#also for the employee discounts probably
rotteneldritchhorror · 11 months
John D. Bad is so hardcore besties with Augustus, but they also hate each other in a way.
Also they both work at gamestop and that's how they know each other.
The Chosen actually also worked at gamestop before (mentioned it in trails of the Chosen, so this isn't even a hc), but I think he got fired. I need my fave NEET boy to stay a NEET
Also I fully agree that The Chosen doesn't really like John. He tolerates him mostly for Augustus. John on the other hand wants The Chosen to like him so fucking bad. Which also makes him jealous of Augustus because him and The Chosen get along so much better and he can't figure out what he is doing wrong.
My JDB hc/thoughts.
Oh 1000% agree, John fucking LOVES chosen, he thinks he’s so fucking cool (and hot probably-) and he wants to be his friend (and maybe boyfriend or at least duck buddy— he’s begging here) so fucking bad, he’s tried everything and chosen just resigns him to “the guy I talk about katanas with”
John is so fucking jealous of Augustus it’s crazy— like he’s besties with him— but also hates his guts cause he wants to be Chosen’s friend
Very unhealthy, very possessive and weird- just how I like my John d bad headcanons!
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kittykatinabag · 2 months
Bruh the "return-to-career-path-program" position I've been getting stringed along for like 2 months now through interviews and multi-week ghostings finally admitted that they can't find a good match for me in their program.
This is readily apparent to me by the second interview with the actual guy who would have been my boss when I asked him about what would happen if there hypothetically wouldn't be enough billable work and he did not have an answer for me.
And the recruiter lady had the gall to lie and say the interview I had went "very well" and that the guy I was talking to "very much enjoyed meeting me"
lol. lmao even.
Yeah, never applying for consulting jobs again.
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yesyourstalker · 11 months
Warabi: .............*sigh*................... Neta are you awake?
Warabi: ....... You want to start where we left off....heheheh..
Neta: ............................
Warabi: Neta you were asleep....... You didn't even know it was me... It's just a dream... You thought I was your dead childhood friend........ If that's not a mood killer ....
Neta: ......................
Warabi: You know ikkan if you tell him the truth he'll understand ........... really.. just tell him what happened he'll appreciate the honesty. You know that............ Stop worrying so much
Warabi:...............*sigh*...... goodnight
_______________________________________________neta:................ hello? Ikkan
Ikkan: hi.......
Neta: is something wrong?
Ikkan: I was going to ask the same thing......................
Ikkan:...................….......…... So what's wrong?
Neta:.... IkissedWarabi
Ikkan: I know
Neta.... I'm sorry I didn't mean it..... I was asleep..... You know I have weird dreams....especially when I'm stressed or anxious...... I'm sorry....
Ikkan: Neta
Neta: I would never hurt internally.....*crying*..... You do so much me... I'm sorry..... I can't imagine life without you..... I love ikkan....*crying*
Ikkan:........................ Neta.... babe..... Please stop crying.... so.......loud...
Neta: ........*sniff*..... What?......
Ikkan: I know that you kissed Warabi.....he called..... pulpo dream?...
Neta: yeah.......I'm sorry
Ikkan:........ It's ok... Hehe..... You've had that dream before.... kissed me many times......
Neta:...................................oh... Ok........you still love me?
Ikkan: I do........... Are you okay?
Neta: I'm fine
Ikkan: .are you taking your meds?
Neta: yes.............................. just not...............consistently ...............
Neta: Yes I know I need to fix that........ so what's wrong with you? You don't sound good.... How's the store?
Ikkan:...... Talk more about that later......... it's fine.... it's closed, I didn't open it today.... it's been closed for 2 days.... I............. I can't deal with people.....the mall lights give me a headache..... The food court smells terrible....... Customers are annoying.........I just closed I just told mahi to come to work when you're back .......... I'm sorry....I know you're losing money that way but I can't..... Running the store and my classes on top of it. You weren't there and I was worried
Neta: it's ok..... Are you okay now?
Ikkan: no.................... How was the mission?
Neta: It was good. You know a typical mission. mostly just played cards....................... your mom is walking this way you want me to-
Ikkan: love you bye
Neta: ok bye I love y- oh..... Colonel Kane
Koi-koi: his sweetie......(leaning in).... if someone tells me you were kissing another man again....... It will be your life. Do you understand?
Neta:.......*sweating*..... Yes ma'am
Koi-koi: good....... . They have cake in the cafeteria celebrating our big catch. Have some, saved you a nice corner piece [peck]
Mhai: he kissed you!?!
Warabi: yep
Mahi: with tongue and everything
Warabi: Yeah with tongue and everything, I had to turn him down unfortunately. What can I say I'm a heartbreaker..
Mahi: yeah right.....deel like you're twisting this
Warabi: is it hard to believe that he would fall in love with me??
Mahi:....... .............................................
Warabi: .................*sigh*......he was sleeping....
Mahi: yeah I can believe that
Warabi: asshole
Neta: no .... Thanks for the invite but I'm not really up for wahoo land.... Yes work starts...... You know what? Work can start in 2 days.... Give you a couple of days off to spend with warabi..... Yep..... mizole is fired?... Looks like I owe Candi money bye ................*sigh*............. I'm home!
Cirrina: dad! [Hug]
Neta: hey baby girl! Oof ...Don't hug too hard... Still a little sore heheh [kiss]................. where's ikkan?
Cirrina: he's out..... He said he needed to get something
Neta: ok......*yawn* I'm going to take a nap for now.. .. [kiss] heheh ok Cici
Neta: ........*snoring*............. Nnnnnn mnn..... What's that smell?
Ikkan: it's wonton soup... .
Neta: babe......... [Hug]..... Why didn't you wake me?
Ikkan: I just got back.... I just had to pick up some food and some other stuff......... You sleep well?.... you've been out for well over 5 hours....[Kiss]
Neta: honestly the best sleep I've had in 5 days.....* Stretch*.............is that crab stuffed dumplings.. and... The fried rice has a fried egg on top of fried rice? they only have that at jelly wok.... That's near your house....
Ikkan: why do you think it took so long?
Neta: ikkan.... you didn't have to have all of that....[kiss]
Ikkan: I know I wanted to...... You sounded like shit on the phone... wanted to make you feel a little better... I also bought a new weighted blanket, white noise machine... Some green #24 ink dye........ I also...... picked up your prescriptions..... That hasn't been picked up in a week..................
Ikkan:.........*sigh*....... I don't want to lecture you on your mental health but... you need to start taking responsibility and be consistent.... they only work when you take them...... you've been really worrying me this past couple of months...
Neta: I'm sorry ........ you're right...I'll do better.....
Ikkan: I hope so....... I have to leave in a couple days when you visit I hope I see some difference..... [Kiss].......
Neta: [kiss]........ hey I'm still in my uniform.... I might need some help after we eat
Ikkan: I can assist you with that.... hehehehe [kiss]
Neta:.... I love you
Ikkan....... I love you too.. [kiss]..... Don't kiss him again
Neta: ok
I heard Mahi was talking shit about @fish-at-fish-fish-resort but you didn't hear that from me
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teaboot · 1 year
One of the best parts about working at a sex shop is the employee discount, and yeah that means excellent deals on sex supplies but that's not the big brain part.
You come to my house. Something is cooking in the kitchen- it smells wonderful. What is it? It's novelty dick-shaped pasta. I've set up a sensual sexy Italian dinner. There are candles set up on the table. They're melting too fast, dripping everywhere- they're low temp waxplay pillar candles. For dessert, I serve you a delicious ice cream topped in penis-shaped rainbow confetti sprinkles and strawberry body paint drizzle, and afterwards, serve coffee with roasted hazelnut warming lube.
We play a board game while we drink. It's sexy monopoly. It's your turn. You roll the dice. They come up as 'whisper into' and 'butt'. I lost the original dice. We're using the sexy dice. You move four spaces.
After dinner, I run you a bath. A bubble bath. The bubble gel? Sensual ocean breeze. There are candles lined up around the tub. The scent is overpowering. Why? They're three-in-one fruit flavored massage oil candles. I'm using so much. It's so wasteful. Do you want to shave? I have conditioning shave cream that smells like limes. And an electric body razor, but you can't use that in the tub.
How about a bath bomb? You toss one in. It's cherry blossom scented. As it dissolves, three sexy bath sex suggestion cards fall out. They're all variations on doggy style, probably because fucking in a bathtub is probably the easiest way to break your hip.
The water cools. You get out an dry off with a novelty towel. If you wrap it around your chest, it looks like you have gigantic tatas bursting through the fabric like the Hulk.
You walk into the bedroom. I'm there, reading an instructional book titled "The Housewife's Guide To Every Day Stripping". I'm wearing a neck pillow designed to look like a massive curved weiner. Also a pair of fake leather bondage leggings and an oversized men's christmas T-shirt that says "Jingle My Bells" across the front.
I see you come in. I put down the book, take off the pillow. Offer you a massage. You accept. I already burned up all the massage candles so I pop a new bottle of CBD massage oil that says something wrong about Chakras on it. It's very gritty. That's because there's little chunks of amethyst in it for some fucking reason. It's fine, though. You say you don't mind.
I don't do massages very often. It's bad. You end up more tense than before. One of your muscles starts to cramp- it's okay. I whip out a bottle of Lidocane topical masculine performance numbing spray. You immediately feel like your shoulder went to the dentist. It's not ideal, but it's better than cramping.
You're not in the mood to bone after that. Which is good, cause I'm actually pretty asexual, but it hasn't come up yet so I'm relieved to avoid the conversation. Instead we get ready for bed. (The weather is terrible, and I insist you stay over.) I set up the futon, then realize it smells like cigarettes from the previous owner and shyly ask if you wanna cuddle in my room. You're down.
I crawl under the covers, placing my penis-shaped pink glitter pride bottle on the side table in case one of us wakes up thirsty. Once you're settled in, I turn off the glowing bare ass night light and the room goes black.
It takes a few seconds for your eyes to adjust, but when they do, you look up at the ceiling. It's dotted all over with little green flourescent lights. Are they plastic stars? No. I've pinned up a thousand glow in the dark condoms. God bless
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Yandere Manager When You Call in Sick
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“Wait what!?”
Your eyes are so heavy you can barely see
Your body too is like concrete
And the Hot and Cold chills changing from an inescapable savanna to the North side of the Arctic
It’s honestly a miracle you were able to call at all
For all his nagging and disturbing actions for the time being he is your official boss
It would be unprofessional not to say something
You also must be in such a haze because you only called him and not the assistant manager
After you make the call, you return to the pillow and you slip back into a feverish sleep
Of course unbeknownst to you the Manager is losing it
The other employees have probably gotten the gist after he launched a chair into the breakroom wall and began angrily mumbling to himself
“B-b-boss, why don’t you go visit them? Like, offer to take care of them!”
“Y-y-yeah j-j-j-ust give us the keys for lock up and you can go pick up some soup for them or something. Y-you still have their key right?”
