#also idk if the government stuff is good/realistic at all
xenon-demon · 1 year
also. tell me more about your Kas!Eddie please 🙏
ohhhhh Lui gravity is the AU that has just. grabbed me in its jaws and will not let go. I think about it CONSTANTLY and I don't think that will stop anytime soon. I've got a few asks about this one though so I'll START with talking about What's Going On In Hawkins circa the start of the fic. If you would like to know more about The Boy, Kas!Steve, then may I direct your attention to this post :D
So Eddie and Steve swap places right before the final fight, because Steve is injured at that point and Eddie isn't (and they figure staying at Eddie's trailer will be less dangerous that going to the Creel House). Everything else from that point proceeds as in canon; the bats get in, Steve dies, Max dies temporarily and the four gates connect and drive a massive rift through Hawkins.
From there, Hawkins basically descends into a semi-apocalyptic nightmare. The rift from the end of season 4 has caused major structural damage all over town, many buildings have been destroyed and lots of people have either evacuated or had to move into a local motel that's been converted into emergency housing for the people of Hawkins (that's where the Munsons are now staying). On top of that, the rift has basically destroyed the structural integrity between the Upside Down and our world; while the rift itself is not really a functional gate, there are a bunch of smaller gates randomly opening up around town now. More and more of them show up as time goes on. Some are small (think like the tree Nancy goes through in S1), some are much bigger (think bigger than Eddie's trailer roof gate), and most of them tend to fluctuate a bit in size/fade in and out of existence. This means that some creatures from the Upside Down are starting to bleed through these gates and end up in Hawkins looking for food.
The government, realizing everything went to shit the moment the rift opened up, rolls into Hawkins about 3-4 days after the "earthquake" saying they're here to "help with the relief efforts". (For those keeping score at home, yes this is after Team Russia & Team Cali have arrived back in Hawkins.) The official government cover story is along the lines of "hey, remember when HNL got shut down a few years back after that tragic chemical leak incident? Well, we've just discovered that a Rogue Individual (Brenner) was secretly dumping toxic chemicals and experimental materials into the local wilderness/burying them underground instead of disposing of them properly. This is the cause of the geological weirdness and mutated wildlife that some people are reporting. Everyone should leave Hawkins immediately if they can, and comply with any and all government orders if they can't". Not everyone believes this, of course, but the truth is so much more insane that most of town is at least willing to go along with it - and that's not counting the people who just up and leave because Hawkins is so super duper cursed at this point.
The main things the government is doing are:
regular patrols around the border of town and known gate hotspots, to catch and kill any UD creatures before they're spotted by civilians
nighttime curfew; you shouldn't be out after sundown unless you are going Directly from wherever you were during the day (i.e. your job) back to your home. you're not gonna get ARRESTED but the military will absolutely Escort You back to your house lmao
urging citizens to stay the fuck away from any weird sightings and report them to the armed forces as soon as possible, so the military can handle it
and yeah, they kind of are helping with the relief efforts in that they're making sure food and other important supplies are still getting into hawkins and making sure the recently-homeless have somewhere to stay, but they're doing the bare minimum really asfjknjvkdan
Essentially, as of the start of the fic (approx. a month after the rift opens up/the end of S4) the situation is this: Eleven and the Party know that in order to fix this, they have to defeat Vecna first and THEN close up any existing gates/the rift. (They also have a strong hunch that the Upside Down is Like That due to Vecna's influence.) The government officials in charge of the Hawkins occupation Do Not Believe That Is The Solution, and instead spend a lot of time wasting Eleven's time and energy by forcing her to close up gates as they appear. Between that and the fact the Party can't just storm into the Upside Down to get Vecna without a solid plan and probably armed back up, they're all feeling kind of hopeless about how to actually fix this. Especially since tensions are rising in Hawkins by the day, and the gate/monster sightings are only getting more and more frequent...
Send me an ask about my WIPs!
#charlie writes things#steddie#steddie au#gravity (kas!steve au)#vampire steve harrington#also idk if the government stuff is good/realistic at all#because while i think col sullivan would be forced to admit at this point that the upside down Is a thing and this isn't all just eleven#idk how willing he'd be to just work with her and the party#i'm leaning towards 'sullivan has been forced to play nice with owens under threat of punishment due to his mismanagement of the situation'#'and he is now leading the occupation of hawkins under guidance from owens. but he is NOT happy about it'#'and while owens will work with the party/eleven sullivan is completely disregarding their (correct) thoughts on how to fix this'#sullivan's like 'if eleven isn't responsible for this then she should close these gates/the rift and fix this for us'#and eleven is like 'you're treating the symptoms and not the cause in order to truly fix this we must kill vecna'#and sullivan's like 'vecna schmecna i still think this is your fault but i believe you're playing nice atm and also if i kill you now#i'll be dishonorably discharged for disobeying orders from my higher ups'#idk if anyone has thoughts about this feel free to let me know#i'm very open to ideas/soundboarding for how to make this feel realistic#because i want the 'borderline post-apocalyptic/a lot more people Know now but hawkins as a whole is at least pretending to be normal' vibe#the secret is not Out In The Open but it's definitely much less hidden than it used to be.
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livwritesstuff · 10 months
Absolutely obsessed with your steddie dad’s verse!!! Everything about it is just so good, thanks for sharing!
