#also i could write about isaac all day long i'm sorry if a lot of these were facts you already knew alskdfj
watercolorwench · 2 years
tune into today’s episode of meet my ocs! here’s ten (ish) facts about isaac, everyone's favorite time traveler!
his full name is isaac andrew rafferty, he's currently 379 years old, and he's a scorpio. he's also a bisexual disaster, uses he/they pronouns (i think)
he's half-elven warlock, pact of the blade, great old one patron (if we're being technical) with a lovely cork accent
he's not quite immortal but his weird powers and his curse seem to have afforded him some strange measure of pseudo-immortality and if it gives him more time in this world, he's really not going to complain
in a past life (or just one absurdly long one), he used to be the cabin boy on a sailing vessel with his older brother (read: pirate ship). other occupations over the years have included: barkeep, mapmaker, fence, a sell-sword, an honest-to-yeehawness cowboy, a glorified mailman (herald), and a part time carpenter. current occupation? temporal assassin for a syndicate, though he's very tight-lipped about it.
he's got a small family — blood relatives are his mother, paloma, and his older brother, ash. but he'll tell anyone that thea is family. and annia too, though he's less vocal about that.
his dating life is...complicated but!!! he's madly in love with the aformentioned (and absolutely wonderful) thea seabright, AND they eloped by the sea and exchanged little tokens of love a few centuries back. he regularly brings her trinkets he finds (seaglass, smooth rocks, bits of pottery, even bits of gold here and there! anything he can stash in his pockets til he sees her next). though his curse keeps him from seeing thea as often as he'd like, he'll always find his way back to her, fight it back to her if he has to. he loves her and always will. little more difficult to pindown but he and annia have...something or could have had something...at some point...idk he's as confused as you are. immortals, amirite?
his sleep schedule is royally fuckt. you've never met a more tired man. but when he can grab some sleep? it's naps here and there, for whatever time he can afford, always in the strangest places. he has a habit of falling asleep clutching a compass tightly in his good hand
isaac love love loves film photos and hand-written letters. his handwriting is atrocious but he's been known to write very heartfelt and romantic letters (he'll deny this to most who ask). similarly, every letter he's ever gotten from thea he keeps bound in a leather journal in the breast pocket of his coat. he's never misplaced a single one, not even the time he was in the path of an errant fireball. dumbass immediately put the flames out and made sure the journals were safe. whenever he is, wherever he is, he makes a point to check the little safehouses and safeboxes they have around the world, both to pick up things from thea and to leave her notes and little presents. two crows in love.
sand. so much sand. his hair, his eyes, his clothing? sand-coloured and also often he's shedding sand. it's part of the weird magic he possesses or maybe it's part of the curse, we're not sure. but he's a very nondescript and colourless individual. almost completely unassuming, unless you have a reason to be looking for him
he's fairly skilled with herbs (centuries of knowing two very capable women have helped him immensely) and any time he runs into annia, he tries to convince her to make some poultices and things of the like for him, to help ease the aches of his joints. turns out, even near-immortal half-elves ain't immune to osteoarthritis! impacting mainly his hands/wrists (with the right being worse) and also his left knee, which caused him to limp slightly when he walks. he wears wraps or braces, depending on how he's doing.
okay wait one more! he's most often found appearing in the most liminal sorts of spaces. train platforms, gas stations at night, empty laundromats first thing in the morning, etc. and when he appears/disappears, there are always more grains of sand left in his wake. what an eerie bitch we love him
thea belongs to @tazunari and annia to @shutokushintaro (thank u for the ask i love the chance to ramble about my ocs)
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peaceoutofthepieces · 5 months
Uh hi! So I know you usually do ship stuff, but I am desperate for some Isaac Henderson angst content. I’ve found a few here and there but most of them aren’t actually super angsty and a lot somehow feel more about the other characters even if they’re meant to be about Isaac. They’re good but nothings really scratched that itch so far. Could you write something using #12 from the angsty dialogue prompts? Or honestly if you’d rather not do that one, any one of the prompts would be great. I’ll leave it up to you what exactly it’s about and who the line is directed at, I just wanna see my fave go through it.
hello!! i'm sorry this took so long! i would like to clarify that i started it ages ago, but it was at less than 1000 words yesterday evening, and then it was finished at 2am last night. (i got so into it i'm currently in the mindset of "that's it, i'm going to try and post at least a fic a week now 😤", but we will see if that actually happens.) so, i hope if nothing else it's sufficiently angsty and not too ooc. you did give me quite a bit of freedom, and it remains unclear if that was a good choice or not 😅 anyway, enjoy!!
12. "Help me."
Post-prom, Isaac felt out of sorts. 
His situation with James and his odd encounter at Elle’s exhibition had been eye-opening, to say the least. Angela Chen’s Ace still resided on his nightstand, though he’d finished reading it two days after lifting it from the library. He couldn’t bring himself to return it just yet; he found himself going back to it at night, rereading sections over again as if they would tell him something new, feeling he was still missing something. And anyway, they were still on summer holidays. The school wouldn’t miss it for now. 
No one seemed to be missing him much, either.
It was becoming more noticeable, this summer break, how he was the odd one out. He’d been aware his friends were essentially coupled off for months now, and Paris had cemented it, but Paris had also kept them stuck together as a group. 
(Plus, most of the Paris trip had been before things had become royally awkward with James, but he was mostly avoiding thinking about all that.)
The situation with Darcy had understandably taken a bit of a priority in the past couple of weeks, but it didn’t explain the shift that had seemed to happen within all his friends since prom. Isaac had figured for a while that Elle would be leaving, and he assumed it was why she and Tao had been attached at the hip. He didn’t begrudge them it, really. He had watched them pine over each other long enough that leaving them this time together felt warranted. Besides, it wasn’t like they were asking Charlie to movie nights recently, either. 
But it also wasn’t likely Charlie was waiting to be asked, these days. He and Nick had seemingly re-entered their honeymoon phase, which was fair given that they finally could be as coupley as they wanted wherever and whenever they wanted. Isaac just found it odd that it seemed to be more since prom than Nick’s coming out, but he was not going to ask about that. It made sense he didn’t want to think about. The intense, somewhat dark cloud that seemed to still hang over Nick around Charlie was more worth questioning, but it was also part of what kept Isaac from encroaching on them recently. 
Everyone seemed to have something going on. His going-ons felt a little unworthy, in comparison. He wasn’t sure if he was feeling shit about himself because he didn’t want to put an extra burden on his friends and it was a bit sad he considered his feelings a burden, or if that was an excuse for not having to talk about it because he didn’t really know how and it was making him feel shit. 
So, yes. Out of sorts. 
Out of sorts and alone, most of the time. 
He was not in the habit of pitying himself, however, and he was not about to start now. So what if he was having some life-defining realisations about himself and he had no one to share them with? He’d coped with life mostly on his own so far and he’d continue to do so. 
And he was coping. Perfectly. 
Kind of. 
Sitting in one of his best friend’s houses, surrounded by their other friends and staring into a book was how he always coped, so this was perfectly normal. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t absorbing the words and everyone seemed louder than usual. He hadn’t been sleeping well. He was tired. That’s all he was feeling. 
Tara tugged at his foot from where she and Darcy were perched on the floor by his armchair. “Isaac, we're gonna play a boardgame. Put the book down and come join us!”
Isaac looked, but Tao and Elle were still wrapped up in each other in the corner and Nick and Charlie were nowhere in sight. He raised an eyebrow at Tara. “We are?”
“Yes! Nick and Charlie are away to get them right now, so come get comfy.”
Darcy snorted. “Good idea, because we could be waiting for a bit.”
Tara slugged her shoulder and Darcy only giggled again. 
“Shouldn't they have passed the honeymoon phase by now?” Isaac asked, lowering his book slightly but not yet closing it. 
“Nick and Charlie?” Tara grinned. “I'm not sure those two will ever come out of it.”
“Well, I can't say I don't understand,” Darcy quipped, leaning in to Tara with a grin. Tara turned towards her, and their smiles melded as they kissed.
Isaac snapped his book closed. “Actually, I think I'll go to the loo while we're waiting.”
No one gave any sign of hearing him, so Isaac slipped quietly out of the room and up to the bathroom. He rolled his eyes at the giggles coming from Charlie's room and didn't pause. Closing the bathroom door behind him, he finally released a sharp breath. He perched himself on the edge of the bath and pulled out his phone.
Instagram was a distraction he did not often indulge in. His follow count was small—only his friends and favourite authors alongside a small cluster of bookstagrammers he'd found to have good taste. He saved a couple of recommendation posts, then began clicking through stories, pausing when he reached James's. 
The story was almost timed out, all of it from last night, seemingly at a party. Isaac had stopped on a video where James appeared to be singing along to the song playing with another boy. In the middle of it, the boy had swooped forward to kiss James on the cheek. 
Isaac stared at James’s delighted expression and something complicated clenched in his chest. He quickly locked the phone and set it beside him, directing his focus to the wall. 
It was good, he rationalised. James was wonderful; he deserved to be going out and having fun, and he deserved, without question, to have a handsome boy having fun with him. Whether they were friends or something more didn't matter, but the something more definitely seemed possible, if not likely. And James deserved someone who could give him that. 
Isaac had not been able to give him that—did not want to give anyone that, could not derive any joy from it, even from the chance of it giving joy to someone else. 
He was not incapable of love. He knew that. When he looked at his family, when he looked at Charlie and Tao and Elle, he was always so full of love he felt he might explode from it. It wasn't romantic, and it wasn't physical, but it was love, in its purest form it seemed, to him, given he did not want anything in return for it but their happiness and their continued place in his life. 
It was love, uncomplicated, unconditional love, and why wouldn't that be enough? 
He never seemed to be enough. 
He always did what he could to be a good son and a good friend, and he had never doubted it until recently. James had been one of those good friends. He still was, as far as Isaac was concerned, but their relationship had undeniably changed. Maybe it was simply in an awkward phase that would pass, but Isaac, at the moment, could not believe it would ever be the same. For a time, James had been something of his best friend—not because Isaac liked him more than Charlie or Tao or Elle, or because he really spent more time with him, but because James was Isaac’s friend in a way they were not. They spent time together, the two of them, and shared interests the two of them, and when they had been together they had not felt the need for any company outside of the two of them. 
But that had not meant the same to James as it had to Isaac, and Isaac could not give him anything more. He understood that his rejection would not be taken without consequence, but he hadn't been prepared to be, in a way, rejected in return. 
Was this all he would ever achieve? Having friends who would always be somewhat distant—who would always have someone closer, someone better—or having someone close who would eventually want that closeness in a way he did not. Before, he'd worried he was not worthy of that want to begin with. Never had he thought it would be his inability to return it that would be the issue. Could he be upset, that it was his not wanting to be too close that lost him all closeness as a result? 
He was alone on an island of his own making. He couldn't blame anyone for leaving him there if he wasn't going to invite them in, could he? 
Was this, then—alone in the bathroom of his best friend's house with his phone locked beside him and tears in his throat—all he was destined for? 
Isaac Island, party of one. 
