#also i only have 3 more exams in the next week or so so hopefully i'll be able to write again soon
exopelagic · 4 months
i said i wouldn’t do it this time but it’s 3am and mods asleep. boy
#welcome to another episode of Luke is insane abt hockey boy!#this time featuring a guy who is actually this time almost (ALMOST) confirmed to be queer#the almost is partly me being insane because I don’t trust anything anymore#but like. there are only so many reasons you wear pride converse. that is not ally behaviour#it just threw me this time I think bc I’d been like no. heterosexual. bc I think I became aware of him when he joined the real hockey team#because the OTHER problem is that the whole time I’d been thinking he was cute as hell (bc he is) and simultaneously being like no. bad.#anyway this meant that I have actually talked to him a bunch without overthinking it this term which honestly has been very cool#not like a whole lot but we’ve played together a decent amount and hopefully will keep doing that#and yesterday discovered hes recommending other people talk to me abt goalieing which is insane to me bc I am truly not that good#but apparently I made an impression!#anyway it does not help that this guy has gotten incredibly good at hockey in the past few months#idk man I make bad decisions (I say as if this was a decision) bc it is now the end of term once again <3#which means absolutely nothing can or will happen until after summer. which isn’t an issue#I’m just frustrated by my tendency to realise these things right before I’m about to not see the guy for X period of time#I also desperately need to stop crushing on hockey boys I swear but in my defence that is the main way I meet people#I think I’m cursed actually. that would explain many things#anyway he also has exams until next Tuesday which means he’ll be at hockey next week but idk abt this week which is devastating#i just wanna have talk to the guy more honestly to see how that goes bc we’ve not rlly talked individually for an extended time yknow.#in other words we have not had A Conversation it’s been groups or like quicker exchanges#he’s kinda quiet but i can’t quite tell which way yknow. I know he’s Watching basically all the time. and he is slightly awkward#which is also kinda cute. he gets a lil rambly when he talks abt hockey and I wanna push that button more#i. topsy if you’re reading this you’re gonna laugh so hard I just realised. he’s captain of the team now.#which sidenote is INSANE bc he started playing with them THIS YEAR#but oh my god. okay.#anyway. I need to start complimenting guys more for multiple reasons but also#1. he dresses very cool 2. he caught me looking at his shirt last week without saying anything (BEFORE I caught the rainbow converse)#i compliment women on their clothes and jewellery and hair and shit all the time but I do not with men bc. I mean do I need to explain.#but ​this is so unfair I am haunted by existence of boy and here we are once again. posting on tumblr with the possibility of seeing him lik#two more times before summer. might be three or four depending on what he comes to#luke.txt
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umilily · 1 year
i'm home, so i'm finally back to terrorising your dashboards again 😎
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sixflame438 · 25 days
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Synopsis - Its exam season and you just finished your last paper. What better way to celebrate than to spend the night with the love of your life?
Pairing - Pham Hanni X Reader
Tags - Fluff, jumping jokes, swear words i think? Established relationship, possible spelling and grammar errors as i proofread this at 3am. You’re both so in love
A/N - FIRST POST!! Lowkey quite excited to make my debut but it’s scary lol. Hopefully you enjoy reading it. This is in honor of me finishing mocks, cant wait to fuck up my real ones :D
Word count - 4k
“Pens and pencils down students, your exams are now over” called a monotone voice. A crack of bones could be heard as the invigilator stood up and walked around collecting all the papers.  You hurriedly finished off what you were writing before dropping the pencil in your hand, looking back at your paper with disdain and disbelief. 
3 hours. You had spent 3 hours writing and erasing the same thing over and over again. The first time you had done spelling mistakes, the second time you had thought of a better way to rephrase everything and by the fifth time you rubbed your work out you had 5 minutes left.
Why did you even take that subject? You never enjoyed it and it was a chore to even complete the work assigned. Well it was either this or advanced maths and chemistry you thought to yourself, lowly chuckling knowing you would’ve rather jumped than take either of those courses.
Reluctantly you handed the paper over to the old man who said nothing as he hobbled over to the next desk, still with the same bored expression he wore when he first walked in. You cant blame him though, he had been sitting in the same room as you for 3 hours doing nothing but staring out the window. 
Scanning the room you could see the mixture of emotions, some ecstatic that the paper went well, some just as distraught as you were while some were just glad  it was over. Deciding maybe that’s the best thing to think about right now you also let out a sigh of relief, following your peers out of the exam hall.
After collecting your phone and bag you open it to see the time and no new text messages. Strange, Hanni should be free around now considering she had finished all her exams last week and the one you just took was the last one on the schedule. Thinking nothing more of it you trudged your way through the busy corridors of the building and found yourself in the cafeteria, the long, dreadful hours of your exam really took a toll on your energy.
After surveying your options for lunch you eventually decide to just keep it simple and grab 2 of the prepacked sandwiches, not even caring enough to see what flavours they were, you were just too hungry. As you took a bite of your sandwich (inside was ham, scrambled egg, hash brown and sauce) the deafening sounds of the dining hall finally catching up to you.
It was always busy, hundreds of students gathered in one place to hangout and enjoy some mediocre food, not to mention that an exam had just finished so the level of activity in the hall was tremendous. Deciding it was too much you opt to go home instead, back to your dorm you shared with the best (and your only) roommate you could ever ask for. It was the end of the week and you had no classes left either so there was no reason to stay anyways. 
During the hike home (you lived 10 minute walk away from campus) you stopped as you walked by the local park and playground. Seeing all the kids running around so carefree and excited had you reminiscing about all the times you and Hanni had fun there too. When one would have too much energy to sleep or were too bored to study you would always find a way back to the park together having the time of your life doing the most stupid shit known to man kind. Small but precious moments like those were the ones you cherished most. You didn’t need big grand and fancy to be happy, being quite content with small and intimate instead.
Finishing off the last bite of your sandwich you reached into your backpack and pulled out your second one as you continued your trek home. The first sandwich although did surprise you wasn’t all that bad. The flavours worked well together especially with the house made special sauce but it was all probably leftovers from breakfast anyway as they were your typical morning foods. You would kill to find out what was in that sauce though, there was just something about it that had your tastebuds melting away into a land of bliss and yumminess. Hanni never agreed with you (being a strong hater of the sauce) but found you quite endearing and just marked it off as one of your weird but adorable quirks. 
By the time you had finished your second sandwich (just a basic BLT but with chicken??) your legs had carried you to the front of your door. Scrambling around the pocket of your backpack you pull out your bundle of keys (filled with memorable keyrings and charms you and Hanni got one another) unlocking the door and slowly closing it behind as you enter.
Kicking off your shoes and placing down your stuff on the nearest table you walk over to your bedroom, quietly opening it to find a sleeping Hanni curled up in a little ball deep in the depths of her slumber. You giggle to yourself as you take a picture of the sight with your phone, adding it to the preexisting album of similar photos you had been sneakily taking for the past (almost) 1 year you guys had been together.
Hanni sleeping was one of your favourite versions of her. Here she is all calm and relaxed which is a stark contrast to when she was awake, lively and chaotic bring havoc anywhere she went. You loved her for it though, it brought a sense of uncertainty to your day and you just loved to see her have fun.
Deliberately trying not to disrupt the serenity you had found yourself in, you place your phone on the bedside drawer. Taking off your hoodie you change into more comfortable sleeping shorts. You carefully crawl into bed next to Hanni and wrap your arms around her waist. Instinctively Hanni responds to your touch pulling you closer to her and snuggling her head into the space between your head and shoulder. Your heart fluttered inside your chest at the small movement. The two of you did this every night but you knew you would never get tired of having her in your arms, basically sharing the same air. A small smile could be seen on your face as you drifted into the slumber of your afternoon nap, the exhaustion of the early morning hitting you hard. 
Shifting around you warily open your eyes to be met with closed blinds, a blanket placed over you (now ruffled up as you had woken up) and an empty spot where Hanni used to be. As you got out of bed and peeked behind the door you could clearly hear light jazz and the sound of Hanni tapping away on her phone.  Tiptoeing over to her you gently pull her into a soft embrace. She flinches a little startled by your presence but quickly reciprocates the hug. 
“Hey baby how was your nap?” 
“It was nice but i woke up to find my giant teddy bear missing” you say with a pout.
“Aww baby your so cute, I’m right here though and I’m not going anywhere” she says back with a light chuckle, clearly amused with your response. “How’d your last exam go?” 
“I don’t think its anything worth talking, it wasn’t anything good thats for sure.” You reply, disappointment clear on your face. 
“Hey its alright, its just a measly paper you can always do better in the finals yea? Mocks are just for practice anyway” 
“Yea yea” you say dismissively “Whatcha doin?”
“Oh yea i was replying to Yunjins text, she was asking if we were gonna go to Wonyoung’s party tonight, you know the one she hosts after every last exam?” 
“Are we?”
“That depends on you, do you wanna go?”
“Uhh I’m kinda tired and parties aren’t usually my scene anyway”
“I think you should though. It would be a good way to let loose after exams and have some fun. I’ve seen how tense you’ve been the past few weeks, studying so hard to do well. Plus you would get to see the rest of the girls, its been a while since we’ve all hung out outside of class.”
In all actuality you didn’t want to go at all but with how much Hanni wanted you to just have some fun, you couldn’t say no to those pleading eyes. You missed the girls anyway so it would be a nice bonus.
“Yea okay but I’m only gonna have a few drinks max.” 
“Its fine you drink as much as you want i’ll stay sober for you tonight. Just have some fun okay?”
Parties were always more Hanni’s forte and for her to stay sober just for you was heartwarming as you knew she didn’t want you to risk doing anything dumb or getting hurt. Testament of how you had broken a large ceramic vase at the last party you went to when you had drunk too much and tripped over your own foot while walking. Luckily Wonnie didn’t care too much about that specific vase, saying she wanted to get rid of it anyway so you just gave her more of a reason to do so.
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to feel left out or anything because of me”
“Yes I’m sure plus taking care of you is my full time responsibility can’t let anything happen to you. Now come on lets go get ready” Hanni says excitedly.
You grumble in annoyance but ultimately allow yourself to be dragged back into your bedroom, how could you ever say no to Hanni anyway???
“And done!” Hanni exclaims as she steps back, admiring her hard work. “I’m gonna go get myself ready now hurry up and put your outfit on! I’ll be waiting outside” your girlfriend says before kissing your cheek and skipping out of your shared bedroom. A light blush appears below the blush she had just finished applying to you as you smile to yourself. God you loved Hanni so much she was just so adorable and treated you so well too.
You were never a big fan of doing your makeup or purposefully dressing to impress and you only really started putting in that effort when you started trying to rizz Hanni up. (You tried and failed but she found you quite endearing) How you managed to pull her you will never know but you would go through all your failed attempts again if it meant having her by your side. She is literally the love of your life and the amount of things you would do for her makes you seem borderline insane, but anything for her right?
