#also i already knew the last two i just thought they where worth adding because idk how many people know those things
random details from the few Lodestar chapters i read
Juline wears her hair in a messy bun and had a chewed up pencil holding it up
Kesler has three older brothers and two older sisters.
it was implied that one of his brothers ended up on Juline’s match list.
Juline had the conversation with Edaline and Grady about being a member of the Black Swan the morning after the sleepover (most likely Della and Alden as well).
Dex has a little monocle pendant that he uses as a magnifying glass 
Elves sleeping bags have pillows that pop up when you pull a tab that fell like laying on marshmallows.
Juline definitely has a temper because she not only mentioned wanting to throat punch the physicians who where treating the newborn triplets like crap, but she was also proud of slapping Forkle so hard it left a mark. but it seems to be reserved for her children.
Juline offered to take Biana down to see the Kelpies that live near them.
Juline doesn’t know the fully story of Sophie’s allergic reaction
Livvy was very plushie when it came to recruiting Juline
Rex has a stuffed Jackalope named harry
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cross-my-heartt · 5 months
(It's been less than a day and I'm already writing alternate endings. This is part of the Make Antagonists Smart Again 2024 campaign that I just made up. I've also sprinkled a bit of technocrat book!Tarkin in there because I couldn't help myself. I really wanted these two to interact again.
Don't worry, the batch is still safe in this one.)
Following the Kaminoan down the darkened halls of the base had been easy work. Making sure he remained unseen even more so. The structure was still disturbed by the occasional tremors from fighting going on in other corners of the base but Rampart considered that fortunate. Distractions suited him well.
For how far they’d come, the clones were shockingly negligent of their prisoners and he preferred not to give them a chance to realize that. They could focus on their mission. He had his own.
He let the scientist poke around for a while until he got into position and aimed the blaster between her shoulder blades, at the nearly nonexistent spine. Her body was surprisingly quiet as it hit the ground. Though he supposed he should have known their species would weigh next to nothing.
The grenade she’d pilfered from one of the dead guards served its purpose perfectly and he made sure it landed next to her body as he tossed it into the vault. In the end it would all go up in flames as she intended.
All except the newly-acquired datapad in his hands.
Making sure all the evidence in the lab had turned to charcoal, he nodded to himself and slipped away in search of a safe place where he could lay low, glad that it was all over. This was dirty work. Soldiers’ work.
A few times, crouched down in his hiding spot, he thought the base would topple down over their heads but he waited it out, knowing this was his best bet at surviving. And it was all worth it in the end, an hour or so after sunrise, when he was discovered and marched to one of the last remaining intact hangar bays by a pair of troopers and found none other than Tarkin there.
Unruffled and poised, if slightly surprised to see him there.
Tarkin, who’d advocated for his project from the very beginning. Who’d seen promise in him and left him in charge of War-Mantle and the operations related to Kamino’s decommissioning. A man who he’d been communicating with extensively even before his promotion and Rampart knew for a fact viewed him somewhat favorably.
Indeed, this may well still end well for him. ______
“And you were content to cooperate with these insurgents?”
The sharp wrinkles at the corners of Tarkin’s mouth contracted and Rampart nearly flinched.
They were strolling along the outer edge of the rounded hangar bay, bathed in Weyland’s sun and the various sounds from the jungle. A jarring contrast to the troops sifting through scrap and analyzing the scorched wreckage that was left of the base behind them. Rampart almost found it worthy of a twisted kind of awe.
He felt more in control now, after Tarkin had immediately ordered his men to let him go and even more so after seeing the Governor’s mood improve upon being presented with his gift.
Still, there was more work to be done if he wanted to escape from this unscathed.
“I was kidnapped. Forcefully.” He hurried to clarify. “I realized my actions could harm the Empire but… at some point I wondered if it couldn’t benefit from them instead.”
The glowing, working screen in Tarkin’s hands spurred him on.
“I know these clones well, Governor,” he said lowly, keeping his tone casual. “They had more than one way in. They are persistent. So I decided that keeping a close eye on their operation and undermining it from within would be the wiser decision. I turned myself in as soon as we made contact with friendly forces.”
Tarkin nodded along.
“But Hemlock refused to work with you.”
“He preferred to lock me up and take matters into his own hands.”
A scoff as Tarkin looked out to the jungle below. “An arrogant man to the last,” he sneered.
And thankfully dead now, Rampart added mentally as he shook his head with feigned regret. He didn’t need any witnesses twisting his already twisted narrative.
This was going well for him. He could feel that deep down Tarkin harbored a lingering dislike for Hemlock and whatever project he was spearheading. A dissatisfaction perhaps that the resources directed towards it weren’t allotted to Tarkin instead and that he wasn’t getting his due recognition.
It was common enough in the Empire, everyone was vying for the Emperor’s good graces… and the privileges that came with it.
Which is why Rampart had a feeling Tarkin would be more than happy to turn a blind eye to his temporary misstep considering how it had all yielded such fortunate results for him. He could already see the cogs in the Moff’s mind turning, lining pieces together and rewriting events to make for the perfect story when he wrote his report to the Emperor. A narrative that suited Tarkin’s needs.
What a brilliant man.
“And the girl, Vice-Admiral?” Trakin said suddenly, snapping Rampart out of his thoughts.
“The girl?” Rampart floundered, momentarily stumped.
Tarkin scowled and turned his eagle-eyed stare toward the datapad in his hand.
“According to this data there is a clone out there, vital for the further development of this project. Do you know anything of their fate?” Those sharp eyes found Rampart again.
For a brief moment, there was an uncomfortable twisting sensation in Rampart’s gut and he swept it aside in favor of focusing.
“She was with Clone Force 99,” he paused to swallow heavily. “One of the reasons they infiltrated the base. But I’m afraid they all perished in the attack. I saw it with my own eyes.”
The knot at the base of his stomach jumped and began wriggling and Rampart forced it down viciously.
“Perished you say,” Tarkin seemed to ruminate on that for a moment, a thoughtful crease cleaving his brow in two. Before it was all dismissed with his usual unceremonious briskness.
“Unfortunate but not fatal.” He waved a hand, his mind seemingly made up. “The Emperor will find another subject if he deems it necessary.”
“Clones are hardly unique,” he added with a wry condescending smile that Rampart found himself empathizing with.
Finally, someone who spoke the same language.
“Indeed.” Rampart nodded.
It was better this way, he told himself. Clone Force 99 were an unpredictable bunch and if they found themselves being hunted again… No, Rampart knew personally how much of a troublesome element they were. Better be rid of them permanently. Tarkin seemed more than happy to put the final nail in the coffin of Hemlock’s legacy and a happy Tarkin only meant good things for Rampart going forward.
The Emepror would be consoled by the scraps Ramaprt had managed to salvage, Tarkin would get the funding and flowers he was clamoring for, the vaunted position of being Palpatine’s top priority, and Rampart would be restored to his former position, rightfully so.
Of course it all hinged on Clone Force staying out of sight and out of mind but they were all better off this way. They were even-
“If you don’t mind my asking, Governor,” He regained his composure. “you don’t seem to have much faith in Doctor Hemlock’s work.”
His confidence grew as Tarkin’s smile returned, more congenial this time.
“I very much believe in technological progress being the way forward for our new Empire,” Trakin said, “but I have a different kind of technology in mind.”
He turned his datapad off with a flick of the wrist and handed it to one of the troopers escorting them.
“Cloning and ‘genetic experiments’ are a thing of the past. The Empire needs to invest in security if it wants to ensure its future and clones are not the means to achieving that.”
Rampart pushed his chest out. “I believe we were in agreement on that from the start.”
“That we were. And I hope we still are. Project War-Mantle has been missing the guiding hand of its creator. I’m sure the ISB will be happy to assist you in finding your way back to it.”
Rampart’s elation soared and he had to fight to keep himself in control for the sake of his dignity.
“There is nothing I would like more, Governor, I assure you...”
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wyntereyez · 11 months
I have survived Day Two of the convention.
I was DETERMINED to get a Neil autograph today. This time, I tracked down his autograph line (it didn't have a sign yet) and got in line at 9ish. I wasn't the first, but I was close.
Autos began at 11:00. Neil's photo ops were at 1:00. I shouldn't have had anything to worry about, right?
The BG cast didn't come out until 12:00.
But that was at least an hour. I was CLOSE. I shouldn't have had anything to worry about, right?
With most actors, sure. But Neil? He's chatty. He's said before that his lines are slow because if someone is gonna pay to see him, he's gonna make it worth their time.
So his line crawled. It doesn't help that I don't think he's used to being this popular; he's never had this many people before.
I was almost panicking the closer I got; it was almost 1, and I'd already been screwed over once because of an op. But the handler wasn't paying attention to the time, and I was able to get my auto before he left.
When the handler asked my name for the auto, I added "wyntereyez" to see if he'd react. He always seems thrilled by his "originals" on stream, so I was curious.
Well, first he introduced himself. I told him my name. Then he told me his, again.
Guess he wants me to be absolutely sure I knew his name is Neil.
You know, just in case I missed it when I followed his streams. And bought his ops.
Oh, you adorable goober.
And then he spotted my online name on the auto. I was hoping for a reaction, but I wasn't expecting as much of a reaction as I got.
He was excited, and he hugged me and asked if he could call me wyntereyez (I now have to legally change my name to that) and asked a bit about me.
(Interestingly, in the loud convention area where it was hard to hear me, he thought I was German. Apparently Midwestern and German have a similar cadence? LOL.)
Then he thanked me for coming, and we did the table selfies, which I've already shared but have one again.
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And then I left for his photo op.
When I did it yesterday, there was a queue to keep us in order. This time around, there was a disorganized mob, and I missed them calling my group number.
Also, Neil nearly introduced himself again, but stopped as soon as he recognized me and thanked me again for coming.
My last big thing was the BG3 panel.
The process to get in was TERRIFYING.
We were basically put in queues by a woman who missed her calling as a drill sergeant, and led to the auditorium; a process that took so long we were ten minutes late.
But it was a good panel.
And then my legs announced they weren't going to take any more of this, so I left.
So ended Day Two of MCM.
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denalidear · 1 year
a/n: here to feed your delusions once again. this one could be a two parter if anyone is interested. let me know :)
summary: drunk words are sober thoughts
word count: 1032
warnings: drunk will, mention of girlfriend and drinking, an appropriate amount of angst
- - -
It was hard; being his best friend right now. Every night for the past month or so around 12:30 am you’d get a call. Most of the time he just wanted to talk about his stream, how many viewers he had that night, what he’d done. Other times he asked you to come over. Those were the nights he hadn’t streamed. The ones he reserved to go out with Tommy and you. He’d always cancel plans about an hour before you’d meet - give some lame excuse about how his girlfriend wanted to stay in or he had to edit a video. Those were the calls you were dreading because you knew how you’d find him when you went to visit.
It was 2:49 am, this night. Your phone lit up with a photo of you two in central London you’d taken months ago, before he started dating this girl, but just after he broke up with the last one. Your eyes barely opened to make sure it was a call worth answering, but since it was him, you rolled onto your side and tapped the green button.
“Will, are you alright? It’s late.”
“She left me.” He mumbled, the wine or beer he had certainly been drinking almost seeped through the phone screen. “She left angry and texted me to say we were done.”
“Can I come over?” You were already slipping on shoes. A blurry ‘yes’ came through the speakers and you left your flat. Thankfully he was only around the block, and you kept him talking as you sped to him. “I’m here, come let me in.”
“It’s open. I’m up in the bedroom.” He spoke through the phone, sounding a little more aware than he had only ten minutes ago. It calmed the worry in your gut a bit, but the fact he’d left his doors unlocked while he was inebriated kept the knot in your stomach tight. Once you were inside you hung up the phone and shouted up to him.
“I’m just taking off my shoes!” carefully lining them up next to his - where her’s would normally be. You could hear a little shuffling upstairs but nothing that added to your concern. That is until you heard glass hit and shatter on the floor. You almost slipped as you raced up - soft socks and hardwood stairs not a good mix. “Will?”
“I’m ok.” He shouted from his room. “-is just my glass.” He was sprawled across his bed, arm outstretched to reach the table that had an open bottle of wine and now cup-less coaster. At least he cared for his furniture. His hair stuck to his forehead and you could tell he hadn’t gotten up in at least 8 hours, the blankets around him flattened from his long stay in bed.
“You’re not hurt?”
“Physically, no. Emotionally?” He smashed his face further into his pillows instead of answering.
