#also fun fact if your reading down here doing it in the tub really increases the risk of UTIs
Bubble baths
Sort of a continuation of this lyle fic, but recom now! (Mainly a surprise gift for @thevanityofthefox)
Sequel to
Summary: Recom!Lyle is a little body conscious but decides to share a bubble bath with his partner!
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Warnings: Sexual content, smut, na'vi gentles differences (Will link the post if I find it but picture that scene from the shape of water)
Of all the team Lyle found himself adjusting the easiest. Miles brooded, Mansk was grumpier than normal and even Lopez wasn't up to joke around. He felt Walker and Zdog at least had more of an excuse, their biology was the most altered.
Although at least they still looked themselves downstairs. Lyle grumbled at the ken doll look he sported in the mirror. The lab coats had given them a very amusing sex ed lesson. One they could barely get through from the laughter of their audience.
He was still there, just tucked up and hidden. Suppose that explained the loin cloths their enemies wore, nothing to hide. Well not entirely true, the human DNA left him still with his happy trail.
He'd avoided being intimate with you since he'd returned. You were keen no question but he just wasn't comfortable yet. Angel you were you'd backed down, being extremely affectionate without pushing it.
It was incredibly frustrating. Of course you had no idea how bad he wanted you, innocently pecking his cheek, sharing his bed, cuddling. All perfectly tame behavior, it was Lyle's mind that kept dwelling on your touch. The feel of your hands on him, your soft flesh squishing against him under the covers.
You'd been enjoying the new facilities. Lyle's room was even bigger now at Bridgehead. Large soft bed, windows, a desk big enough for both of you and the en suite. This new bathroom had you giddy, jumping in place and holding his arm.
It was pretty nice, even he had to admit it. Walk in shower, large sink, lots of surface space and the centerpiece, a huge bath tub. This truly was massive, easily five times the size of any he'd seen before. Though with his new body it had to be. Even so he'd probably still have to raise his knees to fit but the water could go up to his chest.
He'd not been in yet. He'd joked you were never out of it to the others. Prager smiling cheekily at him from across the table.
"You could join them!" He smirked, jabbing Walker beside him.
"You better or I will!" Ja clapped his shoulder taking a seat beside him. Lyle feigned jealousy, demanding a duel for your honour. It didn't bother him, their jokes were just that and he trusted you more than anyone.
It was in that spirit he entered your shared room. The tell tale light and steam coming from the bathroom. He was being silly, he knew it. You wouldn't shame him for his new form, it was his problem and he wanted to deal with it.
He entered the room, removing his shirt and tossing it to the bed. He'd been in plenty of times while you'd bathed or showered now. There was no shyness left in you as you grinned from the tub.
"Dinner good?" You hummed, your eyes slipping closed again. You'd even lit some scented candles he'd found for you. Hell he should have got some rose petals! You looked beautiful in the bubbles, skin glowing in the dim flames.
"Mhm, nothing beats grubs and roots." He joked, new diet had been hard to adjust to. He stood at the mirror above the sink, stalling a moment. He heard you shift in the water behind him, glancing at your reflection. You moved to the edge closest to him, gazing up his bare back.
He took a deep breath, unbuckling his belt. The seconds dragged on in to infinity, it felt torturous. He watched your gaze linger on his figure, drinking in his muscled back. He remembered your first night on the base, you fingers lazily tracing his glowing freckles in the dark. His throat tightened as he unzipped his trousers, letting them fall and kicking them away.
"Mind if I join you?" He called over his shoulder, his voice calmer than he felt. His heart fluttered at your spreading grin, exited to be close to him.
"Sure!" You chirped, "Big spoon or little?" you added. It'd been a joke at first but he'd come to really enjoy being little spoon at night. Your frame wrapping around him, tucking his head to your chest, legs around his slim waist.
"Little." he decided. If he was gonna do this he wanted to relax. He heard the squeak as you shifted back to the other end of the tub. With one last gulp he dropped his pants.
There was no reaction, of course not, you'd been well aware of na'vi biology before he had. You just smiled up at him before reaching grabbing hands to him. He chuckled, stepping into the warm water and leaning back against you.
It was heavenly, the gentle scent on the bubbles and candles, the warmth of the water seeping into his skin and you hands. You rubbed bubbles up his arms, stopping to knead into the muscle of his neck. He groaned, letting the tension drift out with the sound. His tail shifted uncomfortable before he moved it to curl around your waist.
He felt you legs on either side of his own clench together slightly before your hands continued to his scalp. You rubbed the skin as Lyle relaxed further, slipping down your chest a little. He felt amazing, cursing himself for not enjoying this luxury sooner. When your massage ended your hands slipped forward to rest on his chest, giving his peck a playful squeeze.
He laughed a little, before he felt you kiss against his neck. It was just a peck, you weren't pushing things but oh what it did to him. He let his hand glide down your thigh, feeling your breath hitch behind him. One thing was glad for now, was that he could literally smell your arousal. Even past the soap and candles your scent was the sweetest thing.
Lyle sat up twisting to rest his back on the other side of the tub. He smirked across at you, now able to see the blush tipping your ears. He reached his hands out, beckoning you to join him. You rose to your knees, giving Lyle a good show of your chest. Water and soap tracing down your form as he stared, desperate to engrave the sight into his mind.
You took his arms, Lyle tugging you to him. The water sloshed, spilling out onto the tiles. Neither of you could find it in yourselves to care for a little mess right now. Both caught so strongly by the others gaze. Now closer you shifted up, climbing into Lyle's lap.
He felt his core twitch, an aching in him stronger than he'd ever felt. A drive to be closer, his tail reacting on its own, wrapping round your thigh. He trailed his hands up your spine, your body arching against his own. Closer, he needed to be closer.
Your hands cupped his cheeks, silent question hanging between you both. You were too sweet, still waiting to be sure he was ready. Lyle answered with a kiss, heated and greedy.
His hands tangling into your hair, tilting your head to deepen the connection. He nipped gently at your lips, weary of fangs before trailing his kiss to your jaw. He felt your hands gripping his shoulders, your hip now grinding down against him.
He muffled his moans into your neck, sucking and nipping where your scent grew stronger. Your whimpers above him were driving him wild. His hips bucked up against yours desperate for friction.
Lyle let a hand slip down, grazing against your hardened nipple on his way down. You whined, body so sensitive under his touch. Maybe from the weeks without his attention or maybe just your own changes. Whatever it was it didn't matter, it drove him feral to hear your reactions.
He tipped you back to mouth at your chest, while his hand slipped between you both. You moaned out his name, Lyle's ears flicking at the wanton sound, focusing forward desperate for more.
He rubbed languid circles against you, savoring the way you tensed and writhed. Your nails digging into his arms, even the sting was exquisite. He felt his own need growing, desperate for more. The driving need to be closer still.
He reached to his own, feeling the hardened tip pocking there, the need almost painful. He pressed in and up under it, the strange new sensation making his eyes roll back. He unfurled, his hard cock bouncing up against you.
He tipped his head to meet your gaze. Your hooded eyes staring down only looked hungry. Your hand slipping bellow the water to curl around him. Lyle sucked air in through his teeth at your touch, hands darting to the tubs sides for support.
You gently explored his length, excited by the feeling of hard ridges, wondering just how magnificent he'll look out of the obscuring water. You rose, hand aligning him to your entrance before locking eyes again.
Lyle's pupils were blow, almost black in the dim light. His mouth slack as he took in the sight. You sat, sliding down his length in one motion, keening at the sudden stretch. Still it was worth it for the sound Lyle made, an animalistic growl that set your hairs on end. His hand gripping your hips to grind you against him.
You rose again, slapping back down, Lyle grunting and bucking with you. His head diving down to your throat again latching on as you road him. You were sure you were covered in love bites but you couldn't care. Your need driving your hips deeper down, grinding after your own high.
He could feel you getting close, the fluttering walls tightening against him driving him deeper. His hand slipped back down, needing to add more sensation, craving your release around him. You chanted his name in his ear, unable to form any other word past the moans.
He was edging closer himself, keeping pace despite the dizzying pleasure. Just a little longer, he needed to hear you first, need to feel it.
Your orgasm crashed against you, crying out as waves of it coursed through you, gripping onto Lyle. He was barely a second behind, the sudden rush of warmth, the tight spasm, your voice, it was all too much. You road out your high, stilling against his stuttering hips as it passed.
Both your chests heaved in rhythm together. Lyle whispered praises against your skin, leaving open mouthed kisses up until he reached your lips.
He kissed you gently, hands stroking your hair delicately before pulling away to admire your blissed out expression. He kissed the tip of your nose, watching your eyes refocus and letting out a giggle. The movement making him twitch inside you.
"Again?" Your eyes widened, a small smiles spreading across your swollen lips. Lyle leaned in to kiss you again, sure he'd never want to stop.
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captainlenfan · 5 years
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New Post has been published on http://websiteshop.network/episode-435-qa-with-robb-and-nicki-28-2/
Episode 435 – Q&A with Robb and Nicki #28
We’re back with more of the Q&A you crave!  Episode 435, Q&A #28
Submit your own questions for the podcast at: https://robbwolf.com/contact/submit-a-question-for-the-podcast/
If you want to see the video for this podcast, be sure to check out our YouTube channel.
  Show Notes:
1. Overeating On Keto [2:08]
Steve says:
Hi Rob,
I don’t want to take too much of your time. But going Keto for me has found me doing exactly what I feared I could do. I have been Paleo for five or six years and so has my wife. We have no kids at home so grains and junky carbs are not and issue or even a temptation. I am in the middle of doing the keto masterclass, which I am savouring because I have been making some mistakes.
I am 50 years old and work out regularly doing either mixed kettlebell workouts or if I do weight and resistance training at the moment I like to do whole body workouts 3 X a week and can mix in some cardio in between. I have kept fit most of my life, my goal is as I age to stay lean and keep mobile. Pretty simple goal.
We live in Perth in Western Australia so we have great weather and lots of sun. I work as a gardener in a private school, a job I love doing as I’m outside and moving all day, not as hard as say some sort of construction worker but that can happen on a given day just not every day.
Coming from eating paleo the transition for me has been pretty easy. As I went low carb and increased the fat I was eating my wife liked the sound of it so she hopped on board. She is doing great and in fact better than me. We aren’t really that worried about measuring ketones at this stage, it has been more about getting the diet right.
My issue is, I love the food. For some reason it has made me hungrier. Stocking our fridge and cupboards I made sure that we had all we needed and I wanted to see what I liked to eat also.
So I have blown it on all sorts of things. I have had days where I ate too much thickened cream, one tub has 800 calories and it is so easy to eat. I have blown it on nut butter and blown it on cheese. I can’t believe it.
At first it was wrapping my head around the fat content. I think I get it now. But I have put on body fat, which is so annoying. It’s not a train wreck but I feel like I am in a rut now and it’s hard to get out. I don’t want to quit because I can see and have felt the benefits. It’s just with the fat content and my physiology there seems to be no room for error.
I listen to your podcast and since listening I have gone to the ketogains website and worked out my macros. I was still tracking somewhat but some days I may have blown it by 5 or 6 hundred calories.
I have come so close to quitting as for me it seems to have been an easy way to get fat rather the leaner.
I’m not sure that you can help and not sure what else that I could tell you. Diet wise I have intermittent fasted for 3 or more years with differing protocols. Doing 16 – 20 hours is pretty comfortable. I workout in the mornings and often don’t eat until lunch time or when I get home from work.
My diet hasn’t changed too much except I have eaten cream, which I am now over. Adding more fat to my meals. Cooking in butter eating nuts and doing other keto style things. Apart from that my diet is still pretty primal. I love veggies. I have for years done a version of Mark Sisson’s big ass salad. Which would be my daily staple. Evening veggies could be broccoli with brussel sprouts maybe some Kale and mushrooms. Also we do milk Kefir but I try to keep that to a minimum.
If you have any suggestions that would be great. Are there others that have had this sort of issue, going keto has made them fatter?
Really enjoy your podcast and thanks for all of the really useful info that you have put out. I have also read your books.
Best regards
  2. What’s Up With Fiber & Kids? [8:58]
Rory says:
As part of restoring my own gut health, I’ve used prebiotic fibers in various doses based somewhat on Grace Liu’s advice, and I’m curious if and when supplemental fiber would be beneficial for my daughter?
Again assuming that she started off at a disadvantage because of the antibiotics, it seems to follow logically that prebiotic fiber would help her gut bacteria develop, and increase her overall health and resilience.
Is that actually logical?
And are there any cautions? Is there a certain dose that’s age-appropriate, or do I just slowly increase until she has digestive upset?
Should I mix fibers in order to feed a variety of bacteria, or are there certain fibers that are optimal for a young gut (i.e. what would a cavebaby be most likely to eat chew on for fun?).
  3. Tips For Increasing Testosterone [13:07]
Mads says:
Hey Robb,
In a previous Q&A, you talked about how muscle gain/hypertrophy is caused by calorie surplus and progressive overload. You also mentioned that gaining muscle is, without a doubt, easier if you have High testosterone. Calorie surplus and PO is easy, but how do I increase my testosterone? You mentioned that there are a number of different tactics that you can use?
My testosterone is not low, but definitely not high either. I’m 27 and my testosterone is 640 ng/dL and my free testosterone is 16.36
  4. SHBG Elevated On Keto/Carnivore [19:47]
Eoin says:
Since switching to keto I’ve noticed an increase in SHBG levels which brings down my free test. Total test has stayed high normal but was wondering how functional it is with the free portion bound up. DHEA is a bit low too. I feel great all in all but was just wondering what your thoughts are on that
  5. Are Chicharrones (pork rinds) a Healthy Snack? [22:47]
Isaac says:
Hi Rob,
Chicarones (pork rinds): are they a healthy snack?
I’ve heard you indirectly mention them on the podcast some time ago, but I wasn’t able to infer whether your opinion is favorable or cautionary.
I’m an ultra-runner, and during peak training season will spend about 20 hours per week running.  In the bad old days I would top off my calories with a gigantic bowl of cold cereal in the evening, or an enormous serving of lentils and rice.  But then I got woke, started monitoring my blood sugar, and started looking for low-carb options to fuel. I’m already having two salads each day, huge amounts of veggies, and as much meat as I can stomach.  So I’m just looking for some calories to fuel the movement.
So are pork rinds okay?  I avoid the flavored variety – the bags I buy just say “fried pork skin” on the ingredients list, and I dip them in sour cream. The best part is how easy it is to get an extra 1000 calories. And the flavor.
Am I headed towards clogged arteries? Are pork rinds actually healthy in the way that bacon is healthy…?
Thanks!! Love the show.
After submitting my question about whether pork rinds are an acceptable snack, I realized that Robb’s answer might be ‘we’d need to see your lab work’…
So, in case it is relevant (and in case my question is selected for the show), here are some details.  (I’d be glad to share the rest of the lab results, if they’re relevant.) Thanks!
Cholesterol, Total: 249 mg/dL
HDL: 71 mg/dL
Triglycerides: 71 mg/dL
LDL-Cholesterol: 161 mg/dL (calc)
Apolipoprotein A1: 186 mg/dL
Omega 3 (EPA+DHA) Index: 7.1 %
Omega 6 / Omega 3 ratio: 3.7
EPA/Arachidonic Acid Ratio: 0.4
EPA: 3.0 %
DHA: 4.1 %
Lipoprotein (a): 99 nmol/L
Apolipoprotein B: 107 mg/dL
Nonesterified Fatty Acids (Free Fatty Acids): 0.12 mmol/L
LDL Particle Number: 1149 nmol/L
LDL Small: 116 nmol/L
LDL Medium: 229 nmol/L
HDL Large: 5144 nmol/L
LDL Pattern: A
LDL Peak Size: 225.5 Angstrom
HS CRP: <0.2 mg/L
  Where you can find us:
  Submit questions for the podcast: https://robbwolf.com/contact/submit-a-question-for-the-podcast/
Download a copy of the transcript here (PDF)
Robb: Welcome back, wife.
Nicki: Hubs.
Robb: What’s new?
Nicki: A lot.
Robb: I always love asking that, because we just spin in the same four walls all day long.
Nicki: So, you know everything that’s new?
Robb: We have nothing new. Well, we’re in the process of packing, getting ready to move.
Nicki: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Kids are out of school.
Robb: Kids are out of school. So we’re swimming, and the kids are walking the dogs around on leashes, and basically torturing the animals. Nicki’s been watching the wild kingdom that is our backyard, and our cat slaughtering all of the baby birds in the backyard.
Nicki: We have this wonderful nest, a robin nest up in the tree, and I’ve been watching the parents come and feed the babies, and then yesterday morning there were no parents.
Robb: Silence.
Nicki: It was silent, and I think our cat slayed the whole family.
Robb: The cat’s been eyeballing this thing for probably a week, and I think he just waited for the baby birds to get fat enough to make it worth his while to climb the tree.
Nicki: Those ones I was particularly attached to, because I was watching them every day in the morning.
Robb: Oh, so the cat was pretty attached to them also.
Nicki: All right, let’s jump in on our questions. Okay. Let’s see. Our first question this week is from Steve. He says, “He keeps stuffing up and it’s driving me crazy. Hi, Rob. I don’t want to take too much of your time, but going keto for me has found me doing exactly what I feared I could do. I have been paleo for five or six years and so was my wife. We have no kids at home, so grains and junky carbs are not an issue or even a temptation. I’m in the middle of doing the keto masterclass, which I’m savoring, because I’ve been making some mistakes.
Nicki: 50 years old, workout regulAarly, doing, either mixed kettlebell workouts, or I do weight and resistance training. I like to do whole body workouts three times a week, and can mix in some cardio in between. I’ve kept fit most of my life and my goal is, as I age, to stay lean and keep mobile. Pretty simple.
Nicki: We live in Perth, in Western Australia, so we have great weather and lots of sun. I work as a gardener at a private school, a job I love doing, as I’m outside and moving all day. Not as hard as some sort of construction worker, but that can happen on any given day, just not everyday. Coming from eating paleo, the transition for me has been pretty easy. As I went low carb and increased the fat I was eating, my wife like the sound of it, so she hopped on board. She’s doing great, in fact, better than me.
Nicki: We aren’t really that worried about measuring ketones at this stage, it has been more about getting the diet right. But my issue is I love the food. For some reason, it has made me hungrier. Stocking our fridge and cupboards, I made sure that we had all we needed and I wanted to see what I liked to eat also. So I’ve blown it on all sorts of things. I’ve had days where I ate too much thickened cream, one tub has 800 calories, and it is so easy to eat. I’ve blown it on nut butter and blown it on cheese. I can’t believe it.
Nicki: At first, it was wrapping my head around the fat content, but I think I get it now. But I have put on body fat, which is so annoying. It’s not a train wreck, but I feel like I’m in a rut, and it’s hard to get out. I don’t want to quit, because I can see, I have felt the benefits. It’s just with the fat content and my physiology, there seems to be no room for error.
Nicki: I listened to your podcast, and since listening I’ve gone to the Ketogains website and worked out my macros. I was still tracking somewhat, but some days I may have blown it by 500 or 600 calories. I’ve come so close to quitting. As for me, it seems to have been an easy way to get fat rather than leaner. I’m not sure that you can help me, and I’m not sure what else I could tell you. Diet wise, I have intermittent fasted for three more years with different protocols. Doing 16 to 20 hours is pretty comfortable. I work out in the mornings, and I often don’t eat until lunch or when I get home from work.
Nicki: My diet hasn’t changed too much, except I’ve eaten cream, which I’m now over. Adding more fat to my meals, cooking in butter, eating nuts and doing other keto style things. Apart from that, my diet is still pretty normal. I love veggies. I have for years done a version of Mark Sisson’s, Big Ass Salad, which would be my daily staple. Evening veggies could be broccoli with brussels sprouts, maybe some kale and mushrooms. Also we do milk, kefir, but I try to keep that to a minimum.
Nicki: If you have any suggestions, that would be great. Are there others that have had this sort of issue where going keto has made them fatter? Really enjoy your podcasts, and thanks for all of the really useful info that you’ve put out. I’ve also read your books. Best regards, Steve.”
Robb: You know, it’s funny when we were going through this, when I saw stuffing it up, I thought it was going to be a sinus issue. Do you have any thoughts on this? Like shooting [inaudible 00:04:30]
Nicki: The thing is he didn’t mention protein at all, and he seems pretty focused on the fat, which as you talk about in the keto masterclass, fat is a lever. Protein is first, because it’s the most satiating macronutrient. You know, he says he’s hungry, so I’m wondering if he’s not getting enough protein.
Robb: Right, right. That’s kind of my first thought as well. The protein leverage hypothesis. It’s so hard to unpack this stuff, because a lot of people, if they come from a kind of a traditional western diet, they shift to low carb or even paleo, but let’s just say low carb. Instead of being on these carb roller coasters all the time, you just get this nice, even energy, even blood glucose levels. Whether it’s ketone fueled or not, it’s just like you’re not on the ups and downs. Generally, they notice that they’re not as hungry. But I think that that can kind of give way over time to being low protein.
Robb: Again, with that whole protein leverage hypothesis idea, whether you eat low carb or low fat, if you eat adequate protein, you’re probably going to be pretty good, you know, all other things being equal. But if you’re skinny on the protein, then your body is going to stimulate hunger and you’re going to tend to eat more food. There is kind of a reality that one of the dangers of kind of keto eating is that the bulk of the food is pretty calorically dense, you know? I mean, you could go pretty crazy on plain sweet potatoes or something like that. You know, I mean, just the calorie density is not any-….
Nicki: An extra wedge of cheese, depending on how you measure a wedge.
Robb: Right, yeah, wedge. Yeah.
