#also I will write eventually I promise X3
rotworld · 1 year
Going through my bookmarks and got distracted and started reading through the Luxuria Triplicate tag and am mildly hyperfixated now. The writing and world-building and characterization (and smut) is just TOO good!!
You answered a question way back about how Lux and his aspects would react if Reader attempted to summon another demon and it didn't go well but also never quite eventuated in another summoning. If Reader somehow did manage to pull it off, or was already in a contract before they made their agreement with Luxuria and conveniently forgot to mention it until he found out much, much later on...
Would something like that be possible in this universe? Would Lux be pissed? I just imagine the situation of two demons realising they've both been 'promised' (for lack of a better word) their contractee's soul and obviously unable to claim without dispute to be kind of funny. Are other demons intimidated by Lux?
Sorry for the long ask. X3
in a very bad idea, luxuria says:
Did you think yourself clever because I never expressly forbid you from summoning another? It is the very foundation of our contract.
summoning another demon falls under luxuria’s contractual presuppositions. it’s a breach of contract and would allow him to take retaliatory action with limited consequences. if the reader had already been in a contract prior to summoning luxuria, he would’ve been able to tell right away and either refused or outright killed them, depending on his mood. 
also worth mentioning that i wrote "a very bad idea" before "the sweet sound of surrender" so i had the concept of presuppositions in mind but not totally figured out yet, hence the reader’s contract being completely revoked instead of just giving luxuria a retaliatory action. then again i guess this could depend on your reader character lol a willing and conscious violation like that could very well result in the contract being fully nullified.
and yes, other demons are terrified of luxuria!
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Hi there, Bababird!!! Hope you're doing well 💗💗💗 Mayyybe 🎵 for Cassandra if you have any? I love how you've written her in your Sparrow/Cass fic btw - I still think about it an unhealthy amount dbfkhabfskhbs. And since the fandom on tumblr has collectively agreed that it's his day, mayhaps a 🎵 for Hermie as well hehe :]c
aw shucks she called me Bababird hehe Hi Happi!!! Thank you- I hope you're doing well too! I *definitely* have some for Cassandra! 😅 For better or for worse though a lot of them are either in the context of Cass/Sparrow or Cass/Nicky- so apologies in advance for any rambles I go on about either of those two ahaha I promise in either case things will eventually wrap around to being about Cass (and songs)!
Also, if you'll humor me, I don't think I'll be able to help myself but ramble a bit about the fic as well- it's just an easy way to talk about how I see Cassandra! 💜 ^_^* I'm very very flattered that you enjoyed her that much! You know at first I was maybe gonna do thing's from Sparrow's POV but then I was like- "PFF, fuck that, let's try to figure out what's going on in Cassandra head!"- it's the least she deserves, really.
And I know I'm too late for his "b-day", but I do have some Hermie songs as well! Mostly in the context of Oakworthy though ahaha... Those will be at the end! Edit: actually just the one this time around aha sorry I got lazy
(*slaps post* this baby can fit so many tangents! Sorry in advance for how stupid long this is!)
Okay *well*, let's start with a simple one that's just about Cass yeah? I can't say I've listened to much of their music in general, but "That's My Girl" by Fifth Harmony is *definitely* a Cassandra song for me!
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There are a few lyrics in this one that standout for me in this one- but honestly it's also just the general vibe. I see Cassandra as someone who's very independent and hardworking, and also someone very capable of continuing to move forward in spite of hardships and "roll with the punches", so to speak (and Taylor definitely gets this from her hehe for sure for sure). Really the more I think about Cassandra, she's kind of a fucking badass LOL. Splitting from Nicky didn't stop her from staying on top of career all the while maintaining probably one the (if not the) healthiest of parent-child relationships in the show with her son, and really I just love that for her.
That said, for a few standout lyrics...
Yeah, who's been working so damn hard? You got that head on overload? // You've been down before. You've been hurt before. You got up before. You'll be good to go, good to go. // Get mad independent and don't you ever forget it // Nod if you've been played by every boo just tryna show you off. Thought he was the best you ever had, until he cut you off. // ain't nothin (x3) put your heart and your soul in it!
(also *points at Cassandra* that's my girl!!!)
ok ok next again if you'll humor me, I need to ramble about Sparrow for a bit in the context of the fic so that I can then ramble about Cassandra LOL.
So, ok, firstly I must confess that like, for me, I tend to read canon Sparrow as allo-aro (alloSparo? Maybe just Sparo... heh). Less popular of an opinion still is that I actually quite like that for him haha. And so for *me*, in the fic, he's prolly like aro and demisexual? That said, I know that ace Sparrow (Sparoace, Space- you get me it's funnier to do it this way) is very dear to many of you (which tbh I super understand), most especially the people who I most wanted to read the fic! So... I wanted to write something that was compatible with both interpretations? Not as a burden! I liked the challenge of trying to write something that was *sensual* but not inherently *sexual* (and in that regard... I think I did an *ok* job aha I'm sure there are certain parts that might be pushing it for some people but I had to be honest with myself about what I wanted to write too!)
Of course, as *you* know Happi, I'll still gladly drop aromantic Sparrow for a ship that tickles my fancy (and in fact I actually like these two in a romantic context as well even if it's not my default/preference- but that's for someone else's ask lol)... 😤But I was keen on keeping things platonic for this fic! Sure because I like that for Sparrow, but actually... It also had a lot to do with what I wanted to explore with Cass!
(Somehow this post is about Cass *and music* I SWEAR)
Right right right so- as far as canon goes I think it's fair to say that Cassandra is sexually and romantically a lot less ambiguous than Sparrow right- and so, well based on the little we have seen of her I get the impression that Cassandra has probably gotten fairly accustomed to a pretty "standard" kind of partnership style? And for a number of reasons... 😤 It seems she's struggled to find someone who can give her the level of commitment she deserves! Otherwise, based on her relationship with Willy (ew yucky Willy), I also feel like she might have a bit of a tendency to rush into things a bit.
Enter QPR with Sparrow! As I see it, this puts Cassandra especially in a very interesting situation. She's navigating forms of intimacy that are pretty foreign from what she's used to! To love someone... Without being *in love* with someone, per se. She gets the commitment she wants, but in a form that is unquestionably different from how she's always imagined it. Physically, there's room for intimacy (be it to one degree or another)... But she has to work up to/for it this time around, no more rushing into things!
But I see Cass as someone who is always up for a challenge. I think the novelty of these ideas is something that she would find exciting in its own right, and really she's someone who goes after what she wants at the end of the day. Not without her own insecurities I'm sure, which hopefully I got across! (And again, yeah, I definitely think Taylor takes from her in a number of ways haha).
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"She had the world" from Panic! At the Disco is *also* a Cassandra song for me 😌
That was waaay too much lead in for a fucking patd song, honestly Happi I'm really abusing this opportunity to talk about Cass and the fic LOL
But ok ok, so with the above points in mind, this one for me is about Cass... From (an aromantic) Sparrow's perspective, and it's hard to explain exactly what I mean for this one, but yeah it's like- there's kind of this mix of insecurity and admiration and I guess... How to put this, on Cass' end she has to let go of the things she's come to take for granted a bit, and on Sparrow's end I think some fears that this kind of relationship won't be enough for her? Let me just give you the important lyrics hahaha:
She held the world upon a string, but she didn't ever hold me. Spun the stars on her fingernails, but it never made her happy, cause she couldn't ever have me // I don't love you I'm just passing the time. You could love me if I knew how to lie. But who could love me? I am out of my mind. Throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream. // But that girl had so much love. She'd wanna kiss you all the time. Yeah, she'd wanna kiss you all the time. // She said she'd won the world at a carnival. But I'm sure it didn't ruin her, it just made her more interesting.
OKAY that was a looooooong tangent for that one I hope like it sort of makes sense why I associate that one with her???
Finally Nicky, I'll make this much shorter lol. I'm not sure how people feel about these two in general, but I actually *love* them together tbh, and I hope we learn a bit more about their relationship (er what it was) in canon at some point! Still, everything I said about Cass probably being the type to rush into things probably applies here too, and ultimately I imagine that these two likely had a relationship that was... passionate, and intense, and exciting, but maybe not what either of them really needed in the long run.
So funnily enough
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The song is actually called "Nikki", by Forever the Sickest Kids. And, well I think you'll catch my drift with a lot of these lyrics and why it makes me think of them so much aha:
He was the man of every hour. He was a party all alone. He'd give his jacket to a stranger in the cold. She was the beauty queen from Dallas. She could put a lion on a leash. And before he knew himself, she knew the man that he could be. // It's alright Nikki, it's alright, baby, you can let you hair down. // She was an angel craving chaos. He was a demon seeking peace. But they were each other's toxic cure called codependency.
And yeah! So yeah there's a lot of lines in that song that makes me think of them- more than the ones I listed here but for me these are kinda the standouts?
ok ok ok I made this post waaaaaaay too long Happi I'm so sorry ahahaha thank you for entertaining my thoughts I hope some of this makes sense??? I have a lot of feelings about Cassandra but they can be hard to convey!
Also, I'm starting to get a bit lazy, so I hope you'll forgive me if I leave you with my favorite song for Hermie (and well Oakworthy) without much of an explanation. Which is
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"A guy that I'd kinda be into" from the musical Be More Chill :]
I think this one is *very* funny for both of them- especially cause of how many of the lyrics you could read as both Normal and Hermie's POV? If you haven't heard this song, go listen and I think you'll understand.
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Ooh this one was fun! Thank you for the ask friend <3
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I can’t pick between Skunkfur, Blackberry or Sweetviolet, all I know is this girl is trans, gay and very soft.
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chopper-witch · 4 years
Otherwise Undocumented (A Zuko x Reader fic)
Before you read this, please know I STRUGGLED with the summary. It is so hard to write it without giving things away but I believe in a good summary so here ya go. My shit attempt. Also probably some errors sprinkled in for extra spiciness.
Additionally, if you are tagged and don’t want to be, please either inbox me or reply to this post. If you are not tag and want to be, do the same! Tags below the cut!
Characters: everyone in A:TLA; you (reader); I add your parents to this due to plot and give them names (I think names are important and will only use a filler like (y/n) for reader); might add in random OCs later.
Pairings: Zuko x Female* reader; Mai tries to be x Zuko; all the other canon ships. (sorry, Mai. I do her justice, I think...)
Timeline: Mainly focuses on 88 AG (when I am making you start at the Academy) to 100 AG (just past the end of the war)
The first chapter is set in 80 AG-85 AG though. 
Genres: Angst (not sorry); fluff; PAIN (is that a category?)
Overall warnings: 
VIOLENCE (y’all, VIOLENCE);   I’m hoping some smut but I take my time;    swearing (not sorry, I just swear);   blood;   death;   abuse (have y’all read the comics?????? Ozai Was Not A Good Person, but then add some of my complete inability to not be cruel to characters);   VIOLENCE (I mentioned this, right?);   torture (this literally starts with a torture scene, so like, TORTURE); Azula does bad stuff to reader (VIOLENCE);   Ozai is a Bad Parent and Creepy Person;     PTSD (what do you expect???);   characters are technically underage still when I do get to the smut part so Ima be real with you 16-17 y/os have sex but if that bothers you this is Not The Piece For You;   oh, and as I say, “fuck canon” (I try to be as canon compliant as possible, but also, fuck canon, this is fanfiction); I Create Lore and Locations to Fit My Plot.
Summary: A legend almost long forgotten in the Fire Nation reappears in the body of a young girl, reappears in you. The Blood of the Dragon was last seen alive the day after Roku died, walking to be publicly executed for treason. A true legacy to live up to. Well, a true legacy to change. While it is a happy surprise for the Nation’s royal family and military that the Blood is back and malleable, your mother knows she should have known better. All the signs were there, all the omens. She should have taken you and run when she had the chance. 