“How much have you had to drink tonight?” You ask, carefully picking up the largest pieces of glass shards that had scattered across the floor. You grimaced at the small spots of red that had spattered on the light walls, making a mental note to clean it up when he was feeling better.
“We were drinking a bit at dinner. Something red that she’d wanted.” He curled his long body into himself as he recounted the evening's events. Wilbur was a sad drunk, but also a chatty one, so his story went on for a few minutes while you finished cleaning the glass. His eyes followed you as you moved about the room and he pulled his head up a bit once his story was finished.
Once the mess was cleaned, or at least the sharp shards put into the trash, you sat yourself by the edge of his bed and leaned your head in close to his. “How can I help you, Will?” You whispered to the man. He shrugged so you offered a few options. “Do you want me to make you something to eat? Maybe while you shower and sober up a bit?”
“I’ll shower but will you just sit outside? I don’t think I wanna be alone right now.” He whispered the last bit. You nodded and helped him up. Once he was sitting on the edge of the bed, you standing in front of him, he wrapped his long arms around your waist and tucked his head into your stomach. Your hand pulled his head in, running your fingers through his hair.
“We’ll get through it. I know we will.” You spoke as he clung to you. “And hey, this means Lovejoy will get some really good songs after this, huh?” You teased as he pulled away. That put a smile on his face as he stood and lumbered to the bathroom. You took your place on the floor near the bathroom door and listened as Will rambled about whatever had happened on his last stream. You could hear the water hitting the floor as he washed his hair. Soon enough he was out and changed, pulling you into another hug.
“Better?” You asked him and he let out a deep breath.
“Yeah. Definitely still drunk though.” He mumbled into your hair. “Will you stay with me?”
“Do you think I have anything better to do at three in the morning?”
“Maybe.” He shrugged and pulled you into the bed with him. Once you got comfy he arranged his long limbs over you, resembling a starfish. A longboard sigh left his lungs as he nuzzled a little into his pillow. You realized at this moment this isn’t what best friends do. Best friends don’t cuddle or wait for the other to get out of the shower. Will’s breath steadied next to you as your mind began to swirl with thoughts as to what could cause that girl to leave such a soft and sweet man.
“It wasn’t ‘cause of me, was it? The argument I mean.” You asked into the dark room, expecting an answer. Instead, you heard a quiet snore and realized that Will had fallen asleep, head tucked into your neck. Guess that conversation will have to happen tomorrow.
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averysmolbear · 1 year
A/N: This is loosely based on a post for selfshippers about going grocery shopping with your fave. It won’t exactly follow the post but it seemed like it was worth it to mention, also because this will be selfship coded and there's a tiny possibility there was one selfship in particular in my mind as I wrote it but I'll never tell!
CW: This is very much not proofread! It’ll be all fluff. Just a lot of fluff. If you don’t like fluff, avoid this at all costs. This is also featuring an established relationship between the character and reader. No actual character is named in this but they will be referred to as “boyfriend” in this fic. Pet names will be likely used as well (babe, baby, etc.) and I tried to make the reader fairly gender neutral. There really shouldn’t be much else but if I think of anything, I will add that here!
tagging @humanitys-strongest-bamf
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You tossed the cloth reusable bags into the shopping cart. Chewing on the inside of your cheek, you pulled out your phone to find the shopping list you and your boyfriend had made at home. You felt his arms wrap around you from behind and you laughed softly.
"Pretty sure you're going to make it difficult for me to walk around if you stay where you are," you teased with a small smile. You didn't even look over you shoulder to know it was him. You knew you'd recognize the feeling of his arms anywhere.
He pressed a couple of soft kisses to your shoulder with a soft laugh of his own before slowly shifting to stand beside you, an arm around your waist. "Better, angel?"
You looked over at him and nodded before starting to push the cart around the store. It was slow going, each of you checking and double checking the list and taking things off of it whenever something was added to the cart. As you passed the bakery, however, you decided to sneak some cupcakes into the cart, carefully placing them inside so the frosting wouldn't end up all over the package.
You caught the look that you were given and so you offered up your sweetest smile, getting him to give in a lot quicker than you had expected. And it wasn't going to be the first treat that you slipped into the cart, hoping that your boyfriend wouldn't notice.
He expected it at this point. You would see one of the brightly color SALE signs on a shelf and suddenly you're trying to justify to him why you needed to buy several boxes of sugary cereal. And he would inevitably give in after listening to you go on and on about the savings and whatever other argument you made in favor of picking up the extra items. Sometimes he didn't even bother debating you about it. He knew it would end up in the cart one way or another after all.
The list was followed to the letter, however, and you were chipping away at the last of it as the two of you entered the refrigerated area. Somehow, to his surprise, you had passed on grabbing a particular brand of potato chips that happened to be on sale and only got the things on the list (excluding the cupcakes). He thought that maybe, just this once, the two of you would make it out of the store without too many extras.
He had gone to get a dozen of eggs while you were picking out a non-dairy milk alternative when you spotted the flavored milks. They were 2 for $5 for the half gallon size and you slipped a banana milk and a strawberry milk into the cart after looking over your shoulder to see if your boyfriend had noticed.
He came back to the cart and carefully set the carton of eggs in it, starting to reorganize a bit of the things already in the cart. He was frowning as he saw the latest additions.
"Yes, baby?"
The way that you gave him big doe eyes when you spoke was enough to break him already so he sighed and just rearranged a few things instead of even asking. When he saw your triumphant little smile, he decided that it was worth it. Sometimes giving in and letting you have your little indulgences didn't seem so bad when he could see how happy it made you.
Of course the milks were followed by a tube of premade chocolate chip cookie dough and another tube of the sugar cookie dough. Then came the 2 packages of jumbo cinnamon rolls. You were quick to justify the purchases, pointing out that they were on sale and you wanted to bake anyway. This would just be a short cut to a few extra baked goods in the house.
And, of course, he just sighed and made room in the cart for the items. He pointed out that the two of you were going to be over budget if you kept adding things so you promised not to add anything else.
That promise lasted until you both made your way through the ice cream aisle in the freezer sections.
"But they're on sale. And you can get your favorite flavor."
The sweet way you made the proposition, following it up with a quick kiss made him cave in. He grumbled as he looked for a carton of his favorite though before he was, as usual, adjusting the items in the cart to make it easier when you made it to the checkout. He knew that if it was up to you, you would just toss everything into the cart and leave it up to fate when you got ready to checkout.
He always pointed out that it was the reason that it took you twice as long in the store but the truth was that it took you twice as long because you ended up wandering the aisles, coming home with more unnecessary purchases than the necessary ones. He, at least, had the good sense not to bring that up usually.
The closer that you got to the checkout lanes, the more you seemed to be on the lookout for sale items and your boyfriend was starting to feel like he was having to guide you through the store to ensure nothing else made it into the cart.
The checkout process was quick, as usual when you went shopping together, and he insisted on bagging the groceries. That just meant that you tossed a couple of candy bars on to the conveyor belt while he was too busy to notice. You quickly paid before he could make a comment about the total and you smiled warmly as you handed him his favorite candy. You saw him faintly smile as he took it although he outwardly complained about your impulse buy as you made your way to the car.
"Next week I'm going grocery shopping alone," he stated very matter-of-factly as the two of you loaded up the car with the bags.
You gave him your best big doe eyes and slight pout. He sighed and closed the trunk with a shake of his head.
"Fine, we'll go together. But try to stick to the list next week. Please?"
You quickly kissed his cheek before heading for the passenger side of the car. "No promises."
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matt-murdick · 2 years
Others have explained their reasoning before, but I'm wondering, why do you think each original sibling never undaggered Finn? With the obv exception of Freya. But would she have undaggered him immediately? 🤔
Great question, thank you for asking. This is just my opinion so if anyone has other ideas feel free to add to this and make it a discussion. (I do not proof read, I can only hope this is legible)
The reasons offered by canon definately contribute to Finn’s siblings keeping him daggered. The two main ones to me (from canon) are that Finn’s morality made him a difficult person to be around and that he hated being a vampire, they were worried about him.
I mean, Klaus was willing to let Elijah believe that he had tossed all his siblings into the ocean where they could never be reached, just because he found Elijah’s moral crusade annoying. Finn hated everything about vampirism and he let them know. He complained about their bloodlust, how easily they gave into their bloodlust, how unnatural they species was — if you were already struggling with what you’d become and you were trying to make the most out of it, this shit is the last thing you need to hear. I always assume this stifling morality of his is what they’re talking about when they call him dull.
Elijah brings up the concern that Finn would be a danger to himself. Honestly, if they were running from Mikael and his siblings could see him consider just giving in and dying every time, that’s scary. And I know what people say, “he had Sage, he was the happiest he had ever been.” Sure. But you can’t expect a depressed person to stop being depressed just because they’re in love, so why would they think that loving Sage would make Finn content being a vampire. (H/C Finn was depressed as a human, vampirism amplified that, being a vampire added to it. Finn struggled to connect to his siblings after Freya. They had probably never seen him struggling like that until they were forced together with volatile emotions. It’s hard to watch people you care about, who you’d always seen as strong, break down).
Once Finn has been daggered for a while, it’s easy to leave him that way. He was hard to be around. I don’t think they ever actually forgot him or that they were purposefully abandoning him, like Finn thought, but I do think he slipped their mind. It was easier without him, they had their own issues to worry about, and vampires don’t feel the passage of time. Also, they didn’t know it was hurting him. This is a big thing to remember. As far as the rest of the Mikaelsons are concerned, a dagger to the heart is a magic pause button. It’s annoying but it was never meant to hurt Finn. Would they still have done it if they knew? That’s a different question that I won’t go into, but it’s worth a thought. These reasons apply to all his siblings, I’ll try not to repeat them.
First thing I consider is that Klaus had just killed the Brotherhood of Five before undaggering his siblings, and so is suffering from the Hunter’s Curse for the first 53 years of Finn being daggered. (I like to think it kicking in is one of the reasons he didn’t undagger Finn)
Klaus is literally obsessed with his family, he probably didn’t like that Finn was off with Sage all the time. Remember this guy kills all his siblings’ lovers, and maybe he hasn’t started that yet or Sage is the exception bc she came before that urge or he can recognise that these two are actually devoted to each other unlike the other lovers he’s killed. I mean, even 900 years later Klaus still hadn’t killed her. I’m sure she’s a survivor (and don’t get me started on the possible relationship dynamics between Sage and the rest of the Mikaelsons), but if Klaus wanted her dead then she probably would be. He’s an original. They’re only beatable in the shows bc you can’t overpower regularly appearing characters or there would be no conflict.
So initially, I think Klaus’ reason is his paranoia and fear of his siblings leaving him, enhanced by the Hunters Curse. I actually like to think that by having one of his siblings daggered and therefore unable to harm or leave him, was probably a great comfort for him during this time. Although that would have lessened when the curse ends, the sentiment continues. Klaus needs to know where his family are, and he needs to keep them safe from Mikael. He’s a little control freak and this is a great way for him to exercise that and keep his wandering brother close by.
My understanding of Elijah is that he takes responsibility for pretty much everything that happens in his family and whilst he may have preferred to undagger Finn, he always prioritises Klaus over the rest of his family (from the guilt over Mikael and Aurora, until the anger at Klaus effectively killing their family for good outweighs that, then it comes back). If Elijah considered daggered!Finn to be a benefit to Klaus whilst under the Hunter’s Curse, he’s absolutely gonna allow it. It’s benefitting Klaus, and it’s ‘not hurting’ Finn. So why wouldn’t he? He’s probably defending the idea, and laying it out as though it’s the most reasonable option.
I think Rebekah was definitely pro-undaggering Finn. But I think she’d find Elijah’s justifications convincing. She’d probably feel the most guilty about it, so she’d try not to think about it. Still, she’s much closer to Klaus and Elijah than her other brothers.
I don’t think Kol minded much. Finn was a good ten years older than him and if they were ever close it would probably be more parental than fraternal, to cope with Mikael and Esther’s poor parenting and the trauma of Finn losing Freya and then struggling to connect to his siblings. They seem to have had a somewhat hostile relationship from at least the Martell period (pretty typical of siblings ngl) but Kol seemed most antagonised by Finn’s betrayal in TVD (indicative of a closer relationship than with Esther). I personally think his loss of magic and lack of control over his thirst probably made him the most affected by Finn’s anti-vampire campaign. Kol seems to like trying to ignore the pain a situation causes him by drowning it out (loss of magic leads to extra bloodlust). I think he was glad not to have to deal with it and if he ever felt bad? Well, it was Klaus that kept him in the box. Not Kol.
