#also drew my kitty! shes cute
kinerxy · 1 year
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pastadoughie · 4 months
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hai! im rowen (he/him) and i draw thingse soemtimze!! im a queer (trans, intersex, gay) 17 (5-1-07) yr old furry artist :3 u probably know my blog for drawing many many silly kitties and miscilanious creechers, but i do other things!
i do requests (no ocs or fandom shit, ONLY silly) and i take commisions (i am working on a website to organize all the prices and stuff, but for now, just dm me if youre intrested)
i do all my art on mspaint (win10 ver.) unless explicitly stated otherwise, i just use the default pencil tool on 4px (the largest default size setting) witch is a round brush with no antialiasing
i use a drawing tablet, the XP-Pen Deco 1 V2 (Celeste, He/Him), and an ASUS Harman/Kardon i7 14.5 In. laptop (Chelsea, She/Her)
my blog mostly runs on a queue, witch is very long and only goes onse a day, so sometimes extremeley old artwork gets posted. for this reason posts that are recently posted are not nessasarily recently drawn. furthermore, asks sometimes take an extremely long time to post after ive actually answered them, so please dont resubmit things. (+ i have far too many askse to actually be able to answer them all. so asks that are very similar to things ive already answered, are extremely time consuming, or are just not that funny, are unlikely to ever be answered)
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rebeast : is for reblogs of other peoples content
rowencatfanart : is for fanart people have made for me (if you make any please tag it as such, as well as mention me in the post)
the beast speaks : is for all my original text posts
retchid opinions : are for my own text posts where i actually say things of value and have an opinion on topics
screaming and scampering : is for when i say bullshit that doesnt matter
consulting thea council : is for polls of mine
rowens serious art : is for serious rendered art of mine
rowens liddol guys : is for sillies of all kinds that ive made
biblically accurate rowen : is for art of non-kitty me, for blacklisting purposes (i like to not be reminded i am a person when im scrolling thru my own blog) mspaint animations : for when i animate things on mspaint (onion skin is for cowards i let my heart guide me) rowens animatics : are for when i make, animatics, its really self explainatory. rowens advertising : is for when i advertise my products or twitch or commisions or whatever. for blacklisting purposes the mewsifixtion : is for when i give out easter eggs 2 ppl who send me asks. asks for this are currently CLOSED rowensumptions : are for when ppl send me headcannons they have abt me thru asks S teir wimpering : for the text postre ive made that r actualey funny rows gross old ort : for when i reblog old art of mine i tag all asks with the username of the person who asked them, so if u want to find a previous ask of yours i answered you can just search your own username i also try to tag asks i answer with the date of when they were sent to me, and the date i actually drew them, because the queue can make this confusing,,, i cant really retroactively see the send date of posts i made before this tagging change, so some we will simpley nevr know,,, dates are written in american date format. so month-day-year i always tag the software i use for each artwork, but its pretty much always MSPaint (Win10), though i occasionally do image editing in Asesprite
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the gray and white kitty i draw most frequently is my catsona! he is not an oc and is specifically meant to represent me
i ask that you please do not use drawings of him as personal branding (such as pfps, banners, avatars, ect.)
the samething applies to my fursona, valentine, though his design changes too much to give an accurate ref for, i generally will specify in the tags
i am generally fine with people saying that my catsona is cute but please dont make any overly explicit comments about my fursona, or on my posts in general. i am a minor (i dont care if you say like, ouyhh bark bark i love men i get it hes meant to be attractive but use some common sense)
furthermore. for people who have blogs with alot of untagged sexually explicit content its best you dont interact with me, i have my age set properly, so i do not see sexual posts that are properly flagged, but if your posts ARENT flagged, and you interact WITH ME, then thats on YOU for exposing a minor for sexually explicit content
if you have minors DNI in your bio and make a whole song and dance abt how ggrrr!!! i block ageless blogs and minors!!! and then go and reblog my posts with sexual comments then thats on you. and not me.
i dont care that much frankly, about seeing joke posts abt penis or whatever, but there is a line. and if you are trying to curate a specifically adult space on your blog then you also have to put in the work to not intentionally loop minors into that
also. please do not act overly familiar with me, im a 17 yr old on the internet and not your friend. and while i am not opposed to meeting people on tumblr, there is a line and you need to actually build some kind of relationship with me before youre allowed to act like that.
u can find me on tumblr (duh) : @pastadoughie : my main @leftoverdough : is my reblog sideblog @scungledfiles : is the web graphics blog i run w/ my friend (@soggiedsocks) (though we havent been as active as of late cuz mentol ealness + i have been fopcusing moar on this blog) youtube : pastadoughie (i havent posted in 6 months ouhm, oops,) twitch : pastadoughie etsy : scungledthings (i also share this with @soggiedsocks, when contacting my shop you will most likely be talking to him and not me.) if you would like to contact me FOR COMMISIONS directly you can also do so discord : pastadough email : [email protected] PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ONLY BUISNESS INQUIRIES!! stupid shit should be sent via ask or tumblr dm. DO NOT FLOOD MY EMAIL!! i WILL block you!! --- Last Updated : 5-1-2024
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robo-milky · 29 days
“Hey, Carrots!
No need to look so offended, I’m not here to cause any trouble, you know~. No favors to ask of either. It’s your special day, isn’t it? It is! So I came by to give you a present.
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…Yeah, okay, it’s not really much, but it’s a gift nonetheless. Coupon for a special pop for the birthday girl~. You have a favorite flavor or something? I’ll try making it into a pop for you. A dozen for free! I’m real kind, I know.
Oh, and before I forgot. You know Ashi, don’t you? Poor girl couldn’t make it today, so she asked me to hand you a gift bag in her stead. Proves my trustworthiness, doesn’t it? Heh.
No need to worry, I didn’t peek at it… Hold some higher standards for me, would you?”
Niko hands over the bag. It’s a cute, pink, petite bag with cat decorations on it. It holds some resemblance to the feline holding it herself.
Grabbing what’s inside, there’s a little drawing with a note attached. It’s written with words and symbols that seem impossible to verbalize, but somehow it’s easy to imagine a certain brunette bringing life to them…
Clochey! HBD fam!~ Super bummed I couldn’t make it, but I hope this prezzie has enough of my energy baked into it that it feels like I’m there! LMK ASAP ☆
I wanted to send you a cute lil’ message ‘cuz I’m real thankful for us being friends, YK? Even tho we aren’t super buddy buddy, I still totally enjoy your company. Eppy tells me enough about you that it basically feels like I’m hanging with you myself!
