#also guys just look at the list of people with moon-saturn square
mercurytrinemoon · 2 years
There's something about moon-saturn aspects in a women's natal chart and people hating on them for owning their femininity or talking about topics around equality.
Florence Pugh has a Pisces Saturn-Gemini Moon square and she got hate for showing her nipples, speaking out about unequal pay and I thiiiink she also made comments about being natural (vs having body/face enhancements) IF I'm not mistaken. But mostly for showing her nipples.
Milkie form the band Wargasm made twitch shut down the Heavy Music Awards livestream last year because she was wearing a top made of chains so her nipples were out. Moon-Saturn conjunction in Aries.
Grimes (Aries Moon-Cap Saturn square) posted a photo on instagram that got banned because she showed nipples in a pregnancy announcement post.
Now depends on the rest of the chart but they had the same issue just because they believe bodies aren't a big deal, like it's just nipples. If men can show them, why not women as well.
Then we have other saturn-moon squares like Angelina Jolie or Marilyn Monroe whose charts are more "showy" (air and fire influence) and as much as both were at some point considered sex symbols, they were also scrutinized for showing their sexual/feminine side. With Angelina it's even more interesting because she was masculine and feminine at the same time: kinda like being a tough tomboy (aka if men can do badass things, so can I), yet still exuding femininity.
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meafortuna · 2 years
Three for luck! 🍀 Take what resonates and enjoy it! 🫶
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• Mars in Cancer and that theory about how passive-aggressive are they… I don’t want to be rude, but these guys are just aggressive. Really quick temper. Passive-aggressive is more prone when the native have Moon-Mars square, they are more indecisive when it comes to actions, that’s why their anger is not so explosive. Also i have noticed that Mars in Cancer many times have some strong Aries placement in their chart, like Sun. I will be glad if someone share their opinion on this one. ♋️☄️
• Venus ruled by Saturn (Capricorn and Aquarius) are late bloomers in love <at least that’s what people says>, but let me tell you something that i have observed. A big part of this Venusians fall for love real hard in their young ages, then get their heart broken and that can hurt them real bad, to the point they don’t even want to try again for a really long time. But days go by (sometimes years) and they start to think that relationships are not about love, but more about respect, friendship, compromises and etc. Which it’s absolutely true, one relationship wouldn’t be successful without this things, but it’s also sad, because this natives just don’t believe in the magic of love, that’s why people often times says “ugh, Capricorns are so cold hearted”. Well, they are not, they just don’t believe in fairytales anymore. So no, they are no late bloomers, they just start to want relationship with someone after a long time of not wanting it. ♑️♒️💙
• Uranus in the forth house it’s one of the bigest indicator for changing home more often than the others, or home life was unstable in some kind of way. 🌪️🏠
• Pluto asc or Pluto conjunct asc have always something dark when it comes to their appearance, most of times they have pigment shadows under their eyes or dark eyes. 👁️
• Moon in sixth house can be more prone to have insomnia or sleeping problems, also for them it is hard to follow some kind of schedule, a little bit lazy. 💤
• Why people keep trying to hide something from Scorpio Moon/Mercury?! I mean they just know when someone lies to them. Scorpio Moon have that strong gut feeling when there is something wrong, with Mercury all comes from their thoughts, their investigative mind works 10/10 times. 🕵🏻 Don’t lie to them, just don’t.
• If you want someone to love u unconditionally, you should look for a partner with fixed Moon and Venus sign, doesn’t matter if is fire or air sign. When they love someone, but only if they truly love them, there is nothing that can change their mind about the way how they feel for that person, really ride or die experience. Sometimes things can get a little toxic if you don’t give them the same amount of attention and time as the beginning. ♉️♌️♏️♒️
• I have never ever seen a Taurus Moon that doesn’t love and want luxury things in their life. Their sense of secure strongly depends of what is it in their bank account. 🤑For me this is the most goal oriented Moon sign, although they are such a sweet hearts and love to make biig presents for their loved ones, that’s their love language. 🫶 Imagine if the Moon is in 2nd house “double trouble” in a good way. 😁 But don’t let them fool you, sometimes buying expensive clothes, eating in nice restaurants or drinking the best wine in the list it’s just coping mechanism for something going on in their emotional life. So give them your support more often. ♉️🌖
~meafortuna 💙
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guxciestone · 1 year
— drake.
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i’m very interested to look into drake’s natal chart because he has very unique placements. he’s a venus retrograde native like me! i hope you are having an amazing day and enjoy 🤍😊
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✨🦉 Aubrey Drake Graham was born on October 24, 1986 in Toronto, Canada. Drake is one of the most popular rappers of this generation known for his melodic/rhythmic sound and soft image. Drake started off his legacy and gained recognition from his acting career as Jimmy Brooks in ‘Degrassi: The Next Generation’. After his acting efforts, he started his career in rapping and music. He easily gained recognition and popularity after his debut album ‘Thank Me Later’ which published in June 2010. A list of a few of Drake’s popular songs are: Hotline Bling (2016), God’s Plan (2018), and Marvin’s Room (2011) Additionally, Drake also gained recognition for his meme-able character.
he identifies as:
࿐ a scorpio sun, cancer moon, & leo rising.
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ㅤㅤ— his personality.❞
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Water Grand Trine indicates that Drake has a talent in expressing his emotions and relating to others, especially through creative pursuits such as writing, poetry, and music since his trine are in air houses. He is deeply empathetic, sensitive, and mostly isn't afraid to do so. Drake has a reputation of being a guy who is in touch with feminine side, and he owns it with no apologies. You can definitely see his comfortability with his sensitive side with his Moon in Cancer.
Sun conjunct Pluto shows that Drake is an intense, powerful, and introspective guy who often undergos tons of transformations in his life, especially when it comes to his values, thoughts, and opinions on things with his aspect in the 3rd house. These are the types of people who go through different personas and different periods. I bet if you looked back at one of drake's older photos, you could easily identify what type of era he was going through in his life. One thing I can say is that he is a man who is willing to change and learn for the better. On the other hand, this does show someone could have control issues and have an intense obsession with power. On the darker side, if this person has power, they have the potential to use it for the worse just to establish respect for others and satisfy their ego. I definitely do think his obsessive need for power shows in Mars square Pluto, especially when it comes to routine and how he wants things to be. He might like things to go his way and only his way, and would do anything it takes for it be so (Pluto in Scorpio), even in unconventional ways with his Mars in Aquarius. I'm not saying that this is true, but there are rumors that Drake orders hitman on several artists in the past. I think it's fascinating how this aspect aligns with that allegation.