Then maybe you wouldn’t have ended up in the capital, isolated from all of your family, being molded into a weapon for their use. Maybe you wouldn’t have spent your childhood practically locked inside the palace, repeating revisionist history while balancing on one hand. Maybe you wouldn’t be both a prize and a play thing. And maybe she could have saved just one more person. 
That’s not how fate works, though, is it? 
No, fate is twisted. Fate shows you what you want then tears it apart, expecting you to put it all back together somehow. The only way to cheat fate is to re-determine destiny; to rearrange your life so completely that you need to be dealt a new hand of cards. Force fate to part ways for you. 
So maybe, just maybe, being arranged to marry the youngest prince and biggest disappointment of the Fire Nation royal family ends up being the best decision someone else has ever made for you. 
Just not for themselves. 
A/N: All my fics have happy endings, so don’t worry! I mean, there is one that doesn’t but that is for good reason and every post about it warns people to get off if they don’t want to be hurt. Also, I know the title doesn’t make a lot of sense. It will, eventually. I promise!! 
*For long form fics, I usually do x female reader. I avoid physical descriptions as much as possible so anyone can be the reader, except in places where it matters (being a woman is unfortunately a big plot point in this, and I will not be changing that but there are not many descriptive moments about a female body). 
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the-blind-geisha · 3 years
did you stop writing to the devil's contract? I wuz curious because it'll be a month soon since it has updated and I really liked it!
Has it been...? *Goes and checks* Well, June 2nd, yes, it'll be a month, my dear. x3;
My whole plot prior was I thought I could end Amnesia easily, but oml, is it taking me a while. I am not sure why that is. I guess parts of it aren't vibing with me or something. I think In Another Life might actually end before it. LOL
Honestly, I do plan on continuing with Contract. Trust me, it's not going on a hiatus or anything. x'D I just have other stories I am writing that get feedback constantly; therefore, I know or I'm told what I'm doing right or what is interesting in those fics. The funny thing with Contract is I have quite a few people subbed and or bookmarked to it, but there will be that one chapter I'll put out and nobody says a thing about it unless it sits for a time, so I just assume it's fine to kinda push it into the corner for a second while I work on other things. ♥
I do this constantly though. I'll work on something I feel is just for me and like 1 or 2 friends/readers who enjoy it, but then when my motivation dies, I stop or end the project and then the silent readers ask why I didn't continue. X3; Oops.
Comments on Contract can sometimes be hit or miss in terms of who is interested and reading it. So I play it all by ear and see what encourages my motivation in the moment(s). Sadly, a lot of things have been working against it, so yeah. Oof. Not fun. lol Also, I'm trying to think of a good way to end it. I don't want it to go all the way to the end of when they have all the kids and they grow up. lol I would like to end it before all that nuttiness. ♥
But to the people that do comment, I super appreciate them. Never think that I devalue anybody's words on my writing(s) or that they're not enough. Every little message is sweet; especially to this ADHD writer who cannot keep herself under control. lol
Also with Contract, I just have to be careful with it is all. ♥ It nearly made me leave the fandom via drama. x-x;
I do thank you for the lovely support, anon. ♥ The update will happen eventually. I promise. I just have other things to do right now~.
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This has over 1,000 words and it's basically just me ranting about a new idea I had. Warning: Grammar doesn't exist in my rants.
If you didn't think I was obsessed with vigilantes before... vigilante Bakusquad. They all started in the hero course and it splits off cannon sometime after the sports festival. (Non-cannon additions to their quirks and crappy descriptions of gore ahead. And bumping up the character development speed for the sake of this au + by the time they get to the sports festival they're all almost as close as they are now. + x2 this is just about how they got out of U.A. If I ever write this properly a lot more details will be on other parts mildly mentioned here. + x3 Trans Denki with an LGBTphobic family.)
Bakugou is the first to get expelled less than a week after the festival. Midnight was actually the one to suggest it, after the people saw how Bakugou acted favor for the school went down. Nezu thinking for the sake of his school decided it would be best to expel him, but they would need to come up for a reason to because he was so popular in the media by now.
So shortly after that, instead of going to any of the teachers, Nezu goes live on one of the school's media pages announcing his expulsion due to "behaviours simmilar to the wanted villain Tomura Shigaraki." That same day Bakugou was pulled aside by Aizawa because he was showing signs of being a victim of domestic abuse.
"That old hag hits me and yells and I yell back! That's not abuse, it's always been like that!"
Aizawa eventually gets him to break down and confess everything and he offers to take it up with the police. Bakugou only agrees after Aizawa says he would not mention their conversation to the authorities. He ends up walking Bakugou the exit to talk more about it only to discover Nezu and the press there telling Bakugou never to come back. He's basically run out while Aizawa's trying to stop it only to be held back by Midnight.
Aizawa put in his resignation form that night. Effective at the end of the school year.
Next to go was Mina, and she knew damn well what was actually going on. See, Mina actually looked up to Midnight and had her as a favorite teacher. Gossip is also both Mina's biggest talent and weakness.
She made a hero gossip blog when she was around 12. Mina wanted a page she could hear all the latest drama on, but with actual sources and a neutral argument. So she made it herself. It's relatively big now and she's made online friends who proof read most of the articles she prepares to post.
With how much Mina looked up to Midnight she wanted to have her double check an article Mina was planning to post about her. She'd printed out a copy to go show her and when she heard Midnight was in the principal's office things went down hill from there.
Sitting outside of Nezu's office door she heard everything. And recorded everything. Her biggest regret is not having been able to tell Bakugou.
After she heard everything she found herself running to the bathroom and throwing up anything in her system. To her misfortune that was also Recovery Girl's break. She was sent home for the rest of the week with how violently she was vomiting.
Needless to say the article was done before dawn the next day and forwarded to all her online friends.
Come Monday and Mina had over 30 printed copies in her backpack. Her post also had tens of thousands of shares. The day was a mess she just barely managed to give Kirishima a copy when there wasn't any pro "heros" around.
Midnight's class was the worst. Mina flinched nearly every time she spoke, worried that she was already found out. Spoiler alert: she was.
When training finally rolled around she was lucky to be grouped with the rest of the squad along with a few others. It revolved around a hostage situation. Three people were supposed to sneak in (Mina, Kirishima, Sero) while the rest (Kaminari, Shoji, Uraraka, and Koda) were supposed to distract the teacher playing as a captor.
Mina had just disintegrated a door when a shout from their captor (Present Mic) had her spinning around to look out a window. Her legs started to move, but her feet didn't and she started to fall. Just as she was falling she saw it was Mic yelling at Midnight. It's all fine, Mina caught herself with her elbow, her hand flashed up into her face, too. Mic was only yelling. She was screaming. Her right eye felt like it was burning up, it hurt. Only her skin had any sort of immunity. By the time Sero was pulling her up with his tape Mina was already passed out.
She didn't even remember the hospital. Her parents pulled her out of school with advice from the school. Her quirk was put on registry as dangerous and unstable.
The doctors couldn't do anything to save her right eye. Her family couldn't afford to keep Mina in school and pay for the medical help on her eye.
Within three weeks she ran away from home.
In the time it took Mina to run away Kaminari was put on a warning list and the third to be expelled without talking to Aizawa.
It wasn't public like Bakugou's and it wasn't like Mina's because it was multiple incidents. Sneezing in the pool and losing control of his quirk leaving it unusable for days (only m*neta was harmed), accidentally taking power away from parts ofbthe school multiple times, still overusing his quirk almost daily.
When the school decided detention wasn't enough they pulled him aside to tell him the truth. He was told on a Tuesday that he wasn't to return after the weekend.
At this time Kiri, Kami, and Sero had been trying and failing to get in touch with Bakugou and Mina. They had been doing the same thing for Bakugou when Mina was there, too.
Kaminari tried to go to Sero and Kirishima (Kiri had forgotten about the papers Mina gave him) about his expulsion. He was worried what his family would do.
Saturday morning the Kaminari household's adults were found unconscious with blunt force wounds. The blood of every family member was found at the scene. The son was missing and assumed kidnapped.
Sero was the only one who seemed to leave willingly. After Sero's defeat at the sport's festival that turned to all he was referenced as (outside of other students).
But during an internship the hero he was working under suggested Sero might be better as an underground hero. When Sero said he might consider it, the pro hero suggested a school specifically for future underground heros. It was one they went to briefly before changing and said they would put a good word in for Sero if he ever chose to change.
After the internship he sent an email to the hero asking if he could hold up his promise.
He was transferred shortly to the school, leaving only Kirishima left. As the underground hero school rules no students are even registered on any sourse outside of the school. It was impossible to tell if Sero was still there.
Sero also stopped contacting Kirishima shortly after transferring. Over the phone when talking there seemed to be small break between when Kirishima asked a question to when Sero answered it. Sero blamed it on lag. It got worse the closer before Sero cut contact.
Kirishima actually first got suspended for disruption (Read: he got suspended for demanding where all his friends were going). He was in his room at his house when he remembered something. He shoved a bunch of random things from his locker into his bag before he left U.A. One of these included the newly remembered papers Mina gave him. He read through all of it.
Kirishima found her listed account and listened to all the audios. That may have only explained Bakugou's disappearance, but to him it explained them all.
Kiri felt so weak for not having saw it all earlier. He sent the account a message explaining that it was Kirishima, and if the mod was Mina they needed to talk.
His message was read within the hour with no reply.
When morning came he was back at school. Breaking his 5 day suspension. He left his hair ungelled to fit in more and left without his moms even noticing.
He did get to Midnight. He also managed to make he activate her quirk to everyone. He did remember waking up in a confined cell. He remembers getting dragged away in handcuffs by the police. He didn't manage to get away from the police.
They never got him to the station, though. Car doors don't last if you're hitting it with an indestructible quirk activated.
Everything's a blur from there.
(This is only part of what I have for this au. Sorry this is such a rant. Tumblr also is being a dick with posting, so sorry. I spent 8-10 hours on this.)
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some-cookie-crumbz · 4 years
I fell in love with all your Huwumi AUs! My favourite ones ended up being Reaper AU and Parental!Fuyumi AU. In both I would love to see Touya being added to the story to create that family drama with his whole disappearance and eventually a wholesome family reunion😭 I crave family moments, especially between siblings. The manga doesn’t show nearly enough interaction Fuyumi and Touya had considering how these two were the closest in age and I thought that they would have had each other’s back🤔
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AAAAHHHH Thank you so much!!!! It makes me so happy when people like the ideas I come up with! x3
Also, I really wanna ramble about Touya and Fuyumi so Imma put some of this under a “Read More’ because, oh Anon, I got some feelings about them!
I’ve been working out the outline for Reaper AU and making some changes for this specific reason! I really love getting to focus on family ties in both what I consume and what I produce. Without giving too much away, I’m planning to make Touya a more central character/ amp up his role for that fic, so I can promise a lot of good stuff with them there! And for Parental Fuyumi AU I have big plans for the lil shit, too, though he’ll be more just chaotic good than outright awful in that one! x3
Now, in regards to canon, I get why we haven’t necessarily gotten a lot of focus on the relationships between the other Todoroki siblings, even if I don’t really like it. Neither Fuyumi nor Natsuo are in the business of Hero-ing, so they’re typically only brought out to use when necessary. If I’m being honest, I feel like we’d probably have more details about that if either of them had decided to become a Pro Hero.
