#also about 'pet au' with gilbert
scummy-writes · 1 year
I've been wondering why writing feels very 'bleh' right now, and why vamp and prince ideas are dry, and then I realized it's because I've been stuck thinking about beel eating mc out for days.
So probably next week the daydream will fade and writing will get done.
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ludwigbeilschmidts · 10 months
a symptom of being human - germerica
master post.
how did they meet?
they're both 16 at the time.
alfred needed to get out of the states so he just said “i’ll do au pair” and got sent to germany.
on his way from the airport to wherever he has to go he literally bumps into ludwig.
al falls down, his headphones disconnect and his music starts blaring.
it’s miracle by shinedown
lud, as one does, looks down at al and instead of helping him up or offering his hand, he pulls out his phone and shows him what he’s listening to. it’s also miracle by shinedown.
al forgets he’s just been pushed to the ground and immediately gets up like “WHOA DUDE THIS IS LIKE FATE OR SOMETHING?” and ludwig doesn’t quite know what’s going on but he thinks he just made a new friend, so he nods along.
al still has a bit of time left before he has to go to his au pair house so they grab a coffee together and exchange numbers afterwards.
how did they get together?
they've been in love for a long time. them getting together was a long time coming, but it takes them ages.
they've known each other longer than gilbert and arthur had, but it takes them until after gil and arthur get married to finally get together.
really, it already begins during the wedding, because gil and arthur make them dance with each other as a means of pushing them along.
the issue as to why it takes them so long is partly because it just takes them forever to realize their own feelings. it's obvious to pretty much anyone else, except to them. ludwig has trouble getting in touch with his own feelings and alfred doesn't think about his feelings. he experiences them.
and when they both realize it, they've been friends for well over three years, and neither knows how to address it without risking their friendship. especially because al knows it'd be a big change in their dynamic either way, and he can't put ludwig (who deals horribly with change) through that.
ludwig has to admit he can't understand social cues at all, and therefore is completely blind to the signs that al likes him as well, no matter how many times someone else might tell him he likes him.
(it's never gilbert, though, because he promised alfred not to tell. so he doesn't, even if it's agony to watch them dance around each other.)
but when arthur and gilbert make them dance with each other, they'd planned this. they'd planned the song, they'd planned the timing and it ended up working perfectly.
they kissed then. and had a long, long, long conversation about it afterwards.
random hc's.
they have two pets. a golden retriever named aster and a cat named fortnite. alfred named fortnite, and ludwig thought the name was ridiculous, but he cannot say no to alfred.
miracle was their wedding song, and ludwig might have cried just a bit when he and alfred danced to it.
ludwig tries his best to help al with learning german, and he thinks it's adorable that al tries so hard. he loves it when he is confident in what he's saying, and he encourages him as best he can.
english is their go-to language, but randomly al will try to speak in german.
they love each other so much, it's ridiculous, especially because ludwig is very emotionally constipated, but al brings out the best in him.
ludwig's love language is acts of service, alfred's is quality time.
they go out regularly because alfred drags ludwig out of their apartment. he doesn't like doing nothing, he always needs something to do.
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dark9896 · 1 year
Klaus Head Cannons
Tumblr media
Klaus's fangs can distend a tiny bit when he's angry, similarly to how vampires are depicted in hiding their fangs (though it's debatable if his fangs are really being pushed further out or if he's just baring his gums)
He is very ticklish, especially on the bottom of his feet
He melts whenever his partner wears his clothes (especially after a night of spice)
The reason he's always making treats for his partner (or anyone he cares about) is because that's what his Mother and Grandmother always did for him and his siblings growing up
When it comes to popular/ modern music, he prefers songs that tell a story or hold a hopeful message like Hall of Fame by The Script or The Light by Disturbed (no, he doesn't have a specific preference for any genre... though the first time he heard the song he was 😥😱)
(Not that you need me to tell you this...) He has the most adorable laugh, somewhere between a soft heh heh and a loud belly laugh
He covers his mouth on instinct whenever he starts to smile or laugh (I mean, I'm pretty sure that was shown somewhere in the manga so it doesn't count as head canon but...)
He isn't very good at drawing, but that doesn't stop him from doodling on a spare piece of paper when he's doing paperwork or similar tedious work (this ranges from his partner's name with little hearts and wedding rings to flowers to very simple headshots of cute animals)
He has a Large collection of decorative throw pillows and blankets that he found cute (mostly holiday or pet themed)
He has a pair of teddy bear slippers
He keeps several pairs of flip flops/ open toed sandals for his gardening
While he does enjoy his sweets (maybe a little too much) he also has a preference for cheese flavored chips, the crunchier the better (they don't get as stuck in his teeth)
PKMN AU 1: He has a small company of Wooper (both Paldea and Johto) maybe about ten Wooper in total.
PKMN AU 1: He rarely has boundaries for his Pokemon, allowing them to climb all over him (even if it flusters him to be constantly cuddled by his larger mons)
PKMN AU 2: He adopted a pair of Charcadets from outside the office and they spend most of the day running around in the office gym (when they aren't curling up in Klaus's lap like a pair of small children)
Children of Libra AU: Sometimes you catch him crying (or just standing extremely still while the kids are busy) and its because he's just so happy.
Children of Libra AU: There is no stopping his family from sending things and spoiling the babies, especially with visits and day trips to the park (or occasionally strong arming Klaus to go outside the city for a little bit to a nearby tourist attraction)
Children of Libra AU: He would paper the fridge with drawings, report cards, those little ribbons that are so common in elementary school, and whatever good grades or pieces of work (like poems or short stories) that the kids show him... The only reason he doesn't is because Gilbert keeps shuffling things and storing them away (at your request because the fridge doesn't need to be papered Klaus)
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windstir · 8 months
headcanons for modern au gilbert?
what's your "craziest" headcanon or a headcanon you think might be hard to sell
what are your favorite headcanons of yours that you wish other people shared
gilserge headcanons?? idk what to ask specifically but give them pls
so, for modern au gilbert i consider he's way tamer than in canon, he's not as. how to put it. bitchy???? he's way more emotional in my head, he can go from anger to sadness in the blink of an eye. he still slaps people's hands away though.
he probably had a short model career that he got bored of (when he was quite young, remember when in paris they put his face in the newspapers? yeah, he wasn't AS big of a celebrity but you could recognize his face in a few magazines)
also, i like to think he's slightly more aware of his Situation now, but he still chooses to not do anything because- what's the point if no one will do anything? the world already sees him as one thing, after all ...
my "craziest" hc is that he looks like he likes weird mixes of food, thinking of him dipping his french fries in a milkshake for example ... he would like that. also he would prefer air fried food because he hates the feeling of oil. autism strikes again i GUESS. he can't eat in restaurants because of that.
i don't think i have any particular gilbert hcs that i would like to share with others, but i DO wish they highlighted his love for animals a bit more! i love exploring his softer side because i just love humanizing him, i would love more people to talk about how he likes animals, how he would cope with the death of one, or the fact that auguste didn't allow him to have a pet. you know, that kind of thing. i also love to see him engage in "childish" activities (like watching movies for kids)
as for the gilserge headcanons i don't have many . . . hcing ships is HARD. but i do like to think gilbert blocks him for every little thing that happens ... he said something he didn't like? blocked. serge said he was going to bed and didn't say "ily"? blocked. block block block.
also i think gilbert would go to serge's house in the middle of the night and be like "hey :( open the door :( it's cold :("
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fanghunting · 2 years
more stream of thought headcanons! this time completely random as they come to me
Zapp has a necklace he wears all the time. It's a simple chain with a loop at the end. This loop is a petite wedding band made from an old coin. It was his great-great grandmother's wedding band. If he tried to put it on, it would barely fit on his pinkie.
Steven used to be terrified to drive after one of the family dogs got hit by a car right next to him. It took him years to get over the fear enough to get behind the wheel.
K.K and her sons play pokemon together. They have a tradition of always starting the newest games together and taking the first steps at the same time. It's fairly new to Cain, but she and Mark have been doing it for a long time.
(Pokemon V1) Other than Emolga, K.K also has a Cubone. The poor little one's cries were too much for her heart.
Leo gets tired earlier in the summer and later in the winter.
Klaus is incredibly picky about the texture of his blanket. He just can't sleep if the texture is wrong.
Part of Zapp really does respect both Raju and Zed, but he would never let them know that. He hates what he went through more than he respects his old master.
If he isn't doing any combat or anything that increases his breathing, Zed's pods can last 7 hours before needing fresh water cycled into them.
Zapp hates when his clothes have seams right on his spine. It tingles and feels awful.
Chain tries to clean her apartment every other Saturday. Sometimes her schedule gets thrown off by missions.
Chain is not sure if she's straight or bi or something else. She knows she has a crush on Steven, and also knows she would like to use a girlfriend's boobs as a pillow.
Lucky likes watching tiny blacksmithing.
Zed would love if his partner were to decorate his tank with him.
There is a doodle on one of the fridges in the office depicting three alien-like creatures. This doodle was done by Cain when he was two years old, and despite being done in dry erase, it is not coming off at this point.
Steven would adore having matching tattoos with his partner. Zapp would too, though he wouldn't think of it until they've been together for a very long time.
Klaus gets extremely flustered if Gilbert takes care of the bedding after saucy activities.
(Monster AU) Steven worries that he is too cold for cuddles.
(Monster AU) The Werewolf bureau are a group of werebeast/fae hybrids. They all have one werebeast parent and a different type of fae as the other. Chain's fae parent, for example, is a banshee.
