deku’s dad and he’s way cooler than All Might”. Toshinori is spotted once in a while by 1A and they kind of agree with Bakugou that All Might really should treat his secretary better. Izuku does not know how to respond to the sudden animosity towards All Might (his dad??) for supposedly hurting... his dad. 
Anyway, Kamino happens and everyone is like.... Midoriya-ojisan??? and the gig is up. Izuku really is All Might’s son and the family needs to move, again. Then everyone is making fun of the fact that All Might can now dote on his cute son in public and show off cute photographs. Bakugou still can’t get over that his childhood sort of uncle was the Number One Hero. 
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writteninkat · 3 years
xiii - hypocrite
w/c - 3,299
"god, it's brutal out here"
You squint your eyes open, blinking a few times to allow your eyes to adjust to the blinding lights. You look around you, feeling a sense of deja vu as you take in the white walls and white ceilings. Your father stands just a few feet away from you talking with someone who seems like the doctor.
“Unless she gets proper training on how to use her quirk, she’ll be fainting every time she uses at least fifty percent-“ The doctor’s eyes shift to you, noticing that you’ve awakened. H clears his throat, furrowing his brows at your father, lowering his voice into a more ushered tone. “Her quirk is too powerful for her body. I don’t know what that child had gone through, but all I can guess is that it must have been very painful for her quirk to enhance this much. You hav two options here, Mr. Kawamata; you either get her to stop using her quirk like that for the rest of her life or you get someone to teach her how to control it.”
The doctor leaves with a heavy ambience in the room and you watch as your father’s shoulders physically drop. “Are you finally regretting all the bullshit you did to me back when I was a child?” You ask, pushing yourself to sit up. Your father quickly turns around, smile stretching across your face to see you’ve awakened.
He steps towards you and you quickly hold up a hand to stop him in his tracks, not wanting a hug from him nor do you want him to be closer than three feet from you. “How long was I out?” You ask.
“About three hours. The doc says you will be discharged tomorrow-“
“If I can be discharged tomorrow then I can be discharged right now. There’s only a few hours difference.” You begin to pull at you IV tube only for your father’s much bigger hands to stop you. “Didn’t I tell you to-“
“You can deny me and reject me as much as you want, Y/n. But I am still your father and I’m worrying about your health.” He speaks in an assertive, dominating voice which pulls out the childhood fear you have in you. He’s always spoken to you like this back then, especially back then. You have no idea where this sudden change of heart came from but you don’t want anything to do with it, or him.
“I’ll contact a close friend of mine to be in charge of your quirk training. This way you will be able to control your quirk better and-“
“No way.”
Your father raises a questioning brow at you.
“I came to Japan because I knew you were here. Not because I wanted to be close to you but because I want to prove to you that I can become a respected and powerful hero without your help.” You grit your teeth, “when I was still a child, I expressed to you multiple times how much I wanted to be a hero and you turned that down every single time.”
You stand up, ripping the IV tube out of your skin, feeling the warmth of your blood slowly drop down your knuckles and fingers. “Well now you don’t get to meddle with my goals and dreams anymore, considering how much you’ve stomped on them my whole childhood.”
You quickly grab your phone, dialing a number you’ve memorized before you went home. It rings once, twice- “Hello this is The Endeavor Agency, how may I help you?”
You raise your brow, not expecting them to pick up since it was an hour past midnight. “Hello, it’s Y/n L/n. I’m calling to accept the recruitment offer you guys sent?”
“Of course miss L/n! We’ll send an email over to you in a bit regarding the schedules and information about the week long interning with Pro-Hero Endeavor. Thank you for choosing us!“
“Oh, and I’m sorry for calling this late. Something came ups and I didn’t have enough time to call.”
“it’s quite alright miss. then.“
You end the call, waving your hand up to get the attention of a taxi cab. You quickly get in, blinking your drowsiness away. You turn on your cellphone, feeling a wave of guilt hit you at the numerous missed calls you have on discord- presumably from Shinsou.
You: hey, sorry I didn’t play with you. Stress did me dirty and I passed out lol
You: I promise we’ll play soon, not now though, we’ll both be busy with interning
Shiin_s0u: u alright?
You: why aren’t you asleep?
You: yeah I am, just rlly tired
shiin_s0u: kinda fucked up my sleep schedule this week lmao
shiin_s0u: it’s ok we’ll have free schedules after the interning I think
You: fingers crossed
shiin_s0u: I’ll leave you to sleep
shiin_s0u: night lol
You: night
You look up from your phone, virtually paying the driver before getting off the car. By the time you reach your apartment, you barely have enough energy to walk towards your room, so you drop yourself onto the couch instead, allowing the heavy feeling of languor encase you in its arms.
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“Are you sure you’ll be alright on your own? You. Know, no matter how much we both loath that man he’s rich enough to have multiple cars that offer a comfortable ride to-“
“Mom. Please.” Your mother grows quiet as you sigh, “I’ve ridden a train on my own before.”
“I just wanna make sure you’ll be safe.“
“Yes, I know, thanks but I’ll be able to handle myself. Now I gotta go, I should have started walking to the train station half an hour ago.”
You bid farewell to your mother before ending the call, as you make your way down the building, your eye catches as black car with the windows tinted all over.
