#also i love beau and caleb's friendship so much
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Decided to post some of the critical role sketches i did this year.
Fcg/ Nott, Caleb and Jester hug/ a pokemon meme from bell's hells fight with Lady Emoth from the beginning of campaign 3/ Beau/ Laudna and Imogen/ an Ashton drawing i'm never gonna finish/ a scene with Beau and Caleb from early campaign 2/ a greystorm kiss doodle i did for a friend
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pennamenotfound · 2 years
I feel like one of the reasons that the Bells Hells are so interesting and compelling to me is that they’re all so angry. Anger is so interesting to me because of its volatility. The way it can, more than any other emotion, be twisted. Think of how much more volatile Percy was in campaign one because of his revenge boner than Caleb in campaign two with his deepset guilt and grief.  
And like, sure, we had anger before in the other campaigns.
Like Percy was super angry obviously, and Vex had her rage, and Scanlan had his moment (what’s my mother’s name) in Campaign one, and you could probably pull moments for the rest of Vox Machina. Grog’s a barbarian, he rages all the time. Plus with his herd. Okay, sure. Vax certainly had his moments. Keyleth at Raishan. (I don’t think Pike realy had any real anger moments in her arc.) But their stories don’t rely on their anger as much as Percy and Vex, and not nearly as much as Bells Hells. 
In the Mighty Nein, there’s Beau who is super angry at the world, justifiably so, but the rest of the party not so much. Caleb and Yasha are guilt and grief. Cad’s faith. Jester definitely had her problems with emotion, but anger wasn’t really part of it so much as learning to let herself feel something other than happy. Fjord’s journey to Melora was much more about introspection, Veth’s journey back to herself was certainly emotionally taxing for her, but it’s back to greif and loss for her. Kingsley is all about discovery, and Essek was about finding friendship. 
But Bells Hells. They’re all so angry. With maybe the exception of Chetney, but he’s also a werewolf which is its own sort of instability. 
Ashton’s a given---Tal’s so good at anger in his characters. Perfect punk, angry at the world, angry at their situation. *chef’s kiss* perfect barbarian
Imogen has such rage bubbling. “We’re gonna sunder you, Delilah Briarwood” for one, but also, with her mother. With her powers. 
Fearne with her parents. The way she was discovering her anger had so much potential, and I really wanted to see her actually throw some fireballs or something.
Orym. I saw the look on Liam’s face when he had that insight check whisper from Tuldus. Dude, Otohan and the Ruby Vanguard killed his husband and his dad (I know, father in law, but Orym says dad.) He’s the nice one, he’s said it before himself, but... under the surface, i think he’s got some rage in him. 
FCG. Oh, FCG, with their unpredictable rage mode. Trying so desperately to be the caretaker when they don’t even know what they are. The professor in Yios gave him a lot of good information, but there’s a lot they don’t know. 
For me, with FCG and Orym both, it’s a lot of aren’t you tired of being nice? Don’t you want to go apeshit?
And then Laudna. Laudna, with the most to be angry about. She was murdered by the Briarwoods, and spent the next thirty years with her murderer in her head. Looking like a corpse. Not knowing if she was dead or alive. Being chased out of towns all over Tal’Dorei until she ran all the way to Marquet. No friends, even before she died, before Imogen. And she’s really the most interesting to me. Because we don’t see a lot of rage with her. Even with Percy in Whitestone, it’s forgiveness. It’s understanding. The only time I remember in the campaign her really being angry was when FCG turned on the party that time, and that was related to Delilah’s manipulations. 
Orym said once something like she had the worst thing out of all of them happen, and yet she’s the happiest, and how is that? And she goes, well, because the worst thing that’s happened to me already happened. 
And it’s so interesting to me because we could, in another universe, have another Ashton in Laudna. Because, really, very similar things happened to them. Both died. Both put back together not quite right, not quite in control of their situation. Feared, even. 
But she’s so loving, caring, and not wrathful, and honestly, I’d kind of love to see some anger from her. And I think we might see it if Imogen gets hurt.
Anyway i’m unhinged about bells hells. I love vox machina and mighty nein but I’ve connected most to bells hells because I’ve been watching CR since CR3 started, and I love my angy bois. 
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neinofthem · 1 year
brief vent in your inbox- it's such a big pet peeve to me when people take things like the cat's paw scene as essek instantly being in love with/wanting to bang caleb when matt confirmed he's demisexual. like, we'd know how wrong it'd be to ship beau with a man, but people won't show the same respect for essek's demisexuality
you’re actually so correct. like essek was definitely manipulating caleb on actual purpose. he had his own reasons for sort of flirting that had nothing to do with attraction or lust or anything, he very plainly wanted to get in good with the nein to figure out how they worked and how to swing that to his advantage. to me he reads as a very. ‘use everything at my disposal’ sort of person, and what he had at his disposal was looks, charm, etc. also, caleb was trying to set up a honeypot which essek definitely clocked and was playing into. maybe he thought caleb genuinely wanted to fuck him or whatever, it doesn’t really matter, the point of playing along and doing their batshit mating ritual wasn’t oh wow love at first sight it was oh, jesus, these people have never had a relationship that wasn’t wildly toxic and now they’re trying to bait the other into thinking that they have their shit together and should be trusted with capital S Secrets.
this to me also reads as a symptom of the woobification of essek thelyss, where he goes all doe-eyed over caleb immediately when, at first, it’s canon that he absolutely hated awllll of them very much. caleb intrigued him, yes, but caleb did not compel him to make any genuine overtures of friendship or romance or anything of the kind until much later. this might stem from the need to make essek into the more submissive (in a personality sort of way) between the two in regards to their eventual relationship, which echoes back up along the timeline and makes people think that their relationship has always been like this (with caleb the self confident wondertherapist there to coach essek through unlearning a century of bullshit while essek simpers helplessly under caleb’s fucking electric blue gaze or whatever).
this interpretation of them is problematic even when it’s wayyy postcanon, but people look at this very inaccurate summary of their dynamic and go, ‘oh, shit, essek must have been hiding his inner softboy all along, this changes their whole story’ which, no! if he wasn’t a bad person who did bad things for bad reasons in the beginning (yes I know that this is oversimplification, it’s going to be ok I prommy), then his redemption holds no weight! what’s the point of a narrative about change and growth and building a better self if the character most central to this theme didn’t have to actually make anything new, he just had to scrape away a layer of mean exterior to get to the gooey domestic homemaker big sweater wearing pet name calling somftboi interior? no point. there is no point. fuck!
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shadowgast-recs-weekly · 10 months
Shadowgast Recs: Featuring Empire Sibs!
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This week, we have seventeen recs featuring Beau and Caleb's friendship! Check them out under the cut, and don't forget to comment or kudos if you like them!
