#also i thought it would be filled with more jungkook but i guess it just hasnt updated yet from the past friday 😭
ncytiri · 7 months
'on repeat' shuffle game
was tagged by beloved @envergothash to do this, thank you rena!!!! 💜
rules: shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist & post the first ten tracks, then tag people
my love mine all mine - mitski
byob (bring your own best friend) - billlie
sherlock (clue + note) - shinee
headliner - seventeen
rush - troye sivan
profumo - m„ss keta
chasing that feeling - txt
perfect night - le sserafim
i am the best - 2ne1
back 2 back - seventeen
tagging - @lewisainz, @galensmarek, @hibernationsuit, @quickhacked, @wnjunhui, @jinstronaut , @abbaskiarostamis (i know ur not on here often but i wanted to include u in the chance u do reappear one day KDSJKDLS), @felixcarlucci , + anyone else!!! (ofc if you are tagged and don't want to do this, that is perfectly fine <3
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youremyheaven · 2 months
Ketu: Detachment & Connection
I thought I would expand more on the nature of Ketu in this post. Although both Rahu and Ketu are shadow planets (they are the north and south node of the moon) they experience this darkness very differently. Rahu seeks intense immersion in their experiences and seeks to absorb as much of their material realm (Rahu is the head) but Ketu is disconnected from this completely (Ketu being the headless torso) and even if they want to, they cannot immerse themselves in the material realm, they find it disorienting or simply feel disconnected from it all. Its meaningless to them.
The Ketu nakshatras are Ashwini, Magha & Mula
Ketu is in the darkness and to be Ketuvian is to be in a tunnel perpetually seeking the light. It can be a very uneasy energy to inhabit if imbalanced but this is why spirituality is so important to Ketu natives, they have to cultivate spiritual discipline if they are to peacefully embody this energy and find clarity in its detachment. Most people struggle with overattachment, so having this Ketuvian energy is a great starting point since you're already detached but grounding is very important as there is such a thing as being too detached or uncaring.
The Ketuvian struggle for connection reminds me of certain 8h themes and I think 8housers and Ketuvians have a lot in common in that regard. You need to have an intense kind of connection to feel anything at all, everything else feels kind of mild to your senses. Only intensity can wake you up and make you feel "awake" or "aware" as Ketuvians are sort of in this passive detached state otherwise.
I noticed many of these themes in Jungkook's solo songs. He is a Magha Moon and Mula Rising (he has such a puppy energy, it must be Mula's dog yoni hehe)
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I had mentioned in one of my previous posts that being heavily tatted (a full sleeve of tattoos or just being covered in tattoos) is a very Nodal thing to do because they're plunged in shadows and making a mark spiritually helps them feel more connected or because they have to indulge in the extremes of anything for it to feel impactful.
Jungkook has a song called "Still With You" released in 2020, widely considered a love letter to army. These are the English translation of some of its lyrics that I found correlating to his Ketuvian energy
"That faint voice of yours that grazed me Please call my name one more time I'm standing under the frozen light, but I'll walk step by step towards you Still with you
With no light in the darkroom I shouldn't get used to it But I'm used to it again The low-pitched sound of this air conditioner If I don't have this, I will fall apart We laugh together, we cry together I guess these simple feelings were everything to me"
Fame can be a very intoxicating and addictive experience for Nodal natives. Since they feel very disconnected otherwise, they experience connection when it is pouring in such a large or vast scale. But this sort of dependence on fame and fans can also be destabilising and unhealthy because you never know when it might all go away. Since fame is so fickle, its dangerous to rely on it to feel "connected". This is why soooo many Nodal natives who are celebrities are sooo often self-destructive. You keep chasing that high and you'll never feel satisfied, you can never fill the vacuum you have and the harder you try, the more empty you feel.
I don't say any of this to be discouraging, im only trying to point out the emotional expectations we place upon certain experiences and even relationships and how it turns toxic and unhealthy when we do that. If we were to use another person to feel connected or tethered to the world, whilst it may work for us, they must feel very drained by being our anchor.
Jungkook has another demo called Decalcomania and the lyrics go like this:
When I see you smile in the screen You're good at everything You're just perfect Feels like I've never been you
Do you even see me? Do you know who I am? Or how do I look now? You don't like me like that
Come and tell me so much, you beautiful heart Oh, I'm gonna listen to you Please
All the numbers too big Can't get out of your game Oh, I want to paint it like you Please
I want to be your decalcomania I want you I want to be your decalcomania I want I want you
He is singing about himself and how he feels dissociated from himself. Fame can be a very dissociative experience for Ketu natives as their search for connection means they feel even more disconnected from the person they become to achieve this connection. Decalcomania refers to the process by which engravings are transferred to another surface (paper, pottery etc). It ties back to Ketu's need to be marked upon, they need something to make an impression on them, literally, because otherwise it does not feel real to them. Jungkook is asking himself to transfer the person he sees on screen to himself, so that he can embody the lightness and joy he sees on him.
Jungkook has another solo song called My Time in which he sings:
"24, feels like I became a grown-up faster than everyone else My life has been a movie, all the time I ran to where the sun rises every single night It's like I've been to someone's tomorrow The boy who found the world too big Keep on runnin' errday, pick the mic up Friends ridin' subway, I'll be in the aeroplane mode All over the world rock on, I made my own lotto But is it too fast? There are traces of losses Don't know what to do with, am I livin' this right? Why am I alone in a different time and space?"
Nodal natives (both Rahu & Ketu) regardless of whether they're child stars or not, have to grow up faster than others. This again makes them feel very disconnected from kids their age, you feel vv lonely.
Oh, I think I was in yesterday 'Cause everybody walk too fast I'm a little kid grown up not knowing it (Like a child who got lost) This got me oh just trippin’ It feels I'm roaming over Don't know what to do with, am I livin' this right? Why am I alone in a different time and space?
It feels confusing and disorienting to live a life that others cant relate to you. Immense wealth and fame can make you feel this way but Ketuvians feel this way in general. They look around them and they feel lost like everybody else is moving too fast.
"Sometimes when I'm gasping for air I wear my hat low and keep running Yeah, I don't gotta know where I go Even if it's opposite of sun One time for the present Two time for the past Happy that we met each other Now 'til the very end"
He's expressing his gratitude for everything even though it feels so alienating and confusing.
There is another song called Stay Alive in which he sings:
"귞늌잔 컀젞가지만 Although my shadow grows larger,
êŽœì°źì•„ 너란 큰 ëč› ë•ë¶„ìŽë‹ˆ It’s okay because it’s thanks to the great light that is you"
This is such a sincere explanation of what its like to be a Ketuvian in the limelight, he's thankful for having such a vast fanbase, the source of his "light" (remember that Ketu is in darkness and is always seeking light) but chasing this light means having to morph into somebody else/feeling disconnected from yourself which he succinctly expresses through the line "my shadow grows larger". Since Ketu is in perpetual darkness and is a shadow planet, it does not confront its shadow on its own. Its the seeking, the constant chasing for the light which they need that brings them to see their shadow.
Perhaps you feel very void and disconnected in general but you have a friend or a partner who makes you feel very tethered, through them you absorb their light but this also means you learn to look at yourself more clearly (Ketuvians are blind to their own nature) and this can be a very disconcerting and difficult experience if you've seldom ever felt "seen".
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Emma Watson, Ashwini Sun, Mula Moon
I remember reading this interview in like 2010 where she said that whilst doing red carpets for the last Harry Potter movies she would have these moments where she looked into the mirror and felt very disconnected from the person she saw.
She subsequently turned to yoga and meditation and is even a certified yoga instructor. She has also mentioned going on silent retreats.
Ketu natives truly find balance in their lives when they cultivate a spiritual practice and devote themselves to it. Emma has largely stayed out of the limelight in the last decade or so and will probably continue to do so, this is very Ketuvian again, these natives find social interactions, especially the kind of intensive press tour celebrity life to be very draining, they need to retreat and do things in a way that is "real" to them. Emma has spoken about taking a break from acting and working behind the scenes.
Jungkook deleted his IG despite having 40+ million followers and like most Ketu natives he is very private and has no social media. It does not feel natural or real to them.
In her British Vogue interview, Emma said,
"...Her characters have felt, at times, “much realer” than she was. “I’m just so glad that I did [step away from acting] because I have this feeling of having my own voice and creative space and sovereignty in some way that I don’t think I did before".
This time has allowed Watson to concentrate on her “inner scorecard” (how you feel about yourself on the inside), versus her “outer scorecard” (your outward success, as seen on social media, for example). “I get a front row seat [with] some of the most successful, beautiful, incredible people in the world,” she says of Hollywood’s inner sanctum. “And when you have that seat it becomes very, very clear that there is just absolutely no level of success that will make you in any way happy or content if you do not like who you are or enjoy what you’re doing when no one’s watching.”
All of this feels like evolved, balanced and mature Ketu energy.
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Miranda Kerr, Ashwini Sun
She is another person who I've always thought embodies a very healthy and evolved Ketuvian energy
Here's an excerpt from her interview:
“First, I try to do a little meditation and yoga, depending on how I feel. I've been meditating since I was 18. I've learnt Transcendental Meditation and Kriya Yoga Meditation, but sometimes I'm just too much in my head and so I need to put on an app. I use Insight Timer, which has different guided meditations, from a five- or 10-minute meditation or deeper ones which help if I can't sleep.
“Gratitude puts everything into perspective. The way that we speak to ourselves is really important, and to be aware to pull yourself up if you’re being self-critical and try and look at things in a positive way. For example, we can look outside and say, ‘oh my goodness, I can't believe it's raining’, or we can look outside and go, ‘well, it's cosy when it rains, I'd love to be inside and I get to wear my favourite scarf’ – we can switch our whole perspective on so many things. For me, waking up in the morning and thinking of at least three things I’m grateful for is so important. Just simple things like, ‘I’m grateful that we have fresh running water’.”
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Salma Hayek, Magha Rising
Salma has been practising meditation and yoga for decades and has said: “It’s actually feeling the energy,” she said. “It moves and it dances inside of you, different sensations and emotions. So I use a lot of the frequency machines.”
Hayek claimed that her meditation works wonders for her appearance. “Sometimes when I’m doing it, people tell me when I come out of the room, ‘Oh my god. You look 20 again,'" she said.
She also warned that if she stopped meditating, her face would suffer. “When I don’t do it for a while, guess what?” she said. “The face starts to drop and everything starts to drop.”
Spirituality comes easier for women than men imo and Ketuvian women are more likely to buy into all things spiritual like crystal cleansing, chakra reading and even other offbeat spiritual techniques.
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Gigi Hadid, Ashwini Sun & Rising
Gigi is another person who embodies really healthy Ketuvian energy
In her interviews, she always sounds very grounded and tethered. She said:
"I got pregnant and I really started to think about what I wanted after, when the world opened back up. (she got pregnant during covid) It kept coming back to just a more stabilized schedule where I’m not in a different country every week. This is very stabilizing. I have an office that I come to. I know everyone here. I don’t have to look a certain way to show up. It’s a different experience for me, and it was the right time because I was ready for that,” 
To realize what is causing you to feel unstable and deliberately manoeuvre your life to create that stability requires self-awareness and maturity.
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Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mula Moon
He has talked about how bodybuilding and building his physique really helped him feel connected to himself in a different way. I think this is an interesting manifestation of Ketu's disconnection and need to go to extremes to feel anything. Arnold's workout routine from his Mr World days is pretty insane, he worked harder than anybody else and was single-mindedly focused on it. Pushing yourself to such extremes and committing to it is difficult but those Ketuvians who can do so will benefit from it immensely.
Ketu is detached from the material realm. For a Ketu native that isn't tuned into their spiritual side, this can mean feeling disconnected in general but the blessings of retreating to spirituality, slowness, stillness etc means shifting to a version of life where you feel anchored within yourself without depending on anybody or anything to feel that way.
All of the people I mentioned above turned away from the spotlight or made choices to make their lives more grounded and stable and as a result they feel content and satiated. They are detached from the material realm but firmly tethered to the things that matter to them.
I just wanted to make a brief post about how Ketuvians embrace their shadows and how spirituality anchors them.
I hope this was insightful.
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jexnkookie · 3 months
BTS: In the Secret (Idol! Jungkook x Reader) [Chapter 3]
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Summary: Big Hit announces a new season of In the Soop with a twist; one lucky Army is going to join the members for an entire summer of filming, picked by a random poll. You were selected, and ready to have an amazing summer. But what happens when you win something else that's a bit more complicated; the heart of the group's maknae?
Rating: M (18+)
Chapter Warnings: None.
Tag List: @cassies-cookies @hoeinthehouse @jjeonjjk7 @kaitieskidmore97 @leetha43 @rrosiitas @whoa-jo
As the sun went down, Yoongi made good on his promise to share his whiskey with you. A bet is a bet, after all. But once the other members saw the bottles coming out of their hiding place in the kitchen, suddenly everyone had an empty glass that needed to be filled. A few drinks led to everyone sitting in the living room together, talking and enjoying each other’s company. Jungkook, however, was still stewing over the events earlier that day in the pool. It was burned into his brain, and it just wouldn’t stop until he talked to someone about it. Jin, who was seated right next to him, seemed to be the best solution. 
“Hyung?” Jungkook said softly, not wanting to draw attention to the conversation. “What game were you playing with Y/N in the pool?” 
“Just water guns. She beat me!” He laughed. “I thought I had her, but Taehyung protected her.” 
“Mhm.” Jungkook pursed his lips, watching as you sat next to Taehyung and smiled at him warmly. “They get along well, don’t they?” 
“Ah, I think I see what you’re getting at.” Jin whispered as he followed Jungkook’s eyesight to note what had his attention. “Someone in this room has a bit of a crush on Y/N. Don’t worry, hyung’s got this.” 
Jungkook’s eyes widened and his stomach sank at Jin’s words. As Jin stood up, seemingly to get everyone’s attention, Jungkook felt like melting into the couch until he was completely hidden into the cushions. Whatever the oldest member meant by that, it wasn’t going to be what Jungkook had in mind. 
“Why don’t we place truth or dare?” Jin asked the group of drunk faces. “Taehyung, you want to go first?” 
. sure?” He question, sitting up a bit straighter as eyes fell on him. “I guess dare?” 
“I dare you to
..” Jin thought for a moment, before landing on his decision. “I dare you to kiss Y/N.” 
If someone had dropped a pin in the room, anyone could’ve heard it. Everyone held their breath, not knowing how you would react. Jungkook’s eyes grew even wider as he stared at you, his heart beating fast in his chest. As he focused on your face to gauge your reaction, ready to jump in if you were showing signs of being uncomfortable, Hoseok watched him in a similar way. Understanding how sensitive Jungkook really is, Hobi wanted to make sure he was ok while also respecting his decision not to reveal his feelings. 
“Hyung, c’mon, Y/N doesn’t have to do this.” Taehyung pouted, before turning to you. “We’ve just been drinking, and we play dumb games when we drink
“No, it’s ok.” You said, smiling politely. “I don’t mind. It’s just one little kiss, what’s the harm?” 
“A-Are you sure?” Taehyung clarified, his big brown eyes looking into yours in surprise. “It’s really ok if you don’t want to.” 
“Seriously, what’s the big deal?” You giggled, clearly influenced a bit by Yoongi’s whiskey. “Watch, we’ll do it right now.” 
To say Jungkook was fuming would be an understatement. Watching you lean towards Taehyung and give him a quick, innocent peck on the lips, making the man’s cheeks blush, was more than he could take. Even though you clearly meant nothing by it, and Jungkook knew you were just playing the game, he had had enough of the show. The room felt heavy to him, like he couldn’t breathe under its weight. 
“I’m going to bed.” He announced bluntly, making everyone turn away from you and Taehyung to face him.
“Yeah, I uh
 I think we’ve all probably had enough to drink.” Yoongi coughed before gathering up the glasses. “I think that’s a good call.” 
Jungkook glared at Taehyung, who was too busy looking at your lips like a toddler eyeing a jar of candy, to notice. The youngest member walked out of the room, trying his best not to look so obviously effected by something so small. Bam greeted him at the door of the guest house with a wagging tail, but the wagging stopped as Jungkook barged right past his pup, ready to throw himself into bed and sulk. 
He laid there alone, in the dark, trying to lighten the heaviness in his chest. His thoughts raced, and he knew he had to get you alone. Unable to sleep due to his racing thoughts, he heard the front door open and your voice giggling alongside Taehyung’s. You were obviously trying to be quiet, assuming that Jungkook was asleep, but he listened in on every word. His heart sank knowing you were with Taehyung, because he didn’t have a bedroom in this guest house. Why would he come here with you? 
“I’m really sorry.” Taehyung whispered to you, not wanting to wake Jungkook. As your bedroom was right next to Jungkook’s, he listened in to your conversation. “I hope you didn’t feel pressured to do that.” 
“No, it’s really ok!” You whispered back. “It’s just a game, right? It didn’t mean anything.” 
“Yeah.” Taehyung smiled warmly, before glancing down at your lips. Jungkook frowned at the lingering silence, wanting so badly to walk out of his bedroom and see what was happening. 
What he would’ve seen, however, is a very awkward looking you, not knowing how to excuse yourself politely from the moment. Taehyung was handsome, sure, but what had happened was an innocent game, same as in the pool. You hadn’t felt a spark, things just happened. 
“I, um.. I should go to bed. I’m so tired.” You lied, laughing the moment off. Thankfully, Taehyung smiled warmly, picking up on the hint. 
“Yeah, I get it.” His deep voice said. “Goodnight, Y/N.” 
Jungkook smirked to himself, his inner self bouncing up and down excitedly.  That’s my girl. He thought to himself, biting his lip to contain his happiness. 
As soon as Taehyung left, you felt like you could breathe for possibly the first time since you arrived back at your room. You took a second to yourself before noticing Bam, staring directly at you with his puppy eyes as his tail slowly wiggled at finally having your attention. 
“Hey, baby.” You smiled, bending down to encourage him to come to you. He did, sitting in front of you and wagging his tail more excitedly. “Why didn’t Jungkook put you to bed?” 
Fuck. Jungkook thought to himself. He was so ready to be alone in bed, he had completely forgotten his pup’s routine. Jungkook leaped out of bed, and walked out to see you on the floor with his dog. 
“H-Hey.” He stuttered, immediately going soft, but trying so hard to play it cool. “You’re still up?” 
“Mhm.” You hummed. “I should probably go to bed, but I can’t sleep yet.” 
“Me either.” Jungkook admitted. God, she’s so pretty. He thought. “I forgot to take Bam out
 Wanna come with?” 
“Sure.” You replied, smiling softly as you looked up at him.
“Sure! Yeah, ok.” He said energetically, mentally cursing himself for tripping over his words. “Let’s go, Bam.” 
“Come on, baby. Let’s go outside!” You said excitedly, getting Bam wound up for his excursion. Jungkook smile widened as he headed towards the door, opening it for you and Bam to exit first before he followed. 
He stood next to you in the dark, and the silence was almost overwhelming. He wanted to talk to you so badly, but when he searched his brain for something to say, his anxiety took over and he came up with nothing. He settled for just looking over at you, as you were too distracted by Bam’s playfulness to notice his gaze. He focused on your lips, and how soft they looked. Your hair, and how it seemed to fall perfectly, even when it’s a bit messy. He wanted to wrap himself around you and hold you, to keep you warm. 
Warm. Warm. 
You must be freezing, and he didn’t even think about it. 
“Are you cold?” He asked, suddenly worried. “Here, take my sweatshirt. I’ve got a shirt underneath, it’s fine.”
“Then you’ll be cold.” You laughed gently. “I’m ok. Really.” 
“Please, just wear it.” He insisted, already slipping out of the black sweatshirt. Playfully, he slipped it over your head as though catching and dressing a toddler while you giggled, making his nose scrunch in adoration.  
“Fine, you win.” You laughed, situating the sweatshirt so it sat correctly on your frame. 
“Better?” He asked. 
“Better. Thanks.” 
“Anytime.” His voice went soft. 
While you looked at him with a smile, you realized this was the first time you had spent any real time alone with Jungkook. You couldn’t deny that he was obviously cute, and despite your short time knowing him, he had been so sweet to you. They all have been, but for some reason, spending time alone with Jungkook really emphasized how drawn you were to him for some reason you couldn’t quite put your finger on. 
“Hey.” You whispered softly, realizing just how long you’ve been looking at each other.
“Hey.” He smiled. 
“Do you know what everyone has planned tomorrow?” You asked, and Jungkook shook his head. “Well
 Do youhave any ideas on what we could do? I’m down to hang out if you want, but I don’t have anything in mind.” 
“Y-Yeah, uh
” Jungkook stuttered, clear surprise lacing his voice. “I think it’s supposed to rain tomorrow so
 movie day? Maybe?” 
“That sounds fun.” You smiled. “Let’s do it.” 
“Cool.” He grinned, absolutely giddy that somehow he was able to get you to himself. 
You both walked back to the guest house with Bam following next to Jungkook. You both said your goodnights and retreated to your room for the night. You felt less like sleeping than you did before your time outside, and you realized you were wearing Jungkook’s sweatshirt still. He never asked for it back. Shrugging, but feeling your heart beat a bit faster, you snuggled into it while on your bed. 
Jungkook, laying in his bed on the other side of the wall, also noticed you never asked to give it back. He wasn’t going to ask for it, he wanted you to keep it. Smiling to himself, feeling butterflies in his chest, he also struggled to sleep. His thoughts raced, and he silently hoped you fell asleep in his sweatshirt. 
Next Chapter: x
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borahaerhy · 1 year
Dealer (8) - myg
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Summary: Your boyfriend seemed like a dream come true: always wanting to be around you, making sure you would get home safe, never taking his hands off you. These little comforts became your whole world, and then the only thing you were allowed to have left in the world. Luckily, your boyfriends drug dealer turned out to be a much nicer guy.
Pairing: DrugDealer!Yoongi x Female!Reader
Genre: Mafia/drug kingpin au, Y/N coming from nothing, found family, Eventual smut
Warnings: Slow chapter, Yoongi and Y/n sharing a room, a lot of people blaming themselves, Everyone questions Jimin's motives and Jimin questions everyone else's, protective Yoongi (Kinda subtle but will progressively get less subtle), mentions of death, just a lil unaliving, Jungkook being homeless and also being a little bit of a badass ngl.
Word count: 2.9k
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Note: If you are sensitive or triggered by abusive relationships or manipulation in any way, please do not read this fic, it can be very triggering. It will also be referenced that Y/n used to self harm, and has self-harm scars. This is fic is going to cover a lot of intense topics, and there will be a lot of drugs.
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The escape plan seemed to go off without a hitch, everyone rushing to follow Jin’s car rather than yours. 
You had spent the past several hours crammed in the backseat of the tiny car with Jimin beside you, Jungkook and Yoongi in the front seats as the extreme tinting was limited to the back windows. 
Jungkook was doing exactly as Jin had told him to: you had been taking a very leisurely route and stayed away from any main roads; but no one really dared to speak. Jungkook was his usual brooding self, and Yoongi seemed to mimic his energy; although it was apparent that he was significantly more anxious than Jungkook was. 
Jimin was also quiet, brows scrunched and arms crossed as he appeared to be in deep thought, and you didn’t dare break the silence before someone else did. 