Like an instant change of night and day, the Manager is all smiles as he easily wrenches the chair from the new hole in the wall
“Thanks, guys! I promise not to secretly apply those pay cuts I wanted to. I’ll also be sure to give you a pizza party. And for good measure, I won’t slash your tires. ”
“What?!” “Wait–”
With a skip in his step, Clyde is on his way to your house after visiting the local pharmacy and employing his manager's discount 
Ie: blackmail 
“Honey, I’m home! Have you eaten today? Drink any water?”
If it weren’t for the attempts at getting this man off your property 
But of course, he’ll stroll in with his copied key of yours
And for once you’ll probably appreciate it
Massages or icepack or heating pad whatever you want he pampers you beyond compare
Taking advantage of your feverish disposition to lick kiss the sweat on your body
“You’re so sweet, Honey! Even when your sick!”
After a swab on the inside of your cheek don’t ask why he wanted that+
And a little cuddle 
Then he starts doing your chores
Clothes, food prep, organizing, cleaning 
He gets to work
Taking the dirty undergarments or sucking on your toothbrush as compensation
It’s a nervous habit
Where he keeps himself busy because staring at your labored breathing scares him 
He’ll pop into check on you but for his health he can’t be by your side 24/7
At the end of the day, if your temperature hasn’t gone down, he might call his special doctor
Now don’t try asking for their  credentials–they’ll just ignore you
But they’ll make sure you’ll pull through from this 
“How are you feeling, my love? Better?”
“W-what are you doing in my house?”
“Now do you want takeout or homemade chili? Also, I don’t approve of your shift changes so you’ll have to come in your usual times.”
When you are well enough to physically push him out he’ll start concluding his visit
“GET OUT! And don’t come back!”
“So mean! You’re lucky I don’t dock your pay right now!”
For all his whining he is quite pleased
The haul was magnificent this time around
Part of its charm is the fact that you were in the house when he stole it
“Ah what a good day….it’s almost so good maybe I won’t slash my employees' tires anyway…,,,who am I kidding? That’s the best part of the weekend!”
More of Yandere Manager
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Grocery shopping with Steve Harrington should not be such an arousing task, but it is.
It so is.
Eddie swears on all of his calloused fingers that watching Steve strut down the cereal aisle with his little shopping cart is better than hand stuff.
Seriously. He always walks a few feet behind Steve, just to get the perfect view of that award winning ass (Eddie made him a trophy for it last Valentine’s Day - it’s on their mantle).
They’ve been together for what? Eight years? And it never gets any less sexy. Watching him reach for the granola bars on the top shelf, stretching his annoyingly tucked in shirt.
Eddie pretends to peer through imaginary opera binoculars as Steve reads over the nutrition label. Steve flips it over a couple of times because he always forgets which brand he likes better - the blue box or the red box. Eddie never reminds him that his favorite is the blue box because the whole charade is too adorable.
But once Steve figures it out, he tosses the blue box into the cart, and Eddie always lets out this rumbly throat sound at the sight.
Steve turns his neck to look at Eddie. “This again?”
“This always.” Eddie catches up to Steve’s side at the canned food section, slides his hand in Steve’s back pocket. “Never not this.”
Steve rolls his eyes and bends down to grab a few cans of chicken noodle soup. Which holy fuck, seeing his boyfriend at a 75° angle holding his favorite soup preference? Eddie might as well be packaged and placed on the shelf. Cause his mind is turning to liquid. He’s becoming a bowl of horny broth at the sight of Steve all domestic and bent over.
Eddie quickly flicks off his jacket because the entire store just warmed up exponentially. Global warming doesn’t have shit on Steve Harrington holding discounted canned goods.
Steve lightly smacks Eddie's arm. “Pull yourself together.”
“I’ll pull your self onto my self.”
“Really?” Steve snorts. “That was the best you could come up with?”
“Yeah well, the lower quadrant of my brain shut off the second I visualized your ass dimple in the middle of the bread aisle.” Eddie explains, untucking one edge of Steve’s shirt.
“Sorry for the inconvenience to your grocery-kink brain.”
“You should be.” Grocery kink. Steve with a shopping cart kink. Eddie has both, no doubt.
And it’s totally true. The bread aisle is usually where all hope is lost for him. Fluffy breads, kneading dough, squishy carbs all around them. Steve’s sides are just begging to be squeezed in that aisle (amongst other places). The deli employee outwardly gawks as Eddie pokes at Steve's waist, pinching any area of skin that he can get his hands on.
"Just making sure the products are nice and fresh!" Eddie shouts to the employee, hugging Steve firmly from behind. The poor meat-slicing guy laughs nervously before scurrying into the stock room. Honestly, Eddie should probably feel more sympathetic but it's so hard to focus on anything else when Steve kisses his cheek. Accepts his weird affections fully.
"These people don't get paid enough to put up with your shit." Steve is laughing as he says it though. Clearly not that bothered by all of the attention he's getting. That's part of the reason they work so well together. They're absolute attention whores, equally.
"Okay, cut it out." Steve wiggles out from Eddie's grasp. "You're gonna smush the sourdough."
Eddie freezes. Mulls over the consequences over the next thing he's about to say. "Is that an invitation?"
"You said it."
"You twisted it."
"How could I not?"
"You need help." Steve turns down the next aisle, still speaking as he stays on task. "Preferably the kind that involves a person with a legal pad and a couch that you can lie down on."
Eddie snickers, thoroughly loves it when Steve bites back. Makes the chase feel like it just started, even after all these years.
He keeps it together for roughly twelve more minutes, which is probably a record. Eddie also deserves a trophy on their mantle for that - he's gonna hint to Steve about investing in one whenever they get back home.
But the aisle where Eddie’s composure levels malfunction entirely, is the frozen food section. See, whenever Steve opens the door to get milk or eggs or whatever essential dairy item they need, a rush of frigid air blows out. Makes Steve’s already bitable skin all bumpy. His neck is covered in little chill bumps, all of his baby hairs stick up with his raised skin.
This is the only instance where Eddie mildly wishes he were a cannibal, just to give Steve a little chomp. A little nibble at his change in skin texture. Eddie's not even sure why the chill bumps send him over the edge but they do - every damn time.
“Baby, we’ve talked about this.” Steve says once Eddie gets him pinned up behind the corner freezer in the very back.
"There were no snoopy old ladies around this time." Eddie licks all the way up to Steve's ear, tugging gently around the edges. "I checked."
Steve huffs once before taking Eddie's face with both hands, kissing him deep. The rest of his body is cold from the surrounding freezers, but Steve's lips are warm. Hotter every time Eddie's mouth connects to his again. Steve still tastes like the nectarine samples they had back at the produce aisle. The taste drives Eddie to suck on Steve's bottom lip, drinking up any leftover flavor he can. Make Steve's natural pout even more plush than it normally is.
He untucks the rest of Steve's annoying polo - lets his hands slide all the way around, landing at the small of Steve's back. Eddie presses his fingers into Steve's skin, making him shiver. Causing more chill bumps to rise. Ones that he created this time.
They've kissed like this over a thousand times by now, but it always feels different. It’s a new kiss on a new day.
And Eddie couldn't give a single fuck if the deli employee or the snoopy old lady saw them making out next to the lactose-free cheese selection. He'd show off his stupidly gorgeous boyfriend everywhere, make a complete spectacle out of it every damn time.
Steve would let him do it too. Eddie bets that Steve would let him get away with a full anarchist uprising if he wanted. Which he does. Kinda. After they're done kissing, obviously.
They stop only because Steve lets his lips part and his fingers drag down Eddie's chest. And whenever Steve does that move, he's approximately thirty seconds away from moaning explicit words. Loudly too. Eddie knows all of Steve's physical indicators by heart now. It’s practically Eddie’s native language, he would speak only that one if he could.
Eddie takes the cue to stash all of his hormones away - goes back to dotting small pecks all over Steve's face. He needs to get Steve laughing instead of panting. It's safer that way. Eddie isn't trying to get arrested in a supermarket for christ's sake (although that would make one hell of a story for family reunions).
They're sort of blotchy, all pinks and reds, as they get to the checkout line. The cashier must think their complexion is permanently like this. Every time she’s seen them, they’re blushed-up like Vegas showgirls. Eddie is immune to the embarrassment of the situation. He's pretty sure Steve is too - he can tell by the way Steve is still leaning all over him while he fumbles to get his wallet open. All love-drunk and kittenish.
They head back to their car, and Eddie gets one last look at Steve's signature shopping cart strut. He sighs dramatically - crushed inside that he'll have to wait till their next grocery run to see it again.
"That's it." Steve says after Eddie sighs for the fifth time. "You're returning the cart."
"It's punishment for your ridiculous behavior."
"Fine." Eddie snatches the handle and stomps all the way to the cart corral at the front of the store.
This is an outrage. Steve should know that his sexy cart-walking encore is the best part of Shopping Day. Seeing him walk further away before returning - always doing a little hair ruffle thing as he comes back. It's Eddie's own version of Baywatch and Steve is ruining it.
He slides into the passenger seat, slamming the car door to emphasize his anger.
"Steve Harrington, I'm so fucking mad at y-"
Eddie can't even finish his sentence before Steve's mouth is on his. It's a messier kiss this time, Steve is doing all the moving while Eddie tries to figure out what's going on. He pulls back, raising both eyebrows.
"I get it now." Steve answers Eddie's nonverbal 'what the fuck' question.
"Get what?"
"The shopping cart thing." Steve looks Eddie up and down. "I get it."
Holy shit. "Were you checking me out?"
Steve nods. Shrugs. Nods again.
"How much time do you think we have before the ice cream melts?" Steve motions to the backseat, tucking in his lips, hiding a smirk.
Oh. That. They're doing that.
"I'd say we have..." Eddie checks the nonexistent watch on his wrist. "More than enough time."
They haven't had desperate car sex like this since their first year of dating. It's so good that Eddie wonders why they stopped having desperate car sex.
For the rest of the car ride home, they're obnoxiously touchy-feely. Eddie's hand stays glued to Steve's overpriced jeans. The denim is much softer than any pair of jeans that Eddie owns. Maybe that's why they cost a fortune.
Steve takes one hand off the steering wheel whenever there's a straight shot - rubs his fingers over Eddie's knuckles. Bounces off his rings like stepping stones.
They're nauseating. If Eddie saw any other couple act like this, he'd throw tomatoes ate them. Taunt them mercilessly.
But Steve Harrington is the prototype that future scientists will use one day to build their genetically flawless human race. So Eddie is allowed to be as nauseating and revolting as he wants.
Their plan failed. The ice cream is completely melted by the time they get home. But who fucking cares? Eddie is dating someone with his same weird shopping cart kink and that's all he could ever ask for.
And besides, that just means that they’ll have to go grocery shopping again.