I think the important thing to consider with Freya is that she’s just as desperate for her family as Klaus is. If she got to them earlier then she would absolutely undagger Finn. He’s her baby brother, he’s the only one who would be able to remember her, and there is no way she’ll be able to convince The Original Vampires that she is their witch-sister-who-‘died’-and-even-if-she-hadn’t-she-would-defo-be-dead-over-one-hundred-years-later without Finn or Esther (or even the threat of Dahlia) there to back up her claims. Freya would undagger him immediately out of both sentiment and practicality. The only reason she wouldn’t undagger him is if she was convinced it would harm him, and his “suicidal tendencies” would not cut it for her. Tbh I think Freya would think that it’s an exaggeration and that she could help fix it. So yeah, if Freya is out then so is Finn.
(A Doylist answer would be that he was invented right before his first appearance and they kept him daggered so he would be pissed at them and put his Cain instincts into play. Also laziness. But that’s boring so Watsonian answers only.)
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eds6ngel · 1 year
Hello dear! I have an idea about Robin, how she found out that the reader is bisexual! 💖💜💙
hi, my love! of course i can do this! as a bisexual woman myself, some of the description of this story hit home, so i hope you find comfort in it too <3
warnings: fem!reader. swearing. mentions of homophobia. mentions of religion. lesbophobic & homophobic language. coming out. hurt. comfort. fluff. kissing. childhood best friends to lovers [1.5k].
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Falling in love wasn’t easy. It wasn’t the magical fairytale it was made out to be. But, not in the way that everyone else found. Most people had their normal fears: rejection, break-ups, cheating. But you? You had the added fear of being in a relationship with a woman in small town Indiana.
You heard the names, the stereotypes, the classic “You need Jesus,” Hawkins was one of the worst places to be gay.
At least in the big cities like New York, you could find small-knit communities, bars, hangout spots for fellow gay people, but Hawkins? You were left in the dark. Well, except for one person.
You had been best friends with Robin Buckley since childhood. The two of you met in English class in 2nd grade, forced to sit next to each other by the teacher’s annoyingly arranged seating plan. However, you soon became friends after realising how many interests you had in common.
And to this day, the last year of school, you were still as close as your seven year old selves.
Robin was an undeniably beautiful girl, one of the prettiest girls in Hawkins. You just thought that for many years, that was a test of close friendship. She had a stunning personality, gorgeous aura and was the kindest person you’d ever met, of course it was normal to also find her face beautiful, right?
But, apparently not. As you rambled about Robin to your other friends, they used to make jokes about how you were “acting like a lesbo,” or “becoming a queer.” And, although those terrible words that were not used nicely, perhaps they were right.
But, you knew you liked men too. Some of the guys at Hawkins High were gorgeous, you had dated a few of them for that matter, and although they all ended in break-ups, their gender never played a factor in that.
However, one day you were fortunate enough to stumble across the word “bisexuality” in one of the feminist books buried at the back of Hawkins Library.
“Romantic or sexual attraction to both males and females.”
It felt… right. Accurate. It felt like you.
From there on, your exploration went deeper. You didn’t want to just be friendly with Robin, you want to be romantic with her. Hold her, kiss her, love her. That’s what you wanted to do.
And fortunately, Robin had already told you her biggest secret, she exclusively liked women.
The reason Robin felt safe enough to tell you that she was a lesbian was because of a certain day spent at her house. Her mother had on one of the religious channels, the preacher rambling on about how being gay was a sin, and how all gay people are going to Hell. And you simply replied, “What a bunch of bullshit. It’s just two men or women in love, why is that such a big deal to them?”
And less than a week later, she had come out to you. Those two simple sentences stripped away any worries she ever had about her sexuality.
So, it was an automatic given that Robin would accept your sexuality, those worries were off the table. But, just because she’s into women, doesn’t mean she’s into you.
And that’s where you can connect with the general population. That fear of rejection. What if she didn’t see you that way? The soft touches, the closeness, the longing gazes, what if they were all platonic?
But, it was worth a shot, right?
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Your picnic was long abandoned, paper plates of food sprawled across the checkered pink blanket as you and Robin lay flat on each end.
You were simply basking in the hot, breezy summer air, eyes closed as you breathed steadily. You talked when you wanted about whatever. There would be long moments of silence before ten minutes of talking about the latest delivery at Family Video.
But now, the conversation had taken a more serious turn.
“Did you see what was on the front page of the Hawkins Post the other day?” Robin asks.
“I don’t think so, I only read them if I pass by the local corner store,” you reply.
Robin sighs, a sense of sadness laced in her tone, “There was this candid shot of these two guys kissing. It was definitely taken from in the bushes or something, it was out in the woods. But—“ she takes a breath, “The headline said: ‘The Queers are plaguing Hawkins.’”
“Jesus fucking Christ,” you let out, your mouth becoming dry at the thought of the potentially life-threatening headline. “Please tell me they haven’t found out who it was.”
“Not that I know of,” Robin replies, “But, this is Hawkins. It’s only a matter of time, you know?”
You nod, knowing that she was right. This was a scary place to be different in any shape or form. Anything that went against God was deemed “Satanic.” But, even so, would God approve of their actions? At their hurtful words, their harmful behaviours?
“How do you cope with it?” you ask Robin, “Knowing that you’re a lesbian in a town that despises your pure existence?”
Robin sighs, “You just have to hide it. You know, Steve knows, and that’s it. Whoever you crush on, you just have to look for signs. Signs that they are into women. Which is almost never, but, you just try your best.” She takes a breath before continuing, “And then you have to basically build a friendship, build that trust so you know that if you do admit your crush to them and they are actually straight, they won’t spread your secret around.”
Her answer provided everything you needed to know, and all the pre-cautions she listed you didn’t have to worry about, because she was accepting, she was into women. You just had to pray that she reciprocates.
“Um… Robin?” you let out, her letting out a small hum as you ask, “Can I tell you something?”
“Of course. You’re my best friend, you can tell me anything.”
You sigh, sitting up from your laying down position, “Recently, I’ve been thinking about relationships, about who I like. As you know, most of my relationships haven’t ended well,” you chuckle softly, “But, maybe it’s because I haven’t… explored enough.”
Robin looks at you with confusion, following you in sitting up herself, knees tucked up to her chest. You exhale, “I found this book at Hawkins Library. It talked about sexuality, about different definitions and things, and… I found one, and I think it might define me.”
You can sense Robin’s face soften as you explain yourself, you know she knows what you are getting at. “Do you know what bisexuality is?”
Robin smiles, “Men and women, yeah, I know what it is.”
“Yeah, well… I think that’s what I am.”
Robin grins at you, her facial expression soft as she replies, “I’m so happy for you!” she beams, “I’m glad you’ve found yourself. That’s hard to realise living here, so I’m proud of you.”
You turn your gaze away from her, “There’s something else I want to say… I didn’t go searching for answers for no reason,” you start.
Robin’s face contorts back to that same confusion that she started with, “I was telling my friends about you, and they accused me of being… queer,” you frown at the word, “And I thought about it… and maybe they were right.”
“Are you saying you realised because of me?”
You nod, “Yeah, Robs,” you take a breath, “I like you. I like you a lot. And I know it’s probably wrong for me to assume that you like me back just because you like girls, like obviously you don’t like every woman and that’s actually really fucking offensive the more I think about it—“
But, you are cut off by a pair of lips on your own, the feeling of that soft, delicate skin of hers brushing your cheek that you love oh so much.
Robin quickly pulls back, beginning to ramble herself, “Sorry! I didn’t mean to cut you off, and definitely not in that way. I should’ve asked you permission first, like why didn’t I even think of that—“
However, you proceed to copy what she did to you, leaning forward and delicately taking her top lip in between yours, pushing her hair out of her face softly with your hand. As you part, you giggle as you stare up at her, a few inches between your faces, “You’re cute when you ramble, you know that?”
You can see Robin’s cheeks heat up at the compliment, her gaze avoiding yours as you lift her chin up towards you, “And when you blush.”
She smiles gently as she whispers out, “I like you too.”
You chuckle, “I’m glad to hear that,” before capturing your lips between hers once more. The pair of you cupping each other’s cheeks as you fall back against the picnic blanket, giggling like a pair of school children.
Maybe this is what life was worth living for. Falling in love with your best friend whilst kissing to your hearts content in the middle of a field of wheat. It may not be perfect for everyone, but it sure was for you.
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thank you for the request! i really hope it was what you wanted <3
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aprikotea · 11 months
My take on the Tokyo Grand Tea Ceremony 2023
Every year there is an event in Tokyo called The Tokyo Grand Tea Ceremony. Since I missed it last year, I made sure to visit it this year!
I took this opportunity to take a friend with me. She knew basically nothing about tea ceremony and asked me so many questions. It made me so happy to share this little world with someone.
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Note: This is not the tea room where the event took place, but a tea room in one of the show houses of the museum.
I have so many thoughts about this event. So let me structure them with some questions ✨
When and where is this event taking place?
The event is usually held on two weekends in October. On the first weekend it is held at the Hamarikyu-Gien and on the second weekend at the Edo Tokyo Architecture Open Air Museum.
Note: I only went to the tea ceremony at Edo Tokyo Architecture Open Air Museum.
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Some impressions of the museum’s show houses.
How to get tickets?
There are different kinds of tea ceremonies to participate it. Indoor, Outdoor Nodate, for Children and Indoor with English commentary.
The Indoor one is probably the most formal one. Tickets for this one are only available via a lottery which has to be booked a few month in advance! I had no idea about that, but I wasn’t genuinely surprised to be honest.
Tickets for all the other ones are sold on the day. Yet I would recommend to arrive at least before noon, because once the seats are sold out, they are gone.
When we arrived at 11am we could only get tickets for the Outdoor Nodate or Indoor with English commentary slots at 3pm and later. Everything before that was already sold out.
What to expect?
It’s the perfect occasion to get in touch with tea ceremony in a semi-formal way. Some participant seemed a bit more familiar but everything was explained very well. We got a little sheet with information about the guests manners. Additionally, they explained everything during the tea ceremony itself as well. But I have to admit that both explanations didn’t matched 100%. Let’s just say you’ll be guides through everything.
Each slot was about 25 minutes. You will get a Japanese wagashi and a bowl of matcha. As I would expect, this event was hold by the Urasenke school. It’s usually like this, since Urasenke seems to be more present in general.
Next to the tea ceremony events they also have some additional cultural program you can join for free. We went to a little classical concert in an old bath house. As one can imagine, the acoustics where unbelievable.
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The bath house as venue for a concert.
What it worth it?
For me, every experience around tea ceremony is worth it. But to be honest, for how fast the event is sold out, the slot was over just to fast. 25 minutes is really not that long. So I tried to observe every move. But once I got my wagashi I was so distracted haha.
As for learnings, I took this as an opportunity to spot some differences between Urasenke and Omotesenke. This is a fun practice and helps to consolidate all the steps. The overall order what is done is almost identical. It’s more how each step is performed is sometimes SO different.
And I always love to see all the different kinds of utensils. They all had a very autumn-ish touch which fitted the occasion very well.
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Some impressions of the utensils.
Additionally to all the tea ceremony experience, the location was really interesting. And on that day entrance to the Edo Tokyo Architectural Open Air Museum was completely free. So we spend our waiting time exploring all these old houses and joining the other programs I mentioned earlier. That definitely added up to the experience in a whole.
So as you might can guess, yes it was definitely worth the time and money. Yet, I’m not sure if I would go there again next time. But thats mainly because I live so far away from both venues haha.
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sharuruwrites · 2 years
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Summary: An assassin questioned the artist where she got the audacity to touch him so freely.
Tags: Fem!Reader x Toji, Reader got drunk, Reader's friend is concerned about your roommate, Toji in denial stage, Tension so thick, Slight Dubcon, Body worship (male receiving), mention of sex and alcohol, unedited
Words: 1.6k
A/N: In celebration of everyone's favorite dilf, Toji Fushuiguro, and my friend asked me when's part two of Rent or Model. Also, I do apologize that it felt rushed, and this is something I want to get it out of my head.
This oneshot is inspired by my cousin's comment on a kpop idol's abs back when I was still a kpop fan almost a decade ago. She told me if she could, she would like to bite into idol's abs because they look like a pack of dinner rolls. So, thanks cuz if you stumble upon this fic! (^u^)>
Note: Aki isn't related to the one in CSM, but the name just popped up to my head.
