#hibernate in winter
ivynotpoisonous · 2 years
Bears are so right about hibernation
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stutterhug · 11 months
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The Long cold dreaming
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batrachised · 11 days
honestly I just think it's really unfair bears get to hibernate and we don't
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mimblex · 2 years
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May your longest night be filled with treasure
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thoselovelythings · 11 months
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happyheidi · 2 years
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leafie-draws · 5 months
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funny bunny 💭
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crocmr · 10 months
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Some doodles of beta being high because i have no other ideas
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pratchettquotes · 8 months
The Luggage might be magical. It might be terrible. But in its enigmatic soul it was kin to every other piece of luggage throughout the multiverse, and preferred to spend its winters hibernating on top of a wardrobe.
Terry Pratchett, Sourcery
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dazaislanderer · 7 months
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yesterdaysprint · 2 years
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Courier-News, Plainfield, New Jersey, November 10, 1936
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sanctus-ingenium · 1 year
I love the moth guy a lot. Such a cool design! He's a photographer, too? What a funky little guy. Do you have more to tell about him?
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Patches is a large (about 1.6m long) sphinx moth descended from the family Sphingidae. He is based off of a combination of striped hawk moth and tersa sphinx moth and he is distantly related to both :)
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(source) (source)
I have to explain some of the setting - so every few million years, a mountain appears. It appears in the same spot on multiple different parallel dimensions, and it is there for maybe 45 years at a time. During this time is the only time these parallel worlds can touch, intersect, or meet one another. The last time this happened, members of the class Insecta came over, and found a different world with a ludicrously oxygen-rich atmosphere and some extremely energy-dense plants. They were able to develop, in the intervening years between then and the time of the story (think 1910s on earth) into the dominant life forms in this new world, many becoming quite large and developing complex societies and technology of their own.
The mountain reappears. This time, some of our insect characters (Nettle Rove [Staphylinidae] among them, though he is much younger than Patches and arrived at the tail-end of the time window) cross the mountain again, either by accident or on purpose, and find earth there, and human society. There's not enough oxygen there to fly or do much physical activity but they can still survive there and participate in a type of cultural exchange. So we have a First Contact type situation, but that's not what everyone really cares about. See, the humans have climbed the mountain and found at its peak, hidden in the clouds, a city. Completely devoid of life (even microbial), but obviously made by somebody. So the actual premise of the story is the exploration and mystery of this place.
Patches is 18 when the mountain shows up. He has just had a fulfilling caterpillar-hood of territorially murdering everyone he meets (kind of a solitary species! some members of Sphingidae will literally fight to the death if they meet as caterpillars) and, he is naturally extremely curious about the world outside His Tree. he meets his mate/bestie, Rosy Wing and while they do spend a lot of time terrorising everyone they meet, eventually they get interested in what's on the other side of that giant mountain. after meeting up with some humans trying to map the place, a camera-maker has a bright idea to send up Patches, who can hover very still in place, to photograph the strange lifeless city from the air (the humans are in full steampunk swing so obviously they have airships but atmospheric mixing between the different worlds makes it too dangerous to fly them, given that a stray breeze from the insect world might make a combustion engine blow the fuck up). the mixing is also sufficient to allow the insects to fly on the mountain but not for very long, meaning that most exploration of the city is on foot. The development of this aerial photography technique reveals that, from the air, the city appears disproportionately huge, and seems to stretch on for infinity. Because of this, and Patches' part in it all, an entire industry strings up for city exploration, and by Nettle Rove's time twenty years later, it has descended into bitter and violent rivalries between wealthy patrons funding expeditioneer teams. Murder is legal there (it's legal in insect world too. have u met insects? they love murder)
As for Patches himself, he is a barely-socialised semi feral freak with an incredibly upbeat and curious personality who is so so so devoted to Rosy Wing (who is.. similar, but more into people instead of cameras). Until their habit of harassing and thieving from randos goes poorly on a city expedition, and their entire team gets caught in a shootout. There were no recorded survivors. Our guy survived by playing dead but Rosy Wing was not so lucky. With Patches' hindwing in tatters, his only hope of being able to fly again and get of there was to use Rosy Wing's own hindwing as donor material. And that's how he got his name (he didn't have one before) :3
Rosy Wing was similar to an eyed hawk moth in appearance
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In Nettle Rove's time, there is a persistent rumour of some weird old hermit in the city. These claims are dismissed, but something's out there drinking the blood of random expeditioneers, and that thing might know more about what lies at the heart of the city than anyone else...
okay thank you for reading love u
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eskiworks · 10 months
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Kittenbee in her warm dry burrow, waiting out the frost! Prints available here - https://www.etsy.com/listing/1631331931/kitten-bee-hibernating-print
Posted using PostyBirb
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ladyswillmart · 1 year
Some other cuties I got to see this migration season include this (I THINK) Tennessee Warbler.
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IIRC this same species stumped me last year. 🤔 Maybe it's even the exact same bird? LOL
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This cute Northern Parula showed up at the same time! And I also got to watch a Blackburnian Warbler (female or juvenile male) enjoying the fountain:
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Here is a Swainson's thrush, notable for its distinct facial markings!
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And last but not least, my mom has been helping the Whistle Pig (who lives under the shed) fatten up for winter hibernation!
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copias-juicebox · 10 months
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thoselovelythings · 10 months
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