After putting on the outfit Hanni had planned for you and grabbing a few other essentials you walk out to see the girl in her own outfit, although simple it did wonders on making her look so much prettier. Or was it the other way around?
“Aww baby you’re so beautiful, I’m so glad I get to call you mine” 
“Such a sweet talker, have you seen yourself in the mirror? The pleasures all mine” You reply back in between kisses. If there was one way you would happily die to it was lack of oxygen while kissing Hanni. Her soft pillowy lips were quite literally to die for and just thinking about them could have you watering. 
“Okay we can continue this later let’s go!”
Hand in hand you walk up to the house that was blasting hiphop tunes, door wide open as you could see that it was already packed. You felt a queasy feeling come up but pushed it aside as you felt Hanni squeeze your hand in comfort. “Remember if you want to leave just let me know, i’ll probably be talking to other people but I promise to stand in open places so you can find me easier okay?” 
“Okay I’ll keep that in mind, thanks again for tonight”
“Aww baby you’re too cute” Hanni says with a happy pout, giving your face a little squish in the process. “Now go have fun its what your here for” 
“Yes ma’am” you respond with a small salute before going over to the drinks table. Hanni giggles again at your behaviour, how could she have not fallen for you? Although nonchalant on the outside you were just an adorable little loser, HER adorable loser and she wouldn’t trade you for anything. 
“Aye Yn you look so hot girl! If I didn’t know any better I’d so hit on you tonight” 
A small laugh escapes your mouth as you feel 2 arms wrapping around you. 
“Hey Gigi its nice to see you too and don’t even get me started on you’re outfit! Are you trying to get hit on tonight or something??”
“Haha thanks girly, I’m not but Minjeongs definitely trying to. She’s been attempting to flirt with Karina all night but she’s so short and cant stand her ground because she keeps getting interrupted by not only her own stupidity but also the other partygoers who are also trying to hit on Karina. I feel sorry for Minjeongie but its fucking hilarious to watch especially since she keeps stumbling over her words. She’s both whipped and drunk, its a great combo” Giselle tells you as she laughs at the situation Winter had gotten herself into.
“Enough about her let’s go get you some drinks in your system and have some fun!” 
You nod in agreement as you allow yourself to be dragged away again, twice in one day. 
By now you had had multiple drinks and played 4 rounds of beer pong against different classmates. You danced here and there when good songs started playing and also managed to trip up Yunjin completely on accident as she has tried walking up to talk to you. You didn’t drink much normally and were quite the lightweight.
Some how during the night you ended up with Minji instead, neither of you knowing how you ended up together. You were barely coherent as you tried to drink more, swaying from side to side as you walked. 
“Okay girl I think you’ve had enough where’s your girlfriend at? Come on Yn let’s go” Minji whines as she attempts to drag you over to Hanni but you weren’t having it, choosing to grab onto the nearest object you could to prevent yourself being dragged away. You weren’t about to be kidnapped today and no one but your girlfriend could touch you. 
“God you’re so stubborn how does Hanni deal with you everyday? You know what forget it you’re a lost cause” 
“HEY! You say exasperated “thats so meeeeaaannnnn” purposely elongating your words to annoy Minji even more.        
“Yea? Well I’m done ah perfect timing here’s the angel you speak so highly of.” 
“Hey Minji sorry for having to deal with her but I can take over now” Hanni had been easily alerted by your loud presence and came over to see what was up.
As soon as you registered who the owner of that angelic voice was you turned around and did a little jog over to her with outstretched arms ready to crush her and never let go.
“Hannnnniiiiiiiiiiiiii” You were always extra clingy when drinking but ONLY towards your beloved, everyone else had to face an annoying baby who was actively praying on their downfall. 
“Hey baby I’m here now” she tells you but she’s sure its gone straight over your head as you do nothing but cling tighter. 
Minji just stands there amused at the scene in front of her. “Nah don’t worry about it Yn hardly ever drinks anyway and despite how annoying she is she’s quite entertaining haha”
“Yea she’s something when she’s drunk alright. Do you and the rest of the girls wanna hang out sometime? Exam season is over and its been a while”
“Oh yea of course I’m so down, i’ll ask the girls later. Speaking of I should probably go check on Dani, last I saw she was throwing up in a random bush” Minji says wincing at the last part, Dani no anyone throwing up was a disgusting sight.
“Oof yea have fun dealing with her, I think I’m gonna take Yn home now. I’ll text you later yea?”
“Yep sounds like a plan, have a good night!” 
“I think you need that more to me haha” 
“Yea I probably do” Minji says deadpanning before leaving to go find Danielle “Cya!”
During her conversation with Minji you had managed to almost fall asleep just hanging onto Hanni like a koala and if it weren’t for the support you would’ve fallen over by now with how much you were swaying on your feet, the alcohol making you unable to stay still. 
“Hey sweetheart wanna go home now? You look very sleepy” Hanni cooes gently. However you were unresponsive so she pokes you in the cheek and squishes your face with her hands. This does nothing to wake you up though as the warm hands against your face just make you feel more at home. 
“Yn?” Hanni chuckles lightly. What a sweet sweet voice that is you think to yourself, should only belong to the prettiest girls in the world. Oh wait thats my girlfriend. Hehehehe, mine. Hanni chuckles again as she hears you mumble out that last part 
“Ynnie you’re too cute, come on lets get going” 
“Nooooo but I don’t wannnnaaa go homeeeee” You whine pouting your bottom lip even further as if it would convince Hanni more.
Your girlfriend thinks for a second before replying “how about we got get some food then? From that one place we go to when I’m hungover and your too lazy to cook?”
“Oh yay I love that place! They make the best fried chicken and cold noodles. Its always so yummy, there isn’t a single time its been bad. And their homemade dumplings??? Ugh so good. Have you tried their…” You carry on rambling as Hanni leads you out to your car, most of your words slurred but having spent so long with you now Hanni has no problem deciphering your drunken thoughts.
The entire drive over was just more of you asking and answering your own questions like a loopy idiot. Hanni did nothing but listen and hold one of your hands as she drove towards the late night restaurant you both frequented. Usually it was always Hanni yapping away so it was a nice change for both of you today.
After you both devoured that one hell of a meal;(you ordered almost everything and Hanni couldn’t find it in her to stop you. If it weren’t for the old grandma who owned the place you would probably be out of money now “yah don’t eat so much so late! Come back another day”) you decided to go to the local park.
It wasn’t far from your home (the same one you walked past earlier) and had a beautiful view. Not prettier than your girlfriend of course but definitely up there. Sure it was now 4am but thats beside the point and you both had nothing planned anyway. Somehow after spending the entire time laughing and giggling away your drunk ass still had too much energy, the alcohol still apparent in your system. Hanni didn’t know how you did it, you were always so energetic when drunk, more hyper and affectionate.
It was as if all the energy you didn’t use in the day gets stored and just comes out all at once. She loved you like this though as it gave her a chance to take care of you like you normally did to her. Hanni was always more appreciative when you drank though as it was when she realized how much energy it truly takes to look after a drunkie and made her feel sorry for you as you were always there for her after every night out. 
Hanni made her way over to your spot on the little hill, luckily she didn’t have to lug you around this time as you had bolted off as soon as she had parked the car. Running around like a child in the meadows, basking in the sunlight. It wasn’t the afternoon or anything close but the bright moon rays casted a wonderful glow over everything it touched, including your body that was now sprawled out on the grass. 
Sitting down next to you she leans on the giant oak tree standing proud as the flagpole of your sacred space. You shift closer to Hanni and put your head in her lap, staring up at the stars above. Tonight was the first time you had seen this many stars out in a while, the sky free of clouds as the stars shone like glitter in the night.
No matter how radiant the stars were you couldn’t stop yourself from looking at your girlfriend, her dazzling beauty and kind personality captured you in a kind of enchantment. There was no other star you needed except her. The both of you just sit and stare out at the stars as you enjoy being in each others presence. It had been about 10 minutes before you spoke up, nearly dozing off against Hanni.
“Hey Hanni thanks for taking me out tonight, I think I really needed this and I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.”
You speaking out of the blue catches her attention as she looks down at you with an affectionate smile.
“Aww sweetheart there’s no need to thank me I’m just returning the favour” She replies back proudly
“I love when you take care of me like I’m the only girl in the world” 
“I’ll make sure to do it more often then my sweet baby angel” Hanni says as she brings her hand up to your hair, combing through thoroughly and getting rid of the knots that formed from the eventful night you’ve had. “ you’re lucky I love taking care of you and I’ll keep doing it for as long as you’ll have me” 
“Make yourself comfortable then cause I don’t plan on leaving any time soon.” You retort back with a muffled chuckle. “Or ever for that matter” Whispering the last line softly when you feel a warm hand fall to your left cheek.
“Oh really? So forever?” Hanni asks a little amused but more wonderstruck as the implications of your words didn’t escape her. 
“Forever” you replied back, asserting your previous statement. 
Hanni’s face goes flush as she turns her head away from you in embarrassment, not that you could tell either way as your eyes had almost fully closed. A small ping from both of your phones regains Hanni’s attention as she glances down at the notification. Beaming at you she bends down to leave a kiss on your forehead. The gentle and delicate touch wakes you up as your eyes open up again, looking back at your girlfriend with a dopey and sleepy but loving gaze. 
“I love you so much you know that?” You remind Hanni as your eyes start fluttering close again, shifting in and out of consciousness. The mix of her tender touches and the stress of the week adding to your sleepy state. 
“You remind me everyday, how could I not?” Hanni quips before fondly adding  “I love you too Yn, happy 1 year anniversary” 
Tearing her gaze away from your drowsy figure, she could see the glimpses of sunlight start to poke through the sky.
A low whisper could be heard as you mumbled back an I love you too.
There is no combination of words Hanni could use to describe how much you meant to her and how much she cherished you. You were her everything. She smiled lovingly as she heard your breathing slowly even out.
Ironic how you fell asleep as the world began to wake but sometimes it’s better to just have that moment to yourselves. And what better time to have it than when everyones asleep? Not a single soul out to bother you.
Just you and the love of your life.
Together, forever. 
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kooahae · 1 year
After Last Night: Work Visit
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Read the previous drabble here.
Read the next drabble here.
Summary : something seems up with Jungkook so you go to his job to cheer him up.