I love Moe, Robbie and Hazel, and I can’t get this idea out of my head that probably doesn’t fit the vision of this verse at ALL but hear me out. What if one day all the upside down stuff became public knowledge? Somehow documents get leaked, someone talks, idk. And it’s suddenly all over the news. Would be so interesting to see how Steve and Eddie would react to this and how they’d talk to their kids (who just found out about their parents saving the world from the news) about it 👀
So here’s the thing:
Realistically, I don’t think the story would ever get fully leaked, for two reasons (probably more, actually, but two primary reasons).
It makes the U.S. government look terrible, and they do a good enough job of that publically to afford any more hits to their rep so they keep that shit on lock
Nobody would believe it. Maybe there are whispers about the truth of what happened to Hawkins, Indiana in the 80s, but the second the words “monsters” and “superpowers” get thrown in there, nobody buys it. That’s why the cover stories work.
What I absolutely think would happen is ✨conspiracy theories✨
Like, come 2014 there’s a rising interest in true crime and conspiracy theories and some enthusiasts stumble upon the story. A few devoted folks pull a Murray and start building a timeline and they quickly realize that there are some pretty serious holes in the narrative. It kind of takes off from there.
Robbie is Eddie’s daughter through and through, so she’s totally into that kind of stuff. Steve and Eddie have always been relatively upfront about what happened to them in Hawkins (relatively, in that they have the “here’s what you’ll find if you google your dads” conversation with an extensive Q+A, but to avoid dumping trauma on their kids they stay light on the details), so she’s more intrigued than surprised when not only is she suggested a YouTube video about her dads’ hometown, but the video also mentions both of them by name.
Here’s the problem – like most conspiracy theories, it's true that some pretty damning evidence has been uncovered that the government probably didn’t want circulating. However the story is still missing key details in a way that makes the resounding conclusion this close to the truth, but not quite there.
Hence, this conversation Robbie has with her dads after she watches the video:
“So is it true that Uncle Will was abducted by aliens?”
Steve’s eyebrows fly up.
“Are people saying it’s aliens? It wasn’t aliens.”
“Was he though?”
“Uh…kind of. I guess.”
“Is it true the government put a fake body in the lake and pretended it was him and then when Will came back they had to pretend it was another kid?”
“That’s fucked up. Is it true that Russia used a mall in Hawkins to build a secret lab?” Robbie asks.
“Is it true they were doing research on the aliens and then one of them escaped and that’s why the mall got destroyed.”
“Not even close.”
“How did the mall get destroyed then?”
“Bunch of people got possessed by a shadow monster and he made them eat chemicals until they exploded and reformed as this giant mass thing that cornered us in the mall. We attacked it with fireworks. I wasn’t there for most of that, though. Just the end.”
“Whatever,” Robbie rolls her eyes, fully convinced that her dad is bullshitting her, “Is it true the Hawkins earthquakes were actually the aliens invading.”
“No – yes…kind of? Not earthquakes. Not aliens.”
“I mean…technically they kind of were aliens ,” Eddie jumps in, “Technically anything from a land foreign to yours is an alien.”
“They weren’t aliens,” Steve insists, “They were monsters. They were big and gray and their faces opened up and they had all these rows of teeth like sharks.”
“Sounds like an alien to me,” Robbie replies.
“Is it true Dad was attacked by them and he almost died and you saved him, Pop?”
“Yes, indeed,” Eddie says proudly before Steve can respond, “He’s quite the hero, don’t you think?”
“In space?”
“Nope. In an evil alternate dimension, and he dragged me all the way out through the portal and everything.”
Robbie rolls her eyes again, “Nevermind, you guys are useless. You’d think you weren’t even there.”
Steve sighs, “God, I wish that were true.”
In terms of how Steve and Eddie respond to the story gaining some attention from the general public, they do family viewings of the conspiracy videos made about the situation and make fun of the incorrect narratives. Their daughters fully do not grasp that their dads are telling the truth because, again, the truth does not seem real.
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creepyfruit · 2 months
Favorite Exocolonist characters? And maybe least favorites if you have any?
I'll give you my character tier list (I decided to include only the kids idk maybe I'll make a separate one for adults)
Answer under the cut ↓
My least fav is obviously Vace. I don't think I need to elaborate but to make it clear l, I haven't ever tried to befriend him so I don't know much about him other than his obsession with killing things, being abusive and a bully.
Next I'll have to put Nomi Nomi not because I don't like them but simply because I've never went out of my way to befriend them so I don't really have an opinion.
Cal was my best friend in my first play through so it hurts me to put him so low but he deserves it. Listen mate I love animals as much as the average gal but you're doing too much. The victim blaming as well?? I'm sorry that I was born on a spaceship set to colonize an alien planet, what did you want me to do? Swim through space and go back to earth? Also your girlfriend's dad died a horrid death and that's still all you have to say? Pacifism isn't a good look on an environment like this one.
Rex is a great dude, there's nothing I dislike about him, he's just simply not as interesting as the others.
Tammy is also kind of on the same boat. I did have a lot of hearts with her on my second play through and helping her be more confident was a very enjoyable journey, she is obviously very kind and empathetic and that makes her incredibly likable. I wish she had some flaws to make a bit more realistic.
This is where things get tough because all the next characters are kinda close but Nem will have to take this one. I romanced her in my most recent play through and she really is just the cutest... until Kom dies and she adopts the whole Helio package. She did become slightly annoying even though I understand her trauma. It's good that you can help her grow out of it, that gives her bonus points. A fun character with some nice character development.
