#i played that dating simulator the other day and... had a lot of fun
nuttytani · 1 year
Reacting to you playing otome games
characters: dan heng and jing yuan
tw: none except- maybe not proof read?
a/n: i guess we can officially say i'm obsessed with hsr now. my brain has been annoying me to write something for these two boys, and... i guess here we are.
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Dan Heng
From all the world-saving and stellaron crisis, Dan Heng wasn’t able to spend much time with you, much to his dismay. Yes, he’d share a few text messages once in a while or even call each other, but those days were getting rarer as his work became even more serious.
On one of those rare calls, he found out that you took on a new interest. “Otome games”, or so they were called. He had little knowledge about it other than knowing that it was a type of dating simulation.
He had no issues with you and your new obsession after all, it’s just a game, and you were having fun!
Or so he thought until your love with these otome games became a little too much to the point of interfering with HIS love life. Why is his cuddle time with you being taken away by some- chunk of hot pixels? Instead of your hands wrapping around his waist, they now held your phone as you giggled at that….undeniable hot chunk of pixels. (According to you, it looked a lot like him and had a similar vibe)
You even had alarms set for your daily activities for these games, which had you scrambling for your phone; all the time. Your eyes would light up at whatever dialogues your "husbando" would say. 
Internally he would be screaming; "WHY WON'T YOU LOOK AT ME THE WAY YOU LOOK AT THOSE DARN 2D MEN"
Enough was enough! Dan Heng realised that at this rate, he would be ousted from being your boyfriend by a fictional character!
 Soon enough, that's how you found yourself on the floor, with Dan Heng behind you, caging you between his arms. 
Dan Heng grumbled, "It's my turn now. Pay attention to me," while avoiding direct eye contact with you.
"Oh no, have I made my boyfriend feel neglected? I'm sorry babe!" You turned to give a reassuring pat on his head, then jokingly added, "Though I suppose... You will need to learn how to share me from now on."
You receive a smack on the head at that
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Jing Yuan 
Lately, he had noticed a hype around Luofu, which he soon found out, thanks to Yanqing. According to the young boy, certain “otome games” were becoming quite popular amongst the newer generation. Something about conversing with “hot 2D men with crazy backstories” made them feel “ooh la la”. Or something along those lines, Yanqing’s exact words, not his. 
“It’s actually super fun! Would you like to play as well? You get daily 5 tickets in a day, so it keeps you on your toes. And if I'm not wrong, there's even a character who resembles you, general!”
Jing Yuan declined and suggested the young lad seek someone else for his otome games, as he deemed himself too old and out of touch for such interests. He glanced up from his paperwork to find the boy giving him a disappointed look before quickly running off.
A few days after that incident, you had also fallen prey to these games, he figured as Jing Yuan listened to you talk excitedly about a "mysterious therapist with silver hair" from a newly released game, and how the character was both sweet and suspicious.
He was glad that you were enjoying yourself. Sometimes, it can be challenging to discover new interests as we grow older. At least, that was how Jing Yuan personally felt. 
As long as no harm was done, all is good!
Harm was indeed done. A lot in fact
He eventually discovered that these "ikemen" characters on your phone were taking his rightful place as your boyfriend. 
You no longer played with his hair or let him sleep on your lap… All these activities were taken away from him as if snatching candy from a baby.
It had only been a week into your... newfound obsession. You even bought a bunch of “Visual Novels” and spent many hours holed up in your room, and staying awake late into the night.
When he got concerened as asked for you to come to bed, all he'd get was: "Just five more minutes Jun-Jun! I need to complete this chapter, I swear I'll be there in five minutes, trust me."
Hmmm, nope, trust shattered and heart also shattered. Poor Jun-Jun.
It really made him feel sad, Jing Yuan’s signature :3 face soon turned :( which everyone noticed, it was hard not to. Even you thought his new behaviour to be strange and confronted him.
“My dear, I don’t mind you having hobbies, but please, give equal love and attention to your partner and not just those fictional “silver haired therapist” of yours.” Jing Yuan pleaded you with those puppy dog eyes.
“You should have said so from the beginning! I’ll tone my playing down a little. I didn’t mean to make you feel lonely…” You felt guilty and gave him a big warm hug, much to Jing Yuan’s pleasure.
“....How about a compromise?Let's both play these games together. Pretty please? At least once? You won't regret it! We can add each other as friends.”
He gave in. 
And now he’s obsessed with it.
Much more than you. 
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honkai star rail taglist: none at the moment, but if you're interested, I can make one!
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The Rise of Dimension 20: The Changing Face of Roleplay
I remember when I first heard about Dimension 20 in 2019. I had subscribed to Dropout to watch Um, Actually and I saw D20 being pushed on the platform. I sat down and watched the first episode, then the second. In two days I had finished the first season.
I had never seen anything like it. I had tried NADDPOD and CR and bounced off both (I'd eventually fall head over heels for the former, and gain a solid respect for the latter), but I fell in love with the Bad Kids, the Intrepid Heroes, the world of Elmville, and the style of Brennan Lee Mulligan.
Later, I would learn that the first season of Fantasy High was seen by most in the community as a sort of novelty, the last death-rattle of a dying company. It was cool and new, sure, but it was also a flash in the pan.
Escape From the Bloodkeep proved the naysayers wrong. It proved that Brennan was as much the source of the fun as the Intrepid Heroes, and it showed us something that set him apart from the pack - Brennan was constantly pushing himself to be better. Out of the starting gate, he proved a technical proficiency on par with Matt Mercer, the reigning king, but for Brennan, that wasn't enough. He wasn't facing off with Matt, he was facing off with himself, and he needed to be better.
The Unsleeping City continued this trend. It was another setting the DND actual play community wasn't used to - the real world. The characters were fresh, new, more nuanced than the children they played in Fantasy High. They were up to the challenge, with the same drive as Brennan. Brennan and Ally redefined how the Wild Magic Sorcerer was played, Lou Wilson brought an abandoned Unearthed Arcana to the forefront, and the pair played, perhaps, their best roles to date.
Tiny Heist showed that Brennan could bend 5e to be something it wasn't meant to be - a heist simulator.
Then came A Crown of Candy. Some hold this season to be Brennan's magnum opus and the best performances the Intrepid Heroes have ever given. The combat was quick, dirty, tactical, the characters textured and nuanced. Our heroes had to get out of impossible situations, both in roleplay and combat. Death was a very real possibility. And this season was what sealed Brennan as a real rival for Matt, and was when "I only have Dropout for D20" stopped being a joke and started being a reality. Brennan had hit his stride.
The sidequests and seasons two from this point don't really prove my point, but they're good. Brennan didn't do a couple of them, though.
Then we get to Starstruck. Set in a world his mother had created, it obviously meant a lot to Brennan, and so he strived to outdo everything he'd done up to this point. It was funnier, more moving, the combat more tactical than anything he'd done before. He included space combat, and the cast once again rose to the occasion, portraying those cast out and cast aside by the corporatocracy that was the Starstruck universe, forming a touching bond. It was as if he had peaked.
And then came Neverafter, and with that, Brennan became king. It was horrific, scary, brutal. Combat wasn't fun or interesting, it was intense and nail-biting. The party dropped in their first combat encounter. Children were brutally murdered. They were up against eldritch horrors in perverse retellings of fairy tales. The humor was there, sure, but it was twisted, dark, more about relieving stress than being funny. And again, the cast excelled.
And all because Brennan wasn't trying to outdo Matt or Griffin or Brian, but himself. Each season, he wanted to be better than he had ever been before, pushing his technical abilities, his storytelling abilities, to the max. And the world of actual play shows improved as well. Matt stepped up his game, as did the other big dogs. Brennan redefined the game.
Or I could just be a massive fanboy who's reading way too far into things. Either/or.
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marie-swriting · 11 months
Anything Serious - Natasha "Phoenix" Trace
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Top Gun Maverick Masterlist
Summary : Three times you flirt with Natasha and one time, you confess your feelings.
Warnings : Angst, happy ending, alcohol consumption (be careful with your acohol consumption), thowing up, drunk confession, implied sex but noting explicit, maybe some grammatical mistakes as English is not my first language, tell me if you see some or if I missed any warnings.
Word count : 4.7k
French version
Song inspiration : Flirting With Her by Sir Babygirl
“Here to being single !” you yell before taking a shot with your two friends Sarah and Alison.
The sound of your glass being put down on the table resonates in the bar. The alcohol burns your throat but you still let go of a victory scream. Tonight, you’re celebrating your single life like you just screamed. 
You were in a relationship for the past three years before your ex broke up with you for someone else who, apparently, is better than you. You’re not going to lie, a week ago, you were a mess. You were inconsolable, you only left your home for work and you’d stay in front of the TV doing nothing. Fortunately, thanks to your best friend’s encouragement, you realised it was her loss, not yours. That’s why you want to celebrate the fact that you’re single and without any string attached. 
“I’m finally gonna be able to do things I’ve always wanted to do and it’ll be easy.” you announce with joy. “I’m gonna have fun, go out as much as I want without any drama. You were right, Sarah, this is the best thing that could’ve ever happened to me. And I am telling you two, I’m gonna have so much fun…” you continue while your eyes find a woman with raven hair, “with her, for example. She is beautiful.”