Mercury square Ascendant shows that Drake struggles with communication and expressing his thoughts and opinions with associates and strangers during conversations. It is possible that Drake is an awkward person who he struggles with socializing a bit. On the other hand, he might just struggle with gettin his point across and could be easily misunderstood. Since his Mercury is in Scorpio and his Ascendant in Leo, it is possible that since Drake is a deep thinker and isn't uncomfortable expressing his intense feelings, people can almost be put off with how sudden his words are. This comes into conflict with his confident and bright disposition.
Saturn square Ascendant can indicate that Drake struggles to express his natural personality around strangers and associates. With Saturn in the 4th house, Drake could've had a childhood that dealt with some type of restrictions, scarcity, or extreme responsibilities. Perhaps there was a strained relationship with the parents, financial hardship, or anything else. This could've caused Drake to develop a inherited shell in which he hides himself from others within the fear of being judged or criticized. He might be seen as too serious to individuals around him.
Mercury conjunct Venus shows Drake's incredible talent in music, singing, and songwriting. He is also a beautiful communicator with his Venus in the 3rd house. In tons of interviews, Drake talks as though he is speaking poetry. He truly knows how to use his words. Not to mention, he is a good songwriter.
Neptune trine Ascendant that Drake has the ability to shapeshift and become any type of character he wants to be. It is almost as though anyone can project their own fantasies and thoughts onto him and he'll become just that. Not to mention, Drake is undeniably talented in many areas considering that his Neptune is in 5th house. He's very versatile and has a performer quality with his Ascendant as Leo.
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ㅤㅤ— his relationships.❞
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With Moon trine Jupiter, Drake is a man with a huge and generous heart. He loves receiving love, and spreading love. People love to make jokes about how Drake is such a nice guy because he is from Canada. Astrologically, this aspects shows that. At one of his older concerts, he instructed everyone in the audience to give a person, even if they were a stranger, a hug. If that isn't Moon trine Jupiter activities, I don't know what is. With his Moon in the 11th and Jupiter in the 7th, Drake is abundant of any relationships and social connections. He could be very extroverted and has tons of friends and relations with people making him popular. He could also have a fruitful love life too and be very charming, especially with his Venus trine Jupiter. He is very popular with the opposite gender especially, and knows how to pursue them. However, due to these individuals being used to getting what they want in regards to love, pleasure, and materials, they could believe they could get literally anything they desire with no efforts or realism. Drake could struggle with believing that he cannot in fact have anyone he wants. At some point he could've lacked realism in his love life. These people tend to be extremely humorous too. Drake is a figure in the pop culture that is easily meme-ified nowadays.
Moon trine Pluto shows that Drake is also an intense person when it comes to his inner world. He feels very deeply, especially towards his loved ones and friends since Moon is in the 11th house. He is probably the type have many associates but a close-knit group of friends that he calls family. It must be hard to get into his circle because he values his privacy and exclusivity so much.
Moon opposition Neptune that although Drake is a compassionate, selfless, and charitable guy when it comes to his loved ones. He is also capable of being taken advantage of, or he is someone who takes advantage of others. He might be susceptible to projecting onto others or struggle to make sense of the people around him and his environment. Perhaps he has an issue with understand who is and isn’t his friends, which can cause him be surrounded by around a lot of fake people with Moon in the 11th house. It is best advised for him to make sense of it and keep his circle small as mentioned above.
Venus Retrograde shows that Drake is a guy who feels love differently than others. He feels it deeply and in his own unique way. Consider the fact that this retrograde only takes about 8% of the population—a pretty rare placement. Drake, generally, has a bunch of karmic lessons surrounding love, material things, and self-love in this life. He has to deal with karmic relationships and scenarios in order to improve his views on love and the idea of it in general. With his retrograde being in Scorpio in the 3rd house, Drake could be someone who struggles with possessiveness and clinginess. He could even be someone who is flaky, flighty, and might have an issue with committing. It’s his lesson to learn how to truly connect with others on a deeper level and get to know people genuinely without leaving at every new interest. According to Drake in one of his interviews when people said that he cannot be single forever, " I love my space and my routine. For me to break that it would have to be a really special person." This quote is the epitome of a venus retrograde individual. 
Jupiter square Chiron shows that Drake has life lessons that will change his views and beliefs, particularly in this relationships since Jupiter in the 7th house. His career and his image will be the reason as to why. Chiron in Gemini in the 10th house shows that Drake will experience wounds and traumas surrounding being heard in the public eye. Again, he may have to deal with being misunderstood by the people, which can cause the wound of feeling as though he can't express his thoughts and say what he wants to say. This causes Drake to have a different view on relationships and connections in general.
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ㅤㅤ— his legacy/image.❞
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Sun sextile Midheaven shows that Drake is a pioneer in his area of occupation—Music and the arts. It is almost as though the talent of songs, writing, versatility, and creativity comes natural to him, especially since his Sun is in the 3rd house. Additionally, he receives tons of attention, fame, and popularity. He is also highly respected in his industry due to his glamorous persona.
Sun trine Chiron indicates that Drake is a confident, determined, and highly motivated man. Most importantly, he is incredibly versatile and talented with his Sun in the 3rd house. He used these traits to help himself gain respect in his industry especially with Chiron in the 10th house. This is allowing him to finally be heard and understood like he always wanted with his Chiron in Gemini. Mercury opposition Midheaven also shows how Drake has to deal with struggling with expressing his thoughts and opinions correctly to the public; hence, being misunderstood or not expressing himself at all.
Venus opposition Midheaven shows that Drake finds his true pleasures in his private life. His personal life is where he truly finds satisfaction. With Venus in the 4th house, Drake definitely his pleasures in his home life, family, and security. He must also find pleasure in his privacy and people not knowing much about him and his life circumstances with his Venus in Scorpio. He prefers to invest in the luxuries of life with his loved ones when no one is watching.
With his Leo Ascendant at the 29°, the 29° is the degree of maturity or near completion. With Drake, he probably at a point where has achieved ultimate full growth in how he perceived life, how he responds to his environment, and how he presents himself. In the past, he might have struggled with an ego or selfishness. Now, he is at the level where he is truly self-confident and secure in himself and he owns who he is with no apologies.
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phoebosacerales · 3 years
You know how finding good info about fixed stars is kinda complicated? Are you familiar with fixed star Zaniah? If so, can you explain a bit what it stands for
It is not complicated to find good information on the fixed stars. I don't know if I'll describe your case, but I'll tell you why most people think it is. The best place for this is the Constellation of Words website. It not only gives you all the information, but also gives you its sources.
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You go there on the list of fixed stars and find the degree you're looking for on the list "Long 2000", right? For anybody who doesn't know, you look at the degrees of longitude when you want to find if there's any fixed star conjunct something in your chart, and the fixed stars change degrees a little bit every century, so on the list "Long 1900" you'll find the degrees for the fixed stars in the year 1900.