A knock on the door startled him, and he swore quietly as he knocked his phone onto the tiles. As he picked it up, he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and blanched. There were no tears, but his eyes were red and his face was blotchy and the tears were waiting in his throat, they surely would be there if he went back downstairs to—
Another knock.
“One—one minute,” he tried, clearing his throat when his voice cracked. He quickly turned on the tap and ran his hands and wrists under the cool water, but it did nothing to steady his breathing. The thought of his aloneness had choked him, but the thought of returning into company strangled him. It was not his friends’ fault—he refused to make it his friends’ fault—but at the moment, he couldn't bear them all the same. 
He cupped more cold water in his hands and scrubbed it over his face, but it did not shock him out of the spiral of his thoughts. The third knock barely registered over the growing ringing in his ears. 
“Isaac?” Not Charlie, like Isaac had thought. Not Nick either, or Tara, or any of them. “Are you okay? I'd really like to use the loo.”
His island, he thought deliriously, was sinking; he was drowning, and still, he could do nothing but soak his hands under the tap and soak his face in turn and suck in breaths that did not hold enough oxygen. He was drowning, he was sinking, he could not see it but his body felt it and his lungs were going to seize, he was dying—
He cut the knocking off by throwing open the door and gasping, “Help me.”
Isaac had one second to appreciate Tori’s bewildered expression before it turned serious and she took to action. “Isaac? Hey. Look at me.” She set her hands on his shoulders as he wrapped his arms around his middle, still heaving. “I'm assuming you didn't just get diagnosed with asthma,” Tori said, still impossibly calm—perhaps he was actually the sea, he thought, undefinable and raving, and she the island, unravagable. Isaac shook his head. “Alright. I think, then, this is likely a panic attack. Would it help if I get Charlie?”
Isaac shook his head more vigorously. 
To her credit, Tori only considered him for a few seconds, and didn't argue. She guided him back into the bathroom and gently kicked the door closed. “Sit,” she told him. He did, and she crouched in front of him. Immediately, with his knees pulled to his chest and the bath supporting his back, it was better. He was not so adrift. “You're alright. It will pass. I know it's stupid, but you really do just have to focus on breathing.”
She started counting. It was only when she'd repeated the numbers four times that he understood she was telling him how long to breathe in and out for. Then he tried to follow it, and slowly, air felt like it was moving through him regularly again. 
Isaac wiped at his cheek. To his embarrassment, his fingers came away damp. He didn't look at Tori, but he said, “Thank you.” Then, “Sorry.”
She didn't brush off his apology, or tell him to get out now so she could actually use the loo—both of which would have been fair and not unexpected responses. Instead, she turned and sat next to him. She leaned against the bath to his left, a few inches between their shoulders, and stared at the wall quietly with him. 
When his skin stopped vibrating, he tucked his arms around his middle again and breathed out. “How did you know what to do?” he asked. 
She glanced at him and shrugged. “I didn't, really.”
It was all she offered, but it seemed honest. Isaac decided not to push. He was too grateful to care much. 
“Do you want to tell me what it was about?” she asked, softly. 
Isaac looked over at her. She was looking back, unsmiling but not unhappy. She reminded him a lot of Charlie, Isaac had always thought. They seemed similar in ways they likely weren't even aware of. It was both comforting and unnerving. “Do you really want me to?”
Tori shrugged again. “I'd prefer it if you told Charlie or your other friends, because I think that would be more helpful. But I don't think you want to. So you can tell me, if you need to tell someone.”
That was—exactly what Isaac needed, really. He didn't exactly think it should be Tori. They'd known each other a while, and they liked each other well enough, but they weren't friends. Plus, Isaac knew she and Charlie were actually close; it felt weird and unfair to tell her something and then ask her to keep it from him. 
But in this moment, he could not think of a better option, and the mere thought of getting the weight off his chest was a relief. 
“I think I'm going to end up alone,” he said, blunt and ridiculous. Tori, completely fairly, raised a disbelieving eyebrow. “Not because I think I'm unlovable or something like that.” Although that was part of it. “But because—” Could he say the actual words? “—I think I'm asexual, and aromantic, so I don't think I'll ever love love anyone, and I think that means I'll always be a bit alone.”
He could. 
It still seemed sad and pathetic when he said it out loud, maybe even more so, but the act of it—the unretractable reality of it—settled something in him. 
Tori's expression, a little confused but free of judgement, only added to that feeling. “So, you don't feel romantic or sexual attraction,” she said slowly. “At all. Is that what you mean?”
Isaac was vaguely impressed. He nodded. 
“When did you figure this out?”
Isaac took a long, heavy breath. “I think, properly, I started to figure it out in Paris, when I realised this guy liked me and I was trying to figure out if I liked him back? But I think I'd been starting to realise it long before then. I just…hadn't known what to call it, or what it meant.”
Tori, he noticed gratefully, took time to process this before nodding. “And now?”
Isaac blinked. “Now?”
“What do you think it means now?”
Oh. Isaac hadn't expected the question, and he found himself unsure of how to answer. “I think it means I'm always going to be lonely.”
Tori tilted her head. “But you didn't think that before.”
“You said you don't think you're unlovable. And I agree. I think Charlie loves you a lot. I think most people would, because you are a very nice person. You didn't think of that as less important because it wasn't romantic before. What changed?”
Changed? Nothing. Everything. They were growing up, and love had more meanings when you grew up, and some of those meanings became less important. He looked at the wall again. “They have other people they love more,” he said softly. 
“And you won't ever have that,” Tori returned, equally soft. Not a barb, not a rebuke, nothing negative at all. Just realising; working through it alongside him. “So you think you won't ever be the most important person to someone.”
Isaac swallowed, unable to answer. Not because he didn't know the answer—because it was yes, it was true, she was right, of course she was—but because it was impossible to admit. 
“I think that's the case for most people,” Tori said, at once blunt and thoughtful. Isaac looked back at her, awaiting an explanation. “Think about it. Even the most in love people usually have children, and then their children are the most important people, or at least equally important. And if they have more than one child, no one of them is the most important, and neither of the parents are the most important to the other. I think, instead of having one supremely important person, most people have a group of important people in their life.”
She looked over at him and continued. “There probably are different levels and different kinds of importance, but I don't think that necessarily means one is worth less than the other.”
Isaac sat, for a moment, and absorbed that. Could it be true? He thought of his family. He was lucky, in that scenario. His parents were kind, were wonderful, and he knew without question that they loved him, and he loved them. Neither one of them, he realised, was more important to him than the other. He had different relationships with them both, but each of their losses would leave an equally sized hole in his heart. 
He knew that probably wasn't the same for most people, but if he could find that one example in his own life so easily, he couldn't deny it was possible in others. 
“I suppose,” Isaac said. “I think I know what you mean. I don't think it's the same, but—I know what you mean.”
Tori did smile, now. A barely there thing, but warm and kind, all the same. “It probably isn't the same. I know me saying I love my brothers equally and neither of them are less important doesn't mean anything for your friends treating you the same as their partners, or even other friends. But I think—every relationship is as important as you make it. And sometimes, people might not know they aren't making it important, if they don't know what's important about it to you.”
“Has important stopped sounding like a real word to you, too?” Isaac asked. 
“About six ‘important’s ago,” Tori agreed. 
Isaac laughed, and his relief grew. Tori's smile also grew, just a tick. 
“You're saying I should just talk to my friends,” Isaac noted, eventually, and Tori's smile grew wry. 
“I did say that at the very beginning, yes.” Isaac laughed again, and she shook her head. “But I am saying you should explain to them. I can't promise you're wrong, or tell you everything will be fine,” she said truthfully. “But I don't think you can assume people can't give you what you need, if you don't tell them what that is and let them try.”
Isaac’s chest tightened again, but it was different to the breathless feeling from before. Instead of hopelessness, it was an anticipatory sort of buzz. There was a sureness that hadn't been there before. 
There was a clatter from outside, and this time it was Charlie's voice that called out. “Isaac! Are you still up here? We have the game set up.”
Isaac looked from the door back to Tori. She gave him another smile and nodded. “Go on. I have really needed to pee for about ten minutes now.”
Isaac laughed, again, and got to his feet. Tori passed his phone up to him, and he thanked her once more. He knew she could tell he meant for everything, and she wouldn't appreciate him making more of it, so he took his leave without another word, leaving her to pee in peace. 
Charlie was hovering at the top of the stairs. His face broke into a smile at Isaac’s appearance. “There you are. You've been up here ages.” His smile drooped slightly as Isaac came closer. “You okay?”
“Yeah.” Isaac nodded. “Sorry, I got caught talking to Tori.”
“In the bathroom?” Charlie huffed, bewildered but amused. For a moment Isaac pictured Tori's expression when he'd opened the door to her, and he smiled. 
He only hesitated for a second before saying, “I wanted to talk to all of you about something, actually.”
Immediately, Charlie's expression softened. “Yeah?” When Isaac nodded, Charlie smiled and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, tugging him towards the staircase. “Come on, then. The game can wait.”
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notebookmusical · 4 months
Okay sorry about that but this is part 2. So I feel pretty biased toward the Outsiders I guess cuz it's a story I know well and I thought the songs I heard fit. I can't really say much about the acting nominations because I just don't know. I also saw someone say it's the first show in a while to have a big fandom like Newsies lol and I can see some similarities. The music isn't my favorite still though but I'm not sure when I will have time to listen to the cast album. I think it is a better adaptation than the Notebook based on what I've seen from it so far. I think it could be between this and Hells Kitchen based on how many noms it got or Suffs as well. I really like all the revivals too but I still think Merrily will win.
I was also reading a little bit about the other version of Gatsby from some people that went and their reviews. Most of the reviews said it was so good and It seems like we were right..that one would be more glitzy and 1920s and the other would be more about themes in the story. I will say that the other one is generally what most people would think of cuz it seems very much like a fun type of musical. I still think the leads are probably the biggest strength though and I'm saving my opinion until the cast album comes out. I would be curious about how the music sounds in the new one too since I love Isaac Powells voice and Florence but I didn't see much about it. I hope you're happy with it.
I think one of the strengths of the Wicked movie is that at least we know they can all sing decently. I'm still not sure if they have the right voice when I think of the characters. I definitely don't have a dream cast either...I have seen people say Dove Cameron and Jordan Fisher and that doesn't seem right either. I guess Elphaba would make sense as somebody new and unknown that could be as good as Rachel Zegler from West Side. A long time ago, people thought Anna Kendrick or Amanda Seyfried for Glinda and Zac Efron or Darren Criss and Lea Michele as a potential Elphaba. So no one would feel right at all I don't think. I love No one mourns the Wicked, Dancing through Life, Popular, I'm not that Girl, Defying Gravity As Long as You're Mine. and For Good. I'm excited for the whole dancing thru life scene in the movie. It's hard to imagine in the movie. I also wonder how many songs they're going to cut too. I would also be excited to see what Oz looks like on screen and when they would get older. I'm not that familiar with Wicked Witch of the East since it's not on the cast album and I was shocked when I saw it on stage in the musical. I know nothing about who is playing Nessa in the movie either. What about you? Some people who love Broadway really did love the trailer though and said Ariana sounds exactly like Kristin Chenoweth so I'm still hopeful about the movie overall.
