threnodians · 5 months
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not pictured: me kicking my feet and giggling
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hmslusitania · 3 years
I was scrolling through your blog and got a wonderful idea. Hear me out. The fire fam. But in a leverage plot. They are all criminals playing Robin Hood and evening the score for the little guy. Idk I just love it and both shows have given me all the found family I could ever desire. But just think, instead of joining the 118, they’ve all had moments where they had to make that choice of what direction to go. And instead of being LAFD they turn to crime. And still find each other. Because yes.
So, Anon, my dearest. This is a screenshot of the table of contents in my "Potential AU Ideas" document. Which I created back on March 9th (I started watching the show on March 1st). You may note that the very first entry is, in fact, a Leverage AU.
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I am incredibly unlikely to write it at any point because I am 100% sure I would just do an absolute hatchet job with the plots because I am nowhere near as clever as John Rogers et al, so you have given me an excuse to talk about what the details would be:
To start, we have our Mastermind, Bobby, who used to definitely be on the side of right and good, but disaster struck his family, and you know how that building they lived in was 0% up to code, disconnected sprinklers, faulty alarms, highly flammable materials? Well, the company he worked for insured that building, and do you know who faced zero charges and even made money off this tragedy?
So anyway, he is invited to crime, and would necessarily pick up his crew of the following:
Hen Wilson, an extremely talented hacker
of note, her rival hacker in the other team is Karen. They met back in the 90s in a hacker forum and it takes them several jobs as rivals to realise they're in love, it's great
Karen steals Christmas as a way to flirt with Hen at some point (and donates it all, obviously, because she's Karen)
Eddie Diaz, retrieval specialist.
He's also just like...inexplicably good at basically any physical skill? Need him to play baseball for a job? Check. Need him to be a dance instructor? Check. Need him to be a music star? Check. They have found exactly one (1) thing Eddie can't do and it's cook, but fortunately Bobby's got them covered on that
also, Lena is of course the rival hitter. I don't know why, but the scene in the Last Dam Job where the goon is like "Who are you?" "Well, I'm not Eliot" except with Lena saying it has been absolutely stuck in my head since I first had this passing thought of an au so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Chimney, thief
yes his name is just Chimney. No, no other information is available and even Hen can't find it when she goes looking.
Rival thief, appearing both in the Two Live Crews Job, the Inside Man Job, and the Last Dam Job is his little brother instead of his father figure, Albert.
yes this is at least 45% because of John Harlan Kim's role in the Librarians
They get super duper burned on that first job as a crew and so they need someone new. At which point, Bobby announces that what they really need is Buck. "What's a buck" everyone else asks, and they go to a crap theatre in a dark corner of Chicago where our dear sweet Buckles is just absolutely blundering his entire way through Hamlet. "This is the worst thing I've ever seen," Eddie says, because of course he does.
The story comes out that when Bobby was in his insurance hunter days, he had repeated run-ins with this kid, who had clearly spent way too much of his life deeply unsupervised and turned to art theft on a lark, and Bobby had ended up a sort of surrogate father figure to him (which is why Hamlet instead of the Scottish play because y'know avenge your father rather than encourage your husband to the dark side) and eventually somewhat maybe talked him out of crime! Which leads to the first encounter of the crew as:
Buck: Bobby?!
Bobby: Hey Buck. How've you been?
Buck: Good! Good, I'm acting now instead of grifting, and it's going pretty well actually! You'd be proud of me!
Bobby: I am
Buck: So what are you up to these days?
Bobby: Crime! Want to help?
Buck: oh thank god
ANYWAY (again)
That makes the last addition to their highly effective crew:
Buck, grifter
When Buck has to lay low for a while on account of having to fake his death because of the Freddie Costas thing, he sends another grifter in his place, secretly
he is...a bit miffed when he gets back to find his sister and Chimney have fallen in love, but hey, it means Maddie ends up staying with the Leverage crew on a permanent basis so it's kinda a fifty-fifty scenario
it takes him an embarrassingly short period of time to fall in love with Eddie, which is convenient since it takes Eddie an even more embarrassingly short length of time to fall in love with him. They're just. they're gross. They're absolutely gross.
And where is Athena?
Obviously, obviously, with all her Lawful-Alignment tendencies, Athena has to be the insurance agent-then Interpol agent who keeps having far too amicable run-ins with them. Because she and Bobby used to work together of course, because of course they did. Perhaps they also are somewhat in love? Possibly? Who's to say.