Let's say someone has their Sun at 26 degrees Taurus. That's on the fixed star Algol. And they go to the page for Algol on the Constellation of Words website and look only at the interpretation for the Sun with Algol.
A lot of people do this. They'll ignore all the rich information that site gives, and definitely nevermind what the arabs, or the hindus, or the chinese had to say about that star, because those guys don't know anything, right? They only see this:
With Sun: Violent death or extreme sickness. If also in no aspect to a benefic, or there is no benefic in the 8th house, and the dispositor of the Sun in a day nativity or if the Moon in the night one is in square or opposition to Mars, the native will be beheaded; if the luminary culminate he will be maimed, mangled, wounded or torn to pieces alive; and if Mars is at the same time in Gemini or Pisces his hands or feet will be cut off. [Robson, p.124.]
That's not only scary, but useless if they haven't read the entire article. They won't understand why those things were said. If they would only read the whole page, they'd have a lot more insights. They would know for example that Algol is a star on the constellation Perseus, and that's the head of Medusa. They would understand its name and etymology, which is important. Never ignore names.
The more they find, the more they have questions, they start exploring the site and the sources it gives. And of course, they'd click on "Perseus" to understand the whole constellation and not just one little star. You don't understand Aries by just looking at what the ancients said about Hamal. Perseus and Medusa have a story, their story is full of meaning and you start understanding it by understanding the myths.
Perseus was a hero with qualities of intelligence, strength, boldness etc. The association with the planets that the ancient astrologers would give were helping by being kinda closely descriptive of the nature of these stories:
According to Ptolemy, Perseus is like Jupiter and Saturn. It is said to give an intelligent, strong, bold and adventurous nature, but a tendency to lying. By the Kabalists it is associated with the Hebrew letter Lamed and the 12th Tarot Trump "The Hanged Man." [Robson, p.56.]
A lot of these statements were made for when the star was rising, which would describe the nature of the person. So, not every fixed star you have activated by planets will talk about your character. It will most definitely talk about events in your life.
But this is Perseus. Algol is the head of Medusa, which is almost treated as separate, but not quite. Algol will focus on the more violent aspects of the constellation.
Of the nature of Saturn and Jupiter. It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens. [Robson, p.124.]
And still, those were exaggerated truths. Altough we see literal manifestations of this, a lot of things will tend to show as much more metaphorical or symbolic, especially in modern times. We're talking mainly about a story of decapitation here, so, a lot of the themes are about justice, but of a very violent kind, it's about putting end to carnage by being even more violent. It's Saturn and Jupiter, as Ptolemy says. Justice, but also endings and mercilessness.
I think watching movies released during a fixed star's activation is a great way to explore the themes and understand how they show up with some nuance. One of my favorite manifestations of fixed stars is the movie Bacurau, which was released with the Sun with Algol.
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It's not only about the decapitations in that movie, you can see the underlying tone and it's much deeper. Bacurau also had the Moon with the Corvus constellation. Which is described as an ominous bird and also a procratinator.
The myth above tells how Apollo sends the Raven to fetch water (Hydra) in the god’s cup (Crater). The procrastinating Raven got back late because he waited for some figs to ripen before returning. Ravens, crows, and rooks, go ‘kraa kraa’ []. The call of the crow is a nasal caw compared to the deep, guttural croak of the raven, although both species have extensive and varied vocal repertoires []. The cawing of the ravens or crows was heard as 'Cras! Cras!' by Latin speakers, and was thought to mean 'Tomorrow! Tomorrow!' We get the word procrastination, 'postpone until the morrow”, from Latin cras.'
Interestingly, "Bacurau" is the name of a brazilian bird, which is commonly called in some places as "amanhã-eu-vou", which means "I'll go tomorrow". Bacurau is a nocturnal hunter, attentive to it's surroundings, while ravens are really smart scavengers, same as the people in that movie. Corvus always brings dark news and sorrow, like the people of Bacurau, who are always in grief. The Moon was on the star Algorab:
Of the nature of Mars and Saturn. It gives destructiveness, malevolence, fiendishness, repulsiveness and lying, and is connected with scavenging.
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The movie premiered on the 15th of May 2019, at 10pm; in Cannes, France. That gives us a Sagittarius ascendant, with the star Antares rising with it, another violent one: the heart of the scorpion.
'By virtue of its tail armed with its powerful sting, the Scorpion creates natures ardent for war and active service, which rejoices in plenteous bloodshed and in carnage more than in plunder. Why, these men spend even peace under arms: they fill the glades and scour the woods; they wage fierce warfare now against man, now against beast, and now they sell their persons to provide the spectacle of death and to perish in the arena, when, warfare in abeyance, they each find themselves foes to attack. There are those, too, who enjoy mock-fights and jousts in arms (such is their love of fighting) and devote their leisure to the study of war and every pursuit which arises from the art of war.' (Manilius, Astronomica)
This describes the first thing we understand about Bacurau when we're watching pretty clearly. Rejoicing in carnage. But this is also a defensive star. The scorpion is an equipped and technological animal. He's sent to kill the giant Orion, who tried to rape Artemis, or, in other accounts, threatened to kill all living creatures to prove his strength and hunting skills. The scorpion is sent by Artemis to sting him in the heel and is put in the sky for it. It makes me think of the people of Bacurau, threatened with anihilation and coming out of the holes to trap the enemy and sting them from behind.
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I swear to you that all the information I have on fixed stars, I found on that site. Of course, I ended up investigating people, movies, books etc with those stars and that adds to my knowledge too, but that site is all I read on fixed stars.
I advise anyone to limit their knowlegde of stars. Have you seen how many are there? Not all in the catalogue wil be important. And if you worry about knowing a lot of them, you'll never really know them. So how do you know which are important? You watch for magnitude. The brightest stars are the most important and they were studied a lot more.
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The smaller the number on magnitude, the brighter they are. Some of them are even negative, like Sirius, which is -1.46 on magnitude. Sirius is the single brightest star in the sky. Algol is 2.1, as you can see above. I don't consider the stars with a magnitude number higher than 3.5. Unless I see them manifest pretty clearly, which is not common. I can't even name one now. They start getting invisible to the naked eye, correlating to weaker effects.
Zaniah is a star in the Virgo constellation, magnitude 4.0. I don't know it and I probably won't study it, but it seems to have been an important star, marking an arabic lunar mansion. If you want to investigate it, I suggest looking at the article for Virgo and then go to specific stars.