Anyway~ I wanted to gift smth more personalized for you, so I drew up a little drawing! It’s kinda like a postcard, but I tried putting one of your fave things on it ♡ I hope you enjoy!~
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We should SO get talkin’ again soonsies! Wishin you a happy birthday and many more with a certain huntsman <3
Sincerely, Ashi ♪
Cloche hears a chuckle after she’s done reading the note.
“Wow, Carrots, your face is a little red… Wonder what Ashi stirred up for you to get you, the cold clawed kitty to get lookin’ like that. Well, privacy is privacy. Guess that’s my cue to leave.
Here’s hoping you catch a break from all the trouble around campus, hm? Enjoy your day~.”
HAPPY BDAY CHRIS!!!!!!! I HOPE YOUR DAY AND WEEK AND TBH MONTH IS SO BANGER. ITS SO DESERVED!!!!!!! 🫶 it’s been SO nice being your moot for like?? WHAT??? TWO YEARS OR SMTH??? TIME IS SO CRAZY. it’s been such a treat being able to interact n talk w you since the beginning!!! I GET SUPER HAPPY WHENEVER I SEE YOU IN MY NOTIFS <333 HBD again and I hope life treats you well!!!!! 🙏 blessing your pulls and turning them into pomepulls……….. tehepero
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[Cloche’ Birthday Bash] *them referring to our dear freshmen
Okay first of all… ASHIIIIIII YOU’RE GONNA KILL ME I SWEAR !!! THE FACT THAT YOU SENT THIS SO EARLY??!?! THE INTERACTION IS EVERYTHING! I JUST LOVE HOW THIS PLAYS OUT SO NATURALLY- Fr, Niko just waltzing into Ramshackle then dipping- aND THE GORGEOUS GORGEOUS ROOKLOCHE ART- LITERALLY SCREAMING OVER THE POSE AND DETAILS- YOU SERIOUSLY OUT DID YOURSELF FOR THIS ONE! Rook carrying her and Cloche grabbing on to him to get closer- SAVANACLAW ROOK MY BELOVED- Muscle man frrrr- Ashi really caught on to the cat maid’s staring during Chapter 7 huh. AND THE DOODLES ON RHE SIDES ARE TOO CUTE- 😩
Epel yapping on about Cloche and totally not suspiciously asking Ashi about her roommate- Ashi internally sweating bullets when Epel doesn’t realize that everything he describes is the cat maid making up excuses to avoid him-
Also take this… Cloche walking up to Niko days later and asking for a bone marrow pop, and it takes Niko a few seconds to realize it was a joke 😭😭 Slow burn friendship trust-
Really, it’s so wild that it’s been 2 years- So glad to have you here and to celebrate with you again !! I think you really blessed my pome pulls with this one- seriously- man came on the 30th pull twice- Ilyyyyy If makes me super happy to see you in my notifs as well and may we continue to interact in the future!
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lucky-fy · 2 months
I’d like to draw something for Farcille this week. Both for lesbian visibility week (even if I headcanon Marcille as bisexual) and to appease the flames that will undoubtedly come my way for Laimay
Would drawing them as Warrior Cats be something people would like to see? Them as kitty cats? Would Falin be a medicine cat? Marcille half-clan? Name suggestions?
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I already drew lesbian wc before, ehe (ClanGen OC).
EDIT: discussed with friends, and we settled for the names Featherheart for Falin (bird association, the feathers (you know the ones), her soft but also repressed nature...).
However, we're still hesitating for Marcille... We like -quill as a suffix (sounds reminiscent to the -cille of her name, while alluding to her more... prickly nature. And has a bird association too... Farcille...). But we'd like opinions for the prefix!
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coupleoffanfics · 9 months
Gotham Isekaied Reader
I have an idea. It's nothing new. I wrote nearly 5 pages of this idea, but I'm too scared to post it since it's filler and I even drew a cover. So I will ramble about this idea through headcanon. Some Jerome x Reader, I’m sorry. I can’t help myself. CW: One mention of suicide.
y/n wakes up to find that her life has gotten a major upgrade. Any flaws that her family has is erased. Did mom drink away stress? Now she doesn’t even touch alcohol. Dad isn’t smoking away his life. Her older brother is a law-abiding citizen who is studying to become a lawyer. Her younger brother is more positive about life and growing up in a home that they wished they had.
Not to mention that they’re rich. She no longer lives in a bad neighborhood and sleeps in a snazzy mansion.
Life is looking up until y/n turns on the TV with a news story about a man killing corrupt people with weather balloons.
She sits there thinking, ‘This was nice, but I should be getting back home.’
Maybe y/n’s close friends with Bruce beforehand. That’s when she realizes that she has to learn about the other y/n’s life. She can’t risk telling anyone about “we’re in a shitty TV show” without everyone considering throwing her into a mental institution. Tough luck because she ends up in Arkham regardless.
She writes down plotlines that she remembers. Making files on the character that she has met. Her files are hidden away in her room and aren't brought up later down the line when a certain person finds them.
How y/n ends up in Arkham is complicated. I want y/n to be completely sane through our POV, so she’s not going to be “I’m so insane and quirky”. Maybe she’s framed or killed someone in self-defense. Well, okay, I have thought out what gets her thrown into Arkham, but I don’t think anyone would find it interesting.
During her trial, the prosecutor will use her history of depression and suicide attempts to paint her as a homicidal. The whole trial is fishy, yet ends with her being locked up.
Bruce believes y/n when she says she hasn't done anything and promises to get her out of there. Legally of course.
Alfred probably tries to keep Bruce from visiting because Arkham has a reputation and doesn’t want him to be anywhere near there. The poor boy is going through too much in a short amount of time. 
So Bruce will send Selina to deliver anything. Or they both run away to visit y/n. When they come back to the manor and Alfred is questioning them, they both lie by saying that they’re somewhere else.
Bruce just wants to make sure his bestie is alright. Selina is just along for the ride but might visit y/n even when she doesn’t need to.
While in Arkham y/n is vibing in her little corner when Jerome starts bugging her. Might tell him about some plotlines just to see if anyone would believe her.