Nicki: Is a significant number of calories.
Robb: A significant chunk of calories. So the protein would definitely be a thought. An additional thought, he seems to be kicking the bulk of his calories to later in the day. So I would, following a lot of Bill Lagakos’ work, and things that we’re learning around time restricted eating, I would try shifting more of the calories earlier in the day. All things being equal, it seems like people generally do better with that.
Robb: Then one final piece, is thinking about your electrolyte intake, in particular, sodium. So Tyler and Luis shot me an interesting paper the other day. So, there’s a lot of folklore in the keto world, which I kind of alluded to, that we get this kind of appetite suppressing effect while in ketosis and while fasting and stuff like that, and there’s definitely truth to that. But, when ketone salt had been studied, kind of head to head with ketone esters, it’s interesting, the esters produce higher levels of blood ketones, but they do not have an appetite blunting effect, not the way that ketone salts do.
Robb: Now, this is totally speculative, but one of the key features of ketone salts is they have a shit load of salt in them. We’ve often kind of joked that, you know, when people are like, “Man, I feel great using ketone salts.” It’s because they’re actually getting a decent wack of sodium, in particular, in addition to the other electrolytes. So, I would really be fastidious on protein, and then also make sure that you get at least that five grams per day of sodium specifically-
Nicki: Especially because you’re in a warm climate, you’re outside all the time, you’re … yeah.
Robb: Yeah. So those are some biggies in that. So I guess the three are be on point with protein, make sure that you’re getting your electrolytes addressed, and then finally, try shifting more of the calories earlier in the day, versus this later in the day eating schedule.
Nicki: Okay. So Steve, do all that, and then report back.
Robb: Ping back and let us know. Yep.
Nicki: Okay. So our next question is from Rory. “What’s up with fiber and kids?” Rory says, “As part of restoring my own gut health, I’ve used prebiotic fibers in various doses based somewhat on Grace Liu’s advice, and I’m curious if and when a supplemental fiber would be beneficial for my daughter?
Nicki: Again, assuming that she started off at a disadvantage because of the antibiotics, it seems to follow logically that prebiotic fiber would help her get bacteria develop and increase her overall health and resilience. Is that actually logical? Are there any cautions? Is there a certain dose that’s age appropriate? Or do I just slowly increase until she has digestive upset? Should I mix fibers in order to feed a variety of bacteria? Or are there certain fibers that are optimal for a young gut? I.e. what would a cave baby be most likely to eat or chew on for fun?”
Robb: Man, that’s a lot going on there. So, I think I’ve mentioned the Sonnenberg Lab a couple of times. I got to speak with Erica Sonnenberg at the event that Akil Palanisamy puts on each year with UCSF. They’ve done so many different things, but just consuming fermented food, this was one of the studies. Folks were consuming fermented food and they looked at their gut microbiome profile, the diversity, and the, you know, various ratios before and then during, and after the intervention of adding fermented foods like kimchi and sauerkraut, and stuff like that.
Robb: What was interesting is that the gut diversity increased while consuming the fermented food, but it wasn’t any of the bacteria that were part of the fermented food. It’s been understood for a long time, or at least somewhat understood, that that bacteria doesn’t necessarily play a role in populating the gut, at least not longterm, but it seems to tune the immune response, and perhaps creates an environment that’s more amenable for other organisms to occupy the space.
Robb: So that’s an interesting thing. It seems a little bit more holistic, and kind of leaves all the information processing up to the gut and the ecology of the gut, instead of trying to, you know, have this notion that we’re going to pinpoint, you know, fix anything that’s going on there. We’ve talked about this in previous episodes, supplementation with prebiotic fibers, it seems to be a little bit of a mixed bag. Some people do great with it, some people do terribly. The point about having a really diverse mixture I think makes a lot of sense.
Robb: Garden of Life, like Dr. Perlmutter’s prebiotic fiber, is a really nice spectrum. It has acacia in it, and lemon and orange peel pulp. It just has 20 different things in it. So, something like that could potentially be something that you add to maybe some apple sauce or something like that. I would probably keep the doses a little on the smaller side. I don’t know that I would really want to run a GI, you know, pressure test on that. But those are the things that I would noodle on with all that stuff.
Robb: If you’re doing white potatoes, cassava, white rice, going through the whole process of cooking it, chilling it, you know, improving the resistant starch profile, I think that stuff makes sense. But I would be a little bit careful doing outright supplementation beyond that. Do you have any additional thoughts?
Nicki: I got nothing.
Robb: Okay. Yeah. But our kids love both kimchi and sauerkraut. They eat it. If we put it out, they will eat it. We just sometimes, in putting out the meal, forget to, but most kids will gravitate towards that pretty well. So I think that that’s kind of a nice, simple baseline that you can have that-
Nicki: Just get the mild one.
Robb: Yeah, just get the mild one. Yeah, yeah. Every once in a while I mess up and get the red lid. Even though Sagan has a pretty spicy palateYup.
Nicki: Alrighty. Let’s see. Our next question is from Mads. Tips for increasing testosterone. “Hey, Rob. In a previous Q&A you talked about how muscle gain in hypertrophy is caused by calorie surplus and progressive overload. You also mentioned that gaining muscle is, without a doubt, easier if you have high testosterone. Calorie surplus and progressive overload is easy, but how do I increase my testosterone? You mentioned that there are a number of different tactics that you can use. My testosterone is not low, but it’s definitely not high either. I’m 27, and my testosterone is 640 nanograms per deciliter, and my free testosterone is 16.36.”
Robb: Man, this is a good question. So a young guy, it’s-
Nicki: His testosterone is lower than my dad’s.
Robb: Yeah, who’s 70.
Nicki: 70.
Robb: Yeah, yeah. Which he’s just kind of a stud, so you’re-
Nicki: Well, no, but, I mean, also, I know you’ve talked before about how our parents and grandparents generation, as a baseline, had higher testosterone than-
Robb: Yeah, Kirk Parsley has some numbers that he quotes that, my grandparents’ generation, both men and women, appeared to have testosterone levels about three times on average what we’re seeing today. So, yeah, I mean, it’s probably not optimal from a recovery standpoint. This is the thing, again, we don’t really know why this is changing. Is it xenoestrogens? Is it a change in the gut microbiome? Is it all of these things?
Robb: The stuff that can definitely help, usually something that looks kind of akin to a lower carb diet tends to help, because people lose body fat. It’s interesting, on the testosterone story, specifically with men, being super lean is antagonistic towards testosterone. So once you get below about 10%, maybe 8%, as a baseline, your testosterone will tend to start dropping because of some stress response issues.
Robb: Some people run leaner and high testosterone, but this is, again, you know, kind of generalization. But then once you start cresting up above maybe about 14%, 15% body fat, you have enough fat mass, which contains an enzyme called aromatase, which can convert the testosterone into estrogen. The interesting kind of downward spiral with that is the brain doesn’t sense testosterone levels, it senses estrogen levels.
Robb: So with estrogen levels are high, the brain says, “Oh, we’re good with testosterone, I don’t need to stimulate luteinizing hormone, and, you know, ping the Leydig cells to, you know, release the precursors and co-factors involved with the whole testosterone production cascade.”
Robb: So someone who is overweight will have low testosterone, which tends to feed into overweight, which then elevates their estrogen levels, which suppresses testosterone production at the brain. Then even if they go and get some sort of testosterone replacement therapy, if the doctor is ham-handed with this, they just give them a big huge dose of testosterone, which further suppresses indogenous testosterone production.
Robb: So, with someone like this, some things like zinc citrate have been shown to be pretty effective, about 50 milligrams per day. You have to be careful with doing that consistently, because it can deplete your copper levels.
Nicki: So when you say careful doing it consistently, like once a week? Every other day?
Robb: You could do it maybe four or five days on, and then take four or five days off, and or you could use a supplement like Jarrow’s zinc citrate, which comes with copper, five milligrams copper. So, that’s something to do, is to make sure that you’re supplementing with that. If your body fat levels are north of about 14, 15, if they’re in there, then I would try to do some things to get leaner and see if that improves testosterone levels.
Robb: Sleep is going to be a huge factor. So, what time are you going to bed? What time are you waking up? What’s the sleep quality? Completely black room.
Nicki: Getting in bed before midnight.
Robb: Earlier is better. Yeah, yeah.
Nicki: As many hours asleep before midnight as possible.
Robb: Yup, yup, ideally. Which is harder in the summer months, depending on where you are, and what latitude you’re at. But improving sleep, improving body composition. Those are the places that I would look first, and I would really dig into the diet and lifestyle features first and figure out what if any bump you can get from that.
Robb: Only then, if we aren’t seeing favorable changes, do we start working with a knowledgeable functional medicine doctor, like anti-aging doctor. Starting with things like Clomid and some mild aromatase inhibitors and stuff like that to try to goose endogenous production first. Particularly someone that’s 27, you do not want this person getting into a, you know, a testosterone replacement therapy scenario.
Robb: I guess one other question is for Mads, has he ever suffered a significant traumatic brain injury? Sometimes you may not be aware of that, but if you played youth football, if you played hockey, if you fell off of a trampoline. So this could be something too that is part of the sleep piece. If sleep seems to be pretty good, but, you know, everything isn’t really kicking over, then there can be some sleep studies, there can be some brain imaging and some testing to look at what’s going on between the pituitary and the other elements of the story. So that’s kind of getting in another layer.
Robb: It’s going to be awhile, but we will have some material that’s going to really help people unpack this stuff in a completely systematic process, because there’s so much shitty information on this and it’s so confusing and you need a lot of nuance. There is never a one size fits all approach on this, other than maybe sleep better. That’s about the only one that, you know, that’s going to benefit virtually everybody. But occasionally, you have these outliers of people who have a particular type of depression or mania and they actually benefit from certain periods of sleep deprivation.
Robb: So again, there’s an exception to fucking everything. This is why when people just paint everything with these broad brush strokes, there’s just seemingly an exception to everything. So yeah, I know that I was kind of all over the map on that, but it’s a lot of stuff. We’ll be doing some work with Kirk Parsley in the future to get some materials so that people can really navigate this story in an effective way.
Nicki: All right. Let’s see. Our next question is on sex hormone binding globulin elevated on keto carnivore, and this is from Ian, Ian. I’m not sure how to pronounce your name. Ian says, “Since switching to keto, I’ve noticed an increase in sex hormone binding globulin levels, which brings down my free test, total test, or free testosterone. So total testosterone has stayed high normal, but was wondering how functional it is with the free portion bound up? The AGA is a bit low too. I feel great, all in all, but I was just wondering what your thoughts are on that.”
Robb: Yeah, and so the previous question, I should’ve mentioned the sex hormone binding globulin story as well. It’s interesting, generally when insulin levels go down on a relative basis, we tend to see sex hormone binding globulin go up. What’s unclear about that, is it’s somewhat similar to thyroid, specifically T3, decreasing on low carb, because you need more thyroid hormone to process carbohydrate. If you’re eating fewer carbohydrates, thyroid decreases, but is that clinically significant? We just don’t really know.
Robb: Another piece of this whole kind of androgen story, and again, this is true whether you’re male or female, is that you may have a particular level of a hormone that may look kind of low, but you may have particularly high receptor site density or receptor site affinity. So a little bit of the hormone goes a long way. The flip side, is that you could have quite high hormone levels and low receptor site density and or affinity, and so you’re still not getting, you know, an effective kind of story.
Robb: I’m not entirely sure how to fully unpack that, doing some side of full body radio immunoassay to determine what your receptor site density is. Receptor types change moment by moment too, they come online and offline all the time. So yeah, I mean, I guess the best answer that I have with that is that we could play around with titrating in more carbs, start with 50 additional grams of carbs a day, stick it in the post-workout window. Do you feel better? For both men and women, do you experience better libido? For men, do you wake up with morning wood and stuff like that? Whereas, perhaps previously you did not.
Robb: If we see those things improve, then we might make a case that the insulin levels were suppressed beyond what may be beneficial. So, we may have been getting an unfavorable elevation in sex hormone binding protein or globulin, whatever they’re calling it these days. So, those are some things to play with on this. These are the, you know, last 10% things for most people that we have to devote some time to unpack.
Nicki: Okay. Let’s see. Our final question this week is on chicharrones.
Robb: Cha, cha, cha.
Nicki: From Isaac. “Hey, Rob. chicharrones, pork rinds, are they a healthy snack? I’ve heard you indirectly mention them on the podcast some time ago, but I wasn’t able to infer whether your opinion is favorable or cautionary. I’m an ultra runner and during peak training season we’ll spend about 20 hours per week running. In the battle days, I would top off my calories with a gigantic bowl of cold cereal in the evening or an enormous serving of lentils and rice. But then I got woke, started monitoring my blood sugar and started looking for low carb options to fuel.
Nicki: I’m already having two salads each day, huge amounts of veggies and as much meat as I can stomach. So I’m just looking for some calories to fuel the movement. So are pork rinds okay? I avoid the flavored variety, the bags I buy just say fried pork skin on the ingredients list and I dip them in sour cream. The best part is how easy it is to get an extra thousand calories, and the flavor. Am I headed towards clogged arteries? Or are pork rinds actually healthy in the way that bacon is healthy? Thanks. Love the show, Isaac.”
Nicki: He says, “After submitting my question about whether pork rinds are an acceptable snack, I realize that Rob’s answer might we’d need to see your lab work.” So then he has his cholesterol and some of that stuff.
Robb: That’s doing some diligence. We don’t have an LEO. Oh, do we? No, we have lipoprotein, ApoB. Oh, he does, yes. LDL particle is 1149, that looks phenomenal. Quick triglyceride, HDL ratio looks great. C-reactive protein is tiny. Okay, cool. Those numbers we’ll put in the show notes.
Robb: So, this is one of these funny things. So, Rhonda Patrick, who I think is great, but pork rinds have been one of the things that she’s just gone after. She’s like, “Oh, it’s just still unhealthy, you know? There’s no nutritional value there.” Which I mean, there’s not a lot of vitamins, there’s probably not a lot of minerals particularly, but it is a really interesting source of collagen. When you’re in this kind of lower carb, unprocessed food world, there’s not much that’s crunchy. You’ll grab a piece of ice just to be like, “Oh, man, I want some sort of crunch.”
Robb: We’ll do some jicama thin sliced every once in a while. But you just kind of, you miss that crunch, and chicharrones are phenomenal for that. Typically, they’re cooked in pork fat. I guess you could make the case that maybe some of that stuff is producing some oxidized cholesterol. But I was just reading some stuff recently that people in ketosis, their liver preferentially identifies lipo proteins with oxidized cholesterol and removes them from the system.
Robb: So, it’s kind of an interesting story, where even though cholesterol levels, possibly even lipo protein levels may go up under a ketogenic or low carb diet, your body also seems to be more savvy about removing the offending particles that appear to be the most problematic. So, it’s kind of, you know, is that a wash? Is it a net win? A net loss?
Robb: With the option of always modifying my position in the future, I would say, in general, I can’t really see pork rinds in the context of a keto carnivore type diet being the least bit problematic. The cool thing here is that Issac has done the diligence of doing some good blood work that actually answers some questions. Even just glancing at it, it’s kind of like, okay, we’re pretty good to go. We don’t have any type of wacky discordance, we don’t have hidden insulin resistance.
Robb: There’s a few other things we could take a peek out if we wanted to. But from reading between the lines, it sounds like he’s looking, feeling, performing well, but he’s just kind of curious about like, “Hey, is this one thing that I’m throwing down the pie hole going to crush me?” So, I would just repeat this blood work, probably once a year or something like that, to just use as a baseline. Maybe at some point, additionally doing a coronary calcium, just so you’ve got that in your back pocket, and we can use that again as a baseline.
Robb: The CIMT can be handy also, but it takes a very skilled practitioner to do the CIMT well. So those are a little bit of a mixed bag and they’re a little more variable than the coronary calcium. But beyond that it seems good. You know, I will make a plug for the Epic pork rinds. They have a barbecue flavor, a sea salt and vinegar and salt and pepper.
Nicki: Salt and pepper is really good.
Robb: Yeah, and the barbecue one, the kids … It literally can-
Nicki: They have a baked one too.
Robb: Yeah, they do have a baked one, which I like less, honestly. I like the ones that are fried in pork fat. But either one of the flavors, but mainly the barbecue flavor will provoke the girls into a fist fight, practically, as they get down to the bottom of the bag. Which I don’t know if that’s good or bad, but they’re good, they’re tasty.
Nicki: The dog likes them too.
Robb: The dog definitely likes them too.
Nicki: The bag comes out and he hears it, and he’s right there sitting, pleading.
Robb: So Isaac, good question, and good on you for doing some diligence on your blood work. It’s incredibly frustrating when people spend time and money to go get an assessment that answers nothing. This is another area that we’re going to be dipping our toes into to help people make better decisions around the lab work that they’re choosing, why they’re choosing it. So keep your eyes open for that too.
Nicki: Making sense of it once they get it.
Robb: Yeah, because literally, 90% of the time, 95% of the time, people do blood work and they’re more confused by what is ordered than otherwise. It’s because it’s just not enough to really make a definitive call in general.
Nicki: All right. That was our last question for the week. Thanks everyone. As usual, if you have questions, you can submit those at Robbwolf.com on the contact page. What else?
Robb: Most of my online activity currently is over at Instagram at dasrobbwolf.
Nicki: D-A-S-R-O-B-B-W-O-L-F.
Robb: That’s it. So, thanks for the awesome questions. You guys are fantastic, and-
Nicki: We’ll be back next week.
Robb: We’ll be back next week. We may be a little bit hit and miss between now and August, mid August, because we’re going to be moving and stuff like that. We’re going to try to bank some of these so that we stay ahead of stuff. It’s possible that life may just grab us by the shorthairs, so in demand that that doesn’t happen. But we will do our best to stay on top of. Yup.
Nicki: All right. Thanks guys.
Robb: Bye.
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penguinsnoot · 6 years
Self-Care Tips from Someone Who Sucks at Self-Care (Part 2)
Part 1
In my last post, I listed some basic self-care tips and then proceeded to talk about them way too much. Guess what? I’m about to do that again. The difference between this post and the previous one is that the first one focused more on stuff that would mostly impact and improve physical health and this post is going to focus more on things to help you relax when you’re feeling anxious, stressed, overwhelmed, etc. (but still have positive physical outcomes). Of course, these things may not work for everyone since everyone is different, but the main point of this is to at least give you ideas that can lead to you being more relaxed. Without further ado, here’s Self-Care Tips Part 2: Relaxing Edition. 
Read | If you’re looking for a way do escape reality and avoid the problems of our messed up world for a while, read a good book! Or two, or three, or four. . .or more. . . Reading stimulates your brain, reduces stress, improves memory, provides entertainment, and can even lower your heart rate and muscle tension (help you relax). This may not be a cure-for-all solution, but reading truly is good for your brain and emotional state, so if you ever feel wound up and like everything is going wrong, stop, take a deep breath, and sit down on a comfortable chair and read. Getting away from the world for a while is sometimes better than facing your problems head-on immediately. You will still have to deal with them eventually, but you’re not likely to get anything done properly when you’re too stressed to function. Read a good book and let your worries melt away, at least temporarily. 
Listen to Soothing Music | If reading isn’t your thing (don’t knock it ‘til you try it), maybe music is. Listening to music, especially soothing music such as jazz, classical, acoustic, etc., can improve your mood, help you sleep better, and lower stress levels. There’s really nothing better than laying in bed with natural light coming in through the window and reading a good book with soft piano music playing in the background. Sometimes tuning out the world with earbuds in is more beneficial than parents encouraging us to go and hang out with other people realize (though being social is important, but more on that in another post).
Nap | I talked about sleep in my last post and I’m going to do it again, because it’s important. If you find that you have trouble sleeping at night or you’re losing energy quickly because life is just really damn draining sometimes, silence the notifications on your phone, turn off the TV and lights, and take a nap. Experts have found that napping helps reduce stress (are you seeing a pattern in the things I’m suggesting yet?), improve mood, perception, creativity, and memory, and boost alertness. When we’re tired, our bodies don’t function as well as they should, so if you can find the time, definitely lay down and catch up on some Zs. You’ll be amazed at how easily adding almost daily naps to your routine will improve your physical and mental/emotional health. 
Write | When I say write, I don’t mean break out the textbooks and peer reviewed articles to write a six-paged essay for your Psychology class. No, no, no. . . I mean write for pleasure. Whether you write a poem, short story, journal entry, or an entire novel, your creative juices will be flowing and your vocabulary skills will strengthen greatly. Writing can be a fantastic outlet for letting out all your frustrations and worries in life.  If you write even just a little every day, you will continuously be working on an essential skill used in school and most (if not all) places of work, so not only will you be doing something that can increase happiness levels and reduce stress levels but you’ll also be upgrading your value in the workplace. How’s that for throwing stones at a bird? That’s how that expression goes, right? Hmm. . .
Watch Cute Animal Videos | This will heal literally any problem you have (not really). What better way to spend an evening after a stressful day of school/work/family interaction/running errands than to wrap up in a warm, fuzzy blanket and watch cute bunnies hop around and eat leafy greens? Obviously this is something that’s more of a personal appeal suggestion than something everyone would enjoy, but if you’re sad or angry or just done with the world, why not give it a shot? Sometimes all we need in life to feel whole again is to watch cute videos of puppies and kittens cuddling. Honestly, what could be better?
Soak in a Hot Bath | Hot water relaxes the body and helps you fall asleep faster, relieves muscle tension and sinus problems, lowers anxiety, and more. Taking a hot bath right before bed will make curling up under the covers feel like absolute heaven, especially if you sleep naked (which has its own health benefits). After a straining and draining day, running a hot bath can be the perfect remedy. Fill up your tub, throw in a bath bomb or some bath salts, turn on some smooth jazz, and soak in the water for a little while. Just make sure to clean your tub first. 