Courting of the Caleb by VexedVixen (17417, Mature) Reccer's Content Notes: Choose Not to Warn
Essek is courting Caleb, though Beau has to point that out to Caleb.
Reccer says: I like cultural differences, and Beau is the best wingman who notices all. But she'd never admit it and also never wants to hear about it. Overal very sweet, a little funny and very well written.
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like 80/20 on the kinsey scale by Jakia (2772, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Caleb needs professional lesbian input about his sexuality
Reccer says: I do just like sexuality talk, little freakouts and coming out to people, especially if it goes well.
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Cold night out by Fafsernir (2330, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Caleb and Beau huddle for warmth and talk about what it means to move forward in relationships with complicated histories.
Reccer says: All the little touches that made me go, "Oh, yeah, that's Beau." (And the little touches that made me go, "Oh, yeah, that's gotta be what that mechanic really feels like.") Caleb's playfulness counterbalanced by his gravity and how much himself he is in both. They're having a conversation about other people and how to let themselves love them, but it's also a process by which they're each using the other as their compass to move forward, however small the steps.
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Hard Mouth by road_rhythm (216143, Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: Choose Not to Warn, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Rape/Non-con
In the wake of the Battle of Cognouza, Caleb comes under attack from something in his dreams. Essek and Beau are forced to cooperate in a race to save him.
Reccer says: This is a Shadowgast fic, but all of the Nein get their due, and the Empire Kids are as important a relationship as Shadowgast is. It has such a great Beau: tough and vulnerable, insecure but brave--and she plays off of Caleb and Essek to great effect.
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widogast's magic mosaic by burningdarkfire (8402, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
After Aeor, the Mighty Nein go their separate ways - but Caleb carries the lessons they've taught him everywhere. Eight things the Mighty Nein have taught Caleb (and that he teaches them in turn).
Reccer says: Each of the vignettes that make up the fic has so much happiness in it. It strikes me as a fic *about* happiness. But that happiness often feels laborious. It is work. And that's what makes it feel real, and vital, and rewarding.
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The Worlds Between Us by Nellaplanet (159375, Mature) Reccer's Content Notes: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Caleb and Beau just wanted to live their life with their weird friends next door, but they're already very deeply entrenshed into the magical other planes that they know nothing of yet. They find out quickly once Caleb gets kidnapped by the Shadowhand.
Reccer says: Caleb desperate to find out more about his past, Nott being so protective, Beau being so protective, Essek having the horrifying realisation of developping a conscience, Jester not realising why Beau would freak the fuck out once she realises not her friends are not actually normal human beings who are a bit weird, Caleb honeypotting, Essek honeypotting, difficult relationships. This fic has everything.
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Deception and Other Party Games by Sethrial (27318, Not Rated) Reccer's Content Notes: Choose Not to Warn
The Empire slaves have been given to Essek, because obviously he doesn't have enough to do. He doesn't particularly want them, but he shall simply have to make the most of it.
Reccer says: The characterization, worldbuilding, sexual tension, and dramatic irony in this are all choice. There's so much that happens off-page but is instantly legible--which only enhances the sense of how well the M9 work together. It's hard to say which dynamic is tastier: the honeypot 4 honeypot of the Shadowgast or the seamless communication of the Empire kids.
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The Devil's Hands are Idle Playthings by Sethrial (16871, Mature) Reccer's Content Notes: Choose Not to Warn
Caleb died. That's something he has to come to terms with. He died and went to hell, and now he's back with a job to do and a demon gently reminding him to do it.
Reccer says: "In a modern 'verse, Caleb comes back from the dead seeing a demon named Mollymauk. Does taking his meds help? Hard to say. Molly won't leave him alone for long, because he has these little jobs for Caleb to do--small things. Negligible things. A bit too much soap in his mop bucket at his night job, a few twists of fate, and hey, presto: a dead body. That sort of thing. No sane person would call that murder, but psychotic or not, Caleb's under no illusions. Then one day he meets a girl named Beau--and Beau has a demon, too. As fantastic as its premise is, what stands out to me most about Devil's Hands is how incredibly real it feels. Caleb's insomnia, his hit-or-miss coping strategies, the shape and texture of his night job and his useless past achievements and his life are all so vivid and relatable that they're equal parts enthralling and exhausting to read. The underlying mystery is compelling, and Caleb and Beau's partnership is a cocktail of deeply weird, half unwilling, and meant to be (maybe). WIP.
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Illumination guides your purpose by Beleriandings (5192, General) Reccer's Content Notes: Choose Not to Warn
Beau asks Caleb to take a look at a relic of the Calamity with her. Together with Yasha and Essek, they bear witness.
Reccer says: Patia's sphere is always a rich vein for fic, and I particularly love how this fic frames its central event—the characters confronting the sphere's message and contents—and also how it uses that in turn to frame the life and work all four of them are about to embark on.
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Show me your teeth by VexedVixen (1141, Mature) Reccer's Content Notes: Choose Not to Warn
Essek has fangs and Yasha wants to know how it feels. Beau does not want to hear about Caleb's sex life.
Reccer says: It is very funny and honestly who of us hasn't wondered. I'll always like Beau being disgusted by hearing anything about Caleb's intimate life.
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Unfinished by road_rhythm (101718, Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: Choose Not to Warn
Eleven years after something went wrong and shattered the Nein and Caleb and Essek's relationship, Essek and Beau track down Caleb to try to unravel a conspiracy in the Cerberus Assembly.
Reccer says: It's raw and twisty and the world-building is so, so good. I gasped out loud more than once (this fic is a wip.) This is also my favorite Beau - she's a badass and a mess all at once, and you can feel how much they care about each other even when they're furious with each other.
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dreaming I'm alive by lakrisrot (enheduane) (8620, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Beau spars with Essek. Caleb watches.
Reccer says: I liked it!
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I'll Show You What It Means to be Spared by thetickingclock (4543, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Beau, Astrid, Eadwulf, and Caleb go after a rogue Scourger. It goes about as well as you'd expect.
Reccer says: A visceral dive into how Beau relates to the wizards in her life and to their whole insular, unsavory, mega-traumatic *deal.* Deft character studies of everybody, particularly Beau and Astrid, and of how Caleb relies on Beau and the faith he places in her. Shadowgast and Beau/Yasha are comparatively minor in this, but those relationships are still the stable foundation that allows Caleb and Beau to be their present selves and not their past.
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oh, by the way by eeveev (932, General) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Caleb drops the “Essek-and-I-are-dating” bomb on Beauregard, and his timing is, as always, impeccable.
Reccer says: short and sweet empire siblings, with caleb being a troll <3
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Like a Haunting by thetickingclock (2161, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Caleb navigates the straits between that happenstance name and Bren Aldric Ermendrud.
Reccer says: It really gets at the trust and intimacy of Caleb placing his story in Beau's hands, both the first time and after the fight at the Blooming Grove, as well as what Essek means to how he creates (and destroys) himself in the present.
