#where everyone was getting attacked by martians that looked like themselves
roseworth · 2 years
what do you think of the rhato webtoon so far?
tbh! more than anything i think its just kinda boring.
i dont think the jason characterization is TOO terrible. i hated the "bad robin" stuff they were doing in the first few issues but they havent really brought it up since so whatever. honestly the plot immediately leaves my brain right after i finish reading it so maybe im misremembering this but?? they took the job to get the idol from just some guy and didnt ask any questions,,, including when martian manhunter tried to get it back,,,,,, idk! like babygirl you know better than this what r u doing!!! it seemed very odd to me that the fact that a justice league member was trying to stop them from taking this "family heirloom" wasnt an immediate red flag
as far as artemis and bizarro go its kinda eh. i hate hate hate how artemis's face is drawn, it looks too yassified to me. also she had some kind of she ra moment in one of the eps which felt very weird. i dont read a lot of artemis content so i cant rly say whether or not shes being written in character. shes a lot like she was in rhato 2016 and i liked her in that so! sure! but bizarro-wise ive mentioned this before but. the opposite talking gets old FAST. the one (1) thing i will give lobdell credit for is that he knew biz was gonna be a recurring character so he didnt do all that because it def gets annoying
anyways. aside from me being picky, overall its just kinda boring. the plot isnt very interesting and it feels like even when things happen, nothing is rly happening ??? idk. i think that webtoons are one of the worst ways to tell an actual story. like wfa works because its just a little slice of life thing and it shouldnt be taken seriously, so the webtoon is a nice format for that. but when rhato is trying to like. Tell A Story it doesnt really work to tell it in a webtoon
but i do like things about it! i think there are fun moments! i rly liked the ep where jason could tell that someone had replaced artemis because he knew exactly how she drew her sword :) that one was a nice one that stuck out to me. i also still think the art is very pretty even though they do artemis dirty
tldr: its fine, there are things i like about it and i have no strong moral objections to it, but its mostly just not very interesting
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brain vomit
hi so i was thinking "wouldnt it be cool if there was a dpxyj comic and then my brain started to vomit idea so i'll just leave em here
AU where danny’s parents finding out he’s  ghost dosnt go too well and he ends up running away and ends up joining the young justice team or just a general crossover between dc and the young justice
*phantom planet isn’t canon at least not until later
*danny probably gets adopted by bruce
*there is also the route of them not hurting him but telling him to leave, maybe the GIW convinces them to work with them and haunt him later on or they help save him from the GIW but he decides to stay with the team since they are his family now and the fentons still hurt him and did hunt him like the GIW
*if we go the reveal dosnt go well route then danny probably wont be very trusting especially with the heroes since they work with the government and the anti ecto acts exist, he’ll probably meet them ad help them the disappear after
>danny runs away with his bags and after flying for a long while lands on a random roof cuz he’s drained and tired, he just collapses and wakes up some hours later (its night) he flys again and looks for abandoned buildings till he finds a place, he takes his essentials out then phases the bags into the roof so they’re hidden and finally it sets in and he breaks down for a while till the fenton-phone he has rings and he gets surprised then answers and immedietly sam and tuckers swarm him with questions if he’s okay and what happened so he tells them and now that you mention it he has a wound from before that he’s yet to treat, he’s been so emotionally and mentally drained he forgot about it, they ask him and he says he honestly dosnt know he just flew as fast as he could and tucker says its probably for the best if he dosnt say just in case the call is spied on and sam tells him to take care of his wound and to rest and to check back with them and danny agrees and they tell him they’ll update him on how things go with his parents and amity and with that the call ends with cyas and take cares, after the call ends danny just sighs and gets up to grab a bag from the seilling and takes his medical supplies and starts to take care of his wound then decides to sleep
>danny meets the young justice while they are on a mission fighting near a warehouse with a part of it having collapsed from a explosion which is what caught danny’s attention while he was flying around to clear his head even tho he’s supposed to be resting since he’s still healing, he floats there watching while invisible for a little bit before seeing one of the team members in a very tight spot and he freezes the goons which surprises everyone then he goes on to freeze some more goons, the team is confused and the goons are confused so they start shooting frantically and randomly yelling for whoever it is to show themselves and danny gets hit with one of their attacks which surprises him and knocks him out of invisibility for a bit (maybe a energy or electricity based gun), he quickly goes back into invisibility saying “that was uncalled for” and he freezes them then says “cya” to the team before flying away while someone from the team calls for him to wait
>danny goes back to his hiding place and lays down “man I probably shouldn’t have done that”
>somethings happen and danny meets some justice league members (batman-superman-flash-wonder woman-martian manhunter), usually he would be very excited but he was very nervous. What if they decided he’s a threat or worse handed him over to the GIW and they notice his nervousness, for a while he’s a honorary member and is hesitant about joining the team but after a bit he opens up abit and tells them about the ghosts, anti ecto laws and the hunters and ofc batman hears about this and begins investigating and talks to danny about them to get more details (the team and JL think danny Is a full ghost at this point)
>danny gets captured by the GIW (his parents either help capture him or help save him, maybe by giving the GIW location or info to the team or just busting the place with the help of jazz and sam and tucker, tucker would probably hack the JL\ team computer to give them the info) danny getting saved by his team shows him that they genuinely care about him and he accepts them as his new family, after recovering he’s abit nervous but he tells the team about the fact that he’s half human too and his parents, they tell him they understand and that they cant wait to meet him other half
>the JL come to check on danny and how he’s doing and to give him an update on how things are going with taking the acts down, they’ve arranged a conference which superman will be taking care of and they want danny to be there to represent the ghosts and answer at least some questions to at least shut some mouths and satisfy some minds which danny reluctantly agrees to go to, he lets superman talk before joining him on stage and talking aswell, after its done superman puts his hand on his shoulder and tells him he did well which calms danny’s nerves abit >in the end the acts get taken down, danny joins the team and smiles sadly at the place he’s bee crashing him throughout all of this before taking his bags and flying to his new home. Then maybe a special with the phantom team meeting the YJ team or at least them visiting danny since its been a while and also danny chewing out superma cuz of how he treats conner at the start and the team meets dani :D (that is a very important part idc >:D 2 in 1 gremlin backage baby)
note : idk if i'll expand on this but i really hope i do xD maybe even draw a comic of it myself if my self confidence dosnt get in the way or at the very least turn it into a fanfiction.
also english isnt my first language so uuh sorry for any spelling mistakes
any ways.....what do you guys think of the idea of a comic crossover between dp and yj or dc in general
(i did not reread this before posting it :'>)
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miraculouswolf99 · 4 years
Breaking Into The Watchtower Part 1
Miraculous Ladybug-DC Universe crossovers are some of my favorite fanfictions. They are just a good match. I especially love ones where the Justice League either ignores the Paris situation or one of the League members gets the messages for help and doesn’t believe them. Mostly, it’s the Flash, Guy Gardner, Green Lantern, or Booster Gold.
In this story, some of the miraculous have changed hands for my story. There will be new holders and different holders for old miraculous. All of my OC characters will also be included. Nathaniel has the fox, Marc has the turtle, Rose has the horse, Juleka has the tiger, and Alix will have the bunny.
“This is most definitely not something that I would ever have thought that I would ever do,” White Wolf says.
“We are magical teenagers that use the power of mini gods and mystical jewelry,” Beautifly says. “Your statement pretty much sums up every day of our lives.”
“Trust me, I never thought that I would be doing anything like this before I met Plagg,” Cat Noir said.
“At least I can cross this off my bucket list,” Ladybug giggled.
“Why is the name of the Olympian gods would this be on your bucket list,” White Wolf looked at the teen hero weirdly.
“I put it on after they started to ignore our cries for help,” Ladybug crossed her arms. “Or, when it was made obvious that they were ignoring us, at least.”
“How much sleep have you gotten lately,” Beautifly asks. “You only get this sassy when you haven’t slept in about two days.”
“I remember going to sleep on Wednesday,” Ladybug put her hand on her chin as she started thinking.
“Uh… It’s Saturday,” White Wolf deadpanned.
“Oh,” was all Ladybug could say.
“If you don’t go right to sleep after we get back, I am sending Plagg over to destroy every device you have to make sure you are not distracted and can finally sleep,” Cat Noir threatened.
“But what if there is an akuma,” Ladybug protested.
“Then we will have to make sure that Cat Noir saves his power so that he can Cataclysm the moth when it comes out of the akumatized object,” White Wolf says.
“And the damage,” Ladybug continued to protest.
“We will get to that when we get there,” White Wolf said.
“You are sometimes too selfless for your own good,” Beautifly shook her head.
“Yeah, she tends to be like that,” Cat Noir chuckled. “Why do you think I force myself between her and the villains we face when she tries to protect me because she will take the hit for me. But she needs to be the one that the attack does not hit because she is the one that purifies the akuma.”
“We are a very colorful crew,” Beautifly giggled.
“Says the butterfly girl whose hero outfit is almost entirely black,” White Wolf said.
“Not my fault that Flutter is a monarch butterfly kwami,” Beautifly shrugged.
“I certainly wish that I had some color on my suit,” Cat Noir says. “While the black makes my eyes pop, the color doesn’t match my personality at all. Why couldn’t Plagg be a tabby cat or a white cat?”
“Because he is the literal god of bad luck and nobody thinks of either of those two other kinds of cats when bad luck comes to mind,” Ladybug stated. “Deal with it, Chaton.”
“Yeah, you really need some sleep before you become permanently sassy,” Beautifly says.
“I blame Hawkmoth and his never-ending late-night akumas,” White Wolf stated. “My ears are still ringing from that banshee akuma he created last week.”
“And talk about unoriginal,” Cat Noir rolled his eyes. “Scream Queen was probably the most obvious choice of name in the history of villain names.”
“Even more so than that Poison Ivy woman in Gotham,” Beautifly asked.
“Well, she could have called herself Mother Nature,” Cat Noir shrugged.
“Point made,” Beautifly said.
The four then looked at the rest of their teams preparing themselves for what was going to be done. The Greek hero team had stayed the same throughout the three years of fighting, but the French team had changed. Their current members were Vulpix, Emerald Turtle, Queen Bee, Viperion, Lady Unicorn, King Monkey, Ryuko, Shadow Cat, and Bunnix. The last two being the newest members of the hero team. The Greek team was Gladiator with the grizzly bear miraculous, Tigress with the leopard miraculous, and Ocean Mage with the mermaid miraculous. The last one being the only person to be currently using a magical creature miraculous on the planet.
All of the heroes were getting ready in their own ways. Ryuko, Ocean Mage, and Viperion were meditating. King Monkey, Bunnix, Tigress, and Gladiator were all getting themselves hyped up for the mission. Queen Bee was trying to find a way to take off her gloves to file her nails. Vulpix and Emerald Shell were cuddling, comforting each other, and probably trying really hard not to start making out. The same could be said about Shadow Cat and Lady Unicorn. Those four were always the more timid ones of the group, even though all of them were amazing heroes.
“Alright, does everyone remember their parts of the plan,” Ladybug asked them, snapping them out of their trances.
“I will make sure that everything goes smoothly and no one truly gets hurt,” Viperion says.
“White Wolf, Lady Unicorn, and I take out our biggest worries to being discovered before we are ready,” Bunnix added.
“The rest of us force them into a position where they have to listen to us,” Gladiator said.
The rest of the team nodded in agreement. Some of them were still looking nervous about what they were about to do.
“Are you sure doing this is the right thing to do,” Lady Unicorn asked. “We could get into serious trouble for this.”
“We wouldn’t be doing this at all if they stopped ignoring us,” Tigress crossed her arms. “Even with all these miraculous being active, Hawmoth’s akumas are getting more and more dangerous.”
“He is also akumatizing more dangerous people like con artists, martial artists, and policemen,” Ocean Mage says. “What’s to stop him from going all Scarlet Moth and sending his moths to a prison if he gets desperate enough?”
“That is why we need their help,” Ladybug said. “If contacting them through official means does not help, then we must do what we have to.”
“I just hope that we don’t get labeled as criminals for this,” Beautifly said.
If there was one thing that Robin currently was, it was bored. He had to stop himself from yawning as he sat in another long and boring meeting of the Justice League.
One would think that a young hero like him would not be a part of one of these meetings. But this was less of a war room and more of a meeting between all heroes to discuss general things involving heroes in general and not entirely league business. It was always the same things being discussed in these meetings. Egotistical politicians trying to control the league, villains breaking out of prison again, as well as discussing potential new members of the League and the Young Justice team.
Other than Robin, the rest of the Bat-family was there as well. Batman, Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, Oracle, Spoiler, Orphan, Batwing, and even Batwoman. The Super family was also there. Superman, Supergirl, Superboy, and the former Superboy that now called himself Krypton. Robin smirked at how Conner had finally broken the trend of having “Super” in his hero name. He may be a clone, he knew that both Kara and Jon both adored him. The other young heroes that were there were Red Arrow, Artemis, Aqualad, Tempest, Miss. Martian, Beast Boy, Starfire, Zatanna, Kid Flash, and Impulse.
And other than Batman and Superman, there were also the mentors of the other young heroes as well. Green Arrow, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Dr.Fate, and the Flash. The other adult heroes in the room were Hawkman, Hawkwoman, Wonder Woman, Sparton, Black Canary, Red Tornado, all three Green Lanterns, Black Lightning, Captain Marvel, Captain Atom, the Atom, and Katanna.
As Robin looked around, he noticed that he was not the only bored-looking young hero. The entire Bat-family looked to be wanting to be anywhere else, especially since they lived in a city where a crime was committed every five seconds. But the other heroes that looked bored were Superboy, Krypton, Red Arrow, Aqualad, and Beast Boy. They were all probably like him. They were excited to be part of league meetings until it was discovered that there was a lot more politics involved than actual hero work.
“Does anyone have anything else that they would like to add,” Superman asked the room.
“How about we talk about actually saving people instead of dealing with politicians,” Nightwing muttered, making the Bat-family hide their snickers.
“Especially that psycho Lex Luthor,” Krypton muttered from his place next to Nightwing.
“Well, if that is all…” Superman was about to wrap up the meeting.
“Wait,” Zatanna shot up from her seat, her hands on her head. “I sense something.”
All the younger heroes were all now thinking how something interesting was finally going to happen during one of these meetings. But the heroes were also all reaching for their weapons if they had them.
“What is it,” Wonder Woman asked the magician, her hand on her sword.
“There is an incoming magical…” Zatanna was cut off.
A bright blue portal opened up right under her feet. She fell in before she could finish her warning. The portal closed right after she fell into it.
“What in the world,” Flash gasped.
“ZATANNA,” the members of Young Justice yelled their former team member’s name.
“Oracle,” Batman did not even have to say the entire order.
“I’m on it,” the wheelchair-bound hero immediately started typing on her holographic computer. “She’s… I can’t find her.”
“What do you mean you can’t find her,” Captain Atom demanded to know.
“It’s like she vanished into thin air,” Oracle continued typing. “She’s nowhere in the Watchtower, or on Earth, not even on my planet in our galaxy. There is no sign of Zatanna anywhere.”
“She managed to say that it was something magical that was approaching,” Wonder Woman says.
“Dr. Fate, can you do something,” Superman requested of the lord of order.
The master sorcerer stood up from his seat. While he, personally, did not care for Zatanna other than a fellow user of the mystic arts, his current host body was that of her father. So finding her will hopefully silence all the yelling that Zatara is currently doing inside of the helmet.
But before the lord of order could do anything, another portal opened up behind him. But unlike the bright blue of the first one, this portal was a ring of blue surrounding a white portal. Something had quickly reached through and Dr.Fate was instantly turned into an ice statue. An invisible figure sneaked through the portal before it closed.
This caused all the other league members and Young Justice members to all jump and, drawing their weapons or preparing their powers. They all looked around and were on guard just in case another portal opened up.
“Oracle,” Batman ordered her again.
She was typing as quickly as humanly possible.
“I can’t find anyone else in the Watchtower,” she said, still typing. “I’ve run heat scans, x-ray scans, even the program to search for invisible opponents. I still can not find anyone else in the Watchtower.”
A soft tune suddenly played throughout the room. It was like a theme song for a peaceful day in the Fall played on a flute. A ball of light soon soared to the end of the room and brightly flashed. When the flash died down, the heroes were all shocked to see a message had been written in light in the air.
“We Just Want To Talk.”
It floated there for about a minute before Superman and Maritan Manhunter flew over to the message to examine it. But the moment that one of them touched it, it vanished in a burst of orange smoke-like light.
“It was an illusion,” Nightwing was the first to realize it.
“Maybe that is how they are hiding,” Red Robin opened up his own holographic screen over his glove and started typing. “Under an illusion.”
“And if they are magical like Zatanna said, it would not be possible to detect them since the technology that can detect magic has not been invented yet,” Oracle added.
“There is no such thing as magic,” yelled out Kid Flash.
Young Justice rolled their eyes, used to the constant rants that the speedster goes on about his disbelief in magic. It certainly annoyed those like Aqualad and Tempest, who both were born in Atlantis and attended the conservatory of sorcery there. Few other magical heroes tolerated the loud-mouth. Which was why heroes like Phantom and his brother Gold Siren wanted nothing to do with the team. (Reference to my fanfictions on Wattpad, Phantom Music and Home.)
“Try to find out where the illusion came from,” Superman ordered.
“You could try looking right in front of you,” a female voice was suddenly heard.
The heroes all turned and saw three masked teenagers standing there. Two boys and a girl. 
The first boy was a redhead with his bangs covering his right eye. He had on a fox-themed skin-tight orange and white outfit with red boots, gloves, and a red jacket. He also had real fox ears and a real fox tail as well. A flute was strapped to his back.
The boy next to him had black hair with green tips, which matched his turtle-themed outfit. The outfit also had a dark green leather jacket and boots with a green shield on his back, going with the goggle-like mask over his eyes.
The girl was blond with a single black streak in her ponytail. Her outfit was definitely themed by bumblebees. But unlike the shoes of the two next to her, her shoes had a slight heal to them. Like a two-inch-high wedge heel. Around her waist was a spinning top on a string.
“What have you done to our allies,” Captain Atom demanded of them.
“They are perfectly fine,” the turtle boy informed them.
“Why should we believe you,” Robin held his katana in his hand.
“Because we need your help and harming your fellow heroes would not help our situation,” the fox boy crossed his arms.
“What could you possibly need from us,” Black Lightning’s hands sparked with his powers.
“How about for you to stop ignoring us while we have been fighting a terrorist for three years,” the bee girl yelled at them.
“We also are not lying,” the fox boy said. “We have no reason to lie when surrounded by most of the world’s heroes.”
Before they could say anything else, all three were surrounded by separate green spheres that floated them up into the air. The Green Lanterns all had their rings pointed at one of the masked teens.
“This is ridiculous, utterly ridiculous,” the bee girl complained as she crossed her arms.
“I got captured by the original Green Lantern,” the fox boy looked to be almost fanboying inside of his sphere.
“Lucky, I got that class clown Guy Gardner,” the turtle boy almost seemed to pout.
“Hey,” Guy Gardner protested, offended.
“Why are you here, where is Zatanna, and what did you do to Dr. Fate,” Superman demanded of the three as he flew close to them.
“You know, you are a lot less threatening than you think you are,” the bee girl stated with a smirk. “By the way, whoever told you that underwear on the outside of your pants was a good choice needs to be thrown into fashion jail.”
Most of the Young Justice team had to stop themselves from laughing. Even Superboy, Supergirl, and Krypton were trying not to laugh. They had no idea who this girl was, but she was certainly sassy.
“How did you get into the Watchtower undetected,” Superman continued to demand answers from them.
“That is for us to know,” the fox boy started.
“And you to find out,” the turtle boy finished.
The smirks the three had told the league something, alright. Batman was the first to realize what it meant.
“There are more of them,” he said.
As if him saying that was their cue to come in, three more masked teens almost seemed to materialize into the room. A guy in a monkey-themed outfit hit his Ruyi Jingu Bang against the ground and then threw it into the air.
“Uproar,” he yelled.
He threw his now glowing staff into the air, the staff letting out a flash as it spun in the air. With a swift flick of her lasso, Wonder Woman grabbed the weapon before it could fall back into the monkey boy’s hand. But something else fell into his hands that they did not see.
But then came the second masked teen, who looked like he had been born of the ocean. He took out what seemed to be a hilt made out of sapphire. Water came out of the hilt as the masked boy flicked his wrist, the water forming into a whip. Before they could move, the teen whipped all of the Green Lantern’s hands at once. Pulling his whip, the masked teen caused their hands to collide together.
That was when the monkey boy threw the object that he had caught out of the air. Katana was close enough to try and slice through it with her sword, but she was intercepted by a second masked girl, this one appearing out of nowhere and seemed to have a tiger theme to her. Even if she was purple and black and not orange and black. Katana’s sword was met with a metal tiger-claw gauntlet. While they fought, a bunny-themed girl showed up and intercepted Green and Red Arrow, fighting both archers at once. Then, to the shock of the Green Lantern trio, a stuffed octopus child’s toy landed on their connected hands.