Jerome just laughs it off and starts orbiting y/n because she’s interesting. She tends to ramble and mumble to herself, for some reason he finds it so cute.
“You’re kind of funny, but I wouldn’t call you a joker.” She says before thinking, ‘Because legally you aren’t him. Thanks a lot, higher-ups.’
He writes about her in his diary and uses any stickers that she gives him. ‘Yeah, she's weird. Calling people characters and saying that we aren’t real, but she’s my little weirdo. I also got another pack of Hello Kitty stickers from her.’ Then he proceeds to doodle her with crayons.
When Theo Galavan surprise adopts them, Jerome starts taking y/n’s words more seriously. Still doesn’t believe her when she says he and everyone aren’t real. Like how is that possible? He feels real, oh whatever he has no time for that.
At the manor, Bruce is freaking out and dialing Jim begging him to save his bestie from that homicidal ginner. Theo has to make it seem like y/n is a hostage since she refuses to do any killing and Jerome has scary dog privilege.
‘They aren’t real. They aren’t people.’ She’d try to tell herself, but she just can’t bring herself to try to hurt someone. y/n is one of those freaks who try to drive safely in GTA without running over anyone or anything.
She doesn’t think that her words mean anything and that everything will follow the script. Until she tells Jerome to take an extra lighter with him. She’s chilling by herself when the news shows footage of a burnt bus and the news anchor talking about the cheerleaders who lost their lives.
That’s when y/n starts thinking over everything she’s said. She debates whether or not she should tell Jerome about Theo’s betrayal.
‘The show does start declining in ratings when he’s killed off. I could be doing the writers a favor, but what about the people? No, characters. They’re just characters! They aren’t real!’
In the end, Jerome is killed off and she’s put back into Arkham. Everyone is surprised by how calm she is after Jerome’s death. Not upset or anything. Like weren’t they close? Maybe their relationship was more one-sided.
Jim will question y/n and she might let a few things slip. Most brush her words off as they believe that she has some sort of Stockholm syndrome and is angry at Theo for killing her captor.
Back at Arkham, y/n yells, “FUCK!” When seeing Hugo Strange.
When Theo is dealt with, Jim will visit her or send her a thank you card for pointing him in the right direction regarding the investigation.
I’m getting tired and I might continue writing about this.
But I was going to have y/n be free from Arkham when some evidence regarding her case comes out. y/n will be outwardly passive throughout the story.
In the end, I was going to have y/n be the one who becomes Joker. Maybe she falls into a tub of chemicals. Don’t worry darling you aren’t going to be deformed like Jeremiah at the end. You’ll look different, but still smoking hot. 😘
Anyway seeing the physical change, her dwindling hope of getting back home, and her mental state being worn out. She decides to step up and take the name of Joker.
Bruce angst all the way. Maybe angst for other characters, but I could see this tearing him apart. He’s forced to watch his closest friend be replaced by a cackling monster. To then eventually start fighting against her.
She doesn’t react to being called y/n anymore, but she’ll give Batman/Bruce a melancholy look if he calls her by that. He doesn’t call her y/n often because that wasn’t y/n. y/n l/n was dead and there was no way she was coming back.
The theory of Joker being sane will ring true to y/n. She knows this isn’t real. It’s just fiction and any good piece of fiction needs a good villain. Since she’s not making it back home, she’ll make things fun.
Or multiple endings because those are always fun.
“Jerome? Jeremiah? Never heard of them.”
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cyborg-franky · 1 year
Hi Franky! Can i ask for a modern AU with Uta x male!reader spending some time togheter? (singing and play music or going to eat something) thanks! 💖
I didn't do male reader, oops! Also this is my first ever EVER EVER time writing adult Uta so I hope I didn't mess up. It's hard when her only canon personailty is a child or... ya know.
Uta x GN Reader SFW Modern AU WC: 570
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Uta stared out the window, watching the drops of rain cascade down the glass, she took in a deep breath and sighed. Her breath fogged up the window, she drew an unhappy face on the fog her breath created before she adjusted. She hugged her knees to her chest, resting her chin on her knees.
You hated to see her feeling down, you guessed it was because the weather was miserable, it always had an impact on your girlfriend. It meant she couldn't go and sing in the garden or go and visit her brothers. 
Another sigh before you came up behind her, you put hands on her shoulders, gently shaking her. “Wanna go out? I know what will cheer you up,” You smiled down at her as she leaned back, her bright eyes shining up at you as her frown turned into a smile.
You knew she’d wanted to try out this new cafe ever since she’d heard about it on one of the influencer videos she watched. As soon as she stepped foot inside her eyes widened in wonder as glanced around. Seeing all the cool musical-themed decorations, cute plushies, and colorful designs.
“Here? Really?” She said, clapping her hands together as you were both shown your seats, under a fake Sakura tree in the corner with pink neons and flowers everywhere, she clung to your arm as the waitress set the menu in front of her.
She got a latte with foam that looked like a kitty, sandwiches cut into hearts, and an assortment of delicate little cakes with music themes. She was loving it, she took so many pictures. She held up her phone and gave a peace sign, nudging you to pose. You chuckled and copied her as she pressed the button.
“That’s a cure photo of us, I’m going to post it.” Uta proclaimed with the biggest grin on her face as she updated her profile picture. You just smiled, she was so much more alive and bouncy now you were out together.
After your lunch you took her by the hand, leading her into the back, she blinked but followed. Down the brightly lit stairs and to a row of rooms. She quirked her visible brow at you before you opened the door to the room you booked. 
“This is the best,” She said when she realized there was a karaoke room.
There was no way you could keep up with her or even do a duet but you loved to hear her sing, you loved when she danced and sang and smiled. You loved her and loved her vibrancy. She ran to the stage and hit the screen, looking through the selection of songs, and stamped her feet, giddy that some of her favorite bands were listed. You sat down at the table and watched her. 
After she sang a few songs for you and only you, your own private show to your girlfriend's beautiful voice, always amazed she could come up with dances on the fly, she was one of the most talented people you’d ever had the joy of meeting.
She flopped down next to you, letting out a breath, you held her close and kissed her forehead as she looked up, leaning up and stealing a kiss. A giggle snuck out at your surprised reaction, her arms around your neck.
“Thank you! Today was perfect..” she sighed happily. 