(I've been flipflopping on who would be Maggie for the purpose of this au and I think it might have to be Michael? Bobby gets him into crime -- in frickin' 9-1-1 canon, let alone in an AU -- after he and Athena divorce and it's all so weird between the three of them, but you know, they do all manage to stay friendly despite *gestures vaguely* everything)
So! Yeah! If I felt I had the intelligence to actually write Leverage-style scenarios, this is how I would do it! If you've made it this far, thank you for indulging me.
also, I did sort of write a ficlet on this theme once back when we were all doing the mashup prompts
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lokislittlesigyn · 3 years
OG616 : Thor 1 - Pt.6 [The Mourning]
[My masterlist, where all parts of this and my other fics can be found]
Pairing: Loki / Sigyn (basically an oc based off the marvel/myth namesake)
Warnings: Angst, some.. Hopelessness? And mild flirting.
Author’s Note: Very long one here. Hope you enjoy!
Taglist: @high-functioning-lokipath
To be added to the taglist, just ask me here or send a message! <3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A very distinct, sharp pain washed over Sigyn as she pondered Odin's words. Like a knife plunging into her gut, twisting, pulling - but never leaving. Only hurting worse and worse, the very air in her lungs seizing up.
Loki is dead.
Her throat burned.
Loki is dead.
Tears streamed down her face.
My Loki is dead.
She broke. Her entire body shook with a sob as she collapsed onto the couch she was seated on, weeping. "He can't, he- He's not, he's not.."
"Sister.." Thor wrapped her in a hug, his jaw set firm. Frigga placed a hand on her back.
Odin’s grip tightened around Gungnir. "He's gone."
"No he's not."
"He's NOT!" She screamed, struggling in Thor's grip, who clenched his jaw as he held her. "He's not- He can't be, he.. Loki.." Her body gave way, unable to cope.
Thor helped her stand, letting her sob against him.
"I wish it were true," Odin resumed, forgiving the interruption, "That he could still be with us. But he made his choice."
Sigyn glared at him.
"You made your choice when you lied to him! When you lied to all of us for countless years. We built our life around that lie!" She choked back another sob. "Now our lives are ruined because of it."
Odin didn't respond.
"Sigyn, have care how you speak." Frigga stepped between them, finally composed, though her eyes still glistened. "We need time to grieve, all of us. But perhaps, you most of all." She cupped Sigyn's cheek, wiping a tear away. "Go rest. Arguing will breed nothing but more pain."
Frigga was right. Arguing now would only make things worse - Odin wasn’t exactly known for a cool temper. But her head was still spinning. Loki couldn't be gone. There had to be some other way. Straightening up, Sigyn wrung her hands together. Swallowed. "I-I am sorry, Allfather.. I spoke out of line.."
Odin waved his hand, still looking away.
"Thor," Frigga managed a gentle smile at her son, "Please take Sigyn back to her chambers before you visit the healers."
Thor nodded, and without another word, he and Sigyn left.
Sigyn stayed in her chambers for days on end. She ignored the time. Refused to eat. Refused to sleep in her bed - no, their bed - it still smelled like him. She spoke to no one. Retreated into the solace of being completely and entirely alone. Once the dust had settled, the wounded healed, and the palace put back in order, a feast was held for those who defended Asgard and helped Thor return home.
Sigyn was required to attend.
I can't exactly refuse... She reasoned, pulling on an emerald green gown. Putting on her favorite necklace, she gazed in the mirror.
She was pale. Paler than usual. Sickly and thin, with dark circles under her eyes. Hardly the shining goddess she would be expected to appear as. She looked down at the necklace. She’d had it for a long time. A rectangular medallion on a thin, metal chain - the medallion bearing two serpents, intertwined with each other, each biting their own tail. A symbol of Loki’s adaptability and cunning.
"If you should like to...” Loki had murmured, obviously nervous has he offered it to her, “I would be honored to see you wear it.”
It had been a perfect gift, marrying her colors with his symbol. She barely took it off, except of course when she was expected to wear coordinating clothes. Then it lived in a small wooden box on the dresser, safe from dust.
This will be my first meal without you. She ran her thumb over the symbol. I love you. I miss you.
Composing herself, she left her room.
Servants and guests alike stared at Sigyn when she arrived. She was late. She adjusted the necklace, ignored their whispering. Ignored the stares, the side glances...
Maybe I should’ve stayed alone.
"Sigyn.." Sif walked up to her. "I am so sorry for your loss.."
Sigyn merely watched the warrior as she spoke. She felt like something inside her had died along with Loki. Something was lost. She wasn’t sure if it would ever return.
Sif swallowed. "Truly, I am."
With great effort, Sigyn spoke, her voice dry from lack of use. "Thank you, Sif." She forced as much of a smile as she could, then took her seat.
