#also hand compliments but that's just cause even tho i like hands they're hard to draw šŸ˜‚
softgrungeprophet Ā· 2 years
my power grows every time someone compliments me drawing peter with big brown doe eyes or a big nose or thick eyebrows etc.
but also, more seriously, i appreciate those compliments a lot (not just for peter but my own characters as well) cause i always appreciate seeing love for those features and i want to show my own love for those features because i also think they are beautiful, so it's nice when someone says nice things about them...
when i get compliments about peter's dark eyes or qela's unibrow it makes me very happy because, not to be sappy or anything šŸ˜‚ but i am always putting little bits of myself into everything i make, and i may not be so self-conscious about my own little mini unibrow or whatever but it's not exactly something you see complimented or treated as potentially attractive in (american, at least) media very often šŸ’€ so i really appreciate the positivity even for the things i don't expect people to compliment
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denwritesandcries Ā· 10 months
YJS HCs ā€“ body types
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Pairings: Yellowjackets x fem!reader
Summary: Okay so, I was thinking about body types so I could add details to my Shauna fic, really small things like skin marks and other stuff and that made me think about the other yjs too. I'm not used to writing headcanons, but here are a few that I couldn't get out of my head.
Word count: 1,9k.
Content: my personal headcanons, cursing, suggestive, fluff, insecurities, hurt/comfort, recent pop culture references so i guess modern!AU??
Note: This is so random and specific I don't think anyone will read it but I wanted to write it so badly.
English is not my first language.
shauna shipman
- I think Shauna is the most athletic of the girls, since in the first episode itā€™s said that she is the fastest on the team. Not necessarily thin; she is solid. Solid and warm. A warm wall seeking your touch all the time.
- She would always try to keep one hand on you and every time she touched you, her skin would be scalding hot, as if she barely needed gloves in the winter and only wore them because you told her to.
- Big spoon! She likes to wrap her arms around you and let her body wrap you completely when you cuddle or sleep together, her weight relaxing against you.
- Shauna is strong, like really strong and she knows it, her arms and legs are toned from training and she takes advantage of this to tease you at any opportunity, carrying things for you willingly (your backpack, shopping, whatever, she would be exactly like the *aggressively moves all groceries to one hand to hold yours* meme), rolling up the sleeves of her flannels ā€˜cause the muscles stand out, pressing you against walls/counters or simply carrying you during makeout sessions and nothing you do will take away the smug smile on her lips ā€“ well, barely nothing.
- She would also wear tank tops and shorts frequently just to make you nervous and receive compliments. It's ridiculous ā€˜cause she really thinks she's being subtle (she isn't).
ā€œShaunie, you sure you donā€™t want a jacket?ā€
ā€œNo, Iā€™m good like that.ā€ She's not, but she won't admit it.
ā€œItā€™s raining.ā€ You insist.
ā€œThe cold doesn't bother me anyway.ā€ She shrugs, but leans back against you, placing her chin on your shoulder.
You snort, ā€œSure thing then, Elsa.ā€
- Shauna has a happy trail! Little baby hairs going up to her navel where she melts into a puddle when you caress her, goosebumps covering her skin in the same second.
van palmer
- I believe Van has rough hands from her goalie gloves! They're always warm even if the rest of her body isn't ā€˜cause of the constant movement ā€“ she expresses herself a lot with her hands too. She likes to run them down your sides just to see how your skin crawls, sometimes she does it out of nowhere just to scare you because she thinks it's funny.
- I think her skin is very sensitive, the kind that's full of moles and burns easily in the sun ā€“ you're constantly reminding her to put on sunscreen, but it's no use ā€“ she loves it when you trace patterns on her spots before bed or when you're bored somewhere.
- Her skin being so sensitive also means that hickeys and scratches are really hard to hide on her. She doesn't mind, in fact she seems to enjoy it a lot, you catch her a lot of times watching the marks spread across her shoulders and neck as they take days to disappear. That doesn't stop her from teasing you tho.
ā€œIt's been a week and there's still a purple mark on my neck. What are you, a damn vampire?ā€ She mocks.
ā€œNah, you act like you wouldn't love me to be your Edward Cullen.ā€
She lifts her chin at you, ā€œA leech then.ā€
- She has a belly and is very proud of it! She says it's the best for defending the goal and that it makes her fall to catch the ball less painful; She'll flex her muscles like a gym athlete when she's changing playfully just to seduce you (it works every time). She loves it when she lies in your arms after a bad day and you squish her tightly, it helps her calm down.
- She also has a happy trail, but she is too ticklish, like really ticklish. Many of your makeout sessions end up interrupted by her giggling when you drag your hands too softly under her shirt, she prefers firm touches.
- Van definitely has lots of small scars spread across her body from accidents over the years, that little weirdo (affectionate).
nat scatorccio
- Nat is as pale as a ghost, it would be impossible not to notice when you made her blush for any reason. She would try to distract you so you don't pay attention to it, but it wouldn't put off anything.
- The dark circles under her eyes are extremely pronounced, both due to her paleness and the heavy makeup she wears, so you always know when she's had a bad day or simply hasn't slept enough. She will complain incessantly about you making her stop and rest, but she will always do what you ask.
- I truly believe that she has lots and lots of moles all over her body, especially on her back.
- Some are bigger than others, large spots on the skin and she pretends that her heart doesn't warm with the fascination you have for them, but the prominent red face says everything you need to know.
ā€œThey look like small constellations, Nat," you sigh dreamily, hands soft on her naked skin, ā€œMan, I wish I knew a single shit about stars so I could name them.ā€
ā€œIā€™m shirtless in front of you and thatā€™s what youā€™re thinking about?ā€
- I think she would have a lot of acne, especially on her face from sleeping and forgetting to take off her cheap makeup often, you would have to do a skin care routine together for her to really start taking care of it.
- She definitely has a tattoo scar that she got from one of those shady professionals before she was eighteen and didn't take care of it properly. You almost freaked out when she showed it to you out of fear that it would get infected. In the end she ended up with a weird drawing and a skin failure, but for Nat it was totally worth it, she says it makes her look like a badass (it's definitely not just because you kiss the mark every time you see it).
lottie matthews
- Alright then, let me tell you, this girl is FREEZING from head to toe. No matter how well she dresses up, her whole body will remain strangely cold, which worries you at a certain point, so what better way to keep her warm than to have her glued to you like a koala all day?
- She would place her cold hands on your neck just to bother you and then smile innocently when you took them in yours to rub them and blow warm air on them. That smartass.
- Lottie is tall (at least a lot taller than me) and I think she would have a lot of growth marks, you don't grow like that as a teenager without some.
- Light streaks on the back, hips, legs and thighs that would vary in tone over time. I think she would have the habit of hiding them so that people wouldn't comment, wearing long stockings with her skirts at school parties.
- She would be so flustreaded if you showed that you liked them by running your hands up her inner thighs, scratching her back gently to feel the smooth texture of the taut skin. It makes her feel so loved.
- She has sun spots on her face, around her eyes and cheeks. You think it's so beautiful that you could admire it for hours, anywhere, but you usually do it in bed in the morning.
ā€œAre you watching me sleep, dear?ā€ Lottie mumbles as she wakes to find you giving her a love gauze.
ā€œHm-hm,ā€ you deny quietly, ā€œā€˜Not watching you sleep. Iā€™m watching you.ā€
jackie taylor
- Now, Jackie would have stretch marks and be completely insecure about them. The girl needs constant validation about everything that concerns her and you better give it to her, she just wants to feel loved.