“Well, the single phase would have been long.” Alison laughs as you keep looking at the woman.
“Who said I wanted to date again?”
“You’ve just fallen for her.”
“So what ? It doesn’t mean it has to be serious.”
“But you only do serious relationships.” Sarah contradicts.
“Not anymore.” you state before ordering a new shot.
“You sure you wanna do this?”
“Totally! She’s in the Navy,” you explain, pointing at her uniform, “so she won’t be here for too long, in other words, if it goes right then perfect and if it goes wrong, then I won’t have to worry about seeing her again. It’s a win-win situation.”
“Then, go shoot your shot !” Alison encourages.
“Sure do !” you exclaim before drinking your shot.
You make sure your outfit is put together before going to the bar under your friends’ encouragement. First, you talk to Penny and pay for a cocktail. You patiently wait for Penny to give it to the woman and explain to her it’s from you. Once Penny goes to another client, the raven-haired woman’s eyes land on you while she smiles and takes a sip of the drink. You take this as a good sign so you stand up and go sit next to her.
“Thanks for the cocktail. Good choice.” she comments, drinking a bit more.
“Glad you like it. I’m Y/N and you?”
“What’s your callsign?”
Natasha looks at you, surprised, not expecting this would be a detail you were interested in.
“Phoenix.” Natasha informs with a confident smile.
“I bet your callsign suits you well.”
“You tell me. What brings you here tonight?” she questions, intrigued.
“I’m just enjoying my new freedom and you?”
“Nothing special, I’m relaxing after my day at work.”
“You’re here on a deployment?”
“Yes, I’m only here for two weeks. I want to make the best out of it.”
“As do I.” you state with a flirty smile. “You should join my friends and I. We’re gonna play darts. You’re more than welcome.”
“I will.”
You smile at Natasha then go back to your friends, your mouth wide open, simulating a scream of joy. Your friends ask you a lot of questions as soon as you’re at the table with them again and you answer them without wasting a second.
“I’m telling you, by the end of this night, I have her number, at least !”
And you’ve had even more.
The next day, you wake up in an unknown bedroom, Natasha’s arms around your waist. Understanding you didn’t go home after your intimate moment, you mentally insult yourself. You don’t know if you should wait for her to wake up or leave now. You debate with yourself for a few seconds before coming to the conclusion it’s better to run away now, especially because you have some work waiting for you. 
Slowly, you get out of Natasha’s grip and pick your clothes off the floor. Hastily, you get dressed before walking to the exit. When you’re about to open the door, you sigh in relief when Natasha’s voice comes behind you. You jump and turn around, facing her with your hand on your heart.
“I didn’t think you were the kind to sneak off.” she laughs.
“Oh, well, I was thinking you wouldn’t want me at your place for any longer. Actually, I…” you try to explain before admitting defeat, “I have to confess I don't know the rules for one night-stands. It’s the first time I do this.”
“Glad to be the first. And for your information, it can differ with the person though, personally, I don’t mind if you want to stay.”
“Got it. But I have to go. I have work to do.” you inform, sad to leave her so soon.
“No worries. Are you gonna go out like this?”
Following her question, you look down at your outfit, not understanding her critic. Sure, one can tell it’s not a typical Sunday outfit however, it doesn’t look ugly. You don’t see the problem. Phoenix leaves the bed before opening her closet.
“It’s cold in the morning. Here, you can take my jacket.” she says, handing the piece of cloth.
“I’m not sure I’ll be able to give it back before you leave.”
“It’s okay. At least, I’ll have an excuse to send you a text when I’ll be around again.”
“Thanks for the jacket then.”
Natasha gives you a tender smile while you put the jacket on ; you don’t move for a few seconds, admiring her face one last time before leaving. You want to memorise her face because, no matter if she said she’ll text you when she’ll come back, you doubt it. You flirted, you matched, you had a nice moment but it’s only a one-time thing ; you don’t think you’re ready to start anything.
As soon as you tear your eyes away from Natasha, you zip up the jacket before opening the door. Natasha asks you to send her a message once you get home. You promise her to do it then, you leave.
And the second you come home, you grab your phone before informing her:
Message from you to Natasha, 7:36 A.M.:
I’m safe and at home. Thanks for the jacket, I promise I’ll give you back when you’ll be here again…
Or not ;)
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Six months have passed since your meeting with Natasha. After your text when you came home, she simply replied “Glad to know you’re home. See you again :)” then nothing. You couldn’t have expected anything else. After all, you only shared one night together. But still, you feel a pinch in your chest, realising her lack of messages.
Therefore, you do everything to leave this story behind you. Even if you randomly met her, nothing would happen, that was for sure. You need to go back to your peaceful life where you’ve been picking some new habits. One of them being going to the Hard Deck once a week with your friends. Contrary to when you were younger, now you enjoy a good night out, having fun with your loved ones, an alcoholic drink in your hands. You’ve met some new people though, nothing that could compete with what you felt the second you saw Natasha.
This weekend is not different from the others, you find yourself at the bar. You’re laughing with your friends when a waitress comes to give you a cocktail you didn’t order. When she tells you someone paid for it and you see Natasha from afar, you can’t believe your eyes. You didn’t think you’d see her again. She gives you  a sign with her own drink before taking a sip. You give her back her sign and drink.
Next to Natasha, Bradley looks at her and sighs, desperate by the situation.
“You should talk to her instead of staying at a stupid safe distance.”
“We haven’t seen each other for six months, I just wanted to make sure she was still interested before doing something.”
“Now you know she does, go talk to her.” he orders, trying to push her in your direction.
“She’s with her friends.”
“And it didn’t bother her last time to talk to you. I don’t get it, Natasha, you’ve never been like this before.”
“I know!” she exclaims, mad at herself. “And I hate how I’m overthinking this. I feel like you.”
“Well, thanks! It wasn’t even serious between you two, you shouldn’t think too much about it. Go talk to her.”
“And tell her what?”
“I don’t know! I’m not the one who had a one-night stand with her. If you don’t want to talk to her, invite her to dance.” Bradley proposes, annoyed.
“No one is dancing.”
“In less than a minute, it won’t be the case anymore. Go to her, I’m handling the rest.”
Natasha drinks her glass in one go before walking to you with a fake confidence expression on her face. As for Bradley, he’s walking towards the piano, waiting for the right moment to start playing. 
You’re talking with Sarah who is in front of you when Alison catches your attention by hitting your ribs. You look at your friend, brows furrowed whilst she makes a sign to look at the other side. At the same moment you’re turning your head, Natasha is in front of you and Bradley starts playing Great Ball Of Fire by Jerry Lee Lewis. Instantly, people start dancing and Natasha gives you her hand with a smile.
“Wanna dance ?”
As a simple answer, you take her hand, you stand up from your chair and follow Natasha who is bringing you to the piano, your friends on your heels. You sing alone with Bradley while Natasha and you dance without a care in the world. You’re laughing and spinning each other until the last note of the song. 
Once Bradley finishes singing, Natasha keeps your hand in hers. You stare at each other with a huge smile on your face.
“I didn’t know you were back. You haven’t texted me.” you state, still surprised.
“I was going to, I’ve just arrived.”
“How long are you here for?”
“Three weeks.”
“So we have a bit more time. We should make up for the lost time. I hope I’ll be able to give you back your jacket, though I have to admit, I’d like to keep it, but you can always come to my place to try to have it back.” you propose with a flirty look.
“I will. At least, this time, I’ll be sure you won’t be sneaking off.” Natasha laughs and you roll your eyes, faking being mad.
“You’re never gonna let this go, are you?”
“I won’t.”
In spite of yourself, your heart melts when you look at Natasha’s mischievous smile. You don’t want to admit it but you missed her. You really thought you had forgotten about her, you were far from the truth. Yet, it seems like you weren’t the only one. You’re glad to see you’ve affected her as much as she’s affected you, though you didn’t want to grow attached to someone that quickly.
However, you leave your mixed feelings behind you for the rest of the night, enjoying this moment with Natasha and getting to know her a bit more. 
Like six months ago, after some flirty comments, Natasha finds her way in your bed, your arms around her body.
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Message from Natasha to you, 9:05 P.M.:
Hey, I’m back in town. Are you free tonight?
You look at Natasha’s text for several minutes, not knowing what to answer. You are, indeed, free tonight though, you don’t know if it’s a good idea. Since your reunion at the Hard Deck three months ago, you’ve seen each other several times and you have to confess your feelings for her are getting stronger.
At first, you thought it was just an innocent crush, however, she haunts your mind and you’re just waiting for the moment where you’ll see her again. Sure, your relationship is more physical than emotional but you’re gladly taking anything she wants to give you. Despite of yourself, she’s managed to leave her name on your lips and you yearn for the feeling of her body in your arms. You wish you could have more, though you’re pretty sure she doesn’t. You should keep your distance with Natasha, it’d be better. Like this, you’ll avoid a heartbreak again, especially considering your relationship is non-existent. 
You have to lie to her and say you can’t see her. It’s better for you. That’s what you’re going to do. You’re going to stay far away from her.
You didn’t stay far away from her for long.