Pairing: best friends to lovers, Jungkook X female reader 
Warnings: Fluff, Smut, Big d!ck koo, oral (m.receiving) use of good girl bc well that’s what he called her the first time, office Jk is hot to me- he’s still a simp, cursing, swallowing, deep throating, they're down bad for each other as always <3
Word count:  2.5K
A/N: Before we get a little angst we have this and one more fluff drabble coming out hopefully this week- if not I’ll do my best to lyk when. School is kicking my ass but yeah me and my angsty babies will have our moment. I promise. As always thanks for reading 🩵
Minors DNI
Today has been so long! Jungkook is beyond exhausted. He didn’t really want to be in the office at all today on top of it. He’s gotten used to working only 2 days in the office, and three at home due to his routine. The thought alone of his routine being disturbed pissed him off. Plus, He has been in serious work mode all week. He hasn’t even been able to just cuddle on the couch. You’ve been asleep the last 2 nights when he got home as well. You cuddle up to him like usual when he climbs into bed but damn, he’d do anything to just have a lazy day and not be in a rush to get up. 
Apparently, his employees can’t follow simple directions. He’s been stuck reprogramming a new app for what seems like forever. He swears if it didn’t pay the bills, and If he wasn’t so good at it- He’d find something else to occupy his time. He wishes he got paid for all the times you cross his mind, that would be a lot better than being here -and he’d be filthy rich! 
As Jungkook reaches into his pocket for his phone to call you, someone else rips his chance from him. 
You have got to be fucking kidding. 
“Oh, um..Mr. Jeon I just wanted to ask is it okay if I leave early today?” His assistant asks him. 
Jungkook has never been someone who was extremely strict. He knows he’s younger than most of the people working for him and he’s been cool about a lot of things because of that. However, that does not mean they can walk all over him. They take time away from you when they don’t do their job and also add more problems than solutions lately. He’s simply fed up. 
“Go into the meeting room and call everyone there please Duri.” He asks nicely, even though he doesn’t know why he keeps being so kind about it. 
“Oh…okay sir. Will do. But i-“
Jungkook really doesn’t care. He’s not trying to be mean but today has been a shit show. Things could be going better than this. That’s all he’s hoping for. 
“Duri…tell them they have thirty minutes. That means you too.” He points to the door, sitting his feet up on his desk. 
His assistant stares blankly, so Jungkook squints, points again and tilts his head. 
“By the time you’re done looking at me…There will be zero minutes.” He exhales placing his hands behind his head, as he watches Duri run out.
Today you’ve decided to bring Jungkook lunch, he seemed so sluggish this morning. He gave you your good morning kisses but you can tell something is up. He didn’t even remember his banana milk. You’ve seen him do a lot of unusual things, but this weirdly enough takes the cake. The last time you even remember him acting like this, was when he swore he bombed an exam -He got the top score in his class, but that’s not the point. Jungkook genuinely only acts like this when there’s more work than he wants to do, or he feels burnt out. You know him the same way you know yourself, if not better. You have been thinking about him heavily today as well. You both could use a day off after this week, but life isn’t always that kind, you’ll just have to make do with your idea today. 
You get dressed in a shirt of his since he likes you in them so much, a cute skirt and some shoes.  Food and banana milk in tow, making sure you feed Bam on the way out. 
Once you arrive you can hear him giving what may be a motivational speech in the conference room. Jungkook is so cool in your eyes. He has his own business at 23, which he started two years ago. His gym side-venture is thriving. You’re almost there with him but not quite yet, starting your own media company is in the works though, and it’s nice to have his support. It still amazes you how Jungkook can make his mind so quickly with business decisions. He’s really intelligent- that’s exactly what you love about him. 
You realize you’ve been just standing in the entryway like a creep daydreaming about your boyfriend so you continue to walk forward and get closer to the door. 
“Can someone explain to me why everyone thinks they can just leave early while I reprogram everything? “
Oh. That’s why he’s so tired. 
You take note that no one responded, so there’s no reason he should have been left to do everything. He’s absolutely right. Your poor baby. you know how much of a perfectionist he is as well. He deserves some rest too though.  You decide to keep listening. 
“We’re supposed to be a team so I treat you fairly but this isn’t fair…I have someone waiting at home for me too.” He says. 
That person is you- and that makes your heart do backflips, the butterflies in your tummy rise, and a smile creep upon your face. You now know why he’s been so out of it lately. He’s doing a lot of hard work, barely gets as much time home as his employees and he just misses spending time with you. You’ll definitely visit work more when he can’t be at home with you if it makes him feel better.  You miss him too whenever you’re separated. It’s really refreshing to know he feels the same. 
As for Jungkook. His heart is kind of heavy. He knows it hasn’t been that long but he’s really been stressed out lately, the past two weeks at work have been hell and he feels like he can’t catch a break. He just needs to be with you, somewhere he can relax. With someone who is his comfort place. 
“Starting today we all do our delegated parts. I do mine. You do yours. We talk to each other about things beforehand that could affect other people’s schedules. Understood?” He asks. You can tell he doesn’t want to be that guy, but he also knows he’s been too nice until now. 
“If you do your part I don’t care what you do afterward if you wanna go home so be it. But finish your task.” 
He looks so withdrawn and tired. Watching everyone give him a head nod, you decide to just go sit in his office while he dismisses everyone. 
He walks in completely irritated and immediately starts patting for his phone but then looks up to see you. Sitting on the loveseat in his office. Smiling and waving hello to him. The sun from the window lightly shines on you. You look like what you are- his angel. 
“Hi, handsome!” You stand up and walk towards him. 
“You’re really here? Like I’m not going crazy because I missed you?” He says waving his hand in his own face. 
He’s always so silly. You hug his waist. Your face in his chest. He immediately hugs back. He doesn’t know how you knew he needed you, but he doesn’t care. He just appreciates the fact that you always show up for him. You always have. 
“No, but you’re checking your hand silly to make sure you’re real. Instead, you should be kissing me to make sure I’m real…” you say peaking your head up and poking your lips out. 
“You’re so cute. “ He says leaning down to kiss you. Cupping your face in his hand. Lips smacking gently against yours. His kisses are so soft and feel divine. 
“I’m. sorry. I’m. not. home. “ he says a kiss between every word. 
You pull away and look up at him he’s still holding your face so you place a hand on his forearm.
“Don’t apologize for working. I’m glad you stood up for yourself and I’m even happier to be here with you.” You say and lean back in for another kiss. 
“How am I so lucky?” He says as you both finally pull away. 
“Makes two of us! I brought you lunch and even brought my laptop too.…”
Jungkook sits in his office chair and you climb on his lap. Straddling him. 
He immediately reaches for the remote that closes the blinds. Not that anyone can see his office from where they sit but just in case they thought of approaching him. 
You wrap your arms around his neck. 
“If you’re gonna be bored and have to be here, let’s be bored and overworked, responsible people together…” You say leaving a kiss on his neck. 
“…I can rub your shoulders while you code. You can fill me in on everything I missed this week.” 
He hisses at the sensation of your neck kisses. Hands running up and down your sides. 
“I really missed you.” He says and puts a finger on your chin to tilt your head to his. Kissing you yet again. 
Then he continues. “Don’t want to work, just want to be with you” He’s always pouting, so you do what anyone would do in your situation-Pull his bottom lip in, and suck on it gently then let it go with a pop. 
That’s when an idea pops into your head. 
Jungkook’s office is spacious, and you can tell he needs to decompress, so maybe you’ll …
“Don’t work then, let me do it.” You say and push the chair back a little bit so you can stand up. 
Jungkook raises an eyebrow, “ Aren’t you supposed to do your work?”
“I will.” You say and he looks up at you. Standing in front of him with your head tilted- fucking cute, he also takes note of how you made sure to wear his shirt. 
“Baby you don’t really like coding… I tried teaching you before unless it’s a blog or something-“ you interrupt him. 
You place your hands on his thighs, hovering, still standing, and kissing him. 
“If I do a good job on it, we go home.” You state matter of factly. Almost like you’re making a deal, that you know you’ve won. 
He chuckles “Who’s work mine or yours?”
“Mmm it’s my task but…” Jungkook watches as your fingers dance closer to his crotch.  
“You’re the work.” You finish your statement dropping to your knees. 
You love the way he looks at you from above. Biting his lip and tilting his head slightly. 
Jungkook raises his hips so you can unfasten the button on his trousers.
“Gotta be quiet princess-oh shitt.” 
Jungkook’s head falls back as your hand strokes up and down his length. He knew he was the task- but if you’re about to suck him off here, his work day has had the best turn of events possible. 
“I’m gonna make you feel good, okay?” he nods breathlessly, It’s interesting how you both have the same effect on each other. 
“Don’t you always.” He says rolling his head forward to watch you. His mouth is drawn out into an ‘O’ shape, You know how much eye contact turns him on and you haven’t broken it yet. He looks fucked out and you’ve barely done anything. 
You spit on his dick and move your hands up, your pumps are perfect and have him bring his lip more and more at the sensation. 
“Babygirl, I think that’s enough teasing.”
You shake your head no and look up at him through your lashes. 
“How can you look at me like that knowing I’ll rip your clothes to shreds if -Fuck.”  You don’t mean to interrupt him. You promise. You just really notice all the precum oozing from his tip and can’t help but put your mouth on it. Sucking on the head of his dick like the good girl you’ve shown him you can be. He deserves it though
If you kept teasing him, you knew he would edge you non-stop later as well - and you’re already soaking through your panties. 
As you look up at Jungkook once more, you slide his entire length in your mouth at once, His shoulders relax and his hand comes to your hair and moves it out of your face. 
He has a thing for visuals, you happen to be his favorite.  
You rest at the base and keep your eyes on him as you bob up and down. Jungkook is massive, He’s really impressed that you can take him the way you do, and suck him so effortlessly. All of it makes him hard whenever he thinks about it. This is going to be engraved in his brain forever. 
You finally lift up and Jungkook watches the drool from your lips that’s attached to his cock as well. 
You moan at the sight of how red, swollen, and slobbery you have his dick, before going back in for more. 
Jungkook’s moans have been turning you on, he sounds so good and it’s making you never want to stop as you suck the soul out of him. 
You start to moan too, rubbing your thighs together for friction.  He just looks so fucking good!  You could cum from the visual in front of you as well
“Look at you sucking my dick like a good girl, so fucking pretty!” He says gripping your hair up more so he can enjoy his view. 
You go all the way down once more, then tighten your lips as you come back to the head of his dick, moaning so he feels the vibrations go down his shaft. 
“Just like that baby.” He says encouraging you. 
You continue deep throating him, watching his knees get weaker even though he’s in the chair, he looks like he’s barely holding on. Fully concentrating on the way he looks at you with lusty eyes but can’t contain his moans. 
Your hand starts palming his balls as you feel him deep in your throat. 
“Fuck baby girl, I’m gonna cum soon- oh my fucking god!” He’s trying his best to be quiet. You really hope his coworkers can’t hear him, but a part of you doesn’t care as long as he feels better. 
