#also a-fei now has answered the question i was asking myself
difeisheng · 1 year
snarky gremlin a-fei is one of the funniest things to happen on this show
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sensarna · 23 days
This is basically me going insane over a single name drop (spoilers and theories below)
So... Anton
The answer to the identity seems obvious, but I would not be myself, if I wasn't over-analyzing things
So let's do just that
The way the name was said - no explanation, no context - means one of two things: the person in question is either so inconsequential that he is not worth the breath to add the details, or is so familiar, that to add an explanation means going out of character. I'm more inclined to believe it's the latter, mostly because I don't remember a single character without even a little bit of background info added for the flair.
(Also Kitten didn't ask about him before or after D's story, so he is probably familiar with Anton. However, there is also a possibility that after.... everything, Kitten either didn't want to ask out of politeness; had no time to ask before D left with the dogs or missed the name entirely)
So, let's assume that this Anton is fairly familiar then. But who is he and what was he doing there? I believe he is one of three options:
1. He is a completely new character who's probably going to be introduced later. Most likely a hunter who worked closely enough with the family that Kitten either knows him or heard about him before.
2. He is one of the brothers. Again, Kitten either heard about him before or knows him personally.
And finally 3. Seemingly the most obvious answer, since he's the only person without a name - a Brother given to the Fey King as a thrall for 40 years. But I have a problem with this explanation. When Kitten tried to say the Lost Brother's name before, D stopped him. He asked Kitten not to say it out loud, clearly distressed and trying to calm down. So the idea that D would say it himself, with no pause or hiccup, seems to contradict with his previous reaction.
I, personally, think that Anton is one of the brothers - whether lost or still active only time will tell - and is more likely an Expy (exported character). Which means, that Anton - if you use the naming method of "sounding very familiar" - is the Extremely, Earth-Shatteringly, Unreasonably, Fuck-Ass Mad Boi Angron...which makes him an even better candidate for the role of this Lost Brother if you view him becoming a thrall as a twist on Angron's story in Warhammer, where he was enslaved at least twice: first as a gladiator, fighting for the amusement of the rich and powerful, and then when he became a Demon Primarch of Khorne.
So, yeah. Most likely an Expy of Angron. Might be the Brother given to the Fey, since it's the only person without a name, and the story itself has some parallels with the Warhammer Angron lore. But, D's reaction to the Kitten almost saying the name out loud doesn't match with how it was delivered later. May be Lost, may be Active.
That's all for me. I know it's pretty bare bone and doesn't have a satisfying conclusion, but there's not a lot for me to work with for now. I hope that in the future there will be more information about this character and I do hope that Anton is Angron, mostly because I want to see what kind of person he would be in this universe and what his relationship with D is.
P.S.: Not sure where and if I should mention this, but there were some ideas flying around on Reddit and Tumblr about what the other Primarchs might be like in HTP and I went with a more supernatural origin for most of them. I kid you not, when I've learned about Changeling The Dreaming I thought it would be hilarious if Angron was not a Werewolf or a Vampire but a Fae. Especially when I was informed of a thing called Redcap. Angron might not have anything to do with the hunger aspect, but he does have a mean attitude and a penchant for violence. So if Anton/Angron is confirmed to somehow be the 3rd option, then I kinda predicted it.
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marquisev · 2 months
I read the newest chapter and overall it was great. I love the politics and I thought you wrote the tension in the room very well.
I also loved the way you write the dialogues.There was a really sharp atmosphere in the air, it was great.
I'm waiting for the overlord meeting arc to end to give a general feedback, but I have questions that I'm seriously curious about.
1- The King's Bastards and The Circle What exactly is this gangs, how strong are they and what kind of structure do they have? Can you give information about them?
And why do they have their current names?(Meaning I mean)
2-Do these gangs have any other goal to take over the forest?
3-Can you give some more details about the forest?
4-Can you give more information about the leaders, Fitzroy and Lysander, I'm really curious about their characters.
Sorry if there are too many questions! Have a good day!
Hello ! Hello !
I'm glad you liked it ! I love write this chapter too, even if there is a lot of characters with big personalities (I need a good management to not lose myself)
Sure for the feedback at the end of the arc ! Thanks !
I can answer some of them yes.
1- I will dwell into the gangs a bit more later but I suppose I can say more here. So The King's Bastard is a gang made by Fitzroy, a man that loves money and guns above all else. Here the members of the clan are suppose to be exactly like their leader : quick, ruthless, practical (and good with guns). They are typical gangsters who make profit on the back of others. Its like a little mafia. The structure is Fitzroy on top and whoever make an impression will be second-in-command, the rest is just members. I would say they are 50-100 members.
The Circle is much smaller in number, 25 or 30 people in it. They all lives in the Forest under The Fey orders. Some of them are Imps ! The Circle doesn't have a lot of rules in general except when it comes to battle, they have a antique roman empire type of strategy. Very good. When they are not in middle of turfs wars, they chill until Lys ask something. They need autorisation to go out of the Forest (and they need to some time to time, the Forest is poisoned)
Both the gangs are let's say... on a scale where the Overlords are like A in powers, the gang is C ?
The King's Bastards name is because, as we know in the short story with Azrael, Fitzroy was the bastard son of a mafia boss. And his name in real life are given to bastards of royalty. And the Circle, its because of the 'circle of fairies' in celtic, scandinavian folklore ect.
2- The only gang who wants the Forest is The King's Bastard. The Forest is already Lysander's domain. And both Lys and Fitz wants to be Overlords but they need more souls and influence to be able to ask for the title. The members just help them to achieve their goal in exchange of a place to live.
3- The Forest is near Pentagram City, its trees give fruits that are not fruits but differents metals (except gold and silver). Its not too big. The colors are like orange and red and brown with lots of mushrooms. The Forest is poisonous because of Lysander's power.
4- Lysander is the character the OC i say i would be presenting him in next episode and I'm sure you will liked ! He will be part of the main cast later. Fitzroy is a minor antagonist. I can't say too much for now but I will show their design soon in a [popcorn] ! The only thing I can say without spoil is that both Fitz and Lys died in a forest so they both have antlers (like Alastor and the cannibal lady of episode 1 of helluva boss) But Fitz filed (cut) his antlers. Lys however has the tallest and most beautiful antlers ever but he can make them disappear.
Key words for Fitzroy character is : bone, tree and smoking.
Key words for Lysander character is : fey, face paint, minions.
Don't say sorry ! It was interesting to answers even if I can't say too much. I hope it was okay!
Have a good day too !
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grim-world-creations · 3 months
Diaries of house Grimmory: Princess of Annihilation
Harrowing 3: gem
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It had been four months since the construction had began on the Seekers base, and the expansion of the port had begun. But also a new quarter was being built expanding the city. Noctissa sat across from Ultrel in the private library of the capital building. Going through more reports of potential candidates for her inner circle.
"Well we can cross one slot off and he wasn't even on the list but I think you can agree with me on wanting him." Noctissa said still sifting through folders.
"Oh no of course not he'd be wasted where he is and he is very capable. But one question." Ultrel paused a moment. "Are you going to swear him in like you did with me? I can send someone up to stock up and clean the balcony." A smirk stitched itself across her face as Noctissa rolled her eyes.
A knocking rapped on the libraries door before cracking open. "Lady Grimmory you summoned me?" Came a distorted and raspy voice.
"Yes, Sgt. Zahn please come in make yourself comfortable." Noctissa tapped her current folders on the table and set them aside and pivoted in her seat.
Erich walked in shutting the door behind him carefully and stood at ease at the end of the table.
"You impressed both of us during the raid. And have a offer for you." Ultrel's smile beamed at the man in front of her. "While your definitely talented. I want to clear some things up in your file before our Lady can make her offer."
"Go on ma'am I will answer what I can." The man rasped out through his mask.
"First I wish to know about your injuries. The bandages on your hands and arms are obvious but do they hinder you at all. And does your gas mask provide any kind of medical assistance. I don't believe any one has seen you remove it."
Shifting uncomfortably for a moment before returning to at ease. "No ma'am originally I was sent from the fey wild by my mother to support moral during the first Ostoyan invasion. I was a non-combatent just playing music performing small acts at the various encampments on the front. I however was caught in a ambush. I believe all the Spears forces I was with had died in the attack. They used some sort of chemical fire in their artillery. I was burned to death. But one of the Ostoyan necromancers attempted to revive us all. It worked on the others they came back as mindless undead. However my kind don't react as expected to necromanctic spells. Following the failed attempt to raise me there where experiments. My ears, tails, and finger tips where all surgically removed. The removal of my tails however is what brought me back. But I'm unable to be healed of any of the scarring. I cover my face because simply ma'am there's not much left of it."
The tension in the room was dense and uncomfortable. Both woman glancing at each other and back to the man standing in front of them.
"I do apologize. Sincerely truth be told I didn't know how to approach these questions. This is actually the first interview I've ever done. The reason we need to ask you questions about your health and past is however simple. As you know our lord Gorgavice has his six noble houses who control his legion. I am currently tasked with creating my noble houses 'family' or inner circle along with another task we will touch on later. I called you hear because I want too offer you a place in that family. You weren't one of my suggested recruits. It actually took a good amount of digging to even find your file. But it would pull you out of active duty. And you'd be elevated and given a title a lower one but you'd only answer to Ultrel, and myself. Right now it will just be the three of us. And I need to know your past and if you can be trusted." Steepling her fingers she stared into the mirrored amber lenses of his gas mask. "So the next questions are how did you join the Seekers and why?"
Not much too tell there. After I became what I am now. First I killed the necromancer and burned down the facility. Destroyed any research and undead he'd created. I tried to go home but was barred because of what I'd become. I wondered through the Ostoyan country side. Destroying everything I could. Eventually I was subdued by a Seekers patrol. I was held for a few years until someone finally put me on a cleansing squad. I was with them for years worked a lot of anger out there. But eventually got transferred out was doing guard duty at facility #47 they offered up a chance to get into a personal guard slot for some new diplomat. And I thought I'd take a chance on it. I'm not the man I was in life or even a few decades ago. Still trying to figure the new guy out thought a cushy guard job would give me that chance." The tension was bleeding from the room but his voice was still even despite sounding like he had a throat full of gravel.
Ulterel smiled widely "Your honesty is very appreciated. But now of we do offer you to join us what do you want out of it? Power, woman, revenge. What gets you out of bed?" Dropping most of her formal speech now talking with coy possibly flirtatious tone.
He paused for moments the sounds of him starting to speak and then stop where frequent. Finally taking the offer to sit. He first removed his jacket carefully folding it over the back of the chair revealing a armored vest and that his arms where layered in wrapped cloth. He took off his helmet gingerly setting it on the table. Next where his gloves. His hands wrapped just like his arms with his fingers exposed. Revealing pinkish skin cratered and scarred by burns untreated that had healed poorly on their own. While the flesh was squished up around exposed bone finger tips. Lastly he peeled off the full head gas mask and laid it face down besides the helmet. Again his head full rapped except his eyes and lipless mouth. His eyes where blood shot with beautiful gold irises his teeth where white and straight with 2 seats of elongated canines interlocked on the top and bottom. Finishing he sat down quietly and observed both women.
There was a pregnant silence in the room again. "Thank you Erich." Noctissa said quietly. "Your eyes are beautiful. And I hope you'll show me them again in the future." The words where heartfelt and she starred into the golden gems unblinking until he broke her gaze to stare at Ultrel.
"I go where I'm ordered I do my job. I do it well. But I want more. I don't know what that is though. But I would like it to be with people where a mask isn't necessary."
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Noctissa wore a heavy coat with white fur lining its edges. Ostoya was a cold country whatever spell had been cast to rob it of sunlight stained the sky abyssal black during the day time hours. The new creatures calling themselves vampires ruled their country brutally. But still the city had a brutal kind of beauty too it.
"Father Casimir," She whispered. "I came here to speak too you. My father mentioned you a number of times. How you listened and had good input for mortal." Looking up at the flayed corpse crucified in the city square. "I'm sorry I didn't arrive sooner." Next to the skinless body hanging off the metal beams was his flayed skin tattooed with his list of crimes. Seemingly worst of all "Speaking against the council." Giving a final silent prayer and turning away to explore the city.
She had spent most of the month acting as a tourist. Talking with the people gathering rumors and information. A new species was beginning to arrise out of the mortals living in Ostoya. The people called them the sanguine, coming from any bloodline the children born with pale white skin red eyes and white hair if they even have any. They thirst for blood like other mortals need water. Furthermore superstition claims they are immortal harbingers either bringing calamity or peace.
Hearing the door shut in the other room. "I'm in the kitchen dinner will be ready soon. Did you find any new information about our little fugitive?" Ultrel shouted as she worked the food in the skillet.
Noctissa kicked her shoes off after flopping onto the couch with a solid crunch as the frame cracked under the sudden weight. "More rumors but I think I have some places outside the city for us too look into. He definitely sounds like he is one of those sanguine whatever they are!" She shouted back then let out a long sigh finally being off her feet.
"That's good news! But please be gentler with our furniture. Don't think it's rated for us!" She smirked imagining her friends irritated face. And began her end of cooking ritual. Dancing and swaying in front of the stove. Then crossing two fingers and blowing a kiss over their tips her mage hand pulled the rack of spices out of the cabinet and floated it over to the table. "Well dinner is ready if her majesty is ready to peel herself from her poor abused throne!" Hoping between her tip toes and another hand gesture she cast message "Dinner is ready whenever you are. Setting the table now."
"I'll be there in a moment handing off guard duty now." Came Erich's voice in her head.
Using Ultrel's status it was easy enough buying a modest property within the Ostoyan capital. Noctissa taking the lead on gathering information, Ultrel taking over on securing their home. Using her blood and curse magic to protect the house from scrying or attackers. While Erich took to the practical securing possible escape routes and defensive positions. Walking in the two where already talking taking jabs at each other but overlaid with genuine laughter. Smiling underneath his gas mask and thinking to himself "Amazing how they took too each other like sisters separated at birth. Really makes me think of home with them always being this loud."
"It's to spicy how many times do I have to say it!" Noctissa screamed before gulping down her drinks. Then snatching Ultrel's from in front of her.
"My apologies my infernal mistress. I forgot the hells raise such delicate flowers that don't have taste buds." Ultrel smirked
Erich taking his mask and helmet off. "Guess I'm part of that family too now. They stopped pretending to not argue in front of me or using formalities months ago" walking to his regular seat he snatched a piece of food of Noctissa's plate. "Yeah definitely part of the family."
Waving her hand in front of her mouth. "Anyway now that Erich is here. I think I have a lead on the late fathers protégé. He's been surprisingly good at hiding since Casimir was executed. But there's been rumors of a young sanguine boy out healing people. I've been stitching together a pattern of where the rumors come from and I'm pretty sure I know where we can meet up with him. I know the idea was to just get him out of the country as a final courtesy. But if the stories are to be believed he's a fairly decent healer. Maybe we can help him finish his training?" While speaking she stood from the table and pulled a map from her bag and setting it at the empty end of the large dining table.
Fixing his plate before he sat down he was looking at the map. "Does the boy have military experience?" Erich rasped "This pattern you stitched together. They're all general areas. But each one has some easily defensible locations nearby." Pointing at the map "looks like there's some sort of ruins in these mountains. Is that where you where thinking? Because it's where I would be headed." Sitting down finally taking in the food. It smelled divine but also made his nostrils start to run. "God this is spicy." He thought.
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The sky was pitch black despite being almost noon. The trio where trudging up the mountain pass Erich slightly ahead. Noctissa and Ultrel strulgging behind. His twisted metal violin hanging from a strap across his chest.
"The ruins should be just around the bend. Even if the boy isn't here it'll be a good place for us to rest." His distorted voice came out of the speaker grill in his gasmask.
"Thank you for your concern Erich. I think we both know we're slowing you down." Ultrel replied.
Clearing the bend calling it ruins felt like a disservice. A massive monastery hewn out of the mountain itself. Where there should have been beautiful stained glass windows the gaps sat empty. Meant to venerate the primordial Anu master of the sky and embodiment of law the titanic double doors had a blazing sun across them covered in scratches and deep gouges likely from people stealing the gold off the door.
Shouldering his violen "I think I heard something inside. How do you wish to proceed?" He whispered and turned to Noctissa.
"I'll go in first. If it's Nicolai we can talk." Noctissa pushed forward and needed to shoulder the massive door open. "Nikolai? I'm Noctissa Grimmory. Are you in here? We're here to help you escape the country if you'd like. My father was friends with father Casimir."
With a shimmer a boy with messy black hair appeared in front of Noctissa his head only meeting her waist while his sword was raised up to her neck. "Now now miss. Let's be real cool right now. You've got some height on me. But let's not go thinking that means you won't get hurt." The boy smiled up her with his black eyes unlike most people in ostoya his skin was a dark olive like tan.
"I umm I don't think we need to umm fight right she doesn't look like the others that have been chasing us. And I uhh t-t-think I recognize her I met a man once with those same horns and tails at least." A meek voice stammered out from the back of the church. A young boy slinked out wearing red and gold robes. He had snow white skin with light gold hair neatly going to his shoulders. "D-did you know Father Casimir?" His voice was small and scared.
"No im sorry sweetie I didn't. My dad did but he was murdered and I was hoping to enlist the help of your mentor. My dad spoke very highly of the departed father." Noctissa starred at the boy coming out of his hiding spot. He made her feel like she was looking at a lost puppy. Something in her wanted to pick him up and snuggle the shaking boy into the crook of her arms. "But I know your on the run and we can take the two of you out of this country. My friend here with me. She's the Matron of house Urltel down in Al Behrelzum. You'd be welcomed there."
"And what of me?" The third voice came from the second floor balcony. In the quiet church ruins she could hear the dull click as lights came on. A large minotaur was standing next to a makeshift field gun angled down to the doors. "I'm the siege master of the 112th of the Spears."
"Pleasure to meet you. I'm Noctissa Grimmory head of house Grimmory. I command a portion of the Seekers of the Silver Keys. We can either return you to Riser or I could pull some strings get you pulled into the Seekers. I could use a siege mas-"
Erich and Fuligin burst in and slammed the door shut behind them. "We have problems ma'am! Pack of werewolves heading up the path at speed!" Erich dragged a pew in front of the heavy doors "few minutes at best!"
"Seige master is that gun able to be moved!?" Noctissa barked.
The gun already partially collapsed and being pushed along the balcony to the front of the building.
The young tanned boy began kicking rubble out of his way and stretching "what can all of you do?" With a string of pops as he bent backwards.
Ulterel answered quickly "Noctissa and myself are natural casters. Our associate uses a form of musical based magic."
"Guess I get to be one of those heroic knights after all. I'll be upfront if the gun doesn't kill them all." The boy forced a smile and started bobbing back and forth on his feet taking a stance but still swinging his arms stretching his limbs.
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Erich had joined the minotaur on the second floor. The two had fallen into pace with each other quickly. The thud of the field gun coming in a lighting like 12 second intervals. There was a veritable hoard of lycanthrops trying to charge up the pass. The shells where airburst rounds filled with silvered grape shot. Pained howling was echoing up the mountain pass. The beasts where dying but not fast enough. The shells where going to run out well before they killed them all.
"Last one boy! Load it then move prepare for a close quarters fight!" Barked the massive minotaur.
Erich nodded slammed the last shell into the breach grabbed ancient tapestry and used it like a rope to rappel off the second floor railing to the floor. Un-slinging his violin and shouldering it tapping his bow across its metal chords. The rhythmic beating working its way into his comrades bones. For himself and Noctissa it was a centering beat. Timing their breathes to the sound steadying themselves. Ultrel had stripped down to her underwear and equipped rings that had golden claws. Humming and swaying to the tune she cupped her hands in front of herself finger tips to the heel of the opposite hand pricking the skin with her claws. With a series of elegant twists on her toes palms down the blood drops splattering then rising up as mirror images of herself. Noctissa floated off the floor the white hot radiant light glowing from inside her. His friends leaving his peripheral he brought his attention the door waiting for the beasts to break into the kill zone they established.
The clawing and slamming was ringing through the stone chappel. They where trying to smash through the thick doors slowly making progress. As soon as the first glowed hand had broken through, the teen with the sword blurred and reappearing beside the door brought his sword up through the werewolfs forearm slicing it off then leaping back away from the door. He stood besides the door stabbing through the gaps and slashing out the outstretched limbs.
When the doors finally came down with a floor shaking crash. Fur and armor spilled in like a deluge. Only to be met by a sickly white cone of light coming down at them like a pillar of light from a God sending a message. That message was rot & die. As Noctissa fired the light from her hand. The lycanthropes armors paint began to blister and pop as the metal underneath was heating. The leather straps dried and split like lips under the desert sun. Howling and falling to the floor their skin began sagging as they slammed into the floor and the stone pews it peeled off their bodies and clung to any surface they touched exposing the now blackening musculature underneath.
Once the light faded the boy with the sword jumped into the middle of the pack where his sword swung one way in at least four other directions spectral copies of himself peeled out of his body striking at other targets. Every wolf that had made it into the cathedral was lying in a pool of gore but there where still more trying to burst in. Next through the door was a werebear struggling to squeeze through the door standing upright he was a nearly 15' tall slab of muscle and bloodlust. But just as the boy began to panic he heard wet stomping behind him turning just enough to see Ultrel in his peripheral she was dancing and dragged her bladed nails from her shoulders to her elbows. The woman was a blood drenched mess but the smile on her face was carved with wicked glee. Then the crunching started, snapping back to the werebear he watched in horror as its bones began to extend amd burst out of its body curling around as they grew shredding the monster from the inside out.
He loosened the grip on his sword. "We've been running from monsters this entire time. What the fuck are these three." The thought came out of his mouth.
"Devils, Boy." The voice grated out of the grill of a gas mask. The man under it twisted a whistle onto a slot on the mask and the sound that came out of it made the boys spine lock up and legs buckle. He kept blowing into it rust colored dirt grew over everything. The cathedral reaked of blood and piss. But razor wire spiraled out of the floor like dolphins breaking the water as they swim. He felt like that whistle would consume him telling him to run. Dropping his sword and turning to the back of the church a blinding light enveloped him. When it passed there was no more church just dead plains with. Giant fireball enveloping the sky. Billowing out like a giant mushroom. Dropping to his knees and beginning to weep. As the fire washed over him.
Then it was gone blinking away the tears the church was back there was no cloud. But where there was a cloud there was now a woman glowing internally with the same light floating down. Her porcelain skin contrasted by wavy ruby red hair. The embodiment of destruction but all he could see was an angel. She landed kneeling in the blood and stroking his head.
"I'm sorry you saw that. Are you okay?" Her tone was soft as a breeze. Suddenly he remembered his older sister holding him the same way the night before the hags had taken her away. The sound of fighting dulled behind him as his head was squeezed into her arms and torso. Even on her knees she still towered over him. Pushing her long flowing sleeves up her alabaster skin contrasted hard by the black runic tattoos over her hands and arms. Stroking his head trying to smooth out his hair. "Take your time the others have the fight handled now. Buy you know you never introduced yourself. You look pretty young but I admit I'm bad with human ages." Her voice cooed in a whisper.
"My name is Alessio I'm 19. What. What the fuck was that?" His voice trembling.
"My fury. Erich is my friend yes. But he is also my subordinate and a member of my noble house. What he did is showed everyone what my fury looks like when it's unleashed. Are you scared of me?" She whispered and pushed her hands into his hair and pulled his head into her stomach.
"I want you to unleash that power on the people who took my sister from me. I want them to burn in that light. And I will do anything for you of you'll do that. I want her back and I've been training I joined these two to protect them but I can't even get close to you. So please will you?"
"I do have a need for a brave knight. But we'll talk about that later okay." She said it with finality. "Don't go thinking your a coward either. Erich caught you in that vision and it has some ugly effects on people. The quickest way out is through. So for now just get all those feelings out."
Even closing his eyes and burying his face into her. He could still see her light feel that warmth on his skin.
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Alessio had regained his composure was walking with the other guys through the battlefield checking all the beasts where dead and scavenging through their belongings.
"My king I wish too discuss my performance during the fight while the boys wrap up. Could I borrow you for a few minutes." Ultrel still blood soaked and in her underwear was hoping on her tiptoes in-between the less gore soaked parts of the ground. Both woman disappeared inside and Alessio wasn't sure if the sound he heard from Erich was from rolling over one of the werewolfs or if he was annoyed at the two leaving.
Taking a break from dealing with the bodies Alessio began walking through the ruined cathedral. When he heard a sharp sound of metal gouging stone. He hurried through the ruins it was coming from the parsonage. Maybe one of the werewolves had escaped and been biding its time for a sneak attack or too escape. Not wanting to give away his advantage he slowly pushed the door open to try and peer into the room. Freezing with his breath caught in his throat his heart stopped; then trippled its pace as he processed what he was seeing.
Noctissa pulled ultrel up by the back of her head and flung the table into the wall and forcing the other woman down to her hands and knees. "Your an excellent queen Ultrel. I watched you dispatch that werebear and help mop up. I'm very proud of you." Noctissa got on her own knees and hoisted the bloody dows hips up higher. Alessio to distracted only caught a glimpse of some sort of gold rod between Noctissa's legs and how Ultrel moaned quietly as they pushed their hips together slowly.
Realizing what he'd stumbled into he began to try and sneak away. Until a shiver ran down his spine. Feeling cold eyes on him he looked back already planning a apology. Ultrel was starring at him her unreadable eyes of red and swirling black boring into his soul only breaking eye contact at a subtle movement under her. Confused he watched her pricking both palms and twisting around her fingers in a elegant dance. When he felt a tugging on his pants he froze and stopped breathing again. First his belt undone and his pants gently unlaced their front and folded back letting his member out. Finally he understood as two hands that weren't there grabbed him gently one stroking the shaft. The other cradling his jewels. He met her eyes again smiling wide she winked at him and leaned up on her knees. Grabbing her breasts bouncing them in her palms reaching Beckwith one hand over her head to hold the woman behind her the other reaching down to her lips and pleasing herself. But her eyes never left Alessio. "And what if the boy? I saw you holding him. I do admit he's very cute. Will you want him to join as a pawn?" Ultrel's eyes widened as a hamd reached around and grabbed her neck. The pace became slow but harder.
"Knight. If he has the want and strength to do it. He will be my first knight." Noctissa grunted focusing on her queen and lovers body.
"I want him." Ultrel whispered smile still growing in her lips starring at him in the crack of the door.
"That's fine. But you are all my servants and we serve lord Gorgavice. Revel in your lust he can be yours but you all are also mine." Noctissa began kissing Ultrel's neck.
"Thank you my king. I bet he's got a good cock on him as well." Dropping back to her hands and knees she looked back up at him open mouthed sad made a gesture like she was sucking his dick.
The feeling on him the spectral hand was tightening and speeding up while the other let go of him and moved to caress his cocks tip. "I'm not going to last much longer." He thought bracing himself on the door frame. His member was swelling and he could feel his load building up. Months of tension shot out of him as he shot his load out. He hadn't even thought of pleasing himself since joining the other two men they'd been on the road for months now always in danger. Collapsing winded and on his knees he noticed his load floating in mid air pooled up like cupped in a palm.
The spectral hand clapped over his lips and nose. Holding his breath he could feel the got liquid rapidly cooling on his lips. "Fucking gross what is this bitch doing! She can't be serious!?"
As if on queue her voice came into his head "peeping perverts get punished now drink up." Came her voice it slithered into his head.
"I'm sorry I thought there was danger. Wanted to help new sisters. I'm sorry I didn't mean too. I thought there was danger and you-" whatever was in his mind cut off before coming back.
"My hero. And our kings bravest knight. If you swallow this one I'll swallow as many as you want. Promise."
Eyes watering and desperate for air he opened his mouth and began sucking against the spectral palm on his face. His cock was hard and throbbing again. But uncomfortably stuffing it back into his pants he walked away and let the two alone.
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Erich carefully laid the table back onto its legs and set Ultrel's neatly folded clothes on it before pulling himself up a chair. The pair of woman lied intertwined naked on the floor partially leaning against the wall.
"We'll while you two debriefing each other I talked to the three out there. They've agreed to go to Al Behrelzum with us. The minotaur and the sanguine are tentative about joining our ranks but are eager to leave this sun forsaken country. Alessio seemed more keen to join earlier. But seems quieter now did he meet with you two? He did disappear for a few minutes." The raspy voice of Erich was scratching its way out of a damaged speaker grill in his mask.
Noctissa's brow knit into confusion. "No it was just us. Wonder what changed?"
Ultrel peeled herself off the floor casting prestidigitation over herself and sat on the table beside Erich. "I think I might know what happened but if you don't mind I'd like to talk to him privately first? If thats okay with the two of you." Her smile and face beamed
"Fine but I don't think I like the look on your face. My Queen." Replied Noctissa.
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A gentle knock came on the door. She was laying on her patio taking in the sun. "Come in she shouted. I'm on the patio!"
She already knew his soft unsure steps before he spoke. "I um well do you mind if I stay in the door I still don't like all this light." He stammered she could hear him edging into the door way and backing up. Nikolai was a timid and nervous young man.
"Of course you have good timing I was just coming inside anyway." She pulled the towel on the chair around her and went inside. Pulling the curtains over the door.
"I'm so sorry it was so exciting at first it's so warm and I'd never seen the sun but someday since feel like I'm going to ignite." He paused for a long fee moments "I'm sorry you had to come inside because of me."
A large hand gripped his head and began scratching at his scalp. "Stop apologizing. I told you I was coming inside anyway. And your company is never a bad thing. So did you just want to hang out or do you need something?"
"Oh um okay. It's actually important I want to take your offer. I want to accept. I'll be your bishop!....if if you weren't joking or still want me or don't hate me" he kept rambling getting quieter and quieter.
"That's great news! I'm happy your joining us. Kuotra and Alessio will be happy to hear your staying with us."
"Do. Do I need to do anything else... with you or." He flushed red then began draining of all his color as he talked.
"Oh no sweetie. Most of us have a tattoo of some sort but that's a personal choice. And to put any other worry at ease. Yes I'm the Matron of one of Lord Gorgavices great houses. And he is the archdevil of lust excess and perfection. So things tend to be a lot more open with us than maybe a lot of people are used too. Nobody is going to make anybody else do anything they don't want too." She picked him up and set him on the table and knelt down pressing her forehead into his. "And this is far more important your part of my family now. Nobody is going to hurt or take another member of my family again. And if anybody does hurt you. I will burn down everything they own. Rip put their souls and drag them to the darkest pits of the hells myself. And that is not a turn of phrase for me. Nobody hurts my family. You can be scared and that's okay being scared or weak isn't bad. It's what you do next do you stay week or do you try and grow even if it's in baby steps?" She stood up and helped him off the table. "Welcome to my family and becoming my first bishop. So figure out what kind of strong you want to be Nikolai and I'll help you reach it."
"Thank you Noctissa. I will be stronger for you. One day.." He nudged forward to be able to stand. "I've been practicing with Ultrel. My healing is getting much stronger. But I don't think I'm good at the damaging spells she can use. But something calls to me about the blood in others."
"Would you like to take a walk with me? I feel like wondering the city and people watching I'd like it if you joined me." Noctissa stood and let her towel fall to the floor and grabbed a sheer dancers top and skirt. She tied them on and began walking to the door she pushed the loop of her tail into his palm "you haven't left the villa since we got here have you? Are you scared of crowds?"
Taking the loop of her tail and jogging up to her side at her full height he didn't even meet her waist. "A little bit I was always kept in the church growing up. Then when the church was burned down the Father made it clear crowd's could hold assassins or spys so we avoided them as much as possible."
It had been nearly a year since Noctissa had first arrived in Al Behrelzum. The city was truly coming alive now. Most of the city streets had fabric covers shading the streets trying to keep the city cool. "So what do you think? I know there's still a lot of people. But what do you think? Before I start talking about what's changed." She beamed a smile down and placed her hand on the top of his head.
"It's still too much for me. But I think it's a happy place. Can tell that the people enjoy living here. And arnt as afraid to do things even as small as leaving their homes. I, I feel something in the blood of people around me almost like a melody a humming or vibration in the air and it tells me things about them. Their feelings general state of mind. Nothing concrete like telepathy I don't know how to really describe it yet. But the song of this city is the happiest I've ever heard." He wasn't acting shy now he was standing straighter. Noctissa was happy to hear him just speaking and enjoying himself.
"I'm glad to hear it. When I came here it was in the end of a civil war. I helped Ultrel wrap that up and began helping her rebuild the city. We intend to make this city a cultural center. But it's also my base on the material plane. We're building forces recruiting. I plan for this to be the safest place in the world for us." Emerging from a narrow walkway into a moderately sized plaza. Today it was loaded with with food vendors and at its center was a performing group. "So Nikolai would you like to have something to eat?"