- Marks on her hips and chest that most of the time wouldn't even be visible, but she would still remember they were there. You run your hands down her sides as gently as possible and she will have tears in her eyes as you snuggle, heart warm.
- Your support helps her feel more comfortable with her own body over time, but she still wants compliments every day and will give you hints ā€˜til you comply with her requests.
- Jackie has freckles! This is actually one of the things she likes most about her face, the trail of dots around her nose and eyes. Sheā€™ll melt into a puddle on the floor if you start to kiss them one by one, but will lose patience if you decide to count them and stop the act of leaving wet kisses on them. She's not very good at waiting.
ā€œBabe!ā€ She whimpers.
ā€œJust a second, sweetie, Iā€™m almost finishing.ā€ You continue, a look of pure concentration on your face, muttering ā€œ35, 36, 37ā€¦ā€
ā€œNo.ā€ She says, hand grabbing the collar of your t-shirt and pulling you against her, ā€œCome back now.ā€
- Jackie isn't necessarily icy, but she gets cold very easily and isn't shy about asking for your coat or jacket when you're together. Your girlfriend is a princess, better treat her like one. She'll squeeze her body against yours in bed and steal the blankets to stay warm.
- She has spots on her arms! Hundreds of light spots on the outside of the wrists to the shoulders, it's almost imperceptible, but so cute. Make sure to always let her know how beautiful she is.
misty quigley
- I think Misty has acne scars on her shoulders and cheeks, little red dots spreaded. She don't mind it most of time, but can be very insecure about it.
- She would be really suspicious if you just showered her with compliments out of nowhere just ā€˜cause you think sheā€™s upset, so acting is better. Actions speak more to her.
- Place soft kisses on her shoulders, gently bite her cheek so she rolls her eyes in that nervous way she does. Make her feel beautiful as she is ā€“ because she is.
- She would be so pleased with you spoiling her that she would pretend to be sad about it a lot of times just to get your attention, she is an evil little genius. Itā€™s captivating.
- She has freckles too! Little dots on her face so lightly that you only see them when she takes off her glasses, but they are there.
ā€œI kiss you everyday, how did I never notice your freckles before?ā€
ā€œOh, I don't know.ā€ She shrugs innocently, ā€œMaybe you should take a closer look, baby.ā€
- She thinks she's so smooth but in reality she's a mess, the girl can't pick up social cues to save her life.
tai turner
- Okay so, Tai is the type who takes the football really seriously and works hard to win and to do that she would try to stay in shape as much as possible. I can easily imagine her doing extra training sessions and her friends teasing her about it, ā€˜cause Tai, it's a high school team.
- Because of this, I think she would have stretch marks on her back and calves, light fine lines that stand out against her dark skin. These are marks of her effort, so she shows them with great pride.
- She gets very smug and her skin crawls when you run your nails over the marks on her back.
- Tai is strong, strong enough to break someones leg on the field (sorry not sorry allie) and will show off for it whenever she gets the chance. She likes to wrap her arms around you from behind and lift you off the ground when she's passing by.
- She has sun spots on her face and arms! You think it's so cute, but if you say something silly and cheesy about it she'll roll her eyes and tell you to stop embarrassing her.
You sigh, ā€œYou are so, so pretty, Tai.ā€
ā€œAnd you are so, so lame.ā€ She echos, ā€œ...Come here, let me kiss you.ā€
- Happy wife, happy life. Always make her feel appreciated, she deserves it.
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ox1-lovesick Ā· 2 years
į„«į­” ķˆ¬ė°”ķˆ¬ ā”€ā”€ reaction to you baking them cookies!
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āŒ• . . . pairing. txt x gn!reader genre. fluff ā˜ļø warnings. mentions of food, swearing (?) wc. 100-200 each
āŒ• . . . synopsis. you bake tubatu cookies šŸŖ
āŒ• . . . a/n: my first post on this smelly app i hope it doesn't eat ass šŸ˜» also craving cookies really badly rn
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ā”€ā”€ YEONJUN
we all know yeonjun is a BIG foodie,, he'd fall inlove all over again if you baked and cooked for him šŸ’”
thinks it's so romantic.
you? took time out of your busy day? to buy ingredients? and bake cookies? for HIM??? my lordy lord he's so inlove with you
really doesn't matter how much you bake he'll finish them in an hour šŸ’€ even if they don't taste that great, that doesn't matter. they were made by you, with your hands, your love and affection, he will absolutely eat every last crumb.
bonus points if you decorated them cutely, he'll take 15000 pictures from every angle and send them to everyone he knows. his mom, his dad, the members, his childhood friends, his choreographer, his manager, hitman bang, his teacher from the third grade, EVERYONE will know that you baked cookies for him and how delicious they are
ā”€ā”€ SOOBIN
he's a bit worried at first
traumatized from his own baking experiences (aswell as the members) he probably expects them to taste like charcoal
very hesitant to take a bite because he's worried he'll get salmonella but it surprisingly doesn't taste as bad as he thought it would???
what witchcraft if this???
suspiciously takes another bite and suddenly the entire batch has been polished
your cookies are his new guilty pleasure šŸ˜ˆ
WILL NEVER EVER SHARE THEM WITH THE MEMBERS (even if you tell him to) they're his and his only šŸ’”
will hide them up his ass if he has too, they must never know how good your baking is
ā”€ā”€ BEOMGYU
suspicious #2
beom is a picky eater.
he loves you, don't get me wrong but you'll have to try extra hard if you want him to even nibble on one of your cookies šŸ’€
would probably pick a crumb off the bottom of the plate and say they're delicious šŸ’€
eventually he does give in because as mentioned before, he's whipped ^_^
takes the smallest nibble tho
he literally can't taste anything cause of how little he ate but he'll call you y/n ramsay
you'll have to shovel one down his esophagus for him to taste it šŸ’€
would probably pretend to throw up
but once he's done teasing you he'll compliment your baking ofc <3
as much as he doesn't want to admit it he's now hooked on your cookies
needs them like he needs air
"if i hypothetically asked you to bake your gross cookies again would you hypothetically bake them for me šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ"
ā”€ā”€ TAEHYUN
he prides himself on the fact that he can cook a decent meal and the others can't, so if you were able to do any better than him it'd bruise his ego šŸ’”
he's not gonna throw your tin of cookies on the floor and call them disgusting ofc he'd just feel a little bit threatened šŸ¤Ø
would probably say shit like "tell your mom her cookies are delicious"
if you call him out on it he'll start getting whiny and defensive šŸ’€
although he'll admit defeat eventually and ask you to bake them again
stingy #2 the members must never know.
will hide your tin in his underwear draw or something maniacal like that
although yeonjun will probably be doing laundry or something and find them šŸ˜­
and when yeonjun asks him about it he'll come up with the lamest excuse too please
"who put cookies in the sewing kit?" šŸ˜Ÿ
does a backflip the second they touch his lips
you know that Talk X Today episode where soobin baked tarts and kai tasted one and started doing roly polys on the couch?
that's him.
bro levels up when he takes a whiff of your baking
unlike the rest of his greedy members he'll encourage them to try your baking and give feedback (although if it's negative feedback he'll rub onions on their pillows (ā ā‰§ā ā–½ā ā‰¦ā )
will ask to bake them with you next time and to teach him the recipe so he can bake them for you some time as well
he'll get flour up his nose and sneeze white for the next few weeks but he has good intentions !!
will brag about it to his family and friends
"you're just mad y/n doesn't bake YOU cookies leah šŸ¤Ø"
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Ā© ox1-lovesick ā€” all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, or repost my work without my explicit permission.