Jungkook is close and you nonverbally ask him with the look you give him for confirmation, just to double-check. He’s panting and can barely answer you. 
“Y-ye-yes baby.” He finally manages to muster out. 
You swirl your tongue up and down as you continue deep-throating him. It’s all so sloppy and messy. Your eyes are a little watery too, but you won’t stop until you swallow every last drop. 
“Fuck fuck fuck.” His chants and breathing are erratic which means…
Jungkook pushes your head all the way down and bites his lip, looking at you as he cums all down your throat. It’s so warm and thick. You moan and feel his hand slip from your hair to your neck as he pushes himself further one more time.
He pulls all the way out and you gasp but stick your tongue out to show him you’ve swallowed every last drop. 
You rise to your feet and sit on his desk, but he stands all the way up and towers over you. Lips brush across yours before he leans into your neck and leaves a kiss right below your ear lobe. 
“I’d love to bend you over here but let’s go home. I want to hear you scream.”
 You don’t have to be told twice! 
So back home you go- the both of you. 
Taglist : @joyfulwobblerhoagieegg @diorh0seokie @jennafromhome @taesungx @kimber-kook @whoa-jo @kaiparkerwifes @yoonglesbby07 @bangtansoneyondanfan
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subarashiihibi · 5 months
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i can't quite put into words what exactly izaya has meant to me over the past 8 years. one, it sounds really corny and i go off into at least 30 different tangents about all the little things that make him so endearing to me, but also i just dont really know how to sound eloquent and stuff. that being said, a lot of the person i am today is (for better or for worse) thanks to izaya, so i think if i leave it at that you can at least get it a little bit. ^_^
i was really excited to set this year's display up. i changed the room i used this time, since i got a new desk, and it was...kind of a challenge at first, but after moving around a bunch of furniture and whatnot, i made it work...!
i had to forego putting up a few other things... namely the rest of my bromides and postcards, but also all my shikishi. i need to invest in some way to display them... i also had two(!!) dakimakura... i had to leave out this year. </3 and the cardboard cutout i made when i was 16. 😭
as usual, i have a lot of stuff to say about this entire thing and the stuff around it, so i... will leave my rambling under the cut. (^□^)
my god putting this thing together was hell. i said 'challenge' earlier no this shit was like a fucking war omfg. the clear files kept falling i was miserable and praying to god (im not even religious). and then i had to tape behind the big izaya balloon poster cause it's covering my doorway and it kept getting pulled back to the door...? and it looked stupid. 🤦‍♂️ i wasn't originally gonna put the tables in here either. i really wanted to be able to fit the bed sheets on the walls. but i couldn't... and i needed more room to put the pillows and stuff, so it ended up working out perfectly.
(the only reason i didn't want to use tables was cause i didn't want something covering up izaya's sexy exposed feet in the china poster... 😟)
i was (finally) gonna get a cake this year, but after having the stress of two exams back to back this week and exams next week, i...was too exhausted lol. hopefully next year i won't have an awful overnight job or school making me miserable. (as if i'm not still gonna be a student next year☠)
the amount of durarara merch that's come out the past few years has left me feeling so spoiled... i hope they do a mail order for the 20th anni merch... i want all the izaya stuff without the crazy markups from resellers online🤬
also plz don't judge my toploader deco skills too much... i am not very experienced... and i also don't have a lot of stickers to work with... 🥺
at any rate... at this exact time last year, i was suffering inside the confines of my local walmart... i was working overnight, and my break was at 12am, so as soon as it hit, i ran out to my car to excitedly celebrate the date changing to may 4th...!
and then during my lunch break, i drove to the whataburger next door and did another 10-pull on the izaya birthday kuji while in the drivethru.
i didn't realize this until i started taking stuff down in my room (this is my bedroom... i can't realistically keep two large tables in here and a poster covering my doorway. i had to crawl under the table just to get in and out. my knees still hurt.), but... i actually forgot something i wanted to include... my izaya lightstick... 💔💔💔 it's okay. i will live. i'm happy with my setup as a whole so i have no qualms with this. i just need to make sure i don't make the same mistake next year.
on a (slightly) unrelated note, yesterday (may 3) was the 19th birthday of my favorite album ever from my favorite band ever, fall out boy's from under the cork tree! i was so happy when i found out it's right before izaya's birthday cause fall out boy as a whole has so many izaya coded lyrics it's crazy. (btw, their debut album tttyg came out on the 6th as well...!)
and then tomorrow is cinco de mayo... it's not a coincidence... latina izaya truthers rise up...
anyways...! i'm finally learning how to draw properly. the reason i was always so miserable when i tried before was cause i never knew what i was doing. i didn't know where to start from. because...i didn't use references...so hopefully i can draw something cute for izaya's birthday next year. ^_^
that's all i have to say...! i woke up early this (yesterday) morning at 9am so i could be there at 10am when midnight hit in japan, and it's already 3am on the 4th, so i'm exhausted lol...
i was so excited seeing all the izaya bday fanart on twitter though. all the beautiful artists making beautiful art...
but i've spoken too much now. sorry. i'm going to spend the rest of my night listening to fall out boy before i eventually pass out. bye bye !!!! ^_^
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catboyfelixer · 7 months
I Hope You’ll Always Be My Guardian Angel | Lee Felix
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Pairing: Felix x GN!Reader Summary: Felix is a guardian angel-in-training, and you’re his last assignment before he can graduate. Genre: Fluff, Humor Notes: Jeongin also makes an appearance in this <3
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All Felix could hear was pencils on paper scribbling away, students flipping to the back of the test that he had finished half an hour ago. This was not his first rodeo. This wasn’t even his second rodeo. But every time he failed his in-person assessment, he had to come back and do the written test all over again.
All he wanted to do escape the white walls, floors, uniforms, furniture, everything, and get back to Earth. The only other color in the room were the black numbers on the white clock, ticking agonizingly slow. Normally he would drift off into daydreams about his next assignment on Earth to pass the time. But lately those daydreams would turn into embarrassing memories of failing his exams on Earth and dread about failing them all over again.
At least he wasn’t alone. Most of his classmates had passed on their first try, but Jeongin being here too made him feel a bit better. He was asleep on the desk next to Felix’s, drooling a bit on the test. He always looks peaceful, even smiling in his sleep. Felix wishes he could be this laid-back about failing as many times as they have. Whenever Felix has doubts about ever graduating, Jeongin throws an arm around him and tells him they’ll make it eventually, even if it takes a hundred years. Hopefully they’ll both pass this time, and join their friends as full-fledged guardian angels.
The instructor rings the chimes, playing a melodic tune to signal the end of the exam. Felix shakes Jeongin awake, and they get ready to find out who they’ll be assigned to for the next two weeks.
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You slammed the door to your apartment as you walked in, and dropped your bag on the ground. The loud thud didn't startle you, and you didn't care about all your textbooks splaying out. Who cares about the tripping hazard.
Yeah, it was one of those days.
First, you spilled coffee on your new shirt. You were too far from home to change and you were running late for class anyway.
Second, none of your group had anything prepared for their parts in the group project. Nothing! They had two weeks to do literally anything. You'll have to bring this up to the professor before the presentation tomorrow.
Third, your laptop just completely died during your last class of the day. All the notes you took- gone.
Fourth, you banged your elbow on the door frame on the way out of class. Maybe you would've been calm if it was only three things. But come on.
You're lucky nothing happened on the way home, who knows if you would've lost your mind.
You hear a knock at the door. After a brief pause, there are two more louder knocks.
Fifth, someone's at your door. On your bad day.
You mentally compose yourself, taking a deep breath before walking to the door.
When you open it, you're blinded by bright lights enveloping a figure in the hallway. You cover your eyes and hear a voice.
"Oh, sorry. Let me turn that down." The figure reaches up and turns down the light coming from the halo on his head.
You look back, and see a man dressed in all white from head to toe. He has shoulder length blonde hair, what seems to be a halo floating on top of his head, and a pair of translucent wings behind him.
"Um... Be not afraid?" he says, tilting his head as if he's the one confused here.
You just stare at him blankly. Why is there a man dressed like an angel at your door.
He sticks out his hand, hoping for a handshake. When you just continue staring at him in bewilderment, he clears his throat and tries again.
"Hello, my name is Felix and I'll be your guardian angel for the next two weeks." The way he says it is stilted, as if he's practiced saying this beforehand.
"What?" is all you manage to say at first. This is so completely bizarre.
"I've never been good at this part. Can I come in? It'll be easier to explain if I can sit down and read my cue cards," he explains, already walking past you and into the living room behind you. He trips on the bag you left on the floor and stumbles into a side table, knocking over a potted plant.
He stands up, wipes the dirt off his pants, and continues walking like nothing happened. He sits down on the old black leather couch your parents gave you and some cue cards appear in his hands out of thin air.
He flips through them, nodding at each card before they magically disappear when he's finished reading them. Looking up at you, he smiles and pats the couch next to him, which you ignore.
"Like I said, my name is Felix and I'm in training to be a guardian angel. You're my assignment for my exam. Nice to meet you!" He puts out his hand for you to shake again, and this time you hesitantly take up the offer.
"Ok, let me get this straight. Guardian angels exist. Ok. I guess this might as well happen," you start, finally taking a seat across from him, "But why only two weeks? Do I just... not get a guardian angel after that?"
"Don't worry, you didn't have one before this and you were just fine, right?"
Considering the day you just had, that's debatable.
"Why does an angel need to take an exam? Aren't you, like, just born knowing how to angel?"
"No, that's silly. And also, I wasn't born," he says, not elaborating on why that's silly or how angels are made.
"I wasn't born either," you lie. You shouldn't be the only one caught off guard today.
"Oh, that's interesting," he responds. He pulls out a notepad and a pencil and writes that down. Did he... believe you?
Somehow you find that endearing. Just a little bit.
"Oh yeah, I have more cue cards to get through."
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He follows behind you on your walk to the grocery store like a puppy. Every so often he yells out "BE CAREFUL!" just before you step on a rock.
He pulls you towards him, wrapping his arms around your waist and tucking his chin in the crook of your neck. He's unexpectedly warm, warmer than any person you've been in an embrace with. Are angels known to be warm? You'll have to look that up later. You subconsciously lean into him, and against your own will, you notice your heart beating harder in your chest.
You look around, expecting a bike to be barreling towards you or something, but he points to the ground where a squirrel runs by your feet. When it's gone, he lets you go, and the warmth retreats too. You turn around to question him, but he starts talking first.
"Phew, that could've been dangerous, good thing I was here," he says. He wipes some non-existent sweat off his forehead and gives you a thumbs up.
"There's no way that would've been dangerous," you start, but he's too busy mentally patting himself on the back for a job well done. He doesn't hear you at all.
You sigh, and you guess this is what your life will be like for the next two weeks.
