#also couldnt fit this into the main point but
the-acid-pear · 1 year
Deltarune Theory: Spamton, The Player & Freedom
As some of you might know by my occassional ramblings and the fact that i post 10 pics of the guy per day bc of my 100+ queue I've been a little unwell about Spamton and Deltarune as a whole lately, and recently while trying to ramble about a different topic I realized something:
I think we, the player, the soul, are a bigger part of this game that we are giving credit for.
After all, what are some of the main themes of Deltarune? Lack of freedom, lack of control, how your choices don't matter... And if we look on a smaller scale, if we look at characters like Kris and Spamton you can also add to the mix a certain level of disconnect with your own body, but maybe i'm going too off topic there... (maybe?)
This is to say, don't you think these things apply quite well to the soul, to us, too? Sure, we control Kris, but Kris is free of ripping us out temporarily and often adds their own input to the things we ask them to say (and even says things on their own), not to mention how they get around to avoid doing what we asked or avoid revealing certain information to us.
On top of that, there's our vessel. The body we were meant to have and freely use, that was, in theory, discarded. And i think this is very imporant because many pick up on Kris being trapped with us, but not as much on us being trapped with KRIS. What we have is an uneassy alliance, a sort of symbiotic relationship, we need one another to exist. But we still aren't free.
And this is where Spamton comes in, our EV3RY BUDDY 'S FAVORITE [[Number 1 Rated Salesman1997]] and number 1 freedom yearning puppet, who offers us the highly valued [Hyperlink Blocked] which he believes will carry one to freedom and such.
And it is true that freedom is something Kris might want, but don't forget Kris isn't the only one in control of their body. We too are the ones going straight back to that salesman and doing his little quest.
And this is even more true in the Weird Route, the route where we strip all control from Kris AND Noelle to the point she can only hear us talking, and it's the route where Spamton says at the end "IT’S YOU AND THAT [Hochi Mama]! YOU’VE BEEN [making], HAVEN’T YOU! YOU’VE BEEN MAKING [Hyperlink Blocked]!".
And if you, like me, believe the meaning of [Hyperlink Blocked] is LOVE, then this would make a lot of sense, after all, what were some of the biggest complaints people had about chapter 1 when it released?
Lack of multiple routes, namely a genocide one, and lack of control.
And Toby Fox, being the monkey paw ass guy he is, obligued to the fans request. You want control? You want murder? Okay, there you go.
Not only that, but the weird route is the only one where Spamton never learns Kris' name, only called them kid, making the fact that Kris has nothing to do with our insane rampage even more explicit.
And on top of everything, Spamton was right. We did in fact gain control and a certain level of freedom thanks to this, our choices, the player choices, now REALLY mattered. And the consequences were devastating, hell, even Spamton died here.
So, with all this said, I think my point has become clear. I think our role in the story is very significant, and it even perfectly ties with the themes and the existing characters.
Very excited to see this develop further as more chapters come out 😁
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chisungie · 2 days
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ganondoodle · 11 months
still thinking about how even just the decision to basically act like the shiekah tech never existed is just ... so baffling to me
bc again you could have done all the sonau tech does with shiekah instead, and they were perfect to be explored more in a sequel, why wouldnt you grasp that potential, the literal building blocks for more??
if you are that tired of shiekah tech .. dont make it a fuckign sequel to the game prominently featuring it???? totk doesnt take place generations after botw in which things could have changed drastically, its just a few years afterwards??
you want to reuse the map and get rid of shiekah tech? ok fine take LINK into the past then and the focus is for you to find a way to return; do some neat twist where its revealed that link was the one who sealed gan bc he couldnt defeat him without zelda or something if you dare (they wouldnt)
want less work than that and still reuse the map and get rid of shiekah tech AND reuse characters? ok then make it some alternate universe thingy like majoras mask in which everythign is the same but also isnt, its weird and creepy how characters you thoguht you knew suddendly dont act like themselves, shiekah tech doesnt exist, malice is now miasma, etc, it would give reason to why you feel so much like something about this world is familiar yet also very wrong
as far as im aware every "sequel" we have had so far were either generations apart from the first one, some alternate universe or a different location altogether- in all of which its plausible that things are different, things seem weirdly familiar but also wrong, or that another continent just works different from hyrule
but totk does none of that, its supposedly just a few years after the first game, same world same character, but its BUILT like some strange jumbled mess of stuff from botw and new stuff out of nowhere that just .. doesnt fit, but feeling a strange sense of otherness, a déja vu of something you know but it acts off, like an imposter, thats NOT intentional and it shows, its a mess of botw stuff, from stuff that people missed from the old games and entirely new stuff; i dont doubt it CAN work but the way it turned out is like a mix of 3 different puzzles forced together and being told 'see it fits!' even tho you can clearly see the pieces dont look right in these places
again it feels like a sequel that desperately wants you to forget the first game happened, that anythign from it mattered at all
and that isnt really ... the sense of a sequel? why insist on it being one when it only creates problems? is it marketing?? just like it was marketing to call age of calamity a telling of what happened before botw but then it wasnt that at all and that is still the sole reason why i dislike it? bc i was lied to? totk is like 10000 times worse than that, its a main title and doesnt even have the excuse of yeah its basically an excuse to play all your fav characters in fun ways and the game beign well aware that being its main appeal; what is totk appeal? a toybox with botw aestethic and none of the flavor?
(on a sidenote; the sonau tech doesnt even .. matter? in botw at least calamity ganon was made of shiekah tech parts and him overtaking other tech is a big point, the sonau tech doesnt serve anything but .. idk minerus useless mech? gan doesnt even aknowledge it, he doesnt care, all it is is toys for the player, not link, but the player. the monsters mining the tech materials? what for? gan doesnt give a damn and they dont work for the yiga either??)
i said it before but it gives me the feeling that the way botw invited you to theorize, to look beneath the surface, the way it intrigued you and laid the groundwork for so many interesting things without denying anything.. was accidental? or perhaps put in the game without the directors noticing? i cant stop thinking about them saying sth like "after botw zelda wondered if the kingdom of hyrule needed to keep existing the way it had been before the calamity, but then totk happens" bc it just feels like they realized too late that botw naturally led into questioning the status quo and they scrambled to fit it back into a flat and boring road we have seen so many times before (or even worse really) with totk
zeldas character naturally leads into her questioning and reexamine their history and set of rules? we gotta teach her a lesson of why she is importante god given monarchy girl that has to keep it bc what if evil brown man shows up again for no reason
maybe im grasping at straws here but looking at it this way the sonau .. make more "sense"; the shiekah were a group that was under the rule of the royal family, and misstreated before (oh no look soemthing interesting) so they dont lend themselves well to be used for teaching zelda that lesson- the sonau however are tailored really to be just that; they are a supposedly godly race from the literal sky that founded this version of hyrule, that had tech even more advanced and better than the shiekah, she gets put in the past to meet the perfect god king of goodness personally, also his very fridgy wifey that zelda later replaces in a way, shes put there and treated like family and then gets to see just how evil that evil big man from the desert is, sonia is falcon-punched to death solely so zelda can feel obligated to take over her role, have her new, better 'family' hurt by gan; similarly so raurus sacrifice, look what a noble and good king he is, he payed the ultimate price to lock that evil man away, now zelda you cannot let their sacrifice go to waste, rebuild that divinely good kingdom like it was!!