Without knowing how, you found yourself in Natasha’s hotel room, your clothes found themselves on the floor and you found each other in the bed. A part of you is cursing at you for not listening to your rational side but currently, it’s the least of your worries.
In Natasha’s arms, you discuss several things and you realise if given a chance, you could have a beautiful love story. You have a lot of things in common and your views about the world and the future are similar. You could have had a great future with Natasha. However, after every intimate moment spent together, Natasha reminds you that it’ll never be more than nights shared together.
“I’m glad we’ve met, you know,” Natasha starts, holding you tighter against her, “because of my work, it’s always been complicated to form relationships but with you, it’s easy, peaceful. We don’t want anything serious so what we have is enough.”
“Yes, it's good. I’m enjoying every moment of my single life for the first time.” you affirm, hiding your disappointment.
“You know, the day you’ll meet someone who’s worth it, you can tell me. I’ll understand if you don’t want us to talk anymore.”
“Same goes for you.”
“You don’t have to worry about this.”
“You don’t want a serious relationship? Like, ever?” you question, looking her right in the eyes.
“It’s not that I don’t want one, it’s just that it’s easier like this. I could never truly give to the other person the relationship they’d deserve so I don’t want to waste my time. Besides, long-distance relationships aren’t my thing and I can’t ask for the person to give everything up for me.” she states like it was obvious.
“But some people find a right balance between work and their lovelife.”
“You’re right. I just don’t know if I’ll find the right person one day.”
Hearing her sentence, your heart tightens in your chest. Natasha just gave you a good reminder. You really have to distance yourself from her. She doesn’t want anything serious and even if she wanted to, you’re not a person she fancies. She looked you right in the eyes and told you she hasn’t found the person worth having a relationship with. 
You’re holding back your tears as best as you can while your eyes are on hers. As soon as you realise you won’t be able to do it any longer, you clear your throat before getting up from the bed and picking up your stuff from the floor.
“I…I have to go. I'm going to work early tomorrow.” you inform, putting on your tee-shirt.
“We can go to sleep now if you want.”
“No, I need to get home. I don’t have my stuff here.”
“Can we see each other in the next few days?”
“I don’t think so, I’m quite busy,” you lie, zipping up the fly of your pants. “I… bye.” you stutter.
You don’t give Natasha the time to say goodbye to you and run away from her hotel room. You search for your car keys in your bag as the tears are gathering in your eyes. They start running down your cheeks once you leave the parking lot.
You knew it. You knew it would end up in a heartbreak if you continued and it didn’t stop you. Why do you have such a fragile heart? Why do you have to get attached to people so easily? Why can’t you keep an emotional distance? Natasha seems to handle things just fine so why not you?
Once you’re at home, your tears have stopped though, your cheeks are still wet. You get ready to go to sleep and before you can lay down on your bed, you take your phone. You’re about to open your contacts when you get a text from Natasha.
Message from Natasha to you, 00:30 A.M.:
I hope we’ll have more time next time :) 
You don’t have the strength to answer. Reluctantly, you delete the conversation and her number - not without doubting for several seconds. You put down your phone and try to fall asleep despite your heart being broken into a thousand pieces.
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Four months have passed since your last time with Natasha and you are more or less over it. 
Except if you consider your current state, you could say you’re still hurting. Saying you were drunk would be an understatement. You don't know how many drinks you’ve had but you know if you try to walk, you’ll fall. And all of this because of one damn message. Technically, you could have disregarded it. You don’t have Natasha’s number anymore so the sender was shown as an unknown number and the text wasn’t saying anything special. Her text was a simple and innocent “hey 😘” but it was enough for you to know who it was and to hurt you even more. You felt like you were finally moving on and your reaction proves you it was just a feeling. 
You’re alone at the table even if you came with your friend Sarah. She’s currently dancing with a man she just met. At first, she didn’t want to leave you alone, knowing you were drowning your sorrows. However, you promised her she could have fun without feeling guilty whilst you were ordering your sixth drink. 
You’re staring at your hands who are holding your drink while you’re lost in your thoughts. You should have never started this fling with Natasha. This sentence is playing continually in your mind since you left the hotel room four months ago.
The day after your last time, you went to meet your friends and you told them how sad you were whilst they were holding you in their arms. Both of them affirmed you had to move on, the very thought you feared. A part of you was hoping they’d encourage you to fight for your potential story with Natasha. Unfortunately, your friends were realistic.
You slowly keep drinking when you feel a presence next to you. Turning your head, you find Natasha and you think maybe you shouldn’t finish your drink. You’re in such an inebriated state that you start having hallucinations. You didn’t think it was possible. 
“Hey, how are you?”
Maybe it’s not a hallucination after all. Natasha’s voice seems real.
“Oh, hi!” you exclaim, trying to be casual.
“I take this as it’s not your first drink.”
“Well, it’s possible. Probable.”
“Don’t you think you should go home? Did you come alone?” she questions, searching for one of your friends.
“With Sarah.”
“Do you want me to bring you home?”
“No, I’m gonna wait for Sarah.” you quickly reply, remembering you need to keep your distance.
“She seems busy.” Natasha notes, looking at your friend. “Wait here.”
Natasha walks away from you and goes to Sarah before you can’t stop her. You see her talking and your friend looking at you before reluctantly nodding. Quickly, Natasha comes back to you and takes your drink away from your hands. You’re about to complain when she helps you to stand up.
“Come on, we’re going home.”
“But I have to go home with Sarah.” you oppose.
“I told her I’ll bring you home.” she informs, surprising you.
“She agreed?”
You wouldn’t have thought Sarah would have accepted, knowing she keeps saying how you absolutely have to forget Natasha. Your state must be more pathetic than you thought.
“Considering how drunk you are, we agreed it’d be better to bring you home now. Come on.”
You don’t have the strength to fight back so you give in and follow Natasha in her car. Once you’re buckled up, Natasha starts the vehicle. Your head resting against the car window, you contemplate the night, your mind all fuzzy.
After a few minutes, you tear your gaze away from the night sky and look at Natasha. You admire every inch of her skin whilst she’s focused on the road.
“You really are beautiful.” you state straight away.
“Oh, huh, thanks.” Natasha replies, embarrassed.
“How can you be so beautiful? And that’s not it! You’re also intelligent, funny and you have so many other qualities.”
“Why do I feel like you’re accusing me of something?” she asks, hearing your tone full of reproach.
“Because if you were less perfect it’d be easier.”
“I’m far from perfect. And what do you mean by ‘it’d be easier’?”
“Stop the car.” you retort, feeling the need to throw up.
“Stop the car! Pull up!”
She just has the time to stop the car that you’re already outside. You can only take two steps before throwing up. Natasha quickly comes behind you and holds back your hair. Once you’ve finished vomiting, you breathe for a few seconds before standing up, a shameful expression on your face.
“Sorry, that was not sexy.”
“It’s okay. You’re feeling any better?” she worries, examining your face.
“Puking helped.”
“Here.” Natasha says, giving you a tissue. “I think I have a bottle of water in my car and some mints, do you want some?”
“Yes, please.”
While you’re wiping your mouth, Natasha goes to grab the bottle and the mints. As soon as she hands you the bottle, you rinse your mouth before taking a mint. You don’t move for a few minutes, wanting to make sure your stomach won’t empty itself again.
“You feel ready to go?” she questions, stroking your cheek.
“I think so but drive slowly, it’s safer.”
“Tell me if you need to stop again.”
Delicately, Natasha takes your hand and accompanies you to the car. This time, you stay silent the whole ride. You’re focused on the landscape and Natasha doesn’t dare to disturb your mind. As the road goes on, your eyelids get heavier and you end up falling asleep.
The moment Natasha arrives at your place, she slowly wakes you up. You lightly groan before opening your eyes. Natasha helps you to go to your door whilst you’re still asleep on your feet. She brings you to your bathroom where she helps you to get ready to go to bed - and where you can finally brush your teeth. You get into your bed whilst Natasha carefully puts the sheet on you. She’s about to leave when you squeeze her hand.
“Stay.” you mutter with sleepy eyes. “I don’t want to be alone.”
“I’m staying here, I’m just gonna sleep on the couch.”
“Please, stay with me.” you insist, trying to bring her to you.
“Are you sure about this?”
As a simple answer, you nod. Natasha takes her shoes and her pants off, leaving her only with her underwear and her tee-shirt, before joining you in the bed. Laying down next to you, you search for Natasha’s hand. She understands what you want and puts her hand on your waist, pressing your back against her torso. At her touch, you let go of a peaceful sigh.
“By the way, I really need to give you your jacket back.” you say with a sleepy voice. “I can’t keep it just like I shouldn’t have you this close to me.” you resume, making her frown. “I care about you, you know. More than I should. I like you, Nat’.”
Upon these words, you fall asleep. Behind you, Natasha wonders if she heard you right and more specifically if you meant it. After all, it might just be the effect of alcohol? Though, she can’t stop a smile from forming on her face before holding you closer to her.
The following morning, you wake up with one of the biggest hangovers you’ve ever had. You’ve definitely reached the age where you can’t drink as much without the after-effects. You slowly open your eyes, fearing the daylight might burn them. Thankfully, there is just enough light to see without hurting you. Glancing at your night stand, you find a glass of water and a medicine which you take without an ounce of hesitation after you sit down.