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totaldramayuri · 7 months
for the requests thing i think id die if u drew emma (either the tdi emma or the rr emma idc!! theyre both great!!)
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ummm I got a little silly and drew both!!!! AND kitty, she kinda just snuck in after I found a rly cute pic of the sisters while looking for refs :]
also my hope for s2 tdi emma visualised <3 she cuts chase out of her life FOR GOOD this time. it’s clear she’s been in a toxic relationship for so long she is searching for the smallest forms of validation that he would actually treat her right, so I really really hope she realises she deserves better (and gets chase booted off 😁)
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lnx1ynight16 · 4 days
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I’m sorry if I hadn’t made an actual post (that wasn’t a repost) in a while. Just had to deal with shit in life… Anyways let’s just get on with the picture of my MLP OC that I drew!
Lnx1y (Pronounced Links-Lee) is a female overlander who is an MLP OC. She is a social butterfly and loves making friends. She is also a student at the School of Friendship.
Lnx1y was born in the Overland, more specifically Jawu Island. (I will come up with more of her backstory btw!!) When Lnx1y turned 15 she enrolled in the School of Friendship having been brought to Ponyville by Princess Ika to represent the overlanders. Lnx1y being the social butterfly that she is, of course she made new friends, mainly with the Young 6. Of course Lnx1y has her own group of friends (Don’t worry, I will post about them sometime) Lnx1y is also apart of the School of Friendship cheerleading squad, which she loves as she is very energetic and flexible.
Miscellaneous info:
Likes: Making friends, the Overland, the young 6, the mane 6, Spike, Starlight Glimmer, Princess Ika, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, cheerleading, dancing, making others laugh, cute things, plushies, Confetti Kei, sweet foods, Hari Libur, Hearths Warming, horror films, creepy things
dislikes: Bullies, Queen Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, Lord Tirek, spicy foods, being lonely, bad dreams, being bored, drama, being underestimated, being sick, being yelled at
Hair colour: Purple. Eye colour: Pink. Skin colour: Lavender. She wears a purple shirt with shimmery thingys it. She also wears a blue shirt and a blue bow. Sometimes she wears a purple pink kitty cat helmet (mainly to cover her antennae) but not all the time. She also has star freckles and facial markings
Originally posted: June 6 2024 7:45 PM
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carbuckety · 1 year
Can you please draw Jemima? I’m dying inside over her.
okay this request is only like 4 months old im not late shhhHH
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Look out, kid, it's something you did! 🌕
design notes:
She's looking up at the Jellicle Moon.....
As per the poll requested, I drew Cats. And as you requested on Feb 5 (aughhh so long ago), I drew Jemmy! For her pose I took a picture of myself and mostly used that as a base bc i was having a r e a l hard time finding references for the pose I wanted her to have. Also because you waited so long you get a full-body kitty. :D
Mostly stuck to replica production looks on this one. Not much to say, just... <3 <3 baby. She's so cute. Also I felt like my style was kind of looking like Dididems' in the beginning but it kinda phased out in the end. XD This was my first time drawing a Jellicle digitally and I did it with my finger so the crosshatching was really difficult! I think it turned out okay though. Oh and her shoes are just what the original concept art shows, because I tried drawing her shoes the way they actually are in her costume now but it looked like crap. Oops. Anyway hope u like!! <33
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lifmera · 18 days
HIHIHI, I was wondering if you could match me up with a Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, and a Sally face character? IF THAT'S TOO MANY YOU CAN JUST DO ONE OR THE OTHER
OOKAY so, basic info, yappa yappa, I'm not good at thiisiss
My name is Sophie, I am Hispanic though I know NOTHING about Spanish UHUSHSU🤺🤺 I and gender fluid (They/She/He), I'm a January Aquarius (if that matters), and a INTP/INFP
Personality wise : I guess I'm an ambivert? MOST OF THE TIIMMMEE I'll mirror one's personality, but in general, it depends how close I am with said person 💪😼 Once you get to REALLY know me, I have little to no filter (in the right situations), I can be really sarcastic, really sexual (in a joking manner/as long as the other party is okay with it), affectionately insult, and I curse like a witch being trialed. I get irritated easily though, but I (try) to keep that to myself, being a people pleaser. Oh, I tell a joke? It's a dad joke. My love languages are gift giving, and depending on the person, a bit of physical touch (Side hugs, hand holding, ECT.)
FOR MY STYLEE... I REALLY think it's a huge mix of dark clothes: Goth, Adam Sandler, skateboard, Grunge, ECT., though I'm REALLY open minded!
I saw some people talk about their physical appearance.. SO LETS DO IITT : Brown, wavey hair that goes all the way to my lower back (I WANNA CUT IT AHHH), bangs that I absolutely DO NOT know how to style, somewhere between tan-white skin, roundish-almond, brown eyes, upper lip beauty mark, rectangular body shape with MEAT IN THE THIGHS RAHH 🥓🍖 My nose is straighter than I am, y'all
I LOOVVE Wine, literally heaven on earth. I also love drawing, animating, singing, writing, doing random voice overs, doing voice impressions, music (Mostly metal, rock, Goth, alt/indie, electronic), anything horror, insects, space, reptiles, basically any animal, anatomy, origami, and some other stuff I forgot about.
Some extra stuff about mee, I am usually very closed off and try to be polite until I have a deep friendship with a person, I am THE total fucking opposite. I love the internet, it literally raised me, therefore, I will cherish it (most of the time at least). I am literally a perfectionist, like AHHHH. I am very naive, like help me, I've caused so many problems with my naiveness 😭😭🤺
I LOVE daydreaming, why be in the real world when you can star off into space and pretend you're in another? Despite being the youngest in my family, I am surprisingly the one who acts like an older sister. I LOVE BABIES!!! Like, my step-aunt had a baby ALSO named Sofie, and I got to hold her AHSHAHHZH. I can be a bit hypersexual (FUCK YOU TRAUMA), But I know how to control it because I'm just like that 💪😼👹
I'm SOO sorry if this is too lengthy
I hope you're having a wonderful day/night! Thank you in advance if you DO match me with a character
HI LOVE!!!!! OFC!!2!1!1!
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Although you don’t realize it at first, it’s really easy to get along with husk. Even if you aren’t drinking!!