“Excuse me, miss Y/n L/n, we’re here to pick you up. We are-“ The man in the black suit starts, only for you to cut him off by bringing your hand up. “If you’re here on Mr. Kawamata’s orders, I would like you send him a message from me. Tell him to suck a dick.” You nod before you start walking away, taking out your headphones from your pocket proving to be a real struggle as you hold onto your stroller with your other hand.
“No, Miss L/n, we’re here because Pro-Hero Endeavor sent us.” You stop walking, turning at the balls of your feet and pushing the luggage towards him. “Well why didn’t you say so!” You chirp, stepping in the car.
You plugged in your earphones, allowing music to consume you as you leaned your head back on the seat, closing your eyes as you allow yourself to be lost in the cage of music. you stir awake not that long after, rubbing your eyes when you notice the car had stopped moving. You step out of the vehicle, whistling lowly as you took in the luxurious sky scraper in front of you with the front entrance decorated with a stylized flaming E for Endeavor.
You step in, allowing the man in the suit to carry your luggage for you as well as lead you to where you can only assume is the direction to the hero’s office. You’re greeted by a secretary right outside huge wooden double doors before she speaks into a telephone saying you’ve arrived. A stoic and deep voice tells her to let you in, it’s similar to how your father sounds, which causes a shiver to run up your spine.
You walk in the office, unable to quickly process just how large it is before your gaze lay on a certain two-toned boy. “Shoto?” You call out, making the boy turn around to face you. “Y/n? What are you doing at my father’s agency?” He ask, your jaw almost touch the floor with how big your mouth opened. “Your father own this?” You ask motioning around to the gigantic office.
You make your way towards him, feeling your stomach drop at the same large man that stood beside your father back at the sports festival. He opens his mouth to speak only for you to raise your hands in surrender.
“Nope, nope. I already know where this is going-“
“L/n your father has instructed me to teach you to control your quirk.” He starts only for you to clench your jaw. “I despise that man with all my heart. why the hell are you taking orders from him?”
“That man is the president of the hero association. He’s also a dear friend to me who I owe something to. To pay him back, he says I’ll have to take you under my wing. It’ll be beneficial to you; you’ll be able to fight better and control your power more.”
You huff and cross your arms at the idea, not wanting to argue with someone who made correct points. The help won’t be from your father anyways, it’s Endeavor who’s teaching you. Right?
“Well then, the two of you get ready. I’ll show you what a hero is.”
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You quickly put on your hero suit, putting on your mask before meeting with the two guys outside the agency. the sun had already set and the winds are getting colder by the minute.
You and Shoto walk side by side, looking around the city as Endeavor continues to babble about being a hero and such.
Your heads snap towards the direction of the loud explosion near by, not having to think twice before all three of you start running towards the direction. You stop at your tracks at the sight of the same experiment you encountered back in UA, the walking biohazard named Nomu.
You look around you, noticing you’ve lost Endeavor and Shoto. You grit your teeth at the sight of the disgusting thing in front of you. You deploy your claymore as citizens begin screaming and running for their lives.
“Hey, kid! Get out of there! It’s not safe!” An officer yells at you as he helps an old granny back up to her feet. You look to your side, the blue neon lines on your mask glowing in the dark. “You continue helping granny away from here.” You put more power onto your claymore, allowing blue flames to start appearing on the thick blade. “I’ll handle this.”
You jump towards the monster, swinging your blade at it. It holds its hands up, blocking your attack as it moves its leg up to kick you in the stomach. You grunt, using your sword to push yourself off of it and back onto the ground.
It keeps its eyes you, charging the second it sees you staying still. You use your speed quirk, running around and towards its back, slashing your blade successfully at it. You smile, finally being able to drop an attack on it. Your smile a second later at the sight of the wound healing immediately, watching in disgust as the muscles patch themselves together.
It turns around, causing you to get on fighting stance. As it charges at you and as you ready yourself, large flames begin to surround its body, causing it to screech in pain. It falls to the ground moments later, showing you an irritated Shoto.
“Midoriya just texted me, they need help!” He yells, running towards an alley to which you follow immediately right after. Shoto looks down at his phone screen as you follow right behind him, coming to a halt at the loud of things crashing and Izuku yelling.
At the sight of a man in wrapped in shredded bandages with two katanas in hand, along with Tenya, a hero and Izuku unable to move close to him, Shoto uses his fire to force the villain back and away from the guys.
You run over towards them, pointing your claymore at the villain who tilts his head to the side. You hear Shoto scolding Izuku for not explaining the urgency of the situation because he could have gotten here sooner if he didn’t need to decode the green-haired boy’s message since he only sent his location.
Shoto sends his ice at the killer once more who continues to evade the boy’s attacks, standing on store signs instead as he looks down at you all, presumably trying to read the situation.
“Don’t let him ingest your blood! It will paralyze you!” Izuku yells, your head whipping back at the villain’s direction who looks like he’s about to lick on something on his blade. You those your claymore at him, causing him to let go of his katana and fall back.
You use your quirk to quickly run over to him, kicking him back onto the ground even before he can touch it, adding more pressure to his fall.