"I well I've nev-" He couldn't finish his sentence as noctissa wrapped her tail around his arm and yanked him into the crowd.
"I forgot your still a picky little son of a bitch. Don't worry. I will break you." She smiled as she made the promise. "So first guess you need to work up a appetite." Leading him towards the center of the plaza there was a marilith coiled up on the ground playing some form of upright string instrument and some drums while a female opteran with solid white fur and skin kept floating on her wings around the musician dancing and juggling nearly a dozen Ormsby of multicolored light. The music upbeat and with a steady rhythm; Noctissa grabbed Nicolai by both hands and began tugging on them back and forth like a parent dancing with a young child. "Come on were not going to stop until you loosen up."
Giving up a few moments later and leading him away towards a food stand. And holding up two fingers the man working the stall ladled out batter onto his flat top grill slowly pouring it in spirals quickly peeling the dough off and spinning it over his head until it was nearly transparent then adding butter and honey making three layers he moved them topping them with onions and peppers then shaving meat down onto it and rolling it like a bouquet and handing one to each. "Well up to you sit down and eat here or would you like to resume our walk? And get away from the crowds for a bit."
"I'd like to keep going. I I like the dancing and I've never seen whatever the giant moth lady is. She looked soft.." He began to whisper.
"Would you like to hold onto my tail again?"
His colorless snow like face flushed dark red. "Yes" came the quiet answer. And her tail slid into his lowered empty hand getting his fingers into its loop. And Noctissa began to walk away making him rush to keep from being pulled. She only slowed down once they where on a empty side street and grabbed the top of his head again, rubbing her finger tips around the side of his head.
Passing another food stand Noctissa held up two fingers again this time they packed two cups with two different snow like food one bright red the other white with hints of yellow. "This might be one of my favorite things in this world. This is a mix of strawberries and lemons made by turning fruit juice into something like snow. But eat it slow or you'll hurt your head." The mid afternoon sun was beating down on the city and this frozen drink was a divine blessing. The smell of the sea was getting stronger until they finally emerged from the latest side street.
Nikolai stood frozen drinking in the wide ocean the smell of the salt the seaweed washing up on the beach. "I hadn't seen the ocean yet. We'll not like this. Back home it's black and has been polluted with blood magic. It's a horrible place it's poisonous and corrupt. Like the land was floating in a infinite black abyss only black and red everywhere. Your hair is the first time I think I've ever thought red was a pretty color. But I never had any clue blue could look like this. The way the clouds look so soft against it. Or how dark and cool the ocean is. I've been avoiding it I've been locking myself inside the villa. I'm sorry your bishop is so pathetic."
Glad he wasn't looking at her to see how red her face is. But knowing immediately what the next few things to do where. She knelt down behind him trapping him inside her arms and laid her head on his shoulder. "First that was beautiful. Second when I told you nobody ever hurts my servants. Or if they do ill destroy them." She took the drink from his hand and slapped the cup upside down on his head. "That includes you. Your first official order is never speak about yourself like that again. Because that means your questioning my judgment on who makes up my family. You can talk bad about the situation or the choices you make. But nobody will speak poorly about my bishop or any other member of my family. Third" Dropping her voice into a whisper directly into his ear. "So you think my hair is pretty Nikolai? Thank you. But looks like you spilled your drink on yourself guess the only option is too go swimming to wash yourself." Wrapping her tail around his forearm again and dragging him towards the beach.
"Wait! I can't swim please I'm scared!" He shouted uselessly as she pulled him towards the ocean.
"Nikolai? Your second order is keep showing me the bridges to the places your fears live. I'm going to put each of them to the torch. Until one day you can see the man you think will make me proud in the mirror." She didn't turn to look at him just kept marching towards the sea.
Looking up at her back. He decided ruby red against blue was the most beautiful combination of color.
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bluboothalassophile · 2 years
Uncle Morpheus
The thing with being a celestial demon, the only one of her kind, gifted with immortality, mortality, celestial status, and shadowy abodes, she was accustomed to being an oddity to the world, to the realms known. Raven was accustomed to the world being strange and wild, she was accustomed to the oddities of her reality; though she had never expanded upon those odditites to her mortal friends.
Today though… that was different.
Lucifer was easily explained away because he was her grandfather, his wife, Mazekeen, also explained away. Her father, Trigon, his sons: Wrath, Greed, Gluttony, Envy, Sloth, Lust; she could explain her uncle Etrigan and even show their family tree. She could explain her divinity, especially when Luci’s side of the family popped in and out of her life when they wanted, Gabriel, Raphael, Michael, Eliene and Call Belloc, and her uncle Takehiko. Raven had no trouble explaining the paternal line of her paternal father’s line, and no one really asked her questions beyond that. Yes, there was also her mortal maternal line, where she had relatives like Merlin, Morgan la Fey, and so much more; her lines were the greatest mortal magicians and sorceresses, and so forth, it was impressive. But no one asked about her father’s maternal line.
Her father’s maternal line was… complicated. And she tended not to interact much with her paternal grandmother or her grandmother’s family, and as such frequently slipped under their notice.
At least until now…
Raven had walked out of her room to find her grandmother’s brother; her uncle, standing in her kitchen with a mug of coffee, messy black hair and billowing black robes. Her teammates were standing there bewildered and baffled, and Raven raised a brow as she looked between them and then her uncle.
“Uncle,” she drawled out as she slid her hands into her pockets, cocking her head a bit as she looked at him. Her uncle did look remarkably like David Bowie in the Labyrinth; she wondered if she should get her uncle a Goblin King mug, if he’d find it amusing or unamusing.
“Raven,” he turned his heavy gaze upon her.
“You know him?” Dick sputtered.
“I have been meaning to visit you,” Dream said as he walked towards her.
“I know him, Dick, as do you,” she replied calmly. “Uncle, this is everyone, you know Garfield, Dick, Kori, and my brother Victor. To what do I owe the pleasure, Uncle?”
“How could he know us Rae!?” Victor shouted.
“Lucienne has insisted I have a raven accompany me on this quest,” her uncle drawled out. “And I have found myself a lack of wanting a raven when I have been meaning to visit my niece.”
“Rae…” Dick drawled out.
“This is my grandmother’s brother, Dick, Dream,” Raven said softly. “How’s grandma?”
“Death is lovely, though she is crossed you don’t write more often,” Dream said as he examined her.
“DEATH!?” Garfield screeched.
“You don’t mean death-death, death isn’t… living.”
“On the contrary, Death is Endless, and an Endless is the ceasing being of existence, she is Endless, just as Dream here, with Desire, Delirium, Despair, Destruction and Destiny, they are the Endless manifestation in existence,” Raven stated. “Death, the embodiment of Death, is my grandmother. So, why are you here, Uncle?”
“I’m in need of a raven and I desire, greatly to spend time with my niece,” he drawled out.
“I’m not your raven, and no, no no, no, no, let me put it in Spanish, NO, I’m not helping you again Uncle, No, nope, no, just… no,” Raven stated as she poured herself tea and glared at the Endless. His wild black hair, he was getting the Goblin King mug, she was going to give it to him.
“You have not heard what I have need your assistance for,” Dream chuckled.
“I was turned into an actual raven for your quest,” she countered. “No.”
“It is a matter of the universe,” he stated.
“It could be a quest from God Himself and I’d tell Him the same thing I’m telling you, No. I like not being an Endless, just like I like not being a Celestial being, or a demon, the answer is no.”
“You are an Endless, you are a Celestial being, you are a Demon, and you are Magic, and there is much you have left to learn, young Raven,” he mused.
“I have learned enough and no, I’m not helping, I’ve got magic to learn, things to do, mortality to enjoy, no,” she repeated.
“You do have duties to which you are bound, niece, and it is time we explore those duties,” he countered.
“I am Pride, and a Celestial Demon, what role could you possibly feel I should fulfill for this world? Other than ruining it; Gem of Scath and all.”
“You’re the unbound Endless, dear, let us find out,” Dream purred. “Also, I seek passage to your grandfather’s realm, and after our last encounter, it was in poor taste to say the least.”
“Luci isn’t going to give you a pass Uncle just because you bring his favorite granddaughter,” she chirped. “Also, I thought you and the Endless didn’t like interfering with one another and travelling to Luci’s realm.”
“No, I know, but I seek to right a powerful wrong and require your assistance, dear, so… please.”
“You’re in deep shit,” she muttered.
“Very, it is about your grandmother, Death, they have taken her, and as such, we must travel to where none, but the key can go,” Dream drawled out. “And you, Gem of Scath, are that key.”
“Fuck,” she muttered. “When do we leave?”
“Now,” Dream held out his hand. She took it as she felt his power pull her own with him.
Dick stood gaping in his kitchen as they stared at where Raven had been.
“What the fuck just happened!?” Garfield screeched.
“Raven has the weirdest family, and I am her brother,” Victor stated. They all stood there dumbly staring at where Raven and tall, dark, and wild hair had disappeared. She was gone, as was the strange man, and left with nothing but the grains of sands.
“What is an Endless?” Garfield sputtered dumbly.
Raven was just gone.
“I’m just very confused,” Dick admitted. “Very, very confused.”
“Rae’s an odd one,” Vic decided. “And she left without the waffles.”
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judyhopps934-mt-zd · 3 years
Thoughts on Miraculous Shanghai: The Legend of Lady Dragon
Warning: Spoilers! Other than that, have fun!
Also, if you want to watch the full English Dub, click here!
I love how we saw Fei's backstory as to how she became guardian of the Prodigious and how it was actually stolen because there are people who want money from her adoptive father's studio. It was also sad to see that the values her father implemented into her fade due to the circumstances they found themselves in. I speak for all of us to say that this girl needs a hug.
The intro as always is beautiful! Since it was not the first thing we saw, I was confused when looking through the episodes on YT.
I always enjoy Marinette's monologues, and this one was over how she looked forward to her holiday (it was like a vacation type thing). And how she looked forward to spend time with Adrien since his father was going to let him out. It was all perfect...
...until she went to deliver Uncle Wang's package and found out Adrien left for Shanghai at the last minute. But all is good though because she could go to Shanghai, deliver the gift personally, and see Adrien.
It hurts me to see that the writers made Marinette's purpose to go to Shanghai is to see Adrien when she can do that in Paris! It frustrates me that her character development goes back to square one, even as the protagonist of the show. People might point out this was before season 3, but I have a few points that say otherwise or that the writers are mixing things up. But first, the plot points and thoughts of everything else.
Also, I get that Marinette is 14/15/16 at the time of this episode, but how likely is it to send your child on their own halfway across the world??? On SHORT NOTICE??? I swear Sabine and Tom are too chill with this, but then again, there would be no story.
Also, I love how Ladybug and Chat Noir took the opportunity of their patrols without akumas to bond more. The Ladynoir in this episode I stan!
Gabriel you piece of trash! If you did not plan to spend time with your son, why take him to Shanghai when he was hoping to spend time with you?! And do not say "for business purposes" because even though Adrien is a face in the brand, at least don't give him false hope and that bs!
Nooro, thank you for trying to talk Gabriel out of it, but he is literally a wall (talking to Gabriel=talking to a wall)
I will say, the waiting for 15 years thing is very concerning.
Uncle Wang has been looking forward to see Marinette in person in Shanghai to learn more about her roots. He is ecstatic and its just heartwarming and heartbreaking when you think that part of Marinette's stay will be related to Adrien.
At least we see one thing that makes Marinette's stay not all about Adrien though: she is genuinely interested in her origins! Like when she asks about her family's traditional songs and about her mom, even learning her real name!
Speaking of which, Sabine's name is Xia Ping and only called herself Sabine when she started living in France. Also, I love her photo!
Bastille the bird that was around since forever is an icon!
Also, I can't believe Uncle Wang has not taken a break since Sabine moved to France, like what the hell??? Give this guy a break for goodness sake.
Thank you Gabriel for having one brain cell and allowing your son to leave the hotel! We still hate you for everything else though.
Its cool that Kwamis speak all of the languages. It is also the most logical thing because their wielder could be from anywhere. My question is are they taught the languages, does it form when a concept forms in the universe and they start existing, or like everything else is it magic?
Gorilla is iconic for two reasons: he is still a self care king, and he was willing to give Adrien some space to get action figures.
And now as I wrote that, this is where I am getting confused and start to believe this is post season 3: 1) Gorilla seems less anxious about being in a new place (unlike NY where he stayed in the hotel room the entire time), and 2) His obsession for action figures was shown in Party Crasher (season 3), which makes me wonder if the explanation is during season 3 or this episode hints at season 3. For the first point, it could be because Gabriel was not in NY to his knowledge.
Fei appears again and explains how she views the world and how she also uses that to help and take advantage of others.
She almost steals Adrien's phone and miraculous until Gorilla steps in. It hurts me because she is a good person but had to resort to stealing for a reason that we will explore soon.
Plagg, we always say your stomach causes trouble, but this time, you brought Adrien to Marinette's uncle...
...but also that ironically separated them as Marinette found them just as they climbed into the taxi.
This is also where Fei (wearing a disguise) crosses paths with Marinette and steals her purse. Then she went for the kwagatama and miraculous.
Things get worse for Fei as these boys that took a photo with Adrien earlier started chasing her. Then Marinette started going after them.
That is when she realized she was robbed and understandably, she was more horrified of losing her Miraculous.
Adrien shows up to Uncle Wang's home/restaurant. So many iconic moments happen.
1) Bastille says something about love between Marinette and Adrien. And Adrien responds with the line that makes us want to jump into the TV and talk some sense into him.
2) You say that "she's JuST a fRIenD" yet you stay over with her mom's uncle so you can surprise her lol. Adrien, you kill me and every other Adrienette fan with this contradicting statements.
Speaking of Marinette, she gets lost and has trouble communicating with others because she does not speak Chinese. And at some point says that she regrets not taking lessons?! Uh, what does this imply, that she refused lessons or that she did not have the opportunity for lessons??????? I NEED ANSWERS!
Can we say once again how talented and artistic Marinette is? Bad time? Moving on!
Uncle Wang is unaware of Marinette's tardiness, and Adrien just jokes about it. Considering that she is technically missing (reality is that she's lost), I don't think its time to joke about it.
The lady that gave Marinette some earrings that look like the Miraculous is so nice and bless her soul
The person from the pawn shop is the bad guy that we see at the very end of the NY special! And he knows about what happened to Fei's father! I am grateful that he sees no value in Marinette's stuff so he won't sell it for a lot, but I hate how he's greedy for money and was willing to exploit Fei's hunger for answers and Marinette needing her miraculous for personal gains.
Meanwhile, the boys from the photo with Adrien that chased Fei were trying to get Marinette's attention (they found her kwagatama when Fei dropped it running away and fighting them), but she thought they were gonna attack her. And then she bumps into Fei, who helps her escape.
Marinette finds comfort in Fei for being willing to "help" her (remember that she was gonna bring her to the pawn shop). She also finds Fei as a helpful, kind person who is brave: something that Fei does not see in herself, but does not have the heart to tell Marinette the truth.
Meanwhile, Chat has transformed to find Marinette and its the most endearing thing I've seen! Adrien, you blind oblivious fool! You care about her more than you think!
They arrive in the pawn shop, Tikki escaped the claw machine, and Marinette finds the earrings...for 100000 Yuan.
Fei, understanding what its like to have something entrusted to you be stolen, gets in a spat with the pawn shop owner in Chinese, accusing the owner for greed and accusing Fei for theft, while Marinette just stands her.
Also, when did Marinette become naive???????? I get that she's in another country and they are speaking in a different language that she does not understand, but based on the tone of their voices and shouting, I feel like she should have sensed something was off.
Fei swaps the earrings the lady gave Marinette and took the miraculous back. To the lady, this is why your soul is blessed. So bless your soul!!!
Apparently, Marinette realized what happened and said that Fei stole her earrings and feels bad for the man. Girl, you do not have to feel guilty for the man! He was about to destroy them before he thought about sentimental value! Also, he did not pay Fei anything for them! (Felt that this should be brought up because even though Fei was wrong in stealing her stuff, she was also robbed from potential cash and answers, therefore the man was owed nothing.)
The boys from Adrien's photo are actually vigilantes of Shanghai (and will be referred as such from now on), wanting to bring Fei to justice for stealing, which catches Marinette's attention, but not enough to ask any questions.
Also Marinette is not wanted as a criminal. She is missing as Uncle Wang called the police.
Fei still lives in the school, which has been in ruins. Despite not having much, she still offers Marinette a cup of what I believe is water (or tea?). See peoples, Fei is a good person at heart (if y'all aren't aware of it by now)
Gabriel saw and recognized Marinette. This is horrifying and if it is prior to season 3, we see why he tries so hard to target her. Or reasons why he targets her in season 4 along with everything else we know from "Truth".
Fei should have been given the chance to explain why she stole Marinette's things, but the pawn shop owner was like "you know, I might as well expose Fei myself"...
...and it really broke Marinette, who heavily trusted her. But she can't dwell on it for long...
Also, Nathalie was involved in obtaining the bracelet years ago. Again, the 15 years thing is concerning.
Marinette flees to transform, but not without telling Fei how she broke her trust and how she feels that Feinwas not genuinely helping her. It hurt me so much!
Ladybug transforms, hears Chat's voice-mail (to which she is swooned by the fact her kitty cares for her civilian self), and calls him. The best Ladynoir scene so far!
So the prodigious is like a jewel with powers, there is only one prodigious from what we see, and that one prodigious has multiple renlings that only the wielder can see. Oh, and the bracelet is like a key. Cool.
I don't like how Fei's Lady Dragon outfit looks whitewashed, but at least her hair is red instead of blonde (which still does not make this okay)
Epic Showdown between the akuma, Hawkmoth, Ladybug, and Lady Dragon. Hawkmoth corners Ladybug and Lady Dragon gets caught in some rocks.. All hope seemed lost...
...until Chat shows up and frees the akuma with the help of a basketball.
We learn something new folks: the same butterfly can create a different akuma. This is very frightening because...
The statue that determines who is worthy of the prodigious gets akumatized! The horror!
Also, if the statue says Fei cannot become the dragon because her intention to seek vengeance for her father is not noble and worthy, then what makes Hawkmoth think he will be successful in becoming the dragon??? Because it seems that his intentions are not pure or noble. Just saying.
Hawkmoth notices the akumatized statue heading to the city and all of a sudden remembers about Adrien. Confronting the statue, he gets turned into ashes(?).
Fei is understandably upset and blames herself for what happen. I want to hug her so badly.
Marinette reassures Fei and forgives her, even though Fei felt that she could not be forgiven.
The structure they were standing on collapses and it was Fei as the Dragon who saved her, not Chat. Honestly, I love how it turned out as it strengthens their friendship, but I still prefer a Marichat alternative. WHERE IS THE MARICHAT PEOPLES???
Final showdown!
Poor statue guard was upset about the damage they caused as an akuma, but Miraculous Ladybiug fixes everything.
Fei learned an important lesson: let justice take its course, not enact revenge. But it was quite funny to have the pawn shop owner be flown away to court in a literal sense.
The bracelet has a renling-like creature, who is just so adorable, especially since they missed Fei and was waiting for the day they would be reunited. Aww!
Ladynoir version of the Moon scene from NYC! Except no dancing, just them challenging each other over who will get to Paris first if they traveled in opposite directions. No one shall ever know we were in Shanghai as civilians lol (Reminds me of my best friend when eating grapes during choral rehearsals)
Marinette, Adrien, Fei, and Uncle Wang enjoying a birthday (?) dinner was wholesome.
I love how Uncle Wang calls them boyfriend and girlfriend because of how they act around each other, yet Marinette and Adrien both deny it. Bruh, these children need to open their fricking eyes! I really wanted to jump through my phone screen!
The Shanghai Vigilantes came to return Marinette's kwagatama necklace. They are so precious even though we thought they were enemies in the trailer.
Even though they were at odds at first, love how the Vigilantes blushed when Fei played the accordion and she's just like "whatever". I stan an asexual queen.
Do I even want to know what Marinette accidentally said when she mispronounced "sister" in Chinese? Based on what Fei said, probably not.
Uh...NOW I WANT TO SEE MORE OF ADRIEN TEACHING MARINETTE CHINESE! While I do take some issue of Adrien (a white French boy) teaching Marinette her culture like most of us had issue with in "Kung Food", I also want to see them interact outside of school and hopefully bond. ML writers need to keep their word otherwise Adrienette stans will riot!
Love how the final scene turned out! Its just *chef's kisses*
Also, the hell with the business trip?? It was mentioned once again IN THE ENDCARD! It might not be as interesting, but I want to think that there was more truth to it.
Also, wifi troubles kept interrupting the show at crucial moments, but okay.
Overall, I live for the Shanghai episode! The animation is just as incredible as the NY special (which I also live for) and I love how this episode has a great focus on Fei and the prodigious. I mean, before the intro, she tells her story. And she has her monologues alongside Marinette's. In many ways, it's refreshing. Also, Ladynoir and Adrienette stans will be satiated with the scenes associated with each ship. Also, I love Fei's character development! And the final scene is wholesome!
I won't lie though: there are a few issues regarding whitewashing Fei's transformation and such. It is important to see these things and as a good friend of mine always says: you can enjoy something while also being critical of it. And that is very important no matter how devotive to something you actually are.
Anyways, we are being well fed with all the Miraculous content and I will see you all very soon! Also, get some sleep peoples! I know some of you aren't sleeping!
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lailannajacobs · 4 years
Breakfast with a King, How Romantic. | GIBP II
Pairing: fey!Loki x fem!reader
Chapter Summary: Loki tells his court about your arrival & the two of you have breakfast together. 
Warnings: None! 
Word Count: 5.2k
A/N: So this chapter was originally supposed to be longer, but in the midst of finals I only had time to edit about half of it, so here it is! And also, I know I’ve added a bunch of marvel characters to this world, but I promise it’s about it! Hope you enjoy! It makes my day to hear what you think! <3 
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When Loki awoke a little before dawn, his body felt unnaturally tired but he ignored the feeling and pushed out of bed. It was nothing a little coffee and breakfast wouldn’t cure and he got ready for another day of fending off the vultures that were his council. He stopped for a moment, half dressed, reminding himself to breathe. Walking out of his room as anything other than king would only jeopardize everything he’d been working toward.
Before leaving for the kitchen, he listened for any sound that YN might be awake. The silence reassured him that she wasn’t about to walk out of her room and ruin his entire plan before he had a chance to properly put in place. He didn’t want the council getting wind of her arrival before the pre-dinner drinks tonight.
The hallways were empty at this hour and he was thankful he could mosey over to the kitchen through hooded lids and heavy steps. Loki basked in the silence until laughter burst from the kitchen, letting him know his court was already there. He had been hoping to get something in his stomach before answering all their questions, but they’d beat him here. The thought of going back to bed crossed his mind, but he rarely had all of them in the palace at the same time and knew he had to catch Bucky before his assassin disappeared for the next few days.
Bucky smirked when Loki walked in, “rough night?”
The Dark Elf was in a good mood this morning, the brollochan that shrouded him like dark smoke wafting further away from him than usual. The air around Bucky was cold and dead, but the morning bustle of the cooks and the heat of the kitchen smothered most of it — one of the few reasons they spent more time in here than in any of their offices. Bucky took a bite of his muffin, pale blue eyes assessing then took his booted feet off the table and sat up straighter. Loki had been hoping he’d be able to pretend nothing had happened last night until he’d eaten something, but nothing got past his assassin.
“What happened?” Bucky asked, light-hearted grin gone.
The tone caught his commander’s attention. The angel righted, breaking off her conversation with Gamora to come a little closer. Gamora stayed where she was, a knowing little smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. She knew exactly what was going on, but she’d be no help to him, choosing to sit back and enjoy the show instead.
Loki’s master of information cocked her head curiously with a kind of calm opposite to the tense energy that radiated from his assassin and commander. He nodded at Wanda and took in a deep breath.
“Can I get myself a coffee before the interrogation begins?” Loki asked.
Nebula raised a brow, tucking in her metallic, indigo wings to let him go by, “that’s already your second this week.”
“Next week I won’t have any,” he grumped, then tried to soften his tone, knowing the coffee and chocolate rations weren’t any more her fault than his own, “I found YN.”
Everyone stopped moving.
“Where is she?” Nebula, never one to be stunned for long, was all business, her mind already going through a million different scenarios.
Loki knew he was about to be scolded so her turned toward the counter to make his coffee, “sleeping in the princess’ room.”
“And you didn’t think to wake any of us?” she snapped, “just because that thing gave us her name doesn’t mean that YN isn’t a threat to us.”
“I’m pretty sure he knows that, Neb,” Bucky chuckled, shooting her a teasing grin that earned him a punch on the arm, “Loki can take of himself…Or at least I hope he can. And anyways, if we’ve never heard of her, she can’t be all that powerful a fey.”
Loki only tensed for a second but he should have known they wouldn’t miss it.
“She is Fey, right?” Wanda asked warily.
Loki turned around slowly, his court’s eyes all on him with an intensity he knew was justified. They’d been trying to find YN for over two moons now and when they’d concocted this fake queen plan, they had always assumed she would be Fey. Convincing the council that Loki had a love he’d been keeping secret for all this time and been near impossible when he’d only had a name to go on. Finding her, only to realize she was human, didn’t make things much easier.
He shook his head.
Wanda bounced her fork up and down off her other thumb, “what is she?”
Gamora answered before Loki could, “human.”
They all whirled to face her. Loki was about to ask her why she hadn’t warned any of them about this if she’d seen what YN was, but she pressed before he had a chance to.
“No I didn’t see it,” she snapped as if she’d read his mind, “I saw her wandering the halls on my way here, and unless she’s an elemental, she looked very much human to me.”
Loki’s heart dropped in his chest.
“You let her roam free?” Nebula shouted incredulously, her wings flaring slightly.
He winced, “technically, I left her in her room.”
Bucky grinned, a look that earned him a deadly stare from Nebula, “you’re off to a great start with your future queen,” he laughed.
“We won’t have a future queen if she’s wandering around the palace and gets caught by the wrong people,” she chided, “is that what you two fangslugs want?”
Bucky tossed her a a bread roll that she caught deftly mid-flight, “between the five of us, I think we can find one human.”
Loki gulped down his scalding coffee and was about to rush out but was hit with a thought before he could make it past the door.
He spun to face his court, “no one approaches her for now. She’s human in a realm full of Fey and a palace full of council members who won’t hesitate to make her life miserable. I don’t want her scaring.”
“Don’t you think a friendly face would help?” Wanda pointed out, sliding the pad of butter to the least friendly face there.
Nebula scowled.
Bucky crossed his arms, a cheeky grin on his face, “I don’t know what you mean? We’re friendly.”
Loki couldn’t help but chuckle, “somehow I doubt a human will find any of you friendly looking.”
“If she walks into the library and finds me,” Maximoff said, grinning along with the rest of them, “there’s nothing I can do about it. I’m just doing my job.”
Loki knew that out of all of them, Wanda’s human-like appearance probably made her the least threatening. He nodded thoughtfully, “Maximoff, do your thing. If she finds you fine, but don’t seek her out. Everyone else, give her space.”
Wanda gave him a thumbs up, “sure. You’d better go find her, Laufeyson. Who knows where this terrified human you’ve brought to our palace has ended up.”
Loki rolled his eyes at Wanda’s sass but knew she was right. He needed to find YN before she did something incredibly stupid.
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The halls were quiet this early in the morning, but you did cross several maids as you roamed. Few had looked up as you’d walked past and the ones that did, didn’t let show that there was anything strange with your being here.
You were surprised you’d managed to get some sleep after what had happened last night. The only explanation was that you’d never slept in a bed so comfortable in your life and that it had somehow managed to combat your whirling mind. Once you’d woken up though, you knew there was no point staying in bed. If you could find the Hand before the king found you, then you could be out of here before you had to fulfill your end of the bargain. And that was a gamble you were willing to take.
The pendant was heavy against your chest and you had the sinking feeling that it was colder than it was yesterday. You stopped at an intersection in the corridors, twirling it between your fingers, trying to settle the mix of anger and fear bubbling up inside you. You felt rooted to the floor, lost in a maze of hallways, wearing a stranger’s clothes you’d found last night in a drawer. You didn’t know what you were doing. You wanted Nat at your side. You wanted to know that she was safe and that everything would be okay. You wanted to know that all the time you’d be spending here wouldn’t make everything worse, but you knew all those wishes were in vain. The two of you had barely been managing for too long now, and your luck was bound to run out sometime. You couldn’t help but feel terrified that the sometime was now.
You stopped picking at the skin on your lip, rolled your shoulders back and jut up your chin. It wasn’t much more than the illusion of confidence, but the act made you feel a little better anyways. Worrying and complaining would only set you in the wrong direction. Pick a destination and steer toward it, my little lion. The memory of his voice steadied your heart and you focused on your two choices: find the Hand or pretend to be the future queen of Asgard. No pressure either way, right? You snorted. Right.
“Do you always mutter to yourself?” he asked.
You jumped. You hadn’t even heard him come up and you definitely didn’t realize you’d been talking out-loud. You closed your eyes, not wanting to turn around just yet. Deep down, you knew he’d find you. You’d just hoped it wouldn’t have been this soon.
“Was there anywhere in particular you were planning on going?” the king continued once he realized you weren’t going dignify your muttering with an answer.
“No,” you sighed, “just somewhere that wasn’t with you.”
“Unfortunately for you, the whole point of this thing is for us to be seen together,” he pointed out, “and before someone kicks you out of the palace for not knowing who you are, I would recommend that more people see us together.”
You turned, “stellar plan, king of Asgard. Did you come up with that all on your own?”
He raised a brow.
He stood a few paces in front of you, dressed in a dark tunic, looking fresh as a daisy with his damp hair neatly slicked back. His expression flirted the line between bored and curious as if there was nothing in the world that could faze someone like him — other than maybe his sister trying to steal the throne from him, and even then, he’d been so flippant about it, you didn’t doubt for a second he was used to getting his way all the time. A coward and a spoiled brat. You were going to have to find the Hand before this sham of a coronation, because you weren’t sure how convincing you’d manage to be.
“I did think of it all by myself,” he said, “but it would have been more if effective if it had occurred to you first.”
You crossed your arms, “maybe I wanted to get kicked out.”
“Then why didn’t you leave last night?” he asked, the beginnings of an infuriating smirk tugging at his lips.
“I wanted to sleep in a comfy bed,” you retorted, but even to your ears, you knew it was weak.
You both knew that you had no reason to leave.
Seeming satisfied that he’d won, he said, “you must be hungry.”
You didn’t know why your first instinct was to refuse him, but you knew it was a stupid reaction. Just because you didn’t want anything to do with him didn’t mean that you were going to let yourself starve. Letting him feed you wasn’t letting him win — your pride wasn’t going to get in the way of basic necessities. Your stomach answer before you could anyways.
He nodded at the sound, “there’s a quiet terrace in the city that serves delicious breakfast if you’d like to eat there.”
“In view of a whole bunch of people?” you mocked.
“Very few, actually, and all regular citizens. I didn’t think you’d enjoy being the centre of attention on your first day here, but if you’re up and looking for trouble, we can always go down to the dinning hall and eat with the soldiers,” he replied with a wicked grin.
“That’s fine,” you grumbled. It wasn’t that you didn’t think you could handle the attention. You just didn’t think it was worth the effort.
“Really?” he half turned as he was ready to head there right away, “it’s no trouble.”
You snorted and pushed past him. Then you quickly realized that you had no idea where in the seven hells you were going. Gritting your teeth, you turned around and to find a fully-fledged arrogant smirk on his lips. You tried not to let your anger get the best of you and motioned for him to lead the way even though it killed you to do it. He pursed his lips as if he was trying not to laugh. You forced a long inhale through your nose, ignoring the itchy feeling at the base of your spine.
“We’ll need to get you more clothes,” he said, glancing at your makeshift outfit as he strolled down the hallway, “it wasn’t today’s plan, but seeing as we’ll be near there, we can stop after breakfast.”
You ignored his pointed tone and took note of the way you were going, doing your best to orient yourself in the maze of hallways that all looked the same. The route you were taking didn’t seem the most direct, but did seem more deserted than some of the others you’d walked down. You tried to convince yourself that he wasn’t doing it to confuse you but it was hard to when he’d just finished saying how we should be seen together.
“Am I going to be able to do anything on my own?” you demanded, suddenly realizing that you were going somewhere with him after breakfast.
He stopped and listened, turning in the opposite direction of where you’d been heading as if he was avoiding something. Yet, his voice was casual when he said, “most of the time.”
