#also i left out domestic au ONLY because i really dont think these two can be domestic. always something with these bitches!
thetooncrew · 9 months
the loopyzoop ... the loozennee ... for the ship bingo .... (luzeni)
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do I win
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adrian-sheppy · 7 months
Sorry if this is completely wrong igore if it is LMAO but I noticed you seem to have different hcs for how mind lost his eye!!! Like in Seattles Going Under it was lost in a vague fight or something, but in art w/ the resonance cascade he lost it prolly during the ambush? I was wondering if you had info to share on it/infodump abt or if its just whatever makes the art more fun!
hehe youre observant and actually right on the money. yup!  so essentially i just have different eye trauma head canons for whichever version of freemind im drawing; since he doesnt actually lose his eye in canon, its up to everyone to fil in the blanks if they wanna use the popular headcanon. i wrote .  a good chunk of stuff .  so i put it under the cut . but heres a picture to be like a . tldr
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I sorta like his eye already being gone before the resonance cascade (in a non-freemanverse scenario). he does verbally say something like "my eyes" in the series, indicating he has two, BUT . well.  its a headcanon. so we can have fun with it . my eye loss pre-rescas freemind stems from my original freemind design (before i ever started posting half-life on the internet) where he had short hair, but i needed a way to distinguish him from og gordon, so I used thr popular one eye headcanon. then I realized him losing his eye bc of the military goes perfectly with martini losing an arm. that bothered me for a while until i realized i could just have multiple freemind designs + headcanons. if theres different variations of Gordon  and martini, why can't there be some of Freemind as well? grins grins
i left it open ended in my SGU because people have their own headcanons and I thought anyone could just fill in their own. if I did every make a canon eyeloss event prequel thing, he would've lost his eye during college in some sort of either freak accident (like tripping on something and injuring himself bad; I like this one because he'll lie and say he was in a fight) or, like u said, a fight . for SGU, college was a low point in his life of him struggling with freedom from his parents for the firsr time, but them and their ideals still holding him hostage. he is simultaneously more repressed and more emotionally volatile than present!gordon. then, when his parents die, hes just given a clusterfuck of emotions. so why dont we add physical trauma? whatever the sgu canon event eye loss was, it was definitely related to substance abuse issues. whether that be he was high/drunk and got into an accident, or fought someone... not sure! yet. the only thing that i can say was that no fire or chemicals were involved, since his tearduct is (unfortunately for him) wholly in tact!
but for freemanverse!freemind, he should lose his eye during the rescas since its like thematic and stuff if (almost) every Gordon Loses Something. also, angst. whenever I draw freemanverse (even in a domestic setting) in my head, i always think of them surviving the rescas together! i have. convoluted freemanverse headcanons. the eye loss is an important freemanverae event because, like martini, it gives him a valid reason to REALLY dislike benrey (but in my au, benrey isnt the big bad, so he "redeems" himself kinda sorta) . and then it ALSO opens up freemind to be upset and vulnerable, which allows him to bond with his fellow freemen.
also I want barmey to tend to his wounds and call his scar(s) badass. im not immune to buttermind and i never was.
honorable mention: sims freemind, who has both eyes physically but only can see from one. this is due to me unable to properly texture a glasses + eyepatch combo, that and i have no experience with 3d modelling (I did try!).
i hope this is a satisfying enough infodump!! I'm sorry if it's a bit vague; a lot of my ideas tend to be fluid. i also like taking inspiration from what other people think! some of you guys are way super smart and have awesome ideas. i am not immune to well articulated essays and thought out headcanons
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Manager!Seijoh OIKS ROUTE
a/n: this,,,, is probably the angstiest out of the routes and i seem to only write angst for oikawa and i think its a problem
this is for @what-a-creative-username​ bc oikawa is their favorite seijoh boy so this is for you 🥺
and actually buckle your seatbelts bc this is my longest work and its the biggest mess ever :’) also, this is kinda all over the place soooo
- May we have an x Oikawa ending to the Manager AU?
- okaayyyy so this is a request for the manager series. please pleASE PLEASEEEEE- make a oikawa ending! 🥺 cuz he’s my favorite and all those times with him in the story feel like more than just friends
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so basically yea
as seen in a lot of the parts,
oikawa is very,,,, loving towards you
like his entire demeanor was just so different and so,,, authentic,,,, than the ones he shows to other females
maybe it was because you didnt want him in the beginning?
the moment he saw you, he did his first antics and he expected you to turn red and fluster and cutely shy away from him 
yanno the works
yet you gave him a stony stare and denied him
ofc he was hurt and a little offended bc were you rejecting him?
hes never been rejected before and he prides himself for that but you just did and continued to do that
so he made it his mission to make you at least feel something for him
like the period part or his random proclamations of his love for you
he did it all
it didnt matter if it would bite him in the ass later because he was impulsive and he wanted you to show yourself being affected with his charms
because he was the FREAKING OIKAWA TOORU
ong this is like his validation that he is still a ladies man and has a charm that couldnt be resisted by anyone
he constantly told you that he loved you to see a reaction from you and he always was touching you whether it was just the shoulder or your hand
oikawa wanted to see you as his own personal cheerleader and you reacting to his affections would really bring him over the moon
this brings us here in the gym today
‘y/n-chan, do you want to go-’
‘oikawa-san, i dont trust you wanting to go on an innocent outing without any hidden intentions’
the team snickered and he pouted, eyes watering and curling at your side
‘y/n-chan, please? oikawa-san really wants to spend time with you~’
he begged and you finally looked up from the notebook and stared at him
god hes been much more annoying lately but you knew it was his way of letting out his anxiousness and nervousness for the incoming interhigh
so you decided to indulge him just this once and made a deal with him
‘the moment you try anything, even remotely romantic or flirty, i will leave’
you bargained but he gasped
‘what?! then what’s the point of-’
‘so you DO have hidden intentions, oikawa-san?’
you raised your eyebrow causing oikawa to quickly shake his head and detach from you
‘fine. none of that stuff, just hanging out, okay?’
he was still fussy but he accepted it
oikawa had a plan to take you to a cafe that just opened up and take you shopping and basically spoil you because girls like that, right?
they fall for boys who give them everything, right?
so i read a study that surprisingly most girls arent into shopping apparently and they prefer to buy something themselves because apparently they feel indebt and dependent on men if they let them spoil them like that
idk about you but i would let oikawa spoil me tho
his plans were completely crushed when you argued with him for nearly 15 minutes to take half of your tab with the food
‘y/n-chan! i invited you out so i should pay! and boys have to pay!’
he complained, holding the other end of the tab envelope thingy but you pulled it back towards you
‘oikawa-san. you should never listen to societal normalities and instead listen and respect my wishes of paying for my half rather than going by the rules of males paying for females’
im sensing a bit of a bokuto and akaashi typa relationship between you two
oikawa shook his head and slightly stood up to lean over the table, his face approaching yours and you were slightly surprised by the sudden closeness causing you to lean back and be focused on getting away so your grip on the tab loosened
he grinned as he snatched it away from your grasp and quickly placed his card into the slot before running up to the cashier
your mouth was slacked and surprise was still written on your face even when he returned and oikawa held up a peace sign to try and lighten up
but your shock morphed into being upset
‘oikawa-san, listen here. you had-’
but he waved you off with a smile
‘no, you listen here, y/n-chan. oikawa-san loves you therefore he will give you everything in the world and all you have to do is sit there and point at whatever you want because my love will bring it to you~!’
you rolled your eyes
‘please stop being like that, oikawa-san. im not your girlfriend so dont act like my boyfriend’
he lightly scoffed, disguising it with a cough
‘y/n-chan, i dont think you understand. oikawa-san is telling you to be his good little girl and sit down. i dont understand why youre being so stubborn’
he growled softly
wHAT iS hE sAYinG
you shook your head in disbelief and stood up collecting your things making the brunette to also stand up in curiosity
‘y/n-chan? youre leaving already? i wanted to go see other places with you! i wanted to take you shopping!’
you halted and looked up at him through your long eyelashes
‘oikawa-san, i’d rather you save your money and rest your injuries instead’
you reasoned but he raised his hands in front of him to signify his wish for you to stop
‘but i want to be with you, y/n-chan’
he whispered and you blinked
‘i dont want you to spend a single dime for me after this. just you and me, oikawa-san, no money, just us’
he nodded eagerly
‘we can go anywhere you want! just,,, stay with me’
then he found himself in a bookstore with you
it was a quaint hole in the wall bookstore that you both found as you walked down the street and you excitedly dragged him inside, hand still laced together
the rows of shelves that contained different worlds in the pages were your serotonin
he watched you excitedly run to the fiction section and browsed through the different spines for anything special to check out
‘y/n-chan, i’ll go use the bathroom really quickly’
you nodded and oikawa kissed your temple before he left towards the restroom
your eyes flitted across the different titles and you snatched a book of poetry
oikawa hurriedly walked over back to you but he didnt find you at the place you were before
so he continued sifting through the mini hallways of shelves and then he stopped
it was so,,, domestic 
seeing your bright eyes looking down at the book  on your hands and the way your mouth slightly moved with the words
it was such a simple sight yet why did you look so beautiful?
the shimmering eyes that flittered when you came across a sentence you liked 
the soft lips that kinda jutted out making his desire to feel it increase that he would give anything to feel on his own
you were so focused that you didnt notice him moving behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist, only noticing his head resting on your shoulder
‘’come, my darling, it is never too late to begin our love again’’
he mumbled to your ear and you released one hand from the book to grasp his arms that were around your middle
‘you read poetry?’
you whispered and oikawa chuckled
‘of course. a man as romantic as I am ought to be a poet’
he reasoned and you laughed
‘yet you fail to sway me, oikawa-san’
‘no, there is a difference. you dont want my love but i know you want to be loved by me, i can assure you!’
you swiftly placed the book back on its former place and you turned around to swing your arms around his neck
‘hmm,,,, love was never something for me. especially with you boys around’
oikawa looked down to see your shorter height and he caressed your hip
‘i love you, y/n, so let me love you the way you deserve to be’
he whispered not understanding the weight of his words and you looked down to hide the growing blush on your face before burying your face into his sweater-clad chest
‘so not fair oikawa-san’
you mumbled against the fabric but he heard it and he bursted into giggles
‘ehh~~ youre not being the fair one, y/n-chan! youre make it so hard to not fall for you when youre so beautiful~!’
he whines and you rested your chin on him so you could look up at him and your pout made him squeeze you tighter
‘hah?! that doesnt make sense! im nothing but a mess of-!’
you started but was cut off when he kissed your nose and whispered:
‘but what a beautiful mess you are’
okay so i know this is the saddest one out of the routes but ive just been serving fluff so the angst is coming soon!!!!!!
once you both were finished in the bookstore, you suggested going to this hill that allowed you to see the stars clearer
‘hmm, oikawa-san, there’s this place that natsu used to take me to whenever he wanted to see the stars so i think you’d like it’
you mentioned while walking on the sidewalk
oikawa’s hand was clutching yours and you were swinging it back and forth while lightly skipping and kicking the rocks
he watched you, amused, at how child-like you were acting right now but he was also touched, knowing your knowledge of his love for space
the night sky allowed the stars to light up and you both shared giggles and laughs as the two of you stumbled over your feet with no light except from above
however once you made it to the top of the hill, oikawa pulled you close to him as you huddled on a seated position
‘how’d you know i would like this, y/n-chan?’
he asked and you gave him an obvious look
‘hah? its so obvious! you keep drawing the cancer constellation on your skin and you had an astrology book in your bag that you were also reading in the bus’
your answer brought warmth inside him and he never thought you were so perceptive of him
you noticed every little thing he does and hes,,,, never had someone do that before
except for iwa and his family and team, no one knows of his little ticks and the way he becomes obsessive of a topic once he gets interested in it
you noticed it all
‘that right there, its the big dipper!’
you pointed and he followed the direction of your finger before nodding
‘yep! waaahhh its much prettier seeing it higher up than my roof!’
he exclaimed and your gaze left the constellation towards the boy beside you
‘really,, pretty’
you absentmindedly muttered yet he was sharp and heard you
‘but its different to look at something much more beautiful’
this caused you to quickly go back to looking at the stars so you missed his love-filled eyes
‘i want to name my children by constellations. so that they can keep the oikawa legacy going forever like constellations being at the sky for all eternity. or naming it after the sky! then i can make sure theyre never going away’
he said and you nodded
you kept pointing out different shapes and laughing at his funky claims of what some stars connected to and created
‘oikawa-san, lets go to the star festival later’
you offered and he in turn looked away from you, turning red at the way the small lights illuminated your face and somehow making it more,,,, angelic
so he covered it up with his own teasing 
‘oh? the meeting of the two lovers?’
you dont know why but your cheeks burned at the mention of the ‘L’ word and oikawa noticed, quickly poking fun of your cheeks
‘oh, y/n-chan, dont be so shy!’
you pouted and turned away
‘never mind’
oikawa’s laugh rang throughout the space and he pulled you closer, practically sitting on his lap, while pointing out the stars and him pressing kisses to your cheeks
the intertwining of your fingers combined with the kisses made you feel as if you were floating with how free you felt
and you loved every moment of it
after that outing with your captain, you were conflicted
it wasnt the first time he’s openly said he loved you and his shower of affections have been there since the very beginning
yet how come you were just now feeling,,,,, different??
you were sure you felt an odd feeling inside you when he said your name with no usual suffix and it wasnt just the food that didnt agree with you
whenever his lips came in contact with your skin, it left blazing trails of red that spread out as far as it could
the heartbeat that quickened once he kissed your forehead at your doorstep and the grin you last saw when you closed the door
or the unknown smile that you didnt know you had on until natsu, who was visiting, pointed it out
‘darling, why are you just standing there? and why are you smiling like that? its weird, stop it’
you didnt even have the attitude to scold him and you giggled before twirling and holding his hand
‘oh, natsu~ i want to dance! and sing!’
you shouted, taking him with you and dancing around the living room
tbh natsu was very worried but he remembered you mentioning that you were meeting some guy today and it might be the reason as to why you were acting like this
he was happy
you deserved to be loved as you are and you were finally getting that love
it didnt last long
albeit having a lot of fun, oikawa seemed,,,, off to you
it was,,, awkward
maybe it was because you were now aware of some type of growing attraction inside of you or every little thing he does to you could send you into shapeshifting and channeling your inner tomato
forget potato, youre now a tomato
but even his touches and affections were now limited
like the the next time you both saw each other, you shyly but happily bounded up to him and greeted him good morning
but his eyes widened, taking a step back before laughing awkwardly
‘ah ha ha, hey y/n-chan’
oikawa greeted then side-stepped to enter the gym
god you felt like you were slapped in the face
you remained frozen, staring at the spot he previously occupied and your mind was running quickly
was it because your senses were now heightened that everything made you extra sensitive?
usually, oikawa would squeal at the fact you were even greeting him this morning but he literally just walked away from you
no, you were just,,,,
yea, just,,,
iwa noticed your downcast expression and he had a feeling it had something to do with oikawa’s off expression
you hurriedly placed your bag down and took out your notebook to start taking notes for their practice
big boy ace went up to you and placed a hand on your arm which caused you to flinch
he immediately backed off, letting go and stepping back
‘wh-hey? y/n? you okay? did something happen?’
he worriedly asked but you shook your head, not even bothering to meet his eyes
‘uh-yea. mhm, perfectly fine’
you lied and he wanted to press further but mattsun and makki called you over to check out their blocks so you ran to them
but he had a feeling you were just taking every opportunity to not answer his questions
while you were pre-occupied with the meme team, iwa marched up to oiks and tugged him around to fully talk to him
oikawa watched your interaction and he knew iwa would immediately start questioning him too
‘oi, what the hell did you do’
there was an underlying tone in his best friend’s voice that he didnt particularly like
oikawa did what he does best and plastered a smile on his face
‘hm? what do you mean, iwa-chan?’