Hours went by like this before Jungkook pulled into what was obviously a small family-run Inn that you guys came across in the local area. He wordlessly exited the vehicle and walked in to get you checked in. He came out a few minutes later and parked the car around the back of the building. 
“It’s flu season,” Jungkook finally spoke, pulling two face masks out of the glove box of the car and handed them back to you and Jimin. “You should cover up.
“Two rooms, twelve and thirteen, Jimin’s with me in twelve, you two in thirteen,” Jungkook’s voice was authoritative but quiet as he handed Yoongi the room key. 
The four of you wordlessly went to your rooms, entering the building through the back exit where there weren’t any cameras. You and Jimin exchanged one final glance before you went into different rooms, Yoongi and Jungkook closing and latching the doors behind them. 
You collapsed on the bed closest to the door, thankful to finally be stationary again, especially after so many hours completely unable to sleep. 
“How are you feeling?” He cleared his throat, his words having come out rough. You sat up on the bed, crossing your legs before you looked up at him. He stood at the desk as he faced the wall, his hands clutched on the edge of it as he hunched over, resting his weight onto it with his head hung low. 
“Okay, I guess,” He nodded his head, sniffing before he stood up properly. “How are you taking all of this?” He almost seemed shocked as he turned around. The only thing he could think about was how hard all of this must’ve been on you; and yet here you were, worried about him. 
“I’m not sure,” He smiled softly; the kind of smile that was filled with sadness and uncertainty. You mimicked his smile as he moved over to his own bed, leaning his elbows on his knees as he ran his fingers through his hair. 
“What happened?” You asked, not really being able to hold back your curiosity anymore. He looked up at you, brows slightly furrowed. “When I was in the room and you guys were going over the plan. And then whenever I was hiding in the cellar,” He nodded his head, still trying to collect his own thoughts. 
“Well, the plan was to kidnap and possibly kill Jimin, so I don’t really know what the plan is now,” He paused for a moment, still searching for the words he needed. “But then Jin noticed something, I don’t really know what, but he knew someone was outside the room listening in. We were all handed guns, and I honestly don’t remember much after that until we got down to where you were,” You nodded slowly, looking down at your hands folded neatly in your lap. 
“How many people do you think, you know
” You trailed off, still looking down. “Died?” you looked up as you finished, Yoongi’s expression much softer than it was previously. His eyes almost seemed to warm up as they looked at you, searching yours for something as he slowly began shaking his head. He looked down as he stood up and moved over to sit next to you.
“You can’t do that to yourself,” He pulled one of your hands out of your lap and pulled it to his, his long, slender fingers playing with yours gently. “If I tell you any number you’re going to sit there and blame yourself when you had absolutely nothing to do with it.” 
“But I did-”
“Park’s the one that sent them, on Zeke’s request; and we’re the ones that pulled the trigger’s. You can’t let yourself take the blame for any of it, Y/n,” You nodded softly, your head hung low as you fought back tears. You could sit here and play the blame game; arguing about who was more at fault but you honestly didn’t have the energy. And Yoongi was right; blaming yourself wouldn’t help your current situation. You had to push it from your thoughts at least for now, while everything was still happening. 
You sat in silence for a few more minutes, but your tired and vulnerable state got the better of you. You leaned into Yoongi, resting your head on his shoulder as he moved his arm around you and held your hand gently in his, rubbing his thumb soothingly over your skin. 
Across the hall, Jimin and Jungkook had been sitting in silence. Jungkook was on a laptop that looked at least 10 years old and he furiously typed something. Jimin sat and watched him, questions racing through his head. 
“Why do you want to help Y/n?” Jimin couldn’t stop himself from asking; he’d only known these guys for a few hours and they all seemed so keen to help her, but he couldn’t help but worry that maybe they had an ulterior motive. 
Jungkook stopped typing, his eyes still glued to the screen as his memories took him somewhere else entirely. 
Jungkook stopped at the top of the staircase, looking down the daunting dark and narrow passageway before him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath: inhale positivity and exhale negativity or whatever the fuck his sister had been telling him. He did everything he could, there was only so much an unarmed fifteen-year-old could do with a gun pointed in his face. He opened his eyes, as ready as he'd ever be, and began his decent into the damp basement.
“What are you doing back here so early, you’re not due back until the sixteenth,” Jungkook cleared his throat before he began to speak. “Louder please.”
“I was mugged, I only have half the money. They stole the rest of the product before I could move it,” His voice must’ve cracked half a dozen times as he spoke, his voice still soft and nervous. For the first time since he’d entered his office, his boss stopped writing and looked up at him. 
“You’re joking, right? Because that’s real funny kid, but if you’re being serious, you don’t want to know what I’d have to do to you,” Jungkook gulped, knowing that he wasn’t someone to be messed with; and he took his money very seriously. 
“I-I’ll get you the rest of the money sir, I’m just going to need some time-” 
“I need that money by next week, do you understand me, kid? I don’t get to give the same excuse that you just gave me without my head being blown off, so why the hell should I let you off so easy, hmm?” Any relief that had come from his previous breathing exercises was gone and replaced with the most paralyzing fear Jungkook had ever experienced. His eyes widened as his blood ran cold, his heart beating sporadically against his chest so aggressively he swore everyone could see it; hear it, even.
“I’ll get you the money by when you need it, I promise-” his unsteady cracking voice was cut off; the cold familiar barrel of a gun pressed against the back of his head.
Jungkook had two options: start crying and definitely get murdered; or try to get out of this and still probably get murdered. He decided on the latter.
Jungkook ducked down swiftly and spun around on his heels. The bullet meant for his head zoomed past milliseconds after he ducked and landed in the chest of his superior, and before anyone could react, Jungkook had knocked the gun out of the mans hands and had it pointed at his head. Fear overtook everyones faces as Jungkook backed them both out of the room, keeping his gun pointed at everyone before he raced up the stairs. 
He tripped over himself, the platform boots he wore to make himself appear older had worked to his disadvantage as he tried to escape. Bullets whirled toward him, crumpling the sides of the bricks around him and leaving perfect cylindrical holes in the door in front of him.
Jungkook shot a few rounds back down at them as he ran, bursting through the door and through the arcade that was used more as a cover for the drug business downstairs then an actual arcade, and out into the streets where he kept running. 
He dropped the gun into a dumpster an hour of running later, then continued on his way. All he wanted to do was help out his sister. She was the one that raised him, his parents having left when they were young. She could barely keep up with the bills and groceries, and he just wanted to help her out, even though if she knew what he was doing in order to get the money, she’d no doubt kill him too. 
But now as he found himself several towns away rested against a brick wall, the cold January air chilling him to his bones, the only thing keeping him from completely freezing was the jacket he’d wrapped around himself, his knees pressed tightly against his chest with his arms wrapped around them, holding them in place. 
His neck was stiff from sleeping on the ground and his stomach empty from not having eaten anything of substance in weeks. 
“Get up,” Jungkook quickly moved his gaze upwards to see someone that couldn’t have been too much older than him, a cup of coffee in his hands and dressed with a nice warm jacket over his scrubs. Jungkook didn’t move, eyeing him suspiciously. 
The man sighed loudly, putting his coffee on the ground before he stripped off his coat and held it out for Jungkook to take. He looked at the coat, then him, then back at the coat before he stood up quickly, almost stumbling over as he moved and took the coat, wrapping it around him. 
“Here,” The man held out the cup of coffee as well. “It’ll keep you warm,” He quickly took it from him and gulped down the burning hot liquid that warmed him up from the inside. “What’s your name, kid?” 
“Jungkook,” he spoke softly as they began walking. 
“Jungkook, there’s some people I’d like for you to meet,” they walked in silence until they got to a small apartment that was much warmer than the outside, and jungkook thought that he could fall asleep on the spot, while still standing up with the warmth he’d been longing for flooding through him. “I’ll introduce you in the morning, you can sleep on the couch for now.” 
Jungkook muttered out a ‘thank you’ as he made his way over and sat on the sofa, which had to have been the most comfortable thing he’d ever sat on. “What’s your name?” Jungkook asked softly. 
Jungkook sighed as he pushed himself away from the desk just enough to turn around and face Jimin. “Sometimes people just need a little help. I can’t speak for why Jin’s doing it; but I’ve been in situations that would’ve killed me if I hadn’t had someone help me out of them. Y/n’s the same,” Jimin nodded slowly, looking down as he thought some more. “Why do you want to help her?” 
While the question shouldn’t have come as a shock, it did. Jimin had pondered everyone’s motives for so long, he didn’t stop to think that anyone else would find his own to be suspicious; even though amongst all of them, he definitely had the least reason to be trusted. 
“She’s different.” He said after a long pause, only continuing when Jungkook gave him a questioning look. “She reminded me that there really are still good people left. Gave me hope that I could be one one day, you know?” Jungkook nodded, fully understanding what he meant, though still not fully trusting him. “I guess I’d just rather die for her than live for the people that hurt her.” 
You woke up with a sense of bliss coming over you, the warmth of arms wrapped around you that you’d been longing for for what felt like years. Only the sound of the air conditioner whirring from across the room brought you back to the reality of the situation. 
You were in a hotel hundreds of miles away from home in the arms of Yoongi, but for some reason that didn’t put you off as much as you thought it should. His embrace brought you a sense of comfort that Zeke’s arms never did. You felt at peace even though nothing around you was peaceful; nothing that was happening was what you were used to, yet still, you woke up more calm today than you had the entire time that you were living with Zeke. 
You nuzzled back into his chest, closing your eyes and humming pleasantly into his chest. He tightened his grip around you, having woken up hours before you. You weren’t the only one comforted with your embrace of one another.
He woke up just when the sun was coming up and found himself unable to fall back asleep. He was scared of what was going to happen, the image of Zeke somehow getting ahold of you again haunting him every time he closed his eyes, along with all of the million other things that could go wrong in the next few days. 
Days, weeks, months, even he had no idea how long this was going to take; but he knew no matter what he had to do, it’d be worth it to see you safe. He’d give anything to be able to experience the girl Hoseok had described so animatedly all those times, anything to see you unafraid and unapologetic. Every time he thought of how daunting his life had become, he was reminded why it’d all be worth it when he felt you move next to him. 
A loud knock at the door made you both spring back to life, Yoongi all-but jumping out of the bed as you ran your fingers over your hair to smooth it down. He opened the door and both Jungkook and Jimin entered holding plates of food and cups of coffee they’d collected from the lobby’s breakfast bar. 
“Eat, we can't stay here long, I’m going to run out to the store to get us all some new clothes so we can get out of here. Yoongi, I need you to make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid,” Jimin smiled brightly, half a bagel in his mouth as Jungkook pointed at him. 
“Don’t worry, I’m on my best behavior,” Jimin sarcastically added as he swallowed his food, the new day and two and a half cups of coffee having brought him back to his (mostly) normal self. Yoongi just nodded and waved Jungkook off. 
Jimin plopped down next to you, handing you a plate of food which you accepted gratefully. Yoongi sat down on the other bed, gulping down his coffee, still exhausted from his mostly-sleepless night. His eyes stayed glued to Jimin, not trusting him to not take you and run the first chance he got. 
“How’d you get wrapped up into all this?” Jimin asked after a very long and uncomfortable period of silence that the three of you shared. He understood that Yoongi was obviously very protective of you, he just couldn’t figure out why. 
“I’m the one that took her,” Yoongi spoke lowly, eyes not leaving Jimin’s as he took another long sip of coffee. “I went to go sell to Zeke, she looked scared. Said she wasn’t allowed to have a phone. So I pointed my gun at his head and took her with me when I left,” Yoongi continued, sensing Jimin wanted more information. 
“Why let it go this far? Why not just turn her in, save your own ass and return to normalcy,” Jimin knew what he was doing. “I mean, this has completely uprooted your life, and you don’t even know her. Why do you care?” Yoongi clenched his jaw. 
“Because she’s a person that needed my help,” Yoongi stood and moved over to the desk where he put his empty cup down before he turned back around to look at Jimin again. “Because I’ve met Zeke’s before and I knew someone who knew how to take care of them.” There was another brief yet tense silence, you softly munching on your toast as your eyes darted back and forth between the two. 
“Why didn’t you do anything? Why didn’t you do something, knowing what kind of person Zeke is?” Jimin looked down, his eyes watering as he clenched his jaw tightly, guilt overwhelming him as he thought back to when you’d first met. The more he thought about the comments you’d made about Zeke and the way Zeke acted, the more he realized just how easy it should’ve been for him to step in and say something, do something. 
“I wish I had.”
Taglist: @pamzn @fvcuidk @cybm1n @limiworld @scuzmunkie @hyunjingin @nellyboosworld @giselleg7784 @zaeve @lovelgirl22 @rosquilleta @kooliv @bangtannie7 @strawberryjimin13 @anjoellamorte @limitlessdespondency @lalaoise @roxy1205 @lavender-ivy @orangecarrotlemon @billy-jeans23  @jwlmnbt @artemis1862 @namjoonsbuspass @luaspersona @wittyreader @be0mluver  @acquiescence804 @dustyinkpages @namjoonsbuspass @damiiworld @cynicalbitch666 @rosiejunnie @dahliasbouqet @bxcndd
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btsgotjams27 · 10 months
this is us ~ jjk | 20
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✹ title: this is us | (sequel to all grown up) ✹ pairing: jungkook x f!reader | ✹ rating: m/18+ | minors dni ✹ genre/au: drama, romance, angst, fluff, smut | est!relationship, age gap, best friend’s brother ✹ playlist | ✹if you haven’t read the prequel to this, please do so here! :) ✹ a/n: I'm not crying, you are. if you must know, I've been dreading this chapter because it means we're one step closer to the end 😭 but I do have some things up my sleeve hehehehe and you'll find out what it is after the epilogue 💖 we've come so far and thank you everyone for coming alongside their journey. i wouldn't be here without your questions, lovely comments and reviews. i owe so much to all my readers. one last thing, thank you to @erica2283 for helping with this chapter. we all owe her a big hug. ✹ a/n 2: remember, we have our little TIU celebration as well! i hope you'll all be around for it. and as always, i'd love to hear your thoughts, keyboard smashes, anything 💖 hehe we've made it!!
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[ SERIES MASTERLIST ] | next ✹ epilogue ~ us
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chapter 20 ~ ending credits | wc: 9.2k warnings: language, drinking, someone is preggo (can you guess who?), oc is a supportive girlfriend, jk is such a romantic and oc gets easily embarrassed, references to 10 things i hate about you and inception (ofc), grumpy grandpa yoongi, also yoongi is just the sweetest friend, jk and yoongi finally meet, do i hear some kind of bells???, jk and oc are so in love it’s satisfying to see after all this time (we’ve come so far!), and also lots of fluff cause hello there is a 💍💒⚭🎉, be prepared for all the cheesy, romantic shi--💖, they're overly gross with their use of pet names smut warnings: slight exhibitionism?, oral (m & f receiving), fingering, spitting, cum swallowing
~ 2 months since moving in together ~
Light sounds of piano and saxophone filled the air as you had been laying on this bed for an hour, moaning and groaning, and not because of Jeon Jungkook.
Your masseuse was hitting all the right spots, getting every knot and kink in your wound-up body, and for that, you'd blame your boyfie.
Hyunie and Yuna wanted a girl's day without husbands, boyfriends, kids, or distractions. And who would say no to that?
"I don't know why we don't treat ourselves out more often," you said, turning to Yuna as she sipped her wine.
"It's been too long since we've all had a self-care day," Hyunie commented. You and Yuna agreed. "Oh my gosh! Your nails are perfect!" She pointed out your neutral beige nails topped off with lavender French tips and tiny jewels perfectly placed on each nail.
You wavered your fingers, letting your new manicure sparkle and glisten in the sunlight. Pastels and neutrals were your go-to. You were too much of a chicken to step out of your comfort zone.
“I think we need to do this once a month,” Yuna said, staring at her nails, which reminded you of Tiffany’s robin-egg blue.
“You both deserve it, mamas.”
Hyunie giggled, placing a hand on her growing belly. She was still in the early stages of pregnancy. At the start of this self-care day, she texted a sonogram photo to you as you were undressing for your massage. You screamed and started crying, practically scaring your masseuse.
“What are you and Jungkook up to this weekend?” Yuna asked before swirling the pasta with her fork.
“He wants to go to this gaming convention or something. It’s being held at this big arena.” You didn’t know anything about video games. You searched the internet to see what they even did at gaming conventions.
“Boring!” Hyunie cried out.
You rubbed your temple. “He wants to go, so I’ll go to support him.”
“You’re gonna be such a good wife—” Hyunie remarked before Yuna kicked her under the table. “Ow,” she muttered. “I mean, you’re such a good sport! Supporting your man like that.”
You blinked at your friends, wondering what was up with them today. You gave them the bombastic side-eye as they were pretty giggly and tightlipped.
Hyunie laughed off her comment, trying to play it cool. “Don’t mind me and my pregnancy brain. Also, remind me to kick my husband’s butt for knocking me up! I mean, there are some nice benefits.” She looks down at her chest. “But everything hurts already.”
“Welcome to the pregnant life, my friend,” Yuna jokes.
You chuckled. “I can’t believe Kim Taehyung is gonna be a dad.”
“Right? No, but I think he will be a good dad.” Hyunie hummed softly, rubbing her belly.
“He’ll be great, and I’m sure he can always ask Namjoon questions,” you said.
“Namjoon still doesn’t know what he’s doing half the time–actually, both of us,” Yuna laughed. “But that’s just parenting 101. There’s no guidebook or anything; you just google everything and hope your kid doesn’t turn out to be a turd.”
“Yuna—” You rolled your eyes.
“What? I’m not saying Indie will be, but I just want my kid to be a good human.”
“Well, you’re doing a great job raising your little human,” you say to Yuna, then turn to Hyunie. “You and Taehyung are going to do great, too. You have us if you need anything.”
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You gripped Jungkook’s hand as he led you through the sea of people. The commotion of excited fans buzzed in the arena. Booth after booth of fan-made merch, the newest games, and sponsored goods were lined up like a maze. Your eyes wandered, scanning to see if anything interesting caught your eye.
Jungkook was in deep conversation with an old colleague from Netmarble, who was working on a new game set to be released. Your lips turned into a pout, and you turned around to see what could keep you busy as you let Jungkook do his thing.
“So, you’re telling me that this virtual reality game is like Inception? The movie?” You narrowed your eyes at the young man trying to sell you on this new game. Anything could be turned into a game, you supposed.
“The possibilities are endless,” he shrugged, continuing to go in-depth with this game.
You had been in conversation with this young man for twenty minutes and turned to find your boyfriend had disappeared. You sighed, “Great.” How were you supposed to find him now?
Checking your phone, which only had 5% left, you knew you should’ve grabbed the portable charger. Maybe you could somehow find Jungkook in this sea of fanboys.
A sudden screeching, humming noise made everyone grimace, covering their ears. The sound of someone thumping a microphone, followed by an ‘ah, ah, ah,’ went through the speakers.
“Everyone, we have an extraordinary presentation today. Would you please turn your attention to the screen?”
The lights dimmed, the crowd quieted, and everyone’s eyes were focused on the illuminated screen.
“You’re just too good to be true, can’t take my eyes off of you.”
You froze, your heart thumping, and your stomach fluttered at the angelic voice. Hearing the song made you weak in the knees, wanting to crumble down to the ground. This scene from 10 Things I Hate About You was your second favorite to Kat’s monologue.
Jungkook is shown on the screen. He has a mic in hand and a grin plastered on his face. He’s putting everything into this little performance like it’s one of his late-night karaoke sessions, except this time, he was performing in front of thousands of people and a live broadcast instead of just you and Bamie.
“You’d be like heaven to touch, I wanna hold you so much.”
The screen splits in half, and now your face is also shown in front of thousands of people; then you notice the space around you, along with the camera pointed directly at you.
You didn’t think Jeon Jungkook was one for grand gestures, but maybe you were wrong. Suppressing your smile, you closed your eyes and hid your face in your hands.
He continued singing, making his way over to you. The grin he’s sporting never leaves as he finally stands before you.
All eyes are on you and him.
You leaned forward and whispered, “What are you doing?”
Jungkook sets the mic beside you, and the music dies down. He wiggled his eyebrows, pulling out a blue velvet box.
He got down on one knee, staring up at you. “It is an honor and a privilege to love you, and I want to love you every day till I die. I can't promise there won't be difficult moments, but I wouldn't want to go through life with anybody except you.”
You sucked in your lips and licked them to keep your excitement at bay.
“If you allow me to, I want to choose you every second, every minute, and every hour. I’ll show you what devotion is and how it’s deeper than the ocean.”
Your eyes twinkled as you lovingly stared at your romantic boyfriend. “Yes–” you interrupted him, furiously nodding your head.
He knitted his eyebrows and pouted. “You didn’t let me finish.”
“Don’t need you to–”
He opened his mouth and closed it again. “Just–let me ask you,” he whined.
You huffed, giving him a deadpan expression. You figured he would only get to do this once in a lifetime. Maybe you shouldn’t take away his thunder.
Jungkook took the oval Alexandrite ring from its box. He rose to his feet. “Will you marry me?”
At this moment, you needed someone to pinch you and wake you up from this dream. Could this be a virtual reality like the Inception game from earlier? Would your totem fall over or keep spinning?
“Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!” You cupped his face, eagerly kissing him, forgetting about the thousands of people watching you.
His bunny smile and dimple are on display for the world to see, and his starry eyes shined brighter than the gem on your finger. It’s the happiest you’ve ever seen him.
Cheers and screams echoed throughout the arena as you kissed him again. Your lips entwined, his hands threaded through your hair, pulling you as close as he could. The smell of his cherry chapstick filled your nostrils, becoming intoxicating.
Jungkook pulled away, peppering kisses on your face as you let out soft chuckles. “I can’t wait to spend forever with you.”
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The first person you texted was none other than Min Yoongi. Since Hyunie and Yuna were in on the whole ‘pamper/self-care day,’ they already knew what was happening. Hence the secrecy throughout the day.
You 10:27 PM [ image attached of engagement ring ]
Grumpy Grandpa 10:30 PM 👍
You 10:31 PM That’s it? All I get is a thumbs up.
He knew how much you despised the thumbs-up emoji, but he told you it was the highest compliment anyone could ever get from him.
Grumpy Grandpa 10:35 PM 🎉
You 10:36 PM 😑
Grumpy Grandpa 10:40 PM Okay fine. 👍👍👍👍👍👍 Happy?
You 10:41 PM 😐 I guess
You 10:45 PM Anyway, will you come to our engagement party?
Grumpy Grandpa 10:50 PM You’re already getting married. Why spend more money on an engagement party?
You huffed and clenched your jaw as you sat in bed, staring at his message.
You 10:52 PM Because we’re in love and need to celebrate it a million times over and over until everyone is sick of us. đŸ„°đŸ’–đŸ„°đŸ’–đŸ„°đŸ’–
Grumpy Grandpa 10:54 PM I think I'd rather die a slow death

You didn’t bother to text anything back. Instead, you tucked your phone underneath your pillow as Jungkook crawled into bed. You inched toward him, your back against his chest. He draped his arm around you, kissing your head.
“Hi, soon-to-be-wifey,” he chuckled, pressing himself into you.
“Hi, soon-to-be-hubby.” You wiggled back toward him.
“Who were you texting?”
“I was texting Yoongi to see if he’d come to our engagement party.”
“What’d he say?”
“That he’d rather die a slow death.”
Jungkook laughed, kissing your shoulder. “Oof–I like him.”
