#also i doubt it’s shitty
frnkiebby · 2 months
your thoughts on frank are being helpful for my shitty fanfic, I appreciate it :)
😂☠️ i’m so very glad i can be of assistance~🎃
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toebeans-mcgee · 10 months
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Please, don’t forget about the women in Afghanistan.
This image is not at all a commentary on Islam and/or of the different head-coverings that a woman may choose to wear while respecting her faith. Wearing a burqa/burka does not equate to an inherent lack of rights/freedom. This is also not a criticism of the Barbie movie. This is a statement about the brutal treatment of the women and girls in Afghanistan (as well as in Iran). 
I loved the Barbie movie and think it’s a very important and empowering film. However, it is a bit jarring when I’m scrolling through my phone, listening to the Barbie soundtrack, and I come across an article detailing the mounting horrors these women face in these countries. There is so much happening in the world, and it all needs news time, but the virtual media silence on this topic is frightening.
Even though my country isn’t perfect (especially so after June of last year), it’s easy to lose perspective on how privileged I am. 
The many different flavors of western feminism aren’t for everyone and every culture; to think so would be privileged and tone deaf. There is no "one-size-fits-all" kind of empowerment. But, objectively, what is happening to women and girls in Afghanistan and Iran is abhorrent and cannot be forgotten. 
If Barbie can be anything, then Barbie can be an advocate and an activist. Do what you can, Barbies.
“I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.” ― Audre Lorde
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prostocupoftea · 2 months
Urge for evil
tw disturbing imagery (?)
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transcript n russian version under the cut
But what if my urge for evil
Will become a little stronger?
If you loaded the gun
Than it's already too late
But what is mu urge for evil
Will become a little stronger?
those are changed a bit lyrics from - Electroforez - Zlo (Evil) gagshfh i love this song so much go listennnnn!!!! this is like the second chorus w/o one line and with a line from third ??? idk i was doing it from memory and it appears i have really bad memory
also there are fully translated lyrics on google so you can read it to understand but ye
guuuUUUUYYYYSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS AGHFSHHA IM FINISHED it eas actually so fast it took like 2-3 hours ob drawing thw silly n rendering plus like 20 mins on posing and 2 days of rolling the idea around in my head
now in russian
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monstermoviedean · 10 months
i'm not saying dean hasn't said or done some shitty things but for me. for me. i think if someone said "hey that hurt my feelings" or "that's fucked up man" he would immediately stop, apologize, and cease that behavior in the future. and that doesn't have to matter to other people but it does matter to me.
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starwikia · 3 months
suicide cw
look i have been in this area before mentally. it sucks and i wouldn’t wish this on anyone. but, and this is going to sound callous, but i don’t feel any sympathy for james somerton. even if i hope he’s like. not dead. But thats all the amount of goodwill im willing to give him. The more i think about this really, the more angry i am. 
ngl this entire situation is another example of how white people weaponize their mental illness to avoid consequences. Im seeing it in real time.
this man has a continuous habit of using self-harm as a get-out-of-jail-for-free card. in both of his apologies, he has worded his supposed attempts in ways that were clearly meant to guilt people who displayed his plagiarism and overall horrendous history of racism and misogyny. i say supposed because, while i’m not saying those are lies and this would he such a fucked up thing to lie about that i don’t want to think he has, unfortunately, it’s been proven again and again that his word can’t be trusted, as he’s known to lie to try get out of consequences. Hes a proven liar. him lying about this is actually the best case scenario, because no one should go through this entire situation, wouldnt wish this on anyone, but you can only do this so often before people stop sympathizing with you. is this callous? Yeah, but like. I’m actually fucking angry he cant straight up take no as an answer. that this is how he reacts realizing he cant be one of the Cool Kidz™️ on youtube anymore. he acts like he DESERVES a career, like its not a privilege hes lost due to his own actions.