and even though they go so much out of their way to put the cart back onto the rails of black and white-good and evil in an even flatter way than the old games, it still doesnt feel right, at least to me, it still feels like zelda shouldnt have gone along with all of that, it feels like even her character from botw was walked back entirely, except for the intro, it made her feel like a stranger to me-
because this is a sequel, i know this zelda, she wouldnt act like that after all that shes been through, this feels ... off
and it all just insulting to anyone who cared about botw more than surface level, or the zelda lore in general, i dont even care much about the timeline, but theres alot of lore and themes beyond it that felt ignored, especially so given that .. its a damn sequel, non AU, not generations apart, directly part 2-
but its not.
it even feels very "corporate", put zelda in a dress again, people liked that, put crazy abilities in the game to flashbang people with how insane it is even if its not the best for the gameplay or the story, put a new asthetic into it out of nowhere bc its 'new' and act like its been there the whole time, put gan in there bc people miss him and find him sexy even if his role is just as flat as that of an evil cloud monster-
you know, i saw a post that said aoc was like a bad fanfic (affectionate) and totk was like a bad fanfic (derogatory) and tbh thats like one of the best comparisons/summaries i have seen ..
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pokemon-ash-aus · 3 months
I'm more curious on what reverse betrayal AU is, i couldn't really find anything in the tags sorry
Damn i SWEAR i wrote it down already. I guess Tumblr's tags are extra extra broken.
So everyone knows the canonical fanfiction trope of Betrayal AU's yes? Where the Main character of any fandom (in this case Ash) gets abandoned and spit on by their friends and partners except for the brief few that usually end up being the love interest?
In this case it's
Ash's friends leave him, ash's pokemon leave him except for the strong ones (pikachu is usually leaving him behind but i call bull so whatevs), Ash gets new pokemon, stronger and so much better (also legendaries, whoda thunk), he gets a love interest or a harem (cause why not) and then gets WICKED OP to the point its a bit unbelievable. Theb the betrayers come back and Ash wipes the floor with them while mocking them the whole time.
Its a well known trope, one that i used to adore myself, but i found it lacking after a hot min. The characters were always OOC, and the progression of events started to lean on terrible for me. No hate to the trope, i wrote one nyself once upon a time (unfinished), but it's nit in my wheelhouse anymore.
And so i made the Reverse Betrayal AU, mostly as a kick but really it started on the same premise but executed differently.
Ash's friends gather round, in this case, it had only gone up to alola so im sticking by that. My reasoning was that the little field trip down in Kanto was an excellent opportunity to get the rest of Ash's friends down there as a surprise!
Now, i want to point out the crucial information that Ash acts differently with each friend group. Not intentionally being deceitful, but more of, trying to fit into the type of person they need. For Misty that was a Brat, for May that was a Mentor, for Dawn a Sibling, for Iris an idiot, for Serena a hero. Etc etc.
Alola was the place where Ash *couldnt* do that so he finds himself in a mix of Mentor/friend/sibling role.
But when they all are there, Ash has a hard time trying to figure out what he should be and what he should stray into. And that leans into him being a Brat because Misty is a VERY loud personality in a way no one else was.
And boy do they grate on each other's nerves.
Misty is teasing him playfully, but Ash is biting back HARD. Not because he wants too, but the stress of the situation makes it hard for him to fight back just as playful. Especially with Iris there since her words used to cut before, but now he's painting Misty with the same brush but twice as deep.
And Misty doesnt appreciate this right, so this playfight on her end turns into actual fighting, words of anger and resentment speaking out on both sides.
"I WISH I NEVER MET YOU." Get's thrown out and the entire field goes quiet.
"Ditto." Ash growls.
And they turn away from each other.
And Brock is already trying to placate, he's seen this before a million times but then...
Everyone else jumps in.
Accusations are thrown, some side with Misty some side with Ash. None of these people are friends with each other, they all are connected through Ash.
And so Brock cuts them all off, cause the two were BOTH being uncalled for. And when he turns to Ash to ask what he was thinking.
The kid is outright gone.
No words no nothing and that leaves a deep deep dread in Brock's stomach.
"Oh he left, just like a little kid." Iris sighs, shaking her head as the others glare at her.
"No," Brock's voice trembles and that stops everyone else from really saying anything. "Ash can be rude and angry and wrong all he wants but he doesnt ever leave a conversation mod way- hell he doesnt even run away from a confrontation- this- this isnt right."
And while they look for him it starts ti become more and more clear that... None of these people are /friends/. They know Ash and Ash only.
And that starts *arguments*, screams of whose right and whose wrong and why Ash doesnt need to have a friend like *you.*
Its the take of, instead of Ashbeing abandoned by his friends. Its instead Ash 'abandoning' his friends instead. But its not really true, cause Ash wabts to be with his friends he's just...
Very mad right now.
Whoo i went on a tangent. I have more- somewhere- so ill need to look for it.
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staarboyyy · 2 months
Hiiii! Let me just say first that I’m absolutely in love with your writings, your literally one of my favourite writers ❤️ anywayyyy , back to the main point.
Basically I’m quite into Barb, there’s something about her being so possessive and it’s driving me nuts! (she’s also just stunning) but I’m so into the thought of being in a relationship with Coop and Barb cause it’s just fascinating. Like I have so many words but can’t find away to communicate it!! Conclusion is that I love Barb and Coop and would loveeee if you wrote something!! Love you lots!!!!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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Summer lovin'
cooper & barbra howard x reader | no pronouns
written by an adults for adults - minors dni
tags / warnings ; costar!reader, hot tub time!, fluff beyond belief, relationship not labeled but everyone flirts with everyone!, alcohol mentions/consumption
summary ; after working on a film with cooper, you never imagined just how charming both of the howards were.
word count ; 1.1k
a / n ; oh. my. GOD!! anon you sweetheart and genius i couldnt resist this 😭💞 as a barb and coop lover myself i had SO much fun writing this drabble, i hope you enjoy !!
You hadn't planned to stick around as long as you had, in truth. You had been working alongside Cooper in his newest film; Everything started like you had dreamed, your own trailer decorated with your inspirations, your costume fittings going smoothly - It felt like a dream come true. Even as your hair, stiff with product, framed your face and you could swear your costume shoes were a size too small, you couldn't help but smile.
