#also as much as i complain about bizarro's opposite talking thing
roseworth · 2 years
what do you think of the rhato webtoon so far?
tbh! more than anything i think its just kinda boring.
i dont think the jason characterization is TOO terrible. i hated the "bad robin" stuff they were doing in the first few issues but they havent really brought it up since so whatever. honestly the plot immediately leaves my brain right after i finish reading it so maybe im misremembering this but?? they took the job to get the idol from just some guy and didnt ask any questions,,, including when martian manhunter tried to get it back,,,,,, idk! like babygirl you know better than this what r u doing!!! it seemed very odd to me that the fact that a justice league member was trying to stop them from taking this "family heirloom" wasnt an immediate red flag
as far as artemis and bizarro go its kinda eh. i hate hate hate how artemis's face is drawn, it looks too yassified to me. also she had some kind of she ra moment in one of the eps which felt very weird. i dont read a lot of artemis content so i cant rly say whether or not shes being written in character. shes a lot like she was in rhato 2016 and i liked her in that so! sure! but bizarro-wise ive mentioned this before but. the opposite talking gets old FAST. the one (1) thing i will give lobdell credit for is that he knew biz was gonna be a recurring character so he didnt do all that because it def gets annoying
anyways. aside from me being picky, overall its just kinda boring. the plot isnt very interesting and it feels like even when things happen, nothing is rly happening ??? idk. i think that webtoons are one of the worst ways to tell an actual story. like wfa works because its just a little slice of life thing and it shouldnt be taken seriously, so the webtoon is a nice format for that. but when rhato is trying to like. Tell A Story it doesnt really work to tell it in a webtoon
but i do like things about it! i think there are fun moments! i rly liked the ep where jason could tell that someone had replaced artemis because he knew exactly how she drew her sword :) that one was a nice one that stuck out to me. i also still think the art is very pretty even though they do artemis dirty
tldr: its fine, there are things i like about it and i have no strong moral objections to it, but its mostly just not very interesting
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occasionaloneshots · 3 years
You Belong With Me (Reddie’s Version)
Warnings: toxic relationship, swearing 
Closeted bi Richie x closeted gay Eddie
Words: 1.7k 
“You’re on the phone with your girlfriend, she’s upset.. She’s going off about something that you said, ‘Cause she doesn’t get your humor like I do.” 
     Eddie was bitter. Quite frankly the boy wondered if bitter was even a strong enough word. But he stuck with it, down right lemon sour, bitter. Richie was supposed to sleep over, just the two of them, like old times. But of course his girlfriend had to go and throw herself in their plans, it seemed like she always did. Eddie swore that the girl had it out for him, hell she had called his house to talk to Richie. So now, while Eddie sits across from a paused movie that he was never really interested in to begin with, he gets to listen to Richie trying to explain himself over nothing. At least Eddie thought it was nothing, nothing for Richie at least. 
      “No, baby, come on please don’t be like that,” Richie’s vice floats in desperately from kitchen. Eddie didn’t have to be in the room to see the exhaustion on the boy’s face. “It was just a joke, you know I love you more than anything.” If Eddie was right, Richie was scrunching the phone cord in his hand, he always seemed to do that if he was getting yelled at over the phone. Maybe that was an exclusive thing for phone calls from his father though, as he got chewed out for being late to leave or forgetting to call and say he would be staying for dinner. “I’m sorry okay? I’m so sorry I’ll never joke about that again, I swear.” Eddie scoffed, it’s not like she was involved in the joke, it was a joke about the losers. As far as he was concerned, Richie’s bitchy girlfriend would never be a loser, no matter how many times she invited herself along. If she doesn’t want to hear Richie’s crude jokes about Eddie’s mom, she shouldn’t invite herself to hang out with him and Eddie. Everyone knows that’s his thing. Why even get with a trashmouth if you just want to change him? Sure the joke wasn’t funny, but that was Richie. (If Eddie was honest, he slowly began to find Richie’s mom jokes funny, but maybe that was a cheap stab at his mother.)