‘what the hell do you mean what do i mean? you speak japanese dont you? so tell me what the hell happened during your date because it seems like shit happened and now youre both acting weird’
oikawa flinched at the blunt words but it was the truth
he was acting weird and this caused you to probably act weird too
god hes so dumb
but he,,, was going through stuff right now
it was a situation that he didnt want to involve you in 
and,,, seeing you dancing with natsu with the biggest smile on your face through the window of your house
okay guys dont think this is weird or stalker-ish bc i actually saw this in a kdrama ages ago and i thought it was just so sweet and cute and dont take it the weird and stalker creepy way :(
it certainly brought him pain
this was what he wanted though, right?
he wanted to see a reaction from you with his antics and he wanted to see you flustered and giggling like one of his lovestruck girls
but dear god that was when he became aware of your growing feelings
oikawa even saw it before you did with the way you gave him those longing stares and small smiles and the small squeezes of his hand when he would laugh
initially, he wouldve teased you for it but then he kept quiet
this entire time he knew you, he felt,,, love,,, for you
and by god, he was so scared
he wanted to run away
because he was well aware of his personality and him as a person 
he could make you smile the biggest and the happiest but he was also the type to make you feel the most pain and cause the deepest wounds on your already fragile heart
he didnt want that responsibility and burden
it was too risky
oikawa knew he was a ticking time bomb and he was afraid if you got even just a centimeter closer
you would be the one hit with the blast the most
maybe it was that sight that made him want to distance himself
it was a sight that made him realize that you deserved someone much better and that someone couldn’t be him
the happiness that danced in your eyes and the smile that decorate your beautiful face
can you imagine the irony?
the moment you notice of your growing feelings, the moment he decides to withdraw and pull away
practice was,,, suffocating? 
the team knew of the tension these past few days and you both def were not the same
oikawa has not said he loved you or even pestered you once and as much as the guys hated seeing it, they were getting worried
did you both fight?
what happened?
when oikawa was talking with the coach and you were grabbing something from the storage room, they immediately took this chance to pounce on iwaizumi since he was the closest to the both of you
‘oi, iwaizumi, the hell happened?’
makki asked and the others nodded, wondering the same thing
but they were surprised when he shrugged
‘dont know. stupidkawa refuses to talk and i dont want to bother y/n bc she seems,,, weird about it’
if iwaizumi didnt know, then something serious did happen
you and oikawa continued this weird eggshell walking and you even gave up after trying to ask so many times on what was wrong and only to be answered with,
‘nothing~! y/n-chan should never have to worry her pretty little head about old me~!’
that answer didnt bother you
it was his smile
the genuine smile that you were so happy to receive as it was only for you
now seems gone and replaced with his fake one as if you now became one of his fangirls
what took the cake was his appearance to practice with a girl in his arm
they were both laughing and seemed trapped in their own little bubble to even notice the team’s wide eyes and concerned looks to you
you didnt even notice your teary eyes until mattsun quite literally picked you up and shouted he wanted to help you fill up the water bottles
he placed you outside, sitting on a bench by the gym
you were biting your lip and staring at the ground while he was leaning back and looking at the sky
‘the sky is very pretty today’
he complimented but it wasnt heard by you
you only came back to reality when he nudged you gently and you shot him a crooked smile but he sighed at the look of hurt written all over your face
‘oh, y/n, i am getting increasingly worried for our generation. theres so many sad eyes on happy faces’
he tutted and returned to gazing back up to the clouds
you scrunched your nose and scoffed
‘i dont understand you, mattsun-san’
you mumbled and fiddled with your fingers
mattsukawa issei shook his head and pointed above
‘y/n-chan, our eyes enables us to identify beauty and we have the urge to immediately capture it to remember that we did find something beautiful. yet, we feel hopeless as we cant to put the beauty on paper because we are only given one crayon to draw the sunset’
it felt all muddled
there was no sense in his words and you were sniffed, trying to understand
‘mattsun-san, did you eat any more of those candy makki-san bought from that one guy?’
he bursted into laughter and you couldnt help but quirk your lip at the sound of his joy
‘who knows? taka is my boy and i trust him so if he gave it to me, then,,,, it cant be that bad, right?’
you blanched
‘mattsun-san! im not about to go pick you up from the er again just because makki-san dared you to do something!’
mattsun finally wandered his eyes over to you and he tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear
‘thats the thing with you, y/n-chan. youre quick to love others but you lose pieces of yourself in the process. i have no right to tell you who deserves it but please ask yourself, is that sacrifice worth it?’
you knew he wasnt talking about your love for the team
but for the love for a certain setter that didnt go unnoticed by the middle blocker
leave it to mattsun to make you laugh and you were letting out your last giggles as you stepped into the gym
oikawa stopped talking and focused on the two of you, 
more specifically,
he watched as you laughed and swatted mattsun’s elbow as he jokingly made fun of your height by resting his arm on top of your head
yes this was what it was supposed to be
you deserved someone who could make you smile and only smile
he doesnt even hesitate but even imagine the tears that would fill those beautiful eyes and he knows it would all be his fault
he will stop that from happening way before it would occur
he will do anything to make sure you will never cry because of him so he will distance himself and now, he gives up
it could just be his stress and insecurities talking but he knows right now,
he wants you away from him
oikawa tooru, the boy who could get anyone he wants, couldn’t get the girl he wishes for the most
dear god was it laughable
after practice was finished,
you quietly and quickly packed up the nets and picked up the balls to get yourself out of there
these past few days made you feel so much confusion that it hurts
if there was anything worse than him not talking to you,
it was not knowing why 
that curiosity and desperate need for answers creates wild and self-destructive theories 
did you chew too loudly when you ate?
were you boring and not as fun as the others?
was he angry and humiliated of his pride as a man when you scolded him for paying for you?
has he gotten tired of you now that he knows who you really are?
that last question suddenly created a new set of tears to appear
throughout the day, you were so composed and distracted yourself with the lectures of your teachers and not anything of why this certain brunette was avoiding you
but a single insecure question made that wall crumble and you hurriedly shoved the trolley of balls into the storage room and grabbed your bag before rushing out of there
you sniffled and hurriedly walked home so you could go and cry on your bed in peace
but ofc 
hiroshi natsu exists so ofc he distracted you when you entered the house with a red puffy face
quietly, he led you to the couch and he wordlessly grabbed a tissue box from the coffee table to dab away the tears
you sniffled and clenched your fists to will yourself to stop these dumb salty water drops
‘i cant tell you its going to be okay because i dont want you to cling on to false hope. but i know it hurts. its worse that of all people, oikawa tooru had to be your first ever crush’
he chuckled
you took a shaky breath and wiped your face
‘this was why i shouldnt have liked him. god! all we did was eat dinner and look at the stupid fcking sky! thats it! so why-! why do i suddenly like him?! AM I THAT DESPERATE?!’
you wailed and blew your nose while natsu patted your back
‘i mean,,, to others it sounds like youre easy to sway’
you looked up from the tissue to glare at him but he continued
‘but to me,,,, it sounds like it was just the last push you needed to finally see oikawa tooru in that way’
you nodded, laughing weakly
‘i dont know why im acting like a lunatic like this. hes just a crush anyway so it’ll probably fade in a day or two so bear with me until then, kay?’
but his grim shake of his head gave you no hope
‘rather than fade, it will grow. and i might have to bear with this for the rest of our lives. now you be a bad bitch and sit there and look fine as hell while i go order 10 boxes of pizza and load up teen moms’
the impromptu movie night distracted you a little bit from it all but you still couldn’t help but think about it
all you have to do is make sure you think of oikawa doing something disgusting to make that attraction fade away
oikawa licking his toes
oikawa licking his toes
oikawa licking his toes
oikawa licking his-
you snapped out of your daydream when kunimi reached out to you
kindaichi, who came over for lunch, and him were staring at you in concern and they shared a look
‘y/n, something must’ve happened that day with captain’
kunimi started but kindaichi snapped
‘see?! this is why we shouldve never let you go! the first time you go with him and now youre a mess! tell us! did he force himself on you?! did he-?!’
you stopped the onion top boy with a forced smile and a squeeze on the arm
‘o-oikawa-san would never do that, kindaichi. hes better than that’
‘but clearly not because look at you!’
he shouted and you flinched 
kunimi hurriedly knocked him to the floor
‘get ahold of yourself, kindaichi’
he mumbled and you stood up and walked to the bathroom at the west wing that nobody uses so you could freely cry without any suspicion
was it obvious?
was it clear that you have been a mess after a week of being ignored by oikawa?
nah, youre just being a dramatic little shit
youre sticking to your word of quickly forgetting about the whole ordeal
but you definitely cant if your nightmare was happening before your eyes
as you approached the bathroom from the end of the hallway, 
you saw an unknown girl but an all too familiar boy giggling and rushing to get inside the bathroom
and for good measure, oikawa looked around to make sure no one was there but then he saw you
despite the distance between you, he could see your glistening eyes from the sunlight that seeped in from the big windows
he saw the way your hand trembled and your eyes twitched when haruna poked her head out to see why he was still outside
she drawled out and reached a manicured nail to his wrist 
your eyes followed her touch and then you and the boy shared eye contact
through the watery eyes, he could clearly make out your silent plead
please dont go to her
stay with me
dont go
but he went in anyways
that was the moment you forced yourself to not think about him anymore
as if you werent even working your hardest lately, you will work your hardest now
everything between you and him was now strictly professional as practice that day signified the very first day of your moving on stage
you couldnt believe these past 2 weeks has been a real nightmare yet you were slowly waking up from it
there was nothing you could do about it bc oikawa obviously didnt mean anything he said to you and maybe thats what ticked you off the most
you were easily led on
he blindly tugged you along the moment you saw his smile
he definitely thought of you as just as a game and when he finally got tired and bored, he dropped you and went to another
kunimi and kindaichi noticed the coldness of your eyes and the stoic expression on your face and they were genuinely terrified of you so they didnt want to ask any questions
even with packing up, you aggeressively shoved everything in your bag and the blep boy finally gained the courage and nervously tapped his finger on your desk to gain your attention
you swiftly dropped in your pencil case and looked at him
he flinched at the cold tone and his eyes showed concern
‘uh-i-are you okay?’
he slowly asked and you visibly clenched your jaw but you nodded anyways
‘never better’
you didnt bother waiting for him to finish packing up and even passed kindaichi by the door as you were walking towards the girl’s locker room to change into your manager outfit
your entrance to the gym made the noise die down and you noticed the third years with glares on and aggressively practicing
‘whats wrong with all of you’
you asked and iwa scoffed before shaking his head and opening his arm
‘cmere. i missed you’
he said and ngl you were a little confused bc this wasnt something iwa usually did but you still stuck to his side
‘he told me what happened’
iwa whispered and you stiffened in his arms
iwaizumi flung the boy to his own bedroom wall
he huffed, panting at both the weight of oikawa tooru and the intense anger that burned through his veins
‘you-you are a piece of shit!’
he shouted and he moved to grab oikawa’s collar and lifted him so the brunette could see the fire and disgust present in his olive eyes
‘you think i didnt see what the hell you did? fcking leaving y/n sobbing as you-you-! AGH!’
iwaizumi couldnt even finish his sentence as he was so angry that he harshly sent oikawa flying back down to his floor
oikawa was crying
not from the beating
but from his regrets
god he knew he messed up
he shouldnt have done it
but he did
iwa ran his hands through his hair and angrily sat on his best friend’s bed, eyes shooting daggers at oikawa
‘right now. tell me the truth right fcking now or so help me god’
he hissed 
oikawa tooru shuffled closer to the wall and brought his knees up to his chest
‘im so scared’
he sobbed
‘im so scared, iwa-chan’
his tears were pouring down and he brought a hand to muffle his cries
‘i-i just w-wanted to-to see something out of her. li-like a reaction! because she wasnt like th-the others! but instead i fell in love! me! and she did too!’
he pointed and quickly stood up, pacing and gripping his hair
‘it was all just for fun! she-she knows im like that! yet she still fell in love with me!’
‘how could you tell she-’
even iwa flinched
there was so much confusion in this poor spiky haired boy bc he knew oikawa was in love with their manager so why is he avoiding her now even though she reciprocates those feelings?
‘im missing something here, oikawa. youre telling me, she loves you, but youre here regretting that?’
his tone of disbelief made oikawa shut his eyes in frustration
he shrieked
thankfully, his family wasnt home currently to see him breakdown
iwaizumi pushed himself up from the bed and rushed to grab his best friend before forcing the brown haired boy to his chest
oikawa tooru was having a panic attack
he heaved and wheezed and loudly let out his cries and iwa made them sit on the floor where he could comfortably cry
‘youre such an idiot, tooru. but she knows that, doesn’t she? she knows who you are, what you are, how you are, your flaws, everything- she knows all that. yet she still fell for you, doesnt that tell you something? for once in your life, consider other people’s feelings before yours. y/n is one hell of a girl and i wont allow you to let her slip past you just like that. i know- we all know- how much of a broken person you are, oikawa, and it hurts us all to know that no matter what we do, we can never fix you. but y/n-gosh, y/n is the only person to even have a chance to do that. and you admitted that youre depressed and you have a problem? well,, get some help for that, oikawa. the first step to be better is by accepting the only person who can accept you for you’
iwaizumi didnt reveal to the other third years of what happened but just said that oikawa did a really terrible thing to you and hes currently repenting for it
however mattsun and makki pretended they didnt hear oikawa regretting it and focused on the fact that the captain even had the NERVE to hurt you
iwa squeezed you tightly and you returned the hug
but he whispered something in your ear
‘everyone makes mistakes, y/n. the only thing we can do is to repent for them’
you pulled away, about to ask him what hes talking about but one look from his eyes made you realize what he was talking about
he mustve known what happened but hes defending him
you clenched your jaw and looked away
‘i destroyed myself for a stupid reason and its one of my regrets. im not going to make the same mistake twice’
you quietly hissed and moved to your station by the bench to begin taking your notes
you noticed that oikawa was late for practice today and although you kinda hate him, you are still a manager first and he was one of your responsibilities
you were about to go to the coach and tell him you’d look for the setter when the gym door slid and in came the devil himself
but there was a large bruise on his cheek and a cut on his lip
your feet moved quicker than the rest of you that you were in front of him in a second
‘what happened to you’
you worriedly asked and oikawa just stared at you
his eyes shook and watered at the sight of you
this was the first time you talked to him without any coldness in your tone and he missed it
he missed hearing you
his silence made you roll your eyes and you roughly grabbed his arm before throwing him on the bench you were sitting on
the team watched, on edge of whats happening, but was put back to practice when you gave them a side-eye
your fingers opened the ointment and your kit to treat the bleeding lip and the swollen side of his face
‘youre the captain. its not wise to fight before practice and be late. youre hindering everyone else’
you coldly scolded and oikawa shrank back
‘it was iwa-chan’
he mumbled and you stopped and quirked an eyebrow
‘what? why did he-’
then you froze
iwa knew
and he beat oikawa up for it
he fought his best friend for it
and iwa didnt look fazed at all
despite being a muscle freak, iwa was very soft and his iron defiency made him prone to bruising
yet why was he so clean
it was like iwa hit oikawa but in turn, the other didnt fight back
you must stop
youre overthinking again and youre over analyzing it and youll end up at the place you were before
oikawa noticed the dawn of realization on your face and he shakily reached out to touch your hand
‘i,,, didnt. because i deserved it. i-’
he sniffed and you knew he would start crying right now
the last thing he wanted would be to cry in front of the others so you immediately stood up and went to the coach
‘coach, oikawa-san needs treatment that i dont currently have with me. i would need to take him to the infirmary’
he nodded and waved you off so you had the clear
oikawa flinched when you harshly grabbed his arm and pulled him up so he could follow you out the door
it was such an awkward silence between you both but you bit your lip, focusing on the fact that you were just doing this bc he was your obligation
it was like you threw him to one of the cots then you rummaged through the medicine cabinet for an extra cotton ball and a better ointment
‘i fcked up, y/n’
your movements halted and your eyes drifted down, looking at the tiled floor
‘i messed up so bad’
he hoarsely said and you could tell how much pain he was going through by the way he let out a shaky breath
you made a move to turn around but he stopped you
‘no! dont look at me! just-just dont,,, i cant-i wont be able to say it if i look at you’
he cried and you nodded
oikawa leaned his forehead on his intertwined hands with his eyes on the floor before starting
‘i want to say im sorry. because everything, all of this, it all started as a game to me’
you closed your eyes tightly, tears welling up in your eyes
‘you,,, you didnt bat a single eyelash at me. you didnt try to please me, you didnt chase after me, no, you didnt see me like that. it made me,,, i dont know,,, confused,,, that girls like you even existed. it,,, not gonna lie, ticked me off and i was offended that you brushed me away so easily like i was some,, some bug on your shoulder. so,,, i wanted to see,,, and try,,, if i could make you,,, like me. and i know! i know its messed up but god y/n i swear i didnt want to hurt you. i just,,, i wanted to see if i could ever make you look at me like the way they did but it backfired. i wanted you to chase me but in the end, i ended up chasing after you. i chased and i ran without knowing that you were slowing down for me so i could catch you. that,,, that date made me realize of how,,, how perfect and beautiful you are a-and how unworthy i am to even receive anything from you. i saw how happy you were after that, dancing, twirling that poor idiot around. at first,, it made me so so proud. and so happy that i made you do that. i put those stars from the sky into your eyes and somehow you made them shine much brighter. then,,,, i got scared. i started thinking about,,, about me. and how i am. ive been trying so hard to please other people that ive lost sight of the real me and how terrible i am. and y-you! i just- y/n its so hard for me to explain all this right now- my current mental state, the pain on my face- i cant,,, but at that moment i realized that you,,, you were better off without me. youre so kind, so beautiful, so smart, you could go do so many good things in life. and im just going to hold you back. i didnt want to hurt you so i,,, chose to just cut the string now and,, we wont get hurt later. but,,, i regret it. i regret it so much, y/n. all my life,,, everyone cooed and awed at this child just because of how he looked like and,,, he got used to it. everyone wanted me because i am oikawa tooru but they didnt want the entire oikawa tooru. iwa,,, iwa hit it into my head that,,, you,, were the only one who bothered to even see that side of me’
when he finished, he looked up but gasped at the sight of you standing in front of him
fat tears were rolling down your face and you wore the angriest expression
‘i-,,,i hate you so much, oikawa tooru’
you seethed
your eyebrows were scrunched up together and your nostrils flared as you cried harder and you let out a cry
‘i hate you, i hate you, i hate you’
you chanted and oikawa saw his vision cracking
his world was now falling apart
he did the last thing he would ever do and you were now at your most pained moment
‘youre so selfish, impulsive, and terrible’
you whined and punched his shoulder at each word
‘but i love you so much. i hate you because you made me cry and made me feel so hurt but i still love you. why-why cant you stop playing your games, tooru? stop playing with me now! stop it! stop-!’
