#also i unfucked my signature a little lol
didididraws · 1 year
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i am a shadow, the true self.
if this piece looks familiar, it's probably bc you've seen the original upload on my limbolane sideblog - i just added my signature and a link to the more ~vibrant~ original piece, since tumblr doesn't seem to share my love for dramatic lighting.
my brain still isn't letting me draw anything that isn't welcome home, so i figured it wouldn't hurt to post 1 (one) old puppet-free piece before diving back in.
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The world just chewed her up
And spat her out. 
I always get myself into these situations
I’m just being honest here 
It’s a classic feeling signature and behaviour of mine 
No thanks to any of the people who twisted the knife
Yup, thats you grandma, and whoever ( the fuck ) else 
Ooops using that fucking g word again 
Trying to transfer the blame on someone else 
My poetry is starting to suck 
Cause it’s really just nicely placed words 
Venting my timely swings 
Into dark places...
Calling it:
I’ve had a full on fortnight 
Sick, work, new job, money stress
Child not drinking or sleeping stress
All the usual suspects for an exhausted parent 
Wait what the fuck I’m not a parent? 
It’s really taxing being the one hearing the toddlers cries 
Knowing that you aren’t the one with the milk tap breasts 
The smells, genealogy and presence of their mother 
That would calm that crying child in an instant...
Who is the only one they will eat for, drink for, sleep for... just about
I am a good stand in mother 
But imagine having that much presence in another child’s life 
Taking the pressure of trying to fill their needs 
When you aren’t the one who was biologically tuned to do so
I love what I do 
I really do and I would take this shit any day over any other work
But when they are crying for mum 
Well, I’m just not their mum. 
It’s okay
It just takes time to form bonds right?
If it didn’t it wouldn’t be right
You can’t hurry love... understanding... feeling comfortable with someone
Children need the love
Parents need the space from loving 
Nanny’s need.... 
Like, today would have been good.  It used to be my little fluffy comforter, coffee 
It still is my trusted friend 
In small doses 
I’m basically Lor 
I like to believe I live in stars hollow.
We made a breakthrough today together
Me & the wee one year old cherub I care for 
She is such a strong stubborn self lead little cherub 
She just makes these screechy noises at me, trying to tell me stuff 
I put her in the car, drove to the beach and around for ages 
And then, holy shit, she fell asleep and STAYED asleep for 40 minutes 
It was a christmas fucking miracle 
It is the first fortnight I’ve been working 
But some of those days have been mentally challenging 
I came home with tears of joy whatever I don’t know 
Tears of endurance of frustration of inadequacy for not having the right nipples
Tears about money stuff 
Getting through 
Feeling like I have some worth
Paying for my own health care appointments  Whatever other plans I have made 
Fighting back the tears 
The stress of all this change 
Feeling for me 
Cause it’s my job too 
Can be full on, it seems 
Lucy ran through the house with muddy paws this arvo 
It was the icing on the cake 
The cherry 
Sarcastic but really she is my
She came into my room just now 
To give me a little snuggle 
Probably saying mama thing I hate it when you cry 
It’s cool baby badger 
Crying is one of the many ways to release 
I read a cool article on it today about the healing power 
Of babies crying in the arms of a caring loving adult 
It’s a healthy response 
It is made to be held, seen, heard, recognised as valid 
If your baby needs to cry, let it cry in your arms 
It’s perfectly fucking healthy to cry 
It’s WAY better if it can be done with someones presence 
And I mean, just their conscious presence, approving, accepting 
Being here with you 
Especially for children 
But I just do it alone mostly
Cause people tend to freak out with the water worx 
Probably scared of their own displays of feelings 
I’m used to it I’ve been doing it for years 
I even used to tie up the door to the bathroom 
Where I would be crying 
From a very young age 
Because we don’t have locks in our house 
Because I was raised without being allowed valid boundaries 
Lol fight me 
I’m just being honest 
Act like you got some sense
I’m sorry Mrs Jackson 
I am for real 
Okay there’s my humour coming back 
I’m glad to be free to speak 
That’s why I write things 
I don’t care if anyone reads 
But maybe they will and it will mean something 
That’s cool too 
The universe is a funky little pumpkn
Especially with the platform of technology 
I can reference shit with an inbuilt link 
Would have been handy for my essays back in the day 
Look I just want to be able to meet my needs
Like every human should be able to do 
That’s why I want to care for children 
Help them get their needs met 
I honestly get it, parenting is FULL ON 
I get why kids grow up without their needs being met 
Because not every one can mind read or translate screeching 
But I feel like I’ve been raised to figure out how to MEET NEEDS
My own, and then others, children, whoever I can influence 
In fulfilling ways really 
I guess that’s the goal 
To lead 
Be my own 
Wahine Toa 
Filling my needs has meant money 
Which has been a tool which I cast out of my shed 
From a very young twisted age 
When I was made to feel ashamed 
For having money and choosing how to spend it
Thanks again to the dicks that taught me this 
Is she still bitter about this or? 