You were only partly relieved. You were still going to have to go through a slew of theatrics to get the Hand. You were still going to have to pretend to be in love with him. You were still going to have to be queen…You didn’t know why the thoughts were running through your head now even though you’d agreed to them last night. This was real. This was happening. You were going to have to behave like a queen. You were going to have to behave like a woman in lov—
“I think we should set ground rules,” you blurted.
He raised a brow.
“Limits,” you supplied, “you know, boundaries. Respect. Or is that not a thing here?”
“Why don’t we wait until we’re out of the palace to discuss these matters.”
It was phrased as a question, but there was a warning in his voice. You nodded, realizing he had a point. There might not have been anyone around at the moment, but you weren’t going to get caught because of something this stupid. The surprise on his face when you didn’t say anything made you want to call him a whole slew of names. You were smart enough to figure things out and knew how to hold your tongue when you had to — even if you hadn’t done a very good job of it so far around him.
He led you through gates you hadn’t noticed on your break in, heading out the back of the palace. You tried to decipher what part of the city you were walking into, but it was nothing like the port market. Actually, it looked like you’d just stepped into a completely different realm.
The palace was set at the top of a massive valley, with a maze of streets and colourful building sprawling down the jungled mountain sides to a wide river at its base.  The streets were made of pale yellow cobblestone that practically growled in the early morning sun, the narrow streets winding dangerously down the hill.
Beautiful, lush vines with orange flowers lined the tops of buildings, their fragrance mingling with the smell of morning dew, and their rooftops made of some kind of metal that reflected the sun and made it look as if the old gods had lit them on fire. The houses and shops were dyed bright purples, yellows, and turquoise and the air crackled with magic, hope and possibilities.
Despite the hour, a number of people were milling about, already up and ready for their day. Most of the citizens were Fey, but there were Dwarves, Elves, a few demons and you were sure, the longer you walked through the streets, that you’d see people from all 9 realms. Most of the nodded their ‘hello’s when they saw him and continued on their way with a bright smile. No one seemed surprised to see the king strolling through their streets. If the streets in Niflheim ever looked like this, it could only have been during a time when Odin wasn’t king. You inhale the warm weather and the peaceful energy of these people, trying not to be angry at them for a decision their king made hundreds of yers ago.
“This is Natalos,” he explained, taking you down a smaller alley, “it’s Asgard’s capitol city and it can only be accessed through the palace. There are a few other cities on the island, but mainly, everyone lives here. The city is naturally protected by the valley walls and the river. Those of us of at the palace guard the only other way in.”
You tried to ignore your surprise. Just because these people had built their city in a way that put their king on the front lines didn’t excuse them for cowering in the first place. In an attempt to conceal your emotions, you asked a different question.
“What was the market I walked into?”
He smirked, “a market. The vendors here trade with outsiders whenever they need supplies but they can do so in a space that keeps their homes and their families far away from possible threats.”
You clenched your jaw, trying and failing to keep your face impassive. He knew there were threats. He’d made all of you outsiders and left you to those threats. You wanted to shake him. You wanted to ask what in the seven hells he’d been thinking during the war, but the peaceful city around you was your answer. Their home was intact and they had the ability to keep it that way with magic — magic far beyond your comprehension. You tried to swallow the lump in your throat and you couldn’t take a deep breath to save your life. You were so far out of your league without your abilities. You’d gotten used to only relying on your human senses, but you couldn’t even trust those here. You tried to tell yourself that this was no different than being in Odin’s palace, but for some reason, it wasn’t working. You could feel yourself panicking and you didn’t know how to stop it.
“For someone who broke into a palace guarded by magic and then preceded to point a dagger at me, you seem awfully worried about a simple breakfast,” he commented, stopping in front of a tiny door.
You didn’t bother with an answer and focused on your breathing, especially that the same dagger he was talking about was tucked into your boot. That particular thought eased your pounding heart. He shrugged and lead the way, bending over in half to fit through the door. There were a few tables in the dimly lit restaurant, all of which were already filled with people and steaming plates of food. A young dwarf who didn’t look past the age of thirty approached with a warm smile for the king. Her long black hair was tied back in a series of intricate braids and she had an apron pulled over her simple shirt and pants.
“You’re here earlier than expected, King Laufeyson,” she said by way of greeting, her voice surprisingly deep, even for a dwarf.
He took her hand gently in his, “my apologies. Something unexpected happened this morning. I hope we haven’t caused you any inconveniences.”
He didn’t look at you, but it wasn’t hard to guess that you were the something that had happened this morning. At least now I had something of a name for him.
“Always so polite our king,” she looked you up and down with a pleased little grin on her face, “come. I’ve prepared the terrace as you asked.”
You followed her out the back door and your breath caught in your throat. You had spent so long living in Flaik that you had almost forgotten what lush jungles were like, their massive trees acting like tent filtering the light through leaves like liquid gold. Everything was such a deep green, with only a few flowers in bloom this time of year. The sight almost brought tears to your eyes. You had been so sure you would never see anything that resembled home ever again and you took in a deep breath as if you could hold a piece of your surroundings inside of you. It wasn’t quite like home, but it was close.
You opened your eyes, not realizing that you’d closed them. He was staring at you, his hands on the back of his chair, his head cocked to the side. You glared at him and sat down. He rolled his eyes and took a seat in front of you.
“I’ll be back with water,” the dwarf said, glancing between the two of you with that same knowing smirk on her face.
“Thank you, Volula,” he murmured, leaning back in his chair as if it was a sofa.
Laufeyson didn’t say anything, staring at you. He was all cheekbones and sharp edges and looked far too pretty for his own good. His eyes, almost glowing green against the jungle, gave away nothing more than faint amusement. You would have said he was bored if you hadn’t been able to feel the energy in the air, drawn tight as if he was a wolf stalking its prey.
“Your population is very diverse,” you said when you couldn’t take the silence any longer.
He shrugged as if the war hadn’t made all the realms wary of one another, and opened his menu,“it just happened that way.”
Your fingers tightened around the fork you had unwittingly started playing with. You forced yourself to let it go gently and place your hands on your lap where he couldn’t see them.
“What about the population where you’re from? he asked, keeping his eyes on the menu.
“We’re not going there,” you warned.
“So I’m not going to know anything about you? Seems like a great plan,” he said, folding his menu shut, “but, as long as it convinces the council, it’s fine with me.”
You held his gaze, daring him to tell you that this wasn’t going to work unless you told him every single detail about your life, but he didn’t push like you thought he would, eventually raising a brow as if it was your turn to say something. It only made you trust him less. Who let a complete stranger — a thief at that — become queen of their realm without knowing a single thing about them? There had to be hundreds of other women who would gladly do it. It didn’t make sense and you hated that you had no idea what he was planning.
Volula came back, a bright smile on her face, “have we decided yet?”
Laufeyson tilted his head, looking to you as if you’d been the one she was talking to. You hadn’t even looked at the menu, but you weren’t about to ask him for advice.
“I’ll take your most popular breakfast,” you answered with a polite smile.
She nodded and turned to the king, “the usual?”
He smiled, “that would be wonderful. Thank you.”
She let you know that she would be back soon with the food and busied off to one of the other tables on the terrace. You searched for the anxiety that was always palpable whenever Odin was around civilians, but there was nothing like that here. Everyone had seen the king walk in, but no one had paid him much attention other than the pleasant smiles as we had walked by. Even the other customers eating on the terrace as well were either focused on their food or their conversations.
“Why are we doing any of this?” you asked, “it’s clear these people are fine with you being their king.”
“Old laws. The council have always had the power to decide who's king. Apparently they know better than their people,” he said.
You couldn’t help but be surprised that he’d show his feelings about his court so obviously, “you might want to keep the disdain out of your voice the next time you see them. They are in charge of your regency.”
“I’ll do my best,” he learned further back in his chair, “especially that the next time I do will be with you.”
You groaned, “tell me that won’t be any time soon.”
“Tonight. Drinks and appetizers before dinner,” he huffed a little laugh, “don’t look too enthusiastic.”
“Because drinks with a bunch of stuffy old men sounds fun,” you retorted.
He tipped forward, letting his chair fall back onto all four legs again, “how do you know they’re old men?”
You sighed, Odin’s council coming to mind, “aren’t they always?”
He chuckled, though you had the impression there was nothing he found funny about the whole situation, “seems they are.”
Volula came back with your food before you could ask him more about the council. She set a steaming bowl of grey mush that had a strangely greenish hue to it in front of Laufeyson and plate filled with scrambled eggs, fruit —- some of which you’d never seen before — a small bread roll and a little bowl filled with a dark purple liquid you couldn’t identify.
“It’s for the bread,” she said with a wink, “enjoy the meal.”
Tentatively, you ripped a small piece off the loaf and dipped it into the liquid. You looked up at Lauefeyson and he nodded encouragingly. You eyed him warily and he rolled his eyes again, digging into his mush. When you finally gained the courage to pop it into your mouth. It was tangy but sweet, an eruption of flavours you couldn’t name, and paired with the airy texture of the bread, it was amazing. It was so good, you dipped your eggs into the sauce just to see what it would be like. You weren’t disappointed. Laufeyson had his head dipped down, eyes focused on his breakfast, but you could see a faint smile on his lips. You wanted to tell him off, but really he hadn’t done anything. And anyways, you were starving.
“You wanted to talk ground rules?” he asked after another few bites.
You nodded and swallowed your bite, “I’m not doing any of this without a few precautions.”
He scraped the last of his putrid look slop from the bowl, “what did you have in mind?”
You hadn’t forgotten his little show last night, and although there wasn’t even the faintest echo of pain, you weren’t interested in going through anything like that ever again.
“You don’t use magic on me,” you warned, “ever.”
He held your gaze, body relaxed when he said, “I wasn’t planning on it.”
If he was lying, his assurance and ease made him damed convincing . Still, it didn’t mean you believed him. You knew he wouldn’t tell you the truth if he was lying so there was no point in dwelling on his answer.
“And no physical affect unless it’s absolutely necessary,” you added, staring him down, “and if possible, I want a heads up before it happens.”
“Romanic,” he chuckled, leaning back into his chair again.
You crossed your arms, “it’s part of my terms.”
“It’s fine,” he said with a little wave of his hand, “anything else?”
“Not for now. But just to be clear, all I have to do is convince them we’re in love, right?” you asked, still trying to wrap your head around the situation. You’d never been in love and you’d never seen the appeal of it, but if you had ever imagined what it would look like, faking it to some foreign king with Nat’s life on the line wasn’t exactly it.
He readjusted the spoon in his bowl, changing it from the right side to the left, “right.”
You shook your head. He was so casual about everything and all you could do was ask as many questions as you could think of to try and kill the sneaking suspicion that this half-baked plan was doomed to fail, “and all this is because your sister wanted the throne.”
“Who’s the rightful heir?” You pushed on, searching his face for more information than his one-worded answers gave you.
His face remained impassive but he took a second to long to answer, “technically she is, but the position fell to me years ago.”
You weren’t going to ask what he meant by years, not wanting to know whether or not he’d been king during the war. If you were going to pretend to love him, you didn’t need another reason to hate him.
“Why not leave it to her if it’s her birthright?”
“Why not keep it?” he countered, tucking his hands into his pockets, “you said it yourself. Everyone’s fine with me being king.”
“That’s not an answer,” you pointed out, observing him closely.
He shrugged and changed the subject, “if you’re done, we’ll head to the seamstress.”
“Great,” you muttered, thought it didn’t escape your notice that his sister was definitely a touchy subject.
He smirked, “again, your enthusiasm is contagious.”
“Excuse me for not being excited about a deal I was blackmailed into by a man who’s name I don’t even know,” you whisper yelled, leaning forward across the table, barely able to control yourself, “right after going through a set of rules to impress a set of snobby old men because of your conniving sister.”
He looked like he was going to say something then stopped and looked out into the jungle. He nodded slowly, took in a long, deep breath and turned back to face you.
“Loki. Lauefeyson,” he extended his hand — a human gesture, “it’s nice to meet you.”
You nodded and stared at his hand. When the silence droned on, he leaned in closer so that we were both hovering above the table, “I will need to know your name, sweetheart.”
“When you do, you’d better use it because you ‘sweetheart’ isn’t convincing anyone,” you grit out.
His lips pulled into a wicked grin, “I think it is, sweetheart.”
“YN,” you snapped, backing off, “YLN.”
He stood from the table, leaning casually on the back of the chair, “are you ready to go, YLN.”
You sighed, “if I have to.”
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shijiujun · 4 years
[ENG] History3: Trapped Novel - Chapter Nine
Translation Masterpost can be found here
Disclaimer: Translations are entirely mine - these are not official translations and some phrases have been changed for better English interpretation so you’ll definitely see better/different translations elsewhere. Also keeping in mind when we translated this we aren’t exactly thinking about the style of writing and this translation is as close to the novel as we can make it XD So yes, some parts may be a little awkward to read. And yes some teeny weeny details and words may not turn up in the translation because the Chi to Eng mind acrobatics didn’t work out. If you see asterisks, scroll all the way to the bottom for notes!
Full chapter below the cut
Note: JFC I AM FINALLY DONE WITH THIS DAMN THING, BYE H3T NOVEL CRIES I DONT WANT TO BE PLAGUED BY THIS ANYMORE HAHAHA - Also give the masterpost a few hours, I need to update the new links with my new username ARGH - History3:Trapped novel translations are now COMPLETED (with the exception of terrible sex scenes).
This was a muchhhh longer chapter than usual (more than 30 pages) + gosh I have a lot of things to say about the sex scenes because they’re just totally not logical but never mind I’m glad to like be done with this hahaha. It’s dragged on for long enough!
Chapter Nine
Inside the abandoned warehouse
Chen Wen Hao and Tang Yi have their guns trained on each other, and at the same time, they are staring at Shao Fei in shock, who just said ‘Chen Wen Hao is your father’.
“Don’t panic, the evidence is in my pocket.”
Shao Fei holds up both his hands, and then slowly reaches into the pocket of his jacket with one, pulling out two pieces of paper folded together, and looks at Tang Yi and Chen Wen Hao.
“One of these is the birth certificate from the hospital, and the other is the note you wrote to Li Zhen-jie.”
Chen Wen Hao’s expression morphs entirely, and then he turns to his henchmen and says, “All of you go outside and wait for me.”
The men guarding Chen Wen Hao’s safety put down their guns and then head outside to the open space outside of the warehouse.
“The both of you put down your guns first, so you won’t regret in case you misfire, and then listen to me finish speaking, okay?”
Both men in confrontation with each other exchange looks, and then keep their weapons at the same time.
Shao Fei heaves a sigh of relief, and continues explaining, “I found these two things in Li Zhen-jie’s belongings, and I also went to Tang Yi’s adoptive father to confirm it. Tang Yi, you were born on 21st October 1990, and Chen Wen Hao, you began serving your sentence in February 1990, and when Li Zhen-jie went to visit you, the date was 17th May 1990.”
Realising what this means, Chen Wen Hao’s eyes go wide, and he mumbles, “It cannot be… this is impossible… Li Zhen told me she aborted our child, so it can’t be…”
In the third month of pregnancy, the mother will begin to feel nauseous and most due dates are calculated 266 days after confirmation of the pregnancy date, that means if Li Li Zhen was already pregnant before Chen Wen Hao entered prison, then the expected due date indeed would have fallen somewhere in October.
Chen Wen Hao rushes over suddenly, gripping at Shao Fei’s shirt collar tight, “Are you using this to make me spare Tang Yi because you knew Li Zhen visited me in jail before?”
Shao Fei is almost entirely breathless from the tight grip, but still continues with his answer, the closest thing to the truth after piecing all the clues together, “I don’t know what Li Zhen-jie said to you in jail when she met you, all I know is that after she visited you, she applied for a year long break, and this is unusual for a workaholic like her.”
“And after she returned to her post, she never once applied for long leaves and did not get married either, so there’s only one possibility left. Tang Yi, is yours and Li Zhen-jie’s son.”
“Son… I have a son… a son…” Chen Wen Hao repeats dumbly, loosening his grip on Shao Fei’s shirt collar.
As if juxtaposing Chen Wen Hao’s helplessness at this moment, Tang Yi seems as cold and calm as he always is, “So what if this is true?”
“Tang Yi, Li Zhen-jie may not be a good mother, but she was loving you in her own way. When you ran away from home when you were 12, she immediately went South to search for you, but still lost all clues of where you went.”
Tang Yi’s lips curve up in a sneer, “I only have three family members in this life. My adoptive mother, Tang-ye and Hong Ye. Everyone else are unrelated strangers to me.”
“Tang Yi…” Shao Fei softly calls his name, his heart aching as he looks at Tang Yi’s expression, trying to suppress the pain.
“Tang-ye is the most important person in my life, he is my father… and you, you’re only a murderer who took him away from my side!”
He says the word ‘murderer’ through gritted teeth, slides his gun out from his waist, and points it at the murderer he managed to draw out after four years. Seeing this, Shao Fei immediately puts himself in front of the gun.
“No, I didn’t kill him. I didn’t.”
Chen Wen Hao has not yet calmed from the emotions of guilt he is feeling, and then he looks at his son who’s pointing a gun at him, shocked.
“You’re lying!” Tang Yi looks at the man in front of him angrily. “I remember your face very clearly, you’re the one who killed Tang-ye, it’s you!”
“It’s true that I was there to look for Tang Guo Dong, because I wanted to question him, to ask him why he had to sabotage me like this? But I didn’t kill him. When I reached the scene I only saw him pass something to Li Zhen, and then there were two gunshots, and they fell to the ground, their blood spilling out…”
Chen Wen Hao has his face in his hands, filled with guilt and anguish.
“If you’re not the murderer then why are you trying to have me silenced? Why did you bring a gun there?”
“I’d only just witnessed them being shot and then I saw you, if it you were me, wouldn’t you take your gun out to defend yourself? As for that gun… yes, I wanted to kill him. These twenty years, I hanged on because of my hatred for Tang Guo Dong, and now you’re telling me, the person that I’ve wanted revenge on is not Tang Guo Dong’s bastard son, but my son? I don’t even know who I should vent my hatred on now, why did my life turn into this?”
“Are you done?” Tang Yi immediately unlocking the safety on his gun, and then to Shao Fei who is blocking his way, he snarls, “Get out of the way!”
The person in front of him does not move, however, raising his chin instead and staring at Tang Yi head-on, “If the murderer really is Chen Wen Hao, then why would he have stayed put after he killed them? Besides, even if he did have a reason to kill Tang Guo Dong, he definitely wouldn’t have killed Li Zhen-jie.”
At the flawless argument, even through his anger, Tang Yi finds himself frozen to the spot, before he finally lets his right hand, which is holding onto the gun, fall back to his side.
“Chen Wen Hao, I’m not taking your life (now), and when I find evidence to prove that you are the murderer, I will kill you myself!”
Once he’s done, he turns and leaves.
“Tang Yi!”
Shao Fei quickly chases after him, and attempts to hug him from the back to calm down the man whose emotions are teetering on the edge of a breakdown, but the other shakes him off, hard.
“Meng Shao Fei! You know how long I have been waiting for this day, why did you stop me? Why?”
“Because he’s not the murderer.”
With his raised arm, the fist that is about to descend is retracted at the last moment, and instead lands heavily on the car engine’s top, the sound deafening. He then pushes away the Shao Fei who stopped him repeatedly previously, sitting in the driver’s seat and stepping on the accelerator, leaving the long-time abandoned warehouse at high speeds.
“Tang Yi…”
Shao Fei follows after him shakily, and can only watch the other drive away, standing in the same spot.
Tang household
The door is slowly pushed open to reveal a room shrouded in darkness. A man sits unmoving like a statue at the end of the bed, and with an aching heart, Shao Fei walks over, opening his arms to embrace the angry and anguished Tang Yi.
“I’m sorry… I know it’s hard for you to accept this…”
This is why when he discovered the truth, he was hesitant, because the truth would hurt the person he cares about the most.
“I don’t care if Chen Wen Hao is my biological father or not, only Tang-ye is the most important person in my life.”
“I know, so all the more we need to find the real murderer, right? Ah-“
Tang Yi pulls Shao Fei onto the bed with force, using his firm chest to cover Shao Fei’s back.
“If you don’t want this, push me away.”
The hot puff of breath coming straight from his throat comes into contact with a spot behind Shao Fei’s ear, and this is the last chance he’s giving his partner to flee from him.
Shao Fei is pressed face first on the bed, and he can even feel the other’s hardness at his butt, “I’m drenched in sweat all over, how about you let me go take a shower first… mmn…”
He’s flipped over and with his face turned up, Shao Fei looks at Tang Yi in a room that is not illuminated by any lights except for the moonlight.
Their breaths become increasingly harsh, and through their tightly pressed bodies, they can feel the other’s breaths and heartbeats with every rise of their chests.
Tang Yi supports his weight with a hand against the bed, and looks at the person lying down, “Push me away, or shall I continue? You pick one.”
The ends of Shao Fei’s mouth curve, and then he reaches up to grip at the man’s shirt, tugging him downwards until he’s right in front of him.
He answers, “Continue.”
“Tang Yi…”
Their tightly pressed lips slide across each other’s, the dryness turning wet with the saliva coming from the sides of the mouths, and Shao Fei never once realised that he had such an intense thirst for making love.
But perhaps he was wrong, because the other person wasn’t the person meant for him, and just like before, he never thought that one day, he would fall in love with another man. A man who’s built exactly like him.
“Sss… ha….”
Deeply inhaling after exhaling the carbon dioxide in the lobes of his lungs through the gaps between his teeth, he emits a sound left to everyone’s imaginations.
Tang Yi loosens the hands cupped around the sides of Shao Fei’s face, and gazes deeply at the eyes which have chased after him for the past four years, unwilling to give up.
“What’re you looking at me for?”
Shao Fei wants to flee, and yet cannot help but fall into himself that he sees (reflected) in Tang Yi’s eyes. How contradictory. Is this what loving someone else is like? It’s like holding a raw egg in the palm of his hands, afraid of losing grip if he holds on too lightly, but also afraid to crush it if he holds on too tightly. His heart is just like a dandelion floating in the air. It flies with the breeze from time to time, and lands without the help of the wind.
“Thankfully, I didn’t kill you then.”
He does not deny that there were a few times, Tang Yi wanted to make the cumbersome thing that was Shao Fei disappear with the simplest but also most violent way, and he is thankful to the him who decided to change his mind, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to have Meng Shao Fei in the future. At this moment, this is a Meng Shao Fei he cannot bear to let go.
Shao Fei’s mouth curves in a smile, and he compliments himself, “What a pity it would have been to kill me, you would have one less person to argue with you, and no one would point out your flaws right in your face, like I do!”
Tang Yi once again kisses the mouth that is still moving, but it’s different this time as the kiss is deeper, hotter.
“Hmm… Tang… Tang Yi…”
The tongue that slid into his mouth is exploring every inch and sensitive crevice, making sure that Shao Fei is filled with his own scent inside and out.
His competitive spirit is piqued, and Shao Fei unceremoniously returns the favour with equal fervour. His hands reach out towards Tang Yi’s back, and he tightens his hold behind the other’s neck. Pushing the tongue that’s marking its territory inside his mouth back into Tang Yi’s own mouth, he draws out the other man’s desire more passionately.
A satisfied moan sounds from his throat, akin to the purrs of a large-sized cat.
Changing the direction of their kiss endlessly, they don’t stop until they slowly run out of breath. Tang Yi’s smile is indulgent, his thumb swiping at the saliva stained on Shao Fei’s lips.
“I’ve underestimated you after all.”
Thinking that Tang Yi is praising the way he took initiative in the kiss earlier, Shao Fei smugly answers, “This is nothing, I’m like this, once I’ve decided on something, I definitely will get it.”
“No, what I mean is, I definitely underestimated you-“
Tang Yi grabs the wrist of the other’s dominant right hand and guides it to the lower half of his body until Shao Fei’s palm is pressed against the part of his body which has already hardened in reaction, before answering fully.
“-how much you tempt me.”
Because of this, Shao Fei’s ears turn red immediately, obviously visible on both sides of his face.
“What about you?”
“Don’t, don’t say anymore!”
He immediately curls backwards but is unable to avoid the palm that is already pressed against that spot between his legs, separated by the material of his light blue denim jeans. On the already hardened spot, Tang Yi rubs, his hand moving up and down.
“You’re hard too.”
Tang Yi’s tone reveals delight as he says this. Knowing that it is not only just his one-sided attraction to the man, Tang Yi grabs onto the hardened member under Shao Fei’s pants with pride, feeling Shao Fei’s thirst for him and also coming clean with how much he wants Shao Fei.
“Of course, it’d be weird if I wasn’t hard from our intense kiss earlier.”
Shao Fei turns his face away out of embarrassment at having his cock caressed like this under his jeans, but ends up revealing his red ears to Tang Yi. As a predator, just like a large feline creature, Tang Yi naturally is not willing to miss out on this opportunity, and so he opens his mouth and with his sharp teeth, he targets Shao Fei’s left ear, and bites down.
“A-hah!” Shao Fei startles at the pain, inadvertently making a pornographic sound.
A tongue delves into Shao Fei’s sensitive ear, and the wet sounds as Tang Yi licks at his skin causes his member to fully harden.
“Tang… Tang Yi…”
Tang Yi responds to the other’s soft call in a deep, nasal tone lazily, his sharp teeth rubbing against the soft spots of Shao Fei’s ear. This thrill, which he both anticipates and is afraid of, makes Shao Fei’s body shudder again and again.
“You… can’t be…” he swallows, then asks, testing the waters, “…thinking of topping me, can you?”
Sexual intercourse between two men means that one of them has to be on the receiving end, unlike sex between a male and a female, where the male is always the one driving the desire of the other.
“If not? You want to top me?” Tang Yi asks, laughing as he frees Shao Fei’s left ear from his teeth, and turning Shao Fei’s face towards himself.
“Who said that I must definitely be under you? I can-“
“Shh,” Tang Yi says, his eyes curved as he puts up a finger to Shao Fei’s lips.
“Of course I’ll be topping you, because I began loving you way before your confession on the hospital rooftop.”
“The abandoned hut in the mountains, do you remember? The things you said to me.”
“Tang Yi, you genuinely want to leave the underworld and that’s why you’re trying to reform, right?”
“I’m using this as a ruse and pretending to go legal, but in actual fact I am-“
“My bad, I was too full of myself to just think you were like that… Tang Yi, I’m sorry!”
“Hey, I’ve already said so much, you should at least give me a response?”
“This is the first time I’ve seen a monkey capable of reflecting on himself.”
“Hey! Who’re you calling a monkey? I’m telling you, even if you are sincere in wanting to reform I will still be watching you. As long as you use any illegal methods, I will still arrest you and throw you into jail!”
“You’ll keep watching me?”
“Yes! Watching you! Using both my eyes to watch you!”
“Okay, then I’ll let you always, always, always watch me.”
“From then on, I realised that when I look at you, I experience a different kind of emotion.”
It was just that at that time, he still did not understand that this was a sign of a budding love quietly planting itself his heart.
“It was then,” Shao Fei looks at Tang Yi in disbelief.
He thought he was fated for a rejection after having loved Tang Yi first, and in the end, the person who fell in love first was actually Tang Yi.
“Okay! I admit defeat, I’ll let you top me.”
There is no winning or losing in love, there is only whether he is willing or not. And he is both willing and accepting of this.
“Don’t worry and give yourself to me, I definitely won’t disappoint you with my skills.”
“Ah…. Hah….”
Shao Fei sits at the head of the Super King bed, biting at his bottom as he watches Tang Yi, who has his face buried in the lower half of his body. The man is like a devout follower, crouching between his separated legs, which have long been divested of his jeans and underwear, thrown to the floor next to the bed. Just like how they do it in dramas, whenever sex happens, the floor is always littered with clothing items.
“If you’re uncomfortable, remember to tell me.”
After the reminder, Tang Yi once again buries his head between Shao Fei’s legs, gripping onto his upright member and using his tongue to lick at the sensitive head.
“Ahah…” Shao Fei opens his mouth and inhales at this.
He’s never had a girlfriend and could only ever use both his hands to satisfy his desires. Even though he has seen this image thousands of times, he has only been able to see this on several unsavoury sites. Who knew that when he is surrounded by someone’s mouth, the feeling would be this pleasurable. Being licked by a wet tongue triumphs over the satisfaction he feels when he masturbates by hand.
“Tang… Tang Yi…”
He can only call the other’s name repeatedly, just like a child who has just learnt to speak, his mind going increasingly hot, speechless.
“Hnn, mnn-hmm…”
Tang Yi retracts his tongue and then swallows the hard organ whole. Although Shao Fei’s size is not huge, it still fills up every crevice of his mouth.
“Ahah… oh god… oh god…”
His hardened member is suddenly engulfed by a hot and wet place and as it ventures deeper and deeper into the mouth, and because of Tang Yi’s gag reflex leading to the uncontrollable contractions of the throat, his red tip is being tightly squeezed. The pleasure rushes up suddenly from his groin, and he almost has an out-of-body experience from this.
His ten fingers are curled up in Tang Yi’s hair; he wants to push away the head that is making repeated bobbing motions, but is also unable to resist pressing the back of Tang Yi’s head forward whenever he moves downwards, all to get further into the deeper parts of his mouth.
The pressure on the back of Tang Yi’s head is too forceful, but Tang Yi resists his gag reflex from having this hard cock down his throat with only a furrow of his brows, as he continues to draw out Shao Fei’s pleasure.
“Ah… Ahah… Ahah….”
Not enough, it’s not enough!
He wants more, he wants it deeper, he wants to feel even greater pleasure!
His brain and loud thoughts drive Shao Fei’s body to lift up his waist and send his member into the deepest part of Tang Yi’s throat as he presses on the back of the other’s head.
“Ahah… ahah… ah-“
The lines between Shao Fei’s eyebrows deepen as he gradually loses control over his movements. Tang Yi does not stop Shao Fei’s almost-violent motions until Shao Fei loses himself entirely in a thrust and shouts, a thick liquid spilling into his mouth.
Finally spent, his raised hips naturally drop back onto the bed in its original position, and the movement has his softened member sliding out of Tang Yi’s mouth after his release.
Tang Yi turns over, opening his mouth and coughing incessantly to expel the mixture of cum and saliva lodged deep in the back of his throat. It drips onto the floor next to he bed, sliding down Tang Yi’s mouth and jaw.
“Tang Yi! Tang Yi are you okay?”
After Shao Fei calms his harsh breaths, he finally realises how despicable his earlier actions were and immediately sits up. Feeling guilty, his arm goes around Tang Yi’s shoulder as he looks at the man he loves, hurting for him.
“Why didn’t you stop me?”
Tang Yi lifts his left arm and wipes away the traces of Shao Fei’s release left on his mouth and jaw, then seriously says, “As long as it’s something you want to do, I will not stop you.”
It doesn’t matter if it was Shao Fei’s relentless chase throughout the past four years, or his almost violent actions during sex.
“You! Damn it!”
Tightly clenched fists strike against the soft bed, and his heart lurches, biting at his lower lip. Then, Shao Fei hooks his hands around Tang Yi’s neck as they fall backwards, hard.
The bed makes a twinge of protest at the force of their weights.
Tang Yi stares at Shao Fei who’s trapped under him, waiting for the other to tell him why he’s acting like that.
“Tang Yi you listen to me! No matter how much I say it hurts later, you’re not allowed to stop. I want to use everything I have, and love you fully!”
The ends of Tang Yi’s mouth curve upwards, and then seductively he says, “If you dare to seduce me, then you must be responsible for putting out the fire.”
“Who’s scared of who? At most I will just ask for leave from the station tomorrow!”
“Meng Shao Fei…”
“Remember to call in sick for a few more days.”
“Because I’m very certain that when you’re able to leave this bed, it’ll be at least two days later.”
“Fuck! Mmm-hmm-“
Tang Yi, I regret it already! Let me go!
Tang Yi!
“Remove your hands!” Tang Yi orders, glaring at Shao Fei who is using his hands to cover his face.
“I don’t want… it’s… hah…. it’s so embarrassing…”
His ankles are caught in Tang Yi’s hands, his legs spread wide and his butt lifted up as Tang Yi’s cock forcefully thrusts inwards, emitting wet sounds. Because this position allows him to clearly see this secret spot, a spot which his fingers have never come into contact with in the past 30 years, and yet it is this very same spot that is being driven hard into repeatedly by another man’s hardened cock.
“Ah… ah…. Tang Yi… you… don’t…. you’re too much… a…hah…”
Damn it! How is this guy’s stamina so good?
“Remove your hands!” Tang Yi frowns.
He likes seeing the way Shao Fei’s face is flushed red because of him, the expression he’s making as he is in trapped the depths of lovemaking, out of control.