And, can I just say, how interesting could that have been? Pro Hero Fuyumi??? Like, I’m just imagining Pro Hero Fuyumi who works in the underground, maybe taken under Aizawa’s wing and taught how to just fuck shit up??? Maybe she specializes in checking out the backgrounds of other Pro Heroes, to make sure they’re good behind the scenes and she’s excellent at it because she’s lived that life??? Oh, or!!! What if Fuyumi got the Half-Hot, Half-Hot Quirk but Enji wouldn’t train her because he believed that, as a woman, she wouldn’t be able to surpass All Might as well as a male heir? So then Fuyumi begins training herself on how to properly use her Quirk on her own, so that when Rei is pregnant with Natsuo/ Shouto, she can help them with their Quirk if either of them gets the same Quirk? And then leads to her bonding with Shouto and maybe protecting him from Rei during her episode? Or maybe ending with Fuyumi having the physical scar and Shouto being wracked with guilt over harming two of the most important people in his life? Leaving him feeling like he can never be a Pro Hero because he couldn’t protect them? And maybe giving some focus to Touya and how he feels like a failure for not helping his mother more or protecting his sister and brothers better? Oh, geez, I need to stop or I’ll end up writing either or both of these...
That said, though, I wish we got more. I’d like to learn more about Touya and his relationship with his younger siblings. I mean, it’d be very easy to just present it as Fuyumi and Natsuo reminiscing with Shouto because he asked about the brother he never really got to know. It’d be a great way to give us more information about him, as well as giving us a really soft and tender moment between the still-healing younger siblings.
Now, in regards to Touya and Fuyumi...
I absolutely believe they were the closest siblings, both due to being close in age as well as what I think their personalities were most like. I read their relationship as being a lot like two of my own characters - Alaric and Liliana - where they will tease each other constantly but if you lay one finger on their sibling they will end you, bucko. Touya was most likely a snarky lil brat with a lot of aggression and resentment, where Fuyumi was patient and considerate, helping to balance him out. Fuyumi being one of the only members of their family that could talk him down from one of his fits, as well as being the only one with the bravery to call him out when he’s overreacting, is another main stay of why they’re so close. Touya knows his behavior can imitate their father and is eternal grateful to his sister for helping him to keep from going too far. I also think that they’d be the two prone to butting heads the most as they get older because of the conflicting personalities as well as having such dramatically different views on their situation at home.
Touya is pessimistic about it all, seeing no chance for healing. Fuyumi, meanwhile, is optimistic and sees forgiveness and healing as the only option. Given how young they are, I feel like they wouldn’t be able to see a specific middle ground where both their views meet in the middle yet.
I also love the idea that Fuyumi was the only one Touya said goodbye to when he left. And she begged him to stay, to help her make things better, but he refused. He refused and he tore into her as he left, shouting about how she’d end up just as broken as their mother if she kept trying to force a redemption that would never happen into being. Fuyumi is devastated by not only his words but his absence, and throws herself head-first into trying to look after Natsuo and Shouto as best as she can. At first, she dedicates herself to being a good older siblings, and then tries to become a pseudo-parent once Rei is sent away.
I also love the idea that this final exchange between them led them to new discoveries about themselves.
For Fuyumi, she comes to realize just how much she loves helping and nurturing others. While it’s not the best of situations, she falls into tending to her brothers very naturally. She’s a compassionate and patient person generally so she is a great fit for dealing with unruly children. She wants to be a mother someday, sure, but she loves seeing how her brothers’ eyes light up when they solve a hard homework question or pass a test. She comes to the realization that she wants to be able to help other kids like she can help them, that she would love to have a classroom full of little faces to help teach.
And for Touya? It’s an uglier thing, but he revels in it once he has the realization. Seeing how broken and hurt he’d left his sister had been surprisingly satisfying. As if he had finally made someone else feel the way he did all those days in the training room, with Endeavor’s shadow looming over him like some untouchable beast. He likes having that same kind of power, of being the one to dish out that same kind of pain. So, perhaps he starts testing the waters to see how far he can push it before he feels bad for it...
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megamanxfanfics · 4 years
What the Hell is going on w/ Ep. 5?????
Hey World,
I just wanted to pop in and say what’s been going on, as it’s been a whole Season in between episodes.
So...  I guarantee you, I was working on it.  Pretty diligently at first.  I don’t know how many sessions, but I did X6 playthroughs while pausing and writing out the stage directions and reactions, etc. etc.  Some of this was humdrum and boring and then ideas popped out at me where I took some risks and really opened up the creativity.   Whenever I do that, I always think it’s shit at first.  But then upon a second or third look I get a different feel and decide whether it’s okay or not.
So, I promise you that it wasn’t really a Motivation thing.  Not X6 wise, anyway. The episode is roughly 7/8ths finished.  That’s for sure.  The file for Ep. 5 was last modified on July 26th, so what the Hell happened?
What stopped me was Life, itself.
...We all know that in April, my Mother passed away.  Right when I was in the midst of Writing Ep. 2.  Somehow I plowed through that. Then, in May and June life became about working out, eating right, exercising and going on dates actually, believe it or not!  I was writing Ep. 3 and even 4, during that time.  I was making some decent progress.
But then...  Dating wise, things fell apart.
And this is where I need to spare the details, because this is a MMX Blog and not a Relationship blog.  However, you could basically say that for the month of June I was enjoying myself with someone.  Then, when that didn’t work, in July I quickly moved on to someone else and then That didn’t work out either.  Like, at all.  And a combination of the two events just shut me down in August.
I just got hit so hard with the timing of everything.  I thought I was ready to date, but I really wasn’t.  And for the first time in my life I was straight up couch-ridden depressed.  Like, actually not wanting to do anything.  No video games, no shows, no music... not eating... Not working out...  and Certainly not writing MMX6.
So... I had to pull myself out of it. And how did I manage that, you might ask??
Well... for the entire months of August and September (and even now), I’ve spent a LOT of time working on myself.  For everyone, this is different.
But for me, I found a great comfort in writing out everything that has happened. And I’m talking about really digging deep and diving into all of my life choices for the past 5 years of my last relationship.
My Diary Entries weren’t just about the relationship, but also Life before Covid.  It was very nostalgic, therapeutic and cathartic once I got to the hard stuff and really analyzed what the Hell happened here and there.  (This Project was part of those entries as well.)
My favorite writer, Brian Michael Bendis says, “A Writer writes every day.”  And no matter how true that is for you, I definitely found that to become my own form of therapy.  Getting over myself, as it were.
And within days and weeks, I was enjoying this new project of Self-Reflection while listening to new music on Spotify.  Having the company of just 1 friend to do puzzles with and stuff, and eventually play video games again.  The shows came back.  Soon I was living my life and this project was becoming it’s own chore.  Even the exercising and eating right came back, although not in full force as it was before.
I also can’t forget that as of August and September, our Federal Help situation drastically changed.  So I had to get over the rut of seriously looking for new jobs again.  At this point, it still sucks, but I’m used to it now.
My life is applying for jobs and then treating myself to either my Self Reflection Project or any other hobbies that I’m feeling that day.
Video Game wise, I enjoyed finishing the MMZ saga and finally delving into MMZX.  What I can say there is that I loved MMZ3, which is a pretty popular opinion.  MMZ4′s story was too different for me to care.  They did a serious disservice by eliminating the Guardians in 3.  But either way, I surprisingly Loved ZX.  I thought by then, I wouldn’t care.  But I actually thought Vent was awesome.  I really appreciated their nostalgic throwbacks to X1 with Giro (clearly being a Zero, boss figure) and Area D-3 being the frickin Central Highway stage!!!  That lightened my heart and made me so happy, even though the game is so different. And those transformations into the Guardian Model Letters, (beyond X & Z) was just really well done.  It was the next phase in the evolution.  Despite the Metroidvania open-map being confusing as Hell.  I enjoyed the attempt a lot.
[Save-assist states also really enhanced this experience for me.] 
MMZX Advent however...  The only positive thing I have for that one is that, I actually LOVED that you were Model A the whole time.  I always kind of wanted an Axl game, and in a way, this was it.  But... that game is very flawed, and transforming into all of the psuedoroids on Top of gaining all the Model Letters (including ZX) was a bit much.  Meeting Aile as Model ZX, in my play through as Grey was probably the only nice throwback to the canon of that game. It’s sad to know that when you play it on hard there’s a cliff-hanger that could’ve lead to the Legends series.  But as someone who was never into the Legends series, I’m fine getting the Normal/Medium ending where Grey & Aile save the day and now they just want to live and travel around. I also liked any open-ended chemistry they had.  (Would they have been an item in a future game?  It doesn’t matter anymore.)
Lore rants, aside, playing through the ZX series brought me back to X6 a lot, because it made me wish I could play through the game in the same way that I’ve been writing this Anime Fic.  That you could just press a button and freely transform into your Falcon Armor or new armors that you acquire.
So what brought me back was a long-term plan in a way.  That friend who did the puzzles with me, as I mentioned expressed a Serious interest in reading my Long-Fic.  So I told her the best jumping on-point to get into Season VI stuff, which is actually starting at Xtreme2.  And I was so excited that she’d be reading it, that I relived it myself too.  [I even made some important edits to Duff McWhalen along the way.]
From there, as I’d go through my routine of job-hunting and soul searching, I’d also treat myself to reads of Xtreme 2, which turned into new routines of reading Season IV and V first, then applying to jobs, then going about my Self-Reflection Project.  Video Games wise, I also just decided to go through the whole MMX Legacy Collection.  So very quickly I went through X1 and X2.  X3 took a whole night.  X4 was a pretty quick Afternoon.  X5 was a decent day and X6 took a while (to play through in the way that I envision this fic.)
And then in the past week, you could say I’ve finally caught up, in more ways than one. Self-reflecting wise, I’ve actually caught up to April 2020, right at the worst moment of the year.  And it was good for me to go through that. Video Game wise, X6′s playthrough only spoke to me for the 1st Arc, mostly but it gave me a little more of an idea on how I’m tackling certain bits of the 2nd Arc.  The 3rd Arc is still a God damn mystery as is the exact ending, but I’ll figure it out.  Ideas are slowly forming.
And lastly Season VI wise, I quickly reread up to Ep. 4 and just opened up the file to Ep. 5 today!
I made new edits, came up with an Episode Title like I thought I would and at the stopping point, of course I was let down, but I was left with some new ideas on where to go from there.
Now I find myself actually wanting to rediscover what can happen next.
I have things to do today, and obligations weighing on me such as job-searches and stuff.  But now that my Self-Reflection thing is quickly catching up to the current day, I’m looking forward to alternating my writing days with X6 again.
Music is coming back to me, and funnily enough, someone swiped on me in September!!  So I started dating again, lol.  I’m not half as invested as I was in the Summer.  I know what I want more, this time around and yeah...
Other than the whole Job thing, life is good for the most part.
...I’m looking forward to getting the next episode out soon.
And finishing the 1st Arc by the end of the year.  That seems like a reasonable enough goal.
Until then, folks.
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Three Hundred Thirty: Starry Night ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Like Magic ] [ AO3 Link ]
Astronomy has never been one of his favorite classes. Not that there’s too much to actively dislike compared to other courses offered at Hogwarts. It’s just...odd. And he’s not really sure how he’ll ever use it. What use is there in knowing what planets have what moons, or how often this planet and another line up in their orbits? As far as he knows, none of the branches of magic he’s interested in really require it…
And the schedule is rather inconvenient. Sure, it’s only once a week...but having to meet at midnight means a short night between that and the first class of the following morning. At least most professors of whatever happens to follow tend to take a little pity on the yawning, heavy-lidded students.
Well...expect Orochimaru. Not even Slytherins gain their favor when it comes to having Potions the morning after an Astronomy night.