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Long list of Nimona headcanons cause I didn't post yesterday
I feel like Nimona doesnā€™t really have great control of her shifting/strength when sheā€™s experiencing really intense emotionsĀ 
When sheā€™s angry or frustrated she tends to get biggerĀ 
Sometimes itā€™s her whole body sometimes itā€™s just her armsĀ 
She has a bad habit of breaking things on accident when sheā€™s upsetĀ 
When theyā€™re sad or hurt theyā€™ll get smallerĀ 
One time Nimona and Bal got into a really intense argument and Bal said something he didnā€™t mean and they shrunk like 5 inches and he knew he fucked up instantlyĀ 
When he gets happy or excited is when his shifting really goes haywireĀ Ā 
Sometimes when heā€™s really happy with someone heā€™ll subconsciously take on some of their characteristicsĀ 
Ambrosius complimented him one time and Nimona had his dimples for the rest of the dayĀ 
Bal fixed her headphones and she took on his laugh for two daysĀ 
At first it kind of unsettled them but they understood that it was just another way of her showing love so they got used to seeing their freckles on her face and hearing their laughs from herĀ 
Bal needs glasses and contacts most of the time but he never uses them
He says glasses are a pain and heā€™s terrified of anything and everything near his eyesĀ 
Ambrosius needs to do it for him because itā€™s easier for some reasonĀ 
He also has a bad habit of misplacing his glasses and recruits Nimona and Ambrosius to help him look for them the second they're supposed to leaveĀ 
Half the time they give up on looking for them and he relies on Ambrosius to help him read thingsĀ 
He loves that man to death but if he has to read one more menu out loud heā€™s gonna lose itĀ 
There have also been close calls where people tried to start a fight cause they thought Bal was glaring at them
In reality he was just trying to read the sign next to themĀ 
No one should let this man drive heā€™s a terror to society when heā€™s behind the wheel
He always insists that he doesnā€™t need his glasses to driveĀ 
Nimona offers to drive but no one lets them because the last time they were behind the wheel they aimed for a group of people yelling ā€œThatā€™s at least 50 pointsā€
Ambrosius is the most responsible driver but as I said in this post that man canā€™t find his way out of a paper bagĀ 
So his directions are always on and Bal always complains that he could find a faster way in his sleep
Ambrosius turns to him and says ā€œLove you couldnā€™t find your hand in front of your faceā€Ā 
And Bal shoved him so hard he almost crashed the carriage and his passenger privileges were revoked for a week
Both Bal and Nimona have resting bitch facesĀ 
A lot of people think Bal is this mean horrible stuck-up personĀ 
And then they talk to him for more than five seconds and realize heā€™s got a heart of gold and big puppy dog eyes to match
A lot of people see Nimonaā€™s resting bitch face and get a little scared but they also have this thought of ā€œbut sheā€™s just a teenager with a squishy little face how bad could she beā€
And then they realize theyā€™re talking to a chaos gremlin and the resting bitch face was there to protect them
Ambrosius has been trained not to frown in publicĀ 
This man puts Disney Employees to shame with his bright smile and his energetic personalityĀ 
But the literal second heā€™s home that mask dropsĀ 
Bal and Ambrosius are so used to this routine that they arenā€™t even fazed anymoreĀ 
But Nimona always pretends like theyā€™re cutting the string over Ambrosius' head whenever the door closesĀ 
Itā€™s almost comical to see because the second they do it his face drops and his shoulders droop and his once energetic voice is a monotone mumbleĀ 
Heā€™s not always like this tho being in the public eye just drains the life out of him
But when he gets to stay home with people who love and care about him he could put the damn energizer bunny out of business
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quimichi Ā· 3 months
Or get to know me whatever you want lol
Antonia, 18, cis female, she/her, german, medical assistant student, infp, pisces, hufflepuff
EYES: Green, blueish, grayish lol HEIGHT: 1,58m, 5'4(?) OTHER: natrually pale, lots of moles, no tattoos, natrual eye bags, fox eyes, small dimples, full lips, small mouth, long lashes, resting bitch face lol, high nose bridge, long brown hair with highlights, wavy/curly, super shiny, pretty skinny, average curves, long neck lol, no make up, long nails, small hands STYLE: comfy and oversize, but in summer i wear more dresses and skirts, more girly, bit also still girly with oversized clothes, it's grunge like but i honestly wear any style if I like it
FIRST IMPRESSION: people say i look younger than i am, I'm very polite and kind by nature but i seem like that 120% more at the beginning than later lol
POSITIVE TRAITS: I'm polite or at least try to be, I have this helping syndrome I always need to help, I'm very open minded and I like to try new things, there are specific patients who adore me so ig I'm really likable-, even the complicated ones like me?? that's a compliment ngl, my friends say im really funny
NEGATIVE TRAITS: always sleepy, sometimes really lazy, very sarcastic and i have a dark humor, small anger issues but i control them really really well, many things can annoy me easily tho, many people say I'm too quite but in reality I just give no fuck lol I'm actually really loud, like I'm both and both is depending on the situation not good--, i talk a lot and yeah-bad in class-ik when to shut up tho
LIKES: Wind, rain, the night, stars, music, video games, sleep, my cornflakes lol, watermelon and strawberries, my super soft bed, family and friends, snow, winter in general, fog cause pretty, horror movies, ducks and chickens, especially my plush duck, cacti oh and palm trees
DISLIKES: pushy people, no manners, disrespectful behavior, pineapples cause idk not my thing, strong smells, beards cause--no, alcohol, I'm strictly against that for a good reason
LOVE LANGUAGE: Quality time (giving & receiving)
DEAL BREAKERS: the basics lol, no addictions, no job, bad temper, bad behavior, bad hygiene and so on
LOOKING FOR SOMEONE...kind, respectful, honest and loyal, the basics...I have low standards
@ i have asthma @ look, ik I'm pretty, nothing wrong with confidence, but having random people telling me 4 times i look like a pinterest model made me so so happy @ I'm REALLY good at parking backwards lol @ i rarely go out, like i don't need to i love it at home but if i go out i also like it more peaceful @ i love parking lot dates, getting food and sitting in the car for hours talking, my fav @ its hard to scare me, or make me feel really disgusted. I can look at all things, even smell and i wouldn't be fazed by it at all. But touching is a no-- @ super scared of deep waters like--what if something is underneath me??? @ i love plants but plants don't love me @ i can draw really well-i think so at least @ hardcore dreamer @ I'm not really touchy. Like i don't need physical affection that much or at all. Cuddles aren't really my thing, they're ok sometimes--- @ no matter when and where, if i wanna sleep I'm out in 10 minutes or less @ I'm 18, in germany it's legal to drink beer with 16 and any other alcoholic drinks with 18. I never drank one sip and never will. Super scared of alcohol, i feel very uncomfortable with it around me. Drunk people scare me so much that i wanna distance myself. It can even get to a point where i will constantly distance myself from that person so much that our contact breaks, if they abuse alcohol.
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luxmoogle Ā· 6 months
ALRIGHT WASSUP I love your art style and am an art student so I know a little bit bout what makes art recognizable, (not an expert and definitely not good at remembering terms so don't act like this is some art bible) lemme tell you what I think makes your art recognizable and "lux".
First, you got your shape language. That would be what the other person was referring to as proportions. (Since we're talking about Sora, proportions is absolutely not a wrong word to use, but I'm going to talk about shapes specifically.) The cheek? Always the exact same little curve, same spot, the forehead is the same, which creates a head shape that is incredibly recognizable as you. The hair is also always the same, which may seem weird considering your drawing hair that's pre established but you have a very unique way of doing it. The shape of his lower hair on the back of his head especially stands out to me. His body is always the same type of lanky, you draw his arms and hands a very particular type of way. Overall, very recognizable and consistent.