Masturbate | Maybe don’t do this if there are other people in the house and you don’t have a lock on your door, because there’s a good chance of you getting caught (I’ve had a few close calls in the past), but if you can find somewhere private and appropriate (please don’t do this in a public space) to rub one off, do it. Masturbating reduces sexual tension and stress, helps you sleep, and relieves cramps and headaches. Not everyone may be comfortable doing this, but I’m going to tell you right now that there is no better way to build confidence in yourself than to explore your own body and figure out what brings you pleasure. Waiting around for someone else to do it for you can lead to some lackluster sex in the future (according to my mom; I have no personal experience with sex, but masturbation is great, I highly recommend it). 
Cry | Watching bunny videos and listening to Kenny G won’t always be what you need. Sometimes the best way to relax is to cry all your frustration, sadness and stress out. Crying releases toxins and reduces emotional stress by getting rid of stress hormones and other chemicals that negatively affect the body. Crying every day, for no apparent reason, however, can be a sign of severe distress, depression, or some other mental illness that should be treated. It’s okay to cry when you feel overwhelmed or like your emotions are clogging up, so don’t be afraid to curl up on your side and sob like your life is ending. You may end up feeling better than ever once you’re done, because not only will you have let everything out, but you’ll also be able to think more clearly once all of those negative emotions have been flushed out of you. 
Play with Makeup | This one probably seems silly, but I mean it: play with makeup. Whether that means swatching all your eye shadows and highlighters for the 10th time or doing a full face with products you don’t usually use, messing around with makeup can give you some time to enjoy yourself and not worry about the things in life that feel significant but are in fact trivial. Not everyone uses makeup, and I understand that, so obviously this wouldn’t apply to you, but it could. Go out to your local Walmart or  Walgreens and get some cheap drugstore makeup to play around with (unless you have sensitive skin, then you probably shouldn’t do that). You don’t have to get or do anything extravagant; sometimes it’s fun simply to put on a sparkly lip gloss and clumpy mascara and walk around your house in your pajamas acting like a supermodel going down the runway. 
Go for a Walk | Staying indoors all day every day can give your mind a chance to think up negative thoughts and let them fester, especially when you’re sitting in one place doing nothing for hours. Getting out of the house and doing something as simple as going for a walk can switch your mind over to a more positive space, or at least reduce the amount of bad vibes in the air. Walking regularly also reduces risk of heart attack and stroke, builds stronger bones and balance, lowers blood sugar, boosts energy and mood, and decreases stress levels by releasing endorphins (happy hormones). Even if all you do is go on a leisurely walk for 20 minutes every other day, that’s still better than nothing, and both your mind and body will thank you for taking the time to care for yourself. 
Watch Something Heartwarming | What this means for you is totally up to your interpretation. You can watch YouTube videos, TV shows, music videos, movies, documentaries, birds, and so on. When you want to relax and get away from stress but are feeling especially lazy, watching something that makes you happy can be just as good as exercising or going out with friends (not that you shouldn’t do these things; try not to be a complete potato [like me]). Personally, I like to watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic when I finish classes and homework for the day because the lighthearted, friendship-focused aspect of the show makes me feel happy and helps me free myself from the mess of stress and anxiety I constantly find myself tangled up in. Don’t spend hours binge watching something, because then you get so caught up in a story that you don’t make time for anything else, but you could try to watch an episode or two of something a day if it makes you feel good. I highly suggest checking out My Little Pony and Phineas and Ferb. They may be for younger audiences, but that doesn’t mean they’re not awesome. 
Color | Or finger paint, or sketch, or do photography- whatever rocks your roll (is that one right?). You don’t have to be inherently artistic to do art. Creating art reduces stress and anxiety, and increases creativity and positive emotions. Coloring while piano music plays in the background (gotta love that Yiruma) is so incredibly relaxing that I wish I took the time to do it more. The brain has been found to enter a sort of meditative state while coloring, which can help to lower stress and anxiety levels. Give coloring a try and see if it helps you relax, and don’t get upset if you go outside the lines- it’s completely fine. 
Sit Outside | Run your hands over the grass, listen to birds sing and squirrels scurry up and down trees, watch the clouds/stars, and breathe in the fresh air (unless you live next to a paper mill or gas station or something, then don’t do that). Going outside is said to help with seasonal depression and improve mental health. If you sit outside during the day, you’ll also soak up some vitamin D, which helps with calcium and phosphorus regulation (maintain healthy bones). If you do decide to go outside during the day, make sure to wear sunscreen regardless of weather conditions (UV rays can still cut through clouds, my dudes). 
Now get out of bed and go outside. It’s vitamin D time. 
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whenboredatnight · 6 years
Things To Do When Bored At Night
 Need some quality musings for stimulation exercises to no end (or disgraceful) on a Saturday night? You don't by and large need to go out drinking with your friends at a bar or dispose of everyone and stay in light of the way that you don't have money. We'll exhibit to you some fun exercises to no end or for scarcely anything. You may even win some money.
I for the most part state, "basic breeds imaginativeness," so you just need to get inventive. As opposed to considering considerations isolated, I've collected this once-over of things you can enhance the circumstance free any week's end you require. The primary concern left to consider will understand what to do.
#1 Tabletop amusement Night
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Host a month to month or step by step tabletop diversion night. It is the perfect purpose behind a laid-back night with two or three your most cherished peeps. Get a couple of goodies and demand that your sidekicks bring some alcohol. Viola, you got yourself a funfilled night of pleasant test and laughs.
Two or three our most adored framework preoccupations are Small World, Settlers of Catan and Pandemic. In case you are scanning for something fairly progressively glad and fascinating try Exploding Kittens, Disturbed Friends or The Voting Game. A direct round of Poker fills in also. With the right redirections, and people it will be your new most adored action on Saturday night.
#2 Night Hike/Bike
Get out your bike, or put on your sneakers, and go the hellfire outside. Visit your neighborhood, get out through the protected bit of some adjacent woods. Perhaps find a lit pathway at an area park. Watch the sunset. Be bound together with nature! In any case, remember, security first youngsters. Wise mechanical assembly and tops if your riding in lack of definition.
Check neighborhood destinations to check whether there are any social event evening time rides in your general region like this Moonlight Bike Ride in Central Park NYC. Regardless, review, security first kids. Insightful mechanical assembly and tops if your riding in lack of definition.
#3 Benefit
Too broke to even consider evening consider going out? Sounds like you need to benefit. Make an effort not to stretch, you won't have to leave your parlor seat. Audit Junkie pays you to give your feeling on brands so they can pass on better things and organizations. Your colleagues aren't going. It just takes two or three minutes to produce your profile they will start organizing you to outlines. Complete the surveys to secure virtual centers that can be recovered for PayPal or e-Giftcards.
Start putting aside additional money so you can go out one end of the week from now with Earny. For no good reason, stores owe you money always yet they don't pay if you don't ask. That is the place Earny comes in – they robotize everything. Esteem drop? Get cash back for the qualification. Movements arrive later than advanced? Get cash back. Effort required? Zero, precisely how we like it.
#4 Complete a Brewery or Vineyard Tour
Visiting refineries is a standout amongst my most adored exercises, and I scan for ones that give you free ale toward the end. Regardless, I encounter extensive troubles not buying more ale after the visit. So I would prescribe visiting two or three packaging works or wineries in a lone Saturday night.
#5 Geocaching
Geocaching is an exceptional redirection that you play with your phone. Simply go to the site, make a record, and start chasing down a store near your territory. Players cover treasures wherever all through the world for others to find, and it will take you puts you've never been. It's a ton like a scrounger pursue that you can play at whatever point you're hunting down something intriguing to do.
#6 Increase some new helpful information
There are unending such a noteworthy number of ways to deal with increase some new valuable learning. Computerized accounts are an amazing and incredibly fun way to deal with educate your self on new subjects and they are open to you to no end. Into science and culture? Take a gander at Radio Lab or This American Life. Need to finally get your records in line? Listen Money Matters is, clearly, our most adored anyway we esteem Marketplace too. History buffs, you should check out Hardcore History with Dan Carlin.
Scanning for something fairly progressively included? Skillshare is a web learning system with in excess of seventeen thousand classes from culinary to HTML courses. Conceivably you can finally up your Street Photography entertainment or get comfortable with the stray pieces of hand lettering. When you go along with you get a free month of vast classes which is a genuinely sweet game plan. You'll have the accompanying four Saturday nighttimes anchored.
#7 Volunteer
Advantage a couple, for what reason don't cha? Volunteering may not appear much fun, but instead it's free, it's something to do, and can finish up being very fun when you meet new people. You can pass on a friend to make it extensively continuously fun, and you'll such as yourself.
Not certain where to volunteer? See Volunteer Match to find volunteer information and postings in your adjacent system. With a quick google look for, you can find neighborhood soup kitchens, youths coaching workplaces and religious affiliations hunting down help.
#8 Young women (or Boys) Night In
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This is my go-to. Young women or people night in are without a doubt the best time nighttimes. Find a friend who needs to stay in on a Saturday night and oblige them. Bring some sustenance and drinks over. Bring a film or long distance race watch a show. As a matter of fact, you're not staying in when you're out at a mates house. I do this all when I'm wanting to hang out and not spend any money. Amazingly a standout amongst my most cherished exercises on a Saturday night with allies.
#9 Check Your Community Calendar
The vast majority bunch have a date-book of events that you can check for what to do on a Saturday night. In our town, there are for each situation free or humble events going on around town. Check your town's webpage or seek after close-by bloggers by means of electronic systems administration media to be all great on whats going on close you – music events, awesome openings, street fairs, agriculturists markets, parody shows up.
#10 Visit a Free Museum or Zoo
The Smithsonian in Washington D.C. is free, just like various displays. Likewise, I couldn't mind less what you may think, yet displays are a radiant strategy to spend a Saturday. Encourage yourself and put aside some money rather than sitting on your affection situate seeing — god block — Duck Dynasty or something.
#11 Go Play a Sport
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Do you understand that it is so normal to rouse a social event of people together to play Saturday night football? Genuinely, I'm asking, I do not understand. I figured it was in light of the fact that they did it in the film Invincible with Mark Wahlberg. I'm not a noteworthy recreations fan, but instead I bet if you expected to play an amusement amid the night, you could persuade a couple of individuals to join. Endeavor Basketball (I call it Night Court), football, tennis, hockey, or baseball.
#12 Have an Outdoor Film Festival
Pull your dimension screen TV out back or use a projector and watch films outside. My neighbor put a dimension screen by his hot tub and he sits before the TV out there always. Do get inventive here – hurl a subject night or set up a retro café. Young people in the 1960's used to pay a lot to serve seeing a film under the stars on a Saturday night.
#13 Go to a Local or National Park
I venerate parks. There's wide open spaces, trails, tennis courts, water fountains, structures, and play zones… a significant ish open park is really stacked up with exercises on a Saturday night. Bring a barbecue, a deck of cards and value the outside.
Parks are in like manner remarkable for individuals seeing. People watching sounds loathsome, anyway it will in general be a wreck of fun. Park yourself some place with a sidekick or two and essentially watch the world as it travels by.
#14 Go to an Art Gallery Opening
If you have to drink and not consume money, go get a workmanship show — they generally serve free wine! Outright least, you could no doubt deal with some free cheddar. Likewise, the workmanship could be cool too. Nothing d clears your mind and lifts your creativity like visiting workmanship shows.
#15 Night times Are Made for Star Gazing
As a gigantic nerd, I could look toward the sky and get authentic some place down in dialog about our universe with essentially any person who may listen to me. My dad is shockingly increasingly awful. Likewise, you needn't waste time with an unrestrained telescope to discover the sky.
Sky View is a hand-held planetarium for your phone. Basically point your phone at the sky to perceive stars, brilliant bodies, planets, and satellites. I use it always and it's a gigantic measure of fun.
#16 Hang At A Book Store
On the off chance that you're contemplating what to do on a Saturday night alone, I'll you what I do when I'm extremely tired and flying solo, I'll go to a Barnes and Noble immediately. I by and large bring my PC and demand a coffee, anyway there have been events I've gone, found an agreeable seat and read either magazines or two or three books. Best thing ever!
#17 Make a Backyard Bonfire
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As a past scout, I have a significant love for blazes. I could develop a fire and parlor around it for an impressive time allotment essentially looking at it without a thought entering my contemplations. All you require is an open space a long way from trees, several squares to make a fire ring, and wood. Impact! Make some smores, drink a couple of ales and sing kumbaya. Maybe describe several spirit stories.
Present day Scavenger Hunt
Gather your allies, make a once-over of strange things to find all through your zone, set
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mianaac-blog · 6 years
skin care Fundamentals Explained
A further wonderful read! Here is A different fantastic suggestion for honey: it works excellent on pink eye and staph infections! https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facemask 'd pink eye a few instances, about 4 a long time in the past when my oldest son was in daycare. Not one of the prescribed eye drops appeared to be encouraging, but black tea and honey did the trick! Also, I had a staph an infection and Yet again, the antibiotics were not performing A lot to crystal clear it up. You can find rid of acne with out enduring the agony of digesting bitter capsules or making use of These creams and lotions which, most often, are nothing at all but lumps of petroleum jelly blended with a synthetic scent, colour, delicate bleach, and random antibiotics. "I really like some genuinely simple technique to choose care the skin by Do it yourself, because I am a novice in caring for skin." KB Kathryn Bernardo You may as well get ready a DIY face mask to eliminate facial hair by mixing egg whites with further-good white sugar and corn starch. The sugar and corn starch transform the whisked egg whites into a peel-off mask upon drying. Masks ought to keep on for ten-quarter-hour. I love washing masks off by using a steaming very hot washcloth. I run a washcloth underneath sizzling drinking water, squeeze out the excess drinking water after which you can push to my face for a full moment. I then gently clean off the mask in the round movement. Washcloths are brilliant for exfoliating. The egg white not simply assist nourish and business your skin, however it will likely enable tighten the pores[one] Discard the egg yolk or put it aside for an additional recipe. You can utilize the egg yolk to create a nourishing face mask. Seek advice from the section in this article on earning a nourishing face mask to find out how. This is excellent! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxm9G0PBxGI are actually seeking ALL over for one thing such as this! I will should check out Each and every recipe. Thanks for sharing!! -Whenever you rinse your face or other body sections just after applying these masks, don't use any sort of cleaning soap. In fact, soap isn't advised for your procedure of acne, because the condition goes significantly over and above simple Grime or oil. Software: Implement a layer of the apple honey mask in your full face. Watch for 10 to fifteen minutes and Allow the mask dry up a tad. Following that, clean the mask off With all the lukewarm h2o and await the outcomes! What Occurs For the duration of a Body Scrub? A body scrub commonly will take spot inside a wet place, that has a tile floor and a drain. The therapist may possibly provide you with disposable underwear, they go away the place. facellite facemaking faceman face mask face mill face milling face mite Studies for face mask Anti-inflammatory usually means your inflamed pink acne will likely be soothed and healed, building them a lot less pronounced. Antibacterial and antiseptic Homes should help fight off acne triggering germs and germs, staving off extra acne and pimples. How I utilize it is always that I combine orange peel powder in conjunction with chickpea flour, lemon n a pinch of turmeric. My face is blessed by using a nice glow n glow Skip to most important menu
Detailed Notes on yeast face mask
I like a very good lip balm yr-spherical, but specifically in the chilly months when my lips can chap. So visualize my surprise when I realized you could possibly make your own personal working with beeswax, almond oil, honey and a bit of outdated lipstick. Wash your face with warm h2o in advance of implementing the mask. You might require to scrub your face again after utilizing the mask to get rid of any residue. No HTML is authorized in remarks, but URLs is going to be hyperlinked. Opinions are usually not for promoting your articles or blog posts or other web-sites. A fairly easy way to independent yolk from whites is you crack an egg right into a bowl and get an vacant drinking water bottle and squeeze it, you should definitely maintain that grip. then set the outlet in the bottle higher than the yolk and Permit that grip go and it should really suck the yolk to the bottle. This short article was co-authored by our educated group of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Jointly, they cited information and facts from 17 references. Groups: Honey Face Masks Separate the egg. Crack an egg in excess of a bowl, and transfer the yolk from shell to shell. Each time you transfer the yolk, a small amount of the egg white should really flow in to the bowl. Hold doing this till each of the egg white is in the bowl. what an incredible suggestion, thanks Susan! And thanks Kelly for your personal recipe, can’t hold out to test it! Just received into oil cleansing so anything at all oil on my face Tremendous enthusiast of. 14 References This text was co-authored by our qualified crew of editors and researchers who validated it for precision and comprehensiveness. Jointly, they cited information and facts from fourteen references. Not if carried out accurately. You mustn't put much on the face that it drips. Having said that, it is best to maintain a napkin underneath your face in the event that it does. Bought very oily and acne-inclined skin? Worry no much more with this easy and cleansing orange peel face mask, which will go away your skin oil-no cost and moisturized concurrently! A nutritious eating plan can help you look and feel your best. Eat a good amount of fruits, greens, whole grains and lean proteins. The association involving diet regime and acne isn't obvious — but some research implies that a diet program full of fish oil or fish oil supplements and lower in unhealthy fats and processed or refined carbohydrates may possibly encourage youthful wanting skin. Ingesting a lot of water assists keep your skin hydrated. Limit tub time. Hot drinking water and long showers or baths clear away oils from the skin. Limit your tub or shower time, and use warm — rather than hot — drinking water. Superior skin care — which includes Sunlight defense and Mild cleaning — can maintain your skin healthier and glowing. When your feels tight after employing a facial cleanser, then It truly is as well solid and it is best to make use of a gentler a single.
Helping The others Realize The Advantages Of skin care
It could be for those who implement the ice straight to your skin. It is best if you wrap the ice inside of a washcloth, then utilize it to the face for just one moment. Breaks down grime and dirt, eliminates excess oil which if not can clog up skin pores and lead to acne breakout. Is effective as a versatile deep cleanser to unclog skin pores. If you would like skip the moisturizer after this mask just increase tiny little bit olive oil. Now just lay down and hear your favorite tunes as tunes helps make your temper pump and you will much more energetic. "I love some definitely simple way to get care the skin by Do it yourself, due to the fact I'm a rookie in caring for skin." KB Kathryn Bernardo But don’t feel that this can make it a learn of none – this mask is as effective on dry skin as it truly is on oily. Are you presently drained with the acne? Defiantly. use this face mask as this mask is no cost from chemicals and perfect for every day use. As baking soda really helps to open clogged pores and surplus oil. whilst turmeric has anti bacterial and anti viral Homes which battle from pimples. Hey !!! Am pleased to get this coffee thought … It’s better to try rather having fun with sip over a mug Many thanks all .. .. Why expend revenue on a shop-purchased hair mask or rinse when you may make your personal hair recipes using substances present in your kitchen (or your yard). These do-it-on your own recipes to the hair are fantastic for different hair textures and kinds. Just an FYI — You’ll would like to use natural coffee beans  for this. Coffee is One of the most closely chemically dealt with foods on the planet! I love employing THESE coffee beans. Get a listing of vital oils that perform for all skin styles. Not all important oils function for all skin types. Some may melt away or hurt delicate skin, as an example. So now you recognize the miracle component, the following concern is tips on how to utilize them in a mask that will profit you. Coffee is a loaded source of antioxidants that protects our skin towards free of charge radicals that destruction and age us. The caffeine in coffee stimulates the skin and increases blood move into the face, that's great for healthier mobile turnover that makes us glimpse radiant and brilliant. Wash your face which has a moderate soap and use a smooth towel to pat it dry. Utilize the mask onto your face using a make-up brush, as in any other case the turmeric can leave yellow stains on fingers. The baking soda could sting marginally, but you don’t need to get alarmed. Hello Fahi! Sure, I’d give it a try to see how your skin likes it! But another thing that works really well for seen pores is my deep pore cleaning mask recipe — I feel you’ll seriously like that just one and notice a major difference.