"Dumbass," Your friend, Aki, looked at you. "Heh, you dislike called one, yet you respond to it."
Aki furrowed his brows, bringing the lid of his beer mug to his lips. "I hope you trip on your own shoelaces."
His threat caused you to chuckle. Almost a decade worth of friendship was enough to tell you that he didn't mean anything by it. If anything, you knew him so well that you have tales to tell that could make or break with his future partner.
"Anyways," Aki took the chance to talk in hopes of changing the subject. "What's with the sudden hang out? You barely went out unless you're shopping for groceries."
To be honest, your roommate, Toji Zen'in, was currently away on a mission. He didn't gave you an exact date he would be back as its been already a week. The only good side of his absence was the lack of noises you heard from his room throughout the nights of Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Why those specific days? You don't know as it's not your business who would be in Toji's bed.
Does Aki know you're living with someone who kills people for a living? No
Does your friend know you posted an roommate advertisement in some shady ass website? No
Does he know Toji's usual nightlife? No
If Aki knew about your roommate, he would turn his mothering and nagging up to its max settings. You appreciate his concern, but, honestly, his way of thinking was too normal for you. You needed something or someone that could spice up your mundane life.
Hence, the impulsive decision to get a roommate. So far, Toji was reliable enough when it comes to doing chores. But, you learned not to trust him shopping for groceries with your money.
Only for you to find out that he threw the money away on those horses and jockey. To be fair, he did win the highest bid on that day, treat you to dinner at a fancy restaurant in Aoyama.
"What can you say?" You swirled your glass of whiskey, the ice cubes clinked to one another. "I thought of changing my routine for once."
"Right…" Aki said, not believing you as he took a sip of his beer. "You didn't invite me because you're missing someone?"
Shit. Were you that obvious?!
"You kept looking at your phone at least ten times in thirty minutes." Aki added. "So? Who?"
An image of Toji's soft smile popped into your head. In response to both your friend's question, you shook your head.
"There's no one." You took another sip of your drink. "I'm content with being single for the rest of my life."
That's right. It would be better for you anyway. Yet, thinking about it left a bitter taste in your tongue.
And, that's the beauty of alcohol came in, to make you forget about it by drinking.
It's been 7 days since he left.
168 hours had passed since the last time his roommate saw him.
30 minutes he spent traveling from the airport to see you at your shared apartment.
Surely, nothing would change within a week, right?
"Who the fuck are you?"
The question left from Toji's lips upon seeing an unfamiliar man coming out of your room. He's average looking at its finest. It didn't helped that the black thick frames of his glasses sold the mundane look.
A new roommate? For fuck's sake, Toji knew you could and would be impulsive with your decisions, especially what happened last month from your request to be his model. But, seriously, it had to be a fuck buddy of yours?!
The bespectacled man sneered at him. "Who the fuck are you?"
"I asked you first."
"I asked you second."
Toji sighed, near the end of his patience. "I'm her roommate, Toji Zen'in."
He almost gagged on the spot after he said his last name.
"Aki Sakamoto, I'm a friend of the weirdo who's currently sleeping now." The bespectacled man crossed his arms, glancing at the door to your room. "How come she didn't tell me about having a roommate? I'll ask her the next time we meet."
"What? You're jealous?"
"Nope, that idiot is too weird for my type." Aki scrunched his face in disgust, sticking his tongue out afterwards. " I knew her long enough that if I date her, I feel like I'm committing incest."
Upon hearing the latter's words, Toji crossed out the possibility of you and Aki being fuck buddies. That's gre- Wait…Why did he felt a sense of relief from your roommate's words? That couldn't be right.
Maybe just maybe. Once you slept with him, the crush weird feelings he had on you would be gone within a snap of his fingers.
"Thanks for looking out on this weirdo in my behalf." Aki slightly bowed a little. "Despite how nonchalant she is, she does get a little lonely from time to time."
"No need for thanks." Toji waved his hand dismissively. "I enjoy the special company she brings."
Toji snorted at the sight of your friend's disgusted expression. "And, that's my cue to leave you with the drunk weirdo."
After your friend left the apartment, Toji chose to linger at your room. He began to think on the words that Aki told him earlier as he brushed off a stray strand of your hair from your face.
Honestly, it shouldn't surprised him, but it did. It's hard to tell especially with the eccentric outlook you had towards in life. Maybe, you did express it at some point throughout the months he lived with you. His job as an assassin prevented him from contacting you, or telling you when he would be back.
Because of it, you always ended up waiting for him.
He knew couldn't always be there for you, but heavens knew he would raise hell if something bad happens to you because of him.
His train of thoughts were derailed when he heard you groan from your sleep. He watched your eyes fluttered open as you try to sit up on your bed.
"Toji? Ish…zhat..you?" The alcohol in your system slurred your words. "I neeeeeed you…."
With a small smile and hands on his waist, Toji asked. "What is it that you need from me, doll?"
Without any word, you jumped onto him, throwing off Toji's balance. You both fell on the wooden floor with a heavy thud.
Fortunately for you, you landed on top of your roommate. As for Toji, he couldn't tell if it's a blessing or a curse to have you straddled on him. The disheveled look didn't help either. Your shirt was too big for you, showing the strap of your bra on one of your shoulder.
"Toji~" You sang his name, grasping the ends of his shirt. "I'll take a quick peek of it, okay?"
Winking at him, you pulled his shirt up, revealing his well toned muscles.
Your index finger lazily traced the outline of his defined abdominal muscles. Eliciting a groan from Toji much to his dismay. He bit his lip to prevent any more sounds coming from him as your lips became dangerously closer towards his stomach.
It took every ounce of his will to restrain the temptation to flipped you over and took you on the floor. His pants became tighter with frustration when your hand accidentally brushed against one of his thighs.
Fuck! Why was he acting like some horny teenager right now?!
"If I bite into this," You looked up, meeting his gaze while giving a quick lick to your lips. "Will it be firm?"
Before anything else could happen, whether it would escalate into sex or not, you passed out. Toji shook your body a couple times, only for him to confirm you're dead asleep from the soft snores he kept hearing.
Once he tucked you back in bed, Toji released probably the biggest sigh in his life. The frustration he felt knew he would have to spent a long time in the cold shower later.
'What the fuck did I do in my past life to experience this?'
The next day had arrived, and not so surprisingly, you woke up with a banging headache like someone ran you over with a truck.
Maybe you did, and by some miracle, you came out of the ER unscathed. Man, that would be one hell of a story to tell to Aki.
As you got out of your room, you gave your arms and legs a nice long stretch before noticing your roommate. He's currently sitting at the living room, but you noticed the slight dark circles underneath his eyes.
"Morning," You yawned loudly as you wiped the tears from your eyes before rubbing them. "You're back…how was the mission?"
Instead of an answer, he replied with a question of your own.
"Do you remember anything last night?"
"Let's see…I knew I went out drinking with Aki…" You closed your eyes, trying to recollect any memories that happened after your stupidity took over your senses. "My brain got fucked over by four full glasses of shochu, then I don't remember after that…"
Once you opened your eyes, it landed on a brown paper bag. It's sitting nicely on your dining table. Suddenly, you remembered what happened next.
"Oh!" You exclaimed, pulling out a a single piece of bread roll from the brown paper bag. "We went to a bakery for me to get something for today's breakfast, and then- Toji? What's the matter?"
"Nothing," Toji shook his head. "I'm a bit tired from yesterday's mission."
"Then, let me take care of today's breakfast…unless you want to get take out." You scratched your cheek. "I just remember I have a commission due next week."
'Out of all the people, it had to be this oblivious weirdo.' Toji thought.
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kim-poce · 2 years
1. No God In Town
On Patreon (two weeks earlier release)
Next | Masterlist
“You must help!” the young woman shouted while hitting the table with her fist in the old undying human belief that one achieves anything if they are loud enough.
 “I don't must do anything,” I said in a calm voice, not taking my eyes off the pot with water on the fire, it was almost the right temperature for the tea.
“Of course you do! People will die if you don't!” the woman shouted again, and I recalled once again why I stopped talking to humans. “They don’t need to die, you can help!”
“Not my business,” I said, brewing the mint leaves, wondering if the woman would give up already or if I would need to serve her some.
“Of course it's your business!” she hit the table again, humans are really such impolite and rude creatures, “You are a god!” she added as if this proved her point.
I, not being a hurried human, didn't hurry in correcting her, instead, I poured tea for the both of us —I had asked what flavor she wanted but she had just screamed her problems at me in response—, only when I handed her her cup did I correct her misunderstanding.
“I don't believe in gods, so I could never be a god myself,” I said, sitting down in front of her and sipping my tea.
“Don't lie to me!” the woman shouted again, and if the rain outside wasn't so strong I would've kicked her out already. “I came here, okay? I followed the clues and solved the enigmas, I even climbed this mountain where you live! Didn't I pass all of your tests? Don't I deserve my prayers to be heard?”
It doesn't change. I sipped my tea again. The centuries don't make humans any less loud, impolite, and rude.
“You are seeing what is not there, seeking lies you were led to believe,” I told her as calmly as I could; showing my anger would be —in her eyes— unleashing God's wrath, and I don’t want her —even as rude as she is— to be in dread.
“Is this another enigma? Will you help me if I solve this?” the woman asked, her eyes full of determination. I am sure she is a determined person, a desperate determined person. She wouldn’t have found me otherwise.
“It isn't an enigma, it's actually quite simple: Whatever you heard about “gods” is wrong. There were no clues for you to follow, only traces I left behind, as every person who travels from one place to another is meant to leave. There were no enigmas, I only talked to other people as one does, my words were never this deep, and I was never this thoughtful. There were no tests, I only happen to like hard-to-reach places, this mountain happens to have a nice climate, and there are none of you insistent humans around to scream at me as if I had any obligation to waste my energy on someone else's problem,” I said, not meaning to be rude but unable to avoid saying the last sentence without in clear bitter tone, I hoped she wouldn’t be too scared.
The woman looked at me, trying to read past tricks that didn’t exist, humans always with their habit to see too much between the lines. I do wish they could use it only to find cool mathematical coincidences instead of seeing a god when looking at me.
The woman's eyes were wide at first, but then they went back to show that fire of determination, and I knew for sure she didn't believe me. “I deserve it! I deserve your help because–”
I snapped my fingers, and the girl was deep asleep, her memories of me still there somewhere, but reaching them would be nearly impossible now. I didn't want to hear whatever typical sentence was about to leave her mouth, and the same years that taught me patience also showed me that humans aren't always worth such a thing.
I would wait for the rain to stop, and I would leave this girl as far away as the nearest town's coachwoman —who has traveled with unconscious people by my request before— was willing to go from 15 silver coins, and, hopefully, I wouldn't see this girl or any other annoying human so soon in the future.
“Another one?” The coachwoman asked as I put the sleeping woman inside the carriage. “You truly are famous,” she said in awe.
“I wish I wasn’t,” I sighed and handed her the silver coins, “As far as you can as long as it’s safe.”
“You could make numbers, you know?” she shook the silver bag, “They would pay fortunes if you do—” she glanced at me up and down, looking at each of my non-human-like characteristics, which was, well, most of them; concealing my appearance was too much work, and most of the time I didn’t bother, “—whatever the hell you do.”
“I, as have said before, do nothing,” It wasn’t quite a lie, since even if I have ways to do ‘Great Things’ I do nothing, the coachwoman just shrugged at it, sending me an ‘as if’ glance.
“Is there anything new around here?” I asked, looking around at the unusual number of passing-by humans, while further hiding my face with my hood, “There are more of you than I ever saw in this park.”
“New mayor, a known lady, likes fame, pretty sure she will raid your house when she finds out you are g-”
“I’m not god,” I cut with an angry whisper, glancing from side to side. The humans who live there for long didn’t as much as acknowledged my presence, but the new humans were staring at us for a while now. The new mayor barely arrived, and I already am angry at the consequences of her arrival. “Don’t call me god ever again!”
“Easy easy there, normal human who happens to be way too tall and has orange eyes glaring at me,” the coachwoman said, hands raised as if surrendering, “I was only going to say g… guy who lives up the mountain, yeah, the new mayor won’t like to that there is a… human living on the mountain, it must be illegal… yeah.”
“If you dare to tell-”
“And both lose a faithful client and my life at once? How would I dare?” she gave off a smug smile, “Anyway, I have a crime to commit, I mean, your request to follow, although it's the same thing.”
