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I wanted to say something meaningful. 
To show that I understood what we were getting ourselves into. 
I said nothing at all. 
I couldn’t get my mouth to move in time with my thoughts. 
When the moment came, I couldn’t say anything. 
I mumbled about how I felt very ‘lucky’, fortunate. 
What I meant was
I don’t know why I’m doing this 
I am very scared 
I don’t want to meet that same place again 
All I have ever wanted 
Was a kitchen of my own 
Where I could sit up on the benches and drink a cup of whatever and 
Stare out of the window from there 
I don’t think I really want much else 
Someone to share it with 
To spawn with 
This is everything I ever wanted 
I’m still wanting it 
I just wish you didn’t have to take the weight of it on your own 
I know I dance around in my head like a fairy 
And I will never understand the pressure of the business world 
Maybe neither of us were cut out for it 
We weren’t cut out of anything, we grew like vines and roots of trees 
We had a little piece of earth and planted ourselves, 
I’d like to enjoy this more 
But it’s the most powerless I’ve ever been 
The reality cuts me deep 
While it nurtures a dream within me 
Why do woman have to bleed?
We take it all into our belly and then when things don’t stick 
We cut it out of us again 
The hardest part of being a grown woman 
Is being expected to maintain my composure.
I hang on by a string
I pull my body together when I could be crumbling down 
I would love to lie back into the ground 
Melt into the soil 
Disappear into the soil 
Blend into the ground and grow into the mossy floor 
Grow into something else instead of me 
And still, when we get home, I boil the water for coffee 
I leave the room to cry on my own 
Instead of cloud you with my depth of feeling 
I carry it through me 
I get up, keep going 
And so do you. 
Just in different ways. 
We both suffer from humanness. 
Human mess. 
We both suffer the weight of the world. 
We both carry a lot so the other doesn’t have to do it for us. 
This is why it is making me stronger 
Because it’s not just about me anymore now
I have you
I have you
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The Spirit of Christmas; An Ode to 2018
A year full of weaving.
Figuring out how it all “fits” together in me. 
There must be a place for all of these things in my life.
The good, bad, ugly, if there aren’t any better words to say. 
I have been unravelling the worst, most tangled parts, and putting myself back together the way I like myself to be, not before being completely out on a limb vulnerable and feeling ultimately broken in every little way. 
The day breaks the dawn every time.
It’s the only way to see ourselves in perspective. 
Fragments of a mirror are broken on the floor. We see different sides to ourselves. We see our pieces and we see that we are tangled up. 
I have felt tangled for as long as I have been awake to myself.
The coming of age hit me the hardest because my consciousness could no longer look away each time I became more awake. 
With the help of my search, I found resources that helped me understand what I have been experiencing here. It has come to a crescendo today in my last day at my current job. It’s sat me down, slapped me awake and shown me what I need to do. It’s commended my mistakes. Told me they were on purpose, as if it were fate. Told me not to silence the crier but to be with the tears. Told me a part of the secret. 
I experienced a lot this year that was completely out of my control.
As I watched, with feeling, and without; I was shown that this is the truth of it all.
I am not in control and I am not meant to be.
I can make the best of things, do my best and live my best life, and I will still encounter good, bad, ugly. People will still die when they die. Animals will die when they die. Relationships will be created and be destroyed. The best jobs will still have the worst days. I will still cry, I will still eat, I will still purge, I will still feel everything and be alive for as long as my heart keeps me alive. I feel this is the truth, as much as we are creators, we are kidding ourselves to think that we can individually control anything other than the choice of what to do with the time we are given. Much else is out of our control. 
I have sat with this, asking myself to just listen instead of act. That’s actually really hard to do when you are used to doing anything you can to fix, mend or medicate to CHANGE WHAT IS. I have not been able to be with this stuff before now. I have panicked, really badly, reacted, overreacted, self medicated, feared illness and so been medicated by doctors, put my trust in people who did not know any better than myself, lost trust from people who have caused me pain by acting in a way regardless of good intentions. I feel like there’s a worldwide epidemic of people not being comfortable and therefore not being able to be present with what is without trying their absolute hardest to change it. This feels like the most freeing and most terrifying, disheartening, threatening and forfeiting feeling I’ve ever felt. I try to scratch, itch, wriggle, move, change even the concept of this as I write. I notice myself fiddling, I bet if I could be present with my mind it would be freaking the fuck out, screaming about a million obscenities, crying in foetal position, thinking the fricken world was ending in this very moment. It’s not. It’s actually just another beginning.   