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Fucking Up (On Purpose) by devil_seabird_king (ShaaKi) (1884, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Beau has a question for Yasha but nerves bring her to Caleb's door instead, where she gets advice from an unexpected source.
Reccer says: I liked it!
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And two recs for this final one!
things that gods despise by dawl_and_dapple (113496, Mature) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
A modern AU where Beau and Caleb are both working in Geneva in the 1980's, and find out that magic is real
Reccer 1 says: I love the world building in this fic, it is especially interesting mixing the magic of D&D with physics. the relationship that Caleb and Beau is just stellar, with so much good dialogue between the two! Reccer 2 says: It's been a while since I read it, but I remember it being very good. The relationship between Beau and Caleb is definitely one of the highlights because they do grow together like siblings. Also featuring Nott, who is always to love and Essek and Caleb being a little shady.
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Aeor is for Lovers is an 18+ Shadowgast Discord server. The above fanfic recommendations were pulled from our community for this weekly event. All fics, unless otherwise specified, will primarily feature Shadowgast. Have any questions about what this is? Check out the FAQ! Next week, we’ll be back with Sickfic!
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utilitycaster · 9 months
I’ve always been very interested in what you think about Caleb and Veth’s relationship. They’re not romantic, but not platonic, but not familial, but at the same time they are, but it’s different? I’m rambling. I find their relationship very interesting and I wanted to see what your take was on them :)
Also have a good day if you’re not having one already and if you are, have an even greater day
Hi anon, thanks! I assume you are asking specifically for my take but I follow a lot of people who have like, 20 times more thoughts on them than I do so I feel a little ill-equipped.
With that said: I personally did not seriously ship it romantically, but that was purely a matter of what I'm specifically into. I do think that a romantic reading of their relationship is an extremely valid one and there was, undeniably, a romantic element, which is why it's not clearly platonic. It reads as familial but in my opinion it is genuinely a relationship that only makes sense within a found family framework, ie, while early on Veth attempts to frame it as a mother and child, it really isn't that, either; that's just how she can best put what they are to each other into words because more apt ones don't exist. They care about each other and they care for each other and they did so at a time when each of them thought they had no future, even before they could admit that's what they were doing. I think that's the best way to describe it.
Something that has struck me - and that is one of the things I want to keep an eye out for when I finally one day have time to rewatch Campaign 2 - is how despite their relationship being one of convenience and coincidence (ended up in jail together, broke out, found it easier to travel together) and some degree of self-interest (Caleb benefited from having someone who could steal and who would remind him to take care of himself; Veth benefited from someone who wouldn't be chased out of shops and was interested in what a wizard could do for her; both did better with a partner for scams) it still lasted for months with no plans of separating. It didn't matter that Caleb wasn't telling Veth most of his past nor Veth telling him hers - or even her real name. They were lonely and it was better to travel with someone else, and they felt better for doing so, even if they told themselves (not even incorrectly) that it was purely a pragmatic matter.
My favorite early scenes between them are first, Caleb asking Veth if she'll leave with him should his reveal of his past to Beau go badly; and secondly and more importantly Veth saying she loves the rest of the party and that this isn't just pragmatism that's leading them to rescue the others. She's talking about the kidnapped party members; but again, because Veth and Caleb have never really defined what they have as anything but a partnership of convenience it feels like she is obliquely telling him how she feels as well.
I also of course love their scene in Felderwin - when Sam goes fully serious it's nearly always going to be a great time, and Veth's anger and drunken accusation and Caleb's intense guilt is a highlight, as is the way they are both able to move past it soon after due to the strength of their relationship.
I also think Liam and Sam did a fantastic job of laying the groundwork. Everyone did so beautifully for their Mighty Nein characters but I think Veth and Caleb's uneasy six months together feels incredibly vivid and real and are a standout among the pre-existing relationships. That might just be because Fjord and Jester had only been traveling together for a very brief amount of time, and because between Molly's death and Yasha not being around much we couldn't see as much of their friendship, but I still think about the list of grifts Caleb and Nott had together and how they were still running them mid-campaign. It was a level of work I think all players should aspire to when playing characters who knew each other in advance. There need to be inside jokes and a history and plans they've made together to breathe life into a pre-existing relationship that's more than a month long (give or take), otherwise it will fall flat and feel forced.
I think this focuses pretty heavily on their earlier relationship and that's because as time goes on they build stronger relationships with the rest of the party and develop a bit more distance. I think this is healthy! Again, a lot of their relationship - particularly on Caleb's side - came from a belief that this was the best they could hope for, and so it necessarily evolves, particularly once Veth and Yeza are reunited. I think Xhorhas/Angel of Irons arc Caleb isn't sure how to approach the relationship for a while until he finds a means of giving Veth her body back; Caleb is always someone who shows affection more through action than words. But I think that even as they build separate lives, Veth returning to a renewed version of the one she thought she lost and Caleb making something entirely different, they still mean a lot to each other and later in the campaign they are able to adjust and adapt their relationship with each other as well.
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Happy Wednesday everyone! Today we have eight fics in modern settings for you all! Have a look at them below the cut and if you end up checking some of them out on ao3, please don’t forget to leave kudos and comments! 🩷
Having Trouble Breathing In by Torchiclove (17,445 words, Teen) Pairing: Keyleth/Pike Trickfoot (Pikeleth) Warnings: None
‘The paramedic would take her breath away, if the asthma hadn’t done it for her.’ Keyleth falls for Pike in a modern AU.
Reccer Says: Enjoyable and well written fic of Keyleth falling for Pike in a modern AU. Explores Keyleth as a character with anxiety and it's a great, gentle depiction of falling in love with great characterisation despite the rare pair.
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Live your whole life on a might-have-been by Chrome (2,681 words, Teen) Pairing: Veth Brenatto/Caleb Widogast (Widobrave) Warnings: None
Just a very short and atmospheric peice set in a modern au where Caleb and Veth met at university, and he’s driving her part of the way home for the holidays.
Reccer Says: I can’t describe the feelings this fic gives me. It’s understated and bittersweet and so full of longing that you’ll want to die. It feels like a Hemingway story almost with the way it manages to pack so much meaning in between the words the characters actually say.
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And I became hypnotized by freckles and bright eyes by SunshineAndaLittleFlour (1,007 words, Teen) Pairing: Mollymauk Tealeaf/Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast (Shadowidomauk) Warnings: Drunk kissing
Molly didn’t realize he probably shouldn’t be kissing someone else’s partner until after he’d already started doing it.
Reccer Says: This fic, this whole series in fact, is absolutely wonderful! Its fun, flirty and emotional as well as smutty and one of the best stories/series for the purple boys and their ginger partner. Always a delight to read and this fic starts an awesome series off wonderfully!