For a moment, nothing happened and they wondered why a stuffed animal had been thrown at them. But then their rings all started to malfunction at once. The rings stopped glowing and all three trapped teens were released from their bubbles. And since the rings were no longer working, the Lanterns all fell to the ground without their ability to fly.
“We’re teenagers, not stupid,” the bee girl smirked.
No longer wanting to underestimate the masked teens, the big hitters of the league all started to move toward them. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Red Tornado, and Captain Atom.
“Venom,” the bee girl shouted.
The top in her hand seemed to grow a bit in size and start glowing. As Superman flew at her, she dodged him and managed to touch him with her top. He fell to the ground and did not move from his punching pose. He was paralyzed.
“Confusion,” a female voice shouted.
Wonder Woman turned around to almost immediately be scratched on her arm by a girl in a leopard-themed outfit. The scratch on her arm glowed purple and the hero suddenly became very dizzy and could not seem to focus. She had never been drunk before, but she was sure this was probably how it felt.
Captain Atom’s hands lit up as he aimed one of his energy blasts at the masked teens. As he was just about to blast, another masked teen appeared. This one was themed by a brown-furred bear. Probably a grizzly bear.
“Roar,” a male voice yelled just as Captain Atom blasted.
The bear boy’s fist lit up gold and he punched right into the energy beam. To the surprise of the league, he was able to keep the beam at bay with a single punch.
Red Tornado was about to throw one of his twisters when he was hit on his robot head by a thrown horseshoe. It bounced and flew around like a boomerang-gone-wild until it landed back in the hand of a horse-themed girl.
All of the heroes and masked teens in the room were either fighting or dodging the attacks of another from one of the other groups.
“Enough,” a male and female voice shouted at once.
Even the Justice League froze as the voices boomed throughout the room. Standing on the other side of the room were six more masked teens. Three boys and three girls. The two that had shouted were a ladybug-themed girl and a boy with an icy wolf outfit. The boy standing next to the ladybug girl looked to be related to Catwoman while the girl next to the wolf boy was like a butterfly turned human. The last two were a snake boy and a girl that looked to be dragon-themed.
“All of you, front and center, now,” the ladybug girl ordered.
All of the animal-themed teens stopped what they were doing immediately. They put their weapons away and walked over to join the others at her sides.
Wonder Woman looked at the group for a few moments. The drunk feeling had been lifted from her and she could focus. There was something about them that was making an old memory of her’s rise to the surface. An old story that her mother used to tell her about when she had been friends with, who she had called, an adorable and wise little creature known as a kwami. A creature that she also remembered was bound to a magical object called a miraculous.
“The ladybug and black cat are active once more,” she gasped.
The league looked at the Amazon princess in shock. She actually had an idea who these teens were.
“We thought that you would be the one to recognize our magic, Wonder Woman,” the ladybug girl softly smiles.
Wonder Woman approached the group, putting her sword away as she did. And surprising the league again, she bowed to the ladybug girl and cat boy. The two of them and the wolf boy and butterfly girl bow back.
“It is an honor to meet the wielder of the ladybug miraculous,” Wonder Woman said.
“The honor is all ours, daughter of Hippolyta,” the ladybug girl says. “Tikki says to tell your mother ‘hi’ for her.”
Wonder Woman smiled at that.
“Would you care to explain exactly what is going on,” Batman ordered them, crossing his arms. “Starting with where Zatanna is and what you did to Dr. Fate and Superman.”
The bunny girl got out a pocket watch from her pocket. She checks the time.
“We can answer the first question now,” she smirked. “We’re right on time.”
She put her watch away and then threw her hands forward yelling “Burrow.” Out popped the same type of portal that Zatanna had disappeared through. And seconds after the portal was opened, out fell the magician.
“What just happened,” Zatanna immediately asked.
“The rest of your comrades will be fine somewhere between five to ten minutes,” the butterfly girl says.
“Before we go into the full explanation, do you guys have a bathroom in this place by any chance,” the leopard girl asked.
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div-divington · 3 years
big ol’ invicncible spoilers, watch the show first trust me you’re not missing anything if you don’t read this post
I’ve never talked about a cartoon or tv show before but I’ve gotta say that people who say there’s ‘no complexity’ to Omni-Man’s character just tick me off.
I mean, listen, he’s totally a villain at least in the cartoon adaptation (I’ve not read the comics, going to consider them separate entities for the sake of argument), but he’s far from a two dimensional sussus amogus imposter blindly readying the planet for invasion.
I whole-heartedly believe that Omni-Man enjoyed being a superhero, saving lives. I believe his friendship with the tailor guy was real, I believe he respected, admired even, the Guardians of the Globe, cherished his relationship with Debbie, and enjoyed living among humans. The brief interaction with Darkwing and The Immortal when the Mauler Twins attack the White House is so sincere right? Like, it seems to me he respects them, the jokey “you’re welcome” when he saved Darkwing, the “I had him” when he saved the guard Immortal was going for, that wasn’t necessary of him. He had no real reason to be playful and cordial with them, he could have been distant and still gained their trust easily (I mean, Darkwing was a jerk and they loved him). The brief moment of shock and unresponsiveness when Mark revealed that he’d finally gotten his powers? I honestly believe that was a moment of disbelief. I think he hoped Mark’s powers wouldn’t manifest, hoped he wouldn’t have to continue his mission. That pause was him coming to terms with the end of things. The realization that he would have to hurt people he respected, finish his mission, and end his time as a father, author, and superhero.
When he collapses after murdering the Guardians of the Globe, the look on his face isn’t just exhaustion from the fight, it looks to me like shock. Disbelief. I don’t think he wanted to kill the Guardians, I think he hated doing it, but it’s what he was bred for. He was born and trained from childhood for thousands of years to weaken a planet from within, prepare it for invasion. Earth had superheroes, naturally a pretty noteworthy obstacle for an invasion, so he, in his mind, had no choice but to kill them. And notice that most of his kills are pretty... clean? He goes right for Immortal’s head, ditto with Aquaris and Green Ghost, snaps War Woman’s neck, kills Darkwing in one clean move, tears off Martian Man’s heart(? is that a heart?), crushes Red Rush’s head (which seems slow because of Red Rush’s perception of time being RIDICULOUS compared to our own, that horrific scene only lasted like a second for the rest of the characters). He goes for quick, clean kills, minimizing pain. Maybe its just brutal, soldier-like efficiency, since the greatest superheroes on Earth cannot be allowed to get any good hits in (they nearly killed him as it was), but what if it was a desire to not prolong the suffering of people he genuinely liked? 
We see in the flashback towards the end (during the THINK, MARK, THINK! scene lmao) that he initially didn’t give two shits about humanity on a deep level. He loved and respected Debbie and his then-very-young son, but thought humans were, on a whole, primitive and dumb. But as he spends time observing them, watching their culture, interacting with them, living with them, he warms up to them. The smile on his face when Mark hits his first homerun in little league, remembering Debbie’s favourite foods, the way he laughs when he mentions how a superhero had to meet the president in a plaid supersuit, the fishing photograph with the tailor. Even after he finally reveals himself as an infiltrator, the way he talks, to me, shows respect for his adversaries even as he demeans and belittles humanity. The discussion with Cecil, the warning to ‘stay out of this’. Nolan seems reluctant to kill anybody he doesn’t have to, and seemingly acknowledges that the Global Defense Agency at the very least is a minor threat.
So, you say, why does he act so AWFUL at times?
Well, his seeming lack of emotion after the funerals for the Guardians of the Globe can proooooooooooooobably be chalked up to his alien psychology. He finished grieving, he didn’t see the harm in cracking jokes about them. Calling Debora a ‘pet’? I think that honestly would be him trying to rationalise his feelings for her. There’s a fraction of a second where he hesitates to say it, and I honestly think he’s just trying to explain to himself how he could ever love a ‘lesser lifeform’. Killing all those innocent people? In his mind that was justified to get through to Mark. He doesn’t enjoy it -- though he also doesn’t dislike it -- he just sees it as a flat necessity, no less insignificant than killing a bug (i said the man is a complex character, I didn’t say he wasn’t evil). 
Don’t forget, Nolan’s genuine reasoning for bringing Earth into the Viltrum Empire is to help it. He argues that Viltrum technology can end hunger and poverty, end crime, revolutionize medicine. In his eyes, his indoctrinated eyes, he’s doing the right thing to help the people of Earth.
He still thinks he’s the hero.
‘it’s right to pity them’.
He sees humans as lesser creatures, he thinks they need protection from themselves, need to be brought up by the Viltrumites to be better. They can’t survive on their own, they’re weak and soft, they need us to reach their full potential, to find true glory in serving the might of Viltrum. Omni-Man does not see his actions as evil, he thinks he’s the good guy. He reluctantly kills the Guardians of the Globe, slaughters thousands of people, and destroys a city in order to, in his extremely twisted sense of morality, help people.
And, in the end, it is not the Viltrumite parts of Omni-Man and Invincible that end the conflict. It is Mark’s very human belief that he will, one day, get through to his dad. His refusal to give in, his undying love and determination to save people, save Nolan. It’s this that reaches Omni-Man. It doesn’t reach the tough soldier he had been for thousands of years, it reaches the small part of Omni-Man that wasn’t pretending to be human. The part that is Nolan Grayson. The part that, despite still seeing them as primitive and inferior, likes humanity. It’s a human tear that leaves his eye as Nolan flies away from Earth, finally giving up and refusing to facilitate the invasion if it means killing his son, something a full Viltrumite wouldn’t hesitate to do for a second if their family got in the way of their conquest. He was changed by his time with humans.
I’m not defending Omni-Man, he’s obviously a bad guy, an antagonist, serving a genuinely evil empire, but i AM saying he isn’t some flat, boring two dimensional villain who just PRETENDED to like humanity for the twenty odd years he spent living there. I’ve seen people in youtube comments replying with “I think you misunderstand Omni-Man as a character, you see, he was simply pretending to not hate humanity, it was all an elaborate ruse, there’s no real depth and inner terminal in him at all uwu” but i think THEY misunderstand Omni-Man.
He’s not morally grey, he’s arguably not even redeemable, but he IS a complex and well written character and boiling him down to ONLY being an evil alien who tricked people into liking him just rubs me the wrong way.
but idk maybe I misunderstood him and he really IS flat and boring. Maybe his time with humanity didn’t change him at all, he isn’t emotionally conflicted, and he’s just less cool than I thought.
And despite my seeming passive aggressive language, it’s totally chill if you disagree with my personal interpretation of Omni-Man as a character, art is meant to be a unique experience for everyone, so if you see him completely differently to me that’s great! I just dislike the insistence from some people online that anybody who sees him as a deeper, more complicated character is just wrong.
also sorry for this post coming out of left field entirely lmao 
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ketchupqueenboiiii · 3 years
Young Justice
A/N: Some cursing and poorly written fight scene. I will be making this a multichap fic, reposting it to its own work. Also name is a WIP.
Happy Harbor doesn't make her very happy. But it doesn't make her that sad either. No different than New York City. But at least her Mama was there. The mother-daughter duo had made amends and Audrey invited Chloe to live with her in the city. It was nice, until Chloe got antsy. She itched to get out there and fight. But New York wasn't her turf and there were no bad guys to battle. Chloe also wasn't too keen on going to school in New York.
She was completely fine with video calling her Mari-bug, thank you very much. But even Mari saw that she needed to get back into the game.
"Bee, you can't have your only interaction being with your over-worked butler, your work-acholic mother, and your ex in Tibet." Mari's voice was hoarse from being out of breathe.
"You're just phrasing it weird. You're my best friend more than my ex. And Jean-Paul is not over-worked. He has off on Wednesdays and Sundays." Chloe responded flippantly and continued to file her nails on her sofa, which was placed right in front of the 85 inch flat screen mounted the wall of her room. She had linked her phone to the screen and webcam so she had a good view of her friend.
Mari gave her a unimpressed look while drying her head. She wore a pink sleeveless workout shirt with red flower designs sewn in and matching capris. She was also bald now. A guardian-in-training thing, Chloe was told when she first got the frantic call with the news. Her clothing choice was impressive since she lives in a temple in the mountains. Surrounded by snow.
"Chloe, you're lonely and you miss Sabrina. I can feel it from here." The pink clad girl said, before taking a sip from her matching water bottle.
"I'm not lonely, I have those trainers I practice with and I talk to Felix every now-" Chloe argued. But then was interrupted by her friend.
"You know, I think you should go to Happy Harbor, Rhode Island. And use Pollen and Stompp." She smiled as she cut off Chloe, tilting her head to the side with a content look on her face.
What. Chloe thought, head turning so fast to the screen she should have gotten whiplash.
"You should go. My instincts tell me that your gonna find something there. And as a Guardian-in-training, my instinct is usually right." Apparently Chloe said that thought out loud.
"Mari, I can't just leave. Mama has work in the city-" Chloe tried.
"Stop with the excuses, Chlo. Audrey has a headquarters in Happy Harbor, so she could just move her work there." Damn her preparedness and reasoning. Chloe stayed silent as she glared at her friend, even though it hasn't had an effect on Mari since they were ten-year-olds.
"And lucky for you, I already called Audrey to confirm it and she agrees that it's a good idea." Mari does a little dance, smirking with a wiggle of her shoulders and eyebrows. Fucking dammit, Mari-bug.
"I'll give it a chance." Chloe grumbles, a little peeved.
"Then get packing, honeybee, 'cause your leaving in three days."
Sometimes Chloe can't believe she still listens to her Bug's crazy plans.
Running across the roof tops in the middle of town. How inconspicuous. Was Mari trying to get her captured?
Now Chloe just felt stupid. She opened the screen of her top and prepared to arrange for another call with Mari when she felt a shift in the air. Someone was approaching, but she couldn't see anyone there. That wouldn't mean much though, since she had experience with invisible enemies.
Enemies, really? Even in death, you show her no respect. Sabrina should have-
Opponents. Invisible opponents. Chloe steadied her breath and banished the thoughts for another time. Faking ignorance, she tapped randomly on her top's screen.
The invisible entity came closer. And closer. Just a little closer. Almost within reach.
She grabbed a horn from her headset that doubled as a weapon and swung at the mysterious invisible person in one smooth motion. She grinned in satisfaction when she felt it hit something and heard it yelp in surprise. Or pain. Either was good.
Chloe looked over in time to see a green-skinned red-head girl lying on the ground, clearly disoriented by her surprise attack. Chloe's smile fell a bit when she envisioned a different red-head in her place, one much more familiar, thought only for a moment.
A memory of her faults and another thing that she lost.
She was quickly thrown out of her spiral when she saw two boys fall from out of a random place in the sky. Her instinct was to catch them and moved to do so before she saw the insignias on their chests.
"M'gann!" They yelled, probably because of the girl on the ground. Also, ever heard of code names?
Both boys wore a different emblem on their chests. After focusing on them, she recognized them to be the ones worn by the Superman and the Flash. So they must be their sidekick squad. The girl was probably Martian Manhunter's apprentice, since green skin and invisibility.
The boy with the Superman logo glared at her as a red and yellow blur came at her. The Flash's sidekick probably. And damn did whatever he did to her stomach sting.
Good thing she's an expert on stings. Her inner Adrikins was beside themselves laughing while every other part of her wanted to shake her head in exasperation.
Fighting a speedster was like fighting blind. Not something she particularly excelled at. All she could do was dodge as best as she could, which meant getting hit every eighth strike.
Chloe planted her feet and recalled everything Mari had told her during her probation and training period. Mari may not have been properly trained then, but she learned the ropes fast enough to teach everyone else;
"Every team's bound to have some variation of these core members. You need to be able to identify them. The heavy-hitter.
Probably Super-kid. For her, sometimes it was Adrien and others it was Rose using Stompp.
The strategist.
Redhead One or Redhead Two? Definitely not. Speedy over their just ran up to her and kept whooping her, it didn't seem like he had any other objective. And Mari, duh.
The one light on their feet.
Redhead Flash, obviously.
With the power of subjection, you must incapacitate the biggest threat. To you, the people, a team member, or the entire mission.
Looks like Redhead Flash is getting stung today. Serves him right, that hit was gonna bruise.
"Venom." She thinks, and thrusting her stinger-armed hand into where she predicted the boy would be. And she's right he comes to a complete stop, and, to her amusement, the momentum of his running caused him to face plant into the ground with a crack. His wrist probably, since a venom kept you from intentionally moving but allows movement by external forces.
Namely gravity and the concrete of the rooftop.
"Kid!" Exclaimed a young voice, probably from the figure falling from where the Redhead Flash and Super-kid fell from.
Super-kid helped up Redhead One and turned back to glare at Chloe again. She just smirked and armed herself with a top in her left hand and a horn in the other. To be honest, it look like an escrima stick.
A silent challenge hung in the air, each daring the other to move first. Though it actually gave her time to think up a plan. The most practical thing would be to jump off the side of the building, making it look like a retreat and then swing in to take him from behind. Yeah, that should work.
Chloe made a scene of contemplating fighting and running away, narrowing her eyes in thought. She ran to the edge of the roof top and jumped, briefly loosing herself to the nostalgia. Of the wind in her face and the adrenaline in her veins. It's been way too long since the last time she felt felt them.
She threw her top at the ledge of the roof, willing it to change into a grapple and swung her legs routinely. After doing this exact maneuver countless times before, she instinctively moved with just the right amount of force at just the right time. They used to call it the 'Mari Go Round', named after the girl who taught her the tact and the American nickname for a carrousel. Also because the swing takes you in a full circle.
Chloe straightened her legs in preparation to slam into his back, hopefully pushing him of the side of the building or at least give him some kind of injury with her heels. But he turned at the last minute and smacked her out of the air with his forearm. The bruise forming on her leg tells her that he has both super strength and invulnerability, since normal human strength wouldn't have sent so far and normal human arms would have broken if they tried to pull that trick.
The newest guest started throwing stuff at her. So Chloe quickly rose and jumped to the next building. She needed time to think.
Chloe wasn't here to fight the heroes, she here because Mari told she'd find something here. Maybe a lost miraculous, or guardian artifact. Or maybe someone-
"Boo." The young voice happily said, followed by giggles.
"Merde!" She shrieked, throwing one of her own boomerang weapons at the voice. Her eyebrows furrowed when she heard the unsatisfying noise of them imbedding themselves in the concrete.
She heard a fwuop and whoosh noise from the sidekick squad's direction, directly behind her. Not a good move on her part. She turned her head to see a net and inch from her face, leaving no room or time for escape.  She hit the ground with a thud, unable to get up due to the weight of the net. It likely was made for non-human threats. Not that Chloe wasn't human, but she was magically enhanced and that made her a lot stronger than one.
She felt hands pick her up and set her into a kneeling position, unknowingly giving her an  advantage. She quickly broke off the heel of her boot and hid it in her hand. They surrounded her, but were weirdly silent. They made faces at each other, like one would to convey emotion into words.
Redhead One tried to touch her forehead, and Chloe definitely wasn't having that. She summersaulted backwards into Super-kid, successfully knocking him down and allowing her to cut some of the net with the sharp side of her heel. Her legs were free now, and as she multi-tasked cutting the rest of the net, and dodging what ever the new guy was throwing at her and the now flying Redhead One, she ran and jumped as safely as she could.
Who was she trying to kid, that's what she'd tell Mari when this was over. Literally none of the stuff she does is safe.
Chloe landed on a roof top the one they fought on and she was so close to  getting the stupid weighted-net off her. As she finished cutting the last bit of the net and she reached for her top, she was bound again. This time by a... rope? Something like her weapon, just it was without a top or yoyo at the end and was... gold.
Oh, fuck.
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peppersonironi · 4 years
Batfam/Avengers Crossover Chapter One: Arrival
Yo, this has been on Ao3 for a while and people seem to really love it, So I thought I’d post it here! Chapter below the cut.
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Category: Gen Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types Relationships: Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Natasha Romanov & Damian Wayne, Clint Barton & Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Tim Drake & Duke Thomas, Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Dick Grayson/Wally West, Roy Harper/Koriand'r/Jason Todd, Characters: Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Barbara Gordon, Justice League (DCU), Alfred Pennyworth, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Thor (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Alfred the Cat (DCU), Bat-Cow (DCU), Goliath (DCU), Selina Kyle's Cat Isis, Kate Kane (DCU), Duke Thomas, Additional Tags: Batbrothers (DCU), Avengers Meet The Batfam, MCU/Batfam crossover, Crossover, no beta we die like robins, rated T for Jason's language, I bleeped it out though. Just to be safe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, canon? What's canon?, Deaf Clint Barton,Deaf Character, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Happy Batfamily (DCU), Birdflash and joyfire are implied/referenced,
The Avengers find themselves in an alternate universe where none of them exist. Instead, there is a different group of heroes: The Justice League. They decide to work together to get the Avengers home. But not not everything is instantaneous, so the Avengers need a place to stay. The only place available is Wayne Manor.