He lied about apologizing and forgiving people, he lied about giving the money to hbomberguy to give to ppl he ripped off (yknow, instead of doing it himself), he lied about the jessie gender situation and rewrote the narrative to make it so he isnt the bad guy, and hes the victim all along actually!
you can’t tell me that supposed last message of his isn’t meant to be a 13 reasons why esq attempt to deflect the blame “look i’m going to kill myself and it’s all YOUR PEOPLES FAULT for not letting me achieve my DREAM of being filmmaker IN PEACE!!! I just wanted Nick’s (the guy who I have thrown under the bus again and again) portfolio up!! Im just being a good friend dont you all FEEL BAD” he refuses to take ANY ACCOUNTABILITY of any of his actions and he IS STILL trying to shove the blame over to other people again.
it’s also pretty ironic people are like “uhhh well hbomber’s fans harassed him!!!” like hbomber outright told people NOT to HARASS JAMES!!! ALSO acting as if james doesn’t have a very real documented history of STRAIGHT UP sending his fans to harass and threaten smaller creators, more notably women, trans, and bipoc creators. especially after he’s stolen typically very personal anecdotes so he could profit from them. so why can he do it but the second people are like “hey this guys an actual piece of shit.” and he can’t handle it suddenly people are trying to white knight his shit? like no he doesn’t get that. he doesn’t get that at all just because he couldn’t handle the consequences of his actions. 
what? were supposed to stay quiet about a man profiting off of other minorities because he wanted to be the spokesman for all gay people? people tried to solve this on a smaller, more private scales for YEARS and he kept doing it. it was clear that the giant public video was the ONLY way to get people to notice. HE WOULDVE GOTTEN AWAY WITH STEALING 87 FUCKING THOUSANDS WORTH OF DOLLARS. HE CANT HANDLE THE FACT HE CANT GET AWAY WITH IT. 
am i supposed to feel bad for the guy who basically threatened a trans woman with the police? i don’t care what anyone says, it’s so fucking obvious that he threatened jessie by implying he was getting the police involved in their conflict. what am i supposed to act like that didn’t happen? are we supposed to pretend like he didn’t glorify nazi’s and outright said that gay people made up a good chunk of the nazis? That he didnt say america joined ww2 bc they were jealous of the NAZIS. WHAT WOULD POSSESS YOU TO FUCKING SAY THAT. but then? He gives women (not even women most of the time, he misgenders nonbinary ppl constantly) shit for writing mlm. are we supposed to act like he doesn’t straight-up sees himself superior and better than people of color and steals their works to put himself on a pedestal? Are we supposed to act like he didnt spit on our elders by saying “only the boring gays survived aids” like man! Fuck you! He BLANTANTLY MAKES UP HISTORY TO PUT HIMSELF ON A PEDESTAL!! HE ACTIVELY TRIED TO REWRITE LGBT HISTORY TO SUIT HIS FUCKED UP NARRATIVES!
yes this sucks ! no one deserves this but no one should be making him a martyr. Thats what he fucking WANTS! He wants to be immortalized as a victim!! (again, supposedly, it was reported hes alive but its not confirmed).
The shit he got isnt near the amount of fucking callous behavior hes done again and again. Again, to drill this point, EVEN IF HE DIDNT CALL THE POLICE HE THREATENED A TRANS WOMAN INTO THINKING HE DID!!! The fact he tried to use a head injury to justify years of the outright ghoulish shit fucking astounds me. Why the fuck did anyone in his life thought it was a good idea to let him TRY to come back. in the end, he had options. he didn’t need to try to make a comeback. HE DIDNT NEED TO FUCKING LIE OR IGNORE THE SHIT HE WAS CALLED OUT ON the reality is, he wanted to come back thinking he could shove it under the rug, was told that no dude, you’re not allowed to be a youtuber anymore. you’re done. you need to move on and went full nuclear. it’s not on anyone’s hands but his own. HES BEEN DOING THIS TO HIMSELF!! But nah man we cant call his shit out bc hell may or may not kill himself. Fuck the other minorities who have the same issues but worse and sometimes BECAUSE of him. This is going to SUCKKKK so bad when other ppl, specifically white gays, are going to weaponize this shit to get away with their stuff.