It scares the breath out of me. 
I can feel tears in my throat. Or stomach acid. I feel a rise in my stomach. I don’t think I need to purge but digesting this concept is a challenge to me as I am experiencing the discomfort of initial awareness that this realisation is bringing me. It is no longer a nut to crack. The real nut here is actually a wholely integrated, holy energy packet called existence that is beyond the chicken or the egg or the nut falling from the tree to begin with... 
Two birds.
I’d rather be the first to listen, than the first to talk. Even when I feel uncomfortable with it. I’m sure everyone else feels uncomfortable like I do too sometimes. We don’t need everything that we think we do. And yet we do. And we are okay to. We are okay, too. I wonder if she will wake up and stare and have no tears left and that will be her final healing from me? The child sleeps. She is a child now, her baby steps are becoming a child’s leap of blind faith that we all have to each take. I hope I can start to apply myself in these lessons. 
I think again, I would be different in an interview for myself.
I wouldn’t so much speak like a childcare snob about my own childcare notions to a family who doesn’t want to be changed consciously, rather they are wanting the universe to come in through me and give their children what they need and to let it be done in the most smooth flowing way. We don’t want our boats to be rocked even when there is a storm we are expecting to sit still with ourselves. I wouldn’t say these things. A lot of things in my work are unsaid. I would simply do what I do, knowing that it is a gift to feel as I do and I can give my gift to others by simply giving them the chance to exist as themselves too. 
I am a nanny and yet really I am protecting a child’s right to feel it’s “self”. To feel itself. Anyone can care for a child’s physical needs to keep them alive. It takes a being with experience in emotional depths to really be able to keep a child emotionally nurtured and safe. I can’t always give that, but I know that’s what I’m here to improve on and to learn to do. I was the worst listener growing up, until I experienced being deeply listened to. And that was an immaculate healing for me. It purified me in all the parts that had been filled with what felt like it could never be moved. I was moved that day and my life has changed. 
It might not be a big deal but to listen is to heal. 
My job here is done. 
I have cried in a hospital this year, like i’ve never cried before, in the most life altering experience. I have sat peacefully without a tear or a care in the world beside the woman who took part in creating me a third generation to herself as she began breathing last breaths. I was alone with both of these experiences. Regardless of my mental state I experienced moments of no control and I felt the frustration and the complete and utter freedom of it. I don’t know if I prayed. I probably did. More to myself than a god. To myself because I needed to show up for myself in those moments. I’ve missed out on a lot before now for lack of being able to show up and lack of being able to listen to myself. I’m making up for it now. 
This year has brought to me the experiences of true love that I had always wished for. And it’s as good as I had hoped it would be. And it’s better than I imagined. Different, a thousand times better. I will experience ebbs and flow like with all great love. It will probably shake me and make me tremble and shed a many tears and all over again and again. This is the depth of my love. Truth. 
I never knew I could really feel this much peace with love. 
Past glimpses have not even come close to it.
I laugh in the face of it. 
I know it’s place, of it before. 
She wakes. She cries. She wouldn’t be her if she didn’t I guess. Things need change over time, not overnight. 
I go, now, to return with more wisdom next time. 
Til then, 
enjoy Christmas together, with whoever is yours close. 
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So I can dress my body in flowers of all kinds 
So I can wear a wreath around my hair 
So I can breath quietly without starting a chainsaw inside 
So I can love without limitations of my flesh 
So I can kiss with the freedom of believing in love 
So I can be at peace 
So I can be warm 
So I can be in solitude 
So I we can be together 
So I can see the blossoming 
Two hearts intertwine into one
All things I can do whenever, 
All things I can do better, 
When I address the elephant in room. 