Que Batfamily shenanigans!
Multi-chapter fanfic, with some one shots that go along with the plot thrown in.
This is my first time writing anything with the Avengers - especially a deaf!clint - and the Batfam, so I apologize if anything is doc. Constructive criticism is appreciated!
This is mainly comic DCU with Movie Avengers (Set after the first avengers movie, plus Spiderman, cause I can ;-)
Crack! Bang! There was a flash of blindingly bright light, followed by a huge explosion.
"Wha- where are we?"
Tony Stark looked over to Peter who had been the first to speak. Crap, the kid had come here too. But wherever here was, he did not know.
Tony, Steve, Hulk, Thor, Clint, Peter, and Natasha stood in a loose clump at the center of a smoking crater. The sky was cloudy  and dark, and they appeared to be at least five miles outside of a big city, judging from the buildings in the distance. There was also a highway filled with streaming cars a couple of miles to Tony’s right.
“This isn’t right,” He muttered, opening his faceplate. Where were the sunny tropical trees that housed the compound of Anagnorisis - weird name, he knew - who was some D-list villain who thought some slightly advanced tech made them a world-conqueror. But Tony was beginning to think that those guns were a bit stranger and more advanced than he had previously believed.
“Tell me about it,” replied Steve. “Any idea where we are? Was it some sort of teleportation gun that was shot at us? This looks nothing like the Amazon.”
Before anyone could speak, Tony received a notification. Multiple incoming objects were approaching, fast . With the exception of the second fastest, they seemed to be airborne. “Multiple incomings, perhaps hostile. Most are flying. And they aren’t missiles. I think people ? But -”
“Who are you?”
Suddenly the first object arrived, and Stark was right. It was a black haired man in a blue skin tight suit with a red “S” on it and a flowing red cape. It would look ridiculous if he wasn’t glaring daggers at the group while flying .
He was joined almost immediately by another man, this time wearing an all red bodysuit with a lightning bolt on the chest and cowl. He was not flying though. He stopped in front of them swinging his arms as lightning dissipated. He had run there.
Next came a woman dressed in the colors of the american flag, with golden cuffs, tiara, and lasso by her side. She came with a man in a green, white, and black skin tight suit with some sort of symbol - perhaps a lantern? - on his chest. He also wore a green ring and black domino mask with white lenses on his face. They were both joined by another, a split second later. This was by far the strangest arrival. He was completely bald, with green skin and red eyes. He wore navy blue pants and cape, with only a red “X” over his chest. All three were floating.
“Who are you?” The blue and red man repeated.
Tony scoffed. Was this guy serious? “We’re the Avengers, obviously.”
The group shared a look. “Is that some new kind of villain group? I swear to all that is good and holy if I need to deal with another group who think they can rule the world, I. Will. Quit.” This time the man who spoke was the runner.
Steve replied, confusion clear on his face. “We’re not villains! We’re the Avengers; Earth’s mightiest heroes!”
Instead of coming to their senses, the strangely dressed newcomers laughed .
“You do realize you are speaking to members of the Justice League?” The woman spoke, her lips pursed.
“The who now?”
“Be quiet Kid, we don’t know what we’re dealing with.” Tony spoke to Peter. He was getting more worried by the second. Something was seriously wrong.
“Dealing with?” The green dressed man frowned, clearly suspicious of the Avengers. He started to fidget with his ring. “Well, since you don’t seem to know, let me enlighten you.” He gestured to each of his companions. “Superman, son of Krypton. Wonder Woman, Amazonian Princess. The Flash, fastest man alive. Martian Manhunter, well, a martian. And Me, Green Lantern. Member of the Green Lantern Core.”
Well, that explained everything. Not.
“We do not know you, strangers.” Thor spoke this time. “Perhaps you leave us be, our green friend over here gets frustrated easily.” He pointed to Hulk, who was breathing heavily.
The green man - martian, apparently - spoke for the first time. “Not until you tell us who you are and why you are in a smoking crater near His city.”
“His?” Clint clearly did not like the way the martian spoke of this character. To be honest, Stark didn’t either.
This got the most surprised reactions from the five. They looked at each other, and Tony could have sworn there was a hint of fear in their faces.
“Oh, He is so not going to like that.” Green Lantern said.
“Combined with the fact that we ditched Him.” The Flash cringed. Then looked worried again. “Yo, green grape, you okay.
The Hulk’s breathing was growing heavier, his face contorted into that of utter rage.
“Uh-oh,” Steve said.
“I . . . Not . . . GRAPE!” Hulk roared as he charged the The Flash who nimbly dodged. Superman went down to intercede, and just got punched by the Hulk. Though it did not seem to physically bother him, he was clearly angry.
Tony shut his face plate and moved forward, intending to stop the fight, but he only got attacked by the martian. Peter jumped forward to help, and soon everyone was fighting.
Thor was pitted against the Wonder Woman, and they seemed evenly matched.  Black Widow was against The flash, and despite his incredible speed she seemed to be almost winning. Both Hawkeye and Captain America were battling Green Lantern.
No one seemed to have the upper hand, which worried Tony. These people were tough. If they couldn’t beat them . . . he didn’t know what would happen.
Peter didn’t seem to share his worry though. He instead seemed to be having fun. Tony could tell the kid was smiling beneath his mask, and his body language screamed hyper and happy. He seemed to get that way whenever they fought together, and a small part of Tony was filled with a sense of parental pride.
The fight seemed endless, no one gaining traction. Until something incredible happened. Thor threw Mjolnir directly at his opponent, and instead of being knocked down like everyone else, she caught the hammer. Every Avenger - even the Hulk - immediately froze, catching the attention of the newcomers.
“This is a very well crafted weapon, though a bit clunky,” Wonder Woman said as she tossed the hammer from one hand to the other. She paused, seeing their reactions.
“You are worthy.” Thor spoke with disbelief and a tint of resignation in his voice.
“Pardon?” Superman spoke, his frown apparent.
“Only those worthy can lift Mjolnir - my hammer. She clearly can, which means that you are trustworthy.”
Five minutes of somewhat confused conversation later, they had reached an uneasy truce. Neither spoke much at first, but they soon began to compare notes. Apparently They both believed themselves to be the protectors of Earth, which brought on a bout of argument before Peter stepped in.
“Woah hold on, calm down. Something is clearly up, so there’s no need to argue!”
Wonder Woman looked contemplative. “How old are you boy, you seem young.”
Peter bristled. “I’m 15, and I’ve been a superhero for a while now, so I’m not inexperienced!”
Green Lantern laughed. “That’s not what she met, kid. We aren’t going to tell you how old you need to be to fight crime. The amount of we work with, and some even younger than you . . .” He shook his head and laughed. Then he realised how he had sounded. “I mean, we don’t force them, it's up to each individual to make that choice for themselves. Well, with the mentor’s approval of course.”
Natasha furrowed her brows. “How young are some of these kids?” Tony knew she had a thing against child soldiers, so he wasn’t surprised she was disapproving.
Green Lantern looks to the Flash. “How old is Robin at this point? 9?”
Flash laughed. “Naw, that little devil is 11. He was very adamant on that fact when he threatened me with his katana.” He shook his head.
Green Lantern laughed. “Yeah, most of the others are teenagers. Robin is the youngest, and I’d say most deadly, but Red Hood . . .”
“The Dark Knight really does have a problem,” Flash said.
His last comment made Green Lantern freeze. They both looked at each other then turned to Peter.
“Kid, stay away from The Dark Knight.” Green Lantern says.
“Yeah, if He sees you, there’s no way you’ll ever leave.”
“He’s the most dangerous man on earth,” Green Lantern adds.
“Guys, stop. You’re scaring him.” Superman looks disappointedly at the two heroes who Tony pegged as the trouble makers of the group. This idea was further cemented in Tony when they started laughing. Despite this, he decided to keep Peter as far away from this supposed Dark Knight as possible.
“Speak of the devil, he’s on his way.” Superman says this with a smile, then he cringes. “And we’re going to get an earful alright. Ten minutes ahead of him is a big deal apparently.”
In a moment. Tony got an alert that something was approaching. Fast. Soon he saw a large black military type armoured car fly down the highway from the city and off the road. It zoomed toward them.
It was a sight indeed to see the menacing black car swerve and expertly stop a few yards from the group. The top opened and a dark form shot straight up before landing in a kneeling position in front of them. The figure rose, and Tony got the first good look at him. He was a tall man with a broad chest and shoulders, dresses in complete black. There was a bat-like symbol on his chest, also in black. He wore a cape that flowed around menacingly. His face was covered by a cowl with pointed ears, like that of an owl, or perhaps a bat. The only part of his costume that was not black was the dark gold utility belt at his waist. Altogether, he was utterly frightening.
Tony took a step forward, effectively blocking Peter, who scoffed.
“Batman,” Superman said, a smile on his face.
Batman fixed the most impressive and terrifying glare upon the man that Stark had ever seen. “You broke protocol by going ahead of me. You are in my territory Superman. And you know that I cannot fly or run at the speed of sound.” He fixed his glare on the rest of his group who all reacted with either flinches or sheepish shrugs.
Batman grunted before looking at the Avengers. He sized each of them up, staying longest on Stark. Tony felt as if his entire being was being stripped away under the scrutiny.
“Alternate Dimension jumpers, not by choice I’m assuming.”
He spoke so simply that it took a minute for Tony to react. Even then, the man was already on his way back to his car.
“We’re near Gotham, let’s regroup at the Cave.”
Tony didn’t know what this Cave was, but he wasn’t sure he liked it. “Are you the Dark Knight?” He asked, before he lost his nerve.
The man looked immediately at the Flash and Green Lantern, who looked both scared and amused. Their sheepish smirks and chuckles dissipated when Batman looked away and back to Tony.
“The Dark Knight, The World’s Greatest Detective, The Caped Crusader, The Batman. All are titles I have earned. See you at the cave.”
And with that he hopped in his car and sped off back toward the gloomy city beyond.
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slowly-writing · 4 years
Wouldn’t Change A Thing
Alex Danvers x Deaf!Daughter!Reader
Word count: 1197
A/N: all the dialogue in this is signed rather than spoken. I would like to preemptively apologize for any inaccuracies, I have a very limited knowledge of ASL and deaf culture. I hope you all enjoy
Requested by anon: Pt. 1 Okay, thank you. May I please request an Alex Danvers x adopted!teen reader where R is deaf and sometimes Alex has a hard time getting her attention. This makes R feel guilty that she isn't an "easy kid" or that she's "special needs". So R tries to be more vigilant and it's putting a lot of stress on her. A notices and begins to worry, but before she can confront R about it, the DEO gets attacked while R is there. During the chaos A calls out for R to look out for falling debris but R gets hit
Pt. 2 P.s. R is okay, just a few broken ribs but she feels terrible about not being able to hear Alex's warning.
You had spent a lot more time in the orphanage than the other children. You would watch as they moved in, tears always present in their eyes and a visible fear of their new environment. You watched them get comfortable. You saw them start to smile again. And then you saw them leave.
This cycle went on and on, and you stayed put. You knew why nobody wanted you. The second a new family walked into the building everyone else knew. They all yelled to each other and could greet the adults first. When you finally caught on all you could do was wave. None of them knew sign language, so they left you be. That was until Alex came.
The day Alex came to the orphanage was one you remember clearly. You were already in the playroom when she got there. You were sitting in a corner of the room away from the rest of the kids, absorbed in your book, and that’s what she noticed first. All the other children were playing together, but you were all alone and all she wanted to do was protect you. So she made her way over to you.
When she placed her hand on your shoulder you jumped. You turned to see her lips moving and you frowned. With a sigh you tapped your ear and shook your head, expecting her to turn and walk away. Instead she sat on the floor next to you and started signing.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” she signs and your face lights up
“You sign?” she smiles and nods.
“I do, I forgot some. Can you teach me?” she asks and you agree quickly. The rest was history.
Alex waves her hand in your direction but you’re too absorbed in your homework to see her. She lets out a soft laugh as she walks over, shaking your shoulder and getting your attention. You always get so absorbed in everything you do.
“Sorry, mom. What?” you sign and she smiles.
“Don’t be sorry. Dinner is ready,” she tells you and you glance to the table where everything is set.
“Did you burn everything again?” you ask and she rolls her eyes.
“Did you hear the fire alarm?”
“I didn’t hear anything,” you say simply and she rolls her eyes again.
“You know what I meant. And no, I didn't burn it.” she retorts as you both dig in.
The next day when you get home from school you look over the living room. You normally sit on the couch to do homework but if you sit in the corner you should be able to see most of the apartment. That way, if your mom wants to get your attention she can. Then she won't have to deal with the hassle of you not knowing she wants to talk to you. You nod to yourself, deciding that’s the best idea and sit down to get the work.
When your mom gets home she frowns at you sitting on the floor but doesn’t think much of it. Teenagers are weird, you probably just thought it’d be more comfortable. She shrugs it off for now.
“Hey, kid. You want to come to the DEO? I have some work to do,” she explains and you nod.
“Ok. Let me get my stuff,” you quickly grab your backpack and shove the rest of your work into it as well as your phone charger and a book in case you get bored, and then the two of you are heading back out the door.
“Hi y/n! How are you today?” Kara signs excitedly from across the room as soon as you and your mom enter the command center.
“Good! I missed you,” you reply before running up to hug her. She smiles and picks you up as she hugs you, something she’s done since you were little. It never fails to bring a smile to your face. When she sets you down you feel your mom tap your shoulder.
“I‘like be in my office, ok?” You nod and she turns to walk off. You talk to Kara for a bit more before she has to return to her Supergirl duties. Once you’re left alone you sit at an empty desk and pull out your homework. You’re zoned into your math assignment when chaos erupts.
An alarm begins to sound through the building and commanding officers are running through yelling at everyone to arm themselves and prepare for incoming. Everyone begins moving at once, except for you. You’re still trying to find the value of X.
Seconds later a group of white martians come through the balcony window, tearing down pieces of the walls and hurtling them towards the agents firing at them. A chunk of concrete flies through your peripheral vision and you look up. The sight causes you to jump up and you scan the room, looking for the safest escape. You decide to make a break for your mom’s office, she’ll know what to do.
You glance behind you and when you see a martian with it’s sight set on you you take off. Through the chaos you don’t notice your mom on your left trying to get to you. She sees the pillar falling before you do and on instinct she screams for you to look out, but it’s no use. When you get hit by the debris she freezes and when you don’t get back up her blood runs cold.
When you wake up again you notice you’re in the med wing. You can see some of the destruction through the glass doors, but there doesn’t seem to be a threat anymore and that comforts you. What comforts you even more is your mom sitting next to you with a relieved smile.
“How are you feeling, love?” she asks and you shrug before responding.
“Sore. What happened? I was running but I don’t remember anything else.”
“The white martians attacked, we got them under control but you got hit by some debris. I yelled for you to look out but obviously you couldn’t hear me,” your mom tries to joke but you just frown.
“I’m sorry. If I had heard you or the alarms or anything then this wouldn’t have happened. I’m sorry I’m such a difficult kid,” you tell her and she shakes her head. When you try to look away she grabs your chin, redirecting you line of sight back to her before responding.
“None of that is your fault. You’re deaf. That’s not your fault and it’s not a bad thing. It makes you different, but different is good. Aunt Kara is different and everyone still loves her. She’s a superhero. Different is good, y/n.”
“But it’s hard-” you try to argue but she keeps going.
“No. But nothing. Everything good in life is hard. Parenting is hard, whether your child is hearing or deaf. I love you and I wouldn’t change a thing about you,” you wipe the tears from your eyes as she finishes, letting her words sink in. She loves you, and she doesn’t want anything to change. Neither do you.
tag list: @rvgrsbrns @rororo06 @prizmix-and-friends @worlds-in-words @im-salt-but-not-salty @5aftermidnight @riotmaximoff
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anjuschiffer · 4 years
Amira Wayne [Unclassified]
So I’m creating a series dedicated to unused chapters/scenes from Amira Wayne... Since these aren’t part of the actual fic, I will not be using the same tags from the fic themselves. If you wanna be tagged, just comment on the pieces themselves or send an ask :D
This was originally going to be the official Day 6 fic, but then I ended up changing the plot too much to be able to use it...
If I had followed my OG plot, then by this chapter, Bruce, Dick and Amira would still be in good terms, healthily healing from Jason's death.
Also, Tim would've be adopted by Bruce when Amira finds out that Tim has been severely neglected by his parents.
Tag: @theatreandcomicfreak @damianette-is-life @toodaloo-kangaroo @elijahcrevan
Day 6 - Deleted Chapter
It was another boring day at the WatchTower, some of the heroes lounging around while those with proteges kept an eye on them. 
Wally was immersed into the new game Tim had brought in the other day, only for his ears to catch the sound of the zeta tube opening.
While his first thoughts were to ignore it, the voice of the person to whom had just come changed his mind.
“Hello everyone! Sorry for our delay! Batman has a few things to work out before coming here, so I hope these pastries make up for it.” 
“And you are?” Wonder Woman asked, wondering who this child was. 
“Diana. Barry. Arthur. Meet Ladybug, Batman’s war-“ Superman started, only to get cut off. 
“Bug!” Wally squealed with a grin on his face, running up to hug his favorite person in the world as soon as she finished handing the box over to Superman.
Sure, the two have only met a few times, but can you blame Wally? She made the best cookies in the world! And not only that, she was able to get on Batman’s good side! Batman even let her drive the Batmobile!
Ladybug erupted into a fiery pink blush, earning chuckles and giggles from some of the adults in the room. 
She quickly averted her eyes when she saw Bart and Uncle Kent smile at her, Diana giving her a knowing face. Arthur simply looked at her with confusion, Ladybug hoping he wouldn’t figure out why she seemed so familiar with him. 
“S-See too nice to you! I mean! Nice to-to see you too!” Ladybug stammered, hoping he wasn’t able to hear her heart. 
Who was she kidding? Of course he was probably able to hear her hearty happily thumping away. 
Wally finally let go of Ladybug, grinning at her. 
“You won’t believe who’s here!” Wally said with a smile, catching Amira’s attention. 
While this wasn’t Ladybug’s first time at the WatchTower, it certainly was her first time on her own and having to meet other League members. As far as Wally knew, Ladybug had only met Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Flash. And maybe Martian Manhunter...once. 
“Hal! You know? Green Lantern!” 
At those words, Ladybug gaped, a smile quickly overcoming it. 
“No way! This is probably the first time I’ll be able to properly meet him! Oh no!” Ladybug quickly brought her yo-yo to her face, checking for any flour left behind. “I want to make a good impression. Wally, do I look alright?” She asked as she put her yo-yo away. 
“Splendid as ever.” He replied with a grin, causing her to blush once more. 
“Careful there. Wouldn’t want Batman to hear those words towards his new ward.” Bart reminded Wally, taking a cookie from the box Ladybug had brought in for them. 
“Relax.” Wally assured, grabbing hold of Ladybug’s hand. “Now, let’s go and find Hal! He’ll be so excited to finally meet you!”
“I hope I make a good first impression.”
“He’s going to love you!” Wally said, giving her a toothy grin. “You’ll see.”
Wally and Ladybug ran through the doors, Flash and Wonder Woman following them, not wanting to miss the events that have yet to happen.
Arthur, meanwhile, fought with his thoughts, attempting to connect the dots in his mind. 
Bruce let out a sigh as he finally got to the WatchTower an hour and a half later, surprised to see Clark sitting near the Zeta Tube waiting area.
“Kent. What are you-”
“Waiting for you.” He quickly replied, handing Bruce a napkin, a bat shaped cookie on it. “Aside from Amira being a kind girl, she’s also quite the baker. Alfred must be happy to have a set of hands to help him around the kitchen.”
Clark had accidentally found out about Amira being Ladybug one foggy night while visiting Bruce. Clark was waiting for the man in his study when he caught her entering it via the window in full Ladybug costume. 
“Not only can she bake, but she also knows how to get the boys to listen to her with a single command.” Bruce said with a sigh, regretting letting Amira go ahead without him. Making sure that Dick wouldn’t go off solving cases without backup and for Tim to not wander into the BatCave by himself is what held him back. “So where is Amira?”
“Last I heard, she was busy arguing with Hal-”
“Jordan’s here?” Bruce asked, only then realising that two were heading towards the sparing room, hearing muffled shouts coming from the room.
“Knowing that Amira wanted to meet him, Wally offered to introduce her to him.” 
“And you let them?” Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose, fully knowing the headache that was awaiting. “Let’s just hope-”
Bruce wasn’t expecting to see what he saw when he entered the room.
There, in front of them, Ladybug finished slamming a robot against the floor as a timer went off, the crowd cheering for their victor.
“That was amazing!” Bruce heard Wally shout, looking over to Ladybug, a prominent blush on her face as she held her hand in the air. Bruce wanted to throw a glare the boy’s way, but chose not too.