    The dark haired boy wonders back into the room, falling back on the couch beside Eddie, “I’m sorry about that. Do you wanna finish the movie?” Eddie looks back at it for a moment, a random frame of Wayne’s World (Richie’s choice) staring back at him. “Not if you don’t want to, we could just go do something else,” Eddie plays with his fingers as he talks, looking up at the taller boy nervously. He wasn’t sure what made him so nervous about it though, maybe it was just knowing that Richie was upset. “Yeah, let’s just go to your room or something?” Eddie nods, turning off the tv as they stand up. Richie collects the blankets they were using off the couch, throwing them over his shoulder as Eddie grabs the popcorn bowl. It’s pretty quiet as they make it to Eddie’s room, both throwing themselves on his bed seemingly exhausted despite the fact that it was only nine-thirty. Suddenly Eddie jumps up, walking over to his bookshelf. “What ya doin’, Eddie Spaghetti?” Richie’s head lolls to the side, watching as the smaller boy scans the shelves. A red CD case resting in his hand as he opens the CD player on the shelf. “Don’t call me that, Rich. You’ll see.”
“I'm in my room, it's a typical Tuesday night, I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like”
      Meer seconds after Eddie closed the player, a familiar song began to boom out of the speakers. The opening cord of Ramones “Censorshit” making Richie’s face light up, “Is that my copy of Mondo Bizarro?” “It’s mine now, you gave it over, remember?” The dark haired boy rolls his eyes, getting up off the bed. “I didn’t give it to you, I let you hold on to it. Heidi hates this type music, she kept complaining about it so I wanted someone who would take care of it to watch it.” Eddie shrugs, “Gave it to me, told me to take care of it, same difference.” Richie didn’t respond though, instead, putting his arms out in front of him, pointer finger up on each hand like he was trying to silence a room, before breaking out into a dance. His curls flying around his head in a way that made his face hard to see as he moved. It was not a good dance, but one that had Eddie smiling and jumping around with him nonetheless. They were on the twelfth before they were exhausted enough that they had to sit back down. Both boys sitting with their legs crossed on opposite sides of the old bed, laughing.
      “God,” Richie pants, “I forgot how good that album was.” “Yeah, because all you’ve been listening to is Madonna,” the words ended with a scoff as Eddie shook his head, “You hated Madonna until you got with Heidi.” Richie stops mouthing the lyrics of “Heidi Is a Headcase” to scoff, “I still hate Madonna.” Eddie shakes his head, “Why are you even with her anyway?” He was mentally cursing himself the moment e said it. Eddie you fool, you absolute fool.
“'Cause she wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts, she's Cheer Captain and I'm on the bleachers”
      Richie simply shrugs in response, “I don’t know.” This leaves the other boy stunned for a minute. “You don’t know?” Richie had options, so many options, there was no reason for him to be with someone who makes him miserable, at least not one his friend could see. Richie got hot in high school, everyone knew that as much as they hated to admit it (especially Bill, who was a little too used to being the hot one of the group). He basically sprung up a whole foot the summer between eight and ninth grade, his face thinning out to reveal a sharp jawline and prominent cheekbones. He had that whole pretty boy thing going on which earned him more than a fair share of female attention, and even his fair share of attention from other guys, though they weren’t as open about it. 
     “I don’t know, I mean, she’s the cheer captain and I guess that part of me just wants what comes with that? But I want her too you know, even though it stresses me out. What would happen to me if I left her you know? We’re not really true losers anymore, I don’t want to drag the rest of you back down with me.” That was another thing, Richie started going to games just for the half time show to watch her cheer, dragging Eddie with him, and any other loser if he got the chance. Eddie sighs, shaking his head, “You wouldn’t become a total loser again, Rich. You’d just have every girl in the school throwing herself at you.” 
“And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town, I haven't seen it in a while since she brought you down”
   Richie laughs, a dry laugh that was no where near his normal one, “Yeah right, maybe I’ll go for Greta Keene next time. Fuck myself up in a different way.” Eddie scrunches up his nose, “Yuck, why would you say that? Greta?” “What?” Richie smirks, leaning over to shove his shoulder, “Is she your girl or something?” Eddie lets out a whiney groan, “That was the seventh grade will you please let it go?” In a game of truth or dare Eddie admitted to  lied about having a crush on Greta and Richie hadn’t let it go since. Eddie never talked about things like that, it wasn’t his thing. So of course the scrap Richie had, he would use. The taller boy burst out laughing, a genuine smile flashing across his face in a way that made Eddie smile too. “Dude you’re the one who did it.” 