Conversation picked back up. Stories were told. Laughter spread.
Sigyn stayed there. Motionless. Expressionless. Staring at her untouched goblet. This wasn't worth it. Nothing was worth it. Nothing had meaning anymore.
She turned to look at all the guests. They were eating together happily, drinks sloshing over their food as they raised toasts and struggled to contain their laughter at Volstagg’s stories.
Their spouses hadn't been taken from them. They hadn't lost someone.
This is life now, isn't it. Sigyn turned back to her empty plate. This is the lot I was cast.
Her vision grew blurry with tears.
The curse worked. Loki is dead. I'll never be loved agai-
She clenched her jaw.
Don't you dare start thinking like that. Don't you give up now. Keep going. Keep fighting. If not for yourself, for him. Do it for him.
She looked back at all the familiar faces around her.
Be strong. Be strong for him.
A tear ran down her cheek.
Make him proud.
"A toast, to Asgard! For the glory of our realm!" Roared Volstagg, raising his glass.
Be strong for Loki.
Sigyn stood and raised her glass with a smile.
"To Asgard. Our home."
Time passed. The grief-stricken goddess still wept for her lost husband, still dreamed about him every night. But as the months went on, she wept less. She slowly began healing from the wound deep within her heart. Accepted that for now, Loki was gone.
For now.
She had thrown herself into old books and tomes, determined to improve, to make her husband proud. In the shadows of familiar bookcases within the palace library, she found writings on the Norns. The sisters Wyrd, Veranthi, and Skuld - three powerful beings controlling the past, present, and future. And there in the crumpled pages, she found a familiar symbol: the web of Wyrd.
Three sets of overlapping lines, the it symbolized the inherent interconnections of all actions - and all realities. How the past influenced the present, the present the future, and the future, perhaps the next life.
Our next life... Once the Asgardian twilight comes, and I embrace a final sleep, I will wake up and see him again.
We won’t be alone.
She would remind herself, with each new day, she was another step closer to seeing him again someway, somehow. Alive or dead, they would be reunited. The thought of it inspired a little spark of hope within her. With each passing day, she spent hours pouring over old spellbooks. Studying ancient runes, practicing spells. Mastering them.
She filled books with ideas, charts, musings.
And most of all, she remembered Loki.
She mapped out his entire life, beginning to end. Considered everything that had happened. Asking Thor, Odin, and Frigga exactly what he'd said to them - and exactly how they'd responded. Recorded what they said in books of her own. It helped her grieve.
But it also served her in other ways.
Rumors spread quickly throughout Asgard. Rumors of the prince who was hungry for power. Who stole the throne, and tried to kill his own brother to keep it. Who abandoned his wife in her time of need. Who betrayed his family and his realm.
The liesmith.
Sigyn considered it her duty to dispel false assumptions about him. And as she traded for a new book at the marketplace, she heard one such assumption. A group of ladies stood nearby, gossiping over their goods.
"There she is - that's her, the princess."
"Oh my,"
"Lokiwife, wasn't it?"
"Yes, that's her," A pretty brunette leaned in closer to the others, "I heard she and Loki had quite the time before he.. Well," she frowned, earning murmurs from her group.
Sigyn glanced their way, eavesdropping on their conversation, tucking the book into her satchel.
A blonde nodded in agreement. "Anyone would have a rough time if their husband abandoned them like he did."
"Oh yes," The blonde shook her head, "It was just awful. The Warriors Three said he was always envious of Thor, always wanted the throne. And when he got the chance to steal the throne, he took it."
"If only Thor had been crowned in time. None of this would have happened.” The youngest piped up. The brunette shrugged an agreement.
“Such a waste - we waited hours for that coronation.”
“We had such a nice view, too.."
"A nice view of Prince Thor, certainly." The brunette nodded, her cheeks turning a slight pink.
The blonde smirked. "I'd even say Loki was glad Allfather Odin fell into the Odinsleep.. After all, that gave him access to the throne."
"Finally got him what he wanted," Mused the brunette.
The blonde huffed, "Though a lot of good it did him. Abandoned his wife and his honor, and what did he gain? He's likely in Helheim now.." The group murmured again in agreement.
Sigyn couldn’t take it anymore. "Excuse me - beg your pardon, ladies," She smiled, walking over to them. "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation."
The women's eyes went wide. They bowed, paying their respects. Sigyn nodded her own greeting.
The brunette was the first to speak. "Yes, Princess, we were discussing your husband.."
"And his life's motivations. I heard." Sigyn glanced at the blonde, who gulped.
"We meant no offense to you, Princess.."