Another deep thrust and Shao Fei cries out even louder than before.
“Meng Shao Fei!”
He warns in a low growl. On this planet, it is only this person who would dare to oppose him twice in a row.
“Ahah… jerk… Tang Yi you’re a fucking jerk-“
Shao Fei removes his hands from his face, and with what he thinks is a fierce gaze, he glares at the man who’s thrusting into his body. Tang Yi licks at the corner of his mouth and smiles, satisfied, “It’s a really nice expression, why would you hide it?”
His hips are aching and his legs hurt from the intense workout, and Shao Fei doesn’t know that what he thinks is a powerful frightening expression, looks like a tiny cat with its claws out to Tang Yi. Cute, and it makes Tang Yi want to bite him, hard. And so he does as he wishes, loosening the hold he has around Shao Fei’s ankles, letting both of Shao Fei’s legs fall back onto the bed, and then he lowers his body and bites hard on Shao Fei’s left nipple.
“Hmm… you… you bit me!!”
“Only you, Meng Shao Fei, would dare to let me repeat the same instruction thrice.”
With both hands on each side of Shao Fei’s waist, and different from the heavy and intense thrusts from earlier, Tang Yi settles into a slower rhythm. In this tightly filled channel, Tang Yi’s cock is well lubricated with the help of pre-cum left inside, and with the tip of his alarmingly-sized member, he unceremoniously strikes against Shao Fei’s prostate.
He drives Shao Fei’s pleasure towards the peak again and again, but before he can truly reach it, Tang Yi would retreat. Shao Fei, who is pressed under him, is just like that rock which is endlessly pushed by Hercules in Greek mythology as he is unable to obtain the highest pleasure from this.
“Hah… hah-ah… Tang Yi you… you… purposely… ha-ah, you purposely-“
“It’s so difficult to serve Officer Meng. If I fuck you too hard, you say you’re embarrassed, and now that I’m fucking you slowly, you say it’s not enough. Unless… this body, instead of me treating it gently, you wish for me to torture you mercilessly?”
“Shut… shut up…”
Absolutely not intending to admit that he does indeed want to be fucked hard, into his deepest parts, Shao Fei is almost driven insane by this slow friction. Biting at his lips and staring at the evil man, he curses him in the back of his mind, and then suddenly hugs his arms around Tang Yi’s neck, using a grappling technique to hook his legs behind Tang Yi’s back.
Tang Yi squints, looking at Shao Fei, who has attacked him with such a move.
“Damn it! Since you won’t move, I’ll move!”
With that said, he lifts his butt upwards and takes the initiative to ride Tang Yi’s cock with his soft entrance. Although it’s very tiring and almost impossible for him, it at least makes him feel good.
“Ha… ah…. ah…..”
Using his hole to rub against the hard member, Shao Fei finally finds the uncomfortable sensation being alleviated. But… it’s not enough…
“Ah-ah… Tang Yi… help me… hurry up and help me… It’s not… enough like this… ah…hah… it’s not enough….”
“Beg me.”
“I beg you, I beg…”
“Beg me to fuck you?”
“Yes… I can’t, I can’t take it anymore, hurry…. hurry up and fuck me, fuck me hard, ah-ah…”
Shao Fei shakes his head, scattering the hair strands on his forehead, stuck there by sweat.
Finally hearing the other man’s initiative, his hands lock around Shao Fei’s waist, and then Tang Yi thrusts heavily into the spot that will make Shao Fei cry out the loudest.
Having completed their intense lovemaking, both men lie on the bed on their sides facing each other.
“I can’t, I’m going to sleep first, goodnight,” Shao Fei yawns, and then shuts his eyes.
“Sleep then! Goodnight.”
Tang Yi looks at his lover’s face, and recalls what Tang-ye said to him before…
“Xiao Tang, one of these days there’ll be that person that will make you understand what a marvellous feeling it is to live a simple and normal life.”
At that time, he didn’t believe Lao Tang’s words at all. To him, being normal means allowing oneself to be bullied, and he does not want to be bullied anymore. Thus, he needs to become stronger, until no one dares to hinder his way and stop him from doing what he wants to do.
“Tang Yi! I’m chasing you for life!”
But there is indeed one such person, who stumbled his way into his tightly guarded heart, who said this to him standing on the hospital’s rooftop as he pointed at him.
“Tang Yi.”
“Can you give me a wish?”
“I wish that I will be at your side for every birthday from now on, and with me around, you’ll no longer be alone.”
He thought it would be a lonely birthday, but instead he received a cake that made him so touched, a cake made personally by Shao Fei, even though it didn’t look very nice. And…
The third birthday wish, promising the rest of his life to Tang Yi.
“Lao Tang, I finally believe in what you said.”
Tang Yi’s mouth curves in a faint smile. He caresses at Shao Fei’s lips with his finger, and repeats what he said told Shao Fei before…
“Meng Shao Fei, you made my life so different. You made me experience warmth again, so I hope you live on well, for my sake.”
“Also, I love you. I really, really, love you.”
At a riverbank
“Why did you arrange to meet?” Yan Zheng Qiang asks, his back facing another person who is approaching from behind him.
“I just wanted to tell Sir that my previous mission is over.”
The man with red hair responds to the other person standing at the riverbank with a seemingly harmless smile on his face.  Yan Zheng Qiang turns, and considers Jack, who has delivered a USB into his hands.
“This includes all of Xing Tian Meng’s information, and also what you care about the most, Chen Wen Hao’s current list of deals and channels.”
“The information has been verified?”
“Of course.”
“You’re as good as expected, it’s not a waste of the station to hire you at high costs.”
Jack smiles and accepts the other’s compliment, then says, “Since this mission is already over, let’s talk about our next one, I believe Interpol will be very interested in this.”
“I’m listening.”
“Chen Wen Hao’s actual battle place, a complete set of information from Cambodia.”
Yan Zheng Qiang’s eyes narrows as he looks at Jack in disbelief, “These few years, despite having worked with the Cambodian government, we have been unable to penetrate this drug channel. Chen Wen Hao has planned everything well and has corrupted both the good and bad in the region, just you alone, you’ll be able to reach in?”
“If it’s just me, of course I wouldn’t have any solution, but it’s a different matter altogether if Chen Wen Hao personally invites me in.”
“For a mercenary who does as he’s paid, you’re actually giving up the interests laid out before your eyes?”
Jack shrugs and smiles, “It can’t be helped. Who asked me to have a liking for thrilling challenges, and I get more intrigued by things that are more difficult to obtain. Don’t worry, since I have taken the initiative to cooperate on this, the price is negotiable, as long as you deal with Xing Tian Meng for me, I will be able to help you infiltrate this channel. How’s that, are we good on this deal? Or not?”
Yan Zheng Qiang thinks about this for a bit, and then reaches out with his right hand, “Okay, we will be responsible for dealing with the aftermath of your leaving Xing Tian Meng, and I hope you will be able to give us more information of the drug trafficking deals in Southeast Asia.
Jack returns the handshake, and smiles, “No problem, sir, may our cooperation be pleasant.”
“If the murderer from four years ago is not Chen Wen Hao, then who is it?” Zhao Zi mumbles to himself dejectedly as he walks on the road, having just left work at the station.
“Shorty, is there gold on the floor? Aren’t you afraid of hitting something if you walk with your head down like that?”
Having just looked up, he sees Jack squatting at his doorstep, and who knows how long he has been waiting here?
“Why’re you here?”
Jack stands up, pinching at the other’s cheek, and teases, “I wanted to see you, so I came.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, I don’t have the mood to joke with you today.”
“I’m very serious, shorty…” Jack loosens the grip he has on the other’s cheek and his tone is suddenly somber, “if I can’t come and see you for a period of time, will you miss me?”
Frightened, Zhao Zi’s eyes go wide as he looks about his surroundings anxiously, “What did you do? Was it something illegal?”
“I can’t say and I don’t want to implicate you in this,” Jack shakes his head, his mouth curving up in a forced smile.
At this, Zhao Zi is even more certain that Jack has done something bad that he can be arrested for, and immediately takes out his keys to open the door without paying the person next to him any mind.
“You haven’t answered my question from earlier-“
Jack has only just opened his mouth and is immediately dragged into the house, the other covering his mouth, and as they walk, Zhao Zi says in a low voice, “Hey! Speak softer, what if you’re found out by someone else? Damn it, you still dare to come to me after having done something illegal, did you forget that I’m a police officer, and all my colleagues are policer officers? I can let you hide for a night, but tomorrow you have to leave first thing in the morning.”
Jack pulls down the palm covering his mouth and with a tug, he brings the man into his embrace and kisses at his cheek.
“Hurry up and answer me. If i left, would you miss me? And do you like me or not?”
Zhao Zi does not reply, and quietly closes the door with reddened ears.
Police station rooftop
Shi Da Pao sits on the rooftop of the station by himself, his mouth biting at a cigarette as he stares at the moon-less sky. Around his feet on the ground, several cigarette butts lay, and it’s apparent that he has been sitting here for a while now.
Another heavy exhale of white smoke leaves his mouth.
The wallet he has between his fingertips holds a photo of his daughter when she was younger, and every time he was tired at work he would open his wallet and look at it a few times, thinking about how he would be able to see her run to him happily when he get home, and with her arms raised, she would shout, “Daddy, a hug!”
No matter how much pressure he was under, everything was easily forgotten. His daughter is his power bank, always giving him power which is full of love and hope.
“Xiao Ya… Daddy is sorry, he is sorry…”
On the protective plastic cover over the photo, teardrops continue to fall one after the other.
He then wipes away the teardrops on the plastic film and shuts the wallet with the photo inside, and then throws the last cigarette onto the ground. He gets to his feet and uses the bottom of his shoe to stamp out the cigarette and then leaves the rooftop as a cool breeze blows over him.
He heads downstairs and walks into the floor with the label ‘Inspections Team’.
Tang household
“Good, good morning.”
Finally having the strength to leave the bed, Shao Fei sees Tang Yi who is already preparing breakfast when he walks into the kitchen, and immediately shifts his gaze, greeting Tang Yi awkwardly.
“Are you still okay?”
Tang Yi looks up and sees the other person who has one hand pressed at his waist as he pulls a chair at the dining table back and sits down, and Tang Yi’s mouth curves upwards.
“Great, I’m great, I’m totally reinvigorated and filled with energy- sss….”
Wanting to pretend that everything is fine, Shao Fei has only just straightened his back when that spot begins to throb, after having been put through the grinder the previous night.
“Officer Meng’s stamina is not bad.”
“Of course.”
“Then next time I don’t have to be considerate towards your body, and can do it until I’m satisfied.”
“What? You did it twice yesterday and you’re still not satisfied?”
With a red face, Shao Fei looks at the Xing Tian Meng leader in alarm, who after doing so many things to him, could not only carry him to the bathroom to clean him up, but also wake up bright and early in the morning to make breakfast.
Tang Yi’s smile deepens as he places the already made breakfast in front of his lover, and then opens the fridge to take out a coke, placing it on the table. Then, he pulls out a chair and sits down opposite Shao Fei.
“Tang Yi…”
Shao Fei observes the other’s reaction, and after hesitating for quite a while, he opens his mouth finally, “If you find the murderer before me, please hand him over to me, and don’t put me in a difficult position between my relationship and duty to my profession.”
If Tang Yi kills someone, then he will be a criminal who must face the punishment of law, and as a police officer enforcing said laws, Shao Fei will have to arrest him.
Tang Yi looks up and watches this man, who aside from his adoptive mother, Tang-ye and Hong Ye, is the fourth person whose life is more important than his own, and changes the topic, “Head to work after you’re done eating!”
“Tang Yi…”
Shao Fei wants to try and persuade him again, but he’s interrupted by a Jack who has just walked into the kitchen.
“Boss, we caught He Hang.”
“Okay, I’ll be right there.”
Tang Yi, in the moment he gets up and leaves the table, is immediately caught by the man seated opposite him.
“Leave it to the police!”
Looking at the other’s determined gaze, Tang Yi sighs, and removing Shao Fei’s hand, he says, “All i can promise you is to send him to you while he’s alive.”
Shao Fei watches as Jack and Tang Yi leave together, and then the phone he has in his pocket rings. The moment he picks up, he hears Zhao Zi’s panicked and rushed voice.
“Zhao Zi what is it? What? You said laoda turned himself in at the inspections team?”
Investigative Team Three
“Zhao Zi be clear, what do you mean by laoda turning himself in to the inspections team?”
Shao Fei asks Zhao Zi who is waiting at the door once he sees him, after having rushed from Tang Yi’s house back to the team with his foot stepping aggressively on the accelerator on his way back.
“I’m not sure either, but Jun Wei went to ask, and it seems like laoda admitted that he was secretly involved in the resale of drugs back to the underworld.”
“How is that possible? Why would laoda do that? What’s the motive? What motive does he have?”
“Could it have something to do with Xiao Ya’s surgery give years ago?”
After Zhao Zi says this, everyone descends into silence, and only Yu Qi asks, confused.
“What happened to Xiao Ya, what surgery?”
Zhao Zi looks at his junior and explains what happened five years ago, ‘You only joined the team last year so you don’t know, but Xiao Ya was really sick last time, and what was it…”
“Leukaemia,” Shao Fei continues where Zhao Zi left off. “At that time laoda was almost driven insane from desperation, and there were no matching bone marrows locally. Everyone on the team helped to check if they were matches, but none of us were suitable.”
Standing at the side, Jun Wei sighs, “After finding one for a year, just when everyone thought there was no hope left, laoda suddenly found a matching bone marrow from some other channel, and that’s how he saved Xiao Ya.”
“Could it be that laoda resold the drugs to the underworld because he needed the money to save Xiao Ya?”
Everyone’s expression is somber, silently agreeing with their junior’s deduction.
Then, the phone on the table rings, and Jun Wei rushes over to pick it up, but his face falls when he hears what the latest new update is.
“What is it?”
Jun Wei looks at Shao Fei who has walked over, and answers, “Top brass wants to open a large scale internal investigation, and that another member from the team is involved in the case.”
“Ah Zhi.”
Everyone immediately turns to look at the seat that originally belongs to Zhou Guan Zhi, and Shao Fei becomes uneasy.
“Zhao Zi, where’s Ah Zhi?”
“I haven’t seen him from just now onwards.”
“Go with me to find him at his house.”
Shao Fei rushes out quickly after finishing what he said, and Zhao Zi swiftly follows, one hand clutched tight around his phone. Seeing her seniors leave so hurriedly, Yu Qi asks Jun Wei, dumbfounded, “First it’s laoda, and then it’s Ah Zhi-ge. We are police officers, right? Our job is to uphold justice, and go after criminals, right? Then why…”
The woman’s eyes go red and she is unable to say anymore. Jun Wei pats at her shoulder with a sigh, unsure how he can reassure the other as well.
Private club, inside a room
“I didn’t think you would come and beg me,” Si He Hui’s leader looks at the bills piled on the table in front of him and says, sarcastic.
Zhou Guan Zhi looks at Lao Ke, his palms sweating, “Ke-san, I know you have contacts, anywhere in Southeast Asia is fine, all I ask is that I am able to leave here as soon as possible.”
“You brought the team to ‘take care’ of me just a while ago, and now you’re begging me? Officer Zhou, you’re trying to fool me, is it?”
“Ke-san, we’ve known each other for more than a decade, and you know exactly how many times I’ve let you go in between, and besides…” Zhou Guan Zhi’s eyes darken, and he hints, “You still have some ‘items’ in my possession, and as long as you arrange for me to leave, I will make sure those things disappear from now onwards.”
Lao Ke side eyes the person sitting in front of him, and laughs, the sound cold, “If it wasn’t because you had no choice but to leave the team you wouldn’t even be here looking for me, so I’m afraid those things you have on me, you won’t be able to use them yourself.”
“You’re right, I won’t have any use for them, but Ke-san don’t forget, my colleagues are still eyeing Si He Hui’s every move, and I’m very sure they will be happy to receive these ‘things’.”
Lao Ke’s expression freezes immediately, and after a moment of hesitation, a smile returns to his face, “Let’s talk it out, let’s talk it out. Fine, I’ll help you this one, but the price…”
“Another 10,000 NTD, I will give after I’m on the boat.”
Zhou Guan Zhi takes out another 10,000 NTD from the backpack he has on him, then puts it back inside.
“No problem, the location and time I will let Officer Zhou know later.”
After confirming his escape route, Zhou Guan Zhi opens the door and after checking his surroundings to make sure no one is following him, he then walks out of the room with his head down.
Inside the club, Chen Wen Hao is speaking to another man surnamed Wang as they walk out from another room.
“Xiao Wang, I’ll leave finding the person to you.”
“Chen-ye, leave it to me! I’m just very curious, is the person you’re looking for really so important?”
“Very important, and he’s not easy to find because I’ve never seen his face and only remember his back, and it is also an impression from four years ago. Just from these clues, asking you to help me is indeed trouble for you.”
“Chen-ye you stand on too much ceremony with me by saying that, don’t worry! Even if you give me just a single strand of his hair, I will be able to dig him up.”
“Good, then I’ll have to entrust you with this.”
Chen Wen Hao reaches out and somberly shakes the other’s hand. Right at this moment, however, the door to the room in front of them suddenly opens, and Chen Wen Hao casually looks at the other once. Just as he’s about to look away, that person suddenly pulls up the hood on his shirt, and then quickly leaves, his expression full of anxiety.
In that moment, the scene before him aligns with the hazy memory he has from four years ago. He points at the other man and orders, “Get him!”
His two men rush over immediately from behind him, and restrain the hooded man on the ground.
Outside an apartment
Numerous members from Investigative Team One stand inside Zhou Guan Zhi’s apartment, and plenty of items are scattered all over the ground.
Shao Fei and Zhao Zi have only just reached the door, and before they can say a word, the officer standing outside the door stops them.
“I’m sorry, we are searching through the house right now, so the both of you cannot go in.”
Shao Fei looks at the other and asks, “A search? I’m from Team Three, can I ask what’s the situation right now?”
The man standing at the door side eyes these two officers who have turned up in a hurry, and answers, “Zhou Guan Zhi is suspected to be involved in a homicide case four years ago, and also a drug trafficking case. The warrant for his arrest is out.”
“Homicide? Which one?” Shao Fei persists.
“I’m sorry, due to confidentiality, we are unable to reveal much.”
Zhao Zi tugs at his good friend’s sleeve and says, “Ah Fei, we should leave here first and see if we can find Ah Zhi.”
As Shao Fei walks down the stairs, he thinks about what the person just said, and suddenly realises what the last piece of the puzzle of four years ago is…
Five years ago, laoda resold the drugs confiscated by the police because he urgently needed the money for Xiao Ya’s leukaemia treatment, and Zhou Guan Zhi was one of the people involved.
Four years ago, Tang Guo Dong who had begun reforming Xing Tian Meng met up with Li Zhen-jie, and according to what Chen Wen Hao said, Tang Guo Dong once handed over a package to Li Zhen-jie, but after the homicide happened, that package was taken away by the shooter.
And now, Zhou Guan Zhi is involved in a homicide that happened four years ago, and this is related to drug trafficking.
It can’t be-
“I know who the murderer from four years ago is!” Shao Fei shouts at Zhao Zi who’s standing in the stairwell, his feet coming to a stop.
“What? Ah Fei you know?”
“Zhao Zi, I’m going to go find Tang Yi, you hurry head to the station and get some people over, hurry! Any later and we won’t make it!”
“What do you mean by we won’t make it? Ah Fei! Ah Fei!”
With that said, and not caring about Zhao Zi’s calls, he immediately rushes down the stairs. He opens the door to the car he parked in the alleyway and sits in the driver’s seat.
“Tang Yi, you must not do anything foolish!”
Inside the speeding car, Shao Fei frowns as he holds onto the steering wheel, then steps harder on the gas pedal, quickly driving towards Tang Yi’s house.
Tang household
“Tang Yi!”
Shao Fei pushes aside the Xing Tian Meng lackeys that are blocking his way to the living room, and once he goes in, he sees Zhou Guan Zhi with his hands tied behind his back, his face bloodied as he kneels on the ground. In front of him on the table, a picture of Tang Guo Dong and a gun is placed there.
Tang Yi stands next to the table and glares at Tang Guo Dong’s murderer in anger from a higher angle, and then reveals a cruel smirk. His fingers are dripping with Zhou Guan Zhi’s blood.
“Ah Fei! Save me! I beg you please save me!” Zhou Guan Zhi hollers anxiously, seeing that the person who walked in is someone familiar, as if this is his only chance of survival.
“You still don’t intend to tell me the truth? Good, since this mouth is of no use, I shall knock out your teeth one by one.”
Tang Yi cracks his knuckles, the sound of his bones interlocking echoing.
“Tang Yi…”
Shao Fei walks until he’s in front of this man, whose murderous intent is apparent. Looking into his eyes, he tries to calm the person whose emotions are out of control down.
“If you kill him right now, we’ll never know the truth! You let me bring him back to the station to investigate, and I promise I’ll give you the truth back from four years ago.”
“The truth?” Tang Yi sneers, and says, “I don’t need to know the truth, all I need to know is that this is the person who killed Tang-ye and that is enough!”
Shao Fei sighs as he turns around and walks to Zhou Guan Zhi, and from start to end says what he found out.
“Ah Zhi-ge, I already know that the people who released the confiscated drugs from the station is you and laoda. Li Zhen-jie, who has always hated drugs, must have found out about this and so cooperated with Tang Guo Dong to find the internal mole in the station, but they would never have thought that the people she was looking for were the both of you.”
Zhou Guan Zhi glares at Shao Fei, who has deduced most of what happened, his entire body trembling.
“I just don’t understand, laoda did it to raise the funds needed for Xiao Ya’s medical fees, then what did you do it for? That you needed such a huge sum of money?”
“Gambling debts…”
Shao Fei inhales sharply, his eyes reddening as he looks at his colleague, who he has gone through so much with, and then asks, “Then why did you kill Li Zhen-jie and Tang Guo Dong?”
“I… I didn’t… I didn’t…” the person who still refuses to tell the truth shakes his head vehemently.
Tang Yi picks up the gun on the table and presses it against Zhou Guan Zhi’s forehead, then unlocks the safety. As long as Tang Yi’s index finger moves on the trigger, he will turn into a cold corpse. In the face of the threat of death, Zhou Guan Zhi sobs and yells at the only person who can save him now, Shao Fei, as if mad.
“Yes! It was me! It was me! He Hang told me it was Li Li Zhen and Tang Guo Dong who were cooperating to investigate the people in the station, and he said I would be done for, so I… Ah Fei… please bring me back to the station… I beg you… I don’t want to die here, I really don’t want to die… Ah Fei…”
“Tang Yi, let me bring him back.”
Shao Fei looks at the man, who has blood and tears all over his face, with both disgust and anger. He heads over to Tang Yi’s side and reaches out to press down on the muzzle of the gun pointed at Zhou Guan Zhi’s forehead. 
Even though he knows the truth, Shao Fei can barely resist the urge to beat up this man, who he once thought of to be his brother, but as a police officer he has to stick to his duties and the law. This is a line he will not compromise on.
“These four years, all I’ve been thinking of everyday is how to take revenge for Tang-ye!”
“But I can’t watch you kill someone in front of my eyes.”
“Then arrest me!”
The sound of a gun firing shocks the three people present in the living room.
Blood drips down his fingertips onto the floor incessantly.
“Don’t.. don’t kill others…”
Shao Fei, who pushed Zhou Guan Zhi aside and dived towards the gun, says weakly as he looks at the man who is holding onto him tightly.
“Why did you have to stop me like this….”
Tears fall uncontrollably onto Shao Fei’s face.
“As long as I can stop you from killing others, I.. it doesn’t matter….”
Wanting to use his usual tone and smile to chase away the shadows cast over the other’s heart at present, Shao Fei is unable to even lift up an arm to wipe away his lover’s tears.
“Meng Shao Fei, you’re the stupidest police officer I’ve ever seen.”
“And that’s why I fell in love with you, is that not?”
Those pale lips curve indulgently, and he turns his head a little, wanting to see the other man’s expression more clearly, but he pulls at the bleeding wound on his right chest.
“Don’t move.”
Tang Yi uses a hand and presses at the gunshot wound, applying pressure to slow down the flow of blood, and at the same time uses his bloodied hand to make a call as he says anxiously, “I need an ambulance here, someone was shot.”
“Meng Shao Fei, you better live on well.”
Shao Fei’s heart cannot bear to see Tang Yi’s tears as they fall continuously onto his face, and looking at the man who has said this through gritted teeth in a threatening tone, it’s as if they have gone back to the days of their first meeting.
That stoic, expressionless Xing Tian Meng leader that no one dares to approach-
-Tang Yi.
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tiramisiyu · 3 years
【未定事件簿】 Tears of Themis: Main Story 7-28 Translation
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Translation Masterlist | Video
Chapter 7 – Rains of Monte Cristo: 7-1 / 7-3 / 7-5 / 7-7 / 7-9 / 7-11 / 7-13 / 7-15 / 7-17 / 7-19  ♦️ ♦️  7-20 / 7-22 / 7-24 / 7-26 / 7-28 / 7-30 / 7-32 / 7-34 / 7-35
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Hang Jiahe’s House
It was evening when we got to Hang Jiahe’s place. It seemed like it was always after sunset whenever we saw her.
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Hang Jiahe: Please sit.
MC: Sorry for the trouble, Miss Hang.
Hang Jiahe: Don’t worry about it – feel free.
I sat on the sofa as Hang Jiahe indicated. Marius sat beside me. My eyes shifted subconsciously to the gloves Hang Jiahe was wearing again.
MC: (Still wearing those white gloves…)
Hang Jiahe: Is anything the matter, for you to come here?
I was distractedly looking over Hang Jiahe’s gloves when she suddenly handed two cups of tea to Marius and me. As she did, I suddenly noticed a tiny split on the index fingertip of the right glove.
MC: The glove’s split…
I subconsciously murmured.
Marius: ???
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Hang Jiahe: What?
MC: S-sorry, I got distracted, I…
Hang Jiahe: It’s alright – I should be thanking you instead. If not for you, I wouldn’t have noticed that there’s a split.
Hang Jiahe looked at her right hand.
Hang Jiahe: Looks like this glove design quality isn’t that great either, since it broke on me without me realizing…
Hang Jiahe: I’ll look for more durable designs.
She lowered her head, quietly mumbling.
Hang Jiahe: Please wait for a moment – I’ll go change my gloves.
Marius: Feel free.
Hang Jiahe got up and entered her bedroom. Marius quietly shifted closer, speaking in a low voice beside my ear.
Marius: This is the perfect chance – let’s see if there are any clues in here while she’s away.
MC: Yeah.
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⊳ Bookshelf
MC: Marius, look at the bookshelf over there!
I pointed at the bookshelf that covered half the wall and its books, indicating for Marius to look over there.
Marius: “Respect for Acting”, “The Count of Monte Cristo”…
Marius: So many books on acting…
MC: Looks like she truly does love acting.
Marius: She doesn’t just like it – she might have a ton of acting talent.
Marius: Didn’t Wang Chunchong say that she wanted to go to an overseas acting school?
MC: True. Let’s ask her later.
⊳ Toolbox
MC: Is the thing on the ground… a toolbox?
Marius: Looks like it.
Marius and I got close to the toolbox.
MC: Hold on, isn’t this the same model as the one in Room 1001?
Marius: Yep.
MC: Then it’s possible that Hang Jiahe exchanged a handle with fingerprints on, just as we guessed before.
Marius: That’s right.
Marius: Also, a No.22 has been carved on the box.
Marius: Remember that number – it might come in handy.
MC: Sure.
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⊳ Bookshelf decoration
I noticed a membership card placed near the decoration on the bookshelf.
MC: “Liqing Bank”… what is this place? There’s a bank named this?
Marius: Yeah, in the suburbs.
Marius: But it’s a membership-required bank – you can only open an account if you get recommended by someone.
Marius: Also, they don’t provide a typical cash deposit and withdrawal service – instead, they have a vault service.
Marius: Those with an account receive a personal vault for their precious items.
MC: Is that so…
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⊳ Clothes
MC: (Freshly-washed clothes?)
MC: (The trench coat on top is the same design as the one worn by the star on the recent hot searches…)
MC: (Is it Hang Jiahe’s?)
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⊳ Cushion
I looked over every detail in Hang Jiahe’s house. When my gaze swept over the sofa, I suddenly noticed something.
MC: Marius, look at that cushion. Isn’t it the same as the one that had skin cells on it?
Marius: That’s right, they’re the same.
MC: Then…
I thought of a suspicion I had when we were discussing with Darius.
MC: Could it be that Hang Jiahe changed the cushions for when the police were examining the scene the first time?
MC: So they didn’t notice anything strange then.
Marius: And when the bodies were discovered, Hang Jiahe switched the cushion from back then, back in.
MC: But… something seems to be strange.
⊳ Cushion (2)
MC: If we’re right, why would she do that?
MC: To frame Wang Chunchong? Then why didn’t she just let the police find it the first time?
Marius: I think that Hang Jiahe made two plans when planning this case.
Marius: Which is why she said that her information had other uses with the bar boss…
MC: Hm? What plan?
Marius: Nothing, just a guess – it just hasn’t fully formed yet.
Marius: I’ll tell you after I figure it out, so I don’t mislead you.
MC: Alright.
⊳ Ellipses
MC: Some of our suspicions are now dealt with.
Marius: But it’s not a good idea to startle her now. Be careful when talking to her in a moment.
Hang Jiahe was taking some time to change her gloves, so Marius and I had to wait for a while before she finally walked out of the bedroom. Maybe I was imagining it, but I felt like she seemed a little annoyed ever since she muttered those things to herself.
Hang Jiahe: My apologies for making you wait.
MC: It’s alright.
MC: Although, Miss Hang, why do you wear gloves?
Hang Jiahe: Ah… I accidentally burned myself when I was young, and the scars are a little ugly, so I cover them with gloves.
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MC: (Are they really burn scars? Or Hang Fei…)
My mood grew heavy for a moment. But I then suddenly thought of something about the gloves, from back at the café.
MC: Miss Hang, though you said that you’d just found it at random, I feel like the symbol on your gloves are pretty well-designed.
MC: Is it referenced from something? Or did you design it yourself?
Hang Jiahe: Ah… I actually saw this symbol in a book.
MC: Which book?
Hang Jiahe: “The Count of Monte Cristo”.
Hang Jiahe: In the original, the Countess G said…
Hang Jiahe: “Did you notice two windows hung with yellow damask, and one with white damask with a red cross?”
Hang Jiahe: “Those were the count’s windows.”
Hang Jiahe: See, don’t my white gloves with a red cross look like the “one with white damask with a red cross”?
MC: You sound like you like this book a lot.
Hang Jiahe: Yes.
Hang Jiahe: I like Edmond’s tenacity and determination, as well as the retribution evil receives in the story.
Hang Jiahe: This is something that is nearly impossible to achieve in reality, isn’t it?
MC: …
As she spoke, she sat back down on the sofa. When she touched the dry-cleaned clothes on the side, she casually rolled them up.
MC: ???
Hang Jiahe: Did you two come today of any problems in Chunchong’s case?
MC: Ah… no, just some routine questioning – we’re still in the middle of investigating, so no need to worry.
Hang Jiahe: That’s good. Feel free to ask what you want.
MC: Miss Hang, we found this during our investigation.
I opened the foster care contract signed by Xu Yin and Hang Fei on my tablet.
MC: Have you seen this document before?
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Hang Jiahe: …
Hang Jiahe went silent for a few seconds.
Hang Jiahe: I have. When I was little, I accidentally found this when I was flipping through some things.
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Marius: Then… have you read what’s on it in detail?
Hang Jiahe: I did.
MC: Miss Hang, you…
Hang Jiahe: Miss Lawyer, no need to be so euphemistic. I know what you want to ask.
Hang Jiahe: Though what’s on this contract is different from what my mother told me…
Hang Jiahe: As I said before, I felt hatred when I was younger, but I don’t anymore.
Hang Jiahe: I know that they’ve let me down in so many ways, but no one is perfect.
Hang Jiahe: As long as they honestly regret it, I will not hate them… as long that they honestly feel so.
MC: …
But do you really not hate them?
I snuck a peek at the one hand Hang Jiahe was hiding behind her back. It was tightly holding onto a corner of a sofa cushion.
MC: …
I decided to not ask Hang Jiahe about the photos we’d gotten from the bar.
Marius: Miss Hang, do you enjoy acting? I see that you’ve collected lots of books related to that.
Hang Jiahe: Yes, acting and the grand stage… was once my dream.
MC: Miss Hang, have you wanted to be an actress?