And here comes everyone's fav boy Dys. It took a lot of trying to befriend him, he made it very hard for me and I liked that. I liked how they made him weird and antisocial, he wasn't the misunderstood boy that no one likes but rather it's actually the opposite. His relationship with Tang is so beautifully complex I love every part of it although I still haven't gotten them to reconcile (that damn bar will be the death of me). I would have put him much lower if it wasn't for the exploration buddies relationship that he had with Sol because the most unlikable thing about him (that I honestly never understood) is his obsession with the gardeners. Maybe it's my lack of understanding or the fact that I never really went down that road (making him a gardener/befriending Sym) because it creeps me out but I just don't like his views on the subject. And also I hate his relationship with Sym, nothing cute about a 100+ yo alien praying on a 16 yo boy.
Marz is a character that I thought I was going to hate straight from my first play through. She seemed like the typical mean girl character, who's very pretty has a lot of money is obsessed with clothes and stuff and also bullies every one just because but she's not exactly like that. Sure she has kudos and status and loves her fashion but she has genuinely kind intentions behind her "bullying". She doesn't understand how words can hurt because due to her augument they can't hurt her, she thinks she's helping Dys fit in with her comments and she doesn't want him to be lonely. She's naturally a very commanding person and a true leader but she isn't looking for mindless sheep, she wants you to have self respect and a backbone and I love her for that. Also bonus points to our girl for helping us overthrow the government. I have to say though, all the above doesn't excuse the fact that she can be seriously mean sometimes, but we love her regardless.
My favourite girl, my sweet baby Tangent, who's gone through so much but no matter what you do she doesn't really get a happy ending. I had my eye on her the moment I saw her (her child sprite reminded me of Ino from Naruto that's why) and she was my first romance. Obviously that didn't end well cause my first ending turned out to be tangent's cure (I thought I was just helping my gf bro) and now I'm scared to even talk to her thinking I'll trigger it again but I love her non the less. She's such a complex character I could talk about her for days (special thanks to the person with the multiple tangent discussion posts) her relationship with Dys, the obviously toxic and abusive relationship with Instance, her importance to a whole colony at such a young age, the fact that she's held to adult standards which results in self harming habits and her loneliness, her struggle with mental illness and the death of her mother. I'm writing everything down in a synopsis pretty much because if I start I won't stop. I also love how this abusive relationship was handled compared to Nem and Vace. No matter what you say she won't see how bad Instance is for her and the product of all this abuse is ultimately horrible for her. It adds a realism that hurts to death but is necessary. I also adore her character because it gives us a reminder that not everyone gets a happy ending in life, sometimes the things people go through never really leave them, although admittedly I would kill to see my baby happy, she deserves it.
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swimming-karyss · 1 year
Ace and Sabo in the sci-fi au!
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I tried to keep Ace's description simple otherwise it'll be a wall of text. And Sabo is meant to be mysterious (I didn't really think things through with the composition...). Also Sabo's picture was finished like a month ago and meant to go with the Romance Dawn Trio, so it's just flat colors.... While with Ace I was testing a new way of coloring (and he was born after 9 moths normally so he's older!)
A close-up of the pretty pretty boy
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More about Ace, Sabo, Whitebeards and RA under cut!
Ace was born in other star system and was brought on Earth by Garp, for the sake of safety. He spent his childhood mostly in the Wind turbines area/district, but as time went on he sometimes spent time at Makino's place (it's in the other part of the city. I'll talk about the Goa kingdom in the next sci-fi au post bc I want to draw a simple map for illustration purposes). He set out at 17, and after some time he joined the Whitebeards!
Also his arms were personally made for him, and have a rather unique feature. These dark bars on their sides are heat meters! So not only his punches hurt more because of the metal, they can also leave burns! And his hands are warm all the time, he gives great hugs :> the temperature is controlled consciously by Ace. I've been thinking that it'll be rather dangerous if he could accidentally activate it in his sleep, and considering his narcolepsy....
also a bit of, idk, worldbuilding?
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I've been thinking about cybernetic modification, bc they are removable (Sabo has three, one human-looking, one to tinker with and one to do the tinkering. Why does Sabo suddenly have engineering skills? bc I think it suits him + backstory reasons (it's his parents and I'll tell about it later) + Dragon left him with Ivankov and Lindbergh for a year(there is no way Sabo would've had his cheerful and unbearable attitude if Dragon was the only one raising him) while he deals with some stuff) and if the ports are the same(realistic? no. but who cares) so prostheses are interchangeable, then what about their length? I think that simple models with no additional functions let you just adjust the length. And more complex variants are obviously made specifically for one person with their proportions in mind.
So about the Whitebeards... I didn't really know how to call them, like 'group'? 'Company' doesn't really sit with me... Let's go with 'organization' for now. Whatever, the point is the Whitebeards provide various services like protection (bodyguards and convoying merchant ships), delivering goods, technical maintenance, etc. They have so mush influence, to the point that some parts of habitable galaxy are considered their territory. (a bit like The Interastral Peace Corporation from hsr, but not so big and the WBs usually take more mediatory/intermediary role) It's no secret that the Whitebeards don't mind dealing with the criminal sphere or breaking some laws. They may very well be considered a criminal organisation, but the World Government can't do anything because WB is just that powerful. (plus they do have their rules and a certain code of honor, so they have a lot of respect from civilians and businesses alike) It's also the reason why some revolutionaries often turn to them when it comes to transportation (while some avoid it like fire because big organization=lots of attention)
I've mentioned that the WBs have their own values and code of honor, and I think one of the services they might provide is like mercenaries/headhunters in a sense they will either assist finding ppl who has wronged their business partners(and like if someone is willing to pay additionally for hunting specific criminals maybe?) or just doing it themselves. And Ace is a part of this division(so he's the one chasing Blackbeard), and he holds a rather high position? ( he would enjoy field work way more than paperwork)
In this au the Revolutionary army is much more decentralized, because the space is big, duh. The founder trio(duo now unfortunately) as well as the four commanders each is responsible for their sector of inhabited galaxy, but they still give the general reports to Dragon like monthly(and some teams are empowered to make their own decisions and come to the best conclusion without necessarily getting "approval" from up top). Sabo is mostly in charge of communication and distribution of information between the sectors, plus sometimes he deals with problems that are important enough to get them to higher-ups but not that important to go to Dragon with them. He's got quite a lot of work to do, but he still really really wants to go to field missions, so he does sometimes, I mean who would stop him? Above him only Dragon and God. And both have enough problems to deal with already.