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softly, softly by maricolous (837 words, Teen) Pairing: Fjord/Mollymauk Tealeaf (Fjolly) Warnings: None
Fjord comes home from his shitty retail job to Molly, his roommate-turned-partner. They make out about it.
Reccer Says: It’s very cute and sweet, with a side of what feels Fjolly-typical horniness. It’s a fun little fic!
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if we were a movie by burningdarkfire (8,800 words, Teen) Pairing: Jester Lavorre/Beauregard Lionett (Beaujes) Warnings: None
Jester decides to try and set Caleb and Essek up and ropes Beau into it. Cue many “friend” double-dates, a classic disaster lesbian Beau crush, attempts at coping with it, delightful romcom nonsense, a fun side of Shadowgast, and a very sweet ending.
Reccer Says: It’s silly, it’s fun, it’s heartfelt. Everyone’s voices are so on-point and every moment Feels like them. Beau is a mess and I love her, I want to squish Jester in my hands, and the wizards are menaces of a side pairing. Also the conversation between Beau and Essek at the maid cafe is so good.
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candy hearts (so sweet on you) by thaumasilva (5,149 words, General) Pairing: Jester Lavorre/Beauregard Lionett (Beaujes) Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Implied Stalking (not between Beaujes)
Beau keeps visiting the gift wrapping station at the mall to get her Winter’s Crest presents wrapped, and the cute tiefling working there keeps giving her candy hearts with flirty messages, or: Three times Beau wanted to ask Jester out, and the one time she didn’t have to.
Reccer Says: It's just a sweet as the name implies, aaaa it's so cute
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Intervention by VioletTeaTime (1,965 words, Teen) Pairing: Fjord/Caleb Widogast (Widofjord) Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Fjord intimidates the guy bothering bartender!Beau’s favorite customer into taking a hint and leaving. Then he gets flirted with and Beau complains about having to watch.
Reccer Says: ace fjord my beloved <3 also the boys' background friendships with Beau are very sweet
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all actions and reactions by grayintogreen (2,879 words, General) Pairing: Astrid Beck/Jester Lavorre (Jestrid) Warnings: Depression, Burn-out
One of her friends suffered a breakdown, the other found religion, and now Astrid Beck, suffering from burnout and stress and a myriad of other things a pre-law student can suffer, has found the cherry on her misery sundae. Someone keeps buying all of the cinnamon scones she loves, and now she must end them.
Reccer Says: An amazing translation of the characters into a Modern AU, and surprisingly sweet
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Thank you for joining us for our second recc list! All the love to everyone who submitted a fic 🩷 All enclosed recommendations were submitted by the community via our submissions form, which you can find here. All fic information is as it was provided by the reccer, so it may not be accurate to the author’s intent or the precise contents of the fic itself. Please assume good intent from all parties 🩷
Submissions for next week’s list are already open! We’ll be featuring Whump. If you have any you’d like to highlight, you can send them in here. The week after that, the theme is Pre-Relationship, and you can also submit fics for that now!
If you want more rarepair fic, check out @cr-summer-wildflowers and their event collections on ao3! If you want some friendship after all this romance, take a look at @critter-genfic-events and their recc lists! And if you’re interested in everyone’s favorite wizards, you can’t go wrong with the lists at @aeor-is-for-reccing !
Thanks all and have a lovely day/night/timezone! 🩷
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revvethasmythh · 1 year
beloved Revvetha. Babygirl. Loml
First impression
An early favorite! Tbh I knew she was just my type right from the start of the campaign, but I will cop that at various times she was eclipsed by either Beau (in the early days) or Fjord (in the later days) as my second favorite m9 character. Literally thought she was fantastic from the start, no notes, hilarious, heartfelt, unhinged, and fully lovable babygirl
Impression now
Currently my favorite of the m9! Which I'm sure is very obvious. Beyond what makes her a fun and funny character, over time I've just come to appreciate her depth so much, and all of her internal conflicts. I find her conflicts so relatable, particularly in the end game of the campaign, where she's caught between her home life and adventure, stuck trying to be two people at once and make everyone happy. Her arc can be quiet, but so impactful, and I love to pick it apart and sit with it.
Favorite moment
It's cruel and unusual punishment to make me pick a favorite Veth moment. There are so many I could choose. I'll say my number on pick is her swimming in the pond and the Blooming Grove. What a HUGE character moment that was for her, facing her biggest fear in the dark of night, alone, and comfortable for one of the first times ever. Stunning choice, absolutely hits me in the gut
Also have to shout out her ep 121 one-on-one watch conversation with Caleb, because that might be one of my favorite one-on-ones in the whole campaign.
In terms of funny moment, her bit of trying to interfere with Beau and Yasha's date and her conversation with Beau telling her about the date she's going to have with Yasha is a fucking highlight of my life. I've watched that clip so many times and I'm never not dying by the end of it
Idea for a story
WELL ANON, let me just unpack my fucking BIBLE of things I'd like to write for Veth. We've kind of returned to the "too many to pick" territory here.
I want to (and am actually working on currently) something about Veth talking to a grown-up Luc about the adventuring life. Really anything with Veth and grown-up Luc, I am interested in writing because I'd love to explore what that dynamic would look like, especially since I'd imagine Luc would be very keen on the adventuring life, where Veth had a lot of mixed feeling initially (the fear and anxiety of trying to look after people and be brave that drove her to drink vs the life-changing love and confidence she learned in the process). I just think their contrasting perspectives on the adventuring life would be so interesting to explore!
I am also SUPER interested in doing Veth x Yasha piece at some point. What will the plot be? no idea. but know that I am always thinking about this
Unpopular opinion
She is the most shippable character in the M9. *slaps top of Veth* you can fit so many ships in this halfling, and they're ALL baller
Oh, also I think Revvetha is a hilarious and perfect legal name for her. I am never not laughing abut Revvetha. Additionally, it makes her even more Jewish coded, no I will not elaborate
Favorite relationship
The low-hanging fruit choice here is Caleb because. obviously. I don't feel that I need to explain myself here. Widobrave is my bio. you know.
Secondarily, I love her friendship with Beau! I think they play off each other so well, and I love the way they egg each other to reveal secrets to each other. There's a lot of honestly between them, and they can be very secure that the other is not going to judge them. Also, beau's "you bitch. I know you're fucking down here, you bitch" moment lives in my head rent free always.
Favorite headcanon
Veth learns Sending so that she can talk to Yasha telepathically. I die on the hill that Veth does this one day.
Send me a character!