I think your personality drew this kitty in!! Although he doesn’t mind the sexual jokes, he would prefer to keep them to a minimum. He loved when you are sarcastic with him- or make jokes. Thats his humor as well, and loves to indulge in someone who has similar humor!!
Although you get irritated quickly- he can tell immediately. HE KNOWS EVERYTHING. He will being you somewhere quiet/alone and away from people and talk to you about it.
He would try to help you NOT be a people pleaser, def the guy to stick up for you and tell that person to do it themselves.
Although his love language seems to be quality time- he doesn’t mind any!! He’ll feel bad to take gifts from you tho :(
He’d enjoy watching your outfits!! One day he’ll ask you to be goth- another adam!! He thinks anything you wear is cute on you.
If you love wine, he’ll MAKE sure he always has it in stock for you- let alone let anyone else order it. Probably hides it too.
He’d love to hear about your interests, or new animations, or even hearing you sing!!
Even if you’re naive!! He will be your bodyguard. Literally might be so annoying but he’s up your ass.
Even if you think you have imperfections- to him you don’t. And he will make sure you know that!!
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Come on. I think you and Larry would bond over your culture!! He also does NOT know any Spanish. LOSER ALERT. (Hc: he probably only understands it but fucks up pronunciation)
Your personality suits him sm. Cursing like a sailor? Him too. If you mirror his personality? Loves you. If you get close to him? Love you more. If you are sexual? He’ll play back don’t worry!!
Style, style, style. HE LOVES IT SO MUCH OH MY GOD. Everyday he looks forward to what you’re gonna wear, and probably goes all googly eyes. Cause he’s a loser like that!!!
He’ll definitely be a gift giver too, he’ll share his drugs (if you are into that. If not thats cool too!!) He’ll paint you all the time!!
Would drink with you 24/7. He probably wouldn’t drink wine though. He’d say it’s too “elegant”.
He loves your hair sm. You both have similar hair AHHH!!! he probably braided ur hair and his together once, or it got stuck head banging!!
Begs you to sing sanity falls while he paints. He absolutely LIVES to hear you sing.
Indulges in anything you like- will try it out ONCE. If he likes it, he’ll join you for more! Or just to spend time with you :)
Would probably love the internet too if he was raised off it.
Also sooooo naive. Two peas in a pod.
He would daydream with you. (As in he gets high and pretends he’s in lala land.)
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Literally definition of “have to be close to get each others personalities”
Understands that it’ll take time for you to show your true personality- but him too.
He will also make sarcastic remarks to you, and engage in playful banter!!! If you make a sexual joke- don’t think he wont flirt with you. He will.
More of a physical touch guy!! He wants to make sure you aren’t leaving him. He’s scared to keep losing people.
Not a wine drinker- but probably an alcoholic under the covers. Or maybe he drinks a shit ton when he’s stressed and regrets it.
LOVES your thighs. Would eat them!
At first he thought you were insane, but slowly started to love your style- and he now sometimes dresses in it. Even while sneaking to the human realm!
Definitely not an art driven guy. He’s bland but he gotta work! And on that note, has BEGGED you to join !!! And if you did- he’d get your art and use that to lure victims. Play guitar? Slash them behind a tree. Sing? They die backstage. Photography/Drawings/Animations? Once they leave into an alley they are done for!!
Will probably want to start a family with you- or hope you can at least get through to loona. He cherishes her soooo much!!
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Hi, Hello i‘m Taluvi, but you can call me Tallie if you want. I usually just reblog fandom stuff. on rare occasions though, I actually post art! Sometimes i also just scream into the void.
fandoms I’m in:
the riordanverse, She-ra and the princesses of power, the owl house, keeper of the lost cities, avatar the last airbender & the legend of Korra, the dragon prince, the Nevermoor series, Atelier of witch hat, mcyt (hermitcraft, empires smp & live series)
My Tags (I don’t always use these, so sorry in advance):
#taluvi draws stupid things = art i drew with my very own hands :)
#just yapping = my thoughts and original post
#I don’t go here but holy shit! = really cool fanart for fandoms i‘m not in :)
#KITTY!!! = cute cats! I repeat, CUTE CATS!!!
#taluvi-writes-stupid-things = My writing
my profile picture
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andforlovessake · 2 months
✿ My Creepypasta Headcannons List Pt. 1 ✿
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Original: Jeffrey Woods/Hodek/Mason
My Version: Kai Roman Hodek
Younger brother to Andrew, Jeff calls him Drew for short.
Drives a beat-up truck that his dad gave him when he got his license.
Enjoys collecting knives.
Has very prominent, blue sanpaku eyes.
Around 6'0; about the same height as his brother.
Asocial, leaning more on the quiet side (particularly when he was in high school).
Observant (has a staring problem, lol), but helpful when there are bad people around.
Bit of an asshole.
Doesn't have noticeable facial scars, but has scars on other parts of body.
Super good at swimming and athletic things, but didn't play sports in high school because he thought it was a waste of time.
Not pale because of bleach, just natural skintone.
Anger issues, and is really bad at confessing his feelings.
But speaks him mind in ways that are insensitive to others.
And when he genuinely cares about someone, he would do whatever it takes to protect them.
Has a deep, gravely voice that is a bit husky (kinda like David Near's interpretation or BadHabitASMR on YT).
Has many piercings (industrial on left ear, various rings on helix, septum, gauges eyebrow, and snake bites).
Wears lots of rings and paints his nails black.
Has a tattoo on his upper arm (maybe an intricate skull or patchwork tattoos).
Wears hoodies, pull-overs, overall, sweaters, sweatpants, baggy jeans, and combat boots.
Has a Siberian Husky named Axel <33.
Overt manipulator :(
Original: Eyeless Jack
My Version: Daniel Isaac Washington <3
Is Black and wears locs with hair accessories, twists, and fros.
Intelligent, perceptive (knows Kai likes Whitney), and sweet.
Cambion (half demon, half human).
Has a deeper, sultry voice.
Loves reading in his free time, and his favorite aesthetic is dark academia (thus he dresses this way).
Is cognizant of his demonic side and tries to feed on animals instead of humans, but sometimes it falls through and he feels guilty.
Has gauges.
Is not blind, just has blacked-out eyes.
Sometimes wears glasses.
Def listens to Tool and A Perfect Circle. Will indulge Jeff in his heavier music, but prefers classic and avant-garde and prog rock.
