#and bizarro going NOOOOOO :(
roseworth · 2 years
what do you think of the rhato webtoon so far?
tbh! more than anything i think its just kinda boring.
i dont think the jason characterization is TOO terrible. i hated the "bad robin" stuff they were doing in the first few issues but they havent really brought it up since so whatever. honestly the plot immediately leaves my brain right after i finish reading it so maybe im misremembering this but?? they took the job to get the idol from just some guy and didnt ask any questions,,, including when martian manhunter tried to get it back,,,,,, idk! like babygirl you know better than this what r u doing!!! it seemed very odd to me that the fact that a justice league member was trying to stop them from taking this "family heirloom" wasnt an immediate red flag
as far as artemis and bizarro go its kinda eh. i hate hate hate how artemis's face is drawn, it looks too yassified to me. also she had some kind of she ra moment in one of the eps which felt very weird. i dont read a lot of artemis content so i cant rly say whether or not shes being written in character. shes a lot like she was in rhato 2016 and i liked her in that so! sure! but bizarro-wise ive mentioned this before but. the opposite talking gets old FAST. the one (1) thing i will give lobdell credit for is that he knew biz was gonna be a recurring character so he didnt do all that because it def gets annoying
anyways. aside from me being picky, overall its just kinda boring. the plot isnt very interesting and it feels like even when things happen, nothing is rly happening ??? idk. i think that webtoons are one of the worst ways to tell an actual story. like wfa works because its just a little slice of life thing and it shouldnt be taken seriously, so the webtoon is a nice format for that. but when rhato is trying to like. Tell A Story it doesnt really work to tell it in a webtoon
but i do like things about it! i think there are fun moments! i rly liked the ep where jason could tell that someone had replaced artemis because he knew exactly how she drew her sword :) that one was a nice one that stuck out to me. i also still think the art is very pretty even though they do artemis dirty
tldr: its fine, there are things i like about it and i have no strong moral objections to it, but its mostly just not very interesting
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crazymangaluv · 3 years
Mercy: Jason Todd x Reader
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Warning: Some curse words & some steaminess. 
Brief Summary: Being the bright person you are, you come up with a great idea to relieve your boredom, however, you failed to consider the repercussions of your actions. You reap what you sow and now you’re at his mercy. 
You had to admit this wasn’t your strongest idea, going up against someone like him. There you are, under the mercy of your captor, struggling to break free. Arms pinned above you, the weight of the man heavy on you. Your eyes wide, pleading.
”Please have mercy!” you cry out. 
He sneers, “You had your chance. It’s too late for mercy.”
Crap, I messed up bad. Your stomach drops, the sense of dread creeping in on you as you sense your impending doom. 
It was a hot day at Gotham and to make things worse, you were home alone bored while you waited for your boyfriend to come home. You two had plans, Disney marathon plans, but he was late...again. You sigh. Hmm-- you tap your fingers on the table-- what to do, what to do...then it clicked. You know exactly what you want to do. You leave a note for your boyfriend and head off to begin your preparations. 
Whew, there...you wipe the sweat off your brow. You finally finished. “Thank you for your help Alfred.”
“Anytime Miss/Mister y/n. Is this all the assistance you require?”
“Yes, thank you. Hehe...hehehe….hahaha -snort- ahahahahahaha! Yes! This is perfect!” you cackle at your plan. With a sigh Alfred leaves you laughing to yourself. 
“Y/n, I’m home! Sorry for running late, Bizarro--” Jason pauses, noticing the note you left for him:
Dear Jaybirdie,
        Meet me at Wayne Manor ASAP...you owe me.
                      Your awesome lover 
Wayne Manor? Hn...what are you up to y/n? He ponders. He then shrugs, already heading out to meet you. Soon enough he arrives at Wayne Manor, but before he could reach the door his back feels an impact. *splash*. Was that a…water balloon? He hears your trademark giggle, his head whipping around just in time to see you running off. “What the hell y/n?”
“Master Jason, these are for you.” Alfred states, appearing behind him. Jason turns back around to see Alfred holding out a bucket for him. “A message from Miss/Mister y/n, and I quote: ‘I’m leveling out the playing field. It’ll make your ass whooping more satisfying sweetheart.’” He clears his throat, handing Jason the bucket of water balloons. 
“Hmph, oh how nice of you sweetheart…” he snatches the bucket from Alfred’s gloved hand.  He dashes after you, “WE’LL SEE JUST WHOSE ASS IS GONNA GET WHOOPED! NEWS FLASH!” he rounds the corner, “IT’S YOURS!” he advances towards you. 