Aside: Acknowledging the eating disorder and how the disease limits me in all areas of my life. My adult self wants to be in charge of making decisions now. My child self is longing to be relieved of the pain. The adult in me is now telling the child in me that the other side of pain is freedom. What I want must first fulfil me with what I need. That’s why I need to grow into my adulthood, because the child in me needs support with making appropriate, purposeful decisions. I simply can’t control every single aspect of my life. Some things I have to lay down in the hands of trust. Other things need to be left behind. I’m ready to heal by going within. 
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Moving Home
Third time lucky
Maybe this time when I leave again 
It will be the way
Not that these other paths haven’t been 
It’s just, they haven’t taken me along their way for long 
And I want somewhere that I belong 
Somewhere I can be, for long 
The security of people or places or feelings 
Whichever way it comes to me 
I want to feel like I can belong here or there 
With whom 
I know that some of the hardest parts are over now
It may get hard sometimes again 
But I know now that some of the hardest parts are over 
Because I was always waiting for something just like this 
It just took it’s time 
I had big lessons to learn
I feel like I can let a lot of those things go now 
Moving home. 
Wonder how long I’ll stay this time?
I don’t know.
Wonder if I’ll keep anything tucked away this time
When I go.
Think I’ll let go of all the past pain this time 
Hope so.
There’s so many ways that I can make a change 
This time. 
From the get go. 
I think I have a plan 
Even though plans change.
I think I have an idea of how to grow.
I think there are many things I can look forward to 
This time
That might help me to stay sane.
If you go. 
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To another time 
Grieving lips of wine 
Stary eyed 
Wondering how to survive;
Give me sea salt, sunshine... then take flight. 
To another place, 
It’s the last time you will see this face.
To another him, 
I am finished missing everything. 
Here’s to another chance, 
To dance through my life 
I don’t want to miss any more opportunities 
My lips a different shade 
My hips wearing better days 
My heart held in with my arms embraced
So this is what it feels like to really love
Feels like I’m looking into the mirror of myself 
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I am depression 
Without comfort food 
How have I hidden this from myself for most of my life? 
I can’t enjoy the regular things in my life 
Without having my magic anti depressants (COFFEE AND StUFF)
And just like most magic pills 
THEY DON’T fix my problems 
Yeeeeaaaaahhhhh so I don’t care as much 
Still there
Just floating 
UP UP UP UNTIL I COME back down to earth
The place where I am depressed 
With the depression which goes too far back to understand yet 
I’m sick of eating 
And I’m sick of foods
The blackness is ink in my veins 
I’m happy for sure 
Happy as fuck 
Got the things in my life going good 
It’s me guys, yup, feeling this way in my fat flesh prison 
I’m mainly sad because I am realising that I am actually quite depressed 
When I become conscious of my DRUG USE or should I say FOOD USE 
I genuinely have food issues 
And it does physically affect me 
I can put on weight really fucking fast 
And I can lose weight but it happens slow and doesn’t quite last
Where to from here?
Well I’ll go clean the house 
Keep going 
Can’t make a hot drink 
Can’t eat the foods 
Must sit with myself 
To realise that I am still depressed 
From the same depression I had years ago 
I should probably figure that out now 
Instead of just keep drug using 
Food using 
TO make it bearable every day 
Cause it doesn’t go away 
The ugly head has reared 
Without food I am depressed 
It’s something I’ve needed to address
I am very good at lying to myself 
When I don’t quite know myself at all 
I am so glad this day has come 
So I can face myself
I love my ocean of commotion
I know I am loved for it 
I feel it now 
Softly gently whole heartedly exhaustedly 
Isn’t it funny 
Knowing of my depression actually makes me happier 
THan hiding it from myself 
With drug using of food. 
I would be happier being honest with you 
Than eating anything to make me feel different 
I want to feel the whole you, the whole you 
As you hold me 
So the best I can do 
Is give you 
The whole me, the whole me 
To hold you 
And part of the whole me 
Is a depressed me 
Looking for her healing
I really would love some medicine 
I think my connection with you is better than 
What any kind of drug could do 
So we keep moving 
We keep moving 
I’ll find healing 
I found inspiration 
Moving forward 
With you. 