"Tell me, did any of you know Loki?"
They shook their heads.
Sigyn sighed. "You must understand: he was not evil. The Loki I knew had not a single malicious bone in his body."
"But he was jealous, Princess. Lady Sif said so, I heard her discussing it over a goblet of mead.." The blonde fidgeted.
"And she's right."
The ladies blinked.
Sigyn straightened up. "Sif is correct. Loki was jealous. And do you know why? He spent his life feeling less than Thor. How do you think Loki felt, then, when he found out his life was a lie? That his greatest fear was true because he was different, he was lesser?”
The women were quiet. Sigyn paused, then continued.
“Loki didn't want the throne. He wanted to be like Thor. To be equal, not less. So when Queen Frigga gave him the throne - he took it. She told him to make his father proud, and he tried to do just that. He tried to prove to Odin he loved him, he was his son, and - and yes, he tried to have Thor killed." Sigyn swallowed.
"I won't deny that. He likely did it to prevent Thor returning and squelching his efforts. But consider why he did it. Loki was... Mislead. He made the wrong choices. He tried to prove himself by vanquishing the Frost Giants, Laufey among them. And what did he have to go off of?" She laughed a single, sad laugh, "We're all raised to fear Jotuns! Slay them like the stupid beasts they are! Hunt them down, bludgeon them! What else would you expect him to do?"
By now a small crowd had gathered. Curious passersby all stared at the princess.
They probably think I'm mad, Sigyn mused, But I don't care. This isn't about me. It's about Loki.
"So he tried it. He tried massacring the Jotuns - and was foiled. Again. By Thor. Again! He was trying to prove himself! Desperately grasping at the final threads of hope! And on the Bifrost," Her breath caught in her throat, "On the Bifrost, that night, he begged Odin for approval. And how did Odin respond? He said no to his son, to the boy who only wanted to be as loved by his parents as his brother was." A tear streaked down her cheek.
"And he fell. He gave up. My husband died because his hope ran out. He could bear the pain no longer." Sigyn stepped toward the blonde, "So the next time you talk about Loki, I ask you to remember that. I hope you remember how my husband, the most wonderful, beautiful man I knew, lost hope that night. And now he's gone."
Without another word, Sigyn turned. Pushed past the crowd, ignoring their stares and whispers.
"Come, Villeildr," She mounted her horse, squeezing his sides with her legs, "It's time we take our leave."
Later that night, Sigyn was in the library when a familiar voice called her.
"I thought you'd be here." Fandral stepped in, smirking, his cape sweeping behind him.
"Here I am." Sigyn's focus remained on the book.
"I heard you had a run-in with some acquaintances of mine today."
Sigyn stopped reading.
Fandral continued. "Gave them quite the talking to. Did you rehearse it, or did it simply come to you?"
She shut the book, peering up at him. "They were lying about Loki."
"You seem to forget he lied too.."
"Of course he did. We all do; that doesn't make it right. They were lying about him, Fandral, disrespecting the dead - spreading false rumors about how he 'always wanted the throne.'"
"Well, he was always jealous of Thor.."
She huffed, "I know."
They sat a moment in silence. Fandral moved closer. "I was hoping you would join me for a drink tonight. You’ve barely left the palace in.. Well, far too long."
"I don't drink."
He looked hurt. "You used to."
"There are many things I used to do." She returned to her book, hoping he’d get the hint.
"And I could help you with more than one, if you so wished..."
She raised an eyebrow at him. "Remember that bit about respecting the dead?"
"You're doing a horrid job."
He chuckled.
"Now, even I can't be the best at everything, dearest Sigyn."
"Oh, I believe it." She smirked.
His brow furrowed. "You were meant to be the goddess of compassion, you know."
"Compassion is like sympathy; I can sympathize with you and still point out the fact you're inappropriate."
"You sympathize with me?" He smirked.
"Fandral, do not twist my words.."
"Even if it makes you smile?" He tilted his head slightly. She couldn't resist a small huff of a laugh.
With a slight sigh, he took her hand and kissed it. "Ah, I may never be anything more than your friend, Sigyn," He lowered her hand, smiling at her. "But even if that's the case, I am honored to be your friend."
She smirked, nodding at him once. "Thank you. You're a good friend, Fandral.. Even if you are rude."
With another chuckle, he sprung to his feet. "Until we meet again, fair Sigyn," He bowed, "I take my leave." Turning on his heel, he headed for the door.
He stopped.
"Don't get too drunk. Lady Sif is tired of cleaning up after you."
He shot her a grin, then disappeared around the corner.
He's going to get absolutely ruined. Sigyn thought to herself, shaking her head.