Lol, jokes make it better for five seconds 
The story is long but in short basically I fucked it all up 
When I bit my brothers ass cause he stole my toy 
Which, yeah, fair enough, I fuck shit up if things are unfairly taken from me
Then my grandma who is dead now ( cool ) had forsaken me 
Then would refuse to treat me well for the rest of my life 
Neglect me and shit, ridicule me and instil the classic shame 
For being my great self ya know 
Barbaric really 
Then write me poetry about how creative I am
Like, bitch please 
You can’t unfuck with my life now you realised it was a dick move 
Those bridges are burnt bitch 
Wow, vent vent vent 
Has to be said? Mmmm maybe in a less cunty way but that aint me today
So yeah money is a thing I am learning 
Thanks to the past conditioning 
It’s a universal blockage so I’m not half surprised 
I would really love it in my life 
So I can love and care for myself 
So I don’t have to depend on people who can’t do that for me 
Let alone, themselves right!?
Think we’re all learning this right?
So how do you learn to do money?
Well... find the energy that attracts it instead of repels it
Learn to use it wisely for future benefits 
Learn to keep the river flowing constant abundance in and out 
To you and through you 
Hibernate in the winter, keep like squirrels collecting them nuts 
Not just for the now time, for the winter
But if you collect too many and leave them to rot that’s not a flowing river 
So it’s about learning the skills, how to use the tool for abundance 
The dance with life we all are worthy of 
How have I committed to this? 
#1: Decide to stop doing shitty stressful jobs that don’t fulfil me and provide for me in equal abundance of energy exchanges, preferably looking for work with perks that I love and with downsides that I am not too bothered by. 
( I decided upon home based one on one childcare because it’s a nurturing job for me and for the world in order to help people and help myself thrive )
(I did my qualification in Nannying, it took 6 months and it was free, it was one of the best most nourishing fulfilling loving moments of my life so far, thank you)
#3: Get your foot in the door. 
( for me, this meant, get an in between starting job which paved my way in order to look forward to and manifest the perfect job to begin my career with )
( it was part time, it was full on, it was amazing because it gave me experience and a reference, it was fun, it had some perks, it also sucked sometimes but it was the perfect launching point... ) 
#4: Get through the period of time where you may not be earning or you may be earning very little, before you find the perfect work conditions that give you what you are so worth earning in exchange in order to sustain and fulfil your life. 
( yup, currently amidst this point, it is hard so hard at times for me, it is mentally consuming and emotionally breaking but it is the deep lesson about the squirrels collecting nuts for the winter... you need not so much that they will rot, you need just enough to get you through without meaning a period of starvation or you need to hiberate like bears. you just have to do whatever you can to get through this phase... its okay to ask for help, just ask people who you can trust to actually care about you and love you and support you, not people who have shown you that it’s conditional or that they actually can’t do this for you )
#5: Eventually, you will be in a cycle of river flowing freely and replenishing you all the time and life giving energy in abundance to you and through you. This is the place we all want to be with our work where we love what we do even on the hardest worst days and we are fulfilled with abundance in all areas of our lives, especially given equally abundant exchange of money to provide for our lives and our desires. 
( I have found the job, the conditons are right, I am working through the moments of stress and I am most of all waiting on those steady free flowing river pay checks of abundance... don’t get me wrong, I also need to learn how to be best with my nuts so that is the next step. I just so hope I can do so this time around because I don’t want to go through periods of starvation of my needs when it is so taxing and mentally emotionally crappy... I suppose though all of those pent up feelings had to come out somehow because I wouldn’t have ever had money blocks if they didn’t exist. Purging the blockages from your system is all part of the transformation here. So, I guess, I’m glad to be deep in full learning ) 
I just wish to feel better
To rewrite the feelings signatures that were assigned to me 
When I was just a young zero years baby 
So I guess the path is set... 
I’d like to see my needs met.
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