That's what Cooper liked about you; That damn sparkle in your eyes that nothing could put out, your lips shaping the script and forming it into a song he could listen to for hours. He also liked how your costume hugged against your frame, sauntering over to you in the early days of shooting and sneaking you a wink when he could. He was a charmer by nature, you told yourself, the mantra of forcing yourself to stay professional ringing sharp in your ears, burning your cheeks a bright pink. The golden band on his finger tugged at your heart strings, strumming them with every stolen glance and hopeless thoughts. You could handle yourself, you could handle a simple charming man from a far - But meeting Barbara changed that as well.
She had been looking for Cooper, finding the pair of you in his trailer, practicing lines. You quickly offered to make yourself scarce, apologizing sincerely for any mix ups - Though she smiled, and it nearly took the breath from you. Cooper liked a good smile, it seemed. Her hands were soft as they met yours, gingerly taking them in her own and smiling with a warmth you couldn't place. The strumming of your heart rushed in your ears, standing between the Howard's with pink cheeks and a small smile.
And that's what Barb liked about you. Your kindness, your genuine love for the things you did and the passion that drove you to do it - So you found yourself now in the cool autumn wind, long after the release of the film, still somehow between the two of them.
"Y'gonna take all day?" Barbara swatted at Cooper's upper arm with a shake of her head at his words. It was no secret the pair had a beautiful home, decorated with grand furniture and the most recent Vaultec technology. You peered through the sliding glass door towards the backyard, your breath stilling for a moment as you saw them in the hot-tub. Cooper had his arm slung around Barbara, nodding along as he listened to her talk about you.
"Is it such a crime to want to look perfect?" Barbara spoke softly, the idea of how you looked in your swimsuit tugging at the edges of her lips into a small smile.
"You two always look perfect. If I'm honest I should be the one takin' my time to gussy up," Cooper tossed a teasing glance towards his wife, her eyes rolling playfully as she waded towards the edge of the tub. Three glasses sat on a small silver tray, Cooper's whiskey, Barbara's martini - And your drink, between the two. You slowly slid the glass door open, the slight chill of the autumn breeze stippling your skin in goosebumps. They didn't mean to stare, but as you walked towards the tub with a sheepish expression, they couldn't help it. At first you were worried, maybe a hair out of place or your bathing suit was too much - But as Cooper waved you over, a weight eased off your shoulders. Steam lifted in clouds above the hot water, becoming more welcoming by the second as the breeze licked at your revealed skin.
"Sorry for taking so long," You waved your hand before you, as if trying to brush away the slight embarrassment tinging at your expression.
"Never apologize for that, sugar." Barb spoke warmly, moving towards you with a glint in her eye, hand wrapped over the tray of drinks. "You're more than worth the wait," She added, offering you her free hand to guide you up the steps. You couldn't help but smile at her, taking her wet hand with a small chuckle as you made your way into the water. It seemed to melt away the goosebumps the lower you sunk into the tub, letting a soft sigh pass your parted lips as you leaned your back against the edge. Barbara hummed, pleased at the sight of both you and Cooper finally able to relax after the hectic filming process. She plucked your glass from the tray, offering it to you as she sipped her own.
"She pulled out all her fancy glasses for you," Cooper moved to sit a bit closer to you, his broad shoulder bumping yours with a chuckle. Barbara's cheeks warmed at both her husbands teasing tone, and the way you took the glass so carefully from her hand.
"I'll make sure to be gentle with them, Missus Howard," Your fingers lingered on hers as she gave you your drink, the motion causing Barbara to bite her lip and shake her head. She couldn't bite back the grin on her lips, eyes lifting from the glass to meet yours, peering through her thick lashes.
"Careful with that smooth talk, she won't let'ya leave sweetheart," Cooper lifted his arm to rest over the edge of the hot tub, letting you shift some of your weight closer towards him. You could hear the wry smile in his voice, a teasing promise you hoped beyond anything they would keep. Barbara waded towards the other side of you, looking over at her husband with a scrunched nose.
"Mm, how about we kick him to the couch tonight?" Barbara joked, leaning into your ear with a soft laugh - Her voice was always soft, velvety as it carried her words with a promising purr. The smell of her perfume caught your senses, an expensive floral scent lacing her every movement and tentative breath. She was breath taking, her free hand moving under the water to find yours below the warped surface. Your fingers grazed together, intertwining slowly as you laughed along, sipping at your drink.
"What are you two schemin' over there?" Cooper asked, dropping his head to the side to eye the pair of you with a wry grin. "We know damn well you both need me in that bed," His arm was able to reach over both you and Barb's shoulders, leaning his warm weight into the pair of you. "Who would you have to steal all the covers from?" He smelled like whiskey, cologne, clashing with the subtle sweetness of Barbara's perfume and the martini on her full lips; You could melt here, between the Howard's as they teased eachother back and forth, their knowing eyes stirring over yours with the hope that you would stay with them. For however long, even if just for a moment, being between them felt more correct than anything you had ever dreamed.
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mejomonster · 3 months
Bad Buddy remains one of the only romcoms I really enjoy rewatching and would recommend.
Like. Its got its weak spots. But its strengths definitely override those: extremely talented main leads and director, utilizes every romantic and comedy trope it can fit in an entertaining and emotionally in a way that benefits the story (making it easy to watch if you Only like romance or Only like comedy, or Only like stories of friends growing up, Or only like stories about overcoming conflicts with parent's baggage, or Only watching for it's interpretation of Romeo and Juliet, since it'll deliver those experiences). The Just Friends main theme song is pointedly about the whole story, sounds good, and is used in lyrical and instrumental variety to thread through the emotional beats. (Its also an Action romance comedy, something I particularly need in my romance stories lol or I tend to lose focus personally ToT). It aims to tell a solid Romeo and Juliet modern retelling, while also being made fresh with very fleshed out Pat and Pran as characters with rich lives, and it packs in enough angst to really resonate as a romantic journey with stakes and real risk of loss. You turn it on, and you get an experience you're hoping for, and a very well made one.
As an added bonus, like a lot of newer BL, it: depicts bisexuality, depicts queer women, depicts fairly realistic relationship conflicts (like how out to be, how commited to be, unsure of anothers feelings, when each person is comfortable with X, dealing with a lovers other close relationships like friends and family), depicts accepting parents and friends (and them being unaccepting for other reasons unrelate to queerness - making both an allegory to the biases against queer people we have to deal with while also 1 being escapism and wish fullfillment in the kind of world we might wish we had around us and 2 utilizing conflicts that Any watcher might relate to, since everyone's had disagreements with friends or family at some point).
You just turn it on and know you're getting what you hoped for, and a really amazing piece of work.
It doesn't particularly break any huge new ground (although it did help kick off the trend of shows realizing there's a desire for more GL from audiences, and it was part of the wave of earnest efforts in BL to show more realistic kisses and sexuality and Discussions Of Sexuality - which thankfully was a trend which continued, and is now almost expected to be Included in newer BLs that are made). Its a romeo and juliet story, with the young love and warring families and impossible situation that it promises. Its two people who desperately wanted to be friends, but couldnt, who became buddies anyway and wanted to be more. For that, its perfect.