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bakashidan · 5 years
TaS - The Sims 4 Farr Dynasty (1#1)
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I’ve played TS4 for so long and have done lots of challenge (though without ever sharing about my experiences), but I have never had done the legacy challenge. Seeing that I currently have nothing to do in my game aside from the 30-days Build It challenge, obviously I decided to have a little fun with one of the biggest, oldest challenge around  🙌
Instead of creating a new sim from scratch, I picked out a randomly generated townie. This allowed me to have a completely random sim whose traits and aspiration are alien to me - since I have a tendency to make my sims look and have certain traits - while also introducing me to the freak show that is Maxis’s choice of... well, je ne sais quoi.
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The game did a good job on utilizing all my cc, that’s for sure.
So here is the founder of the soon-to-be Farr Dynasty: Robin Farr.
Driven out of home by her parents, Robin Farr promises to create a far (pun not intended) greater legacy to prove her worth. She moves out to a small island near Windenburg, settling down on an empty land, with what little changes she’s saved up from her job as a leaf cutter. That’s right, folks. Our miss Farr is a gardener. Now that’s something I’ve never truly played with, despite having the seasons expansion. 
Following the basic rules of the challenge, the succession laws I follow are gender equality, traditional, merit, and brood. I considered the exemplar law, but then again it would be far more interesting to see which child tries to lick ass the most :D plus I rarely interact with children in my game plays, so the hates children trait really sits well with me. What doesn’t sit well instead is the scoring sheet, since I will most likely forget to tally all my dos and don’ts to even know my score at all due to college works. I also set down the quality to laptop mode due to having to work on another 3D rendering program, so my graphic in game looks quite crap.
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Traits: Romantic, Geek, and Hates children. Hmmm.
After setting my money to §1800, I had to send her off to work because the damn phone is starting to explode with the boss’s calls. She brought home §175, a meager sum which I doubt would even be useful at all to help me build a house - SOOO I set her out to visit the neighbors, the Bro household and the Bjergsens. Robin had free meals over at the Bros’ and introduced herself to Bjorg Bjergsen and his smallest daughter, whom she had the misfortune of having to entertain. That little interaction gave her a 6 hours tense moodlet, lol.
That being said, right after the little imp scampered away to play in a leaf pile, Bjorg made a move on Robin and DUH, of course she retaliated back. They were watching a romantic movie together, sitting by each other’s side with flirtatious jokes flung around, generally having a really suggestive time a homeless person and a rich father of two shouldn’t be having. Then Clara Bjergsen came in, and Bjorg got embarrassed just in time before his wife caught on them. Robin left the house with a plate of warm turkey dinner and a dirty little secret I might had planned to cultivate.
She left the house to go back and sleep at the Bros’, I might add. That earned her a negative relationship with Joaquin, but also a significant boost to her romantic relationship with Sergio for no other reason than all the flirting the two kept doing because they were under the influence of the steamy ginseng juice Joaquin brewed. So much for trying to get her out of the house, Le Chien.
The romance went steady even with all the sneaking around Bjorg led Robin to do - he asked her to dinner right after he fought with Clara, took her to the humor and hijinks festival, and had a date to the park - and at the end of the day, Sergio’s romance meter was higher than Bjorg’s. Fuck it, I thought. Persuading good ole Bjorg to get a divorce is way harder than marrying Sergio. On their third dinner date Robin asked Sergio out, and he immediately followed up with a proposal. It might be because they were celebrating his birthday or whatever, dunno, but she said yes - and they eloped on impulse Θ_Θ)> The news didn’t sit well with Bjorg, who asked Robin out to another outing right after her sudden wedding.
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He hated it. The old man argued with Robin and threw her drinks until suddenly, Clara Bjergsen came inside the bar, looking shocked to see her husband so violent. It prompted him to stop fighting with Robin, but the deed is done and the love is gone. Whatever fling they had had gone down the drain, even as Robin tried to smoothly recover and apologize (jackass had the nerves to shove her in response!). So I moved her out of the bar, heading to the art gallery, a place where she usually unwinds... with Jade Dragon. Seriously though, this game needs a heavy PG rating - and not just because there are super R-rated mods in the community :>
After three plates of chicken nuggets and unwinding with the bubble blower, I couldn’t force the poor girl to walk home when she’s already jackshit hammered. 
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So she slept in the art gallery and was late to her work - oh, joy! - and I automatically switched to Sergio. He was chatting up Joaquin in front of a Japanese restaurant I put in Newcrest and Joaquin didn’t exactly look thrilled about it; so maybe he was asking Joaquin to be a godfather or something? Is this a sign from SimGod that some ~spicy~ woohoo is on the way that night?