Raju only learned to "speak huma" shortly before taking on Zapp as an apprentice. He does not fully realize that there are different languages.
(Pokemon V1) Raju actually does pay attention to what pokemon follow him. He gives the Talonflame pets and treats quite often.
(Pokemon V2) Klaus adopted a Deino, it still sometimes bites his hand. He also has several grass types that like to stay with his plants.
Steven likes laying across the sofa while cuddling his partner and watching movies.
In a relationship, Raju loves cuddles. He is very protective and touchy, at least behind closed doors. He also strikes me as the type to not mind polyamory at all, of any sort.
I got Raju on the brain, he specifically angles his head most of the time so people only see the skull he wears. He does not like even the chance of someone seeing more of his face than he allows.
Fusion go brrrrr: Zapp would love to fuse with his partner, especially if they could "hear" all the things he can't say to them out loud.
(Monster AU) Zapp's satyr blood comes from his grandfather on his mother's side. He has no idea what is father is, but his mother is a water nymph.
Speaking of Zapp's father, he never wanted kids so he left when Zapp's mother ended up pregnant. He looks a lot like Zapp does, though still would want absolutely nothing to do with him. He just walked out on her and forgot about her.
Zed prefers freshwater. He can swim in brackish or salt water, but not for long periods. The salt gets absorbed into his body extremely quickly and could be deadly if he stays for too long.
Zed's scales are extremely tiny and interlock very well. It's hard to actually feel the edges of them while running your hand over his body, only certain directions in certain spots work.
Zed is slightly transparent and even more slightly bioluminescent. The latter is really only noticeable in extremely dark situations, which the lights of HSL don't lend well to. He remembers the Count sometimes turning out all the lights and closing the curtains just to enjoy how his body glows.
Steven not having a dog feels very weird to him. His family has always had a dog. He has always had a dog. And now he doesn't and he just feels like something is missing... but he'd hate to get s dog just to leave it locked inside alone for so long when he's at work.
He does visit shelters in the city quite often though. He plays with the dogs there and... maybe one day he'll adopt one or two.
Leo genuinely prefers being called Leo but accepts his full name from Klaus because of how Klaus is so used to bring formal with people.
Even before the All Seeing Eyes, Leo was great at picking out patterns in the terrain of a video game. He could always find the hidden chests.
Klaus and his siblings all went to a very prestigious private school.
Assuming the one shot is canon, Klaus hates seeing the "tattoo" in the mirror. Sometimes he thinks he can see it moving.
Zed would cry at his wedding to his s/o
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t-t-t-trasher · 2 years
since asked (thank u!) anyway here we go w some more headcanons
it got a bit out of hand but ehh enjoy~
• hob is huflepuffs team leader in quidditch
• death is gryffindors
• dream is exellent chaiser but thinks hes above the sport  (also not a teamplayer)
• he still plays time to time w friends  but likes reading more
• jed n delirium r bestfriends
• he thinks shes super cool with her magic hair n stories she shares w him
• del likes how geniue n easily amazed hes is
• they r the youngest n have their own little adventures sometimes
• death n hob r teachers favourites
• they both become headgirl n headboy to no ones suprise
• hob is natural at quiddich n magical creatures studies
• hes v interested in magic history n studies that a lot w dream n death
• all of the endless sibling r exellent with magic n rather powerful hence old pure blood n that
• death n hob often sneak to the kitchen to get snacks
• mervyn is an ass to everyone but  dream n no one knows why but they can guess
• otherwise hes kinda of a prick to all
• exept to delirium. he likes her! u go funky lil witch
• delirium is a metamorphmagus but cant really control of it so her hair n eyes change color almost all the time
• desire made a drinking game out of it
• basically u had to try guess the next color
• that night, a lot went to shit
• biggest detention count is OWNED tecnically by desire but they have talked themself out of them so many times that cori holds the title now
• dream comes second bc he can be a real arrogant bitch
• no professor or student is safe from his "additude"
• hob has a cat :) he named her meowrphy aka murphy
• why? he will never tell but u can guess
• constantine knows but only bc she won a bet against hob
• hes still bitter bc she fights dirty
• desire tried to get a chihuahua as a pet in hogwarts
• he almost did but in the end despair put a stop to it
• the nightmares!!! professors!!!
• u know that scene in hp1 where mcgonagall transforms from a cat? yeah gault energy right there
• she does it every year to first years to assert dominance
• obviously gilbert teaches botany
• i also wana say that hes the headmaster. he can do both as a treat :)
• he has the most magical green house (guess the name lol)
• dream used to hang there often when he wanted to be alone
• now hob hangs there w him
• abel n cain teach magical creature studies
• they bicker a lot but no worse than that
• they r hobs fav professors since its his fav subject
• desire+dream+cori biggest bitch energy n not in the good way
• desire is determined to be the sexiest menace u ever meet but gets over their head sometimes
• cori can be an absolute ass n doesnt care hes charming so he gets away with it often
• dream just has issues. w so many things
• he gets better tho cuz he actually starts to try later
• "there more to life than just becoming all knowing n powerful wizard.....n being a lil bitch"
• they all have big get togethers on holidays
• they get messy
• even the sibling by themselfs alone r disasterous n to add more ppl? ohh man
• despair n myrtle r besties
• they gossip n hang together a lot
let me know if u wana hear more! i had some dreamling notes on my phone but kinda strugglin w it rn but yah :D ohhhhhhhh n also kinda thinking about like dreamling professor hogwarts au too,,, w be pretty neat
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valoftheisland · 3 years
Things Anne and Gilbert probably started doing when they become friends
(Those are just some headcanons I have, most of them are a modern au but some can be applied to cannon)
Also, English is not my first language, so sorry in advance if there's any mistake
They definitely had a secret handshake. It was really long and nobody could figure out all the movements because they kept adding more each time.
So. many. inside. jokes
It's canon that they used to study together, and I think they spent many afternoons in each other's room just reading or listening to music
Speaking of music, they definitely made a lot of playlists together, Anne's would have been about super abstract and poetic concepts like "the sound of the wind at your window" or "a warm August afternoon". I could talk for hours about which bands they would listen to. (maybe one day I'll make a playlist, who knows) but Anne definitely listens to hozier (like, come on) and idk Fleetwood Mac
 so many casual displays of affection they both swear they are totally platonic but they're definitely not
Green Gabes Fabes made me consider canon the fact that Gil is such a star wars nerd, but I feel like Anne loves lord of the rings and they will argue about which one is the best all the time
so many late night deep talks, maybe stargazing in the orchard or cuddling in the barn, spending all night together talking about literally anything.
the fact that it’s canon that they always went as each other's dates to everything always makes me melt cause I'm sure there was a point were some of their classmates were 100% sure they were dating
So many ridiculous pet names designed to mess with the other person but that actually made them melt
They argued about super random and weird topics and no one could tell if they were in a serious fight or just messing around because they were always arguing very passionately, even if they were talking about the best ice cream flavor.
Again, they had so many inside jokes and finished each other's sentences like all the time
I have so many more ideas so I may do a second part, also, feel free to add more if you want!
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thatsamericano · 3 years
I had a lot more thoughts on the Romerica get turned into stepbrothers because of FrUKSpa AU. General TW for stepcest under the cut:
At first, FrUK are really confused about why Alfred is so opposed to them getting together with Antonio. They reassure him that this isn’t some intermediate step on the way to them getting a divorce, and Alfred is thinking, “That’s nice to hear, but that is so not the problem I’m having right now.”
Matthew, like I said in my previous post, was confused and a little surprised when his dads told him they were getting together with Antonio, but he accepts it a lot more easily than Alfred. He doesn’t understand why Alfred is having a hard time with it until Antonio and the Italy bros move in. Alfred immediately starts carrying in all of Savino’s boxes for him and showing off in a flirty way, even if he’s not conscious of it. And then Matthew is like “ohhh.”
IDK what people usually do in AUs, but for this one I like the idea of Antonio being the Italy bros’ uncle who took them in after their parents died. (Maybe Grandpa Rome died too, or he’s in poor health and really not in a position to care for them). Antonio wasn’t looking to adopt three kids, but he didn’t want the Italy bros to get split up by the foster system. Because it’s not an adopted from birth situation like the FACE family, the Italy bros might not think of Antonio as strictly their dad in the same way.
Savino has similar misgivings to Alfred about Antonio getting together with FrUK, but he’s not as open about them because he knows Antonio gave up a lot to look after him and his little brothers. In particular, his dating life suffered because a lot of people who were willing to date him backed off when they found out he was the guardian of three kids. Because of Savino’s generally grumpier disposition, any resistance he shows is easier to interpret as aversion to a major life change, not wanting to live with new people, not wanting to share a room with his little brothers at the new house, etc.
Feliciano is able to pick up on the fact that his brother is unhappy, and that it can’t be explained by any of the reasons I mentioned above. After some needling, Savino eventually snaps and says something like, “Imagine Tonio got together with Gilbert (Ludwig’s older brother, who in this AU is a guardian to him like Antonio is to the Italy bros) instead of the Kirkland-Bonnefoys. Now your macho potato boyfriend is your fucking stepbrother.” And Feliciano is like “ohhh” and also “ouch.”
The Romerica mutual pining is painfully, awkwardly obvious once you’re aware of it. Matthew and Feliciano are both aware of it, and they end up bonding over how dumb their brothers are.