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flemlem · 7 months
okay so thoughts about creation saying that tubbo never was alive. This has been making me go wild. I have so many thoughts about his character and what this may make his character. So in we go, my inane ramblings.( warning, this is Long long)
So first off, during Fit's birthday, after Tubbo had been bugged and Etoiles had said that there was going to be a lot of tweets about how his character could see ghosts now, Tubbo responded with "look man, I was dead a long time ago". So not only has creation told people that Tubbo has Been dead, Q!Tubbo is also aware of this fact. He knows he's not human, he knows hes not alive, he just doesnt really care. Which does kind of make me confused about all his suicidal tendancies but hey, maybe since he's already died at least once he doesn't really care anymore. It's all a joke to him. That's why he always plays it off as nothing serious because he knows, worst comes to worst, he'll be back one day. Or at least thats what he might think. It might also just be the desperation of 'Maybe this time it will work. Maybe this time I will actually die'. Maybe he's been dead for a long time actually. Maybe this is his first iteration or maybe it's his fiftieth.
so my main thought is that he Was alive. Not recently. not recently at all. But he was, once upon a time. There was a time in the far far past, or the far far future where his heart beat on its own and he had to breathe to keep living, to keep creating. Then something happened. Maybe he got into a tough spot and the feds found him and changed him. Maybe in his creation he changed himself. The main reason that I think he Was alive at some point is because of what he said at the party. that he "was dead a long time ago". He doesnt say somehting like 'I've always been dead' just that he Has been dead for A Long Time.
Im personally all for him having died, time and time again, not quite robot not quite human. His conciousness just inhabits a shell. That's why he still has all his limbs despite definetly getting hands caught in crushers before. Maybe that shell is mechanical. Maybe Its something else. Maybe it is like creation. Something he made, that he molded from metal and flesh and clay that is just... hollow. A puppet with cut strings when its not being inhabited. Maybe he got too attached to this shell, maybe thats why he needs to be brought back this time.
I do like the thought that he changed himself. somewhere along the line maybe he got sick, or maybe he just got curious. He started swapping parts out Just Because. He's not Totally a robot. He still looks human enough, just that some of his joints, his muscels, his organs, well, they're not quite organic anymore. He did this to himself. He needed to keep living, he needed to keep creating. He couldnt leave his Creations behind. He needed to continue to make more and to up keep the ones he had already made. He just... forgot to upkeep himself while he was at it.
I also fully believe that he Knew that he was going to die. It wasn't that he wanted the two lives left, its just that he Knew that his body was going to fail soon. He doesn't have create to upkeep this body (this shell) for much longer. It could only take so much damage before it started to give out. That's why he made the 'deal ' with chayanne. He needed the others to think there was a reason for this, that he had signed his life away for more excitement. He needed them to not question it when he didnt get back up. He needed there to be an easy answer to point at. That's why Chayanne said that he thought that it was a joke. He didn't think it was serious because the deal never Actually Happened. But it didnt matter. He was going to die either way.
So anyway, thats like, most of my current thoughts rn. Im So Excited for this :DDDD I want it to permanentally affect Everyone.
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shreayy · 3 months
ATLA live action show was so close to being a masterpiece
I feel like they changed too much about the characters and used what little run time they had for pointless shit and extending odd plotlines instead of the main storyline.
Ofc everyone knows how they messed up the characters and made them bland and flavourless with no room for growth and changed core parts of who they are, like making Sokka a feminist from the get-go so we never really get to see him mature, cause in our perspective he already is and this takes away the meaning of Suki's character who is supposed to be this catalyst for Sokka to become a better person and warrior and leader.
Or how they made Katara a natural instead of making her someone who works really hard for her bending skill and goes to great lengths to steal the scroll, overcome her jealously of Aang.
And how they potrayed Zuko as capable enough to take down Ozai but he didnt because of his compassion and while that was a nice moment, it also took away from the fear that Ozai is supposed to exhibit as a main villain.
It felt like they were willing to sacrifice on character development in favour of a CGI shot.
Which brings me to my point, *why didn't they live-action remake LoK instead?* A lot of people have problems with the original, so they have space to change it and there's not as much pressure, plus they get all that great bending- all four element types including metalbending and bloodbending, which also fits with the "adult show" theme they want. LoK villains are generally more terrifying honestly. They also get the chance to develop korrasami from the start, which the original show couldnt do.
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(some-what of) an analysis on patty possom(?)
inspired by this post on the PE-AZ yes this episode is my fave yes i unironically love patty yes i was a fnaf kid yes i am utterly deranged
some of these r incoherent because its midnight and i wanna post this as fast as possible before i go to bed and wake up at the crack at dawn
yayyy patty ^_^
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one of the first things ive noticed post becoming alive like the next frankeinstine is that her eye wasnt fixed by the mechanics, which as ill discuss later imply a sort of negligence (? i think) to the properly, i however dgaf and like to interperate this as her having a lazy eye <3
she seems to be a genuially nice person!!!! um . i dont know how to continue this paragrapth pretend theres something here thats interesting
imagine being born into the world and already having a dreadful fear of being abandoned. crazy, mustve impacted her very hard
though this probably means it gave her fake memories or she was already sorta vaugely away of whats happening?? like psudo sentient?? if that makes sense, how the hell do you know this girl, you havent BEEN to the devils sacrament
the way she goes about it and the ending shows that she has no clue on how to socialize or their cues at all, or just cuz of the pov its intentionally shown as more creepy (which it probably is, you could hear her go "where r u going :(" in a sad tone), shes a massive werido and i love her for that
point is, shes nice but has no idea how to say "nooo dont leave me haha" normally cuz she just appeared 2 seconds ago with no idea of proper communication, does that make sense..... help
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heres the thing i love about this the most, shes at the end of the ep shes seen dragging background character #47 in the same tone of voice and hes seen uncomfortable. PAN TO THE NEXT SLIDE IN WHICH THEY SEEM OK IN THEIR PRESENCE
LIKE . THE GUY JUST ACCEPTS HER HAND TO HOLD WHEN SHES SHOCKED..... THEY R BESTIES AND IM TIRED OF PPL OVERLOOKING IT, and the fact that i dont think we get to see him again (cuz they couldnt fit him anywhere in the background? i think) makes it better for me, balding old guy notices furry twice his size scared of being left alone so he decides to stay here just for her.... MANNN
the general area
lets see, were right off the bat were introduced to a good few places, the fun tunnels, the game zone, a claw machine thats rigged, the place with the signature snack which i wont go over because thats kinda of its own gag but its sticky and probably unhealthy, and the main stage
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i assume the fun tunnels are made with a holograpthic effect inuniverse, and i think theres some LED lights in there to make it glow, i was going to say its polyethylene plastic but i dont think that exists google stock photos lied to me, also not related but it looks like a horrible spray paint job was done on this thing lol