As soon as you put down the glass, the bathroom door opens on Natasha, making your eyebrows furrowed. You don’t recall going home with her. Seeing the panic in your eyes, Natasha gets closer to you with a reassuring smile. 
“Nothing happened. I just helped you to get home.”
“Oh, okay. What about Sarah? Does she know…”
“She knows, yes. I warned her before we left. How are you feeling today?” Natasha asks, sitting in front of you in the bed.
“Like I had too much to drink last night.” you laugh and she does the same.
“I can imagine. Do you remember anything about last night?”
“Huh, some parts, but…”
You stop mid-sentence as you try to remember what happened. Some moments are more blurry than the others, however one of them is very clear. Your confession before you fell asleep. The heat gets to your cheeks and your hands get clammy. You hope with your whole heart Natasha didn’t hear anything. However, her pointing look makes you understand your hopes are vain.
“Tell me I didn’t say that. Can we pretend like I didn’t say anything?”
“Why?” she asks, confused.
“Because it’s embarrassing and because it could never work between us.”
“Who said it couldn’t work?”
“You did.” you state as if it was obvious. “You said you didn’t want a serious relationship or a long distance one.”
“Is that why you haven’t been answering my texts?”
“What would have come out of it anyway? Besides breaking my heart.” you say, avoiding her gaze. “I know I told you I didn’t want anything serious when we started seeing each other and it was true at first but I like spending time with you, being next to you, listening to you talk even though I know I shouldn’t. I should have stopped what we had when my feelings changed. I’d understand if you didn’t want to talk to me anymore.” you whisper, tearing up.
“Y/N…” she starts, taking your hand. “I’m sorry for giving you the impression I didn’t want you. I panicked the second I realised my feelings for you. I thought you didn’t want anything serious so I kept my distance whilst staying close to you and in doing so I’ve hurt you. I’m sorry. But I do want a serious relationship with you. No matter if there is the distance, I want to try with you because you’re worth it. I care about you.” Natasha confesses, making you look up at her.
“Don’t say this to make me feel better. I was drunk when I said it and-”
Natasha’s lips are on yours before you can add another word. Surprised, you need a second before kissing her back. Natasha’s hands find their way to your hips whilst yours get lost in her hair. You kiss each other for a few seconds before breaking the kiss. You keep your eyes closed for a bit longer, enjoying the feeling. It might not be your first kiss with Natasha yet, this one feels different from the ones you shared before.
“Do you believe me now when I tell you I like you too or do you need more proof?”
“I think I need more proof, yes.” you smile with heart eyes.
“Well, in that case…” Natasha resumes before pressing her lips on yours once more.
Top Gun Maverick Masterlist
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stupidlovergirl · 1 year
Levi! The Babygirl Otaku Shut-in!
A small collection of blurbs/headcannons of what it's like to date Levi!
not edited
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Leviathan, who streams for money. He’s introverted and a little shy, but when he is live streaming feels different. He is pretty popular too, and people think his expressiveness is pretty funny. He plays all different kinds, but everyone can tell he has a soft spot for indie games and dating simulators. After you guys start dating, he accidentally slips up and mentions you while playing one. It was a simple “Oh! Me and my s/o did something like this the other day lololol.” Chat went absolutely FERAL. Shut-in otaku Levi!?!? WITH A LOVER?!?!?! They were demanding for a reveal. He discussed if you were comfortable or not. If you said yes he would be absolutely ECSTATIC, he would be ok with a no tho, he gets it can be pretty stressful. If you  would just like to be on call, no face that's cool! He gets so happy if you say you are fine with a full reveal, face and all!! Brags about you so much, his chat clowns him so hard. They stop calling him by his name and just call him your boyfriend. Ever since then you sometimes play games with him, your choice! The chat loves you two!!! They call you two couple goals when you start making fun of each other. 
Levi really likes to visit the beach when he gets out of the house. Hope you can drive, he cannot. If you can’t, better start preparing those puppy dog eyes to convince Mammon to take you two to the beach. He really likes collecting seashells for Henry’s tank on the seashore with you. I think Levi would be really good at surfing!! He heard about it from the human world, and really wanted to give it a shot. He kills it!! He also likes having picnics there too. Cute foods or leftovers are all fine with him, he just thinks it's fun. He’s a sap.
He makes mixtapes for you. He knows people make playlists now, but he thinks having a physical one is a little more meaningful. He draws cute hearts and a picture of the two of you on the CD. Are there a lot of anime songs on there? Yes. Your point? Miku didn’t make these to go to WASTE!!!! Also includes songs that remind him of you, and songs you mentioned that made you think of him.
Levi is a little bit more weird on how he shows affection. He never really had a long term relationship (maybe not even short term ones…). He doesn’t always get it. Show him you love him though your ways and he’ll show you how he loves. Making couples cosplay to even outfits you said you wanted but they didn’t have the correct sizes or lengths. He likes when you wear these, as they leave marks of him on you. He also likes giving you items he owns to wear. Bracelets, pins, shirts, whatever you want you can have!! Levi gets a little possessive, especially since he doesn’t attend class in person a lot. He also might bring back fossils. He just thinks they're neat. Also, stuffed animals are a must. He gets them for you on instinct. They're cute like you, and are good for nests! (I like to think demons nest. That is what Levi's bathtub bed doubles as since hardly anyone comes into his room)
Continuing his strange affection streak: physical affection. He bites softly on your cheeks or arms, cuddles almost look like he’s killing you because he wraps around you like a snake, just funny little things that make you laugh sometimes. He also like to cuddle because he is naturally a little colder, because he is a reptile based demon. Will surprise you with his cold hands and laugh at your misery. Kiss him in public and he shuts up. I bet he is so ticklish from lack of touch hnrgh. Tickle him till he cries!!! His laugh becomes so ugly and he snorts and starts crying and it looks so CUTE!!!! He is just a touch starved cutie please give him all the lovings! Do expect revenge for this though, he is not a merciful demon. 
I think he glows in the dark. Bio-luminescent sea creature my dudes(gender neutral)!!!! Night light boyfriend!!! He likes it when you kiss those marks, because for a long time he was insecure of them. Honestly? Loving any part of his demon form makes him feel better, because he still hates them. He has made an uneasy peace with a lot of it, but sometimes he still feels intensely disgusted by them. Ask him permission and Touch! His! Horns! Tell them how it reminds of coral (I think they might be based off of fire coral specifically?). Pet his tail!! He appreciates it, even if you sometimes have to chase it because he gets excited and it starts to wag. You feel like you're fighting a beast trying to catch it some days.
These ones are a little more serious. Please remember he has bad anxiety!! Depression also comes hard on him too. You can notice because his hygiene starts to slip first. Levi might be a shut in, but he doesn’t like to smell. He escapes for little showers, or at least takes rag baths. Please encourage him to shower, sometimes that means being in the bathroom with him, not always necessarily in the bath with him though. He just likes your presence, you never feel overwhelming to him. He might ask you to wash his hair at these times. Speaking might be too much in these times too. Just turn on Ruri-chan or the TSL movies. They’re his comfort shows. Let him take his time. He’ll tell you soon enough.
Back to light-hearted ones now!! Levi really likes terms of endearments. His favorite ones to call you is Henry, Player 2, and when he’s being really cringe “his Waifu/Husbando”. He also really likes calling you “his”, not in a toxic way.  He just sometimes likes knowing that you are his like he is yours. Just calling you “his s/o” makes his heart flutter. Levi likes any name you give him! Obviously there are the ones that are the matching one to it, like “Lord of Shadows” and “Player 1”. Please babygirl him, he loses his mind. He CANNOT believe he’s your babygirl! HIM! He doesn’t like when you say it in public, he can only take so much!!!! Much more prefers being called it in private. He really likes any softer pet names, he’s a soft guy!
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Hey Kait! Omg, After drawing Danger Ray touching the screen.... It got me thinking something... Has Ray (or even Unknown and the other Saerans) ever broken the fourth wall in the game? In the bad endings? Idk, I think I heard somewhere that Ray or Unknown were aware that they were in a dating simulator game or something.
Have you ever imagined it?
Let's see... I don't think Unknown's ever had a Bad Ending that's more or less broken the Fourth Wall directly. His Assistant Ending has him tell you that you didn't listen to him properly, not that you didn't play this game right. So, I wouldn't count that one but I could see that as like a possible-in if you were going to write a fanfiction about it and change things up for your comfort.
Another Story's premise literally has you playing a "fake dating game" for Ray. So, there are a lot of jokes that kind of sound like they break the fourth wall, but because of the way the story plays out, it's doing more than just breaking the fourth wall, it's breaking the immersion in the scene because Ray's telling you one thing and your brain is telling you another. But, I will say that there are two endings that kind of fit the bill as to what you're talking about, it's just not quite what I would call a fourth wall break.
However, you could read into it that way.
Another Story Bad Ending Day 4. You achieve this Ending by not getting enough Ray OR V hearts.
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V Route Bad Relationship Ending 1. You get this Ending by not participating enough to pass the game branch, less than 50% is arguably what you need to aim for, and don't try to get any hearts that'll help you skirt past it.