The Definitive Guide to yeast face mask
As this mask might get messy, It could be a smart idea to tie or pin your hair back. You may also want to take into account draping a towel more than your upper body and shoulders to shield your dresses. Mix a person tablespoon of natural and organic raw honey and 50 percent a freshly squeezed lemon in to some bowl and use all over your face, avoiding the eye spot. Now, Allow your skin soak up All of this goodness for fifteen-half-hour (according to how sensitive your skin is). Wash absent with heat drinking water, ending with one particular splash of chilly h2o to close your pores. Pat gently with a towel to dry. Let your skin breathe for the rest of the working day, or adhere to up with your preferred moisturizer/serum. When you come about for making a sizable batch of banana face mask (or any other face mask) don’t worry! Most face masks could be saved within the fridge for up to 1 7 days and become utilized securely. If everything commences smelling funky although, it’s time to strike the trash. Approach: Have a ripe banana and mash it using a spoon or simply a fork inside of a bowl until it forms a easy lump absolutely free pulp. Incorporate one/2 tsp. of baking soda and one/two tsp. of turmeric powder and mix the substances completely. If you really feel the mixture is just too thick to use, insert a bit h2o. Ability-filled with many of the goodness of those amazing elements, this face mask will make the skin glow and remove tan from oily skin. Around a time period, you will certainly discover an overall advancement in your skin texture, places on the skin will be lightened and you will knowledge a whole new glow and shine as part of your skin. No, as it has a lot of oil in it. The easy mask operates since the lemon juice functions being an astringent, when the honey should help filter the acne-leading to microorganisms. Many thanks! Yes No Not Useful 14 Valuable forty six Then rinse off with lukewarm water. You need to use mixture of lemon juice and Uncooked natural and organic honey in equivalent areas. Use possibly of both of these solutions each day to rejuvenate your skin and slough off dark patches. Thanks in your suggest. i have actually applied the house solution such as you claimed nonetheless it darkens my face. i just like the naturally property remedy because it has no chemical ingredient inside but i dont want my face to get dark. Source Fights absolutely free radical hurt, bolsters the skin’s UV resistance, prevents and lessens the appearance of wrinkles. Is aptly called "the protector." 3. To save lots of time, put over the face mask right before executing something like acquiring breakfast Completely ready or soaking inside of a bathtub, so you kill two birds with 1 stone. I’ve been applying an historic Asian masks for a couple of days now and my skin feels great! The recipe for a huge bowl is: one spoon of pure termeric powder (yellow-brownish spice), two spoons of pure honey, two spoons of all normal yogurt ( any will do), two spoons of brown rice powder, 50 percent of the lemon, and you can add one egg white however the egg white isn’t in the first recipe. I washed it off instantly and dint let the banana work its magic. What can be the issue ? Thanks In case your mask has dried up in some places and stuck on your skin, you should make sure you usually do not tug on your own skin while washing it out. Carefully massage the realm with h2o right until the mask loosens up and gives way.
sugar face mask - An Overview
If you'd like a little bit of mask, maybe consider 3 tablespoons. If you need to make some to work with for later, use a few cups. Ensure you use the appropriate level of honey, so it's not far too dry or also watery. Many thanks! Certainly No Not Handy 0 Practical four Add brown sugar to preferred thickness. The amount of brown sugar you increase will depend yourself tastes. If you need the paste to be thicker, incorporate more sugar; to get a lighter, runnier exfoliating paste, increase much less sugar. Apply a moisturizer to the face and neck. Seal from the moisturizing effects on the scrub with all your favourite moisturizer. Nowadays, the characteristics of African artwork are starting to be additional understood and appreciated. On the other hand, most African masks are now getting manufactured for that vacationer trade. Honey and avocado are the right combo of hydrating components for dry skin. Floor almonds Carefully exfoliate, and their fantastic fats depart your skin experience Tremendous soft. If you wish to insert a lot more moisturizing Advantages, increase a tablespoon of oil to the mix. Congrats within the hub on the day! This hub is certainly a very wholesome elegance face mask treatment options I at any time heard about. Thanks for sharing. Voted up and bookmark for afterwards use. Use the mixture towards your face. Make use of your fingers to Carefully massage the combination into your face. It’s important to be Light normally it's possible you'll bring about the skin within your face to be irritated, which could lead to breakouts. the egg white on your own is effective for me. I take advantage of to have huge zits on my face but now It truly is Evidently all absent, my pores grew to become limited and no signs of scars, it had been astounding. I implement it each and every tuesday and friday. Oh And that i also dab ice on my face. I in fact would not advise lemon. Thanks, KoraleeP and WhiteMuse! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EABwv81RCio to deliver banana face masks towards your attention, These are very effective nevertheless easily readily available and normal. You can do the egg white facial as part of your respective weekly skin maintenance schedule. For face masks specific to stopping excessively oily skin, look at this hub as an alternative: ... Among the finest matters about working with coconut oil for skincare is always that it fits all skin forms. So whether or not you've dry, oily, acne prone, growing older or sensitive skin, coconut oil can tremendously reward you. You can also insert ½ tsp of olive oil to this mask as being a moisturizer so you don't have to reapply moisturizer right after using the mask. Nourish your skin with honey and cooked oatmeal. Cook dinner two tablespoons of oatmeal, then stir in 1 tablespoon of honey. Permit the mask amazing to home temperature, then utilize it on your face. Add a fruit or vegetable. The quantity of fruits or vegetables you add is versatile; just start little and maintain them finely chopped so which they don’t overpower the combination. The subsequent fruits and greens are common tips:[13] Kiwi flesh consists of antioxidants, which can aid brighten your complexion, reduce wonderful traces, and fight other indications of ageing. Kiwi seeds will insert a bit boost on the exfoliating properties in the scrub.[fourteen] Strawberries are brimming with vitamin C, and can help brighten as well as out your skin tone.
skin care Fundamentals Explained
Just remember to blend your egg white really well each time you use it (by mixing it you are going to receive a foamy egg white appear). Here are most effective six Do-it-yourself egg white face masks which might be quick to get ready and can help resolve a variety of skin concerns to provide you with toned and gorgeous skin. If desired, you may discover different hacks to different the egg’s yolk and whites. It truly is definitely your decision, you'll get a really feel for what your skin can take and how finely ground the coffee is. ​Leftover paste can be stored within the fridge for various days. Hi, I utilized honey mask for 6 days and noticed a dazzling and healthful final result on my face then I attempt to use Honey+Egg+Lemon and noticed blemishes scattered on my face just on to start with day of use, I go on utilizing it on another working day hoping that It is really just the reaction of utilizing it fro The very first time. Combining egg whites with honey and lemon juice can make a remarkably powerful DIY egg white face mask for acne. Honey has sturdy antibacterial and anti-inflammatory Qualities that make it pretty powerful from acne. No HTML is allowed in responses, but URLs is going to be hyperlinked. Feedback are certainly not for endorsing your content or other websites. Turmeric powder and orange juice have potent skin-lightening properties and make this mask an extremely productive remedy for acne scars and dark spots, too. In case you are the type of person that can’t be bothered Generally generating your individual house manufactured masks then you would possibly be interested in these egg white centered items that are filled with outstanding substances. Turmeric masks are generally used to even out skin tone and lessen the appearance of dark spots or scars. Honey adds a slight bleaching outcome though lemon juice and yogurt gently exfoliate to eliminate dead skin and motivate new cell development. Caution: Validate Should you be allergic to any from the components from the mask by applying it on a small patch in your wrist after which you can await several several hours. If rashes surface or for those who clearly show other indicators of allergy, tend not to use this mask on your face. Many thanks for your egg white mask I am going to try out it... I am eager to see the outcome in only a couple of days!!! How much time will I should use it to begin to see the exceptional results? The chemical compounds existing in these prevalent alternatives to acne might be severe on your skin, as well as the powerful mixture of chemicals can impact Your entire body in other ways in which you'll have under no circumstances expected. When it comes to the honey mask tactic, You may use it combined with the medication you could currently be getting and it won’t interfere in almost any way. When you find yourself finished applying towards the influenced acne regions, wait around for about ten minutes after which rinse off your whole face With all the lukewarm h2o. Milk and Banana is among the best combos for the face mask. Also, among the best face masks being manufactured the banana and milk do miracles with your skin from smoothening to brightening.
Examine This Report on skin care
Orange peel face mask is a very efficient in targeting concerns like blackheads, acne, clogged pores, dull skin and oiliness. On the other hand, before you decide to make an orange peel face pack, it’s vital that you initially find out how to generate orange peel powder. Keep the mask on for ten to quarter-hour, then wash off with heat h2o. Right after patting your face dry using a clear towel, ensure you moisturize your face to circumvent your sebaceous glands (which hydrate skin by manufacturing pure oils) from likely into overdrive to make up for The shortage of oils. Preserve the mask aside for half an hour. Ultimately, implement it on your face and neck and rinse it off with warm water immediately after twenty minutes. Stick to up having a toner and moisturizer.   Also, these peels is often soaked in boiling water for per day as well as the resultant liquid may be used like a skin toner. You can even utilize it like a hair rinse to add shine towards your hair and dispose of dandruff.   • Get ready an exfoliating face mask in the home by Mixing an egg white, two tablespoons of non-Body fat milk powder, 1 tablespoon of oatmeal, and half a cup of orange juice. Rub the solution in round motions more than your skin for three to five minutes. You needn’t be as careful as you had been with all your face, since the skin on the remainder of Your whole body is fewer delicate. Remedy: Any real honey will do, but my personalized favourite is raw, unfiltered honey since it retains more of its strong healing Houses. I can in fact explain to the distinction between the types of honey I’ve utilized for my honey mask. Separate the egg and save the yolk. Crack open an egg over a bowl and transfer the yolk backwards and forwards concerning the two shells. Each time the yolk falls into a shell, a little bit of the egg white should fall to the bowl. Retain carrying out this till most of the egg white is within the bowl. Make sure you consider a little minute to accomplish your profile so we can personalize your experience and be sure you receive articles and provides which are pertinent to you personally. Rinse your face with cold h2o to wash absent mask’s substances and to tighten your skin pores. Apply a superb moisturizer of the option to hydrate your skin. Volla! Have you been shock with your glowing and supple new glance. Be careful to not scratch on your own While using the egg shells. Examine each egg batter for shell chips ahead of application. Last but not least, scrub your skin using this type of mask and go away it for nearly fifty percent one hour to obtain gentle, glowing skin. It works being a pure bleach and lessens Sunlight tan when applies about 3 times in a week for at least per month. You should use these masks on thoroughly clean, dry face. Clean your face before to get rid of the dirt and microorganisms of the skin. Go away on for five to 15 minutes. You will likely come to feel some mild tingling and tightening. This can be the mask carrying out its position! If the skin starts to burn up, however, wash the mask off at once.
Not known Details About sugar face mask
[25] Biologist Jeremy Griffith has proposed that ritual masks, as representations on the human face, are incredibly revealing of The 2 fundamental components of the human psychological situation: First of all, the repression of a cooperative, instinctive self or soul; and Next, the extremely indignant condition of the unjustly condemned mindful pondering egocentric intellect.[26] Africa Honey's intensive antibacterial motion can treatment present acne and prevent any further unwelcome pimples. " https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/status/1087124334748057601 's seriously pretty fascinating to find out about skincare guidelines. This information can help me to overcome my dry and uninteresting skin. I might like to understand more details on methods for dry skin."..." more RT Raven Tson Pocket mask or CPR mask, utilized to properly produce rescue breaths for the duration of a cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest Coffee contains antioxidants that may help in eliminating the lifeless skin cells and brightening the skin. The anti-ageing properties of coffee also help in firming the skin that may make you appear more youthful. Now using this type of speedy and productive treatment, one can easily cleanse their skin employing just banana and milk. You'll want to think about your perfume bottles no less than statement parts, and shop them faraway from heat and light-weight to lengthen their shelf lifetime to preserve their scent and high-quality. […] Honey alone may be used as a mask and is also powerful in curing acne by cleansing your pores rather than allowing microbes mature, due to its antimicrobial Attributes. In addition, the waxy Portion of honey helps to preserve the skin tender, smooth and glowing. > Onion juice is greatly used as being a organic cure to deal with hair reduction and hair thinning. It incorporates wide quantities of sulfur, and that is a component from the amino acids present in the hair. Carefully pat your skin dry that has a towel. This applies to each the skin on your own face an on Your entire body. It could be even better to go away your skin a little damp. In this manner, your skin can take in the excess moisture and re-hydrate itself.[two] Drinking a fantastic degree of water each day can help a good deal. Also, wash your face and take off all make-up just about every night time. Enable’s investigate the powerful nutrients in Uncooked honey for its nourishing Gains to skin! Below, find out about 3 distinct face masks you are able to Check out yourself in your own home, Every with a distinct reward. To utilize orange peel powder for a all-natural cleanser, Incorporate it with slightly water to make a paste. Implement it on the skin and go away it on right up until it dries wholly. Lastly, rinse it off with lukewarm water. Protective masks are parts of package or equipment worn on The pinnacle and face to afford defense towards the wearer, and today generally have these features:
Top latest Five face mask Urban news
Increase the honey for the egg white and lemon juice, and blend anything again. https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/posts/2099808380112431 will need ½ tablespoon of honey. Guantee that it's the translucent, runny type. Honey is antibacterial and acts to be a organic antiseptic. It is also moisturizing and will help replenish the skin.[3] Report SummaryX To generate an egg facial mask, commence by cracking an egg and separating the egg white and also the yolk. Then, discard the yolk and insert a few teaspoons of lemon juice plus a fifty percent teaspoon of honey to your egg white. > Who doesn’t choose to odor excellent all day long long? A good scent can not only cause you to odor great, it may enhance your self-confidence manifold. Incorporate a mashed up banana towards the egg yolk. Peel a banana open, and Reduce it to smaller sized items that has a knife. Use a fork to mash it to the pulp. The banana may help nourish your face. how frequently ought to i use this mask to determine success but i also dont want to damage my skin by using to A great deal if tht is smart On this oneHOWTO post we will make clear how to produce a coffee face mask using used floor coffee beans - we're all a few no-squander Way of life, In any case. My skin is super sensitive and I break out like ridiculous if I exploit coconut oil on my face. It seems to work good if I use it just about wherever else on my body…go figure. Some declare this mask gets rid of dim circles. So I've diluted this mask with water and applied it frivolously beneath my eyes. It did make the under eyes surface a little less dim. In a bowl, take some orange peel powder, sugar and almond oil. Ensure the level of sugar is equal into the peel powder and below you may have a fairly easy recipe to a beautiful smelling lip balm that’s successful and straightforward to produce. "It is really genuinely refreshing and efficient. It's the best face mask to produce with what is actually presently on-hand. I attempted it and received Superb results."..." more CK Corrina Knape Using tobacco also damages collagen and elastin — the fibers that provide your skin energy and elasticity. Also, the repetitive facial expressions you make when smoking — including pursing your lips when inhaling and squinting your eyes to keep out smoke — can add to wrinkles. "It truly is genuinely incredibly attention-grabbing to understand about skincare suggestions. This post can help me to overcome my dry and boring skin. I might like to learn more about strategies for dry skin."..." far more RT Raven Tson Posting SummaryX To help make an egg facial mask, get started by cracking an egg and separating the egg white and also the yolk. Then, discard the yolk and increase a pair teaspoons of lemon juice as well as a 50 % teaspoon of honey for the egg white. This egg white face mask with lemon juice and extra-virgin coconut oil is best suited for Those people with dry skin. The coconut oil operates to hydrate and nourish your skin, which makes it soft, healthier and more youthful-on the lookout.
The best Side of coffee face mask
I did not understand egg white could be superior to your skin. Thanks a lot for sharing. I have bookmarked this hub for long term reference! :) Inuit groups fluctuate broadly and don't share a common mythology or language. Not remarkably their mask traditions may also be frequently various, although their masks are frequently designed away from driftwood, animal skins, bones, and feathers. See also: Masks amid Eskimo peoples With the Aztecs, human skulls ended up prized as war trophies, and skull masks weren't unheard of. Masks ended up also utilized as A part of court docket entertainments, potentially combining political with spiritual importance. I Individually notice that honey entirely calms my acne-prone skin. In truth, that’s the reason I started using the honey mask to start with! Having said that, toners of right now aren't your mother's toners of a couple decades ago. They are much more gentle, full of antioxidants and skin brighteners and might make even the driest skin look vivid. In case you are searching for an all-natural Alternative for dealing with acne, fantastic traces and wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation, then you might like to consider using an egg white mask. These masks, which you'll have finished professionally or make in your own home, are thought to be successful in treating several skin issues due to the proteins current from the egg whites, which could make improvements to skin tone and elasticity. It's going to lead to redness since it way too acidic, It will also sting and could possibly even lead to pimples since it'll dry your face a lot of (I tried it). Also Will not use the egg yolk unless your face is basically really crystal clear from pimple mainly because it may moisturize the increasing zit. Truthfully the egg white moisturizes my face ample the the yolk. The odor though ... ; o ; Make sure to get rid of eye makeup with a correct makeup remover. The region round the eye is fragile so Will not pull or rub as well challenging. You can even use olive oil as being a purely natural eye makeup remover. For example, include yogurt or cream and honey In case you have dry skin. Incorporate lemon juice When you've got oily skin. For those who have Tremendous dehydrated skin, oils function as a substitute for dairy. I soaked strips of paper towel in this solution then used it to my face to prevent dripping. I see why All those cloth masks are so massive in Korea (They can be just so difficult to get from here while in the US.) It unquestionably calmed my skin while I'll really have to repeat to begin to see the lasting benefits. . Huge pores can also be likely breeding grounds for microbes that induce bulbous zits and cysts, which suggests pore-tightening egg white can help reduce acne. What a interesting thought! I really like getting the most out with the things I obtain, And that i often come to feel poor composting wonderful, fragrant orange peels. Now I'm sure what to do with them! A different tradition of European masks developed, more self-consciously, from court docket and civic events, or entertainments managed by guilds and co-fraternities. These grew away from the earlier revels and had become apparent by the fifteenth century in places like Rome, and Venice, exactly where they formulated as entertainments to enliven cities and towns. Consequently the Maundy Thursday carnival in St Marks Square in Venice, attended through the Doge and aristocracy also associated the guilds, like a guild of maskmakers. You should buy a fantastic scrub or make your individual. See this listing of the greatest facial scrubs or try out a recipe employing brown sugar and coconut oil in Produce a Face & Physique Scrub.
A Secret Weapon For pineapple face mask
Hello I made the face mask but experienced not honey so just built it with egg and lemon I fell asleep and experienced it on a lot of the night time After i function up and wasted it off my face was sore and crimson have you any tips be sure to Many thanks for the egg white mask I'll test it... I'm desperate to see the outcomes in just a couple of days!!! How much time will I really have to utilize it to see the exceptional results? I didn't realize egg white may be excellent for your personal skin. Many thanks a lot of for sharing. I've bookmarked this hub for upcoming reference! :) @Llzziforan: It isn't really proposed to keep on any face mask on overnight. Ideally you should continue a face for quarter-hour. An individual in fact asked me about retaining their yogurt face mask on for The full evening and I gave the exact same reaction. You will find the remark listed here: ... Effectively, the oily skin and acne are already a problems for an enormous large amount of the individuals due to the fact ages. None has at any time paid Significantly focus within the indigenous handmade methods to suppress this unavoidable difficulty and therefore, here is the article giving quick solutions to suppress the oily skin and acne with the usage of orange peel face mask. Hold the mask on for ten-15 minutes. When the mixture has completely dried on your own face, Carefully scrub it off making use of warm water, tackling all regions of your face inside of a circular motion. Pat dry with a towel and marvel at The graceful come to feel of your skin! In case your feels restricted after utilizing a facial cleanser, then it's way too potent and you need to use a gentler 1. No HTML is permitted in remarks, but URLs is going to be hyperlinked. Remarks are certainly not for marketing your content articles or other websites. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a29GuerKUqA can be a wealthy supply of all-natural fats and in addition contains omega three fatty acids. This causes it to be The perfect ingredient which can be used to revive the shed moisture in the skin. Blend the leftover ground coffee beans with h2o. Understand that there has to be more coffee than drinking water, because the outcome has to be a rather close texture to the product or possibly a paste than a liquid. Some recipes alter the water for milk For additional hydration. Include lemon juice, honey and baking soda to a small bowl. Combine properly and implement more than the face and neck. Avoid the area around your eyes (lemon juice and honey will both equally sting). We have presented you some cost-free supply tokens. The cost-free shipping and delivery tokens are valid until few times. A absolutely free shipping and delivery token is quickly employed each time a shipping cost is owing. So, benefit from the bigbasket encounter even more With all the no cost deliveries! We might use conversion monitoring pixels from promotion networks including Google AdWords, Bing Advertisements, and Facebook so that you can establish when an ad has successfully resulted in the specified motion, for instance signing up for that HubPages Provider or publishing an post around the HubPages Company. The substances required for building orange peel face mask for that oily skin and acne are specified down below.
Top Guidelines Of face mask
If your orange peel powder and oatmeal made use of alongside one another feels a little bit rough on your skin, insert a lot more olive oil but don’t ensure it is way too runny as it's going to make a drippy mess. May possibly twelve, 2017 ... No morning is comprehensive without having a strong cup of coffee. But Are you aware coffee is likewise great for waking up your skin? View much more videos at ...Extra » Employing orange peel, Uncooked honey, and oats, this recipe is perfect for acquiring rid of acne and infamous pimples. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/722616702689548197 has antibacterial Qualities that get rid of germs that bring about acne from deep within the skin pores. When you are leaving the orange peels outdoor, include them with a thin fabric or net for cover versus Grime and insects. I can even inform the distinction between Uncooked honey makes I use for my honey mask. A high quality nearby Uncooked honey built my skin glow in a means I didn’t notice with the opposite Uncooked honey I attempted. You will discover a great supply of high quality Uncooked honey Right here. Looking for https://www.wikihow.com/Make-All-Natural-Face-Masks ? We are in this article to help you. https://www.wikihow.com/Establish-an-Effective-Skincare-Routine deal with various skin care considerations. Acne issues? There is a mask for that. Store our big selection of face masks for acne. Be it The common-or-garden difficult-boiled eggs which might be elevated into mouthwatering deviled eggs or boiled egg sandwiches, or even creamy poached eggs with a stunning runny yolk, eggs are an extremely low cost and versatile household staple. Resource Ensure not to smile or talk with the face mask on! This will stretch your skin round the mouth and eyes and truly bring about wrinkles to variety. Make sure you just how long until I start out viewing effects Once i start out utilizing the face mask( orange peel powder, oatmeal and baking soda) and how frequently should I use it in each week? Supply Avoid skin-harmful foods. This includes processed or refined carbohydrates together with unhealthy fats. Consuming too many of these make your skin age more rapidly. Steer clear of consuming a lot of sugars in addition.[fourteen] Honey is usually a purely natural humectant that attracts in dampness with the air, leaving your skin moist and clean, and it could also enable break up excess sebum That may be clogging up your pores (and bringing about pesky pimples). Right away refreshes the skin, lessens the size of pores, balances pH level during the face, safeguards skin for trapping pollution and dust in everyday life.