When you get to the store, no one seems to notice the wings or the halo. But what they do notice is the kindhearted guy helping the little old lady get some organic cereal off the top shelf, and the pretty boy making funny faces at a crying baby to calm her down. You definitely notice the cute way he furrows his brow while reading the shopping list, making sure you didn't forget anything. And how he offers to carry the heavy bags for you when you finish paying. He's lifting an entire bag of flour under one arm, and two more reusable shopping bags with his other hand. He's kind of... nice to have around, you think.
You don't think about his pretty face or his toned arms carrying your groceries, not at all.
The two of you walk home, side-by-side. Your thoughts wander to what happens after. Will he go inside the apartment again? Where is he living while on Earth. He's not expecting to stay the night, is he? You just met him. Then again, he is your guardian angel. If anything, it's probably better to have him close by. Just in case. You turn to ask him where he's staying, but he suddenly stops in his tracks and stares past you, further down the street. He squints to see something, and then a big goofy smile spreads across his face.
You look, and there's two men in the distance. One is just a regular dude eating a hotdog. The other guy... is another angel. He's wearing the same all white outfit as Felix, and there's a halo floating above him emitting a soft light.
"Jeongin!" he calls out, and when the angel turns, his translucent wings catch the light of his halo and become barely visible.
'Jeongin' smiles brightly and waves in your direction. Felix drops your groceries and jogs to catch up with his friend. They do a complicated handshake and start talking, which would be cool if you weren't left with all the heavy bags on the ground.
Above you, you hear a man shout 'Mamma mia!' and when you look up, a giant black blur falls out of a balcony.
A crash roars through the street, followed by a perfect C major chord, and when Felix turns around there's a broken grand piano where you once stood.
"Ah.... shoot."
The last thing Felix sees before being teleported away is the man next to Jeongin falling over after choking on his hot dog.
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A moment later, and Felix is back in a very familiar room. White walls, white carpet, a white couch and a white coffee table greet him once again. He takes a seat, and Jeongin appears in the room too.
"I lasted longer this time!" Jeongin exclaims, punching his fist in the air as a show of victory.
"By literally half a second."
"Still counts," Jeongin responds, and Felix rolls his eyes.
"So what happened to your guy?"
"I think the hotdog was bad, I don't know," Jeongin says, scratching his chin. "He got it from back of some guys car. Maybe food poisoning."
The sound of the door swinging open grabs their attention, and they watch as their principal walks in.
"How can there already be two people back, the exam just start- oh"
Principal Park sighs as he looks at the two students in his office. Of course it's these two again. He adjusts his glasses and addresses them.
"You both know the drill, be back for the written test in two weeks," he says, and leaves them alone in the lobby again.
Felix stands up to leave, and a familiar phrase escapes his lips.
"You know, I'm starting to think we might not be good at this."
Jeongin wraps his arm around Felix's shoulder, and says the same thing he always does when doubt creeps in.
"This was just a test round! Next time is the real deal. We'll get it for sure!"
And with that, they leave to prepare for their next exam, memories of their latest failure already being buried away.
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mylovelies-docx · 1 year
Sorry, I Love You - Part 8
I apologize for not posting last week. How about this longer chapter to make up for it?
Plot: You and Bucky have a good thing going - best of friends that also have more than a little chemistry between the sheets. Everything is fine until you develop feelings for the man who doesn't want a relationship. What will happen when Bucky finds out?
C/W: First day of HYDRA work, social gatherings
Word Count: 2,270
Tag List: NOW CLOSED! If you'd like to keep up with this story, please follow my blog and turn on notifications! ❤️ you :)
[Prologue][Part 1][Part 2][Part 3][Part 4][Part 5][Part 6][Part 7]
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The next morning dawned bright and chilly. You only know this because you happened to pass by a window covered in frost on your way to one of the HYDRA labs within the facility. 
Your first few hours on site had you running through various tests and exams to study your mental capacity and knowledge on the interest that HYDRA holds in the biology field. There was nothing shocking or unexpected that your new supervisors asked you, but the implications of what they expect from you sends shivers down your spine. You studied and memorized and read for weeks in preparation for this assignment last year, and you’re so glad that your brain retains this kind of information like a sponge – you’d have been disposed of on the spot if your background hadn’t checked out.
But now you’ve ‘officially’ joined HYDRA. The thought leaves a bad taste in your mouth, but you wash it down with the knowledge that what you’re doing is going to help the world by eliminating whatever disgusting and horrible work is being done here.
The plan is to spend as much time as it takes to gain HYDRA’s confidence in your abilities and allow you access to the higher level projects – the world-ending projects. This could take weeks. Or months. Hopefully not years? Being Bucky’s sister for that long would drive you insane.
“You,” a scientist snaps from behind their desk as you pass their open office door. You stop in your tracks and peer into the dingy office, noticing scuff marks and mysterious stains on the floor. The man’s desk has every square inch covered in files and papers. So much so that there is a noticeable curvature on the desktop, the cheap material unable to handle the amount of weight it has been subjected to over the years.
“Yes, sir?” you inquire.
He refuses to look up from his work, instead opting to dangle a set of keys from his fingers in your direction. “Go and grab the files for project 0B276HG21 in storage room C.”
Repeating the string of numbers and letters in your head, you take the keys from his outstretched hand and make your way to the storage room. There are so many rooms within the facility that you would be lost without the information your informant sent the team. But even with it, the facility has undergone changes since the last facility plans were uploaded, so you run into dead ends where there should be access doors.
You can only hope that your experience and knowledge will allow you to work your way up quickly – you don’t know how long you can stand to be a lackey. You roll your eyes at the errands you’ve had to run so far, but you know that the new person never gets given the big jobs on the first day.
And so the rest of the shift passes in the same manner and you arrive back at your and Bucky’s house with little energy and even less information.
“Don’t worry about it, doll,” Bucky reassures. “Slow and steady wins the race, right?”
“That’s such a stupid fable,” you grumble. “The hare would have won if it didn’t have such an inflated ego.”
Bucky grins at your disgruntled face before you flop your head backwards to rest. You release a sigh and relax further into the couch where you collapsed after walking in the front door, relieved to smell dinner simmering away on the stove since you arrived home later than expected and hadn’t had the opportunity to grab lunch. 
You tilt your head and watch as Bucky shuffles around the kitchen. He’s long since showered after his time at the repair shop: his hair nearly dry and the strands sticking out in a way that you know he tousled it with his towel and let it finish air drying. The new shorter strands allowed for the minimal work to pay off in dividends because it was damn near impossible to remember how soft his hair used to be and not be able to run your fingers through it now. 
Your fingers itch to reach out, but you grip the cushion instead. No one said that this would be easy. Well, no one has said it’d be anything because Nat’s mission has her radio silent and Wanda is busy spending time with Vis for you to complain about your one-sided love with someone who doesn’t know the feeling. You know that if they knew what was happening right now, they’d be plying you with ideas on how to survive this mission with minimal heartbreak.
“The food is done,” Bucky says as he gathers plates and utensils to set the table. “Are you coming in here or do you want me to bring you a bowl?”
Unfortunately, your best friends aren’t available to provide their wisdom, so here you are: suffering in silence with no outlet. 
“I’ll be there in a second,” you respond. You unclench your fist from the couch’s fabric and stretch out your stiff fingers. Rising from your seat, you make your way into the kitchen and take a seat at the table as Bucky brings the pot over from the stove. You stare intently into the soup as Bucky ladles it into a bowl and sets it in front of you.
“Did something happen today?” he questions with a worried expression.
“You know HYDRA,” you tiredly reply. Looking up into his eyes for the first time this evening, you see the crease between his brows and mentally slap yourself. “I’m fine, Bucky. They don’t have me working on anything specific yet.”
“I know,” he says, “but just be careful with those people, okay?”
You smile up at him and nod your head, your heart squeezing in your chest.
You’re both silent through dinner with the exception of your compliments on Bucky’s cooking. It’s hard to clear the air after bringing up HYDRA and their actions, even in the vaguest way.
The week stretches on for an eternity, but eventually Saturday rolls around and you and Bucky prepare to meet the neighborhood.
You arrive at the restaurant right on time. Light pours from the windows and the snow on the ground glistens gold. As soon as you open the car door, you hear laughter and chatter forcing their way through the walls.
“I hate entering a party where everybody is already best friends with each other and then you’re left standing there like a loner,” you decry, already dreading the feeling of ‘otherness’ you will be experiencing in a few short moments.
“You’re not a loner,” Bucky laughs. “You make friends as easily as breathing.”
“Not true,” you counter. “I can make ‘friends’ with strangers, but it’s never anything real. I’m a spy, remember? It’s literally life or death to get people to like me.”
“Trust me, doll,” Bucky says as he looks intently at you from across the car. “People can’t help but love you.”
Heat rushes to your cheeks and you hope the light from the restaurant isn’t bright enough to reveal them to Bucky. The feelings squirming around in your stomach feel suspiciously like hope, and you can’t have that. You deflect any seriousness by laughing off Bucky’s comment.
“Tell that to all the people I’ve thrown in prison.”
Bucky calls your name with some disappointment and a slight frown on his face. You shrug your shoulders and motion towards the entrance. “It’s time to head inside. Come on.” 
You walk away from him and lead the way into the building. Upon opening the door, a blast of warm, humid air hits you. The smell of beer and sweat sweeps up your nostrils, and the interior design reminds you more of a local dive bar than a restaurant. But everyone is laughing and having a good time, so you plaster a smile on your face and look around for the Gretens.
You see Christopher speaking to a short, skinny man, deep in conversation and barely acknowledging anyone else. Tessa stands in a corner surrounded by three other women, all of them laughing and having a good time. Bucky walks up behind you as you stand in the doorway and puts a hand on your shoulder.
“Divide and conquer?” he asks. You nod your head and make your way over to the group of women.
When you’re within ten feet of her, Tessa notices you. She beams at you and raises her hand to usher you closer. 
“Ladies!” Tessa introduces. “Meet our newest neighbor!”
A round of introductions follows and you can’t help but admire how blatantly obvious these women are about their curiosity.  Tessa seems to have already told them everything she knows about you, but they have to ask their own questions. 
“And where’s that brother of yours?” one of them asks. “Tessa’s told us how handsome he is! I’ve got a daughter I’ve been trying to get out of the house for ages.”
You laugh through the twist of your guts, replying merrily, “Oh, I’m sure he’d appreciate the introduction.”
Before the woman can demand a personal introduction, Tessa interrupts when the entrance opens once again and lets in a blast of cold air.
“Petre!” She performs the same waving hand motion that brought you over earlier to the new arrival. “Come here!”
Glancing back, you see a tall man with dark hair and dark eyes making his way over to you. He stops in front of Tessa and wraps her in a quick hug.