you didnt get to say anything else because he grabbed your waist and held you in his arms
it was like you didnt even weigh a thing by the way he lifted you to sit on his lap and he gently led your face to his neck
‘im so sorry’
he repeated constantly while brushing your hair and rubbing your waist
you and oikawa tooru spent an hour sitting on that bed just crying 
after a while, you stopped and resulted to just hiccuping
‘youre selfish, tooru. you listened to yourself and did whatever you wanted rather than talking to me. i hate you but i,,, i love you, oikawa-san. i shouldnt say that but if i dont, im afraid you’ll go ahead and do something stupid again’
he chuckled but he squeezed you tighter
‘i dont,,, want to let you go, y/n-chan. let me be selfish a little longer and love you all to myself’
and by god did he become selfish
it took you a while to get over your defensive and guarded actions from him but you were slowly finding yourself forgiving him
natsu absolutely despises him still and whenever oikawa even comes over, hes always glaring at him and oikawa would shift uncomfortably but accept it bc he deserved it
‘i didnt realize how badly i hurt you, y/n. i could never imagine you accepting me still. ill spend the rest of my life making it up to you’
he promised and you laughed
you were both lounging on your bedroom floor, mean girls playing in the background, while just staring at the ceiling
you brought your clasped hands up so you could look at it
then a goofy smile settled on your face and you turned to look at him
‘just continue loving me, oikawa-san. thats all i ask for’
then graduation came
of course the boys were all teary but oikawa seemed even more sad and he refused to look at you the whole day
you figured it could just be him being mopey over not seeing you everyday like he was able to before
then you both were walking home and he still hasnt looked at you
the silence was killing you but you just kept a tight grip on his hand and he would smile at you and kiss your hands
it still didnt wash away the odd feeling in your stomach but you would talk to him later after you gave him present
for the weekend, you were able to convince your parents to go on a beach trip at okinawa while you made natsu go over to tokyo and stay with katsuki
oikawa didnt know your family was out so he stood by your door, waiting for you to enter
you both stood there, staring at the floor, not knowing what to say
until you softly grabbed his hand
‘come in. i want,,, to talk’
you mumbled and oikawa’s eyes widened, silently panicking that you possibly found out
it was a secret not even iwaizumi knew so you couldnt have known
you led him up to your room and pushed him down to sit on your bed
oikawa was confused and he watched you bite your lip and look off to the side
‘y/n-chan? why are you nervous? you said you wanted to talk?’
he asked
but you unzipped your skirt and let it drop on the floor
‘for graduating,,, and working hard for these years,,, im giving you this’
you finally met his eyes
then he knew
oikawa blanched and he quickly stood up and placed his hands on your shoulder
‘y-y/n! uh-i-are you sure? a-arent you-’
‘accept it, tooru. youre,,, my first love,,, so,,,, ill give you my other first’
oikawa was running in the airport
despite the shouts of civilians he accidentally pushed, he made no sign of stopping and if anything, ran faster till he reached outside
the rush of his sudden trip home was clear as he was only carrying a duffel bag full of clothing he hurriedly stuffed inside 
when he met the orange ninja boy in brazil, he quickly caught up with his underclassman and got drinks to talk about japan the last 2 years of his career
they both got simple beers and some appetizer to share as they reminisced the past
hinata was excitedly talking about the reconciliation of kindaichi and kageyama and how they were still enemies on court but were now friends
‘eh~? tobio-chan making up with kin-chan? what’s next? flying sushi?’
he joked and hinata laughed
‘it was partly of your manager, oikawa-san! she helped them make up!’
the previous smile on oikawa’s face slipped at the mention of you 
‘hmm,,,, she always made the impossible happen’
he mumbled and hinata nodded
‘l/n-chan became close to kageyama through kindaichi and kunimi and she would bring us food and stuff too! but only on times she wasn’t busy’
the ninja said and dipped his chip into the salsa while oikawa stared at the liquid
‘you guys must be special for her to go all the way to karasuno’
then hinata said something that caused the brunette’s ears to fall deaf to the loudness of the bar
‘it wasn’t a problem since coach ukai took care of her son’
oikawa didnt even give hinata another word when he rushed out of that bar after overcoming his shock and straight into his apartment
there were tears that blurred his vision as he shoved in shirts and pants and other necessities for a trip to japan
he argued with the front desk lady to give him a ticket to the earliest flight to japan despite her saying that it was hard to give him a seat when the plane was full
but luck seemed to pity this baby daddy as someone pulled their ticket out and he was able to take it for himself
it was the longest journey of his life and his hour long layover gave him an opportunity to call the only person he thought would even know where you were
oikawa paced at the waiting lobby with his phone pressed to his ear as he listened to the ringing of his call
he bit his lip in anticipation and ran his fingers through his hair for the upteenth time until finally it was picked up
‘damn you, shittykawa, do you understand what time-’
‘iwaizumi, is y/n still in japan?’
of course his best friend was startled with the question as the setter hasnt asked him any question related to you in a few years
‘wha-how the hell am i supposed to know that? im in california, oikawa’
‘dont lie to me. she still talks to you since youre probably the godfather of my son’
he hissed and iwaizumi was now fully awake and his heartbeat was beating quite quickly 
how did he figure out
‘oi, oikawa, listen to me she-’
‘please! dont!’
he shouted and didnt care if he startled anyone else around him
‘dont lie to me! of all people! you dont lie to me!’
‘why should i tell you when you were the one who up and ran? huh?’
oikawa fell silent and iwaizumi could hear his sobs through the phone
iwa sat up on his bed, leaning against the wall as he contemplated revealing this secret you begged him to keep since his best friend sounded like he was on the verge of breaking apart
poor oikawa tooru already suffered so much
‘i swear youre going to make me regret this. but y/n is in,,,, tokyo and,,,,, she,,,,,, didnt want you to know about,,,, about everything. well-she did want to tell you but she had her own reasons not to and,,, and its perfectly valid for her to choose whatever she wanted. and yes, i knew and yes, i am his godfather but please, oikawa, whatever you do, dont go to japan, you understand? shes still hurt by it, idiot, and shes angry and you sound angry and-’
but of course,
oikawa didnt listen and he hung up but continued his pacing but this time, tears blurring his vision
the taxi driver noticed his frazzled expression and quickly stopped in front of him
oikawa gratefully hopped in and quickly told the driver the address he forced out of iwaizumi (with great reluctance)
‘this is the last time, understand me, tooru? youve already hurt her so many times and i cant bear to see it all over again so you need to fix it. but you mess this up again, not only will you lose her, you’ll lose me too’
the old man felt sorry for the young lad and stepped on the pedal to get him to his destination in the quickest time 
the apartment building was several stories tall yet the elevator ride felt like a snap when he finally arrived at the floor your apartment was supposedly on
what the real kicker was when he stood outside your door and he hesitated
would you let him in?
would you even want to see him?
would you punch him?
would you cry?
he was so worried but didnt realize that he already pushed the doorbell and a faint shout from inside made his heart jump
‘UNCLE KYOOoooo,,,,,’
the door opened and the boy’s voice went quiet, knowing this wasnt the man he was expecting and he quickly and harshly slammed the door shut to his face
oikawa was stunned
was this the right apartment?
did iwaizumi trick him?
but those thoughts were wiped away when the door opened again and a girl was softly chiding the boy before turning around with a smile to greet the person but then it fell
similar to her son, she slammed the door shut and oikawa panicked
‘y-y/n? h-hey!’
he exclaimed and with a clenched fist, he stood there
you were hyperventilating inside
how did he find you?
why is he here?
does he know?
‘mama? who’s that oji?’
the bright eyes of yozora looked up at you and you blinked, briefly seeing the man behind the door at the face of your son
you sucked in a deep breath before smiling lightly
‘yoyo-kun, can you go play with dino-kun while mama and oji talk?’
yozora blinked back up at you before shrugging and nodding and running off to your shared room
once he was gone, you quickly composed yourself and opened the door again, shocked to see oikawa already half-way down the hallway to the elevator
‘would you like some tea before you go?’
you called out and he stopped, almost giving himself whiplash at how fast he turned his head
it was like his instincts took over when your voice started speaking to him
as if he was 18 again, oikawa found himself trailing after your voice and you nervously led him inside
his eyes were moving really fast as if he wanted to quickly soak it all in before it would disappear
this was where you lived
with your son
who was his son too
there was a picture by the door of you and the little boy from earlier
it was at the planetarium nearby and tooru’s heart bloomed at the sparkle in that child’s eyes
jesus, he was beautiful
‘yozora. thats his name’
you said, noticing him staring at the picture
‘night sky’
oikawa whispered
the teapot was still hot and you were able to pour him a cup so you both sat on the dining table where he sat across from you
‘n-nice place’
he stuttered out
you nodded, tracing the rim of your own cup
‘its natsu’s and katsuki’s actually. my parents kicked me out so they offered to let me stay with them’
you reasoned, not meaning to sound cold but it came out as if you were being passive agressive
‘o-oh? ho-how is he-’
‘oikawa-san, what are you doing here?’
he visibly flinched
calling him by his last name stung since you called him ‘tooru’ the whole relationship so returning to his surname is your way of cutting off the whole thing
‘i,,, i found out. a few days ago. from shoyo. he told me their coach looked after yozora and,,, i knew he is,,, mine’
you let out a humorless chuckle
a scoff
then you looked up to meet his gaze, oikawa gulping at the hardness in your eyes
‘what makes you think so? what makes you think that i wasnt angry and spiteful enough to give myself to someone else so they could have what the great oikawa tooru had? what makes you think that i would remain loyal to you despite you just running off to the other side of the fcking world without a word? hm? oikawa-san? what.makes.you.think.so?’
out of guilt, he broke the stare to his own steaming cup of green tea
you whispered
he shakingly sighed and you could tell he was about to cry
but you rolled your eyes and crossed your arms
‘go ahead and cry, oikawa-san. im used to temper tantrums. i have a son for god’s sake’
‘you would never do that to me, y/n. you promised that you would always love me and only me and i know you take promises to your grave’
he reasoned but it sounded like it was him convincing himself
the dry laugh you let out made him fidget
‘and you promised that you would always talk to me and communicate. yours is a much lighter and easier promise than mine yet you get to break it and i can’t? no, oikawa-san. to me, its like that year never even happened’
you were now just trying to rile him up due to your anger towards him
you shouldve let him walk to the elevator and leave and never come back
but you still invited him in anyways
oikawa snapped his head up
‘you cant say that or mean it, y/n. that boy over there, hes a reminder of me. he looks exactly like me so you cant ever forget what we have’
‘what he had. it was simply the past, years ago, and everything has changed since then. dont you dare try to dig up buried secrets, oikawa’
‘but why did you keep him from me?’
he pleaded, desperate for any answer as to why
‘i had every right. the moment you boarded that plane, he no longer was yours. you left, i stayed, and you cant just come back here and-’
a small voice from the corner halted your loud voice and you and tooru looked at him
oikawa yozora was exactly like his father
from his loud and obnoxious personality to even the brown hair and brown eyes
he looked absolutely nothing like you and people even get confused when you say hes your son
um maam i think hes my son since he came out of me
so oikawa was right
yozora was your daily reminder of the mistakes of your youth but he was anything but that as he is the greatest thing to ever happen to you
yozora became your light when you fell into depression after oikawa ran away
sure, your parents absolutely loathed poor child as he is a child of a child
but you kept him because he means the world to you
and the world he holds are in his eyes
‘i,, i heard yelling,,, and,,, thought mama and oji were sad,,, so,,, i bring my,,, star book because,,, it makes me happy,,, and i think,,, mama and oji will,,, be happy too’
he mumbled out and you smiled at him before moving to go to him but oikawa stopped you
his eyes begged you and you glared at him, deciding to withdraw
if he decides to do anything, you could always knee him between the legs
he slowly approached yozo and kneeled down to reach eye-level
‘hello, my name is oikawa tooru’
he softly introduced himself and yozora just stared at him
‘you oikawa too? but i oikawa! mama is he me?!’
yozora shouted and you giggled, running to take him into your arms
‘oh, darling, how curious you are. oji isnt you, baby. he just,,, has the same last name as you. like mama has hers but you have,,, oji’s’
your eyes drifted to oikawa but he remained on the floor, staring at the spot where yozo stood on
you kept his last name
you listened to him from that night at the hill by naming his son after the night sky
my god, you are so,,, 
‘--the book. oji? do you?’
he was brought back to reality when your son was now back on the floor and poking his shoulder
tooru blinked and looked at him
‘i ask if you want to read my book with me, oji. mama say she happy but you still sad so my book make you happy’
not even an hour of meeting him, oikawa tooru already loves him
the volleyball player nodded and yozora offered a tiny hand to which he accepted
‘this way. mama say to read so she make food. i like food, do you like food, oji? i like food. i like milk bread. mama say papa like it so i like what papa like. i want papa to come home. sit there’
tooru’s heart beat faster every word his child uttered and it even went faster when he saw yozo struggle to get up on the couch
the pair of big hands that brought him on the cushion made him happily sigh then uttered a small ‘thank you’
‘my mama say that my papa give me my book and say to take care of it until he come back. and she say he come back when im a master of space! so i study and read my book every day and know all so papa can hurry home!’
tooru didnt even notice tears falling down his face until yozo blinked up at him with his small hands grasping his cheeks to wipe it off
‘why you cry, oji? no sad! no sad! here! i read my book so you not cry’
he babbled and quickly pried the book open and read out the words on the page, not realizing he was saying most of it wrong
that book was oikawa’s
the book that he read all the time in the bus and now, it was passed on to his son
you leaned against the wall and gasped at the sight of yozo just babbling and oikawa crying
‘yoyo-kun? what did you do to tooru?’
you fussed and sat down next to oikawa
yozo worriedly looked at him and now his own eyes were watering and soon enough, you have 2 boys crying in your living room
‘a-ah, y-yozo! yozo-kun! oji is,,, just,,, uh,, sad because,, because pluto isnt a planet anymore!’
yozo sniffled and he went closer to oikawa
‘me too, oji. yoyo sad too because pluto is just small. other planet are onii-chan and onee-chan but pluto is baby so they not like him’
he rambled and oikawa pulled him closer
‘mama, can we keep oji? nana-san and katsu-san will like him! promise!’
you couldnt even believe what was going on right now
not only did your baby daddy ex-boyfriend suddenly pop up, your son was now wanting to keep him
you made a move to of course deny his request but oikawa opened his mouth first
‘yozora-kun, of course you could keep me. im your papa, after all’
out of shock, you slapped him across the face
causing yanno what happened
oikawa screamed
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hebescus · 3 years
so,,,some of you wouldn't mind some fic recs so here's me recommending my favorite lawlight fics you probably have read before but i ramble about it anyway. here you go :
and indeed there will be time (incomplete/abandoned?)
Soulmate AU where you stop aging at 18 until you meet your soulmate. I'd say this is my favorite fanfiction of all time. Seriously. Doesn't make me cry hard but makes me cry repeatedly. The emotions, the bitterweetness, the writing, the characterization, the yearning UGHH. It's just out of this world. Every morning I check on this fic in case it's not abandoned after all bcs I have more hope on an update of this fic than life itself.
white chocolate roses (completed) & romance (oneshot sequel)
AU where Light is a cardiologist and L is his terminally ill patient. I didn't know what I expected, but I did not expect crying so hard that i still cry sometimes when i think abt it. The characterization is AMAZING and don't get me started with the writing. If you can tell what's gonna happen just by looking at the description and you can't take heavy angst, I don't think this fic is for you (srsly if someone warn me i'd never read it). But the last paragraph of romance tho....
This is How I Disappear (completed)
Canon divergence where L wins and Light is executed. You might know about this one, as you should. It's a genfic, but holy shit FEELS. Pure pain and beautiful writing, amazing characterization and oh my poor little heart. Even the description of light's bedroom made me weep. The relationship between soichiro and light really hits hard. It also explores L's feelings towards light, and it's very very canon. Simply one of the best dn fanfiction out there, really.
(more under the cut bcs it's long)
Seeking His Hand (incomplete)
Historical AU where L is a gentry seeking Light's hands for marriage. Regency era hoes come get your juice. Seriously, I'd sell my left lung to read this fic for the first time again. It'll bring you so much happiness for being the most romantic lawlight fic ever, and is really good. It's in character as far as historical au can go. the sexual tension between this two oh my god I can't wait, this one is amazing.