Fascination About skin care
Combine the lemon juice and honey, and utilize the combination for your face. Allow it to take a seat for 20-half an hour. Lemon juice exfoliates your skin, brightens dark spots and fades scars. Similar issue like kareena have , i have built peel powder but fail to remember to depart the white aspect?? Is there any damage ?? Orange peel is known to soak up excess oil or sebum from oily skin. This face mask also uses coconut oil, which functions miracles in driving out the ‘lousy’ acne-producing oil from deep inside your skin pores. Orange peel has strong Homes that support hold troublesome pimples away. Apply a thick coat of the zit-busting orange peel face mask to deep-cleanse your pores and travel out the dirt, grime, surplus oil, and microbes, all of which bring about pimples and blackheads to type to the skin surface. i have lots of pimples since seven several years n also hvng dim places of dat.. i hv tried using evry possibl detail.. but nthng perform.. my skin type is combine.. n m also hvng white heads far too.. even afta gng for cleanse up nthng hd workd yet.. how banana wl assist me.. n in the amount of dayss… (i) As this mask is sort of sticky, Make sure you pull again your hair using a head scarf or band to stop your hair from receiving tousled with the mask. The market these days is flooded with numerous types of skin care solutions proclaiming to take care of any and all types of skin trouble.But The majority of these products are very priced and occasionally even fall short in presenting the claimed results. (ii) Just after making use of a face mask, look at massaging your face with ice cubes wrapped in a tender towel. This can work to shut opened skin pores and cease dirt and pollution from creating their way into your skin pores. Alternatively, you may wash your face with chilly drinking water. People who have problems with acne normally use a lot of high priced magnificence merchandise or get countless acne solutions. So just before utilizing this kind of products or treatment plans make an effort to use a banana face mask. Because it contains numerous effective nutritional vitamins and minerals that not simply mend your skin from the surface but from inside much too. Good short article! I've a matter. Does utilizing a face mask generate a large distinction in the facial skin (after the primary use or initial several uses)? I have never used a person in advance of but realized somebody who did... Or you'll want to utilize it constantly? On this distinct face mask, we are going to planning to increase other wrinkle-busting ingredients too to variety a strong mix. Due to the fact cinnamon is so potent, I would propose only using this honey mask when weekly at most. You can utilize among the other, gentler honey masks on other times when you’d like. (i) Beat one egg white until eventually you get a foamy regularity. Information Carefully the egg white on the surface of the eye spot and along the cheekbones. Leave it on for 10 minutes and afterwards clean up the region utilizing a cotton swab soaked in chilly drinking water. Try this 2 times per week. This is utilized to determine specific browsers or units in the event the access the service, and it is utilized for stability reasons.
Helping The others Realize The Advantages Of skin care
Use a heavier, richer just one in the winter, as well as a lighter one particular in the course of the summer time. Take into account a moisturizer that contains SPF to protect your skin against the Solar's hazardous rays. Yoghurt shares these antibacterial properties and likewise Carefully smooths the skin minimizing fine strains. Wonderful piece. Superior to receive back to Fundamentals and out of the chemical laden cosmetics. I'll be striving honey tonight. Clean the mask off and pat your face dry. Use lukewarm drinking water to rinse your face off. Attempt not to scrub as well really hard. Gently pat your face dry by using a gentle, clean up towel. An unbelievable moisturizer and lubricating agent. Coconut oil is blessed with balanced nutrients that nourish dry skin. Say goodbye to flaky peeling skin! Stay clear of spending far too much time during the Sunshine, and normally put on sunscreen after you do. stepto remedies for sunscreen with at least fifteen SPF. You must don it on a daily basis, even over the darker, colder Wintertime months. Yogurt is so great when applied to the skin. It contains lactic acid that will sleek and gently exfoliate your skin though also cutting down good traces and wrinkles by tightening your pores. There are also purely natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal Houses that may struggle acne. I have been intending to pamper myself for some time, And that i think that a facial mask is the way in which to go. I'm surely energized to test these, Primarily considering that all of them use reasonably priced goods out of your fridge or cupboard. two. Lemon juice is electrical power full of many of the goodness of vitamin C and is superb for oily skin. It clears blackheads and whiteheads and in addition stops new breakouts. It clears current acne too and lightens complexion about a stretch of time with typical use. It might be when you use the ice directly to your skin. It's best if you wrap the ice in the washcloth, then utilize it to the face for one minute. Creator Info "It really is definitely incredibly exciting to understand about skincare suggestions. This short article will help me to beat my dry and boring skin. I'd like to know more details on tricks for dry skin."..." much more RT Raven Tson To complete your registration please enter the verification code you obtained on the mobile. If you haven't gained the verification code, remember to SMS REWARDME to 9223347100 Get ready for your mask by washing your face and tying your hair back. Use warm h2o to assist open up your pores. Should you be sporting make-up, you must choose it off applying make-up remover.
A Simple Key For banana face mask Unveiled
Insert lemon juice to your egg white. You will need two teaspoons of lemon juice. The lemon juice will work as a normal astringent and assistance remove the acne and blackhead-triggering microorganisms. It may support lighten your skin.[2] • Those people with oily skin can apply a selfmade face mask ready by adding two tablespoons of inexperienced clay, one tablespoon of powdered milk, and slightly water in freshly squeezed orange juice taken from the medium-sized orange. ( source:- steptoremedies ) After applying a face mask, contemplate massaging your face with ice cubes wrapped within a delicate towel. This will work to shut opened skin pores and halt Filth and pollution from producing their way into your skin pores. Alternatively, you can wash your face with chilly drinking water. You should use this mask on a daily basis. Following applying https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=skin+care , if you really feel your skin is still dry you'll be able to use a fantastic selfmade moisturizer ( ) or another moisturizer of one's preference. Utilizing honey masks for acne therapy is actually a very talked-about house treatment and In case you are serious about dealing with your acne inside a natural, harmless way or if Your system does not reply well to absorbing medicines crafted from harsh chemical compounds, then honey masks are the right option for you. Massage your favorite cleanser on to your face. Use heat drinking water and work up a very good lather. This facial operates very best with a lathering facial cleanser since the lather can help hold the sugar with your skin. Can I store almond oil and also the vitamin E capsule drop by putting Each and every collectively inside a plastic bottle and making use of for couple days on my facial skin? Mainly because it burns I can’t depart it on for far too very long. I clean it off and apply the rest of the banana and go away it on for 15-20 min and clean it off with chilly water and finish off with a moisturiser. I'm loving it. Great for troubled skin. Use the sugar combination to the face. Use Light circular motions to use the scrub to the face. Avoid your eyes and mouth although implementing. For those who have time, therapeutic massage your skin with ice cubes following this. The application of banana could make your face glow and in many cases out the rough skin. This can be utilised to gather knowledge on visit ors to content as well as other internet pages on our website. Unless of course that you are signed in to your HubPages account, all personally identifiable data is anonymized. Do-it-yourself for face masks give swift Option, all-natural and efficient way your skin difficulties. The facial skin is without question Probably the most delicate and who issue most seem very good. So routine these home made recipes for face, you may be The simplest way to acquire care within your facial attractiveness. Relax you when you wait for the mixture to settle and dry on your face. It is possible to lie down and breathe deeply, imagining happy feelings! Do it at the time every week, if possible when you have your 'spa day in your own home'. Should you have enough time, get it done each and every other day. Ensure you examination to make sure your skin is not really sensitive to lemon. Consider diluting the lemon juice with water to scale back irritation. Hope this allows.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJjydRgXFEw For banana face mask
You may use toner soon after rinsing the mask off, but splashing your face with great drinking water will do the exact same job of sealing your pores. It really is your choice. You need to get it done after washing your face, which is normally performed each morning and night. A lot of people use masks in the night, as that is definitely if they have by far the most time. Spread the orange peels in a very tray and put them in an area that receives plenty of sunshine. Depart them there until They're extensively dried—this generally will take a single to 2 days, but may take up to five in cold, cloudy climate. We may use conversion tracking pixels from promotion networks such as Google AdWords, Bing Adverts, and Facebook as a way to detect when an ad has productively resulted in the specified motion, for instance signing up for your HubPages Provider or publishing an article over the HubPages Service. Approach: Take a bowl to mix these substances and apply a coat about your face together with your fingers. Then therapeutic massage your skin within a circular motion to cleanse. Then rinse with cold water and pat which has a clean towel. On this page, we’ll make an effort to go over all appropriate elements relevant to making use of honey masks being a cure for acne. Should your feels limited right after utilizing a facial cleanser, then It is far too strong and you should utilize a gentler just one. Clean your face twice each day to maintain it oil-cost-free, boost complexion, and forestall breakouts. You must wash your face in the morning once you stand up, and inside the evening just before about to bed. are they called Monkey Face Cookies? Because of the raisins which you apply into the tops of these prior to baking. Two eyes plus a mouth, which settle them selves into cute tiny droll expressions for the duration of baking, Just about every Suggestions: It provides Great final results, nevertheless it does consider time for you to see them. In case you don’t instantly see a modify, don’t throw in the towel. You can’t be expecting success inside of a working day or two. Also, the mixture is greatest used when freshly produced. You may use this to streamline signing up for, or signing in on your Hubpages account. No details is shared with Facebook Except you interact using this type of attribute. (Privacy Coverage) Your lately viewed goods and highlighted suggestions › Perspective or edit your searching historical past Lemon juice may make your skin sensitive to sunlight. Keep away from likely outdoors immediately after working with this mask, or utilize a 30 SPF sunscreen alternatively. A face mask geared up from orange peels may possibly seem odd at the beginning but can do the job miracles for your personal skin. In the event you’re having a hard time believing in the merits of this component, give this mask a try to you should have a hard time believing your eyes likewise.
A Review Of yeast face mask
Learn what skin style you've. This is a bit suggestion that few people know: most of us have mix skin, meaning some of our skin is oily though Significantly of it can be dry. Additionally, these peels might be soaked in boiling water for on a daily basis plus the resultant liquid can be used for a skin toner. You can even utilize it for a hair rinse to add shine to your hair and get rid of dandruff.   Use a moisturizer for your face and neck. Seal while in the moisturizing effects on the scrub with all your favourite moisturizer. How it works: Avocado is good for hydration and it exfoliates and cleans up your pores. Banana On the flip side enable lowering growing old indications. We may perhaps use conversion tracking pixels from promotion networks like Google AdWords, Bing Adverts, and Facebook in an effort to detect when an ad has productively resulted in the desired action, which include signing up for your HubPages Service or publishing an short article to the HubPages Support. Our masks are for beauty utilization and is not going to assist with health care disorders. If you have a healthcare condition you should take care of make sure you seek the advice of an expert health practioner. Wash your face with a gentle cleanser. Use a mild cleanser to clean your face with lukewarm drinking water, then pat your face dry that has a clean up, dry washcloth. The applying of an egg white mask can clog the pores and increase the possibility of breakouts for anyone who has acne inclined skin. Other side effects involve the unfold of bacteria over the skin, as raw egg whites have salmonella, a bacterium that may cause meals poisoning. Orange peel powder is used in various skincare recipes to manage acne by drying it out and to be a scrubbing agent to Carefully clear away worn-out skin cells and thereby open up clogged pores and address blackheads. What's more, it will help rid the skin from excess oil, even further mitigating the potential risk of acne and imparting a nutritious glow for the face rather. Just make sure to combine your egg white very well each time you use it (by mixing it you might get a foamy egg white look). You should use this to streamline signing up for, or signing in on your Hubpages account. No data is shared with Facebook unless you engage using this attribute. (Privacy Policy) Honey has incredible antibacterial Homes that enable sooth irritation and motivate the growth of latest skin tissue. Brown sugar also incorporates glycolic acid, a strong alpha hydroxy acid, that assists expel toxins and germs, as well as moisturize skin. It is additionally a hydrating agent and it locks humidity into your skin cells and guards towards skin dryness. Use brown sugar rather than white sugar because it is a lot more Mild on skin and will work effectively for very delicate skin. Dr. Boling reminds us that bananas have medicinal Homes that can be used to soothe quite a few inflammatory skin conditions, which include acne. Dr. Boling states, “In accordance with a 2012 short article within the Journal of Pharmacology and Phytochemistry
The best Side of yeast face mask
Blend the leftover ground coffee beans with water. Keep in mind that there should be far more coffee than h2o, as the end result must be a relatively close texture to some product or simply a paste than the usual liquid. Some recipes change the h2o for milk for more hydration. Other benefits of coffee face masks consist of their electric power to scale back face inflammation. This selfmade mask will be your best ally for those times once you haven't bought Considerably slumber or have slept badly therefore you awaken with a little puffy face. Blend clay, honey and apple cider vinegar in a little non-reactive bowl (under no circumstances use metal when working with clay). Stir jointly and gently implement towards the face and neck. Right after https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/status/1087123555727405058 , take out the mask with heat drinking water, then with chilly drinking water. Whisk from the honey. Try this till the lemon juice, olive oil, and honey Incorporate into a medium-thick Alternative. You'll be able to alter the amount of honey and olive oil you use depending on how thick or skinny you'd like the scrub to be. You confident can! Coconut oil is a fantastic attractiveness oil and you'll find much more face masks with coconut oil below: that goes well with ice product and pretty much any other kind of dessert sauces or toppings.I'd to go searching for quite a while to discover the ideal form of sugar to use on the best making sure that it would not dissolve Masks Engage in a important section within just entire world theatre traditions, particularly non-western theatre types. In addition they continue on to generally be a vital power in just up to date theatre, and their utilization can take many different forms. Approach: Crush the ingredients well with each other and ensure it is a paste with the lemon juice. The pack operates fabulously In case you are willing to go that additional mile. For skin that is certainly wholesome wanting and often delighted, this pack is a great way to make certain that smile. Repeat at the time every week. Only try this mask the moment every week. Performing it over that may lead to your skin to become dry and irritated. The mask should really boost the quality of your skin and lessen the appearance of acne. This magical face mask can confirm productive in maintaining the signs of ageing including pimples and high-quality lines at bay. Orange peel is superb for cutting down oxidative worry in skin cells, which subsequently can help in preserving a youthful glowing skin. Apply the combination in your face. Make use of your fingers to Carefully massage the mixture into your face. It’s important to be Mild normally chances are you'll result in the skin of one's face to be irritated, which could lead to breakouts. This material is accurate and real to the most effective with the author’s understanding and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified Qualified. Supply Focus on regions where there is a great deal of blackheads (commonly all around your nose and chin), as this scrub is particularly very good at concentrating on blackheads.
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ronaldmrashid · 7 years
Financial Samurai Goals 2018: Back To Early Retirement Life!
My biggest disappointment in 2017 was pushing my mind and my body past their limits. At the age of 40, I no longer have the energy to do what I’ve been used to doing all my life, yet I worked more than I ever had before. I was a stubborn mule who couldn’t accept the fact that I had aged. As a result, I injured my ankle, back, elbow and quads.
I also had a breakdown one evening when I couldn’t put my son to bed after the third try at around midnight. Hearing my baby cry is a heart-stinging experience. After an hour and a half of singing and cradling, I gave up on giving my wife the rest she needed and texted her to relieve me.
I felt like such a failure. I had spent years building a lifestyle business in order to be able to be a good father. Yet I lost it because I was working way too much on the business instead of storing up energy reserves for the late night shift.
It was at this moment I realized that going down the path of full-time caretaker with my wife while also keeping Financial Samurai going at a fervent pace wasn’t going to work out. I was no longer my happy go lucky pleasant self. Here are some goals that will make life better in 2018!
Goals For 2018
1) Return to early retirement life. As this site has grown more people are reaching out for help or contacting me with business opportunities. It’s become overwhelming. No longer is Financial Samurai a casual, unknown site where I can say and do what I please.
I want to respond to everybody but I can’t. Therefore, I created a massive out of office e-mail with answers to my most frequent requests. But it was ineffective. One business partner e-mailed me on Dec 22, then again on Dec 26, then again on Jan 2. It’s good he’s hustling, but what happened to boundaries, especially during the holidays?
In 2018 two of my goals are to publish only 100 articles (from 175) and to start having more fun with the topics without stressing about the quality of the content. While the business component of this site is exciting, it has become too much. Just like with day job income, after you make a certain amount of business income, there is no more additional happiness. Instead, misery often ensues due to increased demands for your time.
Early retirement life is all about being carefree and only doing what I enjoy.
2) For six days a week, provide an average six hours of JOYFUL assistance to my wife. For the seventh day, provide four hours of joyful assistance for a total of 40 hours a week.
As a stay at home dad, I provided around eight hours of support to my wife in 2017. For example, I would always relieve her for 2-3 hours in the morning, depending on how difficult the night was so she could shower, go to the bathroom, catch up on reading, and do her own thing. Then I’d provide care for 2-3 hours in the afternoon, and another 3-4 hours in the evening.
After a while, I realized that a lot of my assistance was not 100% done with a smile because I was always sleep deprived and sometimes frustrated after having already worked so many hours that same day on the business. As a result, tension sometimes ensued. Thankfully, she started doing the entire night after the third month and things got better. And now that my publishing goal is 35% less, things should get even better.
Providing six hours a day of happy care is better than eight hours a day of grumpy care. I know I’m not alone with regards to relationship tension during the first year of a baby’s life. More than 80% of couples experience a huge drop (40% – 90%) in marital quality during the transition to parenthood. Research also says folks who are sleep deprived typically suffer a 91% loss in their ability to regulate strong emotions, while the decline in general cognitive skill is equally dramatic. Just think about how dangerous it is to drive drowsy.
3) Increase business productivity. In other words, find a way to do less and maximize my existing content to boost traffic and revenue. I will never spend more than four hours a day on the business in 2018. Further, I will cease responding to comment and e-mail questions whose answers are obviously discernible in the post and encourage readers to use the search box on my website for answers.
Not bad for 10 days of work over the holidays
With time freed up from not responding to obvious questions, I plan on building new readership by answering questions on Quora, a Q&A social platform. I’ve always known about the benefits of Quora, but never bothered to try until the Christmas holiday when a reader asked whether I was sleep deprived in my 2017 review post even though that’s what I wrote I was in my intro. Instead of answering his question, I responded to a question on Quora that ended up bringing in a lot of new traffic.
I plan on building up my authority on everything San Francisco, Real Estate, and Investing related. Even though I’ve lived in San Francisco for 17 years, own SF real estate, worked in finance, consulted for startups, and have this site, very few people in the SF media have reached out. If I can become a go-to resource, then productivity should increase.
After 10 days of trying, Quora has ranked me as a “Most Viewed Writer” in Real Estate and San Francisco. The ranking only lasts for 30 days, but I’m sure with consistency, the results will grow.
4) Spend more time doing work in the hot tub. Through voice dictation, I’m actually writing this post in my hot tub right now. Not only am I utilizing my hot tub investment more, but I’m getting some stress relief while also producing work. Of course I’ll still have to do all the editing on the laptop, but this is a good way to really focus on living the early retirement lifestyle. Whenever I can knock out two or three things in one activity, I get very happy.
5) Aggressively spend more money on help. Until recently, we’ve always done all the lawn work, housecleaning, and childcare. There’s something therapeutic about gardening and cleaning. But now that we are tired parents, we need to prioritize! I really need help at this stage because my lower back is still tender. It’s kind of torturous to crawl around and chase a baby for a couple hours with a bad back.
Finally, I’m looking to hire someone who has a disability do some freelance work online. Roughly 15% of the world’s population, or one billion people experience some form of disability. Not only will this person get paid a fair hourly wage, this person will also gain some valuable insights about the online business world. Leave a comment with a brief intro about yourself with your e-mail address if interested.
6) Continue to help people of all types in different ways. This means publish two times a week, produce at least 30 podcasts, see my foster child mentee at least 24 times, coach high school tennis, and participate in more fundraising events. Actively helping others by getting involved in their lives is one of the best benefits of early retirement.
7) Stop feeling so damn guilty for not doing more. I have a tortured soul. Since I was 13, I’ve always had the belief that if I can, I must because a friend of mine died in a car accident and was never given the chance. But with this attitude, I feel a tremendous weight on my shoulders to be the financial provider and a caregiver for my son, even though my wife is a stay-at-home parent and we should be enough money.
I sought some advice about getting rid of guilt from a father who told me, “Raising a child is pretty easy if you can go away for 12 hours a day. Out of sight, out of mind.” In other words, he was suggesting that I find a day job like many fathers. But I don’t want to go that route.
Whenever I feel bad for not doing enough, I will remind myself that being able to provide my wife and me the freedom to take care of our son during his crucial first five years of life should count for a lot. There are many parents who reluctantly have to go back to work after 1-3 months.
8) Get regular physical checkups. One in three people will get cancer. And one in four people will die from cancer. The closest thing to curing cancer is early detection. However, most cancer is detected only after a patient feels symptoms. By stage three, only 8% of cancer patients live past five years. I bring up cancer because an old colleague of mine died of breast cancer at age 44. She leaves behind two children and a husband. I cannot imagine the pain of leaving Earth before I see my son grow up to be a strong and independent man who finds someone who loves him as much as we do.
As much as I hate full physicals, I will get one. And I will ask my doctor to do more blood work tests to see if they can find any anomalies. If I feel pain, I won’t be afraid to see the doctor. After all, I’m paying close to $700 a month for healthcare! Good thing I did some blood work in mid-2017 for my life insurance policy. After checking for 22 variables, the only anomaly was a slightly elevated cholesterol reading.