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also acording to the lyrics theres supposed to be 3 more members, a raccoon, cat and turtle . i dont think we see craggle in photo though rip (if theyre not a sphyinx ill be dissapointed), tyrone seems to have a 60's? aesthetic going on, rascal has a punk aesthetic going on and patty has a more modern aesthetic ? i think, the spiked collar is throwing me off
from winns dialouge in the start implying that they havent been here in a good while ("when i was little" ur in 5th grade) and the fact that their instruments are still there, then this was probably a recent desicion, or atleast long enough for a 10 y/o that hasnt been here in awhile to be upset by this and for patty to be immediatly spawned in with abandonment issues
along with a rigged claw machine and the snack i think it implies that the people over there who own this establishment are probably really cheap, and the fact that the PRAMBY snack is really sticky is definatly going to cause some health issues down the line, something something fazbear entertainment
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oh and also, theres like a split second frame where this shows up, obviously its just there as a morbid joke but atleast it shows us this establishment is atleast old enough to have someones decaying body be bone by now, which after writing that makes me sound stupid because skeletonization might not take as long as i thought it would ("3 weeks to several years" depending on the surroundings)
whoever was there seemed to have been stuck for 25 days at least and has gone undetected, which means this place is linked to one unsolved missing persons case and they dont have a clue (most likely), also theres ballpit balls inside this thing i fucking guess?? theres no actual ballpit in the place idk what this kid was doing
i have tried to make up a map of how the place looks but im always bad with rooms ? and i had to take a fewwww small creative liberties with this cuz i couldnt figure out where theyd be but close enough👍👍
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ssspringroll · 7 months
ok time for an info post about my edited stuff folder and also some new additions to it
a lot of these are pyxis edits, but the others are also creators who dont seem to be active anymore. but if anyone is the original creator of one of the things ive edited and you're mad at me for posting my edit... sowwy. ill take it down if you ask nicely ♥
edit of: https://pyxiidis.blogspot.com/2018/02/intergalactic-supernatural-overlays.html
description: so it turns out all these years, the fem frame version of the intergalactic overlay was a little different from the masc frame and i never noticed. so i made a little add on edited version of the fem frame overlay so it fits the masc frame.
before -> after (there's shoulder spots now)
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its available in all the original colors. theres 2 versions of each color though, since there were slightly different leg opacities for the masc and fem versions and i couldnt decide which one to go with. they are very minuscule differences, the shoulder spots are really the main event.
feel free to recolor this in other palettes, id appreciate it actually. took a lot of fiddling to get those spots to line up right, please! please use my edit and make recolors!
this shows up in cas (for m frame only, theres no point for f frame, they already have it) as a separate cas part. the thumbnail is the same as the original, except i slapped the word 'EDITED' over top in big red letters. hopefully you will see it.
edit of: http://pyxiidis.blogspot.com/2017/04/pretty-visitors-eyeset.html
description: heterochromia. the meshes are by me (not that i can take much credit for them, its an ea eyeball thats slightly larger than usual. thats it.) but there are L and R meshes for each age (infant to TYAE) feel free to recolor in other eye sets, the mesh follows my usual TOU. the textures, obviously, are not mine. i don't know if i managed to squeeze every swatch from the pretty visitors eyes in there, but i know for a fact all the human colors, the pooklet colors, and some other alien colors are in there. I did not do the vampire colors. sorry. maybe some day.
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found in face scar and neck scar (in skin details) but feel free to re slot them to other categories for your convenience. left and right cheek might also be a good spot for them. there are two cas items, L and R, so i wanted them to be sort of close together, thats the only reason i picked the spots i did.
incompatible with glasses.
edit of: https://pyxiidis.tumblr.com/post/177241795736/demon-days-vampire-stuff-by-pyxis-some-things
description: the original texture of the gradient limb overlays was bleeding out of the leg area a little bit, which clipped into the texture area of some wicked whims body parts, making unexpected splotches. i just trimmed it back a little so it shouldn't do that anymore.
edit of: https://pyxiidis.blogspot.com/2017/11/arachnophobia-accessory-spider-eyes.html AND https://www.patreon.com/posts/29118520 (v2)
description: converted for all ages. the meshes are addons and should be installed alongside the originals, the arachnophobia overlays (PYXIS_Arachnophobia_SpiderEyes_FaceMarkingDetails_upperRightArmTat.package, etc.) are direct edits of the original package files. Delete the old packages with the same names and replace them with my edits, if you want the overlays to be available for all ages. You don't need the overlays for the meshes to work, though.
An additional slot has been made available for infants -> children in the eye details section. The meshes will not be found in that category for teens and up, just the tots.
Waay'los' folder
this sections formatted a lil different. dont worry about it.
edit of: http://pyxiidis.blogspot.com/2018/05/siren-mermaid-accessories.html
description: edited warehouse data so that necklaces can be worn at the same time as the gills. the mesh has not been edited, so compatibility with very close-fitting necklaces like chokers is not likely (gills are bulky and will clip) but i figured thats no reason to close off the option entirely. so necklaces are allowed now. also, i changed the categories. the packages claiming to be necklaces are found in mouth scar and the ones claiming to be rings are found in face scar (skin details section, towards the bottom near acne)
⚠ NSFW [MiniGiles]LoveBelow SkyrimFantasies Reptilia Male
edit of: i dont think this ones available anymore i will be honest. i can't find a link
description: tweaked positioning of the mesh so it lines up a little better with animations. also tweaked the weight painting and uv map. it doesnt animate quite right all the time, but it gets the job done. should still show up in the ww body selector (does for me, anyway)
⚠ NSFW ssspringrollReptiliaOverlays.package
edit of: this ones original content
description: gradient overlays for the reptilia body parts in the same basic rainbow palette as my overlay minipack. found in body scar (right leg). really nothing fancy, just for a little bit of personalization. should be color slider mod compatible
no custom thumbnail
edit of: https://flapjack-sims.tumblr.com/post/114810983191/horns-for-sims-4-ive-noticed-the-lack-of-horns-in (MESH) https://cherryvanillasims.tumblr.com/post/163956398575/flapjacks-thicc-horns-forehead-in-noodles (RECOLORS)
description: moved the uv map and textures so now the horns are compatible with hats (and any other accessories that use the hat texture space, like lots and lots of the wing cc thats out there)
changed the category to acne. there's two packages of these horns, i think the textures are ever so slightly different between them, but its negligible. I'd recommend the ssspringrollHornsEditedForMyBoy.package version, if you don't want to grab both (which you can, they appear as two separate cas parts)
no custom thumbnail. i dont know if these require the mesh. i dont remember.
Just because I've edited these pieces of cc does not mean I'm adopting them. I cannot promise I will offer support if something breaks.
Lots of these are edits of my own personal package files, rather than edits of freshly downloaded versions. They may have been batch fixed, re-slotted, renamed, or otherwise edited over the years I have had them in ways I no longer remember.