So, as I mentioned, the RA is decentralized and doesn't have physical headquarters or a base (they have private protected servers tho and Dragon's cool spaceship lol but now that I think, the Wind Grandma is their base... it mostly moves around the galaxy away from most common travel routes. it's very protected and is difficult to detect) so the revs are scattered all around the world, in small groups that sometimes come together for missions but mostly work by themselves. And one of such groups is Sabo, Koala and Hack, although after Sabo's promotion it's mostly Koala&Hack with Sabo accompanying (hanging out with) them, for the sake of the legend they're keeping. He has to be online most of the time and doesn't really have time to go on missions :( And their legend ties to my hc of Sabo being keen on photography, so they pose as bounty hunters who also lead a travel blog for alibi. They either lay low actually traveling and camping or speedrun the designated area in a couple of hours taking photos, editing them slightly (there is when the acquaintance with Strawhats comes in handy, and they can commission Usopp to edit the sky, lightning, etc. and everyone is happy: Usopp gets pocket money, Nami gets additional income, Koala, Hack and Sabo get more time to prepare for the missions) and putting them on queue.
Their group is small and mostly relies on Koala's hacking skills, swift strikes on WG bases and ships and infiltrating official events and facilities.
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dia-smthidk · 5 months
What philosophical perspective do you mostly align with?? (like optimist, pessimist, realist, cynic, theist, nihilist, solipsist, absurdist, existentialist)
I’ll simplify the definitions for you, maybe this query will also go for the people seeing this. I’d like to hear what your perspectives are as well, if you want to of course
If you think that you are either of those by reading the definitions I had put down then I suggest delving deeper into them for confirmation. Or if you’re that motivated, maybe study all of them? 😭
Anyways!! Here are the definitions!!
Optimism - the belief that the world is generally a good place, and that things tend to work out for the best
Pessimism - the belief that the world is generally a bad place, and that things tend to go wrong.
Realism - the belief that the world is generally a neutral place, and that there is no inherent meaning in existence
Cynicism - the belief that people are mostly self-serving and untrustworthy.
Theism - the belief in one or more gods, or a higher power that governs the universe.
Nihilism - the attitude that life has no inherent meaning or purpose, and that nothing matters
Solipsism - the belief that only one's own mind is sure to exist, and that the outside world may be an illusion
Absurdism - the belief that the search for meaning in a meaningless world is absurd, but that we should embrace the absurdity and love the world anyway
Existentialism - the philosophy that emphasizes individual freedom, personal responsibility, and the creation of one's own meaning in life
Idk if Taoist is considered a philosophical perspective, but it is both a philosophy and a religion. So I guess yeah?? Because it’s practically a belief, and has a perspective regarding reality(?) Not gonna add that though!!
ANYWAYS PLEASE ANSWER ANSWER ANSWERRR ANAHBHAJKKAK I WANT TO KNOW YOU MORE DEEPLY (I already wrote a psycho analysis about you and Marcus in my notes)
might see about this stuff with my new therapist next month (I mostly fit close to the negative ones 💃)
you already what about what and what in your what 🧍
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trickstarbrave · 8 months
i hate when ppl dont understand how intertwined all the fucked up systems of capitalism are. they present it as "take away [x] and things will work better!" when that damn well will not fix it. or they dont even realize the problem is actually capitalism not some other thing they have been fixated on
like. veganism argument: "we subsidize grains to feed livestock. if we stopped feeding livestock, we would have more food for everyone! the problem is livestock are eating too much of grains we could be eating"
a lot of the corn they are eating are byproducts of the ethanol industry. we are not in fact just growing huge fields of grains and refusing to eat them bc we can feed cows it instead. that would be way too costly. "subsidies" wouldn't cover it. at no point was the corn being grown for human consumption. most of the corn in the US is grown for biofuel. without livestock, we would not have MORE food to eat, we'd have a lot of leftover slop we have to toss out to slowly degrade in landfills.
its not the most healthy option to pump them full of byproducts. they should be allowed to forage and walk. but the problem is much more complex than than just "get rid of the cows to make more food for people!!" the cows eating the byproducts is whats making more food for people. not less. you can't just look at "grain products" and decide all of those were fit for human consumption. most of the stuff we feed farm animals is NOT fit for human consumption. for better or for worse.
and this is only one problem. some are relatively easy solutions (once all of the, yknow, capitalist incentive is removed) like how we have more houses than homeless people. just give people houses. except we should also look at: where are these houses being built, are they being built for quality and to last? because the answer is: they are built mostly in suburbs for cheap with lazy building standards and poor quality materials. we are tearing down homes with better bones and foundations for cheap, paper thin wood, new construction houses when many of them can be saved. these are homes far away from doctors and jobs that you actually need a car to get around to important places, so many people who don't have reliable transportation will still have many problems once settled in. to create more sustainable, walk-able communities and to have better public transportation we are still gonna need to tear a bunch of these down and rebuild communities, which is going to be a daunting task too.