#warning: do not read this post if you want me to be nice to james somerton. i am extremely mean in this post.#before anyone accuses me of shit i legit never contacted him myself or anyone involved. i am someone who witnessed this behavior repeatedly#again. i hope hes alive and well. the fact is him lying about this WOULD BE THE IDEAL SITUATION. BC NO ONE SHOULD GO THROUGH THAT. but.#he HAS to forever be the victim in his eyes. attempting doesnt automatically mean youre free of sin.#its just terrible to see that regardless whether or not he did do it#its very clear his attempts to run away from his consequences are working on some people#we need to acknowledge that if your shitty ex friend can weaponize a threat to kill themselves#so can this internet person after being called out for horrendous shit#like what was the alterative? what were people supposed to fucking do? be nice about it?#yeah as if poc and trans women arent historically given shit for being 'too mean' about wanting justice.#this isnt just the plagiarism this is the fact a white dude has been parading himself as THE speaker for the gays(tm) but has been using hi#gayness to shield himself from his misogyny racism transphobia and antisemitism#its very clear regardless this means that ppl r going to side with him and then give him benefit of doubt#if you cant handle the heat stay out of the fucking kitchen dude. this is the consequences of your fucking actions.#hes a disgusting person who cant handle being told no so hes going to drag everyone down with him#like. idk this entire situation is frustrating to me.#its also frustrating ppl trying to be moral abt it like 'see! i knew this was bad all along!' no you didnt. shut it.#for the record im like mainly talking abt twit watching those spineless uwu cutesy ppl basically saying hes done noting wrong#oh and also alt righters who are clearly weaponinizing this where u know they wouldnt give a shit if a right ytber did this.#james somerton#idk might delete this later its just. ugh...
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theredcuyo · 4 months
So, I convinced a very dear friend of mine to play ace attorney and she's almost finished raise from the ashes, she got to the part of Miles' letter just now and asked me about it
I cried, i didn't tell her why tho, but that was me thinking about JFA, which... yeah, now that i think about it, did Franziska know that her brother wasn't dead?
It's been a good while since i played that, but i don't think they ever specified if she knew
She was in for revenge for him tho
But like, if she didn't knew he was alive, that's a big f*cking yikes, lost her father and brother in less than a year?, damn (we know she at least has another older sibling and a niece, but still that's like half her family)
Just imagine that, also, can we talk about how betrayed she must've felt?, as a matter of a fact she CRIES when talking to him later and i feel like the fandom puts Phoenix's reaction over hers a lot (not to count her reaction in AAI2 too when Miles "abandons" her again)
Which yeah, i get it, Phoenix pulling a legally blonde and then being hurt is interesting, but also, like, family is also a thing? and thanks to AAI we know that they had always been close and having a sibling disappear and sort of fake their death sounds really f*cking painful
Even if she knew Miles was still alive, she saw him so hurt to do something this drastic and not only that, but almost quit being a prosecutor all together (again, very important in their bond)
No wonders she went protective and vengeful sis against Phoenix
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vaugarde · 19 days
against my better judgement im watching a reupload of the lily dunmeshi vid and seeing how she starts off her vid ranting abt how much she hates her own fanbase again really reminded me how like. ngl i feel like watching her vids contributed a lot to my mental health issues as a teen lmao
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crowbasils · 10 months
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charasil?? no way
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basu-shokikita · 5 months
i wonder so much about the relationship skwisgaar and magnus had in earlyklok days. like both having huge egos but magnus was still the rhythm guitarist. he was the rhythm guitarist to someone way younger than him. there's no way he could've taken that lightly.
i wonder if he got really bossy with skwisgaar and tried to correct him to show him he was still above him or something. i wonder if he had a passive aggressive attitude towards skwisgaar. i wonder if he tried to convince the rest of the band that HE should be the lead guitarist instead and that skwisgaar wasn't all that. i wonder if he tried to make skwisgaar look bad on purpose.