Still, it’s required for their first five years, so...Sasuke can’t really complain. It’s nothing too difficult. Useless as he finds it, at least it comes naturally enough. Memorizing orbits and what have you just takes diligence and study like anything else.
But their fifth year, what he hopes will be the last time he has to take it, it’s a double class. And to his thankfulness...it’s with the Hufflepuff fifth years.
Mostly he’s glad because, out of any class, he can avoid a few friends that drive him up the wall the most. Much as he likes Naruto and Sakura...he’s not sure his patience could stand them drudging through a class at midnight. Naruto is too loud, and would surely complain obnoxiously the entire time. And Sakura is too much of a know-it-all. She’d be hounding him about every little detail and correcting things that aren’t even wrong, just not done the way she’d like them.
But the Hufflepuff Sasuke is close with - who, arguably, is probably his closest friend of their funny little one-a-house circle - is none of those things. While she’s bright, Hinata isn’t domineering. And she’s quiet as a mouse, which suits him just fine.
Finally, he’ll have someone to take such a dragging class with that might actually make it a little more enjoyable.
So when that first Wednesday approaches, Sasuke makes his way up the many flights of stairs (something to add to his ‘this is why Astronomy is such a pain’ list) and keeps an eye out for a familiar face.
Thankfully, he finds it pretty quick.
By now, they all know to dress warmly. Even if the Autumn days aren’t too chilly yet, the nights are definitely cold. Most wear their robes atop full outfits, and some even drag blankets up with them to ward against the chill air of the open tower. The sky is mostly clear, a few wisps of clouds marring the view for their charts.
“Hinata,” Sasuke greets, approaching as everyone figures out where they’d most like to sit. The professor hasn’t arrived quite yet, giving them time to fuss over positions.
The Hyūga turns, brightening. “Sasuke! I was so glad to see we’d have this c-class together. We don’t have too many doubles with your house this year, seems like.”
“Yeah. It’ll be even worse next year when OWLs start narrowing things down for NEWTs.”
“I guess you’re right...well, we’ll just have to make the most of it!”
“Got anywhere you want to sit?”
Though his expression remains blank, Sasuke feels a small giddiness at her assuming they’ll sit together. “Doesn’t matter much to me - it’s a fairly starry night, doubt we’ll have any trouble no matter where we end up.”
“True...I’m glad it’s not too cloudy. That would be such a bummer for the first class…” With that, she starts leading the way for a spot, finding one along the outside where they can rest their backs. “This should work. Though I guess it depends a bit on where, um...where we end up needing to look.”
“Should be fine.”
They settle atop proffered cushions to keep their backsides off the cold stone of the top of the tower, idly looking over the horizon.
“I might not really need this class, but...I have to admit, it’s always just...nice being up here,” Hinata muses. “I love seeing the sky at night.”
“Though I guess it’s a bit nicer from the dorm windows. Not nearly so cold!”
Sasuke looks for a moment longer before offering, “Ours don’t have a view of the sky.”
“...oh! I forgot - they’re in the dungeon…”
“Yeah, but we do have a pretty wicked view into the lake.”
“Into the…?”
He gives her a glance. “...common room has a huge window under the water. You see all manner of things swim by, even the mermaids.”
Hinata’s eyes go round. “Oh...I would love to see it…”
“Maybe I’ll sneak you in sometime.”
“Oh, but...isn’t it rather s-strict, the etiquette about visiting other dorms…?”
“Eh, I don’t care. And no one’s about to give me any trouble.”
“It’d just be for a bit. I’ll sneak you one of my robes and ties so you look like a Slytherin. By the time anyone notices, you’ll already be gone.”
She still looks unsure, clearly not fond of the idea of getting in trouble. “Well...I’ll think about it. For now, we better focus on class…”
It’s only a few moments later the professor arrives, asking if they’ve all remembered their blank charts and telescopes. When everyone affirms as much, they begin.
Side by side, Hinata and Sasuke switch between views through their scopes, watching the professor, and jotting down notes or alignments in their charts. Breath plumes in the air as the night only gets colder, the stars above them offering little in the way of heat.
Shivering, Hinata sighs. “I really need to invest in some g-gloves...my hands are cold…!”
Sasuke gives her a glance. “Put them under the blanket for a bit?”
“Then I can’t write!”
“I’ll do it for a minute - warm up.”
“But -?”
“It’s fine. Not like you can’t copy off me anyway, I’m not about to mind,” he insists, snatching her parment and making identical marks on her chart and in her notes.
She hesitates for a moment...but eventually does as asked, huddling up a bit and trying to get warm.
Sasuke does double duty for a time, which isn’t too hard given it’s just copies of the same information. Glancing between his work and hers to ensure he doesn’t miss anything, there’s a pause as Hinata shivers again. “...still cold?”
“Get closer.”
“....I-I -?”
“I’m not cold - maybe that’ll warm you a little. Come on.” He juggles their stuff, lifting the hem of the blanket she bought to let her scooch over. Only once she’s tucked up shyly beside him does he let the excess rest over his legs, resettling and finding where he left off.
Hinata, in the meantime, gives him many a sheepish glance. Sure, they sit side by side all the time, but...never this close.
...he really is warm…
Tense for a few minutes, she eventually relaxes, even daring to lean into him a bit. Either he doesn’t notice, or doesn’t mind - but knowing Sasuke, it’s likely the latter.
“...still cold?”
“Huh? Oh...no…?”
“Your cheeks are pink.”
Hinata blanches just a bit. “I…I’m fine. Really. Just, um...I’m fine.”
A dark brow perks, but he doesn’t question her. “How are you hands?”
“Good. I can write for a while. Thank you.”
They work diligently together until the block is over, and the professor dismisses them. Being a bit far from the door, they just sit and wait for the crowds to thin before attempting to get up.
“Why is it only now that I’m finally warm that we have to leave?” Hinata sighs.
“Well, if we had my invisibility cloak, we could stay.”
That earns him a questioning glance.
“Y’know, tuck out of sight.”
“...you’d want to stay?”
“Well...like you say, we’re already here. And it’d be nice when it’s quiet and no one else is around, right?”
A slight flutter is born in Hinata’s chest. “R...right. I guess it would be.”
“I don’t get this view too often. It’s bright in London at night.”
“Oh...that’s a good point...well, maybe next time you can bring it, and um...w-we’ll stay for a bit. If...if you want.”
Sasuke shrugs. “Sure. ‘Course then we’d have to make it back to the dorms without getting caught out of bed after hours...but I guess we’ll just have to take you to the ‘puff dorm, and then I’d head back to the dungeons.”
“I’ve never been caught out of the dorms at night before…”
“Never snuck out to meet someone?”
Hinata’s face alights pink. “N-no!” A pause, and then, “...have you?”
“Not to meet someone, no...but I’ve skirted a few rules for stuff before.”
“Oh...right…” She glances aside, still warm in the cheeks. “...I guess...that’s probably what people would assume, if...if we were caught.”
The pair sheepishly meet eyes for a moment.
“...guess we’ll just have to not get caught, right?”
By now, the tower top is nearly empty, and they have little excuse left to stay. There’s a strained pause, and then the two make it to their feet, gathering up their things and heading down the stairs.
“So...should I bring the cloak?”
Hinata stutters a step or two at the bottom. “You...you were serious?”
“Well, sure. Sounded like you wanted to, so…”
She blinks, taken aback. “I...I guess you...could…?” Just because he does, doesn’t mean they have to use it. They can change their minds. Or...they might not... “Um...s-sure.”
“All right. Night, Hinata.”
“Goodnight, Sasuke.” Turning to catch up with her classmates for the walk back to the Hufflepuff dorms, she gives a glance over her shoulder. Even now, there’s a small churning in her belly at the thought.
...best to ignore it.
     (This is a sequel to days 28, 230, 299, 316, 324, and 327!)       More Harry Potter crossover! I've been slowly marathoning the movies in the evenings when I can, so...guess it's just been on my brain, lol - I've written something a BIT like this with another ship. It's cliche, but I love it x3      Also sorry about missing another day, the past few have just been rough...and tomorrow will be too, so no promises there ^^; At this rate I'll likely run over the end of the year, but...better late than never, I suppose.      Anyway, it's after two am and I've got a looong day ahead of me tomorrow, so off I go! Thanks for reading~
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kusunogatari · 5 years
[ ObiRyū October | Day Twelve: Massage ] [ @abyssaldespair ] [ Uchiha Obito, Suigin Ryū, Hatake Kakashi ] [ Verse: White Hands of Healing ] [ Previous || Next ]
Some days are...harder than others. And it doesn’t help that he’s gotten a bit of a slow start. Over a month in solitary, being mistreated and fed slop means Obito not only lost weight, but serious muscle mass and stamina. Building that back up was a rather slow and steady process, especially given his lethargy and depression for a time after being released.
But Obito wasn’t given much time to recuperate before being put through his paces. Both chakra and kekkei genkai sealed, he’s given the most mundane (and yet oddly challenging) tasks the village can think up. He’s reminded of his old D-ranks, only crafted for adults...and the express purpose of making him suffer.
Ryū does her best to help. While she’s not exactly allowed to assist with the tasks themselves, she instead tries to help pick him up afterward. To avoid further suspicion, he’s actually assigned his first six months to live with Kakashi himself, as part of an observation protocol. She stops by every few days to bring him some supplies, and just...spend some time with him. He’s still suffering from his incarcerated treatment for several weeks afterward, and it takes time to warm back up to being touched. But Ryū is ever patient, minding his boundaries and helping him adjust.
“Back again?” Kakashi asks one afternoon, glancing up from a book.
“Thought I might as well. Is he awake?”
“Probably. Though, uh...I thought I’d warn you of something.”
She gives him a curious look.
“Your rather frequent visits are raising some eyebrows.”
“...what do you mean?”
“People are starting to come up with rumors.”
Ryū can’t help but stiffen. “...you mean...?”
“Not about Obito, though. Seems some folks are convinced you’re here to see me.”
A blink, and then she flushes pink. “Oh, you mean...like we’re…?”
Clearly amused, Kakashi nods. “So if you hear that through the grapevine...it wasn’t me who started it.”
She huffs a humorless laugh. “...do people really have nothing better to do?”
“Well, given we’re all still in recovery mode, it’s about the only entertainment some people have. Just ignore it.”
“I will. But thanks for the warning.”
He lifts a hand in acknowledgement, letting her inside and getting back to his book.
Obito is sprawled on the apartment’s couch, and she can tell just by looking at him he’s not feeling well. The six months are nearly up by now, and he’s doing much better. With Ryū’s supplied home cooking, he’s been filling back out again. Still with a ways to go, but he’s not nearly as drawn as he was.
At her voice, he jolts a bit, the arm over his eyes lifting. “...oh!”
Ryū gives him a tired smile, watching as he sits up with a flinch. “You look exhausted.”
“So do you.”
“Yes, well...hospital work is never done. How are you feeling…?”
“Sore as all hell,” he admits, rubbing a hand over his face. “The last week or so has been pretty physical tasks, and I’m still so obnoxiously out of shape.”
Ryū gives him a sympathetic look. “Have you tried having hot baths?”
“Bakashi’s apartment doesn’t have a tub, just a shower. And I don’t want to go anywhere else…”
“I see...well, speaking of, have you decided what you want to do about moving out? Or are you going to stay here a little longer?”
“I don’t know...I should get out of Kakashi’s hair, but I don’t make nearly enough to stay someplace on my own.”
“...is it too soon to have you stay with me?”
Obito heaves a sigh. “...I don’t know. It’s been six months, but...I don’t want Konoha getting suspicious of you.”
“We could always just say it’s a combination of treating you and you needing cheap rent.”
“Hm...maybe. I’ll think it over.”