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I can't say I haven't played with the concept before because I do have an entire story about Ray discovering my stories and using that to be sure of the destruction of everything he "hates". I love isekai stories, I always have, and certain elements that break the fourth wall are fun to him. I struggle with Reset Theory with someone uses it with a bit of guilt attached? I can't do it if it's "you reset us, we hate you". I truly prefer "I will love you in every life time, no matter how many times we meet".
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stitching-in-time · 4 months
Voyager rewatch s2 ep23: The Thaw
I'll come right out and say it, this is one of the dumbest episodes of Star Trek I've ever seen. Seriously, why do we dunk on Threshold or Move Along Home when this exists??
The opening scene with Tom and Harry hanging out and chatting in Harry's quarters is the most interesting thing that happens in the whole episode- we learn that sound travels easily through walls in the crew quarters, which must have caused a lot of drama on the ship that probably would have been juicier than half the plots of actual episodes lol.
This episode wants so desperately to be psychological horror, but this circus, that’s supposed to be so menacing, is just like, mildly wacky?? And every time they try to kill someone, whatever device they use is painted literal Barbie pink, so it's a little hard to be terrified when the threat being posed is 'oh no! we're caught in a virtual reality simulation with Barbie's Dream Guillotine!' lmao
And the PLOT HOLES! PLOT HOLES EVERYWHERE!! Why does the clown kill off the people if he needs them to survive?! He won’t let them go, but he’ll kill them willy-nilly?? What?? That doesn't make any sense. And if the people know they’re in virtual reality, why would being virtually guillotined scare them at all, let alone enough to give them heart attacks??? And why do they not just kill the clown?!? Why don’t the Voyager people just kill the clown?!? He’s not a real person, he’s a computer program, you’re not even killing an actual life form- problem solved!!!  (Also, the evil clown is supposed to read people's minds, and says that Harry misses Libby, but the first scene had Harry telling Tom he's been seeing the lieutenant Tom's been trying to date for six months- clearly he doesn't miss Libby that bad lol. And clearly Tom got over Kes pretty quickly too! It's like Star Trek: High School on that ship!)
We do learn that Harry Kim's parents are apparently civilian doctors, so that's kinda interesting I guess. (I felt very sorry for the baby they uesd for baby Harry though- poor kid seemed terrified of all the weird masks and makeup everyone was wearing. This episode is scary if you're a two year old, but if you're older than that, not so much.)
And why is the evil clown Michael McKean?! Hiring a comedian, and a well known one at that, to play a character who's supposed to be scary, is... a choice. Mostly he was just annoying more than anything else. (And I do like Michael McKean in comedy roles. In fact, I just watched the movie 'Earth Girls Are Easy' the other day, where he played a surf bum, so it was even harder to take him seriously with that movie in mind- although, I will say, that movie is a great example of how to make someting so over-the-top bad that it's actually good- this ep did not even come close to achieving that, unfortunately.) I just.... I have so. many. questions.
The ONLY scary thing in this entire episode is Captain Janeway at the end. When she does that lowered voice, with the simmering wrath underneath, and then the gleeful triumph of watching some idiot realize they just got played?? Ugh. MA'AM. WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO BE THIS HOT?!
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It’s like wow, okay bad guys, she’s gonna end you, and you will probably die in some kind of strange state of beatific awe at the sheer majestic honor of having your ass handed to you by this badass queen. I love her so much!! Anyway, I give this episode zero stars from a story standpoint, but ALL THE STARS for Captain Janeway’s hotness and badassery in the final scene.
Tl;dr: A complete dud on every level, only worth watching for the fun of the first and last scenes.
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sonicreferencephotos · 7 months
I ALSO dont rlly like sss but u asking ppl not to play it is so funny T.T just bc its rlly not that fun? like i wouldnt exactly recommend it, but ur point of the devs not having much time to finish things is pure speculation. they have to develop things weeks/months in advance. theyre just shitty devs.
It's not just speculation. I have not personally worked for Gamefam, but me saying that the devs are getting crunched was based largely on the fact that Sonic Speed Simulator makes a point of advertising their weekly updates
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Obviously, they don't make an entire update worth of content in a single week, but they still have to move things along pretty quickly in order to have something ready to release every week.
Also important to note is that ex-Gamefam employees have made many allegations against the company, stating that there was a terrible crunch to push out content, that they were underpaid, that Gamefam threatened to take action against employees who discussed their wages — which is illegal by the way —and that they were terminated with little to no warning, including many who were allegedly laid off before the holidays. Details are below the cut.
An article from The Gamer included statements made by former employees. One employee claimed to have received an email informing them they had been fired three days after the date the email said they were fired on
"According to a screenshot of the apparent termination email, they were told on October 31 that they were fired on October 28"
Another specifically mentioned the crunch
"'While I was employed under Gamefam it was a constant struggle due to heavy crunching in the development team,' they continue. 'We were mandated to update Sonic Speed Simulator every week. this was a heavy toll on my mental and physical self [sic].'"
"Multiplesources [sic] put the lowest average Roblox salaries between $32,000 and $35,000"
Gamefam denied the allegations, which then led to more former employees speaking out about the poor work environment.
One employee, Joshua DeBoer, reported facing trouble after discussing wages with other employees. From a Games Industry article
"DeBoer claims that as he presented the salary concerns to CEO Joe Ferencz, the executive said, 'Do you think it's good to go among your colleagues and spread dissatisfaction? You need to be seen as a leader if you want to stay here long.'"
Bloxy News further elaborated
"DeBoer was then suspended for a week [...] According to a Tweet put out by DeBoer, Gamefam forced him to reveal by name who he was discussing wages with, and also threatened to fire him if he continued to do so. Gamefam also failed to pay DeBoer’s final paycheck with the company on time, and refused to let him exercise stock options after repeated attempts."
DeBoer took this to the National Labor Relations Board, resulting in Gamefam settling by giving him a $5,000 bonus, and sending a notice to all employees, shared by Polygon
“WE WILL NOT tell you that it is toxic or poisonous to the company if you talk to coworkers about pay,”
Maybe it's just me, but that feels like a very passive aggressive way to phrase that.
It's possible that the devs aren't very good, but even if that's the case, there's a lot indicating a toxic work environment built around crunch culture. It's true that my previous post about SSS included some of my speculations about why exactly the game has the issues it has, such as positing that many elements of the game are poorly set up in order to encourage microtransactions, but the idea of the devs being rushed is not purely based on my own assumptions.
I will admit to being a biased party, due to disliking the game but playing multiple hours a week to get reference pictures of the week's content before it's gone, but I have tried to keep this post mostly limited to known facts, or statements by people who have actually worked on Speed Sim.
People are welcome to play the game if they so desire. The main reason I add disclaimers is because, while it's ultimately their decision what games they play, I don't want to be the one encouraging people to play it.
Hopefully this helped clear things up. You can look at any of the linked articles for more information. You can also direct more questions to me, but as far as the allegations go, my knowledge is limited to what I found reading through those articles. This is definitely a longer response than you were looking for, but I wanted to give a proper explanation
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trickybonmot · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers.
(this was an askbox meme but @tiltedsyllogism made it tags and tagged me)
I think my favorites change from day to day and year to year, but RIGHT NOW I'm fond of these ones:
At the End of the Road (the Untamed, Wangxian) I like this one because I feel it was a successful fulfillment of my artistic ambition, which was to write a sexy and unhinged fill for the prompt "practice edging". It basically wrote itself, I didn't overthink it, it's hot and funny and even has emotions! Also it has by far the most kudos, so it's my favorite in the way that your favorite child is the one who brings home lots of awards from school.
2. A Heady Cocktail (the Untamed, Lan Wangji/Jiang Cheng) is also Just Smut, but I am fond of it because it's my manifestation of the one specific flavor of this ship that I like. Two prickly characters who only know how to soften up in the presence of their mutual beloved, alone together and figuring it out. I had a good time playing with how Wei Wuxian was involved in their dynamic even while not physically present. Also I just wanted to describe modern Jiang Cheng looking great and making negronis, for Reasons.
3. My Apple Tree, My Brightness (The Untamed, Wangxian) This fic is hella good and makes everyone cry, even me! It's a science fiction AU where post-siege LWJ, in seclusion, runs simulations to try to figure out how he could have saved Wei Wuxian. Spoiler: he couldn't, but it turns out to be worthwhile, anyway. The ending is especially well written, IMO, and the sci fi worldbuilding is pleasingly deft. I put this third on the list but it's possibly actually my favorite.
4. Veritas (the Untamed, Wangxian) A Fake Dating fic where a pining Lan Wangji agrees to be Wei Wuxian's "terrible" fake date to the Qin Su/Jin Guangyao wedding. Some parts of it feel rushed or underdone to me, but I'm proud of the humor and the climactic set piece, and The People do seem to really like it! I don't naturally think of myself as a humorous writer, but perhaps I am...good at it?? Oh, and, fun fact, I did more research for this fic than any other (not counting listening to a lot of vintage goth music for the Quiet Room).