The colors you use. Honestly, I don't even know how to describe this, and I literally took a class on colors. The only word I can think of is "surreal". They're usually very vibrant, but destaturated at the same time? Like you're taking vibrant colors and putting desaturated ones on top? Genuinely hard to describe. It is one of the most beautiful color jobs I've ever seen tho, and I'm not exaggerating. If you could explain I'd honestly love to try (read: steal) whatever technique you use. Also very consistent, even in the black and white photos. I think it's partially lighting but I digress.
The other person brought up your eyes, and that's probably one of THE most consistent parts of your art I notice. I'm not rly gonna go into detail, cause you said you worked on eyes a lot so I'm gonna just leave you to that honestly cause the eyes you draw are iconic imo. Beautiful. Stunning. Breathtaking. No notes just keep it up šŸ«”
Your lines (and the texture of the drawing) are specifically sketchy, like a very specific type of sketchy. I'm guessing it's the texture of the brushes you use, and it also makes it consistent and recognizable. This is probably one of the things that makes the black and white photos more recognizable as well, since they don't technically have colors to with with and, imo, that's one of the most recognizable parts of your art. The very specific shapes you use are about on par with the colors, with everything else gradually moving down the list.
So yeah. My mini essay on your art. I hope this helps you understand cause honestly? Your art is iconic. Gorgeous. Magnificent. I dream of drawing like you. Pls keep it up cause on god it brightens my day every time I see you post, art or no
I appreciate you taking the time to write out such a long and thoughtful post~! ā¤ļø This was a very interesting and fun read! I am in many ways completely blind to my own work. Unlike looking at someone else's work, it's very hard to distance myself far enough from my own to see it's prominent features.
For color I can I say I am aware of color theory and mostly follow a sensible routine of cool shadows and warm light points, things that are further away seem more blue etc. etc... But at some point while drawing/painting I do usually fall into adding and prodding the colors into a more impressionistic vibe and away from realism, mostly favoring cool toned colors and adding tones to places that they realistically shouldn't be, but they aesthetically please me, so.
Thank you for all the compliments, I've re-read this quite a few times now, but don't really know what to say besides a boring thank you~! This has left me a lot to ponder, and I'm very glad for your writing..!
Hope you have a wonderful rest of your day, take care~!ā¤ļø
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1eos Ā· 1 year
its really funny you say the author drew from real life bc recently one of her negative reviews got a lil bit of attention on tik tok for that book & it just tears into her for basically writing a self insert among other things.
i got this ask a few days ago and didnt quite get it but finishing the book and reading the reviews i get it now......it seems that the more you know of rfk the more you'll hate yellowface šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ which is interesting....the main valid criticism ive seen so far is that she's been accused of colorism and her self insert was too and it was hand waved away....like that's weird....that's suspicious. and i get what ppl are trying to say...rfk uhhhh poking fun at her critics is annoying and i guess i could see it as trying to change the narrative or point the finger in a different direction but the themes in yellowface aren't wrong? and i don't think an author having a self-insert is inherently bad? at least not in this case....
like. at the start of the novel athena is propped up to be a saint after death even tho no one liked her and then it was revealed she leeches off pain. not good. but she also was a victim of the singular minority thing in publishing but she also didnt go out of her way to uplift other asians in writing. she's a complex character with a lot of faults its not like rfk made her a mary sue that was confirmed to do no wrong. so ppl are mad that she drew from real things and is probably putting some of her real feelings into the mix but i feel like every character gets a HEALTHY dose of reaming and what's 'hand waved' away is real life. like? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ cassandra clare is a freak and a half and had a booming career. idk ive read ego inflating self inserts and this didnt really feel that way to me bc EVERYONE is painted as in the wrong you know? the critics are right but they also thrive on negativity. the writers are often awful ppl but theyre also victims of hate mobs. twitter hate mobs are trying to uphold morality bc theyre stupid and twist moral causes into reasons to be hateful. etc. its hard for me to say that rfk was poking fun at anyone specifically just the industry itself...and it is a fucking goofy racist mess lol but i guess it can be seen as hypocritical to critical of the system you're a part of even tho thats the only way u can get critique
scrolling thru more 1 star/2 star reviews i see ppl saying the quippy more fun writing isnt for them which is fine. totally valid. but im seeing a lot of ppl be like 'the characters are ridiculous' and l i think a lot of ppl hate that june is like obliviously racist towards asian ppl the whole way thru and doesn't 'learn'. but i mean that's real life. a lot of white liberals are racist and never want to admit it bc they believe they're good. i dont even think rfk went TOO overboard. that rambly compliments turning into racism thing is just what white ppl do šŸ˜­ i saw a few other ppl be like 'why is this book so confused w twitter spats' like?????? are u aware of how writers are now????? they are terminally online and they do weird stunts and actually a yter i like has a series called authors behaving badly and a lot of them are....terminally online white women
anyways reading the negative reviews has been interesting.............theyre REALLY mad abt the self insertism kalgklgkagklglkakglaklkglkgak like damn y'all better not lift from real life for a character or the readers WILL be mad. personally as long as its not egregious or playing the victim i don't mind bc im messy LMAO
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dourpeep Ā· 3 years
i have even more ideas now...
what about like the moment you open up about your relationship with kazuxiao the fans who were already seeing that happen were celebrating and on both of y'alls insta or something is where you announce and it's like a picture of all 3 of you chilling together or something
and then when they finally appear on a variety show they're just questioned throughly and they talk about how you guys meet and what they like about you
ok but the moments where you just feel sort of insecure since being an idol is hard and you're technically dating your seniors and you're just hit by the antis who are against yourself relationship so you lock yourself in your room in your dorm by yourself to cope. your roommate (can be whoever) contacts them both and they immediately come over and come in and offer soft kisses and soft murmurs of reassurance that they'll never leave you and that everything's gonna be ok.
side note i can see xiao just being a whole meme without realizing?? for like variety shows he's just known for his dead pan expression and then i can see him being so competitive on shows like running man..mans ripping tags left and right, while kazuhas just hiding in a weird spot or something
kazuha on the other hand i can see him being a troll, he likes to mess around with the hosts of the show and manages to mess up some of their plans, he also likes messing with his group members, where xiao likes to say that kazuha looks innocent but is a part of the devil line with venti
onto albedo i can see him like answering questions in his vlive and fans realize that a lot of his songs are more romantic and sort of pining?? and they're asking where the motivation is from. he answers that it's just something that he saw recently so he felt motivated (it wasn't the fact that he had realized that he was 100% in love with you)
but like all of this mans inspiration comes from you, he's had multiple songs dedicated to you before your relationship was even open to the public, and when your relationship finally does, it just clicks for fans and it suddenly makes sense, your ship name trends worldwide for the day
but how you and albedo met, i can see both of you guys being in the industry already and you guys are sort of know each other but it was for a one time off collab with other artists involved so you didn't really talk with each other. like i said before albedos a solo artist while i can see you being a part of a popular group already. but then both of your companies decided to do another collab and especially picked you two since you guys already worked on a collab before.
at first it was like awkward since albedos really socially awkward but then things click when you guys start writing the song together. everything just matches so well?? and you guys just compliment each other?? and that's when you learn of albedo just staying at the studio so late so you often bring food. this leads to you guys getting closer and albedo even stops his work just to talk to you more. when your song comes out and everyone is waiting for the stage, there's just so much tension?? but the good kinda and everyone is awed by the song and the vocals coming from you and albedo.
i can also see the both of you guys appearing on variety shows together too, like appearing on a show where you two travel to another place and experience the culture there, with albedo being your tour guide and showing you all the famous places (one of the many times where fans were awed by his research and knowledge) and then if you guys were to appear together again after you guys reveal your relationship, a lot of the times they show idols as they wake up, they'll see you and albedo being clingy af to each other.
on another side note, albedos totally a troll on variety shows, he likes messing around with the hosts and other contestants since a lot of the time he's not really interested in the show itself, it's more for publicity. however, when he first appeared on a show with you fans noticed that he actually seemed interested for once and that's where your ship name started.
albedos totally a golden child tho, he's like basically perfect in everything so a lot of the times variety shows don't catch him slipping, however the one time that he did was when you were mentioned, the clip of with his ears bright red was trending for a couple of days :)
I think that this covers everything hehehe so I won't add to-
wait wait I put it all under the cut b/c it's a lot again-
Okay okay but like for the 'announcement' picture, what if it's like those photo booth pics (but like each picture you need to scroll through like on Insta) where it's cute and wholesome! The three of you are having fun wearing some silly glasses or hats, doing peace signs or finger hearts....and the very last photo is the three of you sharing a kiss- or, at least trying to.