Named local stray cat that he cares for 'Kobe'. He is Black kitty :3.
Friends with Kai.
Can sometimes over-analyze people and make them feel negatively about themselves without meaning to do so. Like, he would overuse logic in situations that also require emotions. He is trying to work on it!!!
Covert manipulator :/
Original Character: Liu Woods/Hodek/Mason
My Version: Andrew (Drew) Finn Hodek
Jeff's older brother.
Has similar features to Jeff but has short, brown hair and prominent green eyes.
Has a white kitty :)
Mellow and chill.
Tends to see the bright side in things, which can get him in trouble at times.
Really likes hiking and anything outdoors.
Has to get his crazy ass brother together sometimes.
Enjoys Indie Rock.
Does not have facial or bodily scars.
Closer to their parents. They were not abusive physically, but were emotionally absent, leading to Kai demonstrating the same behaviors. Drew more often got along with his parents whereas Kai was always pegged as the "bad kid." Therefore, it has caused a bit of a rift between them.
Has a hard time understanding his brother's emotions, but mostly because Kai has a hard time letting him in.
Overall, Kai views Drew as being too passive and Drew views Kai as being too judgmental.
Original Character: Sally Williams
My Version: Sallie Ann Noel
She's so cuteee <333
A little Black girl, 8-10 years old.
Wears her natural hair, such afro puffs :))))
Isn't a ghost.
Sweet and cute.
Views Whitney as an older sister, calls her Winnie :)
Really likes playing with Axel.
Has lots of plushies, but her favorite is her bunny.
Needs glasses but only wears them sometimes (Whitney has to remind her to wear them).
Is precious and must be protected at all costs.
Enjoys listening to genres of music.
Has a small ginger cat :)
Super accepting of everyone and is non-judgmental.
Is willing to do things for others, but sometimes hurts others in the process such as stealing or destroying things to give to others.
You just gotta sit down with her and tell her that you can't just pull flowers out of the neighbors yard just because she'd think they'd look pretty in your hair :')
Original Character and My Version: Tobias Erin Rodgers
Has Congenital Insensitivity to Pain and Anhydrosis (CIPA). Due to this, he also has dermatillomania/excoriation (skin-picking) which often leads to him bleeding. He does this ALOT when he is immensely stressed out.
Side Note: Because he doesn't feel pain, he has hella piercings, like about the same amount if not more than Kai. Likewise, he would try to freak his friends out by pulling on them, but one time he pulled too hard and his skin came with it. Thankfully, he hasn't done it since.
Normally quiet and inward, though if provoked his anger becomes more outwardly visible. He is better able to keep it under control versus Kai, but will still lash out if messed with.
Moreover, Kai will bother him to get a reaction, leading him to dislike Kai.
Tries to mask his tics, causing them to sound strained in his voice and body. They are more pronounced when he is feeling intense emotions such as anger or anxiety.
His mother is alive but he cannot bring himself to visit her. He still feels somewhat guilty for what he did to his "father".
Hides many of his insecurities by pushing others away.
Used to be sympathetic to others but became jaded overtime. It takes a longer time to form a friendship with him.
But, once he warms up to someone, he will also be super loyal to them. Moreover, physical touch would be his platonic and intimate language!! This mf will SMOTHER YOU.
He just really needs a hug, he's touch-starved :'(
Original Character: Ben Drowned
My Version: Benjamin (Ben) Evan Hope
Loves Smashing Pumpkins and shoegaze in general.
Can be a brat and complains when he doesn't get what he wants.
Enjoys dancing and is really good at it.
Friends with mostly everyone, but is close with very few people that really know him.
Has extreme anxiety but masks it with humor.
Chill and relaxed (but low-key likes to watch drama play out). But, if things get too heated, he'll step in as a voice of reason (usually between Ben and Toby since he is friends with both of them).
Homebody, but will go out to parties occasionally.
And when he does, he is the LIFE of the party, which can turn into him having the worst hangover the next day because he indulged too much :(
Sometimes, he appears to not take things seriously, but in reality he has a hard time facing the stressful thing that is happening.
Original Character and My Version: Clockwork/Natalie (Nat) Rachel Outlette
Is SUPER hard to warm up to at first.
She tends to be like Kai and say things that are on her mind that can be insensitive, but she really doesn't care how others take it.
She jokes in a way that comes off as rude, but once you warm up to her and become friends, she'll literally be like a guard dog.
For example, she is closer to Toby and will fight Kai for bothering him, but Toby usually tries to stop her because. he doesn't want her involved.
She's just super loyal but can also be territorial to new people.
It's something that she knows she does, but she kinda is okay with it since it can drive bad people away (but then it is hard for her to make friends).
Is a natural leader and is really good at organizing things or handling intense conflict (outside of fighting).
Is the first one to calm people down and make them think clearly.
I will make a part 2 eventually and I have faceclaims for mostly all my characters, just still figuring them out :)
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nebulousboops · 5 months
Hello it's draw box review time :) as well as guessing who drew it for funsies. It's long to I'll put a cutoff here
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Littlest Clive I ever did saw! looks like I could squish him. Pretty sure this was sam. cookie lord themself. 375618742394/10
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CLIBE!!!! Are the yellow hearts because he's thinking about Emmy? 1000% sure this was my good good friend Nina 854327043359/10
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The alfredo man! Also a very concerning Lucy in the corner, she's invoking a kitty 80932475013897/10
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SAMMY THUNDER BABY!!!!! This is perfect, no notes, incredible, outstanding, amazing, showstopping, revolutionary, 39148578109354/10
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I'm liking how pink this professor is :) 81347560981344/10
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INCREDIBLE. I love this Clive so much, he's so cute, always love when people draw him a little blushy and disconcerted. Also all of these being done in the UI of the draw box??? insane. Anyway I think this was Ailius? 89314758235091/10
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A wonderfully encouraging Des! For those who don't wanna tilt their head sideways, it says "Great Work!" The way this is drawn, it kinda looks like he's on a playing card, and it's very cute 389142750982137/10
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KITTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know if this is a little guy from something I don't know about but kitty!!!!! 273985798234380/10
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bylertruther · 2 years
the party + social media headcanons
mike would be a twitch streamer. certified #gaymer that'll play pretty much anything. malds real fucking bad (but not in a serious, toxic way just in a funny he's a sore loser that gets dunked on way) and gets baited by his chat all the time. definitely had a moment like this and when disaster struck he just immediately ended the fucking stream lmao. he let his chat bully him into the heart rate monitor challenge exactly one time and never again because they wouldn't stop teasing him over how it went up whenever will teased him during a multi-player game. he plays with the party a lot, but people are always asking will and max to come on because they loooove will and love how max roasts the shit out of him. will drew/made his subscriber emotes ofc. on his just chatting days they'll rank things, discuss the latest star wars hot topic, or talk about movies and the art of storytelling.