9) Find a way to grow net worth by $2 million. What’s a personal finance site without a concrete financial goal. With the estate tax threshold doubling to $22 million for couples, why not shoot for more wealth while taking things down a notch. The more you have, the more time and money you have to help other people. I assign only a 30% chance my investment returns plus savings will achieve this goal. Therefore, the only way to get a $2 million boost is if I invent something that takes off, get some kind of huge JV offer for my company, build a new revenue channel, or get really lucky with an investment. As always, I’ll be tracking my net worth closely to make sure my risk exposure is appropriate.
Excited About Early Retirement
One benefit about returning to the kick back early retirement lifestyle is that I’ll be writing more about early retirement. It’s really a wonderful stage that I think everybody should shoot for. It just didn’t last longer than a year for me due to my strong desire to maximize Financial Samurai’s potential.
2018 is the year I’ve been waiting for. To finally relax and be a present dad after spending so much time growing passive income and building a lifestyle business. Our little one is growing up so fast. We’ve got to cherish every moment. It’s highly likely he’ll be our only child given our advanced ages.
Here’s to letting go in 2018! May your money work hard for you so you don’t have to.
Readers, share with me some of your goals for 2018. How do you know when enough is enough regarding money and building a business? How are you able to let go and not maximize your potential? If you are a stay at home parent, how many hours of help do you get from your partner a day on average? 
The post Financial Samurai Goals 2018: Back To Early Retirement Life! appeared first on Financial Samurai.
from https://www.financialsamurai.com/financial-samurai-goals-for-2018/
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askpetethelibrarian · 7 years
Tumblr media
Well, then. We try to be responsive ‘round here!
The linked article was about interlibrary loan, and it focused mostly on people requesting important articles for academic research. Which seems like a no duh situation to me. I think most folks would say, “Yeah, people should have access to articles and studies and whatnot.”
I think the REAL question comes down to interlibrary loan when used for pleasure reading. That’s what I’ll give my take on, and an answer to whether it’s important.
Let’s start with this: Interlibrary loan is a criminally-underutilized service a lot of times. Which is both our fault and everyone else’s.
It’s everyone else’s fault because oftentimes they don’t want to wait or can’t wait for materials. 
It’s our fault because it’s too complicated. 
Can the average person figure it out? Probably. Can they figure it out and then wait 3 weeks to get a book that’s probably in lousy condition, and then only have 10 days with that book? Again, probably. 
Let’s face it, when it comes to pleasure reading, if I can interlibrary loan something or order it on Amazon, and if it’s at a reasonable price, I’m going with the 2-day turnaround (or instant, in the case of an ebook). Call me impatient. I call it being an average consumer. 
All that said, let me now tell you why you should use interlibrary loan.
One, if it’s pleasure reading you’re doing, then what’s the rush? Put in the request, read something else in the meantime, then pick up your request.
Two, it saves you money. I’m not normally a fan of spending time when you can spend money (I think it’s better, if you can, to buy back time), but in this case, the “time” is not time that you’re sitting around, doing nothing. It’s a waiting period during which you can do something else. It’s where we draw the line between an impulse buy and spending money to save time. Do you need this now? Does having it now add something crucial to the experience?
Three, it saves space. Stop buying so many books. I’m a librarian, and I can tell you that the average book lover owns too many books. There are only two kinds of books worth buying, books that you’ll lend to others and books that do not work in electronic formats. Which reminds me...
Four, it’s a great alternative to buying ebooks. Some shit just doesn’t work in e-format. I tried reading Grady Hendrix’s Paperbacks from Hell in e-ink, and the layout is all fucked up. Anything that relies heavily on layout, you need the physical book, and doing an interlibrary loan is going to be a lot better than buying it electronically. 
Five, like all library service, this is a pre-paid service. Check with your library, but most libraries will let you do interlibrary loan for free, maybe with some limitations. It’s basically like having a Netflix account you already paid for. Might as well throw on an episode of Twilight Zone now and then. 
My take is that interlibrary loan may be even better for pleasure reading than it is for academic purposes. The system works really well for casual, pleasure reading.
Now, the question of whether or not it’s important.
Yes. I think that it is important, and I think it’s becoming more important.
There was/is a movement for lots of libraries to have a “popular collection.” This means a collection that looks more like what you might find in a bookstore. Which is all well and good, but some of us have reading tastes that don’t really lend themselves to bookstores.
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This might not seem like a big deal, but let me tell you why it is.
It’s a big deal because popular collections don’t really allow for exploration.
It’s a big deal because popular collections equate “popular” with valuable. Which it is, in a way. Circulation statistics are valuable, and popular collections circulate well. But that’s what’s valuable for the library, not the public.
It’s a big deal because popular collections dictate what’s normal and acceptable to read rather than providing wider variety and allowing people to make their own decisions. 
Interlibrary loan can be one solution to this problem.
It’s a very imperfect solution. Let me tell you from experience, it takes guts to check out a book like Hammer Wives at the front desk. No self checkout for you, weirdo. But, it’s better than having no access at all. 
And while I’m not a big fan of popular collections, I get it. It’s a tough world out there for libraries, and it’s tough to convince boards and city councils that there’s more value than simple circulation stats. Some libraries don’t have the budget, the space, or the audience that justifies buying an item that may be checked out 2 or 3 times.
Plus, I don’t think popular collections are going away anytime soon.
See, something I feel like we all predicted with the ease of self-publishing is that we’d now be getting a HUGE variety of things. There would be fewer limitations, which means more stuff, and more different kinds of stuff.
But in a way, I think self-publishing is making mainstream stuff more mainstream. 
While the internet and social media have popularized atypical cats, like my friend Loki here:
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That works because I don’t have to invest any time. I look, I think she looks like a Goombah from Super Mario, and I’m in. Fun, quick, easy.
But with a book, it’s a different story. 
If I invest my time in this:
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Where’s the guarantee this’ll be a good use of my time? And, frankly, my effort?
All I have to do is glance at Loki flying by in my Instagram feed, and I can make my decision. And that’s why there’s a huge variety of lovable internet cats. It doesn’t take us a lot to evaluate whether or not we like one, and following them doesn’t require an investment of time or money. Therefore, a large variety of cats can be supported.
Books are not so easy to evaluate at a glance. And it’s very possible that you’ll get burned. Loki? I’ll never be burned by Loki. Who doesn’t trust that face?
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This is a really convoluted way to explain this, so let me switch tactics.
You open two ice cream stores. One has 100 flavors. The other has 5. 
I’ll bet you'd think that you’d sell virtually no chocolate and vanilla at your 100 flavors store, and you’d probably sell a shitload at your 5 flavors store. But I think the smart money is on selling a lot of chocolate and vanilla at your 100 flavors store. Why? Because people like them. Because they’re good flavors. Because some people aren’t looking for excitement when they eat ice cream. They’re looking for something that tastes good. Because some people don’t eat ice cream very often, so when they do, they aren’t looking to mess around. 
Yeah, there’s probably a flavor at the 100 flavors I’d like better than chocolate. But my chances of picking one that stinks are also pretty good. 
If I pick chocolate, I have zero chance of having my mind blown. But I also have zero chance of tossing away my cone after two licks.
I think this is how it works with books too. Is James Patterson going to blow my mind off my body? Probably not. But is he going to leave me feeling mad and upset? Also probably not. Is it possible that I’d enjoy something else more? Yes, BUT that something else comes with an increased risk of sucking.
This is why I think we’ll not see the disappearance of popular collections anytime soon. Publishers may not be able to give us 100 flavors, but they are damn good at giving us chocolate and vanilla. And for a lot of folks, chocolate and vanilla are what they’re looking for. 
And if you think of these two ice cream stores as being government entities, it’s hard to justify the fact that you’re throwing away tub after tub of that bubble gum ice cream with the actual gum pieces in it. If one person takes a scoop every 6 months, that’s just not going to justify having that flavor. Seriously, who came up with that? It’s like chewing gum while drinking a glass of milk. Blech.
Which is why I think popular collections will continue to be...popular. It’s what publishers can do, and it’s not always a bad use of taxpayer money to create a collection that pleases the largest number of people. Which is why interlibrary loan is and will be a vital service.
If interlibrary loan is the ice cream store, it’s totally the 100 flavors. And while you might have to wait awhile in line, while the 100 flavors is in a weird strip mall a little out of the way, and while it’s probably got a really grungy bathroom, if you want to try ice cream with, I dunno, crab in it, then that’s where you’re going to be. And while it might be a struggle to maintain the 100 flavors, I think it’s a good thing to be able to bring a guest flavor into your 5 flavors store when someone wants it. It’s good to nurture interest and curiosity in people. It’s good to bring people and odd things together, if that’s their preference. I’ve read Hammer Wives, and it’s just good to have a place for people like us.
Yours In-terlibrary,
0 notes
bluekidfury-blog · 7 years
Your Beekeeping Supplies and Reminders
bee suit Beekeeping is surely a popular activity these days because it is a fun thing to do. A lot of men and women are enjoying and getting at the exact same time due to beekeeping. However, despite the wonderful things that it gives, beekeeping is also regarded as a dangerous action because there's a significant chance that someone may get lots of bites and bites out of the bees they are being provoked. As a matter of fact, there are already some bee suits near me listed episodes wherein there are people who died since they are being attacked by rodents.
Yet, in case you truly wish to have your own beekeeping business, you must not create this as a deterrent for you not to continue it. There is a solution for each issue and you may surely have your solution for this. There are a great deal of ways on how you can avoid this. The most excellent and efficient way that may help in lessening the risks that bees may cause is using a bee suit.
Stings are very painful and no matter how much you avoid these, if you're in the beekeeping business you will certainly experience these. You must know this in beekeeping, there will be instances where you want to invade the temptations of your bees when you are checking on them. Your bees will feel that you're a risk to them that is why they can do everything to safeguard themselves that is merely a normal reaction.
This really is the greatest reason why you will need to get a bee suit. You want this protective bee supply so that you will be guarded in their assault. Select a brightly colored suit because more often than not, bees strike individuals that are wearing a dark colored suit. They'll see you as a threat if you're wearing dark.
Aside from the bee suit which is thought to be the most critical bee gear, you also ought to get a head gear and gloves since the suit alone can't safeguard your whole body especially your mind and your handson. But then again, you need to be certain that what you're wearing has proper ventilation and allows you to move smoothly and freely.
To know more about protective equipments and the suits and items that you will need to wear when you are in beekeeping, it is wise that you should buy a eBook which discussed matters about them. You shouldn't take your safety for granted. By having an eBook, you'll make confident that you will have a huge understanding about it.
A beekeeping suit a part of a beekeeper's shield against bee stings. Although it isn't essential to buy a bee suit right off the bat, it would certainly help the beekeeper ward off any bees and avoid becoming any bee stingers imbedded in their skin. The beekeeping suit may consist of long pants, or it can be like a top with long sleeves. Some beekeepers use bee gloves along with their beekeeping suit.
Some beekeeping suits are made from polyester and cotton, which makes them feel like ordinary clothing. The principal objective of these suits is to protect against any bee stingers from touching the skin. One significant quality of beekeeping suits is that these should not cling to the skin. Otherwise it would be rather easy for the stinger to penetrate the fabric and get onto the skin. Baggy suits (as well as clothes) are the best ones to use.
Although beekeeping suits are tight, these should not likewise be overly tight. The suit also prevents bees from getting in, so if a cuff hangs too loose, then it might end up being the entrance point of their honey bees. Once inside the suit, the bee can sting a person just about anyplace. Bee gloves are used to help cover any openings from the cuffs.
These matches are colored white, which also assists in warding off rodents. It has been found that bees are very attracted to dark colors. This is the reason why bees tend to strike the face in place of the body because the bees are drawn to the colour of hair and the eyes. Don't be overly fancy when getting a bee match; a dark or perhaps dark green one will surely entice bees into all parts of the body. The net of this beekeeper's hat is colored black, and that is the reason why bees are attracted to the web as opposed to the suit.
If buying a bee suit, it's important to test whether the suit is tight or fitted, and whether it might feel too hot or uncomfortable after wearing it for some time. One should also check for potential vulnerable areas (usually these are the wrists, collar, and ankles) and see what can be done in order to cover them.
Being a beekeeper is definitely a very fulfilling profession since you are aware that you will not only help your own family but also the environment. You will surely have an amazing experience in doing so because you won't just make money, you'll also delight in raising bees and visiting them produce tons of honey.
But beekeeping is not as straightforward as what you think it is because before you will have the ability to reach the top, you still need to work hard and learn a lot of things. You have to be knowledgeable about everything about beekeeping as it's through this that you'll be able to succeed in this area.
Just like any other businesses, you also ought to have equipments and tools in beekeeping. You will need these beekeeping tools because they'll allow you to do all your work in beekeeping for you to be able to attain all of your goals here. Without these tools then it will surely be hard for you to perform all of your tasks.
If you are only starting your beekeeping then it's a must for you to have tools but then keep in mind that you must first select the ones that you will require the most. They are those that you should prioritize and don't purchase those that are not really needed.
Here are some of the beekeeping tools that You Have to have if you are just starting about being a beekeeper:
Beekeeper suit. This is thought to be among the most expensive tools you will need to purchase but then it will be well worth it. You will use this to protect yourself from insect bites and stings. This is essential once you're already on the procedure for harvesting honeys. When you're harvesting honey, there'll be a demand for you to be with the bees and you will use the suit so that they won't be able to bite or hurt you.
Beekeeper hat. This also has the same purpose with the suit and that's to protect you. If you have this, then the bees beekeeping tools will not be able to bite you on the mind especially on the most delicate areas like your nose, ears, and eyes.
The smoker. Just like the first two beekeeping tools, in addition, this is needed because it's going to also protect you from your bees. As soon as you use this, the bees will be calmed and you will have the ability to get the honey on their bee hives.
Before you begin your beekeeping company, you need foremost to experience certain trainings and also have the ability to master all of the details with regards to handling beekeeping. One of the most significant things that you should put into consideration when planning to install a home-based enterprise, are the beekeeping tools.
Beekeeping tools will be the foundation or the principal framework of your business; therefore, it's extremely important to have tools that are powerful, security, and worth spending for. There are actually lots of suppliers of beekeeping tools that you can pick from yet it is significant to choose wisely the provider; hence, shopping around will assist you even farther to find the right and dependable supplier.
Below are some of These beekeeping tools beekeeping tools beehive That You Ought to obtain and consider:
• Bee feed and feeders - comprise 5 frame nuc feeders, two galloon feeder light, entrance feeders, plastic hive top feeder, feeder display plugs, division board feeder, polystyrene hive top feeder, entrance feeder for BeeMax hives, international patties, mega bee pollen replacement, and higher fructose corn syrup.
• Bee Medications - include miteaway II, apiguard, honey bee healthful, apistan strips, menthol, terramycin patty type, terramycin pre-mixed powder form, terramycin pure form TM25, fumigilin, tylan, swarm catch woth nasonov, bee increase with QMP, and gardstar for small hive beetle.
• Books - include the backyard beekeeper, a sensible guide to beekeeping, honey bees and beekeeping, starting right with honey bees, the new complete guide to beekeeping, honey in the comb, etc..
• Comb honey provides - embrace bee-o-pac spoon honey system, bee-o-pac comb around labels, ross around farame conversion kit, round comb super supplies complete round comb super kit, round labels, round tub, rectangular plastic cutcomb container, and square styrene cutcomb container.
• Smokers - comprise economy hive smoker, the lil' pro smoker, super proficient http://beekeepinggear.co.uk hive smoker, betterbee smoker box, bailing twine smoker fuel, and smoker fuel.
• Queen Rearing supplies - include nuc calendar, queen numbers set, no graft queen rearing kit, queen marking pencil, queen marking tube, queen catcher, queen cage, queen debut cage, and grafters.
• Protective clothes - includes zippered jacket pullovers, premium bee suits, premium coveralls, industrial pullover, hobbyist pullover, English design bee suit, sun helmet, insulated helmet, premium useful reference tie down, zippered veil, better bees shoulder veil, leather gloves, goatskin gloves, PVC gloves, nitrile gloves, and boot bands, white waterproof beekeeper boots, along with hive mentoring kit.
Every hobby or trade includes its own set of special tools to make the job simpler. These are bee keeping is 5 most fundamental and useful tools. Starting beekeepers should have all of them before installing bees to the beehive.
Smoker-the smoker is must-have for every beekeeper. The smoker can read more on wikipedia here be used to calm down the honeybees before review or harvesting.
Essentially, a smoker can be a closed kettle using a tall body and also an air inlet to let oxygen in. They Can Be Found in aluminum and stainless steel varieties
A smoker is usually 7 inches in height, though some larger types can be as tall as 10 inches. The nose or spout of the smoker is bent to permit the beekeeper to smoke the hive readily without lifting the outer cover entirely.
You put burning wood chips inside and you utilize the bellows to make smoke. grafting tool beekeeping The smoke leaves the chamber of the smoker through the spout.
When smoking the bees, then provide the smoker two large puffs with the bellows and permit the available wind to carry the smoke to the body of this hive.
Never lift the outer cap of the Langstroth hive with your smoker first. Don't over-smoke your bees, either as it can reduce their action level for 2-3 days.
Hive tool - the hive tool is another essential tool in any beekeeper's arsenal. It allows the beekeeper to get rid of stuck woodwork and noiselessly remove propolis from segments of the Langstroth hive.
The hive tool includes two components: the blade or wedge and the handle. Hive tools are usually fitted using brightly-colored, Beekeeping Gear Social Profile plastic-coated handles assists the beekeeper locate the hive tool once it's been placed on the grass.
Some hive tools have chiseled ends that allow the beekeeper to carefully pry apart stuck frames. Hive tools are rather cheap. You may purchase a fairly great hive tool for less than $25.
Again, manufacturers create hive tools using different metals. But if you would like something which will endure for quite a very long time, buy a hive tool with a stainless steel wedge.
Uncapping Fork - that the uncapping fork is used during honey extraction Beekeeping Gear hive tool to remove the wax caps in the cells full of stored honey.
The uncapping fork looks like a flat, wide fork with numerous metal points. The fork is only inserted into the upper layer of the hexagonal cells and carefully lifted to remove the caps.
There are three popular types of uncapping forks: the horizontal beekeeping gear fork, the bent fork along with the Swedish uncapping fork.
The fork is the easiest form and is utilized only during honey extraction.
The bent fork is used to open brood cells to test for mite infestations. The bent tines of this tool allows the beekeeper to open cells without bothering the other cells.
The third type, the Swedish uncapping fork, has been equipped with an additional blade that allows the beekeeper to remove burr combs out of the wooden frames to prevent them from sticking together.
Hive Stand - Eventhough Langstroth hives have stands of their own, you may choose to put money into an elevated stand which will raise the whole hive structure another 12 inches off the floor.
Hive stands also protect the bottom part of the Langstroth hive from rotting and helps discourage animals like skunks and other smaller mammals from bothering your hive.
Brush - some soft-bristled brush can be used to gently brush away bees during regular reviews of their hive. As you can't pick up handfuls of bees simply to reach the frames, a soft-bristled paint brush is the most convenient choice and inexpensive.
Just like with any additional instruments, you can spend a lot or little. Bear in mind that grade tools can cost a few dollars more but might last decades longer.
James Collins is the founder of the "Beekeepings Tips For Beginners Mini Course" - compulsory reading for anyone interested in learning about beekeeping tools [http://www.beekeepingtipsforbeginners.com/beekeeping-supplies]. The site includes invaluable information on how to quickly start your new hobby as a beginning beekeeper... Even in the event that you've not ever seen a beehive before!
The idea of beekeeping may be too much for some. Actually, most people who hear the expression beekeeping get squeamish or even nauseous about the idea of being around bees. Perhaps, the word bees informs them of how painful their first sting was. Such memories stick to people's thoughts, so that any sign of a bee round gives the entire body a glow. They require a beekeeping veil.
Not everyone would believe beekeepers when they state that tending bees isn't quite as bad as it appears. Taking care of bees isn't even as tough as caring for other animals. So people ask what makes specialists beekeeper jacket state that beekeeping is no buzz in any respect. One of the things that makes such a hobby much safer now than before are the set of resources which have been produced especially for this industry.
One of the greatest examples to describe this is the beekeeping veil. It's the greatest cover up that finishes the entire collection including gloves and coveralls. The bead retains the bees off the face, especially the area around the eyes. You might be sore for days or even weeks and might bring out unexplainable pain. This is the reason the beekeeping veil is exceptionally essential equipment for beekeeping.
0 notes
dietpillswatchdog · 8 years
SHREDZ Fat Burner for Women
Put the magazine down and become your own centre fold! That’s what the people behind Shredz say you can do if you take this supplement.
That sounds wrong to us on so many levels, but will this supplement give you catwalk good looks? We find out.
SHREDZ Fat Burner for Women Pros
Appealing advertising
May help short-term weight loss
SHREDZ Fat Burner for Women Cons
Contains potentially dangerous ingredients
Very mixed feedback
No money-back guarantee
Watchdog Rejected Diet Pills
WATCHDOG TIP: Consider using the consumer #1 rated weight loss product – CLICK HERE
What You Need To Know About SHREDZ Fat Burner for Women
We really do not like the look of this supplement. It contains some dangerous ingredients and there is no evidence that it will help you lose weight. As well as the Synephrine and Yohimbine, it contains Guggulsterone, which works in the body in a similar way to oestrogen. Medical advice is to avoid Guggulsterone if you have any hormone related conditions such as breast cancer – that is if you even know. In addition many of the so-called benefits of this cocktail of ingredients are unproven and as with Guggulsterone have been found not to work.
As ever, with supplements like this, the full ingredients information is not provided so you really will have no idea of what you are taking and what this will do. It is important to remember that the diet pill industry is unregulated so just because a supplement is on sale does not mean it is necessarily safe.