“Stop it, you guys! I inherited Ingenium’s name, I should be the one to stop the hero killer-“
“Quit yer yapping, Tenya!” You growl, deploying a scythe. “You say that but do you think your brother would have wanted you to do this?! We may not be close at all, hell, I only know your name but if your brother is as great of a hero as you say he is, he would want you to be a hero without such dark intentions in your heart!” You yell, your heart clenching as you feel your stomach twist at how hypocritical you sound right now.
Shoto creates a wall of ice, but Stain slashes through it. You jump towards the villain, swinging your scythe at him as he uses two daggers to repel your weapon. The two of you exchange blows before he suddenly lets go of his daggers, grabbing onto the handle of your scythe as he pulls you towards him, lifting you up by the weapon as he throws you upwards, causing you to lose your balance as you are thrown behind him.
Stain runs over to Shoto, stabbing him with throwing knives before moving over him. Before he can stab the boy from above, Izuku unexpectedly grabs him and tackles him away.
“Midoriya! I’ll support you-“
“Not so fast you two-toned bastard.” You growl, walking past him with the your trusty claymore in your hands. “You’re injured. Izuku and I will be able to fight him. Just stay up and watch over Iida and that hero.” You say, pointing your thumb back to where the two were as you point your blade towards the villain.
Stain runs over to Izuku, catching the boy off guard as you use your speed to run in between them, shielding Izuku from the villain with your sword. “I got your back!” You yell, pushing the villain away from you with your sword as Izuku runs over to his back, about to throw one of his ridiculously strong punches. Right before he can throw a blow at the villain, Stain jumps away, evading the attack as it hits you instead.
You quickly use your sword to block the gust of wind and power punched towards you as Izuku yells an apology. You click your tongue, “Couldn’t you stop being a klutz for just one minute?!” You yells, running over to Stain, swinging your sword towards him. He evades the attack once more, watching as your slice creates a large and deep slash on the cemented ground as well as the buildings behind him.
“What strong power locked inside a small body. I don’t think any of that belongs to you.” The villain smiles to which you frown at. “It was given and forcefully put inside me without my consent. But now it’s part of me, and I’m now naming it mine.” Your voice sounds powerful as you transfer more of your power onto your claymore, blue flames once again appearing on the blade.
“Come on, little villain.” You smile sinisterly, neon blue lines begin appearing all over your body, catching Izuku off guard. I shouldn’t be doing this, I might pass out again. But as my mother always said, there’s no gain without a little pain. You thought to yourself, once again leaving an after image of yourself in front of the villain as you strike him a scorching blow from behind.
“How the hell did you get behind me-“ Your claymore disappears from your grasp as fingerless gloves wrap themselves around your fists. You grab him by the face, slamming him onto the ground as your grip tightens around his head. “You’re supposed to be the infamous hero killer! Don’t tell me you’ll let a sixteen year-old child break you like this!” You yell, stepping onto his arms as you pull his head up only to smash it back down to the ground.
Smash his head open
No, no, make it so that he won’t be able to walk even after he heals up!
He’s killed many people, hasn’t he? So doesn’t he deserve death a thousand times over?
“That’s right! He does deserve death a thousand times over!” You yell, your hand never stopping as you continue bashing his head onto the ground. “Y/n, stop! We have to bring him over to the heroes alive for interrogation!” Iida yells as you feel arms wrap around from under your shoulders, pulling you away from the bloody villain. “Stop, stop! Y/n! Stain’s unconscious now!” Izuku snaps you out of your daze as the blue lines begin to disappear from your face. You look around, feeling your heart about to jump right out of your chest as you look at your palm, feeling a shudder pass down your spine at the sight of blood all over it.
You let the boys tie the villain up with some rope they found in the dumpster. All of you begin to walk towards the Main Street, Iida walking right beside you. “What was that back there?” He asks, his eyes staying up front.
“I have no idea what you mean.” You shrug your shoulders, not wanting to talk about this anymore. “Okay, let me rephrase my question. /Who/ was that back there?” You stop at your tracks, keeping your eyes on the ground as you clench your fists together. “Her name is Y/n L/n but she’s also none of your business.” You say before you continue walking straight.
When you finally step out of the alley way, the hero that had been injured with Iida offers to carry Izuku on his back, claiming its the least he can do after being saved by you all. A short yellow man comes kicking Izuku on his face, as he gives Izuku an angry lecture.
You hear a group of heroes begin running your way, “Endeavor told us there was request for help here but… children?”
“Those injuries look bad, I’ll call an ambulance right away.”
“Hey, look!” One motions at Stain as another gasps, “Is that… the hero killer?”
As the adults begin contacting for help, Iida walks over to the three of you, bowing. “You guys, got hurt because of me. I’m truly sorry. I was just so angry I couldn’t… see anything else.” Your heart ached for Iida as you watched his tears drop to the ground, staining them wet. You sigh, walking over to him, propping him to stand up straight. You pull him into a hug, allowing him to sob harder on your shoulder.
You whisper calming hushes onto his ear as you stroked his head- something your mother would do to you whenever you felt negative about yourself. “It’s okay, Tenya. From now on, just remember to be good always. Always have kindness in your heart no matter what.”
Hypocrite. You’re the personification of the word hypocrite.
I know. You sigh to yourself, I know.