You turned around to face Jungkook. “You’d be okay, right? If Yoongi came to our party?”
His lips thinned, and his brows drew together. “Yeah, of course. He’s your friend. If you want him there, then I want him there.”
You hummed. “I love you.”
“Love you more.”
If there was one person you wanted Jungkook to meet, it was Yoongi. Honestly, you’d miss the banter and bickering relationship between you. But maybe Yoongi would be willing to accept Jungkook and possibly become friends. One could hope, right?
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You 9:01 AM I don’t know if you planned to come, but we had to cancel the engagement party.
Grumpy Grandpa 9:15 AM Damn, he doesn’t wanna marry you already? I get it, though. I wouldn’t wanna marry you either.
You 9:16 AM 👊👊 Min Yoongi, I’m gonna pummel you!
You 9:17 AM If you must know, the place we wanted was overbooked, so we’re gonna cancel and save money for the wedding.
You don’t hear from Yoongi for another hour or so. He must be busy with an upcoming film or something.
Grumpy Grandpa 10:02 AM Don’t say I’ve never done anything for you.
You 10:36 AM đŸ€š
Grumpy Grandpa 10:55 AM My friend has a place you can use for your engagement party if you want.
You 10:56 AM You don't have to do that.
Grumpy Grandpa 10:57 AM The offer is expiring in 3
You 10:57 AM Ok! Ok! Where's the place?
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Strolling through the home, you wonder what you did in your past life to have a friend like Min Yoongi. You crept through every corner of the house but couldn’t find him.
There was one last place you hadn’t checked: the terrace. Making your way through the kitchen, you saw him standing outside. The view was incredible, overlooking the ocean. This place was a few ways away but worth the drive.
The corners of your lips curved into a smile as you closed the sliding door behind you. You observed the grumpy grandpa in a fuzzy yellow cardigan looking at the scenery before you.
“Hey.” You stood, nudging his arm.
He turned and hummed, acknowledging your presence.
“Thanks for letting us use this place. It’s amazing. Better than anything I imagined.”
“It’s my friend’s place,” he quickly corrected you, sipping his iced coffee.
You leaned against the glass, looking at him, nudging him again. “Can you just accept my gratitude?” you pouted, sporting your best puppy eyes.
“Fine. You’re welcome.”
You giggled because you got your way. “Come on, I want you to meet Jungkook.”
He grunted, not moving an inch.
Tugging on his yellow sweater a few times made him give in. “Let’s go, grumpy.”
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Jungkook and Taehyung were busy bringing decor and food in, and Yoongi had somehow disappeared from the terrace to the kitchen. You blame being the bride-to-be because everyone needs your input on where to place everything.
“You okay?” Jungkook asked, scanning your face.
You hummed, nodding your head, and broke out into a warm smile. “I’m good. Better than good, great actually.”
He raised his eyebrow, sporting a thin smile. “Okay,” his tone is hesitant, but he trusts you. “I’m gonna help Taehyung finish bringing everything in; then we can start the party, hmm?” He kissed your cheek before running off.
An arm wrapped around your shoulder, pulling you in for a hug. You turned to see a friend from your most recent TV show.
“Hi, Minji.”
She squealed, pulling you into a tighter embrace. “I can’t believe you’re getting married!”
You beamed a grin from ear to ear, enjoying the buzzing excitement. You watched as Yoongi appeared from one of the bedrooms, strolling toward the terrace again. You’d have to grab him to introduce him and Jungkook when you could.
“Let me see the ring,” Minji said, holding her hand for yours. “Oh my god. This is such a pretty gemstone. Does it change colors?” The ring sparkled and gleamed with every twist and turn. 
“Sometimes it can be a deep green to blue, sometimes even purple or a deep red depending on the lighting and angle,” you explained. It was one of the reasons why you preferred this stone over a diamond.
When you were looking through rings, you told Jungkook that if your wedding/engagement ring didn’t look like he went through a crazy journey and a cursed lake to get it, then you didn’t want it. It is a bit dramatic, but you wanted your ring to be special and unique.
“It’s so pretty and, honestly, so perfect for you.” She hugged you again. “When’s the wedding?”
“Soon—in a month or so.”
Minji’s eyes widened.
“Yeah—don’t ask me how wedding planning is going,” you let out a light-hearted laugh.
You and Jungkook didn’t see the point in waiting. You loved each other and couldn’t wait to spend the rest of your lives together. Plus, neither of you wanted a big wedding. You just wanted to celebrate with family and friends.
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Throughout the night’s festivities, Yoongi opted for something stronger, a classic glass of whiskey, to be exact. He sipped on the drink with a hand in his pocket, watching the sky become painted with hues of coral and lavender. This was one of his favorite spots in this house.
“Hey, man.”
Yoongi turned to see the groom-to-be. He nodded, sporting a thin smile, before taking another sip of his whiskey.
“I’m Jungkook, by the way. I’ve heard a lot about you,” he said, holding his hand.
Yoongi suppressed a smile. He thought it was funny how you’d spoken about him to your soon-to-be husband. “So, you’re the famous Jungkook, hm?” Yoongi switched the glass to his other hand to shake Jungkook’s.
He shies away from Yoongi’s comment. “Ah, I hope she didn’t bore you too much talking about me.”
Yoongi softly chuckled and wanted to respond but held his tongue. He’d be a good friend and keep your pain a secret.
Jungkook cleared his throat. “But I just wanted to say thank you.”
“For?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Letting us use this place. It means a lot to the both of us,” Jungkook paused, stuffing his hands in his pants pocket as he looked off into the horizon. “And thank you for being there for her in a way I couldn’t.”
He knew how important Yoongi had become in your journey when you and him weren’t together. And if Yoongi weren’t there to support you, maybe you and him wouldn’t be together right now. He wished there was a better way to show his gratitude.
“I didn't really do anything. I just listened to her ramble, watched her cry, eat, and drink a lot.”
Jungkook softly chuckled. “You did more for her than you think. Thanks again.” He held his hand out for Yoongi to shake once more. Yoongi stared for a moment before reciprocating.
Yoongi couldn't hate the guy you were about to marry despite the pain Jungkook had caused you. He was nice, handsome, and had a stupid death grip. Could probably beat him up. He even surprised Yoongi by taking the initiative to introduce himself first. Well, if that wasn’t the mark of a man who truly loved you.
He watched Jungkook walk over to you, hugging you from behind and kissing your shoulder. You wrapped your arm up to his neck, turning to kiss his cheek. You were happy, and that’s all Yoongi wanted for you.
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The guests begin to dwindle, and you have some room to breathe. And you make it a point to talk to Yoongi before you leave. You felt like you hardly saw him the entire night. He was doing his own thing. Was he always like this in a social setting? You guessed you hadn’t seen him much outside of hanging out with Hyunie and Taehyung.
“Are you ready to go?”Jungkook asked.
“You go ahead. I’m just going to find Yoongi and thank him again. Is that okay?”
He nods. “Yeah, of course. I’ll be in the car.” He kisses you before leaving.
You wandered throughout the house, peering through each room. Yoongi was sitting in a darkened room, sipping on what you assumed was another glass of whiskey.
Standing in the threshold, you knock on the frame, getting his attention. “Hey, stranger. You’re not much of a party-goer, are you?” You chuckled, taking a few steps forward.
Both hands are holding his glass while he’s leaning forward in his chair. “Are you guys heading out?”
“Yeah, just packing everything up.”
He hummed. “Have a good night.”
You don’t move from your spot. Your hands are entwined, thumbs twiddling with one another.
Yoongi knits his eyebrows. “Everything okay?”
You flash a small smile. “Thanks for letting us use your place tonight.” Yoongi perked up. “You know how I knew?” You pointed at the cat figurines on the bookshelves and the desk. “You had the same ones in Phuket.”
He made a disgruntled noise, scanning the room at his little porcelain collectibles.
You chuckled. “You don’t have to lie to me, Yoongi, saying it was someone else’s place, but thank you again. You’re a good friend.”
Yoongi has always been the supportive one. He was there for you when you were at your lowest of lows, and you’d be forever grateful. And even if he would never outright announce to the world all the things he’s done, he cared for you in such a delicate, subtle way that was completely different from everyone else.
“You ready to go home?” Jungkook brought your palm up to his lips, pressing a kiss against it.
You hummed and smiled. “Home. I like the sound of that.”
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~ one month later ~ ~ a week before the wedding ~
Bam sat at your feet while you were finalizing the seating chart. Jungkook passed out on the couch, lightly snoring away. He had been staying late because of all the late-night karaoke and cooking sessions.
You 11:56 AM Hey, I’m going through RSVPs, and I haven’t gotten yours. Can you let me know if you’re coming to the wedding?
You don’t hear a response from Yoongi for the rest of the day until a phone call comes in after dinner.
Grumpy Grandpa Incoming Call
Hey, sorry, I just saw your text. My new film is shooting the next day after your wedding, so I might have to leave early depending on what flight I can book. But yeah, count me in.
“Okay, awesome. Are you bringing a plus one?”
He scoffed. “Yeah, no.”
“Okay, I’ll sit next to Taehyung and Hyunie so you won’t feel lonely or awkward.”
“‘Kay, sounds good. I’ll see you then.”
Jungkook walked in with Bam after their nightly stroll around the neighborhood as you checked off that Yoongi was coming on your planning app.
Bam wandered over to the pen, drinking water from his bowl, and Jungkook greeted you with a kiss.
“Whatcha doing?” He plopped right beside you, laying his head on your lap.
You card your fingers through his hair, lightly scratching his scalp. “I was just talking to Yoongi. He was confirming that he’s coming to the wedding.”
“He’s a cool guy. I like him.”
Flashing a small smile, you continued running your fingers through his hair. “Yeah, he is.”
“He didn’t say much when we were at his place, but he just seems like the type of guy who quietly cares for his friends.”
You chuckled because that encompassed everything Min Yoongi was as a friend.
“He seems very open-minded and knowledgeable, probably about the most random things.”
“Have you been studying him or something?” you asked, continuing to play with his hair.
“No, I just—want him to like me.”
You chuckled at his comment. “You’re cute.”
Jungkook rolled his eyes, pinching your arm. He sat up, shoulder to shoulder with you, nudging you.
“I know we said we wouldn’t get any gifts for each other, but I couldn’t resist.”
You turn to him, narrowing your eyes. “Kook—”
“I know!” He lowers his head. “So, do you want it now or later?”
You closed your eyes, holding out your hands.
“Okay, okay! Hold on!”
Jungkook sprinted toward the bedroom, holding a box when he returned. Bam was passed out on his blanket, not caring what his parents were up to. 
He placed the box in your hands. “Open your eyes.”
You peek with one eye, and it’s a beautifully wrapped gift. It reminded you of the one that Hyunie wrapped your boudoir album in. Jungkook watches as you shake it from side to side.
“I’ll just—leave you alone.”
You purse your lips, raising an eyebrow at your soon-to-be-husband. He kisses you before leaving you alone with the gift.
You undo the twine and carefully remove the kraft paper. Lifting the top cover, there’s a photo album identical to the boudoir one you have.
Did Jeon Jungkook take risque photos for you?
Carefully, you take the album out, moving the box beside you. Your fingers ghost over the front cover before having the courage to open it.
The noise you made awoken Bam, but he ignored you and went back to sleep. You raced to the bedroom, shutting the door behind you.
“What is this?” you questioned, blinking at Jungkook. You held the album open to him, dressed in a tight white tee and leather pants. He looked like a 90s heartthrob, and you were scared to look through the rest, but you may have seen him shirtless in a blazer and jeans.
“You don’t like your present?”
You shook your head. “No, I didn’t say that.”
Jungkook giggled. He propped his arms on the bed, legs spread, a cocky smirk on display.
“Are you trying to seduce me?”
He showed off his pearly whites and wiggled his eyebrows. “Is it working?”
You wandered over between his legs and nodded. “Yes.”
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You wondered how it was your wedding, and you were still running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Hyunie and Yuna helped when they could, and you even recruited Minji to be your day-of coordinator so that you wouldn’t have to make all these decisions on your wedding day.
But after a hectic day, you were glad to finally rest and lay your head on the comfy pillow and fluffy duvet. The bed you laid in bore too many memories of you and Jungkook—the two of you getting high, being horny as fuck, and him getting it in the wrong hole. This cabin held many fun memories, and you were excited to add more.
You tugged on the string lamp, turning off the light. Digging deeper into the bed and pillow, you breathed a sigh of relief, ready to go to dreamland.
Just as you were drifting off, a buzzing from your phone awakened you, and when you lifted it to see who it could be—it was none other than your soon-to-be-husband.
You answered the video call but didn’t care to turn on the lights because he broke the rules you had placed for the wedding.
“Kook, what are you doing? You’re not supposed to be calling.”
He’s not wearing a shirt through the screen as the fluffy, white duvet covers him. “Says who?” His elbow props up his head while he’s staring at you.
“Says tradition.”
“Who cares about tradition—Come on, baby,” he pouts, causing a frown and puppy eyes.
“I’ll see you tomorrow. It’s just for one night.”
“Let me talk to my girlfriend before she becomes my wife,” he pouted.
You chuckled. “It’s just a title.”
Jungkook’s offended and scoffs. “Oh, it’s so much more than just a title.”
“You’re going to call me your wife instead of your girlfriend. No big deal.”
“It’s a big deal, alright! I’m honored to be your husband.”
You rolled over on your stomach, propping the phone against the pillow. “Okay, hubby,” you cleared your throat. “Everyone—this is my husband.” You giggled. “You’re right. It has a nice ring to it.”
“See! What did I tell you?”
The both of you quiet down.
“We’ve come a long way, hmm?”
“Yeah, and you’re worth every single step.”
Rolling onto your back, you pick up the phone, then dramatically fan yourself. “Kook, save some words for your vows tomorrow.”
“I have a never-ending list of things I could say.”
“Are you just a boy filled with pure fluff and love?”
He shies away, covering his face with the duvet. “Why, yes, I am.”
You chuckled, furrowing your head further into your pillow. “It’s late, and we have an early day tomorrow. We’re getting married, remember?”
“How could I forget? I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.”
“Goodnight, hubby.”
“Night, wifey.”
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The hustle of decorating the cabin was finished the night before, and with Minji, Jimin, and his girlfriend’s help, everything was coming together. The only thing you had on your agenda today was getting married to the love of your life.
Your hair and makeup were in full swing as your makeup artist put the finishing touches on lipstick. You didn’t want anything too glam. Simple and minimal was your mantra for this joyous occasion.
Soft clicks from a camera could be heard from behind as Yuna helped tie your silk top. You and Jungkook opted to capture the wedding on film and digital. It would give it a nice touch of vintage vibes.
Hyunie whistled as she got a close-up of Yuna tying your top. “Wait until Jungkook sees you in this!”
“Stop–it’s just a dress.”
Hyunie shook her head no. “It’s not just any dress. It’s your wedding dress. Trust me. It hits differently.” She wiggled her eyebrows. “And it’s a two-piece, so whenever you wear these pieces separately, you’ll always have some wedding feels.”
You looked at yourself in the mirror, smoothing your silk skirt with the thigh-high slit. You wanted to be practical with your wedding dress. You didn’t want it wasting away in the back of the closet, never to be worn again, so you opted for classic pieces that you can wear again.
Yuna sets the veil’s comb into your hair, letting the tulle drape down. She stood beside you, tilting her head with a smile beaming from ear to ear. She took your hand, making you look at her. “Hey, sis.”
“God—Yuna. Don’t make me cry right now! We just finished my makeup.” The back of your neck began to warm up, and you could feel the tears forming behind your eyes. You fanned yourself, hoping it would stop them from falling.
“I can’t believe this day is finally here.” She dabbed the corner of her eyes, gently wiping away her mascara. “Okay—I need to go check on Indie. Make sure she’s all set. I’ll see you two later.” Yuna tightly embraced you before leaving.
Hyunie takes your hand. “Are you ready, my beautiful bride?”
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You faced outward to the breathtaking landscape. The sun is shining, warming up your exposed skin. Closing your eyes, you inhale a deep breath, not taking this moment for granted. You want to savor it, keep it locked up to revisit.
Unbeknownst to you, Jungkook had been watching you from afar, enjoying this moment. Like you, he wishes he could put the world on pause so it could just be the two of you—a point in time where nothing else mattered but you and him.
Jungkook takes his time and chuckles when he sees you tired of standing, waiting for him.
He approaches, wrapping his arms around your waist, removing your veil to kiss your shoulder. He whispers a ‘hi,’ rocking you from side to side.
You leaned back, pressing into him. “Hi,” you repeat as Jungkook kisses your temple.
His kiss sends chills throughout your body. You close your eyes again, and your relationship with Jungkook flashes before you. An overwhelming sensation overtakes every fiber of your being. Your home wasn’t just four walls and a fridge. Instead, it was four limbs and lips to kiss. Jungkook was your home.
“Can we just stay like this for a little while?” He squeezed you tighter. “Before all the chaos?”
You giggled and hummed, turning around to kiss him. “I love you so much.”
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It felt like an eternity to finally be standing before him, but the two of you made it–nothing was standing in your way, save for Namjoon, who was performing the ceremony.
Everyone had their turn down the aisle: Yuna walking with Jimin and Taehyung, and even Bam and Indie made the crowd laugh as the flower girl and ring bearer. Bam kept trying to eat the petals as Indie threw them. Yuna had to entice Indie with chocolates as she stood at the end of the aisle.
You were patiently waiting inside, your arm linked with Jin.
“This is your last chance to run,” he teases as you nudge your hip into his.
“I didn’t go through hell and back not to marry Jeon Jungkook.”
Jin chuckles. “Well, come on. Your groom is waiting.”
The acoustic guitar starts playing, ‘Everything’ by Kina Grannis through the speakers. Everyone turns toward you, watching as you descend the aisle with Jin. Camera clicks are heard in front of you as Hyunie snaps away.
You’re donning a silk two-piece, an open-back top with a tie, and a skirt with a thigh-high split. You opted for a dried flower bouquet of lavender and baby’s breath, and Jungkook had a matching boutonniere.
Your eyes focus on none other than Jungkook. He looks dashing in his classic suit. His soft curls frame his pretty face, and his hands are folded as he patiently waits for you. The corner of his mouth curved up into a grin. He shyly looks to the ground before flicking back up, dimple and bunny smile on display.
When you reach the end, Jin hugs you and whispers, ‘Go get ‘em, tiger.’ You chuckle and turn to Yuna, handing her your bouquet. Jungkook takes your hands, and you stand facing each other in front of Namjoon.
It’s like you have tunnel vision; no one else matters but you and him. You can see Jungkook’s eyes glistening as Namjoon continues his wedding script. Jungkook squeezed your hand a few times before you realized Namjoon was talking to you.
All eyes were on the two of you, ready to exchange vows.
You turn to Yuna to retrieve the vows you had prepared. “I was not expecting you. I was not even looking, but somehow, you came to me as if you knew what I needed. I used to believe that finding someone who would love me would be difficult. I know I’m not the easiest person to love. I’m an over-thinker and don’t convey my wants and needs well, but I’ve found someone who thinks they can take on the challenge.”
There’s light laughter among the guests. Jungkook grins, looking at the ground before flicking back to you.
“There may be times when I’m insecure and spiral into the abyss, but if you’re by my side, I know you’ll always be in my corner, fighting with me and helping me every step of the way.” 
You paused and flashed a soft smile, trying to hide your tears. “Jeon Jungkook, you are my dream come true, my world, the joy in my heart. Thank you for loving and accepting me for who I am, my flaws and all.”
You stopped again to dab the tears falling from the corner of your eyes. “And I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life falling in love with you over and over again.”
A stillness remains after you finish your vows. Your eyes quickly glance at the crowd. There are smiles and tears of joy among them.
Namjoon takes the microphone from you, handing it over to Jungkook. He sniffles before clearing his throat and grabbing a piece of paper from his jacket pocket.
He unfolds it in his hands, and you can’t help but notice a slight tremble. “It’s easy for me to love you, which scares me. I’ve never wanted anything so much as I want to hold you every waking minute and every night while I sleep. The question I used to ask myself was ‘How do I love you?’ and now it has become ‘How do I ever stop?’”
“I’ll choose you again and again from start to finish. I’ll choose you when my heart is full, and I’ll choose you even when the days are hard. Maybe I’ve already loved you in a million different ways and through different timelines, but I’m so glad that we’re here now, and I get to love you in this lifetime.”
“There are no more what ifs, what could have been. It’s just you and me saying yes to each other forever. We deserve our happy ending.”
Jungkook looks up to see you holding a tissue, patting your cheeks from the tears. He sees past you and Yuna, also in tears. He lightly chuckles to himself.
The two of you have gone through enough, and Jungkook was right. You didn’t have to live with the what-ifs and the what could have been. This timeline brought you back to him. You could think of many things that could’ve happened—you not taking that meeting in LA, being unable to pick yourself back up, you and Jungkook not breaking up and trying to make it work. But ultimately, you knew you needed to grow, mature, and figure things out before you could be standing here today saying, ‘I do.’
Namjoon proceeds through the rest of his ceremony script by exchanging the rings and, finally, the last thing on the agenda.
“Jungkook, you may kiss the bride,” Namjoon announces.
Jungkook takes a few steps forward, cupping your face and staring into your eyes. “Finally.” He leans forward, closing his eyes. His lips find yours like a magnet.
Cheers from family and friends are boisterous, along with the music that cues up as the two of you are ready to walk down the aisle.
You stand with Jungkook hand in hand. He looks over to you and kisses you again. He lifts your arm, shaking it, yelling a ‘yes’ as the crowd cheers again.
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Minji ushered you and Jungkook to a private bedroom, telling the two of you to eat before the reception festivities. But, of course, Jungkook had other plans.
He locked the door and eagerly pressed you against the wall, making you yelp. “Five minutes, that’s all I need.”
“You’re pretty confident, hmm?”
"I can't let this moment go to waste."
"Kook," you whine into his mouth. "Someone's gonna come looking for us."
"Good. I'll tell them we're coming," he grins before kissing you again.
Your hands are flushed against his chest as he trails kisses along your jawline and neck. His hand on the small of your back, pressing you into his growing bulge.
Your fingers tug on his jacket lapels. You're tempted to take off his blazer, but you're in the middle of your wedding celebration. You couldn't get carried away.
He kisses back up your neck, finding your lips again. Shifting your skirt to the side, his hand finds warmth between your legs. He palms against your clit, rubbing circles. He catches your moans with his kisses.
"We can't be so loud, baby."
You unbuckle his belt and pop the button on his dress pants, undoing his zipper. You cup your hand around his hard, clothed erection, stroking him. He gently grabs your hand, making you withdraw from him.
"You first."
He moves your panties to the side, his finger sliding between your folds, spreading your arousal.
"Are you ready for me?"
You loll your head back, jaw slack, making some kind of noise in agreement. He inserts a finger, his palm pressed on your clit again. He starts pumping in and out before adding a second finger. Your walls clench around him when he speeds up.
He squeezes your breast, then pinches your nipple. You're already crumbling, and it's been mere minutes, but your desire for him started long before this.
Jungkook drops to his knees. He gathers your skirt for you to hold. He pulls down your panties, making you step out of them. He flings it off to the side before relishing in you again. He attaches his mouth to your clit, licking and sucking, tugging your legs closer to him. He hurries down further, trying to get to your entrance.