Some time passes, and Alfred feels guilty because he can’t force himself to see Savino in a brotherly way. Being around him so much makes his pre-existing crush even worse, and he’s frustrated because he loves living with Savino, but not like this. He resents FrUKSpa because them getting together made what was once an awkward, slightly embarrassing crush he didn’t know how to handle feel weird and wrong.
One of the adults (I’m thinking Antonio) pushes the “family togetherness” angle a little too hard, and Alfred snaps. One possibility is them wanting everyone to taking a photo together in matching Christmas sweaters for a “family holiday card.” Alfred is very blunt about saying that Antonio is not his dad and that Feli, Savino, and Marcello are not his brothers. He says that they can’t be “the gay poly Brady Brunch just because you say so” and storms out. Savino goes after him, they talk, they confess their feelings, and then they kiss.
Alfred and Savino try to keep their relationship secret because they aren’t sure how to explain it to FrUKSpa, but they are terrible at hiding it. There’s immediately a different vibe to their interactions, and surprisingly, Savino, not Alfred, is the one who ends up breaking all plausible deniability by calling Alfred a pet name right in front of everyone.
Francis is the first adult to figure out what’s going on with Romerica. Arthur figures out next, and Antonio remains ridiculously oblivious for a long time (if the incident with Savino calling Alfred a pet name doesn’t happen, lol). He says something like “it’s nice Savino is getting along so well with his stepbrother!” and Arthur or Francis has to clue him in.
FrUKSpa sits down and has a talk with Romerica. They’re understanding of the fact that Alfred and Savino don’t see each other as brothers since they only became step-siblings as teenagers and don’t view their step-parent(s) as their parents, but they bring up reasonable concerns like how it could be weird if they broke up and had to live in the same house with each other.
Because this is fanfic, Romerica doesn’t break up and are disgustingly sappy once FrUKSpa gives them permission to date. It’s a little weird because of their parents, but they’re happy.
Marcello (my human name for Seborga) was pretty much just chilling and above the fray in this AU. At some point, he meets Monaco, who is France’s cousin/niece/much younger sister (aged down appropriately for this AU) and gets an instant crush on her. By now he’s used to established Romerica, so he just kind of shrugs and thinks “well at least she’s not my stepsister.”
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bitchapalooza · 3 years
Who are the dumbasses in this au? (High school au)
Spain, Denmark, Prussia, and America.
Antonio constantly gets on top of the court yard tables and whatever admin is out there that day always threatens him with in school suspension to get down. So far there has been 5 incidences of him breaking the table umbrella and falling in the school garden after trying to run away from someone who wasn't even chasing him. He'll also have his bluetooth speaker clipped to his back pack and in the crowded halls he'd play the Rescue Pets song to see how many would sing along that day. More chaotic than dumbass according to his friends, but very much a dumbass to the school staff.
Mikkel walks into school every day with very clear uniform violations; shirt isnt even navy blue or white nor is it a polo, his pants are khaki but... They have holes in it. He wont take off his hat either. His school ID is not around his neck but its useless because he scratched his face out anyway. When he's told to go change or else theyre calling his parents, he blanks out and is like "we have a uniform????" HE'S BEEN THERE FOR 3 YEARS ALREADY, BUDDY GET IT TOGETHER! He's just that kid that clearly sniffed way too many dry erase markers.
Gilbert is considered more of a teacher's pet because of how on top of it he is with his studies and homework, HOWEVER, he does have his dumbass moments. Such as when he skipped class and clogged a toilet in the senior hall boy's bathroom with stale blueberry muffins he left in the locker he forgot about from the beginning of the school year. It floods like a quarter of the bathroom. He's freaking the fuck out. He goes to the nearest class and, in a panicked manner, tells the teacher "I fucked up! I FUCKED UP!" the teacher rushes into the bathroom and. Stands there. Expecting a fire or someone laying unconscious on the floor. Not. Not bits of muffin and plastic wrappers floating in toilet water. Janitor is called, teacher laughs, and Gilbert is sent to in school suspension for skipping class. Not clogging the toilet. Teacher was not worried about punishing him for that. He just wants to know what the fuck was going on inside his head to flush muffins down a toilet.
Alfred just. Is that dumbass freshman. He didn't like the fat dry erase markers because they were awkward to hold so he always brought his own. So he got out his marker to show his work for the math problem on the smart board. But it was a fucking sharpie. "Knees weak, mom's spaghetti" would not come off his class set dry erase board so the teacher had to toss it; He thought he could slide down the hand rail on the smaller back staircase he and his friends hung out around. He broke his arm. Then tried to do it again after he got his cast off as he was convinced he could do it better this time; During the individual mile run, he decided it was a good idea to say hello the geese by running at them at top speed and. Well you know what happens with geese and provoking them. He ran the other direction and fell into the questionably clean pond; He thought detention was fucking optional.
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neapolitanadonna · 4 years
Axis + Allies at W Academy (Human AU)
North Italy 
Feliciano is the kid who shows up five minutes late everyday with an Frappuccino in his hand. He’s just very, very bad at time management, but he always looks well put together when he does show up. At this point, teachers have stopped assigning him detention because he’s just too good of a student to give detention to, even with his 55 tardies. He’s also the kid who will bring you food if he notices that you’re upset- he’s a firm believer that sugary drinks and carbs are good for the soul. His favorite classes are obviously the art classes- all of his electives are spent taking pottery, studio art, portfolio, painting, charcoal, and anything else the school offers. He may or may not be the art teachers favorite.
Ludwig is the straight-a student who sits in the back of your AP World History class and carries the entire class discussion when everyone else is too afraid to raise their hands to ask a question. He’s also the person who will take the heavy load of the work in the group project, and leave the easier tasks to everyone else. Despite being straight edge, if you ask him for the homework answers, he’ll send them without hesitation. He might tell you, “Ask me if you need help. Copying won’t help you learn anything,” but he always comes in on a clutch.  Everyone wonders why he’s best friends with Feliciano, especially when the word “late” isn’t in Ludwig’s vocabulary. He does well in all his classes, but history and government classes are where he really shines. 
Kiku is the quiet kid who’s also in your AP class who somehow has the highest grade in the class even though you’ve never heard him talk before. He gains a reputation for being cool and mysterious for a while, and a lot of people go to ask Feliciano about him, because they know Ludwig won’t talk about anybody else’s business. Turns out he isn’t really all that mysterious, he’s just shy, but also the biggest sweetheart you’ll ever meet. He does really well in literature classes, and hangs around the literature teachers more than students his actual age. Despite the fact that he keeps to himself, he’s nice to everyone he meets, and if you approach him in class first he won’t stop talking. 
Everyone knows Gilbert, for the better or worse. He’s the kid who just doesn’t shut up in your film study elective course. He’s always yelling, always posting to his snapchat story, always taking pictures, running around the lunchroom, and trying to make friends with the security guards. Everyone either loves Gilbert, or loves to hate him. At the end of the day, he’s really funny, some people can’t come to admit it, though. They wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. He definitely won the class clown superlative, and lives up to it completely. If you’re lucky, you might get put on his snapchat private story, and its hard not to laugh at the things he does and says. Teachers will yell at him to be quiet in their classes, but deep down they’re holding back an unprofessional laugh. He doesn’t really have any particular class he excels in, he’s a jack of all trades, master of none. 
South Italy 
Lovino was the kid who was really, really emo in middle school but glew up sophomore year and now everyone thinks his post-edgy edginess is super attractive. He has a decent amount of friends, but he isn’t super popular. He doesn’t talk back to teachers, but he’ll tell of Gilbert sometimes, and because of his mouth he gets labelled as being funny, even if he wasn’t trying to be. He’s always really well put together- he’s a dress pants every day kind of guy. Like his brother, he’ll probably show up late with a drink in his hand, but instead of one of those “foofoo girly drinks”, he’s got straight up black coffee. He does well in history and government classes like Ludwig, which created a little bit of tension between the two. But unlike Ludwig, he does well because he’s just so damn opinionated. He was asked to be on the debate team, but he turned it down. Extra-curriculars aren’t his thing. 
Alfred is that guy. Everyone knows who Alfred is, but not in the same way everyone knows Gilbert. Alfred is the captain of the varsity football team, has a new girlfriend every other two months, party at my place, red solo cup kind of guy. He’s mad he didn’t get the class clown superlative, but in reality he just isn’t as funny. He’s the kid whose really nice, as long as you play a varsity sport. He doesn’t really communicate much outside of his big clique, but he’s super well known. He’s the guy who will add you on snapchat just to make a new streak, but never actually talk to you. He wins prom king in his junior and senior year. He’s just the gym class hero, likes to show off how much he can dead lift and bench press. He gets along with male history teachers too, just because they’re usually football fans. (Alfred is really, really bad in history, though.)
Arthur is the class president who everyone loves to hate. He’s snotty, uptight, and won’t send you homework answers even if your life depended on it. He has an “I’m better and more successful than everyone in this place” type of energy, but deep down, he’s a huge geek. He’s friends with Lukas and Vladimir, so at first everyone just assumes that he’s super chill and laid back, then he opens his mouth and all of that goes away. Girls love to pick on him, Michelle (Seychelles) started a running joke where her and her friends will all call him Draco Malfoy when he’s around. In reality, he just doesn’t know how to socialize very well. He’s a nice guy deep down, just kinda broken and defensive, and very few can see that. He does well in every class, just beating out Ludwig as Valedictorian. 