5. Anchor Point (Sherlock, Johnlock) I'm only giving one slot to Sherlock fic in this list, and it has to go to this weird cool thing I made. It was for a kinkmeme prompt, a Sherlock/Truman Show fusion where Sherlock is Truman and "John" is an actor hired to play his John Watson. Mycroft is the mastermind. Writing this fic was a really educational exercise in making it seem like something Really Big was going on while not being able actually explain the details (a trick I learned from Moftiss, LOLLLLL) It was very tricky and fun and I'm still quite proud of it.
As usual I'm very ??? about tagging people but how about @porcupine-girl @impossibletruths @veliseraptor @dulosis @sophia-helix and please do tag me if you do it!
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suneeater · 2 years
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odd bnha headcanons!
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✎a/n: we had so much fun with these!! they're all just harmless headcanons that we thought of one day while joking around, so we thought to share them since we currently don't have time to write much^^
✰warnings: slightly nsfw
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𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐢.
she is a huge vocaloid fan, but her favourite is hatsune miku!
mei has tried to make several miku-bots in the past to try and replicate her, but none have managed to reach the divinity that is hatsune miku herself.
she will continue to try and make the perfect miku.
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mirio cries at sad pet commercials. all of them. even if they're completely and utterly horrible.
for example, that tiktok audio with the odd voiced-over dog: "I'm in heaven now!"... he cries at that too.
there could be a robbery going on, but that sounds more like a job for the police in his opinion. he's too busy scaling a tree to save a cat.
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he is a league-of-legends player
often plays with shigaraki, but he has absolutely no idea.
his online personality is the complete opposite from his usual self, and his every other word is a profanity.
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everyone looks up to a hero, but her idols are the dallas cowboy cheerleaders.
her secret passion is knitting!
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sero refuses to set things like keys and his wallet down, so he uses his tape to stick them to the wall! can't lose something that you taped to the wall, now can you?
if he doesn't have pockets, he just tapes stuff on himself or kaminari.
has taped kaminari to the door once. aizawa just sighed deeply and told them to pay for a new one, because they broke it while trying to get denki off the door.
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denki has a relatively popular tumblr account!
one of the things he posts on there is fanfiction and "headcanons" about the heroes from his generation (mostly his friends; there are a LOT of bakugou and sero scenarios)
(kaminari denki is the secret fourth mod of suneeater?! /j)
people comment things like: "wow these feel so accurate! its like you actually know dynamight lol"' and kaminari just giggles in his room, kicking his feet on his bed
he's also really good at writing. like... really good. there is a popular theory that he's a famous YA author undercover, when really he has just absorbed different writing styles. he's read more books than his classmates might assume^^
he has anime girl cardboard cutouts and obsessively plays dating simulators! his favourite ones are mystic messenger (down bad for 707 and ZEN) and doki doki literature club! (really likes yuri!! she likes literature just as much as he does)
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has an only fans and she is thriving on there.
she could post a photo of herself wrapped up in a winter jacket, but her fans would eat it up, no complaints!
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𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐮𝐢 𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬.
his friends joke that he is totally into trees. he has neither confirmed nor denied this accusation.
if you cut him open, you can count the rings inside to see how old he is.
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he has a nest in his apartment. no further explanation needed.
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just like his hair and facial hair, endeavor can turn his pubes into flames.
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aizawa listens to weird asmr to help him sleep.
his favourites include "kawaii catgirl meows you to sleep :3 no speaking!" and "cat purring sounds 12 hours"
he slides his phone into his pillows case and he's asleep almost immediately.
he absolutely owns a flask.
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𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭.
often comes out with a bunch of books and other trinkets that just don't have any value at all, just have his face plastered on it.
all might is a self help book author. most of the advice inside is something along the lines of "just smile!"
he often says "if you’re poor, just work harder" and cannot comprehend why poverty exists
if he didn’t suffer erectile dysfunction, all might would exclaim "I am arriving!" during sex
he’s got nasty yellow toenails like a true old man
which is how the all might pedicure arc starts
he asks midoriya to help him with it because he can't even bend down enough anymore:
‘deku… call my podiatrist. the number is on the fridge’
[the fridge covered in drawings and letters most of it is midoriya's fanmail. you can't even see the actual fridge.]
he wrote the number on the back of a drawing izuku made him - he uses midoriya's fanmail as paper - he knows he's gonna write more anyway
all might unironically makes poems, but they're super bad.
here's a sneak peek from his upcoming poetry collection "Always All Might, Never No Might."
꧁the sea is blue and the people cheer as i come down to swoop and save them the villain falls to his knees tears falling from his eyes i cough up some blood time is running out.꧂☆
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jason-altea · 7 months
if you get this, answer with three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs! anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog <3 (absolutely no pressure to do this if you dont want to!)
Screw it, I'm down.
I'm a bass player, I've been playing for nine years now. A few of my favorite songs I've learned to play over the years are A World Without Logos (the opening theme for the original Hellsing anime), Kick Back (Chainsaw Man's opening), Precious Heart (Sakura's theme from Street Fighter EX 3, possibly better known for being Maximilian Dood's outro), and Feel Good Inc. by Gorillaz.
I play a lot of competitive games, mainly fighting games (current favorites are Guilty Gear Strive and Tekken 8), but I also play some non-fighting game competitive games! Namely, I have a lot of fun playing Pokémon Showdown (a Pokémon battle simulator) and Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel.
This one isn't as core to my personality as the others by any means, but I have a yearly tradition of playing either a comedy dating sim or Doki Doki Literature Club on Valentine's Day. Started when I was living on campus for college, and on Valentine's Day I was bored since I had over an hour before class would start. I had my laptop on me, and with nothing better to do, I started playing a comedy dating sim that a content creator I liked had made public recently. Same thing happened the next year, but with the comedy dating sim played through already, this time I played DDLC. And I've kept it going for the past 4 years or so.
I'm not really into copy + pasting asks, so I'm just gonna tag 7 mutuals here.
@snomfee-cup @lixorloveslicorice @colorfulcoffeething @lance-more @mayhem-moth @justlillianna @chicken-scratch-sketchbook
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toast1862 · 1 year
i like how all the fallen london games come out way too difficult/annoying and have to make things easier in patches. like they have a disconnect between providing a bunch of options and mechanics that make you get invested in your protagonist, like an rpg would, but also you're meant to fail over and over and do things differently each time. always causes the audience to demand more options to keep their character around.
anyway i finished a mask of the rose playthrough (with the just-added doubled playtime) in about 5 hours and i liked it. but the pacing is definitely weird. i remember thinking "man i wish i could do like one more thing per day" and then i found out that it released with HALF the available days... yeesh. also i think the marketing was weird. every single thing the company said about it focused on romance above all else, and made it sound like a straight up visual novel dating sim. and romance is a big part of it. but it's not like. a renpy thing. it's much weirder and i can see how it would be really frustrating for people looking for a branching paths visual novel type thing.
it actually reminds me the most of tokimeki memorial. or at least the girls side games, since that's what i played. like you're given a set amount of time and you have to use that time wisely, choosing who to spend time on and how much time to spend making money/buying things compared to improving relationships. more simulation than novel. but also you're trying to solve a murder? and doing quests for people? and there's loads of false trails that help flesh out the world but don't help you solve the case? and every encounter the game prompts you like "ehhh? whaddya think? you attracted to this guy? wanna fuck this guy? ehhhhhhhh?" it's so weird.
it's a weird game but it is not bad and i like it a lot. might be even better after more patching. i didn't solve shit my first playthrough but i did sleep with a guy twice so i guess i won? but yeah i think sunless seas and sunless skies both had to patch in a bunch of options to make the game more forgiving after launch. maybe they need more playtesters.
also this is the only screenshot i took in my entire playthrough
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i feel like i made a bunch of nitpicky complaints but i had a ton of fun and was glued to the screen for 5 hours. like i wanted to do other stuff. i had plans before i sat down. i was gonna play for only a little bit. and yet
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witchhatgnat · 2 years
Check out my work!
Since I'm new to Tumblr I thought it would be cool to throw some links to my work out there. For those who don't know, I'm a student author and game developer and I've been active online for about two years now. I don't have links to my fiction quite ready yet but I do have links to the games I've worked on! So here are those along with a little pitch.
First up is The Pieces: I worked on this one last summer and it was my first time as the lead designer for a project! It's a short narrative game about a recently divorced person taking items from their old apartment. The game focuses on some really amazing music from the sound team and encourages players to build a song reflective of the character's emotional state. I think it's a unique narrative piece with some of my strongest writing.
Next I want to talk about what is by far my most popular game, Hearts of Hallow's Eve: Do you like ghosts and ghouls? Mothmen and vampires? Well this is the game for you. It's a Halloween themed dating-sim with a little twist. You're at a party where everyone's costume is a little too convincing. You can pick from four fiendish friends to talk to, including Mothman, Chadimir the Vampire, Franky the Cultist, and Echo the Ghost. This one is just really cute. The artists did an absolutely amazing job and I'm so happy that I got to write for Mothman. It's silly, it's sweet, and it's totally worth a look.