Your hands thread through his hair as he reinserts his fingers. He looks up at you, eyebrows knitted, a stray hair falling as you bite down on your lip, holding in whimpers. Saliva is running down his chin as he continues lapping, trying his best to consume all of you. He pulls away, kissing your clit, nudging his nose into it. At the same time, he's curling his fingers, hitting the sweet spot. He lifts your leg onto his shoulder so he can get better access. He kisses your thigh before attaching his lips to clit again.
You're aching for a sweet release. Your heart is racing, and the fear of someone coming to look for you heightens, and you start rolling your hips, desperate to reach your climax.
"Mm, right here, Kook. Just like that."
His eyes meet yours, and he smiles, knowing he could make you cum quickly. He continues lapping and flicking, finger fucking you. The sensation is too much to handle, and you need to stabilize yourself. He sets your leg down, and his hand grabs the flesh of your ass.
Your skin heats up, hands curl tighter into his hair, the building pleasure causes your legs to shake, and your thighs are closing in on Jungkook. You're biting down on your lip, holding back the moan, desperately trying to escape. You're losing all composure when the tension finally snaps, and you reach your release.
He doesn't let go when you cum. He continues to overstimulate you until you have to push him away. You lean down to kiss him, your slick lingers all over him, and you have to clean him up before he goes back out.
"Fuck–you're so sexy," he says between kisses.
"Your turn."
Jungkook hums. "I'm not gonna last long."
"Then it'll be just like our first time again," you tease, remembering when you sucked him off on your couch.
"Baby–do you have to bring that up right now?"
You giggled and let go of your skirt, reaching to put your panties back on. You nodded, smirking at him. "You can never last long when you’re excited."
"Baby," he whines, letting out a huff.
You kiss him. "I love making you feel that way."
You play with the elastic on his underwear, tugging them down. Jungkook watches as you grin and grip his cock. It involuntarily twitches in your grasp. You have no time to waste. People are waiting for you both.
Kneeling before him, you wrap your hand around his shaft, pumping and twisting his length. Your thumb rubs the pre-cum dripping from him, and then he lets out a sharp hiss when you flick your tongue at his tip. Spitting on his cock, you spread your saliva up and down his shaft with both hands, stroking him.
You peer up at him, and his eyes never leave yours. He’s captivated by this pretty view. You take him in your mouth, swirling your tongue, moaning against him. Laying your tongue flat, it runs along the underside of his cock, following the prominent vein. Your lips are slick and swollen, trying to take more of him in.
“You’re doing so good, baby,” Jungkook bites his lip, gently thrusting forward.
Your lips part around his cock, only taking in the head. Your hand wraps the rest of his shaft, stroking him, and your free hand gently plays with his balls.
A breath is hitched in Jungkook’s throat, his eyes half-lidded, almost rolling back when you take him in inch by inch until your nose is pushed into him. 
There’s a knock on the door, and someone tries to open it. “Hey, are you guys almost finished eating?” Minji asked through the door.
The two of you look toward the door. You’re busy gagging on Jungkook’s dick, and he answers, “We’ll be right there.”
You return to sucking and stroking, more frantic than before.
“Fuck,” Jungkook curses a few more times, bucking into you. He cups your face, making you look at him. “Where do you want me to come?”
You quickly pop off, “Mouth.”
He visibly gulps, his cheeks burning at the thought of you swallowing his cum during your wedding. The muscles in his abdomen tighten, the building pleasure ready to explode. Lightning ripples through him, sending shockwaves throughout his body as he finally cums in your mouth. Jungkook groans when you continue to milk him for all he’s worth. The sweat forming on his head trickles down his face.
You wipe off the trailing saliva and swallow his cum. As you fix your skirt and top, Jungkook stuffs himself back in his underwear and pants. The two of you look at each other, smiling like idiots.
“I can’t believe we just did that,” you said, inching closer to kiss him.
Jungkook smirked, wrapping his arms around you. “I can.”
You cleared your throat. “We should scarf down our food and return to our wedding, hmm?”
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Wedding festivities were in full swing—smiles, laughter, and chattering filled the outdoor patio. Delicious food in your bellies and mixed drinks coursing through your veins.
Jin walked to the area where the band was playing, his fingers tinkering on the glass to get everyone’s attention.
“Why, hello, beautiful people—and by beautiful people, I mean me.”
You and Jungkook make a face at each other.
“I’m kidding! Everyone here is dressed to impress, and ladies, if any of you is single, come find me afterward.” He looks at Jungkook, and he’s glaring back at his friend.
Jin clears his throat, “Anyway, I’ve seen the highs and lows of your relationship, and I’m honored to be standing here, witnessing how love can withstand so much as long as two people continue to fight for and fiercely love one another. I promise I’ll always be there to support the two of you as best as possible. And remember me when you need a god-parent for your kids.”
You and Jungkook look at each other, shaking your head.
Jin holds up his glass, proposing a toast. “To the bride and groom, may you continue to show us what true love is.”
Everyone raises their glasses, saying “Cheers,” clinking their glasses with one another at their tables.
Yuna stands, walks to Jin, and retrieves the microphone from him. “Hello, everyone. I’m Yuna, the bride's best friend and the groom's big sister. I’m sure some of you are wondering if I was okay with their relationship, and at first, it came as a shock, but as their relationship progressed, I realized how pure their love was for each other. They’ve even taught me a thing or two about love, and if you’ve seen them from the start until now, you’ll see how far they’ve come, and I can’t wait to see what their future holds. I love you both so much.”
Jungkook nudges you, handing you another tissue. Even though this relationship was hard for Yuna to accept, you’re glad she never gave up on you, on Jungkook. If she never trusted the two of you and cheered you on, it would’ve been another relationship you’d have to grieve. But you’re so glad it worked out.
Jin returns, speaking into the mic, “Now—there’s been enough crying for the night. It’s time for the first dance of the bride and groom.
Jungkook stands, holding out his hand for you. He leads you to the dance floor; you let the train of your skirt drape behind you. The piano intro of the chosen song comes on. His hand sits on the small of your back, pressing you closer to him, his other hand holding yours. You press your cheek against his, close your eyes, and breathe everything in—you and him now.
You love holding his hand. The softness of his fingers electrifies every nerve in your body. You love listening to him breathe; it’s a calm reminder for you to slow things down. You love the warmth radiating off his body and onto yours. You love looking into his starry doe eyes and feeling like everything will be okay.
Entwined, all that we are is defined By each others shipwrecked hearts and I Shiver to think what would have been if I wouldn’t have seen you in time Would we pass by?
“I love you,” Jungkook whispers, kissing your cheek.
A warm smile eases onto your face. “How long will you keep telling me that, hmm?”
He gazes into your eyes. “Forever and ever.”
You giggle. “I like the sound of that.”
Like parachutes and air balloons Or satellites and lonely moons We’d still be drifting far apart But thank the stars we are entwined
The two of you continue to sway to the song until it ends, and the next song comes on, and you just know that Kim Taehyung requested it. The full-on blaring horns and cymbal percussion filled the speakers on blast.
Yes (whoo, ow) It's so crazy right now Most incredibly, it's ya girl, B (yes) It's ya boy, Young You ready?
And the first person on the dance floor, dragging Park Jimin to the floor? None other than Kim Taehyung. 
You and Jungkook look at each other, bursting out into laughter. He had pre-gamed before the wedding even started.
“You wanna sit this one out?” Jungkook asked, raising his eyebrows, and you nodded, letting the rest of the crowd have a turn enjoying the reception.
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You’re mingling through the tables and greeting friends. Jungkook has Indie in his arms; she’s giggling and squealing at the top of her lungs as she twirls around, and Bam circles and barks at the two. You love watching Jungkook with Indie, and it makes you wonder if you’ll get to have that with Jungkook one day. You’re hopeful and believing for the best.
Namjoon, Jin, Taehyung, and Jimin all take turns whisking you away from your mingling to dance with you. Throughout the night, you’ve been preoccupied with guests, and then you see the one person who hadn’t greeted you and Jungkook yet.
You walk over to Min Yoongi, who’s in a black suit and tucked in a white tee. This is the most you’ve ever seen him dressed up. He’s kept his hair long but put in some effort to style it.
Like clockwork, there’s a glass of alcohol in his hands. He’s looking elsewhere when he notices you. He’s focused on your eyes; then you see him explore your face and flash a gentle smile.
You hold out your hand. “May I have this dance?”
“I don’t dance,” he grumbles.
“Oh, you’re such a liar! I’ve seen you dance.”
“Yeah—when I’m drunk and I’m not drunk enough yet,” he whines.
“Come on. It’s my wedding day. You can’t say no to me.”
He blinks. “No.”
You roll your eyes and drag him by the hand. He leaves his glass on the table, fumbling after you.
“Just one dance, and then you’ll be a free man.”
Yoongi groans as he stands before you. Your hands are on his shoulders, and his hands are on your waist, and you’re both at a respectable distance from one another.
“See, it’s not that bad, is it?”
“It’s horrible actually. Think I’m allergic to dancing,” he teases.
“Shut up, stupid.”
“You shut up,” he spits back.
“You can’t tell me to shut up. I’m the bride.”
“Have you been using that excuse all day?” He narrows his eyes at you.
You show off a cheeky smile. “Yep!”
Yoongi shakes his head, and he beams his gummy-toothed smile.
“Did I get a smile out of Min Yoongi?” You gasp dramatically.
“Consider it your wedding gift.”
You roll your eyes again, and you smack him on the shoulder.
“Yah—” he frowns. “I was going to give you your actual wedding gift, but I’m taking it back now.”
“What?” Your eyes widen. “No, no, no! What is it?”
Yoongi steps back, reaching for something in his pocket. He pulls out a small rectangular box and hands it to you.
The music continues as you flip open the box, and in it, you see a silver titanium spinning top and a silver bishop chess piece, but just like in the movie, it’s hollowed out.
“There’s debate on Cobb’s totem being his ring, but considering you and Jungkook have wedding rings, it seems redundant.”
You chuckled to yourself at the gift. Only Yoongi would get you something like this. “What does it mean?”
Yoongi looks around, and your eyes follow him. His gaze returns to you, along with a soft smile. “This—you and Jungkook—it’s not a dream. It’s real.”
You turn away from him, your heart aching gravely, your eyes glistening from the silly but not-so-silly gift.
“Are you,” Yoongi pauses, “crying?”
You tut, still turned away, quickly wiping your tears. “No, I’m not crying.”
He tilts his head, waiting for you to turn to him. “Hey, what do I always say?”
“It’s okay to cry, just don’t cry alone,” you say monotonously.
He laughs. “Well, at least you remember something I’ve told you.”
You looked at him, your eyebrows knitted. “I listen,” you retort.
The song ends, and the DJ lets guests know only a few songs are left.
“Well, I have to head out. Early roll call tomorrow—you know the drill,” Yoongi says, stuffing his hands into his pants pocket.
You nod. “Thanks for coming. You don’t know how much it meant to me.”
“I wish you and Jungkook all the best,” he flashes a thin smile, and then he pulls you in for a hug, his cheek pressed against yours.
The unexpected display of affection catches you off guard. He’s not known to express affection, but you soften, giving into his embrace.
Yoongi withdraws from the hug, locking eyes with Jungkook as he waits for the two of you to finish. Yoongi gives a small smile, as does Jungkook.
“I’ll see you when I see you?”
The corner of your eyes crinkle as you smile, bidding him farewell.
Jungkook wraps his arms around you from behind, inhaling your scent. “Ready to go home?”
You hummed, nuzzling into him. “Let’s go home, hubby.”
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A deep groan escaped your lips when you rolled onto your side, but Jungkook blocked the way, and you couldn’t move further. Your body ached in every nook and cranny. Jungkook did not go easy on you last night.
You sat up with weary eyes, staring at your husband, who was sound asleep, snoring away as if you had nothing to do today, but that was far from the case.
The two of you were setting off to the Maldives later tonight. Jin had taken Bam home after the wedding to dog sit while the two of you are off on your honeymoon.
You shoved Jungkook a few times, and his only response was grunts. “Kook, we need to get up,” you whined, kicking him a few times.
“Mm? Kook is not my name,” he said in a muffled tone as he faced you.
You huffed, clenching your jaw. “Husband, hubby, the love of my life.”
His eyes are closed, and he beams from ear to ear. “Yes, wifey?” He peeked an eye open before shifting into an upright position beside you. He opened his arm up for you to cuddle right in.
You shake your head at your silly husband, kissing his chest. He’s never going to grow old of you calling him that, is he?
“I love you.”
He giggled. “Is that it?”
You hummed.
“I love you more.”
Throughout your wedding day, you couldn't help but think of your relationship with Jungkook. You never expected to fall in love with your best friend's younger brother. You were on the rebound; he had just moved back from LA. It seemed like a lifetime ago that the two of you were sneaking around, getting caught by Yuna. It's strange how life works, how everyone gathers at life events, and this time, instead of a family reunion—like the one where you saw Jungkook again—everyone gathered for a more cheerful occasion, celebrating the two of you.
Chapter One of your life was never-ending, full of life and love. It was messy and complicated, but you felt like it was finally coming to a close, and Chapter Two would be the beginning of something much more beautiful for you and Jungkook.
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✹ epilogue ~ us
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borathae · 10 days
Chapter 20
oh what happened to her parents and cookie? when did the fire happen? it says years but years could 2 to 20 but she feels like someone who wont say 2 years sooo ancient, uk? so im going to guess 5+ years ago to 19 years max wait how old is our baby?
And who is that shadow sitting in the dark? WHOS THAT SHADOW HOLDING ME HOSTAGE IVE BEEN HERE FOR DAYS (stockholm syndrome by 1d)
omg we could have died and become a vampire and yoongi as our sire woah WOW idk if thats hot daddy or literal dad SHIT FREUD WOULD HAVE A FIELD DAY WITH THIS
why does yoongi care? is it the caring of an old person who lived life and wants better life for the young ones or some motive? i dont get it
yay 2seok 😭we are hurt again 💀 honestly how do they put up with her? (no hate to her), like where is the mom mode? the i told you so? like why are you such caring besties? also why am i feeling like oc is a character themself and me at the same time??? like i dont want her to be scolded, heck she didnt know shit but i wanna be scolded???
“They didn’t, she is just being dramatic. I fed her my blood before she could die, she’ll heal”, Yoongi answers him dryly. wow so normal, and good news
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also rip dogecoin dog
jin i doubt you wanna call him a vermin
I am tired of vampires messing with my brain.” mood
oh somebody crying on ur chest and u cant do anything other than tell them "they are strong and was just a child, was never their fault" you know it does nothing much for them, but some comfort for the night, a little amount of time until the pain and demons are back again, that shit hurts a lot, eat me away but i have to strong and fine for her cuz she deserves it fuck im rambling bye lol
Hoseok was nice enough to carry a TV up to your room and install it on your dresser. he is the man yall 😭😭😭
I don’t want to be the one doing the finishing blow.” .. “How are you so sure?” CUZ U DID THIS TO URSELF INSTEAD OF HURTING HER KOOK, U STILL HATE URSELF, filled with guilt and self loath, it shows ur humanity and the fact that its better you than anyone else heal please, let yourself heal. you did whatever you could, everything is not in your control and hence is not your fault
did jin put hard raisins in the cookies??? i soak them, that way they are chewy in the soft cookies
I feel like a bitch, but fuck it’s getting so exhausting to pretend that their sweet gestures are working.” ... “Because I don’t want to hurt them. They are doing so much for me”.. "I don’t want to hurt them by telling them that what they are doing is working shit.” wow somebody really decided to call me out
“Shit ___, I thought he liked you. Why would he do that to you?” fr, that too he tried to protect with the ring and stuff, what did they do to him?
YES SHE CONNECTED THE DOTS MY SMART BABY I LOVE U I smelled orange blossoms and cedarwood ooh thats what they smell like
Why k-kill me for it? W-what, what did do to them?"  changed taehyung and they hated it i guess
If I hadn’t angered them so much or provoked them so much maybe they wouldn’t have hurt me."  NO U DIDNT BABY, ITS ALL THEIR FAULT
Jungkook watches you as you blow your nose and wipe your eyes ... you force down a new wave of sobs... you hit your own chest to get rid of the pain. fuck that pain, that hurts a lot
He knows that gesture, he had done it a million times before in his lonely, isolated life. And it rips him apart to see you having to do it too. You should never have had to feel so broken. fuck i feel the same, knowing how much that hurts and never want them to feel, but kook and her are hurt and nothing can change it
its funny that you never feel the same for yourself, you felt that for somebody, now change that somebody to yourself whats so hard about it? too hard
“Did you just use my words against me?” stop he is cute im giggling through runny nose
“You’re cute Kook”, you tell him fondly, pinching his cheek. He lowers his eyes and scrunches his nose up UWUW THEY ARE SO CUTE SHUT UP PLS
“___ stay away, I’m dangerous again”, he squeaks. u were fine just now
right, we cant change his mind, and she cant change her mind either and taehyung just idk ah
You just never should have chatted up Alpha."  true, but im sure joon would get to us somehow and that means tae and jimin too. maybe it will take longer thats all
“You’re finally done withering away?” he asks coldly. how nice
Hoseok scratches the back of his neck, “yeah uhm, that’s fine too.” pls hes trying his best
“sure, I can smell the honesty in your sweat.” Hoseok smells himself, furrowing his brows. hobi baby really believed for a second there lol
I got broken up by my boyfriend in the rudest way possible and almost died. fr
“Hey”, Jungkook says, waving his hand shyly. HE IS UP AGAIN YAY
“I have my methods, trust me.” ok min suga genius jjang jjang man boong boong
“Nothing, I just can’t stand you.” i just know jimin would have said, then sit down
“W-what?” he stutters, looking at Yoongi with big eyes. EXACLTY LOOK AT LIL BABY, U CANT BE RUDE
“let’s go eat Kook, I’ll show you how to hunt animals.” “Really? You can do that?” Jungkook gasps, seeming excited. YES AND IT BEGINS YALL YEEHAW
“I can’t decide if I like this dude or not” fr hobi
“What did you do in your room yesterday?” she danced to itzy, thats all
“I didn’t slip on the pillow, I tried to kick the pillow and slipped on the carpet which resulted in my twisting my ankle and then falling on my tailbone” beautiful, i can totally see it. cuz i did fall similarly once
“Even better, shit I would have loved to see that”, he wheezes. tag urself, im hobi
Jungkook drags himself into the room, plotting down next to you with a loud yawn that exposes the back of his throat to all of you. wow that too in those pink briefs and socks THAT ARE PULLED UP ALL THE WAY worse than what we wear when delivery guy comes
was he that sleepy he didnt smell her? mood cuz thats the type of vampire i would be, sleeping for hours
“Hey ___”, he says, laughing awkwardly. MOM HES SO CUTE FUCK
“Yeah, ha. Hahaha”, he scratches the back of his neck. He is so flustered, you know he is. 100% i just know his neck would be all red
He seems to be proud, watching Jungkook with a fond smile. So he did it on purpose. Make him chuckle with a funny story and lessen the anxiety he feels. He is so sweet sometimes. irl its jin the ice breaker and its soo good uknow??
“Stop talking to him like that!” you speak up. PERIODT UR SCARING THE BABY
“You will not go to your apartment on your own” fr thanks yoongi what joon or jimin is waiting right there???
“It’s decided then”, you say and drag him with you by the collar of his leather jacket, “come now.” AAH TOO HOT FUCK THE ENEMIES TO LOVERS THING
Protection. You think I’ll let you drive without it?”
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It squishes your cheeks and hurts your nose as he pulls it down, making you groan. “Jesus, you want to strangle me?” “Sometimes yeah” I LOVE THEM
That’s the problem with Yoongi. You never know if he was joking or being serious. ngl taehyung did that too, in the previous chapters
“My plants, I need to take care of them”, they are prolly dead 💀
“Aaaah that”, you smirk. “Princess seriously, invite me inside.” FUCK SHE IS REALLY TEASING AND TESTING HIS NON-EXISTING PATIENCE thats both hot and funny as fuck, sorry yoongles 😭😭
“I don’t like the fucking games you are playing today, you hear me?” “Yoongi pull your knee away this instant” He pulls away immediately and steps back, fixing the heavy rings on his fingers. what a rude but cute distinguished gentleman
oof what a bad boi “You are such a freaking dick, no wonder you have no friends” shots fired oof
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If he would have been the one to find you
.” he trails off, blinking rapidly. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??? WHO?? NAMJOON YOU MEAN??
“you are literally such a good person and I fucking hate it.”yup figured that “You made him good. Taehyung, you gave him back his humanity, made him vulnerable, reminded him what happiness feels like and I hate you for doing this to him.” there, asshole said it
I just hate that you are the reason Taehyung hurts.” but its you tho, use 2 braincells for that
.did you get it?” his voice slowly comes back again, as if you were finally submerging from water, “Save. Him.” bruh, leave his alone for that
OH YOONGI FUCK WHERE WERE YOU, no actually its good u stayed inside, we got some info
damn this was long anyways feelings were feelings, emotional as fuck now
oh what happened to her parents and cookie? when did the fire happen? it says years but years could 2 to 20 but she feels like someone who wont say 2 years sooo ancient, uk? so im going to guess 5+ years ago to 19 years max wait how old is our baby?
in Sanguis Alpha she is around 23-24 and the thing with Cookie happened when she was around 10 😭
omg we could have died and become a vampire and yoongi as our sire woah WOW idk if thats hot daddy or literal dad SHIT FREUD WOULD HAVE A FIELD DAY WITH THIS
that would actually be so hot nfdnasf đŸ„”
why does yoongi care? is it the caring of an old person who lived life and wants better life for the young ones or some motive? i dont get it
gaah these are the right questions indeed 👀
also rip dogecoin dog
THE DOG DIED??? why would you just drop that so casually noo omfg I'm genuinely so sad right now 😭😭
jin i doubt you wanna call him a vermin
JFAJDSF he gives no fucks and I admire him for that <3
oh somebody crying on ur chest and u cant do anything other than tell them "they are strong and was just a child, was never their fault" you know it does nothing much for them, but some comfort for the night, a little amount of time until the pain and demons are back again, that shit hurts a lot, eat me away but i have to strong and fine for her cuz she deserves it fuck im rambling bye lol
no but I love that she has Hobi to comfort her :( he is such a good person and amazing friend 😭
Hoseok was nice enough to carry a TV up to your room and install it on your dresser. he is the man yall 😭😭😭
him him him him him !!!!!!!
I don’t want to be the one doing the finishing blow.” .. “How are you so sure?” CUZ U DID THIS TO URSELF INSTEAD OF HURTING HER KOOK, U STILL HATE URSELF, filled with guilt and self loath, it shows ur humanity and the fact that its better you than anyone else heal please, let yourself heal. you did whatever you could, everything is not in your control and hence is not your fault
did jin put hard raisins in the cookies??? i soak them, that way they are chewy in the soft cookies
jfjadjf I feel like no matter he would have prepared him, Kookie would have hated them fnadsnf
I feel like a bitch, but fuck it’s getting so exhausting to pretend that their sweet gestures are working.” ... “Because I don’t want to hurt them. They are doing so much for me”.. "I don’t want to hurt them by telling them that what they are doing is working shit.” wow somebody really decided to call me out
I feel that, I'm sorry you have to feel this way :(
“Shit ___, I thought he liked you. Why would he do that to you?” fr, that too he tried to protect with the ring and stuff, what did they do to him?