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mxtantrights · 4 months
Boxer Jason and reader take a vacation between two them? sorry not my first language!!! I love your post!
kind of a continuation of this post, where we talk about boxer!Jason and travel. thank you for sending this in anon!!! You're doing great <333
boxer!Jason love to spoil you when he can and when you allow it. You have to talk him out of spending too much money on you sometimes. Like you do not need fancy cookware sitting in your home nor do you need fancy furniture. Although you will sometimes buy boxer!Jason first editions of his favorite books.
boxer!Jason feels like he knows how to enjoy vacation because of you. He just goes with whatever flow you're on because 9/10 that will never lead him wrong.
there was this one time you wanted to go snorkeling and you two went and somehow boxer!Jason ended up getting stung by a jellyfish on his leg and was peed on by two different people before they realized they actually had medical relief for it. But really that wasn't you're fault and you didn't get stung so it wasn't that bad to him.
boxer!Jason lets you get white boy wasted and carries you back to the hotel if you feel like you wanna do that. I mean, he's got the tab covered, he's got your shoes in one hand and your body slung over his shoulder. He even orders room service because he knows how hungry you get.
boxer!Jason probably makes friends with the desk employees and therefore knows exactly the best places to go and what prices are real and what prices are for tourists.
boxer!Jason does spa days if you're down for it. which you always are. It's funny to see such a burly guy like him with cucumbers and a fluffy robe on. (He lets you have the black one so eh can take the hot pink.)
Also boxer!Jason is the type of guy to walk around with all the essentials. Sun screen, bug spray. Itch ointment. Water bottles. Charger. Bucket hat on his head and two pairs of sunglasses. He doesn't let you carry a bag, it's all in his bag.
At some point the locals of wherever you're at take in boxer!Jason as their own. I mean you end up in someone's home eating real authentic food. You get discounted things. You get the real experience.
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mayakern · 3 months
upcoming store stuff & why we're doing a super sale
omg hiiii it's devin again, and this time i'm bringing store news
the short version: we're moving ourselves back to minnesota, and we're moving order fulfillment to a fulfillment center
wow, that's big news! maya and i are so so so excited to be closer to our minnesota friends (and also my family lol). i'm hoping to be back in northeast minneapolis, but let's be real we're probably gonna get priced out and into the suburbs
in addition to that, due to a variety of reasons i'll explain in more detail below, we're transitioning from in-house fulfillment to working with a fulfillment center (or 3pl, short for third-party logistics). we're at an awkward size that makes staffing difficult and have had issues with extended processing time. the 3pl should be set up by september, and we're working on the back end to have fulfillment centers in australia, canada, the UK, and eventually the EU. if tax authorities work with us we should have all that ready by december 2024!
to prepare for that we're doing a super sale. ash told me not to call it liquidation but she said that like 30 seconds after i hit send on the marketing email, sorry about that. items that we don't want to pay to move to the 3pl are discounted by 25-70%, with some of them priced at cost. under no circumstances will anything ever be 70% off again
if you're nosy you can read the q&a i made up in my head while eating pigs in a blanket:
how are the labor protections at the 3pl?
pretty good! we were shocked to find anything even halfway decent in the US; we went looking for a fulfillment center in the EU to handle all international fulfillment, and the one we found just so happened to have bought a US location two years ago.
they're located in ohio, pay $19/hr, and provide health insurance and 401k matching. that seemed too good to be true so we dug through employee reviews on places like glassdoor, and while there were some bad reviews those were all dated prior to when the facility was purchased by this new company. they also have a very low turnover rate which is a HUGE green flag
why are you transferring to a 3pl?
the serious
sometimes we have a high volume of sales, and it makes sense to have two full-time employees plus a part timer! but usually we have a low-to-medium volume of sales. we can float by on that, but it gets risky, and the economy is in a bad enough state that we're concerned about the longevity
related, the 2023 holiday sale showed us some major flaws in our fulfillment process. if the same issues were to happen this year the business probably wouldn't survive
we're moving cross-country in early 2025 and would've had to close this location anyway
the dumb:
i'm sick of dealing with commercial landlords and if i have one more wall leak i'm going to throw it into the river brick by brick
what about your staff?
unfortunately we will have to say goodbye to our office staff. they have been given 3.5 months notice and no-questions-asked PTO for interviews with a small severance
why are you moving back to minnesota?
troy was always meant to be a temporary move. initially the plan was to move to vermont or massachusetts, but after being out here for 7 years we just kinda want to go home. the weather in troy is perfect for us, we love the mountains, and we have some great friends here, but for some goddamn reason we want our eyelashes to freeze together.
will you be returning to midwest cons?
if we return to cons at all it will be with ariel and/or ash running the booth, maya will not be involved. this would likely be in california and/or in the northeast US.
my friends are begging me to go to CONvergence as an attendee so ig you might see me there? maya has pledged death before crowded venues tho
will you do any local events in minnesota?
we might do sample sales. honestly idk what we're gonna do with the samples we have in troy, most of them are terrible. do you want samples of the strangest low rise bell bottom pants ever created? please take them from me. my bush hangs out
also my kid brother has gotten really into library events and if he asks nice enough we might do some of those
is there anything else?
i mean probably, but i started this last week and i haven't had any other ideas on what to include
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earlysunshines · 1 year
slow dancing
myoui mina x fem!reader
summary: the papers on your desk start to pile up, you want to fight your boss—though time passes and maybe she's not the worst.
wc: 7.1k
warnings: fluff ; mentions of food and alcohol ; not proofread
little side story/continuation: “after hours”
♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ : slow dancing by v
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a/n: not proofread at allllll sorry for mistakes :-(, feeling sleepy.
i love mina i wanna wife her up so bad
you're stuck at your stupid desk in this stupidly freezing room because myoui is too stubborn to up the temperature; you're almost shivering.
"it's only finance and accounting, and you'll get paid well." your old boss had said.
"you're probably just going to deal with numbers, shareholders, and other business-related stuff—that's why i recommended you, y/n—it should be a breeze!" your old boss added, making sure to pat your shoulder for comfort (it was anything but comforting, if anything, you felt uneasy).
you were set to work as the assistant of the cfo and coo a couple of months ago; screw your impeccable math proficiency, you think. you didn't want to transfer, you were perfectly fine with where you were and you were really not looking forward to working in such a high rank, you miss your old building and your former coworkers.
the more you sit at your desk, you seem to think you're getting more delusional by the second, it's almost as if you can hear your old coworkers bickering and nudging you.
"y/n~ boss has been eyeing you lately, someone's getting a raise~"
"y/n, y/n, you got a girlfriend yet? c'mon, you're so dull."
"gosh y/n, did you get shorter? man, you also look beat."
you miss san and mingi's stupid presence, even if you wanted to punch them every second you had to be around them.
another groan escapes your lips as you stare at the numbers: they seem to scramble the more you look at them. this is your tenth paper of the day, and you have five more to analyze, you're sick of all of this already.
anyone would want to be working at jyp co, it's one of the biggest companies in the city, and a significant amount of your tech friends, even your old coworkers had dreamt of being able to work in the central building. you'd be much more ecstatic if you actually had friends that worked in the same building. to your dismay, you're stuck with the paperwork that mina has been giving you and stuck with her annoying, stubborn self.
"could you turn up the temperature? it's freezing." you try,
"deal with it, focus on finishing those papers."
"mina you're unbelievable-"
"stop slacking, y/n." and she eyes you, "i'll have you fired."
"you wouldn't," you scoff, "otherwise you'd have to deal with these fucking papers yourself."
"i'm in charge of your paycheck, you do know that?" she quirks a brow, boring into your eyes with her own.
you huff and pick your pen back up, looking down at the papers in front of you.
papers, papers, papers, that's all it is every day. hunched over your desk, shivering the majority of the day (but that's technically on you because you're too stubborn to give in and bring a jacket). mina made your work life difficult, almost insufferable. she was demanding, bossy, snobby, and she just pissed you off.
ever since you started working with her, you've received a significantly larger paycheck and much more employee benefits. furthermore, she was actually good at her job, and you were good at yours too — meaning the meetings you had attended with your reports have all been successful, meaning better profit, better business blah blah blah. sometimes you really considered quitting, even if that meant sacrificing that beautiful paycheck and discounted coffee from the amazing cafe in the building; it's all because of one person, your stupid boss.
you couldn't ever quit. you wouldn't ever admit it but the feeling of being approved and praised after said meetings drove you to keep the numbers up, it made you feel so accomplished and the only thing your old job could give you was two stupidly talkative idiots. this wasn't too bad.
but even with that, mina is going to be the death of you.
"how's the new job so far? heard the paycheck up there is pretty good." san nudges.
you roll your eyes and take a sip from the can of beer on the table, "if you're trying to get me to pay for our drinks, it won't work."
"hey! i'm not that heartless." san pouts, and you scoff at him playfully. "anyway, how is your job?"
you let out a big huff and lean back against the chair, "it's something."
"seems like they're working you dry." mingi comments, chuckling at your state.
you had agreed to get drinks with your old coworkers, it was a friday after all and you really needed to let loose a little. you sit next to san, the one who had started your mornings off with rolled eyes and groans when you worked at the old office. beside san sits wooyoung, your college roommate that you were placed with accidentally, but it didn't matter because it ended up in a close bond and friendship between the two of you. your other pretentious ex-coworker mingi sits across from you and beside him is seonghwa, who you aren't as close with, though he's just like the rest so it's never awkward. you think he's pretty cool.
wooyoung smirks, "so, i've heard that the myoui girl is pretty high up there, is she your boss?"
you groan, you don't want to think of her right now. your hand reaches for a shot that mingi had poured earlier and you shoot your head back.
"seems like work is rough." seonghwa comments, looking at you while you lean against san again. seonghwa is right, i mean, you probably look like a mess just coming out of work. your shirt is unbottoned slightly and your hair is a bit messy, you're pretty sure the others can tell how bad your posture has gotten too.
"you know, i've seen a picture of that myoui girl, she's really good looking y/n~ seems like your type." wooyoung teases. you groan again.
"don't even mention her, please." you sigh, "she's working me to death, and she's so fucking annoying. as much as i hate you guys i'd rather be stuck surrounded by you than have to deal with her."
"i see this as an enemies-to-lovers type story." wooyoung snickers, and you glare at him menacingly.
"you're like a little girl," you scoff. the guys just laugh at you.
there's no way you'd ever grow fond of myoui, there is no fucking way you would even fall for her for that matter.
"finish this, needs to be done by tomorrow." mina says just before it hits five, just before you get to leave your shared office space.
she actually wants you dead.
you know better than to argue with her, you have to fight the urge to do so as anger starts to spread throughout your body, and the soreness in your shoulders gets worse.
"okay," you say in defeat.
for a split second mina almost looks at you with pity, with some regret at the sight of your lifeless expression—only for a split second—yet she continues to type at her laptop.
you might start aging a little faster with the way she's working you, you can already feel the back pain catching up to you.
it's necessary for you to get along, and sure you act like you do in those meetings, but you really have to try and get along even if might end with someone's tooth missing. it's only the most important part of collaborating, it's crucial when your job requires the two of you to work together.
it takes a while to warm up or even start to get friendly with each other, though a certain meeting helps speed this process.
you and mina had been in charge of representing your own company and presenting the financial analytics to the shareholders. something in the air seemed to make them think that they were entitled enough to question and criticize mina as if she couldn't take away a good amount of their shares in a second.
one man seems to be so in shock it gives him the nerve to comment on your presentation which quite literally proved the two of you had been doing well with your work.
he sneers, "and we're supposed to believe you did all of this? sorry, it's just unbelievable, i've never seen a y'know... someone like you two." and you already know he's implying that he doesn't believe all this success could happen because you two are women. it makes you furious.