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So this is what it feels like
To rely on someone 
As a lover 
As a friend 
As my wholeness 
My family in a man. 
This is how you know 
You could spend a lifetime in the wake of them 
And you 
They give you strength in being you 
It makes my eyes tear 
It makes my heart go beyond my fear. 
There is really nothing quite like it 
Nothing life can prepare you for like this 
The peace in my mind that comes from what the heart can find 
In this kind of love 
All I think I’ve ever truly dreamed of 
So this what they mean 
When they say 
You are the light of my life, 
Because it’s true, babe 
You are. 
And I’ll always always thank you for that. 
I built a home in you in me
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Back to me 
And so, I did not really lose you. 
And so, you did come back for me. 
In ways which make me happier
Than I could ever dream of thee. 
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They are a part of the same heart;
This I do believe 
This is just the start
It’s clear to me in the little things 
The way they share the heart in me 
It’s the same love 
It’s the same love, darling. 
It holds me close through the darkest times
It’s got my back 
It’s got my mind 
It’s the first and last 
It’s the face and the mask 
It’s the time it takes 
It’s the breaking hearts
It’s the face to face 
It’s the love we made
I believe we are a part of the same heart of hearts
I believe we are the puzzle pieces from the same piece of art 
Now I can see for miles miles miles
And so, 
I love thee 
With the same heart that has held my life 
So gently 
That has cried into the pain and laughed with my joy 
Encountered the moments 
Lucid and lonely 
Told from the stories 
My own and my only 
Come back 
Gone home 
Made home somewhere new 
And so, 
I love thee
With the numbers 
With all the others 
In leaps in bounds 
Found with the faith of this that is within in me 
To be the voice of my own love 
To be the love of my own heart 
You are the one I chose 
When I chose to love myself apart
In the colours and sounds of some other 
Reflecting light 
In the cool dark of the stars 
In the mint air of the night 
And so, 
I love thee
With the temple of my body 
With the temple of my mind 
With my soul and with the time that I have left
Before I go back to our home in the stars
This is a call to the heart of hearts 
We are a part of the same love 
They are a part of the same heart.
How do I love thee? 
Let me count the ways... 
Still, saying nothing, thats enough for me. 
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Where to begin
When I let you in
At the turning of the day
I knew that I would be okay now
There would be none of what was before
Time is dancing with my hands
I have my mind floating around you
And my eyes open wide to see the view
Of the world as it reflects through
And so it begins
With the little things
Talking to the heavens
Thanking all the glimpses
Trusting to be taken in and cared
This is just the start
Hands holding touching arms
I know where my safety lies
In the glimmering shimmering sparkling of your
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Lessons on lessons on lessons 
Look at my life man, that’s blessings 
So, here we go, rant rant rant 
Spinning some shit about 
How I got a big slap to the face lesson 
About life. 
So, I did a thing. 
Spent money frivolously,
Had other things I needed to pay for that I forgot about, 
Kept pushing my boundaries all the time, 
Keep doing things that I had said I would stop doing, 
Keep putting myself in situations that make me feel anxious and uncomfortable
Keep living my life beyond my limits and not in exciting ways,
In dangerous ways that make me feel unsafe.
Why? Have I been taught not to listen to myself?
To make everything work for everyone else even if its not what I really want?
I want to be honouring myself and my authenticity 
Which has been an inner screaming of “no, stop, don’t” 
That I have been buldozing over 
Because “it’s so and so” and “i feel like i have to”,
“I don’t want to let them down”
Well, you let yourself down.
How does that feel?
Fucking stink. 
It’s meant that I lose what I wanted and gain stress on stress. 
The lesson here is... I WANT to listen to myself. I WANT to honour myself. 
Why am I in a habit of not doing so? 
I really want my own stuff to matter as number one and all else as second 
That’s the only way I can be happy with my life as a whole 
Because right now, I can’t be fully happy about pleasing all but myself 
These are not selfless measures which make me feel good.