Setting the meals she’s brought (including some for Kakashi, as a way of thanks), Ryū hums in thought. “...well, in the meantime, I could try to help.”
“I could give you a massage. It would probably help with your sore muscles.”
Obito stiffens a hair, then glances to the window. Kakashi’s sitting on the tiny balcony beside his apartment door, still reading. “...er…”
“Oh, don’t mind him. Here, we can put the couch cushions on the floor for something for you to lay on. It’ll be fine!”
Still looking a bit unnerved, Obito nonetheless agrees, standing and letting her move things around. “Do I need to...take anything off?”
“Well, it would be a little easier that way.” Seeing his uncertain look, she motions for a pause, going back out front.
“Leaving so soon?”
“Well, no...I know this might be very forward, given this is your apartment Kakashi, but...would you might stepping out for a bit?”
He perks a very suspicious brow, making her flare pink again.
“N-not for anything like that! I just…” She leans in, dropping to a whisper. “Poor Obito needs some work done on his muscles, and I think he’s leery of being...seen? I know you’ve already gotten a look at his zetsu half, but…”
“Maa, maa...I suppose I can do that,” Kakashi replies, snapping his book shut. “Tell him I’ll give you two your privacy. But if anything is -”
“I promise nothing will be out of place,” she cuts in, going a deeper shade of red.
The Rokudaime chuckles, ruffling her hair and earning a pout. “I’m just giving you a hard time. Hopefully he’ll feel a bit better by the time you’re done. I think he’s been having a tough time sleeping with his body so sore. And in the meantime, I need to run some errands, anyway.”
“...thank you.” Watching him go, Ryū then steps back into the apartment, going so far as to draw the blinds. “There we go. Kakashi’s going to run into the village for a bit, so it’s just us!”
Obito visibly relaxes. “...okay. Thanks for...doing that.”
“He understands.” Once Obito is relieved of a few layers, he lays himself atop the cushions. “Okay, so...where does it hurt worst?”
“My back. Especially up toward my shoulders.”
Ryū gives a nod, and then takes a careful perch over his backside, knees along his sides. A very light hum of chakra glows along her hands, which start working at the muscles of his upper back.
Almost immediately, Obito gives a groan of relief, going more slack beneath her. “Oh gods that feels amazing…”
She can’t help a light giggle. “I’ve barely even done anything!”
“Well don’t stop,” is all he mumbles in reply.
Beaming to herself, Ryū keeps up her attentions, both hands and chakra working together to ease up the tension and knots in his muscles. First are his shoulders, and then she moves up to his upper arms. Then down to his mid and low back, eventually moving to his legs. All the while she just idles peacefully, losing herself in the motions and hardly noticing the passing time.
What she does notice, however, is that it doesn’t take Obito long to actually just...fall asleep. Giving a glance as she senses his chakra still with idle rest, she then gives a soft smile, keeping up her regimen until she can no longer feel or sense any more disquiet in his muscles.
“Ne, Obito…”
“...how about I put the cushions back, and you can take a nap on the couch?” She can put together the dinner she brought in the meantime for when Kakashi gets back.
“...‘kay,” he slurs, letting her help him up and rebuild the couch...which he quickly flops back atop and gets right back to sleep.
Knelt at the head of it, Ryū spares a minute or two to brush fingers back through his hair. The white has already given way back to black, her haircuts trimming the last of it away. Part of her is a little sad they no longer match, but she does still prefer Obito as she first knew him to look. She then gives him a soft kiss on the brow before commandeering Kakashi’s kitchen.
Thirty minutes later, the food is done, and...Kakashi is still gone. Setting everything to keep warm, Ryū checks a window, her senses not picking up his chakra anywhere nearby. And Obito is still dozing on the couch behind her.
“Hm?” When she gets no verbal reply, she looks over her shoulder to see Obito holding up rather expectant hands with just a hint of a pout on his face. Seems he wants some company.
A little pink, Ryū goes to perch on the edge of the couch, but then eeps as Obito gets ahold of her and pulls her down to his level. “...um -?”
“It’s lonely,” he mumbles, clearly still half asleep.
That gets her to soften, losing her startled tension. “...I know.”
“...of course.” Realizing she’s rather...trapped, Ryū does her best to adjust herself, pretty much draped over him. But that seems to be exactly what Obito is aiming for. Once she’s settled, he heaves a heavy sigh, and...falls back asleep.
Studying his face for a moment, Ryū then just...lets her eyes close, a small part of the back of her mind wondering what Kakashi’s going to think when he gets back…
Twenty minutes later, he finally reappears, stepping in and pausing. By now, Ryū’s also fallen asleep, the pair of them slack atop the couch. The food is still warm, and he glances between them and the kitchen.
...well, he might as well eat. He’ll wake them up later. For now, it’s clear they need the rest.
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     More Distraction verse random fluff, lol - we haven't actually plotted this far, so some details aren't exactly set in stone, but I mostly just...winged it. Poor Obito...Konoha's working him to the bone! Good thing he has a very attentive lil medic to help him recuperate x3      Not much else to say about this one, I s'pose, and I've still got more writing to do tonight. Thanks for reading!
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lokisasylum · 6 years
End of Year (2018) Tag
(I did this last night, but forgot to post it LOL)
1.       Song of the year? There were too many good ones... but as of now Jimin's "Promise".
   2.       Album of the year?
BTS' Love Yourself: ANSWER
Breaking Benjamin's EMBER
   3.       Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?
Peter Gundry (really good composer, he did one of the themes for GoT)
Digital Daggers
Alex Lustig (thanks for the recommendation JK! X3)
   4.       Movie of the year? I didn't really watch any movies this year.
   5.       TV show of the year? RUN BTS & Bon Voyage S3 LOL
   6.       Episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you? That one episode of RUN BTS ep 55 where they sang karaoke. And that episode of Bon Voyage S3 (in Malta) when Tae cried and was comforted by Jimin.
   7.       Favorite actor of the year? Do BTS count?
   8.       Game of the year? Zelda: Breath of the Wild remains supreme.
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   9.       Best month for you this year? This December because it was REALLY, really cold for Christmas unlike other years.
   10.   Something that made you cry this year? Some news we received from the doctor.
   11.   Something you want to do again next year? Hang out with my best friend/soulmate more before she goes off to get married and have dinner at this new pizza place 🍕 I went to. Also take more polaroids (make more memories 📸 )
   12.   Talk about a new friend/s you made this year @utopiajeon & @guincoleridge . Two really good Army friends. They're both really sweet, honest and we have a lot in common despite our slight difference in age.
   13.   How was your birthday this year? 🎂 It was fine, my grandmother, aunt & cousin brought me a cake, sang happy birthday to me (my cousin sang to me in Korean, she’s an old school SHAWOL,), then I went out to dinner with my folks. So it was a nice day.
   14.   Favorite book you read this year? "El Finalito" the final part of The Little Prince. it was sad AF. 😒
   15.   What’s a bad habit you picked up this year? Drinking strong coffee at night and staying up till 6 AM. ☕
   16.   Post a picture from the beginning of the year
(When I got my newest piercings)
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   17.   Post a picture from the end of the year
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   18.   A memorable meal this year? The Christmas Dinner I cooked.
   19.   What’re you excited about for next year? To get a job and not be broke lol
   20.   What’s something you learned this year? That fanwars SUCK and I'm getting too old for this shit. LOL
   21.   What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year? My Nightmare Before Christmas collection grew... in TWO DAYS.
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   22.   Favorite place you visited this year? Not really a "favorite" per se... but there was this cool place near my brother's place that makes great food and the atmosphere's pretty nice.
   23.   If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?
"Dear, Loki... you're a bad bitch Okay?  Do you and don't ever change. Friends will come and go, old ones will eventually leave us. So just keep doing you, but do it (more) BOLDLY. You want those extra piercings? You get those fucking  extra piercings, you want a tattoo, get that tattoo.  Life is painfully short and 2018 has shown us that in the harshest way possible. So just live your life the way you want and fuck the haters and all the opinionated shits who try and tell you how you should live your life."
   24.   Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions?
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   25.   Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one I've been writing and drawing mostly fanart, so can't say that I have.
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stag-garden · 7 years
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Hi Yes, a profile of my Final Fantasy XV OC, Andrea Lucis Caelum! (Who is, as I’m sure you’ll tell me, not at all related to Noctis Lucis Caelum or his family line in any way!)
NamedHerAfterMyPrimarySchoolClassmateAndExHeadPrefectOfMyBatchcoughSheGaveHerConsentOkay=-= (English, PLEASE.)
This will be a draft of her profile, so please tell me how to improve! (That’s what I’m here for, buddy-boy.) Biological Info:
Name: Andrea Lucis Caelum (Please, dear god, don’t be the Lucis Caelum we’re all thinking of. Please.)
Nickname(s) or Alias: Drea, Rea, Braveria (Who the fuck calls you Braveria, and why? Is it because you’re supposed to be brave? If so, that’s just stupid. I’m honestly so confused.)
Age: 21 (Old enough to smoke the drugs and be cool)
Gender: Female
Weight: 52kg (About 115 lbs.)
Place of Birth: Insomnia, Lucis (That’s just more evidence going towards your true cancerous nature. I really don’t want to have to shoot you.)
Height: 175cm (5′7″ tall, meaning she’s a solid 10 lbs. underweight. Side effects may include weakened immune system, hair loss, infertility, fucked up hormones, and menstrual complications. Eat a fucking meal for once.)
Position: Oldest Princess of Lucis, ??? (secret x3) (Are you saying that the fact that she’s the “oldest princess of Lucis” is a secret, or that she has some other occupation that is a secret? Because both situations sound fucking awful.)
Family Ability: Ability to absorb elements for spells (Fuck no. Jesus Christ, no no no. This isn’t true, you’re not in the royal family, you didn’t really write this.)
Personality: Quiet, reserved, serious, slightly pessimistic, motherly, confident (at times) (The traits quiet, reserved, and serious wouldn’t match up with a motherly character at all.)
Speaking Style: Serious, slightly monotone, deep
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English Voice Actor: (???)
Japanese Voice Actor: Rina Satou (I’m gonna guess that he 2 hours of Final Fantasy XV that you did play, you played in Japanese, you weeaboo shitstain.)
Battle Condition Info:
Weapons: Normal Spear, Spear of the Sister, Ring of the Sister
Main Weapons: Spear, Spear of the Sister, Ring of the Sister (None of these are actual weapons by the way, the creator just pulled these out of their ass to try to make their character sound more interesting somehow. In reality, it just highlights how bad it is.)
Elements: Fire, Ice, Lightning (Should you also be able to absorb light and dark as well, or would that be too OP for you?)
Favoured element: Ice
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Favoured Weapons: Spear, Spear of the Sister, Ring of the Sister (Alright now I just want some explanations. Why is it called the Ring of the Sister [other than the obvious reason of her being Noctis’ sister]? It doesn’t make any fucking sense.)
Combat Style: Strategy, instinct (at times) (HOW CAN YOU BE BOTH???)
Main hand: Right hand
Capabilities: She's able to move swiftly and stealthily to creep up on enemies to take them out. If her weapons are not being able to be used in combat (The grammar of that fragment was completely and entirely butchered, oh my god.), she either retreats, or engages in physical combat (I mean, if she’s swift and stealthy, wouldn’t it just be a good idea to scram?). She's average on physical combat, being able to throw punches and kicks with no problem (As are most people, lmao). However, her accuracy and speed are not that precise in physical combat, hence she would be very vulnerable if in physical combat, so usually she preferred to retreat when faced with no choice. (Take a shot every time you read the words ‘physical combat’) Usual Abilities:
Strength: 6/10
Defense: 4/10
Speed: 7/10
Strategy: 8/10
Magic: 5/10
(So what you’re trying to tell me that she has no real special strong point and she fuckin sucks. Got it.)