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ofcloudsandstars · 4 years
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Week July 20 - 26
On Monday the 20th there is the New Moon in Cancer
On Thursday the 23rd, The Sun enters Leo! ☀️Happy Leo Season!☀️
Hello Guys! So I have posted the first two days before (that I have linked on their dates so no worries), but now that I have some time off I can do the rest. This week will feel creative and experimental with our entry into Leo season along with some positive influences from Mars, Venus and Uranus sprinkled in on some days. It's a good start to the lunar cycle and solar season and a great time to focus on our projects, ambitions and what we truly need to do to be our best and most authentic selves. The week is almost over (sorry) but here is some recommendations to do on each day!
Note: Times are set to UTC
New Moon in Cancer Sun in Cancer opposite Saturn rx in Capricorn Chiron rx in Aries sextiles Sappho in Libra ☾♋ Moon Trines Neptune rx in Pisces ☾ VOC 17:55 - 20:16 ☾♌ Moon enters Leo
Details:  Here
Mars in Aries sextiles Eros in Gemini Mercury in Cancer squares Sappho in Libra ☾♌ Moon Squares Uranus in Taurus ☾♌ Moon Trines Chiron rx and Mars in Aries ☾♌ Moon Sextiles Sappho and Juno in Libra
Details Here
Mercury in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus ☾♌ Moon Sextiles Eros and Venus in Gemini ☾ VOC 0:27 - 11:40
Energy: Today is great for expanding your mind and perspective with Mercury sextiling Uranus. This complimentary energy is pushing us to change our mindsets and bring in new information which can be beneficial to our craft in adding stuff to our practice, book of shadows or change our techniques. The lunar transits are brief today with the moon in Leo wrapping up by sextiling Eros and Venus in Gemini. These beneficial sextiles are great for making connections with our loves, passions, sexual and romantic interests and desires. Overall it's a lovely day to focus on what you love, change your methods, bring in new perspectives and brainstorm methods or bullet point lists to achieve goals for this lunar cycle before you.
Today is great for research and expanding on your craft with Mercury sextiling Uranus in Taurus. With the moon sextiling Eros and Venus in Gemini it's wonderful for love magic, sex attraction magic, focusing on your passions and experimenting with stuff you love to focus your energy on. For the void of course it'll be great to reflect and focus on making a bullet point list of things you need to do in order to bring the current goals or reality you want for this lunar cycle.
Sun enters Leo Mercury in Cancer trines Ceres rx in Pisces ☾♍ Moon enters Virgo ☾♍ Moon Opposite Neptune rx in Pisces ☾♍ Moon Trines Uranus in Taurus ☾♍ Moon Sextiles Mercury in Cancer
Energy: Happy Leo Season!! The sun enters Leo today starting off a new cycle launching us into the middle of Summertime. With the sun in it's home sign of Leo we may feel more vibrant, more expressive, MORE dramatic and more creative. This is a fantastic time to channel in some solar magic and start to work with the sun. Today's theme will also be colored by mercury trining Ceres retrograde giving us an opportunity for self-care and nurturing which could benefit us greatly if we take the chance to carve out time for ourselves.
The moon enters Virgo today giving us a more analytic and responsible mood for the next two days. This is a great time to start making bullet points or plans of action to materialize your goals. First the moon will trine Uranus in Taurus giving us a positive window of time to bring changes into our lives. We may even have a new lucky exciting encounter or find a sudden door opening that can bring a new shift in perspective or opportunity our way. Look out for this! The moon next will sextile Mercury in Cancer and be opposite Neptune rx in Pisces at the same time. With the moon and Mercury sextile we will feel pushed to analyze our mental landscape especially in regards to our beliefs and faith with the opposition causing tension from Neptune rx. We may feel confronted by outlandish beliefs, illusions or even our own beliefs that are not really serving us and need to weed out what works for us logically vs what is just spiritual escapism that needs to go. It's a good time to review your craft and faith and try to consider any changes that needs to come about with the way you approach it. With the lunar trine with Uranus it's a great opportunity for change today.
☾♍ Moon Opposite Ceres rx in Pisces ☾♍ Moon Squares Eros and Venus in Gemini ☾♍ Moon Trines Jupiter rx, Pluto rx and Saturn rx in Capricorn ☾ VOC 23:07 - 1:53
Energy: Today may feel sprinkled with a bit of tension here and there but it's a good day to reflect and just work on yourself, what needs to find solutions or organization with the moon transiting Virgo. First it will be opposite Ceres rx in Pisces which can bring about external scenarios that may make us feel a bit cold or that we need to tend to ourselves. We could benefit from some self care magic by channeling the lunar virgo energies into kitchen magic (preparing a healthy meal with healing correspondences or a healthy potion smoothie with herbal tinctures blended in like rhodiola or st. johns wort =avoid if you take anti-depressants= to boost our mood), or cleansing magic by clearing out and bringing order to our space. (Also can help in this time to buy some more plant babies! That will fit the virgo lunar self love themes). The moon after will square Eros and Venus in Gemini bringing tensions towards our love lives, needs to achieve or connect with our desires and sensualities. This can give us an irrationally insatiable appetite for pleasures which means we need to be wary about how much we could be spending today on food, clothes or drinks. It may also make us feel a bit lonely if we haven't been feeling loved lately or satisfied. Instead of taking action, sit with any emotions the squares are bringing up and write down what you would like to manifest in your life. After squares always comes a sextile or a trine and in this case it's a Trine which will bring luck and opportunities your way if you act on them. If something feels like it's missing in this department of your life, do a road-opening or barrier-breaking spell to bring in that opportunity. Lastly the moon will go through a set of trines with Jupiter rx, Pluto rx and Saturn rx in Capricorn. This window of time is a great opportunity to work on your inner expansion, connection with your inner power and deeper self and connect with the work you wish to build upon that represents your genuine ideals. As it's a trine especially with retrograde energies, the energy will feel a bit subtle and we could miss the window of time but with the moon in Virgo it's a great time to analyze these aspects of ourselves and plan for the cycle ahead. Shadow work will be great during this time if you are unsure where to start. Using divination can help bring great insight. Just free-writing and brainstorming ideas with bullet-point lists can bring up new insights to focus on.