Your list is so great and I agree with everything you put especially the debut set and mashup. That would be such a good mashup. I love when she mashed up Should've Said No and Bad Blood on rep tour. I think I would have the song Red performed instead of Holy Ground though. I'm fine with Speak Now as is with Long Live but I would also pick Sparks Fly for another song if I could. She sang it as a surprise song the other day and it seems like she has a lot of fun performing it. I would add Willow to the Evermore set. I agree that I love the rep and Midnights sets. I know most people say she could cut Mastermind for YOYOK but it's one of my favorite performances and I love experiencing it with fans. I don't want to write out a whole setlist but I mostly agree. I haven't been good at guessing surprise songs lately but I had a dream the other night that she mashed up bad blood and Don't You lol so I made that my guess. It seems like she is singing mostly songs from TTPD or the anthology but I still never guess right lol. She also sang Glitch for the first time yesterday and I especially loved the Long Story Short and Prophecy mashup. I don't think I'm going to make any guesses yet though. Anyway I hope you have a nice rest of the week and I might not reply until after the weekend..just letting you know so you don't worry about replying. 🩷
i actually haven't listened to the music for the outsiders yet! i think i'm going to hold off until i read the book (and maybe watch the movie?)! i'm not sure yet! i did see someone say it was like this generation's newsies and i was like. what do you mean THIS generation???? i felt very old seeing that tweet haha. the notebook, i've heard, is more book inspired than movie, but i'm unfamiliar with the book and also do not care enough! i do think that it should've been framed as a story about memory loss, rather than a love story — i think the memory loss part of it is so much stronger than the love story, and i think the score is quite forgettable/one of the weakest parts. i don't really care about suffs and i don't know much about hells kitchen! definitely rooting for merrily <3333
my friend saw ART gatsby and said it was quite lovely and that the score was very florence, which made me even more excited! i've been taking my sweet time with annotating it, which is fine — but i think i'm going to try to do a deep dive into art gatsby when i'm done!
i think dove cameron and jordan fisher would've been great in a legally blonde musical movie a couple years ago! but i don't particularly see them in wicked. i am very picky about casting, especially for wicked. ugh. i feel like most things would be better if they had a proshot vs. a musical movie. maybe i am just bitter! (i definitely am). we have a lot of favorites — i also really love thank goodness! i wasn't charmed by the trailer, but we'll see! maybe the entire movie will take me away! i hope it proves me wrong! i doubt it will! (i hope you got my reference).
ooh red instead of holy ground would be a good one too! i'd be fine with that! willow is such a fun theatrical moment for her, but i think if she had to do one theatrical moment during folkmore i'd keep last great american dynasty, then tolerate it, then willow! i LOVE mastermind, i don't care what other people say! the dominos DID cascade in a line! it's just so good! i love the eras choreography. i don't think she's sang anything from the fearless vault, has she? which is wild haha. i can't believe she sang crazier the other day!!! i love that song! i can't wait for the rerecorded version!
hope you had fun on your trip! love you!
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andreafmn · 3 years
I'm Not Afraid - Chapter 1
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Word Count: 3,325
Characters: Female Reader Argent Character, Original Male Argent Character, Derek Hale, Allison Argent, Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Isaac Lahey, Lydia Martin, Chris Argent, Jackson Whittemore
Story Description: (Y/N) Argent arrived at Beacon Hills to put to rest her father's sister, Kate Argent. For the first time, her family has decided to settle down and sustain a life in this interesting small town. After 17 years, (Y/N) has the opportunity to establish interpersonal relationships but will she be ready to face the complications that come with relating to her cousin's, Allison, friends; especially, the infamous Derek Hale. She will face the adventure of being associated with the Derek and McCall pack as well as being faced with the discovery of certain aspects of her life she never imagined.
*DISCLAIMER* I do not own in any way Teen Wolf, all credits of the pre-established characters, script, and storyline belong to Jeff Davis and MTV Network. The only thing I own is Argent Reader insert, her immediate family, and her storyline, as well as her effects in the others' storyline.
Chapter: 1/?
Chapter Description: (Y/N) finally arrives at Beacon Hills for the funeral of her aunt and meets a certain wolf to which she feels a special connection.
A/N: Second fandom I'm writing for. I love Teen Wolf so much and the trope of hard Derek but only soft for you makes my heart sing. If you enjoy my writing I’ll also be posting them in AO3 and Wattpad along with other stories (I also hope to start taking requests if ya’ll want) Hope you enjoy and all constructive criticism is encouraged.
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Chapter 1
I hugged the black coat to my body as hard as I could whilst pushing through the sea of press. Our family's last name became quite known after the reports about my aunt, whose burial we were attending. She had allegedly burned down a house with people in it.  She killed them in cold blood. I hugged my grieving uncle and his less grieving wife, then my cousin who had a painful look on her face. I hugged her the longest. She let herself crumble on my arms, sobbing uncontrollably. Even though she was a horrible person she was still our aunt, family.
I took my seat behind Allison when my father, my mother, uncle Chris, and aunt Victoria stood up. Allison didn't lift her head and neither did I. I just tried to comfort her.
"It's been such a long time I don't expect you to call me grandpa." We both looked up to see a white-haired man who resembled the Argent features. "Don't worry about it, just call me Gerard." He hugged both of us, an overpowering aura emanating from his being. When we were engulfed, I looked to the side and saw two boys squatting behind a gravestone. If they were hiding, they were doing a horrible job at it.
"But I prefer Grandpa," Gerard said walking to his seat. I sat back down and drifted off during the whole ceremony. Once it was over, I joined my parents and we drove to our new house. I have a feeling that life here will be very interesting.
That weekend I decided that I had been putting working out off for too long. I changed into comfortable workout clothes and gave food to my dog, Brody. I headed out the door, put my earbuds on, and started to jog. I really didn't know where I was going since it was a new place for me, all I know is that I kept running until I reached the woods. The bad thing about this, I had no idea how to get back home. Even though I knew of this sidetrack and I knew I would be late to get back home, I kept running, needing a release from the mundane feeling of being new in town and having to reunite from our estranged family in a funeral.
I had gained a lot of momentum. God knows how fast I was running at this point that is until I hit something, it almost felt like a wall. When I looked up, I saw a very handsome guy. Spiked hair, green eyes, and slight stubble. If it weren't for the fact that I was already sweaty I would have started to sweat showers of how nervous I was. That is until he opened his mouth.
"Watch where you're going." He growled at me.
"How about you fucking move and not be a prick?" He looked at me with big eyes, probably in surprise, but quickly changed to his menacing look. Who was he trying to fool?
"Well, this is private property, which means that you're trespassing, meaning you should pay more attention to your surroundings."
"I'm sorry but a burnt-down house with almost no walls or roof is barely a property. So, how about you stop being an idiot and I can be on my way." I started to jog once again but he gained my attention once more.
"You're new here, aren't you?" I turned around to face him.
"What's it to you?" He raised his eyebrow.
"I'll take that as a yes." The cockiness oozed out of his pores.
"And why the hell should that matter?"
"Because no one would dare talk to me that way."
"Who would be afraid of a little sour wolf?" He tensed up. "Dude, chill. I'm just kidding. But I doubt anyone would be afraid of Mr...."
"Hale. Derek Hale." He said extending his hand to me. Gee, after screaming at me he wants us to be acquaintances. I thought about not shaking his hand, but I didn't want to be rude. Well, more than I have been already.
"(Y/N). Argent." I shook his hand. Strong grip. Suddenly I felt a rush of déjà vu; I had met him the day before. "Wait, aren't you that guy I accidentally hit with my grocery cart yesterday?"
"Yeah, that really hurt. You hit my ankle. You could've had me limping."
"But you're not, so be grateful I didn't break your ankle." He laughed. "Damn, if I had known how cocky you really were, I would've hit you harder."
"So, you admit that you hit me?"
"Oh yeah, of course, I hit you. Accidentally that is."
"Yeah, yeah."
I looked around trying to find where the hell I had come from but there wasn't even the slightest trail as to where I was to go.
"So, miss (Y/N). Do you even know your way home?"
"No, but I'm sure I can find my way back." Then, he took keys out of his pocket and pointed to his car.
"Come on, I'll drive you around and you just tell me when something seems familiar."
"And why should I go with the guy that almost ripped out my throat for bumping into him? For all I know you could be driving me to my death." I crossed my arms over my chest, and he let out a loud sigh.
"Look, I'm sorry for snapping. But I'm trying to be nice. That doesn't happen very often."
"Alright, Mr. Hale. I'll let you take me home just because you are being nice now, after being a prick, and I'm exhausted."
"See, no one can resist me." I rolled my eyes at his cockiness. Seriously does he buy cans of it on eBay?
"Don't get cocky with me. I can punch the living daylights out of you." He chuckled and started to drive.
We drove for about 20 minutes until I finally recognized the curb that led to my house. Upon arriving at my driveway, I got out of the car and walked to the driver’s side.
"Give me your hand” For some reason, I felt compelled to do so. He took a pen and wrote down a number. "Call me if you ever need a tour of the town."
Three weeks later, I walked inside the school to meet up with Allison. I moved here with my family since dad had some business taking float. Being the new kid in town is never fun. I would know. I switch schools almost every year. The pro and con about this would be not being attached to anyone. Usually, I'm the one who doesn't talk to anyone and is called a freak. A derogatory term given to people who are way too different from others, but a title I wore proudly.
"Oh my gosh, (Y/N)! How have you been?" Allison wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly. It was as if she hadn't seen me just three weeks ago.
"Hi, Allison. I've been good, getting acclimated to the new town. You?" You would think that because we were cousins, I would be more affectionate towards her but honestly, I wouldn't see her again for like three more years, so what's the point?
"I'm good. A little rocky at the start of coming here but good." Then, a boy with a buzz cut and one with great brown hair walked by and smiled at Alli. "Ooh, you should come meet my friends. Stiles, Scott!! Come here." The boys turned around with goofy grins on their faces.
"Hey, Allison. Who's this?" Buzzcut kid said.
"This is my cousin, (Y/N). She just moved here from Virginia."
"Pleasure to meet you. I'm Scott." The one with the great hair said.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Stiles." I shook their hands and smiled.
"Nice to meet you, too, buzzcut." Allison and Scott laughed but Stiles only ran his hand through his hair, suddenly becoming hyperaware of his lack of locks.
"Allison. Who might this sexy lady be?" I rolled my eyes. The last thing I need is a narcissist with a god-complex trying to get close.
"Oh, Jackson, this is my cousin, (Y/N)."
"Hi." He extended his hand and looked me up and down.
"Hi." I smiled sarcastically, and when I didn't extend my hand, he dropped his.
Finally, after standing awkwardly behind Allison whilst her friends talked, the bell rang. Talk about saved by the bell.
"Hey, (Y/N), what's your first class?" I checked my schedule.
"Um, chemistry."