Hang Jiahe: Yes.
MC: Miss Hang, your looks are so excellent that if you were to stand onstage, I’m sure you’d be dazzling.
Hang Jiahe: Thank you for your praise, but I do not want to be an actress to dazzle others and stand in the spotlight.
Hang Jiahe: What I want is the “ecstasy” of the stage.
Marius: “Ecstasy”?
Hang Jiahe: Yes. I think that when one stands onstage as an actor…
Hang Jiahe: She can break away from herself and reality by acting as others.
Hang Jiahe: That feeling really is wondrously intoxicating.
MC: (Escape from reality…)
MC: …
Marius: With your deep understanding of acting, have you ever considered further study in it?
Hang Jiahe: In the past, yes, but not anymore.
Hang Jiahe: For one, I’m very busy with work, and I really don’t have the time. For another…
Hang Jiahe: It’s a bit shameful to admit, but I once had a chance to study at the Dionysus School of Arts. However, I lost it due to certain reasons.
Hang Jiahe: So I no longer placed many hopes here.
Marius: The Kingdom of Svart’s Dionysus School of Arts? That’s the highest-tier acting school abroad.
Marius: Looks like you’re not just interested in this – you’re also very talented.
Hang Jiahe: You flatter me, CEO von Hagen.
Hang Jiahe: CEO von Hagen, Miss Lawyer, are there any other questions you have for me?
I already had my answer about the hammer fingerprints, thanks to the toolbox. As for Hang Jiahe’s alibi…
MC: I…
Marius: We came here only to confirm that contract, nothing else.
I was just about to speak when Marius cut in.
MC: (Has Marius already figured it out?)
MC: Sorry for the trouble today, Miss Hang. We’ll head off now.
Hang Jiahe: Sure. I still have some things to do, so I won’t send you off.
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Apartment Lobby
Marius and I found a place in the corner of the lobby after leaving Hang Jiahe’s residence to rest and discuss the case.
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MC: Based on our inspection of Hang Jiahe’s house and how she responded to our questions…
MC: We have our answer on how Wang Chunchong’s fingerprints appeared on the murder weapon.
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Marius: Yep, as we guessed, she probably switched the handles.
MC: As long as the models are same, dual-purpose hammers can have their handles exchanged.
MC: As Wang Chunchong and Hang Jiahe were dating, it would have been easy for her to get a handle that had Wang Chunchong’s fingerprints.
MC: She then only needed to switch the hammer in the Hang house and the one in her house…
MC: To successfully create the “murder weapon” used by Wang Chunchong.
Marius: Plus, the numbering of this hammer model is carved on the iron core, so it’s very difficult for people to notice if anything’s been switched.
Marius: So our questions about the murder weapon are dealt with.
MC: Yeah. The last question is Hang Jiahe’s alibi.
MC: You didn’t let me ask Hang Jiahe about it – did you already figure it out?
Marius: We won’t get the truth from straight-up asking her. But the information she revealed to us is enough to break her alibi.
MC: ???
Marius: It’s a bit abstract saying it like that – let’s take it one step at a time.
Marius: First, to break Hang Jiahe’s alibi, you have to realize that…
Marius: The last “Qi Yu” who appeared on the night of the crime was not the real Qi Yu.
MC: Why, is there any proof?
Marius: Of course. Think about it – what does Hang Jiahe enjoy doing, and what can she do?
Marius: Also, as Captain Morgan said, what did their neighbours say about Hang Jiahe and Qi Yu?
Marius: You’ll get it when you see the links between these things.
MC: …
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
⊳ Hang Jiahe’s relationship with her adoptive parents: Per investigation, Hang Jiahe has an excellent relationship with her parents, especially adoptive mother Qi Yu. Their appearance and relationship are basically like that of biological mother and daughter.
⊳ Hang Jiahe’s special talent: Hang Jiahe enjoys acting very much, and once had the chance to go to the highest-tier acting school abroad. Her acting talents are outstanding.
MC: Hang Jiahe enjoyed acting and had remarkable talent in it…
MC: As for her and Qi Yu… I remember Captain Morgan said that neighbours deemed their figures and appearances as very similar.
MC: …
MC: Marius, do you mean that Hang Jiahe could have disguised herself as Qi Yu?
Marius: That’s right. Plus, do you remember what Captain Morgan said was in the witness testimony given by that security guard?
MC: That security guard said that Qi Yu’s actions were abnormal, and she wasn’t very talkative.
Marius: Yep, and that “Qi Yu”’s abnormalities were because she was trying to minimize any indications of her disguise.
Marius: Because, though their figure and height were similar, their voices were not.
Marius: She just needed to avoid this risk to completely become Qi Yu, and could thus mislead the police with the security guard and surveillance.
Marius: This is the prerequisite to her alibi.
MC: (Prerequisite…)
⊳ Time of death: Considering multiple factors, forensics determined that Hang Fei and Qi Yu died on January 28th, around 10pm.
⊳ Hang Jiahe’s ability to change appearance: Hang Jiahe has excellent acting skills. With her similar figure and appearance to Qi Yu, she could have disguised herself as Qi Yu.
MC: I remember that forensics used the inspection results and the apartment surveillance videos to determine the victims’ time of death as 10pm.
MC: And because of this, Hang Jiahe, who left at 7pm, had her alibi.
MC: But if this last Qi Yu was Hang Jiahe in disguise…
MC: That means that Hang Fei and Qi Yu’s true time of death wouldn’t be after 10pm on the 28th.
MC: They might have been murdered earlier than that!
Marius: That’s right. I knew you’d be able to get it.
Marius: So we just need to prove that Hang Fei and Qi Yu died before Hang Jiahe left the apartment…
Marius: Then, her alibi will collapse on itself.
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
Marius: Alright, great lawyer, what do you want to do next?
MC: I want to see the full-day apartment surveillance video on January 28th for any clues that Hang Jiahe might have secretly entered or left the building.
MC: If we’re right and Hang Jiahe did disguise herself as Qi Yu, she must have returned before 7pm to the apartment.
MC: I want to look for any clues like this in the surveillance.
Marius: No need for you to search, then. We can just take the video from Captain Morgan to the base.
Marius: The main computer at the base is equipped with data analysis tools, and it’s supported by the big data lab.
Marius: It’ll be way faster than us.
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f33itan · 4 years
💛⚜️Pᴀʀᴛ 1: Tᴏʀᴛᴜʀᴇ ɪs Gᴏʟᴅᴇɴ⚜️💛 (From my Wattpad)
A/N: Ok, this was something a mutual of mine said here on Tumblr, and I decided to write a oneshot about it. Might be very VERY slight angst, nothing bad enough to actually be put under that umbrella though, anyways, enjoy this, and ty for the reads! :)
B/N: Your Mother's boyfriend's name
M/N: Mother's name
"Oi, Y/N! Go get me another pack of beer from the store!"
"Yes father!" Damn that pig looking bitch. I'm just some fucking girl, trying to protect her mom from this demon of a person! Heck, he's not EVEN a person! He's the devil himself!! Man, I wish dad was here...
When you were in about 7th grade, your real father got killed in a massacre a couple cities over. He was not only a police officer, but a great father and husband as well. He treated you and your mother amazingly, and you thought life couldn't get anymore perfect, but soon that all went down hill. After his death, your mother's health depleted and she felt empty inside. She needed somebody else to make her complete. She decided to call an old friend from high school, and next thing you know he moved in. He seemed like a nice guy at first, but soon enough he was beating you guys mercilessly, enough to leave large bruises and scars whenever you didn't do exactly what he asked, in your eyes though, it was more of an order. You hated being ordered around, but you hated your mother getting beaten around even more. It seemed like a blessing that he hasn't tried to rape her, but god knows what he'll do, he's unpredictable
With all of this happening, you decided to tell him you were doing some "extra curricular" classes in college, but what you were actually doing was taking the Hunter's Exam and learning nen. Your biological father was kind-hearted and fun to be around, but he was also strict and sometimes a bit harsh, though he always meant well. Before his passing, all three of you would go out on the weekends to train, exercise, or do something that would enhance your body power and brain power. Because of this, all of you were exceptionally smart, and bodies all well toned. Sometimes your excursions would be going to a park and practicing a sport, driving to the snow and sledding, skiing, snowboarding, and every once in a while going to another state to zip line, try animal encounters, or take a family friendly class in that state's heritage and customs.
Since you were accustomed to hard core training and events, you thought the Hunter's Exam was quite fun, and was a test to your skills. After that, you were scouted out by a strong nen user by the name of Biscuit Krueger. You and her had lots of fun training, and with her pushing your limits to the utmost best, you turned out to be a specialist.
(Whenever I imagine myself in Hunter x Hunter, this is always my nen type and stuff LMAO)
Your power was called, Black shadow. You could have up to 10 weapons on hand, completely subjected to doing your bidding. These weapons were linked to you through blood, and they were surrounded with a substance that appeared to be black mist. The weapons you most preferred to practice with and use were your katana, blood string, and scythe. You could also make a weapon yours by cutting a fingertip and letting the blood drip onto the weapon, altering the appearance then gaining that black "mist", showing that it was now yours. The downside to this technique was that those "shadows and mist remnants" were your sleep. The darkness in your mind and the shadows all around you were taken and used for that power. In turn, you were always tired, yawning, and had bags under your eyes. Another plus side though was that you had a nen created chamber that had every weapon you owned. A girl can have some fun toys, can't she? You had tools for torture (whenever you took an opportunity to try it), many varieties of weapons, and of course, more snacks. But unlike B/N, you didn't have just fatty snacks. You had regeneration potions, healthy snacks, and special nen created "snacks" to help with different things, which all of these you had collected through pulling some strings. Your mother was worried, but you said it was all just college things. Yeah, just college things..
Ill make that pig bitch pay for what he has done to my mother!
Feitan POV -or whats going on with him- :
"What time, is it.."
"8 AM Fei!"
"Shut up, green eyes, too loud."
"Oh Fei don't be rude! It's mean!"
"That's, the point."
"Oh wait, Shalnark, what this?"
"What do you mean?"
"This... gold string?"
"Phinks, what, do you, want-" Phinks just ignored his question and pointed to the TV.
This is Channel 12, reporting live from York New City Town Square. People all over the city are claiming to be seeing a string tied to their left ring finger, leading them to some unknown destination! What is this string? Who put it there?-
I apologize for the interference, but this string appears t be leading people to.. partners? Soulmates? Find out tomorrow morning, this is Amy Starwick from Channel 12, signing out.
"What. The. FUCK."
"No❤️" Since Feitan was on his last nerve with Shalnark, he decided to stomp over towards Chrollo in the main room, but Chrollo just chuckled.
"Wanna go find your soulmate? See if that things real?" Feitan just stared at the ground, lightly shifting his feet.
"Go ahead, I don't mind."
"Just, doing it, out of, curiosity."
"Mhm, curiosity, go find them." And with that, he was dismissed. Feitan wanted to say it was curiosity, but deep down he had this feeling there was something else, but what was it? It made his stomach tingle and he didn't like it one bit. He tried to ignore all of this, and just shrugged it off...
꧁꧂꧁꧂TimeSkip to Next Day꧁꧂꧁꧂
Your POV + some Feitan POV:
"Alright, today's the day, he'll be at his work, and on his break, i'll set the plan in motion.." Both me and mom don't like him, and I don't know about her, but I sure hate him, every ounce of him. The plan is simple: 1. Capture mom's boyfriend, 2. Take him to an abandoned building, 3. Torture him and get all of the answers I need, and 4. Kill him. His break is at 12, and he usually goes to get takeout every other Friday, what a pig. I'll give him a taste of his own medicine.
Time: 11:30 AM
Ok, I have everything ready. Fully energized to the utmost extent, Elixirs to bring him back in case he passes out too early, and- what? He's leaving for lunch early? PERFECT! You ran behind some buildings and hid in a two-way alleyway, waiting for him to pass by...
Here we go..
You covered his head with a sack, and took his phone out of his back pocket. Before heading over to your post, you laced the inside of the sack with some sleeping powder and pressed it against his nose and mouth. Within moments he passed out, and you typed in what you hoped to be his password, which was correct. Around 12:30, you were going to text one of his coworkers that he would be "going to a restaurant across town, and ditching work for a day, not wanting to see his stupid good for nothing girlfriend or his dumb daughter." You knew he called you both this because of going through his text messages when he wasn't looking or when he was sleeping. Little did you know that somebody was watching you from afar.
"Hmm... So, she, my, what do people, call it.. soulmate? Seems, interesting..."
Time: 12:00 PM
"Jesus, I new he was a fat ass but I didn't know he weighed this much!" You were tugging him from his legs through the back ways of York New. You wanted to find a secluded area, where once you were done with him you could just toss him somewhere for the birds and maggots to eat. After walking for what seemed like hours, you came across a set of abandoned buildings, specifically the one you laid out some extra things. A couple extra weapons, some towels, a change of clothes, a chair and some rope, a couple of flashlights, and of course, some snacks. Lucky for you, the douchebag you've been dragging around like a rag doll was still out cold, so you picked him up and tossed him on the chair, tying his wrists, ankles and neck to the chair.
"Maaannn, this is boring!! When the hell are you gonna wake up?!" As if on queue, you saw his eyes start to flutter open, and you immediately grabbed your box cutter. It wasn't a weapon used by your nen, but it was quite effective.
"What.. who.. wait- Y/N!? WHAT THE FUCK?! UNTIE ME NOW BEFORE I BEAT YOUR ASS!!" you didn't notice it, but Feitan was watching from the building over.
What, the fuck? Why she kidnap him? That pig? Why? Confusing, gotta keep, watching.
You shoved the box cutter into his left cheek, and you bathed in the glory of hearing his screams of pain.
"How does this feel, you bitch? Everything you've done to my dear mother, everything you've done to me, and heck, YOU WERE PROBABLY BEHIND MY DAD'S MURDER DURING THAT FUCKING MASSACRE!!" B/N noticed the tears in your eyes, and took this to his advantage.
"So what if I was? Both of your parents were pathetic anyways."
You couldn't handle this anymore, tears were falling down your face rapidly as you grabbed the duct tape and closed his mouth shut.
"I don't give a fuck about what you say.. I'm going to kill you here. This is your grave. Someday, I'll join you in hell, and when I do, I'll torture you again, and the Devil will laugh. You just watch and ducking wait you, you.. PATHETIC WORTHLESS PIG ASS SLOPPY ASS NASTU FUCKING BITCH!" With that, you grabbed a couple super worms in each hand and shoved them into his ears. Even with the duct tape, you could hear his screams of agony as the worms dug deeper into his ears. You then got our your katana and slashed him across the stomach, and shoved even more worms into that open wound of his. Quickly, you poured a large bottle of the elixir you had brought over him to keep him from dying so quickly. Box cutter still in hand, you carved small lines all over his arms and legs, then ripped off the tape to hear his desperate cries. You imagined he wanted to be dead, but you didn't care. His pain and you pain mixed together and you just started laughing. You through your head back and let yourself laugh. all of the pain this man has caused you and your mom will be repayed today.
But the pressure and stress was too much to handle. Your laughing of victory soon turned into screams and more tears, as you let yourself fall to the ground, not even noticing you didn't hit it hard, something had caught you, or someone..
What the shit am I doing?
Am I really going to kill him?
What's wrong with me?
What will mother think?
What would dad do?
What am I doing with my life?
You soon snapped out of all of those negative thoughts though, as you noticed something caressing your face lightly.
"Rest, now. He, won't die, so quickly. I'm, Feitan." You were a sniffling and crying mess, so all you could do was rush into Feitan's chest and cry. Without thinking, he wrapped his arms around you and held you close. He had no idea what he was doing, for he had only seen this kind of skin on skin contact in movies. So, he did what those people in the movies did.
"Don't, worry... It's all, going to be.. okay."
Word Count (Including author notes, etc) : 2251
-Wrote February 3, 2021-
Unedited sorry about that lol-
Part 1...
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thewatchau · 3 years
Gathering the Hunt Part 3
Bard's Note: By the incredible @theshapeshifter100, as always!
It took just over two days for Ivy to get to Begdor, stopping off at Fort Stiofán to collect and drop off a few things. She was running low on money and needed to get some out of her store.
It was mid April now, the weather was getting warmer. She arrived in Begdor and first went to the inn off the main road. She left Firefly there and with Otto flying around overhead, she went to Mags’s and Charles’s home.
It was a small, two story building, really too small for a family of four in Ivy’s opinion. It would really benefit them to move to House Jameson, but she wasn’t going to badger them about that. Otto didn’t feel like going in the house, so took off to fly around Begdor.
She knocked on the door and took a step back. It was quickly answered by a teenager with dark skin and red hair that hung over his eyes. He also stood just under a foot over her.
“Aunt Ivy!” Yarra sounded surprised. “You’re here already!”
“Hey Yarra, is your ma or da home?”
“Yes, er, Ed’s at school and Pa’s in his studio, but Ma’s about. Come in,” he stepped back to let her in, and Ivy came in.
Mags was in the kitchen, noticeably missing her fox familiar. Yarra went over and tapped her on the shoulder, getting her attention before signing to her.
“Aunt Ivy’s here.”
Mags looked over at where Ivy was standing in the doorway and smiled, going over to her.
“Ivy! Hello!” Mags pulled Ivy into a tight hug, and even Ivy noticed the slightly desperate edge to it. “We only just got your letter, we had no idea you were coming,” she added once she pulled out.
“It was a last-minute decision,” Ivy admitted, signing and speaking at the same time. “I was hoping to ask you something, is now a good time?”
“It’s as good a time as any,” Mags sighed. “Charles has work to do anyway, so we’ll let him know you’re here when he appears from his studio. What would you like to know?”
Ivy fiddled with her hands, and just came out with it. “How much do you know about the Fae? How they work?”
Mags sat back in the kitchen chair. “That’s a broad question and I could lecture all day, or point in the direction of my books. Do you have anything specific?”
Ivy paused before sitting at the table opposite her. “Why would the Fae take a human from the Western Forest?”
“Into the Fae Realm? Or the Imagination Dimension?”
“There’s a difference?” Ivy had never heard of the Imagination Dimension.
Mags bolstered herself up to explain. “The Fae Realm is the main home of the Fae, and connects to this Realm, the Mortal Realm, through Fae Gardens. However, most researchers, including myself, think that there’s not a direct connection, there’s an in-between Realm called the Imagination Dimension, where the normal rules don’t necessarily apply.”
“What rules are you referring to here?”
“Well, humans can’t enter the Fae Realm and keep their body. The physical body can’t cope with that level of magic. It’s possible that doesn’t apply in the Imagination Realm, but that’s all theoretical,” Mags paused. “Most of it is theoretical you understand. Old tomes and rumours and speculation. No one who asked the Fae themselves about this gets to write down all of it.”
“No one? At all?”
Mags shrugged helplessly. “There’s rumours of a Fae Band on the far side of the Western Forest, but that’s all they are, rumours. And I would not recommend investigating it.”
“I have no intention of going back into the Western Forest, believe me,” Ivy noted, and Mags quickly picked up on the wording.
“Back? What do you mean, back?”
When Ivy didn’t answer Mags frowned and began to sign rapidly.
“Is that what brought this on? Ivy, what happened?”
Ivy looked at the table, fiddling with her fingers, and slowly the story came out. Meeting Jen, their expeditions into the forest, the meeting of the first Fae, and then meeting with the last two. Author and Le Fey. Ivy would not let herself forget their names.
It was hard for Ivy to tell the last part, and she skipped over seeing her mother. It seemed, personal. Too personal.
By the end of the tale Mags leaned back in her chair, her mismatched eyes narrowed in thought. Yarra had also listened in, Ivy realised. The boy was as silent as an owl on the hunt.
“It’s likely your friend made a deal with the Fae and either didn’t realise or just forgot,” Mags said delicately. “It seems cruel to us, but that’s just how the Fae work.”
“They said, they said something about Jen’s ‘creator’ making the deal, and that our world, isn’t real. That, we’re not real.”
Mags shook her head. “Don’t take what the Fae say literally. While they don’t lie, they do speak cryptically. In metaphors and double meanings. Or sometimes just straight meanings that we take to be double or have hidden implications. Don’t worry about it.”
“But I am. I really am.”
“There’s nothing to be done,” Mags laid her hand gently on Ivy’s arm and squeezed it before continuing. “Your friend is gone,” she paused for a moment, gathering herself. “And there’s nothing you can do.”
It took Ivy too long to realise the second meaning in that, and put a supportive hand on Mags’s shoulder, as her sister-in-law’s eyes became suspiciously shiny.
“I’m sorry about Rena.”
“He was old,” Mags commented. “It was his time.”
“Doesn’t make it any easier.”
“I know, and the same is true of your friend. If the Fae have her, then I’m sorry, she is lost.”
Ivy had more questions, about the dead and how a dead person could end up in the Fae Realm, or this Imagination Dimension. However, it seemed inappropriate now.
Yarra shifted awkwardly, catching Ivy’s attention.
“Sorry,” was the first thing out of his mouth. “I want to help, but I don’t remember anything about the Fae Realm, just, feelings, sometimes.”
“It’s fine Yarra,” Ivy assured. “Completely fine.”
Everyone with hearing jumped as there was a thud from upstairs, followed by loud thumping as someone bolted downstairs.
Charles blew into the kitchen and grabbed something from the countertop before disappearing again. The front door slammed shut and Ivy looked questioningly at Yarra and Mags.
“Pa’s gone to collect Grandpa,” Yarra explained, and Ivy was surprised.
“Your grandpa, my father?” as opposed to Mags’s father; Breas.
“Yes. Grandpa Cyril. He’s meeting him just outside of town. He’ll be an hour or so.”
Ivy looked oddly at Yarra and then Mags. “Father’s only just turned 50. He should be able get here himself without being met.”
“Charles worries,” Mags answered. “He wanted to meet your father in Loburn, but we’ve been jumping around a lot lately.”
Ivy nodded to herself, and realised there was one person who might know how her mother got to be where she is. She needed to see him.
“I should be here to see him then. I plan on staying a few days.”
“Oh! Of course,” Mags stood up, brushing off her dress and composing herself. “I’m sure I can get a bed set up-!”
“Don’t worry,” Ivy waved off. “I’ve got a room in the inn for a few days. It’s fine.”
“Oh, well, I insist you come for dinner, I know the boys will be interested to hear about what you’ve been up to, if not Charles” she flicked her gaze to Yarra and added. “Maybe not the recent Western Forest expedition though.”
“Agreed. Shall I come back around sundown? I don’t wish to intrude.”
“You’re not, but if you insist.”
“I’m sure there’s things I’m getting in the way of. I’ll see you later.”
Ivy left and walked up towards the inn. On the way she spotted Charles and her father walking down the main road. She felt ashamed as she ducked into the side streets to avoid them. She needed to think.
In her room Ivy sat, writing a letter. Mags knew a lot about Fae, but Ivy was hoping for a second opinion. From someone close to the Western Forest.
‘Mage Irnas Brennan
I am writing to you with the hope of getting some advice. It is a long story, but the short of it is thus; a good friend of mine has been taken by the Fae, and through the portal they took her through I could see what appeared to be my mother, and the Fae seemed surprised by this fact.
I’m hoping to understand, and maybe, help them. Free them ideally. I just need to know if it’s possible. I am in Begdor with my sister-in-law who researches Fae but I would like a second opinion from a Mage.
Hope you are well.
Your friend
Ivy Paris’
Otto landed by the open window and made a noise, cocking his head at Ivy as she finished the letter.
“Ah, good timing,” Ivy rolled up the letter. It was a little long, but she was sure it would be fine. “I’ve got a job for you.”
Otto groaned and Ivy chuckled before reaching for the treat bag.
“I thought I might have to bribe you,” she noted, waving a particularly big piece of hare. Otto snatched it from her and ate it on her desk. Once he was done he held his leg out and Ivy tied the letter to his leg.
“Monacoil, Irnas’s house. It’s got a lot of metal poles on the roof.”
Otto croaked once and flew out the window again. The sky was slowly getting red as the sun crawled towards the horizon.
Ivy packed up her letter writing kit and left the inn to re-familiarise herself with the town. Once it started to get dark, she went back to Mags’s house.
She knocked, and this time the door burst open and she got hugged around the waist by a happy nine year old.
“Ed! How are you?” Ivy grinning, lifting the boy up and spinning him, sending his blonde hair flying out in a circle. He was laughing but no sound came out.
Yarra came running, but he didn’t reprimand his brother.
“Sorry Aunt Ivy. He’s been excited since he heard you were here. That and Grandpa arriving and he hasn’t stopped moving!”
“No problem at all Yarra,” Ivy smiled and put Ed down. He scrambled back and grinned widely, signing. However his signs were fast and haphazard and Ivy wasn’t sure what he was saying.
“Calm down,” Yarra said, putting a hand on Ed’s shoulder. “You’re signing too fast, she can’t understand you.”
“Sorry!” Ed signed more clearly. “Where have you been? Have you seen anything cool? Exciting? Dangerous? Did you fight any monsters?!”
“No, no monsters,” Ivy smiled warmly at him. “There was a bear though.”
“A bear!” Ed’s eyes shone. “Cool! Did you fight it?!”
“No, no,” Ivy followed the boys into the kitchen. “He was just sleepy.”
“Grumpy sleepy?”
“No, just sleepy.”
They entered the kitchen and Yarra ran to the fire, checking the food while Mags looked over at Ed and Ivy. Charles and Cyril were talking intently at the table, and neither looked up yet.
“Ed, have you been bothering your aunt?” Mags asked.
“Noooooo,” Ed looked oh so innocent, and Ivy just sent Mags a look. The older woman smiled and shook her head.
“They’ll be plenty of time to hear Aunt Ivy’s stories, after we eat.”
Cyril looked up and suddenly smiled when he saw Ivy.
“Ivy!” he spoke and signed, although his signs were sloppy. “You’re here too?”
“Arrived this morning, and taking everyone by surprise,” Ivy huffed a small laugh before looking at her brother. “Just in time to see you sprint out of the house dear brother.”
Charles groaned. “How did I not see you?”
“You were in a rush-oof!” Ivy was suddenly crushed into a hug by her father, who then stood back and cupped her face in his hands, looking at her eyes. He seemed to spot something that worried him.
“What happened?” he asked quietly.
“Not now,” Ivy internally cursed him for being able to read her so easily. “Dinner first.”
On cue Yarra started ladling soup into bowls and handing them out. Cyril down reluctantly and sent worried glances at the other adults in the room before accepting his bowl. Several slices of thick bread accompanied it, although it wasn’t quite as dense as Watch bread.
“You’re becoming quite the cook I see,” Ivy noted, and Yarra went a little red, embarrassed.
“It’s just knowing which herbs work with what. That’s all you can really do in Duilintinn. There aren’t as many options.”
 “I need to go to Tandeli someday,” Ivy noted before tearing the bread and dipping a bit in the soup. “If just for a change of food.”
“You’re really pale though, you might burn,” Yarra warned. “The sun’s a lot hotter there.”
“I’ll take my chances.”
“We would all like to go,” Mags added. “It’s just you’re the only one unattached enough for it to be feasible,” she added to Ivy.
“I wouldn’t,” Cyril admitted. “I get seasick.”
Ivy smiled. “If the Watch ever wants assistance from Tandeli, I will volunteer to go deliver that message myself. Or Haneul, or, anywhere really.”
“Nice for some,” Mags smile went sad. “I don’t think I’ll be assisting my apprentices with field work this year.”
The table went quiet, and no one seemed to know where to look. Cyril rested a hand on Mags’s shoulder while Ed shoved a mouthful of bread and signed as he chewed.
“I did really well in mathematics today!”
“Good!” Mags was quick to respond, realising what he was trying to do. “You usually struggle, so well done!”
Ed beamed around his mouthful of bread and the conversation turned to lighter things.
“Any luck with apprenticeships Yarra?” Ivy asked, and the teen shifted awkwardly.
“I’ve ticked off things, but, I, haven’t applied, yet.”
“You’ve plenty of time. There’s always a demand for cooks,” Ivy raised her spoon pointedly, and Yarra shrugged.
“It’s a lot of pressure, I don’t know.”
“There’s no rush, I’m just asking.”
They moved to the front room after eating and Ivy spent the evening telling and listening to stories. There weren’t enough chairs so the boys ending up sitting on the floor.
Some of her events in the Western Forest got transferred to less interesting stories instead, for Ed’s benefit, and the six of them talked until Ed started yawning.
“Someone looks tired,” Mags noted, amused, and Ed shook his head.
“I’m not tired!”
“You look tired,” she bopped him in the nose and he fell backwards a little, grinning, but also yawning.
“Come on,” Yarra hooked him under the armpits and dragged him up. “Bed. I’m tried too.” This was just spoken, but Mags got the gist.
“Goodnight boys,” Mags waved, and Charles suddenly slapped his knees to stand up.
“Well, father, I was hoping to show you the stars tonight. It looks clear now.”
“Of course,” Cyril stood up. “I’m glad to hear your stories Ivy, and I shall probably see you tomorrow.”
“Enjoy the stars,” Ivy called as the two men left.
It's so weird to go back to this time period and remember that Rena died literally a month ago. The Greenwood-Paris's only recently got back from that trip if my timeline is right.
Bard's Note: Timeline is correct! They got home on April 7th, about a week before this takes place on April 15.
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poorlytunedukulele · 4 years
Day 13 - Night of the Hunter
September 13, 2872
It had all started with a cryptic message.
Andal Brask: Party.  Tuesday.  29°30'57.2"N 147°42'28.2"W.  ;)
Azra didn’t have much going on that day, so she figured why not?  If it didn’t end up being her scene she could always just leave.
Still, some paranoia (it wasn’t not paranoia if it was useful, she had to remind herself) made her want to check out the place beforehand.  Or maybe she was just bored.  In any case, she found herself staring at an empty patch of Pacific Ocean at around 1pm local time.  Andal’s coordinates had her smack dab in the middle of nowhere.  There weren’t even any islands nearby.  She flew her jumpship in lazy circles, wondering exactly what kind of prank he was playing.
It took her a good fifteen minutes to realize that Andal had never specified the coordinates were on Earth.  A quick check with her maps revealed that 29°30'57.2"N 147°42'28.2"W was at the peak of a very prominent mountain on Venus.
But there wasn’t a party site at the mountain, either.  There was a cache.  A cache with a cheeky note (written in unfamiliar hand) and another set of coordinates.  Those lead her to a cave on Mars, then an archive in Freehold, then a weird spire on Venus. 
Azra was having so much fun she almost forgot about the party.  There was a clue in a dead zone so full of interference even the GPS failed and she had to navigate by her map alone.  She had to go diving in a cenote for another.
Then one clue dropped her off in the middle of nowhere.  While she’d been galivanting about the system, night had fallen on the Appalachian Dead Zone.  She was in some unremarkable stretch of forest in the mountainscape.  There was nothing.  No tracks, no trail signs, no notes with hints, just the cooling night air.
Azra closed her eyes and listened.  And though there wasn’t any sounds to be heard over the wind, she did smell something.  Just the barest hint of smoke.  It grew stronger as the breeze picked up, so she followed her nose upwind.  She paused to listen frequently.  After a few minutes, she heard… something.  Were those voices in the distance?
Azra had finally found the party.  She hadn’t seen the fire because it was in a deep gully, hidden by foliage.  She crested the ridge and watched for a few minutes below as figures talked, danced, gestured, lit by the roaring flames.  It was hard to recognize anyone from the distance, but this had to be the right place.
Azra picked her way down the slope, social anxieties forgotten.  Why she’d needed to go through a scavenger hunt to get here she had no idea, but she wasn’t about to complain.  It had been fun.
The ground was slippery at the bottom of the valley (there was mud beneath the dead leaf cover).  Azra would have normally paused to gather herself before approaching, but she was robbed of the opportunity when she tripped and slid the last few meters.
She stumbled into the light of the fire.  A ragged cheer went up from those gathered- all Hunters, she noted.  Azra was mortified for a second, all eyes on her-
Then everyone went back to their conversations.
Almost everyone.  There were a few familiar faces in the crowd.  Andal ambled over, drink in hand, hood thrown back.  “Hey, you made it!  Wasn’t sure you would.”
“Liar,” Cayde called from across the clearing.  “You bet she’d get here before the night was up.”
“Didn’t mean I knew,” Andal countered, then turned his attention back to the young Hunter.  “How long ago did you start looking?”
“Uh… four hours ago?”
Andal raised an eyebrow.  “Scoping out the site early, I see.  It’s not even dark in the Pacific yet.”
“I was bored.”
“You bored now?” Cayde asked as he also came over.  He slung an arm over her shoulders and gestured.  “Welcome to the cool kid’s club.”