Weapons Capabilities:
Regular Spear: (What the hell defines as a regular spear, anyways?)
Strength: 7/10
Defense: 3/10
Speed: 5/10
Strategy: 8/10
Magic: 5/10
(This spear is almost as mediocre as you are.)
Spear of the Sister:
Strength: 8/10
Defense: 3/10
Speed: 5/10
Strategy: 7/10
Magic: 7/10
(Why do you weapons have a strategy stat? Do they talk? Are they doing the strategizing for you?)
Ring of the Sister:
Strength: 7/10
Defense: 1/10
Speed: 9/10
Strategy: 5/10
Magic: 9/10 Special/Unique Abilities: Ring of the Sister/Courage:The Ring of the Sister, commonly known as the Ring of Courage, is a special piece of jewelry owned by Andrea. When feeling worried, one has to concentrate magic and concentration for the ring to give them bravery, absorbed from the enemy, replacing their bravery with fear, at a cost of a small time period of the user losing most of their consciousness, usually 10 minutes to 5 hours. (That’s a very broad scale, is she okay???) Bravery will fill the fear of the user, for a day, giving them courage to face the dangers ahead. The Ring of the Sister offers a defensive shield for the user, commonly when summoned, at a cost of a small amount of their magic. (THE RING OF THE SISTER’S DEFENSIVE CAPABILITY IS LITERALLY A 1/10 LMAOOO) Spear of the Sister: The Spear of the Sister, is the weapon of the Seventh: The Angel. The Spear of the Sister is owned by the Angel. Upon receiving the Angel's blessing, the Spear of the Sister would be acquired. The Spear of the Sister boosts the bravery, patience, integrity, perseverance, and purity of the wielder, allowing them to be more swift in battle. However, by using the Spear of the Sister, 100 HP, 20 MP, and 2% self-control will be lost with each hit, preventing the weapon from being abused for its power. Self-control will only be lost if the user had evil intentions for the use of the weapon, deep down in their hearts. (That’s fucking stupid, if evil people lost their self-control with every hit, they’d be crazy by the time they hit a target 50 times. That wouldn’t preserve the weapon’s power from being abused, it would just make the now-insane user abuse it more.) Spear of the Sister also protects the wielder, if they are of a pure heart and mind, as wished of the Angel. Relationships: Family:
Regis Lucis Caelum (Father) (No, this is what I’ve feared all along.)
Bianca Prudentia Lucis Caelum (Mother) (xThundy) (This is another OC, and another reason for this OC to not exist.)
Noctis Lucis Caelum (Younger Brother) (No, no this is NOT allowed I WILL  NOT tolerate this. Noctis is a pure boy who did nothing to deserve this relentless torture that you’ve given him.)
Serena Lucis Caelum (Younger Sister) (xThundy) (This is another OC that we’ll get to later.)
Lover: Ignis Scientia
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Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
Revis Nox Fleuret
Prompto Argentum
Gladious AmicitaIris Amicita
(Man, of fucking course, you’re friends with everyone, Jesus Christ.)
Enemies:The Empire, Ardyn Lucis Caelum Trivia: Hobbies: Drawing, Reading, Singing, Playing instruments, Dancing
(”Playing instruments”, how specific of you.)
Favourite Places: Galdin Quay, Tenebrae
Preferred Meal: Toasty Rice Balls, Veggie Medley Stew, Average Saving: 10 000 Gil
History: (COMING SOON) (More like “I was too lazy to write this while I was making the OC, but I eventually forgot to write it because I got too busy working on characters that were arguably worse.) Yeah hope you liked it! It took me 2 hours to write these omfg xwxThank you for taking time to read this! Her profile will be updated completely soon! Andrea Lucis Caelum: Ifse-Chan Serena Lucis Caelum and Bianca Lucis Caelum: xThundy Profile template: xThundy Respective Final Fantasy Characters belong to: Kazushige Nojima, Saori Itamuro, Akiko Ishibashi, Takumi NishidaOri: My own drawing (reference used), please do not steal! (Jesus fuck, people actually do this.) Boi! :3
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Final Rating:
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mystic-head-canons · 7 years
Hello! I was thinking about this the other day; the RFA reacting to finding fanfic of themselves? X3
It’s not really fanfic of Yoosung as much as it is of SuperYoosung (aka, his online persona)
Thing is, he was talking to a girl he met while playing LOLOL and she was awed by him
So, she started talking to him regularly, always admiring him and all his hard fought work and so on
Then he finds out from a guild member that she’s writing fan fiction versions of his exploits in game (and out, but in the context of in game)
He reads them and the character she’s made him out to be is this brave, handsome warrior who travels the land searching for his one true love, fighting evil, helping innocents and fellow warriors alike, and just being a hero
Yoosung is embarrassed to admit he got super sucked into the story and the way it progressed like a real fantasy novel, and is so disappointed to find that she’s two chapters from finishing it, although the last two chapters promise to have a reunion, a final battle, a satisfying wrap up, and a happy ending
Yoosung talks to his online buddy and learns that she never named the female character because nothing sounded right, so he tells her to use the real love-of-his-life’s name
She does, she startled people are so happy with the reveal of the name, Yoosung cries over the ending three months later
Now, he’s subscribed to her, so any fanfics she writes about SuperYoosung or based around his adventures, Yoosung will read
It’s totally a guilty pleasure, he can’t even bring himself to share it with MC
So, you know, she was casually scrolling through some Zen fan fiction when she saw an “RFA” tag
So she clicked it out of curiosity
First of all, SO much Zen/Jumin porn
Just like
one of the main writers for these fics username is HackerLoveGod, and she swears it’s Saeyoung
Then she finds a tag of her name
She clicks and finds an overwhelming amount of fanfics about her
It’s mostly really cute fics about her interacting with the RFA, possibly flirting with someone and finding someone inside or outside the RFA
Ironically, MC is in very few and is never the romantic interest
The only romantic interests Jaehee has is either one of the guys (most Jumin, she’s mortified to find out, with Zen as a close second) or a random guy, once it was even Rika
Jaehee never admits that she found any of this, still kind of shaken by the idea that people are actually interested in her so much that they theorize about her happy ending
It’s kind of creepy
It’s to be expected with a big name actor, especially when he’s cast in so many romances because of his good looks
Plus he canonly has a romance writer who bases a lot of her male leads off of Zen
But most fanfics are extremely romantic, long winded stories about how he and MC met, their whirlwind romance, and how they had to fight off Echo-girl
They’re all extremely romantic, some better than others, some even becoming soulmate au’s because some fans love and respect his love so much
NGL, Zen totally uses a few fanfics as platforms for romantic dates (he takes MC ice skating because of one fic where he did that, she almost fell, he caught her, and it was all very sweet, where as the reality was that he tripped and accidentally pulled her down with him and she ended up pinned under him by accident)
A woman actually wrote a book with a character loosely based off of Jumin as the main lead
It was a rather… inappropriate book, especially coming from a woman that had never met him
But one day, he finds MC sitting on the couch, laughing at her phone with Elizabeth in her lap
She shows Jumin the hundreds of self-insert fan fiction where women meet and ultimately fall in mutual love with him
When he asks why she thinks this is so funny, she points out two things
1. At least a third of them take 2-14 days for them to fall in madly in love, which parallels real life, which she thinks is hilarious
2. All the ones written after MC and Jumin got married, MC is this monstrous, smoking, drinking, possessive, greedy bitch, and the women “rescue” Jumin from such a terrible woman
Jumin fails to see the amusement in these, especially the idea that MC is evil
She finds a few really bad ones and reads them to him so that he can truly enjoy them with her
She also reads some really good ones that are super romantic and Jumin totally takes ideas from (i.e. Gifts to give, restaurants to eat at, things to do together)
“I’ve hacked the world in which you exist. I found the lives you imagined we’d have together. Let’s make one a reality.”
Hahaha, ignore that please, it’s mildly creepy
Also, there’d better not be fan fiction of him as that could be a terrible thing
Seriously, he’s a hacker, he lives in the shadows, so if anything gets out about him, he’s screwed
So that means, the only reason he’d find fanfic of himself was if the RFA or someone that knew him wrote it
When Saeyoung finds the fan fiction, he’s horribly confused for obvious reasons
He reads them, is slightly disturbed that the character dynamics between him, the RFA, Saeran, MC, and others are so spot on, but actually becomes pretty invested in some of these adventures
Eventually he backtraces everything to…. his house? What?
When he finally figures which computer is posting it, he’s surprised to find Saeran’s writing it, while he was expecting MC
Then it hits him; that’s why she’s been giving Saeran feed back about his writing lately
Saeyoung totally hacks Saeran’s computer to watch him write, so he can have the next chapter now
When Saeran starts to kill Saeyoung off, he can’t help himself, opens a chat box and says “NOooo!!! You can’t kill your own brother!! Why would you do this?!”
Saeran types back, “I FUKCING KNEW IT!!”
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pika-ace · 8 years
LES MIS AU? Usnavi was in jail for few years cuz he stole bread, after he got out he couldn't do anything cuz of the criminal record. Then maybe he tries to steal from abuela Claudia, who then sets him on the right path and usnavi skips his patrol to be a better person. Flash forward, usnavi is a business owner & stumbles upon a woman trying to provide for her child: sonny. After plot things, usnavi promises to take care of sonny, gets him out of the abusive inn, and usnavi raises him as his own
Cont. flash forward, yay it’s the revolution. Pete and other barrio fam are apart of the revolution. Pete meets Sonny and they fall in love. Usnavi doesn’t approve, but then there’s the bigger issue of the law found him and he’s gonna be arrested if he doesn’t get out of the country soon. Sonny tries to write a letter to Pete, but usnavi intercepts it at first, reads the letter, and then decides to try and get pete out of the barricade so he doesn’t die. Maybe usnavi could either help them win or you could go the canon ending where usnavi manages to save only pete. Maybe you could shove in some vansavi where Vanessa takes a bullet for him like when eponine dies. Anyway, he saves pete and bring him back to sonny. Pete and Sonny decide to get married, but usnavi leaves as not to threaten their happiness or whatever the movie’s reason was. Pete finds out usnavi saved him, and Sonny and Pete go off to find usnavi, and are there for his final moments while dying of an unspecified illness
OH NOOOOOO!! I WAS WONDERING IF THIS AU WOULD EVER SHOW ITS FACE AND IT DID!!! I’m not a diehard fan of this musical but I always come out of it severely moved and depressed (the movie managed to make me cry, and I knew what was coming!!!)