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localdragons · 1 year
i just finished watching critical role's campaign 2. that shit was GREAT. it took me 5 months, and was my first campaign watch of CR. besides that, i've seen tlovm first. absolutely love all the characters so much.. jester's chaos and her whole arc about what real love is, felt so great and wonderful. fjord with learning confidence and reestablishing his connection to nature and the ocean was so nice. plus him and caduceus had a great friendship. caleb and learning to forgive your past self and to move on.. and that you can't change the past, you don't have to forget to move on. (also i really love caleb x essek, even just as friends. but gay is good. essek is a great character and i just wish i got more content w him tbh.) yasha and letting go of her past, learning to love again and finding happiness and family. nott/veth and becoming ok with herself, regardless of how she looks, reuniting with her family and understanding that she is still a good mother even if she hasn't been there all the time beau and finding new family who love her, learning to be soft sometimes, and generally being a great friend caduceus is just great, a wonderful friend and healer and helping fjord heal in many ways. love that guy sm molly is.. what a dude lol. i miss him, but i love the arc that came out of his death. kingsley seems like quite the fella too. a different flavor of gay lmao i'll always love the m9 they're so wonderful. excited to start campaign 3 and eventually get to watch this show live!!! maybe in another 2 months lol
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autumnslance · 10 months
This is a very silly ask (and feel free to ignore it completely), but do you think any of your OCs would be friends with characters from other franchises? (Fun fact, this was inspired by a piece of fanart that made me believe that Thancred and Leon Kennedy of Resident Evil fame would absolutely be friends. Or at least drinking buddies.)
Hrm, I don't often think in terms of crossovers and mashups anymore--which is funny, as one of my earliest online RP experiences was a multiverse setting where OCs from any and all settings--franchise, gaming, original, etc--could co-exist. Normal mortals teaming up with demigods from novel series and mega-damage users from RIFTS and an array of fantasy and sci-fi and horror characters in between.
I sometimes think about how my OCs in various settings would interact together; how my WoW OCs would get along, or not, with the FF14 crew, or the FF14 OCs with my D&D characters. I tend to lean into certain archetypes (bards and paladins/clerics/priests are favorites), so there'd be some overlap and things in common, and also some frustrations at similarities that grate and clash.
So I don't think too much about how they'd interact with canon figures from other settings, but any OCs I'd have in that realm instead.
Well, the adventuring parties of Actual Play shows like Critical Role (and its animated series spinoffs) is pretty easy; Vox Machina, the Mighty Nein, and Bells Hells are all as chaotic and as helpful as adventurers tend to be, for good or bad. So there'd be eye rolling and irritation, but also understanding and diving in alongside, forming friendships with the weirdos cuz well, adventurers are Like That. They're RP characters too though so might be cheating, or at least easier to figure out for me.
Vax has that sort of noble rogue energy that'd make Aeryn fond of him, while Vex would initially drive her up a wall until they reached an understanding. Scanlan's annoy the heck out of her until they got to sit down and talk for real and she saw under the vulgar exterior. Percy'd be tolerated as Insufferable Noble Trying Too Hard. She'd be patient with Grog and enjoy his overlarge childish glee at everything. And who doesn't love Pike? Literal angel with a chaotic bent herself, she adds a bit of calm when not engaging in sibling shenanigans with Grog. I think Aeryn'd relate most to Keyleth, funnily, and they'd get along decently. Tary, too, would get a lot of sympathy concerning expectations, and also nerding around with his crafts, and may make dealing with Percy a tad easier.
Of the Nein, Caduceus is a spot of calm, aroace energy. Not as right as he thinks he is about many things, but he means well and tries, and that counts for a lot. Aeryn'd have tea with him any day. She'd also be drawn to Beau's bravado and brashness and they'd get into trouble together. Same with Fjord and Caleb, really; there's a level of familiarity in how they approach things with 'let's poke it and see what happens' but also the care they have for others in general. Same with Yasha. Jester's a bright light ball of energy and oh gods her and C'oretta in the same space would be exhausting. Nott/Veth is a bit more complicated; probably depends on when in the campaign, is it before or after Veth's reunited with her family, as she undergoes a shift emotionally once she has her original self back as well as her husband and son. Molly would aggravate and charm Aeryn by turns; Kingsley she'd be sympathetic to and understand too well that living in another's shadow aspect. Essek is fine; he's a wizard to talk shop with, learn from, mess around with spellwork. Luc is a brat also in the shadow of his accomplished mom and adventuring family, and needs mentoring and guidance and a lot of patience oh gosh.
A lot of the Hells would honestly be irritating, especially Imogen's propensity to just use telepathy intrusively; girl needs a lesson in why you don't want to poke around uninvited or casually to get your answers, and a WoL's head is wilder than most. FCG needs mentoring and guidance like whoa. Fearne's also an agent of energetic chaos; fun in doses. Laudna's not so scary, very sweet and fun and sad and likely needs help she doesn't know how to ask for. Ashton's grating in his arrogance and rebelliousness for rebellion's sake (though that may shift given recent things...). Chetney's surface attitude would be annoying, but soon enough he'd be a safe and calming point, given his perceptions. Orym's also just calming and reasonable; maybe a little too much sometimes, and needs to be reminded to cut loose now and then, it's good for you (and your friends).
Dark rolls with it all; she's very easy to get along with. Iyna wouldn't be able to stand most of them. C'oretta would get along well with most everyone but lord her and Jester and/or Fearne in the same place...Terrifying!
That's one off the top of my head, after a long holiday weekend thinking about it off and on, anyway!
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volstruckerz · 2 years
thinking a lot about caleb’s 16 charisma and how carefully he chooses his words and about his proficiency in deception, persuasion, and intimidation. thinking about how a lot of what caleb says can be confusing because i feel like he is often at a war with himself between saying what he really means and feels vs. saying what is “right” or the most effective in a present situation.
i find it interesting that you can interpret a lot of what caleb says as both his genuine feelings and as something carefully constructed to fit a certain person, situation, or goal, depending on what he wants out of it, i.e. comforting fjord or any of the other party members, telling beau about his past to get into the cobalt soul library but carefully omitting key details. like yes, he wants to comfort them, but he also can’t quite remember how to talk to people just as “friends,” with no ulterior motive, transactions, pursuing a certain agenda, or racking up favors (this is where i feel his social awkwardness comes from, the stilted but earnest way he says he’s learning how to “people again” despite seeming to be very good at negotiating, bargaining, or deceiving. friendship is different than understanding how to use people for your own gain). 
i find it especially tragic that ikithon probably saw bren’s somewhat instinctual sense of empathy and bleeding heart and warped it for his own personal gain, to teach him how to use that to deceive and use others. this also explains caleb’s later insistence that he’s been “using” the nein, which veth later points out just sounds like he’s relying on others, just as they all are, because they are friends and family. for all his understanding of people, he has to relearn how to form relationships with them that aren’t a means to an end, which becomes super evident in the campaign.
i think caleb finds himself wanting to change because of how much he cares about the nein, despite everything in him telling him not to. he finds himself trying, after all these years, to be a good friend, but it’s fucking hard — after so long of learning to be a practiced deceiver and manipulator who thought of friendship as something you would never deserve again, how do you try to begin again?