"if you're going to try to question mina like that at least be direct, don't sugarcoat it like a coward." you scoff, glaring at the man in the suit. his stupid face had already looked unpleasing to you, even if he hadn't said anything you could've guessed that he would doubt your success.
"women don't usually achieve this much you know? it's impressive that you're even able to have such a high position," he chuckles, almost challenging you. a few of the men who sit around the conference table seem to smile at his words, it makes you bite the inside of your cheek, and you're hold yourself back from almost leaping across the table and strangling his pretentious self.
"are you doubting myoui's work?" you inquire, gripping the table tighter and mina is taken aback by your sudden shift in tone.
"well," one of the men starts, "from the recent reports, it seems like you've been handling these tasks a bit poorer than before, you sure a lady like you can-"
"i'll have you fucking fired if one more word like that comes out your dirty mouth, you hear me? you should watch your mouth when you talk like that around me or mina, you do know what we can do with your shares no?" and the words come out of your mouth and shoot at the man in front of you like daggers laced with poison. "mina is more than capable, and working with her has always resulted in success for this company."
"look, we all can agree that we just want to ensure that the profits are up and the company's growth and success is guaranteed."
"insulting and questioning those who have power over your investments is your way of ensuring that? if you continue with this behavior, don't be surprised if your positions under this company become rather precarious." you finally warn, and the men seem to finally get the message when you say it with such resentment.
mina is in complete shock as she watches you from her seat, she's never seen you so pissed off before, she has never pissed you off like that. despite initially being taken aback by your bold defense, she finds herself feeling a mix of emotions, even slightly amused by your new, assertive tone.
the tension in the room eases slightly as the meeting continues, and you continue to present your analytics and suggest various ideas regarding the company and its gains. from that moment on, the shareholders are more cautious with their comments and remarks, as they should be.
the meeting ends with the men tensed up in their seats, nodding politely at you and feeling small under your gaze as they bid their farewells. you're happy with the new mood of the room.
the atmosphere seems more delicate when they leave.
"thanks." mina mutters softly, putting a few papers in her folder. she doesn't make eye contact with you. "you could've let them voice their concerns, you know."
"they weren't concerned, they were just being snobby." you respond, helping her with the papers that had been spread across the conference table. "i hated hearing them talking about you like that." you mutter in a small voice, and mina looks up at you, showing a new emotion of surprise.
she looks at you while you close the folder, a split second later you set your gaze on her so the two of you are now making eye contact. the mood of the room changes, it's softer, it's less overwhelming.
"i," mina starts, but finds herself at a loss of words for a moment. she looks at you, just gazing at you for a bit and her voice is small when she mutters her last response. "thanks."
mina breaks the eye contact and moves over to grab the folder from your hand, walking past you and out the door. there are no last words exchanged, just small, significant glances.
she decides that she can let you off the hook a little.
mina's fondness for you grows and it's unpredictable, it comes out of nowhere. it's been developing since that meeting.
it grows when she sees your eyes light up after taking a sip from your coffee—you always get three a day, mina notes—two hot coffees in the morning and before work ends, one iced during lunch. she also notices that you've been eating less, and she feels guilty because it's all from the work she gives you. she cuts your workload in half, and she even leaves you a small bakery item here and there (but she makes sure that you won't guess it's from her).
mina catches the small smile you give her when she decreases the amount of work she had given you. the way your lips curve up just barely is different from your usual lifeless expression, it's different and mina decides she wants to see it more.
it sends a shiver down her spine.
maybe wooyoung was right about your boss being a nice sight.
you hate it.
you've seen mina smile a total of three times so far, you remember each time clearly.
walking out of the building you see mina approach three women, they don't look like they work there. you almost ignore it, i mean, you're tired and you really don't want mina to be the last thing you see after work.
what changes your mind is that grin of hers.
you catch it from the corner of your eyes, you almost miss it, and as much as you hate to admit it—it's beautiful. she smiles and it's a gummy one, it's terribly charming. she smiles with her eyes too, they almost shut as one of the women hugs her.
your eyes meet for a second and you quickly shift your gaze over to someplace else, it makes you nervous, makes you fiddle your thumbs.
that's strange, you think.
mina picks up her phone—not the work phone on her desk, but her mobile one. her eyes ease at the contact name, and she seems to soften up as she answers.
"hi mom," she starts. you make sure to look away before she can catch you glancing—you don't want to listen to her voice as she scolds you for eavesdropping or not working on the papers in front of you.
you hear the faint sound of her talking for the next two minutes, and you manage to peek at the right time. mina nods her head a couple more times before giggling softly into the phone,
"yeah yeah, don't worry mom." she says, grinning. "i'll call you back tonight, i have to finish work. yes, mhm, i love you too. bye."
mina watches you enter the shared office, the same bag slung across you and a cup of coffee in your hand. your hair is held up by a claw clip, some strands of your hair poking out, but regardless, you still manage to look business casual.
you stroll in and hang your bag, then stroll over to your desk where the computer is. before you reach your work area, your feet seem to stumble and you trip over the air somehow, it catches you by surprise and you let out a curse.
luckily, you catch yourself and don't fall over completely, but your coffee slips in your hands and now you have to buy a new shirt because now, there's a clear stain on your beige shirt.
"fuck," you mutter in defeat, and you rush for the napkins that sit on your desk.
mina had witnessed the whole scene, and she couldn't suppress the giggles that left her mouth.
you frown—mina laughs harder.
"is this amusing to you?" you groan. your eyes are furrowed as mina smiles widely at you, for some reason the frown on your lips seems to curve up into a small smile.
"very." mina snickers, "made my morning, thanks."
"i absolutely resent you."
"i'm flattered."
you roll your eyes at her.
(maybe you should start spilling coffee more often, if it means seeing mina laugh like that.)
the two of you warm up to each other.
annoyed looks in the morning turn into small "good mornings," and maybe you'd bicker here and there, you'd even complain over nothing sometimes just to talk to her, but nothing more than that, not really.
it's hard to start a conversation when papers are piling next to you everyday, it's hard to even exchange words. mina's quiet personality makes it even more difficult, and you're too timid to make eye contact with her, there's a strange sensation that's brewing in your stomach—not that you're going to throw up—but it makes you nervous, and fidgety.
wednesday, november 8th. — 4:01 am
feeling bad
i won't be there
just send me whatever it is that you need me to do
mina stares at the text for a bit, eyebrows slightly furrowed as she rubs her eyes and tries to read it. her phone had interrupted her slumber—much to her aggravation—at four in the morning. the loud ding was enough to make her groan at the ungodly hour, rolling around to squint at the light from her phone. the young woman rubs her eyes and processes the text as she reads it, sighing to herself.
she actually takes a moment to think about the text, even if she's half awake. mina wonders if she worked you too hard—her heart sinks.
as much as she detested you, she was genuinely concerned. her coworker whom she would argue with over the temperature of their shared office (mina would never admit it, but she actually found it a bit cold too, she was just stubborn), almost smiling when seeing you so frustrated. it was amusing to mess with you (maybe she was a bit cruel for that, but you looked cute when you were annoyed).
mina groans and drops her phone on the bed next to her, returning to her slumber.
you stir awake from your sleep, shifting a bit in your place even while you're still half awake. your eyes flutter open and everything hits you all at once.
the ringing in your head is deathly, as if a hundred tiny, teeny men were in your skull just whacking at it with their hammers. your whole body is trembling, the room feels even colder than the office you work in, it's unbearable.
everything is sore, everything hurts, everything is terrible.
the only thing you remember from last night was groggily changing into the orange sweater san had given you as a joke—the one with those ridiculous cats on it—regardless, you wore it in the comfort of your own home because it was incredibly cozy, even if it looked stupid.
the ding-dong sound that's heard makes your head hurt even more; your eyes close and your hand moves to cover your forehead, you mutter something under your breath.
you walk over to the mirror and run a hand through your hair, trying to make yourself look at least a little presentable for whoever it is at your apartment door at nine in the morning on a wednesday. your feet drag on the floor of your hallway when you walk out of your room and toward the entrance to your apartment, trudging over to the doorknob. your hand weakly supports yourself by pressing against the wall while you turn at the knob.
the door opens and the sight of mina temporarily eases the ringing in your head.
mina looks incredibly normal, it's a rare sight.
she wears a white t-shirt with a denim jacket over it and she wears baggy jeans with simple white sneakers to finish the look. you're distracted from the drowsy, sore feeling as you stare at the casually dressed woman, who's also holding a brown bag in one hand, her phone in the other.
mina looks normal; no blazer or button-up, no skirt or dress pants, no clicky heels or work shoes, she looks less insufferable.
you like it.
"did you not get my text?" you say, voice rough and weak.
"did you just wake up?" she asks while studying you. mina notices that you seem half awake, eyes squinting and shoulders slumped. to add to that, your hair is messy and you look like you blindly chose whatever you were wearing. mina notices the way you lean against the door frame for support—you look drained.
"it's only nine in the morning or something," you groan, rubbing your eyes. "shouldn't you be at work?"
"y/n," mina starts, "it's 5:40."
"y/n," mina sighs, pushing the door open and inviting herself in.
mina takes a look around the apartment, it's bigger than a standard one, and it's actually kind of cozy. the interior design is nice, you have good taste in decor and arrangement. mina glances at the framed pictures of you posing with others, and the abstract artwork she has hung up. there's a certain something that catches mina's eyes: the white shelf that displays various leego sets, ranging from flowers to small buildings. there's at least five sets there, and mina knows they're the time-consuming ones too.
mina's interest grows.
it's dim in the apartment, and mina wonders how sick you must be for you to think it was nine in the morning.
"you're just going to invite yourself into my house?" you question, watching mina as she kicks off her sneakers, though she places them on your shoe rack nicely, so you're not as bothered. mina doesn't exchange any words as she hangs her denim jacket on the hook nearby, then fixes her shirt. the dark-haired woman looks at you and you furrow your brows, your facial expression mixed with exhaustion and puzzlement.
"mina, what are you doing here?" you ask again, trying your best to sound stern. mina doesn't respond; instead, she walks over to the small kitchen island to place the brown bag that she held in her hand on it. you sigh, "if you're here to give me paperwork while i can barely stand up, i'm actually kicking you out—and i mean i'm going to physically carry you out i swear to-
"like you can even get to me without holding onto something." mina scoffs, taking out a container from the bag. you walk over to mina, holding onto the counter for support and studying her.
mina points to the stool next to the counter and says, "sit."
you listen.
one thing about mina is that she had power over you, and as stubborn as you tried to seem—you always listened. mina always had the upper hand. as much as you bickered with mina, you listened (after complaining), because mina knew what she was doing and she always knew how to do things well.
you sit at the counter and watch mina fetch a bowl from your dishwasher, almost as if this were her house too. she poured whatever was in the plastic container she brought into the bowl, then pushed the bowl towards you, grabbing chopsticks and a spoon.