I glared at her once more before she got inside the carriage and went off, then I looked around the busy little town, and walked a path I knew by heart; pass straight the coachwoman’s pick-up point, turning right to the old man tend, wait for the old man to get me fresh fruits —for a human who needs money to live, and earns money by selling fruits, he does like to give them away—, thank the old man, go further down and turn right once again, where I should see a bunch of human cubs making noise. Well, where they always used to be.
The place was empty of cubs, there were some adult human guards —they glanced up at me, so I knew they were new in the town. The town folks don’t look at me with that face full of confusion, and wariness, much less do they look so angry and afraid— I ignored the guards and passed by. (Well, they ordered me to take my hood off and tell my name and other useless annoying things, so I snapped my fingers, they forgot me, turned around, and then I ignored the guards and passed by, but, same thing, right?)
Only after I walked past that street did I see a cub, the young flower cub. Today's flowers were daisies and the humans buying them either didn’t notice all the daisies growing on the sidewalks, or they didn’t want to have the trouble of picking them up themselves. Humans like to push their problems on other people, and the ‘picking flowers up’ problem seemed to be pushed at the cub, she —like the old man— handed me a free daisy, which I put in my hair as the cub had once said I should.
“Where are the others of you?” I asked her, secretly giving her flowers more energy, so they would take longer to wither.
The flower cub smiled brightly, even if not quite her usual happy smile, she glanced at one new guard far away, “They are good.”
“That’s not my question, I’m sure you were a grown enough human to understand what I asked,” I was genuinely confused, this cub knew how to hold a conversation before. “I asked where they are, as in, place.”
The cub glanced at the guards again, and back at me, not saying a word at first, “You really know nothing…” she sighed, “There are too many guards here.”
“My question was-”
“I know, I know, they are not here!”
“This I noticed, but what I asked was-”
“Listen, big… guy? You are not a guy though… Listen, Biggie,” she said, calling me by the name the older cubs gave me when I refused to give them my own, she glanced up at my face, not caring about my inhumane traces, maybe cubs just don’t care about such things, “The town got a new mayor, which means new rules, this mayor doesn’t want this place–” she gestured to the market and the park, “–to be ‘dirt’, since it’s one of the first things someone sees when entering the town, so the others are looking for another spot to stay, I’ll join them soon, I believe,” she glanced down at the carefully picked up daisies, “The guards let me stay here today but I don’t know about tomorrow.”
I glanced at her for a bit, she said many things but at no moment did she tell me where the others were, I didn’t ask again, I didn’t care about human cubs, I just… that place just didn’t feel the same without them.
“So you are saying that the new mayor doesn’t want cubs playing here because cubs get the place dirt while playing, instead, she wants guards to walk around because they behave better?”
The cub sighed once again, “It’s not that she doesn’t want ‘cubs’” she said the last word while doing quotes with her fingers, “she doesn’t want cubs working here.”
“Well, work is for grown-ups humans, maybe the mayor doesn’t want cubs to earn money so early,” I tried, last time I tried to understand human ways there was a huge war, and cubs had to fight as fully grown humans, to die as fully grown humans, this town was in peace, so everyone should be fine, “You should play with the others of you, and then go back to your house and sleep.”
The flower cub glanced at the street —the one where the cubs used to be, the one with two new guards— “Back home?” she smiled brightly again, as she did when I first asked where the others were, “Yeah, naive Biggie, if you don’t see me around here I’ll be playing with the other cubs just waiting to go back home and eat dinner, you know, which is certainly what we used to do here.”
I nodded, happy we came to an agreement. I wanted to ask the cubs to help me buy vegetable seeds again —I’m trying to grow some with no powers but they insist on dying every time— I don’t really know where they buy the seeds, and there were more and more new humans around looking at me weirdly, so I decided to go back to the mountain.
The new mayor barely arrived, and I already dislike another consequence of her arrival.
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vermilionvector · 2 years
Digimon Ghost Game EP. 65 (rant)
Like the previous episode, I had to watch it twice, but for a different reason. For EP. 64, it was "OMG this is so cool! I have to watch it again!". But this one was "OMG are you fucking kidding me? Did I hear that right? I had to watch it again."
We're now in the last arc of the series but what I was shown was this silly, off-model team at it again. Their work wasn't bad by any means, but it suited better with lighter atmosphere. Thankfully, this lasted only for the first half of the episode.
Also worth mentioning, Aoi Tada, the original voice actor of Terriermon in Tamers, reprised her role in this one. No wonder his voice sounded so familiar. Now if this episode had 'moumantai' in it, that would be the saving grace of this trainwreck.
After a short physical checkup for Hokuto, who was all safe and sound, the gang discussed the current situation where the Digimons kept flooding into the human world and the black substance that corrodes everything it touches. Without an apparent solution, they go back to rest. Hiro couldn't sleep peacefully like his brothers and shared his sentiment with Tapirmon while staring at MoonMillenniumon. To be honest, I was jealous of Gammamon and Espimon who could still sleep soundly at times like this. Just showing how innocent they were (or maybe they were just tired). Their movement was also in sync for crying out loud.
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Next morning, with all forms of digital communication being severed, the world regressed to analog. This brought back cable phones, radios, etc. Also, there were numerous sightings of Hologram Ghosts all around the world. Unless there is a Digimon that has an ability to do a mass memory-wipe, Digimons will now be revealed to the whole world.
Back at the dorm, Hiro told his dad he wanted to go to the Digital World to meet with the mysterious voice behind the mass Digimon evacuation and would like to ask BlackTailmon to open the Gate. However, Hokuto told him that the Digivice already had the power to open the Gate all along.
And this is the first "Are you kidding me?" moment. Tapirmon then told them that Bokomon was lying about the consequence of passing through the Gate all along, thinking that it was "too early" for the gang. THIS was why we were kept in the dark for more than 60+ episodes, because this one Digimon who thought he knew more than others decided to keep this a secret. He had his reason, but it was so vague that I could hardly accept. How long did he think he was gonna keep it up? Well, we will never know, because he DIED 4 EPs LATER. Had he shared, Hiro would at east be more interested in find out the secret of the Digimons and would be more beneficial in the long run.
Nevertheless, Kuzuhamon would help open the gate and Terriermon gave them the coordinate of the mysterious voice: the Compiler Forest. The gang successfully went through the gate, but Hokuto did not. However, upon finding Hiro's classmates eavesdropping behind the door, he suddenly though of a plan. Not only did you not tell us everything, you also added more questions to a story that only had 2 episodes left to resolve. Very conniving, old geezer.
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The gang arrived at the Compiler Forest, which, as described by SymbareAngoramon, was used to be a lush forest but now overrun by these purple veins that seeped through everything. The second "Are you kidding me?" moment was we didn't see the current state of the Digital World as a whole, but rather just this small area. While it's true that the majority of the Digital World was ruined and perhaps even disappeared, we ought to at least see the overview of the World.
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Unfortunately, right after they landed, two dangerous Digimons were fighting nearby. While they were running, Espimon lost all their supplies, while Kiyo fell into a patch of Rafflesias which spewed parasitic spores that could infect and control the victims to lure more victims for them to feed on. The others were unaware of this and fell victim to them one by one, leaving only Siriusmon left to fight with the one behind these flowers: Rafflesimon, who was infected with GRB and wanted to live forever by consuming others' life force.
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This is the third "Are you kidding me?" moment. We still had a monster-of-the-week this close to the end. While this might seem important because we had Siriusmon, for the first time, consciously communicating with Gulus, and willingly used his power to defeat her, this could be done AT ANY POINT EARLIER in the series. IT DIDN'T HAVE TO WAIT THIS LONG TO DO IT. Sure, you might say it's because the Digital World was overrun by GRB that Gulus finally had enough power to consciously talk with his other side, but there has to be better ways to overcome this plot point. It's Digimon, for god's sake you can write anything about it. And the way they presented Gulus in this scene was so silly. It's just his eyes on Siriusmon's cape. There was nothing interesting or spooky about it. I admitted Sawashiro-san did a fantastic job switching between normal Siriusmon's voice and GulusGammamon's voice so much so that we could easily differentiate each other.
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And while we're at it, the fourth "Are you kidding me" moment. You were playing with infection, on a totally random enemy, while you already have something that is related to infection. Like, IDK, maybe, GRB? Hello? Do you know your stuff?
In the end, Rafflesimon could not take Gulus's power in fully and spit all of her victims out before disintegrating. They found the source of the voice from one of the victims and headed there along with Saberdramon whom were sent back to the Digital World in EP. 20. Unfortunately, DarkLizarmon didn't make it through the ordeal. I find that these shots of Betel are especially cute. We haven't had Betel moments for a long time so let me cherish it a bit.
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They found a gigantic sphere of cloud in the air and inside they found a futuristic city. And within it, a guardian: BloomLordmon. From the preview, he'd be so powerful that even 3 Megas can't defeat and would make Siriusmon take the last resort and convert to his dark side: Regulusmon and Arcturusmon.
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skoulsons · 2 years
alright this is eating me up and im gonna try and put my rushing thoughts into words
This game, this show, this franchise is about Joel and Ellie. They’re the point. It’s been their story since 2013. It’s not about Tess or Sarah or Henry or Sam or Tommy or Marlene or anyone else. It’s about Joel and Ellie. It’s about what brings them together. It’s about how a broken world brings two broken people together to repair small parts of each other. It’s about their bond and gaining someone, and something, they need. For Joel, it’s another daughter. A second chance at love and fatherhood. A chance at not failing to protect someone he loves. For Ellie, it’s having a father. Having someone who will do anything to protect her. To have someone who loves her so viciously when no one else has in her life.
In the show, they’re doing things a bit differently. In the game, it shows their adventures, sure, and we see how they grow, but the show is adding even more depth to their relationship. In every episode, we have gotten glimpses in to the both of them and what they become and how, people like us who know the game, can already see the change they’ll go through.
But I think what’s been killing me, especially after episode 3, is how this show is using almost every other character to bring light to Joel and Ellie’s relationship. How it’s showing Joel’s mental battle over taking care of this little girl. How he’s trying so desperately to keep her away. How we see Ellie’s growing fondness for him and her shit eating grin when he’s nice to her, considering how rare it is. As for characters I think that are bringing light to Joel and Ellie’s relationship are Tess, and Bill and Frank.
For Tess, Joel just lost someone he loves…again. Someone who, while she didn’t need protection, he protected anyway. He cared for. He loved her. But with him being the way he is, she maybe wasn’t sure how far his went. “I never asked you to feel the way I felt.” He loved her the way he knew how. It wasn’t an “out there” love. It was in how he protected her. And he just failed in protecting her because she got bit. And before she dies, she begs him to protect Ellie. “Save who you can save.” And with Joel failing to protect Sarah so long ago, and now failing to protect Tess, he has to protect Ellie. But he can’t get attached. He has to protect her (and in a way love her, even early on, because his protection stems from his love, which he can’t balance. They’re hand in hand) while also keeping her at arms length. It’s a windy road that he cannot keep up with, and we know that from the game. But to see just how much he fights with it in show is so well done.
And for bill and frank. We see how much it resonates with him in the letter. Again, it’s all about protection. “I used to hate the world and I was happy when everyone died. But, I was wrong. Because there was one person worth saving. That’s what I did. I saved him. Then I protected him. That’s why men like you and me are here. We have a job to do. And help any motherfuckers who stand in our way. I leave you with all of my weapons and equipment. Use them to keep Tess (Ellie) safe.” | Those first three sentences speak wonders about Joel and Ellie’s relationship and how they grow and where the end up at the end. “That’s what I did. I saved him. I protected him.” This is what Joel keeps hearing, and, frankly, needs to hear. He has a chance, again, to save and protect. And despite how he probably doesn’t believe he can since the last two people he tried to died, this theme of protection just keeps being laid out in front of him. So he has to try. It’s like a neon light flashing in front of his face and an airhorn going off constantly right beside his ear. “That‘s why men like you and me are here. We have a job to do. And help any motherfuckers who stand in our way.” Despite him being a father and having that protective nature embedded in him, it is his job as a man. And the “help any motherfuckers who stand in our way” is heavy foshadowing, especially to us who know the games, in his decision at the end of the game. Because the fireflies are going to kill his little girl and he won’t let them. He protects her from them because he finally can.