Mercury in Cancer squares Juno in Libra ☾♎ Moon enters Libra ☾♎ Moon Conjunct Sappho in Libra ☾♎ Moon Sextiles Sun in Leo
Energy: The moon enters Libra today changing the mood to becoming more social and harmonious. It is also sextiling the Sun bringing an energetic push to explore, experiment and create in order to expand off of the ideas we've been coming up with since the New Moon. This crescent moon is great for experimenting and brainstorming ways to bring our goals into reality. Even if you do not have a set goal in mind for this cycle, the waxing crescent moon is a fun time to experiment with creating tools in the craft and trying new things in magic. Since it's in Libra (and sextiling the sun in Leo) it could be a fun time to experiment with glamours, making body oils/perfumes/lotions or any bath magic that can help with glamours. It's a great time to experiment with attraction magic especially in attracting friends or networks that can help you expand on your creativity. In general this is a good time to make connections. With the moon conjunct Sappho in Libra we will definitely feel the mood to connect with our genuine interests and what makes us feel like our authentic selves. This can be amplified through magic we can experiment with or people we can meet or attract our way. Lastly the overall theme of the day can be flavored by Mercury squaring Juno in Libra causing us to focus on what we would like to devote ourselves to and our commitments. Even if you are unsure where to experiment with your craft, this energy can definitely influence that as it may make you feel an urgent need to do something in regards to your commitments, relationships or devotions. Like any squares, make sure to sit with the energy and clear anything blocking your way energetically before making decisions, as they can end up being rash or frustrating to pull through due to the tense energies.
☾♎ Moon Conjunct Juno in Libra ☾♎ Moon Opposite Mars and Chiron rx in Aries ☾♎ Moon Squares Mercury in Cancer ☾♎ Moon Trines Eros and Venus in Gemini
Energy: Today may be mostly influenced by the moon conjunct Juno in Libra which can cause our emotions to be revolving around our general commitments, relationship commitments and what we devote ourselves to. Especially in the arena of romance, we may feel this affect whether it could be that we are yearning for a partner, we may feel fixated on our partner or we may be looking for a group of people or a cause to belong to. There will be some challenges today with the moon being opposite Mars in Aries. This can bring up sudden confrontations or adversity so it's good to ward yourself in the morning and wear anything protective to avoid hostility. Chiron rx is not far behind this transit so the moon will also be opposite that bringing us external events that will cause us either to be aware of inner pain or what needs to be healed. The two oppositions together could potentially be triggering so it's good to set up protection so the window of time could pass by without much issue other than maybe showing us where we need to work on. Additionally with oppositions, it's a good time to work with the opposing energy and channel that in order to work with it. With the mars opposition it's a good time to channel Mars into magic tools or crafts or into ourselves if we feel we are lacking courage or need more motivation. The same with the Chiron retrograde, yet instead of channeling that, it's a good time to look within at what needs healing or solutions. The moon will square Mercury in cancer giving us a moment of reflection. In this time it may be hard to move forward or think straight but it's a good time to reflect and focus on any tension and where we could be blocked. It will be a great window of time for meditation as we may find some helpful insights at this time that could help us with inner healing. Lastly the moon will trine Eros and Venus in Gemini giving us a beautiful window of opportunity for love and sex magic, love and sex attraction magic, attracting opportunities that reflect our values or incite our passions or channeling that energy our way.
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ibizastrology · 4 years
bts’ j-hope: chart interpretation
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Hi guys! So I decided to have some fun and take a look at Hoseok’s birth chart. Let’s see what we can find here!
Disclaimer: this interpretation does not include house analysis, since I cannot accurately determine house placements in the chart without an exact and confirmed time of birth.
Please note: this is my personal view of the chart. Some of the interpretations are sprinkled with a bit of my own intuition and experience with certain placements. I am not a professional astrologer and I do not claim that these assumptions are 100% accurate for Jung Hoseok, since I have never met him and never had the chance to ask if my interpretations are correct.
Date of birth: 18th February, 1994 Time of birth: unknown (used standard 12PM) Place of birth: Gwangju (Gwangju-gwangyeoksi), South Jeolla Province (Jeollanam-do), South Korea Birth chart calculator used: Astrotheme Horoscope Chart
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List of placements: Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon Pisces Mercury (Я) Pisces Venus Aquarius Mars Scorpio Jupiter Pisces Saturn Capricorn Uranus Capricorn Neptune Scorpio Pluto
Possible Rising (it’s a guess bro): Aries/Sagittarius
Asteroids and math. points (hypothetical):  Ceres - Taurus Lilith (Я) - Aries Vesta - Aries Pallas - Pisces Juno (Я) - Scorpio Chiron (Я) - Virgo
Aspects (without AC, MC and minor aspects)
Sun: conjunct Saturn, Mercury and Venus, square Pluto and Moon Moon: opposite Pluto and Jupiter, square Mars, trine Uranus and Neptune Mercury: conjunct Saturn and Venus, square Pluto Venus: conjunct Saturn, trine Jupiter Mars: square Jupiter Jupiter: - Saturn: square Pluto Uranus: conjunct Neptune, sextile Pluto Neptune: sextile Pluto Pluto: -
Interpretation (personal planet placement + strong aspects):
Aquarius Sun: weirdest sense of humor which is definitely Aqua culture because there’s no other explanation as to why we’re like that, might be strengthened by Aries rising (excessive “cute” behaviour, screaming out of nowhere, doesn’t know what’s happening but laughs anyway, basically an obnoxious little bean); square Moon - he needs love and comfort but often puts up a front, puts the “carefree” image he wants to portray over his emotional needs, making other people feel better (Aquarius) seems more important than allowing himself to enjoy good things (Taurus) (I think we’ve all seen that at MAMA with him breaking down like that, the taurus moon /and pisces energy/ snapped); conjunct Saturn - this might be what Yoongi meant when he said that Hoseok wasn’t as cheerful before debut as he is now, this aspect may have made him a bit more pessimistic, aware of the fact that you can’t have everything in life
Taurus Moon: PERSERVERANCE god the things this man has been through... attacked by antis, attacked by solo stans, almost left the band even before its debut but his perserverance helped him get through it, also methodical - he doesn’t just learn all those dances because it’s easy (spoiler: it’s not), but he has his own way of doing things (e.g. his adorable ‘pa pa pa’ instead of counting or dancing bare foot), he knows exactly what he’s doing but it’s more of a “I’ve done it so many times that now I can’t get it wrong”; opposite Pluto - this aspect doesn’t make it easy to open up about feelings, Pluto wants control over what people know, what people are allowed to see and what should be kept secret, and that want is generally driven by fear (however it’s a facade that can be broken, as I’ve already mentioned earlier); trine Uranus - everyone, and I mean EVERYONE feels accepted and understood around Hoseok and I find that to be truly beautiful, how e.g. trainees are all over him, even though he is a strict teacher, because no matter how many times they mess up and he gets angry, he’s still encouraging and supportive and just wants everyone to succeed; trine Neptune - compassion and understanding, also probably one of the reasons behind his passion for music since this is a very emotional and artistic aspect, vivid imagination is quite possible
Pisces Mercury (Я): a natal retrograde makes a planet feel hidden, expressed in a more internal way; good listener, really nice to talk to, can quickly go from soft and quiet to screaming mode (something we’ve all noticed a long time ago), knows how to read people in a way, quite in tune with other people’s emotions; conjunct Saturn - and here we have reached one of the sadder aspects in this chart, mainly because it proves that, even though he may seem carefree and confident, he does in fact care A LOT about what people think of him (boy didn’t avoid doing solo live streams for a year and six months without a reason, pls love him a lot), this is not a hard aspect but it can cause a lot of self-doubt and a need for praise, even if the compliments don’t seem to get to him - he needs them
Pisces Venus: very loving and sensitive, not only towards a partner, but towards everyone, commitment is difficult tho, even if he wanted to settle with someone it would probably take him a lot of time to make up his mind, might be one of those people who want to “heal broken souls” through love, but his patience isn’t unlimited; conjunct Saturn - traditionally associated with loneliness and/or late marriage, but can be interpreted as a cautious approach to romantic relationships, might be an outcome of previous toxic relationships
Aquarius Mars: original, unique, full of surprises, always knows how to get what he wants, actually loves being unpredictible and unusual, very independent, wants to give his partner their freedom as well; square Jupiter - might be very impulsive, reclusive when upset, seemingly moves on easily as an effect of ignoring bigger negative feelings
So that’s it! I might come back to this one day, but for now this feels like enough with the amount of information we have. This took way too long to finish, but it’s done, finally!