Francis is the leader of his little clique that’s full of guys who worship Lady Gaga, and girls who cuff their jeans and wear butterfly clips in their hair (if you know what I mean.) He’s very, very popular. He knows how to make people feel loved and important, and hypes everyone up in their Instagram comments. People will call him fake because he’s always just way too nice, but that’s just him. He’s the type of guy who will hit on anyone, even teachers, and he gets labelled as teachers pet for it (and he doesn’t deny it.) When him, Gilbert, and Antonio are in a class together, just get ready to know that it’ll be comedy central. He’s declared himself the sworn defender of underclassmen girls who get preyed on by upperclassmen boys. He does well in language classes, nobody knows it but he’s a little bit of a polyglot. He can speak English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, and Creole. Take that!
Ivan is the guy all the girls have a low key crush on, but everyone’s too afraid to talk to him because they know he comes off as intimidating, so Ivan is left thinking that nobody likes him. That is, until somebody sends him a screenshot of somebody’s snapchat story where they call him “daddy,” and his whole attitude takes a 180. It isn’t his fault he looks scary, he’s taller and bigger than everyone, and gets mistaken as a teacher sometimes. He gets the nickname “Rasputin” from Alfred because he comes off as terrifying, but a lot of girls just love him. In reality he’s just kind of shy, not very scary at all. Sometimes girls will ask to put hair ties and clips in his hair, just because, and he always flushes up when they do. He plays hockey for the school, and completely annihilates everyone on ice. He’s just cool like that. 
Yao is the kid in your statistics class who zones out all the time, only coming back to reality to make a snarky comment about the teacher under his breath for you to hear. He keeps to himself and his small group of friends, which is mainly just other eastern Asian kids he’s grown up with since middle school. He’s really active in civil rights, he cares a lot about his identity as a minority in the school, and would defend it viciously if need be. He does a lot of posting, talking, and writing about human rights, which is shocking since most people just assume he’s old fashioned based off the fact that he has so many old man mannerisms (ie. complaining about back pain and how he needs an acupuncture appointment asap.) Everyone calls him the grandpa friend, which is like a mom friend except he’ll give you hard candies he got at the Chinese Market instead of being your therapist when you’re upset. He does really well in government and business classes. 
Antonio is everyone’s best friend. Unlike Francis and Gilbert, Antonio’s presence is very, very calming, and he’s often put in the position of apologizing for his friends behaviors. He’s the one who has to talk to the police if they get caught goofing around in a place they shouldn’t be, or if Gilbert was “accidentally” driving 75 mph in a 45. Teachers always love Antonio, not because he gets super high grades, he’s just so friendly. He’s the kid who invited kids sitting by themselves at lunch to sit with him, and not for his personal benefit. Even if you aren’t close with him, Antonio would always be there for you if you’re upset in school. It’s hard not to be cheered up by him. He’ll go out of his way to make anyone laugh or smile, even if he acts a little inappropriate in the process. He does really well in science classes, especially biology and environmental. 
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☆ Rules & Information ☆
This is a blog dedicated to doing imagines surrounding my original human au. Here’s a description for each character's place in the au and rules for requests — I’ll be adding more characters as I get more comfortable writing for them.
*I did change the names of some characters so that they would reflect the countries they come from
*Also: this shit long, so strap in and get ready
☆Rules for Imagines☆
I’ll do imagines, or a bullet point list of up to 6 characters at one time, or a written scenario for up to 3 characters
I’ll also do nyos and genderbends of each character (ngl, I simp after nyo!America), their placement in the au won't change.
I include South Italy and Prussia in the axis, and Canada in the Allies
I’ll write fluff, smut, angst, and everything in between
I absolutely won’t write: incest, explicit sexual assault or excessive gore
The only time I will do romantic/sexual imagines for the characters who canonically have the physical appearance of people under 18 is if you explicitly state that you want them aged up, or if the reader is also underage. If you request adult x minor, I will discard your ask & invert your rib cage.
☆Rules for Matchups☆ 
Before submitting, check if they’re open or not, they won’t always be due to not wanting my page cluttered with them
When requesting, include personality, interests, dislikes, any pets you have, fun facts about yourself, and possibly clothing style
Don’t bother to include physical features as those will not be taken into account when pairing you up with someone
Include whether you want the matchup to be romantic, platonic, or one of each
☆Character Au Placements☆
North America
America | Alfred Jones, age 19
A young man that's cheerful and strong, with a strong sense of justice. He often can't read situations and has a habit of ruining the mood, whatever mood that may be. While he’s usually labeled as “incompetent”, he’s attending college (or university, depending where you’re from) to obtain a bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering. He plays as the pitcher on his college’s baseball team, able to throw a devastating fastball. He lives in a two bedroom apartment with his twin brother, Matthew. He had a crush on Amelia Earhart when he was younger, and it’s something that Matthew teases him about on a weekly basis. 
Canada | Matthew Williams, age 19
On the surface, he's an easygoing, softhearted and gentle young man, around his twin brother and close friends, however, he can be quite sassy, nearly bordering on rude on occasion. He's in his first year of college for a degree in statistics. For the college, he plays as the Center on the hockey team, where he lets out steam on his opponents. He has a pure white rag-doll cat named Kumajirou that follows him around his and Alfred's apartment. He curses regularly in french. 
United Kingdom 
England | Arthur Kirkland, age 23
He's either a quick-witted, sarcastic and stubborn man, or the paragon of a perfect gentleman. He enjoys reading, writing (although he doesn’t show anyone his stories), and embroidering. He’s gotten so skillful at it, that he has a well-traversed Etsy shop. He’s currently in his last year of getting his Postsecondary Education degree and a minor in linguistics. When he was a teenager, he was a delinquent, going to loud concerts, fighting, dyeing his hair wild colors, and smoking. While he says he’s over it, he still keeps various CDs of OK Go and The Rolling Stones, as well as band t-shirts. It’s something that his 3 older brothers refuse to let go of.
Estonia | Eduard von Bock, Age 19
He's a graduated honors student who has avoided many problems with wit. Usually in front of people he acts calm, logical, and businessman-like, but in private he’s actually pretty chill, albeit a bit quiet. He’s awesome with technology, and works part-time at his college as an IT advisor while he studies to get his Quality Control & Safety Technologies degree.
Latvia | Raivis Galante, age 15
He’s a boy who has been through quite a bit, making him an introvert, easily intimidated, and kind of a crybaby. He’s in his first year of high school, but due to him having an anxiety disorder, he does it digitally. The only problem is that he strives to have friends who are close to him and care for him unconditionally. He secretly likes to read cutesy romance novels from the young adult section.
Lithuania | Toris Laurinaitis, age 19
He's a patient, shy, and gentle person who has the ability to become pretty serious when he needs to be. He works as a librarian assistant while he decides between a degree in social work or education. He, unfortunately, usually over-thinks his decisions too much, causing him to have anxiety attacks. When he’s not working, he’s typically just dragged around by his close friend, Feliks, but he has a good time nonetheless.
Denmark | Mathias Køhler, age, 19
He’s a genuine sweetheart who often accidentally always yells. While he is kind, he’s also a bit thick-headed, although he always has the best of intentions. He considers himself to be very close to his friends, especially to Lukas, although the other man’s opinion on the matter is about the opposite. He attends college for a master’s degree in, surprisingly enough, Business Administration. When he isn’t studying, he enjoys clinging to his friends and drinking. He has the habit of playing online video games with Alfred and Gilbert for way too long at a given time. He also gets oddly competitive over his degree with Tino. 
Finland | Tino Väinämöinen, Aged 20
He's a gentle, cheery young man with a tendency to like the more simplistic things in life. He seems very mature, yet can be childlike. He loves relaxing in saunas, especially with his close friends. He has a small Maltese pup named Hanatamago who attends dog shows. When he’s not attending dog shows, he does online college for a masters in Medical Assisting. 
Iceland | Emil Steilsson, age 17
He’s a mysterious boy with a cool exterior and a hot interior, being a bit easy to provoke with teasing. His older half-brother often insists that he was ‘born in his emo phase’. He taught his pet puffin (geniously named Mr. Puffin) a lot of profanity in Icelandic, Norwegian, and English. He attends high school, which he is absolutely over. On a side note, even though Lukas is his half-brother, he often refuses to have any connection to him whatsoever in public. 
Norway | Lukas Bondevik , age 18
He is, like his half-brother, very introverted. However, he is considerably more cold to strangers, but to his close friends, he can (sometimes) be very sweet. He just recently finished highschool, but intends on going straight into college for an Applied Data Science degree. He practices Modern Paganism, or Wicca, as his religion. 
Sweden | Berwald Oxenstierna, Aged 21
He’s a guy with an intimidating air who doesn’t talk much. On the inside he’s playful, but it doesn’t show at all and he just seems intimidating. He works as a carpenter after he went to a trade high school, a job that he greatly enjoys. Other than that, he likes decorative arts and being a part of debates on his free time. While he can create furniture out of wood scraps without any blueprints, he can’t put together IKEA furniture to save his life. 
Eastern Europe
Belarus | Natalia Arlovskaya, age 19
While she can be extremely possessive over her older brother and sister, she means well. She openly looks up to both of them, as they are the only two people in her life that have remained constants. She lives with both of them in a house and works part-time at her sister’s flower shop. She’s also a part-time online student with a pursuit of a criminology degree.