i find it hopeful that caleb’s immense capacity for empathy and understanding others stayed constant with him through everything and that he was almost helpless to it (i also find it important that while caleb was helpless to his heart, actually trying to grow and be a better person took intent and practice, not something that just happened. it was something he had to intentionally work towards for a long time) — that no matter how much he wanted to just gain more power and pursue his ultimate goal, he still found himself loving veth beyond a mere partnership but as someone like family, and that he grew attached to her and loved the mighty nein and started to do things for them that didn’t really help him at all but simply because it was important to them and. and that he still loved astrid and wulf after everything. this is how caleb, who is constantly afraid he is exactly what ikithon made him, really shows that he isn’t him (“not yet,” to quote beau) for several reasons: because he tries, because he cares about hurting them, because he has a heart that loves, despite everything.
i find it very compelling that to have a very perceptive understanding of people can either lead to an immense capability for empathy or manipulation, and that it is a choice caleb often wars with — saying or doing the most effective thing that he was taught to do or acts of love that are ultimately riskier, left you more vulnerable, and are a gamble in its effectiveness. it’s a struggle he faces for most of the campaign as he grows, and i find it very realistic that the change doesn’t happen in an instant — it happens gradually, where the audience starts to become confused between deception and vulnerability, where we start to see a mix of the two. i find it important that just because caleb’s first attempts at comfort don’t start as something wholly vulnerable and straight-forward, that he’s still trying and that most of it still comes from his heart, even if he’s also still trying to control a situation, i.e the “you were not born with venom in your veins” speech to essek. that when caleb would have never been vulnerable with these colorful group of assholes, he finds himself wanting to open his heart and trying, in his stilted, confusing way, to let himself love again, simply for its own sake. i find it very human, hopeful, and super compelling to watch play-out throughout the campaign as he grows more into himself.
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grayintogreen · 2 years
Since I hit 200 fics posted to AO3, I thought I'd do the ABC's of fic meme, because I'm only four letters off from having the full set and I'm not entirely sure WHEN I might fill those letters. If I do, I'll just do another one with DIFFERENT FICS.
Fun facts: I have 15 fics that start with "and" and 9 that start with "this."
Given CR is my main fandom and makes up the bulk of my fics, I tried to make them all CR unless I couldn't (note: I could) and stuck to one-shots only (if I could- note: i could). If at all applicable, I chose the ones that I love that don't have as much attention because why not circulate them a bit?
I'm not apologizing for how many are Tombtakers-related. Those are my children and also have the least attention because... I'm fixated on minor characters.
A: all the things we gave up for the things we could gain. (Creecien) I have been told that this fic actively punches you in the face and steals your lunch money.
B: born for the scythe and the thorn. (Jayne Merriweather) Most of my B fics broke the threshold of "a decent amount of attention." This one was written for Critmas last year and I can't even remember if I actually let it hit the main tag. It's just a little Jayne backstory fic.
C: cut my teeth on the bread of pure temptation. (Essek & Lucien) This is one of my only Essek POV fics. Just a random meeting between Essek and the Tombtakers in the style of the Last Temptation of Christ, because I'm a pretentious asshole.
D: don't be chosen- make the choice to choose. (Kingsley & Orly) Another fic I wrote for last year's Critmas. A little conversation between Orly and King.
E: every dream i dream is founded in what came before. (Lucien) I know I link this one a lot and I didn't want to do it again, but it's one of my favorite Lucien character studies.
F: for the laughter in her eyes, i'd be a madman to refuse. (Lucien & Jester) This one actually broke my kudos threshold but shhh. I love it.
G: give me black cat bones as the clock strikes thirteen. (Tombtakers) A Tombtakers caper-fic that I love dearly.
H: he'll never know how much you've done. (Creecien) This one is set in the same timeline as this church takes no conversions but it doesn't require you to have read it. It's just some weird Creecien h/c with the usual Lucien bastard shit.
I: it's all swords and spades so cut me slowly. (Kash & Zahra) a rare CR1 fic from me. I just love writing Kash POV.
J: just tell me i'm allowed to stay right where you are. (Creecien) LOOK THIS WAS THE ONLY J FIC. I'm not picking the Creecien fics on purpose. (mostly)
K: the king lies bleeding. This one is, admittedly, the ninth part of an overarching fic series so it means nothing to most people unless you just wanna read Lucien getting dom-bombed by Cree for being reckless while Caleb is just like "that's hot." It's my only K fic okay.
L: life is not a game that has a clear and present winner. (Beau & Molly) A little Beau and Molly friendship fic with Molly character development.
M: may your princes understand you (may your wolves get out alive). (Jester & Artagan) This one also beat my kudos threshold but it was the lowest of the CR M's. And I still love this fic- the villain of it was the OC that Ira replaced in OUADYA.
N: never trust the tenor of the skies. ANOTHER FIC FROM EARTHQUAKE WEATHER. IT WAS THE ONLY N. Whatever man. The combination redemption arc/corruption arc is great. You just probably don't want to come in on the middle. (also yes I know i got the god wrong from Caleb's backstory, but it's an AU)
O: once you see the midway, you've already lost. (Jester and Artagan) I think we're seeing a theme in what I write. This one is a cute little thing I wrote for Critmas. I love writing Artagan interacting with other fey.
P: prayed at your altar with a pilgrim's devotion. (Creecien) Yeah, look, shut up. This one is just MEAN. And a horror story.
Q: No fic.
R: remember me as something bigger than i was. (Yasha & Kingsley) Another Critmas story. I love writing stories about the Nein accepting Kingsley's decision to treat Molly like a brother and adopting him as THEIR baby brother too.
S: said the fool to his majesty dethroned. (Molly & Lucien) I was trying not to do super recent fics, but most of the S-fics were either multichapters or fics that had plenty of attention and this one was my favorite Mollymauk Week fic.
U: No fic.
V: a victim that doesn't play fair. (Beau) This one was the only fic that started with v. Warnings for gladiator slavery, etc. It has a happy ending.
W: when the ice melts, will we still be skating circles?: (Creecien) This was my first Creecien fic, guys!! It's just as terrible as you'd expect of these assholes!
X: No fic.
Y: you will be the king no longer when we reach the glade. (Jester and Lucien) Every great Lucien redemption story starts with a panic attack. Also I love the reoccurring lines in this one. And also star Molly.
Z: No fic.
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piratespencil · 2 years
Veth & Beauyasha! Either one is fine if you don't want to do both. :)
How I feel about this character: I love her!!! I love her so much. She is my favourite character in any CR campaign. I watched a single cr2 animatic with her in it and decided I had to start cr2. She's perfect. <3
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Veth/Yeza of course!! Also Widobrave in any combination of romantic/platonic/somewhere in between is so compelling to me. (And by extension, Yeza/Veth/Caleb or Yeza/Veth/Caleb/Essek polyships...) Also in a more crackship kind of way, Veth/Fjord and Veth/Jester are fun! And Veth/Sunbreaker of course.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Veth & Jester besties!!