What Are The Side Effects Of SHREDZ Fat Burner for Women?
Potential side effects include vomiting, stomach upsets, loose stools, nausea, chest pains, breathlessness, increased risk of heart attack or stroke, increased risk of liver problems, whooshing sound in ears – symptom of high blood pressure, jitteriness, anxiety, skin rash, itching, and tremors.
How Much Does SHREDZ Fat Burner for Women Cost?
One bottle of 60 capsules is 30 servings and costs $60.00, which works out at $1.00 per pill.
Our Verdict On SHREDZ Fat Burner for Women
It comes as no surprise to find that we are not impressed with Shredz Fat Burner Made For Women. It features some attractive and powerfully persuasive advertising but is short on any real information. Given that it contains some potentially very dangerous ingredients that can cause serious harm this lack of contents information is a real concern.
Some people have lost weight because it has made them feel too sick to eat but this is not a healthy method of weight loss and will probably lead to weight gain once you finish the pills.
In addition, the company seem extremely tricksy with sending 59 capsules in place of 60 and we are also unimpressed with the lack of a guarantee.
We would not take this supplement ourselves and we certainly would not recommend other people to try it too. It is an easy decision: we reject Shredz Fat Burner Made For Women.
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Key Features
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SHREDZ Fat Burner for Women Review
Shredz Fat Burner is a US diet pill, which proposes body transformation for women with a supplement crammed with fat burning ingredients. The advertising looks great and there is some positive customer feedback but some of the ingredients could be dangerous for health.
Shredz Fat Burner Made For Women is made by Beyond Genetics Supplements and marketed by Shredz. This US company market supplements for both men and women and the focus is on the body beautiful, training in the gym and working out.
Shredz have what they describe as “athletes” as their “ambassadors” and these super toned men and women are all part of the Shredz Army and feature strongly on the website. If you buy Shredz products, you can be part of the Shredz Army too!
SHREDZ Fat Burner for Women Facts
Marketed by Shredz – a bodybuilding supplements company
Each bottle contains 60 capsules (or perhaps 59 capsules)
Just because it is in a pink bottle does not mean this supplement is safe for women to take
The Shredz For Women range comes in some edgy black and neon pink advertising and has a punky type of appeal with attitude!
Most people will be carried away by the image and we admit to being tempted by it ourselves. It is easy to forget that you will not be carried away to a magical world with beautiful people if you buy these capsules.
Remember, once they drop through your mailbox, they may not seem quite as exciting. Essentially you are on your own with a bottle of pills in your own home so it is important to really know exactly what it is you are buying without the hype.
Shredz Fat Burner is described as a natural thermogenic formula that “melts fat away” and will get you skinny, sexy and toned.
How to Take SHREDZ Fat Burner for Women
If you workout in the AM, take one (1) capsule pre-workout with breakfast followed by one (1) capsule in the afternoon.
If you workout in the PM, take one (1) capsule with breakfast followed by one (1) capsule pre-workout.
This all sounds fun but the ingredients list is not much of a laugh. This supplement will have a stimulant effect and includes Yohimbe and Synephrine among its contents.
Both these ingredients are well known for potentially dangerous side effects mainly around the heart and blood pressure and the medical advice is to avoid them.
Many customers report a strong appetite suppressing effect, which helps them lose weight by making them feel too sick to eat.
Worrying, the ingredients in the Shredz formula – the Shredz Fat burning complex does not list individual ingredient amount quantities. It contains 934mg of active ingredients but how this is broken down is anybody’s guess.
SHREDZ Fat Burner for Women Concerns:
The ingredients have been linked with causing serious side effects including strokes and heart attacks
This supplement claims to help fitness yet in reality it is an unhealthy way to lose weight
The potential side effects – we cannot stress this enough: Shredz Fat Burner will be dangerous for some people
The Shredz Made For Women Line includes four products.
As well as Shredz Fat Burner, you can buy Shredz Anti Aging Made For Women designed to reverse the signs of aging and an expensive multi vitamin supplement (Shredz Multi Vitamin Made For Women) which at $55 per tub is a very expensive way of taking a general vitamin supplement.
Shredz also sell Her Creatine – a Creatine supplement that will not cause bloating.
If you have any questions, you can ask a “transformation specialist” via live chat.
What Does SHREDZ Fat Burner for Women Claim To Do?
Shredz Fat Burner claims to help you “Burn Fat and Boost Energy”.
It is a;
gluten-free fat burner with naturally found ingredients is designed to deliver smooth clean energy and helps you focus so you can maximize your results and lower your body fat percentage in those troubled areas.
There are five key benefits to this supplement. It will help you:
Burn Fat
Get Lean
Clean Energy
No Jitters
Increased Focus
Ingredients like Vitamin B5, Green Tea Extract, and Cayenne Pepper Extract help raise the body’s internal temperature to burn fat
We are not so sure that these ingredients will have these effects and the Shredz advertising does not include any clinical proof or evidence that their claims are true.
Does SHREDZ Fat Burner for Women Work?
Shredz Fat burner obviously does work for some people, that is if they do not mind the side effects. However, we don’t think that it looks very safe and although it may help you lose some weight it is not worth gambling with your health.
Some of these ingredients are well known for causing dangerous side effects and we are not being over cautious about this. Many people have reported real problems after taking this supplement and many of the ingredients come with real and medically proven dangers.
Is it really worth it? After all, you could lose weight with a serious illness or a bout of diarrhoea and vomiting too but would you really want to?
We feel that this supplement will probably do nothing for safe weight loss. Once you have finished taking the pills, you will probably put any weight you lost back on. This diet pill is extreme and gimmicky and may pose a real risk to your health.
What Are The Ingredients of SHREDZ Fat Burner for Women?
Shredz Fat Burner is a diet pill that is supposed to help you burn off fat. Serving size is in two capsules so this will be your full daily supply.
The principle ingredient is the SHREDZ® Proprietary Fat Burning Complex For Women, which contains 934mg of active ingredients.
We cannot provide a fully detailed ingredients breakdown because this information is unavailable but we can provide a general overview.
Alpha Lipolic Acid: (Not to be confused with Alpha Linoleic Acid or ALA). Alpha Lipolic Acid is an antioxidant, which is found in some commonplace foodstuffs including yeast, broccoli, potatoes and liver as well as manufactured in the lab for medicinal use. It is used to treat diabetic nerve pain such as numbness and tingling in the hands and legs. There is however no evidence that it will be effective for weight loss or for improving cognitive ability. Source: WebMD resource
Theobromine: Bitter Alkaloid of the cocoa plant and present in chocolate, tea leaves and the cola nut. Theobromine is used in medicine to widen the blood vessels and as a heart stimulant.
Acetyl L-Carnitine: This may play a role in the treatment of cancer and it may have an effect upon the metabolism and muscle development. However, Acetyl L Carnitine is largely untested for its role in weight loss and has mainly undergone animal testing. The long lasting effects and optimum dose need to be further tested. Source: http://ift.tt/1d3WDSa
Synephrine HCL: Synthetic version of a compound found naturally in orange skin where it is known as Citrus Aurantium and believed to help weight loss by increasing the metabolism. Synephrine is often used as a legal alternative to banned drug ephedrine and has similar dangerous side effects. It increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. We covered Synephrine in a previous investigation.
Gugglesterones 99% E&Z Plant steroid: Found in the resin of a north Indian tree. There are two Stereoisomers – types of molecule groups called E or Z. Guggulsterone was once believed to decrease cholesterol synthesis in the liver but extensive studies have now proven that Gugglestone has no effect upon cholesterol. It can act like oestrogen in the body and will not be suitable for all women. Source: http://ift.tt/2hVkWFw
Yohimbine HCL: Yohimbe is believed to improve sexual and athletic performance but lacks evidence to prove this. Reported side effects include blood pressure changes, heart beat irregularities and heart attacks. This ingredient is on the dangerous list of supplements. Source: http://ift.tt/2iFl8fV
Cayenne Pepper Extract: Commonplace spice found in most kitchens. Some evidence has suggested that it may increase serotonin and so when taken in large doses may help prevent comfort eating. High levels of cayenne may increase the metabolism.
Green Tea Extract: Rich in the antioxidants Polyphenols and Catechins, which are excellent for maintaining health. Green tea has been found to promote modest weight loss because it can increase the speed of the metabolism and the rate at which you burn off fat Contains caffeine Source: http://ift.tt/1sB8s7S
Caffeine Anhydrous: Well known stimulant that is believed to burn fat. Most diet supplements contain caffeine and it is ideal for giving you a quick energy boost. It can increase the speed of the metabolism and help fat burning but the effects are often short lived.
As well as the formula, Shredz also contains:
Choline (Choline Bitartate) (100mg): Essential nutrient present in many foodstuffs including chicken, wheat germ, cod and almonds. Choline is effective for the treatment of asthma and is often taken by athletes to improve endurance.
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) (20mg): Important vitamin that plays a role in the destabilisation of fat and cholesterol
Vitamin B7 (BIOTIN) (100mg): Important B vitamin that helps healthy skin, nerves, metabolism, and present in a normal diet without the need for supplementation. The benefits and risks of biotin supplementation are not clear. The RDA is set as 30mcg so this amount is extremely high and possibly unsafe. Check with a doctor if you have any other medical condition before taking because it can interact with medication. Source: http://ift.tt/1tIWrv6
Does SHREDZ Fat Burner for Women Have Any Side Effects?
Yes, it does have side effects and customers have experienced a range of problems.
One customer reported;
I got EXTREMELY sick! I was throwing up violently for about 5-6 hours. I couldn’t even keep water down. When I went to the doctor the following day she highly recommended me to stop taking the fat burner. She said that a lot of these products take a dangerous toll on your liver.
We cannot argue with that.
Other customers have reported similar experiences;
This product made me extremely sick to my stomach and shaky all day long. I made sure to eat with it and not to take in any additional caffeine and still I felt like crap.
Another reported;
makes me feel nervous and out of sorts. I guess this is the way diet pills are supposed to make you feel
(There is no point in taking a diet pill that makes you feel like that. Not all diet pills have this effect. )
Even more worryingly, another customer reported;
I had to force myself to eat a sandwich at dinner. Aside from minor chest pains, which I attribute to taking this on practically an empty stomach, this is exactly what I have been looking for. I’m taking it with actual food for breakfast today and am hoping for similar results without the chest pain.
This customer is taking a real risk in continuing using these pills with chest pains.
Potential side effects include:
Stomach upsets
Loose stools
Chest pains
Increased risk of heart attack or stroke
Increased risk of liver problems
Whooshing sound in ears – symptom of high blood pressure
Skin rash
Caution: Do not take if you suffer from any type of heart condition or high blood pressure. If you experience related side effects such as chest pain discontinue use immediately. Do not take if you are sensitive to hormone related conditions such as breast cancer or uterine fibroids. Avoid if you are taking the birth control pill because it may increase side effects and do not take if you are on prescription medication because of interactions. Seek the advice of your doctor before you start taking this pill and get qualified medical advice in case of side effects.
Are There Any Customer Reviews For SHREDZ Fat Burner for Women?
Yes, and it is the usual mixed bag of opinion. Some customers have been pleased with this supplement.
One user reported;
As a fitness model, I’m always looking for new products to improve my fitness goals. I found that Shredz gives me energy without the shaky feeling that other fat burners tend to give you.
Some customers have issues with the amount of pills in each bottle. It seems that in many cases you only receive 59 capsules in place of the advertised 60.
The Fat Burner and the Multivitamin both say 60 capsules but both only had 59
Complained one customer. Many others reported the same thing and have been left feeling ripped off.
Some customers found that Shredz Fat Burner did nothing for them;
These did nothing for me. I feel like I wasted my money. They made no difference when I added it to my routine.
These negative comments are in addition to the complaints about unpleasant side effects.
Does SHREDZ Fat Burner for Women Offer a Money-Back Guarantee?
No money back guarantee is offered. A representative has responded to customer complaints via Amazon but has not offered any type of refund.
Where Can I Buy SHREDZ Fat Burner for Women?
You can buy Shredz Fat Burner Made For Women direct from the Shredz website.
One bottle of 60 capsules is 30 servings and costs $60.00, which works out at $1.00 per pill.
This should be enough for one month’s supply but make sure you count the contents of each bottle because Shredz are well known for sending only 59 capsules.
You can also buy Shredz Fat Burner via Amazon.com for the slightly cheaper price of $45.00.
You cannot buy Shredz direct if you live outside the USA. It is not available from UK Amazon.
The post SHREDZ Fat Burner for Women appeared first on Diet Pills Watchdog.
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captainlenfan · 5 years
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Episode 435 – Q&A with Robb and Nicki #28
We’re back with more of the Q&A you crave!  Episode 435, Q&A #28
Submit your own questions for the podcast at: https://robbwolf.com/contact/submit-a-question-for-the-podcast/
If you want to see the video for this podcast, be sure to check out our YouTube channel.
  Show Notes:
1. Overeating On Keto [2:08]
Steve says:
Hi Rob,
I don’t want to take too much of your time. But going Keto for me has found me doing exactly what I feared I could do. I have been Paleo for five or six years and so has my wife. We have no kids at home so grains and junky carbs are not and issue or even a temptation. I am in the middle of doing the keto masterclass, which I am savouring because I have been making some mistakes.
I am 50 years old and work out regularly doing either mixed kettlebell workouts or if I do weight and resistance training at the moment I like to do whole body workouts 3 X a week and can mix in some cardio in between. I have kept fit most of my life, my goal is as I age to stay lean and keep mobile. Pretty simple goal.
We live in Perth in Western Australia so we have great weather and lots of sun. I work as a gardener in a private school, a job I love doing as I’m outside and moving all day, not as hard as say some sort of construction worker but that can happen on a given day just not every day.
Coming from eating paleo the transition for me has been pretty easy. As I went low carb and increased the fat I was eating my wife liked the sound of it so she hopped on board. She is doing great and in fact better than me. We aren’t really that worried about measuring ketones at this stage, it has been more about getting the diet right.
My issue is, I love the food. For some reason it has made me hungrier. Stocking our fridge and cupboards I made sure that we had all we needed and I wanted to see what I liked to eat also.
So I have blown it on all sorts of things. I have had days where I ate too much thickened cream, one tub has 800 calories and it is so easy to eat. I have blown it on nut butter and blown it on cheese. I can’t believe it.
At first it was wrapping my head around the fat content. I think I get it now. But I have put on body fat, which is so annoying. It’s not a train wreck but I feel like I am in a rut now and it’s hard to get out. I don’t want to quit because I can see and have felt the benefits. It’s just with the fat content and my physiology there seems to be no room for error.
I listen to your podcast and since listening I have gone to the ketogains website and worked out my macros. I was still tracking somewhat but some days I may have blown it by 5 or 6 hundred calories.
I have come so close to quitting as for me it seems to have been an easy way to get fat rather the leaner.
I’m not sure that you can help and not sure what else that I could tell you. Diet wise I have intermittent fasted for 3 or more years with differing protocols. Doing 16 – 20 hours is pretty comfortable. I workout in the mornings and often don’t eat until lunch time or when I get home from work.
My diet hasn’t changed too much except I have eaten cream, which I am now over. Adding more fat to my meals. Cooking in butter eating nuts and doing other keto style things. Apart from that my diet is still pretty primal. I love veggies. I have for years done a version of Mark Sisson’s big ass salad. Which would be my daily staple. Evening veggies could be broccoli with brussel sprouts maybe some Kale and mushrooms. Also we do milk Kefir but I try to keep that to a minimum.
If you have any suggestions that would be great. Are there others that have had this sort of issue, going keto has made them fatter?
Really enjoy your podcast and thanks for all of the really useful info that you have put out. I have also read your books.
Best regards
  2. What’s Up With Fiber & Kids? [8:58]
Rory says:
As part of restoring my own gut health, I’ve used prebiotic fibers in various doses based somewhat on Grace Liu’s advice, and I’m curious if and when supplemental fiber would be beneficial for my daughter?
Again assuming that she started off at a disadvantage because of the antibiotics, it seems to follow logically that prebiotic fiber would help her gut bacteria develop, and increase her overall health and resilience.
Is that actually logical?
And are there any cautions? Is there a certain dose that’s age-appropriate, or do I just slowly increase until she has digestive upset?
Should I mix fibers in order to feed a variety of bacteria, or are there certain fibers that are optimal for a young gut (i.e. what would a cavebaby be most likely to eat chew on for fun?).
  3. Tips For Increasing Testosterone [13:07]
Mads says:
Hey Robb,
In a previous Q&A, you talked about how muscle gain/hypertrophy is caused by calorie surplus and progressive overload. You also mentioned that gaining muscle is, without a doubt, easier if you have High testosterone. Calorie surplus and PO is easy, but how do I increase my testosterone? You mentioned that there are a number of different tactics that you can use?
My testosterone is not low, but definitely not high either. I’m 27 and my testosterone is 640 ng/dL and my free testosterone is 16.36
  4. SHBG Elevated On Keto/Carnivore [19:47]
Eoin says:
Since switching to keto I’ve noticed an increase in SHBG levels which brings down my free test. Total test has stayed high normal but was wondering how functional it is with the free portion bound up. DHEA is a bit low too. I feel great all in all but was just wondering what your thoughts are on that
  5. Are Chicharrones (pork rinds) a Healthy Snack? [22:47]
Isaac says:
Hi Rob,
Chicarones (pork rinds): are they a healthy snack?
I’ve heard you indirectly mention them on the podcast some time ago, but I wasn’t able to infer whether your opinion is favorable or cautionary.
I’m an ultra-runner, and during peak training season will spend about 20 hours per week running.  In the bad old days I would top off my calories with a gigantic bowl of cold cereal in the evening, or an enormous serving of lentils and rice.  But then I got woke, started monitoring my blood sugar, and started looking for low-carb options to fuel. I’m already having two salads each day, huge amounts of veggies, and as much meat as I can stomach.  So I’m just looking for some calories to fuel the movement.
So are pork rinds okay?  I avoid the flavored variety – the bags I buy just say “fried pork skin” on the ingredients list, and I dip them in sour cream. The best part is how easy it is to get an extra 1000 calories. And the flavor.
Am I headed towards clogged arteries? Are pork rinds actually healthy in the way that bacon is healthy…?
Thanks!! Love the show.
After submitting my question about whether pork rinds are an acceptable snack, I realized that Robb’s answer might be ‘we’d need to see your lab work’…
So, in case it is relevant (and in case my question is selected for the show), here are some details.  (I’d be glad to share the rest of the lab results, if they’re relevant.) Thanks!
Cholesterol, Total: 249 mg/dL
HDL: 71 mg/dL
Triglycerides: 71 mg/dL
LDL-Cholesterol: 161 mg/dL (calc)
Apolipoprotein A1: 186 mg/dL
Omega 3 (EPA+DHA) Index: 7.1 %
Omega 6 / Omega 3 ratio: 3.7
EPA/Arachidonic Acid Ratio: 0.4
EPA: 3.0 %
DHA: 4.1 %
Lipoprotein (a): 99 nmol/L
Apolipoprotein B: 107 mg/dL
Nonesterified Fatty Acids (Free Fatty Acids): 0.12 mmol/L
LDL Particle Number: 1149 nmol/L
LDL Small: 116 nmol/L
LDL Medium: 229 nmol/L
HDL Large: 5144 nmol/L
LDL Pattern: A
LDL Peak Size: 225.5 Angstrom
HS CRP: <0.2 mg/L
  Where you can find us:
  Submit questions for the podcast: https://robbwolf.com/contact/submit-a-question-for-the-podcast/
Download a copy of the transcript here (PDF)
Robb: Welcome back, wife.
Nicki: Hubs.
Robb: What’s new?
Nicki: A lot.
Robb: I always love asking that, because we just spin in the same four walls all day long.
Nicki: So, you know everything that’s new?
Robb: We have nothing new. Well, we’re in the process of packing, getting ready to move.
Nicki: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Kids are out of school.
Robb: Kids are out of school. So we’re swimming, and the kids are walking the dogs around on leashes, and basically torturing the animals. Nicki’s been watching the wild kingdom that is our backyard, and our cat slaughtering all of the baby birds in the backyard.
Nicki: We have this wonderful nest, a robin nest up in the tree, and I’ve been watching the parents come and feed the babies, and then yesterday morning there were no parents.
Robb: Silence.
Nicki: It was silent, and I think our cat slayed the whole family.
Robb: The cat’s been eyeballing this thing for probably a week, and I think he just waited for the baby birds to get fat enough to make it worth his while to climb the tree.
Nicki: Those ones I was particularly attached to, because I was watching them every day in the morning.
Robb: Oh, so the cat was pretty attached to them also.
Nicki: All right, let’s jump in on our questions. Okay. Let’s see. Our first question this week is from Steve. He says, “He keeps stuffing up and it’s driving me crazy. Hi, Rob. I don’t want to take too much of your time, but going keto for me has found me doing exactly what I feared I could do. I have been paleo for five or six years and so was my wife. We have no kids at home, so grains and junky carbs are not an issue or even a temptation. I’m in the middle of doing the keto masterclass, which I’m savoring, because I’ve been making some mistakes.
Nicki: 50 years old, workout regulAarly, doing, either mixed kettlebell workouts, or I do weight and resistance training. I like to do whole body workouts three times a week, and can mix in some cardio in between. I’ve kept fit most of my life and my goal is, as I age, to stay lean and keep mobile. Pretty simple.