“This is my son, Petre. Petre, this is our neighbor.”
Petre greets you warmly. “Hello, it’s nice to finally meet you. My mother hasn’t stopped talking about you since you moved in.”
You giggle when Tessa pats his arm roughly and shake his proffered hand. His skin is warm and dry, the skin on the back of his knuckles chapped from the winter weather. Tessa not-so-subtly draws the other women away from you and Petre and into another conversation, leaving you to speak with each other.
“Your mother seems to think we’d make a good pair,” you comment with a glance over at her.
“Ah, yes,” Petre says while fiddling with his shirt sleeves. “She’s been introducing me to every woman of marrying age. I think she’s afraid I’ll end up alone.”
You can’t help but laugh at his deprecating tone of voice. “We’re young – we’ve still got time.”
“Try telling her that,” he responds. “Being 30 and unmarried is one of the worst things you can be in her eyes.”
You chat with Petre between introductions for the next couple of hours. He sticks close by his mother which keeps him close to you, as Tessa demands everyone that walks by to greet you. Countless faces come and go, but there seems to be someone missing.
You turn to Tessa when the party seems to be winding down and a few people have started to leave. “Where’s your daughter?” you question.
“Kerri and Chrissie are right over there,” she nods, indicating the two young women in a cluster a few feet from you.
“Yes, I remember them from a little while ago. Where’s your other daughter? Sasha?”
At this, Tessa’s face drops and Petre looks at her worriedly. He places his arm around his mother’s shoulders and brings her into his side. “She’s not well,” Petre answers for his mother. “She has been sick for a while now.”
“Oh. Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.”
“It’s – it’s alright,” Tessa responds with a sorrowful smile. “She’s at home. Resting.”
“Well I hope she gets better soon,” you reply hopefully. Petre and Tessa nod tersely before steering the conversation off to something else.
It isn’t long after that when you feel Bucky sidle up next to you. He places his hand on your upper arm and pulls you closer into his side. “You ready to go?” he questions.
You hum and say your goodbyes to the people standing around you, promising to come out with Tessa to more gatherings. You and Bucky make your way back out into the cold night, the moon full and bright in the sky.
The car doors close behind you and Bucky starts the engine. You rumble along the road for a few minutes before Bucky says anything.
“Who were you talking to all night?” he asks you.
“Ah.” You sigh. “That was Tessa’s eldest son. The one she mentioned at dinner.”
“And?” he prompts.
“You were with him all night – what was he like? Anything seem off with him?”
You’re not exactly sure what Bucky is getting at, as he’d been talking with a couple of the same people throughout the night as well. “Well no, but it’s not like I could dig any deeper than surface level with so many people coming in and out of the conversation.”
Bucky hums noncommittally. You furrow your brow, but brush it off. “Did you find anything out from Christopher?”
“Not really. I did notice that one of his daughters wasn’t there tonight. Sarah?”
“Sasha,” you correct. “And no, I asked about her, as well. Petre and Tessa seemed really bothered when I brought her up: apparently she’s been pretty sick lately.”
“How sick?” Bucky asks.
“I’m not sure. It didn’t seem like they wanted to talk about it, though.”
“You think she’s been sick enough to require hospital stays?” he proposes, leading the conversation towards what could have possibly happened to the family’s financials that has lead to their worn down clothing and home.
“It’s worth looking into, isn’t it?”
Part 9
@jackiehollanderr @rabbitrabbit12321 @12345sebby @blackwood-bodecker-housewife @lauraashley93 @themorningsunshine @happinessinthebeing @nash-dara @calwitch @stany0url0calwh0res111 @pono-pura-vida @learisa @introverbatim @kentokaze @marvelogic @kaz11283
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writeforfandoms · 1 year
Warrior Song 3
Find the series masterlist
We're slowly working our way towards a plot and more interaction, I promise. This is all building up to the fun stuff.
Warnings: Swearing, a bit of manhandling. More swearing.
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You didn’t see Fernando and the Chief again for a couple weeks after that, as Chief resumed his one man mission to rid the ring of Banished. At least, that’s what you assumed his mission was, based on the tales told by the soldiers. 
Really, all you cared about was that there were fewer attacks, and fewer injuries, and healthier, happier people. 
Still no UNSC rescue mission, but. One thing at a time, you supposed.
Beck stopped by one morning to inform you, rather stiffly, that one of the other bases was sending wounded your way, as they were out of supplies. You didn’t ask for more details, and he didn’t offer. You just nodded and got both exam rooms ready for whatever might end up coming through the doors.
But you still didn’t expect three Spartans to walk in. 
You didn’t falter. You merely looked them over, assessing, before addressing them. “Who’s injured?”
“We’ve been assigned to help you relocate.” The voice sounded like a woman, and she dipped her helmet just a little to you. 
“What?” You blanked for a moment, caught completely off guard. 
The three exchanged a glance, subtle but there. This time, a different one spoke, a man. “The decision was made to consolidate all local forces, but you’re needed sooner. There are patients too high-risk to move.”
You swore softly, grabbing your tablet. “Any idea what they need?” It took only a moment to find a serviceable basket, and you started dumping some herbs in to start. 
“Everything.” The response was dry but you had a feeling also accurate. 
You grumbled a little to yourself but started grabbing more things. “Three Spartans for little ol’ me seems like overkill,” you joked, grabbing a second basket to start piling bandages into. 
“Blue Three will escort you,” the man told you. “Blue Four and I will assist with the rest.”
You paused for a moment, looking at the three of them, and then nodded once. “Excuse me one moment.” Stepping past them without waiting for permission, you went into the hallway. “Lindsay, Carter, I need you both for a minute!” 
“Yeah boss?” Lindsay poked her head around the corner of the other exam room. 
“C’mere.” You beckoned her closer, waiting until Carter trotted over as well. “Apparently,” you drawled in a tone just shy of frigid, making Carter wince, “we are moving camp. I need to go ahead, and if either of you worries about me I will assign you to cleaning for the next month. You two will need to pack up and bring what you can. You know what’s irreplaceable, you know what we can live without. I trust your judgment. Okay?” 
“But–” Carter started, already looking stressed.
Lindsay elbowed him. “Okay,” she agreed, holding your gaze steadily.
“Good. Okay. Behave, we have guests. Pretend we have manners.” You shot them both a grin, counting it as a win when Lindsay laughed while Carter only groaned. 
And then you went back to packing, making sure you had the supplies you’d need. Hopefully. Since you had no baseline to go off of, this would have to do. 
“Ready when you are,” you said to Blue Three, the woman who’d spoken before. Your tablet was the last thing to be added right to the top of the basket. 
She nodded and motioned for you to follow, leading the way outside and over to a Warthog. Ensuring that your baskets were settled and not going anywhere, you sat in the passenger seat. 
Honestly, it felt… odd. To be leaving. This had been, more or less, home base for the past months. To be going somewhere else, even somewhere safe, was… weird. Unsettling. It left you feeling a little adrift. 
“I heard you had contact with the Master Chief.”
You very nearly jumped. Blue Three had been driving silently for the past couple hours, and you hadn’t expected the question. So it took you a moment to get past the thundering of your heart to actually realize there had been a question. 
“Yes, I’ve seen him twice. Last time was a couple weeks ago.” You glanced at her. No further question seemed forthcoming, but she did tip her helmet your way. Just enough. “He seemed okay. No major injuries or anything like that.” You paused a moment. “Although he seems determined to take the weight of everyone stuck on this ring.” 
She nodded once, slowly. But her shoulders had lowered a bit, relaxed a little. Apparently she’d gotten what she wanted. 
Well. If you could provide that comfort, you were happy to. 
“I wouldn’t be surprised if he shows up again shortly,” you mused, twisting your fingers together in your lap. “He’d better, anyway. Considering the way I’ve heard he throws himself at problems.”
That elicited a snort, and you sat back in your seat, smug. 
At least until you saw where you were heading. Then you leaned forward, eyes wide, as if that would help your view at all. 
“Is that…?” 
“The Mortal Reverie.” 
“Huh.” You tipped your head to the side. “Wasn’t she lost to the Banished?”
“Until recently.” 
“Chief’s doing or yours?” You looked at her this time, one eyebrow raised. 
She didn’t answer, just glancing your way before driving a little faster. You took that as your cue to shut up. 
Fortunately, nobody tried to give you the full rundown right when you arrived. Instead, Blue Three escorted you straight to medical, along with your supplies. You barely remembered to thank her before diving into your work. 
The head medical officer here was brusque, not that you could blame her, but she seemed polite enough and competent. She at least had no problem updating you on everything going on while the two of you worked on the most precarious patients. 
The retaking of the Reverie did mean more supplies, whatever could be retrieved from the wreckage. Some things, like clothes and soap, were easy enough to find. Medical supplies, though… not so much. 
Carter and Lindsay arrived a few days later, along with the rest of that base, and you started them teaching the other techs how to make and use the plant-based remedies. 
Despite having more room to spread out, Reverie Base felt more cramped. There were more people around, more noise. More soldiers. It made your skin itch, made you twitchy and miserable for reasons that you didn’t want to investigate. 
Worst of all, though, was that your new boss imposed limits. She didn’t let you work all day until you dropped, she didn’t let you sleep in the medical bay. She set a strict eight hour work day, barring emergencies, and actually threw you out a few times. 
Leaving you with empty hours to fill and an ache in your chest. 
It was purely by chance that you heard about the volunteer program to go into the wreckage and scavenge what was available. But you signed up as soon as you could, eager to be doing something. Anything other than have free time. 
You were surprised to get paired up with a Spartan to go digging, though. Actually, it was the same Spartan who had escorted you here. 
“Blue Three, right?” You smiled a little at her as the two of you made your way inside the wreck. “Or do you prefer I call you something else?” 
“Blue Three is fine. Or Kelly.” Lights on either side of her helmet flipped on as you got further in, while you were stuck with a handheld light. 
For a while, the two of you worked in silence. Parts of the ship were untraversable, too unstable or just plain wrecked. And what you could get to was grim work, prying open compartments to get at anything useable. 
Kelly at least seemed pleased to have found some ammo. 
“Crew quarters are this way,” she said, looking ahead. At a minor gap. It wasn’t too bad, really. You had no doubt she could jump it easily. 
You, on the other hand. You stared at the gap as if it were a thousand feet deep. “I’ll find an alternate way around,” you offered, a little faint.
She turned to look at you, making you yet again very aware of the unbelievable height of the Spartans. Then she stepped closer to you. “Try not to scream in my ear.”
Before you could protest, she scooped you into her chest (ow, armor) and made the jump. As if you weighed nothing. 
Well. Shit. 
“Next time, give a gal some warning?” you asked as your feet touched the floor again. 
Kelly made no promises, but you could feel the armor moving as she… stifled laughter? Was she laughing at you?