My unpopular opinion about this character: I don't know if I have any unpopular opinions about her?? I feel like most people I've seen agree that she's a good character! I'm surprised that more people don't ship Widobrave I guess?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I'm only 70-something eps into cr2 so I don't know everything there is to know about Veth, but from the spoilers that I do know I think I'm pretty happy with her character arc!
Favorite friendship for this character: Veth & Caleb and Veth & Jester.... faves...
My crossover ship: More friendship than romance but I saw someone saying they'd like to see Veth and Chetney together and could you imagine.... the chaos...
When I started shipping them: Right in episode 1!! I already knew they were endgame before I started cr2 but I didn't expect them to start flirting in the first episode and I loved them from there.
My thoughts: I love them!! Since I'm only 70-something eps into cr2 I feel like I haven't gotten into the really juicy Beauyasha content yet but I'm excited to get there!
What makes me happy about them: Very strong girlfriends getting to be soft with each other.... <3 <3 <3
What makes me sad about them: That Ashley is gone so often that I haven't gotten to see a lot of Beauyasha yet. :(
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: I haven't read a ton of Beauyasha fic but nothing I've read has annoyed me!
Things I look for in fanfic: I don't really go looking for Beauyasha fic... Maybe once I've seen more of them in canon!
My wishlist: Not sure!!! Need to see more of them first!
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Beau/Jester is cute!! (Also Beau/Keg.... I really liked Keg dghlkfghfdl...) Yasha/Happiness....
My happily ever after for them: As far as I know their canon ending is pretty happily ever after!! <3
(Ask meme!)
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potatoesandsunshine · 4 hours
tagged by @jadeandquartzes ty jade!! this was super fun
Rules: Go to your (current/main) AO3 account and find the following:
What ratings do you write most of your fics under?
T is the winner by far! the breakdown is 102 fics rated T, 29 fics rated G, and 4 rated M. this makes a lot of sense, since i feel like i usually aim for fairly T subject matter and writing style. i don’t have the chops to write gore, and the ‘work my way up to writing smut’ road is a long one. but i’ll climb that mountain one of these days. i’m practicing. so far it’s pretty easy to write really really bad sex scenes and extremely hard to write ones that i think are halfway decent.
What are your top three fandoms?
Critical Role is the biggest by far (82 fics, wowza), followed by D20 at 27 and Fallout: New Vegas at a whopping 5. but when i tell you those 5 fics mean more to me than the preceding 109....... it is true. (i’m not counting tlovm as a separate fandom, because i tag all the tlovm stuff as CR as like the umbrella it’s under)
What is the top character you write about?
this is a really interesting question, because it shows how kind of... not concentrated on one character i am? Pike is my top character, but she’s not in all hundred CR works, just 18 of them. i like to write about lots of characters i guess. (weirdly i thought the answer would be beau since i was so obsessed with her in the C2 era, but she’s like... ninth highest)
What are your top three pairings?
the top 3 pairings are: Rose of Sharon Cassidy/Female Courier (NEW VEGAS BABEYYYYY), Scanlan Shorthalt/Pike Trickfoot, and Fjord/Caleb Widogast. fjord/caleb being that high is wild actually. i think it’s because i write a lot of friendship stuff? anyway there’s no excuse for only one of these pairings being f/f. i’m sorry women i will be better
What are the top three additional tags?
Angst, Light Angst, Fluff. and i promise you angst and light angst are distinct from each other. i know it when i write it. more indicative of my writing is probably the next 3: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Friendship, Post-Canon. i love going down the ‘what if this had happened?’ rabbit hole or the ‘what happens after the camera’s cut?’ winding lane.
Does any of this surprise you?
you know... yeah it does? i always forget how much D20 fic i’ve written, because i’m pretty out of the loop of it now and MUCH of it was like 2020-2021 which are years i have mostly forgotten because of All Of That. sometimes i forget that i wrote more than like... 2 fics for acoc and that’s it. i truly just remember inventing plumbeline/annabelle and then the absurd calroy/donetta/ciabatta threesome unless i really think about it.
going through my works is fun because i’m a big rereader of my own stuff, but it also reminds me just how many ideas i wanna write in the future :) also it’s crazy that i only have 4 dragon age fics spread across all three games when i think about how much of my brain is taken up by that franchise. there are 9 dragon age documents in the WIP folder and three more just paper outlines in various notebooks. i’m insane about it right now. and they need me in there.
ty again!!! this was a really fun one :) as always, anyone is welcome to do it and say i tagged them :P
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impossibilitygirl · 5 years
i hate fandom limbo where ur not caught up with something and u wanna look up cool art n stuff but doing so means potentially subjecting urself to spoilers, but critical role is especially terrible for this because oh my GOD its SO LONG
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utilitycaster · 2 years
Why do you think Imogen/Laudna is not comparable to Caleb/Veth? At the start of C3, I thought they were similar and thought it was a strange how much Imogen/Laudna was being held up as the pinnacle of relationships in comparison to the hate/minimization that Caleb/Veth got. But I rewatched C2E27 and remembered how honestly they talked through their disagreement, which was way different from Imogen/Laudna's C3E27 reconciliation after the gnarlrock drama. What are your thoughts about it?
(got another anon on this as well as I was writing this up, so other anon, this is also for you!)
That's exactly the same moment I was thinking of! Veth and Caleb are able to disagree with each other in a way Imogen and Laudna aren't. Honestly, even from earlier, they're able to ask things of each other - Caleb outright asks Nott if she'll run away with him, alone, away from the group, if his reveal to Beau goes badly. Nott, even when half the party is missing, in the wake of Molly's death, when all she has is Beau (who she's known for a month and a half) and two allies she's known for a couple of days at most, is able to say "Wrong." to Caleb about something as important, but also as unnecessary as admitting that he cares about the other party members as friends, not just useful alliances. And that's the other thing - Nott is actively encouraging Caleb to make other connections and embracing her own new friendships, and she's willing to risk Caleb being mad with her - which for her, means risking her chance to get back her own body and life - to do it. And this is after less than a year of knowing him.
Laudna can't even say "will you promise not to side with the person who murdered me," let alone point out that Otohan also murdered Fearne, Orym, Eshteross, and Orym's husband and father-in law or that Ludinus casually destroyed Kadija's mind. She can't say this to someone she's lived and traveled with for two years, when the other five party members would all agree with her and stand by her. There's no trust. You know the phrase "if you love someone, let them go?" Laudna's too terrified to let go, and Veth isn't.