You look back and see him advancing on you. You give him a wicked grin before sticking your tongue out at him childishly and giggling away. He returns the grin, chucking water balloons at you, however, not a single one hit its mark. You, on the other hand, manage to land a hit right on his beautiful face. You both stop. He was dumbfounded, dazzling blue eyes wide. His expression was so funny you couldn’t help but burst out in laughter while you took off running again. Your cackle brings him back to the situation at hand. He shakes off the shock and with a newfound burst of energy he sprints after you, hot on your trail. His throws become faster and stronger, precision improving. It was getting harder for you to dodge them. 
You laugh, “Pfft, I thought you were a marksman, the marksman! What kind of marksman are you if you can’t even hit your target?!” You taunt as you nimbly dodged each of his water balloons. 
You can literally see a vein popping out on his forehead. “I was going easy on you cuz I love you but fuck that! You’re gonna get it now y/n!” 
“Oh noooo, the big bad Red Hood is after me! I’m sooo scared!” you retort back sarcastically. You were digging your own grave taunting this dangerous man, but it was worth it. The look on his face, priceless. You were kicking his ass, but alas, your winning streak wasn’t bound to last forever. 
You hear barking in the distance. Titus! Soon you see Jason’s face shift from a determined smirk to a mischievous grin. Uh oh…
“Get her/him Titus!” he shouts, pointing at your direction.
No! But before you could react, you’re tackled and knocked over by an excited Titus. “Noooo! Titus! Get off you big goofy dog!” you shield yourself from the onslaught of licks and drool. 
This time it’s Jason’s turn to laugh at you. Oh how the tables have turned. You manage to get Titus off you but Jason launches himself on top of you before you’re able to recover. He’s quick to pin you down. And there you are, hands pinned above your head by your boyfriend’s firm grip, his hard body heavy on top of you. He has one hand gripping a water balloon menacingly above you. You struggle against him, attempting to break free but he’s too strong; it didn’t help that you were already tired from all the running and dodging. 
“Please have mercy!” you cry out with pleading eyes. 
“You had your chance, it’s too late for mercy” he sneers. 
“I was just trying to help you! You just looked so hot...I thought I could help you...you know...cool off?” you weakly explain.
His eyes narrow, smugly grinning, “How nice of you y/n. Let me repay the favor, my love.”
Crap, I messed up...bad. Your stomach drops feeling a sense of dread for your incoming doom. Noooo-! *splash* You gasp, but that was just the start of it. He soaks you with the rest of his remaining ammo. 
“Oh my goodness gracious, I’ve been bamboozled!” you manage to choke out, completely drenched. 
He chuckles above you, “That's what you get for challenging the amazingly badass Red Hood!” 
Your chest is heaving from exertion as you glare up at him, still unable to break free, completely at his mercy. Your soaked shirt has become see through, revealing your chest. His eyes roam down your body, his handsome face no longer sporting the triumphant, gleeful expression he had a few seconds ago. His eyes are now darkened with lust, pupils dilated...your heart pounds wildly and your breath hitches. Your eyes flutter shut as he leans down. You could feel his hot breath fanning your anticipating lips briefly before his mouth covers yours passionately. He releases his grip on your arms, his hand is now underneath your head gripping your hair, firmly but gently. You clutch onto him with a moan, reciprocating in fervor, pulling your bodies closer together. He sucks at your bottom lip then slips his tongue into your mouth. Your tongue meets his, sliding against his as you grind yourself against him. He huskily groans in response, his other hand slipping under your shirt to explore your chest--
“Aww come on guys! Get a room!” Tim shouts in disgust, covering his eyes. 
“Nooo Damian! I’ll save you!” Dick cries out dramatically as he tackles Damian to the ground in a poor attempt to protect his innocence. 
“Get off me Grayson!” Damian demands, struggling to get his stupid brother off him. 
Both you and Jason cease your “activities”, releasing an exasperated sigh, disappointed by the interruption. You look up at him, making eye contact, and you both smirk. He helps you up, and you hand him your bucket containing the rest of your water balloons. Taking advantage of their distracted state, you both reach in, grab a balloon, and proceed to chuck them at the brothers. 
“HEY!” they shout in unison. 
Jason and you cackle evilly while the two of you proceed to pelt the boys with the water balloons. You both run away once the brothers recover as they made it their primary mission to get their revenge on the two of you. 
Jason chortles, “Suckers!” when the two of you pelt Tim and Damian on their faces. 
You also manage to land a hit on Dick’s butt, causing him to gasp dramatically. You snicker. “Sorry your ass is too big Dick! It makes such an easy target!” 