Of Music (incomplete/abandoned?)
AU where Light is a stressed college student who loves orchestra shows and meets L, their relationship grows through every show they attend. There's a lot of complication but not too dramatic, it's like enemies to lovers and friends to lovers being mushed together perfectly. Very interesting and oh my god the sexual tension between them and the teasings...i can't even. Misa's only here for like 5 seconds but holy shit i want to marry her. Probs abandoned but you can see the last chapter as an ending or open ending at least.
sugar and pumpkin spice (oneshot)
The best lawlight coffee shop AU. Seriously, you'll love it. As you can tell, I'm a fluff person and this...this is my comfort fic. The one that makes me slam the table after reading and screamed "I WANT MORE OF THESE KIND OF SHIT". Really heartwarming, really sweet, probably not for everyone because of that, but it is def written for me.
Silver Bells (oneshot)
About L and Light spending a real fucking soft christmas day as a married couple. You know i have a certain weakness for ships being married AND christmas. It is a win win but very fucking underrated. I love that it still includes the kira past but don't specify the redemption (the way i love my fix it/happy canon divergence). This is just golden and domestic and soft and i cried reading and rereading it.
One Last Night (oneshot)
Divorce. That's it that's the plot. But oh it will break your heart, build it, and break it again. This one is just...beautiful. the wording...the characterization- the pain. I'm not feeling the best while writing this so...i dont want to explain further i ignore tw for this i almost say it's worth it but pls don't do that so just go read it yourself, it's 👌👌
Change Of Circumstances (oneshot)
Another comfort fic. About Light being a Wammy's kid, building a friendship with L over the years until they fall in love. Seriously, we(me) need more Wammy!Light. This one is just cute. I don't know what to say other than it's just sooo adorable how they build a really strong connection and then fall in love. Childhood friends to lovers isn't the best au for lawlight imo but this one nailed it.
Wedding Date (oneshot)
About L and Light in Sayu's wedding. It's romantic in a lawlight way yknow. I just can't describe it but this fic makes me feel good. I mean, what a dream, to be in a wedding date amirite? And damn the yagami siblings really love the english (yes im quoting a song).
so there you go...i really am rambling. they're my favorite favorite lawlight fics and i have MORE (oneshots bcs it's hard to read multichap these days). but lmk if you want another one. you can tell my fic taste in here lmao but yeah that's all for me exposing my sappy ass.
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thelittlehansy · 4 years
How many things Hans share with domestic abusers ?
I just cant count the number time i read that hans remind them of their toxic abusive ex. Hans has already be link to "domestic abuser " in fanfic.  in some modern AU fanfic  i read Hans beats anna because you know...he is the villain. I also saw that there was some fanfic where Hans rapes anna and elsa 🤢 because you know....he didnt even kiss anna but he would totally do it because yeah....he is the villain.
And just people imagine the worst about what if hans succeed into marrying anna.  So lets back to one of my favorite things.
List 🤓🤓
This times how many signs hans share with abuser in the movie ? i took an article on the web about the subject.
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“Initially, he showers his woman with praise, adoration, and attention. His courtship is sweet and intense filled with phrases such as, “I can’t live without you.” He quickly pushes for an exclusive relationship or engagement.”
Yes he is charming ! There was love at first sight this is  very much possible hans said things describe above maybe he even means some of them because again...that scene when he is alone smile smitten  by anna under the boat. The only difference is that there was specific reasons about the fact that he ask quickly Anna to marry him he didn't have times the gates were going to be closed and he could said goodbye to his key to the throne this is why he propose so fast to anna. So the comparison with abusive relationship and what is describe above dont seems really honest as they was an explication to his behavior if he could have times to seduce her during a long time ,  he would have done it  i think (?) one the thing we know about him is that he is a very very patient person.
“He views other men as a threat to the relationship and accuses you of flirting with everyone from his brother to the mailman. “I know you are looking at him.” The irony is that he often is the one who is cheating.”
Behavior never show in the movie we dont know how he would have reacted to kristoff presence. when his show his "true colors" hans show us that he dont cares about anna and that   she is last of his worries.
“This man is very intelligent. He knows how to detect your weak spots, and he uses your vulnerability and past pain to his advantage. “You were abused as a kid because you are so ugly.”
He never said such an horrible thing like what is described above but...he is smart he us manipulative he did use others people vulnerability ! So very much positive !
but again there is still these problem  about hans being manipulative ? ..who put totally in question hans manipulation in the movie toward anna and seriously put doubt about how much he actually manipulate anna.
 His smitten smile when she left also present in kids book who tell “ hans is smitten by the princess”  the fact that anna called him lunatic and not a liar in the book a  frozen of shadow. and hims admitted he did not manipulate her at all in a frozen heart
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He wants to know where you are going and who you are with at all times. He may check the mileage on your car or follow you to the grocery store. He often refuses to allow you to work because you might “meet someone.”
Behavior never show in the movie again once hans reveal his true colors he show us that he dont give a damn about anna.
“His poor choices are everyone else’s fault. When he loses his job, gets into a fight, or a business deal falls through, it’s always because of the other person. He is never at fault. “You make me hit you.””
Behavior never show in the movie when he reveal his true colors we dont know.
“The whole world revolves around him. As the “little woman who is beneath him,” it is your job to meet his every need. He is the master; you are the unworthy slave. It’s invigorating for him to know that everyone around him “walks on eggshells.””
Behavior never show in the movie with anna or with the others people  also we dont know.
“Mood swings are a common trait for an abuser. One minute he seems happy and sweet, the next he is pounding his fist.”
Honestly i will not say behavior not show in the movie but more contradictory behavior hans really knows how to stay calm , tolerate frustration and Someone like that would have never succeeded  to did what hans did. I think He will act more like the duke of weselton if he had mood swings.
“No matter how hard you try you will never be able to satisfy this kind of man. He thinks nothing of degrading and verbally assaulting you. “You are a stupid, fat, disgusting tramp. You can never leave me. No other man would have you.””
Behavior not show in the movie at all.we dont know if we cant satisfy hans or if he degrade others people and verbally assault them. Then  again he left anna at the end he didnt tell her "no man expect me would want you" but the contrary he break her heart and leave her.
he said to anna that she was desperate for love and was willing to marry him just like that which was true and also an opinion shared by both Kristoff and Elsa and the audience.
the part when he said “you are not a match for elsa” he was responding to anna.
So thats left us with only one thing the “ oh anna if only there was someone out there who loved you”. and trying to deduce that from  this line Hans will said to anna the kind of stuff describe above is....extremely exaggerated. Behavior not show in the movie
not enough evidence.
His main goal is to isolate his victim from family and friends so that you are totally dependant on him. “Your family causes too much trouble for us. I don’t want you seeing them anymore.”
Again behavior not show in the movie he never tried to isolated anna when he show his true colors hans dont give a damn about anna anymore. Even the argument between the sisters was not intentional on his part anna arguing with elsa was far from being his goal since him what he wanted was elsa benediction and anna behavior was the last thing that he needed and just the fact that he wants to kill elsa as we all know is in order to be king not to isolated anna from her family. 
The slightest offense sends him ranting. Everyone is out to “get him.”
Behavior never show in the movie  there was the moment with the duke of weselton  but the duke was not even criticized Hans but anna and Hans reaction was to assure his plan.
so we only have hans responding to anna that not this is her that is a not a match for elsa during his betrayal scene. So again based yourself on that and deduce “omg he is hypersensitive” is...exaggerated. We need more evidence. So in the end we just dont know again !
A significant number of abusers harm children and animals as well as a partner. Inflicting pain and intimidating others is what gives him power. “I’ll kill you before I’ll let you go. If I can’t have you, no one will.”
Behavior not show in the movie he is able to show kindness to animals as he show it with Anna horse. We dont know about hans relationship with children and his whole relationship with animals. 
He will swear to never “hit you again.” But unless he receives professional help and strong accountability it’s very unlikely that he will change.
Behavior never show in the movie the betrayal scene.
IN CONCLUSION : , we dont know. we just dont know if Hans had a behavior similar to domestic abuser with their girlfriend/spouse and if Anna would end up in a abusive relationship with him. 
honestly (that’s  only my opinion ) but judging by his behavior in the movie , his plans , his desire i think Hans would not have been an abusive Husband but an Absent Husband only interest by his job and not his queen since the start even if he liked Anna at some point his big dream to be king is what is the most important to him.
So  again  the only thing he has in common with domestic abuser is that he is manipulative but even that...hans manipulation on anna...is put in question everywhere in the beginning of the movie...books...vidéo games where it say he has a crush on her.All of the rest we just dont know or he saw contradictory behavior.
Hans never show us to be jealous , controlling, possessive, physically abusive , oversensitive , blame others and play the victim , oR inconsistent.  and even based on the movie we just cant affirm that hans is someone that verbally insult person since he never show that behavior again in the movie.
So hans acting like a domestic abuser is as true as a headcanon for someone who will like the idea of him being one. 
We just dont know how would have been his marriage with anna. All of this assumptions about hans characters to me really as based on the fact that we compare abusing someone and someone trust and put them in the same case.  This is not any better but this is believe  are two very different things. 
 i also have read lot of time woman said " hans was nice to anna and then show his true colors" then they compare that to abusive domestic relationship. But the thing is that an abuser once he show you his true colors he began to be controlling, jealous, physical abusive , emotionally abusive. Hans once he show his true colors. he leave anna he abandon her the comparaison is not very great here since in the end Anna yes would have trust issues but did not  suffer of abusive relationship victims suffer. 
We also learn think about Hans in his backstory in the frozen Franchise so yeah we dont have confirmation this is canon to the movie but this is very much canon to the frozen franchise and officially publish and approve by disney : He was not an abusive child.  he never abuse people on the contrary he was abuse by his father and brothers both physically and emotionally.  (the majority of people dont reproduce this behavior once adult but reject it) he Hates violence and is someone peaceful. He is not controlling over person but situation. He has all his life being bully because he is not cruel  and hates his father view on social darwinism and how he treat their citizens. He is used to criticized and be called a disappointment. He also dont play the victim. again the only thing confirm by his backstory is that he can be manipulative.
so i m gonna finish that post with that gif who show us that Anna is not scared of Hans. something again that rarely or just  dont have in domestic abusive relationship in real life.
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nctloveclub · 5 years
do me a solid
pairing: mark lee x reader
prompt: in which you ask mark to be your fake boyfriend to get your mom off your back, not knowing that mark is utterly in love with you | slight slice of life au & fake dating au
genre: fluff
words: 1.78k yeet
a/n: i decided to write this as bulletpoints rather than paragraphs lmao. also this may be an overused cliche but i love me some fake dating aus owo also not proofread so ignore mistakes ;-;
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so,,,,, you and mark are best friends obviously but its funny because you guys met only a couple years ago???
the two of you just clicked and it was like you guys were soulmates
so you and mark had long graduated and decided to move in together !!
your dynamic is so domestic and pure, the two of you are so chill but also so caring towards each other
you have a bad day? you bet your ass mark is there with cuddles and food, asking you if you wanna talk about it
mark feeling stressed? you take him out to get his mind off things, whether it be eating food until you both pass out or just taking a walk and talking about life
regardless of the situation, the two of you always have each other backs and your relationship is so supportive
so when you get a call from your mom asking about your life specifically love life you panic
your mom mentions that she wants to visit and see you !!! her favorite child !!! so when she asks if you have a s/o
you just blurt out that you're dating mark with mark sitting like two feet away from you
you see mark's confused face before walking to your room to finish the conversation with your mom
you dont see but mark's face starts to heat up and hes smiling
hearing you say that you were dating him made his heart go nyooom
but it wasn't under the best circumstances
mark is a blushing mess and is hopelessly in love with his oblivious best friend
mark is interrupted from his thoughts when he sees you coming back into the living room pouting
he rushes up and engulfs you into a hug, "you alright?"
you shake your head no and just mumble "nosy mom problems"
"so is that why you said you were dating me?" mark asks, his heart breaking a bit
you quickly pull away from mark
"yeah, sorry about that." but mark shakes his head saying "it's fine."
"mom is coming to visit and she keeps nagging me about getting a s/o and im just trying to adult !"
mark laughs at your whining and you just playfully punch his shoulder
"mark do me a solid and play along,,,, please,,, im begging you,,, my bestest friend,,,,, the light of my life"
mark laughs at you and nods his head "of course i'll help you,,, what are best friends for?"
you just squeal and then quick peck his cheeks and you laugh at a blushing mark
"but you do owe me a solid." he says and you scoff
"fine i guess."
starting that day the two of you had started talking about how to play off the relationship
you started holding hands more and showing even more affection than you usually do
the two of you have like one brain cell combined so you came up with the story that you just realized that you liked mark in a more than friends way
as you and mark act like a couple mark can't help but just fall for you more
he's happy that he can finally shower you with the love you deserve but he knows that it isn't real
that its only to convince your mom that youre not gonna die alone
mark tries not to dwell on that fact and just tries to make the best of a fake relationship
so when your mom comes to visit for the weekend, you and mark are prepared
the both of you decided that your mom would stay in your room and you would sleep on the couch,,, unbeknownst to your mom
she comes in all excited and she goes to hug you and mark !
when mark takes her bag to your room, your mom brings you aside
"i always knew you and mark would eventually get together, the two of you are so perfect together."
youre kinda shocked at her words but you try not to show it
"how long have you been dating?" she asks and you answer "a couple months"
mark comes back and he sees you blushing like crazy
"your bag is in y/n's room, second door on the left" mark speaks
your mom smiles at him and makes her way to your room
"what happened while i gone?" he asks smirking
you just shake your head ,, "nothing much, just my mom being happy that im in a relationship"
mark just nods at your answer
you, mark, and your mom spend the rest of day together. taking her out to eat and such
night falls and your mom is asleep in your room
you and mark are sitting in the living room watching a movie
your mind was racing, thinking about what your mom said earlier that day
it was weird ,,, what does she mean that she knew the two of you would eventually get together ???
did you and mark act like an actual couple ??? yes
did you really have feelings for mark?
it was weird ,,, the thought of dating mark didn't appall you ,,, it actually made your heart race
the two of you didn't notice but you were holding hands under the blanket, your head leaning on his shoulder
the movie ended and when mark gets up to go to bed you notice the lack of warmth
he moves to kiss your forehead before telling you "goodnight" and going to his room
the both of you feel your heart race and you blush at mark's actions
mark is leaning against his closed door , his hand on his racing heart thinking "oh my gOD i JUST DID THAT"
you cant sleep
the couch was albeit comfy but your thoughts are keeping you awake
the thought of you and mark dating didn't digust you and that scared you
maybe you did have feelings for mark
you get up from the couch, wrapped up in a blanket and you make your way to mark's room
you knock and hear a muffled "come in" before walking in and closing the door behind you
"can't sleep?" he asks first and you nod
mark opens his arms and you plop on the bed next to him
his arms immediately wrap around you and you lay your head against his chest
you feel warm immediately and you can feel yourself start to drift off
"good night y/n." he mumbles
"night mark." you mumble sleepily
you wake up the next morning with your limbs entangled with mark's
you look up and see mark still asleep and you cant help but notice how cute he looks
you press soft kisses on his cheeks
you see mark scrunch his nose before waking up slowly
"what a nice way to wake up." he says, his voice deeper than usual
"shut up, let's make some breakfast." you say, pecking his lips before making your way to the kitchen
you start making breakfast, and mark joins you briefly
you make fun of mark when he makes eggs and he just pouts at you whining to leave him alone
you place the three plates on the dinner table and you soon see your mom enter the living room
"ooh breakfast looks good." she says sitting down at the table
the three of you eat and joke around, your mom telling you that she's gonna leave in the afternoon
when the three of you finish eating mark takes the plates and goes to the sink to do dishes
you go to the bathroom and get ready for the day while your mom goes to talk to mark
mark is washing the plates and silverware while your mom rinses the plates and places them on the drying rack
"you know mark i like you, you make my daughter really happy, but if you do break her heart i will get you." she says, scaring mark a bit
but mark shakes his head,, "i love your daughter too much to break her heart." he says honestly
your mom smiles at his words
when you come back, your mom leaves to get ready and you go hug mark from behind
"what did she do? did she threaten you? oh my god im sorry mark" you whine
mark laughs before turning around and wrapping his arms around your waist
"it's fine y/n,, it was kinda scary but it's fine." he says, kissing your forehead
you smile at his words, letting out a breath of relief
a small silence falls between you, your eyes glancing from his eyes to his lips and his the same
the two of you slowly start to move, mark's lips hovering over yours
a loud sound interrupts the moment, the two of you separating instantly
mark quickly breaks the silence, "im gonna go brush my teeth" he says, his voice cracking at the end
you laugh at his flustered state and go to help your mom get ready to leave
your mom leaves in an hour or two, cutting her visit short
"youre leaving so early" you say, before bringing your mom into a hug
"ah it's fine, i have to get home anyway. ill leave you two alone." she says, making your's and mark's cheeks blushing furiously
"mom" you whine, covering your face with your hands
she shakes her head before bringing mark into a hug
"please take care of her" she says , quiet enough only for mark to hear
"of course"
she pulls away and gives the two of you a smile before making her way out
when the door closes the two of you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding
"im sorry about that mark, shes so blunt." you laugh
mark shakes his head , "nah it's fine,, she's fun to be around,,"
an awkward silence fills the room, the inevitable question in your mind , what happens now?
you break the silence first, "thank you mark , for doing this for me ,,,, i appreciate it so much,,, i dont know how ill make it up to you.."
mark takes your hands in his ,, "this was a pretty big solid y/n ,," he teases
you just groan ,,, "oh my god dont make me clean up after you for a week" you whine
mark just shakes his head,, "i have a different idea in mind,,,"
you just stand there like ,,,, what ,,, is it ,,,,
mark just gives you a cute ass smile "do me a solid and go on a date with me."
you say yes
i hope this wasnt bad feedback is appreciated hehe ^^
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petrichorismydrug · 5 years
RUBATOSIS || JJK || Part 01
Pairings: Jungkook x reader 
Genre: Fluff, minor angst (this can change) | Roommates, coffee shop, soulmates AU | Latina OC
Word count:  2.8+k
Sumary:  It started with a small hold of his hand, then it was just easy to hold his hand because for some weird and unknown reason it fit perfectly with yours.