Okay, so yes to the whole Usnavi stealing from Abuela to help set him straight (I could see him being a poor immigrant and stealing was his only option cause his parents were dying [they die anyway when he’s arrested]) and eventually meeting Sonny’s mom and promising to take care of him on her deathbed and maybe she gives him something, like a letter or trinket to give to Sonny so he knows that Usnavi is going to take care of him. So he finds Sonny in that abusive inn and I’m thinking that maybe Vanessa works part time there (since Cosette and Eponine knew each other as kids (I like to think they were kinda sorta friends)) and has tried to help Sonny or make the staff go easier on the kid, but that never worked. And while Usnavi’s negotiating with the innkeepers they briefly meet but they can’t really keep in contact cause Usnavi vanishes with lil’ Sonny and maybe he hides out with Benny for a while (cause he helped him when he got trapped under a cart). Usnavi then tells Sonny what happened to his mom and how he was going to take care of him now and Sonny’s a little iffy (stranger danger) but the guy’s been giving him food and toys so far so he can’t be that bad. And after a while, Sonny starts calling Usnavi, Papi and it’s super cute X3 But as he gets older, Sonny is REALLY starting to wonder what’s up with Usnavi cause he’s super cautious and how they always have to live out of the way from everyone and he always keeps Sonny under watchful eye (basically mother hen Usnavi X5) And Sonny and Pete have their love at first sight moment maybe because Usnavi saw the government and they split up by accident and Pete helped Sonny get to safety to meet Usnavi. After that, despite Usnavi disapproving of him, Sonny and Pete keep sneaking out to meet one another (based on of the many other Les Mis movies out there) until the war starts. And as for the revolution half, oooooh man. I REALLY would like a happy ending for the barricade guys also because Usnavi knows these people! Benny, Vanessa, Nina, Lincoln, he knows just about everyone there. But at the same time, they can’t really win as that was the point historical wise. And GOD!!! VANESSA AND USNAVI SINGING 'A LITTLE FALL OF RAIN’ END ME NOW!!!! Maybe Usnavi could help them escape while he gets Pete (who’s unconscious) and he leads them through the sewers for a while until they break off; like, Usnavi has to go one way to bring Pete to a doctor while the others have to get into hiding and lay low for a while. And for Vanessa, maybe we could have her just get injured protecting Usnavi from a bullet and they have their little moment before the others take her to be taken care of. You could probably have a whole side story dedicated to them hiding and maybe starting anew. So everyone’s saved, yay, and there’s a happy reunion. And maybe before they get married, they decide to move one last time and they manage to meet up with the rest of the barrio fam and literally ‘start’ the barrio, a little town of their own that they can build and fill. Sonny and Pete get married there, and Pete figures out from the rest of the barrio that Usnavi saved him. 'He was really intent on getting you out of there; he wouldn’t stop.' and after that, Usnavi FINALLY tells Sonny the truth about his life and being on the run and says it’s alright if Sonny hates him for keeping such a big secret from him but Sonny doesn’t care! 'You saved me from that inn and raised me, Papi! And you even saved Pete! You’ve done so much for me, how could I possibly hate you?!’ So everyone’s happy and Usnavi and Vanessa eventually get married as well and Benny and Nina get married and they all grow old and die together, the end.
P.S. This could also be a Benina AU with Kevin Rosario as Valjean, Nina as Cosette, and Benny as Marius! I love the idea of Kevin carrying Benny through the sewers despite hating him and 'In My Life/A Heart Full of Love’ can basically be Benny and Nina’s theme song X3
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Mass and Sending 10/1/17
I actually had the pleasure of writing mass for this Sunday, and will be preforming it tomorrow along with the usual sending, Below is the mass script I wrote, along with the sending
Mass Script for Kurloz
Written by: NepNep
Preformed by: Lily
" Hello! I am Lily, Firs toff, I'd like to say a few things and after that I'll explain some more. Alright first up! This is a collection of people's art I found on pinterest I used for either 1. Inspiration 2. I loved there stories so I typed it too be into mass as well 3. If anyone would like any of the art just message me on my fb if you don't already have it I'll give it after mass, Now this isn't about me so.. I'm going to continue! "
" This week..., I'd like to present... ' Self Representation ' Now... You might be asking what I mean by that, or you already know. Well I'm going to explain as well a little bit but mostly, I'd like for you to reflect on anything I'll say, I'll give a few moments for you too think, Maybe even share your own as well, When it is time to share, I'll defiantly give a reminder so you'll know. But for now I'd like to warn ahead that this could be emotional for anyone, Maybe you don't want to be reminded of anything and that's ok, If don't like what I'm saying just please speak up and I'll cut out what is triggering you so you can enjoy it without any worry! "
" I really don't want to offend, trigger, or upset anyone so please do speak up! We could also be touching sensitive subjects as well, But mostly this will be a reflective and emotional mass so, For now before we start anything I'd like to ask for a moment of silence, maybe even a small prayer to The Messiahs, I know for a fact for some, maybe most, or all. This week hasn't been kind to anyone... I'm sorry about the unexpected things that happened but- Hey, We can all learn from that can we? It's a great learning experience for anyone! Even if the outcome isn't as what you expected, Or  thought it would be... But it'll be ok, Were a family, and family will always pull through the hard times for each other. Now Let's begin shall we? But first, Like I said earlier a few moments of silence to make a small prayer to The Messiahs before we start anything, Thank you. "
" The next part is going to be a..., Rather long but in the way I have typed it out for you a short, multiple message story, I wanted to keep the story as I had found it, So I had to break it down into multiple small messages, I'm sorry if it annoys anyone... I promise though it's a great way to start off any reflections you might have felt during Homestuck to any Character though! But while I'm reading this, Take some time to think about it, Maybe relive some experiences of your own. Think about your ' Journey ' The path you took, The choices you made, The friends you made, The family you created or were adopted into. Everything has happened for a reason, The Messiahs have blessed you with miracles, Teaching you lessons since day one,  And have watched you grow into the beings you are today. Without further ado... "
" Listener: Relive The Experience. ==>
It's a story, About some friends,
The people they met along their journey,
and about how they became *HEROS*
Along the way they learned their lessons, '  YOU ARE NOT ALONE  '
Someone is always so, so proud of you.
You don't have to be brave,
or strong... You just have to care
There's someone waiting to meet you.
They'd miss you if you were gone
Don't give up
It's worth the fight to see the light at the end.
Addiction is worth fighting.
Recovery is always possible.
Things won't change right away
It takes time to rebuild.
Don't let yourself be a victim.
It's okay to cry.
It's okay to not be okay.
Just don't stop moving forward.
What will you do?
Or advance?
You can be anything you dream of being.
Adventure is out there!
Don't be afraid of the inevitable
Your past doesn't have to define you.
You CAN change for the better.
Anyone is capable of goodness
The people you meet on your journey will change you
and you will change them in turn.
You leave a mark on the world just by living in it.
Someone will catch you when you fall
And if no one does,
you'll find the strength to get to your feet again
Sometimes you won't know who the real enemy is.
Sometimes you might even think it's you.
That doesn't matter as long as you keep moving forward.
When things feel hopeless,
When you think you've been abandoned,
That's when the magic happens.
It's when things are at their worst
that people are at their best.
You aren't always going to win, but stories don't end when you lose.
It doesn't end until you give up
and giving up was never an option
even if you fail,
you'll have better luck next time.
Your victory is the story you tell after.
You get to choose how your adventure will end.
Will you give yourself a fighting chance?
Will you quit just because the struggle is hard?
Will you let the darkness win?
or will you look the monster in the eyes
and tell him
"Not today."
you are in control.
You are not alone.
You are an author
and this is YOUR story.
The curtains don't close until you have your say.
Today is your day.
What will you do?
" The Messiahs have blessed you with a gift they called life
no one has that right to take your beautiful, and precious miracle they called life away... You have all the friends and family you need for any support, and don't forget that...! Now Since this is relating to something else on a good note..., Why don't we switch over too that one? Also Now is the time for anyone who would like to add any of there own personal reflections, I would defiantly love to hear any from you, Good or Bad, If you feel comfortable sharing it. Please go ahead and do I'll be able to add it to my script to publish to my Tumblr! "
" I will also give my own personal reflection, Maybe short, I'm not sure. But anyways... This is actually personal stuff I've never really told anyone but- I do reflect on this sometimes, Maybe to remember how things could've gone, have gone since... But anyways, Before I switched to fb almost completely as my way to find and make new friends as I had recently... I'm actually ashamed to say this but... I had lost my temper at my then BF, I broke up with him on the spot after he made a... ' Joke ' I had told everyone in that chat before, over the course of several months to *STOP* Making, or too not make PERIOD, Well they made it. I was slipping into a depressive state, With symptons of depression but I refused to get therapy and stuff back then. But anyways I was fighting with myself and anxiety and a lot of things every day "
" But I was out of the chat when they made it, my friends told me about it, Oh how my feelings clouded my mind of judgement more than anything else... I blew up screaming at my friends first in my Text Group Chat before going to the other Group Chat with my EX in it and... Someone I'd rather not even call a friend, They are- Were, Excuse me, Were a very very toxic person which was the main source of my anxiety, my (possible Depression...? I don't want to be lying because it never really was doctor diagnosed but it did affect me heavily and everything I did) depressive symptons, Of course at the time I didn't know this, or clearly see it, My mind was clouded by helping my than bf, the chat, and my friends. Whatever happened to me didn't matter, No. My boyfriend and my friends (I use to call them family) Came first to me. But anyways I saw him, The toxic person, And my boyfriend joking about a subject I'm not going to say as it could be triggering. "
" But I saw it..., I was... *SO* Pissed off I just- I couldn't believe him, Why did he *THE PERSON I LOVED* Of all people..., Why did he make those jokes with him? I blew up, I yelled at him, the both of them, Broke up with him right then and there. I refused to fix anything for months after..., Than... the regret, and what I had done started to set in. Wow. I hurt this person I loved, Very much, I hurt them this bad and it was all over something. A stupid thing I could've easily solved if I had just tried to get help before but when I had tried to get help from them before all I got was ignored, my problems weren't important, I wasn't even acknowledged at all, You know this hurt me a lot, Emotionally, I was wondering what I did wrong, Did I talk too much? Was I annoying? What did I do wrong... "
" The toxic person when ever I'd sing (quote songs) would tell me it was annoying, I reflected on everything they said a lot. They said so much, and put me threw so much, It hurt me a lot to see these people I had invested so much of my time into being with, and talking too would do this too me... But that last part sent me over the edge. I wasn't taking it anymore, I blew up, broke up with my then boyfriend, And I left... I left and went to FB. I eventually found Kurloz " She quietly gestured to the Mime " Kurloz..., Has done so much for me without even realizing it, Let alone knowing it because I haven't told her yet. "
" Kurloz, Made me feel... ' Happy ' Kurloz made me feel like I was ' Special ' Like... I was ' Wanted... ' I hadn't felt these emotions in so long, I was scared something would come along and take it away, or ruin it. Kurloz has taught me so much then, She even accepted me into her religion despite me being a complete stranger lol x3. Kurloz, Thank you, For everything you've done for me. I don't know where I'd be without you, The lessons I've learned, The things I fixed, and solved, Everything I've done since I've met you, I've followed near you on my own path while being watched by The Messiahs I did because you were the greatest influence in my life I had, had the pleasure of meeting in *YEARS* You, Helped me become a better person, for good I hope "
" Now, I'm going to finish my reflection up with, I reflect on this memory as, a huge development in me being a better person. I met someone who unknowingly helped me, Taught me,  Adopted me, Let me be part of her family. I reflect on this as the start of something new in my life. The both worst, and best experience I could've had. Now I'm going to quote something as well so what would you do in a situation like this? Meeting Alternate Timeline Version of yourself? "
" Signless: " Wait! " He grabbed Kankri's hand " I have so much I want to ask you! " " Please, Don't go... "
Kankri: " Do you regret it? This life we chose. If you could make the choice again. " He held his arms up, and gently held his hand "  ...Would you choose to give it all up? "
Signless: He reached out as Kankri walked away " Wait... " " Don't leave! " He leaned forward reaching out now " I WANT TO GO WITH YOU! " Tears were whelling up in his eyes " Don't leave me behind! " "
" If you had the chance, To re-do everything in your life from the very beginning knowing everything you had done before hand... Would you go back and do everything over again...? Next is a small collection of quotes from different images "
Terezi: 1'V3 S33N 1T, 4ND 1 JUST W4NT YOU TOO B3 H4PPY TOO
CA: I don't knoww
CA: It probably doesn't matter
CA: My feelins seem petty and meaninless noww
Eridan: Hey fef can I --
Feferi: Not now Eridan, I'm busy!