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Anyhow, because the lad had a day off, I fulfilled all the requirements for his promotion and bought some basic furniture to fill a 6x8 room. I crammed a (used) double futon, a baby basket, a toddler bed, a high chair, a fridge, a toilet, a bath tub, and a workstation as efficient as I could and bought some more decoration mod that resembled hastily given wedding gifts (clothes rack, shoe rack, and an ‘adults only’ neon sign that I put up for no other reason than looking cool during nighttime). Must’ve been heaven for Sergio, seeing as he was a materialistic sim. Building the whole room costed me an arm and a leg, and when Robin came back home the two of them had a quick, free meal to save on their food expenses.
Later that night, Joaquin invited Robin to dinner and Sergio tagged along. True to their action earlier, the bros started talking again about SimGod-knows-what and the conversation took a pretty strange turns when bubbles of sun, diaper, baseball gloves, and an anti-Sergio one poured out of Joaquin’s mouth lol. Is he rejecting Sergio’s offer? Is he dissing his bro? Is he really not bad-mouthing Robin, the one whom he had bad relations with?
Sims are... fickle????????
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“Yo, what the fuck, bro.” -Sergio 2k19
On the side notes, while these three were having a serious conversation, the Landgraab couples came and copulated in front of the entry way. I never would’ve seen it coming, not even when the blue notification box popped up and notified the whole world about their intimate times. I luuurve WickedWhims, but sometimes it’s just too much hassle - both the setting and the random sex pair ups. Teen Alexander Goth came by and excitedly took a picture of the event (shame that NPCs can’t exactly take a picture, though).
Even more later on that night, after they went back to Joaquin’s place from dinner, a certain someone couldn’t keep their hands inside their pockets and flirted a lot. And by a lot, I mean a whole damn lot. Sergio finally won over Robin’s reluctance and they tried for baby inside his old closet while Joaquin took over Sergio’s old bed and slept on it. It took a single try for Robin to carry a kid from the suave tech guru, whereas with Bjorg none of the hot dilly dally even produced in anything but the cum slut spermatozoa fluid hussy moodlet. Good thing she broke up with Bjorg, right?
God, I don’t even want to relish the next part ever again. Possibly one the worst drama I’ve witnessed in sim history, even with the knowledge that all kinds of activity that happens is probably mutually agreed upon. But hey, the worst is yet to come... I think. And the next part of our first generation is going to be a grim and heavy, but I won’t forget to add all the cute parts that popped up here and there. Rewriting my experience so far has made me realize just how dramatic a sims gameplay can be 🤔🤣
Special thanks to all the amazing creators whose mods I use during my gameplay, and to ChilliP0uch for talking me into joining this challenge ♥
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formerprincess · 7 years
Shot at love | Thiam Week Day 3
A billiard table and Liam learns a few things
"When you told me your old uncle Harrison had a few things he wanted to give us, you didn’t tell me he was talking about this monstrosity!”
Liam sat on the stairs and had to actually bite back a laugh when he heard his mother’s hysterical voice coming from the living room. Theo next to him had the same problem. Both young men had come home to a removal van parked in front of the house and movers carrying various things into the house. Last but not least had been a billiard table who now stood in the garage. Upon seeing it, Liam had thought his mother would faint. She turned pale and blinked a few times, mouth agape, while it was carried into her home. Her husband had tried his best to calm his wife or was still trying to calm her. Much to the amusement of the two teenagers living in the house.
“It’s not that big.” Dr. Geyer now tried to reason. 
Liam snorted and looked away to keep himself from laughing loudly. His mother’s reaction was hilarious. Now Dr. Geyer still tried to reason with his wife but she stormed out of the room and grabbed her purse. “I have to go to work. You two, stop laughing! And you, you have work to attend too and maybe one of your colleagues wants an ugly purple billiard table for their home. With will collect! I’m not moving this thing anywhere.” She demanded and Liam was still chuckling. Even more when his mom, still mad at basically everyone, waved at Theo and him and gave her husband a cheek kiss before she hurried outside. Dr. Geyer sighed, then checked his watch and bid goodbye to Theo and Liam before he hurried behind her.
Once his parents were gone, Liam leaned back and now he could laugh, holding his stomach while doing so. “Seriously, my mom is even scarier than any supernatural threat when she’s angry but it’s also so damn funny to see her like this.” Theo chuckled and then got up from the stairs. “I get she was surprised but I mean, it’s not that bad, right? But yes, it was hilarious to watch.” He ventured into the kitchen and from there into the garage to inspect the billiard table. Liam followed not far behind. 