Being selfless makes me feel unworthy, unimportant, unsatisfied. 
If I put myself first, it would help me feel how I want to feel
And I believe that when I am feeling good about myself, 
I can be of more help to others, than when I am not.
This has to be what I learn... 
I can’t say it enough to actually hear myself 
I know my conditioned self sways towards making everything fit 
But this has to switch cause I am just making myself unhappy living this way.
I have to make things fit for me first and foremost. 
I certainly don’t want to be told by anyone that there is anything wrong with me and the way that I do things because that is just so far from the truth. What is true is that I have been cutting myself down to size to fit someone else’s boxes now for most of my conscious life and all these offcuts are devaluing to my inner self who is actually an awesome whole picture of who I am, and there is nothing i need to fix and there is so much I would love to change without having to cut away parts of myself. Changing is different from fixing. I don’t believe the hype like I used to, there is actually nothing wrong with myself, there is nothing that anyone can do for to fix me because there is nothing actually broken here. What is broken is our inner connections with our higher selves and those parts of us that tie us into the world as we are. I know why people freak at the thought of this because they think that without anything to fix, they will never grow and they will never change... absolutely far from it. Change is renewing, sustaining growth, sustaining movement, sustaining flow, like water. Change is like water. Like air we breath. Like life that flows through us every day that we breathe and live. YOU CAN CHANGE AND WILL CHANGE ALL THE TIME. No that does not come about as a form of a fix and no it is not because anything is wrong with you that change occurs. Change and the cycles and seasons of life are as natural as our existence itself. What is unnatural to nature is self hate. Do the trees hate themselves and stop their growth and cut themselves down to size and limit themselves? No, they grow and grow and grow as high and wide and expansive as they can. Do rivers and oceans stop existing and dry themselves up because they don’t feel good enough to be rivers and oceans? All of these self hating beliefs are not natural, they are of human rumination over time. What we need to learn from these lessons is to honour and trust our innate nature and to hear and speak to the humanness within us to recognise when there are seeds of self hate ruminating and to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery, non but ourselves can free our minds... self hate is mental slavery. And its in a way, physical too, because it makes us do things that we would not do to ourselves from a space of love. 
So, these are the lessons, and the blessings, from my lack of slept self on this beautiful airy morning with a reminder from my old mate...
These songs of freedom. 
Redemption songs. 
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Miss Independent
That’s why I love her. 
A woman’s independence means
Having your own Phillips screw driver.
Fixing your own curtain rails.
Making your own dinners.
Doing your own washing.
Providing financially for your own existence and dependents. 
Taking care of yourself extra especially when you aren’t well. 
Finding your own solutions.
Feeding your own hunger.
Learning self care.
Learning emotional regulation. 
Learning creative self expression.
Learning the art of creative energy release. 
Learning to say no. 
Learning to say yes.
Listening to yourself instead of thinking of what your parents would do.
Doing what you want to do instead of what you think people want you to do.
Filling your own needs. 
Asking for help, from the people who will actually best help you. 
Choosing stuff, all things, for yourself. 
Getting yourself showered and dressed.
Getting ready and arriving for things planned on time. 
Going to work. 
Doing your own groceries. 
Trusting your own heart. 
Lighting your own fire... both physically and metaphysically. 
And some other stuff. 
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Two steps forward, one step back 
Why does it always seem to happen this way?
It’s like I can’t ever really celebrate 
Because this which follows every move I make 
I take two steps forward and then I fall back again.
If life is a game 
Or a dance 
Like a tango 
Going back and forth 
Makes a lot of sense. 
When life looks like a ladder 
or a set of hoops to jump through
Stepping forward then falling back 
Feels like a constant battle to escape 
What is opposing force 
While trying to get somewhere 
How does this work?
I can no longer look at life like a ladder 
Or a set of hoops to jump through 
Because then that makes me judge myself 
That only makes me sad
I haven’t done anything wrong here
I am doing the dance steps in time 
I am swaying to the music
I don’t always keep myself in line 
I guess that’s how I know 
I guess that’s what it means to be alive 
To be full of zest, how can I make this rhyme with jive?
