#also I love that sebastian said steve just used to not listen lmao
lnsfawwi · 7 months
If you are going to fight a war, you wear a uniform
I never really used to consider the meaning behind this line. It seems a line to transition the movie to the next scene, and to put steve in a uniform again instead of a jacket and khakis. Besides, the meaning of wearing his old uniform in the final fight is well-studied.
HOWEVER, it just came to me:
under international law, soldiers has to wear uniforms to a) distinguish themselves from civilians and b) signify their affiliation. It's a war crime to dress in disguise (civilian clothing or the enemy's uniform) for soldiers.
so it is not just a perfunctory line, it's entirely in character not only in the sense that steve cares about rules and/or symbolism, but also in the sense that steve is very conscious of his role as a soldier.
people talk about how the mall scene showcases the difference between a spy and a soldier. this line is too. because while sam and steve were dressed up in their respective uniforms, natasha was literally wearing another face.
the soldier/spy dichotomy is the root of steve's conflict with SHIELD. the movie did not force the audience to choose because both ways were proven indispensable for the win, what it did was to make clear that loyalty without honesty could be dangerous (pierce&fury, nat&shildra), the two qualities steve champions precisely because of his identity as a soldier. steve reinforcing his identity with this scene paves the way for his speech to SHIELD agents and also shows how uncompromising and self-assured (read: stubborn) he is and I love that about him.
half the movie is about steve trying to adjust to the modern world, including working for SHIELD, with spies like nat and fury (he learned to be stealth), and find his identity again. he's found it with sam's help - he realized he couldn't and shouldn't change himself. him embracing that is one part of his journey in CAWS fulfilled (another part was finding a home and he also had that with bucky lmao).
now, I should point out that steve isn't a soldier because he is never one to follow orders but that deserves its own post. I do like to say that much like the name 'Captain America', regular people tend to categorize/simplify steve as one thing, a soldier, propaganda, personification of American hegemon, good ol' American way of life from the 40s. but these are tangentially correct at best and, dangerously false at worst.
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twinferns · 3 years
ep 4 of tfatws was a rollercoaster
i am experiencing so many emotions and i bet that you are too so let's talk about it
consider this your spoiler warning
- jesus christ marvel really wasn't pulling any punches with the opening scene with ayo and bucky god damn
- the emotional damage those flashbacks gave me is ridiculous. and bucky's face when ayo send he was free? his crying? i am unwell. i am so unwell. sebastian stan is really acting his ass off
- "there's nothing to litigate you straight shot the man" i love sam and his straightforwardness
- "the avengers not the nazis" thanks for the clarification buck!! - all im saying is zemo is walking on thin thin ice with that his "super soldiers are crazy" talk
- during the whole scene with zemo giving the kids turkish delights, i could only think about edmund pevensie and how he would eat that up
- "that stupid head tilt thing" i love sam so much
- oh you know sharon just casually has access to a couple of satellites she's so powerful
- grandfather lukasz has some questionable advice?? no you should not always do something if youre scared?? that doesnt mean it's a good thing??
- get john walker's ugly ass face off my screen
- can walker stfu and listen to sam who literally works with traumatized soldiers
- this whole scene just cements the fact that sam is the rightful captain america. the way he's talking to karli is so respectful and understanding while also trying to talk sense into her i love him so much
- can bucky please knock walker out with his arm, just a quick bap bap and problem solved
- zemo you headass stop shooting karli so help me but i do agree with the smashing of the serum
- john walker is literally unraveling in front of our eyes he looks rabid also wyatt russel is really do a phenomenal job
- the way sam said no to the serum so quickly really just makes me adore him more and want him to be the new cap more
- sam real hit zemo with a vibe check with the "isnt that how gods talk" line
- bucky in short sleeves is something very personal to me
- the look of absolute betrayal and hurt on bucky's face when ayo detached his arm
- i love bucky and sam just watching like "looking strong john!!" i love him
- karli youre cool but dont you dare threaten sarah ever again
- ofc bucky insists on coming with sam this bitch has attachement issues
- "stay there" lmao ily bucky
- they did a shoddy job of kidnapping lamar bc he clearly has a knife on him like shouldnt they have searched him for that??