Russia | Ivan Braginski, age 21
He has the simplicity of a country bumpkin, an easy-going personality, and the cruelty of a child, all mixed together. Coupled with his personality traits and the fact that he’s well over 6 feet tall, he constantly (and accidentally) gives off an intimidating air. He attends college for a Avionics Technology bachelor's degree. Deep down, he’s incredibly passionate about ballet, more specifically Russian ballet, his favorite being Don Quixote, with Sleeping Beauty as a close second.
Ukraine | Katyusha Braginskaya, age 24
Ivan and Natalia’s older sister who always recklessly gets dragged into their messes. She's an absolute sweetheart who strives to make the people around her happy, even at her own expense. She can be very emotional. She owns a flower shop where she let’s her younger siblings work part-time while they go to school.
Central Europe
Germany | Ludwig Beilschmidt, age 20
He's a young man with an overly serious personality and a pessimistic nature. He's very by-the-book and has a pet peeve for a lack of cleanliness. He attends college for mechanical engineering and dorms with Feliciano and Kiku. His older brother, Gilbert, regularly breaks in and hangs out with them. His hobbies are reading, making sweets and taking walks with his dogs (that live with Gilbert). He’s in a garage band with the three aforementioned guys. He does, however, want to be a soldier like the other members in his family. Unfortunately, due to an injury to his leg that he sustained as a kid, he can’t. 
Hungary | Elizabeta Héderváry, age 26
She’s a sweet, reliable woman with a bit of a boyish streak. For a career, she works doing maintenance on a farm that belongs to a close friend, Basch (Switzerland). In her free time, she likes riding horses, going hiking and practicing instruments, one of which is the tekerőlant. She has a young child, Julian (Kugelmugel), from a previous relationship with her ex fiance, Roderich (Austria). Thankfully, things are civil between the two.
Liechtenstein | Lili Zwingli, age 15
She’s the darling, adoptive younger sister of Basch (Switzerland). She has a big heart and helps out on her brother’s farm wherever she can, and because she spends so much time on the farm, she’s gotten decently close to Elizabeta. She enjoys feeding, brushing, and cuddling her two angora rabbits on her free time, as well as knitting. Sometimes she’ll submit her bunnies to be participants in rabbit shows (Cocoa has 1 and Cinna-bun has 3).
Poland | Feliks Łukasiewicz, age 19
He has a fierce anxiety towards strangers, and upon a first meeting, he'll act very shy. Once he gets used to someone, he'll act goofy and a bit childish, clinging onto his closest friends. He attends college for a degree in fashion design and marketing. He is also very opinionated. He often drags his friends to Francis’ patisserie for cute aesthetic pictures. 
Prussia | Gilbert Beilschmidt, age 24
He comes off as rude, loud and self-centered, but he’s actually incredibly sweet and loyal almost to a fault. He’s catholic and takes his religion seriously to the point of keeping a cross necklace with him nearly all the time. While he wanted to join the army like the rest of his family, his albinism keeps him from being able to. Because of this, many members of the family see him as the Family Disappointment™, causing a strain between him and them. Unrelated, but when Ludwig lived with him, he caught Gilbert trying to play all three parts of Suite en trio, Op. 59: I. Serenade by himself with all three instruments at 2 in the morning.
Switzerland | Basch Zwingli, age 25
He’s an intimidating man with a soft heart. He owns a farm that has been in his family for generations, and it’s a job that he’s greatly proud of and fiercely protective over. He has technically adopted Lili as a daughter, but they both view each other as siblings. Regardless, Francis has still referred to him as a DILF before. He doesn’t understand what it means, and Elizabeta has assured him that he doesn't want to. On a more pure note, he enjoys attending rabbit shows whenever there’s any in the area, and has encouraged Lili to participate in them with hers.
Seychelles | Veronique Bonnefoy, age 17
She’s a southern country girl with a big heart. She's a bit sloppy and has the tendency to laze around when the weather gets warmer. She often laments over her being lonely to her friends, especially to Alfred and Matthew. She enjoys cooking, singing, and dancing. She takes after her brother figure (technically adoptive father), Francis, being a bit of a romantic herself. She’s in her senior year of high school, and is excited to be done with it. Once she ate pizza rolls in front of Francis and he almost cried. 
China | Yao Wang, age 19
He’s a (mostly) easy-going person, if not a bit of a hermit. He works as a waiter currently, but attends several courses in hopes of getting his food-handlers permit to, one day, open his own authentic Chinese food restaurant. He lives with his 5 other siblings, all of which jokingly refer to him as “grandpa” due to how often he complains about back pain and makes acupuncture appointments every 2 weeks. When his 6th sibling, Kiku, moved out for college, he was pretty salty. In his free time, he mostly plays Mahjong the practices the Érhù. He’s unabashedly likes and collects cute things such as small charms and plushies.
Japan | Kiku Honda, age 19
While, at first glance, he seems quiet and serious, he can actually be quite goofy and irresponsible with his money, buying anime memorabilia and American comic books. It’s something that one of his roommates, Ludwig, lectures him about quite a bit. His other roommate, Feliciano, sees nothing wrong with it. He attends college for a degree in animation. He enjoys messing with machines and drawing.
South Korea | Im Yong Soo, age 16
He’s a hyperactive young man with strong aspirations when it comes to schooling. He shows the upmost respect to strangers and his elders alike, but when he’s around friends and immediate family he tends to be more loud and silly. He’s currently knee deep in the K-pop wave sweeping the world and practices idol dances on tiktok. 
Taiwan | Mei Xiao, age 18
She is a strong-willed, fashionable young woman, but she's also said to have become more of a nervous type in recent times, unable to stop worrying. She has the tendency to be a bit smart-mouthed with a somewhat quick temper. Other than that, she has a sweet and cheerful disposition. She lives with all of her siblings (China, Japan, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Korea, and Thailand) and works as a hostess as a restaurant while she takes a break from schooling. 
France | Francis Bonnefoy, age 24
He's someone who does things at his own pace and has an abundance of affectionate expressions for friends, family, and strangers alike. He owns his own patisserie which has become increasingly popular as a spot for dates and hipsters to eat cute, artfully made sweets and drink aesthetically pleasing coffees and teas. He loves culture and the arts, as well as paintings and clothing.
North Italy | Feliciano Vargas, age 20
He's a cheerful guy who can be a little bit of a crybaby. While he relies on his friends a lot, he deeply cares for them. He's attending college for a fine arts degree where he shares a dorm room with Ludwig and Kiku. He enjoys painting, singing and designing clothes. Also, while only a few people know this, he can play both acoustic and electric guitar. He’s in a garage band with Ludwig, Kiku, and Gilbert
South Italy | Lovino Vargas, age 22
He constantly starts arguments and fights, however he’s also a bit of a coward. He has the ability to be hardworking, but often doesn’t out of laziness. While he’ll never admit it, he’s quite the hopeless romantic, striving to find someone who will love him despite his flaws. He’s in college to obtain a bachelor's in agricultural studies with a minor in history, but absolutely refused to share a dorm with his younger brother, who he often teases about choosing to get a ‘useless art degree.’ He enjoys gardening, dancing, and playing the acoustic guitar in his free time. He also likes sketching, but due to feeling insecure, he never shows people his work, or even tells them that he does it.
Spain | Antonio Fernandez Carriedo, age 24
While he can be oblivious and even insensitive, he’s a generally friendly person with a cheerful deposition. He works as a bartender in a decently popular bar in the downtown of his city that’s within walking distance of his house. When he’s not working, he enjoys playing the flamenco guitar and practicing dancing. Since he’s very sociable, before work, he typically stops by Francis’ pastry shop to talk to him as he closes up.
Also, did you know that, in canon, Feliciano can play electric guitar and Ludwig can play the drums?? What I’m saying is: punk garage band w/ Kiku on vocals. Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk.  
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thenuggetstealer · 3 years
Okay so these's are random things for Tino and Berwald in the highschool au sooo
- Tino has a lot of siblings. He has two brothers and three sisters
Eduard (Estonia), Helenna ( Helenski), Klara (Åland islands), Yannia (Jyväskylä), Amethyst
- Tino is blood related to Elizaveta, Lukas, Emil, Ivan, Katyusha, and Natalia though he has a cousin like relationship will Toris, Feliks, Vladimir, and soon to be born Ravis
- Tino is obsessed with art and joined drama club. He is an outstanding artist and I will say more in part two about it.
- As a child Tino was highly athletic. He used to play baseball and hockey but when they moved to America his mom refused to let him play hockey and it took a lot of will power to convince his mom to let him continue baseball.
- Berwald is blood related to Ludwig, Gilbert, Vash, Lille, and Tilla (Stockholm)
- Matthias is Berwald's half brother
- When Berwald met Tino he absolutely loved tino's accent when he spoke. Tino wasn't the best so he messed up a lot of words
Part 2 hcs
- Berwald joined the army for 3 years and moved back and got a job on the homicide unit with Ludwig
-Berwald married Tino and they had a BIG family together
- Tino does commissions for porcelain dolls and has a successful youtube channel and webcomic. His main job is working at a flower company.