Dance references aside 
I am realising that I punish myself silently 
For “wrong” turns, back steps, swaying side to side, 
As if it were wrong to exist and to thrive and to live 
Like I love to exist 
Sometimes I don’t love it as much 
I make myself feel bad 
Because I fall into old beliefs about habits or I fall behind 
Why do I believe that back steps are falling behind?
How do we stop the relapse?
How do we love the relapse into approval and acceptance? 
How do we heal the heart and mind to love our dance across the floor?
I really really really don’t want to punish myself anymore. 
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Baby come back 
I have been so busy doing life 
It’s been amazing 
I have my own place 
It’s been a life goal of mine forever ago 
I have the perfect new home 
The perfect first proper job 
Everything is as if I had wished for it or something 
Haha yeah well thats exactly what I did
Thank you universe for hearing me 
And raising me up within myself
Thank you 
I only have beautiful things to say right now 
Which is almost a first in this place 
So thank you thank you thank you 
I appreciate you 
I hear you I see you I feel you 
I raise you...
Give me a minute to collect my wishes from now on... 
I will meet you there 
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From Wherever You Are
Awaken Within You 
When The Winter Shakes Your Soul
Then, Come Home, 
To The Place That You Come To, 
When You Know Where You Want To Go. 
Now You Go Everywhere You Want To Go.
Now You Go Everywhere That You Want To Go. 
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Tomorrow I will wake up 
In a different bed 
In a different room 
In a different house 
Than I have ever before 
This in itself is
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Fat, and skinny, and ‘worrying about your weight’
All comes from the same origin: 
Low self esteem.
See, whether the skinny person thinks they are fat 
Or whether the fat person idolises the idea of being skinny,
They are both personal issues that are related to the same damn thing:
Feeling not good enough, not ENOUGH, not able to be loved.
If you are trying to ‘change’ your body, 
It’s probably not your body that actually needs changing.
We are all enduring the same conditioning over years and years 
Males and females, both with a lot on their shoulders
Expectations about ourselves and others
I think it’s fair to say we all just want to be loved 
But we don’t feel like it can be us that do the loving 
We don’t feel like we can love ourselves because apparently self love 
Is arrogant, selfish or wrong. 
I know, barbaric beliefs that come from low self esteem itself
Passed on like kids games, tag, your it.
Your parents unconsciously say it to you with their own lives
“I don’t like me, so you can’t like you”
“It’s the way I was raised I don’t know any different”
Well, the problem is not the problem here,
Whether we are fat or skinny or chubby or whatever
That’s actually not what this is about.
This is about how we see ourselves.
This is about how we view our bodies, and other peoples bodies 
How we feel about ourselves and others, maybe physically, 
Which is the way this is currently manifesting in terms of body image.
If we can’t love ourselves with curvy, fleshy bodies
We are obviously judging others in this way too
If we desire to be thinner, skinnier, smaller than we are now 
We are looking at those people thinner than us and thinking 
“Wow they are living such better lives than us, everybody wants them!”
Or wants to BE them. I want to be LIKE them. I want to FEEL that way, not this way.
Ask a skinny person with body issues how they feel about themselves
I bet you that they feel crap about their bodies too if they are trying to change 
Themselves and if they don’t feel good enough, if they want to be skinnier
Or they don’t feel secure in their body weight 
Regardless of what they actually weigh 
Or what their body looks like, they have the same feelings as you if they are 
Still trying to change their body even further! 
Do you see what I mean here?
The thing here is not actually the physical terms that have created this “issue”
It’s all in our head!
It is all in our heads. 
Our mind sets the way we look at ourselves 
They way we look at others 
The way we feel about our bodies.
Bullying, conditioning and our parents influence this and they  
All contribute to the way we form ideas about our body image 
In our minds...
See, this is a huge hefty realisation for me. 
Because I grew up believing if I was skinny,
I would be happy 
I would be loved and desirable and
I would be wanted.
I was teased in school for being chubby 
Back when I wasn’t even that chubby, I was just growing into a woman.