I don’t know if I’ll ever do any more of these, but... who knows! We’ll have to find out.
If you got this far this, thank you for reading! I appreciate it a lot <3
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thezodiaczone · 6 years
June Forecast for Libra
Open your GPS and drop a few pins on the map, Libra. As the Sun bounds through Gemini and your adventurous, worldly ninth house until June 21, you’ve got an appetite for adventure—the farther from home base, the better! With on-the-go Mercury also in Gemini until June 12, short getaways and staycations can break up the monotony if you can’t log out for longer. Whatever you do, swing as far out of your comfort zone as you can. From long-distance business opportunities to cross-cultural connections, mixing it up is your M.O. this month.
The June 13 Gemini new moon could bring an exciting entrepreneurial opportunity or the urge to broaden your horizons. You’re hungry for new experiences and knowledge, so tap the hivemind for book, podcast and workshop suggestions. Can you add more flexibility to your work schedule or carve out time for an indie project? This lunar lift will be in effect from now until the corresponding Gemini full moon on November 23. Plan a bucket-list trip, apply to an educational program or start planting the seeds for growing a business that has YOUR name on it.
Father’s Day is June 17, and the moon will be in Leo, energizing your eleventh house of group activity. Adopt a “more the merrier” approach if you’re celebrating a special guy or favorite father figure, and maybe blend a few families for the occasion. Keep plans loose and casual. If anything formal (and never-ending) gets scheduled, prepare your alibi for dipping out after a while or suggest an outing—you won’t have the patience to sit around all day doing nothing!
The rest of the month takes a different tone as Neptune and Mars turn retrograde, bringing the total retrograde planet count to five. (Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are already in their slowed-down cycles.) This is a time best used for reflection and behind-the-scenes planning—and taking things one careful step at a time, the preferred Libra way!
But don’t get TOO summer-casual just yet. On June 21, the Sun starts a monthlong march through Cancer and your professional tenth house, setting your career on fire. While others are cooling down at the beach, you may be heating things up in the air-conditioned office, toiling away on a big project or deal. Of course, if you can make power moves while mingling at a beachy “white party” or email that proposal with your toes in the sand, by all means, do!
Back to those retrogrades: The first planet to reverse will be Neptune, from June 18 to November 24. Neptune makes this U-turn at roughly the same dates each year and, for the eighth summer in a row, it will back through Pisces and your sixth house of health, service and organization. With muddled Neptune pivoting here, be mindful of your whereabouts, as you could be accident-prone or make careless mistakes while multitasking. Slow down and do one thing at a time. If you get lost in your head with over-planning and overthinking, remind yourself to tune in to your surroundings and be fully present wherever you are.
In some ways, Neptune’s retrograde can actually thin the fog, helping to clarify an issue you’ve either avoided or been in denial about. If you’ve had a mysterious nagging ache or pain, get it checked out—but solicit a second or third opinion if need be. The sixth house rules the digestive system, and Neptune’s retrograde is a good time to check on your “gut health.” From popping a probiotic to taking a microbiome test to (if you’re of the age) getting a colonoscopy, it may not make for fabulous dinner-table conversation, but keeping those intestines healthy and functioning can be a huge vitality boost.
On June 26, energizer Mars will join the retrograde brigade, downshifting until August 27. Mars is in Aquarius and your passionate fifth house from May 16 to August 12, so the bulk of the backspin will rattle your romantic and creative quarters. Chemistry that sizzled could fizzle—or at least sputter—as hasty Mars slows his roll. Some couples might take a break or even call things off if you can’t control your stormy reactions. This Mars cycle could stir up drama, and you may have to do battle with some outsized egos, in both work and love.
Home takes center stage on June 28, when the year’s only Capricorn full moon illuminates your domestic fourth house. Step back from your busy schedule to connect with close friends and family—and to treat yourself to some well-deserved self-care. With structured Saturn hovering close to the moon, you may be signing a lease or mortgage, planning a move or helping out a relative in need. An elderly loved one, possibly a maternal figure, might need your support near the end of the month. If you’re planning to change your living situation, cautious Saturn urges you to check references and conduct due diligence—from roommates to renovation contractors to real estate listings. Read the fine print, and don’t settle!
Love & Romance
With your ruling planet, amorous Venus, sailing through Cancer and your tenth house of long-range goals until June 13, you may be more focused on “where’s this going” than “how does it feel?” While there’s nothing wrong with planning ahead, you want to be sure you’re not putting the cart before the horse. Make sure you enjoy the ride before you start building a stable!
On June 5, Venus swings into her annual opposition with shadowy Pluto, who’s holding down the fort in Capricorn and your domestic quarters. You may feel pressure from your family to act a certain way or go along with something that isn’t in your heart. While you can’t just ignore these people, you do have the right (and the responsibility!) to stand up for yourself. This transit can also issue a warning about any plans to meet a new interest’s parents or relatives. Brunch is fine but think twice before you agree to a full weekend at the family retreat (and that advice also goes for longtime couples).
Meanwhile, the other cosmic lovebird, passionate Mars, is marching through Aquarius and your romantic fifth house all month, dialing up the passion and inciting you to a take a risk in the name of love. But when the red planet turns retrograde for two months starting on June 26, watch for drama or the (unexpected) return of an old flame. You know what they say: Play with fire, and you CAN get burned. Drama and discord could surge up once Mars goes rogue.