    When the boy finally calmed down, Eddie gave him a soft smile, ”Seriously though, why don’t you break up with her, Richie? Cheer captain is not a valid reason to stay with someone.” “The rumors she would spread are a valid reason to stay. I don’t know if I would be able to handle that.” Eddie scoffs, leaning back against his headboard, “Who cares about rumors? Bev survived them, you could too.” Richie shakes his head, “I believed the rumors about Bev back then, the whole school did.” “That’s because you’re a fool, Rich. Seriously, you think anyone would care about the rumors she’d spread? What’s she gonna say? You have a small dick? Stan says that all the time,” Eddie shakes his head, “She’s not good for you Richie.” I could be though, the thought clouds his mind, though he’d never admit it out loud, Eddie was crushing on Richie so hard it was embarrassing. Some of the losers saw it though, just like how they saw his crush on Bill back when they were younger. At least, Bev and Stan did, though they’d never admit it, outside of the two of them, but Eddie was paranoid that Mike knew it too. If Mike asked him why he looked so upset while Heidi was on RIchie’s lap one more time, the boy thinks he might combust.       “Come on Eds, even if I wasn’t scared about rumors, who else would be willing to deal with me anyway? I’m lucky she even puts up with me.” And that made Eddie frown, “Rich,” he reached out, grabbing Richie’s hand, “The right person loves you, they don’t just put up with you because you’re hot.” Richie lets out another dry laugh, “Yeah, like someone out there is like that for me. Girls like that exist for Mikes and Stans, not me Eds.” Eddie shakes his head, watching as Richie pulls away, getting up to look in the mirror. “ think there’s someone out there like that for everyone. I mean, my dad loved my mom, at least as much as I remembered, and she’s my mom.” Richie shakes his head, “I guess you’ve got me there. Hey, maybe mine is also your mom.” And despite the fact that it was cheap, Eddie laughed at it. Mind barely holding in the words “what if it’s me?” Because, Eddie knew he wasn’t ready to open that can of worms yet, and Richie was no where near the right place for that. 
‘All this time how could you not know, baby? You belong with me, you belong with me”
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Flipping Off the Universe
Jaytemis Week 2020: Day 7: Scars/Wounds
Ao3 Link
Artemis huffed as she sent the last thug crumpling to the ground with the hilt of her axe. Finally. Those men were annoyingly resilient. She raised her hand to the comm in her ear to contact her team-mate– the Red Hood. “You good over there, Hood?”
The audio crackled to life. She could hear him panting: he’d likely just gotten out of a brawl himself. “Yeah. Think some guy nicked me. Nothin’ too bad though.” 
Her mouth twitched. “See you at the rendezvous point?”
“I might be a minute though, Arty. Don’t wait up.” 
“Nonsense. I must see how badly you messed up your beloved jacket.” Artemis snarked, leaping from the roof of one building to the next. Jason’s uneasiness about her having to wait, although adorable, was something she had a sneaking suspicion he was using to hide an injury. Being the only human on the team, he  tended to also fill the slot for ‘most injuries’. Jason wasn’t proud of that status.
By now, Artemis had been waiting much longer than she would have liked to. Patience was never her strong suit. She spoke into her comm again. “Hood, what’s your ETA?” 
The line was silent for a few seconds. “I told you not to wait up.”
“Arrival time, Hood.”
He sighed. “Don’t know. Five minutes?”
“If you’re not here by then, I’m coming to get you. You should know, if you’re hiding another injury, you will not be able to fool me.”
“Promise not to get mad Arty?”
Artemis pressed her lips into a line. This wasn’t going to be great. “I can promise nothing.”
“Great. Well, I think I dislocated my shoulder and there’s a gash on my right arm.” 
“Okay, I’m coming to get you.”
“What–” Jason sputtered. “Come on, I’m not dying here, Red!”
Artemis rolled her eyes. “That’s not the point. Now turn on your GPS and stay put.” 
Artemis found the fearsome Red Hood leaning against a dumpster in one of many disgusting alleyways. The smell alone justified his need to have an air filter on every suit he wore. 
“You need a hand there, Hood?” Artemis asked, crossing her arms. 
He looked up sluggishly. “No, in case you didn’t hear the first hundred times...” Despite his grumbling, he let Artemis take him to her safe-house.  
She’d gotten it after she and Bizarro had returned from their unplanned ‘trip’ to one hell of another dimension. She didn’t spend mush time there, as she did tend to get lonely, and being alone with one’s thoughts, especially unwelcome ones, was never enticing. But, at the end of the day, it was still hers. 
Getting in through the window turned out to be quite the process, considering Jason’s injuries and the security measures Artemis had taken to ensure the safety of the apartment. However, after some cursing, pointless arguing and snarky comments, Jason was finally on the couch, minus his boots, helmet, holsters and jacket. 