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caandlelit · 5 years
HATE to that person but do you wanna give up some league in quarantine hcs, maybe with hawks depending on if you hate him rn
oh my fucking god ur asking me for quarantine hcs,,,,,,,, lets take a moment to acknowledge that thats a thing that you just did,,,,
like ill dO IT but like,,, after im done laughing my ass off 2020 is off the shits 
okay so this is like assuming that the league are all chill and vibing and alive at the time of corona alright
no one is in a glass jar pulling a mewtwo yet, no one is in jail with their past being revealed yet, no one is TRYING TO KILL TWICE
its corona time
so there would be absolutely no change in shigaraki’s behavior he already just sits around inside gaming and slash or planning a revolution and both of these are strictly indoor activities 
theyre not even allowed to take mariokart out of his room 
kurogiri forbid it after toga made an attempt on dabi’s life 
so shigaraki finds out theyre in quarantine when he realizes
dabi hasnt disappeared mysteriously and come back looking like someone mauled his neck for a whole week !
naturally he walks blearily out of his room at an ungodly hour bc he got thirsty and sees spinner, twice and toga playing monopoly while dabi sulks on the couch and hes like
‘what the fuck is going on’
kurogiri takes precautions !!!
not in a rich white person way 
more like
hes sanitizing the bar more often
he makes sure the gang has masks for if they feel the need to yolo and venture outside
he makes a dramatic speech 
‘so im sure ur all wondering why ive asked you here’
‘we cant leave kurogiri just get on with it’ - bitchy and tired and emo
hes embarrassed about it but he goes on 
‘please,,,, im begging you all,,,,,,, wash your hands i know some of you think of yourselves as above it but tomura i am begging-’
look im not calling him out or anything, no tomura hate i think hes very sexy (now... he wasnt at the start)
but does he LOOK like the kind of guy whos always washed his hands after pissing ? nO he looks like the guy who was recently cornered by his friends to under no uncertain terms, ‘wash your hair you can scheme later’
hes had a lot of character growth 
toga is really incredibly disappointed nothing is happening this sucks
sticks up a one of those small whiteboards up on the wall in the bar 
it says in bright red marker ‘⬜ days since quarantine’ 
shes also one of those ‘fearless’ kids,,,, 
shes like ‘no illness can hurt me im not afraid !!!’ 
sneezes once and she sits wondering if she should panic
starts wearing the mask,,,,
jin is kinda like 
just walking around as cool as you please
and compress, whos been freaking and panicking since day one, corners him and hes like ‘why ! arent ! you ! affected !’
‘i wear a mask !!!!!!!!!!! daily!!!!!!!!!! what the fuck could HAPPEN im basically in a hazmat suit im FINE’
compress is like ‘huh. reasonable’
spinner is unafraid he is a lizardman he will be okay
love him
boi got ,,, opinions,,,,,,,,
his take is that the government is either exaggerating because rich people are afraid
or that theyre hiding the full extent of the disease from news media
he doesnt know that its both
dabi is a walking talking freakshow
like okay hes horny and mad and sick and tired of being stuck at league hq 
he walks around with his eyes wide and unseeing and shigaraki is staring to get worried because he’s scaring the newbies
‘dabi what the fuck is wrong with you’
dabi, numbly: if endeavor dies because of coronavirus i’m going to hunt down the root of this virus and kill everyone starting with them
shigaraki exhales and purses his lips
slaps him on the back a few times in vague comfort and moves on
dabi’s also like
‘really horny’
thats his excuse for why hes moping around 
when hes not bitching about endeavor to everyone who’ll listen
but he misses hawks
and he wishes he couldve been at hawks’ place when the quarantine was announced
hes complaining on the sofa to spinner on the first weekend as the rest of the league play risk, which shigaraki is dominating and absolutely demolishing everyone in
!!!!!!!! hawks appears !!!!!!!!
hawks at home on the fourth day of self isolation: *texting twice* sos please send teleportation guy ujiko whatshisname i miss u guys lol
twice, not knowing hes gonna kill him: aw okay fuck yeah ! bitch !
hawks at home ‘ahhh twice. what a nice guy. what a good dude. what a real homie’
hawks shows up at the league hq 6 days late with starbucks and tells himself hes using the quarantine as an excuse to get closer to the league but he misses dabi’s face 
appears and falls onto the risk board as dabi is mid sentence going 
‘god what id give to have him appear in my lap’
then everyone is shouting hysterically, shigaraki is pissed bc he was winning, toga is excited bc this is the coolest thing to happen in a week, twice is triumphant bc he organized this, dabi is stILL somehow complaining because ‘i said LAP was that TOO MUCH for the universe’ and hawks beams at the mayhem because he missed them
can u ??? tell im bitter ???? about something?????? 