Damn. And you couldn’t even really complain. 
“Are we looking for anything in particular?” you asked, turning away and starting forward. This was going to suck. 
“Anything useful.”
“So, an extra sense of humor.” You couldn’t help the quip, you really couldn’t. 
“Depends on your definition of useful.” She didn’t even hesitate, and you wheezed for a few moments with delighted startled laughter.
It didn’t take long to get to crew quarters, and you split up, each taking a room to start looking. Clothing, tablets not completely broken, anything of use all went into the bag you carried. But you carefully set aside anything personal. 
That wasn’t your burden to carry. 
Once your bag was bulging, you went to find Kelly, and paused outside the door. She was knelt on the floor, bag open next to her. 
Unsure what had her hesitating, you deliberately knocked your foot against the floor, letting it ring hollow in the otherwise still air. She didn’t jerk, but she did lift her head and then stand, scooping up the bag. 
“Suppose we have to jump across to get back,” you mused, looking back the way you’d come. 
“Negative. There’s an alternate route down.” 
You turned to stare at her, incredulous. “Then why did you grab me and jump across?”
She shrugged, massive shoulders twitching, voice bland. Almost too bland. “It was faster.” 
You squinted at her. “One of these days…” you muttered in a vaguely threatening tone. “Fine. Which way?”
“Follow me.” She strode ahead, and you scrambled for a moment to keep up. 
The two of you were nearly out when she paused, glancing back at you. “Why did you volunteer for this?” 
You blinked, caught off guard by the question. “What?”
“You work full shifts at medical. Why volunteer for this too?” 
You huffed, putting your hands on your hips as you debated the best way to answer. Uneasiness stirred in your gut, reminders of everything gone wrong, and you swallowed. “Best to stay busy,” you settled on. “It’s easier.” Taking a deep breath, you shrugged. “What about you? I would have figured someone like you would have more important things to do.” 
She shrugged again. “Making sure you don’t get killed,” was all she said before striding off again. 
And that? That was… both flattering and humbling. In the extreme. You weren’t sure how to respond to something like that. So you didn’t, just following her back out into the sunshine.
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decora-kai · 3 months
Been a while since I've made an update on my diagnosis situation but I just had my last physio appointment today so I suppose now is as good a time as any!
I was meant to have this appointment like 2 months ago but I missed it due to pain but also the fact that my parents simply forgot 😭 instead of rebooking i was told to do MORE blood tests, Yippee! /s so I did around three more and finally was able to rebook my appointment and have been waiting for a while now. Until, of course, today.
I again wasn't feeling great, but I went to school in the morning and after break went for the appointment at the hospital. At first, my physio was just asking how I've been and talking about my blood test results (All fine, apart from slightly low vitamin D and Iron). She then said that if my blood was normal, it must either be that I'm weak and lazy (her actual fucking words), or that my diet is bad. Now yes, my diet is not the healthiest in the world but I try my best. Anyway, that pissed me tf off and I literally wanted to scream but luckily, she started to consider that maybe, maybe it was something else (OBVIOUSLY IT IS OMFG).
She did all the like pressure points, asking where it's painful and where it isn't and concluded that i seem to have quite a lot of bone pain rather than muscle pain which i actually didn't realise myself because i dont know the difference (not that I don't have muscle pain but the bone pain is more prevalent apparently) So now I'm finally being referred to an orthopaedist which should hopefully take 4-6 weeks + A chronic pain clinic!! I'm really hoping that I'll be able to get a diagnosis finally but also I'm trying to not get my hopes too high, just in case.
Something else that happened is a meeting with my school attendance lady 😭 but she was actually really nice luckily. Basically she was talking about how my attendance had slipped below 80% which is not good but also saying that they are going to talk to my doctors and see if I can get any accommodations! since I'm not diagnosed, it's quite hard to get accommodations within school but this would be like life changing, even though it would probably only change a few small things such as
Using a computer instead of writing (my hands get achy when writing some days)
Not having to do PE (physical activity worsens my symptoms)
being able to study in the library (do my classwork outside of class)
able to leave the classroom if/when I need a break
And possibly (I'm hoping for this but technically nothing was said)
Doing exams in a different room to most (I can get bad brain fog + overstimulation which causes more pain)
So, that's it for the update and I hope to bring more good news next time! >:3
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hunsa-jars · 10 months
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Heyy things are pretty busy and exhausting right now, but I promise I'm trying to be brave about it
Might pop up here tomorrow
Or the day after tomorrow- this week sometime, or I'll go bonkers
Gonna queue this because I really shouldn't be distracting myself more than I already do nhdfdh
Haghhhh I miss you all, I'll be back
(uhh life update under the cut? to the folks who are curious, kinda wanted to mention these at some point anyways)
Remember that I said that my phone might be still alive after all? Well.. yeah, no, that was a false alarm, it really did kick the bucket. Temporarily using my sister's old phone until I get a new one this Christmas
And because I'm the way I am, I refuse to change anything about it- like I can't stand the idea of getting used/attached to it when I know in a couple of weeks I'm gonna give it back, so..
So yeah, I don't want to go through the procedures of logging into everything, including Tumblr
I've been avoiding going here anyway, so technically it helps :''')
My attention span is so awful you guys, so mad at myself 24/7 for always looking for excuses to not do my studying routine
Speaking of studying, this is the last week of uni for this year!
BUT exam period is starting next week and I have like 3 exams before Christmas, so fun
Uhhhh remember the board game I mentioned making? Teacher loved it and wants to display it for the university's open day. Pretty glad, worked hard on that thing (even tho it could have been better)
Gonna show you guys once I get it back
Uhhhh did my best with my recorder, my hands were shaking, but the teacher could tell I was only messing up because I was nervous as balls, and not because I didn't know the songs, thank god
My grandma is doing well! Well.. better. We keep her company. My cousins come to visit us twice a week now, so no silent Saturdays or Sundays
FINALLY figured out how to use emulators, so between studying for the January exams and relative visits, I'm gonna finally play Animal Crossing and Earthbound properly (I think I've mentioned using online emulators before, but those distorted the music so much I just couldn't continue with it)
Also was anybody going to tell me that OFF is free?
And Yume Nikki?? On Steam?????? Hello??
Umm also! My little brother sat down with me last Saturday and made me watch Murder Drones (he's hyperfixating and wanted to pass it onto me, spoilers: IT WORKED)
Oh my goodness... that show................................. Plan for another flooding
What else, uh- we're on season 2 of AOT, it's insane, it makes me insane, I wish I could say more without going unhinged
I... i think that's all
To the people who've been tagging me the past few days I SEE YOU ALL, THANK YOU FOR THINKING OF ME, I'LL GET TO IT
See you guys later this week, hopefully, please take care
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Little Updates!
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Hahahahaha some new people around, I thought it would be nice to update you guys on my current life status xD
So. For the new people who doesn't already know, I'm collecting a few weird rare chronic illnesses and one of them I still have no idea what it is. Sometimes I'm fine and some other times, things turn upside down and I'm just stone statue Mushu.
The last two months, I started some meds that made my life so much worse. I stopped them about a week ago, but still having collaterals - basically, it's like I had an allergic reaction for two months coupled with the collaterals of the meds, so I'm feeling pretty much horrible hahaha
From what I've read, it takes around a month for the body to get rid of it. So, I'll probably have some ups and downs for the next month or so.
I'm also needing to do another medical exam that is extremely expensive and my health insurance denied to cover the exam costs, basically because they feel like my symptoms aren't bad enough to justify this exam. I'll have to be bleeding and unable to get up from bed for them to approve it (seriously, I'm not exagerating).
Once I can only count on my mom to talk about these things (my dad and my sister have no emotional strength to tank all these issues), we've been talking about what to do, because there's no way we can afford this exam - and, if it's positive, then I'll have to go on a surgery, which is even more expensive and we certainly can't afford that.
Soooo I shut down for a while. I have barely no energy and those things took a toll on me - the time I spent awake, I just wanted to get my mind off things.
I'm starting to get things back on track, though. I'm back on my art mentoring, I'm writing again - hopefully, I'll be able to update Nemesis in no time - and I started a little project I'll be posting about an orginal story of mine at least once a week. I'll detail more in another post, 'cause I didn't expect this one to be so long HAHAHA
Anyways. I live. I'll get to answering all questions and going through my asks, thanks so much for having patience with me, my beloved creatures <3
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owemnstudies · 3 months
Week 3 - 🪼d/46 🌻d/95
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hello 🔆 i hope you're having a wonderful day, please remember to take care of yourself and drink water! 🩷
I'll try to be positive this week's post (which is a bit late)
Thinking back, I did a lot of things this week, I was able to learn a lot for my college entrance exam (finally) and I also read 2 chapters for one of my humanities subjects, which is good!
Yesterday (Monday 24th) I enrolled on a free class for my college entrance exam, and I feel that what the teacher talked abou really stuck out to me, I keep not really taking things as seriously as I should, which is really bad because it's a really big score competition where almost 50k people participate, and only around 8k make it, so (😭)
I had to go back to my high school to ask for a grade certificate that I need for one of the universities I'm applying to, it's such a mess because I have to actually go in person and they don't answer emails, and they will be going on vacations soon, and I need it for like, yesterday 🫠
I also started to think, what if how much i've studied this year is not enough? what if I fail again and I have to try again next year? (shut my brain off 😄) so I'm going to try my best, even if I don't have much time, I'm waiting for the specific date of 🌻 (the main exam) and hopefully i have a little bit of more time
Hopefully my next post is that of '100 days of productivity' ❤️ see you, thank you so much for reading! also, I just noticed apparently piccrew is blocked in my country? what?
mon: 0
tue: 1 h 34
wed: 2 h 33
thu: 0
friday: 4 h 42
sat: 4 h 16
sun: 0
mon: 2 h 35
🎧 — caro diario: II campo di pallone, nicola piovani
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theretirementstory · 4 months
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09/06/2024. Bonjour et bienvenue, it’s been a pretty tough week but at least we have had some sunny days and I have taken the opportunity to have a closer inspection of the plants flowering in my garden.
The photo shows lavatera, lavender and nigella which were planted about 3 years ago and still produce lovely flowers.
My week has mainly been spent in hospitals, travelling to and from Paris for a day was very fraught on Monday. I set off at 5:30am and arrived at the hospital at 9am. Bloods were taken and a transfusion was requested. The CT scan was booked for 15:30 which meant I would be pretty late home, however they managed to do the scan an hour earlier and I was hoping to arrive home around teatime. The taxi was requested (I thought he would be waiting) the hospital were told one hour, at 16:00 I rang saying the taxi hadn’t arrived and was told 45 minutes more! The taxi eventually arrived after 18:00 and a three hour journey home meant that I arrived in time for bed. As if that wasn’t bad enough I had to return on Wednesday for more transfusions. Again it was a long day as I needed platelets and hémoglobin 😩. The final day for transfusions was Friday, fortunately that was at Troyes but again it’s a full day taken up with treatments. I must admit to feeling better than I did earlier in the week so hopefully the new tablets for platelets, the daily injections for white blood cells and the weekly injection for red blood cells are doing some good.