skwisgaar is the first one in 'some time ago' to oppose to the idea of having a new rhythm guitarist so that relationship can't have been good, like. the first thing skwisgaar thought when it was over was that there shouldn't be any more 'like magnus'. because i don't think it was just about skwisgaar's superiority complex, i think magnus was an unsavory experience for him and he was eager not to repeat it ever again. he didn't want to give anybody the chance to become That Guy
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Fuck it, if "Griffith did nothing wrong" became a longstanding meme that turned into a serious opinion that insane people would write long essays about, we can do the same thing for Tomura. Why can't his death be a bait and switch like Bakugo's heart exploding :(
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spitblaze · 1 year
bro i hate confirmation bias every time i see a terf post going around with ‘TRANS PEOPLE ARE EVIL AND HERES OUR PROOF’ [like five different local news articles of individual trans women who allegedly did something shitty] i wanna make a post thats like ‘VENDING MACHINES ARE EVIL AND WILL KILL YOU THERE IS NO SAFE WAY TO INTERACT WITH THEM AND HERES MY PROOF’ and make a post with a bunch of articles of people getting killed or hurt by vending machines. which are perfectly safe machines in most cases. but sometimes a machine individually has a problem with it. or it was being fucked with by someone who should’ve thought a little harder about what they were doing and then turned around and said it was the machine’s fault after spending half an hour shaking it and abusing it. or maybe its just some weirdo looking for attention or reimbursement. but they’re all dangerous- trust me, these five articles will prove my point, we need to get rid of every vending machine, it’s the only way to ensure our safety.
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rdng1230 · 5 months
The Asshole To Caring About People Ratio
Rewatching some shows and I think I’ve put my finger on something.
There is a really important ratio for me that exists between a character being an asshole and a character genuinely caring about other people. For me I can get behind a huge amount of assholery if the character goes out of their way to care about other people (and I get that that tolerance is different for everybody, and is highly situational depending on genre etc.). But when that ratio starts to get messed with without proper acknowledgement/narrative framing by the writers it reeeeaaaaaally bothers me.
If a character starts to not care about people but remains the same amount of asshole while the show carries on as if nothing has changed, I don’t think it’s very good writing. I love a good tragedy, I love a good negative character arc! I just hate when characters behave in a way that suggest a backwards slide or a journey into the dark without the narrative ever acknowledging it. I believe most people would agree that if a character stops caring about people altogether that’s usually a tragedy. So why are there so many shows where that happens and the show doesn’t even bother to acknowledge it? This is just a personal preference but if it’s the type of media with root-for-able characters, then writers can’t fuck around with this ratio without acknowledgement and a narrative framing shift.
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urostakako · 1 year
it seems people are already upset that tsumiki is not nice anymore, sorry you dont know her like i do
#cmon. cmon. she has every right to be violent#idk if i trust gege to allow her to be angry (which she also has every right to be?? her life has constantly been people pushing her away#and forgetting about her and her constantly being nice) but if she was nice even now it would literally make zero sense#thats not character development. its not even giving her character. its just megumi's perspective being right that shes some kind of saint#which is sooooooo boring like why would she be nice. i think she should be tired of being nice. i think she should go apeshit. as a treat#and there was so much build up about the curse put on her. making it just some thing like oh shes a sorcerer but shes not gonna do anything#about it because shes so good IS SO BORING#and really it would be unrealistic if she didnt harbor at least some negative feelings i mean megumi was always kind of an asshole right up#until she got cursed and im assuming gojo didnt pay much attention to her as he did megumi. and her mom left her for some shitty dude#why would she not be mad?? just getting stuck being a little angel after all that just makes my skin crawl#and if megumi only really considered apologizing after she got cursed i doubt he really did a lot for her when she wasnt.#so i absolutely think she should be allowed to kill people it would be a disservice if she wasnt and was just again boiled down to the#saintly girl older sister image megumi seems to have of her. so boring#or maybe its just me being an angry sister who has to be nice. but i dont really think it is#tsumiki fushiguro#jjk 211#jjk leaks#jjk spoilers#jjk#aricouldyounot#oh and before anyone misinterprets i know megumi had some psychology going on as a kid. doesnt mean tsumiki didnt either#or that she has to be so understanding all the time and not consider her own feelings. so boring. so shitty#it mightve sounded like a joking tone when i said she should go apeshit. but i was 100% serious#anyway yeah thats it
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cave-monkey · 4 months
It dawns on me that the journey to the west took 5,040 days exactly, right, and while the book goes from tribulation to tribulation, there were still only 81 of those. And they were missing one when they got there. And some of the tribulations Tripitaka went through happened before the journey even started.