"eat," mina says, almost ordering you. she looks at you with a sense of care in her eyes.
you stare at the bowl and move your quivering hand to grab the chopsticks, picking up the udon noodles and eating them slowly.
the taste of the soup makes your whole body relax, and you seem to gain some of your energy back—you start eating ravenously—as if this were your first meal in days.
"thanks." you murmur weakly, looking up at mina with gratitude.
mina almost smiles, jaw clenching.
"don't get too sick," mina begins, "i can't do all the work in the office, and i guess it's kind of boring without you." she admits. her head turns away bashfully as her cheeks start to flush.
you look at her with raised brows, your cheeks feel warm—maybe it was your cold. mina avoids any further eye contact before walking back to the hook she had hung her jacket on, and then putting on her shoes.
"i'll see you… take care of yourself." her tone is so soft, even if she had tried to sound stern and cold.
you nearly smile.
and with that, she leaves. you sit there, hardly processing anything.
mina had come to your home, given you something to eat, and she was actually sweet to you.
thank you again
i appreciate it
i hadn't eaten all day before that
can't believe you're capable of being sweet
don't get used to it
you're an idiot for getting sick
you're an idiot for coming to my place while i'm sick
i don't get sick so easily unlike someone
i was just making sure you didn't die
i can't do everything by myself
i need someone to look over my papers
you're cruel
i'm sick and dying and you treat me like this?
oh save it,
i know you're feeling better
my mom's recipe always works
i hate to admit
it does
how did you even get my address?
you're stupid
everyone's address and number are accessible to me
i'm the coo remember?
you're probably too sick to remember
and stupid
i'll cough on you
goodnight mina, i'll be back tomorrow most likely
if you feel bad don't come
i don't want you contaminating the others
and me
feel better
goodnight y/n.
you come back to work feeling better, mina's eyes seem to light up a bit at the sight of you walking in through the door.
something new is forming, your affection for each other grows, and a friendship starts to build.
mina checks her phone, it's almost five. the group chat had been busy whilst she was typing away.
before she checks the messages, her gaze shifts up to see you at your desk, your eyes darting from paper to paper as you analyze and mark them. mina holds back a small smile.
(37 new messages)
did miss ceo forget about tonight?
women at work
maybe you should start working like that
you seem to always be on your phone with how quick you respond
and how much you type
you're just jealous
please refrain.
my phone is blowing up, sana
ohh jihyo will kill you
what about momo and nayeon?
she was texting too :((
she texted twice
nayeon responded once
you, however,
you really do text a lot sana
our little businesswoman
if you forgot about tonight i swear...
i didn't don't worry
hey myoui
you should invite your little work rival
aww her little work crush?
what was her name...
stop that
i don't like her
you brought soup to her apartment instead of getting coffee with us
you can't defend this one
even hyo agrees
i have to finish work.
please refrain from blowing up my phone
minas got a girlfriend
minas got a girlfriend~
i see you
"you seem to be interested in that phone." you scoff, stretching your arms out. "what happened to 'no distractions, do your work,' huh?"
mina narrows her eyes at you, putting down her phone. you laugh softly and finish stretching, putting your papers in the beige folder and shutting down your computer.
"you're done?" mina challenges, quirking a brow. it's 4:40, twenty minutes before you can officially leave.
"did you forget? i told you i had to be somewhere." you remind her, already putting on your jacket and slinging walking over to reach for your bag. mina nearly pouts as you make your way to where your bag is hung. "i'll see you next week, boss." you say, smiling softly, raising your brows at her before leaving the room.
mina frowns when you're out of sight.
mina emerges from the hall of her apartment in dress pants, a black tank top, and her gray coat over it—something casual yet eye-catching for the jazz cafe and bar she's practically being forced to go to. mina has on some light makeup, just some light blush on her cheeks, a peach shade of lipstick, and something light around the eyes. it's casual, it's fit for the occasion.
sana and jihyo, who had been conversing in the living room, turn around after hearing their friend's footsteps. sana beams and stands up to hug her,
"wow~ you look great minari." she giggles, "trying to impress someone?"
mina rolls her eyes, then smiles at her teasing, sana laughs in response. jihyo shakes the keys in her hand, quirking a brow and signaling that they should get going. the two women follow jihyo to the entrance of mina's place, put on their shoes and head out.
they arrive near the jazz spot twenty minutes later, though it's a bit of a hassle trying to find good parking around the area since it's in the heart of the lively city on a friday night—jihyo curses under her breath and it makes sana and mina giggle at her complaints.
they all walk on the sidewalk together, and the breeze of the cool night is refreshing, the air is filled with low chatter and the street lights highlight mina's features. the trio approaches the cafe and mina breathes in through her nose; it smells like coffee beans, and there's that faint scent of alcohol and maybe a cigarette or two.
the cafe/bar is dim, there's a slow hum of the music that fills the room, and it fits the ambience. couples stand hand in hand, glasses make a sound as they clink, and friends laugh together; it gives the scene a warm, lively feeling—mina really likes the environment, it's not overwhelming and it's nice to be in a place where the lights don't flash and the music doesn't make her ears ring.
two familar faces are seen at the table in the back, the two women have already purchased some light drinks. nayeon's face lights up at the sight of the trio, her bunny-toothed grin is contagious and it spreads to the others. momo waves and pats down at the space on the couch she lounges on, sana scoots over and sits down right next to the woman, leaning into her. mina and jihyo sit together on another lounge chair, the group already starts to converse and catch up. mina starts to warm up to the night.
the room seems to fall into silence a few moments later.
the chatter dies down and only faint whispers are heard, the slow hum of the music seems to die down as well. the group turns their attention to where everyone else's is: the small stage where three men seem to set up their instruments. mina thinks this must be the main event of the night.
the three men settle down in their places, situating themselves and fumbling with their respective instruments in hand. mina's interest piques when she sees the empty microphone stand placed under the small spotlight—it seems to be unoccupied—is there supposed to be a vocalist?
the men all look at each other and the one holding a guitar taps at his instrument once, twice, and a third time.
the music starts.
mina notices the slow percussion, it sets the tempo of the slow song. the drummer nods his head along with the beat, and the man on the keys seems to emphasize the romantic tune with the keyboard. the bassist ties the instrumental together, his fingers work at the strings to create a soft, smooth rhythm.
each musician plays a certain role in the song, and the elements from all of the men add up together to create a soft, slow melody —though it's more rnb sounding rather than jazz—but she enjoys it nonetheless.
nothing could've prepared mina for what she had seen next.
a familiar face stumbles onto the stage holding a microphone, smiling at the crowd who cheers calmly, quietly enough so that it doesn't drown the sound of the performers. the performer wears the same trousers that she had worn in the office before departing, but her top is a different color—it's gray and it's unbuttoned down to your abdomen, your white top being visible to the crowd—mina is surprised to say the least, the last person she'd expect to see on stage was you.
the instrumental continues for a few, short seconds, then you start to sing.
it's about time we get it straight
gimme a minute if it ain't too late
mina's lips part slightly as she watches you in awe: you're lost in the melody, singing with your eyes closed, hands holding the mic as if they were something you cherished so dearly, you're evidently enjoying yourself.
"she's good." jihyo comments, nodding her head to the slow tempo.
the instrumental starts to shift into the chorus, and your voice is groundbreaking.
maybe we
could be
slow dancing
until the morning
we could be romancing
the night away
mina seems to have fallen into your trance.
you're completely lost in the music, the whole crowd is in awe as you clutch the microphone and sing into it softly, eyes creasing gently as you tap your foot to the tempo. your head sways to the melody, your body following slowly.
her eyes are glued on you, and there's nothing that could pull them away at this point. your voice is soft and warming, it's obvious that you sing with passion, you sing from the heart. she's attentive to your every move, emotion, and expression—she's captivated by your charm.
you stop singing once the song reaches its last chorus, and you smile at the astonished crowd. your gaze lands on the bassist's eyes, who's nodding his head in sync with you; the two of you exchange a lighthearted chuckle.
your eyes scan the crowd, taking in their satisfaction. there's a couple that slow dances along with the rhythm, another couple that's hand in hand, watching you and smiling; it makes your heart flutter that you're able to create such a loving atmosphere, it makes you wish you had someone to do the same with.
your whole body almost freezes when your gaze lands on the familiar face: myoui mina. your ears shift back slightly, eyes widening and brows raising as you spot her sitting with three familiar faces—the ones that you had seen when you witnessed her first smile.
you almost give into your nerves, you almost freeze in your spot, but the slow melody lets you relax a little, and there's no tension in the air right now, just the sound of a couple of instruments coming together to play a melody that soothes your nerves.
you smile softly at mina; mina smiles back.
your hearts seem to skip a beat at the same time.
when the song ends, you take in the sweet applause of the crowd, thanking them and bowing. as soon as you can leave you make your way off the platform and find yourself backstage, sitting on the couch and sipping on some water.
"that was perfect y/n," san cheers, patting you on the back as you ease yourself into the couch. your smile grows and you nod,
"thanks, san, you nailed the bass," you respond as san sits down next to you.
"i'm flattered, but seriously, you sounded like an angel." san adds. a laugh is shared between the two of you before the other two exchange compliments. mingi pretends to blush at wooyoungs little remark, and it brings you back to the late nights spent rehearsing together.
"by the way y/n, who was that girl you were smiling at? you know her?" mingi questions you and you already feel a blush creeping up to your cheeks.
"i-, no, um." you stutter, and you immediately give up as soon as your words come out stumbled. san nudges you and smirks,
"someone's got a girlfriend~"
"shut up shut up." you groan, punching his shoulder.
mingi snickers again, "so who is she?"
"fuck man," you sigh, shutting your eyes tight and pinching the bridge of your nose. "that was my boss."
"are you serious?" they all say in unison, and it's almost like they're telepathically connected and synced with the way their tones are identical. you seem to sink into the couch more as they pester you.
you're able to finally escape those three men (who, you might add, are teenage girls at the heart with the way they squeal and giggle when you talk about mina.), you find yourself at a counter, waiting for someone to assist you.
"i didn't know you could sing." a voice says, and you shoot your head towards the woman who starts to sit down in the chair next to you.
mina doesn't make eye contact, she just stares forward with her lips barely turned up. she looks absolutely ravishing, you're in awe yourself at the sight of her like this. it's casual, but it still makes a statement—you're into that.
"it's just a hobby," you reply. mina laughs delicately, it's almost drowned out by the chatter and music playing, but you're glad you caught it. she turns to face you and there a warm sensation that distributes throughout your body.
mina looks beautiful—no, she is beautiful—and you're noticing it all right now, it's almost overwhelming.
"you should've told me about your hobby sooner, y/n. i wish i'd known earlier about how pretty your voice is."
your heart almost stops, you can only nod bashfully.
a barista, or bartender (you don't really know, it's a weird fusion of a place.) makes their way over and it soothes you a bit, breaking the heavy tension in the air.
"what can i get for you two?" he asks, smiling at you two.