dustin mostly posts on youtube. he makes videos showcasing his peculiar inventions, some of which are actually really cool engineering feats and others are more like that of the "unnecessary inventions" guy's work. he's always super happy and excited about whatever he's doing and it's really contagious. he always explains everything thoroughly and titles his videos like so: SUPER COOL TITLE HERE (REAL) (NOT CLICKBAIT!). he includes a blooper reel at the end with the jokes that (rightfully) didn't make the cut.
will is an art (+gaming ofc) streamer! he streams himself drawing on twitch and it's really laid back. he'll be working away while the chat-created playlist plays in the background, looking up intermittently to see what people are saying. people like to donate or use their points to say silly things / use any of the sound effects to get his attention. he uses the Good, Professional footage to make a timelapsed video for his youtube, because twitch is just for chilling. stream titles are something like "draw with me!", "boys night", "it's a paint kind of day", or "parallel play? on MY stream? it's more likely than you think". mike hangs around a lot and el lurks. he always says hi to people and tries to answer as many of his chatters as he can. when he games he LOVES to play horror games in the dark, especially the shitty ones. he gets lots of views on those. but he plays mostly anything, too! like nintendo speedruns or he'll play smash with his viewers. he also vlogs sometimes for his youtube. just amasses little clips throughout the week or month or whatever and tosses them together for fun and to work on his more creative editing skills. he goes through his banned list on twitch and lets the community decide if they get unbanned or not like it's a court trial or something lmao.
lucas is an instagram baddie. he doesn't even try to be one, he just is. gets hella fucking likes and comments including these emojis: 😳🫠😍🔥. writes really sweet captions. makes stupid fucking bank on ads and promos. likes to post really embarrassing zoomed-in pictures of mike and dustin on his story when they hang out, then one of himself to even it out. you already Know he's got hella selfies with max and candid shots of her<3. he and will do cute poses whenever they snap a pic together, and there's a really cute snap of lucas and the twins where their cheeks are all squished together n they're cheesin' real hard (it was them out and about downtown). has a video where he makes a shot with his back turned and the entire party's going crazy cheering, shaking him, screaming, etc etc.
max would explode my head with her mind if she heard me say this, but she's also an instagram user. she posts lots of videos of her skating. she'll post her landing a new trick and then the 3984039 times she wiped out beforehand. also takes pics of her favorite tagger's (zombie boy) work. posts selfies where she's all scraped up after wiping out or where she's got a hello kitty band-aid on her face (courtesy of el, of course). a lot of her pictures are more artsy, like instead of taking a selfie, she'll take a picture of your shoes side by side, blurry candids of whoever she's hanging out with, or pictures of places she's been. doesn't always caption them, because she likes to be mysterious. replies to the party's comments and not very many other people's.
el is mostly the girl behind the camera. she takes a lot of max's videos and pictures, helps will set up his camera when he's doing a rare tutorial, and helps mike decide which picture to use whenever he posts something. still, she does her own thing, too! she loves to post her crafts on instagram and twitter. she makes jewelry and trinkets to sell on etsy. always takes pictures of her food, her good outfits, and herself. :) her instagram has a theme and she posts updates on twitter. she always likes the party's posts and comments on them. if she's lurking on someone's stream, she'll take a picture of her screen and text it to them with a random emoji. she also posts a lot of pictures of her friends with captions so sweet they'll make your teeth rot. she likes to take the party's phones and sneak a silly selfie of herself and never tell them about it lmao. takes a super zoomed in picture of you when you're not looking and texts it to you with "hi :)" attached.
byler-specific headcanons
will and mike are always on the same team if they can be.
they fucking DOMINATE at codenames, but e|max did sweep the floor with them in two rounds once which they claim was bc of cheating.
they also play lots of minecraft (yes they put their beds next to each other n share loot thank u) (and by "share loot" i mean mike drops cool shit for will and will drops bread n meat whenever mike is getting his ass handed to him). sometimes will walks up to him and mike pauses what he's doing to turn around and will just whacks him before running away or digging a hole beneath himself. will never drops anything valuable for him because every single time he's done it, mike goes and dies in the most stupid way possible right after lmao.
mike is one of will's mods and he'll ban anyone for anything.
will is one of mike's mods, too. sometimes he comes to mike's defense when ppl are clowning him, but other times he'll just make it worse by sharing an embarrassing anecdote<3 LMAO
if will is streaming, mike always chooses to raid him and it makes will smile and blush every time.
mike hates backseat gamers and it's a bannable offense for everyone except will ofc, who is coincidentally one of the worst backseat gamers of all time lmao.
will roasts mike's taste whenever he's ranking movies on stream. they get into it but come to an eventual compromise over star wars. will tells him he's hopeless n mike is trying to respond but the chat is going crazy with sound effects and spamming L in the chat which makes mike pretend to end the stream by putting his "thank you for watching" title card up on screen lmaoooo
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monkeybell · 3 months
Oof school interview. Been there. They can suck. Would have enjoyed them more if mine had Pokémon though, just saying
Oh.. it’s Bibble— I mean Charmander… Because Charmander sounds like that now… yeah. It’s cute but also like why it sound like that? ^^;
Aww Liko drew Ann! That’s so cute! She looks like a Mii XD
✨Here comes the boi!✨ Oshawott is here!! My lil baby. Hearing Oshawott’s voice takes me back to the good old days of watching BW which was also funnily on Netflix. Oop, there’s Goh’s voice too! The guy who filled the dex now becomes the dex
And here’s Kitty. Oh wait, that’s how you pronounce Sprigatito? You’d think with how much I love Pokémon that I would know how to say their names .-.