Nicki: We live in Perth, in Western Australia, so we have great weather and lots of sun. I work as a gardener at a private school, a job I love doing, as I’m outside and moving all day. Not as hard as some sort of construction worker, but that can happen on any given day, just not everyday. Coming from eating paleo, the transition for me has been pretty easy. As I went low carb and increased the fat I was eating, my wife like the sound of it, so she hopped on board. She’s doing great, in fact, better than me.
Nicki: We aren’t really that worried about measuring ketones at this stage, it has been more about getting the diet right. But my issue is I love the food. For some reason, it has made me hungrier. Stocking our fridge and cupboards, I made sure that we had all we needed and I wanted to see what I liked to eat also. So I’ve blown it on all sorts of things. I’ve had days where I ate too much thickened cream, one tub has 800 calories, and it is so easy to eat. I’ve blown it on nut butter and blown it on cheese. I can’t believe it.
Nicki: At first, it was wrapping my head around the fat content, but I think I get it now. But I have put on body fat, which is so annoying. It’s not a train wreck, but I feel like I’m in a rut, and it’s hard to get out. I don’t want to quit, because I can see, I have felt the benefits. It’s just with the fat content and my physiology, there seems to be no room for error.
Nicki: I listened to your podcast, and since listening I’ve gone to the Ketogains website and worked out my macros. I was still tracking somewhat, but some days I may have blown it by 500 or 600 calories. I’ve come so close to quitting. As for me, it seems to have been an easy way to get fat rather than leaner. I’m not sure that you can help me, and I’m not sure what else I could tell you. Diet wise, I have intermittent fasted for three more years with different protocols. Doing 16 to 20 hours is pretty comfortable. I work out in the mornings, and I often don’t eat until lunch or when I get home from work.
Nicki: My diet hasn’t changed too much, except I’ve eaten cream, which I’m now over. Adding more fat to my meals, cooking in butter, eating nuts and doing other keto style things. Apart from that, my diet is still pretty normal. I love veggies. I have for years done a version of Mark Sisson’s, Big Ass Salad, which would be my daily staple. Evening veggies could be broccoli with brussels sprouts, maybe some kale and mushrooms. Also we do milk, kefir, but I try to keep that to a minimum.
Nicki: If you have any suggestions, that would be great. Are there others that have had this sort of issue where going keto has made them fatter? Really enjoy your podcasts, and thanks for all of the really useful info that you’ve put out. I’ve also read your books. Best regards, Steve.”
Robb: You know, it’s funny when we were going through this, when I saw stuffing it up, I thought it was going to be a sinus issue. Do you have any thoughts on this? Like shooting [inaudible 00:04:30]
Nicki: The thing is he didn’t mention protein at all, and he seems pretty focused on the fat, which as you talk about in the keto masterclass, fat is a lever. Protein is first, because it’s the most satiating macronutrient. You know, he says he’s hungry, so I’m wondering if he’s not getting enough protein.
Robb: Right, right. That’s kind of my first thought as well. The protein leverage hypothesis. It’s so hard to unpack this stuff, because a lot of people, if they come from a kind of a traditional western diet, they shift to low carb or even paleo, but let’s just say low carb. Instead of being on these carb roller coasters all the time, you just get this nice, even energy, even blood glucose levels. Whether it’s ketone fueled or not, it’s just like you’re not on the ups and downs. Generally, they notice that they’re not as hungry. But I think that that can kind of give way over time to being low protein.
Robb: Again, with that whole protein leverage hypothesis idea, whether you eat low carb or low fat, if you eat adequate protein, you’re probably going to be pretty good, you know, all other things being equal. But if you’re skinny on the protein, then your body is going to stimulate hunger and you’re going to tend to eat more food. There is kind of a reality that one of the dangers of kind of keto eating is that the bulk of the food is pretty calorically dense, you know? I mean, you could go pretty crazy on plain sweet potatoes or something like that. You know, I mean, just the calorie density is not any-….
Nicki: An extra wedge of cheese, depending on how you measure a wedge.
Robb: Right, yeah, wedge. Yeah.
Nicki: Is a significant number of calories.
Robb: A significant chunk of calories. So the protein would definitely be a thought. An additional thought, he seems to be kicking the bulk of his calories to later in the day. So I would, following a lot of Bill Lagakos’ work, and things that we’re learning around time restricted eating, I would try shifting more of the calories earlier in the day. All things being equal, it seems like people generally do better with that.
Robb: Then one final piece, is thinking about your electrolyte intake, in particular, sodium. So Tyler and Luis shot me an interesting paper the other day. So, there’s a lot of folklore in the keto world, which I kind of alluded to, that we get this kind of appetite suppressing effect while in ketosis and while fasting and stuff like that, and there’s definitely truth to that. But, when ketone salt had been studied, kind of head to head with ketone esters, it’s interesting, the esters produce higher levels of blood ketones, but they do not have an appetite blunting effect, not the way that ketone salts do.
Robb: Now, this is totally speculative, but one of the key features of ketone salts is they have a shit load of salt in them. We’ve often kind of joked that, you know, when people are like, “Man, I feel great using ketone salts.” It’s because they’re actually getting a decent wack of sodium, in particular, in addition to the other electrolytes. So, I would really be fastidious on protein, and then also make sure that you get at least that five grams per day of sodium specifically-
Nicki: Especially because you’re in a warm climate, you’re outside all the time, you’re … yeah.
Robb: Yeah. So those are some biggies in that. So I guess the three are be on point with protein, make sure that you’re getting your electrolytes addressed, and then finally, try shifting more of the calories earlier in the day, versus this later in the day eating schedule.
Nicki: Okay. So Steve, do all that, and then report back.
Robb: Ping back and let us know. Yep.
Nicki: Okay. So our next question is from Rory. “What’s up with fiber and kids?” Rory says, “As part of restoring my own gut health, I’ve used prebiotic fibers in various doses based somewhat on Grace Liu’s advice, and I’m curious if and when a supplemental fiber would be beneficial for my daughter?
Nicki: Again, assuming that she started off at a disadvantage because of the antibiotics, it seems to follow logically that prebiotic fiber would help her get bacteria develop and increase her overall health and resilience. Is that actually logical? Are there any cautions? Is there a certain dose that’s age appropriate? Or do I just slowly increase until she has digestive upset? Should I mix fibers in order to feed a variety of bacteria? Or are there certain fibers that are optimal for a young gut? I.e. what would a cave baby be most likely to eat or chew on for fun?”
Robb: Man, that’s a lot going on there. So, I think I’ve mentioned the Sonnenberg Lab a couple of times. I got to speak with Erica Sonnenberg at the event that Akil Palanisamy puts on each year with UCSF. They’ve done so many different things, but just consuming fermented food, this was one of the studies. Folks were consuming fermented food and they looked at their gut microbiome profile, the diversity, and the, you know, various ratios before and then during, and after the intervention of adding fermented foods like kimchi and sauerkraut, and stuff like that.
Robb: What was interesting is that the gut diversity increased while consuming the fermented food, but it wasn’t any of the bacteria that were part of the fermented food. It’s been understood for a long time, or at least somewhat understood, that that bacteria doesn’t necessarily play a role in populating the gut, at least not longterm, but it seems to tune the immune response, and perhaps creates an environment that’s more amenable for other organisms to occupy the space.
Robb: So that’s an interesting thing. It seems a little bit more holistic, and kind of leaves all the information processing up to the gut and the ecology of the gut, instead of trying to, you know, have this notion that we’re going to pinpoint, you know, fix anything that’s going on there. We’ve talked about this in previous episodes, supplementation with prebiotic fibers, it seems to be a little bit of a mixed bag. Some people do great with it, some people do terribly. The point about having a really diverse mixture I think makes a lot of sense.
Robb: Garden of Life, like Dr. Perlmutter’s prebiotic fiber, is a really nice spectrum. It has acacia in it, and lemon and orange peel pulp. It just has 20 different things in it. So, something like that could potentially be something that you add to maybe some apple sauce or something like that. I would probably keep the doses a little on the smaller side. I don’t know that I would really want to run a GI, you know, pressure test on that. But those are the things that I would noodle on with all that stuff.
Robb: If you’re doing white potatoes, cassava, white rice, going through the whole process of cooking it, chilling it, you know, improving the resistant starch profile, I think that stuff makes sense. But I would be a little bit careful doing outright supplementation beyond that. Do you have any additional thoughts?
Nicki: I got nothing.
Robb: Okay. Yeah. But our kids love both kimchi and sauerkraut. They eat it. If we put it out, they will eat it. We just sometimes, in putting out the meal, forget to, but most kids will gravitate towards that pretty well. So I think that that’s kind of a nice, simple baseline that you can have that-
Nicki: Just get the mild one.
Robb: Yeah, just get the mild one. Yeah, yeah. Every once in a while I mess up and get the red lid. Even though Sagan has a pretty spicy palateYup.
Nicki: Alrighty. Let’s see. Our next question is from Mads. Tips for increasing testosterone. “Hey, Rob. In a previous Q&A you talked about how muscle gain in hypertrophy is caused by calorie surplus and progressive overload. You also mentioned that gaining muscle is, without a doubt, easier if you have high testosterone. Calorie surplus and progressive overload is easy, but how do I increase my testosterone? You mentioned that there are a number of different tactics that you can use. My testosterone is not low, but it’s definitely not high either. I’m 27, and my testosterone is 640 nanograms per deciliter, and my free testosterone is 16.36.”
Robb: Man, this is a good question. So a young guy, it’s-
Nicki: His testosterone is lower than my dad’s.
Robb: Yeah, who’s 70.
Nicki: 70.
Robb: Yeah, yeah. Which he’s just kind of a stud, so you’re-
Nicki: Well, no, but, I mean, also, I know you’ve talked before about how our parents and grandparents generation, as a baseline, had higher testosterone than-
Robb: Yeah, Kirk Parsley has some numbers that he quotes that, my grandparents’ generation, both men and women, appeared to have testosterone levels about three times on average what we’re seeing today. So, yeah, I mean, it’s probably not optimal from a recovery standpoint. This is the thing, again, we don’t really know why this is changing. Is it xenoestrogens? Is it a change in the gut microbiome? Is it all of these things?
Robb: The stuff that can definitely help, usually something that looks kind of akin to a lower carb diet tends to help, because people lose body fat. It’s interesting, on the testosterone story, specifically with men, being super lean is antagonistic towards testosterone. So once you get below about 10%, maybe 8%, as a baseline, your testosterone will tend to start dropping because of some stress response issues.
Robb: Some people run leaner and high testosterone, but this is, again, you know, kind of generalization. But then once you start cresting up above maybe about 14%, 15% body fat, you have enough fat mass, which contains an enzyme called aromatase, which can convert the testosterone into estrogen. The interesting kind of downward spiral with that is the brain doesn’t sense testosterone levels, it senses estrogen levels.
Robb: So with estrogen levels are high, the brain says, “Oh, we’re good with testosterone, I don’t need to stimulate luteinizing hormone, and, you know, ping the Leydig cells to, you know, release the precursors and co-factors involved with the whole testosterone production cascade.”
Robb: So someone who is overweight will have low testosterone, which tends to feed into overweight, which then elevates their estrogen levels, which suppresses testosterone production at the brain. Then even if they go and get some sort of testosterone replacement therapy, if the doctor is ham-handed with this, they just give them a big huge dose of testosterone, which further suppresses indogenous testosterone production.
Robb: So, with someone like this, some things like zinc citrate have been shown to be pretty effective, about 50 milligrams per day. You have to be careful with doing that consistently, because it can deplete your copper levels.
Nicki: So when you say careful doing it consistently, like once a week? Every other day?
Robb: You could do it maybe four or five days on, and then take four or five days off, and or you could use a supplement like Jarrow’s zinc citrate, which comes with copper, five milligrams copper. So, that’s something to do, is to make sure that you’re supplementing with that. If your body fat levels are north of about 14, 15, if they’re in there, then I would try to do some things to get leaner and see if that improves testosterone levels.
Robb: Sleep is going to be a huge factor. So, what time are you going to bed? What time are you waking up? What’s the sleep quality? Completely black room.
Nicki: Getting in bed before midnight.
Robb: Earlier is better. Yeah, yeah.
Nicki: As many hours asleep before midnight as possible.
Robb: Yup, yup, ideally. Which is harder in the summer months, depending on where you are, and what latitude you’re at. But improving sleep, improving body composition. Those are the places that I would look first, and I would really dig into the diet and lifestyle features first and figure out what if any bump you can get from that.
Robb: Only then, if we aren’t seeing favorable changes, do we start working with a knowledgeable functional medicine doctor, like anti-aging doctor. Starting with things like Clomid and some mild aromatase inhibitors and stuff like that to try to goose endogenous production first. Particularly someone that’s 27, you do not want this person getting into a, you know, a testosterone replacement therapy scenario.
Robb: I guess one other question is for Mads, has he ever suffered a significant traumatic brain injury? Sometimes you may not be aware of that, but if you played youth football, if you played hockey, if you fell off of a trampoline. So this could be something too that is part of the sleep piece. If sleep seems to be pretty good, but, you know, everything isn’t really kicking over, then there can be some sleep studies, there can be some brain imaging and some testing to look at what’s going on between the pituitary and the other elements of the story. So that’s kind of getting in another layer.
Robb: It’s going to be awhile, but we will have some material that’s going to really help people unpack this stuff in a completely systematic process, because there’s so much shitty information on this and it’s so confusing and you need a lot of nuance. There is never a one size fits all approach on this, other than maybe sleep better. That’s about the only one that, you know, that’s going to benefit virtually everybody. But occasionally, you have these outliers of people who have a particular type of depression or mania and they actually benefit from certain periods of sleep deprivation.
Robb: So again, there’s an exception to fucking everything. This is why when people just paint everything with these broad brush strokes, there’s just seemingly an exception to everything. So yeah, I know that I was kind of all over the map on that, but it’s a lot of stuff. We’ll be doing some work with Kirk Parsley in the future to get some materials so that people can really navigate this story in an effective way.
Nicki: All right. Let’s see. Our next question is on sex hormone binding globulin elevated on keto carnivore, and this is from Ian, Ian. I’m not sure how to pronounce your name. Ian says, “Since switching to keto, I’ve noticed an increase in sex hormone binding globulin levels, which brings down my free test, total test, or free testosterone. So total testosterone has stayed high normal, but was wondering how functional it is with the free portion bound up? The AGA is a bit low too. I feel great, all in all, but I was just wondering what your thoughts are on that.”
Robb: Yeah, and so the previous question, I should’ve mentioned the sex hormone binding globulin story as well. It’s interesting, generally when insulin levels go down on a relative basis, we tend to see sex hormone binding globulin go up. What’s unclear about that, is it’s somewhat similar to thyroid, specifically T3, decreasing on low carb, because you need more thyroid hormone to process carbohydrate. If you’re eating fewer carbohydrates, thyroid decreases, but is that clinically significant? We just don’t really know.
Robb: Another piece of this whole kind of androgen story, and again, this is true whether you’re male or female, is that you may have a particular level of a hormone that may look kind of low, but you may have particularly high receptor site density or receptor site affinity. So a little bit of the hormone goes a long way. The flip side, is that you could have quite high hormone levels and low receptor site density and or affinity, and so you’re still not getting, you know, an effective kind of story.
Robb: I’m not entirely sure how to fully unpack that, doing some side of full body radio immunoassay to determine what your receptor site density is. Receptor types change moment by moment too, they come online and offline all the time. So yeah, I mean, I guess the best answer that I have with that is that we could play around with titrating in more carbs, start with 50 additional grams of carbs a day, stick it in the post-workout window. Do you feel better? For both men and women, do you experience better libido? For men, do you wake up with morning wood and stuff like that? Whereas, perhaps previously you did not.
Robb: If we see those things improve, then we might make a case that the insulin levels were suppressed beyond what may be beneficial. So, we may have been getting an unfavorable elevation in sex hormone binding protein or globulin, whatever they’re calling it these days. So, those are some things to play with on this. These are the, you know, last 10% things for most people that we have to devote some time to unpack.
Nicki: Okay. Let’s see. Our final question this week is on chicharrones.
Robb: Cha, cha, cha.
Nicki: From Isaac. “Hey, Rob. chicharrones, pork rinds, are they a healthy snack? I’ve heard you indirectly mention them on the podcast some time ago, but I wasn’t able to infer whether your opinion is favorable or cautionary. I’m an ultra runner and during peak training season we’ll spend about 20 hours per week running. In the battle days, I would top off my calories with a gigantic bowl of cold cereal in the evening or an enormous serving of lentils and rice. But then I got woke, started monitoring my blood sugar and started looking for low carb options to fuel.
Nicki: I’m already having two salads each day, huge amounts of veggies and as much meat as I can stomach. So I’m just looking for some calories to fuel the movement. So are pork rinds okay? I avoid the flavored variety, the bags I buy just say fried pork skin on the ingredients list and I dip them in sour cream. The best part is how easy it is to get an extra thousand calories, and the flavor. Am I headed towards clogged arteries? Or are pork rinds actually healthy in the way that bacon is healthy? Thanks. Love the show, Isaac.”
Nicki: He says, “After submitting my question about whether pork rinds are an acceptable snack, I realize that Rob’s answer might we’d need to see your lab work.” So then he has his cholesterol and some of that stuff.
Robb: That’s doing some diligence. We don’t have an LEO. Oh, do we? No, we have lipoprotein, ApoB. Oh, he does, yes. LDL particle is 1149, that looks phenomenal. Quick triglyceride, HDL ratio looks great. C-reactive protein is tiny. Okay, cool. Those numbers we’ll put in the show notes.
Robb: So, this is one of these funny things. So, Rhonda Patrick, who I think is great, but pork rinds have been one of the things that she’s just gone after. She’s like, “Oh, it’s just still unhealthy, you know? There’s no nutritional value there.” Which I mean, there’s not a lot of vitamins, there’s probably not a lot of minerals particularly, but it is a really interesting source of collagen. When you’re in this kind of lower carb, unprocessed food world, there’s not much that’s crunchy. You’ll grab a piece of ice just to be like, “Oh, man, I want some sort of crunch.”
Robb: We’ll do some jicama thin sliced every once in a while. But you just kind of, you miss that crunch, and chicharrones are phenomenal for that. Typically, they’re cooked in pork fat. I guess you could make the case that maybe some of that stuff is producing some oxidized cholesterol. But I was just reading some stuff recently that people in ketosis, their liver preferentially identifies lipo proteins with oxidized cholesterol and removes them from the system.
Robb: So, it’s kind of an interesting story, where even though cholesterol levels, possibly even lipo protein levels may go up under a ketogenic or low carb diet, your body also seems to be more savvy about removing the offending particles that appear to be the most problematic. So, it’s kind of, you know, is that a wash? Is it a net win? A net loss?
Robb: With the option of always modifying my position in the future, I would say, in general, I can’t really see pork rinds in the context of a keto carnivore type diet being the least bit problematic. The cool thing here is that Issac has done the diligence of doing some good blood work that actually answers some questions. Even just glancing at it, it’s kind of like, okay, we’re pretty good to go. We don’t have any type of wacky discordance, we don’t have hidden insulin resistance.
Robb: There’s a few other things we could take a peek out if we wanted to. But from reading between the lines, it sounds like he’s looking, feeling, performing well, but he’s just kind of curious about like, “Hey, is this one thing that I’m throwing down the pie hole going to crush me?” So, I would just repeat this blood work, probably once a year or something like that, to just use as a baseline. Maybe at some point, additionally doing a coronary calcium, just so you’ve got that in your back pocket, and we can use that again as a baseline.
Robb: The CIMT can be handy also, but it takes a very skilled practitioner to do the CIMT well. So those are a little bit of a mixed bag and they’re a little more variable than the coronary calcium. But beyond that it seems good. You know, I will make a plug for the Epic pork rinds. They have a barbecue flavor, a sea salt and vinegar and salt and pepper.
Nicki: Salt and pepper is really good.
Robb: Yeah, and the barbecue one, the kids … It literally can-
Nicki: They have a baked one too.
Robb: Yeah, they do have a baked one, which I like less, honestly. I like the ones that are fried in pork fat. But either one of the flavors, but mainly the barbecue flavor will provoke the girls into a fist fight, practically, as they get down to the bottom of the bag. Which I don’t know if that’s good or bad, but they’re good, they’re tasty.
Nicki: The dog likes them too.
Robb: The dog definitely likes them too.
Nicki: The bag comes out and he hears it, and he’s right there sitting, pleading.
Robb: So Isaac, good question, and good on you for doing some diligence on your blood work. It’s incredibly frustrating when people spend time and money to go get an assessment that answers nothing. This is another area that we’re going to be dipping our toes into to help people make better decisions around the lab work that they’re choosing, why they’re choosing it. So keep your eyes open for that too.
Nicki: Making sense of it once they get it.
Robb: Yeah, because literally, 90% of the time, 95% of the time, people do blood work and they’re more confused by what is ordered than otherwise. It’s because it’s just not enough to really make a definitive call in general.
Nicki: All right. That was our last question for the week. Thanks everyone. As usual, if you have questions, you can submit those at Robbwolf.com on the contact page. What else?
Robb: Most of my online activity currently is over at Instagram at dasrobbwolf.
Nicki: D-A-S-R-O-B-B-W-O-L-F.
Robb: That’s it. So, thanks for the awesome questions. You guys are fantastic, and-
Nicki: We’ll be back next week.
Robb: We’ll be back next week. We may be a little bit hit and miss between now and August, mid August, because we’re going to be moving and stuff like that. We’re going to try to bank some of these so that we stay ahead of stuff. It’s possible that life may just grab us by the shorthairs, so in demand that that doesn’t happen. But we will do our best to stay on top of. Yup.
Nicki: All right. Thanks guys.
Robb: Bye.
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