“You know, when you said that I should come over to see your apartment, this isn’t what I had in mind,” Jason muttered.
“Oh stop complaining. What did you want, dinner?”Artemis tore off her vambraces, grabbed her box of medical supplies and sat down beside him. Happily, he’d already done her the favour of exposing his arm. At least now she wouldn’t have to hear him whine about how he had to keep repairing his suits.
“Yeah, except I’d be cooking. Let’s face it Arty, your skills are meager at best.” 
The Amazon frowned as she cleaned the wound. “You need stitches.” 
He sighed. “Figured that. Just make it quick.” 
Artemis prepped the area wordlessly. She liked to think that she was good at it. Steady breaths, in and out. She could see Jason glaring at the ceiling from her peripheral. What she didn’t like was his insistence of no painkillers. He had done nothing to not deserve the ease that they brought. But she respected his decision, as mindless as it may be, and so she continued. 
“Try not to pull these within the first week this time,” Artemis said, finishing up. 
Jason flexed his hand, once, twice. “Set the shoulder too,” he breathed. 
“Are you sure?”
He nodded, gritting his teeth. He braced himself against her as Artemis forced the bone back into place. She ignored the string of foul curses that spilled from his mouth. 
”Good?” Artemis asked, squeezing his hand. 
“Yeah.” His nostrils still flared. He ran his tongue over his teeth. “Mostly.”
Artemis grunted, finishing up setting his shoulder. “ You’re staying for the night,” she finally stated. 
“What? Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure, you oaf. You’re not invading– I brought you here.” She cracked a smile. “Besides, it’ll give you an opportunity to steal some of your wardrobe back from me.” 
“Well damn, I can’t pass up that, now can I?”
Artemis grinned, an action that was becoming increasingly more frequent. “No you can’t. Now shove over, you’re taking up the whole couch.”
Jason moved over. “You know, getting a sweater when you’re cold instead of stealing body heat from me will just be easier for both of us.” 
The Amazon curled onto the couch, huddling against Jason’s uninjured shoulder. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
Despite the constant throbbing in Jason’s shoulder, he couldn’t seem to wipe that goddamn stupid grin off of his face. His sutures ached and he was sure he’d lost all circulation in foot, yet his chest swelled with contentment. 
Artemis had fallen asleep beside him, still in her uniform. She had, apparently, deemed taking a nap on top of him more important than changing into something more comfortable. Her quiet breathing blew a strand of hair from her face every time she exhaled. Jason watched for a moment before bushing it away. 
She looked peaceful, relaxed, younger even. He could picture her as a normal college student, living a normal life free of violence. The scars that ran up her bare arms told him otherwise– the life she lived, the life they lived, was quite the opposite. But what always fascinated him was how she never hid them. She was not ashamed of them.  
Jason glanced at his sutures, which was most definitely going to leave a mark. It wasn’t vanity that drove him to hate them. He knew that much. He hated the reminder that they brought. You aren’t good enough. Look what you’ve done to yourself. Look at your mistakes. He hated the mistakes that littered his body.
“Exhale, Jason.” Artemis. 
Jason obeyed. “Sorry I–”
She shushed him. “You get tense when you think too much.” She thought for a moment. “Do you wish to talk?” 
Her intuition left him silent for a moment. “It can wait until  tomorrow.. You should get some sleep anyway...” 
“That can wait.” Artemis sat up. “What has been bothering you?”
He laughed dryly. “It’s stupid... so stupid...”
She tilted her head, causing her hair to fall into her face. “And yet the fact that it bothers you negates its stupidity.”
“I guess...” Jason trailed off. He could trust Artemis. “Just... how do you deal with it?” He took a breath. Woah, make your sentences clear. “The scars, I mean. I just... whenever I see mine, I...”
“Remember where they came from?”
“Yeah, but like, in a bad way.” 
Artemis was silent for a moment. Then she took Jason’s hand and traced several scars that trailed down her back. “Outside of Bhana-Mighdall, Man’s World had a testing ground for weapons. As a girl... Akila and I used to practice there sometimes. There were... several mines still active in the area and one day...” She sucked in a breath. Jason ran his thumb over her hand, offering what little comfort he could. “We were both hit. Had to drag ourselves home by the skin of our teeth.” Artemis offered him a small smile. “ But we made it. We survived it. Yes, our stupidity was what got us into that problem, but we made it out. And we trained so that it would never happen again.”