Why k-kill me for it? W-what, what did do to them?"  changed taehyung and they hated it i guess
If I hadn’t angered them so much or provoked them so much maybe they wouldn’t have hurt me."  NO U DIDNT BABY, ITS ALL THEIR FAULT
He knows that gesture, he had done it a million times before in his lonely, isolated life. And it rips him apart to see you having to do it too. You should never have had to feel so broken. fuck i feel the same, knowing how much that hurts and never want them to feel, but kook and her are hurt and nothing can change it
I feel so sad for them please 😭😭😭😭
its funny that you never feel the same for yourself, you felt that for somebody, now change that somebody to yourself whats so hard about it? too hard
YES 100% that's me for real
“Did you just use my words against me?” stop he is cute im giggling through runny nose
hoihihiihihih <3 him <3
You just never should have chatted up Alpha."  true, but im sure joon would get to us somehow and that means tae and jimin too. maybe it will take longer thats all
yes 100% it would have happened regardless, especially because Tae clearly had an interest in her (in whatever way) from the beginning, so it would have definitely happened
“You’re finally done withering away?” he asks coldly. how nice
he is so kind and sweet and loving <33 :)
Hoseok scratches the back of his neck, “yeah uhm, that’s fine too.” pls hes trying his best
he is just a lil pookie :( <3
“sure, I can smell the honesty in your sweat.” Hoseok smells himself, furrowing his brows. hobi baby really believed for a second there lol
“I have my methods, trust me.” ok min suga genius jjang jjang man boong boong
he would probably throw you if you said that to him at this point of the story fjasdjf
“Nothing, I just can’t stand you.” i just know jimin would have said, then sit down
lmaooao I meaaan
“W-what?” he stutters, looking at Yoongi with big eyes. EXACLTY LOOK AT LIL BABY, U CANT BE RUDE
HE JUST A LIDDOL BABY (he is meant to be a dangerous killer)
“let’s go eat Kook, I’ll show you how to hunt animals.” “Really? You can do that?” Jungkook gasps, seeming excited. YES AND IT BEGINS YALL YEEHAW
“Even better, shit I would have loved to see that”, he wheezes. tag urself, im hobi
lmaooaoa me for real
Jungkook drags himself into the room, plotting down next to you with a loud yawn that exposes the back of his throat to all of you. wow that too in those pink briefs and socks THAT ARE PULLED UP ALL THE WAY worse than what we wear when delivery guy comes
was he that sleepy he didnt smell her? mood cuz thats the type of vampire i would be, sleeping for hours
thiiss or maybe Yoongi's training is starting to work ohohooh
“Hey ___”, he says, laughing awkwardly. MOM HES SO CUTE FUCK
I love him :')
“Yeah, ha. Hahaha”, he scratches the back of his neck. He is so flustered, you know he is. 100% i just know his neck would be all red
yes gaaah I jujst ufcking locve him
He seems to be proud, watching Jungkook with a fond smile. So he did it on purpose. Make him chuckle with a funny story and lessen the anxiety he feels. He is so sweet sometimes. irl its jin the ice breaker and its soo good uknow??
yes gosh I miss him </3
“You will not go to your apartment on your own” fr thanks yoongi what joon or jimin is waiting right there???
I love protective Yoongi fnfnf
“It’s decided then”, you say and drag him with you by the collar of his leather jacket, “come now.” AAH TOO HOT FUCK THE ENEMIES TO LOVERS THING
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the meme is me for sanguis Yoongi for fucking real
It squishes your cheeks and hurts your nose as he pulls it down, making you groan. “Jesus, you want to strangle me?” “Sometimes yeah” I LOVE THEM
ngnnfadnfn THEM THEM THEM fuck they were so exiciting
That’s the problem with Yoongi. You never know if he was joking or being serious. ngl taehyung did that too, in the previous chapters
an i oop-
“My plants, I need to take care of them”, they are prolly dead 💀
honestly? 100%
“Aaaah that”, you smirk. “Princess seriously, invite me inside.” FUCK SHE IS REALLY TEASING AND TESTING HIS NON-EXISTING PATIENCE thats both hot and funny as fuck, sorry yoongles 😭😭
“I don’t like the fucking games you are playing today, you hear me?” “Yoongi pull your knee away this instant” He pulls away immediately and steps back, fixing the heavy rings on his fingers. what a rude but cute distinguished gentleman
he is all like "i may be a cunt but i ain't about that sexual harassment" JAHHAHA
oof what a bad boi “You are such a freaking dick, no wonder you have no friends” shots fired oof
If he would have been the one to find you
.” he trails off, blinking rapidly. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??? WHO?? NAMJOON YOU MEAN??
whooo does he mean helloo??
I just hate that you are the reason Taehyung hurts.” but its you tho, use 2 braincells for that
no but what if he isn't lying then waht?? hellooo???
OH YOONGI FUCK WHERE WERE YOU, no actually its good u stayed inside, we got some info
HAHAHAH you're like "good thing we almost died"
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persphonesorchid · 2 years
Cupid's On Holiday - KSJ || Teaser ||
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Summary: You don't get it, you're a damn catch. Anyone would be lucky to have you. You're smart, you're tidy, hell you'd give up your own kidney to a homeless guy if he needed it that bad. So what the issue? Failed relationships, blind date after blind date, and now your friend's competitive archery teammate is telling you he's Cupid here to help you find your one true love. You're not that desperate. He could take those golden arrows and shove 'em.
Genres: Angel!Au | Fluff, angst, smut, slight enemies to lovers, humor. (Specific smut warnings will be added to the full fic post :))
Rating: Mature
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Notes: Hello all!! Guess who's back with another fic?? It's my drop for @raplinesmoon , @kithtaehyung and @joheunsaram 's Catch Of The Century Collab! Full fic will be out by Thursday and I'm so excited to share it with you all! Please look forward to it, and check out the other fics on the Collab that's already out! As usual for my teasers, three scenes in no particular order. I hope you guys enjoy the sneak peek 😜
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“Guys, this is Seokjin.” Jungkook smiles, waving a hand at his friend, “He’s on the archery team.”
Seokjin bows his head in greeting, “Hello.”
“Jungkook talks about you a lot. It’s nice to put a face to the name.” Yoongi says as you struggle to come up with anything that won’t give away how nervous you suddenly felt.
“This is Yoongi, and Y/n.”
Yoongi nudges your side again and you smile, “Nice to meet you.”
There’s a twitch in his eyebrow as his eyes focus on yours, and for a moment it feels as though he’s looking right through you. He’s looking at you, but his eyes are so intense you feel like you’re under a microscope, or having one of those weird naked dreams and nothing to cover your shame.
It seemed like the moment stretched on for ages, and you’re stuck in a void being watched by someone you can’t see.
Seokjin's lips pull into a smile and when he blinks, you do too. There’s something strange about the air in between the space you occupied, something unfamiliar but at the same time not completely unknown. You’re not quite sure how to feel about it and you’re not sure if the shiver going down your spine was from the AC.
When he looks away from you to look at Jungkook, you lean over to take the basket from Jungkook’s lax fingers – it was filled with way more things than you’d all come in for - announcing that you’re going to check out.
You and Yoongi leave them both talking, walking back to the front of the convenience store where the cashiers were. You’re wondering about what that could’ve been, teeth picking at the skin of your bottom lip, brows furrowed in thought.
“You sure you’re good, right? You seemed a bit gone back there.” Yoongi asks, unloading the contents of Jungkook’s basket onto the counter, shaking his head as he picks up a packet of mint gum and places it with the things. “Well, actually, you looked stupid – and I don’t mean that in the way it sounds. You just kinda...blanked. Like the second you saw him you went outta your head.”
“Huh...” You look back to where Jungkook and Seokjin are still talking, still feeling watched even though he wasn’t looking. “Kinda felt like it.”
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Staring at your door, you sigh, you’re happy for him, really. Everyone else shouldn’t suffer with you.
You startle, a frightened screech leaving you as you turn. The person behind you yells, too, backing away from you with wide eyes.
You press a hand to your chest and take a deep breath, “Dude. My heart almost fell out of my ass. Why are you sneaking up on me?”
“Why’d you scream like that? You scared me!” Seokjin presses his back against the wall behind him, a hand against his chest also.
He relaxes, hands dropping at his sides, and you do the same, laughing a bit at the situation.
“Did you need something?” You ask, watching as he steps closer.
“Actually.” He puts a finger up, “I came to make you an offer you can’t possibly refuse.”
Seokjin straightens his form, smiling again, “I can help you.”
You blink, looking off to the side before your eyes settle on him again, “....help me with?”
Seokjin looks a little confused now, brows furrowing and he puts his hands behind his back and chuckles. “Your problem.”
When you stare at him blankly he sighs, “I can help you find the one you’re destined for.”
“Are you drunk?”
“What? No. I’m not drunk. I’m being serious!” He says, shaking his head, “Why do I always have to do this? I hate this part.”
He’s talking to himself now, and you’re trying to slot your key into your lock without him noticing. Maybe he is drunk, or maybe he’s one of those salespeople who try to talk you into buying shady things.
He suddenly looks at you and you freeze, giving a slow, awkward smile. “Um. Whatever it is... I’m okay. You should go lie down or something.”
“I’m not drunk.” Seokjin repeats, “Your friend went out on a date right? I saw him on the way up.”
That’s weird. Yoongi only left a few minutes ago, if Seokjin took the stairs there’s no way he would’ve seen him.
“I can help you with that. Getting a date, I mean.”
“Are you asking me out?”
“Not me, no.” He seems to think for a moment, “I’m actually the only person that can help you. I’m a Cupid. And it’s my job to steer you in the right direction so you can find that person.”
You laugh and he frowns, but what else are you supposed to do? He looks completely serious, and you wave a hand at him.
“Okay.” You say even though you don’t believe him, giving him a thumbs up, “That’s nice. I’m gonna go...and you can go lay down, okay?”
You turn quickly, opening your door and slipping inside. You leave him standing there, shutting the door behind you.
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Seokjin has seen love before, as it is, his duty was to bring those who are fated together by a series of coincidences. A meet-cute here, a spilled coffee there, even going as far as to reunite friends who've grown up and apart from each other. He’s seen how love can make people bloom like flowers in the spring, and change like seasons together.
He’s seen love make people go distances they’d have never dared to otherwise. He’s seen it in simple words and touches, grand and minute gestures.
So, Seokjin knows what love is when he feels it. It’s that feeling he gets in his chest when you smile, poking fun at him because there’s always something that’s so distinctively human he would never understand. Strange now that it makes him happy, you’re at a point where you no longer deny him being your friend when other people ask, when you take his teasing in stride like friends do.
You’re happier now, despite the trial and error and the hoops you have to jump through to get where you want to be.
It’s the way your hand felt in his when you held it for the first time. It was after one of your many dates, a Saturday evening when the sun was already dragging the moon into the sky.
First snow, and you’d both sat on swings in an empty park far away from where you’d normally venture. Crystalline flakes fluttered into your hair and melted on your clothes. He’d given you his scarf before you could start to shiver.
He’d been content to watch you then, boots kicking at the snow that was piling up quickly.
Watching the way you found joy in a snowflake landing on your nose, and the way you’d try to catch them with your tongue. On the way out of the park, you held his hand because there was ice on the ground and you didn’t want to slip.
Even through the layer of your gloves Seokjin felt the warmth of your skin. He’s way beyond being flustered by such a thing, but heat climbed his neck and flushed his cheeks and he blamed it on the cold.
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Tagging: @xpeachesncream @taestefully-in-luv @bangtansmauyeondan @madbutgloriouspond @blog-name-idk @matchstick6812 @btsstan12 @allhobbitstoisengard @amon-rei @dontstoptime @luaspersona
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bonny-kookoo · 2 years
Can you do raccoon!reader x human!jungkook
“Sweetheart, you’re perfect just the way you are”
I may have gotten a bit carried away, oops~
You may not see very well, but your hearing certainly isn't as bad at all. You hear them talk. You know what they think of you, and most of all your friendship with Jeon Jungkook, Gym coach and the world's crush it seems.
'she probably can't even see him, with how blind she is.'
You can see him- kind of. He makes it a joke to put his face super close to yours just to get you flustered- but truth be told, that's only because you can see him best when he's up close like that.
'she's so clingy. Why is she so weird?'
You're actually not even that clingy- he is. He constantly takes you out to do stuff, random things and trips, buys you stuff, eats out with you- he always texts first, calls you often, chats for hours when you don't have time to hang out in person.
'he probably hangs out with her out of pity. What a sweetheart he is.'
In truth, you dont know either why he hangs out with you. Theres way more interesting, pretty, and cooler hybrids to hang out with than you- the trashbear, as you're always called. You're boring, you can't keep up with him when he's working out, you constantly trip and run into things due to your poor vision, and the only talent you have is the ability to inhale 20 chicken nuggets in record time. There's no reason for a toned, agile and attractive guy like him to hang out with you-
But he does.
You're sitting on one of the benches in the entrance of the gym, swinging your legs a bit when you can hear the familiar steps of him approaching. Your hearing makes up for your poor sight- you can tell just by the sound of his shoes that it's him. "There's my cuddle-bear!" he teases, approaching you from behind to hug you on the bench before you can stand up.
"Ju-ngkookie~!" you whine, and he laughs as he let's go, instantly taking your hand as you both leave the gym, people around already chuckling.
You remember how you met- you, tripping over his gym bag and splitting open your knee, ending with him carefully placing a bandaid on it and apologizing for about sixteen times, stuttering the entire time.
You'd thought he'd only ask for your number out of politeness- but then you'd told him you've not been in seoul for long, and that the big city scares you, and soon enough he'd made it his mission to make you fall in love with it instead of fearing the capital. You still think it's scary-
But it's better when he's around.
"I've packed the car already, guess who bought the big marshmallows!" he excitedly tells you, swinging your hands like a kid, making you giggle. "Oh- careful." he says, pulling you closer before his hand leaves yours, instead wrapping around your shoulders to better maneuver you through the crowds outside. "let's hope it won't be too cold at night. The weather forecast changed to rain tonight." he chatters on, and you just shrug, as you find his car parked neatly. "ah, I also packed the blanket you forgot at my place last time. Forgot to wash it though.." he mumbles, and you want to say that it's fine, because that means it smells like him- but that would be weird, no?
In the car, it's filled with his karaoke voice, lots of snack breaks, and finally, you falling asleep next to him while he brings you safely to your destination- a camping spot, far away from the city's neon lights and nightlife, just the two of you.
You sleepily help him assemble the tent, a lot more helpful and eager now that it's dark, and you've also always been best eith your hands- so you're of good help, making him smile brightly.
And later, when you lay on the mattress in your respective sleeping bags, he suddenly scoots closer, closer, closer- the tip of his nose almost touching yours, his chuckling breath hitting your cheeks as he grins. "W-what?" you mumble into the quietness of the tent, and he just shrugs, still smiling.
"nothing." he answers cheekily, eyes dropping to your lips. "say, if I was to kiss you right now.." he mumbles now, before looking at you again with sparkling eyes. It's dark- how can they still look like he holds the galaxy inside them? "..would you kiss me back?" he wonders, and you stutter, before you shrink in on yourself a little, hiding away.
"uh.. I mean.. I.. Why?" you ask, and he reaches out with his finger to pull down the edge of the sleeping bag that's hiding the lower half of your face- brushing over your bottom lip, if by accident or not you dont know.
"because I like you." he says, as if it's the most obvious thing ever. "and I think you like me too." he says, hopefully so, a hint of uncertainty tainting his voice.
"But.." you protest weakly. "..I'm weird, and I don't do sports, and I'm lazy, and clumsy-" you ramble, but his finger places itself onto your lips.
"sweetheart, you're perfect just the way you are." he says. "I mean it." he urges, and you suddenly lean forward, pecking his lips, feeling the metal of his lip ring for a second-
Before you roll over, hiding in your sleeping bag completely.
All while Jungkook grins so much his cheeks hurt, soon convincing you that sharing is caring-
And he cares a lot about you, as he holds you close to him inside his sleeping bag, dreaming of the future ahead.
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2000sbratty · 2 days
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A/N : fuck don’t forget to like if you actually love it , I might be Dyslexic , my grammar is terrible bare with me I never ever wrote nasty stuff before(lie) have fun reading , my baby girl.
This is horrible
SUMMARY - Jung-kook is your enemy who secretly likes you and also lives next door (you love him also) and he always eavesdrops so he can hear you come undone thinking about him. (You always scream his name) So he confronts you when he unexpectedly comes in your apartment.
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One boring night you genuinely didn’t know what to do but scroll on insta watching dumb reels. your phone dings your excited because your phone is always dry, happily opening the message just to find out it’s jungkook you roll your eyes & sigh.
(Asshole💕)- y/n , we need to talk.
- about ? jungkook stop playing games asshole.
(Asshole💕)- I’m not playing games rn , says the one who plays with their pussy thinking about me. 😐
- what are you talking about?
(Asshole💕)- don’t act dumb you know it’s true lol. đŸ˜č
- how do you know this? I never have you on my mind bitch.đŸ„±
*no response*
as expected the conversation didn’t end well, but your itching to know how does he know you masterbate thinking of him??? You FaceTime 10x him no answer every time. You get frustrated and keep calling him , you flip on your stomach and kick your feet waiting for an answer for this pain in the ass.
- jungkook answer the phone please.
*read 9:56PM*
It’s been an hour and he still hasn’t answered you,
You simply forgot about him but not completely
You let your iPhone charge as you had takis , hot Cheetos and water while watching BGC 9 your head is filled with all the drama going on you smile watching the fights and screaming girls, you were laying down comfortably on the couch all that water had you having to piss while in the bathroom you thought about jungkook , bgc and random shit trying to distract yourself from being exposed while washing your hands you heard a faint sound coming from the living room. You get frightened but walks in anyway
.. it was jungkook wearing a black shirt and gray sweats , looking divine you hid your thoughts and said “WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE?” He shakes his head then replies “why the fuck are you yelling? Damnn shut the fuck up, that’s all you do.” This son of a
 “well says the one who’s in my house without telling me
” you say as you walk up to him with an aggressive tone “back the fuck up, princess I don’t time for your annoying ass I’m just here to talk.” He groans, he put you in check making your mouth sealed and your attitude change ,”sit down then.” You say softly(first time being nice) he sits as you do the same you look at him “what’s to talk about?!” You ask. “You screaming my name every night you’re lucky I don’t make a noise complaint , leave your pussy alone.” jungkook says while giggling “hey! What is up with you and this lie about me?!!” You yell once again. “Well actually I eavesdrop before you get mad and yell again it’s because I became curious on what the noise was and your door was the closest.” You look at him and stand up in front of him , “what the actual fuck you fucking perv I never would’ve thought you would eavesdrop on me you fucking weirdo , jungkook I swear I will kill you!” You yell while he looks at you like your a crazy bitch( you are)“Hmm
 me perv?? Says the slut who cums to me every night , guessing we’re on the same page, baby.” He says in the most calmest manner possible. Somehow his calmest pissed you off and you went off non stop, “you done?!” He asked leading to you slapping his face “yes I’m done.” You say while you fixed your hair and applied lipgloss, “you know you don’t have to fantasize about me you can just ask me , I’ve been horny lately anyway.” He says with a hot ass smirk “Really?? Me asking you? Your the meanest bitch ever” you say while looking at him , “you’re the one to talk
 yea I hate you’re guts but I would for sure ruin them.” He groans this comment makes you excited for some reason without hesitation you kissed him. “Mmh baby so needy” he mumbles during the kiss.. so sweet and intense mmh.. u got on his lap and pulled away from him “need it so bad” you whimper while trying to Remove his sweats, “I know.” He groans as you struggle to remove his pants he does the job for you “there you go princess fuck ur self on this fat cock” you didn’t waste no TIME bouncing on his fat cock stretching & making you full
 so good
 so big 
 hitting that spot as you cry out. “jungkookkk~~” you managed to say shoving your face into his neck while you continue to bounce as he holds your waist keeping you steady “fuck you’re pussy feels good , my bad I meant MY pussy.” He groans with a chuckle “shut up!”You whimper out as you held onto his shoulders “Whose pussy is this?” He asks ina cold tone , “huh?” He mumbles “answer me” he says as his slaps your ass , “c’mon babe say smth.” He groans “okay since you don’t wanna talk to me
 he says bluntly he flips you on your stomach “face down ass up, Now.” He demands which you immediately do and cry out as he teases your clit “please.” You whimper as you try to get him to show mercy for a girl in need. “Gotta do better than that.” He says softly “jungkook please please fuck me some more I love you I need it so bad” you pathetically yell out. After hearing that he pushes his self deep in you making you jolt up to avoid you falling he grabs your hair from behind and pounds you so hard but good.. “fuckk” he groans as he slowly becomes undone inside your wet creamy pussy, “yeahh , shittt you love this dick” he says while letting your hair go & pounds you while you look back at him with sad face “bet this is the best dick you ever had in your life , look at you creaming already ?” he mumbles in your ear making you cry out even more
 he lifts you up and grabs your arms and put them behind your back and holds you neck hard like he was choking you , “it’s all yours baby” you cry out with them tears and ruined hair , body shaking , voice almost gone.. “it’s been mine” he chuckles “you dirty whore a shame that I have you fuck your needy pussy in
order for you too shut your trap, you were doing all that yelling now your quiet as a mouse , for fucksake.” His cock twitches inside you letting you know that he’s about to cum , you take it upon yourself and bounce back as you whimper ,”fuck yess my pretty girl , making me cum” you go even faster wanting to finish him off immediately
”good girl.. keep doing that imma cum in this pussy.” You go slow now as he watches your ass clap and bounce with recoil off of him not big or small just perfect and plump a sight that’ll make any man cum. He slaps & grips your ass as you throw it back on him “damnnn..sucha nice ass, all for me Right?!” “Yes all for you baby.” You moan not stopping until he stops you and grabs your waist and go harder than before wanting to make you cum
 “shit! Play with yourself while I fuck you.”he whines. you do as he say that’s enough for you to exploded tbh you thought you were gonna cum but you squirted all over the bed , jungkook, yourself. Feeling embarrassed you hid your face “no need to be embarrassed it’s my fault” jungkook says as he moves slowly as he was coming to the edge he needed a hard push.
He flips you on your back pitting you’re legs over his shoulders “mmh” he moans “such a pretty brown pussy” he whines as guides his cock up and down on you’re bruised pussy entrance, your so impatient you move his hand away and stick it in with you’re “fuck me now” you demanded “wow
 what every you say baby” he mumbles as he starts to move you jump and he looks concerned “u good?” He asks
 you nodded yes and he keeps going “fuck!” You moan as he gets a faster “yes jungkook , omg!!” You moaning his name makes his seeds enter you and fill u up like a cream filled donut “omg
y/n this pussy makes me feel wonderful” he whines as pulls out “betta be on that birth control.” He says “I’m not because I was expecting to be fucked good.” You reply knowing the consequences are coming tomorrow. He pulls out and kisses you “we cool?” He ask “more than that.” You say he helps you clean up the bed , yourself. A night you’ll never forget , you have a more valid reason to masturbate to him. Maybe y’all would start dating who knows?
“ I hate you’re guts , now I have to have a mini you.” - y/n
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jmdbjk · 1 year
The air is different...