A/N:  I'm a sucker for Soulmate AU's, what about it? (also hybrid ones but thats a conversation for my other fic) I just can say that this story is a mess in my mind but I am working really hard to put all in place (dont know how I really made this chapter with all the ideas flying and me barely catching them)
PT1 | PT2
 Living alone was one of the most exciting thoughts that crossed your mind, the idea alone was intriguing and scary but more than anything, adventure was what made you tremble with anticipation. Of course, that was until actually starting your alone and independent life that realization hits and time showed you that in reality this whole thing of having your apartment and control of everything was nice, yes, but, not sharing it with anyone, it is one of the things in this life that you started to dislike the most. Ironically, this epiphany showed a little late, to be precise six months after living alone.
Basically, to have no one to prepare breakfast for in the morning, someone to eat lunch with and talk about the little things of the day that made you smile someone to dine with and maybe watch a bad comedy or horror movie to criticize every mistake and focus on them not to die of fear. Arriving from work and not being received by anyone, and in the same way, never receiving anyone made you aware of the things that meant to be forgotten wanted and never show up again. Everything was going well if not for that, and in a way, this is affecting other aspects of your almost perfect life.
Have you ever eaten something ultra-delicious, but then you eat it later with someone you appreciate, it tastes even better? Well, if you haven’t you should, this is very well known, everyone loves food, so you do, food is good and being good in the kitchen was a plus to your situation. You could serve someone a three-course meal and never know it’s a way of saying ‘You cute, I dig you’, that’s the beauty of food, it’s like another language and the ones interested in it can talk it.
but her mind always returns to the same, 'if there is no one to share it with, what is the point? it doesn’t taste quite as good as it should be'
This is one of the many problems she had to deal with when raised by a somewhat traditional Latin family. Of course, there are many good things in the culture, but you stop at times like these and start to feel homesick now that you are away, and you want to have the whole family together to talk, sing, and even to discuss.
Her apartment is nice, comfy and with an open concept that keeps a clear and controlled environment. The first month was challenging and adventurous, but as time passed there was not enough yarn to knit, books to read, enough plants to take care, enough flour to make desserts or even, enough series on Netflix to obsessed with, and when she started to lose weight the problem was clear. She needed a roommate. Clearly.
Reaching that conclusion was easy, now, finding a roommate, that was the real problem, because it's not just finding a roommate, but finding the right one. Gender? Doesn't matter. Age? Doesn't matter. Being crazy? Can't happen -with one in the apartment is more than enough-. Big pets? Sadly, building owners do not allow animals larger than a domestic cat, which is an injustice, even more because they give less opportunities of a warm home to larger animals. Don't have time for your roommate? Don't like sweets? Sorry you must go. Next please.
"Jin, have you seen my wooden spoon?" the boy in question looked at her sideways and a smile spread across his face, she was looking everywhere picking up things, opening and closing drawers and just seeing her was funny.
"The one I give you? The one with your name on it?"
"Yes, I been looking for her and I think I dropped somewhere, and I can't lose her, I just, can't" knowing that missed pieces slash things go to another part and you don't know when they will come to you again was intriguing, but this spoon was way to special to just go around losing her. Many, many socks were missed, and their other half was lonely, but it literally was not a big of a deal when you can buy another pair of the same, more if they were weird shapes and colorful printed all over them. luckily the polka dots and strapped ones that she only uses on special occasion were safe and sound at the back of her drawer.
"Maybe, and just maybe, don't pay attention to me, but, are we talking about the one in your hand?" she let out the air she was holding, and worried to see that yes, in fact, she had the spoon in her hand. She dropped his shoulders defeated.
"I think I am going crazy" While making coffee for the client in turn, Jin asked with real curiosity
"What is going on? the neighbors being noisy? Because you know I can deal with them." she narrowed her eyes to him
"First of all, yes, you are very loud. I do not care what you say, jumping in your bed late at night, because according to you, 'it is relaxing' ... it does not sound good, much less from my apartment that sadly it is below yours." he looked embarrassed by the scarlet color of his ears, but his superb smile covered him very well "It doesn't matter, forger it, but don’t you dare your Tim Allen 'how do I look' voice of  Santa Clause, it would no work this time"
"No but really, 'How do I look? Nice?'" Jin said with all the self-confidence of the world and mastery of that phrase with everything; facial and body management. Delivering the coffee he made, with a smile to the girl who now -if she had not had one before- developed a crush to the barista. "Have a nice day" was said with the most common custom service and with that, she left stunned, like many other women during the day. It is good to have a partner who is your boss and your friend. "What is going on?" she pouts
"Nobody told me it would be so difficult to find a roommate" Jin scoffed
"Whoever told you it was easy is a dic- addicted to lies"
"Just ... you're my friend, be a nice one and support me, will you?"
"What do you want me to say? “she pouts again, and the simple act made Jin hug her "Do you want me to live with you?"
"Aw, you're so cute, but no, of course not."
"Hey!" he was offended " What do you mean by that?" she takes a step away from him, and her stare was warm but little sad.
"Jin, we can't live together " the look they shared for a few small seconds that felt like a small eternity, full of knowledge and words never said, made the environment a bit heavy. Some time ago, the elephant in the room was big, now it is just back in occasions like this, looking thru the big window but he walks away immediately.
"I know" His words were soft.
The bell of the store rang, announcing another customer. He took her hand giving it a little stroke and kissed her forehead; received customers with his characteristic customer service smile was his specialty, while she was dedicated to continue with her cookies, which she had forgotten for a moment, trying to forget the strange and abstract reddish tones on her cheeks.
 When closing time was finally near the store was for some funny reasons always busier that other hour in the day, and maybe any other coffee shop at the area. Reasons? The boss. A lot of girls tried to invite him to date and, what better opportunity than waiting the last moment of work of someone to do it? It was sad when they all went alone with their hot coffee or chocolate with no boy next to them, but Jinbony was no easy boy. And really, people need to start picking that up, he has been the same with the little fan club that has been gathering almost every day, and it is a little scary that there are more and more girls, more in the weekends, lucky for him those are his off days lately. But on the bright side, they always spend a good amount of money in the coffee so they can come as much as they want.
Even though, with all the work, girls whining and acting cute and one or two difficult clients, the day was nice and the night pleasant, not so cold nor so warm, just perfect, announcing the slipping cold and beautiful winter, waving its way, with wind embraces, walking if not running faster and quietly, like a whisper, a soft and caramelized rustle.
The hope of having a roommate was getting farther and farther. Jin was setting the alarm when her phone rang. At this time, it was normal to receive calls from unknown numbers, even so, it always filled her with distrust. Phone calls were never an easy task to do, no when you don't know the person at the other end, and surely, she does not know this one.
"Hi, is this _____?" the voice said excited. It sounded a little breathy, and kind of appealing?
"Yes, who is calling?"
"Oh sorry, I'm calling for the apartment, I saw your announcement at the University, are you still looking for a roommate?" at that moment, Jin stepped out of the store and locked the door, turning to see the surprise and confusion on her face mouthing a 'what?' she dismissed the question with a gesture. 'University?' she thought, not knowing what the guy was talking about because she doesn't remember putting ads there.
"Yes, it's me, I mean I am am-still-am-looking for one" silence. Hardly 3 seconds passed until some background voices filled the silence, as if he had his phone on speaker. A 'Shhh' was heard.
"So... you are still looking for a roommate" the voice said as matter of fact
"Ah! yes. The room is still free."
"Perfect, when can I come to see it?"
"When you want to."
"More perfect even, can I come tomorrow?" the voice for weird that it was, started to put a smile in her face.
"Yes, at what time?"
"Around 6 it's fine with you?"
"Six is good."
"Awesome, see you tomorrow then." and a lot of 'wooo's' were heard before he could end the call.
Suddenly her phone was really spellbinding, and it seemed to be interesting this happening? Finally, a roommate. She wasn't even mad at how the call ended. She looked heavenward, taking notes of how the sky was dark blue and purple with lots and lots of stars, it was without doubts a pleasant night, even the police siren that was being heard at the distance was a great add to the calm night.
The voice of his friend brought her back of her mental notes of the day. "So, a new prospect?"
"Yes" she said almost breathless "This is so on point, don't you think?" they started to walk the so known path that lead to their homes.
"Yes, I know, you are always lucky to have things as you want."
"Hey, that is so uncalled for. What do you mean?" Jin scoffed.
"You are a good person that for some weird reason always gets what she wants." that matter of fact face didn't pleased her
"That is so not true! I beg to differ."
"You really do, you just don't notice"
"It's just coincidence Jin."
"Didn't you know?" he went poker face "Coincidence does not exist." his serious face and tone was broken by his laughter,
getting her too, and basically that was a daily basis thing between them, there was always smiles here and there, laughs and inside jokes that only the two of them knew. being with Jin was always a roller coaster but without the feeling of leaving your stomach at the back of the starting game. When finally laugh died she could speak.
"That's what they say, but honestly, I do think coincidence has a little space there. Maybe not everything is destiny or fate, don't you think?"
"Nah, if that was the case, we would be dating now." the way he said it and the little effort he put into sounding normal, gave chills. There is no way for someone to say something so embarrassing and not feel sorry as soon as the words leave your mouth
"Oh, shut it." it seems that she said those words, for the colors on her face, what is that color called? traffic light red? But Jin didn’t seem affected, instead he put on a dramatic voice, accompanied with a hand on his heart.
"If it wasn't for Brandon, that little bastard."
“He has nothing to do with this.”
“Say that all the times you want, but he is the one that…”
“Jin, you know that that is no true, lets just leave it there, and besides, you are no talking true here, you never liked me.”
Jin kept silence, everyone knew she had a crush on him in the past, because when you meet in person someone such as him is impossible not to curse the nature for the injustice and be all dragged by his looks. And then you get to know him and he is amazing, but then you meet him more and you know that he is no really the guy for you, and its fine, he is an amazing friend but nothing more can come from that relationship, even though everyone in the world says that men and women can not be real friends because sex is always present, that was not true in their friendship, they all, were just friends, nothing more nothing less.
 They finally reached their building and were at the elevator. The silence in there was replaced by the notification tone of her phone. A text message to be exact.
 [09:36 p.m.] Unknown 'my name is Jungkook, btw'
[09:36 p.m.] Unknown 'Jeon'
[09:36 p.m.] Unknown 'Just figured you wanted to know'
[09:37 p.m.] Unknown 'or maybe not, but'
[09:37 p.m.] Unknown 'see you tomorrow'
 "How cute" she stated, answering back to him.
"I know I'm cute, and you know, it would be a pleasure to have my heart broken by you"
"Please stop quoting the fault in our star, that is weird." and by the time they reached her floor, she pressed send.
 [09:40 p.m.] Me ‘Pleased to know your name, no long stranger. See you tomorrow.’
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so-shiny-so-chrome · 5 years
Witness: Supergirrl
Creator name (AO3): supergirrl
Creator name (Tumblr): le-temps-viendra36
Link to creator works:  https://archiveofourown.org/series/343042
Q: Why the Mad Max Fandom?
A: I’ve never seen the original three movies, so I went into Fury Road having no idea what I was about to watch, and it changed my life. I’d never seen a movie that looked or felt like Fury Road, and it blew my mind. What inspired me to write fanfiction for the movie were the women, especially the sisters. I had never seen survivors of sexual assault/domestic violence portrayed in that way, and it made me want to write about them.
Q: What do you think are some defining aspects of your work? Do you have a style? Recurrent themes?
A: I think the defining aspects and recurrent themes of my work are feminism and magical realism/mythical steampunk, and the intersection of those different ideas. Those ideas are all present in Fury Road, I try to delve into them more and expand them beyond the scope of the film. 
Q: Which of your works was the most fun to create? The most difficult? Which is your most popular? Most successful? Your favourite overall?
A: I don’t know if I can pick a favorite work or one that was most fun, because they’ve all been really rewarding in different ways, but the most difficult one was definitely the Furiosa chapter of Our Words. It took almost two years to write because I really struggled with getting inside Furiosa’s head. Even though I enjoy her a lot as a character, I don’t relate to her the way I do to the sisters. Although they’re all victims of Joe, they occupy very different roles in his regime, with Furiosa occupying a more conventionally ‘masculine’ role as an imperator and the sisters occupying the ‘feminine’ role of breeders/wives, thought they ultimately use their different positions within Joe’s patriarchal hierarchy to overthrow and kill him. As a more conventionally ‘feminine’ person, I relate to them more strongly than I do to Furiosa. 
Q: How do you like your wasteland? Gritty? Hopeful? Campy? Soft? Why?How do you like your wasteland? Gritty? Hopeful? Campy? Soft? Why? 
A: I think my wasteland is a blend of gritty, soft, and hopeful, but I focus on the hopefulness the most. For me, the wasteland represents our current world and my own mental health/life, and I have to believe that we can make things better (as they ultimately do in the movie).
Q: Walk us through your creative process from idea to finished product. What's your prefered environment for creating? How do you get through rough patches?
A: I either write things in one intense late night writing fest, or in bits and pieces over time. I only write when I’m alone, and I like to either have instrumental music playing or silence. 
Q: What (if any) music do you listen to for help getting those creative juices flowing?
A: I have a huuuuge long playlist of music that goes with/inspired each part of Words, composed mainly of film and TV scores, that I listen to whenever I write.
Q: What is your biggest challenge as a creator?
A: Finding the time/energy to actually write my fics down. I think about them all the time throughout the day, I am just really bad at actually physically typing them. 
Q: How have you grown as a creator through your participation in the Mad Max Fandom? How has your work changed? Have you learned anything about yourself?
A: I think my work has gotten weirder and more magical/mythical, because I’ve been inspired by the inherently weird, quasi-magical world of Fury Road, and writing Fury Road fic has helped me work through my own experiences as an SA survivor.
Q: Which character do you relate to the most, and how does that affect your approach to that character? Is someone else your favourite to portray? How has your understanding of these characters grown through portraying them?
A: I relate to all five of the sisters in different ways, but especially to Toast. Overall it makes writing her (and Angharad and Cheedo, who I also relate to very strongly) easy and fun. I think I’ve come to see that their different archetypes aren’t mutually exclusive-in their own ways, they’re all knowing and fragile and capable, and so on. 
Q: Do you ever self-insert, even accidentally?
A: Yes, I definitely project some of my own thoughts and experiences onto the Sisters, especially with regards to their being survivors of sexual assault. But I think that it’s impossible to completely remove yourself from your writing/characters.
Q: Do you have any favourite relationships to portray? What interests you about them?
A: So many! I really love the relationships of the five sisters, with each other in particular but also other characters, like Furiosa, Max, and Nux. I think their unique personalities, their strong bonds with each other, and their dynamic is endlessly fascinating. 
Q: How does your work for the fandom change how you look at the source material?
A: I definitely pay closer attention to minor details, like how the characters’ clothing changes throughout the movie, and what characters are doing in the background, because it’s such a detailed world and there’s a lot you can pick up on in those little things. 
Q: Do you prefer to create in one defined chronology or do your works stand alone? Why or why not?
A: My series Words consists of several multi-chapter fics and oneshots that all exist in the same chronology, but I also have some oneshots that stand alone. Overall I prefer to write in the Words universe because it feels more real and detailed to me. 
Q: To break or not to break canon? Why?
A: I break canon all the time and I think it’s generally a good thing. For me, I’m usually doing it because I want to tell a story that fits into the broader themes of Fury Road without necessarily aligning with all the specific facts of the film. 
Q: Share some headcanons.