Next up is Field Hospital: Valkyrie, which I made with the same team as The Pieces. This time around we were making a game for GMTK Jam, and so there's a lot more mechanical crunch here. You play as the commanding officer of a M*A*S*H-style hospital in a sci-fi war. You're tasked with doing triage, managing your medical staff, and making sure that enough soldiers live each day. The main game play thrust involves dice rolls to see whether or not your staff can save the soldier they've been assigned to. Everyone also has a morale meter that's affected by whether or not they saved their patient the previous day. It's an extremely difficult game (not by design lol), but thematically I think it works really well. I'm proud of the writing I did for this, including some vague world building and random-generator lists I had to come up with. There's also more amazing music and sound design in this one.
The last one I want to talk about is Getting Ahead, which is my earliest game. It's a Twine text adventure where you play as a shade waiting in line in Purgatory. Except, you're not going to actually wait in line are you? Of course not. You begin cutting in front of people and meeting some really interesting characters. But as you do, something feels... wrong. I think this one is really funny and a little spooky, but mostly funny. It has some absolutely amazing music (including a Bloodborne style opening theme). It's also the only game that I've been the "programmer" for, and getting music to work in Twine was not fun! Years later and I'm still really proud of this one.
That's all I'll link to for now. But I have worked on two other dating-sims, which you can find on my Itch page at witchhatnatalie.itch.io. Feel free to ask questions about these projects or share your thoughts! I hope people enjoy them and I can't wait to get back to making games.
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polarkits · 2 years
Fpv liftoff simulator android version
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Additionally, features expected for the future full release are a dedicated tutorial, more game modes, a track builder and a progression system. The Early Access version will feature single player and multiplayer experience.Īdditional drones, parts, environments, game modes and features are expected to be added as free updates later on. Drone physics optimised for the most realistic flying experience. Run FPV.SkyDive on PC, Mac or Linux computer. Liftoff is the definitive gateway to the quadcopter racing scene, a platform for both experienced pilots and newcomers to the sport. Practice racing skills or enjoy freestyling with selected maps. Recently got the M1 MBP, installed Liftoff, played for 30sec and uninstalled it. The simulator will use the latest Liftoff physics developments, modern graphics, a slick and up-to-date user experience, six unique micro drones, drone customisation, three realistic environments in two variations each (providing 6 different experiences), different game modes such as Race, Hoverdrone Race, Freeflight and Party Popper. Seamless integration with your favourite controller. Yup, Liftoff’s performance has always been spotty at best on macOS, I get low fps randomly even on my hackintosh with hex i7 and rx580 8gb (ok it’s not the newest anymore, but always had issues since day one). 20 September 2021 Physics 5.0 ready for testing A new iteration of our physics engine is available for testing on the Experimental Branch Read more. The main drawback compared to LiftOff is that. "Liftoff: Micro Drones is an authentic standalone drone simulator, dedicated to the magic of the smallest class of drones. But until yesterday, we were hard at work on a new update for Liftoff: FPV Drone Racing and its a biggie Read more. This FPV simulator also supports multiplayer which is a lot of fun racing against other people all over the world. This is the fifth game from LuGus Studios and their fourth to officially support Linux too. Get ready for a race around various indoor arenas in the upcoming Liftoff: Micro Drones, as it's now confirmed to be releasing in Early Access on November 30 with Linux support.
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kirbyluigi · 4 years
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lovesickgolbach · 2 years
Secret Love Song|| MV33
Description: You and max had been dating for a year now. Although it’s been a year, you and him had decided to keep your relationship private, well mostly it was his choice. No one knew about you, only close friends and relatives did. You were frustrated from having to hide away all the time.
Pairings: Max Verstappen x Reader(recording artist/singer) 
a/n; I based this story off of a song by Little Mix, “secret love song”. this idea has been in my head for ages! i’ll put a little a/n where you can press pay and listen to the song while reading. i did have to cut it short for purposes of the story so sorry if it seems a little jumpy. enjoy! <3
This is my first imagine i hope you like it :)
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You had been in your office all day, writing, playing music on your guitar and piano, trying to figure out a melody to your new song. Max was out on a run with his trainer so you had the apartment to yourself for a while. You sighed throwing your notebook at the wall, frustrated that no lyrics or melodies were coming to your mind. “For fucks sake!” you angrily spoke. 
“Y/N?” you heard coming from another part of the apartment, you would recognize that voice anywhere. 
Footsteps approached and in walked a very sweaty Max, smiling as soon as he saw you, but his smile disappeared just as soon as it had appeared on his face. “Mijn Liefde” he said concerned when he saw your defeated face. 
“I cant fucking think of anymore lyrics! Or any new notes for a song! My mind is so blank and I have a deadline!” your hands flew up in frustration as you spoke, laying back against the wall opposite to where you threw your notebook earlier.
Max picked the notebook and pen up gently and came to sit next to you. “I’m sorry angel” he looked at you in your eyes, “is there anything I can do for you?” he tucked your hair behind your ear. You leaned into his hand. 
“Yeah, write the song for me” you looked up at him, making eye contact with him. Jesus. ‘I could look at those forever’ you thought to yourself.
“Unfortunately, I got the ability to drive, not the musical ability you have” he giggled and so did you. 
“Can we go out tonight?” you asked in a hopeful manner, you were dying to go clubbing with Max, you’ve seen how much of a fun drunk he could be. “There’s a lot of press baby.. they’ll see us..” he spoke softly.
 “And? Max please! You always go out with your teams and I have to sit at home and watch you having all the fun.. I have to watch you letting girls flirt with you.. it’s not fun..” you were disappointed at his reaction, although it didn’t surprise you. The public knew Max was in a relationship, they also knew that you were in one too, but never put 2 and 2 together, its not as if you’ve given them a reason to think you were together, you didn’t even follow each other on Instagram, in fears it would spark rumors.
“I’m sorry Y/N.. we just- we just can’t alright?” he got up, handing you the notebook. “If you need me I’ll be in the shower” he walked out.
You sighed. “I just want the world to know you’re mine..” you mumbled as he left. As soon as those words left your lips, an idea popped into your head.
Grabbing your notebook, you opened it on a blank page and started writing, the words flowing out onto the page like a waterfall. 
It wasn’t until Max had told you to come to bed, that you realized how long you had been sitting in your office, scribbling away, playing some notes on the piano. “Y/N come on, its late and you’ve been sitting in here for hours!” Max was begging, practically on his knees at this point. “Not now Max! I’m on a roll!” you spoke slightly annoyed that he had been bothering you.
You felt his presence behind you, “Please, just come to bed” he sighed. “I want to spend time with you before I leave for Spain” you could hear he was upset. “Well now you know how I feel when you’re on the simulator all day Max, if you had said yes to going out with me, we would have had a great time together..” you looked up at him, watching as his face changed from sadness to anger, his jaw clenching slightly. 
“You could have showered with me! You could have had dinner with me! We could have danced in the living room! Going out isn’t the only way that we can spend time together!” he semi-yelled with his fists clenched. 
“Just go to bed Max, I have work to do” you spoke softly going back to the piano and playing more chords. You knew he was still behind you, you could feel the heat radiating off of him. 
“Are you seriously mad at me now because I didn’t want to go out? You also agreed to keep us private! Don’t pin this on me!” he was yelling now anger seething in his voice.
“Please don’t yell at me Max... I’m just tired of having to sneak us around.. I’m so tired of not being able to like your posts.. or not being able to celebrate your wins with you at the podium.. for gods sake Max I’ve never even been with you to a race!” you were yelling now too, now standing on your feet, you stepped closer, getting in his face, “is it so bad that I want to be able to kiss you whenever I want? Is it so bad that I want to travel the world with you, experience new places with you? Is it so bad that I want to hold your hand in the paddock?! I just want us to be a real couple! I want to tell the world about you! I want to shout it from the rooftops!” your face was now red, you were angry. Max took a step back from your sudden outburst. 
He walked out. You watched him angrily stomp his way to your shared bedroom and slamming the door behind him. ‘Unbelievable’ you had thought to yourself as you continued writing.
The next few days were tension-filled as you and Max had been ignoring each other completely. You hated it, but if he wasn’t going to listen, then that was his problem.
It was the opening night of your tour, starting in the country you resided in, Monaco. Max came to every show with you, even if you two had been fighting, which had been the case for the last 2 weeks. He was able to stay pretty hidden in between all the other celebrities that were attending, as it was not a location that he would stand out in the crowd. You were backstage, getting your mic pack put on and connected as you were preparing for the show to start. 
Whilst doing some last minute vocal warm-ups you had felt a gentle hand on your shoulder, turning around you could have sworn that your eyes were going to pop out of your head. “Max...” you said softly, “what are you doing back here?! they will see you” you said concerned.
“I needed to wish you luck, and I need to apologize... for everything” he moved the large bouquet of roses towards you for you to take, which you did. 
“I’m not mad at you Max...” you sighed looking at him “but thank you for the apology” you smiled at him. “These roses are gorgeous! But you have to keep them safe for me, I don’t have time to get back to my dressing room now.” He took them from you, kissing you on your cheek softly “Go sing your heart out schatje, I’ll be right here, cheering you on”
You smiled before running out onto the stage to start your performance.
Max sat in the wings of the stage, smiling as he watched your every move and seeing the joy on your face as you did what you loved doing. 