All my thoughts and ramblings have been piling up. I have had to resort to just jotting down notes. Some stuff is already outdated because: already resolved or already happened. Time is moving swiftly yet at a snail’s pace. 2025 is still an eternity away. Yet...
I was talking to my friend the other day and I remarked “it’s like there's been this paradigm shift since (Jin enlisted)... Jin is handling weapons on the daily, Jimin is blonde again, JK is too skinny, Tae eating Mexican food, we're speculating about Yoongi driving military generals around like some sort of movie plot (because we were)... it's like an alternate universe or something.
In this au fic, Jin becomes a sniper on special ops teams. Except during a mission he gives away his position when he starts laughing his windshield wiper laugh. Or better yet, he uses his windshield wiper laugh as an audible secret signal to his fellow green berets...the enemy never suspects... 
Once Jimin enlists, he becomes South Korea’s own version of Mata Hari, exotic dancer turned spy and infiltrates North Korea and returns with the news that their ramyeon sucks. My god, they don’t even put eggs in it. And as I said, Yoongi ends up driving military generals around. Strangely, he’s the chauffeur that won’t shut up and gives them a more simplified and rational viewpoint of how ridiculous this all is. They actually listen. He is also in high demand making individual regiment OSTs. You know, the things they chant while they are doing marching drills...there she was just a walkin’ down the street singing do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do... 
Anyway. Humor is a coping mechanism and last couple days have been very emotional. Someone please write that fanfic asap.
Let’s talk about Slender Jungkook... He’s turned into some sort of mysterious Slenderman of BTS. This gluten-free-meat-restaurant-protein-heavy diet has made him a lean mean bunny. It’s sort of startling to see slim JK juxtaposed next to the others. Especially Jimin who appears to be getting bulkier. Kookie is not filling out his puffer jackets and baggy pants...or even slim pants, as much as he used to. 
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Okay, here’s the deal, I understand there is content in the bank supposedly to last us until 2025... we’ll see... but I already know I am not buying Legos, special coins or Korean postage stamps. Those don’t count as content or merch. Just sayin’. I know they tried to tempt us with Cookie Kingdom nonsense but that was a washout for me.
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What we did get: Indigo merch... we got Jack in the Box merch, we got Wootteo and The Astronaut merch... you know what that means? We will be getting merch for Jimin’s album... and everyone else’s as well. Jimin, if you’re reading this, I will pay money for a nice flowy robe-like garment that screams “Jimin would wear this while lounging on his couch wearing nothing else.” And jewelry, hell yes. Give me some dangly earrings that Jimin designed please. If he comes out with some sort of leather merch, the implications...(closes the door on my imagination before things get out of hand, so to speak.) 
Jimin... I beg of you, please design a robe like this:
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The thought of stuffed animals and pillow cases as his merch... I hope not. 
I know this was days/weeks ago but WTF Yoongi? He is channeling 19th century rakish scoundrel here.
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And Tae’s fo-fo and how he’s definitely catering to the wimmins. Swooning could be heard across the planet when his fo-fo hit the internet. I saw someone say Tae was not channeling Darcy, he was more of a Willoughby. If you know, you know I guess. What got me was the horse... the ultimate phallic symbol.
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Now Taeyang having Jimin feature on a song for his upcoming album. I don’t know BigBang except for some negative things I’ve read. I do know who G-Dragon is. He supposedly has an apartment in the same complex with Joon and Jimin? I might be wrong about that. So we supposedly get to hear Jimin on Taeyang’s song in January. I’ll take anything. We’re desperate here. 
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I know this post was all over the place but that’s how I’ve been this last week or two. This time of the year also does not offer any calm respite either. 
We have even more changes coming. The air is already different with our Jinnie’s military service started. The past was honestly the best, but we need to look to the future, to their future when they return to us in 2025. They will be different. We will be different. Hobi, Jin and Joon have shown us artistically how much they’ve grown this year. We supposedly still have four more artistic efforts coming before the end of 2023. And we have six more enlistment days coming.
My feelings are still raw. I know they were all emotional but my heart is still aching. I have no better words to say about being able to see all of this unfold in front of my eyes than I’m grateful to be part of it, even with how intensely emotional it is. 
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euphoricfilter · 2 years
THE NEW BILY CH IS SO GOOD OMG!!! JK WAS SO HOT! (I was so horny. I can’t imagine how much worse it is for you lol) His teasing but also being kinda soft. The laughter aww. The description of mc’s pussy being open and dripping so much slick is so hot omg! (I was in between feeling “oh no what if the pussy dilation is too much for me?” and “eh it can’t be that bad” when I saw the tags in the ask. But the latter is true lol) The diss on the ex’s size LOL Jk not letting her get away from the bed at the start omg. Manhandling yes. And I love that jk is direct with asking mc about her insecurity/embarrassment ahh. He’s so nice TT but he also ended up being a lil too rough bc he’s ok with it oh no lol poor mc. The hobi and mc are related as subs part makes me crave seeing them in a scene as subs together again omg. We got to know more about the pack in terms of sex from jk yay. Jin ordering jk and hobi to make each feel good for the day omg. The ending is scary lol I wonder what the punishment(s) will be. And if it’ll be immediate or later since they haven’t eaten yet hm. Why didn’t the others feed them :( I guess they were busy :/ On another note, I felt so sad when mc was having negative thoughts. I hope she communicates with the others on it so they can reassure her that they love her so much TT Yoongi feeling needy for more affection from mc is too cute omg TT and more noodle info! Noodle waiting for Hobi around when he gets home TT I did think of the cat from the most recent ask for Noodle but kept forgetting to send in an ask to the author lol Mc has Moonbyul’s number and Moonbyul knows their address?? It’s cute that mc wanted to make hobi happy but don’t get more involved with Moonbyul for him :/ I hope that Moonbyul was satisfied with mc acting ditzy and cute. And he would be happy with less materialistic things and more affection from mc prob. Wouldn’t he and the pack be suspicious of how mc has these car(s)?? Ugh Moonbyul and Hyejin are so creepy. Idk if the omegas in their pack are consensually stuck in the nest omg
 (maybe yes bc life is only bliss for them. But what about other aspects of life like hobbies and stuff??)
it was so good
the manhandling 😋 yes please
ah so many rules were broken đŸ„Č i think maybe they’ll wait it out a bit before any punishment
 but i’m interested to see how it plays out especially with the skipping meals part. i don’t know if yoongi and jimin were home, maybe that’s why no one thought to feed jungkook and the m/c, jin didn’t seem to see hoseok either when he got home maybe he’d gone out assuming they’d eat lunch after they’d done what they had to do in the bedroom
all geumjae slander is good slander, as a full time hater the dick comment was perfect and i hope that man is mad in his grave, imagine being an alpha and your beta brother has a bigger dick than you LMAO
i love noodle so much 😭 he’s so cute and i love that he only likes the m/c and hoseok. it’s cute how he puts up with yoongi because he feeds him as well even if he is an ankle biter— and i’m so happy the pack let her keep noodle even if he is devil spawn
just the thought of a grumpy little cat who filled her around, her carrying him around 😭 ahh i want a pet
the m/c’s self deprecating thoughts makes a lot of sense and i know communication is key but i think holly is good as expressing how hard it is to put thoughts into words sometimes without wanting to sound like you’re searching for compliments or constant validation without it becoming annoying. obviously as the reader we know that the pack don’t mind having her there and that she isn’t expected to do what she did with her ex husband. and old habits die hard so i think it’ll take her a while to realise that maybe just her being there is enough
ah moonbyul
 it was very stupid calling her. and i can only imagine what yoongi is going to say whenever he finds out. obviously the car was hers and she’d told hoseok that her ex had bought it for her, i think they’re going to question why a random woman was dropping it off and where it had been this entire time and i think that’s going to cause a little more trouble
especially since moonbyul is gonna want compensation for doing this favor, i think her pretending to be ditzy and moonbyul brushing her off was just a way for her to ask the m/c for something when she needs it because now she’s in debt to her 😭 i think she’ll rock up to the house and ask the m/c to go out with her or something and hopefully another member of the pack if there to stop her because who knows what moonbyul will do when they’re alone.. i hope at least yoongi is there because as the beta he can kinda maybe steer the situation away from something bad
kinda off topic but about everyone having secrets, i’ve only been able to figure out moonbyul’s secret 😭 i was so happy when i figured it out as well because i’m usually shit at at figuring out clues in stories and i’ve never smiled so much when i finally figured her secret out— it made so much sense once i knew as well and i’m interested to see how that changes the story or if anyone else in the story will find out
i have no idea about any other secrets though, i’m stuck with those one. hoseok and jungkook, even the m/c i literally have no idea and i wish i had the time to go back through the whole series and try and find little clues but it’s so long i would be there for days and even then i probably wouldn’t figure it out. i think jimin has another secret as well??? ARG IM TOO STUPID
ALSO very off topic but i was on tiktok earlier and saw this and thought of you
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the horny hours never stop
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kpopfanfictrash · 2 years
I have been reading your work for 4 years now and I absolutely love your writing. All of it. Your Jin characterisations (side and main) are my favourite. (I'm a bit anxious about sending messages to people. I have rewritten this about 15 times now. Yeah, even anon makes me nervous I am not sure why.)
LTH is really really great. I like that y/n / reader (reader inserts are all oc's to me) decided to wait and solve her problems and just take a minute, make sense of all the information and digest everything instead of going to Jungkook immediately after her conversation with yoongi to talk through everything. Or atleast that's what it feels like for now.
For theories about what happens to clean ocean's problems, maybe she solves the problem without JK's help. Maybe her teaming up with her brother (resolving some family issues) or a minor tweak in the plans or a surprise/unlikely sponsor saving the day and giving y/n and everyone at clean ocean a break or hoseok and y/n miraculously saving the day. JK helping out anonymously or just declaring it and switching things up in his corporation would also be a great character arc thing for him plus another he really cares moment. That's all of the possible what happens with clean ocean theories I can think of.
I might be in favour of the without jk's help and maybe her brother pitching in route. JK did help out with the venue last time.
Also wanted to say I am a big reader but I recently realised I read fanfics to fill the romcom/melo hole in my reading lists. I generally don't like reading them but apparently fanfics are it. And your writing, characterisations and the added personalities of the tannies might be my absolute favourite. Sidenote your dedication to write. On a schedule. AMAZING!
Ah please do excuse any grammatical mistakes. English is not my first language.
Hope this gigantic message reaches in one piece. If I guessed anything right or even if I didn't you don't have to reply. I just wanted all thoughts in the message to get to you.
Four years!! Ahh, thank you so much for staying with me and reading my stories for as long as you have, anon. It makes me so glad to hear you've continued to enjoy the things that I've posted.
I'm the same way, where I don't really see reader inserts as 'me' but rather, read them as their own individuals. I am so happy to hear you enjoy l2h!y/n! She's one of my personal favorites, as well and it's been fun writing a slightly more mature heroine.
Ahhh, I love all the theories you laid out!! Thank you so much for sharing with me, and I suppose we shall see what comes true...
SIDE NOTE, I got to the end of this message, saw you say that English isn't your first language and I'm floored LOL your writing is flawless, please don't apologize!
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS KIND MESSAGE! I hope you are doing well, staying safe + healthy and that you have the best day/night!
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thetaekookcloset · 2 years
M a new army and new taekooker. I love your blog so much. Very difficult to find takook content with rational perspective. I was minding my business and commenting in yt video and suddenly one jikook shipper came and attacking me with things like we are delulus and jk hickeyoment is true and how jk told in jikook live that if jimin leaves he will pilost a selca with bite mark and when they and hickey were trending they posted a selca together. Is all of this true my heart is crying over it
Well, the hickey thing is "true" insomuch as Jungkook showed up at rehearsal with a bruise on his neck and Jimin told the members, staff, and cameras that he had bitten Jungkook the night before when they were drinking and Jungkook was messing with him.  Basically, he said that they'd been drinking, Jungkook picked him up and spun him around, Jimin told him to stop but he didn't, so Jimin bit him.  That's the story as Jimin told it, and Jungkook later repeated it back when, a little while after that, one of the staff running a camera asked him how he got the bruise.
None of that is especially out of the ordinary -- we know they don't have much in the way of physical boundaries, and while it's true that neck-biting isn't exactly typical platonic behavior, the entire maknae line and Hobi already do things that seem a little out of the ordinary.  Imagine what they could get up to when alcohol is involved. 
I've discussed my thoughts about this in my post about Jikook, but they can be summarized as: I pretty much figure we can take their words at face value here and assume this story is the truth (because otherwise I doubt Big Hit would have put it in their content), and if we were to assume that it isn't the truth, that it's a fabrication to cover up a hickey, then I don't see why we would have to assume that the hickey came from Jimin in the first place.  If Jimin is already making up the story, why not also that aspect of it?
The same can be said for the other bite mark instance you've mentioned.  Yes, Jimin, Jungkook, and Jin did a V Live together in a hotel (the iconic, "Hey stob it!!" live lol, I believe) and Jimin was making to leave.  Jungkook grabbed him and told him not to go, and threatened (?) him to get him to stay on the live by saying that if he left, Jungkook would post a selfie (of himself, alone) where people think it looks like he has a hickey.  (People know this because he did eventually post it by the way.)
From what I understand, a lot of Jikookers think the fact that Jungkook threatened Jimin with this means that Jimin had something to do with the hickey itself.  But why?  Even if that were true, Jungkook just posting the selfie wouldn't have given anyone that information.  If Jungkook believed the threat of posting that particular picture would keep Jimin on the live (which is in itself not suspicious -- the guys often want to keep each other on the lives, I would guess because it makes them feel less awkward if there are other people there to help fill the time), then it was because he knew Jimin wouldn't want him posting a photo of himself with a hickey, in general.
Could that be because they were in a relationship at the time and Jimin didn't want anyone else seeing it?  I guess so.  But for one thing, you don't typically leave marks on someone and then not want other people to see them lol.  And also, that's only one possibility.  The other is that he was concerned about their squeaky clean image and didn't want Jungkook messing with it.  I guess we can all decide for ourselves which possibility we think is more likely.
As for the last thing you mentioned, that when Jikook and "hickey" were trending, the two of them posted a selfie together, that I don't know about.  I've never heard that before, but that doesn't mean it isn't true.  Personally, even if it is true, I'm not sure how much it matters or how likely it is that it had anything to do with the trending hashtags, especially if it happened during the time when they were in the habit of posting together a lot more.  But for all I know, that's true, I really have no idea.
Ultimately, there's a ton of content out there, and the best thing I can tell you or anyone else is just to look at it, you know?  I appreciate the chance to talk about my own opinions on these topics, but it's not like I'm a holy font of BTS shipping knowledge lol.  There's original content, Taekook content, Jikook content -- anything you could possibly want -- and I feel like the best thing anyone can do is just watch it for themselves and draw their own conclusions.  If you check out Jikook content and it makes you doubt Taekook, that's okay
But you also might find that if you check it out for yourself, the relationship Jikook actually have presents itself very clearly to you as different from the one you see between Taekook, and you won't have to feel this anxiety about individual moments that other shippers bring to your attention.  Of course it's also okay if you're just not interested in doing that, but I just feel like when it comes down to it, individual moments can never really compare to the overall sense of an entire relationship, because specific moments can always be obscured, talked around, or lacking crucial context.
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nomimits7 · 9 days
Happy | 5
Here comes bad news talking this or that
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Title: Happy
Pairing: Yoongi x OT6
Warnings: Manipulation. Gaslighting. Violence? Guns. rich people have no laws. It's kind of noncon, but not that sexual? Panic attack! If I missed something, let me know
Summary: In a world where Auras can be seen, Yoongi lives a peaceful life as a broke, young adult. He attends Uni just so he can get into an internship to escape his current life. What he doesn't know is that six others are looking for him. They want him. They need him and they will have him. Forming a rainbow would give them all the power they could dream of.
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“Do you live alone Yoongi?” Jungkook asks. They have been working for a few hours now. The atmosphere has been calm. All three of them got lost in their work. Yoongi’s ears were being blessed by Hoseoks voice blasting in his headphones as he added some echos and adlibs. So, it came as no surprise when he jumped slightly to hear a different voice in the once quiet room. 
“Uh, yeah. Why?” Yoongi asked. It was only natural for him to be surprised by the question. He wasn’t sure why, but it made a spike of anxiety roll through his body. Maybe it was just because he wasn’t used to sharing his personal life with anyone else. Yoongi also had some bad experiences with trusting people, so he was naturally hesitant to share too much of himself. 
“Oh, no reason. Just want to get to know you. You’re a really quiet person and naturally, I was just wondering if you are just shy or if you don’t really know how to talk to people” Jungkook says matter of factly. He looks curiously at Yoongi, almost expectantly. Yoongi knew he could see the hesitance in his eyes. He knew it was painfully obvious that he didn’t trust them at all. They have only been hanging out for a few weeks. 
Yoongi has no idea how to answer a question like that. How much was too much to share? Why does he struggle to open up to people? Should he trust these two men? Could it be that he is hesitant because he lives alone? Is he shy or just weird? All these questions were now swimming around in his head and none of them seems to have an answer. 
“Hey, we're friends, aren’t we? I now me and you started of on the wrong foot, but your cool. You can trust us” Jungkook said as he looked at Yoongi. A pang of guilt made its way through Yoongi’s system as Jungkook words. He was right, they were friends. Yes, he and Jungkook started of rocky, but the younger has been going out of his way to make it up to him. He has been giving him rides, bringing him food, and he even bought Yoongi some new headphones. Of course, Yoongi should be able to trust them. Then why was he hesitating? 
“Hey, Jungkook. Leave him alone. He’ll trust you when he trusts you! Give him time. Not everyone can be as open as you. Anyway, Yoongi. I believe I have completed this segment of the song. Do you want to listen to it all together?” Hoseok interjected. 
Yoongi quickly scrambled over to the other side to take hold of Hoseok's earphones. The song was good. He could hear just how hard Hoseok had worked on it. It made a stinge of jealousy run through him at the thought of someone else doing something better than he could, in a field where he was supposed to be the top. 
“So, I know Hoseok said not to pester you, but I do have one more question I feel is fair to ask. What color is your aura? I can’t seem to pinpoint the color by just looking at you” Jungkook asked once Yoongi took off the headphones. 
“Uh, well. I don’t know, actually. My color has always been too weak to pinpoint it to any one of the colors” Yoongi said, eyes a little distant as he thought back to all the times he had been alienated just because he seemingly had no aura color. 
“Wait, you don’t know your color? How did you fill out your applications for well
 anything?” Hoseok asked.
“I, well. I guessed? And when they asked me why they couldn’t see my aura I just said that it was weak” Yoongi said. He knew it wasn’t very smart to lie about his aura, but what else could he have done? He has no idea how to test his aura color and without a steady income he couldn’t do the aura test. 
“Ah, I see. Maybe we can help you. If you manage to get the position under Seokjin’s company, they could cover the costs for that test. It’s kind of a mandatory thing to do, but the results stays between you and the big boss. Seokjin said you need to give him a demo right? Why don’t you give him a full song?” Hoseok said excitedly. 
“Yeah! We can help you. What do you need from us? Do you want me to sing? Oh, please let me sing” Jungkook all but wined from his seat. Yoongi felt the excitement in his bones at the idea of impressing his potential boss to the point of him becoming a permanent employee. 
“You would help me?” Yoongi couldn’t help but ask. He still didn’t believe them when they told him they were his friends. 
“Of course, what are friends for?” Hoseok answered. 
“Violets are one of the most captivating aura colors to see. Some people are blessed with such a deep color that it almost looks blue. Often these people are associated with creativity, nobility, and spiritual insight. 
It’s nothing strange to see a Violet dressed in the latest fashion, or how others would describe it, odd clothing. In ancient times, the color violet was the sign of power, luxury, and mysticism. It was hard and very expensive to make any shade of violet and that is why we believe the ancient royals wore the colors. 
Our historians have also recently discovered some old-world manuscripts that hint at the possibility that violet and purple colors were symbols of divinity. The manuscripts described the gods of the old world to have been dressed in violets and purples as they ruled over their world. This is also why we also believe that violets hold the key between the physical and spiritual world. 
Violets are very rare to see. Usually, they are made part of a partial rainbow as soon as they are of legally binding age. They are kept from the public eye and treasured by their fellow bond colors. There is no explanation as to why most partial rainbows hide their violet auras, but seeing a violet is an honor not everyone gets to have. 
The biggest gifts that are associated with violets include sensitivity, compassion, beauty, and imagination. These auras are very useful in positions of power as they can change fear into positive emotions by simply being in the same room as the so-called target” Professor Choi began as he flipped through slides of badly edited pictures of so-called violets. 
Perhaps no one has ever really seen a Violet and thus they had to make up most of what they claim to know about said color. Its a little unsettling to think a color could be that rare. Like, out of all the students in the lecture room, no one has ever seen a violet? Impossible. They had to be myths. 
“Professor? Don’t you think that that could be the reason most people hide their Violets? Maybe they are scared that someone in a position of power might steal them and use them during negotiations or whatever? If Violets have such a strong impact on the people in a room, I would have used them to rise up in the ranks” A cocky red-aura student said as he smirked at his so-called entourage. It was clear that he was still a freshman that had zero life experience. 
“Well, that reason alone might be why Violets are so rare. Violets have control over their abilities, like every other color. Just because they can be used to help someone gain power unfairly, doesn’t mean they do. This is one of the instances where one of the so-called bad traits is used for good. They can be arrogant and stubborn. They are rare, but not easy to convince to do anything that could lead to bad results” Professor Choi said. He had a smirk of his own as he watched the student's face fall. 
Yoongi has to admit, it was very satisfying to see. Just as Professor Choi was about to dismiss the class, a new student walked in. The whole class gasped as they stared at the young man's aura. His aura was a deep Violet color. He was dressed in casual clothes, nothing like the professor indicated, and his voice was deep as he spoke. 
“I’m sorry to interrupt professor. I’m Kim Taehyung and I am looking for a student. My boss has been trying to call him for the past hour, he wants to hear his progress on the demo he is working on. A Min Yoongi? I would appreciate any assistance as I don’t like being disturbed like this on one of my off days” The man, Taehyung said. He looked bored and slightly irritated 
The whole class glanced around in search of the mysterious Yoongi. Yoongi quickly took out his phone and nearly fainted at the sight of over twenty missed calls. Crap, so much for not making a bad impression for his, perhaps not future job. 
“I am so sorry,” Yoongi said as he met up with Taehyung outside of the lecture hall. After his little speech, the other had just upped and left through the doors once he received no answer. This man was clearly not someone who possessed an ounce of patience. 
“I presume you are the infamous Min Yoongi who apparently has some hearing problem?” Taehyung sassed as he folded his arms over his chest. 
Correction. This man was clearly not someone that anyone could easily like. It reminded Yoongi a bit of how he met Jungkook. Yes, the other was just your average asshole at first, but he turned out to be nothing but a clingy bunny. This specimen before him, however, seemed to be leaning towards a kitten. A very angry kitten. 
“I’m not deaf” Yoongi retorted softly as he slowly followed behind Taehyung. The other merely scoffed at his weak retort as he lead them to a parked black van. This was clearly how Yoogi would die. He knew Taehuyng looked familiar. Maybe he was part of the bandits that shot up the train and now they were taking out all the witnesses. 
“You might not be deaf, but I also don’t see why my boss would want anything to do with the likes of you. You're just another unknown self-proclaimed producer who has nothing to his name. I bet you don’t even have a family” Taehyung sneered as he got in the car. He didn’t even wait for Yoongi to get in before starting it. 