She let her hand drop to her side, feeling as her entire body almost fell down with it. She let herself take in big breaths of air, fully knowing she badly needed it.
“That’s the fifth time in row that I’ve beaten you.” Ladybug said after catching her breath. Sparring with robots was nothing compared to fighting her brothers...brother. She straightened herself up, doing a few bends to the side to calm down her aching body. “If you still want to go another round to try and prove-”
“Ladybug.” Bruce’s voice boomed, making everyone quiet down and causing Ladybug to harshly flinch.
“B-Batman.” She said, slowly turning to face. “I know you said that I should wait for you to arrive so that you can properly introduce me as your ward, but-”
“She’s your ward?” Hal asked, glancing between Batman and Ladybug. “Should’ve known.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Bruce asked, narrowing his eyes. 
“Using underhanded methods to destroy-” 
“I didn’t use any underhanded methods!” Ladybug defended, holding back a blush when she heard ‘She fought fair and square!’ from Wally. “Batman taught me how to make the most of my surroundings and of my abilities! He’s the one who taught me to access my situations instead of charging in...unlike you.”
“Excuse me? Are you-”
“Instigating that you solely rely too much on your ring’s power? Yes.” Ladybug said, stepping out of the ring. “Makes you think you’re invincible.”
“Not like you’re any different.” Hal retorted, pointing at Ladybug’s earrings. “Your earrings are also magical. As for how I know, I scanned it earlier. I know what they are.” Hal said with a smirk when he saw Ladybug scowl. 
“My earrings-”
“-are just like my ring.” Hal completed, walking up to Ladybug. “You too rely too much on your magical earrings.”
“No, I don’t.” Ladybug sternly said, straightening up. “And to prove it. Let’s have a simple sparring match. One round, no time limit. And to make things fair, no magical item for me since you believe I rely too much on it.”
Everyone watched as Ladybug went over to Bruce, who simply looked at his ward with pride. 
Everyone watched as Ladybug called off her transformation, watching as she held her earrings in her hand before giving them to Batman.
Wally’s jaw dropped at finding out that it was Amira behind the mask. 
“Dad, hold my earrings.”
“Dad?!” Hal yelled, wondering if this meant death. “Batman is-”
“My father? Yup. Name’s Marinette by the way,” Amira said, bowing her head as she said it. 
Wally looked at her in confusion. Wasn’t that Amira?
Technically, Amira wasn’t lying. “And before I forget, let me just tell you,” Marinette stepped into the ring, stretching her arms for the upcoming fight. “Just because I’m a girl doesn’t mean you should underestimate me.”
“-and that hold you did at the end! That was...amazing!” Wally blabbered away, causing Amira to turn a shade redder than what she already was.
As soon as the match started, Hal wished he hadn’t challenged the young girl.
No matter how many times he would hold her down or throw her across the ring, she would never. Back. Down. Ever.
She fell on her back? Did a flip to get back up or twist her body to attack him from below, oftentimes kicking him in the jaw.
She rolled towards the edge of the ring? No problem. She simply stopped herself and went back to dodging Hal’s chains and weapons. He hated it when she would grab a chain and use it against him, or even better. She used it as a step stone to land a hit on him.
He hated her axe drops the most. That thing hurt like the devil.
He grabbed her? She would pull him towards her and knee him in the stomach or chest and then punch him square in the face. But wait! When she didn’t feel like doing that, she’d simply throw him towards her side and push him down, letting some distance go between them before she would flip towards him and do a dropkick on him.
Their fight continued until Amira landed the final blow. 
Hal was too late to notice the girl behind him, grinning at him like a madwoman.
Using his projectile as a foothold, Amira launched herself towards him, the heel of her foot connecting with his shoulder, causing him to fall onto the floor, Amira using that opportunity to grab Hal.
But Hal wasn’t going to go down that easily. 
Grabbing her arm, he attempted to tuck it behind her and hold her down, but she proved to be quicker than him.
She pulls him towards herself, placing his arm under his body, wrapping her legs around his body.
Hal felt his arm ache in pain from the unnatural stretching, the pressure on his back not helping his lack of breath. 
It also didn’t help that he also had pressure going against his chest due to Amira’s leg pushing his arm into his chest and her hands pulling his head into his compressed body.
His head was starting to become light, his vision starting to spin.
He wanted to breathe, but he just couldn’t. 
Feeling the last of his energy beginning to leave him, he tapped out, gasping for air when Amira released him.
“It wasn’t anything, really.” Amira finally replied to Wally, internally smiling as she recalled how smoothly her plan went.
With his focus on breathing, Hal’s concentration slipped from his ring, allowing Amira to guarantee her win. She slipped his ring off his finger temporarily, making sure that he wouldn’t attempt to use it as she waited for him to tap out.
When he did, she quickly slipped it back on, grinning as she claimed her victory.
But that was a low move, even for you.
Yes, it was, but something had to be done to knock Hal off his pedestal.
“You think you could teach me how to-” 
“Sure!” Amira chirped, internally screaming at herself for saying that. “I'd be happy to teach-“
“Nightwing could teach you.” Batman cut off, causing Wally to shudder and Amira to giggle.
While her first meeting with Hal didn’t go as planned, she sure hopes they can spar with him again in the near future. It’s not everyday she was able to spar without having to hold out after all!
“Can’t wait until our next visit Father!” Amira said, quickly slipping into her Ladybug costume. “And I can’t wait to see you again.” Amira told Wally, waving to him as she stepped into the Zeta Tube.
While she enjoyed visiting the Tower, she couldn’t help but wonder how Jason would’ve reacted had he had the opportunity to see it himself.
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17. Mars Needs Men
The episode begins with a view of Mars from Earth. A spaceship is launching towards Mars. Another spaceship approaches it and captures it with robotic arms that extend out of it.
Galaxy Man comes out of the spaceship, which is actually the Skull Shuttle, and breaks into the captured spaceship. The spaceships land on Mars. Astro Man, Star Man, and Crash Man come out of the spaceship and meet up with Galaxy Man. The people in the captured spaceship are actually people who overlook the colony on Mars. The robot masters and a group of robotic enemies take over the colony. Galaxy Man and Astro Man use the communications center in the colony to contact Dr. Wily and give him the all-clear to send the rest of the robot masters to Mars. Back on Earth, Mega Man, Roll, and Rush are at a park watching the fireworks show. A laser shoots out of the sky in the distance. Everyone thinks that it is just part of the show. Dr. Light calls up Mega Man on his arm cannon and tells him that the colony on Mars is attacking Earth for some reason, and that he should go to Mars to investigate. "Looks like it wasn't part of the show after all!" Mega Man tells Roll. Mega Man and the others head to the Kennedy Space Center. At the space center, they try to contact the colony. Guts Man answers the call and tells them that Mars is Dr. Wily's now and that Earth might as well surrender. Mega Man and some Space Force soldiers board a spaceship and fly over to Mars.
Mega Man leads the soldiers to the colony. He is wearing the latest suit, the Space Suit. Astro Man and Galaxy Man attack them with a group of Sniper Joes. Mega Man defeats the Sniper Joes with the blaster on his Space Suit. The Space Force soldiers manage to weaken Astro Man and Galaxy Man. Mega Man nears the colony, but is stopped by Proto Man. "This planet is under new management, brother!" He says to Mega Man. Proto Man tells Mega Man that the planet belongs to Dr. Wily and that if he tries to intervene, that they will attack Earth. He then compliments Mega Man on his Space Suit, wishing that he also had one. Mega Man tells him to keep wishing, and shoots him with the Space Suit's cannon. "Such terrible manners!" Proto Man comments as Mega Man heads towards the planet's colony. Mega Man continues on his way to the colony. "Hope I'm not too late!" he says to himself as he gets closer. When he gets to the entrance of the colony, he hears some bombs coming towards him. He dodges the bombs and avoids their explosions. Crash Man fires his bombs again at Mega Man. He destroys them with his cannon, and then fires at Crash Man. The blast knocks out Crash Man. Mega Man manages to make his way into the colony. The space force soldiers follow Mega Man into the colony. They are all ambushed by some Sniper Joes and Wily Bots. They manage to defeat most of them, but three of them manage to shoot at Mega Man, making him lose some of his power. One of the space force soldiers gives him a large energy pellet. Mega Man swallows it, and his power is restored. One of the robot masters see them and triggers the intruder alarm. One of the soldiers calls for reinforcements. The soldiers tell Mega Man that they are going to the holding cells because they believe that is where the colony's inhabitants are being held. "Roger!" Mega Man says to them. They split up and head their separate ways. Mega Man takes off his Space Suit and puts it in a safe hiding place for later.
He makes his way to the vehicle holding bay to prepare some spaceships for the colony's inhabitants to escape on. Star Man confronts him and weakens him with his Star Crash weapon. He has some of the other robot masters take him to where the rocket ships are stored for launching. Mega Man is tied to one of them. Crash Man activates the rocket and programs it to launch into the sun. The rocket will launch in five minutes. Mega Man fears that no one can help him this time. As luck would have it, one of the freed colony inhabitants happens to come across Mega Man strapped to the rocket. Mega Man tells him that there is only one minute left on the timer. The inhabitant throws him a power pellet. Mega Man catches it in his mouth and swallows it. "Delicious!" Mega Man says after swallowing it. The power pellet restores his energy. He breaks himself free from the chains and jumps onto the floor. The rocket launches. Mega Man is greatly relieved that he was not still bound to the rocket. He thanks the inhabitant for helping him get out of that situation. The inhabitant tells them that some of the evil robots have gotten control of the colony's defense system. Mega Man runs over to the defense system's building. On his way there, he gets out his space suit and puts it back on.
Meanwhile, Dr. Wily calls up some of the leaders of Earth's countries. He tells them that they might as well give up control of Earth, as he has the planet Mars under his control and will send out the colony's ships to attack Earth if they dare send their defense forces out to take back Mars. Back on Mars, Mega Man flies over to the defense system's building with the rockets on the back of his Space Suit. Astro Man and Galaxy Man are in control of the defense system's lasers. They see Mega Man on the radar flying up to the building. Galaxy Man fires some of the laser cannons at him. Mega Man dodges the lasers and destroys them with his cannon. Astro Man comes out of the building and flies towards Mega Man and attacks him. Mega Man defeats him and takes his weapon. Galaxy Man presses a button, and sends out some Martian tanks out to destroy him. Mega Man uses his newly acquired weapon to destroy the tanks. He makes his way into the building. He confronts Galaxy Man in the building's control room. Galaxy Man calls up Dr. Wily. Dr. Wily comes up on a large screen and asks him what he thinks he is doing trying to steal his planet. Mega Man snaps back that it is not his planet and that they are taking back what is theirs. Dr. Wily is in the main control room of the tallest building on the colony, which happens to be the main building there. He sends out some spaceships to attack Earth, and tells Mega Man that he still has Mars and that there is nothing he can do to take it back. Galaxy Man tells him that he might as well surrender, but Mega Man tells him "No Way, Galaxy Geek!", and uses Astro Man's weapon against him, knocking him out. He then takes Galaxy Man's Black Hole Bomb weapon, leaves the building, and flies on over to the main building of the colony. Dr. Wily has some of the spaceships fly over to Mega Man to attack him. He uses his Black Hole Bomb weapon to pull the spaceships into each other, destroying them in the process. "Is that all you got, Wily?" Mega Man shouts out loud. Dr. Wily has Guts Man, Star Man, and Crash Man go outside of the colony to ambush Mega Man. Guts Man picks up a large Martian rock and hurls it at Mega Man. Mega Man charges through the rock, destroys it, and rams into Guts Man. Guts Man is knocked out by the strong charge from Mega Man. Crash Man fires some of his bombs at Mega Man. He uses his Space Suit's cannon to blow them up. "Now it's your turn, Star Man!" Mega Man shouts to Star Man. "Your vacation to the Sun was cancelled, huh?" Star Man says to him. "Well, yeah! Because I didn't want to get sunburned!" Mega Man says with sass in his voice. Star Man attacks him with his Star Crash weapon, but Mega Man fights back with his Black Hole Bomb. He fires it at Star Man and Crash Man, trapping them in its pull, which eventually tears them apart.
Dr. Light calls Mega Man on his arm cannon and tells him to stop Dr. Wily as some of the Martian spaceships he sent out earlier are attacking Earth. Mega Man tells him that he is on his way to where Dr. Wily is. In the main control room, Dr. Wily tells Proto Man to fire some rockets at Earth. Just as Proto Man is about to push the button that launches the rockets, the space force soldiers burst into the room and tell Dr. Wily and Proto Man to put their hands up. Dr. Wily secretly activates the security button, summoning some Wily Bots to attack the soldiers. Mega Man finds his way into the main building, and sees that the Wily Bots are on their way to where the soldiers are. Mega Man destroys them with his weapons. Mega Man calls up Dr. Wily on the large screen and tells him that Mars is going through a coup. Dr. Wily realizes that he has been defeated. He has Proto Man fire off a fully charged shot at Mega Man and the soldiers. The brightness from the shot temporarily blinds them, giving Dr. Wily and Proto Man the opportunity to escape. The soldiers realize that they are getting away and go after them. Back on Earth, the invading spaceships from Mars have been vanquished, but most of the cities have been destroyed during the invasion. After surveying the damage, Dr. Light calls up Mega Man and asks him what his progress is. Mega Man tells him that they have managed to take back the colony, and are pursuing Dr. Wily and his robots. Dr. Wily summons the robot masters to aide them. They block off Mega Man and the soldiers just as they are about to catch Dr. Wily and Proto Man. Mega Man uses his Black Hole Bomb, but the robot masters manage to keep themselves from being pulled into the weapon. Crash Man fires a bomb into the weapon, neutralizing it. Proto Man says to Mega Man "We had a great vacation, little bro!" as he and Dr. Wily and the rest of the robot masters board the Skull Shuttle. The Skull Shuttle takes off, but not before firing two powerful missiles at the colony. Mega Man uses the rockets on his Space Suit to get to the missiles quickly before they damage the colony. He fires his cannon at them, destroying them. The colony's inhabitants thank Mega Man for saving Mars. Mega Man and the space force soldiers return to Earth.
A welcome home party awaits Mega Man when he returns back on Earth to Dr. Light's Lab. Tina and her father thank Mega Man for keeping outer space safe once again. The episode ends with both of them giving Mega Man a hug.
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justaghostingon · 4 years
Room of Swords Space Pirate Au
Summary: All Gyrus wanted was to show off his new language to the scientific community, instead he ends up on the treasure hunt of his life as pirates, military, and strange bowler hat wearing secret societies chase him down. But he’s not alone, no. He’s kidnapped by the most feared pirate since the Pirate King himself, and forced to be their guide.
But Gyrus has secrets even he isn’t aware of, and a connection to the Pirate King that will turn the tables of the game.
Has anyone read Larklight? Because this is gonna take heavy inspiration.
Also it gets pretty long, so its under the cut
Gyrus, an amnesiac miracle man found floating through space and taken to a lab for examination. He proceeds to win over the scientists examining him and become a protogee of sorts.
Gyrus does some work in history on the side, and discovers a way to crack an ancient alien language that the scientists couldn’t. They are all really impressed and Dr. Iro invites him along to a science exposition to try and win a grant for the lab.
They dress up to present to this strange bowler hat society that is hosting the party, inviting space’s elite and brilliant.
But half the party are rich snobs and the other half seem...strange (and not just because of the bowler hats), Gyrus can’t put his finger on it, and it makes him uneasy. He chocks it up to nerves and moves to the side of the ship to get some fresh air.
And accidentally stumbles on one of the “society” shadowing one of the rich elite, who then turn back to seemingly normal, but they are now...off in the same way the others are. (And wearing a bowler hat).
This freaks Gyrus out so much he stays hidden on the deck even long after they leave. He finally emerges, ready to grab Iro and run...
At this point Kodya’s pirates attack, raising havok and demanding that the society give up their gold or no one gets hurt.
Gyrus gets grabbed as a hostage because he’s literally the first person they can reach. (Kodya kinda recognizes him, which may also play into it)
Unfortunately for the pirates, the society was expecting them, and has hired a full military fleet to take them on. Who don’t really care about a no name hostage in light of capturing one of the most wanted pirates in the solar system.
Kodya drags Gyrus onto the ship, and they take off.
Once they are far enough away, the whole crew turns on Gyrus. (Crew includes Tori, Sylvia, and Nephthys) Gyrus is afraid but demands to go back to save Iro.
Kodya is very confused because that is not what a hostage says usually, (and a little upset Gyrus doesn’t recognize him, and why is Gyrus younger? Did he have a brother also named Gyrus?) but once Gyrus explains he gets a dark look and refuses, claiming they got lucky. (And he doesn’t want those things near Gyrus, not again)
Kodya decides to make Gyrus a cleaner (cabin boy technically but he’s an adult so they’re calling it cleaner instead) on the ship, which works for a few days, until Gyrus stumbles on a treasure map and dagger in the journal left out in Kodya’s room. Kodya is upset he touched the journal, and Gyrus says he just wanted to read it better.
To which Kodya is thrilled and gets the whole crew together, and they decide to start on the quest for the pirate treasure.
They explain about the Pirate King, who came from nowhere and united the pirates, then betrayed them to the shadow society which nearly got them all killed. But he left a map to the greatest treasure, which everyone was looking for.
Kodya in particular wants to find it, and maybe answers as to why the pirate king betrayed them. (And also how he’s back seemingly with amnesia and younger somehow, is this even the same Gyrus? He’s handling all this like its new info)
The first clue takes them to Mars, which is struggling with colonialism as the humans mine valuable minerals and force the locals to work for them. The map requires “the heart of mars” which Kodya, whose from this planet, guesses is a valuable device that helps to convert the rare minerals.
Its also super large, and what the heck Pirate King?
They go to hide with some Rebel Martians friends of Nephthys and Kodya’s, who reveal that things have gotten far worse since the two of them fled, and the colonial leader, despite not making any public appearances, is demanding an even higher quota.
It also comes out that Nephthys used to be a priestess who foresaw the invasion and was helpless to stop it, and got kidnapped by the colonizers as a prize. Then Kodya, a young soldier newly enlisted from home, met and befriended her and together they escaped. But they couldn’t get very far. Fortunately the Pirate King saved them.
Nephthys feels guilty that she can’t help them more, and wishes there was something she could do. The rebels say there is a way they can help, if they get rid of the heart of mars, which will prevent the people from stealing anymore of their minerals.
They agree to do this, with the agreement that hey get to keep the heart of mars.
They split into two teams, to Gyrus, Tori, and Sylvia go in to visit the colonial leader, because Kodya and Nephthys are super wanted here, and Gyrus still has his suit and important looking documents. Then Sylvia will sneak down to let Kodya and Neph in, while Tori and Gyrus distract the colonizer leader.
The two ‘leaders’ that Gyrus and Tori are led to do not match the descriptions given, but after they see their documents, they welcome Gyrus and his...posse.
The ‘leaders’ puts on a front for Gyrus, but Sylvia and Tori find out the servants are frightened, as there has just been a coup-de-taut.
At the awkward dinner, Gyrus is treated like a guest, and Tori a bodyguard, while the ‘leaders’ regale them with their latest conquests, and how they recently defeated a rebel leader named “Serdtse” and show off his broken sword, his symbol of power.
Tori gets more and more furious as they listen, meanwhile, Sylvia lets Kodya and Neph in, and they attempt to remove the ‘heart of mars’
Gyrus gets half paralyzed by the food, and the ‘leaders’ reveal they need him alive because he’ll bring them quite a bit more money to the right people. Tori meanwhile is unaffected, and kills the male. Gyrus, still barely able to move, grabs the broken sword and tries to drag himself away, as the ship arrives and one of those “off” people in a bowler hat arrives.
Tori is unable to help, as she is stuck fighting the other leader.
Meanwhile down below, a bunch of minions come running to stop Kodya and Neph and Sylvia. They begin to overwhelm them, until some of the martian servants reveal themselves as rebels and help them win. Then the ‘off’ people show up there too.
Kodya and Neph freak out, and drag everyone away from them, Kodya throws a light bomb behind to shine brightly and temporarily stun them.
They run to Tori and Gyrus, and Sylvia and Kodya help fight the scary leader while Neph heals Gyrus. Not much they can do about the ‘off’ person though, so they all run some more.
Then to stop the shadows for good, a mysterious stranger (“Serdtse!” the rebels shout) blows up the whole building for good.
Kodya gets upset that they didn’t get the heart, and then Gyrus’s bag starts glowing. Turns out the half sword is the clue. Kodya is very confused, and feels they should meet this ‘Serdtse’ but the military show up and they have to run, taking the credit for the attack so the martian’s don’t get blamed.
They decide to hide in Venus, the only place no one will look, because the last people to try to live there turned into trees. (Read Larklight) Tori is the only survivor of the mysterious illness, and she offers it to them as a place to hide. (Her queen was one of the victims).
Gyrus offers to try and find a cure, and takes some seeds, even though Tori says its hopeless. 