But I think everything ties back to them. I think there’s going to be a protection theme with the couple they meet in the next episode or two. I think Henry and Sam especially are going to have a theme of protection in the time with them. I think Tommy and Maria will. Hell, there might even be things with David’s men later on, I don’t know. But this overarching theme of protection for these two is so heavy in the show and I love what they’re doing with it
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cyanlastride · 6 months
the colorado kid has torn through my mind over the past several hours
i was scrolling through tv shows i could watch when i saw haven. my parents watched haven when i was younger, and i remember bits and pieces of it. i was surprised, however, to see stephen king mentioned in the show summary. i read my first king book, the gunslinger, long after my parents finished haven, and before the gunslinger i really had no interest in king. now, even though ive still only read a handful of his books besides the dark tower, i jump every time i see his name, or anything nineteen.
i watched the first episode of haven with intent for the first time, and after something like 6 ad breaks decided that tv was not worth my time. also, though the show was interesting it didnt feel like king, other than it being set in maine. obviously i am no expert of what does and does not feel like king as i swore that donnie darko was a king adaptation when i watched it recently, but whatever. a quick wikipedia search confirms that only the setting and the idea of the colorado kid are king-inspired, along with a couple of references to stuff like IT. still havent read or watched IT. at the end of the day im a dark tower fan, not a king-horror fan, and surprisingly the fanbases have relatively small overlap. anyways, while im on wikipedia, i decide to quickly check out the colorado kid page.
and of course, my eyes immediately spy out the words dark tower.
"The review of The Colorado Kid in today’s issue of today's USA Today mentions that there was no Starbucks in Denver in 1980. Don’t assume that’s a mistake on my part. The constant readers of the Dark Tower series may realize that is not necessarily a continuity error, but a clue."
and just like that, im hooked. you see, im the type of nerd that grinned like a fool when i noticed the name of the bus company in the dr sleep movie. i love finding the little references and connections to the dark tower, so much so that the entire reason why i bought and read fairy tale was because i thought the staircase on the cover looked like the eye of the crimson king. the dark tower reference ending up being much more mundane in that book, but i still enjoyed myself.
so i wasnt able to sleep because i want to find my special little dark tower easter egg just for me oh boy oh boy, and now ive spent at least that last 4 hours starting and finishing the colorado kid which has left me unable to sleep because i cannot stop trying to come up with theories and trying to figure out how the fuck a starbucks existing in denver in 1980 when the first one didnt open there until 1992 on our/kings(?) level of the tower has any fucking relevance to the colorado kid who we already know exists on a different level of the tower to kings level because im assuming the forwards/afterwards are canon like they are in the dark tower books.
also, completely separate to the dark tower relevancy discussion, my main question about the colorado kid is as follows: where the hell did he get the steak from? either my man has been carrying around a cooked steak in his suit all day including into the fish n chip place, or he got it somewhere presumably after the ferry, so on the island? there cant be that many places that serve steak on the island, and with how the setting is described i find it unlikely they wouldnt be able to track down a witness who remembers an out of towner ordering a steak to go. so he was most likely given that steak by someone, someone who knew him well enough to want to give him a steak to eat with his bare fucking hands and then either purposefully doesnt speak up when he is found dead or never finds out about his death. im also willing to bet that the mysterious steak-bearing stranger saw and moved the colorado kid after he choked, because seriously if you were sitting enjoying some steak on the beach cuddled up with a trashcan one why are you rawdogging your steak next to a trashcan two when you start choking are you not going to attempt to stand, or lean over, perhaps over the trashcan, to attempt to choke out your steakbit? let gravity do some of the work, and right into the appropriate receptacle no less? like seriously my man mustve been going through something when he started choking on his steak he just sat there chilling, completely unbothered. if he was in any normal "ohgodhelpmeimchokingtodeath" position when he died he shouldve been face first in the sand. so yeah the colorado kid one hundred percent met with someone who gave him a steak, watched him choke on it, and then sat him up against a trashcan and just left.
maybe it was one of the furries or vampires or whatever. they were having some sort of fancy dinner when jake and callahan showed up, right? was that steak or human? also i seem to remember their little "come watch the humans fuck up their world lol hehe 9/11" teleport door hallway having something to do with russian currency, not sure what the connection is there but my brain seems to think theres something.
last thoughts before i give up for the night: not bothering to factcheck this but i think the dark tower series was completed in 04 and this book's afterward was dated 05 so the whole of the tower is potential context here. also the stand is one of the few other king books ive read and i think boulder colorado is important there too? its either the target city for the good survivors or the place where the sheriff comes from, i think? or maybe its the city the katet passes through in wizard and glass? i dont remember anymore my memory is awful and its late. if the kid ever went todash we at least know he started and ended on the same level of the tower cuz of his wife. the starbucks thing is bothering me too, like why is it significant that hes on another level of the tower, and one thats so similar to our own like they have starbucks during the cold war but with the way they talk about airplane regulations im assuming 9/11 still happened so it cant be that different. im starting to think that king just said that to turn people who were miffed about colorado kid onto the dark tower to increase sales or something but he posted this on his blahag so like i really doubt that.
im boutta pass out, damn you king, damn you colorado kid
0 notes
starlightswitch · 1 year
A Beer and a Band and a Breakthrough
(for Writer's Month day 25 prompts relax and at a concert)
“Maybe you just need a better environment.”
“A better environment? Am I… a house plant?”
Anthony chuckled. “I just think you need to try something different. You keep saying you can’t when it’s more than a few people, but you’ve only tried many people when probably a lot of them have things to worry about. What if you tried where there were a lot of people, but there was something counteracting it? A general positive vibe? And a setting that gave you a positive vibe, so you had something to focus on to help you relax? I think it should be easier in an environment like that.”
Brennan thought about it. “Worth a try. What kind of environment were you thinking about?”
“A chill concert? This weekend there’s one with a local band that’s apparently really good. My sister sent me a video a while ago, and she said they must have a bunch of fans because wherever she’s seen them the place has been full even if it’s usually quiet. They don’t usually come this way but this weekend they are. And it’s free– well, just cover charge. It’s at a brewery.”
“Oh. Okay.” Brennan considered it more. “Yeah, that makes sense. A big crowd who’s into the band… There would probably be some people worrying– and the employees or whatever could be stressing about the crowd– but mostly people would be into the music. Would I be into the music?”
“Probably? You like country. I know they do country. Also some like 80s and 90s hits, popular stuff people know the words to. What she sent me was Free Fallin’. Also there’s supposed to be a taco truck for food. And since it’s a brewery, beer.” He frowned, his mouth twisting. “Although I don’t know if alcohol would throw off the experiment.”
“Probably not if I don’t drink enough to feel it. I do know my limits.”
Whether I stay within them or not was the unspoken end of that sentence. Anthony knew it– he gave a quick heavy laugh that was almost a snort. “So, this weekend?”
“Yeah, yeah. Thanks,” he added in a serious tone, meeting Anthony’s eyes.
“You know. For believing me. I know, like you said it’s kind of a weird thing to make up…” If he wanted to trick him, Anthony had pointed out, it would make more sense to pick something believable. Or at least an interesting kind of impossible psychic ability, instead of “senses people’s worries, specifically”, which didn’t even exist in fiction.
“Hey, it doesn’t hurt anything to believe you,” Anthony pointed out. He had said that last time too. And this time he added, “And if this is some kind of long-term trick, you tricked me into going to see a band and drink a beer with you. Ooh, you got me. What a prank.”
Brennan laughed. And thought that going to see a band and drink a beer with Anthony was a pretty good deal, even if it was no help with his weird psychic ability.
The brewery had a stage out back and a variety of seats– Adirondack chairs, couches, even a couple of swings– but most of them were taken. Anthony steered Brennan toward the two open stools on the back porch, which had a good view of the stage, and said he was going to get their beers and would text him the draft list. “If there’s a hazy, just get it!” Brennan yelled after him.
The worries were already nagging at him. Worries about dealing with angry customers which must be coming from the bartenders, a worry about not getting a reaction from the audience which must be coming from someone in the band, a worry that someone’s boyfriend was cheating on them, a worry about kids at home with a babysitter, a worry about a kid trying to sneak up to the bar and order a beer. The next song began, and someone who must be in the band was worrying they’d forget the chord changes.
Brennan tried to relax and listen to the music. Treat the worries in his mind like chatter at a restaurant, or heavy rain on the roof, or a loud air conditioner he was sitting a bit too close to. He’d gotten good at it when it was just one or two people, but large groups always got to him. Test days were the worse– he’d opened up to Anthony right after a final he’d been confident about until he got into a classroom full of people who were the opposite.
The song ended, and after a hearty round of applause and some whoops from the audience the band started into the next one. Brennan let out a whoop of his own when he recognized it– a Blackhawk song he’d thought everyone but him had forgotten about.
Laughing, Anthony dropped into the seat next to him, plunking down a nicely hazy beer and sipping the purple one he’d had in his other hand. Grooving to the music, Brennan tapped out the drum beats at the end of the chorus and said the last line along with the singer.
“You’re right,” he said a couple of songs later. “It’s a lot easier not to focus on it when there’s something else to focus on. I’m not sure how that translates to when there isn’t something this interesting to focus on, but it’s a start.”
Anthony suggested he get their food now since the food truck line would probably get long when the band took a break, and after they ate their tacos he went and got the second round of beers, and when he came back with those, Brennan joked, “I just now realized you’re paying for everything. Is this a date?”
And suddenly a worry cut into his mind, crisp and clear.
He swallowed. “Okay, give me the honest answer,” he said. “You’re worried about what I would think of the honest answer. What’s the honest answer?”
“Uh,” said Anthony. “That would be… that it’s a date if you want it to be?”
Brennan tried to think of an eloquent answer and came up with nothing. “Yes,” he said.
Anthony grinned.
He definitely should have thought of something meaningful to say next, but something popped into his head– “How come you were never worried about it before? I never noticed you worrying about… it…”
“Oh. Well, I kind of thought you felt the same way, I just… didn’t expect it to be quite so abrupt. And I would have liked to say something that sounded better.”
Brennan had to laugh. Gently. Warmly.
The light was all golden, and the band was singing Luke Combs’s song about being better together, and any worries around were just background noise.
2020 day 25: Break Through (drop x x FFF 63 creeping magic)
2021 day 25: A Hoard of Friends (obnoxious x FFF 115 endless greed)
2022 day 25: When Everything Was Possible (bow + fantasy AU)
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mrvlbimbo · 2 years
You mean nothing (everything) to me
Eddie Munson x reader
4.3k words
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She was already having a bad day at work when Mike and Dustin had so rudely bursted through the door of the video shop. The first thing she thought was that they should be at school but then she reminded herself of her own highschool days and she felt more forgiving. “I’m not giving you guys any more rated r movies. My boss had my ass for it last time,” she barked at them as they perused the shelves, clearly trying to build up the courage to ask her something. 
“We need a different type of favor actually.” She tried to wrap her head around what Dustin might have been implying. Sure a lot of highschool kids asked her to buy them alcohol and such and she would be lying if she said she never obliged them. 
“So we have this DND group,” Mike added and she almost laughed. Of course this would be about Eddie Munson and his stupid fucking DND cult. 
“Yeah yeah, with Sinclair. Where is he anyways?” she asked, referring to their other friend who was part of the club as well. She kept up with the kids due to her best-friendship with their resident babysitter Steve Harrington. And because of that she knew that Lucas had a basketball game that night and that’s likely why they were pleading with her to join. 
“So that’s why we’re here.” Mike introduced the idea with the amount of elegance she would expect from a Freshman in highschool who played DND in his freetime. He wasn’t convincing in the slightest but she allowed the two boys to continue with their pitch.  
“He bailed. We need an extra for tonight.” Dustin brought a reason to the table, seemingly the more logical one of the two.  
“Ask Harrington,” she shot back, presenting them with their first alternative. Also presenting her with an out so she wouldn’t have to see the infamous leader of their little club.  
“He has a date,” Dustin replied smugly, knowing he had caught her in a bad spot.  
“And you assume I don’t.” It was matter of fact. She stated that she had other things to do and that their excursion wasn’t worth her time. She was interested to see how they would respond. 
“What you do isn’t considered dating,” Mike scoffed and she thought about smacking him in the side of the head. She decided against it since she was at work, and on her boss’s last nerve.  
“Don’t be an ass. You’re too young to be talking about all that crap,” she replied sternly, reminding them that although she was a cool adult she was still an adult.  
“So you’ll be there?” He asked, knowing it would be better to ask her a yes or no question than drag on and let her avoid the offer until she was able to coax them out of the shop. 