Eridan: That's okay Fef, I don't mind
Eridan: Hey sol--
Sollux: Leave me alone Fii2shface
Eridan: Oh
Eridan: It's ok
Eridan: I'm fine alone
If you love me let me go, Cause these words are knives, that often leave scars, the fear of falling apart, and truth be told, I never was yours, The fear, The fear of falling apart
This is my family " She pointed out to the peers with a smile " I found it all on my own, It's little and broken, But still good. Yea, Still good... "
" Now..., Reading that, When have you ever done anything like this to anyone...? You never know when someone is breaking down, and they came too you for help and you just pushed them away like it was nothing. You never know how hard someone has it. What there going threw, You don't know how they feel, Treat everyone like they are the most amazing person on the earth... <3, Everyone deserves to be treated like a queen and king, Now to start finishing this up, Let's get some inspirational quotes! "
" Tavros: yOU ARE NOT UGLY
Aradia: Y0u are n0t w0rthless
Sollux: Everythiing ii2 not your fault
Eridan: You are lovved
Nepeta: :33< You are purrty
Terezi: YOU 4R3 B34UT1FUL
Equius: D--> You are STRONG
Kanaya: You Are Worth Living
Gamzee: PuT aWaY tHe RaZoRs AnD gIvE mE tHe KnIfE
Feferi: Go get yourshellf somet)(ing to eat
Vriska: Darling I know it hurts 8ut it will get 8etter "
" Hope to me, Is about believing in stuff, If you believe in stuff then everything feels like it's going to be ok " - Jake English
" Aradia: D0n't give up
Sollux: Iignore the voiice2
Nepeta: :33< Follow murr heart
Kanaya: Trust In Yourself
Terezi: D0 WH4T'S R1GHT
Vriska: Think 8efore you act
Equius: D--> E%press yourself
Gamzee: BeLiEvE iN mIrAclEs
Eridan: Nevver lose hope
Feferi: B-E )(appy "
" Sometimes you want someone, And you want to kiss them, and be with them, But you can't because responsibility... Demands Sacrifice "
" Finally to finish up..., Markings, Our marks are made to represent our place in the world. What kind of marks would you have if you you happened to have any...? Would they be words, quotes, a story, Images...? Take a moment to think about it, and while you are, I'll set up the sending of the guest, otherwise this is all I have more mass, I really do hope you enjoyed it ^=^, I'm sorry if it was hard for anyone, or sad... But also please don't feel bad, or pity for me, I'm so glad to have met everyone...! I wouldn't change it for anything <3 "
Below is the sending
10/1/17 Sending
preformed by: Lily
Written by: NepNep Leijon
Method: Gutterfly, and then drowning in Pumpkin Spice Latte
" Wow, writing mass AND sending took quite a bit out of me, Sorry this will be short..., I need to hurry and get some HW done after this! Alright, Everything's set up for The Sending, I'm just going to keep this short because I probably made Mass run long. " She smiled and chuckled " Today's Method will be a gutterfly, and then drowning in a Pumpkin Spice Latte. I'll have volunteer's next week, Promise! This weeks troll is a blue blooded Male. "
Lily had all the necessary preparations set up she smiled and yanked the troll over, She strapped them tight to a ' T ' cross and proceeded to run a knife down their stomach, the organs slumped over spilling out. She dug her hand around his internal organs for a bit, blood gushing out and splattering across her face before she finally grabbed the intestine and made a ' Gutterfly ' carefully, and slowly. She smiled and threw the gutterfly into the peers. She grabbed the smaller intestine wrapped it around his eck and drug him off
Lily stood at the top of the tank, and dropped the blue blood into the Latte, She smiled, and snickered closing it up..., Slowly... She grins at him " Bye Bye " The troll is frantically swimming around when- ~ ACK ~ She's pulling on the intestine threw a small gap which is making him drown, and being strangled at the same time! She smiles and continues playing like this with him for a while. " Ok fun time's over " She yanked one last time, His face went blue when his conciousness slipped away. Lily jumped down and- Threw confetti into the peers! " I hope you enjoyed this mass I was able to present! I'm sorry the sending was so short, I just couldn't for the life of me write more... "
0 notes
365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day One Hundred Ninety: Who Took It? ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uchiha Tenkai, Uchiha Chikyū ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: A Light Amongst Shadows ] [ AO3 Link ]
When Hinata wakes this particular morning, something just feels like it’s...missing. Opening pearly eyes, they blink blearily as she realizes it’s a rare day off for both herself, and her husband...hence the lack of the alarm waking them up for a day on the force.
And also why Sasuke’s arm is still slung over the dip of her waist.
For a moment her eyes scrunch back closed with a smile, indulging in the feeling of him so near...and the house so quiet. They’ve got two little ones, after all...which means there’s rarely a peaceful morning in the Uchiha-Hyūga household. She has to take what she can get, when she gets it.
But the day is going to get away from her if she’s not careful, so eventually she wriggles to her other side and gives Sasuke’s chin a nuzzle. “I think it’s about time we got up, ne?”
Eyes still closed, he gives a quiet grumble.
“As much as I love lying here with you...we’ve got things to do.”
Mismatched irises peek out from under Sasuke’s lids, peering at her flatly. “...guess you’re right.” But first, he gives her a squeeze, pulling her flush to him and grinning against her throat as she giggles warmly. “All right...I think I’m ready to get up now.”
Amused, Hinata disentangles herself, slipping out of bed and dressing as her husband does the same.
A quick glance with the Byakugan shows her their daughter is already up, playing quietly in her room as her brother snores on.
“So, going to take Tenkai sparring like you promised?” she asks Sasuke as her kekkei genkai relaxes.
“Maybe for a bit. Naruto wanted to meet up this afternoon, sounded important.”
There’s a small flicker of interest, but she knows he’ll explain afterward, once he has all the details. “...I think Chikyū and I might do some baking this morning.”
“I’ve got the itch,” she replies with a smile. After all, she knows now what’s missing this morning: the smell of something sweet and freshly baked. “It’ll give her something to do while you guys are out.”
“Good point.”
Sasuke goes to rouse the kids as Hinata gets a start on breakfast, yawning a bit to herself in the groggy quiet of the house. Surely by now the other two houses in the Uchiha compound are waking, and it probably won’t be long before someone stops by. The extended family is rather tight-knit, after all: hard not to be after all the three surviving Uchiha have gone through. More often than not, Shisui steals breakfast from one of his cousins, and it’s not uncommon for any of Itachi’s children to swing through. After all, the elder pair are new genin, and always have stories to tell about their training with Mirai and sensei Shisui. The youngest, Tenkai’s age, always shows up to drag the pair of her cousins out to see their agemates whenever they’re not stuck in the Academy.
Overall, the Uchiha compound is fairly lively for only having the three homes and less than a dozen residents. Add in their visitors, and it seems there’s always something going on.
Soon enough the four gather at the table, offering, “Itadakimasu” before digging into their meal.
“So Tenkai, ready for some shuriken practice?” Sasuke asks, glancing to his son.
The boy perks up. “...yeah!”
“Can I go?” Chikyū asks.
“You can go with us once you start in the Academy next year,” her father assures her, smiling at her pout. “For now, you can stay here with your mother and get some things done around the house.”
“I thought we could bake something together!” Hinata offers with a smile.
After a moment to think, the girl nods.
“We won’t be long,” Sasuke assures them, helping to clean up before leading his son toward the village training grounds.
The feminine pair watch them go before exchanging a glance. “So...what should we make?” Hinata asks, loosely folding her arms.
Chikyū considers that. “...cinnamon buns…?”
Her mother gives a soft laugh: seems her favorite food is a family favorite. “Perfect! Come on, let’s get started.”
Together the pair prepare the dough, rolling it out and forming little buns to be placed into the oven. Always happy to spend time with her children, Hinata does her best to engage the quieter child. Chikyū has always been the sort to keep her thoughts to herself, and though Hinata finds that fine, she does her best to help her youngest feel included.
After all...she knows what it is to be the quiet, forgotten daughter.
Once the treats are in to bake, they clean up, and Hinata giggles at the flour in Chikyū’s hair. “Maybe we should clean up ourselves too, ne?”
Mother and daughter shower and bathe, damp hair left to dry as they hear the boys return home. “How did it go?” Hinata asks, smiling as she fetches the buns from the oven to cool.
“Good,” Sasuke affirms. “He’s improving steadily.”
Beside his father, Tenkai gives a pink-cheeked grin.
Pride glows through Hinata’s expression. “All right...I’ll go water the garden while these rest. You two better go take your baths now, hm?”
“Hai,” Tenkai agrees, covered in dust from the well-worn training grounds.
Heading out into the backyard, Hinata hums to herself, tending to the plants in their garden space. It won’t be long until they have fresh vegetables and a few fruits to add to their table. Next are her collections of flowers, and soon everything is glistening with fresh water.
She retreats back inside, washing her hands and preparing to make the glaze for the buns. But Hinata pauses as she stares at the pan.
...one is missing!
Blinking, she gives the kitchen a glance, finding nothing else out of place. So...someone decided to indulge in a treat a little early, did they? A hint of a cool look overcomes the mother’s face. “...Tenkai! Chikyū!”
Her son scampers in quickly, his sister not too far behind. “Yeah?”
Arms folding, Hinata looks them over. Well...there’s no telltale crumbs on their faces… “Did someone take one of the buns?”
Confusion tilts Tenkai’s head, and Chikyū frowns. “...one is gone?” she asks softly.
“Yes, one is gone. Are you sure neither of you took it?”
Both heads shake. “Nuh uh! There isn’t even any icing on it yet!” her son observes.
“Yeah...it’s better with icing.”
Hinata’s brow furrows a hair. “...were any of your cousins here? Or aunt, or uncles?”
More shaking heads. “Nope, no one was here. It’s been super quiet!”
Well that’s strange… Considering her pan again, Hinata can only think of one other possible culprit...but…
“What’s the fuss?”
The trio look up to the doorway into the kitchen to spy Sasuke. “...someone took a cinnamon bun without asking first,” Hinata offers, perking a brow at her husband.
He just blinks.
She stares.
Everyone knows Sasuke isn’t a fan of sweet things. Sure, he’ll have something every once in a while, but…
Pale eyes squint. “...was it you?”
Both kids give little gasps, looking to their father with affronted expressions.
Slowly, a small smile grows on his face. “...if it’s any consolation, I wanted to skip the icing. Makes them too sweet.”
Rolling her eyes, Hinata gives a weary sigh, Tenkai and Chikyū latching onto Sasuke with accusations of stealing.
“You gotta wait ‘til they’re done!” the boy insists, clinging to a leg.
“Who doesn’t like icing…?” is their daughter’s question.
Sasuke just chuckles. “I’m so very sorry...do you forgive me?”
“You gotta ask next time, okay?”
“Okay. I will.”
Shaking her head with a smile, Hinata asks, “All right...who wants to help with the icing so the rest of us can have a treat?”
     I'm SO SORRY this is so late: as I updated here on Tumblr, I had a VERY long day yesterday, combined with a headache, and just...had to wait until now to work on yesterday's prompt OTL I was hoping to avoid any entries that are THIS late through the challenge, but...well, sometimes life gets in the way.      ANYWAY!      Some Hyuuchiha family fluff! Featuring my lil kidlings from the ALAS verse. In all honesty I haven't fleshed them out TOO much, since I never got that far in the first (and v old and outdated) version of the story. So it's good to write pieces with them to help round them out a bit more! Scandalous Sasuke, swiping sweets! He'll never live it down, I'm sure x3      But yeah, that's all for this piece! Gotta get some stuff done so today's likely won't be done until later today, but...hopefully not as relatively late as this one, haha - thanks for reading!
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