It's sweet, a little silly, and most of your fans take it really well! After all, they can see the chemistry that you share and can't deny that the three of you would have a good relationship.
As for the insecurities of dating your seniors, Kazuha and Xiao are quick to knock back any of those worries. They love you so, so much and hate the fact that something like that makes you doubt for a single second. If anyone ever tries to bring it up, you know that they're going to immediately quip back.
Naturally, you're roomed with Venven :D He's technically an up-and-coming after he stopped doing idol stuff for a few years, so not only does he know the ropes, but he's also one of your biggest fans and biggest supports (outside of Kazuha and Xiao).
Though he's silly and light-hearted, he's quick to recognize when things are serious and need handling.
So as soon as he sees that you're not doing so great or if he notices the comments on your posts are going in a bad direction, he speed dials Xiao and the two of your boyfriends are right at the door in under 15.
Not only are they fast about it, but they have all your favorite snacks, a movie or two, some popcorn, and a ton of love and affection because they'll be damned if their love is going to be affected by some asshole's comments about their love life! What do they know anyway??
Actually this all could work too if Kazuha and Xiao are part of 4NEMO-
That'd cause so much more ruckus- not only is half of one of the most popular idol groups are taken, but by the same person??? And each other??? Man, that's wack.
Xiao would most certainly be super intense with those. He just can't help it--competition drives his blood and makes something snap in him. He's dead serious about doing well, regardless of the game. I actually have never watched said game shows, but--
Like...he's out for blood. No one is safe. Not even you or Kazuha if you're on opposing teams, though he'll be a bit more gentle. Maybe even with the hint of a smile while you have an expression of utter shock at the fact that he's just so fast-
Or if it's not a game show and instead you're doing some sort of idol group activity with a few others to get to know each other?
Someone suggests ping pong and, knowing how competitive Xiao gets, he's pitted up against Tartaglia and man. That's scary. There's no doubt that someone would clip the video and make it into an overly-dramatic retelling complete with music.
As for Kazuha! He'd be a bit of a mish mosh! He enjoys poking fun at others, and he's so sly! Those poor hosts don't realize that he's goading them on, but sure enough--he is. Who knew that his charming smile and mild-mannered attitude could be so devastating?
But even then, he's mostly wholesome! There's a lot of little clips, mostly of your doing, of him in a 'kiss the chef' apron getting caught off guard while cooking something up. The videos aren't great because you're giggling while recording and he ends up placing the ladle down calmly before wrapping you up in his arms. Half the video ends up being the two of you laughing and joking while it's pointed at a weird angle towards the counter.
Sometimes it'll point just right and you'll get a half-blurred view of Xiao sitting at the kitchen island with his reading glasses perched on his nose and book forgotten. He tends to get up and join in for a few smooches before reminding Kazuha of the food that's still cooking.
Albedo!! He absolutely is the golden child. He's fantastic handling things under pressure in a cool, calm manner. Handsome, charismatic, incredibly smart--man's hit all the stops and just keeps going.
It's not until it comes out that the two of you are together that his cool faƧade (hardly one, though) falters and at the mere mention of you, he'll go soft. There's a tenderness in his eyes, a small smile on his lips, and his blush? Absolutely adorable. How can anyone object when he's obviously so in love with you?
And the idea you mentioned with the two of you traveling and experiencing stuff together sounds so cute (':
He particularly enjoys exploring new cuisine, so expect him to feed you some food from his plate-
There's also a few times where you two have gotten lost in the new places, more because you're both so busy taking in the sights to realize you've taken five wrong turns- But then you make it into a whole adventure, foregoing the map and deciding to wander around. What better way to discover and learn about somewhere than getting lost and wandering?
You find quite a few hidden gems this way since otherwise you'd be hitting more popular areas!
Wait- do they really show idols waking up???
Ahh regardless, Albedo's definitely a cuddler. He loves it, can't get enough of it. It's not often that he gets a good night's rest, but with you it seems like he's fully recharged and ready for the day! It's cute too because it doesn't matter--big spoon or little spoon, you on his chest or him resting on yours. Even a few times with you facing each other with your hands intertwined.
I also agree that Albedo would mess with the game show's hosts and contestants. Not only would he, but he'd be entirely smug about it (after all, we need to have that #smugbedo going on).
No doubt, there's been times where the cameras even focus/zoom in on him where he's sitting because he's got that smirk on his face.
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theyreonlynoodlesmike Ā· 3 years
are you doing requests rn? if you are could you do tommy slater with a plus size s/o?
"Hey I really like your fics and wanted to request some headcannons for Tommy and a tig bitty thick reader?" - anon
Combining these two cause they're basically asking for the same thing!! And, as a tig bitty thick person myself,,,,,,,<3
Tommy Slater x Plus-Size/Thick!Reader
Warnings: Tooth-rotting fluff, slight nsfw, mentions of groping, mentions of 1970s beauty standards, Tommy is the best boyfriend btw
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Tommy Slater has a freaking staring problem. But, honestly, can you blame him? He just likes to look at you, whether that's staring love-sickly into your face or literally watching you as you walk away. With his eyes firmly trained you-know-where :)
Tommy is such a charmer, definitely the type of boyfriend to constantly try to boost your confidence or just tell you how beautiful he thinks you are <3 if you don't like compliments, don't even sweat it!! He'll just put his money where his mouth is and kiss you so it's obvious how much he's attracted to you
Tommy loves how soft you are!! He's definitely a groper and he is just so happy that there's so much to grab!! Honestly, it's a little hard to keep his hands off you, but he's also very respectful so he will do his absolute best if you'd rather he not!!
If you do let him touch tho?? If you do?? Straight up will just walk with his hand in your back pocket or will just go to town during your makeout sessions. Thighs, chest, ass- he doesn't really care (even if he is a little bit more of an ass man) he will go wherever you'll let him
Even though it's the 70s and beauty standards were different then, Tommy does not care. He likes what he likes and he likes you. He wants to start holding your hand in public the second you two are even somewhat official tbh. If anyone even thinks about making you feel uncomfortable, Tommy is just there. He just magically appears, hand on your hip and a compliment already falling from his lips. Or, he'll just straight up kiss your cheek/temple, and then stare very passively aggressively (because Tommy's too nice to say anything mean <3) until they change the subject or leave. Highkey very protective - especially when it comes to other guys
Will let you borrow his clothes, especially his more oversized sweatshirts - though, good luck finding some without the sleeves cut off. Though, if his stuff doesn't fit, he'd definitely just start buying bigger sweatshirts just because he likes to see you in things that are his :)
Likes to just lay his head in your lap. He thinks it's so comfortable and soft that if you play with his hair? Might literally fall asleep, even if you guys are, like, sitting on the concrete wall outside the mess hall. Just, imagine Tommy laying on his back with literal campers screaming around him and he somehow manages to fall asleep
Is the definition of "no, break it- it's fine" when it comes to sitting on his lap. This man does not care if his lower half goes numb he's just happy to get to hug you :)
He loves to sit on your bed and just watch you pick out outfits for the day. He'll give any input you want, but it's useless asking him tbh. No matter what you're wearing, he thinks you look beautiful and he'll tell you exactly so
Overall, he's a very supportive and loving boyfriend :))
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tots-insane-ee Ā· 4 years
I'm LIVING for these fluffy Animaniacs and reader headcanons. Just wondering, would you be able to write them comforting the reader when they're upset?