"Oh, good, then you're coming with us to Mr. Harris' class," Scott said pointing towards him and Stiles. I smiled and walked behind them.
Once we got to the classroom everyone turned to me, the ever-present sign of being new in the class evident in the stare of my classmates.
"Um, hi, my name is (Y/N) Argent and I'm new." The teacher, whom I guess is Mr. Harris, turned around to face me.
"Oh, yes, Miss Argent. Welcome. You will be sitting next to Isaac Lahey. Lahey, raise your hand." Once Isaac raised his hand, I noticed he was sat near Stiles and Scott. Two people I was trying to avoid. As I walked past, I accidentally pushed Stiles' book on his lap, startling him, resulting in an awkward descent from his lab stool onto the floor.
"Hi, again. I guess we are gonna see a lot of each other for the rest of the school year." I nodded and he scratched the back of his neck. "So, um, what school did you come from?"
"Lancaster High," I responded whilst writing down what Mr. Harris was writing on the board. Stiles kept trying to talk to me, but I would only give him short, cold answers or just ignore him. That is until Mr. Harris called our attention, that's when he finally got the memo to shut up.
"I'm sorry to bother you, but I just wanted to introduce myself since we're gonna be seated next to each other all year. I'm Isaac."
"I figured." I tried giving him my best smile. The vibe he was giving off seemed like he needed it. "I'm (Y/N)."
"Well, nice to meet you, (Y/N). Now I'll leave you to the class because if I don't I know I'll be failing even more than I am."
"Oh, well, maybe I can tutor you some time. I'm actually really good at science. My mom was a chemist professor once upon a time so I'm bound to understand all this."
"Really?!" His puppy eyes seemed to light up and I nodded. "That would actually be amazing."
"Sure thing. Now let's get back to class."
After Chemistry finished, I put everything in my bag as quickly as possible and sped to my next class, Math. Thankfully, none of Allison's friends shared this class with me but I did share it with Isaac.  I didn't consider him much a friend but more an acquaintance in desperate need of help.
As the day progressed, I noticed the rest of my classes were shared with one or more of Allison's friends. They all tried to strike up a conversation but were quickly discouraged when met with my one-worded or vague answers. Especially, Stiles. He tried especially hard to get answers out of me, only being met with the occasional laugh or stare at his comical occurrences. He seemed like the kind of person you could just open up to. The same could be said about Scott. His shy nature was alluring, and he portrayed himself as a very trustworthy and loyal being.
But I would not allow myself to let them in. My whole being yearned for a real friendship, someone to share nothing and everything; never again.
At lunch, I sat outside and ate my food quietly, a book in front of my face to shield my eyes from the sun the prevalent stares of my peers. After some minutes of appreciated loneliness, the empty table was filled with conversating teenage bodies. I smiled politely but, in my mind, I was cursing them out.
"So, (Y/N), how's your day been?" Allison asked whilst munching on an apple. I swallowed what was left of my bite and answered.
"Fine, thank you." This time no one pressed on after my short answers, finally getting the hint of my disinterest. In the corner of my eye, I saw Isaac sitting under a tree munching on half a sandwich. I excused myself and went to join him, heavily enjoying his tranquil aura.
"Oh, hi, (Y/N)." He smiled sheepishly.
"Hey, Isaac. Is that all you're eating?"
"Yeah. I'm not very hungry." He looked down as if he were ashamed.
"Nonsense! Here," I gave him the other half of my burger and another bag of chips I had in my bag. "You can't tell me you're not hungry. You're a boy in peak development."
"Thanks." He smiled as he continued munching on his food. I put on some music and we continued eating in silence. No conversation required.
The day went on smoother than it started. Classes flew by fairly quickly and the incessant chit-chat seemed to diminish. During last period I was like every other student, anxiously waiting for the bell to signal the end of the school day. When my pleads were answered, I packed the necessary book into my bag and left the rest in my locker, expertly avoiding any more social encounters. Quickly, I made my way to the waiting open car door of my father's car, ignoring Allison's beckoning me t.wards the small group of friends.
"How was your first day, darling?" My father spoke up breaking my attention from the scenery.
"Like any other first day I've had." I smiled. "The towns might change but school is always the same."
Finally at home, we were greeted with the sight of my mother cooking; people were coming over.
"(Y/N), honey, Chris, Victoria, and Allison are coming over tonight. So, go do a quick workout and come back to get ready." I nodded and ran to my room to change into workout clothes.
My routine would normally consist of waking up, working out, go to school for a dreading eight hours, come back home, workout again, do my homework, eat, and go to sleep. I lead a very monotonous life and it had been this way since I could remember. One of my earliest memories was of my father teaching me archery alongside Allison, a great distraction to our always disrupted home life. As I got older, my father started training me in boxing and knife maneuvering. How would these skills help me in life were still a mystery but I felt safe knowing them.
I got changed and decided to take Brody out with me on a quick jog through the woods. "Hey, boy, ready to go?"
He jumped on me which I took as a yes and started for the woods. We ran down the same trail I had been going on for the past three weeks. Mostly, I went down this track in hopes that Derek would make an appearance, and today was not the exception. As the ruins of his house came to view so did his tall figure.
"Trespassing again?"
"It doesn't count if I know the owner." During our greeting, Brody's leash slipped out of my hand and he ran to jump on Derek, leaving slobbering licks on his cheek. "I'm so sorry."
"Don't worry about it." He chuckled and helped me bring him down.
"I guess he likes you, even though he doesn't like anyone but me. Guess you're special."
"Maybe." He grinned.
Out of nowhere, I hit him in the shoulder. "What was that for?!"
"For trying to run me over with your shopping cart two days ago. It was uncalled for."
"No, it was revenge. You hit ME first. In the ankle."
"You're still on with that. Come on, sour wolf. That happened three weeks ago, and it was an accident."
"Whatever. Come on, I'll give you a ride home. It's getting kind of dark." This had also become part of my routine. After "bumping" into Derek he would offer to drop me off at my house, claiming it was for security.
"Okay, we're here. By the way, the offer to show you around town is still up. Just call me whenever." He said as he stopped the car in front of my house.
"Alright, will do, and thanks for the ride, Derek. I'd invite you in, but my family is coming over."
"No worries, maybe another time."
"It's a date. Anyways, thanks again. See you when I see you."
"Okay, goodnight."
"Night." He waited until I entered the house and drove away.
"Munchkin, is that you?" My father screamed from the kitchen.
"Yeah!" I screamed back.
"Okay, well, go take a shower and get ready your uncle will get here soon."
I hurried up the stairs and hopped in the shower letting the hot water stream down my body calming any aching muscle that was palpitating. In my room, I searched through my closet for an acceptable family dinner outfit, deciding a grey sweater and black jeans would be enough. I braided my hair out of my face and went downstairs to help my mother set the table.
After we put the last plate the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it!" I ran to the door and was greeted by my uncle. "Uncle Chris!" I jumped and he hugged me. There was no doubt that he was my favorite family member, his presence was always welcoming. His wife on the other hand was as cold as the winters we spent in New York. She was nice but absolutely scary. "Hi, Aunt Victoria."
"Hello, (Y/N)." I hugged her and said hi to Allison.
"Come in, guys." They walked in and I closed the door behind them.
"So, (Y/N), how have you been?" Uncle Chris asked while stuffing his mouth with mom's famous lasagna.
"I've been good. I mean, moving all the time takes a toll on you at first, but I got used to it. It's easy now to pack it all up once the school year ends."
"Oh, honey, that must be so hard on you," Victoria said. I could not read her tone, her words spoke in sympathetic notes with an underlying melody of sarcasm.  Not knowing what to answer, I bit my lip and nodded.
The whole evening was spent on us catching up and eating, laughing, playing games, but the good times came to an end when the clock hit 9:00 pm. It was stupid to set a curfew, but my mom usually had everyone in bed at this time, 10:30 as of late.
"You better come around the house more often." Uncle Chris demanded and hugged me.
"Yes, sir." I raised my hand to my eyebrow and saluted, as did he.
"Let's go, Chris. And thank you for the lovely dinner, Rebecca," Victoria said linking arms with my uncle and smiling at mom.
"No problem. Come by any time." They talked for a bit more and after they left, I went upstairs to change for bed.
"Momma, I'm gonna go to sleep."
"Okay, honey. Goodnight." I went upstairs, brushed my teeth, and put my hair in a ponytail.
Before bed, I made sure everything I would need for the next day was packed into my bag and made sure my alarm was set. I pulled all the throw pillows from my bed and set them aside, then making my way to the window to draw the curtains. Something caught my attention in the backyard, though. My eyes squinted trying to make out the figure in front of me. Blinking the confusion away, I made a double-take and looked back at an empty yard. I laughed to myself as I crept into bed. Why would Derek be in my backyard?
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glassartpeasants · 2 years
hi again! i’m the anon who requested the Isaac lingerie fic. what you did with that idea was so amazing! i’m gonna be coming on here a lot more so uhh my name is Amy, and i was wondering if i could go by 👽Anon?
ANYWHO i’m back with another Isaac brainrot because this man lives in my head r e n t f r e e .
okay so like can we talk about his size? this man is big boi, his canon height is like 6’5’’ which is a scary height when your like 5’ whatever. also he’s strong, he’s so strong it’s crazy.
and so big boy equals big dick, he’s definitely over average, at least 9 inches, and he’s got a pretty good girth. so we’ve definitely got size kink amo right here.
okay so just imagine riding him??? and crying because of how big he is???
he’s grabbing your hips, stopping your body’s movements on his cock and telling you to slow down and relax because you’re overworking yourself. and you shake your head, whining about wanting to please him.
“you do please me, darling, but your working yourself too hard. calm down.”
and you whine again, pushing his hands off your waist and putting your hands on his shoulders, working yourself over him and letting out moans and whines, telling him how good he feels inside of you and telling him how much you want to please him, and then cry about how you want him to take you, how much you want him to ruin you.
“fuck,” he says, and he grabs your hips and slams you down on his cock, and starts making you a complete mess over his cock, and praising you for wanting to please him, praising you because your such a good girl for him, your making him feel so good
once both of you finish, your a complete mess, so fucked out of your mind. he gently pulls you against his chest, leaving his cock nestled deep in your warm pussy, and brushes his hands through your hair, praising and whispering ‘i love you’s’ in your ear as you fall asleep.
in short : i love this man
it’s 2:00 where i am right now, goodnight
Yes, you can be. I'm glad I finally got this done haha. My motivation was and was at an all-time low when I started writing this. Sorry, it took me so long to finish.
Warnings: Smut, small fluff, size kink, mentions of death
He truly was a drug. You could just never get enough of him. You felt a thrill every time he would speak to you or even look at you. Whenever he wasn't with you, it felt like your soul was empty and the world was cold.
In your eyes, he could do no wrong. Many questioned your reasoning on how someone of the higher class would be in love with a peasant like himself. You always answered the same thing, "Love is an amazing high that you can never get enough of."