Also this is where Kodya decides to try and teach Gyrus how to fight, because he was absolutely useless back there.
They also try to figure out what the connection between the glow of the half sword and the map. Eventually Sylvia reveals that a metal like this that no one can identify, their best shot is the mines on the moons of Jupiter, which has the best ore experts in the world. They all decide to go there.
At Moons of Jupiter, which is a mining town and a hub for pirates, Sylvia is from here, and eagerly shows off the place to the others. Even Kodya is beginning to relax, except that everyone they meet keeps trying to get Kodya to visit the storm to find the answers he needs. (Storm knows the answers to everything in Larklight, but rarely appears)
Kodya points out two things, first, that the storm is illusive on the best of days, and second, that it hardly gets everything right, as it was wrong about the Pirate King, because he once asked it a question, and it was obviously wrong. He won’t tell them exactly what he asked though (probably something about Gyrus)
Meet Don and his crew, who head the pirate armada Kodya work for, and teams up to find the treasure. The crew that is much nastier to Gyrus than Kodya’s.
Gyrus gets into trouble with Ragan for looking like the Pirate King. It is here he learns the Pirate Kings name was also Gyrus. Neph stops Ragan, pointing out Gyrus is far to young, and was working as a scientist on earth, so he’d have to have been there for ages. Gyrus thinks now is not the time to mention his mysterious origins.
Gyrus gets pushed off by one of the crew, unclear who. Kodya jumps over to find him, and Tori ends up falling off too.
Storm light makes the half sword spell out a single word: Saturn. (in plain english)
The crew believes this is where they have to go.
Meanwhile the storm itself saves Gyrus, introducing himself as Alistair. He tells him he is an old friend, and here to help him and tells him that he needs to go to Earth to find the real treasure before Don does. 
Also that Gyrus is a god, because those things apparently exist with the ability to put things in motion. He was supposed to die, but decided to keep living to see what would happen. Met Don and very naively told him what he could do. Don wanted to take for himself, but he was clever. He befriended Gyrus first and pushed him towards his own goals of destroying the Empire. When Gyrus finally grew wise to how he was being used, he betrayed Gyrus and made it look like Gyrus betrayed them. Gyrus tried to fight back, by hiding the way to his power, but Don was relentless, and so Gyrus confronted him to make him stop. Unfortunately he was not planning on the bowler hat society, which got tweleve members of Don’s armada. (Larklight, read it).
Also Kodya shows up for this and is very annoyed that Gyrus and the Pirate King are the same person (and didn’t tell him he was still alive!), but reluctantly goes along with it. (because he does care)
Alistair introduces him to Maria and Knox and thier crew, who are waiting to rescue them, and ended up finding Tori. Serdtse is introduced too, who turns out to be Hinju, brother of Xinju, who Gyrus did not kill. 
They explain how they made the broken sword as a decoy to the true key, Kodya’s dagger. But now they’ve got Kodya and Gyrus they should be able to get the treasure long before both the pirates and the bowler hat society right?
Wrong. Because Kodya, not realizing it was so important, left it on his ship. Which is now run by Nephthys. Which is going to Saturn.
So they decide to split up, which is to say Alistair teaches Gyrus a way only he can teleport, and sends him to earth to get there before the problem, while everyone else goes to convince the pirates to change allegiances.  
Meanwhile the girls and Don’s crew all go to Saturn, where the clue opens a locked door of a ‘memory’ journal, and the crew learn of the origins of the bowler hat society (race from the beginning of the world, want to remake everyone in perfect order like the rings of Saturn)
Which is very knowledgeable, but pretty much useless for them. The pirates and the girls debate on whether the treasure is a fake, this is another clue, or they missed something else.
Meanwhile Don comes to the conclusion that the knife is wrong, and goes to find the correct version on the ship.
Neph goes back, ends up coming in on Don’s investigation. Not knowing what is going on, Don mistakes her for knowing what’s going on, and reveals he’s the mastermind. 
Also Gyrus’s crew reach Saturn, and try to steal it back, only to get into more trouble. The pirates are divided on who to believe, Gyrus’s crew and Neph, or Don. Having Hinju manages to make Xinju to side with Gyrus though, but Ragan is not convinced, because Don is one persuasive man.
The two teams split up on separate ships, and race back to earth.
Meanwhile, Gyrus discovers that the ship he first was found in floating in space is actually the treasure he was trying to keep hidden. The only problem, he has absolutely no idea how it works.
So he meditates at the suggestion of the scientists, only to discover that there is a power inside himself.
Which would be poetic, if it didn’t also have a personality.
So Gyrus is trying to sort out millions of years of memories, while the scientists sit around him confused.
All except for Iro, who sees this as an opportunity to use his shiny new bowler hat. Which he puts on Gyrus’s now helpless head.
Gyrus now has to fight off an attempted possession, while figuring out how to use his powers.
He finds a way to throw it off, but not before Iro reports it almost complete, and the Bowler hat society moves into their next big plan: to possess all of the Empire’s parliament and Queen. (Different from Tori’s, unless I decide to change that later)
At the last second, Gyrus manages to throw off the possession, figuring out a way to cure it in the process. He rushes up to stop the bowler hats, but he’s held back, and his method of curing is to slow, only one at a time.
Then the pirates attack.
The pirates attack everyone, each other, who knows what’s going on up there. It creates chaos instantly, and Chaos is the exact thing that the bowler hats hate. They temporarily break from their hosts to fly up and stop the pirates. Kodya’s pirates notice, and start causing even more chaos, which makes all of them swirl up into the sky, trying to attack.
But this is really, really bad for the pirates. So Gyrus decides he has to help them.
He uses his powers to create a large, white light, and tells them its the power. All the shadows fly towards it. Don also tries to go and get it, putting his own crew at risk and causing them to turn on him.
Once all of them are close, Gyrus whips out the seeds from Venus, makes them grow with his power ‘setting things in motion’ and traps them in a bubble with only the bowler hat monsters. They all turn into a tree.
When the dust settles, no one is quite sure what happened, but the scientists are there to step in for Gyrus to the Queen. 
Don is arrested for trying to kill like 14 people. The Queen then gives everyone else full pardons so they are no longer pirates, and names them heroes of the state.
Which the pirates aren’t sure what to think about, but hey, they’ll take a party and not dying right now.
Gyrus and his friends reunite, Gyrus now aware of who he is, and it ends with them all eating with the scientists and regaling them with their adventure.
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canvaswolfdoll · 4 years
CanvasWatches: Carole & Tuesday
A charming SciFi anime focusing more on the cast’s day-to-day lives than some major sociopolitical conflict that requires laser gun diplomacy? Set on a Terraformed Mars with brick and mortar solarpunk aesthetic? I can get into that.
The fact that Carole & Tuesday is a science fiction story came as a surprise, as most of the buzz and promotion that crossed my social feeds focused on the street performance aspects. Then, surprise! Tabletop fast food ordering and pizzerias that grow their tomatoes in house![1] Which is the sort of speculative fiction I’m enjoying nowadays: normal life with the fantastic acting as seasoning to spice up the world around them.
I’ve never paid special attention to music. I listen to music obviously, but rarely in any sort of analytical capacity. It’s pretty sounds that help fill in the background while I write, or to convey emotion in a musical, or to mark the start and end of a show I’m watching. I’ve never sought out music to listen to when looking for entertainment, it’s always a byproduct of whatever media I’m engaged with at the moment. Heck, these days, when I’m too lazy to set my car radio up to play a podcast, I just drive in silence.[2]
I sometimes feel I’m missing something by not engaging with the art form in a more conscious manner, and I only recently became aware that albums are a carefully curated thing instead of a collection of the performer’s most recent songs, so… yeah. Kind of a cultural blindspot.[3]
This tangent doesn’t even end with a neat little note of how Carole & Tuesday had inspired me to consume music in a more deliberate and contemplative manner. The soundtrack includes plenty of insert songs I happily threw on my background noise playlists,[4] and what few albums I seek out are video game and anime soundtracks.[5]
Carole & Tuesday was chiefly directed by Shinichiro Watanabe, who’s name was made with the Jazzy Space Epic Cowboy Bebop and Hip-Hop Samurai Series Samurai Champloo. It was probably inevitable he would produce an anime where music took front stage instead of informing tone.
Carole & Tuesday takes inspiration from Pop, but is unafraid to feature and mix other genres, such as Opera and Rap.[6] What’s really exciting is the decision to have the insert songs performed in English.
Historically, when diegetic music is present in anime, the song is performed in Japanese, and most dubs make the smart decision to leave the japanese audio and subtitle them. I may prefer dubs for my various reasons, but I wouldn’t dare ask for the policy on subbed music to change. Carole & Tuesday took an international view to its production, and thus used the most widely spoken language when no one (reasonable) would begrudge the use of Japanese performers.
Netflix picked up the show as part of their continued haphazard attempts to seize the genre with an attitude out of the early 2000s, and the company tapped to record the English dub did an admirable job matching voice performances believably similar to the singing voices.
Which may be the first time that speaking actors were hired to fit the singers.
The story takes place on Mars in the future year of… 50 years after humanity started migrating to Mars. I cannot find a year cited, which is the smart and wise choice and I am super annoyed I’m not going to be able to make jokes about the production's attempts and failure to predict the future.
50 years after starting to migrate over to the red planet, humanity has terraformed large swathes of Mars into a Solarpunk paradise. Earth is apparently not in a great state as refugees are desperately making their way to the planet, but Earth remains offscreen for the entire run. Fortunately no one has any giant robots,[7] so the two planets aren’t at war. While Mars has been made hospitable enough, the atmosphere does occasionally mess with the genetics of residents.
That’s just background details, however. The story is really about the titular duo. Tuesday is introduced fleeing the mansion of her politician mother, hopping onto a cattle train like Kiki, and riding off to Alba City with only a quitar and robotic luggage to keep her company, where she stumbles upon Refugee Orphan Carole busking with a keyboard. The two have a jam session and decide to become a musical act.
Meanwhile, famed child star Angela Carpenter[8] is setting to transition from a modeling career to an exciting career singing. Her mother pulls strings and utilizes her connections to team up with Tao, a genius of Artificial Intelligence Design who is willing to use his technology to provide Angela with computer generated music and lyrics.
Thus we have the start of a sci-fi John Henry Tale where the battle is not hammer and steel but instruments and voice.
I say ‘the start’ because while the two teams utilize different methods to produce their music, their methods are never weighed against one another. In fact, there’s barely a one-sided rivalry, as Angela is jealous of the titular duo’s ability to enjoy their career, and our two heroes take only a polite, professional view of Angela’s rising career.
Carole and Tuesday are both weighed down by a common problem with anime protagonists: they’re just nice. There’s a certain fear when writing protagonists, especially females, of accidentally making them off-putting that the writers overcorrect and don’t let the hero make mistakes or have much personality, to the point that Carole and Tuesday have very little agency.
Instead, it’s Gus, the ex-rock star manager the duo acquire, that does the leg work and takes risks while Carole and Tuesday just sing nice songs then sit back while the plotlines orbiting their rise to success are resolved by the men.
The show also can’t choose a lane, playing with several story threads that could carry full 24-episode stories by themselves, but instead are dealt with as lightly as possible.
We start with the story of a run-away from decadence and a refugee bringing their world views together, but that instead goes into a tournament arc disguised as a talent contest, then the drama of navigating the music industry, before ending with the presidential run of Tuesday’s mother causing public unrest. Carole and Tuesday don’t make a meaningful choice that affects any of these stories.
Meanwhile, Angela gets a story of asserting her identity while already in public view, facing dangers both external and internal on her journey.
Surprisingly, this is the first show in a while that I didn't resent for transitioning out of the episodic, playing with the premise portion. While Carole and Tuesday were attempting to get their big break, bopping around misadventures trying to get contacts, gigs, and filming a music video, Angela looms in her plotline, building up to the inevitable rivalry.
Angela is introduced just before her mother, Dahlia, starts reworking Angela's career from modeling to singing, hiring Tao, renowned AI designer, as Angela's producer. Angela experiences mild paranoia from Tao's standoffish nature, machinery, and making a holographic simulation of Angela. So Angela had a more consistent narrative during the first arc.
Introductions out of the way, it's time for everyone's favorite trope: the tournament arc! In the form of ‘Space!'s got Talent’ Generic Brand Named into Mar's Brightest. The main duo meets their rival, backstage drama ensues, some very good music is performed, and things are set up to technically give both Carole and Tuesday as well as Angela a win at the end.
With publicity achieved, Gus starts getting to work preparing the girls' debut album and booking appearances, as well as meeting other artists and (briefly) Carole’s father. We learn about Gus’s past client, Flora, who dropped Gus as soon as she found success, then found herself without a support base and spiraled into depression and addiction. Carole and Tuesday remain upbeat and optimistic.
Meanwhile, Angela starts getting harassed by a stalker and feeling helpless and poorly supported by those around her. Tao takes point on stopping the stalker when the police fail, ultimately taking him down before the stalker could pull a Mark David Chapman.
The story bleeds into the final act, as the presidential campaign of Valerie Simmons, Tuesday’s mother, moves forward in prominence. The AI algorithm Valerie is utilizing suggests she take an anti-immigration stance, which the woman follows in an attempt to further her career. Musicians are getting harassed by law enforcement, Tuesday’s brother Spencer is becoming uneasy with being an accessory to the campaign, and starts meeting with a reporter with information that Valerie’s campaign manager orchestrated a terrorist attack to villainize immigrants. Spencer and the reporter argue over how many chances to give Valerie, and agree on Spencer taking the evidence to Valerie, and if she doesn’t back down, then they’ll leak the scandal. Valerie, seeing the crimes committed for her benefit, gracefully renounces her candidacy. It’s very heart warming.
Carole and Tuesday write a protest song, and gather friends to sing it. This protest song has no observable impact.
Meanwhile, Angela learns she’s adopted, and her mother suffers a heart-attack shortly before Angela is set to win a Martian Grammy, and Angela spirals into depression and prescription drug abuse, to the point of collapsing at the end of her Grammy performance, being rushed to the hospital and missing her mother’s passing and funeral. Angela is adrift. She has no family, no support, and is just lonely.
Tao, who was working to sabotage Valerie’s campaign and burning as many bridges as possible after being targeted for refusing to assist the campaign, appears in Angela’s hospital room to drop a bomb: both he and Angela are designer babies, and though Tao must go into hiding now, he does intend to look out for his little sister.
Angela joins the performance of Carole and Tuesday’s protest song.
If it’s not already clear, I feel the story of Carole and Tuesday themselves was pretty lacking.
So, how would I rework this? Step one: we’re either cutting Carole and Tuesday, or combining them into a single character and making Angela the second. With the second option, Angela can maintain her backstory, but take Carole’s introduction of fleeing her family mansion and attempting to strike out on her own, meeting up with Carole and forming an act. To maintain the final arc, Carole would need to be reworked into the abandoned daughter of Tuesday’s late father, making her the half sister of Spencer and something to be hidden by Valerie Simmons’ campaign.
We then intermingle the two plotlines: Gus maintains his managerial position, and eventually convinces Angela to use her connections and mother to get her career jumpstarted, Ms. Carpenter still brings in Tao to write music, and now we can lean more into the AI-written music versus human compositions subplot as well as creative differences, which can lead to an arc where Angela and Carolday split to attempt solo careers, each taking a different manager.[9] Dahlia still has her issues and passes away, Angela her depressive spiral, but now Gus gets pathos by being there to help his client out of self-destruction, and the final number can also be a reconciliation of the main musical duo. The song can even be a combination of AI and human composition.
Carolday, meanwhile, discovers her relation to the anti-immigrant candidate and has to decide if she wants to finally have a family with Valerie and Spencer or stand up for her beliefs and assist a politician in bringing the campaign down. The resolution of the political plot can remain a happy compromise, but Carolday gets a slightly more active role in it.
The animation and world-building is great, and Angela’s arc is very strong. But the writing was too afraid to let either Carole or Tuesday dip into unlikeability that they become props to their own storyline, which is made further unfortunate as their supporting cast that do make decisions are mostly men.
The series is also riddled with a lot of good starts. Many short vignettes or minor details that could be made into full animes by themselves. Show more of Carole and Tuesday’s attempts to break into the music industry while also trying to pay bills and put food on their table. An expansion on the other competitors at Mars Brightest.[10] Heck, expand the roster of the competition and dig more into backstage drama. Carole’s father, who was sent to prison and found his wife dead and daughter sent to another planet upon his release, could carry a story of his own on his back! Valerie’s presidential run and the plight of Earth immigrants given more attention. Heck, even the story of how Earth, the origins of the human species, fell into being a third-world planet people are desperate to leave.
I’d even watch a series about the solarpunk pizzeria that grows their own tomatoes.
The music is really good, however, featuring many artists and styles, and those by our main duo wouldn’t sound out of place on a car radio or licensed on a primetime television show.
It’s a good show, but not an eternal classic. Maybe a second choice for someone digging deeper into anime. However, if its placement on Netflix means it’s someone’s introduction to Anime, that wouldn’t be terrible. Give it a watch if you want something to wind down for bed, or want inspiration for your own speculative fiction.
Kataal kataal.
[1] Solarpunk’s neat. [2] Mostly because I lost all my preset stations last time I took my car in for fixing, and I don't actually know any to punch in. Also, I use youtube for music when writing. [3] Also means I’m wholly unprepared to find music when I finally get a podcast project off the ground. [4] The soundtrack is very present on Spotify, which is nice. [5] I am finding myself increasingly intrigued by vinyl records, however. Probably a bit extravagant, and difficult considering my narrow interests. [6] Presumably to annoy fans of both. [7] Bam! Gundam reference! Anyone have Bingo yet? [8] Though I could swear they never use her last name on screen. [9] I’d find it amusing if Angela takes Gus and Carolday teams up with Dahlia, but the rest of my outline works better if Angela remains with Dahlia. [10] Though this one’s not a major loss. Typical tournament arc stuff.
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apveng · 5 years
To Earth 0, With Love (A Supergirl Fan Fiction)
Hey folks, I know this is probably not what many of you had in mind when thinking of SG fanfiction for Covid-19 and quarantine. I know, @venus-kareng, you were thinking of something else. But, I hope all of you will still like it.
I wrote it because I couldn’t bear to look at what is happening around the world, especially the losses in Italy and Iran (and of course what happened in China) and just sit back and hope for the best.
I know, this is nothing. That it will reach just a couple of people. That it is just fanfiction. But, I do hope that it still helps.
I am sure that if Kara of Earth Prime knew, she would have found a way to help. And together with Alex and her Superfriends, would have connected us across the quarantine to give love and friendship to each other.
Fair disclosure: The fic is Danvers Sisters centric and from Alex POV since I find it easier to write Alex. There is Densen, William-Kara (though just group stuff not romance), and mention of Lena (not sure positive but Kara isn’t negative).
To Earth 0, with Love
It was a beautiful evening on Earth Prime. Or, was it Universe Prime given that there are multi-verses? Eh, it didn’t matter. What mattered was that Alex had just mastered her Martian weapon, the day was looking beautiful, Leviathan and Lex haven’t done anything terrible yet, and there was time on her hands.
Time to look in on Kara and see if she would be willing to give Alex a workout. And, hanging out would be nice irrespective of that. May be, they could catch up on a show together.
At the loft, Alex found Kara staring at her laptop screen. Her face was pale. Her hands that held the laptop trembled. And her eyes, focused on the screen, was close to spilling over.
What the hell happened?
Alex froze at the doorway, heart clenching at the sight. It was the sight that she hated most in the world. After a moment, she shook herself. She would be damned if she didn’t make whoever it was that caused her Kara pain answer for that pain.
Well, as long as Kara herself didn’t get in the way of that.
Alex went over to her and knelt in front of her. Reaching out, she took one of Kara’s hands in hers, squeezed and then spoke. “Hey! What is the matter? Is it Lena? Or Lex? Has something happened to Nia or Will?”
When Kara didn’t respond, Alex kept rubbing the hand she held until her sister looked up. “Kara, what is the matter? Tell me please. Let me help you.”
“Alex, is it Earth 0.” Kara announced, looking for all the world as if the term should mean something to Alex.
Alex leaned back, still holding onto Kara’s hand. “Umm… I have no idea what you mean by that. Where is Earth 0?”
“Oh! You don’t know.” Kara looked thrown for a moment.
“Right! Right. Sorry.” Kara set down her laptop, and then stood up, dragging Alex up with her. She dropped Alex’s hand and then stepped back so as to give herself space to pace. Alex sighed and sat down. This would take a while, and her best place to watch and listen was the coach.
“So, Earth 0 is an Earth in another universe.” Kara started.
“I gathered.” Alex noted dryly.
Kara stopped and offered her a small smile. In the next instant though, she sobered up. Alex would so love to find out what had brought that expression onto her sister’s face. She would probably punch it until it left.