Dick gapes at you with a hand over his heart, aghast at the audacity!
Jason laughs at Dick’s expression, smirk widening at your taunting, however, you both unfortunately run out of water balloons. Uh oh. “Run y/n!” Jason grabs your hand, pulling you along with him to run for your lives. 
“Traitors! The both of you!” 
“Oy! Get back here!” 
“Todd! Y/n! You’re dead!” 
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lovedinapastlife · 6 years
3x12 “Bizarrodale” - Riverdale Reaction
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Not gonna lie, I was kinda hoping from the title that this episode would have things like terrifying Jughead with a giant carving knife from outtakes of the fever-dream sequence of season one. Or floating babies. What we got was a generally cohesive plot with the minor characters. So like...I’ll take it? 
Let’s see some “inspired lunacy,” Riverdale!
“I’ll check my calendar, Sierra” — OOOOOH BURN. They didn’t even tell you the day, Marcus.
Hermione has no investment in procreations now that she’s not getting laid. DO IT YOURSELF is her new go-to response.
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Who is this smug bug for finding Kevin and Moose in some random room making out? You want a gold star? A pat on the butt?
Oooof, Josie! Using ‘em and losin’ ‘em while wearing cute clothes! Sweet Pea wants something steady now that he can’t play G&G with his boyfriends on the regular.
Twice-widowed?! Did I miss something??? Maybe there’s a deleted scene of Penelope marrying Tall Boy. Or Malachai (who could be dead for all he’s been in this season). Or Claudius? That seems extra shady.
Is Tom just unemployed and Sierra’s sex bunny now? Because that’s weirdly adorable. Also if people could get more beds in this town so I’m not horrified wondering if it’s the same place Bughead has canoodled that would be great.
So…the main reason Kevin doesn’t want to break up with Moose is because…he doesn’t wanna cruise in the forest? Too much effort to get laid? This episode is not doing their relationship any favors for me, even if they’re both attractive young men. It’s like Kevin has to convince himself he even likes Moose outside of his enormous appendage.
Anyone else get chills when Cheryl reached out to touch Kevin’s hand? I was fairly certain she was going to set him on fire. Maybe that’s just me worrying about Cheryl in general. Let the former fat kid stress-eat!
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Did they run out of costumes? Why is that one kid in full ROTC uniform and nobody else is? XD I get it. The metaphorical “divide” between Moose’s dad and their relationship but wow. That hat stands out in a classroom.
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Cheryl getting excited for their first fight and then quickly crumbling into pleading is so…sad? I feel like Toni could probably manipulate her really horribly. Or for the better. Um. We’ll see. I’m not holding my breath.
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Josie can’t drive? She ran her own band, her mom was mayor, dad’s a jazz star, but no car? No driver’s license? Shoulda taken advantage when she was dating Reggie to get a great deal on a ride! I know the pictured scene is later, but Archie is just so excited to be someone’s date and play music again that I wanted it up here.
Also it’s been 15 minutes without Bughead and I am physically in pain.
Oh good. Veronica finds robbing banks impractical, but she’s all about encouraging “inspired lunacy.” I think that’s how the show would describe itself.
The bad parents club is at it again.
“50 Shades of Blackmail” - the Choni spinoff
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“I can’t believe I was shot…” — Reggie, unaware of what happened to Veronica’s “exes.” Honestly, seems like he got let off easy.
Archie - mauled by a bear, branded, buried alive
Nick St. Claire - “Car accident,” multiple ass-kickings
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Now THAT’S what I call “dirty money!”
Okay I liked the throwback to the beginning of this season when Kevin surprised Moose with locker kisses
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I don’t know how to feel about Choni cheating their way into a broken system. I like their outfits? I don’t care?
Ohhhhh Gladys. “More teenagers.” You and me, both. If only drug dealings could be kept between adults. I’m so annoyed with these people! Stop being involved in shade! Clearly you’re boss bitches and can manage an actual legit business instead of “borrowing” fancy cars and laundering dirty money with a bunch of rowdy teens and gang members. SET AN EXAMPLE, LADIES
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Ha. Throwback to the Midnight Club entering through the window is kinda hilarious. What is with this poison-drinking nonsense? Again?!
OH MY GOD they’re setting it up for “jealous” Mason man to be the Gargoyle King. Yep. He is. Okay then.
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30 minutes in, I get my shot. I’m crying. The hair. The beauty. I can’t handle it. DON’T STOP. My Bughead heart needs this! They are so lovely! Someone light their face and silence all the phones, k thanks.