You met him at a party where he happened to be cleaning surprisingly. It was rare for a peasant to even be there considering maids usually did the job he was assigned with. You found out later that one of them had got terribly sick and had taken the day off. Since they were short one maid they struggled to find someone to replace her quickly. He just happened to be walking by when the host spotted him and asked him if he would take the job. Considering how high the pay was, he said yes without hesitation.
When the party had officially started, you saw him mopping the floors on the far side of the ballroom. You looked at him, trying to get a look at his face when he looked up and his eyes locked onto yours. His eyes were beautiful, such a bright and beautiful green that felt like it was enchanting you with every second he stared at you. Your feet began to move on their own as you made your way toward him.
Once you were in front of him, you saw how tall he truly was. He easily towered over you and you couldn't help but feel your cheeks heat up. You took a bow real quick before introducing yourself.
"Hello I'm (Y/N) (L/N), I couldn't help but notice you from across the room." You smiled up at him and he returned with a bow and a smile as well.
"Hello Miss (L/N), I'm Isaac Lee Grossman. What do I owe the pleasure of coming to see me?"
"When I saw you across the room, I knew I had to make an introduction. Your eyes surely know how to enchant someone may I say. I have never seen someone with such vibrant eyes before. Their beautiful." He laughed sweetly before sending you a smile that made your feet feel like jelly.
"Why a compliment like that warms my heart from a pretty little thing like you. It is different hearing something sweet coming from such a higher class." It did hit you that you guys were from different social classes but you didn't care. Something about his presence gave you a strong sense of safety. Talking to him felt so relaxing and you couldn't even begin to explain it.
"Hey! I'm not paying you to sit around!" Both of your guy's attention turned towards the host who was making his way towards the both of you.
"I'm sorry Miss (L/N), was this cleaner boy bothering you? I promise he-"
"Actually, I was having a lovely conversation with him and I was the one to come up to him. So if you're going to have to punish me instead of him." The host seemed taken aback by your words. He composed himself quickly before he only nodded. You were very annoyed that he dared to interrupt your conversation with the man. Considering you were in a higher class than the host himself, it was beginning to become a pain that he wouldn't leave.
"I see. Sorry about bothering you Miss (L/N). I will leave you two alone." He scurried off quickly. Rolling your eyes you turn your head to continue the conversation only to see him making his way down the corridor. Worried that you wouldn't see him again for the rest of the night, You walked quickly towards him down the hallway away from the ballroom. Once you finally caught up to him you tapped his shoulder.
"Why did you leave? I enjoyed talking with you..." Your voice sounded silently hurt. His eyes seemed to go wide in surprise. You enjoyed talking to a peasant like himself? He would be lying if he said he wasn't attracted to a pretty thing like yourself.
You were so much smaller than him. He could easily pick you up and toss you over his shoulder if he felt like it. The way your pretty little eyes looked up at him had his mind running.
"How sweet, I'm flattered. You must be very popular with suitors with a pretty face like yours and a personality as sweet as a lolly." His words made your body heat. You would like to think your a modest lady but something about this man, made you want to forget everything and have him whisk you away. You may have only known him for a short time, but your heart fluttered at the thought of him. You finally managed to drag your head onto your shoulders again after he asked you a question.
"How long are you in town for?"
"For the next 7 days. Once they're over, I go back to (town or country). We come to London every other year for this party. I never get to see the city much. They make me stay in the house almost every time."
"Well, if you want to, I can show you the town if you are up to it." The smile that was plastered on your face was all the answer he needed. Before he could blink, He felt your arms wrap around his body squeezing tightly and saying constant thank yous.
"Is there anything I can do to thank you! there must be something!" You looked up at him and it triggered something inside him. You looked so happy and were so trusting of a stranger that you hardly knew.
"Please, think of it as an act of generosity." Your smile widened as you squeezed his body harder. This would be such an interesting experience and one you surely wouldn't forget.
You were so sweet. Such a shame you had to meet a man like him. All the sins that stained his hands were the same ones you were holding as he led you around the city. Your eyes were big and wide as everything seemed so new to you. Personally he didn't see the appeal. London wasn't a special place to see if you weren't rich, but you didn't care. You just seemed happy to even be out of the house. Everything caught your attention, including the wanted sign that plastered almost every building.
"Huh? What's this?" You let his hand go and went up to pick off a sign from the wall. It described a serial killer on the loose. Saying how the perpetrator was a sick individual with no regard for life. A small tinge of fear emerged from the back of your head. It didn't help that a hand was placed on your shoulder. You spun around and let out a sigh of relief when you saw it was only Isaac.
"Dear! You scared me! I suppose it is my fault for reading the poster huh?" you laugh as you hand him the poster to see.
"What do you think?"
"Personally, I don't really care as harshly as that may be. If you look around the city, you'll notice how overrun it is. Families are forced to live on the streets while the selfish keep the house to themselves. I live at the very edge of London so I don't have this problem but, in my perspective, I say he's doing everyone a favor. This way, no one has to freeze to death or starve to death him? The authorities don't do anything about it so it's interesting to see that they start to care now." He handed the poster back to you but you couldn't help but look at him. While sure, what the killer was doing was horrible taking away innocent lives, you suppose that it would be at least better than suffering on the street. You only hoped that at least the pain was quickly ended and not carried out.
"I...I suppose in some areas your right. While it may be a grim outlook and idea, there is still some way they're trying to help right?" Isaac had only smiled at you and grabbed your hand once more. The feeling of his hand in yours made your almost forget about the conversation you just had.
"I know of a nice little market nearby. Why don't we go there to get your mind off it?" You only smiled and started to walk alongside him.
Your words only seconds ago stayed in his head. You seemed so conflicted. Your face shows signs of understanding his actions and yet wanting to criticize him. While of course you'd never know it was him until he decided it was time. But he knew he lied. The rush of adrenaline he got every time someone died to his blade was something he could never describe. But that feeling soon felt similar to the feeling whenever you looked at him or even touched his skin. There was just something about you.
The two of you spent as much time as you could before the final day of your stay. You managed to stay out till 6 before coming home. Just as you were changing into your night gown, your parents knocked on your door. Unfortunately your parents found out about you hanging about with a young man of lower standards. While you were an adult yes, you still belonged with your family until you were married off. And since you weren't married to the man, you got the screaming of your life from your father. Thankfully your mother had stepped in.
"Dear, please calm down! Don't you remember how you met me?" Your father went silent before letting out a gruff.
"That's completely different. We were supposed to be wedded off to one another anyways."
"Not really! We didn't know that until we got caught! Not to mention, I'm quite hurt by the fact that you think so little of that young man. I was in the same social class as him before I married you, remember?" Your mother looked at your father with a slight scowl on her face.
"Well then what do you suggest we do then huh? We can't just marry off our daughter to some man she's only known for 7 days! And we can't just leave her here either!" Your mother looked at you puzzled. You tried to desperately find a solution just so you could see him again. As soon as you were about to say something your father stopped you.
"You can't marry a man you just met. Even in an arranged marriage you get to know him for more than seven days before being wed. I'm not letting you marry him or see him ever again. You are from such a higher class. You can do better than a street rat like him." The words that spilled from your fathers mouth filled you with so much rage that you spoke without thinking.
"He is not some street rat he's the sweetest man I've ever had the pleasure of meeting! You just don't understand!" You ran away from your father and mother and made it into your slightly packed room before throwing yourself on the bed and crying.
They just didn't understand. No one did! He was so sweet and caring! You missed him so, fearing that the next time you came to London, he would be wed with another. You would be heartbroken to see such a sight. So, against your fathers demands, you began to pack a suitcase and slowly opened the door to your room. With a suitcase in hand you slowly crept down the halls and walked towards the front door. You could hear your parents arguing about you the entire time. You understood that your father only wanted what was best for you, he needed to see that you guys were just destined to be together.
You pushed open the door and shut it quietly before running towards the house that you so desperately wanted to see.
The sound of your shoes hitting the pebbled road echoed throughout the street. There was only the moonlight to guide your way. You hoped that he was still awake at such a time considering how long your father yelled at you for.
Once you had reached the front door of his home, you stretched your arm and knocked on his door lightly but loud enough to hear it. You feared that he didn't hear you but as soon as you went to knock again, you heard the shuffling of feet coming towards the door.
"WHO-oh, why hello there. Sorry for yelling at you there. Didn't expect to see you again for a long time-" You jumped and wrapped your arms around his neck before placing a kiss against his lips. You didn't care if you would be deemed a tramp or impure. All you could think about was him and him alone.
You could feel him smile before he dragged your suitcase in and closed the door shut, locking it as well. You kicked off your shoes as he grabbed your hand and pulled you upstairs to his room. Grabbing your waist he dragged you into his bedroom before slamming the door shut. You two fell on the bed with you on top of him.
You could feel his fingers running over your sides as he kissed you with just the amount of passion you were kissing him. You couldn't believe you were finally able to feel his lips against yours. For seven grueling days you dreamed about him every time he left your side. So, after dreaming for what felt like forever, your dream came true.
You felt his lips leave yours and just as you were about to complain, he began to pepper your neck in kisses. You let out a little gasp as your fingers moved up and down his chest feeling the buttons of his shirt. You dug your nails into his shirt when you felt his hands slowly slide down your thighs to grab a part of your night gown and pull it up to reveal more of your skin.
You could feel his hands grab your exposed thighs as he kneaded the skin there. You had slowly started to unbutton his shirt, and with every button undone your whole body filled with excitement. You had never gotten so intimate with a man before him. You were only doing what your friend back home told you. She was much more experienced then you.
Your thoughts were dragged back to reality when you felt him sink his teeth into your shoulder. You let out a cry of pain as you dug your nails into his chest.
"Sorry darling, I just couldn't help myself. You just look so pretty and all for me." He kissed where the teeth marks showed before pushing your night gown to your mid section. His hands rimmed across the top of your panties before letting out a sigh as you kissed his neck in return, trying to copy his actions.
His fingers dipped into your panties before slowly pulling them off and leaving them just at the end of your thigh. You moved your lips away from his neck before kissing his lips once more. It was just so addicting. You could hear him laughing as he kissed you. Grabbing your hand, he dragged it down to the button of his pants. You took a mental breath before slowly working out a way to open
You could feel your cheeks get hot as you unbuttoned his pants. You didn't need to see his face to know he was grinning. Once you had managed to unzip his pants, you grabbed your panties from your thighs, pulling them off and throwing them to an unknown corner of the room. You could feel Isaac sit up a bit causing you to do the same. You straddled him while looking at him. His beautiful green eyes filled with lust as he looked at you.
"Your so beautiful, and all for me." He kissed your lips and you happily returned it. His hands ran over your body as he kissed you. You put your hands on his cheeks and slightly rubbed against him, hoping he gets the hint. Thankfully for you, he did.
He lifted you up for a second before pulling down his boxers just enough for his dick to pop out. He set you back down and you could feel how much bigger he was than you thought he would be. Your mind raced, would it even be able to fit? You rubbed your thighs together in a mixture of excitement and nervousness. He would be your first and you weren't even married to the man. Such a scandal people would say, and all that did was ignite the fire inside you that made you want him even more.