- Hanatamago is a samoyed
- They have a pet hamster named charles and another dog named pentu who is a Saint Bernard
- They adopted Alfred and Matthew after their mother passed
- now let me get on to their children, they have a lot of kids, I don't know if they adopted or they just magically appeared butttttt
Alfred, Matthew, Peter, Oscar, Ravis, Klara, then we got some small kids by the names of, Tobi, Asgardian, Clement, and Octavia
- spoiler most of them die
- Klara joined the family after her aunt in Finland died. Berwald was very happy to have her as a daughter
- Ravis joined the family after Toris made the decision to get his life together in a mental health hospital, Ed couldn't take care of him either because he was firstly a teen and he was also trying to recover from drug abuse
- Helenna is studying forensics and will one day join homicide with Ber a Ludwig
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dark9896 · 6 months
Sonic Speed Monkey AU
Tumblr media
Based on these sketches
The second largest (just behind Dog) and the one with the least amount of flight response. His knuckleduster is just a discarded cross necklace that he found. Very protective of the other Speed Monkeys and won't hesitate to rally the rest of Libra to help with things.
He has to constantly find something to activate Esmerelda Blood Freeze, though it has such a limited range that he's more effective just kicking his opponents... No one knows that the excess shadows tailing him are actually his goon squad. Only really loyal to and protective over Klaus.
The smallest little monkey and the one who is constantly and consistently in trouble the most. Squints mostly because of all the sand that gets in his eyes until he found a pair of toy goggles to wear.
Lil terrorist. Sets fire to a lot of things without activating his blood technique. Usually causing trouble for everyone (especially Klaus and Leo) and gets pissed when little kids call him a "Shiny". But will do whatever you want for enough bananas.
The calmest of them all, but that's because he's a hybrid of Speed Monkey and Sea Monkey. Can breathe both air and water without equipment and has little issue swimming versus jumping (though he hates running with wet fur). He will not hesitate to use his blood trident (especially to snag food from far off).
The most silent of them all, always sneaking around and getting things she wants. Has a massive stash of broken, shiny junk hidden in a little alcove very well hidden from prying eyes.
The largest and sweetest little monkey, except for Deldro being his blood. Usually very popular with small children because of his tame demeanor as he is always getting petted and given treats. Up until Deldro pops out... with his background being very similar with Aligula meshing the two together through (whatever method she was able to do)
A very skinny monkey, also a hybrid with natural regenerative abilities. Has looked after Klaus since he was young and keeps up with a small, abandoned playhouse for the Libra Monkeys to gather at. He manages to find all the best food (but almost forces everyone to share if it weren't for Klaus being just as stubborn about that).
Constantly throwing things that look like guns at people to protect other Monkeys. Keeps up with a large brood of Monkeys as her family, and Libra as a secondary family. As soon as she finds/ makes 'working' guns, she just keeps up with a ton of rocks to fire.
One of the most serious Monkeys, always carrying a toy suitcase full of scraps of paper from different restaurants so he remembers where the best dumpsters are. Goes all over the city and only occasionally runs with the rest of Libra.
Annoyed by all the other Monkeys and tries to avoid them... doesn't work at all since he gets into a lot of trouble. Just grumpy all the time and grumbling whenever he has to play nice with Libra.
Vicious Monkey, will not play nice... unless you have food. He fights all the time and has lost feet from having to escape traps. But he still has blood abilities to keep moving and stealing food. Doesn't associate with Libra much... but has been around Zapp and Zed enough to teach them how to survive.
An actual little terrorist trying to cause as much chaos as his little paws can. Can and will bite people, even if given food. Has no problem with releasing all the animals in shelters and pet shops.
Constantly stalking Dog and being a little terrorist about it. High-speed races through the city trying to get him. She knows how to rig machinery and work vehicles.
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erable-writes · 4 years
Prucan Week Day #6: Noble Souls
Day 6: Partnership, Duality, Union
Matthew didn't know why he was here. 
Really, he didn't belong. The gathering was for nobles, meant for the highest class and the most pure of blood. That was not Matthew. Sure, Matthew lived in a castle, but that was as good as it got for him. unfortunately, Alfred had decided that instead of leaving Matthew at home, he needed someone to accompany him to the “Grand Seasonal Banquet” or some equally pretentious name. Matthew had not wanted to, partly because he was painfully shy, mostly because of the aforementioned not royalty thing, but Alfred was the one housing him, and therefore the one in charge of him, so he couldn't really say no.
Matthew sometimes wondered how different his life would be if he was truly royalty. Sure, it would probably be easier to be a royal. He wouldn't be the first in line, so his only job would be to look presentable, maybe talk to visiting aristocrats every once in a while. That part seemed appealing. However, Matthew was also acutely aware of the fact that he would not be a highly respected noble. The world maintained a certain order, and Matthew happened to be born into a low standing. He wasn't upset by it, not at all. He lived with his papa Francis in a small community, where he knew everyone by heart and did not fear being criticized or gossiped about. He was never on display, never the central focus of anything. That held its own comfort.
In short, Matthew was fairly certain that if he were truly a nobleman, he would crumble under the pressure.
But the world had not been kind to him or his people, and so Francis had sent him away to the Honeyfield Kingdom. At that point, it had been pure luck that he had stumbled upon Crown Prince Alfred, who had exclaimed delightedly (read: loudly) that they had the same face and promptly insisted that he come to the castle for further investigation. It had then been proven that they were not blood siblings (shocking, Matthew had thought dryly, though Alfred had looked genuinely surprised), but that didn't deter Alfred. Instead of sending Matthew on his way, like any sane person, he had instead declared Matthew ‘Charge of the Castle of Honeyfeld’, which was fancy speak for ‘Adopted Brother’. This was all fine, in theory, but now it had led to this night, which meant Matthew really wished he had never met the hyper blond, no matter how much his life had improved.
Matthew didn't really like people.
Which was perfectly fine, he thought, because people didn't like him much either. Ever since he had moved to Honeyfeld, he was often subject to double-takes, side-glares, open gawking, and other forms of not-so-subtle scrutiny. Although, he couldn’t exactly blame the citizens either. 
He was a moth, in firmly bee territory. In all honesty, he’d probably gawk at himself too.
Yes, Matthew was a moth, not a butterfly, despite how colourful his wings were. It was an unfortunate truth that moths were low class citizens, Often seen as dirty and ugly, not good for anything but work or wilderness. Matthew thought this was awfully generalized, as outsiders to his hometown had often commented on how lovely the villagers wing colours were, only to flush and stammer when told they were in a moth township. Matthew was often saddened to see his people suffer when they had truly done nothing to deserve it. However, despite his protests and advice to Alfred, there was never anything that could be done. 
If Alfred was ignoring that Matthew was a moth, or if he didn’t care, Matthew was uncertain.
And yet, despite knowing that Matthew was not fit to be in a gala, full of lords and ladies that would look down on him and sniff haughtily and call him ‘Alfred little pet’, Alfred still brought him along.
“It will be fun!” He announced.
For one of us.
“I need to bring along my loyal advisor! Everyone would be delighted to meet you!”
They would be delighted to mock me.
“C’mon, I need my brother by my side!”
Well, Matthew couldn't really argue with that. So now he was here. At the biggest, most lavish, most expensive party in all the kingdoms. Joy.
Matthew shuffles his wings nervously (causing a few people to skitter back a few inches), trying to rearrange them to press closer to his back as if they would disappear. He quickly runs a hand through his hair, making sure his antennae are adequately covered, and sighs.
“Mattie! What’re you doing over there! C’mere!”
Mustering the best smile he can, Matthew rejoins his brother.
In all fairness, the party isn’t bad. The music is nice, the food is excellent, and no one has any desire to talk to Matthew, which is great for him. Nothing truly terrible has actually happened to him, and it likely won’t, considering he has the crown prince backing him. Still, Matthew cannot simply enjoy the party. Every person that passes leaves him on edge. Anyone that walks up to him to speak to his brother makes him nervous. He would really rather be at home, with a good book and a warm drink. At least in Honeyfeld Castle, he was well enough known that the attendants knew not to stare. Here he was exposed, left completely open to any snide look or shocked expression. He felt a bit like a spotlight had been placed above him. Even when he was alone, off to the side, the prickling feeling of eyes on him never left. He didn’t like it. 
A hand suddenly connects with his shoulder, and Matthew jumps, letting out a small gasp as his wings instinctively flare out. He whirls his head to face the attacker, only to come face to face with Alfred. Matthew relaxs, his wings resuming their neutral position as he smiles to his brother. Alfred offers him a comforting smile in return, pity shining through his eyes.
“Hey, Mattie. There's nothing to be scared of, alright? No one's going to hurt you. I’ll make sure of it.” If only that's what Matthew was worried about. Then he could have taken comfort in those words. As it stood, Matthew returned the gesture with a meek nod and a small ‘thank you’ as he continued to subconsciously scan the room. Alfred sighs, drawing Matthew close into a protective hug.
“Relax. Enjoy the party for a little bit. and watched out for the prince of eye-- ees-- ah... The ones with the funny accent. He’s been eyeing you up all night.” Eisenrinde, Matthew tries to correct, but Alfred chooses to take his leave at that moment. “Ridiculous,” Is Matthews next thought, “He doesn't even know which kingdom his own allies are from.”
The Prince of Eisenrinde was watching him?!
Matthew whirls, frantically trying to confirm this fact. How could he have missed that? There was no way. He couldn't possibly have overlooked something as massive as the Prince of the most militaristic kingdom eyeing him up. And if it was true, Matthew might as well throw in the towel. The only feasible reason someone would be watching him would be because they were disgusted by him, and Matthew wasn't exactly fit to fight. He would be so absolutely and entirely dead. Truly, this had just become the worse night of his life.
Suddenly, Matthew saw him.