“Is that what it’s called?”  Azra asked.  “With capital letters and everything?  The Cool Kids Club?”
“No,” Andal sighed, “but it should be.”
“Only the cool kids get invites,” Cayde explained.  “Only the good kids actually find the place in time.  So here we’ve got ourselves a bunch of good, cool kids.  That includes you, now.”
“Who arranged all of this?” Azra asked. 
Andal shrugged.  “Someone from Dead End Cure, this time.  Sometime tonight there’ll be a contest to see who has the honor next year.  Speaking of honor, did you remember your party etiquette?”
Spark answered by transmatting two bottles of rum into his Guardian’s hands.  She waggled them in a proud boast.
“Brought the good stuff, I see!” an unfamiliar voice said.  “Though I don’t recognize you.”
Azra turned as a stranger approached.  They were half a head shorter than she was, leanly muscled, with dark skin and a camouflage-patterned cape.  Azra glanced for half a second at Andal, who shook his head.
“You’re going to have to do a lot of introducing tonight,” the Gunslinger said.  He clapped her on her shoulder and wandered off to talk with Shiro and another unfamiliar Exo.
Message received: you stand for yourself here, no help from me.
“I’m Azra Jax,” she said, transferring the bottles to her left arm so she could stick out her right hand.  “My Ghost is Spark.”
“Name’s Puck,” the Hunter said, taking her hand and shaking it firmly.
“It suits you,” Azra said without thinking.  They had a certain mischievous air about them.  That didn’t stop Azra from immediately regretting opening her mouth.  These were new people, she couldn’t go around saying whatever asinine thing came into her head first.
But instead of taking offense, the other Hunter just smiled.  “Thanks!  I picked it myself.  I think I have heard of you before, but I can’t recall when.  You frequent the ADZ?”
“No more than anywhere else,” Azra replied.  “Um.  I did some stuff at Twilight Gap.”  She really hoped it was that and not the other thing people always recognized, but the other Hunter’s face remained contemplative.
Puck shook their head.  “Fun story, actually.  I was stuck on Venus that whole time.  My ship got shot down and nobody could come pick me up.  I don’t think that’s it.”
Azra realized she’d be having this conversation a lot tonight.  She considered just leaving.  Booze and a bonfire didn’t really outweigh hours of curiosity she’d have to entertain.  “I’m the Arcstrider,” she said, aware of the weariness in her voice.
“Oh, yeah!” Puck’s eyes lit with recognition.  “Say no more.”  A pause.  “Damn, aren’t you like, four?”
“Yeeeessss?” Azra said.
“Andal!” Puck barked.  The Gunslinger ambled back over with Cayde and Shiro in tow.  He was trying to suppress a grin and failing. 
“You didn’t break the rules, did you?”  Puck demanded.  “No hints.”
Andal bowed.  “No, ma’amsiree.  Just the starting coordinates.  And a winky face.”
“I told you ‘sir’ is fine,” Puck sighed.
“I think mine is the more elegant solution,” Andal said with an air of superiority.  “Rolls off the tongue.  ‘Sir’ sounds like ‘zir’ and then we all get confused about how formal we’re being.”
Azra had already lost where the conversation was going.  “I ended up staring at the Pacific Ocean for a while before I realized what was up,” she offered.  “Also I have no idea what you’re arguing about.”
“Listen,” Puck said.  “Zavala uses ‘sir’.  Sloane uses ‘sir’.  Nobody is going around saying ‘him yes him’!  It’s never going to get confused.  Yours just sounds dumb.”
Azra turned to her Ghost for help, but he just did a shrug-twirl and floated closer to her shoulder.  “I didn’t spend a lot of time with people before meeting you,” he whispered.  “I have no idea either.”  Puck and Andal continued their debate, to Azra's befuddlement.
“Somebody please explain it to the newbie before she gets an aneurysm?” Shiro interrupted.  "She's turning red."
Puck turned to face her, dark eyes flashing in the firelight.  “Okay, fine.”  Azra knew that tone of voice.  It was identical to the one she’d used earlier, a weary ‘let’s get this over with’.  Puck spoke slowly.  “So I’m not a ‘ma’am’.”
“You’ve made that very clear, sir,” Azra said.  
“I’m not technically much of a ‘sir’ either,” Puck explained.
Azra’s brain plugged the new information into her equation and threw up an error message in response.
Andal cackled.  “I’m not sure we’re out of aneurysm territory, my fey friend.”
Azra held up her hands.  “You just spent like two minutes arguing-“
“I’m sure we could drag this on for another few,” Shiro said, “but let’s not.  Puck uses ‘ze’ and ‘zir’.  Andal always complains about honorifics because he likes smashing words together in terrifying new ways.”
“That’s it?” Azra said.
“There is no widely accepted gender-neutral honorific,” Andal said.  “But one day…”
“Really trying to change the world, this one,” Puck muttered.  Ze looked at Azra with a question in zir eyes.  Does this have to be a conversation?
“Uh.. it suits you?” was all Azra could think of.
Andal grinned and nudged Puck with an elbow.  Puck rolled zir eyes. 
Azra turned on her Gunslinger friend.  “Your solution to the ma’am/sir issue was ma’amsiree?”
“It’s in beta,” Andal said.  “Still working out the kinks.”
“It’s a wonder you haven’t come across this problem before if you’ve been running with him,” Puck said.  “Referring to people in… interesting ways is kind of his thing.”
Azra shrugged.  “That’s the trick.  I just don’t refer to people in general.”
“If it really bothers you, Puck, I’ll stop,” Andal offered.  “I was getting the vibe that you liked that bit, but I’m always willing to be proven wrong.”
Puck just laughed.  “As long as you don’t teach the newbies any bad habits.”
“I am sorry to inform you it is far too late for that,” Shiro intoned.  “The puns, Puck.  They get so much worse when she’s around.”
“Well see if I share my liquor with you,” Azra groused.  “I had to go into the City proper to get this stuff.”
Puck eyed the bottles she still cradled in her arms.  “Well, since you brought two, you deserve a present.  Come on.”  Ze swatted her shoulder until she moved to stand by a mostly-empty folding table.  Puck vaulted easily on to the table and stood.
“Hey!” ze shouted, clapping zir hands once.  All conversation died immediately.  “Public service announcement!  This,” ze gestured down to where Azra stood, frozen in shock, “Is Azra Jax.  She’s an Arcstrider.  Oooooo.  Big mystery.”  The Hunter waved zir hands in a spooky gesture, voice dripping with sarcasm.  “Here’s the deal: if any of you bug her about it, she gets permission to stab you.” 
“She won’t stab anyone even if they bug her,” Cayde called.  “She’s shy.”
“Then I give Cayde permission to stab you,” Puck said blithely.  Cayde made a silent gesture of celebration, which Puck ignored.  “I just eliminated a lot of boring conversation.  You’re welcome.”
“Is giving Cayde permission to stab people a good idea?” someone asked.
“Better not toe the line then, shouldya?”  Puck waggled a finger, then jumped nimbly down from zir table.  The hum of conversation resumed after a few seconds.
“Thanks,” Azra said.
Puck waved her off.  “I’m the host, it’s my job.  Drinks go over there.  Ashton left to get pizza like two godsdamned hours ago, you’re welcome to some whenever that gets here.  No explosions or ordinance unless some Fallen show up.  Be nice.  No bothering Azra about being an Arcstider.  That’s all the party rules as of now.”  Ze fixed her with a stern glare.  “Don’t make me add any more.”
There was a loud crack- a branch snapping under someone’s foot.  A cheer went up as an unfamiliar Hunter walked into the clearing. 
“That’s my cue,” Puck said, giving a sly wink.  “Have fun.”  The Hunter strode off to welcome the next person to the party.
"Come on," Cayde urged.  "I don't think you've been introduced to Mot Balek.  I have to be there to see that."
AO3 Linky
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thenugking · 4 years
anyway here’s that pre-relationship pre-campaign fic i wrote for hennie and their patron
nb orc warlock/nb archfey patron 2000 words, also they’re both autistic and the fey are welsh in this world.
cw: brief mentions of domestic abuse, sexual harrassment, alcohol, and allistic behaviour 
AO3 link
The locals warn to avoid the Woods. Barely more than a copse from the outside, but they say those who enter can become hopelessly lost. They say the air is thick with old magics there. They say that at the center lies a ring of mushrooms, a portal to the Feywild. They say within the Woods dwells a powerful, dangerous, beautiful Fey, whose powers of seduction are otherworldly and devastating.
Which all sounds incredibly fucking hot to Hennie.
Hennie’s been interested in the Fey since they started their apprenticeship. Or at least, from three weeks in, when Master Cornelis finally stopped making them copy shopping lists, and instead gave them a book of Folktales of the Fey. Since then, they’ve read everything about the Fey they can get their hands on. Back in their home village of Gornstad, Hennie dreamed hopelessly of adventuring in the Feywild. Accompanying Master Cornelis to the town of Arentsen to do in-person calligraphy for a very prestigious client--one Hennie should probably have remembered the name of--they’ve spoken with people who actually knew those a Fey spirited away, and for the first time, their dreams seem like they might actually be obtainable.
And the fact that this Fey makes a habit of seducing Orcs who wander into their Woods doesn’t hurt either.
It’s a little past the stroke of midnight--Hennie took a couple of wrong turns on the way--and the Woods seem unnaturally quiet around them. Guided only by the rumours of the townsfolk, and an unwavering commitment to the cause of faery sex, Hennie ventures onwards, further into the Woods. Their heart beats heavy in their chest as they notice an outline of mushrooms between the gnarled old trees, and they suck in a breath before taking that fateful step into the ring.
Nothing happens.
“Uh… hello?” Hennie looks around. “Lord…? Lady…? Sir Fey? Are you there?”
A slight wind blows through the wood as they stand there, and Hennie shivers. Maybe they should have brought a cloak, instead of the shirt thin enough to show off their chest. Or maybe they should have stayed in their warm bed in the inn, and got some sleep, instead of chasing stories. Master Cornelis isn’t going to be happy if they yawn their way through tomorrow’s lessons again. Whether Hennie’s just not pretty enough to be worth seducing, or there was never really a Fey here to begin with, no one’s coming, and Hennie’s pretty sure they’re wasting their time.
“I must say, it’s been a while since anyone sought me out,” comes a voice from behind them.
Hennie whirls around, their breath catching in their throat.
The Fey stands illuminated between the trees, the Woods somehow light around them, though they don’t carry a torch. They look almost human, except very unhuman in a way Hennie can’t quite place. Their shining white hair blows in the wind--the wind that Hennie was certain stopped before they appeared. They’re the most beautiful being Hennie’s ever seen.
“Uh,” they say.
“Eloquent,” the Fey responds, and Hennie can feel their cheeks heating. Their face is serene, yet their eyes seem to bore into Hennie. “I am here to bargain, not to give freely. If you wish another word from me, you will tell me--truthfully--your intentions in coming here.”
“Um. So it’s--it’s really nice to meet you. Amazing, actually. Hello.”
True to their word, the Fey doesn’t reply, only continues to regard them impassively.
Hennie takes a deep breath. “People said you seduce visitors to the forest?” they blurt out.
The Fey’s composure slips suddenly, and for a moment they look astonished, before they throw their head back and laugh. The sound is magical, but Hennie feels it maybe goes on a little too long.
“Is that why you came here, dynan? Seduction?” They seem to have regained their poise, but the corner of their mouth twitches upwards in a smile. “You think I desire mortals for intercourse?”
“No! I mean--that’s what people in town think! They say Orcs fall in love with you, and then you spirit them away.”
“Your people do like to think the worst of mine.”
“So… what do you really do?”
“Avoid concerning myself with the affairs of mortals, when possible.”
“But you come when called?”
They answered only what asked, Hennie realised. Of course they did--they had told them they didn’t give freely. Hennie had done the same as a child, until Master Cornelis had taught them that “No” was not an adequate answer to the question of, “Have you finished copying the manuscript yet?” and they also had to give a reason why not, and an estimation of when they would be finished. It feels odd to realise Master Cornelis’ conversation style is now more familiar to them than their own. It feels comforting to return to their own with the Fey.
“So what made everyone think you seduce people away? If you know?”
“Tell me about them? Please?”
“Politeness, too. How sweet. Very well then, dynan. The first came to me for help. He felt his name and his place in your realm a meager enough payment to escape his wife’s beatings. The second was a Lord who thought himself powerful enough to take whatever he wanted,” their lip curls, “That he could make an archfey bend to his whims.” They grin suddenly, their teeth gleaming, before they turn and place their hand on one of the gnarled trees. “I thought he should learn to give back to the world a little.” Shadows dance across the Woods, and for a moment, Hennie thinks they see a grimacing face staring out from the tree trunk.
“Right. Um. Sorry for... presuming. Uh.”
“Since you’re here, you could always offer me something in return for me granting you the gift of speech.”
“I know how to--hey, none of the books ever said the Fey make fun of people!”
“Didn’t they? Then perhaps it’s just me. Or perhaps it’s just you.” The Fey is smiling at them now, their eyes--somehow able to repel and draw Hennie in at the same time--glinting.
“Uh,” says Hennie again.
“Or perhaps it need not be a jest, after all.”
“No, I’m fine!” The Fey wants real answers, real explanations. “It’s just--I know I was wrong about the whole… seduction… thing, but you’re beautiful, and I’ve wanted to meet a Fey for years, and this is the most amazing thing that’s ever happened to me, so I’m sort of… overwhelmed. And intimidated. And… you know.”
“Do I?”
Hennie flushes again. “It doesn’t matter! You said you weren’t interested in mortals.”
“Did I?���
Hennie opens their mouth to respond, and then closes it again as they think back over the conversation. “No. You said you hadn’t seduced mortals here before. You didn’t… you didn’t say you wouldn’t.” The fey continues to watch them impassively. “So does that mean… could we… am I seducing you?”
They smile again, bright and sharp, and take a step closer to Hennie. They could have sworn the Fey was shorter than them--tall for a human, perhaps, but nothing to an Orc--but somehow, they tower over Hennie now. Their heart feels like it’s about to burst from their chest as the Fey reaches out to take their chin and tilt it upwards, and Hennie closes their eyes.
“I think not,” says the Fey.
Hennie’s eyes snap open. The fey has let go of their chin, and is several feet away again, without Hennie having noticed them move. “Oh. Right. I mean. Of course, that’s your right. But you were kind of leading me on there…”
“You muddle your words once again, mortal. I was most definitely leading you on.”
“Right. Yeah. So can I ask--No, I’m just asking. Why not?”
“Because I am an Archfey, the Tywysog of a realm your mortal mind cannot comprehend, I have powers that can change the very plane you walk on. You are tiny, compared to me. Make no mistake, our meeting has been delightful, but while I may tease you for my own amusement, I will not take advantage of you further, dynan.”
“Right. I mean, I’d be fine with it if you did take advantage…”
“I gathered.”
“I guess you have. Yeah.” Hennie looks down, shuffling their feet. “So, I mean, I’m still really interested in all the non-seduction related things? Can I give you my soul for a trip to the Feywild, or something?”
The Fey’s eyebrows raise. “You can.”
“That would be, uh, a much better deal on your end, wouldn’t it?”
The Fey steps forward again, staring at Hennie closely, and they feel a flicker of fear. “I don’t--I’m not giving you my soul. Not for just one trip, anyway.”
Their smile now is softer than any of those they’ve given so far. “And I would not take it. I have been far kinder with you than I needed to be, dynan. Other Fey may not be. And I suspect I have done little to temper your enthusiasm to meet them. So I will offer you a deal.”
This was the moment, according to everyone Hennie had ever spoken to about the Fey, that they should start running in the opposite direction. Well, actually, most people they brought the subject up with told them not to go looking for the Fey in the first place, but everyone was pretty united on the, “Don’t take any deal they offer you,” front.
“Go on,” says Hennie.
“Give me your name. Make yourself mine. Come to me when I call, and help me when I ask. In return, I will protect you from other Fey, I shall ask no more of you than you are able to give, and I will grant you the gift of magic. All this I promise you.”
Hennie really isn’t sure there’s any downsides. “That… would be amazing. Wait, when you say you want my name, do you mean what my parents named me, or--”
“Of course not. It matters little what others call you. Your name is your own.” Their lip twitches. “At least for the next few moments.”
“All right. I accept. My name’s Hennie. Hennie Geluk.”
The Fey is holding a pendant. Hennie didn’t see them pick it up, but is sure they weren’t holding it a moment ago. They hold it up, and it shines in the moonlight. “Hennie. Take my blessing, wear my locket, and you shall have the magic of a Warlock at your fingertips.” They raise their pendant to Hennie’s neck, and then pause, their hands almost touching them again. “There is… something further I could offer you. A suggestion, rather than a deal. A bargain uncompleted. If you wished.”
“Tell me.”
“What I’m giving you is the ability to cast spells. Your skill you will have to develop by yourself, through experience. There is a town, far away, across the sea. There are mortals who will be drawn together. Travel there, seek them out, quest with them, and you will begin to gain that experience. And your power will grow. And at the end of it… I shall make you no more promises, but you would not be so tiny. Make of that what you will.”
“So… if I leave my home, and my job, and everything, and go off on a dangerous quest with strangers… you might bang me at the end of it?”
“That is one path in a stream of endless possibilities.”
“Yes! I’ll do it.”
The Fey smiles, fastening the pendant around Hennie’s neck. “You do amuse me, dynan.”
The world around Hennie glows with light, and images of strangers flash across their vision.
An aged elf wielding a greataxe, the brow of a ship behind her. A goblin working on an intricate magical construct. A human healer, set of scalpels in hand. A young woman whose ears suggest elven ancestry, but whose wax seals suggests an allegiance to the inferior human calligraphy guild. A bombillan with a swarm of smaller bees surrounding them. A dwarf playing a steel drum one handed, as she takes a swig from a bottle with the other. A port town, the name Hrip inscribing itself in Hennie’s mind.
When it’s over, the Fey is gone, and Hennie is alone in the Woods again. They shiver, the cold of the night returning as it occurs to them that this hadn’t been a problem in the Fey’s presence. They wish again that they’d brought something warmer, and then suddenly, their shirt is letting off heat. Right. Magic.
Hennie beams to themself as they start to make their way back to town. They have a long journey ahead of them. And if things go very, very well, a powerful, dangerous, beautiful Fey to bang.
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 3 years
Winner’s Curse Ch. 25
“What are we doing here?” Jay asked, kicking at the impenetrable wall.
“You three need to talk. Your little feuds are ruining the mission for the rest of us so nows a time for heart to heart before we all die in battle.” Calix said.
They all stared at him disbelievingly.
“We could die in battle. Especially with your teamwork skills.” They still stared at him, each a stony and defiant face.
“I could do a truth spell to make you talk but I thought it should be more organic. Instead we’re all going to be stuck here until you work things out.” Calix said smoothly.
Aziz tried to use a more diplomatic approch, “Cal, you said it yourself, we have a mission to do. We can’t waste time talking and-”
“Oh, but we can. Because this is a life changing adventure, and as we know from our parents’ stories, there is almost always a heart to heart before the final battle. This is it.” Calix threw out his arms grandly as  if he was presenting a magnificent buffet of chocolate fountains and not being trapped against their wills.
“You cant keep us in here,” Jordan protested, “This is my lamp. I’ll just poof us out here. So nice try but-”
“The spaghetti incident.” Calix said simply and Jordan’s stilled the hand she was about to poof them away. She glared at him but did nothing else to help get them out.
“What’s “the spaghetti incident?” Aziz asked, confused.
“It’s nothing,” Jordan waved off, refusing to look anyone in the eye.
“It’s blackmail.” Calix clarified matter of factly before giving a thoroughly annoyed Jordan an enthusiastic one-armed hug, “Don’t fight the heart to heart. Don’t fight the tropes of adventuring and ragtag misfits against evil. You must go with it.”
Jay rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, leaning against the wall in a classic bad boy biker pose which seemed a bit ridiculous since he was posed next to an ultra girly beaded curtain.
“If we’re supposed to, hypothetically, have a heart to heart,” Jay began “Didn’t think you knew such big words,” Aziz muttered
Jay glared and continued, “Why are you still here?”
“I’m here to make sure you do it,” Calix magicked up some headphones, and increased the volume, “I won’t hear anything. Just give me the signal when you’re done.” With that instruction he hopped onto a pile of pillows, jamming out to his own playlist.
Where once it was like they hadn’t been able to stop spewing enough curses and vitriol at each other, now silence reigned. Silence and the blinding shine of the golden walls which they stared at resolutely because they didn’t want to look at each other. None of them wanted to participate in this idiotic heart to heart and spill feelings to people they currently hated.
So Calix jumped up from his pillows and tried to get the ball rolling again.
"Okay, maybe my presence is making it hard for you to be your usual motormouth selves so I’ll go and leave this to start the conversation. How about you start with Jordan and your obvious trust issues toward everyone that makes you incapable of a “Thank you." Calix suggested a bit too enthusiastically than the situation called for.
"I don't!" Jordan immediately argued but Calix clapped his hand over mouth, "I know denial is your go-to but we have to save the realm tomorrow so let's get this over with."
"But but-"
"Again,” Calix sighed, frustration finally creeping into his voice as he repeated himself again, “Every hero's journey has that tipping point where they must come together and share their deepest fears to find out the fears are irrational because of the power of love and friendship." Calix said.
"I seriously hate it when you use my lectures on story tropes against me." Jordan grumbled.
"I don’t care what you hate," Calix began to fade away, "If you don't start bonding I will transform you into mice when this is over."
"Why mice?" Jay asked
"Mices are automatically inducted into Cinderella's sewing circle. So double punishment to you for not listening to me as you always should. Ta ta!” And with a final woosh of breeze that came from nowhere, he was gone.
Aziz and Jordan resumed their previous staring contest with the wall but Jay, fed up with this situation, and figuring they might as well get this over with, glared “So what is with your trust issues? You came from Auradon, not the Isle, why are you so paranoid?”
Jordan glared at him in return, furious that he was expecting her to dignify his question with an answer he should obviously know.
But she had to admit, she was tired too. Her arms hurt from the crescent moon marks that her nails had dug in. She was feeling residue cramps from the Antiquam’s cream or maybe it was her own tension. Not to mention her teeth hurt from clenching them so tightly. She remembered once, on a family trip long ago, Jordan had been in a mood because she had missed an Orpheus concert due to her parents’ inability to care about time. Her parents had offered to take her to another concert later that night, but she pettily refused to enjoy it.
Her dad had said it hurt more to hold onto  a grudge when you can be enjoying the present. And it was true, once she had stopped ruminating on her parents’ flaws and simply listened to Orpheus’ sweet voice, the burning ball of annoyance had faded away.
And she was so tired.
She had nothing left to lose.
“As if you don’t know,” Jordan began, though with a lot less malice that she usually put behind her snark. Not that it made Jay raised his guard any less. Jordan sighed and tried again, more gentle this time.
“Well you already said it yourself. Auradonians can be hypocrites. It’s all happily ever after and respect and love and harmony is everywhere but it’s not true. They can’t have my lamp so they think if they’re nice to me and pretend to care but they’re just waiting for the right moment to ask for wishes. All of them,” Jordan side-eyed Aziz who stared stonily at her instead of looking guiltily away as she wanted him to.
“And I know people think my magic is amazing, with the wishes and all that. But it’s not,” Jordan continued, on a roll of her own, trying to make Jay understand taht even though she didn’t have Jafar as a father, her life was not pastel perfect as most Auradonians, “It’s not. I can’t give wishes to myself. If I did, I’d wish for people to like me, to be nice to me not because they like me, they think I might grant them something. And when I don’t grant them a wish, those fucking lying smiles and royal manners disappear. Because I am not human. I don’t get to be treated as if I have feelings or anything. Hell, one of my exes told me if I’m not granting wishes then I’m worthless because what else do genies live for?”
“And when I do grant wishes, usually against my will, I can’t even use magic against them. I can’t hurt my masters unless they wish for that or I find a loophole somehow. But I can’t find loopholes all the time,” Her mind automatically went to that awful night, the repeat that had almost occurred with Antiquam and Jordan choked. She hastily wiped away the tears that were beginning to streak down her cheeks.
Allah, she felt embarrassed as she saw Jay’s uncomfortable expression, eyes darting as if he wasn’t sure if he should comfort her or look away from her breakdown.
But she couldn’t stop, she felt words clamber and spill out of her throat like uncontrolled word vomit.
“And-and I wish that I didn’t have wishes to give. I wish I didn’t have to become semi-phenomenally cosmic just so I can be free. Even if I did, I wouldn’t be able to use it. Auradon has a fucking Magic Ban because it’s unfair to you, mortals. It’s unfair to us. Genies, and faey need their magic to live or else they’re just wasting away. Why are we punished for being born “better than you.”
“But instead, instead we have this. Resentment for being forced to hide ourselves so mortals can feel better. We can help people. But it’s also the same thing that makes people fear us and send those like Circe and Morgana Le Fey to the Isle and then they become evil because they’re bitter that they’d do this to them. Auradon creates their own enemies like a self fulfilling prophecy. “It’s like a winner’s curse.” Jordan muttered.
Sometimes when her father talked about Aladdin’s story, he phrased it as a series of winner’s curses. A winner’s curse, where one has all the power, the riches, everything they could want as a winner but the cons usually outweigh such gifts.
Jasmine was a privileged princess but that meant she was a target for a greedy vizier and princess who only wanted to add her money to their fortunes.
Aladdin got the lamp but it meant only that he had to be on guard to keep up his Prince Ali lie, and later, for Jafar who stole the lamp.
Jafar became a genie, he technically “won” since he got what he wanted, to become all powerful with phenomenal cosmic powers. But he couldn’t use it since he was stuck in an itty bitty living space.
A genie’s life was one big winner’s curse. She was beholden to people who only saw her as much of an object as her lamp and the wishes she could materialize.
Maybe everyone’s lives had a bit of a winner’s curse. The Aks “won,” got their happily ever afters in Auradon but others would always be resentful of their status and try to take it away from them. Like all of their most dangerous enemies that lived just across the bridge plotting to do just that.
And if they won, if they somehow managed not to screw up saving the world, the villains would still rise to do just that. Someone will be jealous of their fame and try to usurp the glory. People might see her as more than a wishmaker... or people would just see it as bonus. Date her for the popularity and the power.
There would always be something to outweigh the good.
And unlike any other curse, there was no way to break it.
“And I thought maybe if I did this, helped lead to save Auradon that it could change. People would see that magic can be used not just for selfish desires but to help the kingdom. That I’m so much more than wish fulfillment. But all this proved just the opposite. I can’t lead. I should be accept that my life will eventually be solitude and greedy people. And admit my parents were right all along to boot.” Jordan sank to the ground, staring uselessly at her wrists where the gold bracelets would usually shine like a mocking reminder.
And for some reason, Jay was caught by that last part rather than the real emotional turmoil that she talked about before.
“I thought-why are you so upset your parents are right?” He asked
Jordan wiped her eyes again now that she was no longer feeling weepy, “I love my parents and I love hanging out with them but- you know. They’re not- They gave up parenting me so I- I thought I would get back at them by not being like them at all. I’m serious and hard working and not spontaneous at all. Just be nothing like them, cut ties and all that. Well,not that I had to try too hard, a lot of my personality comes natural but I wanted to stick it to them.”
“Not that they care. They say it’s just a phase and when I’m a grown up, I’ll act like a regular genie like thm. Still.. hate to prove them right.”
“To be fair, I think some of the standard genie personailty comes from being in solitary confinement for thousands of years at a time,” Aziz said with a small smile as he slid down next to her.
Just like old times.
Jordan genuinely smiled at the glimpse of Aziz, the Aziz that was her best friend and brother and confident, her platonic soul mate that she loved. “Actually, because I made that vow to accept that I’m a genie and that I should act like one, that’s why I was more interested in your love life than usual. You’re my Aladdin so I had to keep you safe from your worst mortal impulses. As usual.”
Aziz’s small smile faded and Jordan frowned at the change, remembering their previous words, “Though we’re not like our Dads… not if you just-”
“I don’t tolerate you for the wishes you might grant me.” Aziz said, directly staring her in the eye so she’d know he was telling the truth. Not that she needed that, somewhere in her heart she knew that had been a lie. But what hurt more than the lie itself was..
“Then why the hell would you say that? You know that’s my worst fear and that you’re one of the few exceptions. Why would you-” “I wanted to hurt you as much as you’d you hurt me.” Aziz answered calmly.
“How have I ever hurt you? I’m the one always saving your neck!” Jordan defended.
“That’s exactly it! You’re always trying to save me or set me up on dates because you don’t think I can do it myself. You think I lead with my dick, that I’m clumsy and breakable and impulsive and foolish. The same thing you think of all mortals. And I thought I was the one exception to you, but I’m not.” Aziz cried.
Jordan scoffed, not sure how to respond except, “Can you blame me? You mess up on so many things.”
“Thanks, Jordan. Really.” Aziz rolled his eyes, “Thanks for thinking the same things of me as everyone else does.”
Aziz seized up Jay who came to sit down across from them in a small triangle with a bewildered look at their back and forth. Totally confused as to the thought that Aziz could have problems of his own which Aziz was too happy to correct.
“You don’t think I can do anything on my own. Everyone else thinks I’m forgettable, I’ve been totally useless on this mission. The only reason people know me is because I’m Aladdin’s son and you’re my genie. That’s it. But Jay… Jay is….”
Jay tensed as if already waiting for the moment he could punch Aziz for the insult.
“Jay is wonderful,” Aziz mocked in a high falsetto before going back to his normal voice, “”Jay is so charming and agile and clever. He’s a real thief.” Do you know how much it sucks for people to say that you’re more like Aladdin than me?”
Jay gaped, “Um-h-how I never-No one told me?” “No, they’d never tell you that your similar to one of Auradon’s heroes. I’m the one they tell.. Straight to my face how they think you’re more Aladdin’s son than I am,” Aziz said bitterly.
“Well, you’re definitely Jasmine’s son. You have her political intelligence,” Jordan pointed out optimistically as she used to do when Aziz vented about Jay. Cutting off Jay’s proud smile when he opened his mouth, clearly about to self brag at the worst possible moment.
“It still sucks. I’m forgettable to people. Invisible now that Jay’s around.” Aziz turned to Jay, “I used to wish you were a mini Jafar. I would have had more of a reason to hate you if you were like your dad, and I wouldn’t have to admit that I’m just so jealous that you’re better than me in everything.”
Aziz felt his blood pump, and stod up, pacing for more room as more feeling spilled into words that he hadn’t been able to say out loud before, “I’m not like the other princes. I’m not going to rule Agrabah, my sister is, so what do I do? I don’t have to take governing classes or really find a future queen right away which is great but- that made me even more unremarkable. I had no prince duties, I’m not a mini Aladdin. It felt like my introvertedness, my own personality was preventing me from following my legacy. And I tried to change myself to be more outgoing and be one jump ahead of what everyone expected of me but then Jay came and then…. I felt like I was always going to be inferior to everyone. All the Jays and the magical genies around me were more interesting than I could ever be.”
Jay’s proud look vanished, taking on a more thoughtful expression, “Maybe I could help you be better? So we’re equals in stealing.” Before this conversation it would have been mocking, another punch to the gut, but Aziz could see that Jay was being genuine, and Aziz smiled at the offer.
“Thanks but no thanks. I had a conversation with a friend,” He turned to Jordan, emphasizing, “Just a friend, and she made me realize that if people can’t bother to see past my introvertedness or prefer Jay over me, that I don’t need them.”
Aziz turned to Jay once more, “But I’m sorry that I took out all my jealousy on you, and acted like you the Jafar I wanted you to be.”
Jordan leaned his shoulder, still thinking of his previous words, “I’m sorry that I made you think you weren’t the exception to my view of mortals. You are. I don’t think you’re completely incapable of doing things on your own. I like hanging out with you, we have the best times together. And your… your love life is entertaining. Honestly, sometimes-and you’re not allowed to overanalyze this like usual or use me as your case study in psychology class again-maybe the reason I’m so invested in your life because it’s better than my own. And if you need me, you won’t leave me. But if it bothers you, I’ll ask for your permission first.” Aziz side-hugged her and for once, did not try to probe that admission ripe for psychoanalytical analysis, “'Ant ealiq maei, Bmout Fiki.”
“You know, I really dislike when you talk like that in front of me.” Jordan and Aziz unhugged and looked quizzically at Jay, “What the sentimental mushiness? You’re stuck in a heart to heart, you gotto deal with it.”