He watched Theo stroke over the wood of the table and the billiard balls, seemingly lost in thoughts. “I mean, the color is really ugly but you can re-paint that. Seriously, who paints a billiard table purple?” “Dad’s uncle?” Liam offered an explanation and tilted his head. “Can you play?” Theo smiled and took a cue in his hand. “Haven’t played since...you and your parents offered me a place to stay. Or rather since Monroe and Gerard offered everybody in Beacon Hills a weapon. Too risky.” He moved the balls around the table and then put the cue behind his back to make a shot. It hit perfectly and one ball sunk in the net.  “Wow!” Liam was impressed by that. “Didn’t pick your for the billiard kind of guy but that was cool. Can you do more?” “Well, I was homeless and if you don’t want to sell your body or commit a crime, there was no better way to get money than to fleece people at billiard games.” Theo explained nonchalantly, executed yet another trick shot and sunk two solids in the corner pocket.
“How much money did you make?” Liam inquired, interested in that part of Theo’s life. he had wondered occasionally how the other afforded to actually live, even in his car. Gas money was expensive and Theo’s clothes were always neat and clean. “Did I ever look homeless?” Theo asked and Liam shook his head. “There you have your answer. Enough to get a decent shower and enough money to wash my clothes.”
Now Theo looked at him, raising one eyebrow in question. “Ever played?” He inquired and Liam shook his head again. Theo reached his hand out and Liam took it without hesitation. He trusted Theo after everything they went through; heck they lived together and Liam actually felt safer when the older boy was around. Call him naive but he knew Theo had changed. 
Theo pulled him to the table and handed him the cue, taking Liam’s fingers and adjusting them around it. “Hold it that way but not too strong. Don’t want to break it. It’s more fun when it breaks over some dude’s head in a bar fight.” He grinned wickedly and Liam muttered a stern “You’re scaring me sometimes.” Though the image of Theo hanging around in shifty bars, fleecing people while playing billiard and then participating in a bar fight was kind of hot. Gave him a raffish touch. Even more, than he already had.
Liam almost gasped out when Theo grabbed his hips and pulled him flush against his own body. This was probably the most cliché thing but having their bodies touching so close and smelling Theo’s scent did things to Liam. He was no stranger when it came to crushing on a man, so he was far over the confusion stage, but it never had felt like this with any of his crushes before. Theo got under his skin, more than Brett or Hayden ever did. Theo once had tilted Liam and Hayden as puppy love and Liam kind of had to agree. Their love had been pure and innocent, as innocent as it could be under the circumstances, just like a first love should be. With Theo, Liam felt something else. Something more mature, something deeper and sensual. But he really tried not to go in that too deep because he was afraid this would ruin their friendship. 
He faintly registered Theo giving him instructions on how to stand, until he registered the words ‘spread your legs for me’ and he hissed. “Could you word that differently? This is not a porn flick!” Theo chuckled into his ear. “Believe me, if this was a porn flick, I would have you already bend over the table, screaming my name, sweetheart.” He whispered into Liam’s ear and Liam barely suppressed the shudder running down his spine. He could however not suppress the goosebumps running over his arms. Get it together, Dunbar!
“You’re too stiff. Also a sentence you probably won’t hear in a porn movie.” Theo teased him and gently twisted Liam’s hips to adjust them when Liam actually followed and spread his legs to get a better stance. Obviously not good enough because Theo felt the need to adjust his whole posture, nudging Liam’s knees forward a bit until he was satisfied with the stand. Then he moved to pull Liam’s shoulder’s back slightly. “No hunching over, this isn’t lacrosse. Keep your shoulders back.” He instructed and Liam had to admit the new stance felt better He eyed the cue in his hands. This should work.
“You hold it too tight.” Theo scolded him softly, his fingers closing around Liam’s to adjust them once more. “It’s all about the right pressure, you know? Can’t have to too lose and can’t have it too tight, both won’t work in the end.  Just go with the flow, see how the cue moves, get a feeling for it.” His fingers dropped from Liam’s fingers to Liam’s wrists and he guided Liam’s hands in a few movements of the cue. “See?” Liam nodded, getting what Theo was talking about. “It’s the same with lacrosse. You need to get a feeling for the stick to play your best game. Takes some time to get used to it.” He admitted quietly and heard Theo chuckle. 
“Good to know you understand me. Now, when you have the stance and the grip, you still need to focus on the way you’re guiding the cue. Don’t dive in head first, I saw people did that and they had to pay for a ripped table afterward. Just take a few test pokes if you want to and then stroke the ball.”