“They don’t have any visible superheroes of our kind. You know, the aliens, rich vigilantes, metahumans…like we have in Earth Prime and others? There are everyday superheroes, and first responders etc… but not…”
“Not, Supergirl.” Alex interjected a tad impatiently.
“Right! Cisco had set up a device for all of us, Barry, me and everyone, so that we can keep track of the multi-verse goings on. So, that another crisis won’t take us unawares.”
“So, you think another crisis is coming now?” Alex asked her brows drawing together. That was not good news.
“Alex! Will you let me speak?” Kara pouted.
Alex raised her hands in surrender. “Right. Go on.”
“There is a pandemic spreading on Earth 0 now. Thousands are dying Alex. Across the whole planet. Wait. You need to see this and then, you will understand.” Kara came over to Alex, tilted her laptop so that Alex can see it and then showed her a few images.
It took some time for the visuals to sink in and then, Alex was no longer surprised at the tears in Kara’s eyes.
A dashboard showed thousands of deaths from Earth 0 China, though thankfully, Alex noted, the graph seemed to have plateaued. But, not so the case with Iran and Italy. She saw images of military vehicles that were taking the dead away. People in Iran who couldn’t say the last prayers over their loved one as their dead bodies were cleared.
And, many other countries weren’t spared either.
Grandparents not able to touch or even be in the vicinity of their new-born grandchildren. Disabled, people, poor people, left without adequate resources. Left jobless. Chinese and Asian people coming under racist attacks in other places. Native Americans going without resources in the bare number of hospitals they had. Refugees, migrants in detention centres, and prisoners under threat of infection and death. Poor nations across the global South struggling with inadequate healthcare infrastructure. Nurses and doctors tiring themselves to death across the planet trying to make do with a fraction of the equipment they needed. Scientists rushing to create vaccines, their heart in their throats and the knowledge that even the fastest process wouldn’t get them vaccines fast enough to save the many that would die between now and then.
It was a tale a devastation written across the surface of the planet, and it was heart breaking to watch.
But, what could they do?
She looked up to see Kara looking at her, an intense expression in her blue eyes.
Normally, that expression meant trouble for someone. In this case, Alex didn’t know what to make of it.
“What do you want to do Kara?”
“I want to help Alex.”
“I know, Kar. But, this isn’t our Earth. You said that they don’t even have Superheroes. How can we help? You know we cannot do anything that changes their reality drastically. That could have disastrous consequences.”
Kara started pacing as she considered the problem. Alex sat down to watch her eyes turned firmly away from the visuals on the laptop. The rules they played by meant that unless it was a problem that affected the multi-verse, they would not interfere in each other’s activities. They have seen what that kind of interference can bring. It was best for Earth 0 to find their way out of this crisis themselves.
“What is it that you want when you fall sick, Alex?” Kara asked after a while.
Alex raised her eyebrows at the question. “What has that got to do with anything?”
“Just answer.” The blue eyes fixed intently on Alex. “Please Alex.”
Alex sighed and then, against her will answered, mainly because she knew Kara knew the answer anyways. “Comfort food. Preferably the rhubarb pie you bake. Lots of science journals to read if weapons training is out of the question… and…” Alex hesitated here. These words didn’t come easily to her.
“Go on.” Kara encouraged.
“If you could come by, you know… Just for a little while…” Alex shrugged. “I mean, it is no big deal, of course. And besides,” Alex paused and then said as nonchalantly as possible. “I am sure Kelly can come over anyways… In fact, I’d want her to… and…” Kelly was her girlfriend. And, it was alright to want that comfort, right? But, Kara. Kara would have better, world-saving things to do. As would her mother for that matter. Besides, she was a grown woman. Needing familial comfort sounded not very independent.
She couldn’t continue because she was bounced over by Kara who took her in a tight embrace. “of course, I’d come over, silly. In fact, I’d stay right by you until you have recovered. And, I’d be best because I am Kryptonian and no human disease can hurt me.”
“Exactly! That is what I meant of course. You can come over and make rhubarb and chocolate pecan pie for me.”
Kara laughed at the deflection and sat back. “So, what do you think the people of Earth 0 would want?”
“Something that you could give without causing any terrible disruption?” Alex asked finally catching on.
“Right. I can cook for them. And, get people to cook as well.” Kara stood up, her demeanour business like. “So, that is what I am going to do.”
“How can I help? You cannot take care of a whole planet by yourself.”
“I cannot cook by the way.” Alex added hastily in case Kara got the wrong idea.
Kara snorted. “I know that. You can help by getting all the gang together and asking them to pitch in. And then directing everything.”
And, just like that, they had a mission and a means to help.
Soon, they had the Superfriends gathered in Kara’s loft ready to help. Alex had made sure to include not just Kelly, William, Nia and J’onn but Brainy as well. He may be acting weird these days, but he would still want to help. She was sure of that.
Once they had explained the situation, Nia spoke up. “Do you think we could ask Lena to help? May be she could work on a vaccine or something.”
“Right! It’d really help the God and Saviour complex she has.” Alex murmured.
“Alex!” Kara admonished. She shook her head at Nia. “We can’t. Even if Lena trusted me enough to help, and I don’t know that she will, we cannot do anything that’d play with the future of Earth 0 unnaturally. Brainy, I am right, am I not?”
“Yes!” Brainy, waved at the tablet he held. “If we do any massive interventions in a world that hasn’t been exposed to powers like us, we have no idea what that might bring. There is a 98% chance that it’d cause massive pain and suffering before things stabilised.”
“But, it is a whole planet, Kara. How will we few people help a whole planet?” Kelly asked. Alex’s girlfriend knew that Kara was Supergirl. But as she frequently said, there are limitations even to Supergirl’s superpowers.
“I am not entirely sure.” Kara admitted. “Any ideas?”
“How about we let the people of Earth 0 help each other?” J’onn asked. “We could just be the messengers, the bringer and taker of gifts and help. If we keep everything underground, nobody needs to know that it is us that is helping.”
“That is a wonderful idea, J’onn.” Alex looked with some admiration at her mentor, ex boss and friend. He always had the soundest advice. “Kara. We could still go with the food thing. But, we could get a message across to the people of the least affected regions, especially migrants in those places, to cook stuff that they know their people back home would like.”
“And I can Super express the food to them. That is wonderful, Alex.” Kara beamed at Alex. Alex grinned at the enthusiasm in her sister’s eyes.
“Yes. And, just knowing that people are there wishing them the best; that they are not alone, would be a huge morale booster for people.” Kelly nodded.
“Remember” Brainy warned. “We need to have everything hidden. Nobody should know it is us doing it.”
“And, if the governments and corporations of Earth 0 are lagging behind, as of course they’d be, may be, we can see what we can do to get the message across to everybody.” William said. Trust Will to look at it from a journalistic angle. He looked across at everybody. “You know, get the message of those neglected and most vulnerable to the broader public.”
“I can help you with that Will.” Nia offered.
Kara clapped her hands. “Right, we have a plan. So, get going everybody. We have a planet to save. Or, at least, love so that they can keep hope alive.”
The next few hours were gone in planning and getting everything ready. Kara got Cisco, Barry and Sara to help her get across to Earth 0 with her friends. Once they knew the details, Barry and Sara and co wanted to help too, so that their group had swelled when they reached their destination.
On Earth 0, they first set up a networking page and then went about gathering support from people all over the world who are willing and able to help. Their message, simple.
Hi! We are friends of Supergirl the comic book hero. We know that you are scared and feeling helpless right now. We want to help, especially the people of China, Iran and Italy who are reeling from terrible loss. And the other nations of the world, no matter the continent, who are fighting to protect themselves.
Do you have a message to take to any of these countries?
A favourite food that you know a friend in Iran would love?
A message of love that’d make an Italian find solace for a moment?
Dumplings and applause for friends and relatives in China that have just gone through one of the worst quarantines in history and come out better on the other side?
Notes of calm for people across the world who are scared?
Messages to the governments and rich people?
Let us know and we will get your messages across to them.
For hours nothing happened. It was a good thing that the motion of time in this universe didn’t affect Earth Prime, or they’d have been wasting hours.
“Brainy, could you somehow boost the message?” Kara asked finally.
Brainy tapped out a few commands onto his tablet and then looked up. “Done!”
Soon the messages started trickling in.
“I don’t know if this is real or not, but if you could, could you take some Baozi to my daughter in China? Are you sure it won’t get spoiled? May be a paper message would be better, but I can always chat online.”
“We can take your food. Don’t worry.” Nia typed out.
“It was Nowruz in Iran just a couple of days back. I’d like to have you take some sweets to people there. Anyone, since I don’t have any relatives there. I just want them to know that we are here and thinking of them. Could you do that?” Another asked.
“I feel so sad for my friends in Italy, right now. If only I could hug them…” Someone else send in.
“Could someone tell the United States Congress that the sovereign native nations are lacking in medical equipment and important healthcare infrastructure to beat Corona? We are looking at a disaster if somebody doesn’t help.”
Soon they had an ocean of messages that they needed to work through. Alex felt overwhelmed at the amount they had to get through. How would they?
“Kara” She called. “Umm. Remember what Kelly said? About us being not very many? How will we get through this whole list? Even with you and Barry and Sara and Waverider, we cannot get to everyone. Besides, even with these many messages, so many people in the affected countries are going to feel left out. We can’t do anything that make them question their reality.”
“We will not fail them.” Kara said firmly. “Alex, you are director Danvers. Together, we should be able to do this.”
Alex straightened at the firm belief in Kara’s voice and eyes.
“Okay, okay. Hold on a minute.” She paused and thought. “Alright! The messages and calling governments to task are the easy bit. Will, write articles on the Native American bit and the Iran sanctions and Brainy can boost it. Nia will help. We need US congress to react now. And, send them to Billionaires as well. All that money should help with something. And, once that is done, turn your eyes to Kashmir and the lockdown there… and keep looking for similar neglect all over the world.”
“The incarcerated people. They’d be vulnerable. So many there for non-violent crimes. May be not even right ones.” Nia spoke up.
“Refugee camps.” J’onn said. “And, poor and vulnerable around the world. Many may not be even able to practice social distancing in crowded cities.”
Will nodded and got to work with Nia sorting out the messages.
“The food and gifts and messages for everyone…” Alex started and then stopped. Kara could of course Super express them to everyone but how to ensure that they have enough; and that people know it is safe.
“Our own Earth’s people.” Nia piped up. “That is right.” Kelly said. “They know about the Supers’ superpowers. And, there’d be Italians, Iranians, Chinese, and all the countries of Earth 0 represented. We can get them to help.”
“In the middle of Leviathan?” Brainy asked doubtfully.
“They will not know. People need the gestures of love and friendship, Querl. Let anybody willing to help, help. We will get our love across to them.” Kara explained.
While Alex directed the Earth 0 efforts, Kara went to Earth Prime and wheedled, cajoled and at times, pleaded with people to help her send gifts of love across the multi-verse. Most of them were ready to help their beloved Supergirl and Flash.
Once Kara, Barry and Sara got back, they got to work delivering the gifts.
And, thus it was that people across the planet on Earth 0 suddenly found themselves receiving paper mails, food and gifts from loved ones and fellow humans across the world. These gifts had to be checked over of course. But, they were delivered all the same. And, notes were left with them with messages from their fellow humans so that nobody got scared about the origins of the messages. With all of them, to their surprise, the people also found an additional note from a Kara Zor El and a Barry Allen, with Super-Flash-Legends friends in the margin.
“Hello friend.
You know those superhero comic books and shows some of you watch. They may not be real. We are not saying that the characters brought to life so wonderfully by Melissa Benoist and Chyler Leigh and Caity Lotz and Grant Gustin and all the CW peeps are true to life. But, the ideals they work towards, the love, friendship and fellowship, they are real. And, this is our way of showing it to you. Even if you don’t watch any of the CW shows, we hope that you would still be cheered by what we bring.
May your, I mean, our entire planet recover soon and come out stronger on the other side.
May Rao grant it so.
-Kara, Barry, Sara and teams.”
To Alex’s surprise and gratification, most people understood their gifts as coming from loved ones across the world. And were heartened by them. Governments and billionaires did consider the messages that came to them and at least, some of them vowed to help. She and Sara made sure that reporters and activists knew of the promises so that they can use that when they pressure their governments. They ensured that people knew who to thank and who was holding the governments and the rich to account. The activists and people who first raised these issues.
There were some mishaps where people, suspicious of the packages coming out of nowhere, alerted the authorities and got them destroyed. Some conspiracy theories surfaced in the inter-webs. Others stirred up trouble. Brainy suppressed all of them. It was not quite right but given that the Earth 0 intervention itself was slightly questionable, Alex ignored it.
At the end of the day though, it seemed like they, and more importantly, the people from Earth 0 and their friends who they had wanted to help, as well as their dopplegangers from Earth Prime, had managed to tip the balance in hope’s favour.
As J’onn said, that was all they could have hoped for anyways. That given opportunity, people would want to help each other Superheroes or no. And, they had wanted to.
As they always will.
By the end of it, Kara was looking bright and hopeful. As were their friends.
With hearts heavy and full, the Superfriends returned to Earth Prime.
Once all their friends, including Kelly who had some work at Obsidian and William who had a deadline to meet, had left, Kara turned to Alex.
“That didn’t turn out so badly, did it? See, what hope can do?”
“Hmm…” Alex waved a paper at her sister and best friend. “There is one problem though.”
“What?” Kara tried to snatch the paper away from Alex, but Alex danced away.
“Ha, no. Not that easily Supergirl.” After a bit of chasing around the loft, finally Kara gave up and pouted. With a laugh, Alex gave in.
“You have said ‘your planet’ in the message. And, signed your names as Kara, Barry, Sara and teams instead of friends of the CW Superheroes.”
Kara read the paper and then frowned. “Oh! I had been very careful.” She pointed at the words. “See, I corrected it to ‘our planet’ too.”
“But left in the ‘your’ there.” Alex returned mercilessly. “And, there is an invocation of Rao there too.”
“Damn!” Kara looked so thoroughly disheartened that Alex relented.
With a laugh, she slung an arm around Kara’s shoulder and pulled her in. “Never mind. They’d just think it is a prank from one of the fans of Melissa Benoist or Chyler Leigh.”
“Oh yes. Those actors that play Kara and Alex in the Earth 0 show, Supergirl.” Kara’s face brightened.
“Yep! An entire show in your name Kara, who would have thought.”
Kara grinned. “I wish I could have watched an episode.”
“Why an episode. Why not the whole series?” Alex waved a USB in front Kara’s face.
“You got the whole series!” Kara exclaimed jubilantly. “Alex!”
“Yes, and we are going to watch it. Before we get back into the Lex and Leviathan stuff.”
Within minutes they were on the couch watching the Earth 0 Supergirl show. The Lex and Leviathan could wait. Just for a little bit.
Supergirl and Alex had a show to catch up with.
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mondayglasses · 5 years
Supergirl: 5x01. Event Horizon maybe but not the one they want or you want to remember.
So I watched the episode and it was beyond terrible. I mean for a season opener there was no action and they are 100% going to bait the SC fans if not go that route. Let me give you a breakdown.
It’s starts with Kara saving some kids who are going to get killed by a bus? Sound familiar? Cause they have literally done it a million times. Lena then tells Supergirl she knows who she is and punches her. It’s the scene from the trailer. It’s essentially a sim and Lena’s way of getting her anger out apparently.
Lena has a new AI friend who is like Gideon/Jarvis. When did she have time to build it and how did she have the tech? Who knows but it’s Lena so she probably did it in an evening cause you know she is amazing. She then goes into a load of diatribe about how she doesn’t trust humans cause they are ambitious and she doesn’t trust them etc? Of course that doesn’t include her, that could never include her.
Cut to a scene where J’onn, Alex, Kelly and Kara are in Noonans (which neither looks nor feels like Noonans) and everyone is staring into space cause they got virtual reality contact lenses. Apparently Kelly conveniently has a job at Obsidian the same company that is going to take over CatCo and they share the same building. Sound convenient? Cause it is and they can’t find a more tactful way to include Kelly at every turn.
They then talk about this new contact lens tech that Kara knows nothing about. You know the same Kara who won a Pulitzer for her hard hitting journalism that was full of all the facts. We can’t possibly expect Kara, a journalist to know about the latest tech that is taking over the city, no that’s not her job (biggest eye roll).
We then get to hear about everyone’s very scripted thoughts on what they think about technology and how dangerous it is or the potential good it can do. It was like the writers where challenged with trying to tell the audience the theme of the season but none of them had any idea how to do it subtly. Instead they give lines to characters that feel the furthest thing from natural.
Once J’onn leaves to go and teach tai chi, yes you heard me right tai chi and Kelly goes to her new job Alex rounds on Kara and demands that she tell Lena that she is Supergirl. This being the same Alex who has warned Kara countless times about the dangers of revealing who she is. It’s like everyone has collective amnesia and has forgotten all Lena’s dubious behaviour in previous seasons. If there is one person after 4 seasons I wouldn’t trust with anything it’s Lena no matter how friendly you are with her. But here we have the head of the DEO telling Supergirl, one of their greatest assets to tell Lena who she is. Sound OOC? Yes this whole scene is.
Kara’s response to it all is, of course, to doubt and blame herself cause Kara as to blame for everything. If there is someone that needs to beat themselves up more it’s Kara. *sigh*
The next scene we see the new boss of CatCo. Surprise! Not really. Another season another boss and owner. I swear CatCo is like Supergirl’s version of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professors. Although we might not be surprised by the new boss James and Kara are. Apparently normal business rules don’t apply to CatCo. You seemingly can buy the company on a whim without informing the board, or share holders or even your employees. You don’t even have to tell the government nor does it take months, potentially years. No, you can just rock up one day take over the Editor in Chiefs office and buying a company and the building. (Heavy eye roll).
Now you might ask what Andrea Rojas’s background is and if she is qualified for the position, the answers is no. She was given a portion of her daddy’s business and made a dodgy deal with Lena. But that doesn’t matter. Who needs qualifications at CatCo?????
What about Andrea Rojas personality you ask? Well she is a strong willed bitchy woman and does what she wants apparently. You know cause female CEOs and bosses can’t possibly be nice and supportive and help their employees by empowering them. They have to scare and bribe people and if they don’t do what you want then ruin their lives.
In the next scene we see a group of school kids at a museum that has things donated by the Supers. Cute yes but you have to wonder, would Superman or the DEO really allow a high tech alien pod with such a histories as Cal’s be donated to a museum and openly put on display. I think not. Also a ride about the phantom zone has got to be something out of a horror film. It is pure torture for everyone there, no time passes, all the worst of Krypton’s criminals were sent their, how is that a fun ride???? “Oh hey lets just say a friendly hello to Zod” (face palm). More to the point the only person who has really experienced the phantom zone in this universe that we know of is Kara and it gave her nightmares. There is no way she would wish that on anyone else.
Moving on, one of the little girls in the group is dodgy and bad things happen. Cut then to Lena and Kara in her office. The topic of CatCo comes up and Lena says that she was going to have lunch and tell Kara. Like Kara is the only person that needs to know that CatCo is being sold. No, the editor in chief, the board (remember them from S1?, yeh the writers don’t) they don’t need to be informed, who cares about them. *sigh* Lena then talks some more, not giving Kara a chance to say anything and then says, again no joke “The only reason I bought the company was you”. Yes you heard that right, you don’t need to clean your ears, Lena says that she only bought the company for Kara. It’s clear that the writers have been reading so many SC comments on twitter that they have lost their minds and memories and believe whatever they write. Forget the fact that in S3 Lena says the opposite about buying the company. Also if you are thinking that this seems like SC trope it’s cause it is.
After Kara and Lena’s “chat” AKA Lena’s monologue we get back to the museum where Supergirl arrives to “save” the day. I say save loosely cause she can’t even punch a dinosaur with full strength apparently. Once again the writers have conveniently forgotten that their main character could in fact throw that dinosaur into space, or burn a hole in it with her laser vision. No Kara just breaths on it a little and then gets knocked over, yes Supergirl girl of steel gets knocked over and Martian Manhunter arrives to help. While Kara, the alien with superspeed lies on the floor J’onn goes to attack it and gets thrown back by a force. Great “fight scenes” from Supergirl once again. (eye roll)
Back to Andrea, CatCo new extraordinary boss. She has a staff meeting where she essentially tells everyone she has taken CatCo over and it’s apart of Obsidian. Yes another creepy tech company taking over a media company cause it makes all the sense in the world and it isn’t dodgy. We haven’t had this trope before. It makes me wonder does National City publicise itself as the place to get away with questionable experiments? First Lord Tech, then L Corp, then Sphere Tech now we get Obsidian.  
Anyway I digress, in this scene Andrea essentially tells everyone that she wants CatCo to become clickbait and a tabloid newspaper/magazine. When questions she explains that reporting the truth (you know like wars and people dying) isn’t as important as profit and getting internet traffic or “consumer reporting” whatever that is…. She even says that Kara Pulitzer Prize winning story reduced the amount of traffic. Now I am no expert in media but if someone wins a prize for something that tends to drive up internet traffic. Even if people disagree with it human being are naturally curious. But then what do I know? Andrea also goes on and changes everyone’s contract to be 3 years only (I am pretty sure you can’t just do that) and invites anyone who doesn’t agree with her to quit.