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thespiritofeon · 4 years
I'm not opposed to All Might and Endeavor. But I want backstory! Were they high school crushes? Did they have a drunken fling? Did they go on a blind date? Did they lose a bet and ended up as roommates for something and then decided maybe the other wasn't as bad as they thought? The possibilities are endless and I want to know your version of the backstory!
ive Needed to write this for ages because i have been on my endeavormight bullshit for proabably as long as ive been in terested in bnha but!!! i get sidetracked VERY easily so this entire thing just sits in the back of my skull with everything else i havent had time to write
thank you for asking
stay tuned BUDS (under read more lol)
endeavor and all might were in school together
endeavor comes from a family who prioritizes good quirks and being the best and he barely gets like 4 hours of sleep a night due to studying and training (and of course, what rich family DOESNT force their kid to learn an instrument) and practicing double bass because if hes not The Best his father will,,, lets say.... persuade him to raise his grades and do better
so when he first meets mister “everything will work itself out in its own way” thumbs up and smiles who OH SO EFFORTLESSLY STAYS AT THE TOP OF THE CLASS NO MATTER WHAT ENJI DOES
enji lichrally hates toshinori with his entire being
when toshinori tries to befriend enji, enji throws hands and tries to beat his ass
my boy gran torino taught them the true meaning of training til their bodies wouldnt work no more because they got in trouble for fighting
that was the first time enji saw toshinori’s smile drop (though he did his best to keep it up as much and as long as he could)
anyway enji doesnt do more than snarl when toshinori decides that they started being best friends from there on out and eats lunch with him
and then toshinori starts inviting enji to his house to do homework together
you do NOT understand how much it took for enji to convince his father he was going to a classmates house to work on schoolwork and not to dick around
toshinori is so fucking TOUCHY but actually enji has learned he doesn’t mind as much as he first did and having toshinori’s weight leaning against him as he cut through his work - both the work assigned to him by UA and by his private tutor - was nice actually
toshinori is the first one to initiate a kiss, because Yagi Toshinori is under the impression they have been dating for months and thinks that Enji is shy and needs Yagi to initiate because hes SUCH A GOOD BOY
he gets a black eye for doing that and enji runs away and avoids him for the next week
toshinori apologizes and asks enji not to break up with him and enji is ????? so confused??? please explain you stupid smiley dumbass
there is a lot of internal debate over the situation but enji reasons with himself that as long as they keep their... perversions to Yagi’s room, it’d be fine.
and they do, and it is
for the most part
but toshinori wants to let the world know his boyfriend is so smart and so cool and also hes irate because enji’s parents betrothed him to a girl from another well off family and enji refuses to say anything to stop it and enji is like,,, thats just how it is
and one weekend yagi comes over to enji’s house and enji is panicked becasue his dad is home and hes supposed to be in the middle of training and his dad is going to be SO PISSED so he HAS to get rid of yagi 
EXCEPT yagi came to tell enji’s dad that he was in love with his son and he would have to deal with that and enji is like OH HELL NO
and does the only thing he can think of 
he breaks toshinori’s heart
literally stomps it as hard as he can into the dirt and makes sure yagi would never think he actually has feelings for him (even though he does)
enji tells toshinori he was just a way to pass the time and destress from his chaotic life and that he never wanted to come clean with yagi because he didnt actually have feelings for him and that he always intended to marry rei because he wants a family and he isnt a fucking FAIRY like yagi is 
and laughs in his face at the tears and the stricken expression on yagi’s face
so,,, yeah thats why theyre enemies in the hero world
ill have you know,,, there is happy ending,,, because im a sucker for happy ending....
enji confronts toshinori after the all for one fight and hes ready to KILL that dumbass becaue DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED I WAS TOSHI and all might is beyond taken aback and hes like um,,, why would u care about me,,,, now ur number one like you always wanted to be
and enji doesnt have a nice response to that so he just gnashes his teeth and walks away
but when ENJI almost DIES and does the ALL MIGHT HAND 
yagi comes to his hospital room after the crowds and press are gone and hes like,,, smirking and hes like...... i knew u cared abt me
and enji, ever the asshole, is like... who cares abt u
but hes emotionally compromised and he really wants toshinori to take his hand but hes also an asshole and those words he said to toshi have been running through his mind for the last 30 years and he cant forgive himself
and then toshinori sits on the edge of enji’s bed and leans down to kiss him and enji lets out ONE very masculine, very MANLY tear and he just wants to pull toshinori down again and REALLY kiss him
but toshinori stops him and looks him dead in the eye and that smile isnt there any more and he tells him straight up that he refuses to go back in the closet
bro the inner turmoil of 30 smth off years of internal home of phobia but he really loves toshinori and he wants to kiss him and he wants to hold him and protecc him and he lets out a heavy, shaky sigh and hes like... can i take baby steps
and on god toshinori gives him ONe MONth to come out to his family (he still willing to kiss the man because who wouldnt be) and after he comes out to his family they can go from there
but of course enji has to be THE BEST and the most DRAMATIC way possible
so that week he comes out as GAY on national television for ALL OF JAPAN to see and toshinori is just facepalming in UA teacher lounge but hes also smiling because wow hes in love with the biggest idiot in all of japan,, wow
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scarletrebel · 6 years
so i really really really want to examine the invitations of the nine every week in correspondence with the tarot card that they’re named for 
for several reasons: 1, im a goddamn nerd who 2, loves tarot cards and 3, i fucking looked up the high priestess card before we did the invitation today and i guessed it was going to be about mara and spoiler alert IT WAS IT WAAAAS
so i’m gonna try and get caught up before next friday and post my thoughts each week because each one has been scarily accurate to whatever has been going on in the invitation and im so here for it 
anyway, its not gonna be done for a few days so i wanted to share my thoughts from the first invitation, ive also tried to explain a bit about each card for those not versed in tarot but ive only been using the cards for a year so a lot of my info comes from biddytarot which is a resource i use a lot i’d recommend it
and i’ll be honest a lot of the explanations are going to be the whole ‘can i copy your homework’ ‘yeah but make it look a little bit different’ bc im worried about getting that part wrong aha 
anyway, enjoy some ramblings under the cut!