"i'll have a chai latte, hot please." mina responds. it takes a moment for you to dart your eyes away from her face, but you manage.
"i'll just have the lychee soda please, iced."
"alright, coming right up." he begins, "by the way, your performance was beautiful."
you nod with gratitude and mina laughs at your nervousness.
"when do you perform again?" mina asks, looking you in the eye. shes leaning towards you now, elbow on the counter and her cheek resting on her palm. your heart might be beating out of your chest.
"i thought you hated me," you note playfully, "you gonna give me papers after i perform next time?" and you mirror her, putting both elbows on the counter and resting your chin on your knuckles. mina laughs playfully, easing the tension in the air.
"i don't hate you, y/n." mina begins, "i just wasn't used to working with anyone else."
you nod.
"and that stupid office is just overwhelming sometimes, i was fond of your work ethic ever since you started," she admits. mina looks away apprehensively. "i hate to admit it, but i'm starting to like you more."
your smile grows. "i think i'm starting to feel the same way, myoui."
the two of you exchange eye contact again, a new feeling and connection being shared. it's exciting, it's scary.
"your drinks," the bartender says, placing the two cups on the table and breaking the anticipation in the air. you thank him and take a sip from the soda, brows furrowing a little from the sweet taste. mina thinks you get cuter by the second.
"do you have a ride home?" you ask her, halfway through your small conversation.
"my friend drove me here." mina answers, sipping from the mug again.
the truth is, mina's friends had nudged her over to where you were after finding out that you're the person she's been eyeing at work. she's ninety-nine percent sure her friends have completely left her; her assumptions are proven right after checking her messages for a brief moment.
mina stares at the mug in her hands. "but i think they left early."
"i can drive you home then, boss," you suggest. mina laughs at your remark,
"don't call me that outside of work, or ever—it's weird." she sighs, shaking her head.
"is that a yes?" you ask—just to be sure.
mina nods at you with a warm smile.
the car ride is almost silent, except for the light sound of the music playing in your car.
mina stares out the window of the passenger side, gazing at the buildings that the car passes and the strangers on the street who walk hand in hand.
mina wouldn't mind if the two of you ended up like that.
the car reaches mina's place, and you shift the stick to park.
"mina," you mumble softly—she hums in response, quirking a brow up whilst looking at you. the hand on the steering wheel grips it tighter and your flushed cheeks are hidden by the night.
"let's get coffee tomorrow?"
mina almost short-circuits.
"i'd like that," she says gently, and her grin turns into that same gummy smile that you'd seen the first time. the two of you sit there for a moment, nodding to yourselves while our hearts race each other, beating at an irregular pace.
mina unbuckles her seatbelt and reaches for the doorknob, then gets out of the car. before she closes the door, she manages to speak again despite her nervousness that courses through her veins.
"pick me up at one?"
"yes, boss."
"don't call me that." mina groans playfully, and you simply snicker.
mina closes the door and starts to walk away from the car, but before she gets too distant, you roll down the window.
"goodnight mina, sleep well," you speak loudly, just enough for her to turn, and the light shines bright enough and you're extremely thankful that it lets you see her gummy smile again.
"goodnight y/n, i'll see you." she waves. her face warms up a little, and she shakes her head as she walks away.
maybe working with mina isn’t too bad.
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kivaember · 9 months
AC coffee shop au idea
i went briefly insane over on twitter but like, big idea for a low energy, self-indulgent fun coffee shop au:
The Redgun Cafe is owned by Michigan who was an ex F1 racer, now retired, and several of his employees are like ppl from his career or just scruffed off the street (Iguazu).
Iguazu is the main barista of Redgun Cafe and he makes THE BEST COFFEE EVER it is ambrosia it's perfect it's just that he's an asshole with a sour personality and no customer service skills whatsoever
Across the street (directly across the street) is the Vesper's Lounge, a rival cafe that's very ritzy, very fancy and expensive. It's owned by Freud who ALSO owns a hobby shop on the same street that sells mecha model kits.
Their main barista is Rusty, who can make a decent enough coffee, but in sharp contrast to Iguazu, is very charming and uses his attractiveness to lure in customers. Also has hidden expert baking skills since his father, Flatwell, owns a bakery
YEAH SO Flatwell owns a bakery on the same street. The food there is legendary. His daughter, Ziyi, helps him run it. Rusty does as well when he's not working at Vesper's Lounge
Rusty works at Vesper's Lounge for two reasons: extra money, and because he gets a discount at Freud's hobby shop. Rusty and Freud are both gunpla enthusiasts. Somehow no one else knows that they're gunpla otaku buddies...
Carla owns a bar on the same street called Carla's Bar, and it's a hole in the wall bar that's sustained only by its regulars. She's fucking loaded though, bc she has other businesses elsewhere too.
Walter and 621 work at Carla's bar as bartenders (Walter also does 'other work' (information brokering) for Carla). 621 is Walter's adopted son as well.
The Hounds (617, 619 and 620) run a garage (owned by Carla) and are regulars to the bar. They've taken 621 under their wing.
Ayre is 621's online friend that lives in another country. They play a lot of online games together and also send each other letters and gifts... they've known each other for many years
Anyway the overall plot of this would be... the zany shenanigans this insane street will get up to. Everyone knows Carla's involved in shady shit - probably criminal! - but they just pretend not to notice. It's much more fun watching Snail and Michigan locks horns over their cafe rivalry while Freud keeps trying to turn Vesper's Lounge into a Mecha Cafe (Snail keeps saying no). At some point 621 and Rusty start dating and it's cute and schmoopy. The end.
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seat-safety-switch · 11 months
There's this super fancy steakhouse near my home, and I've always wanted to eat there. Their salad bar is beyond excellent, a friend informs me, and their grated cheese is actually from Italy. Expense aside, you'd think this would be an easy trip for me. You're wrong.
You see, this steakhouse is so fancy that they have a special employee whose job it is to park my car. As far as I can tell by watching their parking lot with high-powered binoculars, their "valet" will take your car from you at the entrance, park it for you, and retrieve it for you when you're done eating. This, presumably, saves you the dinner-ruining stress of gently turning your vehicle to place it into a parking space.
Personally, I don't mind parking. My own backyard is full of cars packed helter-skelter, with mere millimetres of space between them. I could probably park a bus in here, if I really had to, but it would take me a couple of hours to get it back out. That's not the problem. The problem is that the valet would have to drive my car, which means I'd have to explain how to drive my car to them.
In case you think that's not a problem, allow me to explain. Most carbureted cars have a single choke, which you pull out when the car is cold in order to help it breathe a little better. Mine has sixteen, which must be pulled, bagpipe-like, in a specific order as the engine is running in order to keep it from dying at the lights. Could I fix it? Not until they create a bottle of head-gasket fix that also cures giant holes in the block.
Sure, I could park a few blocks away and walk there, but the valet will smell the desperation on me. If I have a rusty, propane-spurting 1970s Chrysler product, maybe I'm an eccentric. There's fewer of those left than Ferrari 458s, which makes me a "vintage collector," at least in the eyes of the super-rich-people yacht-owning magazine I tricked into doing an interview with me last year. All that goes out the window if I show up on foot. Same goes for letting my dinner date drive me there: her Hyundai Tucson is, well, a Hyundai Tucson. Not eccentric at all. Practical. They hate that there.
Ultimately, I think I'm going to have to bite the bullet and do things the hard way. I've already applied for a job as their assistant valet. There's an employee discount, and I'm pretty sure that I'll be head valet once the bossman sees that I can fit like 700% as many cars in there as the old guy. It's just going to take a few weeks to get them back out again, which is even better for business.
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starbanmk · 6 months
Hi :3!! I heard you have a biker au :0? !!!
- 🦇
well its the seeds of an idea for a biker au..... gonna yap abt it under the cut :3
warning: i yap for a while.
So this biker au follows the story of a gang of bikers, and the group of mechanics that work at the shop these bikers always go to when they get their shit rocked.
The biker gang (at the moment) consists of Ash, Spoke, Roshambo, Squiddo, and Planet. They do trail biking, and often compete in official and unofficial races that can often result in injuries and broken bikes. Haven't named the gang yet but Spoke probably named it so they probably call themselves somsthing stupid like La La Legio— *gets shot*
These guys have been friends since highschool and are currently all attending college when not racing or at their respective workplaces. Their collective goal with racing is mostly to have fun, but Spoke and Ash in particular have some sort of beef with another couple bikers who they race often: Minute, Clown, and Leo.
Those three, the PMC (Poopy Motor Cyclists, as Spoke has dubbed them), are well known in the trail racing community to bike with reckless abandon, but they somehow always end up winning their races. Ash and Spoke don't like them. The rest of their friends think it stems from jealousy.
The thing about racing these guys is that Ash and Spoke are, more often than not, coaxed into also biking with less care and more risk than they usually would. They, however, are not as lucky as the PMC and often find themselves either injured or in the shop begging Parrot for a discount on the most recent repairs that need to be done.
Now, these mechanics. They work at a locally owned bike repair shop, founded by Mapicc's grandfather. Mapicc very recently inherited ownership of the shop, and is kind of struggling to find his footing as the guy in charge. His employees (who he pays very well don't listen to them when they say otherwise) are mostly all his friends who were looking for jobs.
Reddoons, Branzy, Parrot, Mapicc, Cube, and Bacon all work there full time, and a couple of them (Mapicc and Cube) even bike themselves when they have the time.
Roshambo and Mapicc have known eachother since diapers, so he's always gotten discounts at the shop. The rest of his gang has been not-so-subtlety trying to befriend the rest of the mechanics at the shop to also get access to this discount.
And basically, this AU follows the story of these two groups of people. How their worlds overlap, how they stay separate, and what they can learn from each other. Might sprinkle a little power of friendship in there for safe measure.
Parrot and Spoke have a little enemies to friends arc,
Reddoons learns to let go and grieve something he loved,
Branzy falls in love with the WRONG FUCKING BIKER,
Ashswagg finds it in himself to be devoted to something a little healthier than a one-sides rivalry
Spoke learns he doesn't need to do crazy things and get crazy hurt to be cared about,
Mapicc becomes more comfortable in his authority and abilities, learning not to compare his accomplishments with those of others,
Ash and Red fill missing pieces for eachother, offering comfort balanced with excitement and the feeling of loving something other than bikes,
Minute and Leo spend a LOT of time trying to find out who keeps giving Minute anonymous notes claiming to be his biggest fan,
and other fun shenanigans!!!
This would be a massive project to write but i really do hope i get there someday. I do really have a soft spot for Hot biker + the fucking IDIOT that fixes his bike
thanks for asking about the au!!!!