A: I have so many! Most are in my fics, but one that I’ve never had the chance to incorporate into my writing is that Miss Giddy used stolen War Boy paint to write the words left in the Vault for Joe to find.  
Q: What are some works by other creators inside and outside of the fandom that have influenced your work?
A: Within the fandom, @jaesauce’s modern AUs have definitely influenced how I write Toast and Capable, both as individuals and in the context of their relationship with each other and with Slit and Nux respectively. Outside the fandom, I’ve been really strongly influenced by Jo Graham’s Numinous World series, with its themes of magic, the divine, and social justice.  
Q: What advice can you give someone who is struggling to make their own works more interesting, compelling, cohesive, etc.? 
A: It sounds a little trite, but in my mind, ultimately fanfiction is for yourself. If other people like it, then great, but that isn’t my purpose in writing it. So I write what I find interesting and compelling, and sometimes other people are interested and sometimes they aren’t, but it’s okay either way. As for maintaining internal cohesion, I find it helpful to re-read what I’ve previously written to make sure I haven’t forgotten anything. 
Q: Have you visited or do you plan to visit Australia, Wasteland Weekend, or other Mad Max place?
A: I have not yet, I would like to visit Australia someday, and I think the Wasteland Weekend would be really fun to attend one year.
Q: Tell us about a current WIP or planned project.
A: Right now I’m just working on Knowing, the last fic planned in the Words universe, set from Toast’s POV. I’ve got it all worked out in my head, I just need to get it on the page!
Thank you @le-temps-viendra36
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orange-antics · 6 years
Eddsworld miscellaneous hcs
ok there's probably like 100 of these already or something, but I thought I'd add mine anyway, because hey, it's fun and I'll probably change or add a few later. (Also this ended up waaaaaaaay longer then i meant it to be wh o ops so uh be warned its pretty damn long-)
Shortest! (i know it's normally either edd or tord, but after seeing saloonatics, I just couldn't resist the idea of the grumpiest one being the smallest. Cute right?)
Relatively strong arms, more fat around his stomach and torso then his legs.
Occasionally works gigs at local clubs and stuff for money.
Doesn't have much social media aside from Facebook so he can occasionally stalk his old college mates.
He actually likes sports like football and tennis. (His favourite sport is seeing how many bars he can hit up in one nigh-//shot//)
His hair smells like pineapple! (And the rest of him like booze-)
He's up for pretty much anything if he's drunk enough to have fun and not remember enough to regret it
But not bowling.
N e ve r bo wl ing
He's still got a scar on his left arm from The End. :( But Matt and Edd helped him to fix it up, so it's all good!
He's actually a pretty chill and sensible guy, and despite being snarky and sarcastic whenever he can, he genuinely cares about his relationships with people, scared that one day they'll get bored of him and cast him aside. He's really just a goofball with big city dreams of becoming a rockstar.
Spends like two hours in the shower crying and listening to MCR
His favourite show is Bad Education. It's good for when he needs cheering up.
He likes snacks and foods that are crunch, and salty, spicy, and sometimes savoury. So Crisps, Pringles, Doritos, chex mix etc.
Second shortest/third tallest
Kinda chubby tbh but he's the BEST at hugs.
His forearm game is actually pretty strong because of all the time he spends making art to pay for their bills (because hey, someone's gotta do it amirite). You don't wanna head into an arm-wrestling contest with this guy.
Makes money by selling his art and also taste-testing all the latest cola products! (Just...not the diet ones).
Aside from a devianart, redbubble and maybe even a tumblr for art commissions, he doesn't really care about social media. Or regular media. Politics who?
His favourite sport? Seeing how many cans of cola he can get through on an especially difficult project. (Cricket always looked kind of fun though)
Smells like cola and not taking a shower in days because he HAS to get the lineart perfect and edd are you ok when was the last time you slept- (jokes aside, i can see him smelling like graphite and paints and sharpies from his art supplies).
Can pull the perfect poker face like damn son having a baby face sure comes in handy when lying to your roomate about why there's broken guitar strings hanging out of Ringo's mouth again
Has a scar on the inside of his eyelid from the time Tom 'accidently' poked him in the eye with a pencil (...may or may not be based off personal experience)
Edd is pretty friendly and open with people, he likes getting to know them and joking around. He's the Ultimate Punmaster ™, and loves nothing more to poke fun. He sees the world through the eyes of a cartoonist, and will never miss a comedic opportunity.
Be warned! He's actually fairly smart, and can read people well, knowing just how to really get under someone's skin. It's a good thing he can't be bothered with any of that though.
Gets his best ideas either in the tub or when hes just about to sleep. Because of that, he keeps a water-proof and regular notebook. Nearly had a heart-attack countless times because he accidently swapped them around.
Despite his complaints about absurd plot conveniences, he actually likes Doctor Wh- i mean "Proffesor Why", there's just something about the concept of time travel...he also likes cartoons! Like, a lot. He'll watch most anything and everything if it's animated and the writing is decent.
Likes anything sour, sweet, and chewy! So Jelly Babies, Wine gums, Sour patch kids, that kind of thing
(Most of these are heavily based upon his life as Red Leader so sorry if you were looking for more domestic Tord. Maybe I'll do seperate hcs for that one day)
Second tallest! Quite a bit taller then Tom, a bit taller then Edd, just about average height, if a bit taller. He's closer to Matt in height then Edd.
He's actually quite well-built! You wouldn't think it because of the baggy hoodie he wears but he's got pretty good muscle, and his endurance and strength is well above the others. This mostly comes from the logic that he's been training and leading the Red Army, so it just makes sense to me that he'd resemble a soldier physically, yknow? AU-wise, or before he started the whole world domination thing, he'd be a little more scrawny, but he could still kick everyone's ass (he probably tried copying numerous anime battle stances lol-)
He's pretty well off, it turns out you can get quite rich by adopting some uh...rather unconventional means of money-making. Of course you could always say he just sold his inventions.
Does having your own private network of underground intelligence-gathering units count as social media? No? Nevermind.(He has a hentaihaven account-)
He likes dodgeball, archery, and you guessed it, arcade shooter games. Anything where he can point and hit something basically.
He smells like gunpowder, dirt, oil from machine maintenance and the cold? Like if the cold had a smell, he would have that smell, does that make sense? He also probably smells like Old Spice because idfk it just reminds me of him ok.
He doesn't exactly get out to socialise much, be prefers to stay at his desk, or curled up next to the fire with a mug of hot cider when he wants to relax. Sometimes Paul and Pat will drag him outside when they think he needs a breath of fresh air, and they'll go visit the nearest marketplace for food and other supplies. He likes strategic games like Chess or Draughts, and it's a good way to show off and get practice at the same time.
Scar-wise, he probably has quite a few from his fights. Post-the end, I'm not sure what would happen to him, since I've seen people go in a lot of different directions. I DO think he'd replace him arm with the robotic one, since that seemed too heavily implied to not happen. Regarding his face, I think the burns and stuff would probably heal over time, and depending on the technology in the future, he'd either still have some heavy scarring, or maybe he'd develop some kind of treatment so that it restores him to almost fully healed. He could always go the cyborg route and end up half-man half-machine like we see with future Matt and Tom.
(About the patch on his face, I have a theory about how he he aquired that scar/injury. See, I don't think Tord founded Red Army by himself, no. I think he was introduced to it by Paul (who we see in the same classroom as them in Poweredd) who was kept back a few years cause....uh...yknow- Anyway I have a theory that Tord eventually climbed the ranks until he became second-in-command, and he then murdered Red Leader and took his title. Their fight is where he got that injury. It's not really canon-supported much, but I find it an interesting concept!)
You've probably guessed, but I kind of disgree with Tord's portrayal sometimes. I think I prefer the darker, meaner side to him. I wouldn't say he's (completely) evil, but I'm not really one for the whole "self-hating, regretful angsty Tord who just wants some love and support" and stuff. I mean, it's cute with ships amd fluff, amd ideally he does make amends and rejoin the group, but I just like the thought that he's genuinely not a nice guy yknow? Like, he's actually done some fucked up stuff, and The End is probably just one case. (Of course this is all opinion based so feel free to disagree if u wanna wheeze-)
Has the WORST sleeping schedule. Has been known to fall asleep in the bath/shower.
He prefers movies to shows. His favourite is the Kingsman series (he can relate on many different levels).
Likes bittersweet things, (just like his personality amirite-). So cake with coffee, or tarts, liquorice, hard candy, that kind of thing.
(My favourite-)
He tol. Tallest of them all!
Someone once described him as "borderline twink" and tbh i agree. I feel like he'd have a slightly feminine figure (which is perfectly normal!) and he both rocks it, and knows he does.
He works at a nail salon every now and again, his self-confidence and bubbliness makes him get along well with customers. (Also Matt would definitely wear nail polish ok dont even try to convince me otherwise. Actually speaking of,)
He has EVERY kind of social media possible. Instagram, twitter, facebook, tumblr, facebook, snapchat, you name it! He's especially prominent on instagram. He likes to keep an ~aesthetic~
He likes gymnastics and dance, activities like that. Anything which puts him in a creative spotlight. He'd probably take up acting classes, and then insist on only being given monologues.
He'd probably have quite a pleasant and nature-y smell? Like uhh citrus-y, pine tree, a hint of flowers, that kind of thing. Although he'd DEFINITELY slap on way too much cologne on a date or something and end up smelling like he just emptied out a bottle of febreeze.
He'd probably go out quite a lot! I can see Matt being a social butterfly, his friendliness and general likeability probably mean that he's got a few friends and stuff around. I can also see him as the kind of person who'd enjoy taking walks in the park, sitting below a tree, that kind of thing. He probably runs a self-love session (that works a little TOO well). He wants to get out there and show off his beautiful face, so it doesn't take a lot to drag him outside (provided you keep a mirror on you, that is).
He doesn't really have any physical scars. I mean, i do hc him with freckles, but they don't count so. he has a mental scar. After he hit himself with the memory eraser gun, he completely erased his memories. It took a while for him to settle onto the personality he has now. His face was the one thing that he knew for certain held a sense of familiarity and stability, so that's partly why his narcissism boomed so much. He sometimes gets random flashbacks of being a zombeh leader, being less of a nicer person, and it can be quite unnerving for him. He also has other memory issues, which is why he can forget things so easily, and comes across as an idiot most of the time.
He can be quite oblivious, but I dont think hes a total idiot. He can read people fairly well, and is emotionally intelligent. He says stupid things sometimes despite knowing they'll get a reaction, just because he wants to, and thinks that life should be as fun and full of joy as possible. He's too trusting, and wants to see the good in everyone. At the end of the day, if you disrespect him (and his face), you'll see that he can be more then just the nice guy.
LUSH!! Matt is HERE for all those lush products. I'm talking bath bombs, lip scrubs, shower jellies, all that good stuff! And ofc he has like 100+ products for his hair and skincare routine, because let's face it, it's Matt. I also like to think he owns a bunch of bath toys and rubber duckies, and like the kid at heart he is, he'll sit in a bubble bath playing with them, and re-enacting all of their adventures.
He mostly prefers youtube videos over TV, so you bet he's subscribed to all the beauty gurus, vloggers, people like that. He does think children's cartoons are nice to watch though, so every once in a while he'll force Tom and Edd to sit with him and watch the latest season of My little pony.
He likes anything sweet and fun to look at! Especially if it's trending, so he can post pictures of himself eating/drinking it. So if there's another rolled ice cream/new starbucks-ccino/unicorn themed food item floating about, he'll probably be trying it.
(Ah man this turned out way longer then i thought. It went from simple headcanons to like full blown theories whoops- maybe i should make seperate posts if its too difficult to read? Anyway let me know what you think nonetheless!)
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writers-shitshop · 6 years
better ideas n shit
Ideas for rps
💚Another soul animal au or animal related au
💚Another cafe au bc those bitches cute
💚Another writing sm au
💚alex strangelove/love, simon/the way he looks au
💚one night stand
💚Another house trapped where there’s no power
💚Another superhero au and maybe twist it so A and B work together but are so annoyed with each other
💚strippy au: bonus if A is the confident performer and has to give B a private show since their friends dragged them there for their birthday
💚You have your soulmates words written on your skin, except they aren’t their first words. They’re the first words they say after you have fallen in love them.
💚aphrodisiac au
💫Another domestic klance living together qnd wisdom teeth can grow in anywhere from teens to adults so wHoOp either Keith or Lance get them removed and fall in Love all over again
💫SOTS au with selkies n shit uwu
💫artist lance and photographer kEith(or the opposite again??)
💫 some dumb horn horn boys where lance and keith are friends with benefits or just sex buddies and go to parties and do dumbstuff and don’t understand pining, lipstick/catholic school ah
💫another kind of boarding school au where they just get there and absolutely everything is monitored at all times all the time and there are even people outside of the dorms listening but when the bo y s decide it should be fine to experiment, so they can woo the girls or something once they get back home they realize they lo v e
💫a klance au I read on tumblr where lance is a feminine innocent virgin and Keith is a badass biker edgy tattoo piercing boy and lance doesn’t even know how to be in a relationship let alone have a crush on someone but oops what is this weird feeling I always have when I’m around the edgy kid am I sick?
💫okay but imagine mega reverse godtier hs au where keith is the partygoer and lance is this virgin dork who’s just “whomst be care about parties im only here bc my headass friend wanted me to come” and he sees keith at one and instantly becomes gay
💫bbbbbiiiitttchhh,,, A has a disease that is unstable and finds out the day they might die while b is suffering and very sad and they only have a week left together and im aaAaaaaAAAA
💫klance masquerade ball
💫 risky business au
💫 long distance au with angst/phone sex??? idk??
💫but a being Altean but pretending to be galran since like idk they had to survive or smth and b realizing something just doesn’t seem right and oof they get into a relationship or smth and b wakes up next to a but instead of seeing them galran they see them as altean cause they fell asleep and whoops power went whoosh
💫neko keith where maybe it makes more logic based of some klancetober post where lance kisses the cat and poof it become gay boy
💫another thing because i opened up my notes after forever to update the lists: keith going to stargaze at a lake/bay and suddenly whoop theres this hot water spirit/mermaid and keith is AAAAA
💫Modern day klance where a is a nurse or doctor or smth and b is a vampire who tries to break in to steal blood but whoops why did a stay late after work that was a mistake
💫rich boy lance with a mansion or whatever becoming infatuated with this stupid punk kid from school
💫 lance is a witch and goes into an abandoned church and oh shit theres a hottie vampire there
💫 Tattoo artist au
💫CouGh Klance au where a is a naïve explorer and b is a siren who has killer toNs of people by luring them in but for some reason as they hypnotize a they can’t bring themselves to kill them so they hide them in their room instead because their family thinks they killed them
💫an au where keith owns a simple bakery or shop or something and wears cute dresses and aprons and the town enigma lance stops in for like two seconds but instantly becomes gay for keith, ok but an addition: keith being secretly a witch and going out into the woods at night and stuff to practice magic but lance follows him and oHjKskamaAAAA
💫college klance where Lance is a grade B douche cause he’s my Taylor level but you know what I mean and he’s strictly straight but Keith is out and is his roommate so Lance always teases him about it and Keith is so pissed cause he wants to punch that mofo in the face but he also wants to kiss him gently and have him hold him close- so Keith gets so fed up one night when Lance is being extra teasing and annoying with the iM StrAgith biTches thing so Keith acts all sexy to prove him wrong and is shocked because what the fuck Wait thAT WORKED
💚ONE SIDED SOULMATE AU WHERE YOU DONT KNOW IF YOU HAVE THE GENE OR NOT SOMCE ONLY ONE (1) OF THE PEOPLE DO. So only one person out of the two soulmates can see the others light, the other one can’t. So if your soulmate never finds you you don’t know if you’re the light or if you just haven’t found the light of your life yet. A light only appears in the seeker chest once they find their soulmate o o f
💫ok but klance taking a trip to the snow and renting a cabin and drinking hot chocolate and and making really ugly snowmen together and UWUWUSKSMAK
💚(???)) sksksjs jack and the cuckoo clock heart??