Week 1: The World // W E A S K T O S E E Y O U
The World is the last card in the Major Arcana, numbered 21. The card depicts a naked woman, covered by a cloth, looking behind her to the past while her body moves to the future. The wreath around her depicts a cycle ending and beginning almost immediately. There are other motifs on the card that call to other cards (The Magician and the Wheel of Fortune) and represent harmony and balance.
Upright, The World represents completion and accomplishment, encouraging you to appreciate your successes and bask in the joy of them. This card asks you to celebrate before jumping into the next thing, to look back and reflect on all that you have done to get to this final point.
Furthermore, reflection is a key point to this card. If you haven't reached that peak yet, this card invites you to reflect on past experiences and lessons you have learned along the way in order to aid you. This reflection can be helpful in bringing the cycle to its end so that you can start anew.
It also in a more literal sense can relate to world travel, especially on a large scale, and gaining an appreciation for people and cultures around the world.
Reversed, The World represents seeking personal closure, and/or coming across delays in something. This card encourages you to embrace something you probably already know; it’s time to move on. To stop looking into the past and take that step into the future. But, it’s not going to be that easy, and you need to find closure in order to take that step.
The World reversed also tells you that you’re trying really hard to finish a project or make it to the next goal, but you’re not taking the necessary steps to get there. In particular, you’re trying to use short cuts and it’s not working out.
There’s also a warning here, one that asks you if you’re slacking off towards the end of a goal or a project, or even alerts you that that’s what is happening.
Finally, The World reversed can also represent a delay in a project, urging you to find a different way to get to the finish line.
The cutscene we see in this invitation is Drifter being visited by someone who represents a part of his past: a Shadow of Yor. Then immediately afterwards he is gifted the Haul by the Nine, starting a brand new cycle for him to introduce it to the Guardians along with Prime.
“Gambit is a chance at salvation,” he says to the Shadow; a chance at a new cycle, perhaps? Further connotations of leaving the past and embracing the future. If we’re looking at the reverse meanings, even finding closure in such a meeting?
In particular, the word reflection really stands out to me with this card, as the Nine ask us to experience a vision, to reflect on something from the past. The Emissary also talks of two other people who, in the past, have shown themselves to be worthy to the Nine.
Also, The Emissary refers to Drifter as ‘Dredgen’ - ignoring his correction that ‘it’s Drifter, now’. You could argue she’s looking to the past, whilst having to move forward with what the Nine want.
Drifter is also well traveled, we can guess as much given who he is and also the advice he gives us in the allegiance quest; “Trade your jumpship for a long-range hauler and see the universe while you can.”
“I want the best for you, kid. And you won’t find it in this system.” Again, leaving one cycle for something new - encouraging us not to end up like the reversed version of this card; looking for short cuts in our endeavors, or becoming stagnant. He’s encouraging us to seek a different way to fight the Darkness, as the reverse version does.
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franeridart · 7 years
hey fran, i really love you & your art!! i fell in love w your bokuroteru tattoo au after reading it through, and then i found your bakushimas and i love them so much! you're actually the reason i found the motivation to start bnha lol and i'm really glad i did, so thx!
Thank you!!!!!! So much!!!!!!!!!! For liking my stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *O* and you’re most welcome, I’m super happy you’re liking it!!!!!
Anon said:I love dragons and I love kiri and I love your art so that post is like all three of my favourite things rolled into one, B L E S S.
I’M GLAD YOU LIKED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:your traditional sketches are so cool!!! i feel like it kinda adds like depth to it or something but like those are so neat what if you lined some
Thanks!! And I’ve actually thought about that, but I’m not much a fan of going back on stuff I already posted... it’s more probably I’ll just go back to the concept and draw more instead of lining those haha
Anon said:voltron third season is cOMING SOON AS IN TWO DAYS AAAAAA ARE U EXCITED?
Anon... my pal... my dear friend... I don’t know how to break this to you but... I haven’t even properly watched s2 yet...
Anon said:i started reading bnha bc i wanted to understand your art better, and I gotta say it's a really great series. thanks for inspiring me to read it. finished the manga today and my favs are definitely kirishima, tamaki, toshinori and fatgum. actually I knew kiri would be my fave anyway bc 75% of why i got interested in your bnha drawings was bc of him...he's just?? so good?? that aside your art is incredible and your characterizations of the bakusquad are perfect. you're super cool, keep doing you!
I’m!!!!!!!!!!!! aaahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you so much oh my god ;A; I’m happy you decided to try it, I’m super happy you ended up liking it, and I’m indecently happy you actually do like Kirishima!!!!! BOI!!!!!!!!!!!! He needs all the love he can get, the pure son ;A;
Anon said:your art is so good wth!! everytime i get the notif that you posted i get so excited!!