food insecurity: okay we'll just give people food! except they might not have reliable ways to cook that food either. a lot of people who are food insecure grew up food insecure. they grew up in food deserts where microwave self stable meals were the norm. they might not have pots and pans or know how to find a recipe or make one themselves. many are chronically ill or disabled and don't have a lot of time and energy to cook. many people still think its better to give a food bank 10 cans of green beans that you forgot about and don't plan to use in donations rather than just giving the food bank 30 bucks.
idk. i dont really have an answer i suppose. i just wanted to complain about how messy and complicated these problems are. and i think if you're a serious activist you are going to need better, long term plans and big picture perspectives. these problems can seem incredibly easy to tackle on the surface to lots of online activists but are very complex issues to actually dismantle and combat. we can't just keep complaining and hope society collapses so we can rebuild from scratch. there is no after the revolution when everything will be good and perfect. no after the end of the world to pick ourselves up and make a utopia from the ashes. we gotta figure out the problem and start untangling it and deal with the first steps NOW. start with realistic goals. contacting local government. creating bettering, temporary solutions that are better than what we have now. disrupt the system bit by bit. get other ppl in on it. the world we wanna live in will not come to us overnight. we gotta build it brick by brick.
capitalism counts on it being too daunting of a task. they count on ppl just complaining and wishing it was better to sell them the solution without any real change. but real change has to come from small shit first. maybe start a community garden if you want a more sustainable community. make your own garden if you have the ability. collect rain water (YES ITS LEGAL IN ALL 50 STATES just heavily regulated in some. dont tell me its illegal in the US). create alternatives for companies you boycott. tell your local representative you want public transport and ask how to get it and rally your community for it enough that they have to bother ppl higher than them and actively have to start considering it. do ride shares. help out food banks with real stuff they ask for. look around your community for small problems you can address and find solutions.
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resizura · 8 months
you know i think it readily becomes apparent where the creators of re movies’ loyalties lie where you realize that really the only organization that our heroes work for that gets routinely criticized…is the human rights organization
like in degeneration, they pin the blame for the terrorist attack and lack of resources to put it out on terrasave acting on the knowledge they had at the time to try and stop big evil pharma, and although they end up being right, the blame falls entirely on claire/terrasave and claire spends a good amount of time believing it, even saying “it’s all our fault” and when leon comforts her, he says what she does is noble but the creators also have to slip in “well leon and chris, they’re fighters, they’re cool guys. but uh feel bad for claire i guess” then in infinite darkness we barely even see her doing terrasave work, just at the beginning, then she researches the mad dogs and finds the suicide, then she gets kidnapped, then the climax. like claire really has NO bearing on the actual PLOT going on except for exposition, meanwhile all the stuff we WANNA watch goes to cool government agent man. then in fucking death island, the one time i thought the movie was GOING to actually criticize the institutions these guys work for, who’s organization gets shit on the most by other characters and even called terrorists between the government, a private military, and a human rights ngo? go ahead. guess.
its actually kinda crazy you sent this because i was just thinking about it while i rewatched death island.
like, i literally was thinking about how messed up it is that an organization that works completely independently from a government, that gets its funding through things like donations, grants, and membership dues, that has to meet legal requirements to get registers to administer aid, that has hundreds, maybe even thousands of employees across the globe, is so heavily criticized in a series where the government literally nuked a city and covered it up to save a huge corporation's ass
and like idk, how realistic is it for terrasave to even get away with all this stuff? i'm not saying it can't happen, but so far terrasave has been called out for so much, like starting outbreaks, members secretly working with terrorist orgs, and other vague bad stuff the series won't go into detail on. i feel like if an anti-terrorist ngo was always in trouble for doing terrorism, they wouldn't be able to work. especially since governments will sometimes try to limit their power and diminish the aid they can give out.
and consider this: the BSAA works with the united nations. you know who else works with the united nations? ngos. granted, they're different since terrasave is a humanitarian group and the bsaa is a paramilitary agency, but considering the point is to combat bioterrorism, the difference between how they're treated in the games is ridiculous. i know now the bsaa is corrupt as of re village (i think), terrasave has been called corrupt since the moment it was shown.