Okay looks like thats everything for now.
I will probably add to this pile eventually, but until then, bye bye.
shoutout to @/occultradio for requesting most of the edits that aren't in the Waay'los folder. i straight up did not notice the shoulder spots until they pointed it out and likely wouldnt have done any of the other stuff either if they hadn't asked lol
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moss-sprouted · 3 months
i cant stop thinking about how helaena goes right for the chair by her mothers bed, obviously something she's done before considering she's barely looking at anything, she's not even there, only to notice criston cole and just decides to go right for the floor, unable to process anything else
such an insanely subtle moment but it really points more at her being autistic, especially the ENTIRE blood and cheese scene, it doesnt make her a horrible mother or a wretched person, she was in shock and she doesnt seem to have the ability for empathy like other people, she has barely even mourned her father, she was probably not thinking how her actions would have consequences, just that she was in danger and her daughter was too and they gave her her options
for the helaena presented in this world it makes all the sense possible, and with the book being all second hand accounts if you take it as gospel that doesnt mean its going to be how it really is
yes the scene is changed a lot but within the context, and the possibility of her grief being completely silent and in a more shutdown mode, the continuation of her story arc and grief and downfall into madness is going to be a lot more subtle
sure they havent confirmed her as autistic, nor are they going to in the world, but the way shes acted and written it fully reads as that and as someone who also fits the bill for autism, albeit in a different way i also act the same way during shock and grief, its not something i can process and i become very matter of fact, and i dont fault her for that and she might fall into her emotions later but she literally cannot process it
yes its different because there was no choice or drama, and they couldnt easily slot maelor in but i think it works for her character and the story theyre telling
if you like the books better, read them, thats the same issue with the main show but if i see anyone taking this as a "season 8 disaster" youre absolutely ridiculous if you cant see the nuance and character choices and the fucking fantastic acting
a character doesnt have to be screaming and crying and pleading to feel grief, even besides her not being neurotypical, the more you demonize her the more you demonize real people who act the same and yes you can say she isnt autistic all you want but she damn sure comes off that way
she was shaking and there was real terror in her eyes and she immediately jumped into action to save her daughter, to her the death of her son probably already happened the second that knife went to her throat, so pointing at him and having them leave her alone as fast as possible makes sense for how her character is approached, whether you like it or not not everyone even characters approach things in the neurotypical way
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yellowbluemoonshine · 2 years
League of Villains Redemption Discourse;
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Its been a while since i’ve been talking about redemption for villains because it kinda become obvious that it will happen at the end of Bnha and all but there is still some discourse for villains, especially league of villains. That ‘Gentleman and La Brava fits redeemable’ type of villain better. That characters like ‘Twice are redeemable’ but Dabi isnt or Dabi can be saved but Shigaraki is bad blah blah blah. Like, the idea that ‘certain type of villain deserve to be saved’ while other doesnt. It is also ironic that people think characters like Shigaraki, Dabi and Toga are too far gone or they think this wasnt hinted. Well, here we go.
I would like to focus on league of villains to try to explain why i disagree with those opinions.
First of all, Shigaraki and Dabi’s redemption is hinted since the beginning.
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The first time we saw Shigaraki, he was heaviely hinted that he is abuse victim and he was groomed. This his literally first introduction and story is telling you that this character is victim. And he had a conversation with Deku at the mall. Loosing his mind while saying ‘He hates Allmight because people are laughing as if there is noone he couldnt save’. And we get a little flashback form his childhood, ‘Noone saved you, didnt they?’. His entire character literally screams ‘SAVE ME. WHY NOONE SAVE ME? I HATE EVERYONE BECAUSE THEY DONT SAVE ME’.
And Overhaul arc. It is abour saving Eri who is parallel with Shigaraki, once again it is about saving Tomura in a parallel and we also seeing Shigaraki is capable of caring about other people which is a positive character development. And MVA arc is even more obvious. Not only story making his story more empathic because it is showing how tragic it is but also because we meet with Tenko who is kind kid who would help outcasts and well, Tomura even after ewvrything does the same with league. Showing that his inner kindness didnt disappear. Which is even making it more obvious.
Theme of Bnha is questioning the meaning of hero. Main character who wants to SAVE people in a fake hero society and his enemy who is entire character is about SAVE MEEEE, never really had choice because he was kidnapped by big evil, turns out still caring people and even helping them just like he used to be as kid. Its so obvious when Deku is like I WANNA SAVE PEOPLE and Shigaraki is like SAVE MEEE so yeah, well, it was always hinted that Shigaraki will be saved by Deku. Of course, he could die by being saved, we wouldnt know at first but one thing is sure that he would be saved. Shigaraki’s story didnt change. He was always redeemable and waiting to be saved. And the more story goes on, he only proved this more. Because in stories, positive character developments usually means noble death or redemption.
Btw, i dont think he will die because after everything happenned in story, there is no point of him dying. It also loose the point of being saved.
And Dabi.
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This one is tricky since Dabi was mysterious character. I think two things make kinda hint that he will most likely get redemption. 1- He is heaveily hinted that he was Todoroki. He is doing what he is doing because he was failed by abusive hero. He is very similar to Earlyroki. So there is family drama there. Shouto is already tragic character in a positive story, so i dont see him ever killing his brother or something. Not to mention, if he is Todoroki, it would mean, he became villain because of his hero father so killing victim of hero, instead of saving would be very bad look. Not to mention, during the story, Dabi acts like dark cop or something. (Not to mention Frainkeinstein parallels). Despite revenge plan, he seems to care about morals, justice and even feeling remorse. What happens later, it doesnt change his story because he is parallel with Shigaraki a lot too.
 2- Save the cat moment.
A “save the cat” is a moment, very early on in the story, where we meet or see our hero do something nice that makes us like him and say, “I want to follow this person's story.” It's important to have it because you want your audience to be sympathetic or empathetic towards your protagonist.
This was mentioned by @hamliet​ and other people. The scene when Dabi decides to spare Aoyama, despite noticing him. Note; Dabi didnt know Aoyama was traitor. ‘Save the cat moment’ for a villain can be hint as a possibe future redemption for him.
And others. League of villains. I think their redemption werent necessarely hinted or it was necessary. I think for them MVA arc hinted it.
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For Toga, we didnt know her full story and life until MVA arc and it turned out she is also victim of society, not just crazy villain. She is parallel with one of the main kids like Shigaraki and Dabi so assuming that ‘if Shigaraki and Dabi are gonna be saved by Deku and Shouto, Toga will be most likely be saved by Uraraka’ wouldnt be weird. Not to mention is this whole arc was about the family bond between league, that they are capable of caring other people. Same for Twice, Spinner and Mr Compress too. Because story is telling you that those people are here because society failed them and they have still humanity in them, they are not doing what they are doing because of evil but because they are victims so it wouldnt be weird to assume that whether they will get redemption or noble death, like Twice did.