One massive question that hangs over this scene and the later ones are WHERE IS CAT? If she saw what was happening to her company she would literally do anything she could to stop it. There is no way she would be ok with this. I mean Cat wouldn’t even publish the list of cheaters in S1 yet she is nowhere to be found and apparently is completely fine with the company that she started and bears her name to be passed around from person to person like a hot potato.
After all this stupidity we finally get back to Supergirl being Supergirl, you know fighting or something…… Kara gets called to come and look at a site and finds Brainy, Alex and J’onn, yes J’onn who is no longer a part of the DEO and who shouldn’t be allowed clearance at sites like this. Anywho they find a phantom zone projector and Alex and Kara work out too late that it’s a trap. The villain of the week appears and starts causing trouble. Supergirl gets some overly scripted dialogue which reminds everyone that yes she is still Supergirl and no the writer don’t have total amnesia (they still remember Alura from season 1).
A fight scene ensues where everyone gets blown over by some wind. Supergirl again uses none of her powers and ends up hiding behind some boxes with Brainy and Alex. As appears to be the norm now J’onn goes and fights her herself, meanwhile Kara continues to hide. Eventually Alex tells Kara to grab the projector and sort out the situation. As she does you can see her battling the wind to do what she needs to do. Yes, I did say battling some wind cause Supergirl who can lift an entire building and blow a wind out of her mouth that is probably as strong cannot withstand what is coming from this enemy. Amazing huh? (heavy eye roll).
 After that Oscar worthy scene, we get a lovely heart to heart between the Olsen siblings. Kelly tells James how amazing he is and then says she won’t stand against her new boss but gives him her abstract support. What is abstract support you might ask? I have absolutely no idea. The only thing I can think is she means she will be with them in thought but not in action, which let’s face it is completely useless and doesn’t help anyone. The long and the short of it though is that James quits CatCo and goes to pursue “something else”. And so we say goodbye to James, another original cast member who is male and no longer needed.
In another scene we get to see Kara come face to face with Andrea once again as well as meet the new guy, William Dey. William is a reporter from the Times “in London” who has an ego (cause we don’t have enough on the show already). Kara is told he has re-written her article and cut stuff out and although Kara says that it’s bias not to give all the facts he doesn’t care, he writes the POV that is requested. (Somewhere in the world Snapper is having an aneurysm hearing this.) Kara gets angry and turns to Andrea and says the following:
“I will be reporting what I want and writing it the way I want to. I will fight you every time, on every story to make sure it is told the way it deserves to be told. I will not be tolerated being rewritten by him and I will not allow my voice to be silenced.”
If your confused don’t worry you aren’t alone. This statement makes little sense when you break it down. Here Kara is saying she will do what she wants and refuses to be re-written but if she does what she wants that’s exactly what will happen. In fact it’s already been done.
At this point I have to question if Kara’s actions of defiantly staying at CatCo are helpful (even if it was nice to see Kara put her foot down). Andrea claims that she could ruin Kara’s and others careers so they will never work again if they quit but that hasn’t bothered Kara before. She was ready to quit on James in season 3 and in season 2 she gets fired for going out there and reporting the truth in the only way she could on her blog. Where has Kara’s moral compass gone from season 2? A few years ago she would have written it all on her blog thinking it was more important than her job. Now that she is a Pulitzer prize winner, and probably still has Cat support (yes I didn’t forget about her even if the writers did) the threat of ruining her is less potent. She could bring back danver.com or work full time at the DEO like she was going to before but instead she chooses to stay at CatCo where she is not be able to write what she wants? It makes no sense at all. Also Andrea’s threat about stopping someone from ever working again seems empty when all we know about her is that her father gave her part of his company. If it was Cat I would shudder with her I just laugh.
Now finally we get towards the end and we see Kara at her Pulitzer ceremony. Brainy gives her some nano tech which contains her suit that can be attached discretely onto her glasses. He explains that she needs to be careful because whenever she takes her glasses off her suit will appear. Inconvenient? 100%. Can you imagine Kara getting home and taking her glasses off only for her suit to appear? Then again her suit these days is more like a comfortable and slightly loose onesie that maybe she wants it that way.
The funniest part of it all is that in the very next scene Kara takes her glasses off and despite what Brainy says the suit doesn’t appear (although the next time it does). How does it work? Only the brainy, I mean only the writers…. Uhhhh no one knows.
It’s at this point in the episode we finally get the scene when Kara reveals her identity to Lena. As you would expect from this show and these writers, Kara cries throughout, apologies too much and blames herself. Her pain is hard to watch particularly when you know that it’s not warranted and they just want to make Kara sad. Lena plays the victim card, sheds a tear, yes a tear, and then goes to make a speech about Kara. In it she talks about how Kara stands for the truth (dig the knife in some more Luthor), and that we lie (but not you huh perfect Lena) and that Kara makes mistakes but picks herself up. They hug, cause they need to give SC the content they want and all seems to be ok, right? Wrong. If you know the show at all you will know that it’s all fake from Lena and she will stab Kara in the back as soon as she can.
She does in fact do this later in the episode when Supergirl comes to give her a signal watch (like James had) and says she isn’t going to keep anything from Lena. Lena then goes and tells her AI (her only friend is an AI, that’s not creepy) that Kara “broke her heart” (sounds romantic huh? Bait much) and that she didn’t want Supergirl dead she just wants to cause her pain. Yes apparently wanting to emotionally and possibly physically torture someone is better and more moral than murdering them. Who knew?
The final fight scene for the group comes at the Pulizer event when they all end up in a theatre. Again the amazing fight scene come to the for and we see Guardian, Manhunter, Dreamer, Brainy and Alex all stand in a line and blast the villain with their powers. Before you ask, yes standing in front of the enemy where they can see what you are doing, in a straight line no less and using one of your powers will work, everyone knows it’s the best strategy. Many great battles have been won that way. It is not at all necessary for Supergirl to use her superspeed or flight powers to disable the person, nor should J’onn use his physic abilities to play with their minds. Where is the fun in that?
When that tremendous strategy doesn’t work, they stand around, yes stand around and chat for a few minutes while the villain IDK goes for a coffee break? And then J’onn on behalf of the team once again tries to attack. Alex, yes Alex, the only human with no powers whatsoever, magically finds the phantom projector that was taken as a precaution to the Pulitzer event (there is nothing weird about that) and J’onn gets sucked into a black hole. Supergirl finally realises she can fly and tries to save him. To do that she uses her heat vision on the black hole cause that makes total scientific sense, don’t you dare question it. 
Once the crisis is over, all the superheroes have successfully used none of their powers in any way that’s useful and we can once again applaud the Supergirl team for another incredible fight. 
The episode ends with Nia telling Brainy to kiss her, and J’onn discovering he has a brother. While that storyline could be interesting it feels a tad repetative and you have to wonder if J’onn is going to find a problematic relative every season until the show ends. Who will be next, his daughter? his cousin? Place your bets.
As the Supergirl seasons progress they seem to get worse and worse but this episode has definitely taken the cake. For a premiere it was unexciting and with no real fight scenes and very little Supergirl you have to question who will tune in next week or for the rest of the season. SC may think that this is the best season ever and the writer will bait them with the “kara broke my heart lines” and hugs but they despite what they think are not large enough to keep the ratings up. If they keep going like this then we all better hope this show finishes sooner rather than later. The cast deserves better.
Anyway drop a comment or question below if you have any thoughts.
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gg-astrology · 5 years
Hello!❤️💙🖤 Dropping in a little bit today bc I had? some stray thoughts about scorpios ;; ❤️💙🖤 
Scorpios and the idea of ‘black and white’ ⬇️
- adapting, personal identity and 'open-mindedness’ 
Alternatively NOT for scorpios, but for anyone who struggles to be ‘open-minded’ enough.
Or struggle with ‘accepting’ things right now ( ‘want to be better’ )  
🚫long post 🚫
y know.. ive just been thinking about -- well, myself. And how i AM a black and white kind of person. As most people are? 
Most of us tend to think of ‘black and white’ as connotation for being bad nowadays, we don’t usually like to admit it. Rather, we usually go ‘no no im not -- im not like that im open-minded and trying to be understanding’ - which isn’t exactly what black and white might be like to the person? 
I’m black and white in a way that I know who I am, and I know what I’m comfortable with. My space is big and small at the same time -- it’s not just me, but others as well. The people and the circumstances, the environment around me in my space and what i consider to be spaces i’m into. 
I think that within this space - I’m comfortable with getting to know new things, of accepting it, or being good and nice and comforting around it. Anything that pops into my stream of comfortability - of course I’d be wary of it at first -because this is a safe space. But it can integrate, assimilate into my space. It can be loved and it can be accepted. It doesn’t mean that you stay stuck in your own head - to me - black and white just means I have a flow for myself and I have to integrate it into me before I push it out into the stream.
It’s kind of like a stream with a flow of it’s own - water rushing, one direction, sometimes it gets big or small. It’s just the general idea of being comfortable in the different spaces of that stream because it’s your stream. 
I get uncomfortable if this space co-joins with another stream - another group of consciousness or people. It’s the different water temperature that gets me - sometimes maybe this new stream is cold - so cold that when it meets my stream (the one I’m familiar with) - I need to adjust to the new temperatures. It rucks up my sedimentary banks as well, things beneath the grounds, it ruffles the little organisms, treasures, things and brings it up. Evaluate it, turn it into a new leaf that I’m not prepared for/don’t know what they’re going to do with it. 
It’s very human to need time to adjust. Since your body doesn’t do well if you’re suddenly pulled into freezing cold temperature and a flow of water is moving in a different direction. Gut-reactions, impulses. These things (knowing you’re not prepared/used to it) keeps you safe and on your feet (as well as being pretty Scorpio and Martian as well). 
Motion exists - this new stream might be pulling in a different direction, you can’t stop your body from being pulled to a different rotation. You get dizzy if you’re the flow of the water. That’s just - how we can’t control certain things and how we have to adapt to it. How our biological body adapts but it needs time to do so (cool down/warm up). 
Sometimes it’s the expectations that we have to accept something immediately, when we don’t understand the meaningfulness of the purpose, of the concept to the other person. 
Most of the time, we have some pre-conceived ideas and concepts, we’ve assimilated we have to break down in order to get through to accept new ones. 
I don’t think having it is not not being open-minded? I think it’s very? what? consumerism? fast-consumerism? to expect things to happen just like that. 
Like oh just accept it (which can be good! and what is needed !) - but sometimes, the meaning behind it gets lost. Those who does this can still act out of ignorance because they don’t understand the true significance behind it. And they end up hurting the person after they accepted it, because they don’t actually understand it or stand by it- hesitance and not knowing yourself, sometimes kinda sucks to feel about your own person.
Adapting to things always takes time. Maybe this stream is slower than our stream - things that we aren’t used to or isn’t a part of us yet.  
Imagine a different case/scenario. If we didn’t have this - like, if we just expect people to adapt to different streams intersection into our lives all the time. We’d be totally dizzy and ill-prepared, we’d be off our footing all the time. 
With no idea of who we are, our own sense of identity and assimilation of the goal behind it into our core-values. How are we supposed to integrate into being a better person, if we never actually commit to understanding the concept + adding it into what we value/sense of identity? 
Sometimes it’s harder to not know our own identity, because we’re swayed by so many motions. Than it is to just think about swimming in different pulls of streams all the time.
Some people do well when they ARE prepared to jump into different streams, different intersectionality. But thats because 1) they’re prepared and 2) that’s inherently a part of who they are and learning about things, gathering stuff. More yang-signature than yin of nature to me.  
If I were to say who I am - I’m more prepared to go ‘ok, i’m dizzy.’ and set my foot down. To open up and make the stream settle into one, cohesive lake. Where there is a pull and language, understanding for it all (for the different intersectionality) and mediate from there instead.
Everybody wants to love, and to comfort and accept. I hope nobody actually wants to keep good things out of their lives if they can’t help it (well, healthily anyways). 
But rather than just gobbling up and saying ‘i accept’ over and over, in order to be ‘open-minded’ without truly understanding the significance behind it (the whole story) - sometimes we need time to understand something, to adjust, to look out and tread cautiously so we don’t get hypothermia or burnt. And that’s sometimes a part of self-preservation and/or attack or defenses.  
Does this make sense? Next time you think about Scorpios - try thinking about water flowing in a direction. Streams can help, whether some part of it is big or small. Things live in streams, micro-organism, fishes, etc. It curves and it follows, it’s a strong current that has it’s own path. 
Bending that path by man-made effort, requires understanding and respect - mostly of its original stream. The significance of the stream’s original responsibility - to other organism, to things it dutifully carries over its waters towards, nourishing trees and it’s resources, animals that are too nervous to be around humans. There’s more to it than what we see - or what we want it for our immediate benefit personally. Rather than jumping into the fray and seeing it from our own perspective/wants/needs only, some sights and consideration for what it does might help to aggravate them a little less. 
Black and white doesn’t mean it’s automatically unaccepting. Black and white can also mean there needs to be some understanding in-between, takes time to adapt, to seek out/find resources, some clearing of space, to make room for the new things to come in. Things when they are secured (like a lake/pond - Scorpio fixed sign) are cohesive and uniformed. Sometimes it requires pausing in order to be accepted, to settle and to see where things land. 
Adapting sometimes doesn’t happen like a snap of your fingers for everyone, and we probably shouldn’t expect it cold water to clash with hot water and there not to be steam coming off from it. But that doesn’t ultimately mean that there won’t be changes - whether its done by the person or those who evoke those changes themselves. 
Sometimes it’s saying one thing - but then going through to evaluate the thought, the turmoil inside - and then coming out the other end accepting it. I think that’s what it’s like for me - I’m not an all-accepting, open-minded person either - but that’s because I’m human and I need to adapt. 
I need time, and to make space inside myself, to evaluate things inside of me in order to do so. And I think that’s something most people can do. Or should do? in their life maybe.
The archetype of Scorpios.. I’ve been thinking alot about as well. How Scorpio’s greatest attack is their defenses, the resilience that makes them seem almost impossible to stop. 
In their gift of realizing deception, rejecting hollowness and seeing through shallow facades, Scorpios are not afraid to expose realty for what it is; they are the emissaries of a more complete sense of truth than many of us are prepared to contemplate, the penetrating aspects of it often being too painfully sharp for comfort. 
There’s a part where Scorpio and Virgos are very similar. And I think I’m mostly gathering my understanding about this from a very Virgo Mars perspective. 
I do think the idea of Scorpios being black and white + sediments being rucked up when soil underwater is disturbed, can talk a lot about being protective of things that shouldn’t be quickly consumed. We can sometimes be too impatient, so quick to want others to explain things or be/communicate or understand things just like us. But people aren’t always - not all are the same. 
Some people needs time, hot meeting cold water, water flowing in different directions. These things takes time, especially if you think about the body of water actually housing banks of organism underneath it’s watery body. If you walk in - even if it’s well-intended- trying to pull the stream towards yourself, sometimes you don’t know what significance it has, this is just asking for everyone involved, to put in the consideration and thoughtfulness for the nature (of others) around them as well.
Anyways! Yeah, this is some thoughts. ;; I tried to go over it a couple of times. Here’s more about Scorpio and it’s qualities, archetype if you’re interested. It’s where the above excerpt came from as well. I hope this comes across well, and give you some kind of hope, peace or calmness if that’s what it comes down to. 
In conclusion for those who feels like they are struggling: know yourself first, before you learn to know/accept/learn about others. Sometimes the struggle is just us being pulled taunt in different streams, different temperature and we’re reacting to it. Let our bodies adapt and let our mind (gut or feelings) assimilate the idea on our own terms. 
Sometimes we’re putting up a struggle because we’re trying to 1) assimilate the idea in and 2) know ourselves as well. Those two things can be at odds, and cause up a reaction (just like steam when temperatures met). 
If there’s things we need more time on, or things we don’t brush off, we struggle to work through. There’s more chances of coming out of this much more self-loving, accepting and understanding the significance much better processed. It takes time, but know yourself. Whether you’re stuck in a rut and you’re more of a jumping stream person, or whether you’re a calm-water person and is stuck in between water flow that’s different. Let’s learn to know ourselves a little better and adapt as we’re prepared for it.  
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comicstoastonish · 5 years
My Top 10 Favorite Comics of All Time (2019 Update)
Hi guys,
A few of you have been asking what are my favorite comic books? I usually send them to a post I made a few years back about this same question. But as time goes on and more books are discovered, my favorites have changed a little. Apparently not as much as I thought but enough to update the list. Judging by most of the panels I post, you can tell I like humor. So it shouldn’t be a surprise that the books I gravitate toward aren’t heavy in darker tones. Not saying I don’t read them too, just saying they aren’t my favorites. So here are the top 10 books I enjoyed the most. Please leave your judgments in the comment section.
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10. Invincible The tag on almost every issue says “The best superhero comic book in the universe,” and I have to say, it holds up. Invincible is the story of Mark Grayson, son of the greatest superhero of all time. When Mark finally gets his powers he becomes the hero Invincible to keep on the family legacy. Robert Kirkman does a great job of telling the story of a teenager discovering his powers and finding out his origins may not be what he’s been led to believe. This book is just fun. No more explanation needed.
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9. New Avengers by Brian Michael Bendis This book will always have a special place in my heart. It’s the book that brought me back to comics and I loved every moment of it. 6 months after the Avengers disbanded, a massive prison break forces Spider-Woman, Luke Cage, Daredevil, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America, and the Sentry to come together to put an end to the riot. The book follows the newly formed team on their mission to track down the 42 escaped prisoners, all while trying to solve the mystery of who started the break out and why? New Avengers also brought some of the best characters in Marvel including Wolverine, Captain Marvel, Hawkeye, Doctor Strange, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, and more, to join the team. The book became the center stage for Marvel Comics from 2005 until 2012 running through events like House of M, Civil War, Secret Invasion, all the way to Avengers vs. X-Men. It’s a fun super hero book that really throws you into the world of Marvel Comics.
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8. Paper Girls If you like the show “Stranger Things,” you’ll love Paper Girls. Taking place in the 1980s, 4 middle school girls, on their morning paper route get caught up in the strangest day of their lives. To ninjas, dinosaurs, time travel, clones, to apple products, Brian K. Vaughan and Cliff Chiang hit you with a sci-fi nostalgia story that will keep you guessing where the next turn is.
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7. DC The New Frontier A book paying tribute to the Silver Age of DC Comics. Focusing on the Macarthy era, a time where America couldn’t be less trusting, the story focuses on the super heroes, once praised for their services, now find themselves ridden off as outlaws. Multiple perspectives from Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman, Flash, Superman, etc, as they fight for truth, justice, and the American way, all accumulating to the upcoming battle with “The Center.” Darwyn Cooke tells an amazing story that you all should check out.
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6. Ultimate Comics Spider-Man volume 2 For years my favorite super hero was Spider-Man but then in 2011 I was introduced to a better one, Miles Morales. We all saw “Into the Spider-Verse” so you know what’s up. Brian Michael Bendis’s run on Ultimate Comics Spider-Man makes you really love the character of Miles. The story of what happens after Peter Parker dies and a new clueless Spider-Man must fill the void, is nothing short of great. It puts you in the shoes of a new character trying to figure out who he is, all while trying to keep the memory of Peter Parker alive.
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5. Avengers by Jonathan Hickman Two Avengers books on one list? That’s right. In my opinion the greatest era in Avengers history. Jonathan Hickman pulls double duty writing two parallel stories of heroes at their greatest and heroes at their worst. On the one hand, the Avengers are expanding and they are responding to bigger and badder threats. From Ex Nihilo’s attempt to terraform Earth, to the universe eradication of the Builders, to Thanos invading, to the attack of evil Avengers. One the other hand unknown to everyone but Iron Man, Mister Fantastic, Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Black Bolt, Beast, and Namor, parallel Earths are crashing into each other, destroying the multiverse. The only way to save their own is to destroy worlds. But after you destroy a world is there anything left of your humanity?
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4. Justice League International The late 80′s had one of the greatest Justice League runs of all time. Keith Giffen and J.M. Dematteis pumped out some of the funniest and most entertaining comics to date. Focusing on the Justice League as a work place comedy, this massive run follows the adventures of a newly formed Justice League made up of mostly second string characters. The satisfaction of Batman punching out Guy Gardner, the comedy duo of Blue Beetle and Booster Gold, GNORT! If you want your super hero books to be fun and hilarious, this is the book for you. Starting in Justice League #1 through 6 and transitioning to Justice League International, then splitting between Justice League Europe and Justice League America.