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anima-contritum · 7 years
hamilsquad magic!au headcanons
A/N: this au is my baby so please be gentle with it. if you guys wanna write stuff based on this (which i myself will eventually do) then ask me and credit me and @11wolfpup11 because she had a big part in creating this world with me. this is just a little bit of something big that i have tons of notes on so feel free to ask questions and such (: as always, enjoy! p.s. this is my first hc so idk if im doing it right o well
Weather Wizard
this boy can make the sunniest day instantly cloudy and dark if he’s in a bad mood
when he cries, it rains with flashing lightning and thunder that shakes the ground
overall, donT MAKE HIM UPSET
he will either strike lightning down on your ass or have a storm cloud follow you for a week
one time after he fought with Jefferson, he manipulated the static electricity so his hair was frizzy 
Thomas nearly killed him for it
When he first discovered his powers, he set off a hurricane
he and his brother were fighting pretty bad to the point that’s what set Alex off
poor Alex couldnt control it, it was like a giant burst of energy exploded inside of him
it destroyed the entire town killing hundreds
he could hardly forgive himself after knowing this uncontrollable thing inside himself caused it
everyone hated him once his secret powers were exposed
there were riots and it all got pretty dangerous until he was finally able to be transported to Flilria Magic Academy 
Very bisexual and very flirty
when he first met Angelica, the ice witch nearly froze his face off for flirting with her
(John still laughs his ass off at that fact)
even after that he made the mistake of thinking dirtily about John Andre when the man could literally read every thought
(again, John still laughs)
but despite all that, Alexander still shamelessly flirts with Laurens and usually is very protective of him
Defiant as fuck
on his first day of attending Flilria, he got sent down to Headmaster Washington’s office at least 6 times
part of it was because he nearly talked Professor Seabury out of his own classroom 
another part was because he was veryyy close to kicking James Reynolds into the next fucking dimension for abusing Maria and degrading Hercules and Laf
Potions Wizard
this freckled cutie is a total geek when it comes to potions and spells
he can create any potion knowing the ingredients and chants no matter what, like the information was already in his brain
he can also turn water into poison if he tried hard enough
when he first learned he could this kind of stuff, he accidentally poisoned one of his classmates from the human world and had to run away - again
his biological dad - whom no one ever speaks of (and surprisingly isn’t Henry hehe) - abused him both physically and emotionally
John was blamed for his mothers death when she died from the birth
his dad took his anger and grief out on him, cursing him so every full moon he turns into a hideous beast and so that his kiss was poisonous
when he was old enough, John ran away
for a while he lived on the streets with almost nothing to live on
it wasn’t until he was taken in by the Laurens’s did he know a little bit of compassion 
but in John’s experience, everything good has its end
Henry had slapped him across the face and beat him black and blue for accidentally knocking over a very antique and expensive family heirloom
he ran and never looked back
even after being taken into Flilria Academy, he has a hard time
people bully him because he isn’t that powerful
(in which Alex tells them to fuck off unless they want a foot where the sun don’t shine)
he has a hard time dealing with his ability because it just reminds him of his powerful and dark biological father
please protect him 
(more on the curse)
my poOR BOY 
John could never press his lips against someone’s skin, for the person would die 
its intention is to prevent John from ever falling in love (but boy oh boy that didn’t stop him)
to add to it, the curse prevents him from ever speaking of it to anyone
it kinda cuts off his words and leaves him speechless for a moment
the curse itself acts as a live darkness that can take over his body and mind or cause him pain if it senses something it doesn’t like
not even magic can cure the curse...
Alex has tried too many times to count
Loves Alexander despite the damn curse
he can be shy about it but is generally very open about his affections for the other boy
but he always has mini heart attacks whenever his lips get too close to Alex’s skin 
there was one time where they nearly kissed
John avoided Alex for a week after, terrified of killing his love and best friend
he often helps him with tests and stuff when it’s based on potions and all that hoopla
it’s all very cute and fluffy, but can be a big danger 
Earth Wizard
this boy can pick up boulders and bend metal wiTH HIS MIND
(i kinda based his powers off of Avatar oops)
he can also do crazy natural disaster stuff like earthquakes 
super damn powerful but literally the sweetest boy ever
in addition, he can spawn cute lil flowers and other earthy things 
(he likes to put the flowers in Laf’s hair)
He caused a devastating earthquake when he first tapped into his abilities
it killed his family and nearly everything around him for miles was in ruins 
nobody was able to pinpoint the cause so Herc was shoved around like every other orphan
that was until he was teleported to the magic school where he first met Lafayette - his roommate
He was selectively mute for a very long time because of the after effects of the earthquake
it left him traumatized
he was speechless for a very long time, occasionally learning ASL words to ask Laf for something
Laf was always there, teaching him new sign language and talking to him even though there was no reply 
Laf was just generally okay with it and both supported and defended Herc through it all
this went on until one day Lafayette was rambling on about not having a Moon Stone for his collection
Herc had perked up and gotten up from where he was sitting. It took a bit to find it, but when he did he gave the Moon Stone he had to Laf with a small smile as two words passed his lips. “Keep it.”
(Laf made it into a necklace and wears it everyday)
That was the first time he had spoken since the earthquake
Please love and respec and protec
for a while, Herc would only ever talk to Laf
it would progress from quiet one worded responses to whispered sentences to full conversations
but even though he talks to Laf doesn’t mean he talks to everyone
he’s still trying to get passed his barriers and talking to others but most times it comes out in stutters and broken whispers
he has really bad anxiety but still tries
most times Laf has to stand up for him because others use his struggles against him
He’s scared of his powers
no lying, he’s one of the most powerful kids in the school
but because of the earthquake and avoiding his powers, he doesn’t know how to control it
it’s very hard for him to do big things at a time because he’s terrified if he pushes the limits he has set, he’ll hurt someone
it all comes down to his bad anxiety but he does try if he’s encouraged
sometimes the encouragement can be someone messing with Laf 
he learned he could bend metal from that one time someone called them a homophobic slur and he lost all sense of control
it still scares him though when he tries new things
Animal Wizard
this pure boy can talk to animals
even though he can do this though, he sometimes has trouble understanding certain animal dialects
it’s kinda like how people can’t understand a different language if we don’t study it
he can also sometimes compel them if he has to but he hates it
he found the dragon egg under a giant willow tree
after carefully watching over it and keeping it safe, it hatched and out came a little black and blue scaled dragon he’d name Saule
(Saule translates to Willow in french)
Laf would soon learn that he and Saule established an unbreakable bond after she was born where they can speak telepathically and feel each other’s emotions 
now as she’s basically a teenager in dragon years, Saule’s the sassiest lil shit ever
she always teases him about his giant crush on Hercules 
oH and she breathes electricity rather than fire which is pretty cool
at this point, she’d be about the size of a very large dog
essentially, she’s like Lafayette’s sister and will do anything and everything she can to protect him
Fun fact; he was one of the first students at Flilria
he was very young when he learned of his abilities
his family had gotten into a car accident that got his mother killed and he unconsciously called out to a family of bears that took him from away the incident
when little Laf finally got to Flilria, good ol’ Gwash became like a father to him 
in other words, they’re very close
Very much likes Hercules
that is all
he just likes him
a lot
he will protect him and love him 
it’s very cute and domestic and not angsty and goD I LOVE MULLETTE LET ME LIVE
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raining-v-coffee · 7 years
Clara/12th Doctor fic recs (One shots)
*Multichapter    ~my notes
Angel Of The Morning
The message on the psychic paper was short and to the point: I’m looking for the best doctor in the universe – dickwads and time wasters need not apply. Not their usual kind of thing, not that anything they really did counted as usual.
But a summons is a summons... although much to Clara and the Doctor's consternation, they discover that the red-suited sender is just as blunt and foul-mouthed in person.
Keep My Glass Full
Clara hadn't even wanted to attend the party, not really. But Nina had insisted, and so now here she is, determined to have a good time... even if all she can think about is a certain Scottish Time Lord. When things take a sour turn, she realises how much she needs him to take care of her.
Baby Please Come Home
The Doctor had brought them carefully back to London, right after they'd left - or so he'd said. In fact, they're in Glasgow... and he's made a slight temporal error regarding the date of arrival. Suddenly alone and uncertain of what to do, Clara turns to a policeman for help, only to learn that she's been reported as a missing person... and the bad news doesn't end there...
I See The Hope In Your Heart
At Coal Hill, Clara Oswald is not a five foot two saver of alien worlds, occasional Time-Lord-hand-holder and all-round genius. She is, instead, a five foot two English teacher with a fondness for the Regency Era and a full-time preoccupation with her students' welfare, occasional coffee-drinker, and general force to be reckoned with. But when one of her students begins to act strangely, Clara has to work out how best to handle the situation... and she ends up finding help from an unusual source.
~Trigger warning for mentions of self harm
O Christmas Tree
Alone with only the Michael Bublé Christmas Special for company, Clara had resigned herself to not getting into the Christmas spirit - unless that spirit was gin. So when the Doctor turns up with a real Christmas tree for her flat, she's touched by the gesture... until six hours later, when the tree starts to warble well-known seasonal songs at maximum volume.
The Christmas Spirit
When her phone rings in the middle of the night, Clara is surprised to find Osgood calling. She's even more surprised to discover that the world isn't ending, but instead she's needed to come and collect a drunk Doctor from the UNIT Christmas party.
The Teacher and the Visualizer
What would you do if you had access to a device that recorded everything that ever happened in time and space? If you're Clara, you look for the equivalent of funny cat videos and embarrassing old images of the Doctor.
Child of Mine
The Doctor said bringing a new human aboard the Tardis would be a distraction, he was right...
Composing a Symphony
Clara wakes to an unexpected serenade by an unexpected source.
The Last and Yet
Prompt: Write a twelveclara fanfic based in In The Forest Of The Night, in which the Doctor is wrong about the solar flares and the earth is destroyed, therefore Clara becomes the last one of her kind.
Like Stars
Twelve and Clara have a quiet evening of babysitting.
Effective Escape Plans
Trapped down an alley, with guards encroaching, the Doctor and Clara need to come up with a plan to paper over the petty theft, drunkenness, and bickering.
Occasionally the Doctor spams Clara's voicemail box. Going through them usually provides an entertaining way to decompress after class.
please, just see me
Please, just see me, she hears him beg, the memory of his voice hers and hers alone.
Because the man sitting before her could no longer see her.
After a relaxing trip to Peramus IV, Doctor gets a bit uncharacteristically handsy with Clara, and she's determined to figure out why.
Through His Eyes
Tumblr prompt: Bodyswap!
Clara comes to better understand some things about The Doctor, incuding why he shys away from her touch.
Tiny Human
The Doctor and Clara babysit for Rigsy. Fluff ensues.
Never Cross A Time Lord (or Those He Cares For)
Something's bothering Clara and she won't say what, which causes the Doctor to worry.
After a run-in with the Sisterhood of Karn, the Doctor comes over to Clara's looking a little different than normal. young!12 AU
It's All Been Done
Clara time travels in dreams but she thinks it’s just dreams and thinks nothing of it. She also keeps meeting a man named Doctor in her dreams, but she thinks he is just a figment of her imagination until one days she collides with him in real life. She thinks she has finally gone crazy.
Temples, Dreams, and A Nudge in the Right Direction
The Doctor and Clara travel to a planet and do a favor for a local, which prompts them to do something both had been holding back from.
Twist and Shout
Clara and the Doctor get separated during a Mardis Gras parade on New New Orleans, leading Clara to have to find him again. The Doctor causes shenanigans once they are reunited.
Carer & Caretaker
The Doctor and Clara take care of each other when they're ill. Post Last Christmas
A Duty of Care
“Please, don’t even argue,” he said, holding out his hand. Clara saw not only the fear in his eyes, but the hope that she would take his hand and they would run off, travelling happily ever after. She wanted to, she really did, and would have had it not been for one tiny detail. Leaning forward, she kissed him on the cheek; a kind, tender gesture.
“I… this isn’t an argument,” she replied.
~Babyfic, super cute
miles to go
“Clara, why would you want to go for a boring old run when we could just pop over to Galafaxorous, accidentally insult the king’s malodorous son, and then be chased by his brain-sucking guards?”
Sometimes Clara has nightmares, but she learns how to cope.
Hay and Elephants
The Doctor and an injured Clara seek shelter from a winter storm. Huddling for warmth ensues.
Green Blaze
The town is called Mistletoe. Clara objects, because those are tumbleweeds, not mistletoe, and she can tell the difference.
He was a teacup that could be dropped. He knew it because he'd been dropped before. He was a teacup that had been mended over and over.
Things to remember, a partial list
He is not an idiot. He has a perfectly functioning mind, if not a perfectly functioning memory, and he knows the sound of an early-model TARDIS when he hears one.
Solar flares
Two sentient stellar beings, in close orbit around each other, exchanging plasma, in an epic romance that had taken millennia to consummate. One would envelope the other in a few million years, and then they would burst outward in a supernova, bringing their love to a spectacular end. Their light and their love would be ash, but not now, and not any time soon. Today, now, in the glory days of their love -- or so the Doctor described it -- their names swirled across their surfaces as sunspots, dots and whorls in the plasma. The written language of stars.
The Edge of the World
The Doctor remembers Clara, his memories return in a flood, and he makes some questionable choices. Luckily Clara is there to pick up the peices
For Better, For Worse, For You
Clara notices the Doctor changed in ways that are more "suited" for her between 11 and 12.
On Some Planets, You Realize, This Means We're Married
Post-Christmas reunion, the Doctor and Clara go for a little peaceful togetherness time. "Bonding ritual" is taken a bit too literally.
(Major Whouffaldi fluff, for which I would apologize if I was sorry.)
Feeling a bit rough
Sometimes things get to Clara.
Pretty much what it says on the tin. Bubble beards, splashfights, hoodie sharing/stealing...
Of all the things that might potentially put a Timelord straight to sleep, it had to be something that Clara had good reason to avoid.
He's been chasing her since Christmas. She's finally too tired to keep pretending she's fine.
She's had enough of thinking she heard his voice, of waking up to everything looking the same when it's far from it. She's had it with mourning someone who is still alive. Post Hell Bent, whouffaldi reunion fic.
Prompt: Clara and the Doctor being domestic in the TARDIS, Doctor busy fixing something or writing maths on the black board, so Clara flys the TARDIS like its second nature.
Not a Bother at All
Prompt: Could you do a story where it's Twelve taking care of Clara instead of Eleven?
How do two different Doctors take the same news five years apart? (Clara, baby, fluffiness.)
Back Up Again
(Prompt) Clara is hurt from the radiation in Into the Dalek and she blacks out/ has hallucinations
(Prompt) Twelve reads to Clara? (A little off the prompt, more about telling stories, and sharing an adventure.)
That Subtle Knot
The Doctor tells his story, then reaches out to touch the waitress's hand. And freezes.
To Days To Come
The Twelfth Doctor and Clara accidentally meet a future incarnation of the Doctor. They both get a small nudge towards living life to the fullest. Set sometimes before Face the Raven.
Zero Hour
One final trip before Clara goes back to face the raven...
we're so delicate
Clara has to cope with multiple losses while still living in the present. Eventually, she discovers she isn’t alone.
Not Quite a Lullaby
Nearly being murdered inside a Dalek is more than mildly traumatizing. The Twelfth Doctor and Clara both emotionally vulnerable after the fact, especially as it relates to Clara's need for sleep.
The Memory of Sunrise
Twelve and Clara end up stuck on an island overnight and Clara takes the opportunity to explore just why the Doctor changed so much when he regenerated and what exactly happened on Trenzalore.
No Stranger to You
From a prompt on Tumblr: ""Get out of the way!" also 12/clara and if you dont like those then maybe "You look like you could use a hand." ? :))))". Angst and righteous, justified anger in regards to what Clara’s had to endure, and the little regard paid to that trauma. Alternate ending to Deep Breath.
~I really like this. A lot of people seem to dislike Clara, and I do think she can be a bit much sometimes. However, I really liked this season sue to the fact that she set herself very clear lines and tried her best to stay with them. The way the Doctor was written was inconsistent during this season, and I don’t think it was fair the way he treated her.
Christmas with the Oswalds
The Doctor ends up spending Christmas with the Oswalds, and Clara changes her feelings about that as the evening progresses.
Partly inspired by a prompt asking for a mistletoe kiss.
Five Little Sparks
The Doctor might like a bit of bossy, and it takes a few times for Clara to realize.
Cooking Clara
Twelve and Clara enjoy the figurative fruits of culinary labour, with absolutely absurd results. (from a Tumblr prompt asking for Clara to make omurice and for Twelve to find himself oddly addicted to it.)
Permission to Own a Cat
Clara gets a cat. The cat refuses to follow the Doctor's rules for life on the Tardis.
that talent for insatiability
or: The Doctor and Clara chalk it up to fate. au.
Clara Oswald & Her Bad Influence Friend
A dumb short AU where the TARDIS is a shitty car and Twelve is some shady dude Clara knows and everyone at Coal Hill is like "wtf who is this guy and how does Ms. Oswald know him." Absolute crack.
the carer & the caretaker [video]
It’s the oldest story in the universe: the carer and the caretaker fall in love, which travels across all of time and space. It’s a love story, of sorts.
Get behind the universe
Chin tucked, eyebrows lowered, eyes deep in their cadaverous sockets and full of small-scale, personal murder. The Doctor is furious at the ill treatment she has received.
don't see you for one week and the fellow suddenly decides he's in need of a proper secondary school education!"
The Souffle
Pure Whouffaldi Fluff as the Doctor tries to help Clara on her quest for the perfect soufflé.
Sky All Full of Stars
Clara Oswald thinks, You can love someone without liking them all the time. Twelve, Clara, and a surprise appearance by a surprise guest. Surprise! (No spoilers.)
From the Garden You Can See the Wild Wood
Twelve/Clara Red Riding Hood AU.
Under the Weather
Clara is sick. What on earth is the Doctor doing with her tea kettle?