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Why does Kevin presume Betty would infringe on bunker boinking? She’s probably the one who came up with the damn schedule!
They look so damn satisfied. Can no one have peaceful pillow talk in this town?
What is with all this “gay=weakness” nonsense? Love is love. Sit down, ignorant, self-hating villains.
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I squealed when I heard Jughead’s voice and saw him come in. Oh man. And now my heart is broken. Because the Jones girls are faking it. And Jughead’s gonna get his heart broken. NOOOOOO! I knew it the second JB hugged FP.
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Good call Sierra and Kevin just keeping a giant cake for themselves with that bizarro topper. Was he sunk into the cake? On his knees? What are you two up to?
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Goodbye, Moose! Bon voyage! Kevin seemed proud of him being out but sad he loses another boyfriend to crime in Riverdale.
It’s like this episode wants to highlight all the minors having reasons to cry. Ironically, Reggie was SHOT and was the least teary.
Oh, really?! A new gang/FAMILY? Of strangers?! In leather?! We need more aesthetic options in this damn town. The Pretty Poisons. My guess is if they can get the rights, Cheryl and Toni are gonna dress up as Harley and Ivy. Because they already dressed up like Catwoman.
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I’m sorry, Archie and Josie, I can’t hear your duet over the sound of my heart breaking.
I don’t know, was anyone excited about Archie OR Josie dating someone new? Y’all need some time to work on yourselves. Revisit this after some therapy. Time is good. Look what it did for Tom and Sierra. I can’t imagine Julliard is much for aspiring pop stars anyway, but what do I know? She’s about to go to her own spinoff so I’m not emotionally invested.
I don’t know when I’ll get to see my darlings get the short end of the stick again. Oh well. Time for fanfiction, I suppose. Every time I think we’re thinning the ensemble they just swoop in with more. Fingers crossed our favs get to finish spectacularly next time ;)
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msbarrows · 2 years
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Not much building today as I was mostly exploring. Started off the day by tripping over a crashed class A fighter worth 49 million units (had something like 32 of 38 cargo slots - my current ship will max out at 40). Been thinking of putting together a nice fighter to use when I go out to specifically hunt pirates, so decided to fix it up and give it a try. Had almost everything on hand to do all the repairs since I’m a pack rat now that I have the slots for it; only needed a few things like some more wiring looms (of course!), phosphorus, and emeril.
Within a few hours I absolutely hated having a second ship. Any time I found a new wreck and went to salvage it, the station loaded the new fighter instead of my steadfast cargo ship. There doesn’t appear to be any way to make it default to a specific ship; you’d think it would at least load the last ship you’ve used prior to the ship you just had melted down, but noooooo, that would obviously be too logical. By this evening I’d had enough; I stripped all the improvements I’d put into it back out, sighed over all the resources spent on repairs, and melted it down too (made ~38 million on it, nice).
In my running around I found a sentinel-less planet with a good climate that looks like a decent option for a better underwater base some day, so I built another beach house there to remind myself to go back and check it for really good powered spots some day (assuming I don’t find a different planet I like even more first).
At one point I’d gone back to the powered base I built yesterday (and forgot to take a screenshot of, so have one today). I sort of like the idea of the stepped modules down the hill, but I should have done three modules spaced evenly every two cuboid heights, so I might rebuild that one at some point. The powered one I did show off yesterday definitely needs a rebuild - every time I portal there I fall through the floor and am trapped in the supports underneath it (do they just not do QA on their build sets at all???).
Did a lot of exploring today since I’ve been trying to get around to visiting every planet in any solar system I have a base, so I can tell just from my Discoveries tab that, oh yeah, we don’t go there because that planet/moon has aggressive sentinels (just not visiting ever is obviously not an option, since there’s no way to tell the difference between ‘scanned and noped out of going there’ vs ‘have never even looked at the place from space’). And once I land I usually kill a few minutes scanning everything in view, and sometimes when I check Discoveries after that I notice I’m only missing 1-2 critters so of course I need to locate those for the nanite bonus before I go elsewhere... etc).
The last screenshots are due to missions; the ice planet was a “scan the fauna” where I finished up just as dawn was happening, and the columns was “landscape photo from a strange planet”. And then I wanted a base there because I like having bases on the really bizarro worlds, and wouldn’t you know it, there was another crashed ship just a couple hills over (a super crappy one, not even 1 million units). So I built a tall base to have a view. Also gathered a bunch of the glitched columns to use to decorate my bases elsewhere (glitches are some of my favourite decor for yards and patios). Reminds me I need to hit up soap bubble world again, I’m all out of bubbles.
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