Those memories conditioned me and I began to follow chick magazines 
When I was way too young to be reading that shit,
When it influenced my thinking so much that I believed that 
My body was just good for sex and had to be sexy for guys to want me
To get the boyfriend and to get the love that I so desperately wanted 
To feel like I could be wanted and that I could fit in with someone 
So that I could belong.
See, bullying me about my weight made me feel like I couldn’t belong 
It made me feel like it was unsafe for me to be myself and to belong 
I had to change my body that was being so badly judged 
And that it was not the bullies that had to change their behaviour
It was me that had to change to fit in and feel loved...
When I was in primary school, I would have been maybe pre teen
We used to read the sealed sections of trashy girls magz about sex 
Used to look at the models and clothing and accessories 
Never feel that we were enough as we were in our growing bodies 
And we could never get enough of the fancy clothes 
All things we deeply wanted as growing girls 
To be loved, to be desired, to be wanted 
Because we were experimenting with our ideas of romance 
But also because we just wanted to feel like we belonged here
I feel this so deeply because this was my life 
My whole childhood 
My whole teenage years 
My memories of these times 
Plagued with things that deepened my belief that I wasn’t good enough 
That my body which had not even finished growing was not good enough 
I struggled to feel like I fit, to belong anywhere 
I have always been a little left of centre 
I believe now that it is one of my biggest strengths 
I was so lucky to grow up as the deep thinker, feeler, experiencer of life 
Something that apparently not everyone is brave enough to risk
Being on the outside for want of a clearer outside perspective
Yeah of course It fucking sucked back then 
I would have loved to go through primary school and high school
Without being bullied for being who I am,
But wow I am grateful for it now because I have found compassion
I have learnt about society and conditioning and self esteem 
I am learning and I am teaching others that it is not our bodies that are wrong
It’s not our bodies that dictate our ability to be loved, wanted, to belong.
But we do first need to bring love into our bodies 
Into the spaces within us that didn’t get that love 
When we were told it was wrong or that we were bullied for the skin we live in
We need to pour love into ourselves and believe we are worth this 
Not worthless.
We need to pour love into ourselves and believe we can get it and give it 
To and from others too. 
To attract this into our lives.
Without love for self, we can not accept love from others 
It’s sort of like a mirror thing.
So it was not in fact me, or you for that matter, that had a problem 
We were just existing, going about our little growing lives 
The problem was not on a physical scale 
It was all a perception of wrong or bad related to body size 
Weight was the weight of the negative perceptions in our mind 
Not our physical existence 
The thoughts we began to think after we were bullied as kids 
It really did change our perception of ourselves right?
It was pretty shit that we had to endure this 
That kids even bullied other kids 
That we reinforced to each other that our bodies ever could be “wrong”
Because it is just not the truest truth 
No matter what the fashion magazines or the culture has to say.
Our bodies change so rapidly, it takes 9 months to grow from nothing 
Into a human being baby that then grows into an adult!
This is insane and amazing and incredible
It’s a wonderful gift and a wonderful journey to be living...
If we were to be judged on our body weight 
Of course that would mean we would never feel we were good enough 
But, our bodies change! Our weight can change! We can change ourselves!
Puberty, pregnancy, winter, summer, boy, girl, adulthood, stress 
Things change for us throughout the seasons of our lives 
It’s meant to be this way 
If a pregnant woman starved her body to stay thin 
She would be starving her unborn baby of it’s growth 
Negative thoughts are where the origins of body image issues comes from
This could be the result of bullying or society and conditioning 
Wherever the negative thoughts come from...
It’s very very draining on our precious energy 
And it’s an exchange of energy which doesn’t give us anything back
If anything, negativity breeds more of the same 
So if I could have learnt anything
It would be this
My body is a vessel 
My mind is this same vessel 
Thoughts are energy, this is an awesome thing to know 
Because if my thoughts are making me tired 
I can choose not to waste my energy there 
I can think new thoughts that give me the opposite of tired
Therefore, I can think new thoughts that give me the opposite of 
Low self esteem.