i feel like if they wanted to go through with the "corrupt ngo" route they could do something more along the lines of terrasave destabilizing the communities it works in or maybe the people within it take bribes or don't use the money for its intended purpose. but yeah the way capcom goes "look at how UNRELIABLE these humanitarian groups are! the only ones who can save them are the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and SOLDIERS and COOL PEOPLE" like gtfo
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doodlytoodly · 1 year
i rarely giggle with glee over stuff, its gotta be like absolutely preem stuff to me, so theres this alt history thing (Kaiserreich, Hoi4 mod, got alot of lore in it, basically Germany beat the entente in ww1, France and Britain became syndicalist, Russian revolution failed, the British government was exiled to Canada ((👎)) austria hungary is still around, also the ottomans, Italy is in 2 or 3 pieces cant recall rn, all that stuff, and america is not doing good at all ((I’m a loser btw did y’all know that))) and I just found a youtube channel all about it, with a little series goin on, i think theres only 2 episodes of it? Ive only watched the trailer but its got me all giddy about it, gonna watch the actual episodes tmrw cause its 3 am and i spent an hour typing all this (i edited this part after finishing the rest lol) its about the second american civil war which happens in this world cause america is all kinds of fucked up since they lost the war, i think there was also the great depression still, but theres also black monday after that (german stock market crashes, everyone that isnt syndicalist or whatever gets fucked over), america splits into quite a few shards (im not yhe best source for all this btw cause i like to play the version that is wackier and less realistic) ((i think in normal kaiserreich theres 7 factions in america, maybe 6, in the wackier version there can ve like 11)) anywya im pretty sure its the pacific states, which is the pacifc states of america ofc, they are progressives, social liberals, that stuff, there might be the western command center, that has the rockies, which is a split off of the federal government, same side of the civil war as the federal gov, idk if they exist in normal kaiserreich, (if they dont its just the actual federal gov who control it), they seperate the PSA from the American Union State, who has the midwest with texas and stuff i believe, their leaders huey long, (one of 2 i remember) in game their ideology is authoritarian democracy or smth, i think theres a lil bit of socialism goin on in there, idrk what their deal is in the lore i havent looked at them much, then theres the Syndicalists, who have the rust belt, they are ofc syndicalists, and below them is the constitutional american republic that controls the south, religious, racist, nutjobs, just imagine the confederacy 2.0, very L faction honestly (they usually get stomped in game <3) , in Washington D.C theres the federal goverment, I think run by macarthur after he takes charge for the war, or coups if some of the other factions get elected, they are the legitimate government, macarthur is still macarthur, and finally (if i recall correctly) theres New england, they control the new england area, ( they are controlled by the feds until they ask canada to come help them out, canada walks in, establishes new england ((in game as a puppet usually, once again i. am NOT the best source for this, they are usually just like normalish i think, idk prolly like the democrats in america today, but 1930s (in the wackier version they typically get taken over by hp lovecraft and go insane but thats all very non canon).
I have no idea where j was going with this, uhhh, im just gonna leave the trailer here for it cause why not, did I mention I get no bitches btw? cause this prolly psychically repells people without either of us realizing. anyway if anyone actually reads all my dumb rambling thanks for taking the time, if you didn’t and your only reading this, thanks for reading any of it at all, yeah.
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gayleafpool · 1 year
You had any dreams lately?
i think i actually posted about this one already but not too long ago i had a dream that i was in a competition where i had to balance baby sheep on a fence and it was like super stressful for some reason perhaps the competition was life or death i don’t remember
this maybe sounds concerning but most of the dreams i remember are nightmares and i have like super vivid nightmares with really complex stories and it’s almost kinda fun bc i wake up and i’m like damn bro i should write that down and use it as a story. scary in the moment sure but fun when i wake up. ONTO THE NIGHTMARES
-this one where i was in a field of dead grass that was really orange and there was a rusty metal pole at the top of a hill in the grass and when i went up to touch the pole it transported me to a dark house where everything was really long? idk how to explain it but shit was LONG. it was hard to move in the house. anyway i think somebody was trying to murder me so i had to like make sure they didn’t find out about the orange field. for some reason?? and then suddenly i was back in the field and the trees were really scary
-this one where i was at a county fair and found a puddle in the grass so naturally i dived into the puddle and the puddle led to this super elaborate underwater palace thingy with tile walls but then a shark swims in and it’s mouth is like full of flesh and blood so i’m like aw shit bro
-one where i had this ballpoint pen that the government(?) was looking for so i was like walking around my neighborhood at midnight knocking and doors trying to find someone who would hide me and the pen all while the government was chasing me down
-OH this super realistic one where i got out of bed and walked downstairs and saw this freaky wolf like thing sitting in the room and looking at me and it was like as tall as the ceiling. now that i think about it there’s a chance i like actually did get out of bed and hallucinated it but perhaps not maybe i just dreamed the getting out of bed part too
-oh man this one isn’t a nightmare but i’ve only had a dream with fictional characters in it once in my life and it was the atla/lok and let me tell u this was the most detailed weird ass dream i’ve ever had in my life. if u desire 2 know i will tell u but it’s like for real a good 3 paragraphs of nonsense. this one wasn’t even recent but still
-also not a nightmare i had a dream i was a prop in a travel ad and they put me in a giant slingshot and slungshot me and i sailed across the world but like cartoonishly and through space and stuff with like block letters signifying what part of the world i was flying over
-as for boring normal ass dreams: i very frequently get stress dreams about forgetting to study for tests LMAOOOO sorry for being a nerd
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ratatoier · 1 year
On having everyone say the same stuff in the debates, its actually why foolish is so interesting as a candidate because hes actually saying different things and not trying to govern in any similar way to the others. Maybe like mike or gegg in some ways where theres both anarchy and one power ? But he just kinda throws things out there and see what hits. And is good comedic relief. But he adds spice to the debates because he doesnt have to worry about what it would look like or how he would change because of the federation because he wouldnt? They already favor him and his family, he wants to work with them and sees their benefit, but also knows so little / cares so little about the mods or changing the server that people would ask and hed be like sure lets do it.
Was foolish even there today.... i genuinely don't remember....
I think realistically MOST of the candidates have the same ideology of like: do good for the server.
like they're just arguing about specifics and its so god damn annoying cause even though baghera and bbh have vague ideals instead of actual ideas (and based on what you said i think foolish also doesnt have a plan) it doesnt mean they would sit and do nothing if their council idea fell through, or just because Cellbo and Forever have specific things they want to implement it doesnt mean they'd be dictators or would not listen to community suggestions if they became president
Like.... all of these guys would be a good fit for president. they're just arguing for the sake of arguing and im not REALLY mad about it i just think theres not really a point to it and it gets boring real fast cause they're not letting anyone else speak
Like back in 2020 for the DSMP presidential election I put in 2 votes
one for coconut2020 because even though i knew they werent popular enough to win, i thought they would have done the most good for the server
and the second for Schlatt because if things were not going to change for the better they should at least be interesting (And look how that turned out babey!!!)