The Strategist
Victorious Queen Clara's guards bring her a captive that suit her very specific tastes: gray-haired and lean. This one isn't what he appears to be, however.
The Deep and Lovely Dark
The Doctor is afraid to sleep and eventually it catches up with him.
Stars on his fingers
"I just want-- I want a night in. At home. With quiet company. While my ankle is all swollen like this. I want a pajama party."
The Doctor heard "quiet company" and knew he could provide that. And possible he'd take the opportunity to do something sneaky and helpful with her ankle. He clapped his hands together. "Right! A pajama party you shall have."
Sittin' in a Tree
The Doctor's jumper is full of holes, and Clara can't seem to help herself....
lay your armor down
A spot of completely non-sexual dom!Clara and sub!Twelve.
This is who he is now, what he's chosen to become.
make a dragon wanna retire, man
Clara walks into the console room on a Monday and announces, without preamble, “I think we should get a pet.”
if you're looking for heaven
It'll take some getting used to, but he does like it. Liked it the old way too. In fact, to an extent that might be worrying, he likes a lot of things Clara chooses to do or say or wear. (He doesn't want to use the word besotted when it comes to her but, well...)
Twelve and Clara. After Christmas they just keep running.
"Gallifrey is back, in some pocket somewhere it was never meant to be in, churning up the rest of the universe like meat in a grinder, and the Doctor is full of golden energy and regeneration chemicals that he hasn't had to handle for hundreds of years. He's full of memories, too; she knows that he's left some things unsaid, dreams of centuries of blood and fire that wake him with quiet gasps more often than he thinks she knows. She knows that there's more beyond that which he doesn't tell her. A time lord is not meant to cope with these things alone. " Or: A series of scenes from the start of their first winter together through the end of their first winter.
Do you know what the big problem is in telling fantasy and reality apart? They're both ridiculous.
Bad Dreams
Clara Oswald has dreams. She doesn't always like them.
Set post-The Witch's Familiar and involves spoilers (like a fair amount), so if you haven't seen Series 9 Episodes 1 and 2, I'd hold off on reading this.
Returning Echoes
After the events of 'Listen', Clara starts to experience strange dreams, thoughts and feelings. The echoes of her shattered selves begin to catch up with her. Can the Doctor help?
Honesty Mature
Set immediately after "Last Christmas." Neither of them will admit they're addicted to each other, but they've both been through the withdrawal and the effects can't go unaddressed.
What I Mean To Say Is Mature
What happened between the Doctor finding Clara inside of the Dalek, and them making their great escape to the Tardis? We might never know, but I needed to explore a what-if...
Time Period: Four days in late September, roughly 3 months after Death in Heaven.
Repairs Mature
The Doctor rescues Clara in the nick of time, but that's not the end of it.
The Thief Mature
The Doctor just smashed up the TARDIS console, but he needs to get away from there. He shoves his fingers into the telepathic matrix and goes... somewhere. He doesn't care where. The TARDIS cares, however. This is what happened in between the visit to Gallifrey and the meeting in the cafe.
Writing to Reach You Mature
Clara's not been feeling herself lately, and it just keeps getting worse.
Or: Written based off rumours of who Missy is (sort of), and sort of based on trailers for Dark Water and the Finale.
Post Season 8, before Last Christmas. Earth is suffering the ravages of the worst storm in recorded history and Clara suspects an extra-terrestrial reason. But if it’s something alien what’s it got to do with the Doctor and can Clara come to terms with her own personal tempest of feelings when the Time Lord crashes back into her life?
Twisted Terrors Mature
"He has this incessant urge to get involved in other people’s business, this saviour complex that makes him think the lives of others are his responsibility, but it took Danny Pink dying to make her see the error in that assumption."
The Wedding Tree Mature
For once an encounter with an advanced civilization was not going to end in war, catastrophe, disaster, or even a pell-mell run toward something or away from something. It was just a lovely thank-you ceremony for the two of them, that's all, followed by a lovely night high up in a tree house. With one bed. Wait.
Conjunction Mature
All of time and space, out there in a blue box. Where do they go first, and what do they do? The Doctor shows Clara a wonder.
for you alone i will be weak Mature
The Doctor and Clara reunite and carry on.
Come Back In Two Halves Mature
Doctor Oswald and The Clara embark on an exciting adventure of existential panic.
So let us melt Mature
The Doctor explains to Clara why he's alone, even when he's holding her. She does something about it.
The Seen & Unseen Life of a Carer & Her Time Lord Mature
Clara remembers the Doctor is very alien, but it doesn't really matter too much. Post-Last Christmas.
Come Back In Two Halves Mature
Doctor Oswald and The Clara embark on an exciting adventure of existential panic.
tessellate Explicit
So. They're just people who live together and touch each other sometimes.
Control Explicit
Clara's immune system is reset and she and the Doctor must deal with the resulting plethora of illnesses that result all at once, including one that can't be immediately seen. Lots of gratuitous fluff, some plot, and more smut than I think I have the capacity to ever write again.
Boy From School Explicit
"How did the Skovox Blitzer end up in the school where I teach? Why there?" She looked up and shot him a dirty, knowing look. "The school has been there for years. No aliens, no strange happenings…I
Chocolate Powder (Slow Warmed Then Whisked) Explicit
Clara and the Doctor share a nightly ritual now she's full time on the TARDIS but its about to change. Whouffaldi. Smut angst fluff. E/M rating. Post Last Christmas. One shot.
~New addition. Edited 3/9/2017
Love Is
But it was what had brought them to this point: kneeling together on an ancient, dirt-caked circuit board, so close and yet – separated by the one thing that had always kept them apart. The one thing that might have made everything different if only they had the courage to *talk* to each other. Hell Bent missing scene.
To my Master Post of Doctor Who fic recs <3
I also have rec lists for Harry Potter and Naruto.
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hellowhatsupfriend · 7 years
france ship 
ur character got drunk after being dumped in high school and decided to win over the love of their life by throwing rocks at their window at 3 in the morning .. only they completely missed the street n it was parkers .. she opens the window, they feel bad, apologize and leave .. next day they got seated together at math. they will do anything to pass the time.. (yea .. probably making origami and telling everyone in class to pass their rubbers so they can stack them on top of each other . ) ended up going to lunch detention more times than going to lunch but they didnt mind .. they got to see what the janitor’s storage looks like and wear those yellow cleaning gloves for the rest of the day n when someone asked them why ? they smile. no reply. they ended up going completely different ways .. while parker went to a community college for journalism .. they were probably doing much bigger things but they always kept in touch whether it was through phone calls or texts . now that they are on the show, they take every opportunity to mess w people the way they did back in the good ol days (they are old! just kidding. im barely alive) 
they were NEIGHbours (haha) for a while when they were kids and they’d come over to each others houses for pancakes and spongebob. parker probably scared away their bullies by kicking a soccer ball right in the bullies face .. went hunting for the weirdest bugs they could find. sat under the table at a mutual family friends wedding the entire day talking about what dessert theyd want to be, if they were a dessert  “id like to be a cream puff. a cream puff with apricots or even a plain one. lukewarm at the bakery .. in the window.”   “a CREAM PUFF?! as in cake?” “Of course!!! what else? a cream puff is a cream puff!!!” “a cream puff... you are weird.”  probably lost contact completely after parker relocated w her mom so for a while they probably had no idea it was them on the show until they heard each others names .. 
they worked at an indoor go karting speedway together at one point .. probably got drunk at 18 after closing hours and talked about fitting in, n broken hearts .. maybe at one point even kissed but laughed it off .. “see NOW i know why u dont have a girlfriend” . probably pranked each other at any given opportunity ( still do) 
friends w benefits thing !!! we can expand on this based on ur characters personality ..  they were both stuck in the elevator before a movie casting and ended up talking non stop throughout the whole 4 hours they were there for .. they exchanged numbers but none of them actually reached out since they r both the type of people who wait for someone to talk to them first .. ended up both not getting the role so parker texted them about it and they bonded over mutual failure .. we can plot futher on what this new close proximity actually means for them ??? maybe they hate each other now??? idk things change ??? im so tired
the kind of friendship where they make each other laugh through trying to out do their own insults ... “oh nice shirt. where did you find it? at the bottom of a dumpster? smells like its been shit on. or maybe its just you” .. a big fat silence “did anyone hear something???? sounded like a big old mouth fart”
uhhhhh whateva else im tired 
roman attic 
(ok nevermind im tired this is just a bunch of aus i found ... we can interpret them in our own way! if ur interested .. sorry im tired x20 also these will be like in every possible narrative ever so sorry lol) 
she helped them get through a rough patch without realising it. she volunteered for a free late evenings and overnights mental health help line in college and they called her every week for months then they asked her out for coffee .. there was a lot of chemistry but parker knew she couldnt invest in a relationship at the time because of her own struggles so she had to decline when they offered a proper date .. now they wanna know why 
going through a really bad break up and answering the door for your pizza in a baggy t-shirt and your underwear because you have nothing left to lose and the pizza boy is genuinely very concerned about you being okay so he assures you he’s not a serial killer and invites you to get dressed and ride shotgun in his shitty silver car while he delivers pizza for the rest of the night and he listens to you talk and tells you how much off an idiot your asshole ex was
ever since 7th grade, muse a and muse b had been inseparable. the two knew each other like the back of their hands. they saw each other run through petty middle school crushes, family hardships, and more. they argued, they laughed, they did absolutely anything and everything together. however, they were always just friends. freshman year of high school muse a had confessed the crush they developed on muse b. that confession changed their entire relationship. the summer into their sophomore year, muse b stopped talking to muse a. their friendship ended within a blink of an eye. they didn’t talk for years. until senior year, muse a got into a relationship. muse a’s significant other took them to a party where muse a would be introduced to a “very important person,” the best friend. muse a was nervous, hoping and praying for the approval. when they arrived, muse a was shocked to see that the infamous best friend was muse b.
hello ???!?!??!?! love rosie plot? 
here’s these two idiots who are roommates, and they bicker and act like a married couple constantly, and can hang out like best friends but they’re completely platonic, no we’re not in love that’s preposterous!! and it’s so evident that they’re into each other like whenever one goes out on a date, the other is all bitter like ‘no i’m definitely not jealous’. and they like leave bars together at some stupidly early hour and their friends tease them and they just go home and get drunk together instead. and like domestic washing the dishes and fighting over who does what and flinging soap at each other.
(forget the pronouns ... im just copying and pasting lol) i really want a plot where this totally sweet girl is dating this total ass and he prob cheats on her all the time and is so shitty to her but she stays because she’s sweet and caring and he’s all she’s ever known and they used to be so in love but anyways he’s totally one of those guys who brings around his douche friends and they sit on the couch and talk about chicks and drugs and partying and she is supposed 2 be the regular house wife gf who brings them food and sits next to him when they watch movies so he can flaunt her and just be /: a dick /: ANYWAYS his fellow douche friend starts to slowly be like god this guy is so awful to her and he starts following her out of the room instead of staying to high five his friend for cheating on her w some club girl and idk he just generally starts hanging out with her more while her bf and his other friends hang out in the basement or some shit and they’ll like sit on the porch while he smokes and they just talk or he’ll help her make food or ANYTHING and it can go so many cute ways tbh like ? he could be listening to the friend brag about sleeping around one day or see him being shitty to her like yelling at her for nothing ro smth and just be like DAMN I’VE HAD ENOUGH and finally break and yell at his friend and fight for her and accidently admit that he thinks she’s totally amazing and he’d cherish her sm or he could kiss her one night while they’re talking and they could start sneaking around behind the friends back or anything so !
m and f are both celebs. m is very cocky and a big ladies’ man who loves to sleep around and party and all that. f is a little pop star who keeps to herself and never creates drama and is well-liked by the public. m and f meet at an event one night. all m can think about afterward is f and how cool and different she is, while f never wants to see m again after living up to his reputation for being a bit of a jerk. SO m starts to do everything in his power to make f like him… and f starts to like him but in the most pure way possible ?? and they get along so well and genuinely have fun??
agent who has to protect a civilian by pretending to be married
just kiddin lol 
they had that sickening real kind of love where theyd practically kill for each other.. except they never put labels on things and it turns out one of them found a more convenient love and was scared to tell the other until a big fight where everything was said and they parted ways .. they asked them to stay, said they will do anything to fix things but the only thing that could fix things was to turn the time back.. they ended unsolved because one of them just refused to answer their texts. its been a year and they still think about each other at night, even with other people in their arms. “you looked at me like i was your answer, i looked at you like you meant something”
my friend can’t stop talking about how they want to set me up with their other friend so we start texting each other and disagree on everything .. somehow its amusing how we are both so invested in making each others lives harder ???? i think it makes both of our lives a little better  
bad break up thing
sorry im in pain
ill end this here 
0 notes
writers-shitshop · 6 years
ideas n shit
Ideas for rps
- Another soul animal au or animal related au
- Another cafe au bc those bitches cute
- Another writing sm au
- alex strangelove/love, simon/the way he looks au
- one night stand
- Another house trapped where there’s no power
- Another superhero au and maybe twist it so A and B work together but are so annoyed with each other
- strippy au: bonus if A is the confident performer and has to give B a private show since their friends dragged them there for their birthday
- You have your soulmates words written on your skin, except they aren’t their first words. They’re the first words they say after you have fallen in love them.
- aphrodisiac au
- 💫Another domestic klance living together qnd wisdom teeth can grow in anywhere from teens to adults so wHoOp either Keith or Lance get them removed and fall in Love all over again
- 💫SOTS au with selkies n shit uwu
- 💫artist lance and photographer kEith(or the opposite again??)
- 💫 some dumb horn horn boys where lance and keith are friends with benefits or just sex buddies and go to parties and do dumbstuff and don’t understand pining, lipstick/catholic school ah
- 💫another kind of boarding school au where they just get there and absolutely everything is monitored at all times all the time and there are even people outside of the dorms listening but when the bo y s decide it should be fine to experiment, so they can woo the girls or something once they get back home they realize they lo v e
- 💫a klance au I read on tumblr where lance is a feminine innocent virgin and Keith is a badass biker edgy tattoo piercing boy and lance doesn’t even know how to be in a relationship let alone have a crush on someone but oops what is this weird feeling I always have when I’m around the edgy kid am I sick?
- 💫okay but imagine mega reverse godtier hs au where keith is the partygoer and lance is this virgin dork who’s just “whomst be care about parties im only here bc my headass friend wanted me to come” and he sees keith at one and instantly becomes gay
- 💫bbbbbiiiitttchhh,,, A has a disease that is unstable and finds out the day they might die while b is suffering and very sad and they only have a week left together and im aaAaaaaAAAA
- 💫klance masquerade ball
- 💫 risky business au
- 💫 long distance au with angst/phone sex??? idk??
- 💫but a being Altean but pretending to be galran since like idk they had to survive or smth and b realizing something just doesn’t seem right and oof they get into a relationship or smth and b wakes up next to a but instead of seeing them galran they see them as altean cause they fell asleep and whoops power went whoosh
- 💫neko keith where maybe it makes more logic based of some klancetober post where lance kisses the cat and poof it become gay boy
- 💫another thing because i opened up my notes after forever to update the lists: keith going to stargaze at a lake/bay and suddenly whoop theres this hot water spirit/mermaid and keith is AAAAA
- 💫Modern day klance where a is a nurse or doctor or smth and b is a vampire who tries to break in to steal blood but whoops why did a stay late after work that was a mistake
- 💫rich boy lance with a mansion or whatever becoming infatuated with this stupid punk kid from school
- 💫 lance is a witch and goes into an abandoned church and oh shit theres a hottie vampire there
- Tattoo artist au
- CouGh Klance au where a is a naïve explorer and b is a siren who has killer toNs of people by luring them in but for some reason as they hypnotize a they can’t bring themselves to kill them so they hide them in their room instead because their family thinks they killed them
- an au where keith owns a simple bakery or shop or something and wears cute dresses and aprons and the town enigma lance stops in for like two seconds but instantly becomes gay for keith
- college klance where Lance is a grade B douche cause he’s my Taylor level but you know what I mean and he’s strictly straight but Keith is out and is his roommate so Lance always teases him about it and Keith is so pissed cause he wants to punch that mofo in the face but he also wants to kiss him gently and have him hold him close- so Keith gets so fed up one night when Lance is being extra teasing and annoying with the iM StrAgith biTches thing so Keith acts all sexy to prove him wrong and is shocked because what the fuck Wait thAT WORKED
- ONE SIDED SOULMATE AU WHERE YOU DONT KNOW IF YOU HAVE THE GENE OR NOT SOMCE ONLY ONE (1) OF THE PEOPLE DO. So only one person out of the two soulmates can see the others light, the other one can’t. So if your soulmate never finds you you don’t know if you’re the light or if you just haven’t found the light of your life yet. A light only appears in the seeker chest once they find their soulmate o o f
- ok but klance taking a trip to the snow and renting a cabin and drinking hot chocolate and sledding and making really ugly snowmen together and UWUWUSKSMAK
- (???)) sksksjs jack and the cuckoo clock heart??
0 notes