You finally mustered up the courage to lower yourself on him. The feeling of him finally being inside you was something that you couldn't describe. You gripped his shoulders tightly, digging your nails into his skin as you bit your lip. You took a shaky breath as you slowly started to move up and down. Even if you were going slow you swore you could feel him in your stomach. But you were determined to show him that you could take it. So you slowly but surely started to pick up the pace. Your whines and moans fill up the room as Isaac's close to silent pants ring in your ears.
A pout spread across your face. You wanted to hear him, know that he was enjoying it. So you started to go faster, his dick hitting the right spot inside you that already had you tearing up. As you started going faster your eyes watered even more and tears started to roll down your face. You bit your tongue in order to hide the fact you were crying. It felt so good but he was just so big you didn't know how to handle it. You felt him place his hands on your hips, stopping you from continuing.
"Oh darling, you're trying so hard to please me but don't work yourself so hard." He kissed one of your tears away. But you didn't listen. Even with his hands on your hips, you moved once more, this time only faster. You dug your nails into his shoulders, causing a small amount of blood to seep out of the cut flesh.
"No! I want to show you that I can do it! I finally got to be with you and I'm going to show you that I'm worth it!" You cried and moaned as you let go of his shoulders and place your hands on his face. Pulling his head so you can place a kiss on his lips. You could feel his hands grip your thighs tightly before letting out a groan.
"I want to be all yours! I don't care what my family says, I want to be tainted by you! I want no one else but you!" You cried out to him and his grip on your thighs only got tighter. You were so desperate for him and he loved it. Knowing that a commoner like him would impure someone like you. The thought of your parent's faces when they realized you were ruined and stuffed full of a commoner's cum before even being married.
He let out a laugh as he bit your lip. He slammed your hips down, shoving his entire cock into your cunt. You cried out in pain and pleasure and hung onto him as you felt him ram his way into you. His cock pounding the one spot inside you that had you seeing stars.
"Isaac ah! M-more please!" You cried out as you let go of his face and wrapped your arms around his neck. His pace went faster as you heard the groans small almost silent growls that rumbled in his throat. The feeling of him pounding away inside you was more than you could bear. You cried out in pleasure before curling your toes and moaning in his ears before you finally came undone.
Isaac only pounded harder against your insides. It felt like he was trying to turn them into jelly but it felt too good that you didn't care. The sounds of skin slapping skin filled the room along with your whines.
You could feel that familiar feeling rise in your belly once more as you felt Isaac's hips stutter. He gripped your thighs hard before letting out a loud 'fuck' before filling your up with his cum with your second climax coming instantly after.
Isaac could feel your body shake against him. A sly smile plastered itself on his face as he wrapped his arms around your waist. Both your breaths went at the same pace before he kissed your forehead and laid down with his cock still in your cunt. You laid beside him with your eyes closed as you snuggled up to him. He started petting your hair before placing small kisses on your head.
You were so quick to love him. It was much faster than he originally thought it would happen. But he wouldn't be annoyed. With you by his side, and with you being of such higher standards, it was the perfect cover. Just a loving husband with his wife. The sonner he knocks you up, the easier it will be to fake innocence.
Many would say that making deals with the devil always ends in tragedy and karma, but it was going exactly the way Isaac wanted it. He got the perfect cover in order to continue his heinous deeds. A wife so utterly in love with him. Well, despite the real reason, seeing the obsessed look in your eyes and how you were always so willing to do whatever he says always had his pants getting tight. Now that you were here at his house with you in his arms, you would never leave his side. Oh, how he couldn't wait to see you carrying his baby all while still having that obsessed look in your eye.
With you by his side, he could get away with anything.
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yourmandevine · 2 years
And in case I don't see you: Good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight (or: some personal news)
No sense burying the lede:
One month shy of four years after joining up, and with something like 570 columns, features, blog posts, and blurbs in the rear-view, today's my last day at The Ringer. Barring some unforeseen Friday afternoon news, my final piece will have been about the Knicks' best-laid plans not quite panning out the way they intended. Let it never be said that the basketball content gods don't have a sense of humor.
I'm grateful to have spent four years sharing a masthead with some of the best writers on the Internet, and to have carved out a niche on what I've felt was, pound-for-pound, the best NBA team in the business. I'm grateful I got to co-host a podcast with two great friends for a while, to everyone who took the time to listen to it, and to everyone who said (and still says!) nice things about it. I'm grateful to have gotten the chance to be part of the Ringer Union, and to have played a small role in trying to make a company I loved a little more fair and equitable.
I'm grateful to have gotten the opportunity to grow and develop as both a writer and analyst. I feel like I'm better at this job than I used to be, thanks in no small part to the freedom and support I've enjoyed. I'm grateful to everyone, past and present, who has made The Ringer the sort of place where someone like me could level up.
I'll still be writing about the NBA on the Internet. (And talking about it into a microphone again, too.) I'll say more about that soon. Right now, the only thing I want to say is: thank you.
Specifically, I want to thank some of the many people whose names never showed up on the things I published, but who were indispensable to every one of them—and, beyond that, to so much more of what The Ringer makes. As much as this company is about the on-air personalities on your favorite podcasts, it's also about the literal scores of people who bust their asses every day to try to make sure we're making the best stuff we can.
It takes a lot of people to make us look good. Here are the names of the ones who helped me.
Nobody edited me more often than Matt Dollinger, Justin Verrier, or Chris Almeida—three very different dudes, but all patient, professional, and kind, despite the sheer tonnage of words I dropped on their heads. Many thanks also to culture czar Andrew Gruttadaro (without whom the Stevie Nicks' Fajita Roundup and Pete & Pete pieces wouldn't have happened), Aric Jenkins, Ben Glicksman, Chris Ryan, Danny Chau, Donnie Kwak, Justin Sayles, Mallory Rubin, Megan Schuster, and Riley McAtee for pinch-hitting over the years. I'm sorry I never once hit a word count. I hope it all still hung together OK.
I can't stress enough how comforting it has been to know that everything I write will pass through the hands of copy chief Craig Gaines and his crack team of copy editors and fact-checkers. It never ceased to amaze me that they would routinely and graciously take thousands of words about, I dunno, the Pelicans defense, and treat it like it mattered, and make sure I didn't sound dumb (or, at least, any dumber than usual).
Mil gracias to: Abou Kamara, Amaar Burton, Analis Bailey, Charlotte Goddu, Chris Grismer, Damian Burchardt, Dan Comer, Daniel Chin, Isaac Levy-Rubinett, Iza Wojciechowska, Jack McCluskey, Jacqueline Kantor, Jordan Ligons, Julianna Ress, Julie Kliegman, Kellen Becoats, Kjerstin Johnson, Lex Pryor, and—last alphabetically in this group, but certainly not least—Shaker Samman.
One of the fringe benefits of working here has been knowing that, when my post is ready to go up, I'm going to get to see whatever rad thing David Shoemaker and his team have crafted to put up at the top of it. (Pro tip: If you write a long enough thing to get the feature build, they give it the bigger and wider art, which looks even friggin' cooler, IMO.) It's a true delight to know that, even if the words aren't all that good, the pictures will be. Thanks to David, Alycea Tinoyan, Matt James, Neil Francisco, and Jonathan Bartlett for making sure that's true.
I know, this sounds crazy, but apparently it's not always easy to get audience members excited to read a bunch of words about, like, the Spurs' bench? And yet, the perennially underappreciated and over-yelled-at-on-the-Internet social team never stopped working to find ways to do it. Shouts out to Alex Stamas, Amelia Wedemeyer, Bridget Geerlings, David Lara III, Jomi Adeniran, Julie Phayer, Keith Fujimoto, Kiera Givens, Logan Rhoades, Nicole Bae, Pat Muldowney, and Rubie Edmondson for tirelessly running up that hill.
Isaac Lee and Steve Ahlman produced Heat Check, and they were absolutely wonderful to work with every single week. So were Bobby Wagner and Jim Cunningham when they got spot starts with me, Gonz, and Haley. Isaiah Blakeley, Jessie Lopez, Jonathan Kermah, and Sasha Ashall were always great when I popped up on other shows, too.
Jason Concepcion and Jason Gallagher put me on NBA Desktop twice, including once when they encouraged me to say the phrase "step your pen game up, you word-broke motherfuckers," which stands as one of the proudest moments of my career.
I didn't do much other video stuff here, but when I did, I greatly enjoyed working with, learning from, and joking around with Cory McConnell, Dylan Berkey, J. Kyle Mann, Jackson Safon, Mose Bergmann, Richie Bozek, Ronak Nair, and Sean Yoo. (I haven't yet crossed paths with Aleya Zenieris, Chia Hao Tat, or Donnie Beacham, but they're getting thanked, too. It's a thank-o-rama.)
And, one last thanks:
I'm not sure what I've done to deserve the kind, considerate, passionate, and conscientious readers and followers I've accumulated over the years. All I can do is promise to try to keep doing it, and to try to reward your time and attention a few times a week.
Thanks for sticking around. See you again soon.
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yukina-otome · 3 years
Hiii miss yukinaaa ! ❤️❤️
I'm in love with you I mean Your writing especially arthur vs mc in chess ❤️❤️❤️
May i request something ? About mc x arthur..you can choose what genre as long as it happy end bc i can't stand angst :')
Thank you so much before ❤️❤️❤️❤️
A perfect Night
Hello ! You are my very first request ! So I tried my very best ! I hope you like it !!
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One night, the whole mansion was having a dinner banquet. The weather was not too hot, not too cold. The food was delicious and the wine was good. It was a perfect night.
"Tomorrow I will leave the mansion for a while. Sebastian, MC I leave the mansion in your care." said le compte. Sebastian and MC nodded.
"And where are you going this time ?" asked Leo
"On a business trip to Spain."
"How nice. I love Spain. I've been there many time for work." MC smiled, remembering her days as a Travel agent.
"Work?" asked Arthur
"Ah ! You mean your days as a travel agent ?" answered le compte
"Travel agent ? You were a travel agent ?" Arthur never heard of that before
"You klootzak ! What kind of boyfriend doesn't know his own girlfriend's job ?" Theo teased his best friend.
"Theo! you knew ?" Arthur still couldn't believe his beloved hided this information from him.
"I think everyone else here knew." said Isaac adding to Arthur's frustration.
Arthur turned to MC with a pout "and how come I was the only one who didn't ?!"
"I'm sorry Arthur but you never asked." MC gave him an apologetic smile.
Now that he think of it, he never asked about MC's past, family, friends or occupations in the 21st century. He knew all her little habits and can read her like an open book. So he thought he was the one who knew her the best in the whole mansion, heck in the whole world ! But he was wrong ! This is something he need to correct ! Right now!
As soon as the banquet ended, Arthur took MC by the hand and led her to her room. As soon as the door closed behind them, he let go of her hand and said "Now darling ! I wanna get to know you !"
MC looked at her adorable boyfriend. His eyes were wide and full of determination, his brow were frowning and he looked like he was getting reading to listen to some important lecture about the different functions of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. She couldn't help but laugh.