Did I see Airforce One coming into land at Orly on Wednesday morning as I was en route to the hospital? What I saw was a rather large plane on a landing path, I was tempted to try and photograph it but there was also a chateau I wanted to “snap” unfortunately I didn’t get a shot of either as the traffic suddenly started moving faster.
I did have an enjoyable visit from a friend, on Tuesday, I had made a Pear and Roquefort quiche and served it with potatoes. I was pleased to say that I ate a quarter of the quiche (probably the most I had eaten in a while). I received some beautiful fragrant roses from my friends garden. When I inspected my roses I should have checked to see if they fragranced but I forgot so will have to do that next time.
I have also managed to do some washing and am trying to keep the house presentable. Afternoons however are spent relaxing which usually involves 😴 for an hour or so.
I didn’t watch any of the D-Day coverage as I guessed it would be pretty emotional and I knew I wouldn’t be able to cope with that.
I really must mention King Charles who had chemotherapy on Tuesday and still managed to be at the ceremonies on Wednesday and Thursday. I know that there are different types of chemo and not all types can “wipe you out” but it’s still a treatment and after all he is not a young man.
“My Personal Shopper”, my very kind neighbour, has been called upon quite a few days this week but he just rises to the occasion. Anie also did some shopping for me too but she has now met up with her family from Indonesia and they are going on holiday, probably to the south of France.
Coming home late on Monday, I noticed that the Hotel Pomme d’Or bar was open. It had been closed since December when a fire was started in the hotel part of the building. Good to see it’s open again but I don’t expect to be having a coffee in there anytime soon.
My hair is starting to grow back and I am hoping that this time I won’t need any treatment which would make it fall out again!
Another busy week for “The Trainee Solicitor” who, this weekend, is busy revising for exams next week. It’s the three day week at Uni and with that the early starts (he is following in his Mothers footsteps getting up early morning). As the course is only short it won’t be for much longer.
“The Reconnect Navigator” has had a few tough days but she has managed to work through them and was glad when the weekend came around. Not that there is much on the agenda with her partner busy revising but it’s the Canadian Grand Prix so she may manage to watch that.
“The Photographer” has been busy buying new clothes ready for his new job. A friend of his has found out she is expecting twins and revealed the sexes on a video. She is expecting a girl and a boy, it’s still a long way to go for her and I for one will be keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well. He had thought he was going to be busy with photography this weekend but that fell through at the last minute.
“The Jetsetter” headed off to Majorca, for a week, on Friday evening. A look at the weather forecast didn’t make it look too appealing but it’s a change of scenery. I have just had a quick look and it seems that it will still be top 20c so not too shabby. I am sure that a wonderful time will be had anyway, cloud or sunshine.
I am dipping out of the music part of the blog this week. I had difficulty coming up with some songs last week and so decided to have a little break.
Hoping you all have a good week until next week
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fallenblazearts · 4 months
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OPD: 9/5/2024
Fallenblaze redesign because I feel like it :) Hopefully the last redesign FB will get-
Oh yeah. Status update. I only have 3 major things left in my to-do list, and next week will be the last week of exams. So I'm going to go offline for a 'lil while with the updates of this sketchbook once I finished the 3 to-do list things. Why? You may ask? Well, I'm going to work on a 'lil PMV! This'll take a long time (well, not too long. Maybe about a week or two :) 
By the way, this isn't Fallenblaze's finalized design! This is a beta/WIP design, and I've drafted Fallenblaze's backstory enough that I can confirm that she'll have way more scars than at first. And I've also introduced a new character in her backstory that will lead her to meeting and becoming best friends with Hollywish. I will plan out and maybe just MAYBE will start a Super Edition explaining her backstory. I've completed the Allegiances, now for chapter planning. But maybe I should actually read a Super Edition to know how it's written. 
Anyways see y'all in a few hours with a piece of artwork :)
(Base by Swordfang on TH)
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mysticarts · 4 months
Hiya! I am back, I finished my exams so sorry very much for the absent.
1. The lackadaisy sequel au your talking about it had me curious, what's going to happen to Nia after Carmen's death and the great depression came. Also is Nia going to be a detective soon? That's sounds intriguing to be honest!
Furthermore is the au going to mainly focus about Nia or are you going to include the Lackadaisy crew (ex; Rocky, Freckle, Ivy, Mitzi and etc.) and the Marigolds? (Mordecai, the savoys, etc.) To me I think they have some connection with Carmen, and I feel like they would have the biggest major effect to their business, due well, stock market crash.
(I could've add Wick and Edmund here but I think these two are just investors to both bootleg business... Edmund said in the comic about Marigold. Idk.. Ouch my memory.) Although that's only my interpretation, I am not a expert at history.
I wonder what you'll plan to do with the main cast? (If not then its okay, hopefully this doesn't pressure you.)
2. Speaking of the main cast! What does Nia thinks about the Lackadaisy? Did she meet one of them or not yet? What does she thinks of she meets Rocky?
3. Victoria or Vicky, does she know Carmen has a daughter? What kind of relationship Carmen has to her boss? Opinions and such.
4. What happens if Carmen's family meets Lucio's family? This isn't cannon btw since I said in a post Lucio turn tore his connections to his family. Amelita and Avis (I know she's dead, but I wanna hc this.) Could get along well, like Amelita rambles a bunch of things like work, family and household while Avid just listens to her smiling. Avis may like the fierceness energy Amelita has lol. (No wonder why Dakila is down bad for her WhEeZ!-)
I don't know how Alexander will interact to Ezekiel, Mayari (Amanda's new name) and Manuel, aka Lucio's sibblings. Seeing how Carmen doesn't like Alexander I can imagine Mayari despise Alexander, if he belittles her, Maya won't hesitate to bite his hands.
Manuel lowkey be intimidated on how cold Alexander is, Ezekiel doesn't like Alexander but he keeps on good manners and he isn't wanting to plan a physical fight with him. (Amelita will pull Ezekiel and Lucio ears if they did.)
That's all, have a good day/night! ^^
Ayyyy, glad ur done with exams! Exam week is starting next week for me, so I'm trying to save my relax time
Well, again, we don't really know when Lackadaisy ends in the universe time, but in this sequel Au it started two years after all of Lackadaisy's events. At this time, Nia is eighteen, a considered adult. In this situation, Nia is tempted to just go live back on the streets like she always did, and just keep herself hidden. However due to Carmen's impact, Nia probably would first thing go too Lucio after Carmen died. When the great depression came, Nia didn't really know what to do, but along that time, Nia just got into college
Im not sure when Nia will become a detective, I'd have to talk to her owner about it. But Nia partly became a detective so she could try and stop gangs killing people like how Carmen died
2. Nia has met Lackadaisy! The people she's closest too are Ivy and mainly Rocky. Mostly because they're both mentally unstable. Nia finds freckle boring, then again, she finds it hilarious when he's scared.
When it comes too the others like Mitzi and Zib, she formed that connection right off of Carmen. Considering Carmen knew Zib and Mitzi since she was around Nia's age, Nia had some small connection to Mitzi that she couldn't really explain. Nia just think Zib Is a funny guy with a saxophone. Again, in this sequel Au, it was just a concept at first, I only made one peice of art for it, it isn't a fully fleged out thing. But the sequel Au if fully developed would probably focus more on Nia's life and truama up till now, how she processes it and navigates life when another load of truama has been dumped on her.
3. Victoria does know about Nia. Victoria again, is running a huge business, she finds no reason too form good connections with her workers. Carmen always thought Victoria was cold on the outside, warm on the inside. Just having a hard shell to protect herself.
4.i do think that they would get along! Avis is very calm and compassionate, she knows how to bring people together. She'd probably be the one hosting the party meet and greet. I feel like she'd really get along with Lucio's sisters.
Elias is also very friendly, if anything. Carmen got most of her bright energy from Elias. He'd probably be laughing loudly with Lucio's dad.
Now, if we're gonna include Irene and Alexander, it'll be weird considering they're the step fam. But Irene is a talker, she'll go on and on about random stories and not stop. If anything, Alexander would try to save face, fail and then get kicked out of the party
Ty for the questions! Feel free to ask more!
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yoonieper · 9 months
Update 🥴
Soooo yall I know promised the holiday fics but either a) they’re just going to be put out later or b) we might need to wait till next year… end of the semester was crazyyyy for me honestly. Thanksgiving break I did a bit of traveling, when I got back I had 3 papers and 3 exams to get done all in about 2 weeks— I’m done luckily, we’re through all the stress but now I’m on vacation and won’t be back home till Christmas so… 😬
The chances of me getting things done while I’m here is pretty slim, we’re pretty booked so I really won’t have too much time to write unfortunately… I might be able to do the Tae one I had planned because that one is short and even though it’ll be a little late, I might be able to get it out and done! I had started Jimin and Jk’s fics but they’re a bit longer and def won’t get it done before Christmas butttt maybe a delayed January post… maybe? I won’t make any promises because I’ve been so stressed basically since November and I don’t want to overdo it before the next semester starts and I have work all over again. I’ll write what I can but again like I promised things are planned and nearly ready for next year if all else fails. Pecattiphilia will be returning soon, my first part of my Jk series will certainly be posted sometime next year, working on the last two parts before I am ready to post— plus I’ll finally get back to all those unfinished oneshots I have sitting in my drafts still. 2024 I’ll be back hopefully more than ever!
Also been really sad since Tae, Joon, Jk, and Jimin all left— been an army since 2017 and I’m so used to having them in my life. Flip flopping between 2025 will be here before we know it and just dread cause it’s only been a few days and I’m this close to loosing it. It’s actually crazy, even though I didn’t start posting on tumblr till 2020 I think I’ve been working on BTS fics since the year I became a fan. That work is on wattpad and if you ever want a good laugh you can check out ‘If…’ major cringe but also a bit of a tease for my major project *hint hint cause I feel bad* A better version of it will be out hopefully soon here on tumblr! Anyway, that was to say that BTS have seriously been a major part of my life and I feel lost knowing that we have to move the next 18 months without them, many of yall probably feel the same way. I will do my best next year along with Seokjin and Hobi at filling the void a little until our ot7 returns better than ever. Miss my babies lots and ughhhh can’t wait for 2025!
Traveling, exams, papers kept me busy and couldn’t work on holiday fics— might be published later in January but no promises,,, working on stuff to post next year,,, missing bts like crazy, bring my babies home :’)
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