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beneathsilverstars · 2 months
ooc of me to go this long without thinking about a daycare teacher au but i'm doing it now and i think siffrin would teach babies, nille would teach toddlers, isabeau younger preschoolers, mirabelle older preschoolers, and odile the after-school kids.
baby rooms are very routine-based with lots of written notes and almost no variation from the schedule, which would work well for siffrin! i think older kids might stress him out because he's kind of sensitive lol, but babies can't be mean to you or each other. and they definitely need more snuggles in their life, which babies are great for.
toddlers enjoy a lot of rough and tumble play because they're calibrating their proprioceptive senses, and people tend to hc nille as active and strong. having a bad reaction to sudden touch could be an issue with any age group, but at least toddler classrooms are built to make it easy to keep track of where everyone is at once, and toddlers don't care if you react weird sometimes!
early preschoolers are trying to learn how to name and manage big feelings and navigate interpersonal conflicts, but still can't communicate very clearly, so isabeau's emotional perceptiveness would come in handy. he's also strong enough to still be able to carry them and swing them around easily. and he's very silly, which is a plus with any age, but esp kids who are old enough to have active opinions but not old enough to hold a long conversation.
pre-kindergarten is the era of mastering basic skills like writing letters, using scissors, and naming days of the week; mirabelle loves taking all sorts of classes, so i think she'd love teaching all sorts of skills! and since she's used to working through her own anxiety, she would probably do a good job helping kids who are starting to become aware of more complex social dynamics and getting shy and self-conscious.
odile is self-assured and unflappable enough to be able to handle big kids, who will pounce on a hint of weakness. i think she'd get quite bored of cutesy early childhood stuff, but elementary school kids can play real games and do cool big projects! and she'd definitely notice when any trouble starts brewing so she can nip it in the bud.
none of them are lead teachers lol, except odile since the ratio for elementary schoolers only requires one teacher. euphrasie is the director, and mirabelle works there because she went to the same center as a kid and remembers it fondly. bonnie goes to the after-school classroom, and nille gets that sweet employee discount on childcare. odile is doing this temporarily while she looks for a job teaching adults in her actual field, isabeau kinda defaulted to childcare because he has way too much experience taking care of younger siblings, and siffrin applied to every job in the area and happened to get this one first. <3
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pollenallergie · 1 year
Best friend!Eddie Headcanon(s) ft. Reefer Rick
aka Eddisms: The Reefmix
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Reefer Rick doesn’t just supply Eddie with drugs to deal, he also offers Eddie his illegal bootleg copies of movies that are only out in theaters to Eddie for a discounted price.
Rick calls it the “employee discount,” but, considering Eddie is his only dealer at the moment, it might as well just be the “Eddie discount.”
You and Eddie have weekly movie nights. Typically, you rent movies from Family Video for these movie nights like good, morally upstanding citizens. However, once a month, you two indulge in the contraband and have a bootleg movie night wherein you watch whatever new, pirated flicks Rick has to offer.
On these nights, you forgo your weekly trip to family video but still head to the closest convenience store to get snacks because junk food is a necessity for movie nights.
Then, Eddie heads to Reefer Rick’s place to “rent” the flicks from him, leaving you back at the trailer to get everything set up for your movie night, much to your chagrin. You kinda hate that Eddie never brings you along with him to run his “errands,” mostly because you hate being left out. It’s not like you actually want to be involved in his illicit activities, but it still sucks to be excluded. Nevertheless, you prepare the spread of junk food, order the pizza, and transform the Munsons’ living room into the ultimate, cozy movie night cove.
Meanwhile, Eddie’s at Rick’s, buying the films and some weed for personal consumption, a movie night must-have. Unfortunately, such an exchange also involves shooting the shit with Rick for about an hour because he’s the only man who can out-chatterbox Eddie. These conversations usually involve Rick, who thinks of himself as Eddie’s mentor, giving the youngest Munson life advice that he definitely didn’t ask for and ranting about whatever sociopolitical issues he’s been hyper-focusing on lately, such as the military-industrial complex, the bullshit War on Drugs, really, any mostly-valid-yet-still-a-bit crackpot anti-establishment rhetoric you can think of, Ricks probably spewing it at Eddie. Honestly, these conversations are more like scatterbrained lectures; the kind filled with lots of ‘um’s and long pauses, the kind where Rick forgets what he’s talking about after a while and jarringly switches topics, starting a new lecture entirely without giving poor Eddie so much as a subtle verbal cue.
After retrieving the films and robotically nodding along to these scatterbrained lectures, Eddie returns to the trailer and is immediately accosted by your incessant complaining about the fact that he never lets you go with him to pick up stuff from Rick’s. At this point, your grumbling is part of the routine.
Of course, Eddie’s always quick to remind you that it’s not about wanting you to “sit at home and play housewife” for him (your go-to accusation, you little feminist you), but that he simply doesn’t trust Rick around you because, in Eddie’s words, Rick’s “sketchy” and “a total perv.”
In all honesty, Rick’s harmless; a drug dealer/supplier who has no qualms with dealing to minors, but otherwise harmless. Rick’s nothing more than a stoner punk with access to semi-decent weed that is somehow both a genius and a being that completely lacks common sense, hence why Eddie’s unofficial PoliSci professor has been caught by Hawkin’s PD a few times.
The real reason Eddie doesn’t want you around Rick is that he’s intimidated by him. More specifically, Rick is a fucking hot, with his various tattoos and anti-establishment ideals. He’s about ten years your senior, though the way he somehow balances tranquil maturity with enough oddball immaturity makes him seem five or six years younger than he actually is. Not to mention, he’s just educated enough to have some semi-intellectual conversations (Rick went to college at Purdue and flunked out during his junior year because he spent too much time partying and doing drugs), but he’s also somehow dumb enough for it to be sort of endearing, likely as a result of all the hard drugs killing his brain cells or whatever. Truthfully, Rick’s oddly charming in ways that Eddie doesn’t think he ever could be (little does Eddie know, he’s his own brand of oddly charming, and his type of charm has already made you fall for him), and, well, that scares the shit out of Eddie because, in his eyes, Rick is exactly the type of guy that could steal you away from him before he ever even gets the chance to tell you, his best friend, how hopelessly in love with you he is. No, no way, not happening. Therefore, Eddie’s decided that you can never ever find out who Reefer Rick actually is and you can certainly never meet him. Eddie can’t prevent the two of you from crossing paths in the grocery store, but he can prevent you two from ever properly meeting and talking to each other.
Anyways… Once Eddie has amply reassured you that you didn’t miss out on anything and that he’s not leaving you behind because you’re not a dude, he pops in one of the flicks, coaxes you onto the couch, and snuggles up with you as the two of you prepare to watch a really shitty quality version of a movie that you two are honestly indifferent to (hence why you two aren’t going to see it in theaters) and that, for some reason, has large, bold, poorly-translated Turkish subtitles on it.
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livwritesstuff · 2 months
Hii first of all I absolutly ADORE your steddie drabbles. In regards to the girls I was thinking about what would there first job be as a teenager/ or if they even have one?
I think Steve would definnetly want them to earn some financial responsibility just so they could become more well rounded people.
I think they would all have their fair share of retail and fastfood jobs. I think out of all of them Hazel would definnelty enjoy her retail job but would not hesitate to abort and work in an animal shelter or volunteer/ help with wildlife animals.
I totally think that Steve and Eddie would make the girls get jobs soon as they were legally allowed to work -- not so much because they actually intend to require that the girls pay for anything that isn’t a bare minimum necessity. I think it would be more that they just want their kids to see the value in that kind of work (but maybe that’s just me projecting because I genuinely think that everybody should work a service job at least once).
The thing about Moe is that she’s pretty good at just rolling with situations as they change, so if she has to get a job then she gets a job. I think she would look at the situation like how can I get this to work for me? I’ve gone into how Moe does winter sports like snowboarding and skiing so I think she would probably get a job at the mountain that she goes to. (tbh i think that’s what I’ve talked about before. I think I made a joke about how she works the ski lift, and she slows the lift down for the good skiers -- to humble them, obv).
I think out of the three, the one who would be most annoyed about having to get a job would be Robbie because 1) she doesn’t like to be told what to do, and 2) she does love to shop. I see her as either an absolutely unhinged waitress or taking a Moe-esque path and finding a way to turn something she already does into a job (maybe the place she takes violin lessons at has a storefront and she ends up working there).
As for Hazel, I feel like I see her loving retail. She’s just so chill and unbothered, and I also think that she would pretty immediately realize that if she works retail, she gets employee discount privileges. Once she realizes that, she applies to all the stores she likes to shop at, and she ends up working at one of her favorite clothing stores (idk I feel like I see her at Anthropologie or Urban or Aritizia or something like that). She comes home with a shopping bag every time she has a shift and Steve is like are you actually making money there or is all your paycheck going back to work?
I definitely see Hazel doing some sort of internship at an animal shelter or a wildlife sanctuary maybe her junior and/or senior years of high school and being so bummed about not working her retail job anymore because it means she loses her discount lol
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A/N – So, here is chapter one! Lots of detail to flesh out  characters and whatnot. Plus, we see Charlie! Hopefully, I captured her character pretty well. I plan on this story mostly keeping the same pace as the show, but with a filler chapter to cover the 6 month gap. This chapter takes place before the extermination that’s in the pilot and we all know the stuff on Netflix moved pretty quickly after that.
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
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I hope you guys like this! I plan on starting chapter 2 tomorrow. Depending on if my brain decides it likes me, I could have it out by Monday? Or, if you guys want a longer chapter, probably Thursday. Constructive criticism is always welcome! Enjoy! 😊
CW: Language again
Chapter One
Meeting With the Princess
“Listen, Valentino, Madame C said no discounts, no exceptions. Doesn’t matter if you’re a fellow overlord, no means no. Accept that before we remove all security detail from all of your “actors”, okay?” Nia was beginning to lose what little patience she possessed; the moth demon always made her angry especially when he was trying to take advantage of her boss. Valentino knew Madame C charged the most for security details because she paid the hell hounds better than anyone else, which meant they tended to work harder and more efficiently than any other security group. And, despite wanting top-notch protection for the more profitable souls he owned, Val hated having to pay the shadowy mute so much. Every month he attempted to negotiate a lower price, and each time he would push until he was threatened with a rise in his rate or termination of their contract.
The moth demon was getting just as irritated, he was so used to getting his way with any demon he considered below him, yet the shadowed overlord in front of him never seemed phased by his tricks. Instead he glanced from the hell hound before him to Madame C, her unsettling eyes narrowed and gloved hands clasped in front of her. “Well, if there’s no convincing you, I suppose that’s that. Just know I will be exploring my options, you’re not the only one providing guards these days,” Valentino said nonchalantly before rising from his chair and crossing his arms; his last attempt to maintain some sort of superiority.
Madame C sat back in her chair, a smirk crossing her face briefly knowing Valentino was bluffing. She turned her smirk into a grin before beginning to sign for Nia to relay her message.
“My boss says, ‘I understand your frustration. If you find comparable security for a better price, please do not hesitate to cancel your service with us.’ Hope that’s clear enough for ya’ perv.” Nia’s distaste for Valentino was clear as she finished and began to move towards the closed office doors. Opening one she motioned towards a hell hound from outside, “Echo, please show Valentino here the exit. His bill has been paid and his meeting is over.”
The muscular hell hound that entered the office was one of the most intimidating Madame C employed, scars from his younger days covered his arms and most of his face and his mouth seemed set in a permanent scowl. He narrowed his eyes at the moth demon, before gesturing towards the door, “Time to go, sir.” The two men left, Valentino seething but doing his best to cling to his pride, with Nia closing the doors behind them.