“No, the Arabic thing. I don’t know,” Jay almost physically shrank back as if wishing he could take the words back but he continued trying to pretend he was talking to Jade again or his friends, “Like you said Jafar only taught me how to steal and cheat, not language. I-I want to, I heard so much about Agrabah but…”
Jay sighed and started again, “I want to know stuff like Arabic and see Agrabah but you always stuck together and throw it in my face that I don’t know those things. How can I? It’s not my fault that I was born here. I never had a chance to learn all the things you know. Or learn “big words” or-or anything you grew up with. You know I’m not like you and you keep judging me for that. I’m trying to change and you think I’m lying.”
Aziz and Jordan looked shame-faced at the floor, mullifying the last of Jay’s previous anger towards them.
“I am trying. But- Everyone else is doing better than me. Mal is embracing her role as a court lady, Carlos is having a blast at school, getting to learn techno stuff and helping the animal shelter. Evie has her business. I have tourney and R.O.A.R. but that still involves the fighting that makes me a Vk.”
“But we- it doesn’t make you a Vk,” Aziz faltered on the point because they all knew it was wrong. Jay’s aggression on the court was another thing that made him stand out compared to the polite royals who never fought in their life. So vulgar, so ruthless. So villainous.
“I still can’t stop myself from stealing shiny objects. I still seek out the exits of each room because that’s just what you do here to survive. It- I feel like I haven’t improved as much as the others have but I don’t know how I’m supposed to get better. But I have changed. I’d forgotten how bad it is here, I got soft.. I’m just stuck.”
“And I thought I was doing better. I care about my friends like good guys do. I protect them but I haven’t really,” Jay admitted, some of his former doubts of whether his big brother title was earned, resurfacing.
“I’ve done nothing for my friends, and I heard you don’t need to but I- I was not raised that way. You have to be able to offer something if you want to be worth anyone’s time. Everything is transactional. Dad cared for me because of what I could give him. I thought it was the same with friends. Even though it’s not transactional, I still feel like a worthless friend without being able to offer anything.” Jay ended abruptly, shifting his gaze to the lint on the oriental rug, picking at it to give himself something to do than look at their pitying stares, “I really haven’t changed if I still think like Dad, I guess, but I can’t shake it.”
But Jordan placed a hand on his shoulder, forcing him to look up at, not pity, but a sort of understanding.
They had all messed up. Resenting each other for not seeing their difficulties, for basing their views on expectation and legacy rather than reality and how the shadows of their parents haunted many of their actions.
But with the truth revealed, the biases stripped away, they wouldn’t continue.
“I’m sorry. Neither of us have been treating you fairly, but we could teach you Arabic. If you join us in Agrabah for vacation,” Aziz trailed off, offering his hand.
“Sure,” Jay smiled, “I think I’ll be able to get through it now without wanting to punch you.”
They all stood up, stretching out their limbs, feeling much more relaxed now that some of the air was cleared.
“What are you smiling about?” Aziz punched Jordan’s shoulder to get her attention from wherever she was zoning out.
“I was just thinking it’s a funny coincidence that we’re all sexy, witty bisexuals with daddy issues and a love for gold, jewels and parkour-flipping adventures,” Jordan raised a sardonic eyebrow, “But I can’t figure out if it’s just us or maybe all Agrabahians share that.”
The three took a pause, staring at each other at the surprising commonality between them.
Jay was the first to recover with his usual smirk, “I don’t know about these two or the supposed “daddy issues” but sexiness always applies to me.”
“Get over yourself.” Aziz rolled his eyes before unsubtly puffing up his own chest, “We all are sexy. It’s practically in our national anthem. “More than often that not, we’re hotter that hot-“
“In a lot of good ways.” Jordan finished, bumping her hip against his, the first friendly smile she gave to him in days, "Though I'm the wittest out of us."
"You? Really? You don't snark, you just insult people." Jay retorted.
"It's true. And you always "reference" things that only your parents know. Like when you go all Spanish, "Say hello to my little friend." Aziz added.
"That's from Scar-right you don't know that. Well there's um...What great one-liners have you've come up with?" Jordan shot back, clearly perturbed by Jay and Aziz teaming up against her with the same condescending look on her banter skills.
Aziz, the more diplomatic of them, swung an arm over her and Jay’s shoulder, “Let’s not get into another argument now. Even if it’s a stupid argument. We have a battle plan to do.”
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everlastingdreams · 4 years
Weeping Monk X Reader : The City Of Fey Chapter 14
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Notes: ^ My gif. Let me know what you think :) (of the story.. not the gif lmao just saying).  Sorry this took so terribly long. You don't have to read this chapter, see it as a little extra thing that I had to get out of my mind.
Summary:  As a fey queen you are by now used to it that fey come into your woods seeking refugee or a place to hide. Things get complicated however when your knights have not just brought a fey boy but also the Red Paladins’ fiercest warrior into your city.  
Chapter Summary:   While the city prepares to celebrate the victory, you and Lancelot decided to settle once and for all who truly won during sparring. Lancelot realises there are downsides to keeping the relationship a secret from the public when others still seek your affection.
Chapters:   14/ 14 
Word Count: 11078 words...sorry lol (in this chapter)
Extra notes: Two jealous idiots. One brave little wingman and lots of tension. Grab some water y'all. Warning: Not smut. But pretty suggestive *cough*
When morning came Lancelot awoke to find you were no longer next to him. Last night repeating itself over and over again in his thoughts. He would have believed it had been a dream if your scent did not still linger on the sheets. Any other time he had no reluctance to leave his bed at dawn, but today he found himself unwilling. He could have easily fallen back asleep, soothed by the scent. But quick loud knocking on his door made it impossible. He groaned, knowing but all too well who would knock on his door like that. He quickly made himself look decent before answering the door. Percival looked up at him, clearly agitated "It's dawn!" Lancelot closed his eyes and sighed. The one time he didn't want to leave his own bed, seemed to be the only time the boy had no problem with being up this early. "Perhaps we should rest today." He tried to reason with the boy. Percival quirked a brow at him, clearly not expecting his fellow knight to 'rest'. "Y/n is on the field already." The boy said matter-of-factly. Lancelot eyed the boy supiciously, did the boy just try to persuade him ? It proved effective however. "Give me a moment ?" He asked and Percival gave a nod. A smirk was plastered on the boy's face as Lancelot shut the door on him
You were up early, when you awoke you had expected Lancelot to be awake already as he always was at dawn. But no, when you had turned around he was sleeping peacefully next to you. He looked so calm, you couldn't bring yourself to wake him up. So you had snuck out of the room leaving him to rest. You tried your best to focus on the people on the field who had gathered to practice their fighting skills. Those who were not wounded much by the battle were present again. And you spotted many new faces, all willing to learn how to protect themselves after what had happened. You were left with a problem however, Crillan was gone and they had no one to teach them but Raphael. But Raphael had other duties to take care off as well. Raphael walked up to you and stood next to you as you watched the people try and teach each other what they knew. "We need someone to teach the people." He looked at the people with a worried expression "Do you think he would consider it ?" You furrowed your brow at Raphael "Who ?" He almost rolled his eyes "The one who's bedroom you snuck out of this morning." Your eyes snapped away from Raphael immediately. Damnit, you had tried so hard to be discreet about it. Raphael hid a smirk from you "I am your second in command, y/n. Whatever happens in this city.." "You will hear about it." You guessed the rest before sighing "The soldier ?" He gave a nod "Is there anything I should know about, your highness ?" Oh you knew the question wasn't necesarry, he knew the answer but he wanted a 'confession'. Your reply was short but still your voice cracked "No." Now he truly rolled his eyes and shook his head "Very well then. I must inform you that the people wish to celebrate this victory.." You let out a deep sigh "Do you find it appropriate after Crillan's death ?" He clicked his tongue before carefully reminding you "Crillan would find it appropriate." He quirked a brow and you chuckled at the memory. "He always found the dumbest reasons for a celebration. " You pinched the bridge of your nose.
"The baby goat.” Raphael reminiscent.
You shrugged your shoulders a little “It was a cute baby goat so that was worth celebrating.”
Both of you looked at each other before laughing at the fact.
After pondering the thought you sighed “Fine. The people deserve some relaxation after all this.”
Raphael gave an inclination of the head “I'll make the arrangements. Tonight ?”
You nodded in agreement “Tonight.”
Raphael left your side to go and talk to the people on the field. You should have known he would be the first to find out, of course he would ask the soldiers where the queen was if she was not in her chambers. You groaned at your own stupidity before thinking about what he had said. It would make sense to ask Lancelot to train the people, he was the best fighter and he had often helped them even when Crillan was still here. But you were reluctant to it, you didn't want to push him into this. You did tell him you didn't expect him to fight.
After some minutes went by you saw Percival run up to the field excitedly, followed by Lancelot who approached you.
He stopped to stand right next to you, glancing at you for a moment before he looked at the training people.
You cleared your throat a bit nervous “Good morning, Sir Lancelot. I hope you were able to rest well ?”
He glanced at you again from the corner of his eyes as he replied quietly “I have. I only wish I had awoken differently..”
The meaning behind it did not pass you by, you replied in a hushed voice “You looked so peaceful. I couldn't bring myself to wake you.”
“I'd still have preferred it over being awoken by someone almost knocking my door down.” He chuckled as he tilted his head in Percival's direction.
You let out a soft laugh and shook your head “How does that boy have so much energy ?”
“I believe tormenting me fuels him.” Lancelot said in an almost serious tone.
You snorted at the comment and shook your head “Did you go and see Dahlia ?”
He nodded but you could see there was something he wasn't saying.
“What did she say ?” You quirked a brow at him.
He cleared his throat “She told me if I ever neglected to show up for my health check-up again, she would stitch a pig's tail to my head.”
Your eyes widdened for a moment “But was she happy with your progress ?”
His eyes now searched for yours, thinking back to how you had healed him last night “Very.”
He leaned closer to you, his voice almost a whisper “Thank you.”
Something told you that he wasn't just thanking you for healing him and you felt the heat rise to your face as you muttered a “You're very welcome.”
A moment passed, which felt filled with tension with him standing beside you quietly before you remembered something.
You held out your hand to him and he looked at you questioningly.
“Your sword, please.” You nodded to him.
He was confused by your request but did as asked, you took the sword from him before calling out to a soldier who was waiting nearby. She approached and handed you something that was covered in a piece of fabric.
You thanked the soldier and turned your attention back on Lancelot. You held the covered unidentified object out to him “For you.”
He carefully took it from your hands “What's this ?..”
You gestured for him to see for himself and he peeled the fabric away, unveiling a sword. It's cross-guard and pommel made from silver, decorated with gold in the shape of leaves etched into the silver.
He was silent while he studied the sword and you watched him nervously, awaiting his reaction.
“I.. I hope it's to your liking.” You stuttered.
He took some steps back and twirled the sword expertly, testing it.
After another moment, which felt like eternity, he smiled broadly.
“It's not bad.” He said in a casual voice.
You looked at him in slight panic before you realised he's toying with you.
You stepped closer to him and held out your hand “Well, if you don't want it-”
“I do.” He held the sword out of your reach with a smirk.
He brushed his hand over the edge of the blade before his eyes fell on yours “Thank you.”
“You're very welcome.” You took another step closer to him and smiled at him widely.
He noticed there was something unsaid by the way you moved towards him “Is there something the matter ?”
Lancelot's perception suprised you and you cleared your throat awkwardly.
Seeing you this nervous definitely made him curious what was going through your mind.
You fidgeted with your hands “It's...I...”
He waited patiently for your reply but you just sighed deeply.
“It's nothing. Nevermind.” You lied.
He saw through the lie “Y/n.”
You looked at him now, wishing you didn't have to ask him this. Not after everything he had already done. Not after you had told him he wouldn't have to fight like he had to when he was with the Red Paladins. You feared he might think you saw him as Father Carden had seen him. A weapon to wield.
“Now that Crillan is.. gone. We have no one to teach the people how to fight. Raphael tries to help but he has other pressing matters to attend to. I...-” You blurted it out.
He caught up with what you were trying to say “You want me to teach them.”
You spoke quietly, visibly struggling with it "I didn't want to ask this of you. I understand if you refuse." He looked to the field and saw how the people desperately tried to us their swords but he spotted many dangerous situations right away. Percival had been overhearing you mentioning about the people needing someone to teach them "I'll do it !" "NO." Both you and Lancelot exclaimed at the volunteering boy. "Absolutely not." Lancelot ended the boy's enthusiastic attempt. “I'll teach them.”
He gave you a reasurring look, letting you know he was alright with it. "I want to help !" Percival once again piped up. Lancelot turned to you, his voice discreet "The bow ?" You understood what he was suggesting "We need someone to teach people archery." "I can tell.." Percival scoffed lightly and gestured to you. You bit your tongue knowing the boy meant your poor archery skill. Lancelot coughed to hide a laugh and your eyes snapped to him. He cleared his throat "Teach those who are old enough to learn. We have to be prepared if something were to happen again, Percival." Percival gave a nod and went to fetch some bows and arrows. "That boy... " You shook your head before you looked at Lancelot with narrowed eyes “So you believe my skill with the sword and the bow are bad ? Don't think I didn't notice that you found that funny.”
And with that, Lancelot got nervous. He recalled how he had confessed that he had let you win during sparring. He'd hoped you would have forgotten about it.
Before he could reply and save his skin you casual told him “We'll talk about this later. Your people are waiting, Sir Lancelot.”
You brushed passed him nonchalantly but he knew better. You weren't going to let this go so easily.
It was getting dark as you approached the field, which was now empty apart from Percival who was helping Lancelot collect the swords and bows that had been left behind by the people.
You watched as Percival spoke animatedly while Lancelot tried to devide his attention between the boy and the task at hand. You approached them but stopped a little away from them. Percival noticed you first and did a dramatic bow.
Lancelot turned to the boy and watched him strangely before realising you were there.
“Sir Percival.” You greeted the boy formally while trying not to laugh “Were you able to teach others some archery ?”
His eyes darted between you and Lancelot who was staring at you “I was able to teach them some. But they will need a lot more practice, most of them are absolute-”
Lancelot nudged the boy, realising that nothing good came at the end of that sentence “They need more practice.”
You hummed approvingly when you noticed how Lancelot had stopped the boy from cussing.
“Percival, I believe Ayla has requested that you sit next to her for dinner today ?” You quirked a brow at the boy.
The suprise on Lancelot's face at the news alerted you that he had no idea of the request.
He send an inquiring look at Percival who now turned a light shade of pink.
The boy shifted awkwardly on his feet, avoiding your inquisitive gazes.
“She's waiting in the dining hall. You should go, I need to speak with Lancelot.” The way you said the last part alerted Lancelot that there was something bothering you.
He realised you were sending the boy away to talk to him in private.
Lancelot looked at you before he cleared his throat “Go on, Percival. I'll finish the rest here.”
Percival gave a silent nod before he ran off, gratefull that he could escape the awkward topic.
Your attention turned to Lancelot, and you started to walk as you pulled out your sword. He eyed you curiously as you circled around him like a wolf circling it's prey.
“I believe we have an unresolved issue.” You said matter-of-factly as you brushed your fingers over the blade of your sword.
The wheels in his head were turning at the speed of lightning until he finally guessed what the issue was.
He tilted his head down as he let out a chuckle.
When he looked up and met your eyes, he smirked “Is this what I think this is about  ?”
You raised a brow “This is about you claiming that I didn't best you during sparring.”
His smirk grew wider at the confirmation, you had mentioned you wished to settle this 'debate' but he didn't think you would actually come to settle it like this.
“I let you win.” He was taunting you.
You bit your tongue as you watched him “Why ?”
He quickly averted his eyes, now turning a light shade of pink.
You placed your finger on the tip of your sword “Care to settle this ?”
He looked at you expectantly “Are you sure you want to do this ?”
You scoffed at that and nodded your head “Uhm, yeah.. why ? Scared I will prove I'm better ?”
You knew he was competetive and that would definitely get under his skin.
He scoffed loudly before he took his sword, the way he looked at you send a shiver down your spine.
And for a fleeting moment you wondered if this was such a good plan after all.
“Well then. Don't hold back...” He said with an inclination of the head before arrogantly adding “Your highness.” He beckoned for you.
Gods, the way he spoke your title in a taunting way made you more eager to knock his ego down just a bit.
You spun your sword in your hand before charging at him and trying to land the first strike. He realised quickly that you weren't going to hold back unlike last time. He blocked your sword with his and used it to push you sideways away from him. You turned and landed on one knee as you struck again. He stuck his sword into the ground to block yours. This time it was him who turned as you got up from the ground. You blocked his sword and turned to strike, he pushed your sword away hard and you almost lost your grip on it. You pulled out your dagger with your other hand but he had expected you would attempt to use it. He gripped your wrist and managed to grab the dagger from you. Then you did something neither of you expected.
A strong burst of wind knocked him back away from you a few steps
It suprised him and he looked at you with an expression that said 'did you really just do that ?' Up until now you had only truly used your ability during the battle, you never realised the potential it had. You smirked at him, eyes glistering with mischief. His expression changed and you knew you were in trouble.
His voice low as he spoke "You're not playing fair." “I never said we were playing fair.” You replied cheekily before pointing your sword at him “I want my dagger back.”
He twirled the dagger in his hand “Come and take it then.”
You narrowed your eyes at him and went to strike his left, he used both the dagger and his sword to 'catch' your sword in between them. Then he grabbed the blade of your sword and pulled it from your hands, before tossing it a few feet further away.
Then in one swift move he took hold of your arm, turning it in such a way that it was now trapped behind your back before pulling your back against his chest and holding the dagger's hilt beneath your chin. He was standing closely against you as he kept you in place by holding your arm behind your back. You didn't have to see his face to know he was smiling when he spoke next. "I believe I bested you, didn't I ?" You didn't reply, refusing to admit he did.
He pulled you flush against his chest. He threw the dagger from his hand and it landed in a nearby tree, freeing his hand so he could brush his fingers down your shoulder. Your breath hitched at the touch. He leaned in to brush his lips against your shoulder, close to your neck. You knew what he was trying to do and you were not going to admit he won this time. You tried to take a step forward to avoid being 'convinced' to admit it. He felt you move, and quickly pulled you back against him as a chuckle escaped him "Admit I bested you." "No." You said stubbornly, but your voice pitched. He trailed his hand up your arm, while he kept you in place by holding your other arm behind your back. It trailed up to your jaw until he gently moved your head to the side. His mouth hovering just next to your ear. "We could continue to debate this, I am a patient man. Or.." He didn't finish his sentence, instead he placed a kiss on the side of your neck. His warm breath on your neck made your knees feel weak. Damn this man. You cursed under your breath at how compelling it was to just admit it. "Fine." He smirked against your neck and his fingers gently wrapped around your neck as his mouth explored your neck. Your reached up with your free hand to cup the side of his face. It was driving you insane how much affect he had on you. "Lancelot.." Your heart was hammering in your ribcage. He hummed against your skin, his hand moving down to your collar bone. With the way he was holding you in place, it was torture. You just wanted to kiss him back so badly. "Kiss me." It came out as a desperate plea. "I am." He almost purred it in your ear. You cursed under your breath again, knowing he knew this was not what you meant. You turned your free arm so you held unto his neck as he trailed a path of kisses from your shoulder up to your neck. When his lips landed right below your ear, you let out a silent moan. But he had heard it.
What started as something playful to make you admit he bested you, turned into something that made him want to carry you back to his chambers just to hear that noise again
He froze for a moment and then suddenly, he let go of you. It puzzled you and just then Raphael turned around the corner.
One look at Lancelot and you knew he must have known someone was coming and that had been the reason for his sudden reaction.
Raphael past a quick look between you and Lancelot before speaking “Your highness, the cooks have asked for your presence. They need your input for tonight's feast.”
“Feast ?” Lancelot inquired, unaware of the matter.
“The people have requested a feast. And it is what Crillan would have wanted.” You explained, shooting him a smile.
Lancelot was not a crowd person and it became evident when you saw how hard he tried to look excited about the idea.
You nudged him with your shoulder before walking towards Raphael “Don't worry, Sir Lancelot. The people have not forgotten how your plan saved us.”
It would indeed be different from last time, last time the people still looked upon him in fear. He had not noticed the people look at him in this way lately.
He gave a nod and you went with Raphael to speak with the cooks about tonight's preparations.
~The feast
The boy followed close in his footsteps all while grabbing food from plates all over the room. It seemed the boy's suspicion towards the food had vanished completely.
Manouvering between the dancing people felt eerily similar to moving on a battlefield. But he knew how to act on a battlefield, not here. He spotted Raphael leaning against a pillar and approached him.
The knight greeted him with a nod "So you have decided to train the people ? The queen was quite reluctant to ask you."
Lancelot remembered but all to well "They need to learn how to protect and defend themselves and their queen.."
“She still isn't happy with how we tricked the trinity guards into thinking we were going to sacrifice you." Raphael winced slightly at the memory. "It was an option." Lancelot deadpanned. Raphael scoffed loudly "I'd rather die at the hands of the trinity guards then at the hands of the queen."
Lancelot's expression told Raphael that he agreed with that statement.
Someone passed them carrying some tankards with alcoholic beverages in them.
Percival stopped the person, suprising his fellow knights as he suddenly spoke in a formal way “Excuse me, the queen has told me that I must taste the beverages to inspect their quality.” It sounded practiced.
The person thought none of it and handed the boy a tankard that Percival eagerly took before thanking the person.
Raphael and Lancelot gawked at the boy.
The boy raised the tankard to his lips but you had seen it happen and quickly walked over and moved to take it from his hands “Did I ? I don't remember asking you that.”
Percival's eyes were wide knowing he just got caught lying.
You shared a quick look with Lancelot who closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh.
"Sir Lancelot, don't let Sir Percival drink that alcohol." You handed Lancelot the tankard before walking with Raphael towards Dahlia. Percival reaches for the tankard and it swiftly moved out of his reach by Lancelot.
"Oi ! " The boy piped up in frustration. "By the queen's order." Lancelot raised a brow as he kept the tankard out of reach
"Wuss." Lancelot rolled his eyes when the word reached his ears "Your use of language will continue to get you into trouble." Percival just shrugged and pouted. He now looked at the boy as he tried to make him see reason "I won't always be there to help." The boys attention snapped up to him and Lancelot almost instantly regretted what he had said when he saw the look in the boy's eyes. "What do you mean ? You're not leaving are you ?" The boys attitude had switched so fast it was hard to keep track. He saw the panic in the boy's eyes and his expression softened because of it. "No, I am not leaving. I just want you to understand that there are consequences to one's actions, Percival. What if you insult someone when I'm not there and they attempt to kill you ?" "I'll fight them." The boy shrugged his shoulders. He should have seen that reply coming "What if they are better at fighting?" "I guess that means you're not doing a good job teaching me then." The boy blurted out. Lancelot gawked at the boy speechless. After a moment of silence he spoke quietly "What I am trying to say is that there might come a day where I can't protect you." Percival's reply was almost a whisper "But if you can.. you will ?" His voice sincere when he answered "With my life." "Even though I called you a wuss ?" The boy quirked a brow in slight suprise. Lancelot chuckled and his eyes focused on the dancing people "Yes. And I've been called worse. Even by you.” The boy would never admit it but he was glad to hear it, especially because it was Lancelot himself confirming that he indeed cared a lot about him. Just like he would never admit that he cared about the tall idiot as well. That is why he immediately became suspicious when a woman approached them. "Excuse me, Sir Lancelot ?" She asked innocently. Still not used to the title Lancelot just nodded to the woman. "I was wondering if you had seen my sister ? She is wearing a blue dress and has short brown hair." She took a step closer, causing Percival to look at the woman with an odd expression. He tried to remember if he had seen anyone that matched the description but could not remember seeing anyone "I have not. Do you believe your sister to be in trouble ?" She quickly shook her head and giggled "Oh no, she is probably just avoiding the public." The woman then placed a hand on his arm "She's very insecure you see, always telling me I'm the prettier one." The moment the woman's hand touched his arm a cold wind travelled through the room, cold as winter. He had felt similar winds before and he knew exactly where they came from. When he looked in your direction he saw how you were nervous and how Raphael had noticed it too. It seemed like it had suprised the people as well for a moment but they must have thought it was truly just the wind as they soon resumed their activities. Lancelot was left to wonder what caused the outburst of magic from you as it looked like it was unintentional. Percival now narrowed his eyes at the display, disliking this woman immediately "I doubt it." Lancelot still startled by the woman touching him was now looking at the boy in alarm.
The woman's smile fell as she gave the boy a nasty look "I beg your pardon ?" "Percival ! Apologise to -" Lancelot started to scold the boy. "She doesn't have a sister ! So I doubt they would tell her that." The boy quickly explained himself. The woman swallowed hard when the truth saw the light and she quickly muttered an apology before walking away hastily. Percival rolled his eyes and sighed at Lancelot's confussion.
When you had looked to where Lancelot was standing with Percival, you had observed how a woman approached him. It looked like she was just asking him something but your instincts told you there was more to it and your worries were confirmed when she suddenly laid her hand on his arm. It lingered there and it was what caused your magic to involuntarily create a cold gush of wind in the room. You truly prayed the people would not notice it. You sank back in your chair wanting to hide your face in embarrassment at your own actions. But people noticed it, for a moment it had felt like like the temperature had significantly dropped in the room. And that's how you knew Lancelot must have known it was you causing it. Raphael's brows had shot upwards in suprise. He had seen how a woman had approached Lancelot and tried to flirt with him. But it was apparent that his fellow knight was oblivious to the woman's intentions. You however clearly were not. "Really, y/n ?" No hint of how amusing it had been to him audible in his voice. "Shut it." You glared at him. He took a swig of his drink to hide the laugh that followed. A few moments later Lancelot and Percival joined you and Raphael at the table. As he went to take a seat next to you on the right he discreetly whispered "Is something wrong ?" You shook your head as he sat down next to you. Of course you didn't blame him, you couldn't blame the woman either. You haven't actually announced that you two were together. For all anybody knew, you were both available. "I'm still not used to controlling this kind of magic. I'm sorry." You said sheepishly, still ashamed that something that small caused you to react like this. He looked at you with a reasurring expression "It will get better, y/n. I'm here when you need me." It was enough to wash away your worries and you leaned backwards in your chair, letting your hand graze over his back but masking it by tapping Percival's shoulder who was sitting right next to him.
Lancelot was looking at you, well aware that that move was not accidental. When your hand brushed along his back it made him realise how much he craved your touch. How much he wanted to just kiss you now, right in front of everyone. But you were being discreet and he respected that. Perhaps it was a good thing, he did value his privacy as well as yours.
Percival leaned back in his chair to look past Lancelot at you after you had drawn his attention.
“I think Ayla is looking for you, Sir Percival.” You shot him a playfull smile.
At your words the boy sunk lower in his chair, now barely sitting higher then the table.
Lancelot saw an opportunity in the boy's reaction, especially when he noticed the girl approaching the table.
One look at Lancelot's face was enough for you to see what he was planning and you mouthed a 'don't'.
Ayla stopped at the table and made a gracefull bow towards you “Your majesty.”
You tilted your head with a smile “Ayla.”
Then she turned her attention on Percival right away and you felt a little sorry for the boy who looked like he just wanted to disappear into the wood of the chair. Sure he liked the girl, but you felt that he might be a bit intimidated by her.
“Sir Percival, would you like to dance with me ?” She sounded so formal that it cost you all your willpower not to let out a small laugh.
Percival's eyes shot to you, searching for help.
You spoke up, willing to help the boy “Ayla, Sir Percival must be tired. Perhaps-”
Lancelot cut you off “He would love to.”
Both you and Percival looked at him, Percival with a death glare and you with a deep sigh.
He muttered something under his breath, clearly aimed at Lancelot.
Lancelot didn't say another word and the boy got up reluctantly.
Ayla hooked her arm in his while he send another deathglare in Lancelot's direction.
You shook your head before turning to Lancelot “He will make you pay for that. I hope it's worth it.”
Lancelot could barely hide how entertaining it was to him “It is.”
“I would sleep with one eye open, Sir Lancelot.” Raphael warned him.
You chuckled at that and heard Lancelot mutter something that sounded like 'As always'.
The three of you were talking at the table, mostly discussing new ways to train the people, when
a soldier approached you. His insecurity evident in his every step as he got closer to you. You guessed he was a bit younger then you, ash blonde hair and innocent brown eyes stared at you openly. You knew his name was Cirro, but you never had any conversation apart from when you would give an order to your soldiers. He stammered the words "Your highness.." then he did a quick clumsy bow. Lancelot's brows shot up at the sight of the nervous soldier. You tried your best not to show how funny you found his shy demeanor, it would be rude considering he had mustered up the courage to approach you in the first place. "Cirro." You greeted him in a sweet voice to calm the poor man's nerves. "Is there a problem ?" The man quickly shook his head "No, your highness.. I..." his eyes darted between you and Raphael. You tilted your head, encouraging him to continue speaking. Cirro cleared his throat and blurted out "May I have this dance?" The soldier stood there waiting for your answer in nervous anticipation, unaware of the menacing look that the question had created in Lancelot's eyes. Your eyes darted between Cirro, Raphael and then to Lancelot who looked anything but pleased with the soldier's request. You swallowed hard and weighed your options. Refusing to dance with the already shy soldier could be a deathblow to his self-esteem and courage he had shown to even ask you, the queen, in the first place. Accepting the request could send the wrong message to both the soldier and Lancelot. Raphael noticed the uncomfortable tension the request had caused and decided to interfere carefully. He looked at you as he spoke to watch your reaction "The queen accepts your request, you and your fellow soldiers have fought bravely." Lancelot took a deep breath as he listened to his fellow knight accepting the request for you. You nodded to the soldier, having picked up at how Raphael was trying to solve this without hurting anyone's feelings "I am gratefull for my brave soldiers, consider this a sign of my appreciation." The soldier looked baffled for a moment before he gave an inclination of the head and held his hand out to you. Raphael noticed how tense Lancelot was and he leaned a little to the side to speak to him quietly "It's just a dance. It would have been considered rude to refuse after everything they have done for the city. It's a small thing to show our gratitude." Lancelot knew Raphael was right, but he hated to see how the soldier's fingers gently wrapped around your hand "I know." Raphael let out a sigh, hearing the bitter tone in his voice "All the people have now are rumors, Lancelot. No one would dare to ask her if they knew she was not.. available.” he hinted that he knew something was going on between the two of you “To them she is still the queen without a significant other, of course people will try to gain her affection." He thought about Raphael's words as he watched the soldier guide you to the dancefloor.
It made him think back to the night when he had stepped between you and Isich. He learned then that people occasionally approached you with the intention to grow closer to you.
To gain your love and affection.
He was starting to see the downside in being discreet with this now.
The soldier placed a hand on your waist, you knew the poor man was afraid to overstep when he did. He tried to keep a distance but if you were to dance, this would prove difficult. You placed your hand gently on his shoulder as you whispered with a smile "Don't be afraid, Cirro. It's just a dance." The soldier let out a breath before he smiled sheepishly.
Lancelot watched in envy as the soldier took a step closer to you.
It's just a dance.
It's just a dance.
It's just a dance.
He repeated the words in his mind but they did little to nothing to stop the irritation he felt. The only thing that made him remain calm was the fact that you had told him you loved him.
And he trusted you.
He believed you.
But he did not trust those who sought your affection. Not after the incident with Isich.
Percival saw it all happen, his eyes darting between Lancelot at the table and you on the dancefloor with the soldier. He had 'escaped' from Ayla only moments ago. He groaned in silence and cussed under his breath as a plan formed in his head.
He swallowed before walking to Ayla, asking her to dance again. The girl was more then eager at the request and Percival dragged guided her to a well calculated spot on the dancefloor.
His every step in the dance with Ayla was aimed to get closer to you and the soldier.
Cirro held your hand as you spun outward before spinning inward again, you almost crashed into his chest. He had closed the distance between you even more and his other hand landed on your lower back. Too low.
The act was enough to make people whisper to each other, you looked at the soldier with wide eyes.
You didn't dare look in the direction of Lancelot.
The moment Lancelot saw the soldier act so boldy he had moved to stand up but was stopped quickly by Raphael.
“Don't be a fool. Believe me she can handle it, Lancelot.” He reminded him.
Lancelot was seething at this point, his focus was on the soldier's hand on your lower back.
He was standing far too close at this point and Lancelot could see it was making you uncomfortable.
“She shouldn't have to handle it alone !” He snapped at Raphael who seemed to contemplate it.
You looked up at Cirro who now seemed to be far less shy then he was just moments ago. You reached for his hand on your lower back, removing it.
Before you could speak up, Cirro howled in pain and stepped away from you while almost losing his balance.
“Oops.” Percival exclaimed cheekily as he watched the soldier try to regain his balance after having his foot stomped stepped on by him.