Falling off building #1. How convenient that Snorlax is there. Don’t blame her tho, I would throw myself off a building if it was my pets or Pokémon
Damn that was a big cut. Went from early morning to sunset. That came out of nowhere lmao. Aw Liko’s drawing of Sprigatito is cute too. Ok wow they are breezing through this. Do they really need to speed so fast?? I was hoping we would see the school more but damn they really just do not care about it and want to move right along. Feels rushed ngl. Kinda disappointing. Also know I’m supposed to be rooting for Liko and Sprigatito but yay Oshawott and Ann won the training! Sorry, you are gonna see me be biased towards the pair a lot
They have security guards at the school? Why do I find that so funny? So 10 year olds can leave home and own potentially dangerous Pokémon but they can’t go out after curfew? Pfft. Not trying to sound negative but I was not expecting them to rush through just the first episode alone. So much is going on and the pacing feels like this is more of a limited series than a show that already has 40(?) episodes.
Kitty toe beans I repeat kitty toe beans!
Oh maybe that’s why they have security at the school. The volt tacklers as casually stalking the place and people. This is probably the wildest first episode of a show I have ever watched but yet I’m so invested i love it
Spirgatito’s leafage 🤝 Axew’s Dragon rage
HUH— Amethio, when did you become a heavy smoker?! That voice is deep and hoarse 😭
Annnnd there goes Ann and Oshawott. Because the show just hates them ig. o7’s for the chads. And the school is already on break. Bro I WISH school was like that.
“She said you would be suspicious.” 🚩🚩🚩 Someone get the school security! Well where are they now?! What are they on break too? Geez
Friede’s voice is ok I guess? He sounds older than he probably is but at least he ain’t the teenager smoker or however old Amethio is
Damn ceruledge sounds badass hello
Ok and that’s episode one! So uh… not what I was expecting. It’s definitely not bad but it was rushing imo. I’ll be watching episode 2 and then be done with the watch for the day. Also figured it would be easier to chart my thoughts down all at once instead of making separate posts.
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sashkapi · 10 months
This is my first time sending you an ask because I was shy, but I was just binge-scrolling your profile (again), and I just wanna say never apologize for making more beautiful content about kbsd, especially the kindall ones :'3
Like, mygosh, you have no idea how many times your updates have made my day because I am also STARVING for kbsd and kindall content kebdjshwjdbsjsjc You're honestly such a blessing for that special place in my heart reserved for just kindall HAHAHAHAHA Like damn, where you've been after all these years T-T
But anyway, I super love your headcanons about kindall, and also just kbsd in general. I wanna ask you so many stuff like how tall do you think Kick would be compared to Kendall when they grow older? Do you think Hansel would like Kick when Kindall finally gets a little closer to the friendship side of things or will Hansel be super overprotective over Kendall and basically hate Kick' guts lol ALSO, what do you think of Kendall and Gunther as friends? Or their dynamic as fellow class officers? It's been a while, but I remember there being an episode where Gunther won as president to the student council I think? And like, I'm lowkey sad that this wasn't ever mentioned or referenced again in another episode. Because on one hand, I do think Gunther is smart in certain aspects and this is a good way for him to show it, BUT ALSO, IMAGINE IF KENDALL SHOWED GUNTHER THE ROPES FOR ALL THESE STUDENT COUNCIL STUFF AND THAT'S HOW THEY GOT A LITTLE CLOSER AS FRIENDS? Sorry for the all-caps, I just think it'd be super cute if there was more content about the other friendships and connections between the side characters (especially for Kendall, cause I remember her celebrating her birthday alone on that one episode where Kick babysits Oscar I think, AND THAT'S JUST SO SAD AND SHE DESERVES BETTER)
But anyway, sorry for the super long and messy brain dump hahaha, but endpoint to all of this, just wanna say that I love the content you make and I'm super excited to see your other headcanons and comics. That's all, thank you so much for all that you do and I wanna send you virtual hugs (with consent) <33 Byeee!
Me, after I red this ask /pos
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Ok i'm gonna put the rest under the cut because OH I HAVE A LOT TO SAY
I actually drew their designs for like mid/late twenties for a quick joke and didn't put as much thought into that BUT KJGKDJFGJK
Ok so adult Kindall
I feel a bit embarrassed by just how strong of a grip those two have on me but chvyf I'm still gonna make content with them of course >:D
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We stan short king ayooooooooo
About Hansel and Kick
I like the idea that she's not overprotective over Kendall or likes Kick right away but a secret third thing: sees him as a rival for the rank of awesome's first place. Like whenever he visits Kendall Hasel goes "aight boy, square up!" And just starts acting cute and adorable because that what somewhat gave her first place in the past.
Her cuteness doesn't work on Kick of course but Kendall? She already loves Hansel very much so whenever Hansel "competes" with Kick by rolling on the floor or rubbing against Kendall's legs you know that Kendall will be borderline crying from how adorable her kitty is.
The fact that cat can easily take all of Kendall's attention like that doesn't makes Kick mad tho. But he sure is irritated by that. Frustrated even.
Hansel counts that as a win btw jfnfnnfkfk
Before this ask I just thought that they're neutral. Not friends, Gunther is also kinda wary of her but generally sees her as just a classmate. BUT YEAH THAT EPISODE ABOUT ELECTION. IT WOULD BE FUNNY IF THAT WAS AT LEAST MENTIONED BUT AAAAAAA
Now I kinda like the idea that Kendall was scheming to take Gunther's place after the episode. However, Gunther kinda realized that student council position? Not very hype. Barely any time to hang out. So Gunther genuinely asked Kendall for help. Like, Jacky is wack (affectionate) but Kendall is pretty much known for her love for the rules and academics so it's only logical. And at first Kendall wanted to use that to completely "overthrow" him but Gunther, being an absolute lovable funny guy he is, made her go "Ok, you can stay actually"
I like the idea that Kendall keeps Gunther from turning the school into a Nordic funny land and Gunther keeps her from turning the school into a literal prison. It's a win win situation
It's kinda implied that Mouth and Ronaldo are friends. Ronaldo had goons too (where did they go :( ) Also I really warming up to the idea that Kyle and Jackie became chaotic besties or even romantic partners (sorry Gunther x Jackie people, but Kyle x Jackie has more comedic potential to me)
I also wanted to see Kendall interact with more with her peers like jjdjgnjdndjfjck even if not friendly, just lemme see my girl being a menace
(Please know I am returning that virtual hug :) )
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