Thinking that you are fat is going to make you act like that 
And often when we feel fat, it’s not just ‘fat’ that we feel 
It could be unwanted, undesirable and unloved feelings
Feelings that we ‘associate’ with that of fat-ness because that’s when 
We first began to feel that way, when we were bullied because of our body
And this unloved or unwanted feeling doesn’t come from being “fat”
It comes from being pointed out as it being wrong to have curves
It comes from being conditioned by society or our parents about our bodies 
It comes from the unattainable expectations of trash magazines 
It comes from those negative experiences we had with our bodies growing up 
Because society currently doesn’t protect us from this
It actually encourages body issues because they make money in products
It creates us to feel wrong so we will go forth trying to be fixed 
To buy all of the self esteem boosting products 
The body care stuff, the clothing, the gels, balms, sex toys, whatever
And the heart of the companies offering treatments to fix us in any way 
Are fuelled by money and play on low self esteem, reaching the vulnerable.
These feelings of feeling unloved, unlovable, undesirable, unwanted, 
They are real feelings which we need to acknowledge.
If we keep them in the dark places in ourselves without noticing them 
They will be the very thing keeping us down, 
Not the fact that we have bodies which are all different in different ways.
So why is our self esteem kept down so low?
Well that’s for speculation
I think the important thing here is to recognise the feelings 
Recognise that it is not our bodies but in our minds 
Brainwashing even, from society, bullies, conditioning, consumerism 
Recognise that the skinny people may struggle with low self esteem too
That your body fat is not the cause of low self esteem itself it’s a symptom
This is so crucial because I used to believe I could change this in myself 
Just by changing my weight
But I have been at my thinnest and still never felt good enough 
And I have been at my heaviest and have been able to unlock new perspective
Which has taught me that what my body was doing was not the real point 
It was what was going through my mind 
What I allowed to continue to go through my mind that made me feel bad
That highly affected me in terms of what I believed about myself 
And about my body... it was emotionally that I felt it was bad to be fat 
Because to me in that vulnerable state, being fat meant being unlovable.
It’s not true but it felt like the truth because I felt unloved and it was pointed out 
By bullies who would only bully me because they thought I looked fat.
I put two and two together as a young growing mind and it hurt me badly.
It affected me for many many years. 
It made me go after boys who were mean to me 
It made me believe that It was me that needed to be better 
Not seeing the bullies as needing to change their bullying, 
I thought It was all me that I needed to change my growing perfect body.
I wish I could go back to those days in the school yard 
And stand up for my younger self and tell her that it’s not my body that needs 
To change, that it is wrong to bully others for their bodies and that they bullies 
Are obviously insecure otherwise they wouldn’t bully!
I would teach my pre teen and teenage self to feel what I felt 
And transmute that pain into compassion, like I’ve learnt to do now.
It was not in my body, it was in my mind.
Obesity, anorexia, binge eating disorder, bulimia all have roots in mental health
No matter how they affect the physical body 
It is not the physical body that is wrong it is a collection of physical symptoms 
It is not your body that has to change here for you to feel better
Think about how your thoughts control your self esteem 
Think about who controlled your thoughts when you didn’t do so yourself 
Think about who controls your thoughts now? 
I wish for you and I wish for me, that we become balanced in self esteem
So we can love our bodies for the embodiment that we are 
That we can loves ourselves, even those feelings when they come up 
The “am i good enough?”s, the “am I loveable?”s, the “can I be wanted?”s 
And tell those thoughts, tell those deep feelings, that yes actually 
I can love myself even though I feel and have thoughts about these things 
Even though I can sometimes be negative 
Because actually I am able to love and be loved for who I am 
It’s time I started telling myself kind things 
And reminding myself of who I am
Beyond the labels and the feelings and the thoughts 
Because my body goes beyond those things 
Beyond the physical realms
Spirit connects beyond our souls 
Souls connect deeper than our bodies 
And I have had enough of not feeling like I am enough 
I’ve had it with these mother fucking snakes on this mother fucking plane
My mind is the only thing making me feel insane
My mind is the only thing hating my body weight 
I know now, that my body is great,
It’s my own past beliefs and thoughts that would benefit from change.
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