On June 13, Venus enters Leo and your social sector, which should lighten things up a bit and allow you to enjoy friends and activities without feeling the need to advance your agenda or stress about the future. Leo energy reminds us how much fun it is to simply play and laugh and not worry about looking silly!
A pair of time-outs could come on June 14 and 25, when Venus squares off first with unpredictable Uranus, and then with supersizer Jupiter in your finance-related sectors. This could ratchet up tension over money and shared responsibilities that aren’t being equally distributed. As much as you’re trying to be in the “now,” it could get challenging if you feel like things aren’t being handled fairly. Speak up—but lean in to that Libra diplomacy! Take a step back from any heated emotions on June 21, when Venus and Mars clash in an opposition, pulling you between head and heart.
Key Dates
June 14: Venus-Uranus Square Too close for comfort? Today’s cosmic clash between the love planet and disruptor Uranus finds you craving space in a relationship. Don’t make any sweeping changes when your emotions are all over the map. Clandestine thrills are tempting—you miss the rush that comes from feeling desirable and sexy. As long as you don’t violate trust or boundaries, a little harmless flirting can be fun. Watch your own jealousy or urge to snoop today.
Money & Career
Blue skies ahead! With the Sun sailing through Gemini and your expansive ninth house until June 21, you’ve got your sights set on the big picture. Don’t squander this time dealing with minutiae. Brainstorm, network, attend conferences or workshops that not only boost your savvy but get you inspired. Mingle with thought leaders and influencers, and you could soon become known as one yourself, especially near the June 13 Gemini new moon.
With energetic Mars in your creative and passionate fifth house all month, you’ve got the vision AND the enthusiasm to make your brilliant ideas sound irresistible. Fame could even come knocking—just make sure you’re attracting the right kind of attention. Contrary to the popular saying, there IS such a thing as bad publicity, Libra—and when Mars is retrograde from June 26 to August 27, dial back the promotions and put your head down. What do you want to be known for? Ponder that question and tighten your game. You can come back with a vengeance in the fall once Mars is direct.
When the Sun enters Cancer and your professional sector for four weeks starting June 21, put the whiteboard and dry-erase markers back in the supply closet and get down to business. It’s prime time for hashing out a master plan, talking to decision makers and putting those visionary ideas into concrete form.
Work-life balance could get challenged at the June 27 Sun-Saturn opposition, a tough once-a-year face-off that can test your patience and bring out a pessimistic streak. With emotions clouding your judgment, you could be torn between head and heart. Family or personal life demands may cut into work, leaving you feeling like you’re failing on all fronts. This, too, shall pass, Libra—do your best not to get sucked into a melodramatic spiral. The next day’s Capricorn full moon could bring resolution to a personal matter, helping you clear the way for more productivity.
Key Dates
June 27: Sun-Saturn Opposition Optimism aside, do you and your colleagues have the same goals for this project? Is someone trying to hog the credit instead of showing their team spirit? You have a chance to advance professionally, so don’t stay in the wrong place out of a misplaced sense of loyalty.
Love Days: 4, 8 Money Days: 15, 23 Luck Days: 13, 21 Off Days: 19, 11
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transitsastrology · 3 years
Why Consider Astrology Now?
Astrology Transits is the method of determining the character as well as future of a person through the alignment of the celebrities as well as planets. Astrology does not function and also can not anticipate future occasions or characters. The Eastern astrology is occasion oriented, they will certainly inform you what took place in the past and also what will certainly take place in the future with much grater precision. One of the most widespread application of horoscopic astrology is to utilize it to examine the birth charts of individuals in order to read character, emotional attributes, as well as to some extent fate.
Arab era astrology is the immediate forefather of the Western astrology these days. Our astrology might be in truth the follower to that 3rd stream of ancient astrologies. Created by the Greeks and based upon a few of the basic concepts established in Babylon, this sort of astrology is additionally referred to as 'judicial' or 'genethlialic'. This is the kind of astrology that most of us recognize with today, whether we are followers or doubters. The concern of why people count on astrology is much more fascinating than the details of the horoscope. Psycho therapists have actually revealed that clients are satisfied with astrological predictions as long as the treatments are embellished in some instead unclear way.
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Astrology is best comprehended by discovering how it started. Transits Astrology is certainly the oldest and at the same time currently the most preferred of all pseudosciences. Astrology is additionally used to strengthen understanding of our own nature. This emotional technique has actually expanded considerably in the past thirty years as an increasing number of astrologists create their therapy skills. Astrology is Magical Assuming, which has offered us creationism and also most kinds of natural medicine. It's at odds with clinical reasoning and also it places the expert squarely against the practice of The Enlightenment.
Astrology is pseudoscience since individuals generally count on it for illegitimate factors. He provides no instances here. Astrology is, put simply, the study of the connection between the astronomical positions of the earths and also occasions in the world. Astrologists believe that the placements of the Sun, Moon, as well as worlds at the time of an individual's birth have a straight influence on that individual's character. Astrology is a terrific mix of science, art and craft. The most effective part of it is that no matter how much one discovers he can never welcome all its expertise.
The idea in astrology is that the placements of particular celestial objects either impact or associate with an individuals personality type. In the past, those researching Astrology made use of observation of celestial objects and the charting of their motions. Prior knowledge of astrology is not required. The four degrees of research consist of all needed astrological understanding from the extremely beginning to having your own, effective practice. Astrology is so called because it ariseth from the stars; as Theology is so called since it flows from God. To live astrologically is, with a pleasing concupiscence, to consume of the Tree of the understanding of excellent and also evil, as well as to bring fatality to himself.
A detailed bibliography of astrology is beyond the extent of this Frequently Asked Question, however some books have been included. The interested reader is advised to check out a well equipped book shop. However, because the paradises were never intended for these purposes, astrology is a hazardous as well as wrongful method. Stars were developed for schedule keeping and for proclaiming God?s magnificence. The lessons right here are for everyone that wants to learn just how astrology is done as well as exactly how to do astrology. They are especially for doubters due to the fact that scientific research needs that expertise of a subject must come prior to evaluation.
For if astronomy is the research study of the movements of the celestial bodies, after that astrology is the research of the impacts of those motions. The astronomers of the ancient world presumed a division of deep space whereby the superior, unalterable bodies of the holy worlds subjugated the terrestrial or sublunary round, where all was death as well as adjustment. But astrology is no longer about simply enjoy and money. Astrology answers lots of other questions. Vocational Astrology is the art of helping others in helping them find what they are called to do.