I'm glad you like them!! I still need to figure them out tho but I'm getting there. I had a lot of fun making this, please enjoyĀ  įµ”į“„įµ”
The Warners comforting the reader would include:
Reminder: This is completely platonic and just pure fluff. Reader is gender-neutral and not species specific
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He would be a little bit oblivious about it at first but when he finally catches on he will not leave your side till you feel better
Will absolutely act more puppy-like. Just 100% more affectionate, more playful but also more protective
Heā€™s just so worried about you ;-;
He will be a ball of positiveness and will come upĀ  with a bunch of plans to make you feel better
Since heā€™s not as good with words as Yakko or Dot, he tries his best to cheer you up with his own special ways
His plan is just purely about cheering you up, so anything can happen, really
Expect a lot of cuddles and hugs and reassuring hand holding
Would try to make you laugh by making silly faces, play music for you, do a lot of slapstick humor
Hell, he would might even write a song just for you-
Would give you little gifts he thinks you might like, let it be food, small trinkets or random things you might have only mentioned once. Heā€™ll get it for you
Surprise tickle attacks!!
Asks Yakko what to and what not to do, he just doesnā€™t want to make it worse
If somehow none of his schemes succeeded at making you smile, he would just try to console you in a more serious manner as a last attemptĀ 
ā€œIā€™m not really good with this stuff, but if you want to talk about it, I will gladly listen!ā€ he would say with a gentle smile on his face at the end of a day full of ā€œcheering up Y/nā€ shenanigans. You two would sit on the couch, resting his head on your shoulder, listening silently and brushing your back reassuringly as you speak
If you cry, he will cry with you, holding you close
ā€œIā€™m so sorry you have to go through this...ā€ he would sniffle, trying to steady his voice and nuzzling you tenderly ā€œBut itā€™s gonna be okayā€¦ Iā€™m sure of it, You can do itā€
If you donā€™t want to talk about it, he understands that too. He will be more than happy just hanging out with you if it helps
You two eventually fall asleep, him nuzzling you and hoping that he managed to make you feel a little bit better at least.
When he noticed you look happier, he would be just so giddy and relieved, he will wag his tail and have a goofy smile on his face for the rest of the day
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Oh, she notices somethingā€™s up right away
She noticed by the way how your eyes and your body language is different than usual
Wants to know what or who made you upset and then destroy them
Her plan is to make you feel comfortable and to get you to tell her what had upset you
She will take this the most seriously and try to boost your confidence
She kind of tries to help you in a way Dr. Scratchansniff would, even asked him for advice
Also expect a lot of cuddles and hugs from her, these kids are just really affectionate and protective of the few people they hold dear other than each other
Speaking of protectiveness, if somebody even dares to look at you weird, she will glare holes into them
She would take you to different places, like a mall, an ice cream shop, a park or just wandering around in the downtown of Burbank
Will pamper you so much, if you want anything, she will get it for you at all cost
But if you donā€™t want to go anywhere, no worries! She is full of ideas
Slumber party time!! ....basically
She would have you settled down, and style your hair while helping you opening up (This in an actual method called ā€œBarbershop Therapyā€, heard it from Scratchy)Ā 
But she would understand if you donā€™t want to discuss it, even tho she thinks it would be the best for you if you would just get it off of your chest
ā€œItā€™s okay, hun!ā€ she would say, while playing with your hair and rubbing your shoulder gently. ā€œJust take your time. When you feel ready, I will be all earsā€Ā 
Once you eventually told everything, she will give you the best pep talk and give you reassurance
ā€œDonā€™t worry, Y/n. Itā€™s going to be alright! And hey!ā€ she would smile gleefully and give you a meaningful wink ā€œIf you need anything, we will be always there to helpā€
If you cry, she will try so hard not to but fails, engulfing you with a big hug
Once you feel better, she would let out a sigh of relief and feel her heart swell. She is just so glad she could help you
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He immediately notices that something isnā€™t right, but just isnā€™t sure what might that be
Something about the way you smile or laugh isnā€™t the same, he can obviously tell
Once he realizes that you are upset, his big brother instinct kicks in
Will not out-right show it, but heā€™s really worried about you, especially when you donā€™t really want talk about it
But he also understands how difficult it must be talking about your troubles *cough* personal experience *cough* so he wonā€™t force you to confront your problems like this
Instead he focuses on distracting you and complimenting you, making you forget about whatever made you feel distressed
Expect a lot of jokes and puns, comforting touches and a lot of compliment showers
Heā€™s really good with words after all, he will be creative
His main priority is making you smile at all cost
Wonā€™t leave your side and would be so protective of you
Will take you along to the movie lot to cause some shenanigans or take you out for a day full of fun activities, you name it all
But will gladly just hang out at home if thatā€™s what you wish
Chilling while watching some movies, playing games together, cooking for you or just cuddling
As much as he doesnā€™t like silence, if thatā€™s what you need right now, he will be happy to give you this comfortĀ 
ā€œHey, just relaxā€ he would mutter softly, a fond smirk tugging at his lips ā€œThings gonna be okay, and you are gonna be okay. I promiseā€¦ā€
But if you feel ready to open up, he will hold your hand and listen attentively
If you cry, he will pull you close and hold you, rubbing your back soothingly and whisper encouraging words. He will try not to cry, feels like he needs to be strong for your sake and giving you all the comfort there is
ā€œI know it must though, but believe me when I say itā€™s gonna be fineā€ he would say, as he pulls away a little so he could wipe away your tears ā€œWe always gonna be here for you, never forget thatā€¦ā€ he would add, nuzzling your nose
He would feel really glad and thrilled after you calmed down and started smiling again
He really missed the sound of your laughter
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Okay now, these kids gonna be really sweet to you individually, BUT when they are together the affection, the compliments and the cheering up gonna be off the charts
They just canā€™t bare to see you upset
They will be next to you for a long time, but will also give you space if thatā€™s what you want, however they will still check on you frequently
You literally have 3 hyperactive guard dogs under you hands
Making you smile will become a semi-competition between themĀ 
ā€œThis will work, just watchā€ ā€œNo no no, Y/n loves puns more, just leave this to meā€ ā€œWhoever makes them laugh first can decide what we gonna have for lunch for a weekā€ ā€œDeal!!ā€
Cuddle pile cuddle pile cuddle pile cuddle pile cuddle pile cuddle pile cuddle pile-
They will take you to out to theme parks, to the cinema, even to the beach or just to have a stroll around the movie lotĀ 
Slumber party at the water tower which means movie and gaming night!!