"Why are you laughing MC ?! I'm serious ! We may have started our relationship backward but i will definitely fix it ! Please tell me !"
"I'm sorry Arthur ! You're just too adorable."
Arthur pouted. MC approached him and put her palm against his cheek.
"It doesn't matter if you don't know about my life in 21st century. Because you are the one who know the most about my current life here in 19th century, with you. "
Arthur felt the tension leave his body and he finally smiled.
"But I still want to know. My love you are the one who knows me the best in the whole universe. So I want to be the one who knows you the best too."
She gave him a kiss.
"Of course. If there is anything you wanna know please feel free to ask. I will tell you everything"
He kissed her back. And they spent the night getting to know every nook and cranny of each other.
Later into the night, the moon hung high and the two lovers were resting in each other arms. There damp naked skin flushed with the passion that consumed then few minutes ago. Arthur's head was resting on MC's chest as she gently played with his soft hair. He let out a satisfied sight and his eyes fell on her handbag.
"You never showed me what was inside that bag you brought with you from your time."
"It's nothing special but I'll show you."
Arthur got up and fetched the bag for mc before getting back on the bed. MC opened the bag and pulled out a hand mirror, some notes that Arthur insisted on reading out loud making her blush with embarrassment, a makeup pouch, a camera, a small laptop, and her phone and charger.
Arthur could recognize some of the items but he had no idea what the other were for. MC laughed at his confused looked and turned on her laptop who was thankfully still charged. Her phone was already dead but she had a folder full of her pictures on her laptop. She opened the folder.
She turned the laptop to Arthur and said : "Here, those are my pictures from my life in the 21st century."
"Oh ! They are in color ! " 
"Yes. As you can see technology is well advanced in the 21st century."
Honestly, Arthur didn't care much about the advancement of technology in the 21st century. He was gonna live through that eventually anyways. Him being a Vampire and all.
He was more interested in MC's pictures. MC opened the first picture for him and showed him how to scroll through the pics. He saw her smiling in different settings and with different people. And every time he asked "Where was that ?" or "Who is that ?". She showed him pictures of her family. She looked like her mom. A lot. Or maybe she looked more like her father ? He was smiling as he scrolled through the pictures. The clothing of her time were way more revealing and he stopped at a picture of her wearing a swimsuit.
"Can I get this picture out and keep it ?" he said with a flirty smile.
"Arthur !" Mc blushed many shades of red. "Also you can't. You can with 21st century materials but there is nothing we can do here. Once the battery of this laptop hit zero these photos are gonna be lost forever" she let out a sad smile.
He looked at her, serious. "Don't you miss your old life ? Your friends, your family, your job ?". 
His eyes were full of fear and vulnerability. In fact this question has always been on his mind. What if she regretted staying with him. Was he worth all she sacrificed to stay with him ?
"Of course I do. But I decided to stay with you and I never and will never regret that decision. Because you mean the world to me. I love you Arthur."
Arthur felt his eyes sting, that was exactly what he needed to hear. Tears started rolling out on his cheeks and MC hugged him. There naked skin touched and they could feel each other's heartbeat.
"I love you too." 
It was truly a perfect night.
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Oh, disco. Your answer about Issac really fucks me up. So when I watched TW a couple years ago and I got so f-ing triggered by the storyline of Issac I had to skip those scenes. Ok, so I typed like a long ranting but decided it looked like a backstory for villains. I'm not planning to try to take over the whole planet so I deleted it. Anyway I got mixed feelings about the character of Isaac. As in I both liked and hated him at the same time? I don't know if it makes any sense. [1/4]
It was probably that his suffering got, that his abuser was a 24-karat asshole and he finally got rid of him without looking back. So I got a very loving mother who sacrificed a lot for me and never hit me. Well, maybe once or twice. I should really be grateful but I still got traumas from all the constant one-sided rage and screaming and throwing things around. The worst part is that she's a nice person and good parent. She raised me before and after the divorce. [2/?]
Sometimes I hope she's a terrible one and actually hit me, you know? Then my traumas would be valid. And it would be reasonable for me to hate her. Now that I'm a young adult myself, the best solution we have is to never talk about it. I tried a few times and she was all like, " I know I got anger issues but it could not be that bad lol". To this day I still wonder if I'm being dramatic about this whole thing. Oh, and I used to have a boyfriend and a girlfriend, (3/?)
well, not at the same time, no. It never worked. 'Cause they could never be the dominant/controlling partner that I was subconsciously looking for. It seems that I deleted one ranting then created another one. Now I feel like I'm dumping my garbage on your doorstep. Please don't let my villain-y backstory ruin your mood. I'm a grown up woman and coping quite well with my own bullshits! OMG it's raining outside.(4/?)
I love rainy days. Especially with our temperature nearing 40 degrees as well. The rain will cool it down a bit even just for a day. Have a good day, disco. Good luck with your professional writings. ooxx (END/?) I can't believe I wrote a small essay omg sooooo sorry.
DW: I think that anyone with a complicated relationship with a parent can see things in the Isaac/Mr Lahey relationship that reflect that. Because Isaac was Cleary terrified of his father, and hated him, but at the same time he also desperately craved his approval, and he probably loved him too. I actually really liked Isaac’s character because it showed a lot of the reality of a kid in that situation. You know, werewolves aside. It showed that kids like that, once they’re out of that situation, sometimes absolutely relish the chance to punch down, because they’ve never had that before in their lives. 
The reality is, that sometimes parents will fuck us up. Sometimes they don’t mean to, and sometimes they’re not as bad as other people’s parents--or their own parents--but it still fucks us up. After my father died, my aunt opened up a lot about the shit they went through as kids, and you know, I’d always understood that my grandfather was an abusive asshole, but I’d never really heard the specifics, and it was brutal. But also, that doesn’t mean that my own father always got it right, you know? Being not as bad as his father still doesn’t mean he didn’t have his own issues, and that those own issues didn’t affect me and my sister. 
My dad was a huge improvement on his dad--but he was definitely an alcoholic and he definitely had serious anger issues. He was rarely physically abusive, but rarely isn’t never, you know? And I think there’s a real sense of uncertainty when you live with a parent like that and you’re never sure if today is going to be a good day or a bad day, and that certainly impacts you when you’re growing up, and beyond. 
But also, I loved my dad. When he was awesome, he was awesome. But sometimes he wasn’t awesome, and sometimes we all walked around and pretended the next day that nothing had happened. It is what it is. 
So no, you don’t need your mother to have hit you so that your trauma is valid. Trauma is trauma, and emotional abuse is as valid as physical. It just fucks you up in a slightly different, and often invisible, way. And all abuse effects your adult relationships. It just then becomes a matter of sorting through it, and figuring out “is it now-me doing this, or am I letting then-me make this choice at the expense of now-me?” And sometimes you can figure it out yourself, and sometimes you need a therapist to help you get perspective. And there’s no shame in needing that outside perspective either, because sometimes we get trapped in our own thought-cycles inside our heads and can’t change them. 
So from one grown woman coping with her bullshit to another, I hope that you enjoy your rainy day and the respite fro the heat it gives you! 
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bloody-scans · 7 years
Hello! I've been wondering for, like, forever. But what are the pronouns each characters use? (I'm mainly interested in Maria(all), Bloody, Hydra and Mary) Ore? Boku? Watashi? And also, do they have a different way of speaking? Like, if you say "I love cat" in Japanese, it could be "watashi wa neko ga suki desu" or "watashi wa neko ga suki" or other different kinds of ways. So if all the characters were to say a sentence meaning the same thing, how would each character say it?
It’s Caramel over here, I wrote the reply to this ask in FOUR hours and half and I’m not counting on the time I’ve been looking for examples.
Sorry! I swear I never saw this ask before. Tumblr’s notification feature seems to not have worked correctly again. My biggest apologies if this ask has been sent in ages.
This is the kind of questions I love to answer because I know people get really curious about this. So, for once, let’s look a little at raws (with me explaining, of course) and forget this is a scanlation blog?
(Alright, this is huge and has several pictures and it includes three speech bubbles from chapters we didn’t scanlate, including the final chapter, so it’ll be under a “read more” link. I have no idea if tumblr mobile app still doesn’t show the link and shows the whole post instead. If it does and you don’t wanna see the rest, I’m deeply sorry, you’ll have to scroll through all of this.)
So first of all, I’ll just say that, in terms of their own speech, Bloody, Hydra and Mary are three of the four most interesting characters in Bloody Mary. The fourth character isn’t one you mentioned but I’ll talk about them at the end.
My biggest enemy in this demand to find examples of their pronouns is: Japanese doesn’t work like English and, therefore, the pronouns for “I” or “you” aren’t in the sentences like 90% of times in manga to cut speech short.
I’ll start with the Marias because there’s nothing special in them:
Both Yzack/Isaac and Yuusei use “私” (”Watashi”), which is a very neutral way of referring to oneself.
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(from chapter 8)
The second bubble says “Kimi wa watashi no kawaii musuko  wo dou yatte koroshita…?”.
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(from chapter 40 [final chapter])
“Aa… Watashi wa…”.
“I love cats” in his speech: “私は猫が好き” (”Watashi wa neko ga suki”)
Same as Yzack, he also uses “watashi”. However, I could only find a part in which he uses a pronoun for himself on chapter 40.
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(from chapter 40 [final chapter])
“Watashi no koe ga Kikoemasu ka…?”
“I love cats” in his speech: “私は猫が好き” (”Watashi wa neko ga suki”) [exactly the same as Yzack]
Even though he uses a different pronoun from the other Marias, he uses the most generic pronoun used by male characters in Bloody Mary (for example, Shinobu and Takumi use the same pronoun): “俺” (ore):
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(from chapter 1)
The second bubble says “Ore no daijina chi”.
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(from chapter 16)
“Ore mo sou omotte ikiteta kedo…”
“I love cats” in his speech: “僕は猫が好き” (”Ore wa neko ga suki”)
And now the most interesting cases. Before carrying on, I need to explain one thing about Japanese writting in general because you’ll need to know this to understand what comes next: Japanese has THREE alphabets (well, one isn’t exactly an alphabet but, to make it easier, let’s say it is) - “Hiragana”, “Katakana” and “Kanji”.
Hiragana - If you can’t read this alphabet, you can’t read Japanese at all. Every single word in Japanese has its own Hiragana writing. - “わたし” is “watashi” in hiragana: わ - wa / た  - ta / し  - shi.
Katakana - This alphabet is exactly like Hiragana but, while Hiragana is used for the Japanese language, Katakana is what is used for what’s not Japanese. Ever wondered why Japanese voice actors pronounce English terribly? Because they usually are reading words writen in Katakana. - “ワタシ” is “watashi” in katakana: ワ - wa / タ - ta / シ - shi
Kanji - This isn’t actually an alphabet but let’s pretend it is. This is the actual name of those really tough symbols that seem chinese (and some are the same as in Chinese) - “私” is “watashi in kanji. This is completely unrelated to pronunciation, unlike the other two alphabets. Not all words in Japanese can be writen in Kanji.