‘Characters like Gentleman and La Brava are better example of redeemable villains’
No, they are not. They are not even real criminals. They never even did serious crime. I like them but they are like joke villains, they are not meant to be ‘actually’ villains. Whole point of ‘redemption’ is people who did commit serious crimes. If there is no actually wrong action, then we wouldnt need redemption at first place. I think redemption exist for characters like league.
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Note; Of course, other villains can get redemption too, i am just focusing on them because they are good example to use. Especially since even characters in story told them, characters like Stain and Overhaul and even Redestro seen as ‘better person’ just because they have ‘goal’, just because they dont want destruction, like Tomura did. But in the end, Tomura proved them wrong because despite being at the lowest of low, he still showed more humanity and positive character development than them, just by treating his comprades better.
And i also dont like it when people see one league of member more redeemable than another. Especially with Twice and others. Because Twice is very obvious when it comes to showing how much he cares about others. He is obvious victim. He is not ugly victim like Tomura, Dabi and Toga. But the thing is;
Every member of League has side that makes them look irredeemable but also they have their own redeemable features.
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Tomura's desire to destruction makes him look ireedemable but he is the only villain who never had a choice at life, he feel miserable with his life and he is very kind leader to his comprades.
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Dabi’s distancing himself from others, using people he cares, even trying to kill his brother just for revenge against his father makes him look irredeemable but he is the only villain in league that feels remorse for killing others. He has strong sense of responsibility and he doesnt think its justified. He doesnt even plan to live long. He just wants to punish his father for his sins and thats it.
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Toga’s self centered side, not caring about others without remorse makes her look irredeemable but one, she is the only one who born with serial killer quirk, with urges, like damn and second, this one is interesting. Compared to Shigaraki and Dabi, Toga never once had a grudge against people who hurted her. She never hated the society, heroes, people for calling her monster. She just accept this monster label and decide to live her life according to it.
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Twice, Spinner, Compress arent different from them. Their redeemable side is how much they care about league and how much they go for their friends but they also kill many people and they dont seem to care which makes them look irreedemable too. Basically, it is pointless to separate one from another.
Also, i think it is kinda wrong to decide who ‘deserve’ redemption (i am talking about hero characters because you can always hate bad writing) because it not up to you to decide. It is up to you to do right thing by giving them a chance to rehabilate and changing or not will be theirs. Well, it is complicated.
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Point of league of members isnt that they are just pitifull victims or they are just evil. The thing is they are bunch of losers. And thats what makes them beautiful.They are mentally ill victims. They need help and they need to be stopped at the same time. They lash out because they are messed up. Their violence arent justified because there is no such a thing that violence that can be justified. Violence is bad. But you can understand where it comes from. The thing about league is especially main villain trio, they are written to be metahpor for pain of abuse/society victims. Some victims never get saved, some of them make wrong choices and they messed up but some of them can still be rehabilate which is why redemption is exist. It makes sense why they get redemption because they are not bad people. And redemption isnt a bad thing either, it means taking responsibility and healing. It also fits to their characters so its good writing, well, hopefully it will written good later as well.
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romanarose · 2 months
Hello whore! Happy birthday in advance.
What if ROF Frankie were Beatriz's bio son and Santi were the adopted kid? How would that affect their current personalities?
Also, (within the canon timeline), what if Ben weren't a slut? (Lol) Do you him and Frankie might have run away already? Or maybe Santo would murder Ben?
Rooms on Fire
RomanaVerse Birthday Bash
Okay lets get to thinking here.
thats a great question. I swear I'm not trying to punish our baby here but I just don't think Frankie would fit what Beatriz would want from the savior either. Honestly I think Will would have been best suited for the role, he woul have been what Beatriz invisioned in a jesus figure; he's calm, rational, compassionate and even tempered generally but is not afraid to do what needs to be done to protect his family. As we see with him killing Melanie, he could have made it hurt... but he didn't. Yes, he hit Rey and that was shitty, but he didn't do it for funsies or rage, he did it to correct behavior. Reyansh is a.... point of contention amoung Ben, Will, and Santi, as is JOnah but Jonah is more careful. Jonah knows not to be caught alone in close proximity, not to be too goofy and silly. He know more boundaries since yes are on him after the whole delilah hollbaloo
Rey is not careful. He's a lover. Wether iris or his friends or even frankie and jonah, he's a touchy, smiley, biiiiiiiig hug kinda guy. Will is trying to manage this relationship, remind Rey he is a guardsman, not her little friend and certainly should be watching himself around Madonna. Will is naturally suspicious after Delilah.
I'm rambling omg this has nothing to do with the story
anyway Frankie in this story is passive, quiet. to quite. He's not wht beatriz wants from a god, and certainly not the savior! I havn't gone into it but she absolutly hurt that poor baby trying to make him tougher, and Santi used to stand up for him. Santi is a lot of things and certainly not a good person or partner but he is very much "mine" when he thinks he owns someone, he owns them. Madonna, frankie, Ben and Will are 'his' and in his teens did not let Beatriz hurt him.
I think Santi would be less..... like that. Santi's psyche broke with the idea of being a god and the savior constantly being ripped away and changed, mixed with his mom raising him to beleive these things, and her own mental illness passed down to him.
I personally think of Santi has BPD, maybe some other stuff. He talks about suffering meltdowns like madonna had and Frankie being the one to calm them. Madonna is autistic coded but i dont think santi has signs of autism, but rather has meltdowns from his BPD. If Beatriz wasn't a shit mom she wouldn't have done things like try to beat it out of him or lock him in closets when he was screaming as a kid. A good mom could have worked with him and he could have turned out fine. but that wasn't int he cards. I think without the uhhhhhhh "hey your a god hey no your not actually your the savior no ur not" all the time he wouldn't be this bad but ti think he'd still be rough. I think his possesiveness of frankie might be toned down. I think Santi knew what beatriz was doing sexually to frankie and since he was also fucking Frankie behind the scenes I think it was just a MESS
As for the other part....
I stand by that Ben loves Frankie. I know that most of yall dont believe me but i think he does XD in the fishben bonus chapter, symptom of being human he clearly cares... but i think he's bit of an hydrenalin junkie. Ben does crazy shit, he has no fear. he's an alcohalic and a drug user Madonna desribes him mostly in fun terms, he's childish and immature. Perpetual teenager.
I think even without the cheating... it couldnt work. I think ben could potentially run away with Frankie, because the high of the run would excite him... but theres 2 problems
1, the main reason he doesnt try to leave now isn't because he wants to fuck others. Ben could fuck anywhere lololol he certainly isnt sexually abusing Iris because he cares about hr in anyway, and all the women in delta he fucks are interchangeable
its because he thinks he's a god. he thinks they all are, he has a loyalty to santi he wont let go of. While Frankie and Santi were beaten and frankie sexually abused, the millers didn't suffer that fate. They were essentially adopted later, im thinking Will at age 10 and Ben at 7 or 6. they were on the verge of death when beatriz rescued them, leaving them both with extreme fealty for the garcia's. Ben fucking frankie behind his back is as far as he will go.