“Yeah. Fine.” She had a soft spot for the kids so it was a no-brainer that she would help them out even if it was really inconvenient and uncomfortable for her. 
She went home and changed into something nicer. Even after everything she was still trying to impress Eddie, some things never changed. It’s not like he would care, or more likely he’d make a snide comment about her outfit and then ignore her for the rest of the night. 
Her assumption was right, his first words when she walked through the door were a comment about her promiscuity. “You brought the school slut into my sanctuary?” He was as rude as ever, still sporting that ridiculous haircut that she’d never admit to liking. 
“Former school slut. I graduated, unlike you,” she snapped back, trying not to show that it hurt her. This game they had been playing for years only worked if he thought she hated him too, she couldn’t even think of how much worse it would be if he knew the truth.  
“You don't have to rub it in. Plus I don’t have the advantage of sleeping with my teachers for grades.” He knew it wasn’t true but he said it anyway to get under her skin. He couldn’t help himself when that familiar scowl crawled over her face, he’d be lying if he said he didn’t think it was cute. 
“I never- whatever lets just get this stupid shit over with.” She stumbled over her words as she tried to remind herself why she was here in the first place. Partly because she wanted to help her favorite freshmen and partially because she was a bit of an emotional masochist. 
The campaign dragged on as far as she was concerned, her character dying early into the final boss battle. Eddie spared no opportunity to make a dig at her at any given chance, making the whole thing even more unbearable. 
She also didn’t miss the way, despite claiming to hate her, he wouldn’t take his eyes off her. Men are like that, wanting to fuck the very thing they’re dispise. Although, she liked to think anything with a brain wanted to fuck her. And most of the time she was right. 
This was one of those times. 
By the time the campaign was over, he was half hard from her leaning over the table in her unbearably low cut shirt. If he was a prude he might have suggested she cover herself up in the presence of the freshmen. 
But he wasn't a prude, and he was quite enjoying the view down her shirt. A red lacy bra peaked out from the neckline when she bent down to pick up the dice. He regretted the way he reacted, voicing his frustration in pointed insults and taunting just like he did when they were in school. 
When everything was done, he just needed to go home and rub one out in the shower. The shame would set in later, just like it always did. He had had his eyes on her for a while now and nothing was worse than the embarrassment of her obvious disinterest. From what he had heard, she had been with practically every guy in their small town. Except for him. 
For some reason she never turned her sights to him. At first he tried to be nice, the way other guys never were. They saw her as a sure thing, never respecting her. He didn’t want to do that to her, take what he wanted and rush off to brag about his conquest.
Embarrassingly, he actually had a really serious crush on her for all of highschool. He stills remembers the day they met, she sauntered into his biology class fifteen minutes late and sat down on top of his desk. 
“Can I help you, miss?” the teacher had asked sternly. 
“Not unless you can get me a pack of smokes, ma’am.” She hopped off the desk and stepped in front of the class, plucking a piece of chalk up and writing on the board in big letters. Bullshit. She wrote ‘bullshit’ on the chalkboard and then she promptly strutted right back out of the classroom, shooting him a wink as she left.
They became quick friends after that, taking solace in the fact both of them hated everything about the stupid small town. For the first two years of highschool they were inseparable. Things changed once she made a reputation for herself. It started with one guy blabbing his mouth and then another. It’s not like everyone wasn’t doing it, but people latched onto her as the town whore probably because of her unconventional attitude. 
It made her more popular. For all the wrong reasons, but still it was nice to have people pay attention to her. Everyone wanted to have something others wanted and she certainly did have that. 
She took pride in her looks, utilizing revealing clothing to enhance her already considerable assets. From what he could see, that hadn’t changed. That night she wore a tight, low cut, cropped t-shirt and a denim miniskirt that barely covered her ass. 
Her beat up high tops tapped on the floor as she walked over to him. When the boss battle was over he had drifted into his own thoughts as the rest of the group dispersed. She hadn’t gone yet, he assumed it was so she could deliver some heart wrenching insult before she left and never thought about him again. It wasn’t that easy for him, he never stopped thinking about her. 
“Oh my god you’re high. You fuckin junkie.” Her voice cut through his trance like a knife. She was always so mean but her voice sounded so pretty to him, it was giving him whiplash. 
“I’m not high, I'm just thinking.” He was quick to correct her, wanting her to know he was completely sober for what he was about to say. 
“About?” she scoffed, making it clear she didn’t think highly of his intelligence. 
“Why do you hate me?” As soon as he asked the question he knew it was a bad idea but he couldn’t help himself. He spent so many nights asking himself that question, it was high time someone else had to answer it. 
“Are you seriously asking me that?” she snapped, anger bubbling over. It had been simmering all this time, and him acting like she was the reason there was a divide between them was just the final nail in the coffin. 
“Yeah, after you ignored me for three years for no reason. I wanna know why you hate me.” His voice was frantic and upset, he didn’t know what his plan was but he wanted answers and he had her here now. It’s not like there were any remaining bridges to burn anyways. 
“Oh because you were so friendly,” she replied sarcastically, referring to the way he had relentlessly mocked and criticized her publicly after their friendship ended. She could handle other people talking about her behind her back, but he said it to her face and it stung. 
“I was confused. We were best friends and then-” he tried to defend himself but she quickly interrupted, seething at him trying to play the victim. 
“Yeah we were. We were best fuckin friends and then you ruined everything.” Her voice sounded venomous, he flinched when she raised her voice just from the pure anger she radiated. 
“What?” he asked dumbly. 
“Junior year, winter formal,” she stated, as if it was supposed to mean something and It did mean something to both of them.  
He remembered that night like it was yesterday. The dance was boring, they dipped after less than an hour and went back to her place. Her parents weren’t home so they decided to set up in the basement for a horror movie marathon. 
She was scared out of her mind, or maybe he was. Either way they were curled up in eachothers arms, hiding from whatever monster was under the bed. After a particularly scary scene, she had crawled into his lap. He had thought maybe after all this time, he was finally going to get a chance with her. 
His hands went to cup her waist, gripping the fabric of her dress in between his fingers. She was wearing a puffy purple cocktail dress with glitter. It looked stupid, well it would have looked stupid on anyone else. Because he thought she looked absolutely perfect. And he looked at her like she was the most beautiful person in the world. 
She noticed the way he stilled, looking up at him in turn. “Eds, what's wrong?” He didn’t reply, not knowing the words to finally tell her how he felt. The look in his eyes told her all she needed to know. And for a second he thought she was going to kiss him, his hands tightened on her waist in anticipation. 
But instead of what he expected, she shrunk back and mumbled something inherently. She made some excuse about being tired and shut off the movie, ordering him to go home. Nothing was said at the time, but he knew something was wrong. And based on the fact she completely ghosted him after that night, he was right. 
“Yeah I remember.” He shook his head as if he was trying to shake the memory out, but like so many times before it didn’t work. 
“The way you looked at me,” she added. He knew exactly the look she meant. It just hurt him more to realize the reason she rushed out that night was that she found out about his feelings. He had always assumed but having proof was harder somehow.  
“You haven’t spoken to me in years because of a look?” he asked, he was angry but more than that he was just sad. 
She wasn’t buying it. “No. It wasn't just any look. I know that look. That was the look of a guy who wants something.” That something she was referring to was obviously sex. So maybe he was in the clear, she hadn’t figured out about his feelings. The worse option that seemed to be reality, was she thought he was only friends with her because he was attracted to her. 
“OK, is that such a crime?” he asked, not believing that they couldn’t have replaired their relationship from that with a mature conversation. Although, they were not having many mature conversations back at the age of 17. 
“All that time. I thought you cared about me. And what, you were just playing the long con for a quick fuck?” 
“Ok fine, I’ll admit it. In that moment, yeah I wanted to fuck you.” He should have told her that a quick fuck was absolutly not what he wanted but he was picking up on her anger and mirroring it. 
“And now?” she asked, knowing exactly how to push his buttons even after all these years. 
“Now? Yeah now I still do,” he admitted, shrugging his shoulders as if it was no big deal. And maybe it wasn’t. Things were different now, they were both adults and they were no longer friends. They could fuck no strings attatched, and that idea was starting to look enticing to them both. 
“And the fucked up thing was. I almost did it. Because I liked you Eddie. I really liked you.” She couldn’t hide the way her lip was quivering as she spoke. She was angry but not with him anymore, she was angry with herself for letting him make her feel this. So in a roundabout way she was still mad at him too. 
“Why didn’t you?” he questioned, still miffed by the whole ghosting him for three years thing. But she had said it, she liked him all those years ago. Not anymore, he thought. It didn’t matter now, if anything it just made the whole thing sting more. 
“Because I knew it wouldn’t mean to you what it meant to me,” she finally admitted, stepping close to him so they were almost chest to chest. She looked up at him with something close to longing and he almost choked. 
“And now?” he asked. There was a weird sort of sexual tension in the air that neither of them knew how to confront. 
“You mean fucking nothing to me,” she hissed. 
“Good,” he whispered, grabbing her face and pressing their lips together harshly. There was no affection in the way he kissed her at first, just rough lust and anger. Both of their pent up feelings spilled out as they grappled at each other's clothes for something to hold onto. 
His hands smoothed over her legs, rucking up her skirt so he could squeeze her ass. He snapped the band of her underwear, it was a lacy red to match her bra. “You wear these for me?” 
“Would I have needed to?” she teased, knowing by the way his hard on pressed against her that he didn’t need any extra encouragement. 
“No. You’d still get me all riled up in a winter coat.” it was one of his ridiculously cheesy lines that she was sure he used on plenty of girls. But she couldn’t help but smile at it a little despite herself. 
“How romantic,” she scoffed, pushing him back into a chair and sinking to her knees. Her hands ran up his thighs, kneading at the muscle covered by his ridiculously tight jeans. 
She palmed him over the fabric, squeezing somewhat harshly. He didn’t mind one bit. “Fuck. Romantic isn’t the word I would use.” He especially didn’t mind when unzipped his pants and took him in her mouth. She wanted to say something about him going commando but she was a bit preoccupied with him brushing the back of her throat. 
“Mmm,” she replied, whatever words she was saying were muffled by his cock in her mouth. 
“Harrington is one lucky bastard,” he commented offhandedly, not thinking about his words since he was currently being deepthroated.  
She pulled away instantly, as if she had been burned. She stood over him, something she wasn’t usually able to do since he was quite a bit taller than her. “What the fuck did you just say to me?” she snapped, grabbing his jaw and forcing him to look up at her. 
He whined when her sharp nails dug into the flesh of his chin. It wasn’t a pained whine, his arousal at her roughness was evident in the way he twitched in his seat. “Nothin. Sorry.” Based on his public persona, she hadn’t expected him to be the submissive type. Not to say she wasn’t enjoying it. 
“No Eds. You said something, why don’t you tell me again?” she demanded, taking pleasure in the way he reached for her with grabby hands as she stood there glaring at him. 
“I heard rumors about you and Harington, if it’s true he’s a lucky guy. It was a compliment, honest,” he rambled, desperate for her to forgive him and get back to touching him where he needed it. 
“You wanna know something?” She climbed into his lap, straddling him with ease in the large throne-like chair. When she first walked in she thought the chair was absolutely absurd, but now she was grateful for its width. She wrapped one hand around his neck as she leaned forward to  whisper in his ear. “I never fucked Steve. I never wanted to.” 
“No?” he choked out, having a difficult time talking due to her gripping his throat tightly in her hand. He wouldn’t ask her to stop in a million years though. 
She pressed little kisses all around his cheeks and jaw, never touching his mouth with hers. This might have upset him if he wasn’t too blissed out to notice with her lacey panties pressed tight against his cock. “All those years. I only ever wanted you.” 
He nodded furiously, as if to say to ‘me too, i’ve been in love with you since freshman year.’ But that's not what she interpreted it as. She grinded down on him, squeezing his neck and biting a line up his neck. “Lookit you. Can’t even talk,” she cooed. 
She removed the hand abstracting his breathing so both of her hands could cup his cheeks. “Gonna be good for me?” she asked, her overly sweet voice almost taunting him. He cringed at the fact she would never be this nice to him if he wasn’t about to stick his dick in her. 
That made him understand what she was feeling a little bit better. All those years ago, when he was prepared to tell her he loved her, she thought all he wanted was her body. And she used to like him, he had said it. Now it was too late and all he got was some mindblowing sex to give her closure and make him fall even deeper under her spell.  