As you may notice if you scroll up across the speeches I’ve shown you so far, you’ll see EVERYTHING is writen in Hiragana and that the speech of any of the Marias is all in Hiragana or Kanji. However now there’ll be Katakana in the mix and it will make things clearer to readers who understand Japanese, but I’m certain this confuses those who don’t and that’s what I am going to explain in here.
Hydra is your local princess in everything, including in her own speech. Her pronoun is “私” (“Watashi”), just like Yzack and Yuusei because, despite being a neutral pronoun, it is also associated to female speech. Most women use that pronoun to refer to themselves in Japanese.
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(from chapter 3)
Last bubble says “Watashi wa obakana kyuuketsuki-tachi to wa chigau no yo”.
She talks so politely, it gets really complicated to understand sometimes. Do you know what the “obakana” in this sentence is? It’s what we usually hear in anime as “baka” (yes, it’s “idiot”, “stupid” and so on), but because she’s using “o” (note of polite speech) and “na” (used in some adjectives), it doesn’t even seem the same word anymore if you write it like in English. However, in Japanese, you can note what she means because the word “baka” is written in Katakana while “o” and “na” are in Hiragana. Why is it in Katakana? Just to make the readers understand she really means that those vampires are idiots, the use of just hiragana in a row may confuse readers and it’s in that alphabet just to avoid confusion.
Another really interesting thing is that Hydra ends her sentences with わ (”wa”) a lot. This means nothing, it’s just a marker that the person talking (in this case, Hydra), is really feminine when speaking:
The second speech of the same picture says: “Daijoubu yo, mata kuru wa”.
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(from chapter 16)
Second bubble says “Chigau wa…”
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(from chapter 16)
Second bubble says “Mukae ni kita wa”.
“I love cats” in her speech: “私は猫が好きわ” (”Watashi wa neko ga suki wa”)
Mary (yes, I’m keeping Bloody for last out of the ones you requested because he has a really unique way of speak)
Mary is the only character in Bloody Mary we know of who changes slightly the way he speaks as he grows up.
He always uses the same pronoun for himself “オレ” (”ore” in katakana), whether he is a younger human or a more grown-up vampire. The reason why it is in Katakana is up to interpretation but I believe it’s just to keep the mystery around him.
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(from chapter 29, young and human Mary)
“Ore… daijina jouhou wo shuushuu shitenda.”
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(from chapter 33, present-day, older and vampire Mary)
Second bubble says: “Ore no koe… Kikoeteru ka?”
Besides this pronoun, he sometimes uses “nee” (instead of “nai”) or says “sugee” instead of “sugoi”, which is an informal way of speaking. Bloody shows this exact same way of speaking. Besides the twins, Shinobu talks that way as well.
However, after meeting Hydra, Mary adds one thing to his speech - he starts using “な” (”na”) at the end of his sentences a lot. Funny enough, while Hydra’s marker (”wa”) at the end of her sentences is a feminine marker, this one is a masculine marker. Which means that, long story short, Mary adopted the male version of Hydra’s feminine marker.
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(from chapter 10)
The second bubble says “Maria ga nande “harai no chikara” ga tsukaenai no ka? Oshiete kuretara na”
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(from chapter 10)
The last bubble, which is the end of the sentence, says “nemuri na”.
“I love cats” in his speech: “オレは猫が好きな” (”Ore wa neko ga suki na”)
Here’s an example of the use of “nee” instead of “nai” that Bloody, Mary and Shinobu use (in this case, it’s Bloody who says it):
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(from chapter 16)
“Iranee yo, betsu ni kore kara tatakau wake demonee shi”
Bloody is definitely the character that stands the most out of all the characters when he speaks because… He mostly speaks in Hiragana only. Of course, to not lead to mistakes in interpretation, his speech usually has one kanji or two but the idea is him talking just in Hiragana. What does that mean? That Bloody has a cute and childish way of speak.
Due to this way of speaking, the pronoun he uses to refer to himself is “おれ” (”ore” in hiragana).
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(from chapter 1)
“Jaa, ore wo koroshitekure”
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(from chapter 16)
“Demo… Kore ore no chi no nioi ja-…”
Now, one example of one speech bubble of his written in hiragana only (and it has one word that could be writen in kanji in it):
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(from chapter 16)
“Are… Hontou da nande darou?”
However, what makes Bloody sound even cuter is - japanese names in hiragana:
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(from chapter 27)
“I… Ichirou…” (usually writen as “一郎”)
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Second bubble, “Shinobu” (usually writen as “忍“).
“I love cats” in his speech: “おれはねこがすき” (”Ore wa neko ga suki”)
And now, the only character I think is interesting that you, anon, didn’t ask about but that I think I should talk about her together with all of these:
Lily is the only character in Bloody Mary that has the marking of a foreign accent when speaking Japanese. This marking is: while the whole speech is writen in regular Japanese (hiragana and kanji), the last letter of her speech is in katakana:
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(from chapter 20)
“Ita!!” (”i” in hiragana and “ta” in katakana)
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(from chapter 20)
“Demo mate yo? Nande konna ni boroborona no ka?” (that “yo” and the “ka” are in katakana)
And, in case you’re wondering: Yes, even though she’s English, she is speaking in Japanese in those speech bubbles above.
Below is an example of how the text appears when she is talking in English (and, as you can see, the last letters of her speech in the bubbles below are in hiragana, which shows she has no foreign accent when saying this because she is talking her mother tongue):
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(from chapter 20)
In case you don’t know about it, manga in Japanese is read up-down and right-left, however when the speech is in English, like in the picture above, it is read left-right and up-down, just as if it were writen in English.
Also here she uses the word 私達 (watashi-tachi), which implies she uses the pronoun “watashi” to refer to herself in Japanese.
“I love cats” in her speech when she speaks Japanese: “私は猫が好キ” (”Watashi wa neko ga suki”, that “ki” is in katakana)
I hope this answers your question, anon!
-- Caramel
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spring-lion · 7 years
Omg, that's great! I'm happy you had a nice day ♡ and I hope you can get better soon, because you're a very beautiful and hard working person and you deserve to be happy! I'm glad you like this idea, and I'm excited to play this game, omg!! And the lotus flower is indeed gorgeous and I love the reason why you love it! (does that make sense?) It's so beautiful and hopeful :_ And my answer to your question is: (+)
Apart from the HP saga, my absolutely favourite books are “The forest of hands and teeth” by Carrie Ryan and a book from Agatha Christie (its name in English has the n word :( but i read it in spanish and it’s “Diez Negritos”). the forest of hands and teeth is amazing, I read it many years ago and as a zombie lover, I absolutely loved the book. Also, it’s very beautiful and I cried while reading it :’) (+)
As for Diez Negritos, it was amazing. I read it when I was a child but I still remember it. It’s about ten people (or more? I dont rly remember) who are invited to a house and something happens and they can’t go out. Then, one by one everyone dies, and it’s very interesting to solve the murders by yourself. My question for you is: how many languages do you know? ♡ I love you a lot too!! PD: happy pride day! -your lovely anonie 💞
Awh, I hope you can get better soon, too! Every bit of you is so beautiful and deserving of happiness as well! ^.^
I’m glad you like my reasoning for loving the lotus flower, hehe. xD
Wow, your taste in books is so interesting! :OI actually asked since I wanted to get a better sense of what your taste is, since you expressed how much you like my work! The books you stated actually seem very different from my style of writing, but I think that that serves as a good indication of how eclectic your taste is! Also, I will definitely keep these books in mind, as I am always looking for good book recs. xDI’ve actually never read the Harry Potter series, but I do plan on it because I have heard so many good things about it! I am also a bit of a zombie fan as well! The only zombie book that I have read that came to mind when you told me about The Forest of Hands and Teeth is Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion. Warm Bodies was actually adapted into a film in 2013, and I liked both versions though they slightly differed in a number of ways. Also, I think that it’s really cool that you can read in Spanish! Since you read that book in Spanish as a child does that mean that Spanish was your first language? I want to know the languages that you know as well! I guess this could be my question for today for you. :3
This also relates to your question to me about the languages that I know! Well, as a personal language lover, I am going to say that I know several, though my fluencies in them vary greatly. I know five in total: Tagalog, English, Spanish, Korean, and Japanese. As the first child of two immigrants from the Philippines in the U.S., Tagalog was my first language. I still speak it pretty fluently today. I actually took formal classes in university to help improve my fluency because I feared that my time away from home caused me to substantially lose some of my fluency in the language. I actually surprise a lot of my elders a lot when I speak formally in Tagalog to them because, unfortunately, many of the young Pilipino-Americans here in the U.S. are rather unfamiliar with our mother tongue, which I’m sure is related to the U.S. colonization of the Philippines not too long ago.I learned English as soon as I began school, but I struggled with it at first because it isn’t my first language. However, because I was exposed to it at such a young age, my fluency in it increased so much to eventually surpass my fluency in Tagalog. It’s just something that happened because I had to use English so much to talk to people whenever I was outside of my house. So, I guess you could say I am bilingual in that sense bc I was exposed to those languages at the same time as a child. :3As for Spanish, I grew up in a predominantly Hispanic community, and I ended up choosing Spanish to fulfill my foreign language requirement in high school. I remember I used to be pretty fluent at one point because I was able to converse with my Spanish-speaking friends a few times. But now, I am out of practice so I am not as fluent anymore … But I can still understand a substantial amount of it! I actually understand more than I can speak these days, haha. And I suppose Spanish was relatively easy for me to pick up because the Philippines was once colonized by Spain, so Spanish has very much been integrated within the Tagalog language. Actually, sometimes when I forget the Tagalog word for something, I just say it in Spanish, and it works, lol. English also works too because of U.S. colonization as well. Us Pilipinos actually tell time in Spanish, since the Spaniards are the ones that introduced the 24-hour-day system to us.So, basically, growing up, I had to learn three different ways to count numbers, in Tagalog, English, and Spanish. Wow, okay, sorry for going on about colonization and such … I am just very passionate about the subject, haha. Don’t mind me.Now, as for Korean and Japanese, my interest in learning those two languages came from my consumption of their media, mainly Kpop, Korean dramas, and anime. I am not that fluent, but I can understand more than I can speak. I haven’t formally started learning them, but I tend to pick up new things as I continue to consume their products.
Okay since I gave such a long answer, I hope I can learn more about you too! Maybe in your answer to my Spanish question you can expand a bit more about it? But only if you’re comfortable of course! Remember that you don’t have to share anything with me that you don’t want to, okay. I want you to be comfortable and to know that I want to treat you with respect. :)
I love you sooooo much, and happy pride day to you as well! Even though my works are predominantly heteronormative as a result of my personal experience, I want to say that I am supportive of the LGBTQ+ community. I admit that I am not to knowledgeable of the community as a whole, but I am willing to learn, and I am little by little. What I do know is that this community is marginalized. And I want to say that everyone, you, and all of my followers, regardless of however you identify, deserve to be loved and treated with respect like the beautiful and complex human beings you all are, that we all are.
I hope you have a wonderful day, my lovely anonie. ^.^
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