“Test pokes, really, Theo?” Liam looked over his shoulder and almost jumped at how close they really were. Jesus Chris, how did he had not noticed this sooner? Theo now grinned at him.
“So you’d rather dive in head first and push all the way in?” Liam narrowed his eyes at the choice of words and Theo’s grin made him positive this was the chimera messing with him. He still couldn’t help but growl. “I swear...”
Theo gently pressed Liam against the table, effectively pinning him between his own body and said table. “Try to make the first shot.” He encouraged Liam. “I’ll lead you.” His hand loosely closed around Liam’s and with a little bit if guidance Liam was able to poke the first ball and make it hit another one and sink into the pocket. A grin spread over his face. That was really cool. “Wow, thanks, didn’t think I would manage that. I never cared much for billiard but I liked to see people play.” And the way Theo had leaned so casually against the table and did his trick shots had been just hot. Liam was a man who enjoyed a great view, okay? Let him live in peace, he was judging himself hard enough already!
Trying another shot Liam had to admit he sulked when it didn’t hit another ball this time. When he looked down on his hand, he noticed Theo had let go of his hand and he immediately wished it back to where it had been. He had liked the soft touch.  
Next moment he moaned softly and sucked in a surprised breath when he felt the ghost of Theo’s lips on his cheek and then the older whispered into his ear.”Want to play a game? I promise I will be easy on you.”  Liam let out a breathless chuckle. “You just taught me how to play. That won’t be a fair game.” In a small bold moment he added: “But if you keep teaching me, we maybe can play in a few days. If not on that table, then we use the tables in the arcade.”  “Hm, I like that idea.” Theo whispered and moved his head to let his lips ghost over Liam’s neck. This time Liam shivered for real. When had he become so sensitive? He knew Theo liked to flirt every now and then and he usually never reacted like this. Just because their bodies were pressed so flush together? Liam really needed to work on his self-control...
“I can smell it, you know? The way your scent changed when I’m close. You’re so busy to deny yourself those feelings, you don’t even notice my scent changing too.” The nosed at Liam’s neck softly, taking a whiff. Again Liam shivered.
“You are so focused on your own heartbeat and keeping it at a normal rate, you don’t even notice my heart picking up too.” He put one hand over Liam’s heart and it felt like his touch was burning through Liam’s shirt.
“And now we have a problem, Liam, because I have you this close now and I can’t let you go.” Theo lowered his head and took a playful nib at the back of Liam’s neck, making the other gasp out. He closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath,
And that’s when it hit him: The scent of arousal and longing. Not his scent but Theo’s and once he realized it, the whole garage seemed to smell like it. His heart felt like it was skyrocketing at this point and from how they were pressed together he felt Theo’s heart beating just as fast. Had he really been that blind?
Liam opened his eyes again and spun around. Theo’s surprised face was satisfying, to say the least, and then Liam grabbed his neck and pulled him into a rough and heated kiss. He was still pressed against the table and after a short moment, Theo wrapped his arms around Liam to return the hungry kiss. Suddenly Liam was being lifted and sat down on the edge of the pool table. 
Theo stepped between his legs, still kissing Liam as hungry as Liam did. His hands wandered all over Liam’s body and Liam couldn’t keep his hands to himself either, seconds away from ripping Theo’s shirt off. He wouldn’t miss it, right? Not if the way he pressed against Liam and moved his hips was anything to go by.
Now he kissed a trail of hot kisses over Liam’s neck and his ear. “Give me one reason not to fuck you right here and give us both what we want!” He muttered and his voice sounded so raspy, Liam could have come from that along. Huh, look, a new kink.
But suddenly the reasonable part of his brain kicked in. “Because it’s the billiard table of my dad's uncle and it’s purple.”
Theo stopped assaulting Liam’s neck with kisses, body stiff. Until he suddenly started laughing and when he did, Liam had to laugh too. 
“That has to be the unsexiest thing you ever said.” Theo got out after a while, still laughing, and Liam nodded while wiping tears from his eyes. Oh god, Theo was the only person he knew, who could get him horny and then had him crying of laughter in the next second. When he calmed down enough to speak, Liam reached out and brushed his fingers against Theo’s cheek.
“So maybe not on the billiard table but we both have beds upstairs.” He suggested slyly. “And afterward, we maybe can order take out?”
“Sounds like a date.” Theo said with a soft chuckle. “I’m in.”
Liam grinned. “Great. Hey!” Theo had picked him up again and Liam could only wrap his arms around Theo’s neck and his legs around Theo’s waist. He laughed and kissed Theo again, softer this time, while the older carried him out of the garage and upstairs.
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