Yoongi stood frozen outside of the car. He knew he was unknown in the producer world but what this practical stranger just said was unfair and rude. He studied his ass off to be the best student. He worked horrible double shifts at stores just to pay for his studies. He tried his best to get a good internship and now that a golden opportunity came by, he is called useless. No, he won’t allow some uptight probably born rich prick to tell him what he is and what he isn’t. Clearly this guy has never had to fight for what he wanted. 
“Do you need me to open the door for you princess?” Taehyungs voice pulled him out of his spiraling thoughts. This mother fu-
“I am not. Just so you know. I don’t waste my time with useless things” Taehyung continued as he turned to stare out the front window. Yoongi had enough. He would rather strip down to his birthday suit and parade around campus screaming he loved clowns who get in a car with someone who has no sense of humanity. So, he did what anyone else would have done. He turned and started walking away. He would get to the company on his own. 
“Hey, where do you think you are going?” Taehyung screamed as he saw Yoongi walk towards the subway. Yoongi just kept quiet as he walked. He didn’t need to waste his breath on some stranger. 
“Are you kidding me? Are you really going to act like a child? Get in the fucking car. We are already late because of you” Taehyung said. He must have gotten out of the car at some point because his voice sounded a lot closer than it was a few seconds ago. 
“I am not the childish one that insults people they know nothing about. You must be really fucking stupid if you think I will get in a car with you after you made me feel like absolute dirt. Just because you were born into some privilege doesn’t give you the right to assume anyone is any less than you” Yoongi sneered as he rounded a corner and started to jog towards the subway entrance. 
He would have made it if strong arms hadn’t scooped him up onto a very sturdy shoulder. He would never admit out loud that he squeaked in surprise at the sudden action, but he also would not go down without a fight. He started to wiggle as much as a worm on a hot rock would. He could feel himself slipping off of the shoulder when a sharp smack made him freeze. In his moment of brief shock, his attacker twisted his body around. Reaggranging him onto their hip like a child. 
“You should eat more. You weigh barely any more than my baby cousins. Also, you were rude at first. If you had just answered when I called for you, we wouldn’t have gotten off on the wrong foot. Now, be a good clover leaf and stay still” Taehyung said as he swiftly carried a grumbling and slightly squirming Yoongi back to the car. 
Would things really have been better if he had just raised his hand in class? He didn’t mean to make the other mad. He just doesn’t like to be in the spotlight. He froze and looked where it got him, strapped into a car like a child being driven to whoever the boss of Taehyung was to show them a demo that he wasn’t finished with yet. 
He just wants to go home at this point. Maybe take a shower and cry a little. A nap would do him wonders at this point. He thought back to the words Taehyung said earlier. They were true. He isn’t anyone significant and he probably won’t ever be. Before he could stop the tears, they were silently flowing down his cheeks. How did his life end up like this?
0 notes
aquagustd · 3 years
lisp 02 - JJK | M
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↣ he has you, but things have gotten worse when it comes to his instincts.
lisp masterlist
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pairing: hybrid!jungkook x reader
genre: smut, fluff, angst
word count: 8K
warnings/tags: snake hybrid!jungkook, dentist!jungkook, sorta new relationship, possessive!JK, mentions of violence, mentions of blood, strong language, bromance, sloth hybrid!namjoon, black panther hybrid!yoongi, dom!JK, explicit smut- clit pinching, choking, sex on the kitchen floor, pussy slapping, spanking, oral (f & m), throat fucking, scratching, biting, praise kink, dirty talk, overstimulation, riding, hickeys, double penetration, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, cum inflation, creampie
a/n: guess who’s Yoongi’s scared human friend đŸ€Ș
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It’s quiet. So quiet.
Soft mumbles and the ringing from the telephone fill the crisp air. And you’re incredibly bored. Sana had said that Jungkook is busy with a patient, but you’ll get to see him next. She’s fun to chat to but that damn phone keeps interrupting your conversation.
“So,” she spins around in her chair, citrine eyes crinkling as she smiles, “yeah. What was I saying? Oh yeah! How long have you and Jungkook been dating?”
You lean over the counter, resting your chin on your arms, “seven months now.”
“Wow,” her tongue flicks out, “and you’ve been best friends since preschool?”
“Yeah,” your eyebrows furrow, “Jungkook told me yesterday that you and him-“
She waves a hand dismissively, manicured nails pinching through a stack of papers.
“It was just a friends with benefits thing. And then we tried dating for a while, but it didn’t work out.”
You laugh, “I’m not worried or anything. You might think that two snake hybrids would be perfect for each other.”
She chuckles, “hardly.”
“Your eyes are so pretty.”
She smiles, “thank you. I know that Jungkook’s eyes change color depending on his moods. I thought it might be a bad idea for me to take on a job as a receptionist, but I guess the people who come in here aren’t afraid at all.”
“If anything, they’re drawn to it,” you giggle, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
ïżœïżœI didn’t know Jungkook had a snake hybrid friend-“
“Oh no no no,” she holds her fist up to her mouth, “we aren’t friends. He just gave me this job because he saw me one night at the-“
The telephone rings again and she holds up her index finger. You tap your shoe on the wooden floors impatiently, eyes scanning the brightly lit area when you see the door to Jungkook’s operatory open, halting in your tracks when you take notice of who exits the room.
“Y/N. Hey.”
You walk toward him, standing a few feet away.
“Hey Yoongi.”
His long black tail swishes behind him, pearly whites on display as he smiles down at you.
“What are you doing here?”
Dumb question but he answers anyway.
“Oh I just came here for a routine check-up. I come here often. Do you know how relieved I was when I found out that a dentist who’s a hybrid is opening up a practice?!”
He takes a step forward, fluffy ear swivelling in Sana’s direction when she puts the phone down.
“Are you also- woah!”
He stares at you, eyes blown wide, “nothing. You just smell like-“
“Like what?”
You’re panicking a bit. Even more when you realize that he can place every scent that you emit. Every scent.
“No. Nothing,” he reaches up to touch your shoulder but decides against it, “see you around.”
You watch him zoom out of the office, tail almost getting caught in the door as he leaves.
You turn to Sana, “that was weird.”
She laughs, “he’s weird. He’s so particular about his teeth.”
You scratch the back of your neck, deciding to ask her because you don’t want to be in the presence of Jungkook if you smell bad. Even though the smell of your perfume and the clean scent from the office lingers in your nostrils.
“Do I smell bad?”
“No,” she grins, “you just
have Jungkook’s scent on you. A lot of it. Basically like a neon sign above your head to warn other hybrids.”
“Warn them about what?”
She shrugs, “that you’re his.”
Oh. The corners of your mouth lift a bit, knowing that you smell like him. That he left a literal imprint on you. You rush toward the wooden door, waving at Sana as you go.
The fluorescent light stings your eyes a bit, blinding you momentarily. You pull off your saddle bag and drop it on the chair next to the door. Broad back greeting you.
“Come in.”
His back is turned to you, the room smells strongly of detergent. You decide to have a little fun, so you deepen your voice a bit, speaking with a sultry tone.
“Yes, doctor.”
He’s too busy rinsing his hands at the small sink in the corner, drying them with a piece of tissue. You’ve been to his practice before, but this is the first time you’re one of his patients.
You aren’t actually here for a proper reason. Your boyfriend has been far too busy these days and this is the only way to get his attention for longer than fifteen minutes.
“Leave your file on the desk to your left.”
You have no file in your hands, so you walk to the dental unit, laying down flat on the chair.
“This is my first time here, doctor. Your office just opened and you’ve already made a reputation here for yourself,” voice low and seductive.
“Mhm,” back still turned to you. You jolt in the chair a bit when you hear him snap on his bright blue gloves.
“You know, even though there’s probably over a hundred different scents floating around in this room, hybrids and humans included,” he spins around, smirk in place, “I can still place yours, precious.”
How stupid of you to forget that your boyfriend is a hybrid. A snake hybrid who can smell better with his tongue, like he’s doing now, making his way toward you, tongue flicking out.
“Alright,” he clips a tissue to your chest, pulling up his mask, “open up.”
You grin, parting your legs as wide as they can go, dangling off the chair. You see his slit pupils dart from your face to your thighs, rolling his eyes a bit.
When you try to close your legs, a gloved, cold hand holds one down, keeping them open. You stare up at him, feigning innocence. His eyes are crimson red. The corner of your mouth quirks up, hand reaching up to stick it into his white coat, fingers grazing the material of his jeans before he grabs your hand, fingers curling around your wrist.
“Precious. Is this what you came here for?”
You shake your head, “I just wanted you. Been missing you.”
He softens a bit, but the grip he has on your thigh and wrist prevents you from moving even an inch toward him.
“Precious,” he pats your thigh, signaling for you to keep them open which you do, eyes fluttering shut when his fingers slide up your bare thigh, landing just below the hem of your shorts.
You feel him nip at the skin of your wrist, eyes flying open.
“Remember what I told you, precious.”
You gulp, nodding meekly, wiggling your hips a bit.
He unbuttons your shorts expertly, glove clad hand dipping into them, rubbing your throbbing clit through your panties. You sigh in bliss, it’s been weeks since he touched you like this.
He rubs tight circles on your pulsating bud, arousal pooling in the material.
It isn’t long before you’re squirming, asking for more. He pinches your clit softly and you cry out, seeing his tongue dart out of his mouth erratically.
“You come here, to my workplace and try to distract me. And I have other patients waiting outside.”
He leans down, lips brushing yours, “what do you think that gets you, precious?”
You’re pressed into the uncomfortable chair, eyes glued to his, pussy aching for his touch.
Your breath hitches when he slides his finger down your swollen folds then pulls away abruptly, leaving you whining.
“But you’ll just have to wait until I’m done, precious.”
You open your mouth to protest but he wags a finger in front of your face, in warning.
Begrudgingly, you get off the stool and stop at the door, glancing over your shoulder.
“What time will you be done?”
“When I’m done with my patients.”
Right. He leaves his office around 6PM every weekday, sometimes later.
“Wait in my office.”
You huff and slam the door as you leave, smiling a bit at Sana when you pass her desk and head out of the cramped-up space, crowded with his patients. He wants you to wait in that boring office of his with nothing to do but read the same ‘how to brush your teeth correctly’ charts all over again. And to top it all off you haven’t been with him for weeks. You’re going straight home, but what’s even more frustrating is that you can’t take care of yourself, because he’ll know. He knew the last time, and you had to place a pillow under your ass wherever you sat for two weeks.
You sulk, responding to emails with a permanent scowl on your face, cursing Jungkook whenever you think of him. You can’t help your thoughts, thinking that the first six months were just the honeymoon phase and now he’s grown bored of you. When you think of it, the last time you had sex was only because you initiated it. He does cuddle you and keep his hands in your jeans pockets, giving your ass little pinches. But that’s it from him.
It makes your heart curl up in your chest. You love him, a lot. But you have no idea how you would react if he were to ever hurt you. It scares you almost, the effect he has on you.
The sound of someone banging on your door pulls you out of your thoughts. You throw your blanket over the armrest of the couch and turn around the corner to your front door, thinking that it might be Hoseok or Taehyung. You yank the door open to be met with a very stern Jungkook, corners of his mouth turning down, hands stuffed in his jeans.
He steps into your apartment and closes the door behind him, backing you up into the kitchen, eyebrows up to his hairline, forked tongue poking out when his eyes rake down your figure.
“I thought I told you to wait?”
You scoff, sitting on the red barstool near the counter, folding your arms as you lean back.
“I wasn’t gonna wait till 6 in the evening. I had work to do.”
He laughs, scratching the skin above his eyebrow.
“Work that you could’ve been done some other time.”
Your mouth hangs open, blinking at your boyfriend stupidly.
“What are-“
He places his hands on either side of your body, palms pressing into the cool counter, caging you in. You gulp, feeling his heavy breath waft over your face, mint invading your nostrils.
“I thought. I told you. To wait.”
He repeats, each word darkening his eyes, swirling into red, sending a shiver down your spine.
“I- wasn’t-“
He clicks his tongue, eyes boring into yours. And you’re quick to correct yourself, even if you don’t want to.
“I’m sorry.”
“Not sorry enough. Apparently,” he reaches behind you, producing the half empty can of Coke you had abandoned a few hours ago.
His eyebrow jumps in question, long fingers holding the metal as if it were some dug up fossil.
“You know. I- I eat junk when I’m sad.”
“You were sad?”
You nod, eyes dropping to the floor, sweaty palms holding onto your knees.
“Why were you sad, precious?”
“Because,” you breathe, voice above a whisper, “I haven’t seen you in weeks and when we do see each other
It just doesn’t feel like before.”
Your eyes stay on the floor, fingers rubbing your knees.
Eyes flickering up to meet his, you see the pained look in them. Probably a mirror image of your own.
“I admit that I haven’t been spending as much time as I’d like with you. I’m sorry, okay?”
Smile stretching your lips, you reach for him, but he jerks away, your hand falls back into your lap, eyes glued to his face as he towers over you.
“But that doesn’t mean you should behave like a spoiled brat,” he spits, hand sliding along the counter to touch your back, cold fingers digging into your skin through the thin material of your sleepshirt.
“Do you admit it?”
You tip your head down, nodding slowly, eyes locked on his.
He bares his teeth as he smiles, fangs poking into his lower lip, “you admitting it won’t ease your punishment. Turn around.”
Quick to obey, you jump off the stool in the little space he provides, spinning around slowly, nerves creeping up your body.
“Hands flat in front of you.”
Your trembling fingers lay flush to the counter, eyes closing in anticipation.
“Open up. You know,” he chuckles, raspy and cold, “like what you did earlier.”
Taking your bottom lip between your teeth, you spread your legs a bit, fluffy socks slipping on the tiles. He hums in appreciation and your breath gets caught in your throat when you feel his cold fingers push up your shirt, pussy clenching around nothing when he tugs on the hem of your shorts and panties, pulling it over the globes of your ass, exposing you to his ravenous eyes.
“Look at you.”
His palms smooth down your thighs, chest rumbling as he groans.
You yelp when he presses you flat against the granite, cheek meeting the cold, ass cheeks enjoying the cold of his fingers.
“Take a deep breath for me precious.”
You take in as much as you can, feeling your hole clench uncontrollably as you exhale, knowing he must be watching you, how needy you are for him.
The first smack has you crying out so loudly that your throat starts to burn, even more because it landed where you didn’t expect it, right on your swollen folds.
“Fuck. You’re dripping,” laugh sending a wave of goosebumps all over your body, “soaking my fingers when I barely even touched you.”
You jolt up on the counter when he lands the second slap to your pussy, eyes prickling with tears with the power of his fingers, your own curling around the counter.
He smacks your right ass cheek, lightly, what he thinks is easeful.
“I said hands flat on the counter.”
Your palms slide up, limp forearms sitting next to you, each smack creating a pulsating effect on your engorged clit, knowing how red your folds must be with the force of his hand, soft sobs leaving your lips.
“Take it,” the sound echoes throughout your apartment, ring clad fingers lingering on your folds, spreading your slick everywhere.
Lower lip trembling, you stick your ass out more, he lands three harsh smacks to your ass in succession, frosty palm soothing the burn. He grabs your wrists and yanks you away from the counter, pulling you back onto him as he falls onto the floor.
You cry out feeling his rock-hard cocks dig into your thighs as he pulls off his pants hastily, tough chest burning into your back while you hold onto his thighs, lifting your hips a bit, watching how he grips base of his cock, tip disappearing into your sopping pussy.
He growls, fingers sliding up to wrap around your neck, keeping his cheek pressed to yours as he fucks into you, cock slipping in and out of your clenching walls.
“Fuck. You gonna cum so soon? You love pissing me off, don’t you?”
His voice is strained, thick cock grazing your sweet spot, twitching when you start to move in tandem with his thrusts, fingers digging into the skin of his thighs. His thumb and fingers press into the sides of your throat, your eyes roll back, working your hips back and forth, rolling onto his cock.
He keeps a tight hold around your neck, fingers inching down to rub your clit vigorously, you yell his name, pleasure surging through you when his fingers cut off your air, orgasm washing over you in an overflowing heat, shuddering on top of him. Loads of his cum shoot into you, his fingers dance up your jaw to tilt your head, lips covering yours feverishly.
You lay limp in his hold, slowly twisting around when he lifts you up off the ground, grinning contentedly.
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The candied scent drifts over you with the steam, scalding water calming your aching bones, soft scratches lulling you into a daze.
“Yes baby?”
He wraps an arm around your chest, pulling you further into his back, bubbles travelling with his hand.
“If I dye my hair, what color would you like to see on me?”
Your eyebrow jumps, tilting your head a bit to look up at him, seeing the water droplets collect between his collarbones.
“Won’t it irritate your scalp?”
He shakes his head, observing the way his fingers push your damp strands of hair away from your face, “Yoongi told me that there’s this hybrid-friendly dye, I want to try it.”
You laugh, “Yoongi?”
He shrugs, pink lips getting caught between his teeth, “he’s cool.”
You settle against his chest, eyes closing in contemplation.
“I like black on you.”
“Yeah,” you sigh, slipping further into the water, “but any color would look good on you.”
Fingers sliding between the valley of your breasts, he hums. He has a few colors that he wants to try, but he wants a color that might suit his scales. Then again, his scales aren’t vibrant so any color would match them.
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You’re walking down the short hallway, pressing your ear against Jungkook’s door when you hear the roaring, masculine laughter come from the other side. Eyebrows pinching together, you try to place the other voice, one is Jungkook’s, but the other is-
The sound of the door opening behind you grabs your attention, you’re met with a beaming Namjoon, holding a bunch of bananas in one hand, one peeled and half-eaten in his other.
“Hey,” you walk toward him, gesturing to the door behind you, “who’s in there with Jungkook?”
He leans against the doorframe, speaking as he chews, “some jaguar hybrid. He looks scary.”
Your eyes dart to the door behind you, “jaguar?”
“I don’t know,” he shrugs, “looked like a cat. Smelled like a dangerous cat.”
“Yeah, this is the first time I’ve heard him have fun with someone other than you,” he nods, plucking a banana from the bunch and thrusting it in your direction, “banana?”
You shake your head, “no thanks.”
When you spin around to unlock Jungkook’s door, Namjoon tails you to the other side of the hallway, you ignore him, twisting the handle and entering the apartment to see Jungkook holding Yoongi’s legs while he holds two dumbbells in his hands, lifting up off the floor, eyes bugging out of your head.
Jungkook’s hair is red.
Walking further into the lounge, Namjoon still following close behind, a weird scent fills your nostrils. It smells earthy.
“Oh. Hey, Y/N.”
Jungkook sets Yoongi down and you notice that they’re both sweating, Jungkook not as much as Yoongi.
“Do you like my hair?” He points to his fiery head proudly, “Yoongi dyed it for me.”
Yoongi lifts his palms, large hand stained with patches of red.
“You look
He does look hot, very sexy, the red is so flattering on his skin tone, and you find yourself salivating, wanting to drag him into his bedroom and let him do whatever he wants with you.
“What’s that smell?”
You see Namjoon scrunch up his nose from the corner of your eye, still munching on his banana.
“Oh,” Yoongi hits Jungkook’s chest with the back of his hand, “we were working out.”
You gesture between the two of them, “so you guys are like, friends now?”
Yoongi exchanges a look with Jungkook, “does that bother you? You know, because we fu-“
You hold up your palms, “no! It doesn’t.”
“Y/N! Yoongi can do weird tricks with his tongue.”
Your eyes flicker to Yoongi, who side-eyes you, remembering his tricks.
“Show them,” Jungkook grins, handing him a bottle of water.
Yoongi takes a swig and sets the bottle down on the coffee table, he tips his head back and you watch with narrowed eyes as a spiral of water shoots out of his mouth, curving into the air to land on the table.
Namjoon claps from beside you, while Jungkook climbs onto Yoongi’s back who shoves him away.
“That’s the trick?”
Yoongi nods, rubbing the side of his nose with his knuckle, “yeah.”
You roll your eyes, the strong scent burning your eyes a bit.
“I think I’m gonna head home if you guys are still working out.”
Jungkook jogs up to you, the first time he’s speaking with his natural accent in front of others, “I’ll see you later or tomorrow, okay?”
With a kiss to your cheek, he saunters back to Yoongi who waves at you and Namjoon as you exit the apartment.
You adjust your bag on your shoulder and turn in the direction of the stairs when Namjoon’s soft voice stops you.
“You can hang out with me? If you want?”
Something about the look in his eyes is persuading you, so you follow him into his apartment, a fresh eucalyptus fragrance invading your senses as he guides you to a lounge with no couch, just enormous cushions sprawled across the floor.
“Sure you don’t want a banana?”
You shrug, arm stretching out, “gimme.”
He hands you one and watches as you peel, settling on the other purple cushion. His apartment has a similar set up to Jungkook’s but the interior is a stark contrast to his. Figurines sitting atop shelves that line every wall, plants in every corner, kitchen neat and clean.
“Yoongi is a panther hybrid. I know now,” he nods, nails tapping against his chin, “I sensed something between you and Yoongi.”
You cough, “yeah we uhh
had something going on for a few days.”
“Does it bother you that he and Jungkook are friends?”
“I don’t really know how I feel about it. Yoongi and I weren’t dating or anything.”
Namjoon hums, “well, I think it’s nice that Jungkook finally found a friend. It’s hard for us hybrids to find friends who don’t care about breeds and all that stuff.”
You’re curious about him, from the time Jungkook had introduced you to his neighbor, you’ve never seen anyone visit him.
“Do you have any friends?”
He picks at his nails, they look much more firm than human nails, white all the way to the cuticle.
“Not really,” he smiles, eyes disappearing into slits, “I had a friend. A long long long time ago.”
“Yeah? Was it a hybrid or
He nods, voice small, “hybrid. Fox hybrid.”
Your eyes widen, “really?”
He chuckles, sinking down into the plush material, “yeah. He wasn’t like other predator hybrids.”
You mirror his action, the cushion is even more comfortable than you thought, “so
where is he now?”
happened,” his voice cracks a bit, eyes shifting from your face to the window behind you.
Your heart clenches in your chest, you reach over to pat his knee, “I’m sorry.”
He shakes his head, smile splitting his face in a second, “it’s okay.”
“I’m your friend. And so is Jungkook.”
His shoulders shake as he laughs, “you don’t have to be my friend out of pity.”
“I’m not. You seem like a fun person.”
He yawns, arms stretching into the air, “I guess so. Wanna see the hammock I strapped in the balcony?”
You nod eagerly, finishing up the banana and tossing the peel into the bin as you pass the kitchen. You want Hoseok and Taehyung to meet Namjoon. He’s so calm and sweet, at first glance you won’t notice it, but you know that his eyes hold more pain than he’d like to show.
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“Yeah, I’m heading out with Jungkook. For lunch,” you inform Taehyung then end the call, pulling the silver handle to enter the empty reception area. Your shoulders touch your ears when you see Jungkook turn around the corner and lock his office, tugging the lapels of his black jacket.
“Hey, precious. Ready?”
You take his awaiting palm, watching him switch off the lights and yank the door open, leaving your hand for a bit to lock the door.
“Did Sana leave already?”
He hums, forked tongue poking out as he guides you down the stairs and out of the building, “it’s quiet today, so I said we’ll close up early. Plus, we didn’t have anyone booked for this evening.”
