#also coloring in flipnote sucks
steve-rambo-leaks · 5 months
ZINE CONTEST (with prize)(≧▽≦)
I have a Zine contest from NOW until Feb 24th (autism holiday). Pls read more about how to submit, the prizes and why I'm so hyped. 
This is for BOTH people who consider themselves artists and those who don't. It doesn't have to be a comic. A ZINE CAN BE ANYTHING :D It can be a tech tutorial, it can be a comic, it can be flash fiction, it can be a local history guide, it can be Street Fighter II Turbo strategies printed out to be left in arcades, it can be anything!
The video below explains the process better than I could probably in text (I suck at conveying thing through text). My video also has a tl;dr that I would appreciate everyone read before submitting.
There's some other stuff below, but if you're more visual, like not the reading type (like me) then feel free to skip and just head to the video description to jump in.
Also, you may know me for my "Raspberry Pis are for paypigs" video where I try to advocate for the upcycling for ewasted Chromebooks.
I've been into the idea of leaving around Zines for a while. Every time I walk into a coffee shop or local business, I think "wow, I really would wish there was something cool to read." So I started making things to put there: 8 small 2.5 inch panels, folded into one 2.5 inch square for those interested to unravel. I put them inside of these origami boxes that a learned how to make, ones with a logo printed on them.
So far I've made: a zine template (I call it a dog ear zine for some reason), a template for the box to put them in, a zine about using yt-dlp, a zine about a reindeer working IT (along with a collaborator) and (coming soon) a zine about a monster in a cave doing stuff. All of the odg LibreOffice Draw template files to make your own zines or print out mine are on my archive.org page (linked at top of my Tumblr). I'd really like other people to try this 8 panel 2.5 inch zine format, and I'm willing to bribe people with sweet, sweet Gabe Newell bucks to do it. You can submit as many zines in this format as you want. Just make sure they're printed out and have pictures of both the front and back (plus other pictures if you want) . In the video I mentioned you can use my submit page, which is probably the easiest for me to keep track of. You can also use the #dogearzine hashtag to enter. Please read the video description before entering, though (which includes Youtube's and Tumblr's terms of service, though this is more of a youtube thing).
Also, and this is completely unrelated, there's a lot more to me than just the faux-clickbait Wojak thumbnails. I like doing tech, wrestling, japanese, vidya and other videos, but I love to throw art in whenever I can shoehorn it in. Like, the video where I go over inchworm, butterfly, colors 3D and flipnote sudomemo - colors 3D on a hacked 3DS was my sister's first experience with digital at (she's moved up to an iPad and Procreate). So, it hold a special place in might heart, as a lot of the things I talk about do. I made a Whomp video because I miss Ronnie. I made a Rockbox video because I wished more people used dedicated MP3 players and knew where and how to download music. I want to help people do interesting things. And I also want to thank anyone who read all of this. You are cool. I hope everyone who's able to can compete in this contest and challenge themselves to get out of their comfort zone, to try something new! Also, also, thanks for liking these posts, people on Tumblr. You all have cool blogs. (^o^)丿
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mousegirlballs · 11 months
Me and my friends were talking last night about how tumblr is trying to copy other social media with the whole algorithm talks, and tumblr TV and the UI changes and all the other horrible ideas, but we came up with one idea we think they could steal from a social media and how to market it to @staff
(The ad to staff is in colors)
Flipnote Studio. (Or r/place but better)
So tumblr users would love to have flipnote and share it with other users. "It's like r/place but less toxic." Flipnote could also be stored with less file space then an image or video cause:
1. There's a max canvas size (this is important do not expand the canvas, we need to SEE the pixels.)
2. There's a max video length and frame rate. (You can mess around with changing the, as long as people can set their own frame rate between the minimum and maximum we're good. And the max video length can be anything you like.)
3. There's only so many colors (this is important don't change this.) Flipnote is centered around only having red, green, blue, black, and white. I don't think anyone would complain about 1-3 more being added, but it wouldn't look like flipnote if you could customize the colors. This is an advantage though cause the pixels could be stored in an 8-bit integer, or if you want to future proof for adding a couple more 16-bit.
This part of tumblr could have it's own separate tab where you explore only things made in it with simple categories like "most reblogs today" "most recent" "most reblogs all time" and then a tag search where you could sort by a combo of tags and the above three sorting systems.
People would like this more than the rip off of tiktok we currently have. If we didn't already have tumblrTV I'd honestly suggest it as a name for this though. The name isn't bad.
You could also call it something stupid like tumblrnote, or tumblr studio, or crab animation.
I used tumblrnote in the poll, but I'm partial to crab based names myself. Just seems to fit the theme of "we did something dumb, enjoy."
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kirbyluigi · 3 years
Tumblr media
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