So, even being generous and saying that most of the tribulations that occurred during the actual journey could be said to have taken a few days to handle each, that's still only about 10% of the journey. A tribulation was anything that happened that put Tripitaka in danger or presented any sort of obstacle to him. Anything even remotely exciting would have fallen into that ~10%, and nothing else could have happened, because otherwise they wouldn't have gotten west one moderate inconvenience and/or major trauma short of the prize. (I mean, unless the thing that happened managed to not involve Tripitaka at all in any way, but that's very hard to do when you are all attached at the hip.)
Holy cow they really were just walking. ALL THAT TIME. No wonder Zhu Bajie was stirring the pot at any given opportunity. It was literally the only thing to do.
#jttw personal#how did they not kill each other#I was thinking about this while still picking at chapter 27#tripitaka was super gullible in that chapter in a sort of inexcusable way but also#it sooooort of makes sense when you think like#statistically#across the whole journey they could have gone moooonths between demons#years even#and suddenly sun wukong's claiming to have killed 3 (they didn't know it was the same demon) in a row in one morning?#even if tripitaka HAD believed him (or just harbored doubts) after the first one how likely was it the second was the case? or the THIRD?#obviously the evidence was in his face but couple the idea that their encounters with demons were actually SUPER rare#with the fact that tripitaka still had major trust issues with sun wukong from the fact he HAD trusted sun wukong previously#only to have that trust pretty solidly broken#and tripitaka's probably operating on a level of 'fool me once' hyper-vigilance against him that actually makes zhu bajie seem reasonable#I mean who are you going to trust? you and your own shitty judgement when you've already been wrong about the guy once before?#or the DEMON who probably knows more about DEMON MAGIC than you?#tripitaka's got TWO expert consults telling him two wildly opposing things but only ONE of them's seriously burned him in the past#(while the third expert consult and tie-breaker is notably abstaining. gdit sha wujing.)#anyway the characterization here is actually really good#tripitaka doesn't know the story framing - WE know something's up because otherwise we wouldn't have a story about it -#but tripitaka doesn't realize he's in a book#and I'm just saying tripitaka is being less foolish than the meta knowledge of being The Reader makes him seem#still a total brat though#he's definitely letting his own pride and hurt (and like...trauma) bias him against sun wukong unfairly#which is something he needs to work on and IS something that he pays for#(even with the bandits: expecting sun wukong to behave to tripitaka's standards of morality prior to TEACHING him those standards)#(wasn't fair. but also when he *tried* to address it sun wukong got angry and took off. and then tried to kill him. so.)#it's just interesting and whoever told this story originally was clearly putting a lot of thought into what it would be like#to actually be in these guys' shoes. Like ugh. HOW is this book so good?
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sevicia · 6 months
I can see how that video making fun of the AI generated babies saying "At 28 days old I was put in a microwave by my own mother" is like maaaybe funny cause it's ridiculous but the fact that the people who made those videos (the AI generated ones) are literally fishing for likes by telling the story of a real infant that was killed by her own mother after being put in a microwave is just extremely disturbing to me. not to mention the baby (Paris Talley) was a Black baby and most of the AI generated babies in the videos are white and I sincerely doubt many of the people making those videos are Black themselves (kinda baseless cause I'm not gonna check their Tiktok accounts but most people I've seen do "true crime" stuff are white) it's just gross as hell and I can see how and why it's making fun of those people but it's so fucked up I can't even laugh at them yk ...
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shiocreator · 1 year
I have been trying to practice drawing the count and he really has a doug dimadome(how does one spell that wgjhs) hat
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