I want to do the same for qsmp and im thinking of voting for insane duo (who is already probably going to win at least the fan vote based on popularity lets be real) because i think they will do actually a lot of good for the server
But for my fucked up and evil vote i NEED to know what the other candidates have to say.
Idk the format of the debates doesn't really lend itself too nicely to that either, i'm mostly just waiting for this fucking election arc to be over so streams can be fun again
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dear-kumari · 6 months
Okay, I'm two issues in and I'll have to recap this plot for my own sake bc it's already kinda convoluted. Sven is leading a secret mission to rescue this Bill Gates type from kidnappers hired by an envious competitor. The mission is some kind of aberration for this "space explorer" spec ops team, who usually do stuff like protect aid convoys and liberate millions (from whom? unspecified "dictators" ig), and Sven and Keith have some vague misgivings about getting involved. Sven changes the mission plan at the last minute because he had a bad dream, and sure enough, it goes tits up and Bill gets killed, though Sven's far worse premonition of getting the whole team killed doesn't come to pass. Still, his previously spotless record has been tarnished. The twist, I guess, is that Bill was actually more than some wealthy tech guy with powerful political connections, but also secretly responsible for much of the Alliance's military tech and intelligence, and ended up spilling a bunch of compromising info to his captors (who … weren't hired by his envious competitor after all, in that case? idk). Why that fact needed to be secret at all, much less from the team trying to rescue him while using his compromised tech, is unclear.
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"Everything's a cover," as if being the most well-known and powerful tech mogul alive is somehow inconspicuous? As if it would be unexpected, in the cynical capitalist setting we're presented with, for a big company to provide the government with tech and intel?
This is kinda hard to get through. The art is technically good, but I don't like the realistic style and found a lot of the action hard to follow bc nearly every character is a similar-looking white guy. I don't like the overall attempt to be gritty and politically relevant. This was published in 2012 and you can really feel it. Allura and giant robot fights are nowhere to be found (as the series blurb makes clear, to be fair), so it doesn't really feel like Voltron at all.
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Also, these covers are killing me. Who are these people.
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naggingatlas · 2 years
assigning oingo boingo songs to tf2 mercs bc my gf’s brain is so sexy
scout - sweat. the tempo the lyrics the overall character of it yesss yesssss yessssss i don't even have to comment on anything demo - helpless. griffins death pose ³ . oh he rrreally hit rrrock bottom oi. gene said this is the most she'd ever heard a character in a song. no mum killing tho. might have thought about it idk really, not a fan of sugarcoating how fucked up his upbringing was. anyway this being like the most acoustic song out of all of them? perfect. perfect demo material. also danny sounds like a yakuza character. spy - dead or alive + find you. 1. gene has a superbly logical explanation that it's about the dead ringer and is obviously not from his perspective. i adore it. i am also a schizo princess and like it when things don't make no fucking cents luv so its like spy and he's thinking about himself from someone else's perspective mb he's got like a little stanley parabola narrator in his brain and he panics at the thought of himself.......... and he Loves it. he loves himself :) 2. oh wow what the fuck oh wow what the fuck oh wow what th yeah pls listen to this shit above all else. gene recommends listening to them both as not from spy’s perspective but im evil and stupid im the devil on ur shoulder saying idgaf. soldier - vultures. gene review: "exceptional animatic potential". the acoustic in the bg swaying up and down adds so fucking much idk it's so classicky-sounding fits janey finely. рокетжампим товарищи. engie - wild sex in the working class. the actual fucking fact this title exists. the samples. the thoughts of dell workin his ass off on those oil rigs or whateva and then going to a gay bar!!!!!!!! fuck!!! pyro - only a lad. obv. oh the struggles of an unknowingly aggressive nd kid! the "perhaps a little bit confused?"-- fucking gets me!!!!!!!!!!! i don't take the lyrics seriously all the way she's got a pretty different backstory in my mind (has the oh fuck it's That kid stuff as well just diff) but it's still fun still fun sniper - on the outside. autism B) just a really good and realistic (like the bitch can get angry thank you) depiction of snipah. genie also thinks “this sounds like australian music idk” sakjdfhdskjh medic - perfect system + what you see. 1. ok so this is SO COOL ACTUALLY. first OBVIOUSLY perfect medic melody INSANELY MEDIC-LIKE VOCALS i want to ouroboros myself every time he sounds like he hits himself in the throat, sSECOND! see, in my head med hates all the governments the most out of all the mercs and i imagine him singing this to himself to ironically express how fucking much he hates it :) AND the . how the fuck do you call it. like med's bad at empathy and relationships and shit esp before misha and the "in love" parts are him mocking that institute of "this is how u should like people" that he had never fit into. omggg 97 personality disorders pride. ALSO the word brothers sounds so good and natural comin out of his mouth. + just figure that one out urself its simple and its more satisfying that way :) GIGAMEDIC VOCALS HERE AS WELL!!!! heavy - mary. gene was super uncomfortable talking about this one in any more depth than "no comment" and "the mountain symbolizes a lot of things but no not homosexuality. thatd be cringe". this is like neutral milk hotel levels of fucked up lyrics in the context of misha. fucked up in general. wow.
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a-rebellious-waffle · 2 years
how the fuck are you a trans woman AND a bootlickee
I am certainly a trans woman, but I am not a bootlicker. I'll tell you why, too: because you don't understand what I'm advocating for.