- sam using his wings in fights is so incredibly cool
- watching bucky fight is the most satisfying thing ever
- "your welcome" HLUGKYJFT
- rip lamar the shit's ab to hit the fan
- oh so john walker is insane? he just fucking murdered the guy with the shield im fuming but at the same time the scene gave me chills in the worst possible way
- im thinking ab how the guy who died said he looked up to captain america as a kid then the final shot was from his perspective looking up at captain america
- im also thinking ab how steve used that same shield slamming move on tony during civil war but just destroyed the suit and didnt kill tony whereas walker's using it to kill
- steve's "i dont like bullies, i dont care where theyre from" line is just repeating in my head and making me sad
- the final shot was so chilling and iconic in a horrifying way
- everyone filming better post those videos
im extremely sad that we only have two episodes left, but im excited to see the downfall of john walker bc that's inevitable. anyways ill be back next week, im proud of posting this on time.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for the Avengers’ days off
Avengers x reader
warnings: stabbing mention lmao, guns
prompt: anonymous: “can we have a y/n just chilling with all the avengers?”
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over the years, it was hard to have a peaceful day off, but sometimes that was the priority
each avenger had a preference on what they liked to spend their free time on
but we all know that there’s never a true stress-free day when it comes to your team
most of you preferred sleeping in, but not cap or sam, it was 6:00am sharp for them
you had begged tony to soundproof this place, but noooo
“it’s just not practical, what if someone’s being stabbed? what if we cant hear them yelling for help?”
so you could hear the clattering of the kitchen and buried your face into your pillow
sooner or later you’d roll out of bed and find breakfast had been cooked for the whole team
“‘morning, y/n! we made eggs, toast, bacon, waffles, and cut up some fruit! here’s your plate and here’s some juice”
“oh, wow, smells great”
it could’ve been worse, at least there were no coffee grounds in the disposal so you didn’t have to hear tony complain
speaking of tony, he emerged from the hallway in his silk robe with bags under his eyes
“well, i dont know about you guys, but i slept great!”
“how many hours of sleep did you get, tony?”
“you know, like...two”
sooner or later, the rest of the avengers had been woken up and everyone gathered in the living room to watch the news and talk about their plans
“can we watch something other than the news? i’d honestly be down to watch spongebob, anyone else?” -rhodey
you were in charge of the remote
“hell yeah, i thought you’d never ask”
this full group of adults peacefully watching nickelodeon together until everyone was finished
now there was a pile of dishes in the sink and a very dirty kitchen but everyone just kind of forgot about it and went on to other things
so what relaxed the avengers?
well, most of them liked to train, but they had other hobbies too
like steve, he liked to draw (every once in a while he showed you his sketches and they’re honestly really good?? especially the redraw of a monkey in the ‘40s)
sometimes he even asked you to model poses for him
“just another minute, y/n, you’re doing great”
*you standing on one shaking leg in a kick position*
steve made u draw with him
“it’s therapeutic”
you left your art in his room and now it’s hung up on the fridge
and then there was tony, who was working on some new inventions that you were a bit worried about
you snuck past the lab, but FRIDAY told him that you were near
“y/n! come help me with this really quick!”
“damn, so close”
“can you try this on and shoot it at that target over there?”
“why cant you do this?”
“because your body is able to ‘take the heat’ or whatever that dumb catchphrase you have is”
luckily it worked, but “not good enough” and you ended up helping tony hold the thing in place while he worked
“so, how’s your day off going so far? do anything fun?”
“hung out with steve while he was working on some sketches”
“so i’m going to take that as a ‘no’”
tony relieving you of your duties so that you could roam the compound once more
hearing wanda play guitar!! you loved hearing her play!