It’s chilly outside, so Jungkook keeps his hand in yours the whole way to the restaurant, golden eyes flickering to yours as you speak. When you enter the restaurant, you tighten your hold on Jungkook’s hand, seeing Yoongi sit at the table you and Jungkook usually occupy whenever you eat here.
When Jungkook waves at him, you yank him down so his ear touches your lips.
“Did you invite him?”
He nods, smile dropping when he takes notice of the way you glower at Yoongi. It was supposed to be your lunch date.
“I’m sorry. Should I have asked first?”
You shake your head, fingers curling around Jungkook’s arm, “it’s okay.”
As you walk to the table, seeing Yoongi perk up as he grins at Jungkook, you think about what Namjoon said. About hybrids not being able to make friends easily. You should have known that, even if he didn’t tell you, because Jungkook didn’t have any friends since preschool and if he did try to befriend another predator hybrid, they would act too dominating. So, you try not to sulk as you order your food, Jungkook’s fingers brush the warm skin of your stomach under the table as he chats to Yoongi about some gym equipment.
You set the menu down, leaning into Jungkook’s side, “what are you ordering?”
Laughing, you smack his shoulder playfully, hair sticking on his jacket as you pull away from him, “you don’t eat steak in a hurry.”
“I told him to try the steak here. He might like it,” Yoongi shrugs, waving over the waitress and placing his and Jungkook’s order while you’re left to repeat the name of the vegetable wrap you chose.
The waitress gives a perfunctory smile and rushes off, while you’re left to listen to Jungkook and Yoongi’s chatter about some medical term. You’d think that Yoongi would be the third wheel but it’s you, you’re the one whose mouth is clamped shut, huffing when you can’t get a word in.
“Y/N,” Jungkook calls after ten minutes when the wood is served, “did you know that Yoongi is a gynaecologist?”
You can’t hide the shock on your face, eyes darting to Yoongi, “I
didn’t know that. I just knew that he was a doctor.”
Yoongi gives you a small smile as he tears into the steak, sauce being wiped away with a tissue as soon as it hits his face. Jungkook is just as messy, except he uses a knife to cut his steak while you pick at the vegetable wrap.
“We went to the same medical school,” Jungkook speaks around a mouthful, “just a few years apart.”
“If I wasn’t older than you, we would’ve probably met there!”
“Yeah! Except we’re from different departments,” Jungkook adds, tongue poking out as he speaks.
Jungkook’s lisp is coming out more and more, and the thought that he is comfortable enough to speak with his natural accent in front of Yoongi makes your heart stir. Jungkook never had a friend, other than you. You’re happy for him.
“Did you speak to that girl you told me about?”
Yoongi shakes his head, dropping the last piece of steak into his plate, “she’s still too scared. I know she likes me.”
“She’ll come around eventually,” Jungkook grins at you, while you shoot him a puzzled look.
“What girl?”
Jungkook points at Yoongi, “the human that’s too afraid to date Yoongi.”
You laugh, “she’s afraid? Why?”
“I don’t know,” Yoongi shrugs, “something about me losing control. She doesn’t have anything against hybrids though.”
When the bill comes out, Jungkook and Yoongi spend almost ten minutes arguing, in the end they decide to split the bill while you’re left baffled. They didn’t even bother to ask you to pitch in.
“What an odd trio. Two predators and a prey.”
Your head whips in the direction of the voice as you’re leaving the restaurant, seeing a man observe you from his seat near the entrance, Jungkook roots you to the spot, glaring at the hybrid. You have no idea what breed he is, but the two brown ears atop his head give you an idea, chocolate brown sclera burning with his pupils.
Yoongi is glaring at the smug-looking hybrid, the corner of his mouth quirks up when he turns to Jungkook who wears the same expression.
“You don’t know what danger you’re in darling, hanging with these two,” he points to Jungkook and Yoongi, your hold on Jungkook’s arm tightens when you feel him tense, looking up at him to see his jaw set, the beginnings of crimson eyes.
“Darling?” Jungkook steps forward, taking you with him while the man stands to his full height, he looks to be about Jungkook’s age but he’s far taller than him, so tall, Jungkook has to tip his head up when he stands a few feet away. The smoky scent from the hybrid overpowers Jungkook’s and it frightens you a bit. His teeth look terrifyingly sharp, and his nails look even sharper, as if he filed them that way.
“Who do you think you’re calling ‘darling’?”
Jungkook’s eyes are fully red now, fangs digging into his lower lip, you tug on his arm, silently pleading with him to let it go. He’s obviously looking for trouble.
You turn around to ask Yoongi for help, but his eyes are set on the bear hybrid, eyes a glowing yellow. A fearful shiver runs down your spine, especially when the waitress tells Yoongi to take whatever is happening outside.
“Y/N,” Yoongi calls your name once you’re standing in the parking lot, “come here.”
“No,” you try to grab Jungkook’s shoulders but he’s too stiff, and you know it’s too late. Especially when the other hybrid makes another remark.
“Tell your plaything to listen to the mongrel.”
Yoongi grabs your arm, pulling you away from Jungkook who tackles the man to the ground, cries echoing in the empty lot when he shoves his foot into Jungkook’s stomach, face hitting the metal pole near them. Your vision is blurry, hearing Jungkook groan in pain when the hybrid sinks his nails into the sensitive scales on the side of his neck.
You can’t bear to watch anymore, grabbing Yoongi by his shirt, “help him!”
He shakes his head, “he won’t let me. He’ll be fine.”
Blood is smeared across Jungkook’s forehead, almost unrecognizable with the way he pounces and tears at the hybrid’s throat. Your heart is pounding in your chest, face feeling hot, blood rushing to your head as you watch them, knowing that this isn’t going to end until one of them end up unconscious or worse. A threat is detected, and their animalistic urges take full control of their body. Each wound to Jungkook is like a wound to you, heart skipping several beats. And when Jungkook is twisted around, falling flat to the ground, knee meeting the back of his head wrathfully, the tears roll down your cheeks in agony.
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“Hold still.”
Jungkook fiddles with the sides of your shirt, eyes glued to the printed letters on them. He hisses when you dab the gash on his forehead, seeing his eyes scrunch shut, lips pursed as he tries not to jerk away from you and make you even more annoyed.
“Do you know how crazy you looked? Jungkook?”
The anger in your tone doesn’t waver when he glances up at you, big doe eyes meeting yours.
“Do you have any idea how terrified I was to see you like that? You were reckless.”
“He-“ he pouts, cool fingers tickling your bare thigh, “he was acting like an asshole.”
“He was provoking you,” you correct, grabbing another cotton ball to pat the scales on his neck with careful fingers, he twitches when you press down, head tilting to the side.
“Exactly. He shouldn’t have done that.”
“No,” you chide, face level with his, “you shouldn’t have done that.”
You hear him sigh as you rinse your hands in the sink, spinning around to survey his wounds one last time.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s too late,” you chuckle emptily, “the damage is done. We’re never to enter that restaurant again, and everyone thinks you’re some kind of feral who doesn’t know how to behave in public.”
His gaze lowers to the beige mat on the floor, the lighting in his bathroom accentuates the golden flecks in his eyes when he stares up at you again, pulling you to stand between his legs as he sits on the toilet lid.
“I’m sorry.”
“What if your patients hear of this? Hmm?” You place your hands on his shoulders, thumbs rubbing the sides of his neck soothingly, slowly giving into his hypnotizing stare.
“They won’t,” he grabs your waist and sets you down on his thigh, arms encircling your torso.
His nose nudges yours, scent that is solely his filling your nostrils, you dip your head, connecting your lips in a sweet kiss, palm cupping his jaw delicately. His tongue slides along yours as you tilt your head to deepen the kiss, palm warming his back with soft rubs. Your lips travel down his jaw, cradling his face as you suckle on the skin below his ear.
You hear him inhale sharply when your mouth grazes his scales. And for the first time, you kiss the fragile skin, tongue darting out experimentally along the slippery and cool trail along his neck. Your suckles become urgent, tongue swirling against the skin, feeling his Adam’s apple bob under your palm.
“Y/N. Y/N Y/N, wait.”
You pull away, eyebrows furrowed in question.
“There’s something I have to tell you.”
You adjust his shirt on his shoulder, “okay.”
He seems nervous, and that makes you a little anxious to hear what he has to say. He intertwines your fingers, holding the back of your hand up to his cheek.
We’ve been dating for seven months now.”
You suck your bottom lip into your mouth, nodding for him to continue.
“But I’ve loved you for longer.”
A smile breaks the serious air around the two of you, burying your face in his neck only for him to nudge you.
“Y/N. Listen. This is serious.”
Your fingers twist the hair at the back of his head, bright fringe falling into his eyes.
“I’m listening, baby.”
“Okay,” he gulps, “I just want you to know that
you’re the only family I have besides my mother. You are my family. But I’m hoping,” he breaks your gaze, fingers tracing patterns on your thigh, “I’m hoping that-“
The fact that he’s struggling to say the words makes your heart thump erratically in your chest, palms lying flat on his shoulders.
“Jungkook. What is it?”
“I want you to be my family
And I hope that one day we can extend our family.”
You nod, lump forming in your throat, “of course,” you peck his pout, “of course, baby. One day.”
“But it’s just that-“
Your eyes search his, urging him to continue, wondering why he has such a downhearted expression.
“I just don’t know if you’d want to have kids with me.”
You can’t help the tears from wetting your lashes, bottom lip trembling.
Why would you ever think that? I love you,” you’re at a loss for words, you just want to comfort him, let him know that he’s the only man you’ve ever loved to the point where you would have his babies tomorrow if he asked. He means so much to you, and you can’t imagine your life without him. Your future even brighter if it were filled with little Jungkooks.
“It’s just. My mother told me once that my father was disappointed when I was born. It took him months to make peace with the fact that I was like my mother.”
You adjust your position on his lap, feeling his cold palm slither under your shirt.
“But he married your mother. Having a hybrid baby was inevitable.”
He shakes his head, “not always but most of the time. But the point is
would you be disappointed? If you have kids who have snake DNA in them?”
“I love you. And I’d love my kids even more.”
His frown morphs into a grin, forked tongue poking out, “yeah?”
You pinch his chin, “mhm. But where is all this coming from?”
He shrugs, “was just thinking about it. I’m not saying we should have kids now. I mean like
in the future. I just wanted to know.”
“Okay, okay,” you drag him to his bedroom.
“Yes. Not now.”
You push him down on the mattress, straddling his lap and pulling off his shirt, “but we can practice.”
Eyes narrowing into slits, his nails catch on your shirt, tearing down the center.
You smack his chest, “this is the fifth one!”
He rolls his eyes, pushing you back on the bed, your hair dangles off the mattress, giggling as he kisses down the valley of your breasts.
“I’ll buy you more,” he rips off your panties, dripping folds coming into contact with the frigid air.
His hands slide up your ass, rolling you over onto your side, smirking as he holds your thigh up, tongue rolling silkily along your folds. You pant, already feeling the effects of his saliva surge through your body, sparks shooting through you when his tongue lays flat against your clit, nudging it this way and that, slick pouring out onto his face.
“Fuck,” you bury your face in the sheets, hips rocking as his tongue curls into your slit, lapping up your juices greedily, humming around your clit, wiggling his face into your pussy. You cry out, jerking in his hold while his nails pierce into the meat of your thigh.
“I’m-“ you melt under his ministrations, hot pussy flush against his cold mouth as he creations a suction effect on your hole, seeing stars behind your lids when he continues to flick his tongue, feeling him on your slit and your throbbing bud, fingers tugging on his hair when his vibrating tongue becomes too much, hips pulsing against his face.
He kisses the crevice between your thigh and your pussy, fangs poking into the supple skin as you close your legs around his head, still recovering from your high.
“Love eating your pussy,” he lifts you up, you set your feet on the floor and kneel in front of him, smirking when you grab the base of his sticky cocks, “love fucking your throat too.”
You work your fists over his throbbing cocks, veins prominent on each one, spreading the precum along the shaft, twisting on each upstroke. He grabs the back of your head and pushes the tip into your awaiting mouth, balls slapping your chin as he begins with a ruthless pace, tears prickling your eyes when you feel the tip graze the back of your throat.
“So good. That’s it, precious.”
You moan, fist working just as fast as your mouth, hollowing out your cheeks to see his face contort into euphoria, fangs pressing into his lower lip as you bob your head over his length, tongue curling around the veins, tears streaming down your face.
“Look at you, such a good girl for me,” he holds your head with both his hands, keeping his cock buried in your tight throat while you hum, breathing evenly through your nostrils, gaze set on his. Your thumb splits the slit of his cock, copious amounts of precum dribbling out and coating your hand.
He pulls you off his cock and guides your swollen lips to the other one, chest heaving as much as yours. You’re happy to pleasure him in any way he wants, hearing him chuckle breathlessly when you push him a little further down your throat and swallow a few times.
One hand holds your head while the other grips your jaw, thumb digging into your cheek as your mouth slides up his girthy cock, hand coming up to fondle his balls, feeling it clench in your palm as you tug, cocks twitching in your hold. Your lips hover over the pink tip as you fill your lungs with air then sink back down, determined to make him cum, fist working just as fast, squeezing around his length. Groans slip from his mouth, head falling back as he fucks your mouth and your fist, shuddering when you feel ropes of cum hit your shoulder and slip down your throat, mixture of your saliva and his fluids trickle out of the corners of your mouth, fingers still working on his balls as he rides out his high, thumb and tongue flicking his frenulum.
“Fucking hell,” he wipes your bottom lip with the pads of his fingers, pulling you up to straddle his lap.
He starts to kiss you passionately, guiding the head of his cock to your entrance, before you pull away, resting your forehead against his, breaths stuttering as you speak.
“Can we do something tonight?” You husk, moving further up on the bed with him as he rests against the headboard.
“Yes precious?”
Gaze imploring, hungry fingers inching up your thighs. His clammy chest is not as sweaty and sticky as yours.
You sit on his thighs sideways, his eyes widen, straightening his posture a bit and accepting you onto his lap. His chest rests against your side, blood red eyes glued to your lips.
“Wait,” he rests his chin on your shoulder, you jump a bit when you feel his icy saliva drip down your back between your ass cheeks. He does it a few more times, your hole clenches in anticipation, inhaling a shaky breath when he asks you to lift your hips, seeing him grab the base of his cocks, the tips reaching both your entrances.
Your breath hitches when you sink down slowly, cocks slipping into you, stretching you open, feeling full, stuffed. He covers your mouth with his, tongue meeting yours as he guides you up and down, swallowing your gasps on each thrust.
“Fuuuuuck,” his head lolls back when you start to bounce on his cock, quivering walls squeezing around him, leaning forward and placing your fists on the bed for leverage, cries of his name bubbling from your lips.
When he starts to buck his hips, your hands slip on the sheets and he wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you up, the sounds of skin meeting skin in hot slaps echo in his room.
“So fucking hot. Letting me fuck you like this. You love it, don’t you? When you’re sitting on my cocks like this.”
You roll your hips forward, moaning at his words, biting down on your bottom lip, more tears sliding down your cheeks, the knot in your abdomen builds. His cocks drag in and out of your dripping holes, more and more of your slick coating his body.
“Ah, ah,” like puffs of air, he works his hips into you, nails puncturing the flesh on your ass, cocks twitching inside of you.
You sit up, laying your palms flat on the bed behind you, boobs bouncing as you chase your high, throwing your head back in bliss, his fangs and tongue meet your neck, suckling on the skin, leaving fresh bruises as he moves to another spot, tugging on your nipple until you cum with a deafening cry, mouth hanging open, eyes scrunched shut as you feel him paint your walls with his cum, pussy clenching uncontrollably, slick messing his sheets.
“Fuck-“ you collapse on the bed, cum leaking out of your holes as you shudder, feeling him settle in behind you, cold chest curling around your back.
He kisses down the curve of your neck, nails raking down your stomach, lingering near the bulge your belly has formed, sated with his cum.
You don’t answer, still grasping onto the oxygen until you can form a single coherent thought.
“I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”
Smiling to yourself, you rest your fingers over his, slotting between his digits and squeezing in answer.
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The next morning, body still a little sore after the night’s activities, you greet Sana and gesture to the lunch bag you’re holding.
“Hey! He’ll be out in a bit.”
You nod, opting to take the seats meant for the patients, usually you wouldn’t sit here because you leave them for the people who actually have an appointment, but since it’s empty, you decide to sit opposite Sana’s desk, setting the lunch bag next to you. You make small talk until you hear the door to his operatory click open.
“And remember no candy, okay?”
Jungkook crouches down in front of the little girl, she plays with her mother’s fingers, nodding as he speaks. You can tell she was crying with her red cheeks and swollen eyes, but with Jungkook’s smile, her cheeks puff out too.
“You need to listen to mommy,” he pinches her cheek, “you want to have sparkly, white teeth, right?”
She nods, pointing at his mouth, “like yours.”
Your heart soars as you watch the exchange, seeing how gentle and sweet he’s being with the little girl. And she isn’t afraid of him at all, giggling when he does some weird dance and sings the song that he made up; ‘how to brush your teeth correctly.’
With one last high five, he waves at her as she goes, smiling when he notices you.
“Come,” he gestures for you to follow him into his office, locking the door as you sit up on the desk.
You reach up to touch the scar on his forehead, “how’re you doing?”
“You know I heal faster than humans,” he grabs your wrists, kissing each one.
“Yeah yeah.”
“How was work today?”
His fingers slide into your jeans pockets, keeping you against his toned chest. You toy with the collar on his coat.
“It was okay. Some asshole
” You trail off, knowing that it would be a terrible idea to tell him about the jerk that messed with your computer at work.
“What asshole?”
“Nothing,” you simper, running your palms up his shoulders, “I think that was the first time I saw you with a kid.”
“Really? Kids come here all the time, they’re braver than some fully grown humans.”
“When it comes to the dentist or the whole fear around visiting the dentist?”
His eyes narrow into slits, burying his whole hand into your pockets.
“The dentist.”
“Probably because the kids have no clue about your abilities,” you titter.
“My abilities? Hmm?”
You roll your eyes, unable to fight the blush that tints your cheeks, “you know that’s not what I’m talking about.”
“But you know what I’m talking about precious,” he tips your head up with his index finger.
“I love this color on you,” you run your fingers through his hair, “such a fabulous dentist.”
“And a fabulous fiancĂ©e to go with.”
The words don’t register in your brain until he pulls away, reaching into the drawer on his desk to produce a small, black box, breath getting caught in your throat.
“This isn’t how I planned to propose, and I know it might be too soon. But it’s fine if you want to wait a little longer-“ he scratches behind his ear, handing the box to you “-but you already know how I feel about you, Y/N.”
You glance at the small box sitting in your palm, maybe it does feel a little too soon. But what does time represent anyway? Not the quality of your love. Certainly not the infinite feelings you hold for him. He looks so happy, wondrous eyes observing your face. You don’t want to hurt him. He’s been through so much his whole life. But at the same time, your mind is running, so caught up in your thoughts, searching for the right thing to do. He’s protective of you, very protective and you find it endearing at times. But it makes you wonder. You think about the bear hybrid, how Jungkook lost control after a few words.
“So, will you? Y/N?”
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a/n: feedback is appreciated.
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taglist: @ggukkieland @moonchild1 @mwitsmejk @fancycollectormoon @nglmrk @bex-92br @taeslarityy @helenazbmrskai @bangtanhome
1K notes · View notes
latetaektalk · 3 years
(road)tripping for you | jjk [preview]
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“it was just supposed to be a roadtrip; your best friend, her boyfriend, his best friend, and you. but it gets a little more complicated (and a whole lot more awkward) when your best friend and her boyfriend have to drop out and you’re left to go on the trip with none other than jeon jungkook, a complete stranger. well, a complete stranger except for the fact that you hooked up two years ago.” 
— genre: roadtrip! AU, strangers to lovers! AU, only-one-bed! AU, summer! AU, fluff, a bit of angst
— pairing: jungkook x female reader 
— word count: estimated 25-30k, 614 for the preview
— warnings: cursing, light alcohol consumption, awkward situations, clichĂ©s 
— playlist: to be added
— a/n: a preview of my new jungkook oneshot for this summer !! super self indulgent and filled with every clichĂ© and trope you can think of!! to be added to the taglist, shoot me a message/ask! oh, the release date might change. also huge thank you to miss lira @koocycle​​ again for listening to me talk abt this fic and also beta reading it!! she’s an absolute babe :(( ily so much
— coming monday, august 30th 2021
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“What do you mean they aren’t coming?” 
He stares at you with huge eyes, doe eyes so big you think they’re about to fall out. One good slap on the back of his head and they’re out. You’re sure. 
You sigh and close your eyes, your jaw on the verge of breaking. Sooyoung’s dead.
“They just called me,” you hold up your phone as if you needed proof, “and well, turns out they’re out of town and stuck there because the railway companies went on strike.” 
You press your lips together. “They aren’t coming.”
Jungkook stares at you like you’ve just grown a second head, and you can’t blame him. It took you a number of “Wait, wait, wait, what?”s and “You’re kidding, right?”s to process this information too.
He presses his hand to his forehead. “So, what?” The knit between his brows deepen as he comes to the same realisation you came to just a few minutes prior, leading to you cursing out Sooyoung over the phone. “It’s just you and me? No Joon? No Soo?”
You reluctantly nod.
Jungkook blinks at you in total five times before he reacts again, his face morphing into something you can’t pinpoint. It’s something between worry and fear, you think.
“Can’t we go pick them up?” he suggests, a proposal you’ve already made.
“No,” you begin and look into the distance, repeating what Sooyoung told you over the phone. “The issue is that we already booked all of our hotels, so if we were to pick them up, our reservations would fall through. And no, they also don’t let you reschedule either. I guess that’s the service you get when you book the cheapest hotels possible.”
You can see Jungkook think, desperate to find a solution to this. You want to tell him that you’ve thought about it all already, that you don’t want to go on a roadtrip with just him either, but you refrain, pressing the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth.
He lets out a hollow chuckle when he comes up with no solution. The sound arises from the back of his throat. It’s meant to lighten the mood, you think. “Well, what fucking genius suggested booking our hotels beforehand?”
You let the question hang in the air for a moment, scrunching your nose and looking down to your shoes before answering, fingers fumbling in front of your stomach.
“I did.”
Jungkook quiets then. Maybe you should have bitten your tongue and not said it.
“Well, I mean,” he scrambles, “you couldn’t have known-”
“I mean it’s not just the hotels,” you interrupt, probably saving Jungkook from embarrassing himself further and possibly even insulting you again. “We also already rented the car.” You gesture behind him. “And Soo and Joon also don’t want to inconvenience us. They said they’d take the next train back and try to catch up with us somehow.”
He nods then. A prolonged silence stretches between you like gum, sticky and gross. You don’t look at him, and he doesn’t look at you. 
In the end, he speaks first again, clearing his throat. “So, uh, we’re going on this trip together then?”
You press your lips together and tuck a strand behind your ear, still refusing to meet his gaze. It’s almost ironic how good the weather is today, perfect for a roadtrip, a roadtrip you no longer want to go on.
“Unless you want your money to go to waste, yeah, seems like it.”
Jungkook stares at you, and then nods. You look down at your suitcase and put your hand on it. 
This is happening.
You heave out a long sigh.
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coming monday, august 30th 2021
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