(I should note - I like Caleb and Veth's dynamic a lot but I never shipped them; but I also will defend them against anyone who denies that there were feelings, or who tries to pretend that Veth's statement that Caleb was like a son to her overrides her later statements about having a crush, or, you know, the fact that they aren't actually related so who the fuck cares. I mean, Vex and Keyleth canonically tell each other they consider each other sisters and that never stopped anyone. So this does come from a place of not shipping either of these pairs.)
So this is why "Imogen and Laudna were never given choices" statement is so hollow and meaningless. Because they're rendering themselves powerless and stripping themselves of all choices. They can't draw boundaries. (For what it's worth, Campaign 1's codependent pair, the twins, are able to draw boundaries without issue; Vax tells Vex to lay off Keyleth quite explicitly despite having only recently agonized over being separated from her for a few days). They can't choose themselves. They can't challenge each other or encourage each other's growth or ask something so important and yet so small as being honest with one's self. They're just so stuck in this holding pattern, even after they've grown in power and seen the possibility of losing each other, whereas Caleb and Veth's relationship constantly changes as they support and challenge each other and ask things of each other. You know what Veth does in episode 48 of that campaign? She screams at Caleb in anger because people connected to him hurt her family, even though Caleb has long since left those people and was a victim himself. Laudna can't even stand up for herself to Imogen (and we know Laudna can stand up for herself; that's what she's doing in the scene with Ashton) against her own murderer, even as Imogen outright entertains the possibility of allying with the Vanguard.
Caleb and Veth trust each other and themselves to still love and care for each other if they disagree. Laudna and Imogen do not.
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Hello all! Hope your Wednesday is going well. Today we have nine Pre-Relationship fics for you to enjoy! As always, you can find them below the cut and if you check any of them out, I encourage you to leave kudoes and comments to spread the rarepair love 🩷
gravity-bound by hanap (7,591 words, Teen) Pairing: Jester Lavorre/Essek Thelyss (Jessek) Warnings: None
Essek writes poetry under a pen name, Jester is a fan, she writes to him and they start to exchange letters over many years.
Reccer Says: I love epistolary fic, and also its so cute. There's a lot of background details of canon events we can fill in the background through the letters contents, which is very fun.
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in the pieces of what's left or what we've found by SeaWitchDreams (14,620 words, Teen) Pairing: Astrid Beck/Eadwulf Grieve/Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast (Blumenshadow) Warnings: None
Post canon, Astrid decides what to do with Ikithon's tower, and her life.
Reccer Says: Its a nice long read, and the character beats are complex and nuanced, bc that's what Astrid deserves <3
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That Lucidian Glow by fjorests_of_wildemount (455 words, General) Pairing: Kingsley Tealeaf/Essek Thelyss (Shadowking) Warnings: None
Essek needs to put on sunscreen, Kingsley volunteers.
Reccer Says: It's fun and cute moment <3
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to be in someone else's coat by jaskofalltrades (1,369 words, General) Pairing: Mollymauk Tealeaf/Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast (Shadowidomauk) Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
After Essek's dinner with the Nein at the Xhorhaus, Molly and Caleb walk him home. Flirting, of course, ensues.
Reccer Says: It's so fun to see how Essek responds to Molly's relentless flirting, filtering through Caleb's observations on how new Essek is to friendship. And how he can tell that Essek wants that companionship so badly! It's very sweet.
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though we're tethered to the story we must tell (when I saw you, well, I knew we'd tell it well). by exhaustedwerewolf (4,535 words, Teen) Pairing: Polymachina Warnings: Mentions of backstory typical violence and character death
On one wrist is your greatest love. On your other, your greatest adversary. And for a certain group of fated adventurers, one of these follows a pattern.
Reccer Says: I'm always a sucker for a good soulmate AU and I *love* ones of this flavor. The angst of not knowing which name is which is delicious and the way this fic plays with that for each member of VM is so good! Also love that the love-bonds don't Have to be romantic, I always appreciate that when it comes to soulmate AUs. And the way it all comes together in the end for VM is just... so good. Also the character voices in the narration? Spot on.
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know no shame by hanap (4,453 words, Teen) Pairing: Adeen Tasithar/Essek Thelyss Warnings: None
What if Essek and Adeen had crushes on each other as teenagers and were adorable, messy disaster about it?
Reccer Says: It's so cute. Like oh-my-god so cute. They're adorable with each other and baby wizard Essek trying to join the Aurora Watch so he can spend more time with Adeen has my WHOLE heart. The messy teenage feelings! The circumstances keeping them apart! Deirta and Dad Thelyss's reactions to them!!! It's all so so good.
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The Sunny Side by dracoqueen22 (1,767 words, General) Pairing: Jester Lavorre/Beauregard Lionett (Beaujes) Warnings: None
There’s nothing Beau won't do if it’ll make Jester smile, even if it means fixing something as minor as a sunburn.
Reccer Says: Cutteee <3 Beau is just so smitten. Plus Cad being his odd self in the first half <3
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Today I Love You Even More by wtgw (5,687 words, Teen) Pairing: Yeza Brenatto/Veth Brenatto/Caleb Widogast Warnings: None
Yeza Brenatto is a creature of infinite anxiety, but he’s not blind. He can see how much Veth loves Caleb. He can see how much Caleb loves her back. And he can also see that Caleb is really attractive. But it’s not like he’s not going to do anything about that…
Reccer Says: Yeza Brenatto is just a perfect sweetheart always and there's this scene where the three of them are sitting around drunk complementing each other that is just too cute
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Just Between Friends by biorusted (3,624 words, Explicit) Pairing: Ashton Greymoore/Orym/Dorian Storm (Dashrym) Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Aspec Dorian talks with Ashton and Orym about how sex has always felt to him and they share their feelings in return. Things escalate from there. Just as friends, of course.
Reccer Says: Aspec Dorian my beloved <3 always love the dynamics between these three, they fit together so well.
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Thank you for joining us this week’s recc list! All the love to everyone who submitted a fic 🩷 All enclosed recommendations were submitted by the community via our submissions form, which you can find here. All fic information is as it was provided by the reccer, so it may not be accurate to the author’s intent or the precise contents of the fic itself. Please assume good intent from all parties 🩷
Submissions for next week’s list are already open! We’ll be featuring Canon Divergent fics. If you have any you’d like to highlight, you can send them in here. The week after that, the theme is Keyleth Rarepairs and the weeks after that we’re taking recommendations for Polyamorous Ships and Enemies to Lovers fic! Submissions for all of these themes are currently open.
If you want more rarepair fic, check out @cr-summer-wildflowers and their event collections on ao3! If you want some friendship after all this romance, take a look at @critter-genfic-events and their recc lists! And if you’re interested in everyone’s favorite wizards, you can’t go wrong with the lists at @aeor-is-for-reccing !
Thanks all and have a lovely day/night/timezone! 🩷
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