“knock knock”
“come in”
you laid in her bed for a while and listened to her soothing voice, it made up for tony’s lab assistant thing
“do you know what’s for lunch?”
“i think today’s special is ‘serve yourself’”
you and wanda went off to the kitchen to make macaroni and cheese (because why not??? im about to make my own mac and cheese)
(also u made tony a pb&j bc u knew damn well he wasn’t coming out of that lab for a while) (u gave him lightly salted chips too bc he needs to cut down on his sodium)
“tony, eat lunch”
“aww, for me? you shouldn’t have”
yall think wanda watches shameless?? bc i kinda do and these are my headcanons so she watches shameless
“we’re more unstable than the gallaghers, they should make a show about us”
she almost choked on her mac and cheeseeee
“keeping up with the avengers”
“‘tony, what the fuck is up with your wifi, you have this big-ass compound and you can’t afford a wifi box out here?’”
“‘it’s not about affording, it’s about radiation’”
“‘you’re gonna die anyway! you understand that, right? die with a good snapchat going through!’”
nearly pissing yourself laughing
but vision asked wanda a favor and you wandered off to another part of the compound
ah, yes, the training room
clint, nat, sam, and rhodey were all in here; it was target practice day
“y/n, grab a gun and get over here!”
“a gun? let’s teach y/n some archery”
“nobody wants to learn archery, clint”
“what? you said you wanted to”
“yeah, but you never taught me”
“well, i can teach you right now”
“fine, let’s go!”
red-wing flew very close to your head
“watch out, y/n!” -sam
“dude, you’re gonna kill them” -rhodey
“seems like now is a bad time?”
everyone was just kind of bickering as per usual, you were just a teeny bit bored
but sam agreed to a round of hand-to-hand combat that really relaxed you
no, really, the best stress reliever is a peaceful fight between your roommates
you were kinda glad it wasn’t nat you were fighting because she’d probably put you on the mat twice a minute
soon, each of you worked up a sweat and you went to your private bathroom to take a shower
there was always hot water at the avengers compound, so that was a comforting thought
after you were out, you got dressed into some cozy pajamas and walked out to the kitchen, where wanda and vision were making dinner
a few avengers were already out on the couches, just watching the tv
you joined them and suggested that they should all watch a movie tonight
“what kind of movie?”
“i dont know? hot tub time machine?”
everyone agreed
and side eyed steve when sebastian stan popped up on screen
“guys, i really dont see the resemblance! cant we just watch the movie?”
“are you blind??”
“his 90 year old eyes deceive him”
it was a good dinner
“sam, you stink”
“i havent taken a shower yet”
what a loving family
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Get to know me uncomfortably well - tagged by @livewiredroger ❤️ sorry this took so long to post!! 
1. What is your middle name? 
2. How old are you? 
21, gonna be 22 in a couple months
3. When is your birthday?
December 4th! A day after Ozzy’s
4. What is your zodiac sign? 
5. What is your favourite colour? 
Light purple and black
6. What’s your lucky number?
I don’t actually know
7. Do you have any pets?
No but I did have a dog!
8. Where are you from? 
9. How tall are you?
5’0 lmao
10. What shoe size are you? 
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 
Too many to count lol
12. What was your last dream about? 
I don’t remember 😅
13. What talents do you have?
None lol. I’m boring af
14. Are you psychic in any way? 
Nope lol
15. Favourite song? 
I’m a believer by the monkees (I’ve always loved that song)
16. Favourite movie? 
The Godfather
17. Who would be your ideal partner? 
Keanu Reeves. He has my heart and soul
18. Do you want children? 
Yeah but only like 2
19. Do you want a church wedding? 
Yeah but nothing too big
20. Are you religious? 
Kinda but not really. Like I acknowledge that there could be a God. But I don’t practice it that much. So basically I’M SINNING AND I’M WINNING
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? 
Yeah. Twice. Once cause I had a bad ear infection and then another time I had pneumonia
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? 