And so his heart was heavy when she pushed her panties aside and slid down onto his cock. That didn’t make it any less pleasurable when she clenched around him. He felt like he was going to pass out, barely catching the praise spilling from her mouth. “Fuck, Eds. We shoulda done this ages ago,” she moaned, carefully picking her hips up and bringing them back down slowly. 
“Yeah,” he agreed lazily, letting his hands fall to her waist and rub little circles on the skin there. She went slow which he appreciated, deep slow thrusts that made both of them shiver. His heartache had faded, realizing he would be content to only be one of her conquests. He would be anything she wanted if she kept looking at him like that. 
Her eyes were glassy and filled with lust. She was usually so sharp but she looked content and peaceful for once. She looked beautiful. He brought one of his hands up to the back of her hair to smash their lips together again. 
It was aggressive and messy, his tongue fighting to engulf every bit of her mouth. She giggled when he pulled back and kissed her again on the tip of her nose. “So pretty,” he murmured. He could've sworn his heart stopped when her walls fluttered around him at the praise. 
“Eddie,” she gasped out when he finally brought his thumb down to circle her clit. He wasn’t as experienced as her but he knew his way around, both from porn and from a few hookups where he insisted on practicing that specific skill. None of his sexual interactions could top this, being balls deep in any other girl wouldn’t even compare to the way she said his name. 
“Can’t leave my girl hanging,” he teased as she moaned into the skin of his neck, forgetting to move her hips for a minute due to his fingers distracting her. 
She chose to ignore the fact that he called her his girl, she could deal with that later. What she couldn't deal with later was the fact he was very clearly close to his orgasm. He had noticed as well, speeding up his pace on her clit and using his other hand to tweak one of her nipples. “Shit. I’m close. Gimme a sec, I’ll get you there.” 
She chuckled softly at his insistence. Her eyes were filled with admiration or something of the sort. He almost came right there, he could handle her fucking his brains out but something about her being soft with him was what really got him going. “Don't look at me like that. I won't last.” 
“You don't have to. Cum inside me. Please.” She was coming close to her peak as well, his talented fingers working wonders at ‘getting her there’ as he had phrased it. 
Her offer was all it took for him to spill inside her. The thick ropes of cum pumping into her along with his lips on her neck forced her over the edge as well. 
Usually after such exertion she would flop down onto a soft bed and bathe in the bliss of it all for a moment. However, they were in a tricky position so she just kind of sat there awkwardly staring at him. 
It wasn’t as awkward for him. From where he was standing, or sitting would be the correct term, he had just had the best sex of his life and the girl he’d been in love with for six years was filled with his cum and sitting on his dick and keeping it nice and warm for him. “Fuck. I love you.” That shook her out of her post orgasmic haze instantly. 
She shook her head, not looking at him as she started to cry. It was abrupt and he was worried he had done something seriously wrong but he continued because he needed her to know how he felt. 
“You meant everything to me back then. You still do,” he admitted, his hands cupping her cheeks so she would look at him with her tearfilled eyes.  
“Don’t say that,” she pleaded, begging him not to get her hopes up but he brushed her off like it was nothing.  
“It’s true. I love you,” he repeated, this time with more meaning and passion if that was possible.  
“Eds,” his old nickname slipped out of her mouth so easily. It hurt to hear the way she said it. Like she was cautioning him against continuing his confession, or almost like she was pleading. 
“That night at junior prom, I wasn’t trying to fuck you. I was going to tell you about how I felt.” When he said that, all the puzzle pieces finally fit together in her head. But she had been telling herself for so long that he could never feel that way about her, it didn’t even compute that he was confessing his love for her over and over again. 
“We’re not even 20. You can’t really think this is anything more than teenage hormones.” She was always cynical. He loved that about her but it was getting damn frustrating. 
“You tell me? Do you love me?” he asked, finally turning the question back around at her. She was never a good liar. 
“I can't-'' she tried to avoid the question but he cut her off. 
“You’ve got my heart in your hand and I’m just asking you to break it. Do you love me?” She never realized how poetic he could be. He was always teatricial, but never like this. It made her think for a second that maybe he was serious. 
Screw it, she figured. Why not? “Yeah. I do. I love you.” 
He could already feel his dick hardening again at that admittance. And she could likely feel it too since he was still situated inside of her. “This isn’t going to sound very romantic, but do you want to go back to my place?” he asked hesitantly, way too timid for their current position.  “Yeah I’d like that,” she replied before kissing him softly. It was slow and sweet, like they had all the time in the world. Because they did.  
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sluttywonwoo · 3 years
study buddies || k.mg x reader
Pairing: frat!mingyu x fem reader 
Summary: studying for midterms with the guy you’re hooking up with goes exactly how you’d expect
Warnings: swearing, light smut (18+)
Word Count: 1.6k
a/n: reworked this old blurb originally posted on my tom holland fic account ( @wazzupmrstark ) for my gf’s birthday :)) happy birthday @hotgirlmingyu
You woke up to banging on your apartment door. Groaning, you rolled over to check your phone and saw that it was six am. You pushed yourself up and out of bed and padded into the kitchen to answer the door. You were surprised the relentless knocking hadn’t woken up your roommate, but she was a pretty heavy sleeper.
You yanked the door open to see Mingyu with a handful of textbooks. You squinted at him in confusion, wondering if you were seeing things. Mingyu had never been to your place before, you didn’t even know he knew where you lived.
His appearance startled you a bit. His hair was messy where it was usually slicked back or styled and he was wearing gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt. You didn’t think you’d ever seen him in anything other than khakis and a douchey printed shirt.
“What are you doing here?” you asked, rubbing your eyes.
He frowned. “You said we should study for midterms together.”
You thought back to the last time you’d seen Mingyu. You couldn’t remember saying anything like that.
“Was I drunk?”
“So why are you here?”
“To study. You agreed that we could help each other out.”
“Mingyu, I don’t even remember agreeing to that.”
“Well I’m already here,” he said and pushed past you into your apartment.
“Seriously? It’s Saturday.”
“Yeah, and midterms are next week.”
“Couldn’t you have waited until the sun was up?” you grumbled, mostly to yourself and shut the door behind him.
“We’ve got a lot of material to cover.”
You cursed under your breath as you watched him set up at your kitchen table, knowing you should probably study even though you desperately wanted to go back to bed.
You and Mingyu had met at a party at his fraternity and woke up the next morning tangled in the sheets of his bed. To say it was awkward would have been an understatement. You didn’t think you’d ever see him again, but to your horror, you saw him in your stats lecture on Monday and your mythology class on Thursday. This was a pretty big university. Why did the same asshole have to be in two of your classes?
As much as it annoyed you, you couldn’t stop thinking about Mingyu, and apparently, he was having a similar dilemma because every time you went out he seemed to be there, and every time you hooked up.
That was the extent of your relationship, though. You didn’t even speak to each other in class or at parties. The only time you talked was behind closed doors when one or both of you was naked. Even then you kept your guard up because you refused to let yourself fall for a frat boy with commitment issues who never wanted to be seen with the same girl twice. A boy who wouldn’t even talk to you in public.
But you couldn’t ignore the way your heart fluttered when he said your name as he was about to cum, or the way his lips felt against yours. He could be a total dick, but you’d also seen a softer side of him that he didn’t show many people. You forced yourself to forget about that side. It was easier that way.
“Okay, what are we starting with?” you asked with a sigh.
“We have the stats exam first, we should work on that.”
You made a face. Statistics was the harder out of the two for you. In fact, it was the hardest class you were taking this semester.
“I can’t believe I’m doing math before seven am.”
“You won’t be complaining when you ace the midterm,” he quipped, already working on a practice worksheet.
You watched him solve problems like he was checking items off a list. You knew he was good at statistics, but you didn’t know he was that good. Figures, a guy like him was good at pretty much everything. Everything except mythology apparently, because once you’d switched to that he was flustered and frustrated. You would quiz him on myths only for him to get every single question wrong.
“Mingyu, did you even read any of these?” you asked, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“Yes, y/n, I read every one. How do you think I passed all the reading quizzes?”
“Cheating?” it slipped out before you could stop it and Mingyu gave you a hard glare. You held up your hands defensively. “Just a joke.”
“I don’t think it was.” He licked his lips. “But for what it’s worth I read them all. I just can’t keep them straight.”
You sighed. You felt bad, but you were getting frustrated too. And not just because Mingyu wasn’t grasping the myths. This was the longest you’d ever spent together (at least while you were awake) and you hadn’t even had sex. He just smelled so nice and looked so cute when he was concentrating that you couldn’t help feeling a little impatient. You had been at it for hours, you thought you would’ve done it at least once by now. But Mingyu was more serious about studying than you thought. It was kind of admirable and kind of annoying.
“Okay well reread through the Egyptian myths and I’ll quiz you again.”
He pulled out his reading packet and flipped to the section you took out your phone and scrolled through social media mindlessly as he read, but it quickly got boring. You wished Mingyu would take a break so he could rail you. He was still reading intently, but you figured a little distraction couldn’t hurt.
You started by taking your hair down from your bun and shaking it out so that it fell around your shoulders. You knew your shampoo drove Mingyu crazy and hoped it would have an effect on him today. He shifted his seat, but didn’t look up from the packet. Next, you leaned over and rested your head on his shoulder. You’d never done something so domestic like this with Mingyu, but it seemed to work because he cleared his throat and adjusted his sweatpants.
“You know you could be working on math.”
You shrugged. “We already did stats for hours today. I think I’ll jump off a bridge if I look at one more differential equation.”
He fell silent and tried focusing back onto the reading, but you moved your hand to his thigh and kept it there as you continued to through twitter, not even reading what was on your screen.
“Stop that,” Mingyu muttered, making you jump a little.
“Fuck, because you’re distracting me. You look too hot right now.”
“I’m wearing pajamas.”
“I really don’t care. You still look hot and I’m trying not to fuck you senseless right now.”
“Well what’s stopping you?” you asked lowly and nipped at his ear.
“Need to finish this,” he replied through gritted teeth.
“I can’t convince you to take a break?” You moved the hand on his leg up so that you were cupping him over his pants.
He shook his head. “After.”
You leaned over and kissed his neck, then his jaw, and felt him get hard under your hand. “If I have to stop what I’m doing you won’t be able to walk for the next week.”
“That sounds like more of a motivator than a deterrent,” you admitted. “I’ll suck you off,” you offered and hooked your thumb in the waistband of his sweats, trying to bribe him.
“If you let me finish I’ll eat you out,” he countered.
You straightened up. It sounded like a pretty good deal.
A few minutes passed in silence and you were waiting patiently, typing up a rough draft of an essay you had due for another class when Mingyu groaned.
“What?” you asked, wondering if he needed help.
“Can you please stop that?”
“Stop what? I’m literally doing nothing.” You were genuinely confused now.
“Just- I don’t know you’re making it so hard to concentrate.”
“Am I making it hard?” You smirked.
“Very funny.”
“Would it help if I put a paper bag over my head?”
“Come on, keep reading about Osiris.”
“I don’t want to read about Osiris anymore, he’s a dick.”
“The faster you finish the faster you can get off.”
“I thought you didn’t want to wait,” Mingyu pointed out, trying to deflect.
“I think I recall something about you going down on me if I let you finish reading.”
“Fine,” he grumbled, but didn’t turn back to the book. Instead, he continued to gaze at you with those big brown eyes. You couldn’t tell what he was thinking.
“What?” You felt your cheeks get warm.
“I just really want to kiss you right now.”
You smiled and raised your chin, challenging him. “Then do it.”
He leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours. You closed your eyes and kissed him back, savoring the moment.
When you pulled away, Mingyu’s eyes were dark with want and you could see that he was now fully hard in his sweatpants.
“How about I eat you out now anyway?” He suggested, leaning forward to kiss your neck.
You moaned and brought your hands to his hair.
“You trying to bribe me?”
“Is it working?”
“Fuck yeah.”
Mingyu stood and picked you up from your chair. You wrapped your legs around his waist again. He pulled on your bottom lip with his teeth and smirked.
“Promise you’ll finish studying after?” you asked.
He considered it. “Does what we’re about to do count as studying mythology? Because it’s going to be legendary.”
You scrunched up your face in distaste. “No, I take it back. Put me down.”
Mingyu grinned. “Hey! You know no ones gives it to you as good as I do.”
“That confident are you?”
His grin turned into a smirk. “Is that a challenge?”
lmk what you think i always appreciated feedback!!
forever tags: @haven-cove
shoot me an ask to be added/removed from my taglist
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