“So you’re saying scars are your way of flipping off the universe?”
Artemis laughed. It was short, but by God, was it beautiful. “Essentially, yes.”
Jason pursed his lips, thinking. “You know, you might have been a dumb kid, but I think I got you beat.” 
She smirked. “Do you, now?”
He guided her hand to the whitened mark cutting through his eyebrow. “You don’t grow up in a city watching a kid your age jumping around on rooftops without getting some ideas. The rooftops in Park Rowe were pretty close together, so I thought it was probably as safe as I could get. I even found a mattress to act as a mat if I fell.” Jason rubbed the back of his neck, chuckling. “I was a dumb kid. So I jumped, and whoosh.” He pantomimed falling to the ground. 
“Yeah. The good thing was that I landed mostly on the mattress.” 
“What do you mean, mostly?” Artemis exclaimed. 
“Well, I hit my head on the ground. Got a concussion. And this. I was scared that I needed stitches because I knew Ma couldn’t pay for that.” 
“Alright, that was dumb, but still doesn’t match going to play in a minefield,” Artemis remarked. 
“Hey, hey, hey, don’t write me off yet Arty! Don’t forget; I stole the tires off the goddamn Batmobile and had the nerve to attack Batman for it.”
“Are you competing with me to be the dumbest Outlaw?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
They stared at each other for a moment before they both broke down laughing. Artemis was the first to regain herself. “Well, here’s to flipping off the universe.”
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bearpillowmonster · 3 years
Bizarro's World
I thought about adding this to my "Escape from Bizarro World" post but then I thought it might be just a little too long so here's my "Bizarro's World" review, a whole separate arc from the former.
Seeing Supes with long hair has always seemed different but cool, it's almost like it affects his way of thinking. I've always chalked it up to either being Black suit or Nic Cage but this one is different. A different era I have yet to discover where Lex Luthor is old and his son is dying. Clark is really cheesy in an old-fashioned sort of way and while this is an old comic, it's not THAT old. In fact, some of these shots are excellent and I wish would be made in live action.
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That oil rig scene in Man of Steel wishes it could be like this. Bizarro has the same powers as Supes rather than the opposite but this is also another version of Bizarro in this universe, as in "not the first" because it makes references to some of the 80s comics. Similar to 'Escape', Bizarro has his own world but on Earth.
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Having mannequins and crash dummies over versions of himself. I'm a sucker for crash dummy aesthetics so this is my jam. But they really play into the cloning aspect, talking and teasing about other stuff like Superboy, Cauldron, and a few other things that I like. I also like how Biz is the one destroying his Metropolis and yet tries to save it, it's like he can't help it, he's too reckless and destructive for his own good. Even in the real Metropolis, he's only trying to help. There's a bridge separating to let a ship pass but he doesn't know that's why, he thinks the bridge is coming apart so he welds the bridge shut with his heat vision. It's ironic because he's doing what he thinks is right and getting the opposite response, because HE's literally an opposite.
In fact, I'm convinced that Lois could've handled the situation much faster. She's the one who escaped from his fake Metro, she wasn't rescued. She's the one he's after, she's the one that seems to be able to talk to him because Superman comes swooping in as soon as he gets close to Lois and tells him "No." (which of course that's not going to work) then the trouble happens. Then he complains about how Biz is thickheaded but it almost seems like Supes is the thickheaded one. But I think that's good writing because it has me thinking about it, we as an audience know this but Supes, the superpowered superbuff hero doesn't. And because of that, HE himself starts wrecking Metropolis trying to stop him.
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And it's the combined efforts of Lois and Guardian that finally put an end to Bizarro by using her own self as bait, luring him to come save her. Lois feels bad about it but then she says that "-no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get it right. Until the end. He got it right in the end." It makes you wonder if Bizarro could've learned, if he could've been a second Superman but I'm thinking that's not right either because if Superman himself can't control the damage he causes, then what would prevent Bizarro from doing the same thing? They make each other too powerful.
So Bizarro was made by Lex Luthor Jr in order to cure him somehow with Superman's "X-Factor" which gives me bad memories of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 plot where Harry needs Spider-Man's dna to get better. But it kind of ends on a cliffhanger, sure the Bizarro part is done but afterwards, it gets really weird. But that's where I'll leave it. In some ways I liked it more than Escape but it doesn't come without some stuff I could've done without or wished for more of, which in some cases makes Escape look better. I'll rate them about equal.
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