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? 
Yes I have! Back in my emo days I meet Christofer Drew from Never Shout Never, which was actually pure luck! NSN was in town for a concert, but I couldn’t go because it was a 18+ venue so I couldn’t get in (I was in 8th grade at the time). So my family and I decided to go out to eat at a restaurant which was coincidentally across from the venue. So we were walking down the street and I see this huge tour bus right outside the restaurant. My heart starts racing and i thought “how cool would it be if I bumped into someone from the group” well lo and behold as we are coming closer to the bus, Christofer Drew turns the corner and walks towards the bus. So I stop in my tracks and just say “Christofer Drew?” And he stops and he says hi! He asked if I was going to the show and I said no and he goes “well you gotta promise you’ll come to the next one!” Of course I made the promise and I didn’t break it! He came back that summer and I got to see him ❤️ I also met two groups called Breathe Carolina and Crown The Empire. I also met Evan Peters and Sebastian Stan at Comic Con a couple years ago. I also met Corey Crawford. The goaltender for the Chicago Blackhawks, my favorite hockey team.
24. Baths or showers?
Showers! I don’t like the idea of bathing in your own filth.
25. What color socks are you wearing? 
I’m not wearing any!
26. Have you ever been famous? 
Nope lmao and I probably never will be
28. What type of music do you like?
I like oldies. Mostly from the 50s-80s. Anything from Dean Martin to Motley Crue. I do like modern music too. I still listen to some of the bands I listened to in middle school lol (like the ones i mentioned before and others like All Time Low, Pierce The Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, Of Mice & Men, Asking Alexandria, and a couple more.) I also like Greta Van Fleet and 5 Seconds of Summer. I also like spanish music. Like Maluma, Bad Bunny, Becky G, etc. 
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? 
Nope lol 
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 
It depends. It could be one or none. Sometimes i don’t use a pillow
31. What position do you usually sleep in? 
On my tummy! 
32. How big is your house? 
It’s a two bedroom apartment. I’m not complaining tho, its very cozy. 
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? 
If I wake up early enough lol it’ll usually be eggs (over medium), some coffee, and some bread 
34. Have you ever fired a gun? 
Nope and i don’t plan on it! 
35. Have you ever tried archery? 
Yes! I tried it when I was in Girl Scouts in elementary school 
36. Favourite clean word? 
37. Favorite swear word? 
definitely FUCK
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? 
like a day? I got like four hours of sleep the night before. Got up at like 6am, went about my day. Then I stayed up until 7am working on a research paper for class (college is a BITCH). 
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? 
Nah cause your girl is hella ugly lmao
41. Are you a good liar? 
Not at all. People can tell when I’m lying cause my voice gets high lmao 
42. Are you a good judge of character? 
Eh I do my best 
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? 
I try to do a posh British accent and I try to do a Steve Irwin Aussie accent   
44. Do you have a strong accent? 
People say I have a strong chicagoan accent but i don’t hear it!
45. What is your favourite accent? 
I’m a sucker for aussie accents 
46. What is your personality type? 
just took the test..i got ISFP-T (adventurer) 
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? 
hmmmm all I can think of at the moment is my Doc Martens. They aren’t really clothing but it’s all I can think of lol
48. Can you curl your tongue? 
49. Are you an innie or an outie? 
outie :(((( i hate it 
50. Left or right-handed?
Right handed! 
51. Are you scared of spiders? 
52. Favourite food? 
Pasta! I could eat it all day, every day 
53. Favourite foreign food?
Tamales and Pozole. That’s my shitttt
54. Are you a clean or messy person? 
I try and be a clean person and stay organized but it only lasts for a bit then I go back to my messy ways lol 
55. Most used phrase? 
“that’s a mood” and “no mames guey” (Mexican slang)
56. Most used word? 
Dude and Darling
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? 
Depends. If I wear my hair natural, then an hour. But if I gotta style it, then like an hour and a half or two hours( I got a lot of fucking hair, dude). 