Nia made her way to the shadow demons desk, flopping down into a chair with a heavy sigh. “I fuckin’ hate that bitch. Don’t know why you still do business with him, C. Prick always tries to cheat you somehow.”
*He’s a paying client. Not happily, but his money helps me make sure everyone I employ can live comfortably, including you.* Madame C gives Nia an exasperated look, she knows none of her employees truly like being assigned to Valentino in any way or even just being around the pimp, but she also knows that without his contracts the other Vees would also pull out and with them a decent percentage of her revenue would be gone.
The young hell hound threw her head back with an exaggerated groan, “I know! Doesn’t make it any easier to tolerate him.” Nia then glanced at her notebook to see who would be walking through the doors next, her red eyes widening seeing the name C. Morningstar. “Oh shit! I forgot that was today! Fuck! The princess is your last meeting, you need me to grab some tea or something? Dammit, what do royal demons like? I completely forgot, I am so sorry, ugh!” Nia was pulling at her fur, distressed she had forgotten such a big deal appointment.
White gloved hands grabbed the she wolf’s wrists and guided them to the younger girl's sides before pulling away to sign, *Breathe Nia. Go grab 3 mugs of cocoa for all of us. We have enough time before she should be here.* Madame C’s hands ceased signing and returned to the papers in front of her, sorting out what needed signed and what could be filed away. Meanwhile Nia rushed out of the office and downstairs to the kitchen, trying to make the aforementioned drinks as quickly as possible without making an obscenely large mess.
As she began to make her way up the stairs to the office, the hell hound caught sight of long blonde hair and a flash of red clothing turning the corner at the top of the stairs. Recognizing Charlie Morningstar from her recent news interview, Nia picked up her pace as carefully as possible hoping to catch up before the princess reached the office. With only a few drops of cocoa spilled, she met Charlie in front of Madame C’s doors only slightly out of breath. “Ms. Morningstar! It’s so nice to finally meet you, I’m Nia, Madame C’s assistant. I’m the one you talked to on the phone last week!”
Charlie’s grin widened, “It’s so nice to meet you! Thank you for getting Madame C to see me, I really think she’s gonna like what I have to talk to her about!” The blonde’s excitement was unrestrained, she was practically bouncing in place.
“I hope so, you made whatever it is sound like a great opportunity for us. Plus, boss lady loves working with royals. Says you all are her easiest and nicest clients!”
The two girls walked into the office, Nia making her way past Charlie to place the tray of cocoa on Madame C’s desk. The older woman looked up from organizing the remaining papers on her desk to the two girls before giving a small wave to the princess.
“Remember, Madame C can’t talk, so I’ll be interpreting for her. Usually first meetings like this are all about you pitching what you want or need, though. So whenever you’re ready, let’s hear it!” Nia smiled as she took a seat in one of the 2 chairs facing her boss, gesturing for Charlie to take the other.
The blonde took a deep breath before sitting down in the chair, pulling her own papers out of seemingly nowhere. She looked up at the demon in front of her, only seeing a shadowy outline with 2 bright green eyes already watching her. A gloved hand motioned for the princess to make her pitch. “Okay, so, I have a hotel for sinners to redeem themselves. I believe that if they work hard and do all the right things, heaven will have to let them in! And then the exorcist won’t have to come down and less sinners will have to die! It’s definitely going to work, I just have to talk to heaven… but I know they’ll say yes! They have to! But, anyway, I have the hotel and we have staff and our first resident too. The only problem is, since my interview on the news, some people haven’t exactly been open-minded or accepting and have kinda… destroyed several walls? Heh heh… but it’s totally not an issue! I know they’ll stop eventually and then they’ll all realize they want to be redeemed and come stay at the hotel!” The princess was out of breath when she paused to gauge Madame C’s reaction before moving on to what she really came for, unfortunately the shadow demon's eyes stared back almost blankly. Charlie took another deep breath and squared her shoulders, “What I’m getting at is, we could probably use a little help keeping people from blasting down our walls or breaking the door down. Plus! If sinners see that we have security to keep them safe from anyone that might want to hurt them, they’ll be even more likely to come stay! It'll a win-win!” Charlie finished with a grin, hoping the woman in front of her understood the vision she was trying to convey.
Madame C clasped her gloved hands together under her chin, the idea of redemption was intriguing to her even though she doubted many would actually want it. She began to sign while Nia translated, “Your idea is interesting. I can’t say I fully believe many sinners will want redemption, but I still would be more than happy to assign a couple of hell hounds to your hotel. The question then is, can you afford my fee? I believe Nia told you, I do not offer any discounts, not even for the princess of hell.”
At the mention of payment, Charlie cringed a little, she could afford it, but not without cutting costs elsewhere. “I was actually wondering if maybe we could make a compromise of sorts? You said you think it’s an interesting idea, so maybe you’d like to come stay at the hotel! You could stay for free, obviously, and work on redemption if you want, and then just knowing you’re there will deter people from breaking the hotel! No offense, but you have a scary reputation… But! That would work and then maybe we’d only need one hell hound that I would obviously pay for,” Charlie finished with a hopeful grin.
One simple gesture made the princesses grin drop instantly. She glanced at the once smiling hell hound next to her to see Nia already looking apologetic. Both girls turned back to the shadow cloaked demon, Charlie ready to try again, but Madame C held her hand up to stop her. “My staying at the hotel would only put a larger target on you. And it would actually mean you would be paying for more hell hound security. I have at least 3 in this building and 2 outside at all times. Redemption is not for me either, heaven is full of hypocrisy and backstabbing. I have no interest in ever ascending to live with angels.” The last part of her explanation, Madame C’s hands and eyes expressed just how much she loathed heaven. “Unless you are willing to pay the fee you have been told, I’m afraid there is nothing more for us to talk about.”
Charlie was raking a hand through her hair, searching her brain for something, anything she could use to possibly make the older woman budge. “Isn’t there something you want or need that no one else might be able to get for you? Anything? I hate using my title, but I am the princess of hell, I can do a lot more than anyone else, except my dad of course…But please! I need this hotel to work, I have to do something to protect my people!”
Madame C smiled slightly, signing, “Unless you have some magic spell book that could give me a voice, I already have everything I could need or want. I’m sorry.” Nia seemed slightly confused as she translated, she never realized her boss might not enjoy being unable to speak. She had figured someone born with such a disability probably never cared for something they never had to begin with.
The blonde princess looked frustrated for a second, thinking over the fact she didn’t know of any such spell. Maybe her mom or dad did, but Lilith had been gone for 7 years and her dad… well.. maybe? She didn’t talk to her dad much, had no idea what he had even been doing recently. But, this hotel HAD to succeed! And she knew she’d need to ask him about a meeting with heaven anyway. There was no guarantee that such a spell existed or if Lucifer would even help a sinner, but it had to be worth a shot. Charlie’s head shot up, resolve clear on her face, “What if I can set up a meeting with my dad? Surely he’ll know how to give you a voice or if it can even be done. And then, would you make an exception on the contract? Even just a little?”
Madame C sat forward, surprised the girl in front of her would offer the one thing she had never been able to get. Schooling her features to not show just how elated her heart was for the first time in over 500 years. If anyone could break the chains her father had bound her in, it would be the king of hell. “Arrange the meeting. If he agrees, I will cover the cost of 1 hell hound so you will only be responsible for the 2nd. That is my final offer. If your father refuses to meet, no deal.”
Charlie jumped up, squealing and clapping her hands. “Don’t worry, I’m sure he’ll help! Thank you thank you thank you!!! I’ll call him when I leave and I’ll let Nia know what he says by tonight!” The princess couldn’t control herself, reaching for the shadow demon’s hands and shaking them vigorously before running out of the office, excited that her plans were all falling into place. Charlie popped her head back through the office door, “Thank you! I promise, you won’t regret this!” And with that, she was gone.
Meanwhile, Madame C shook her head softly while crossing her arms. Nia looked from the now closed office doors to her boss, chuckling lowly at the energetic princess. After a minute, though, her expression changed to one of contemplation. “I didn’t realize you might have an issue, not being able to talk. I’m sure Vox coulda’ made something to help, even if ya’ don’t like the guy,” she said softly.
Looking to her assistant, Madame C debated internally if she was ready to entrust the young woman with what she was about to divulge. Ultimately, she decided Nia would be smart enough to keep this secret once she knew. Stretching her fingers for the explanation she was about to give, the older woman debated how in depth she wanted to go. Finally, *When I came to hell, I had a voice. Unfortunately, a powerful man decided he didn’t like my existence. He used his power to seal part of my soul away and my voice so that I would never be able to tell anyone what he had done. He knew it would destroy him if anyone knew about me, so he hoped that by making me weak and vulnerable a sinner would kill me before I could ever find a way to break his chains.* A sad smile graced Madame C’s face, only noticeable by the sadness and tears her eyes barely held back.
Nia couldn’t believe her boss had held onto a secret like this for so long. That the woman before her had lived in hell as long as she had and become a powerful overlord with a portion of her sealed away. Madame C had had a voice at one point. The she wolf wondered what it sounded like. “I hope the king can and will help, I think I’d really like hearing you talk. And we could always still use sign when we need to talk shit about the Vees!” The two women looked at each other with big grins, Nia laughing a little.
*We should get back to our plans for the extermination coming up, I want to ensure everyone we’re protecting is secure this time – last year was a mess. I don’t want to lose a single sinner this time.* Madame C signed after a few moments, as giddy as she was with the possibility of getting her voice back, the extermination was in a week and she couldn’t afford another mishap like last year. It may have been the sinner’s fault for skirting their security detail, but Velvette had been particularly upset about losing one of her favorite girls.
Nia mock-saluted her boss with a grin, “Yes ma’am! I’ll go grab everything we’ve got and start making contact with each of our hounds that are on the ground. No slip-ups this year, only perfection!”
Madame C watched the she-wolf skip off to the file room with a small smile fading as she fell into her thoughts and relaxed back into her chair. A gloved hand reached up to the center of her chest, anytime she came close to spilling the whole truth, she could feel the chains around her soul tighten. The ache was one she hadn’t felt in so long, but she knew that if she gained this meeting with Lucifer she’d have to endure it again to hopefully sway him. The green-eyed woman felt so nervous but also hopeful, more so than she had since she was a small girl, running through trees with her mother. While she would never see the woman again, if she could get her voice back, she could finally get her revenge on the man who had ruined everything
A few short hours later, Nia and Madame C were wrapping up their last check-in calls and making notes of any sinners they suspected might try something stupid on extermination day. They both jumped slightly at the sound of Nia’s hell phone buzzing briefly on the table. The she-wolf put her pen down and checked the notification, her ears perking up at seeing the name C. Morningstar. She quickly unlocked her phone and clicked the text pop-up, red eyes scanning the message before a large grin split her face. Tail wagging, Nia looked at her boss, “She did it! You have a meeting with Lucifer 3 days after the extermination!”
~ A/N ~ likes and comments are appreciated and make me squeal a little every time!
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