You hadn't even noticed Percival was on the dancefloor with Ayla again, and you quirked a brow at the boy. There was no way that was not done intentional.
The soldier cussed discreetly before apologizing to you and leaving the dancefloor with some difficulty.
By now Lancelot had approached you and the boy, unable to just stand by and watch anymore.
Both you and Lancelot spoke up to the boy who realised his excellent plan had been discovered.
You looked at Lancelot who was now standing close in front of you, his attention on the boy.
Percival looked at the both of you like a deer in headlights “It was an accident !”
Lancelot hummed and looked at you for a moment as you covered your mouth to stiffle a laugh.
He turned his attention back to Percival. He knew he should scold the boy for what he did, but gods did he appreciate the boy's solution to the situation.  
Percival anxiously awaited Lancelot's reaction.
“We should practice your footwork more tomorrow.” He finally said before nodding to the boy to go.
The boy grinned, then Ayla pulled him away through the crowd before either of you could change your mind and scold him.
You turned to Lancelot and crossed your arms, seeing right through what had just transpired “Really ? Strange how you just let him get away with that.”
“How could I scold him for something I wished to do myself ?” He admitted.
Your brows shot up “Wait.. are you jealous ? It was just a dance, Lancelot. He just got a bit too confident for a moment.”
Lancelot scoffed but deep down he knew it was true.
He stepped closer to you his eyes unreadable “People were whispering..”
You noticed the change in the tone of his voice “Were they now ?”
He nodded and stepped closer again until he was mere inches away from you.
You felt terribly nervous now, you had never seen him jealous before and didn't know what to expect,
You searched his eyes for a sign of what he was thinking or feeling but he was damn good at hiding it right now “What were they saying ?”
His hand sneaked to your waist and he leaned in to whisper in your ear, causing everyone's attention to be on the both of you right away. If it hadn't been obvious to them that there was something between you and him, it was now.
“That you have a fondness for the soldier.” There was no hint of the jealousy he had felt as he spoke huskily.
You almost rolled your eyes “You know better. Let them have their rumors.”
He chuckled softly, his eyes landing on yours. You could see he was contemplating something but what he did next still suprised you.
His hand quickly moved to the back of your neck and his lips crashed to yours.
He would not let them have the rumors, not about you.
Not anymore.
The kiss was searing and it made you forget all about the room filled with people. Then as quickly as he had started kissing you, he stopped.
It left you completely flustered and speechless.
There were no whispers in the room now. There was no need for it anymore, everyone had seen what happened.
Lancelot looked around the room pleased with the result before his eyes landed on you again.
The look in your eyes betraying the unspoken desire the kiss had ignited. He took two steps back, even acting so bold as to giving a slight bow of the head before turning around and walking away from you with a smirk on his face.
You stood there, center of attention now. Still processing what the hell just happened and you felt the eyes of the people on you.
Dahlia was the one to clear her throat and it seemed that it made the people snap out of whatever trance it was that had made them freeze in place.
Your eyes landed on Raphael who seemed to have a similar smirk to the one Lancelot had on his face. It took you another moment to remember how to walk again and when you did, your eyes instantly searched for him in the room. After a while it was clear he wasn't even in the room.
With a deep sigh you looked towards the exit of the room and headed towards it.
You walked into the hallway and spotted him leaning against the wall, facing away from you. He knew you were there the second you stepped into the hallway, your fey scent reached him long before the sound of your voice. As you walked up to him you spoke "I was thinking about how I should address this to the people. I guess no words are needed anymore after that." He looked over his shoulder a bit sheepishly. It was a risky thing to do, kissing you in front of everyone like that but the shot of adrenaline that went with it felt glorious. "Have I overstepped, your highness ?" He tested the waters. You let out a scoff at the question and the way he spoke so formal "Sir Lancelot. You didn't just overstep, you took all forms of protocol and tossed them aside." He had to hide the smile on his face at your words and clicked his tongue "Can you forgive me ?" His tone was playful as he turned to face you, you tried to keep a stern face. "Perhaps. Considering that you are one of my knights now, that means you do have to follow my command." You said in a fake authorative voice. He looked to the ground as he licked his lips before he stalked closer to you "And what is your command, your highness ?" His eyes rose up to meet yours, a smirk playing on his lips as he looked at you expectantly. You could barely hide the smile tugging at your lips, doubting he would actually follow your command "Would you truly do as I command ?”
He stepped closer to you, so close that if you didn't step back you would be standing against each other. Lancelot expected your movement and continued to approach you, making you step back until your back hit the cold brick wall.
When you looked him in the eyes you noticed how dark they appeared now, the dimly lit hallway casting shadows on his features.
He kept you in place against the wall with a hand on your waist.
He closed the last bit of space between you, trapping you between him and the wall. Your heart was hammering in your chest.
“What is your command ?” He asked again in a low husky voice, his breath brushing against the top of your hair.
You kept your eyes on his chest as you tried to control your breathing. The effect he had on you was ridiculous. You were so at a loss for words that you couldn't think. His hand squeezed your waist and you jumped a bit in suprise but he still kept you in place.
“I'm waiting..” He breathed, and you could hear he was enjoying this. Enjoying to see you like this, a nervous wreck.
An idea popped up in your head, two can play this game. "I want you to take three steps back." You said in a casual voice still not looking up at him. Lancelot was silent for a moment as he tried to figure out if you were serious or not. He failed to figure it out and his eyes searched for yours now. After another second he narrowed his eyes, realising you were toying with him as well "Three steps ?" You nodded with a blank expression. His gaze went from your eyes to your lips, back up to your eyes in an suggestive way. He quirked a brow and smirked "Are you certain ?" It took all your strength not to lose this little game the second you saw his eyes trail to your lips. "Yes." It was supposed to sound confident but your voice cracked on that one single word. After another second he tilted his head down and took one step back. Before he could take the other two steps you grabbed him and pulled him back to you. Your mouth crashed to his in a desperate matter, and you could feel him smile against your lips.
It was clear who had won this little game. He pushed you back against the wall, breaking the kiss "You said three." "I know. I just didn't think you would actually do it." You panted. He let out a soft scoff and he took a step back while keeping a hand on your waist, gesturing for you to stay put. Then he took two more slow long steps backwards before he made a overly dramatic bow. As he looked back up to you he wondered if he had truly won this little game.
The sight of you standing against the wall with your chest heaving at your every breath was near irresistible to him. There were no winners. You knew it. He knew it. Where he had taken three slow steps away from you he now took two long strides to reach you again. His hand grabbing the back of your head as his lips crashed to yours. He pinned you between him and the wall as his mouth explored yours feverishly. You held unto his chest as his attention moved to your neck. His hand finding it's way under the fabric of your clothes and down your back as he pressed himself even closer against you. A moan escaped you when his hand trailed down to your bottom. Your hands trailed down to his waist, holding onto him as his hands tried to touch any bare skin they could find. Then suddenly you heard a door open and you let out a startled noise. You had been so caught up in the moment that you had almost forgotten that you were in a public area. You wanted to make him step back before you would get caught like this but he hushed you and pushed the both of you closer to the wall. His form covering yours in it's shadow. Some civillians, clearly drunk turned to go into the opposite direction. You waited until they were almost at the other end of the hallway before you whispered against his chest as he kept an eye on the people walking away. You wanted to hide your face from slight embarrasment "We shouldn't be acting like this in public." He found your reaction to the situation quite funny "Why ?" You swallowed the nervous lump in your throat "It's... just... I...people will stare.." "And ?" His voice deadpan. That is when you realised he just did not give a damn if anyone saw. It was as if he wanted everyone to know and perhaps this was because of the dance with the soldier. You looked at him with narrowed eyes "You ARE jealous." By the look on his face you figured out you had guessed it right. He scoffed silently and shook his head "Why should I be ?" You tried to hide the smirk and replied innocently "So you don't mind that others try to woo me then ? Or dance with me ? Or touch me ?" His eyes darkened in response, he lifted your chin with his fingers before gently moving your head backwards to make you look at him "I do mind." To your suprise his tough exterior faltered and you were made aware that he was insecure. It made you feel bad for teasing him. Especially since you had been jealous yourself over someone simply touching his arm. You reached up and cupped his cheek "Forgive me, Lancelot. I am only teasing you." He knew you were but he still found some relief wash over him. He truly feared that one day you might choose someone else instead of him. "I know." His eyes searching yours to once again wash away his self-doubt. You noticed it and cupped his face, reaching up to place a lingering kiss on his cheek. Then he felt your breath brush against his ear as you whispered the words "My heart belongs with you. Never doubt how much I love and care for you." You placed a hand on his chest, where his heart was. Lancelot let out a shuddering breath and placed his hand on top of yours. You felt him kiss the top of your head and a smile tugged at your lips because of it. His other hand moved to caress your cheek "I never knew love until it was all I felt for you, y/n.”
His thumb brushed against your cheek and you felt yourself getting lost in the oceans of his eyes.
“My fey queen..” It was a whisper when it left his lips.
Gods, he looked at you so adoringly that you could only silently look at him.
You wrapped your arms around him, hugging him as thightly against you as you had the strength for it.
His arms wrapped around you like a protective blanket as he placed a kiss on the side of your head.
“I must confess you are almost my favorite knight.” You smirked against his chest, hiding your face.
He opened his eyes, thinking about that statement “Almost ?”
You pulled back a little to look at him “Almost.”
He stared at you silently “Y/n.”
“Sir Percival is just too delightful.” You deadpanned.
He rolled his eyes but failed to hide the smile “I bet I can change your opinion.”
His hands went to your waist, gripping thightly and he pulled you against him swiftly.
You put your hands on his chest, pushing him away “Oh no, Sir Lancelot. I am returning to the feast and you're coming with me. It is not appropriate to just abandon a feast like this.”
He searched your eyes to see if you were serious, he found no hint of joking and let out a disappointed sigh making you laugh.
You freed yourself from his grip “I am not returning there alone after that display.”
You tilted your head towards the room where the feast was and he reluctantly followed you back inside.
The first half hour was...awkward.
Both of you ignored most of the staring people, but Dahlia would not be ignored and you had a private conversation with her for a bit before returning to the table where Lancelot and Raphael were seated.
You looked around the place, trying to see if you could find Percival in the crowd and to your suprise the boy seemed to actually enjoy dancing with Ayla now.
“He secretly does like her..” You murmered when you took a seat and nodded in Percival's direction.
“I believe he finds her less frightening when she is not handling a sword.” Lancelot chuckled.
“Don't we all ?” You replied as Lancelot's comment made you think back to Crillan who had once been struck by the girl.
He noticed your sudden silence, he touched your arm to pull your attention to him “What's wrong ?”
You quickly shook your head as you smiled, but it didn't reach your eyes “Just thinking about Crillan.”
He gave a nod, understanding the cause of your sudden silence now.
“He was the one that convinced me to tell you how I felt about you. That was one of the last things he did..” You let out a breath.
The news came unexpected to him, now he wished he would have had the chance to thank the knight.
“He was a remarkable man. I will try my best to honor him, to honor the title we share.” Lancelot's voice was heavy.
You nodded before taking your tankard in your hands, tonight was a celebration.
Lancelot watched as you stood up and signalled to the musicians.
The musicians stopped and the room went silent apart from some people speaking quietly.
You spoke loud and clear so everyone would hear you.
“People of the city !
Tonight we not only celebrate our victory, we celebrate the life of our lost beloved knight.
Sir Crillan has taught us many things. How to fight, how to be brave in the face of evil..
Tonight we honor him, we honor what he has taught us.
Tonight we celebrate how he would have wanted us to celebrate. With pride, with joy and.."
You now looked at Lancelot "With love.”
His eyes locked on yours for a moment before you turned your attention back on the people, you raised you tankard in the air.
“To Crillan !”
“To Crillan !” The people chanted before the musicians started to play their instruments again.
Dahlia looked at you proudly and send you an approving smile.
“Couldn't have said it better.” Raphael stated to you.
You hummed, promising yourself that tonight you would celebrate life as he would have wanted.
Lancelot didn't speak, your words had made him fall silent. He didn't even notice you were looking at him, it wasn't until he felt you kissing his cheek that he snapped out of his thoughts.
He quirked a brow, pleasantly suprised by the public display of affection.
“I know feasts bore you, but please try to stay awake.” You were being sarcastic.
He let out a chuckle and shook his head. It was meant as a joke but if he was honest, he knew that it wouldn't be long before he would want to leave this feast. He still was not used to being in a crowd long. A few minutes, that was how long it took for him to feel bored to the point that he wished he hadn't send Percival with Ayla to the dancefloor earlier that evening. Sure the boy made life difficult for him from time to time but it at least never bored him. The only thing making it bearable was the fact that you were sitting next to him. But your attention was pulled away from him often as people came to talk to you. He was patient but the boredom left his mind to wander. Perhaps it was the way your eyes seemed full of joy tonight. Perhaps it was the sound of your laughter at someone's joke. Or perhaps it was the fact that people had interupted each and every time he finally had you to himself throughout the day that compelled him to do what he did next.
The unexpected feeling of a hand on your knee made you jump in your chair. Your eyes snapped to Lancelot who seemed far too amused by your reaction. You knew he was brave but never thought he would be this bold. Come to think of it, you should have seen that coming. You were gratefull that no one seemed to have noticed a thing. You grabbed his hand with yours before whispering so only he could hear "Must you torment me so ?" He remained silent for a second before the corner of his mouth twitched "Torment ?" You rolled your eyes before looking at him with a look that said 'you know what I mean'. His eyes sparkled with mischief and he squeezed your hand with his "When is it appropriate for a Queen to leave a feast like this ?" You swallowed hard, knowing damn well why he asked that question.
It was irresistible to mess with him a little now.
"When she wishes to do so." You replied casually. It had been his goal to get you away from this feast and all to himself again. He decided to treat your answer as a challenge. "I see." Lancelot replied in a similar almost formal tone.
His fingers untwined from yours and for a moment you believed he would 'behave'. Gods, were you wrong about that. His hand brushed against your knee along your upper leg before his hand squeezed near your inner thigh. You jolted up in suprise, knocking your knee against the underside of the table in the process. "Lancelot !" Your voice pitched but you were able to keep your voice down to not draw more attention towards yourself. "Y/n ?" Not a hint of guilt in his voice. He looked so pleased with himself. You glared at him, knowing damn well that he was trying to convince you to leave this feast early. For a moment he looked apologetic but a smile tugged at his lips.
His eyes remained on yours as he tilted his head in the direction of the exit of the room. Smirk on his face, but eyes pleading with you. His eyes always betraying how he truly felt. And right now he had difficulty expressing just how touch starved he was. He was about to stop his attempts of persuading you, but then you gave a short nod. It was enough to make his heart start hammering in his chest. You took one last sip of your drink before leaning closer to him to whisper in his ear "I'll leave first. Wait for a bit before following." He nodded in eager agreement "Where shall I meet you ?" You pulled away to look at him before smirking and replying in a hushed voice "Come find me." He let out a chuckle that sounded more like a scoff. Another challenge. And by the gods, would he love to win this one. You talked with Raphael for a moment longer before you excused yourself from the feast. You placed your hand on the walls of the hallways, dragging your fingers along the walls as you walked towards the chambers you used only when you didn't want people to bother you. You rarely slept there but sometimes it was nice to have a room only a few people knew about. A safe room of sorts, hidden in plain sight behind an old shelf that moved like a door. You wondered if he would be able to find you.
He waited for a few minutes after you had left, taking the time to ask Raphael if he could keep an eye on Percival. The knight just nodded, needing nor wanting any further explanation. When he stepped into the hallway he knew he'd have to use his sense of smell to find you. He walked through the hallway for a bit before his fingers traced the wall. The corner of his mouth curved up. Your scent was not hard to find or recognise. It was etched upon his fondest memories. He found himself strolling through hallways he had not been in before until he had to move some paces back because he had lost the scent. He looked around him, narrowing his eyes as he scanned the place. It had stopped in the middle of the hallway as if you had disappeared in thin air. What kind of trick were you playing on him ? After what felt like almost a minute his eyes lingered on a shelf that just didn't seem to truly fit the place and he headed towards it. Now the scent returned to him, stronger then it had been before. Smart. He thought. His fingers traced along the edge of the shelf until they found what he was looking for, a small metal lever. Instead of using the small lever and opening the hidden passageway he knocked on the shelf.
Your heart jumped at the sound, silently impressed that he had actually found the room. Only Raphael, Crillan and Dahlia knew of this room after you had told them about it. But he found it himself. You walked to the door and moved the lever on the inside, opening the door. Your eyes met his, he had a somewhat proud expression. "A hidden room ? Impressive." He stepped towards you. "Not so well hidden if you found it that easily." You quirked a brow at him. He moved the door open further and snuck an arm around your waist. Moving you as he stepped inside the room before closing the door and moving you back up against it. "I only found it because your scent led me here." Both his hands were on your waist now as he burried his nose into the top of your hair. Your mouth twitched into a smile "What do I smell like ? My.. fey scent ?" Your curiousity got the best of you. He was silent for a moment as he tried to find the words to describe it. "Like dust after rain.." He pauzed "But it carries something within it. I can sense it whenever you use your magic to control the wind." You looked at him now, searching his eyes "..What does it carry ?" His eyes softened and he leaned in close to your neck. Lingering there before answering. "Something ethereal.."
He looked you in the eyes now, leaning in so his lips were hovering over yours. His voice hoarse “Something that calls to me.”
Gods, the way his voice sounded made you start to tremble with silent anticipation. He tilted his head to place a kiss to your forehead. Not where you wanted but very welcome either way. You placed your hands on his chest and tugged him closer. He knew what you were trying to communicate with that, his lips brushed the skin near your temple next. He heard how your breathing was becoming faster.
Then they brushed against your jaw, followed quickly by your cheek.
Lingering just a little on those spots everytime he touched your skin.
It was driving you insane how he was purposly ignoring the place you wanted his lips most “If you intend to keep tormenting me like this then I will leave.”
It caught him off-guard but he noted the light tone in your voice and then you slipped out of his grasp and tried to step away to show him you were 'serious'.
He nearly rolled his eyes as he smirked and pulled you back to him, making you stumble and crash into his chest. You didn't get the chance to cuss as his lips were on yours right away, for a moment he pulled away. Looking at you for confirmation, which must have been clearly visible on your expression. And he pulled you in again, claiming your mouth again. Intense and filled with the desire that had build up within him today. It wasn't until he heard the soft moan fall from your lips that he began to fumble with your clothing.
Which proved.. difficult apparently. And after a moment of fumbling without much progress he looked at you a little lost.
“Not your area of expertise yet ?” You asked playfully and quirked a brow at him.
The look in his eyes made you regret saying it, and before you realised what was happening he had picked you up from the floor in one swift move. You let out a suprised gasp as he carried you and dropped you on the bed. Within seconds he was hovering above you.
“I wish your voice would be the first thing I hear tomorrow.” It sounded almost like a prayer.
And secretly to him it was, he prayed you wouldn't be gone in the morning this time.
That you would stay with him a little longer.
You fingers brushed over his cheek, tracing the fey marks below his eyes.
“What should I say then ? Tomorrow, I mean.” You asked and you saw him smile so brightly that it made his eyes glister.
He traced a finger over your lips as he thought “Anything, as long as you're still with me when I awake.”
You nodded, falling silent the moment he leaned in to kiss your neck.
When morning came Lancelot was delighted to see that you were still next to him. It was not long before you awoke and when you opened your eyes they sought out his.
Instead of wishing him a good morning or asking him if he slept well you said the one thing he so desired to hear.
“I love you.”
@linkpk88​​ @5am-cigarette​​  @beananacake​​ @mogothepogo​​ @tanyaherondale​​ @witchything​​  @slytherlight​​ @herstory-study​ @petersoftboyparker @lancelotapricot​
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sapphicmsmarvel · 5 years
Feysand: Punching Bags
Modern Feysand AU
Feyre breaks up with her abusive boyfriend and goes to a boxing gym to work out aggression. She meets the trainer Cassian who then realizes, hey, you’d like my brother. 
Also: “Hey kiss me, my ex is here.” 
All of the bat boys are actual brothers and Mor is all their cousins. 
No azriel and mor love story for that reason. 
and can we talk about how i got this idea from talking to my therapist
Stupid dick.
Those were my only thoughts as I got out of my car to go into the boxing studio.
Work out your aggression, Alis, my therapist, said to me. You went through an abusive relationship, Feyre. It’ll help get that resentment out.
I sighed again, pulling on the door handle, I could practically smell the sweat. The place was called Blood Rite. Nesta and Elain grimaced at the name after I told them where I was going. There was another thing that caused aggression; judgement from my sisters. 
There were two black haired tan men at the counter, one had shaggy hair that didn’t go past his ears. The other had long hair that was pulled into a bun. I walked up to the counter, the bun-man greeted me, “hi, welcome to Blood Rite, how can I help you?” “Hi, I spoke with someone on the phone that said I could just….come in and punch?” 
He smiled, Jesus he was pretty. “Yeah, just a 50 dollar fee and you can punch till your heart's content.” 
“Thank you,” I paid, I was about to go to the locker rooms when he called out. 
“Miss? We always ask names here, I’m Cassian, this is Azriel.” The shaggy haired one smiled and waved. 
“I’m Feyre.”
“Nice to meet you, Feyre.” I smiled in response. and went to the locker room with my bag. I wasn’t used to smiling at males again, Tamlin didn’t like it and I didn’t want to get hit. I sighed in frustration, I know I couldn’t have left in that situation. But it was still frustrating. I threw my bag into a locker, slid my phone into my leggings pocket and plugged in the headphones. 
I wrapped my hands and began punching, I punched before Tamlin, it was one of those things he “didn’t like me doing”. At first, I didn’t notice the controlling aspects. He blamed it on his ex, Ianthe or whatever. 
Punch. Punch. Punch. 
I didn’t wear the right clothes, I ate too much, I didn’t eat the right foods, I didn’t smile enough, I was too nice, too flirty. 
Why was I not good enough for that piece of shit? What did I do? What did I do to make him so fucking angry that he hit every goddamn day of our relationship?
Every cell of my body was on fire with different emotions, my hands felt numb, it wasn’t because of how much I punched, it was because of the anxiety coursing through my veins. My legs were itching to have kicked him in the balls, at least once. 
I could still feel his hands on me, how he’d grab my shoulders and yank me back to him if I walked away. How every time he was behind me, every hair on my body stood up. 
Someone touched my shoulder. 
Without thinking I spun around and punched them in the face. Then I saw the tan skin and long black hair, Cassian fell to the ground groaning. I ripped my earbuds out of my ears, “oh my god, I’m so sorry!” He groaned, “fucking hell, you throw a punch.” “I’m sorry,” I winced, I offered up a hand to help him up, he grabbed my hand. “Oh thank god it’s not bleeding,” I said.
“It’s alright.” He said, “but damn you throw a good punch.” 
I winced again, he continued, “but I was telling you, we’re closing.” 
My cheeks went crimson, “aw shit, what a way to end your night.”
He shrugged and smiled, “no problem, but I can tell you’re going through some shit, there’s a great place down the road, you seem like you need a friend.”
This dude would totally be a serial killer. “Sure,” I said, “What’s the name, I could meet you there?” Eh, what else did I have to lose? I was living in my sister's basement.
“Great, there’s this place called Rita’s down the road, I’ll be there in ten, I have to close down the computers and turn on the whole security protocol.” 
I nodded, “okay, see you there.” I ran off to go get my bag, I went to my car and hoped to god that I didn’t get killed tonight. 
Rita’s was a bar. I quickly looked up their menu on my phone, Cassian said he’d be here in ten because all he had to do was close down the computers because Azriel took care of the money. 
Ugh, they had truffle fries, what a blessing. 
I saw him walk up to the doors and wait, I looked at the clock, he was right on time. I swallowed down the bundle of nerves, what if Tamlin showed? My stomach fell to my ass. 
I swallowed my fear and met him at the door, he offered me his arm, and I took it, smiling. We went and sat at a table, a waitress came, we ordered. 
He sighed and looked at me kindly. “So, you want me to ask the hard question or the easy ones?” 
“Give me an example of both.” 
“Easy: what’s your favorite color?” not red, “Hard: what made you so angry that you punched me that hard?” He asked, concerned. 
My stomach sank, “blue.” I answered the first one. 
He nodded, “Mines red, favorite food?”
“Truffle fries.” I said, “Chicken wings. This place has the best truffle fries.” He said wistfully. 
“Yeah, I saw their menu online, definitely going to enjoy those. So do you own the gym?” 
“I run it with my brothers, Azriel and Rhysand.” 
“Ah.” I said, awkwardly closing the conversation. 
It was awkward now, making friends was never my strong suit, it was Elains. 
“You should really talk about what’s bothering you.” He said gently, I nodded, “no judgement?” 
“Nope. But you’re so much like my brother, not talking about shit, afraid of being a burden.”
I huffed a laugh, “wow, you really attacked me with that one.”
“Hey, I know shit. So tell me.”
So I did, I spilled my guts to a complete stranger, I told him everything. From Tamlin and I meeting, first date, first signs of abuse. Everything. He held my hand. 
I made a friend.
A few more months went by, Cassian and I had a routine of me going to the studio every Monday, Wednesday and Friday night. Cas staying an hour after hours for us to talk, work out, whatever and then getting food after. 
But tonight was different. Cassian invited me out with his friends, who apparently have been dying to meet me after accidentally giving him a black eye. Azriel and him talked me up, I have never met Rhysand, he only came in on weekends and weekends were the days I dedicated to myself.
But I’ve heard the other regular girls gush about him. 
I wore skin tight black jeans, black shirt with no sleeves that was skin tight and had a cut out by my breasts. If I lifted my arms, the shirt exposed my midriff. Tamlin had forbidden this shirt, so I felt it was needed to break it out again. My muscles from working out and punching shit showed off quite nicely and I had heeled black boots. 
I shoved my phone in my pocket, grabbed my leather jacket and headed out. I thought I had managed to avoid my sisters’ gazes but nope, Nesta is like a hawk.
“Where the hell are you going looking like that?”
“Out.” I said as I grabbed my keys.
“Nesta.” I said, warning in my voice as I turned around to face her. I wouldn’t be backing down, I will never back down again. 
Elain turned the corner, her eyes widening at my outfit, “where are you going?”
“She says she’s going ‘out’.” Nesta said. 
Elain hummed, “well, have fun Fey.” She smiled, a genuine, real smile, grabbed her hot chocolate and left the room.
I looked at Nesta with a ‘ha’ expression and opened the door to the garage, but not before I heard her go, “be safe.” I sighed as the door shut, if I went back in, it’d kill Nesta’s pride, me knowing that she cares. I brushed it off, I was going to have fun tonight with friends. Well, friends of a friend.
Good enough for me.
Rita’s was packed, I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel in anxiety, okay I got this. 
I pulled out my phone to text Cassian, I’m here. 
Three dots popped up, fuck yeah, i’m on my way to the parking lot. 
 I smiled and got out, it was warm for March but the sun was gone so it was chilly again. Clutching my jacket closer to my body, I walked to the doors. 
I ignored the creeps outside, Cassian came out and greeted me with a hug, “heya Feyre.” He waggled his eyebrows at the rhyme.
I rolled my eyes, “that was awful.”
“Get used to it, the group is ready with stories and puns for you.”
“Is it too late for me to leave?” I joked as he pulled me into the building.
“Yup, you’re stuck with me and now them.” 
My heart warmed at being accepted so quickly, Lucien didn’t accept me quickly. My heart then cooled at the thought of him. I missed him. 
“What’re you thinking about?” He said as we walked to the back of the club. “It’s just...been awhile since I’ve been out like this.” I shrugged. 
He nodded and squeezed my hand in comfort. 
We found the group in the back, well, I’m assuming they’re the group based on the fact that Azriel is there too. When he saw me he smiled (which was rare and I was so happy to see it), he got out of the giant booth to hug me, which again, surprised me but I was glad for it. 
“Everybody, this is Feyre.” I waved awkwardly as both brothers had their arms around me. 
“I’m Morrigan,” said the beautiful blonde. 
“Amren.” The other woman said, she was beautifully terrifying,
“And I’m Rhysand.” Said the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. He had the most beautiful eyes, Jesus christ. Were they violet?
I knew there was good genes in that family (hello look at Cassian and Azriel) but fucking hell. I smiled at all of them, don’t be an idiot, Feyre
Cassian let me slide in on the left side first of the u shaped booth, then he slid in after me. I was right next to Morrigan who hugged me, “I’m so glad to finally meet you!” She squealed. 
“I can’t believe you punched Cassian.” Rhysand laughed downing his whiskey. 
“She’s working on her anger management.” Cassian joked.
“Watch it, I can punch you again. And this time, it’ll be on purpose.” I gave him a look that had him howling. 
The others started laughing which eased the knot that was formed in my belly. Morrigan began telling more stupid stories about Cassian. Turns out they were cousins, Jesus everyone is related except Amren. 
Eventually, Cassian and Morrigan worked together to drag Amren and Azriel out onto the dance floor. 
“I can’t believe we kept missing each other.” Rhysand said. 
“I know,”
“Was it worth the wait?”
I pretended to think about it, “hmm, I finally met the great Rhysand and he doesn’t ask me to dance? Not really.” Okay, I need to stop drinking. 
But he smiled, those violet eyes twinkling. “I guess that means I can’t disappoint.” He got up and offered me his hand, I smiled and took it. 
He led me onto the dance floor, “just an fyi, I haven’t danced on the club floor in about three years.” I warned. Another thing Tamlin ruined for me. 
“Well, then, let’s dust off those moves!” Last Friday Night by Katy Perry started playing. 
I nearly rolled my eyes but then Rhysand started twirling me around, I started laughing. He then did some weird disco which nearly killed me. He pulled me into his arms, him and I danced together, his hands on my swaying hips, it felt freeing. We kept laughing and I felt light. 
Haven’t felt this in years. 
I saw a flash of familiar bronze hair, my stomach sank, it was Lucien. ANd next to him, Tamlin. Motherfucker. I quickly turned into Rhysand who noticed immediately, “what?” He whispered. 
“Keep dancing,” I said breathlessly, “him and his friend are over at the bar.” 
“My ex. Blond and redhead guys, blond is my ex.” 
“The ex?” He referenced, Cassian told me that Rhysand had asked about my story, and he told it with my permission. 
“Yes.” I said, nerves fluttering in my stomach. 
“Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay. But they’re looking.” 
“Fuck. Kiss me, please?” “Darling, you don't have to ask. Been thinking about it all night.” I turned my head, he went down and met me. This kiss was seering. My fingers wove themselves into his hair, my fingernails scraped his scalp and he groaned into my mouth. His hands slid up my waist, he gently squeezed my mid riffe, his fingers cold against my hot skin.  
We pulled away, he checked, “they’re gone.” I smiled, “thank you.” 
“Anytime.” He smiled back. 
The group found us, it was obvious we had kissed, both our lips were swollen, his hair was a mess thanks to me, and his hands were still on my wrist. 
They were about to say something, when Juice by Lizzo started playing. Cassian shouted and dragged me to go dance with him, I grabbed Rhys, who grabbed Az, who grabbed Mor and she grabbed Amren. All of us ended up in a dance circle just being idiots. 
Mor and I duetted the bridge of the song, “somebody come get this man, I think he got lost in my dms!” 
“My dms!”
“You better come get your man, I think he wanna be way more than friends!”
“More than friends!” 
We danced a few more hours away, when the others got tired, but I didn’t wanna go home. It was 2 in the morning but I felt alive. Rhysand and I went down to a diner, the others were ready to throw in their dancing shoes but since I wanted to stay out; which never happened, Rhysand stayed out with me. I didn’t have to worry about coming home to an angry man who would beat me. 
I felt so free. 
We pulled up to a 90s themed diner, the car ride wasn’t awkward but it wasn’t at ease, that kiss loomed over us. 
“I’m sorry about that kiss,” I said, once we were seated, my conscious just wouldn’t let me wait till later. 
“It’s okay,” he smiled. “I didn’t mind it.” 
I smiled. The waitress came over and we both ordered milkshakes. “I craved milkshakes like crazy whenever I went out.” I said. 
“When was the last time you went out like this?” 
I sighed, trying not to let the smile slip, “three years. But hey, I made some pretty amazing friends tonight, and I met you.” Vodka makes me ballsy, never again. 
“I’m different from a friend?” He asked, smiling. 
I nodded, “I don't kiss my friends.” Not like that, at least. 
“So is this a date?” He asked, quirking his eyebrow. 
I nodded, “I think so.” 
“Thank God, cause seriously, you’re beautiful.” He said, “and I’m a lucky man.” 
I smiled, little did I know, this was the beginning of the rest of my life.
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