Anon said:The fuck is shitty ab these traditional art pics. They're good, everything u do is good, don't play blind u perfect shit
Tough love! Sometimes this comes around my inbox too haha it’s fine anon, the reason why I rarely draw traditionally is that I never feel like I’m done with a drawing when I do, feel incomplete for however much details I put in because tbh there’s always more I can do on them, so with shitty I mostly meant “incomplete” lol going okay this is finished is something I don’t know how to do with traditional doodles hah
Anon said:yo what happened to your hand bro?
Therapy with my dermatologist that ends up giving me blisters on one of my fingers! It’s nothing serious, but makes arting sorta hard haha
Anon said:You should draw more kiribaku kids it had me really interested and brought out my happy
Should I 👀👀👀 an ugly word, let’s try with could next time shall we - that said, seems like yall really did like something that for me was a one time thing! I might get back on them in the near future, just because that post seems to have blown up way more than I had anticipated haha
Anon said:ahhhhhhh i absolutely love your art. i've been feeling very irritated lately and your kiribaku / kiribakushima art really helps calm me down.
This makes me super happy to know!!!! Oh my gods!!!!!! I hope life has stopped getting on your nerves in the couple days it took me to answer, anon!!!
Anon said:Headcanon: kirishima plays dream daddy
To be honest I don’t know anything about that game aside from “it’s a dating sim” and “it’s gay”, but either way to me it sounds more like something Kaminari would play hahaha
Anon said:Hey Fran! I recently caught up with the BNHA anime thanks to you (still have to get around to the manga) and I loveeee itt so much (pretty much adopted like 20 kids😂) have a lil question tho, in your AU/bnha comic thingy are Bakugo and Midoriya finally like... "okay" friends? Or is Bakugo still acting like he hates the poor boy? Thanks in advance and also absolutely love your art~😍
WEEEEHHHHYYYYYY I’m glad you decided to check it out, anon!!!!! But, I’m sorry I’m gonna need you to be more specific here since I don’t have any “ongoing” AU for that fandom atm - exactly which comic are you referring to?
Anon said:I've been restraining myself from going on Tumblr to once a month max for like a year or so now because it was exams and then I had a new year (MY LAST YEAR) of high school to worry about, and I know me. When I go on Tumblr, I stay on Tumblr for literally an entire day. Or more. And then I accidentally stumbled upon your stuff today and wasted (thoroughly enjoyed) a day of scrolling through your art and asks. I never knew I shipped bakushima so hard until today. Thank you for your beautiful art.
AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I’m so happy you decided to use your one day for my blog omfg !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so so much for this ask, it made me really super happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:do you know the song that is playing when endeavor is fight the winged nomu? ive tried looking for it but I can't seem to find it. thanks if you know it. its fine if you don't. btw you're amazing
Eeep sorry anon this ask is so old omfg I hope you found your answer somewhere else - also because I’m actually the worst person in the world to ask about soundtracks orz so, like, double sorry o
Anon said:A cute kirikamibaku thought to hopefully help cheer you as you wait for your hand to heal again: the three of them going out to a restaurant and Denki trying to subtly convince the other two to order something he wants to try when he can't decide what he wants to eat. Whenever he succeeds, he ends up eating just as much off their plates as his own.
This has actually been cheering me up for days now so thank you !!!!!!! Also because I’ve been thinking about Bakugou giving in but making it super spicy out of spite and honestly that’s the funniest thing hahahaha
Anon said:MATSUHANA🌸🌸🌸🌸
Anon said:I can't stop thinking abt that one anon that sent you "Batsuki Katsuki" and I'm losing my fuckin mind over it oh my god but anyway hello I love ur art I hope you have a good day ( ˘ ³˘)♥
THANK YOU!!!! I hope you’ll have a great month, anon!!!! *O* and also tbh same I randomly remember it and laugh by myself thank you anon for that gem I’m never getting over it haha
Anon said:I live for your bakukirikami art. I never had an ot3 until these boys, and they're just so so good. Do you think any of them ever gets insecure/jealous about the other two's bond in the relationship? I feel like if anyone would it might be Denki? But I dunno, because the way you portray them I like to think that they all actually just love watching each other be cute and bond and stuff.
Yeah that’s how I see them!  You know how, like... when you’re friends with two people and they’re friends with each other and you look at them being silly together and you’re like boy I’m so glad I have both of you in my life and that I can have you both at the same time and that you can be silly and adorable and happy together too - that’s exactly how I portray the bkk, only it’s romantic instead of platonic haha
Anon said:Your art has inspired me to write some BakuKiri / KiriBaku bless!!!! I'm also writing KiriBakuKami as well, thank you so much for the gorgeous art!
Anon said:Hello! It's the anon that asked about posting your art online for the first time. Thank you so much for answering my questions! That means a lot to me. I'll definitely take your advice. You made me feel a lot better about posting my stuff online. I'm gonna go ahead and draw the things that make me happy and,, hopefully I'll find people that like it like me!
AAAAHHHHHH I’m happy I could help!!! And I’m sure you will, anon!!!!! I hope you’ll be able to have a great time in whatever community you decide to be part of *O*
Anon said:I was feeling slightly uck but then I was like "you know what would make you feel better" and I just started scrolling through your blog and HONESTLY you are a blessing I feel a lot better and lighter and looking at your blog is literal self care for me now I love you and I hope you have a fantastic day
Sob thank you so much for this ask ;A; aaahhhhhhhh!!!! I’m so happy I can help you like that and this made me feel great back when I first read it (and also now that I’m rereading it, honestly!!!) so thank you for making my days better too, anon!!!!