When you try to thank them, they will tackle you into a hug and just smile
ā€œWhat are you talking about, Y/n?ā€ asked Wakko, chuckling ā€œThereā€™s nothing to thank, you dummyā€ Dot added, booping your nose ā€œWe know you would do the same for us, thatā€™s what friends are for.ā€ Yakko said, ruffling your hair ā€œAnd alsoā€¦ā€
ā€œWe love youuuuuuuā€ they declared in unison
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Hello there ~ Congrats on 100! šŸŽ‰šŸ’• I'm so happy for you!! I was wondering if I could request a match up for Ikevamp. I'm fairly new to Tumblr and this is my first match up request so I'm a bit nervous since you are literally the first person I will have interacted with on here šŸ˜… but I love your writing! If you are busy or have a lot of requests or anything please don't worry about it or overwork yourself! It's a lot of work and I totally understand!! Also edit, I'm really sorry in advance. This was way longer than I intended.
I am a bi female. I am an Aries but I am close to the cusp (April 18th). I don't typically associate myself with most Aries traits outwardly though since I am really shy and reserved, but internally I can see it as I am competitive with myself and a major perfectionist. But I'm low-key chaotic as can be like I'd identify myself as chaotic good since I'm just a mess with good intentions šŸ˜‚ I am an INFP-T personality (which is scary accurate to me) if that helps any!
I am very short, only 5' tall and I am slim with overall small/petite features and frame. I have medium/dark, warmer toned brown eyes and auburn wavy/loose curly hair. I am very pale but have a lot of small freckles on my face and body. I've been told I look a lot younger than my age I think since I have a round face and am overall a small person. I'm very friendly and smile a ton but I am shy. I get big "eye smiles" whenever I smile and tend to blush a lot cause nerves. I've been told I tend to smile a lot and because I'm a shy, vv awkward person, my go to whenever I meet up with literally anyone is to smile out of nervous habit so people tend to think I'm overly friendly or approach me but in reality I'm a nervous boi.
I study landscape architecture and wildlife biology in college rn so I really love art and nature! I want to do habitat restoration after college. I especially am interested in plants and often go hiking and identify plants as well as do botanical drawings.
I am interested in both math and science as well as art. I enjoy watercolor painting as well and I am interested in illustrating children's books if landscape architecture doesn't pan out šŸ˜…
Besides that I have an obsession with extreme love for cats. I'm not ashamed to say my cat is my best friend, she is perfection šŸ˜‚ I love anything living though thats not a person. Plant, animal, insect, they're all so wonderful to me and I tend to feel more comfortable around animals and nature than people.
My favorite color is a pale pink, I really love light, cutesy things. But my personal style is very retro academia. I wear a lot of clothes from the 60's and 70's or inspired by then. I really like fashion and fashion history.
My favorite food is spaghetti with just cheese. I may be an adult but oh well,, some plain ol spaghetti just hits the spot every time. I love baking and cooking though and have a sweet tooth. I used to decorate cakes in high school and I enjoy creating my own recipes and desserts.
I like to daydream, play video games, drink tea, sketch, read, and listen to music as well. I also spend a ton of time outdoors enjoying nature. I love trivial and fun facts. I want to gain as much knowledge as I can about the world.
I don't like things that are too loud I suppose. I'm a pretty easy going person but I am very nervous in crowds or places that are too loud. I'm also afraid of storms and I'm not fond of extremely dark places either. I don't like failing/faltering or embarrassing myself, especially in academics. I am extremely nervous talking to large groups or meeting new people as well, I prefer small, more personal interactions. While I enjoy talking to people it's just really hard so I don't usually unless they reach out to me first. I also hate conflict and drama (unless I'm not involved, then bring the popcorn). But any conflict is a big oof for me.
In a relationship, I really like surprise hugs and signs of affection. Sudden surprises create a sense of excitement which I really like to have. I like the idea of a relationship feeling new, passionate, and exciting, despite being together for awhile. I don't like gifts necessarily since I feel uncomfortable receiving things, I prefer sharing special memories. I'm not huge on PDA, I feel uncomfortable if someone is too clingy around others, especially my family or someone I know since my family is pretty conservative. But if we are alone, I love tons of affection and little acts of love. Hugs from behind, a small brush of our hands, holding pinkies, light kisses, and lots of smiles just make me melt, ugh tiny gestures are so cute. Communication is very important to me but not my strong suit, I tend to shy away from issues and trip over words I don't mean, but body language is very important and I think can be better for me and for my partner to understand.
I would like to be able to enjoy a comfortable silence with someone while we both read or do something while holding hands or just touching in some subtle way. I would love to be able to escape my perfectionist front that I have around others when I'm with my partner and be able to make really silly, dumb jokes and have lots of laughs. I love the idea of joking around while loosely holding each other. I present myself very seriously but I'm a big goof and rather dorky and like to have fun but romantic interactions.
Also it would be a plus if they love or at least tolerate kitty cuddles with me and my cat. My cat is such a baby, she's constantly in my lap or following me around so we are a package deal basically šŸ˜‚
I'm sorry this is so long, and I hope it is enough for you as well!! Thank you so much for opening up match ups too! If you need anything else let me know! Take care of yourself and congrats!! šŸ’•
Itā€™s perfection donā€™t worry. Thank you so much for sending the request. I hope you are taking care of yourself too and everything is good.
Anyway I matched you with.....................
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  ............Isaac
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oh you did?
ok Iā€™ll stop
Isaac is a very curious person much like yourself
he loves discovering and learning new things
and that is the first thing Isaac noticed about you to be honest
sure he saw you and was like Damn she gorgeous but that was about it
however when he discovered that you are also a curious but little nervous bean he started opening up toĀ  you
neither ofĀ  you like crowds and loud people who disrupt your concentration, so usually you spend your time in the library
sitting together in silence and reading
loves that your cute and blushy
even tho heā€™s exactly the same
as you got closer he started noticing more and more things about you
how your eyes would lit up when you passed certain plants in the garden
how you would hum to yourself and dance around thee kitchen a little when you thought nobody was looking
he loved everything about you from your adorably freckles to your reserved yet charming personality
it too him a long time to confess to you
a long time and a lot of pep talks from Leo
in the end he forgot everything Leo said and confessed to you in his own way
after that oh boy
you are the definition of inseparable
heā€™s new to this so you have to give him a little time to get used to it
after heā€™s comfortable heā€™s very affectionate
more in private but still
will give you surprisedĀ  hugs all the time
whether itā€™s that he walks up behind you and hugs you while turning apple red God if Isaac was here heā€™d kill me for that pun or him walking and scooping you up and plopping you in his lap in the library as you both get into some book
totally gets that you donā€™t like going to very crowded places
BOOM your wish is my command Isaac will almost always take you to fields of beautiful flowers so you can hang out, goof around, have a picnic and the stargaze
Isaac will pull you close or just hold your hand while explaining a few things about theĀ constellation, after you will just enjoy the silence as you bask in each others company, while gazing up at the starry sky
he holds you pinky
finds it super cute and usually blushes harder than you even though he initiated it
holding your pinky is a personal thing for him
he finds it reassuring
youā€™ll just be walking and all of a sudden Isaac intertwines your pinkies
heā€™s anxiety on legs and holding your pinky is his way to tell you that in that moment heā€™s scared, anxious or just extremely nervous
you usually hug him and kiss his cheek
holding your pinky can also be that he loves you and hopes heā€™ll be with you forever
it depends on the situation, but he likes telling you he loves you like this
he has a surprisingly good sense of humour and likes to goof around with you
loves your cat
he wasnā€™t much on a cat person before, but your cat likes o play with Harry and he thinks thatā€™s really cute
all in all you guys have a really good relationship
Ok now i have to pour some water on my head
Lia .exe has stopped working
Thatā€™s it! I hope you enjoyed and I hope you are well! Once again thank you @uwu-catlin for the request and the compliment. Love you 3000!