58. Do you have much of an ego? 
Hell no lmao. This bitch has a low self-esteem so 🤷🏻‍♀️
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? 
Suck 🤪
60. Do you talk to yourself? 
All the time lmao 
61. Do you sing to yourself? 
Yeah sometimes 
62. Are you a good singer? 
Nope lmao but I still do it anyways 
63. Biggest Fear? 
A lot of shit. Spiders, Holes (trypophobia), tearing my achilles or getting them cut (ever since I saw Pet Sematary), dolls, bugs crawling under my skin, throwing up...and i can’t think of anymore on the spot 
64. Are you a gossip? 
you bet your ass I am. Soy una chismosa lmao
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? 
66. Do you like long or short hair? 
On girls, long but not too long. Maybe like mid-back. And guys, long, like ear length and longer 
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? 
Yeah but i couldn’t point them out on a map 
68. Favourite school subject? 
Biology/Human Anatomy. I’m a sucker for science 
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
Definitely an introvert. No doubt about that lol 
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? 
71. What makes you nervous? 
Meeting new people, class discussions, and presentations
72. Are you scared of the dark? 
If i’ve just seen a scary movie then yes lol  
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? 
Sometimes. For instance, if one of my friends from ecuador uses a word wrong in a sentence, then I would tell them the right way to say it to help them learn more english. i never correct someone to seem like i’m smarter or to be rude. It’s simply to help them. 
74. Are you ticklish? 
Yeah! In some places like my feet, neck, and my back, 
75. Have you ever started a rumour? 
No way! That’s terrible 
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? 
Only when babysitting my little cousins lol 
77. Have you ever drank underage? 
Yeah lmao. When I went away for college
78. Have you ever done drugs? 
Once, when I hungout with a guy at school we smoked some weed
79. Who was your first real crush?
One of my friends from college. I met him Freshman year and I still like him...I’ve liked him for four years but i’ve never had the guts to tell him 
80. How many piercings do you have? 
6! I have four on my left ear and two on my right ear. I have the standard lobe piercings, then the upper lobe on both sides. Then on my left I have one above the upper. And then I have my helix pierced on the left side. (i hope this all made sense lol) 
81. Can you roll your R’s?
82. How fast can you type? 
Eh I would say pretty average 
83. How fast can you run? 
Not at all. I hate running 
84. What colour is your hair?
Dark brown! 
85. What color is your eyes? 
Dark brown
86. What are you allergic to? 
Some ingredient in the Banana Boat sunscreen. And some type of plant. I don’t exactly know which one cause I went to the botantic garden one time on a field trip and I don’t know which plant caused my allergic reaction but when I got home I had hives all over me. 
87. Do you keep a journal? 
Nope, never did 
88. What do your parents do? 
My mom is an ortho technician and my dad is a delivery man
89. Do you like your age? 
Yeah I guess. I mean I can buy my own alcohol so that’s pretty neat 
90. What makes you angry? 
91. Do you like your own name? 
Eh it’s alright. Pretty boring 
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
I like the name Elena for a girl and Jonathan for a boy 
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
Doesn’t matter to me
94. What are you strengths? 
I’m a ride or die bitch.
95. What are your weaknesses?
I don’t really share my emotions so I keep things bottled up 
96. How did you get your name? 
My cousin picked out my name 
97. Were your ancestors royalty? 
Not that I know of. But what I do know is I have family from Spain. 
98. Do you have any scars?
Yeah, one on my arm from when I burned myself with my straightener. And another at the place where my nose meets my forehead, between my brows. When I was in elementary school, I was running out on the playground and I tripped and I slide across the cement and scraped my nose and my whole forehead. THERE. WAS. BLOOD. EVERYWHERE. 
99. Colour of your bedspread? 
Light pink 
100. Colour of your room? 
I tag: @tommyleeownsme, @babe-mustaine, @waycooljunior, and @universal-scorpio ❤️
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