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caandlelit · 5 years
Tbh I always loved you dabihawks AUs and was wondering if you could do more some time? (*Whisper chanting* Pjo au pjo au pjo au)
..how did u know i liked pjo ??? thats supposed to be a secret
but alright jshsj ok yeah like i havnt been thinking about it for ages
edit: i lost this so so so many fuckin times,,, but here goes. im so sorry its this late anon ive had a fucking shitty few months rip i hope to god you see this
dabi would be a legacy of apollo and vulcan, the roman version of hephaestus, on one side, and khione on the other
and endeavor, his dad, who thinks hes so great cause hes a legacy of apollo and vulcun, married rei, daughter of khione,,so that his legacies have fire and ice
dabi has this weird fuckin blue fire
apollo kids dont have fire but because of his vulcan he has fire, and its even stronger bc of apollo, therefore blue
he and fuyumi are twins
she has ice
genes fucked up and gave him fire despite their bodies being built for wach others quirks
and he can withstand cold temperatures
and constantly wishes he had ice instead so he wouldnt keep destroying his body trying to adjust to his powers especially cause his father made him use them at an early age
shouto is ice and fire, and natsuo is the healer, hes strong, plus a few seer abilities
this also fits in with my hc that natsu is a docter!! so like
thanks vulcan
but mostly apollo, for being so over achieving. your efforts are appreciated
nothing compared to hermes tho i dare u to google what hes the god of
hawks is a fuckinsksjlsksk
a fuckin
ur not ready
half harpy half hermes kid
everyone asks 'duuude why did ur dad fuck a harpy what was he oN'
'uhh, obviously for the wings it'd eventually give me- i dont fUCKIN know man, can yall stop asking'
so hawks has red wings and likes chicken nuggets and considers his dad a huge asshole
'met the guy once, and once was enough'
he was born out of a drunken one night stand (fuck you hermes) and his mom, a harpy who doesnt really care, leaves him soon after she gets bored
hes soon found and picked up by rumi and ruyuuku, half blood duo extraordinare and they eventually find their way to camp
and hes way better at camp, grows up from a hobo chicken to a ray of sunshine
he learns to be good with people and he brushes off any bullying with jokes about himself and gains respect for being such a chill guy
so social skills and diplomacy!!
plus hes good at memorizing things, thanks to the harpy genes
also pretty loud, thanks to the harpy genes
plus, he has wINGS
so,,, wings + hermes kid + all these characteristics = a messenger for the two camps basically sent by the gods
hes the middleman between the two camps as soon as hes old enough to get taxis and can fly well enough travel across longer distances
they meet cause hawks had to go deliver some message to the praetor of the roman camp
and hes stopped by the river where percy met frank and hazel in the books
idk the name its been a while fuck off
by a demigod guard on duty
hes about to fly across
when someone yells
what the fuck
hawks looks around, flapping his wings in confusion
okay, woW, now hawks is confused out of his mind and pink with annoyance, what the fuck
oh oops right why would there be someone in the air
hawks looks down sheepishly
theres a roman guard, looking to be about his age, 16 or so, completely ignoring his job and apparently tossing pebbles at the river a few feet away, from the piles hawks can vaguely see scattered around him
he sees him cup his hands around his mouth and shout
okay okay calm your tits
hawks flies down to the guy and lands and hes v confused ok
but the guard guy is way more interesting up close than he was from the sky
hes not wearing his helmet, taller than hawks, his hair a messy jet black, his eyes bright blue and his smile lazy but really cute
and sue him or whatever okay but,,
hawks is a sucker for blue eyes
and then hes being teased
"what were you lookin around for?"
hawks' feathers puff up in indignation and he kicks him in the shin
'shut up asshole, i came down didnt i. what do u want'
the guy laughs
"i just wanted to see your wings, your feathers are fuckin dope"
hawks is kind of endeared at this point, is this guy for real
he offers hawks a pebble and goes
"u wanna try?"
hawks stares
then he shrugs internally, cause why the fuck not, hes here all week why not make a friend while hes at it
he takes the pebble and their fingers brush and its all so cliche
hawks tosses the pebble and then hes being laughed at and taught how to throw pebbles
and they hang out getting to know each other for a solid few hours until someone comes to see why the fuck the messenger guy isnt here yet
aka shigaraki
who drags himself down to the river to see dabi fucking around with the pidgeon guy and he sighs
drags a waving, beaming hawks to the camp while dabi grins wide and waves back
then theyre talking all the time and hawks is making up excuses to fly over at least once a month and dabi is using all the drachma endeavor has to call hawks,
"its for a good cause"
and endeavor hates it because hes a greek hating dick
he thinks the camps shouldnt interact
when dabi discovers this hes fuckin delighted
"fuckin lit, a new way to piss him off!!"
*dabi voice* ive been thinking about that exchange program, maybe i should make the switch!
*constipated endeavor noises*
endeavor is old enough to be respected by a small few, and old enough for most people to wonder why the fuck he isnt dead yet
they eventually go on their first quest together
no one wants to go with them because no one is willing to thirdwheel
shigarakis actual answer was "are you kidding me id rather die"
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