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3. Saga If you’re not reading Saga, you are missing out. A Romeo and Juliet story set in a sci-fi fantasy space adventure. In the middle of an intergalactic war, Alona and Marko leave their worlds behind to risk everything for the survival and protection of their newborn Hazel. Hunted by both sides of the war, the two travel across the stars and encountering creatures from all over the galaxy who either want to help them or want them dead. Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples take a story about the ups and downs of parenting and throws it into a cosmic and crazy story of awesomeness. Look out for Izabel, Prince Robot the IV, and Ghus. You will smile every time they are on the page.
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2. Scott Pilgrim I cannot recommend these books from Bryan Lee O’ Malley enough. 6 graphic novels in total, focusing on Scott Pilgrim’s desire to date Ramona Flowers, his journey to defeat her 7 evil ex’s, and the challenge of being a responsible adult. This book is filled with post high school confusion, punk rock, video games, anime style action, and heart. If you liked the movie, I promise you, you’ll love the book.
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1. Mister Miracle by Tom King and Mitch Gerads Everyone should read this book even if you’re not a New Gods fan, it’s amazing. Mister Miracle and Big Barda are two of the greatest comic book characters of all time and in this book it really shows. Scott Free is royalty among the New Gods of New Genesis but Scott would rather live in Los Angeles and be the world famous escape artist known as Mister Miracle. Scott eventually grows bored of his stunts and attempts suicide in order to escape death. The book follows Scott and Barda through their responsibilities as New Gods in the war with Apokolips, to Scott’s performance work, to their marriage, to Scott’s suicide. It’s a beautiful book filled with action, humor, great art, and a whole lot of heart. Of everything on this list, Mister Miracle is an absolute must read.
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aion-rsa · 5 years
The Many Crossovers of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
There have been so many different incarnations of the Heroes in a Half Shell and between them, they've seemingly met just about everyone!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has covered a lot of ground in the past 35 years. There are so many different takes on "four reptiles in eye masks who fight crime with ninjitsu" that it's honestly hard to keep count of all the different continuities. From the gritty Frank Miller homages of the earliest comics to goofball cartoon characters to CGI hunchbacks in the latest two movies, there have been a wide range of interpretations.
Like all popular properties, the Ninja Turtles have done their share of crossovers. They've met all kinds of characters and rubbed elbows with so many different franchises. They've fought alongside everyone from Archie to Batman to Alf. You can basically plug and play them into any situation at this point.
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Starting, fittingly enough, in the Mirage days, the Turtles' first crossover came in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #8. Turtle creators Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird teamed together with Dave Sim and Gerhard to do a story where the foursome met up with Sim's magnum opus character Cerebus. Otherwise known as the star of "that once-beloved barbarian aardvark comic that went off the rails once Sim grew to hate women."
Watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on Amazon
In the story, we're introduced to Renet, a time-travel witch with no pants who acts as an apprentice to a strict master, who she's deathly afraid of. After screwing up, she steals a magic scepter and hides out in 1986 New York City, immediately coming into contact with the Turtles. Escaping her master once again, she brings all of them to 1406, where they run afoul of Cerebus the Aardvark. The three parties reluctantly team up with the easily-disgruntled Cerebus annoyed by the mere presence of the Turtles while the Turtles are constantly annoyed by Renet's never-ending, airheaded attitude. A year after this issue, the Turtles and Cerebus – once again depicted by Eastman, Laird, and Sim – would briefly meet up in the pages of Miami Mice #4, where Cerebus again wanted to distance himself from the four.
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Also in 1986, the memorable Donatello Micro-Series issue (the one where he teamed up with Jack Kirby) ended with a pin-up by Stan Sakai, depicting the Turtles surrounding his own anthromorphic swordsman creation Miyamoto Usagi from the comic Usagi Yojimbo. 1987 brought us a comic called Turtle Soup, where various comic creators would do short stories featuring the Ninja Turtles. Sakai got to write a storyline where due to some magical residue brought on from his adventure with Renet, Leonardo is sent spiraling through time and ends up in an adventure with Usagi. The two are attacked by the same pack of enemies and cut them down until they are the only ones left. They turn their attentions to each other and are about to go at it, but Leonardo returns to the present, causing Usagi to run through nothing and crash into a tree.
read more: The Original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie is Still Amazing
That began a lengthy relationship between the two properties. Miyamoto Usagi became the Alien to the Ninja Turtles' Predator. In the Mirage comics, Leonardo made several more trips into Usagi's time and eventually brought his brothers with him. Usagi got his own action figure as part of Playmates' Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles line, showed up in a couple video games, and two of the animated series. In the '80s cartoon he was named Usagi Yojimbo, I suppose for simplicity's sake, where he was stranded on Earth after being pulled in from an alternate reality. He starred in two episodes.
The 4Kids cartoon had him show up more often, also from an alternate reality, though they played up his relationship with Leonardo more than the '80s cartoon. When they did the Flash Forward part of the series where the Turtles were in the future, they intended to introduce his comic book descendant Space Usagi, but that never came to be.
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One of the more entertaining crossovers came in the form of Flaming Carrot Comics #25 to #27 by Bob Burden, where Raphael gets stricken with amnesia and ends up becoming the sidekick to mentally-lacking superhero the Flaming Carrot. Raphael ends up wearing a sack on his head and a cape that says "BREAD" on it, calling himself the Night Avenger. Instead, the authorities call him Bread Boy. The two of them, later joined by the rest of the Turtles and Mysterymen member Screwball, work together to prevent a group of evil umpires from using the disembodied head of Frankenstein's Monster to steal the Empire State Building. It was very, very weird.
read more: The Weirdest Classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Episodes Ever
The two parties would meet up again a few years later in a four-issue Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Flaming Carrot crossover with Jim Lawson on art, where a military team has gone missing after investigating a mysterious island. The government brings in the Turtles to investigate, while at the same time, the Mysterymen start their own investigation. The two sides collide, befriend each other, and then fight fire ghosts, a werewolf, and other ridiculous things. Meanwhile, the Flaming Carrot tries selling lemonade. He isn't successful.
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Across the '90s, the Ninja Turtles crossed paths a couple times with Erik Larsen's Savage Dragon. Drawn by Michael Dooney, 1993's Savage Dragon/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has Dragon visit New York City to investigate some animated gargoyles abducting the elderly. While friendly with the Turtles, he has a running gag of never being able to tell them apart, suggesting that they get initials on their belt buckles. Even then, in a later crossover, he refers to Raphael as "Rembrandt."
Image Comics took in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise in the mid-90s, so they became integrated with the universe more. Turtles showing up in Savage Dragon's comics – which happened quite a bit – was no longer all that special anymore. Raphael even made a quick appearance fighting a Martian in an alley in Mars Attacks Image.
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The most amusing appearance during this time was Gen 13 #13B, where Grunge goes on a journey that causes him to run into all sorts of indie comic characters like Bone, Madman, Savage Dragon, etc. His brief meeting with the Ninja Turtles has a bit of a meta thing going on where Grunge asking, "What happened to you guys?" is less about how they got in a life-and-death predicament and more about how they lost their overwhelming popularity.
Otherwise, the Mirage-era Ninja Turtles made a couple other less-notable crossover appearances. In 1991, they appeared in The Last of the Viking Heroes Meet the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles by Michael Thibodeaux, which again brought time travel into the fray. In 1996, we got Creed/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles by Trent Kaniuga, where they got tangled up in a plot with a young boy named Creed and a mystical, green crystal. While the Ninja Turtles had nothing to do with it, one of their supporting characters starred in the two-part Gizmo and the Fugitoid comic by Laird and Michael Dooney.
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During the early '90s, the Ninja Turtles also appeared in a more family-friendly comic run under the Archie Comics banner. Naturally, this gave us Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Meet Archie by Ryan Brown and Dean Clarrain. Around that time in the Archie Turtles series, the four are brought to various realities by Cudley the Cowlick, a giant, cosmic, talking cow head. Because comics are weird. He drops them off in Riverdale for twelve hours. Archie and Betty see them and freak out over what they figured to be an alien invasion, yet nobody believes them. The four disguise themselves and even check out a Josie and the Pussycats concert incognito, but reveal their true identities when Veronica gets kidnapped by some criminals intending to get a hefty ransom. It isn't nearly as good as Archie Meets the Punisher, but it's fine for what it is.
read more: The Comic Book Roots of the First TMNT Movie
In terms of properties with far less staying power, there was also Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Meet the Conservation Corps by Paul Castiglia and Dan Nakrosis. This was actually used to springboard the short-lived comic where an alien crash-lands onto Earth and uses some special tech to turn random animals into mutants for the sake of protecting the Earth from pollution. It was just as hokey as you'd expect, though the villain design wasn't bad. Oily Bird is a giant, oil-covered duck, the only survivor of an oil tanker spill that killed his family. The mix of oil and toxic waste turned him into an insane monster out to overrun the entire planet with pollution. So, I mean, the comic has that going for it. Looking at covers for the Conservation Corps series, he later became a cyborg. So it has that going for it too.
Also under the Archie banner, the Turtles made a quick guest appearance in Sonic the Hedgehog #10, back when that series was young and intentionally silly. Sonic was busy running through an underground labyrinth and when in a sewer, the four Turtles ran by, admitting out loud that they were basically lost. Not only in the wrong sewer, but in the wrong comic as well.
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Nearly twenty years later, Sonic's evil double (no, the other one) Scourge ended up in prison with Bebop and Rocksteady in Sonic Universe #29, though that's more of an Easter egg thing than an official crossover.
Speaking of criminal acts, the '80s animated series led to Michelangelo showing up in the all-so-memorable Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue, the anti-drug cartoon about a teenager who gets into marijuana. After he's seen stealing money from his little sister, a bunch of cartoon characters come to life to spend a half hour lecturing him that drugs are bad and smoking weed will make you look like a zombie and kill you. Alongside Michelangelo are Alvin and the Chipmunks, Garfield, Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, the Muppet Babies, Winnie the Pooh, Slimer, the Smurfs, Alf, Huey, Dewey, and Louie. That's a of properties that got transformed into lousy CGI movies over the last few years...
read more - The Essential Episodes of X-Men: The Animated Series
Oh, God. We're due for a CGI Alf reboot, aren't we?
Regardless, as someone who was 8 when that cartoon came out, us kids only gave a damn about Michelangelo showing up. Dude didn't even get to appear on the VHS cover.
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It wasn't Garfield's only meeting with Michelangelo. The winter 1992 edition of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Magazine had a one-page comic written by Garfield creator Jim Davis with Gary Barker and Larry Fentz on art and Laird himself doing the inking. The gag here is that Garfield tries disguising himself as the fifth Ninja Turtle in order to get them to leave him alone with all their pizza. Instead, they choose to beat the holy hell out of him, which is rather messed up, all things considered.
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He's just a normal cat with the ability to inner-monologue, guys.
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In 1997, the Ninja Turtles returned to TV with the abysmal Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation. The live-action show introduced their female member Venus and lasted for a mere six months before cancellation. An episode of Power Rangers in Space called "Shell Shocked" brought the two parties together and while it should have been the best thing ever, it was outright terrible. The evil Astronema decided the best way to defeat the Power Rangers would be to summon the Ninja Turtles, brainwash them, and then make them betray the Rangers. Everyone was insufferable, nothing made any sense, and they only came to their senses by the weakest of all plot devices. It ended with the five Turtles surfing through space and me wanting to die.
The preview of the following episode mentioned Bulk being attacked by a claw and that had me more pumped than the previous 22 minutes.
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One bit of strangeness is how the Turtles had a tendency to constantly crossover with Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of the Moo Mesa. Namely the fact that these multiple adventures happened well over a decade after the Moo Mesa cartoon's cancellation, and even then, it wasn't exactly the most memorable show to go back to. The mutant cows appeared sporadically through various issues of Mirage's Tales of the TMNT in a bunch of dimension-hopping storylines I'm not going to even begin to explain.
read more: The Essential Episodes of Tales From the Cryptkeeper
Around that time, when the 4Kids animated series did the Flash Forward season, the Turtles were thrown into a Danger Room-type simulation by the villain Viral where they're stuck having to face the cast of Moo Mesa in a barfight. Viral leaves them to die and returns later, insulted to see the Turtles playing cards with the likes of Moo Montana.
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That 4Kids Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series lasted a good seven seasons. Once Nickelodeon bought the rights to everything Ninja Turtles and it was apparent that the 4Kids series was going to be cancelled, they went out in style with Turtles Forever. The animated movie was about the 2000s cartoon crossing over with the '80s cartoon in a plot where the badass Utrom Shredder takes over the '80s Technodrome and tries to use it to wipe out all reality.
There are a couple minor problems in there. The '80s Turtles are treated a little too much as jokes to the point that all four of them are practically Michelangelo. Due to union issues, the original voice actors couldn't come back, meaning we were cheated out of James Avery playing Shredder one last time. Still, it was a wonderful love letter to the various takes on the characters, especially in the final act, where they visited the black-and-white world of Turtle Prime, where they met the grim and gritty Mirage Turtles.
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Coincidentally, an episode of the Nickelodeon CGI animated series called "Wormquake" has shown that show's animated Turtles looking through alternate realities and seeing their '80s cartoon counterparts, with Michelangelo wondering why they look like dorks. The hour-long episode has them fight a giant worm and in the end, they get rid of it by sending it to one of the alternate realities. That gives us a quick scene of the '80s incarnations choosing to fight it, all while giving us back the original voice actors. Seriously, hearing Donatello yell, "Turtle Power!" gave me the warm fuzzies.
The Nickelodeon cartoon team and the '80s cartoon team would finally meet up in the season 4 episode "Trans Dimensional Turtles." It's essentially a half-hour remake of Turtles Forever (right down to the use of the Mirage universe in the third act) only using the current show and focusing on a team-up between '80s Krang and Kraang Subprime. Again, the original voice actors return and it leads to a funny moment where Rob Paulsen's '80s Raphael makes fun of the way Rob Paulsen's '10s Donatello talks.
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That brings us to the current IDW comic series. IDW has a lot of licensed series under its belt and back in 2011, they introduced a soft crossover event called Infestation. The idea was that a zombie virus was spreading around on an inter-dimensional level. That meant it tied together all these different properties without actually having them meet up. The first series included Zombies vs. Robots, Star Trek, Transformers, Ghostbusters, and GI Joe. A year later, they did Infestation 2, which included Transformers, Dungeons and Dragons, GI Joe, 30 Days of Night, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Instead of zombies, the second series focused more on Lovecraftian nightmares. Over the course of two issues, the Turtles investigate some disturbances in the sewer and defeat an otherworldly squid, saving reality.
read more: Extreme Ghostbusters is Better Than You Remember
IDW used the same soft crossover concept more recently in X-Files: Conspiracy. The crossover involves X-Files characters the Lone Gunmen, whose quest to track down a maguffin leads them to various worlds. They deal with Ghostbusters, Transformers, the Crow, and – you guessed it – the Ninja Turtles. While the Turtle tie-in issue doesn't feature Mulder and Scully, it does have them fight vampires, so there's that.
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In 2014, the IDW comic would do a four-issue crossover miniseries with Ghostbusters. Written by Erik Burnham and Tom Waltz with art by Dan Schoening, it revolves around Chi-You, the ever-powerful sibling of Kitsune and the Rat King (who is basically an immortal demigod in IDW continuity). The Turtles and April end up in the Ghostbusters' reality and work alongside Venkman and the rest.
It's a solid outing and one of the things that really works is how everyone matches up with their counterparts. You have the two brains, the two dorks, the two assholes, the redhead lady assistants, and...Leonardo and Winston. Yet the story makes them feel like kindred spirits in the way they act as the down-to-earth ones who have to put up with their partners' over-the-top personalities.
Also great is how even in a cross-dimensional team-up, there's still skepticism. Donatello refuses to believe in ghosts while Egon refuses to believe in aliens. Real glass houses.
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This was followed up with a sequel where the ghost of TMNT villain Darius Dun has teamed up with Ghostbusters villains known as the Collectors. The plot has caused different Turtles/Buster pairings to dive through various realities and has led to some neat moments, like Peter using his psychology know-how to help Michelangelo work out his issues with his fall-out with Splinter or how Donatello and Egon discuss their recent experiences of dying and coming back to life. They also run into the ghost of the Turtles' mother and, naturally, Peter hits on her.
read more: The Scariest Real Ghostbusters Episodes
One world they visit during this is a society run by mutant animals where Harold, Danny, Bill, and Ernie are the Ghostbusturtles. Cute.
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Recently, they have been having endless crossovers with the Dark Knight. The first of which is a trip to the DC Universe for Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, a six-issue miniseries by James Tynion IV and Freddie E Williams II. It's fantastic.
They end up stranded in Gotham with the knowledge that the science that allows them to exist doesn't exactly hold up in the DC dimension. Their mutagen will gradually become inert, eventually turning them back to normal turtles.
After a run-in with Batman, the four talk about what the hell just happened. Donatello does some internet research, Michelangelo figures out the pros and cons of this dark avenger, Raphael considers him to be some psychopath, and Leonardo reflects on the fight and figures him out in his own way.
"I've never fought someone like him...Shredder, maybe...but it was different. He was testing us. Avoiding lethal blows...he wanted to figure us out. He was fighting like a detective. I've never seen anything like it."
We ultimately get a team-up of the Foot Clan and the League of Assassins, which makes all the sense in the world, and it gets over-the-top once they use mutagen on the inmates of Arkham Asylum. Snake Joker, Hyena Harley, Baboon Two-Face, Vulture Scarecrow, Elephant Bane, Penguin Penguin, and so on. But all the mutated Batman villains in Gotham are no match for Splinter wielding Harley's oversized cartoon mallet.
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The same creative team would make two sequels. The second series focuses on Bane taking over New York City in the Turtles' universe while made even stronger from mutagen. It ends up taking the combined might of Batman, Splinter, and Shredder to take him down.
As of this writing, they're in the midst of a crossover story amazingly called "Crisis on a Half Shell," where the villain is Krang wearing the Anti-Monitor.
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The current story also features a team-up in there between the Mirage Turtles and a classic, smiling, blue-clad Batman. Everything about this is fantastic.
Yet there are even more TMNT/Batman crossovers out there. Matthew K. Manning and Jon Sommariva did a five-issue miniseries called Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures. This time it's the Turtles from the recent Nickelodeon show meeting up with Batman: The Animated Series.
read more - The Best Batman: The Animated Series Episodes
In it, Mad Hatter creates portals into the Ninja Turtles' universe and sends a handful of Arkham villains there to cause trouble. This includes a stretch of time where Joker takes over the Foot Clan and goes around wearing Shredder's helmet. On the other hand, Shredder is able to overcome Joker gas via pure willpower and hatred towards Splinter.
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The comic even uses the crossover as an in-universe explanation for why Scarecrow changed up his look and became ultra-creepy for Adventures of Batman and Robin.
Inspired by these comic crossovers, an animated movie called Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was released. The story is very much based on the first comic crossover with the mutant Arkham inmates and the team-up of Ra's al Ghul and Shredder, but the main difference is that they don't do the alternate universe gimmick. It plays it up like Batman and the Turtles have always existed in the same world but have been completely unaware of each other up to this point.
It's very much worth watching, especially for a spectacular Batman vs. Shredder fight early on. Shredder even enters the fight with the same slow-motion jump from the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie! I love it.
read more: The Essential Episodes of Justice League Unlimited
Despite all these Batman meet-ups, it still blew everyone away when NetherRealm Studios announced that all four Turtles would be playable in Injustice 2 as the final DLC release. Not only do they get to fight with the DC Universe (or a darker version of), but they also face the likes of Hellboy, Sub-Zero, and Raiden. Each Turtle has about a half hour's worth of dialogue with their opponents and there are tons of cute references in there. My favorite is a subtle Turtles in Time Easter egg where Michelangelo's skateboard has an apple-shaped sticker that says "BIG" and under it is a sticker saying "3AM."
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Their ending has Harley Quinn reward them for their help by giving them a pizza laced with the same chemical used in the game's "super pills," which allows street-level characters to go toe-to-toe with Superman. After ingesting this, the Turtles go back to their home dimension and absolutely crush Krang and Shredder with little issue.
read more: The Strange History of The Legend of Zelda Animated Series
So yeah, that's quite the rolodex of aquaintances.
Throughout the years, Leo and the rest have met up with everyone from the Mysterymen to Baby Kermit the Frog. With so many incarnations out there, it's like nothing is off-limits when it comes to teaming up with the Ninja Turtles. It's weirder to realize the properties they haven't crossed paths with yet, like Spider-Man or Predator.
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I mean, Michelangelo, Gandalf, Milhouse, and Shaquille O'Neal were Lego Master Builders that one time. That feels totally normal and makes perfect sense to me. It's just the kind of world we live in.
Gavin Jasper writes for Den of Geek and still can't believe we haven't had an official Turtles/Daredevil crossover yet. Read more of his articles here and follow him on Twitter @Gavin4L
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Gavin Jasper
Jun 24, 2019
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
from Books http://bit.ly/2WXYvE5
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