The Prince of Eisenrinde (His name was Gilbert, Matthew remembered) was not a very imposing man, at least physically. Matthew was actually fairly certain he was taller than Gilbert. Unfortunately, that was Matthew's only real advantage. Gilbert was much stronger than his height showed, with fortified chitin plating and an absolutely terrifying spiked ridge that ran from the back of his neck to the middle of his back. As if he wasn't already the most intimidating man on the face of the Earth, Gilbert also sported eyes the colour of blood, which was fine when he was a country away but not fine when he was in the same room as MAtthew and also staring him down.
Did Matthew mention that Gilbert was staring at him like he committed a felony? Because that was also happening.
Timidly, Matthew met the gaze of the Life-Ender (He was scared, he’ll come up with a better nickname later.)
There was a sudden warmth to his cheeks, and the room seemed to go silent. The only thing Matthew heard was his heart beating, every instinct in his body telling him that whatever problems he had were irrelevant as long as he was looking at Gilbert.
Oh no.
Gilbert also seemed to be aware of the feeling, as his eyes widened ever so slightly.
Oh shit.
Gilbert smirks at him, raising one hand slightly and gesturing for Matthew to come to him.
Prince Gilbert of Eisenrinde was his soulmate.
Matthew gulped nervously.
He was so fucked.
What's this? Two posts in one day (at least in my timezone)? I’m surprised too. This is Royalty/Soulmate AU, With Canada as a peasant and Prussia as a royal. This little bug bit has been floating around in my head for a while, so it's nice to actually write it out. Maybe I’ll do more for this world?
(If anyone is curious, Canada is a Harlequin Moth, Prussia is a Wheel Bug, and Alfred is a Bumble Bee.)
[Edited, so any more errors are just me being stupid.]
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AU - yes! Time Travel -no?
C. 2 here ; C. 1 here; AO3 here. Enjoy!
Chapter 3
Bonnie Bennett had begun her day with a slow calming chant of Don’t let him get to you, her thought firmly centred around one Damon Salvatore, a true thorn in her side since he’d first arrived in town not too long ago. She’d woken up slowly, light filtering through her blinds and shrouding the whole room in a husky shade of caramel, the lingering scent of citrus from the candles burnt the night before giving the room an all to homely feeling. She could hear her dad bustling downstairs, most likely getting some coffee for the road. It was fairly early still, but she had free-period the first half of the day and she was skipping the rest - life ending crises a good enough reason even if Mrs Jason still claimed that unless you were actually dead you had to show up for math class. She laid in bed a few more minutes, listening to her dad get dressed and slip out the door. She wondered for not the first time whether it would be better off if she tried to tell him all about this witch vampire mess again, but Grams had wanted him out of it, and he had wanted out of it after her mom left, so for the thousandth time she put it out of her mind. 
She showered, changed and climbed down to get the little mug of coffee her dad always left out for her, dropping more sugar into it than a candy store had on its selves. Elena had once joked that if she didn’t end up making it big she would always work as an oompa-loompa for Willy Wonka for how much sugar she dumped into her coffee each day. Bonnie was still not sure if Elena thought that was just a good joke or if she just hadn’t understood the Chocolate Factory as a child. Caroline just liked to pat her on the shoulder with a wistful look on her face, like she wished she had Bonnie’s devil-may-care attitude about it - which ironically seemed to have not been the case even now as a vampire who ate more than a Quarterback. 
The noise of Jeremy knocking on the door startled her out of her thoughts enough to almost spill the coffee on her shirt. Almost being the key word thankfully, so she dropped the mug into the sink and swung her bag over her head and headed for the garage. They were meant to meet Damon on the edge of the former Salvatore Estate, just off of the main road, by the woods, from where he’d then show her where the former Salem witches had been burned some centuries ago and where the Founders had burned Emily as well. Klaus was a threat hanging over their head constantly at this point. 
On their way Jeremy began telling her about Isobel’s impromptu visit earlier this morning and how poor Aunt Jenna had locked herself in her room following it. Bonnie felt sorry for the woman, she definitely didn’t deserve to be lied to like that, but Bonnie also felt that telling her the whole truth would’ve been equally unfair. The least Alaric could’ve done was say that his wife was missing rather than dead, but that was none of her business at the end of the day. They talked some more as they waited, they’d arrived a bit early after all, and Bonnie realised once again just how different Jeremy now was, and how nice it was to see him so invested in her. She wasn’t sure yet if she actually liked him like that, but she definitely could imagine how sweet and thoughtful he’d be as a boyfriend. And she needed someone frankly. Seeing Elena with her two Salvatore’s bending over backwards to rescue her from any and every inconvenience and now Caroline complaining about having been kissed by both Matt and Tyler made her frustrated. Less so for the fighting over her situation, that sounded exhausting, but rather for the constant work she had to put into herself to even be noticed. Maybe she should move for college, she had a feeling Virginia might be part of the problem here as well, though she did find it hilarious how both Matt and Tyler had initially dated her before either moved on to Elena or Caroline. Then it just made her sad. Was it something about her that pushed them away?
She remembered with sudden clarity asking that to her Grams and the hour long lecture following her words, of how she was a strong woman, how boys wouldn’t be able to handle someone like her until later, how she should still enjoy herself and not be tied down to a boyfriend from middle school onward because then you saw what could happen - exhibit a through z Elena’s many rants about Matt. She’d listened but not believed her Grams. She still wasn’t sure if she believed her Grams but she did know she wanted someone for her own now, hell, she needed someone with all the stress and violence her life had suddenly turned to. And Jeremy was safe, and cute, and had puppy dog eyes for her and vived for her attention. Was part of her thinking she was settling? Maybe. Did she care? Not really. And speaking of not caring, where the hell was Damon at? He was already late by 15 minutes. Don’t let him get to you. Her inner voice chimed again.
“Jere, how about we just head to the Boarding House? Clearly someone is looking to be set on fire.” Jeremy laughed and nodded. He clearly thought Bonnie was joking, but oh boy couldn’t he be more wrong. Bonnie was 1000% setting Damon on fire if he didn’t come up with a good enough excuse. 
Rose waited and watched. Jeremy Gilbert was off to the side, looking completely eager and completely in over his head as Bonnie and Damon were arguing about the best course of action following her short introduction into what she knew. And if they thought that was all she could tell them, then obviously they were still underestimating her which frankly was a bit condescending seeing as she was at least 2 years older than the Bonnie currently glaring at Damon. But she’d guessed that would be the reaction she was going to get when she made her choice to be as dramatic as possible. Mom used to say she got it from dad, but seeing the two younger versions of them interacting now she could safely say she got it from both. God knows those eye rolls and ridiculous insults were exaggerated as hell. How did these two people become her slow dancing in the kitchen on a random Thursday evening parents?
“Excuse me?” she tried, weakly, but still she gave it a shot. Jeremy looked over to her then at the still arguing duo then back at her with a look that seemed to say this is just an ordinary Monday for them. “EX-cuse ME!” she tried again, this time much louder but nothing. She sighed. Lost cause.
“If you would’ve let me pick you up like I said initially, you wouldn’t be here wanting to blow my head up now Judgy!”
“If you’d know how to use a phone like a normal person, I wouldn’t have waited needlessly for you for hours Damon!”
“Oh please, it was barely 5 minutes.” he scoffed and Jeremy piped up with a it was fifteen technically that Damon just elected to ignore it seemed. Sometime he did remind Rose of her dad. 
“It doesn’t matter! We’re dealing with Klaus! A 5 seconds text shouldn’t be something I need to tell you to do!” Aaannd sometimes she reminded Rose of her mom. Great, now she had anxiety again. And lord knows her mom won’t just raise her voice to yell at her for ending up here like this Bonnie was doing, no no, her mom would have a level voice that somehow would hurt far more. She needed a distraction. She also needed to figure out what was about to happen around this time. Like she remember her dad mentioning that Alaric had gotten possessed at some point and that he and mom had danced at a school 60s event - which she had to ask who actually came up with that stuff, because while Lizzie definitely loved a nice theme party, she still went with like a hava night, or a rock theme or an Austrian ball or something more generic but more fun, not a decades dance. Digressing though, Rose knew these facts, but she didn’t know anything immediate. She needed more information. More inside information.
“Guys, could you take a break and answer a few questions for me first?” she tried one more time. To no avail. So hard times ask for hard measures or something like that and stubborn younger versions of her parents call for her parents usual solve to stubborn daughter fighting with her friends voice so she did her best to channel her mom’s level tone and her dad’s intimidating presence and for someone not actually related to them she though she did a good job seeing as Bonnie and Damon turned in unison to glare at her before being reminded of where they were and what was going on here. She was actually pretty proud of herself for that feat.
“So as I was trying to say, can you give me run-down of what’s been happening here?” 
“Oh, I’m sorry, weren’t you the one who knew everything?” Damon commented snidely and Rose almost high-fived Bonnie when both her and Rose said in unison.
“Oh, you know what sorry means?” Bonnie off to the side.
“Oh, so you agree I was right?” Rose with a grin.
Damon  seemed to take a moment to grit his teeth and bite back his words before shaking his head, giving a smirk and walking right past Rose to pour himself a glass of bourbon and spread out onto the couch in seeming nonchalance. Rose would almost commend his acting here, if he didn’t also irritate her with it. Who knew dad used to be such a child… well, more so than in her universe...time?
“Damon, she didn’t say she knows everything and don’t be a dick. She’s the only one willing to help us here.” Bonnie on the other hand, Rose was beginning to appreciate more and more. Maybe she was more Mom’s pet in the past than Dad’s pet as she was used to.