You turned to your audience “So...” you breathed into the mic, giggling slightly “tonight I have a special surprise for you all!” the crowd went wild. “Tonight I’ll be performing a brand new song that I have only recently finished writing. Would you guys like to hear it?” you spoke as the crowd went wild again. “I’m taking that as a yes!” you giggled through the mic, sitting down at the white piano your crew had rolled onto stage.
“This is a song that comes straight from my heart. I hope you all like it, its called ‘Secret Love Song’ “
(you can start playing the song now)
Taking a deep breath, you started playing the notes on the piano, seemingly forgetting where you were. You were lost in the music.
“when you hold me in the street and you kiss me on the dance floor, I wish that it could be like that, why can’t it be like that ‘cause I’m yours” 
max perked up listening to the lyrics. 
“we keep behind closed doors every time I see you I die a little more stolen moments we steal as the curtain falls it’ll never be enough”
max was now standing, his jaw slightly agape.
“its obvious you were meant for me  every piece of you, it just fits perfectly every second, every thought, I’m in so deep but I’ll never show it on my face"
you turned your head to the side slightly looking in Max’s direction to get his reaction. He was stunned to say the least.
“but we know this we’ve got a love that is homeless why can’t you hold me in the street? why can’t I kiss you on the dance floor? I wish that it could be like that, why can’t it be like that? ‘cause I’m yours"
Max was frozen in place, his mind racing with a million thoughts at once.
“and nobody knows I’m in love with someone’s baby I don’t wanna hide us away tell the world about the love we’re making I’m living for that day, someday...”
You made eye contact with max in that verse, tearing up as you saw his expression. A single tear fell down your cheek
“why can’t I hold you in the street why can’t I kiss you on the dance floor.. I wish that we could be like that why cant we be like that? ‘cause I’m yours, I’m yours oh, why can’t you hold me in the street why can’t I kiss you on the dance floor I wish that it could be like that, why cant we be like that ‘cause I’m yours...”
You closed your eyes again, not wanting to break down in the middle of the song. Max swallowed hard. The lump in his throat was burning as he held back his tears.
“why can’t I say that I’m in love? I wanna shout it from the rooftop I wish that it could be like that why can’t we be like that? ‘cause I’m yours why can’t we be like that?  wish we could be like that..”
You sang that final verse without the music playing from the piano, tears were flowing down your face freely as you looked at the crowd in front of you. You looked to your left, backstage where Max was standing.
He looked at you, tears in his eyes as well as he blinked them away quickly before they fell. You looked at the crowd again, many of them also having tears on their cheeks from your song. 
As you were about to speak through the microphone, you heard the audience start screaming, pure excitement in their voices, pointing to your left. You turned to look at what they were referring to, when you saw the love of your life run over to you. Max smashed his lips against yours, kissing you in front of everyone. You dropped the mic, wrapping your hands around his neck, kissing back. For a moment, it was just the two of you, in your own world.
Max pulled away, looking at you in your eyes, “I am yours” he spoke softly. You couldn’t help it as more tears ran down your face. “I love you so much” you were able to say to him softly.
Picking up the mic that you dropped, Max turned to the crowd, “Y/N Y/L/N is my girlfriend!” he practically yelled, making you giggle at his actions. 
You were finally free to let the world know who your man ways. Nothing would ever be able to change that. 
Max Verstappen was yours.
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jiselleeeeeeeeeee · 2 years
First dates with Luxiem ♡ (HC)
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Author's notes: I suddenly had like a moment when my brain was like “It's time to write something” so here I am
General tags: Fluff!
Luca Kaneshiro ♡
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Ok for some reason, I strongly believe that Luca is a fun loving outdoor date person. So I think Luca would be the type to ask you out for carnivals, music festivals and even theme parks :D
I personally think that Luca would try his best to match his outfit with you in terms of colour and aesthetic, and when you compliment his outfit, he would say “Your outfit is pog too! POOOGGG-”
Luca will definitely try to win every game possible to impress you, you can't tell me otherwise. So be prepared to go home with bags of prizes won by him :D
Of course, he would be a gentleman and offer to drop you home before he goes back (Unless one of you is staying overnight, but we'll save that for another time)
Luca would gladly be your photographer for the day and make sure that you have lots of photos to post after your date~ but you'll have to be patient and teach him how to take nice photos at certain angles 😌
Carnivals, so there will be food. Luca gives me the vibe that he WILL buy every food possible for the both of you, and when you can't finish, he'll probably offer to finish :""
Be prepared to be over-POGGED because this baby will go “POGGGGGGGGG” at everything he sees :3
Overall a fun and exciting first date, with lots of pog ♡
Vox Akuma ♡
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Hear me out, Vox gives me the vibes of a very classic fine dining first date :O
He would sort out your preferences in food and book a really fancy restaurant in advance
Knowing Vox, he would probably tease you a little by repeating how cute you look in your outfit and how flustered you look when he compliments you
Besides dinner, I think he would be the type to also buy you flowers and a small present, like the “I think it looks good on you” kinda person
As much as Vox is pretty much a confident man who knows what he's doing, I think he would be pretty nervous. He would stutter every now and then and sometimes may need you to initial a topic to talk about :D
And I think he would be a little clumsy because he's nervous, he would probably accidentally drop the menu or stumble over something. You can't blame him though, can you :3
I think Vox would naturally offer to pay for dinner even if you said you don't mind splitting the bill. He would only agree if you keep insisting, but will probably buy you something else in return some other day :D
Vox would definitely drop you home, he insists! And he would only leave after seeing you reach your apartment or after you text him that you're home safe
Before leaving, Vox would probably steal a lil peck on your forehead or hand and say “Good night darling~” :D
Very romantic man and date, and of course, flirting ♡
Mysta Rias ♡
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This man would probably attempt to ask you out to the arcade and make you pay 😃/j
Since Mysta is a indoor person, I think he would be the type to ask if you were comfortable having a stay at home date.
Of course if you weren't, he's totally fine with going to the arcade with you
As much as Mysta is unseiso on streams, I think he would try his best to stop himself from saying unseiso things on your first date, but it doesn't stop him from cursing loudly in arcades when he loses a game, or when he loses a game match to you at home :""
I think Mysta would be trying so hard to impress you, but would fail sometimes because he is so conscious around you :>
If you guys happen to be at home, Mysta will actually convince you that he can cook dinner, he will go like “Have faith in me ok, I am a chef, I played cooking simulator” This is a cue for you to calm him down and convince HIM to have food delivery :>
If you guys are outside, Mysta will probably ask you what you would like for dinner, and probably say that he does it better than the place you guys have dinner at 🤌
I really do think that Mysta is a very shy guy irl and he would struggle to ask you a lot of things, like if you wanted him to drop you home first
He's afraid that you might be uncomfortable having him to know where you stay, so unless you ask him yourself, he'll probably need a few more dates in order to gain confidence to ask you :<
Mysta would probably also be very shy about physical contact, so I think he would prefer if you would offer to hold his hand first rather than him making the first move :3
Overall, it would be a very sweet date, a little shy, but you'll have more time with him ♡
Ike Eveland ♡
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I actually pondered for a long time for Ike, but I think Ike would bring you to a nice themed cafe, like a cat cafe for the first date
I think that Ike would actually be SO nervous for your first date, he would wake up really early just to get ready and would be there early :D
I think Ike would get super duper nervous when he sees you can will start going on and on
“You look so good today! Do you need help with your bag? Do you want to have a snack or drink? Do you...” sort of guy
Ike would probably admire you silently instead of directly confessing it, and he would take really nice and aesthetic photos of you when you're not looking :D
Ike would be very subtle about physical affection, he would take initiative to hold your hand, but he would probably only hold the tip of your hands :3
I think Ike would definitely want to pay for everything on the first date, but he would allow you to pay for some on subsequent dates, just not this time :>
I think compared to dropping you home directly, he would ask first “would you like me to drop you home? Or...”
Even if you said you can go home on your own, he would still accompany you until you get on the transport home. He would also text you/call you on your way home to make sure you are safe throughout the whole journey :D
Definitely makes you text him when you're home safe :D
It's a simple date, but it's definitely a wonderful memory ♡
Shu Yamino ♡
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Greets you with “eYYYY baBy” when he sees you :""
Shu gives me the vibes of internet cafe date vibes
Although he has his own set up at home, he would still like to spend time with you irl playing games and snacking away at the internet cafe :D
If you are unfamiliar with the game, Shu would be more than happy to guide you along and sometimes even carry you through the game :D
And every time you make an achievement in the game, Shu would definitely say good job to you :D
Shu doesn't stop you from snacking, but would constantly remind you to drink water to avoid getting sore throat :3
I think Shu would be more of a “best friend vibes” boyfriend, and both of you are more casual and comfortable with each other
Shu would be willing to display physical affection first, but he would definitely ask if you were comfortable
Shu is totally comfortable with holding hands, putting his arm over your shoulders and lil surprise forehead pecks once in a while :3
Shu would probably want to drop you off, but if you insist that you can go home yourself, he would still accompany you, similar to Ike <3
Overall it's a really fun and simple date, and Shu would definitely ask you out for an internet cafe date soon ♡
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