2. The high of running away would wear off, and Ben would want his life of luxery, all the dick and pussy he could ever want, and Iris's food. Hes a pretty boy, not to the most skilled in survival. he'd get bored.
I think if santi wasnt the way he was, maybe ben and frankie could live happily together in delta..... but santi is.... like that
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zozoubbb · 11 months
not sure if someone has made this point before, but can we talk about the symbolism of the black rose in the black rose arc?
im not even all that interested with the meanings of flowers and its symbolism, but in this specific art the black rose can have so many meanings. the black rose is mostly associetade with grief, mourning and loss, which all perfecltly apply to Souji and Mamiya. Souji's main purpose is to grant eternity to Mamiya, even tho he is tecnically already dead, and Souji still grieves him. It also could simbolize tragic love, which fits with Souji and Tokiko. But the main thing that i personally think the black rose depicts in this chapter is the depths of human emotion, and how these emotions seem as negative can have an effect on people and how they treat others when they get out of hand. That makes so much sense to me, since every character in the black rose arc who fought Utena needed to have ''negative'' feelings towards others, like jealously or hate. Like that one ep with ''Onion Prince'' and how he couldnt fight Utena because his feelings were selfless and pure, and not so dark like the others.
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of-mutts-and-men · 2 years
ok anon from earlier since my toy just arrived in the mail! Uncovered creations toys are infact great. Honestly incredible. Im usually super picky with my toys because I shell a hundred or two at a time once or twice a year, and this lived up to every standard I set.
They’re true to size (their medium knot is great. Impeccable. Im a size queen kinda and their stuff is thick enough to make even me go 😳😳😳) Their prices are super reasonable and they give out coupons liberally. Their cum tube toys (what i got! One of the main selling points!) are made well, there were some minor imperfections but nothing i couldnt trim myself, and their color range is great. The texture is tasty as hell also! Vein details my beloved… I’d totally recommend buying from them as I likely well be in the future as well.
Try THANKS as your discount code as its the one I got and I wont be buying from them again before it expires!
I'm gonna have to get a bigger box for all of my toys they barely fit as it is !😩
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mihai-florescu · 9 months
Regarding the five star four star and 2 three stars for each unit thing they tend to do my biggest wish is for himeru/kohaku and tatsumi/mayoi centre. Idk how to explain it but hiiro and rinne were the focus of the main story and aira and niki felt like they got a bit of character from that too (more than their other 2 members at least) so this just kinda feels. Right? I've seen people theorise that they'll address kaname or that he'll wake up and I don't doubt that logic, I just hope if so kohaku and mayoi can be of some significance. I think kohaku and mayoi are decent to bring attention to because despite himeru trying to be distant at first I think he definitely is most fond of kohaku, and don't ask me about tatsumi and mayoi you're talking to a ttmy shipper I'll be here all day. Basically I just think if himeru and tatsumi were to go through the horrors their unit mates would be there for them but those two in particular somewhat understand them a bit better. Before anyone tells me these 4 were in the romantic date scout I know. I've simply decided to remove it from my memory because I could never hate a story more than that one.
I've just ranted about alkakurei to you now. It's good to be back I guess
Im hoping for niki to have a really big moment in the tour personally, as well as aira, in a different light than what we've seen so far. I just...wish i cared more for them than i really do. And I wish i could make myself care, but alas, i can live with it just fine actually. The card distribution, well, im trying to keep track of when they've had cards last already/who's still due. Tatsumi still needs a ts2 so im counting him out of the possible tour 5stars (could be a 4star), but everyone else i think is eligible from that perspective. Oh......ohhhh.....it just came to mind, but you know how they did the altered and graduation tours? Tatsumi's ts2 could totally be running during the alkakurei tour, and be related to the story in that manner. Im willing to bet on this actually, nevermind, he's definitely getting a tour 5star in the gacha. And kohaku getting his fs2 then as well would be so cruel...higgles. rip alkakureiPs. Himemayo tour 5stars sounds plausible. But so does amagi bros to parallel their main story 5stars, or any other combination... idkidk im going to stop speculating until we have more information. Um. Checkmate anime is coming out first and i will be focusing my attention and obsession there, sorry. My knightspilled checkmateholic eichip swag.
Im not sure if you meant you actually hate romantic date /srs or if it was said in a "omg i hate x thing its gonna be the only thing i think about for days" way. I feel like you meant it /srs but im personally a fan of the story poking fun at fandom behavior, giving into and critiquing at the same time, as well as the insights into himeru's psyche. The game with affinity points from the other characters is just in himeru's head and a manifestation of his subconscious, where he thinks no one's love for him can grow as he doesnt let them actually know Him, the person beyond the himeru persona. Only tatsumi who loves everyone could still love him. And thats also pissing him off.
They both approach and view things, relationships, motivation etc so differently, a lot of himeru's internal monologues are filled with "negative" feelings (jealousy, pride, paranoia etc. Even the earliest we know of him is that he ran away from home because his dad remarried and he couldnt accept it, he's been like this forever. And yet, these feelings arent fitting with the perfect ido persona, so he bottles them up, with the occasional slip ups. Himeru's presence and slow opening up in crazy:b of all units, the group driven by their feelings and desires, is so so important to me.) whereas tatsumi just...has so much love and acceptance (although as much as they're an important part of his character, it's just as important that he also has his own wishes and desires and he does act on them, moreso than himeru at least. Like his hobby of driving recklessly, which he doesnt do because he cant drive well, but because he wants to do it like that and to experience the fun even if it's unconventional or incomprehensible to others). And this gap in their mentalities and approaches to life is scary for himeru. It's a hundred times harder to love and save another than to hate or break someone down (paraphrasing from another enstars quote lmao), i can empathize with himeru having complicated feelings about tatsumi's character that he doesnt understand himself, so he defaults to calling him unpleasant rather than having to unpack it. Let aside that beyond the difference in approaches they also have a complicated past, it's easier to just blame tatsumi who can take it seemingly unscathed. I think romantic date is fun to read both before and after having experienced obbligato...especially moreso after, when youre aware of the foreshadowing and further developments (this has been my experience with most of akira's gacha stories he's written in es2 era)
Im not a tthm shipper in the traditional sense of "i want to see them date" cuz i think what they have going on is much more fascinating and nuanced than that and it'd do the relationship a disservice imo. I was gonna say it's also fun to put these characters who struggle with understanding each other and actual romance and love in general actually in every sense of the word together but thats kind of the entire cast. A lot of my favorite dynamics at least, that have had varying degrees of success and development. However, it is something i enjoy, obviously, so i will always remain fond of romantic date...wah i rambled about this for a very long time, i'll stop now!
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