The practitioner of Shamanic Astrology is trained in the alone eye understanding and also experience of the night sky, and also the spiritual rhythms, cycles as well as activities of the universes. Astrology is also an art-form-- one that offers itself to quick sketches and complex pictures of people, pairs, firms, nations as well as more. Astrology can likewise clearly have spiritual and religious touches as confirmed by studies of old Egypt. Astrology is unscientific as a result of the truth of the precession or the shifting of constellations. The very early astronomers were not aware of precession as well as for that reason fell short to take it into account in their system.
Though enjoyable, Sunlight indicator astrology is a rather surface, and also marginally valuable application of a complex and ancient science that goes back countless years. Discover just how astrology can be made use of to educate your choices as well as enhance your own knowledge. Astrology is the ancient practice as well as research of the celebrities as well as planets. Its background goes back to Babylonian times. Astrology is such a design.
Wholistic Astrology is a means of analyzing a horoscope to ensure that all aspects are thought about. We can see tendencies in external areas such are career, financing as well as social requirements. This is why astrology is described as the "Science of Indications". Without an effort to overcome the energy of any kind of offered pressure or thrust of activity, the indications suggest what will most likely be, as well as in any event, astrology discloses the timing of fads and also specific influences. Today, some astrology exists by doing this, however this is not true "conventional astrology". Did you know that Astrology was taken into consideration science in guy's early history?
Astrology is not some ridiculous old point, a superstitious notion or pseudo-science, but a genuine scientific research of human experience. Its icons leave room for the inconsistencies of human actions, that which can never ever be minimized to basic and outright solutions. Perhaps the hostility exists due to the fact that astrology is still a living technique, an actual competitor for preferred respect and also patronage. I hope that the typical hostility may be dying amongst historians and social researchers which a real understanding of this significant technique as well as belief. It does not indicate that astrology is accurate in predicting human behavior or events to a degree dramatically greater than plain opportunity. There are numerous satisfied clients that think that their horoscope precisely explains them which their astrologer has provided great suggestions.
Astrology is safe, it is a home entertainment. Whatever its previous magnificences, it seems now a five-and-dime glance of the cosmos. Astrology is maybe the most ancient topic as well as additionally in a manner one of the most overlooked. It is one of the most ancient due to the fact that astrology has actually remained in presence as far back as we have had the ability to examine the history of humanity. Rather, they such as to offer anecdotal proof-- tales people tell about exactly how exact they think astrology is. Unscientific evidence is not acceptable in an actual scientific research because it's as well very easy to exclude all the negative experiences people have, and also individuals not great at remembering as well as accurately reporting experiences.
Astrology is based on birth graphes for a person. The placement of the Sunlight, Moon and worlds is outlined on the zodiac at the moment of birth. Additionally, astrology is not a quick study. Reactionaries used to state it takes a trainee one transit of Saturn, concerning three decades, to become competent. Vedic Astrology belongs to an alternative, integrated expertise system as well as its results can be strengthened by interoperating with its "sis" sciences. The Vedic Astrology system is kind because not just is a person told what might take place, but they exist a listing of prospective solutions or rehabilitative activities to counter the amount and top quality of fates that are returning to them, as seen in the birth chart.
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iandowdy142501-blog · 7 years
March 2017.
Commemorating 32 years of Popular music In Our Colleges Month! It was actually no surprise to discover that Donald Trump, affecting the style generally delegated North Korea's forerunners, made these prophetic comments off the best of his head, which left National Protection Advisor H.R. McMaster, Secretary from Defense Jim Mattis, and also Assistant of Condition Rex Tillerson-- which still does certainly not have an assigned associate secretary from state for East Asian and also Pacific occasions helping him-- tip-toeing between satisfying their overbearing supervisor and also jamming down the possibility from a 2nd Oriental War.
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A lot improvement simultaneously could be disorienting, specifically because this month will likewise include 2 retrogrades (- astrology/retrogrades/) and the last installment from a three-way play from Jupiter-Pluto squares (- pluto-square-2016/ ). Give yourself the time and space to include. A large moment comes in on August 21, when the secondly from pair of consecutive Leo brand-new moons-- this set a game-changing overall solar energy eclipse-- amazes your social sector. The problem is regularly a tough one for Republican politicians, as numerous hard-line conservatives outright resist raising the financial debt roof. Libra time starts on September 22 this year, thus you possess a complete month to lock up sticking around ventures or blow up the grid as well as examine the lengthy year and photovoltaic pattern you are actually finishing up. Structured Saturn finishes a five-month retrograde on August 25, after backstepping with Sagittarius as well as your communication residence considering that April 5. Your notions are going to acquire clearer, and you'll become extra concentrated on the objective in advance. That at that point way backs right into Leo for the last week of this particular pattern, stimulating dramatization and also egos or possibly rejuvenating an ex-flame. On shuttle goals-- there were 135, extending coming from 1981 to 2011-- Mission Command will wake the rocketeers, radioing up a ruptured from songs to begin each day. This brokens at the August 21 Leo brand new moon, which is even more supercharged since it's the second unusual, consecutive brand new moon in Leo this year (the very first got on July 23). With the Leo Sun warming up your residential 4th residence up until August 22, obtaining Chateau Upward in order is your main order of business.
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The month ends with your judgment earth, strenuous Saturn, completing a five-month retrograde through Sagittarius and also your twelfth property from hidden agendas, closing as well as healing. Find just how each rocketeer has three or even four guys helping him?" mentions Ford, who was actually the leader of the Space Station for four months in 2012 as well as 2013. Incentive Mars is actually riding shotgun in Leo all month, inflating your crave visionary suggestions and marvelous journeys. August 15: Venus-Pluto resistance You would like to hook up, yet ingrained worries from vulnerability could meddle. Since the federal government started aiding people spend for university, a lot of for-profit schools have actually looked for methods to sham pupils and also taxpayers. In 2002, the arts, including popular music, were viewed as a center scholastic subject matter" in addition to mathematics, science and also English in federal government learning plan. Possess students list methods which songs belongs from their day-to-day lifestyles. My music life take ins were just as necessary to me, in regards to forming my development, as my political experiences or even my academic life.
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Your headlining celebration comes in August 7, when the Aquarius full moon lunar eclipse places your passions in the limelight. While higher education funding raised in 2014 in thirty-eight conditions, Scott Pedestrian's 2015-17 budget plan cut another $250 thousand off the University from Wisconsin device. Colleges as well as communities throughout the country and also international commemorate MIOSM along with concerts as well as various other tasks based upon the year's theme. Charming Venus is in Cancer and also your buxom 5th home till August 26, placing you in the mood for exciting. Helping to make lighter the mood is actually intimate Venus, which remains in Cancer and also your social third home up until August 26. As tender and also singular as you could experience at times, pleasant Venus stands up ready to break you out of a rut. If you beloved this article and you would like to receive more info with regards to magerio.info nicely visit our own web site.
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