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please, please quench my unending thirst for the stands and provide me with some headcanons involving the duwang boys (and yukako, please) with a soft, affectionate romantic interest who is very fond of their stands - they're always holding their hands, and stealing quick little kisses when they think the user isn't paying attention, and always have nothing but nice things to say about them and their abilities ā™„ thank you so much, i am dyi n g ļ¼ˆć‚Ļ‰ćƒ»ļ¼‰
First of all, I love you. Secondly, I love this request. Im sorry this took so long, I was trying to cut back on everything and this is about as minimal as I could get so I apologize immenselyĀ 
- When he first introduced Crazy Diamond to them, he was expecting things along the lines of ā€˜So cool!ā€™ or ā€˜Oh wow!ā€™, so seeing them fawn over ā€˜how adorableā€™ Crazy D is kinda shocks him
- He likes to bring Crazy D out whenever he thinks youre not paying him enough attention. He knows how much you love Crazy D and would use any given opportunity to kiss his soft lips
- Depending on if you also have a stand, sometimes a wild Crazy D will appear to give you or your stand smooches in class
- When youre walking home or just chilling, if Josuke is holding your hands, he will bring up his trusted spirit friend to hold the other. This is why you have 2 hands, so donā€™t be shy
- Crazy D is the stand most likely to steal smooches when his user isnt looking. When Josuke feels the soft touch of your lips through the phantom feeling of his stand he blushes
- Sometimes if Josuke is too shy to show you affection, this is then his handy dandy stand will come to the rescue!
- Please squeeze Crazy Dā€™s cheeks, he does the blep thing & itā€™s enough to make anyones heart melt
- He is hesitant at first, Since The Hand can like, ya know, erase you from existence and whatnot. But after youve told them both ā€˜yes itā€™s okayā€™ and ā€˜yes you wonā€™t accidentaly disappearā€™ you can see Oku visibly relax, but The Hand is still a little scared he twiddles his fingers when hes nervous itā€™s so cute
- Okuyasu knows that The Hand looks a lil sad, so when he sees you holding his hand or giving him kisses, he feels double the love bc his stand is basically him, right?? And youre just showing both sides of him affection, even if one is a large humanoid robot thing that can destroy anything in a single swipe
- Oku really appreciates the compliments, seeing as how his dad & brother never really had anything nice to say. Maybe thatā€™s why The Hand is always so sad??. You will see him blush furiously, while his stand starts fiddling with itā€™s hands (no pun intended)
- Okuyasu doesnā€™t mind you being affectionate, as long as you show him some love too! He will sometimes get jealous if youre giving more kisses and hugs to The Hand than him. Itā€™s nothing cuddling canā€™t fix tho
- The Hand is pretty shy, so most of the time your affection is returned with the biggest blush youve ever seen, please be kind to him
- Oku likes to pretend he doesnā€™t notice you kissing The Hand when hes not looking, but you can see the corners of his mouth raise slightly after each small kiss
- Oku and The Hand both tend to get more excited when the love interest is around, not only are they cute, but theyre so generous with their affection, how can they stay away??
- Depends on which acts youre admiring. The first 2, yes, he will blush and scramble to compliment you back. He sometimes will try to show off his powers by playing innocent pranks on Okuyasu. If itā€™s act 3, he will be a little hesitant to introduce the two of you. I mean, youve seen the things he says, would you really let him near your love interest? (Iā€™m a firm believer that sentient stands can say what their users are really thinking)
- If youre meeting Act 1, he will be almost as excited as you are! He just got his stand and is still learning about it, so talking to his love interest about his cool ability will cause his to seem a little more flustered and speak in an almost rushed manner.
- Kissing Act 1? Congrats, you broke Koichi.
- If youre meeting Act 2, heā€™s a bit more relaxed, he would also tell you about Echoes first act, and how his stand has not only evolved in ability, but looks too.
- He wouldnā€™t mind you kissing Act 2, or even holding him. He just asks that if you do, remember that he can feel what his stand does and asks that you donā€™t squeeze him to hard
- If youre meeting act 3, Koichi is gonna warn you first before anything. Telling you that his stand has ā€˜a mind of itā€™s ownā€™ and that he may say some ridiculous things. So when you finally do meet Act 3, and not only are you surprised to see that your compliments are returned,but with flirting as well. When Echoes starts to speak things that may seem risque is when Koichi will have to politely cut in and either send Echoes back or ask for a Ā subject change
- Kissing Echoes is a gamble. There are always things that you donā€™t expect to happen. One time you gave him a kiss & he pinched your ass. (Koichi wouldnā€™t summon Echoes after that for a few days) Sometimes Echoes will make a show of it to let Koichi know ā€˜Iā€™m kissing them. What are you gonna do about it?ā€™ and then Koichi gets jealous and sends Echoes back again. Echoes will sometimes show you the same affection you show him thrown in with an innuendo and Koichi swears up and down he has ā€˜no idea here Echoes learned that fromā€™
- He will at first wonder why you have admiration for his stand. Not that he doesnt like it, he just doesnā€™t understand it, but still will bring out Heavens Door just to see you smile. ā€˜So youll leave me alone while I drawā€™ he says
- He usually brings out Heavens Door whenever youre around but hes busy sketching, so his stand can keep you company.
- If you show affection to his stand, he will pretend to not notice or ā€˜scoldā€™ you. Ā But deep down, we all know that he loves it
- He feels like if youre kissing and holding his stands hand, it means you want to do the same with him, right??
- He will sometimes feel overwhelmed, what with all the affection being shown to his stand, and the fact that he works himself to the bone to finish his manga, he may sometimes be brash & call Heavens door back, leaving you to sulk
- When complimenting his stand, he acts arrogant. Of course his stand is amazing, do Ā you know who he is? But he canā€™t help the small smile that comes to his face seeing how excitedly you talk about his stand
- He will get jealous of his stand every now and then, and he feels a little petty for it. Like, why is he jealous of a spirit? Him, Kishibe Rohan? Unacceptable.
- She takes amazing care of her hair, so finally allowing her love interest to see what all her hair can do will kinda be her way of showing them how no one else can compare to her
- She doesnā€™t really mind you playing in her hair as long as itā€™s where she wonā€™t be seen if you decide to do a crazy style
- She does this little blush when you compliment her stand, after this she tries to show you more cool things she can do, even going as far as to help you using it
- She loves the compliments, and uses them as means to flood you in compliments as well
- She will come to you some days, saying her arms are tired from brushing her luxurious locks and asks (demands) you brush them. Mainly, she wants you to run your fingers through her hair, she already did all the brushing
Jotaro (cause part 3 Jotaro is my fav)
- He at first is hesitant to show you Star. After everything heā€™s seen, could you blame him? But once he warms up to the initial idea, youll see him tugging his hat down more often
- He sometimes uses Star to help him with his research, so if you were to, lets say, abruptly grab his stands hand while it was scouting the ocean for star fish, you can hear Jotaros quick intake of breath from the sudden gesture
- Jotaro knows his stand is powerful, hes defeated countless people, but hearing his love interest compliment him is different. He mutters his usual catchphrase, pulls down his hat and even blushes at the tips of his ears. Just donā€™t torture him too much
- The few occurrences where he has Star out for non educational purposes, maybe Star is looking at some of the many sea animal photos, you can sneak in a few smooches before Jotaro asks you what exactly youre doing.
- Star sometimes will convey the emotions Jotaro wont, so expect lots of mixed signals. But always listen to Star, Star knows whats best even if Jotaro doesnā€™t always agree
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