“Thank you, Bonnie. And no, I don’t know everything I just know a lot, but I still need to have the full picture and all the players to tell which is the best plan of attack here. As I said, you can’t kill Klaus, but you also don’t want him to become a hybrid right? That means we need to take every variable in consideration.” she argued and saw both Bonnie and Damon share a look before seemingly agreeing with her point of view. And boy was the Klaus of her universe going to laugh himself stupid when/if she made it back and told him his lessons in planning schemes - her dad’s turn of phrase not hers of Klaus’ - had been what had helped her most here. Oh irony, you cruel, opportunistic bitch. 
“Bonnie was meant to take on over 100 dead witches’ energy today, it’s why we were waiting for Damon, he knew where they’d died.” came the first important nugget of information from the most - or least? - expected person, Jeremy Gilbert himself. Rose smiled at him in gratitude, glad at least one person was listening. 
“Ok, that’s still going to be useful so maybe you should do that anyway and meanwhile I’ll see what Katherine's hiding?” Rose suggested and she didn’t even need to think before knowing that Damon was going to disagree with her - her dad still made that face whenever she and her friends planned something he thought was too dangerous or risky. Bonnie however seemed more receptive. 
“No way! Do you even know what that bitch is capable of?” as she said, predictable.
“Damon, I think she might be right. You know Katherine is planning something, no way is she helping from the goodness of her heart and she won’t say anything to any of us.” Ah, how she loved her mom’s pragmatism at times - except when she was 14 and wanted a pony, then she much rather preferred her dad’s personal brand of impulsiveness that not only got her the pony she’s wanted since 5 but also made a stable off a little way further from the house.
“And she is still keeping Katherine knocked out.” Jeremy was quickly becoming Rose’s favourite person, no joke. He was full of wonderful insight and 100% helping her barely formed ideas come to fruition. She smiled proudly and nodded to the still unconscious vampire on the floor. She elected to ignore outright looking at the woman for now, too weirded out by the 1 to 1 replica of Elena to feel comfortable with it. Doppelgangers were too much for her. It was like evil clones, her dad had explained when he tried to make her understand how the whole doppelganger thing even worked - something about the universe or some chick named Tessa or another, she hadn’t been paying too close attention by that point. Their lives were very convoluted in her opinion. 
Damon seemed to consider this possibility then, taking another large sip of bourbon and looking directly at Rose as he did so, before slamming the glass onto the end table by the foot of the couch and jumping to his feet. 
“Alright, fine, then Bon-Bon, you me and little Gilbert need to head off. Rosie-Posie, you get the Queen of Hell. Good luck to you, you’re going to need it. The bitch hasn’t told the truth a day in her life.” 
Rose nodded, smiled and waved them off as they all got out and left to do what they’d planned to do. She couldn’t wait for that honestly, it would at least get Bonnie’s magic up closer to the levels Rose knew from her mom. But the Rosie-Posie was going to kill her the longer she stayed here. It was going to make her slip and call Damon dad and it would all implode into itself, because if she was weak to one thing, it was being her dad’s Rosie-Posie and while she was fully aware this wasn’t actually her dad, her heart didn’t care. All was left now was for her mom to brush her hair out of her eyes and she might just snap. She’d missed her parents far before she got herself stranded in a different universe - despite it having been barely a few hours - since she hadn’t been home in at least 2 months. Sure she’d seen them nearly every night, more mom than dad since dad tried to pretend he still was immune to missing his girls, but it wasn’t the same as hearing her dad from a few feet away, well within hug reach or feel her mom’s warm hand through her hair. Fuck, and now she was crying. This day couldn’t be going worse. Her eyes strayed to Katherine and she groaned. Oh, it could definitely get worse. It could get so much worse.
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bananonymity · 5 years
oh dear a hetalia university au
Alfred Jones - Film Studies
-Specializes in genre film, especially film comedy
-Class participation points is if you livetweet your observations and thoughts on a film that you watch in class with the hashtag #JonesJokes1100 (1100 is the course number)
-If you go to him for office hours he will spend half of the time recommending cult films to you
-Will find any excuse to screen at least one (1) Fast and Furious film in any of his class
-Hides snack food in the (public) classrooms he teaches in, will share with the class if a student finds it first
-thinks jean-luc godard is a punk bitch who weighs 20 pounds soaking wet
Arthur Kirkland -  Literature
-Children’s Literature and Fantasy specialization
-that one professor who bumbles into class in sweater vests and an entire teapot 
-”Hi everyone, class is canceled today. I couldn’t find a fucking parking spot.”
-Bring up in his class that Lord of the Rings is an allegory of WWII. I dare you.
-YouTube autoplay defeats him every time
Ludwig Beilschmidt - Advisor
-Poor man is responsible for arranging the schedules and eventual graduation of 18,000 students who eat spaghetti out of a shoe when they run out of plates
-Takes every panicked and not necessarily sober student’s frantic emails about a major change with weary stride
-Definitely drinks in the office
-Brings his dogs to campus for therapy dog Thursdays. Then proceeds to pet the dogs himself for two hours
Francis Bonnefoy- Studio Art (all credit for characterization goes to @thedisappointedidealist12 )
-A tortured contemporary artist who needs to teach millennials/gen Z students to appreciate and critique modern art
-makes it a goal in life to baffle and infuriate his students, but once in a blue moon would make a really good point in his lessons that blows everyone’s minds
-Forces students to go to gallery openings and art exhibits with him for extra credit so that he can talk to death about what he thinks about every piece to them
-will fail anyone who said ‘I could have painted that.”
-bonus: argues with Alfred all the time about the merits of French new wave cinema
Gilbert Beilschmidt - Political Science/History
-Leadership class to study famous leaders in history, how they exercised and spread their influence to the people.(is it just me or does Frederick the Great take up a lot more of the syllabus than the other topics?)
-Seemingly easy-going and a human disaster but once add-drop period is over your nose is on the grindstone and you realize that this man actually knows his shit plus some and also you might fail but hey, you’ll have fun doing it
-if his class survives the semester he will take them to the bar and buy them all shots
-”Dear Professor Beilschmidt, This is Xiao Mei from your Political Psychology class. Would it still be okay for me to take the final tomorrow at 12PM? Thank you for your time! Regards, Xiao Mei.” “whatever -- Sent From iPhone”
Elizaveta Hedervary- Gender Studies
-on one hand, she’s the professor who will invite students to her home to spend the holidays if they cannot go home for break
-on the other hand, there is a reason why No Other Faculty dares to take her parking spot
-she and Gilbert use the same class room back to back, which has led to petty territorial rivalries and pranks
-Will publicly drag you and your unfounded opinions in class in the gentlest, most ruthless manner
-You can skip the test if you beat her in arm wrestling in front of the class (spoiler alert: you can’t)
Lovino Vargas- Dining Hall Manager
-Makes it his life goal to change the campus’ perception of the dining hall food by working hard and cooking delicious food
-WILL complain with every breath about budget, quality of groceries, poor pay, and college students who think putting spaghetti-os on a piece of bread is a meal
-on the flip side, very attentive to the students, especially female students, and keeps an eye out for any sign of unhealthy or eating disorder and encourages them to eat wholesome meals. if he catches a student skipping meals because of workload, he will shove a bruschetta in their hands and glare at them until they eat
-a bit too scared to go on strike over pay, although Francis encourages it wholeheartedly
Antonio Carriedo- Librarian
-In the past, he and Arthur were rivals to graduate summa cum laude in their programs. now, Antonio is taking it easy
-Still unironically uses nineties style catalogue cards because it relaxes him, also his computer mysteriously malfunctions every time he tries to use it to locate a book for someone
-if you ask him for a book he will somehow have you sharing your life story right at the help desk for a good fifteen minutes. he WILL forget what book you were asking for
Yao Wang - Business
-Uses memes to stay relevant with the youth (“Don’t forget to YEET”)
-Often invites students to a group lunch after class is over and remembers all his old students’ names
-Don’t even think about trying to leave class early. He may not call you out but expect a threatening Office jpg to airdrop into your phone
-loves it when students bring their children to class, will hold the baby while lecturing
Emil Steilsson - First Year Undecided Student
-Freshman from Iceland, first time leaving his home and struggles to put himself out there to make friends or meet new people
-Raised in a large and close household but because he’s quite a bit younger than his brothers, doesn’t always feels like he belongs
-Also, his first time being away from his brothers, which gives him an anxiety that he will never admit
Leon Wang - First Year Film Studies Student
-Freshman from Hong Kong and Emil’s roommate
-Professor Wang’s kid brother; Yao Wang will bring him tupperware of home cooked Chinese meals every Thursday which Leon will not admit to deeply appreciating
-He will share all his food with you, but he will also eat all your food in return
-A bit of an age gap between him and his brother, and he was raised mostly in boarding schools in England growing up, so he doesn’t get to see his parents often and therefore unconsciously deals with a complex of feeling unwanted or shuffled around
-If he wasn’t such a nice kid Emil would probably have a nervous breakdown having Leon as a roommate (their tidiness levels are Very Different)
Michelle - Second Year Art Student
-Sophomore from Seychelles and fast friends of the boys
-Has a work study job at Professor Bonnefoy’s department
-She has trouble fitting in with the other students and often feels a bit left out from her peer group, despite her friendly efforts
-Because she pursues art, she often worries about her future job prospects, and lacks much confidence in her skills in any other field
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