I am advocating for the reformation of policing as an institution from a group of men on power trips in blue uniforms to a group of publically-accountable persons who serve the interests and good of the public.
I am NOT saying that the police are perfect as they are, and indeed I'm not even saying that any iteration of policing will ever be perfect. If I was, that would be bootlicking.
You see, here's my view. What I hear when I hear the phrase "abolish the police" is "destroy the institution of policing". This would mean, obviously, not having cops on the streets anymore.
Well, there are issues with that. For one: Human beings can be really terrible people. We will cheat, lie, murder, kidnap, torture, on and on and on, just to be dicks. Look at what has happened *every single time* someone has been above the law for proof of that. Is that depressing? Yeah. But it's also a pretty realistic view, if a tad bit pessimistic.
So, obviously, there need to be things like laws to enforce what you can and can't do, and laws need to have punishments for when you violate them. These punishments need to be proportional, thought-out, and enforceable.
That last one can be tricky. People don't like being punished, but if you do a crime, well, you're a criminal, and criminals have broken the law and breaking the law means you're punished somehow. So, who's going to get the guy or gal who broke the law off the streets and into the courtroom for trial?
I look to London's history of policing for an example. You see, post-Revolutionary War, England experienced a crime wave as the central government wasn't able to pay all of these newly-jobless soldiers their pensions. The American Colonies, who would normally shoulder the tax burden, obviously weren't paying anymore, so taxes were increased in the Isles and this led to people becoming criminals. However, London didn't have a police force; they worked off of a mix of three things.
1) The medieval "hue and cry" system, where citizens were expected to drop everything at the sight of a crime and stop it. Well, here's a problem; what if the criminal is armed? That's dangerous, and many people (perhaps rightly) assumed that trying to stop a mugging wasn't worth risking their own life.
2) Elderly parishes who kept watch for crime. This was... ineffective, as they lacked real power; a criminal could just skip town and head next door, and a parish could do nothing.
3) The "Thief Takers", who were bounty hunters. They were organized under a man called Jonathan White (if I recall correctly, I tend to misremember his name as Jonathan Locke. Idk why.) who was playing both sides. Let's say you were mugged for your wallet. You'd go to the Old Bailey, where White had his HQ. You'd describe your issue, he'd find your stuff, negotiate a price to release your stuff, and then you'd pay and get your stuff. Except... White owned the thief that stole your wallet, and he paid a cut of what the ransom was to the thief and kept a modest fee for himself. He would also imprison rival "business workers" (read: thieves, highwaymen, gangers, sex workers, etc.) and net himself a hefty fee for doing so.
So, you have a medieval system that doesn't work, a second system that doesn't work, and a third system that is actually working in the opposite direction. What do?
Well, there's a series on this. "Policing London" by Extra History on YouTube delves into it in detail, and I highly encourage you to watch the series as it is FASCINATING. But, to keep things short, here's what you do.
Establish a force of uniformed police, who are paid by pension/salary instead of by bounty, who are paid for by the public (through taxes) so they can't be beholden to private interests. Make them visible, to deter crime (this is called preventative policing). Make them accountable, so the public will trust them (this is actually why badge numbers were worn in visible positions). Don't equip them with guns, as that would make them too much like the military (something that Britain was afraid of, as the French police were a branch of the military and also heavily involved in politics--specifically, involved in silencing dissenting voices). Also don't dress them like the military; instead of the Redcoats of the British Army with their tricorn hats, give them blue garb with tophats. (This would later change to an actual helmet for protection purposes, but hasn't yet become a ballistic helmet.) Make them apolitical, make them civilian, make them trustworthy, apply the Nine Principles of Policing, and above all, protect and serve the people.
And funnily enough, this worked! It worked very well. So, people started copying. And, unfortunately, Americans stated innovating. Americans militarized the police, made them political, made them untrustworthy, made them not serve the public good, made them not protect and serve the people. This is precisely why we need deep, fundamental police reform in the United States. I'd be a fool to say we didn't, because we do. We need extensive reform in the US (and not just in policing; criminal justice, incarceration, excessive punishments, etc. etc. etc. all need overhaul, but that's beyond the scope of what I'm talking about and also not something I'm well researched on). But I don't believe we should abolish the police, because that would do more harm than good. I reiterate, though: WE NEED POLICE REFORM AT EVERY LEVEL IN THE UNITED STATES. EVERY SINGLE ONE.
I hope this clarifies my position, and I certainly hope you can understand why I take issue with being called a bootlicker; after all, is it bootlicking to believe that the police could be a force of good, but need to be extensively reformed in order for that to happen because at present, they aren't?
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unrestedjade · 3 years
More baseless Ferengi headcanons no one asked for: LATINUM EDITION~~~
- Almost every home is a rental, as almost all usable land is corporate-owned. Might as well daydream about owning a moon, it's no less realistic than owning the house you grew up in. (No I'm not frustrated with my $1500 rent at all, no I'm not miserable watching 40-year-old trailer homes selling for $250k to a property management firm that's going to rent it out. Surely a place like Ferenginar wouldn't be equally ridiculous, hahahahahahahahHAHAHAHA. Ahem.) - Latinum as religious fetish. We see Quark offering slips of latinum while he prays to the Blessed Exchequer before bed. He even has a little shrine. What's unclear is whether you're meant to reuse the same slips each day or if you have to actually "give up" the latinum over the longer term for the offering to count. You can break a piggy bank, but it's probably bad to break an image of the Exchequer, unless he's very chillaxed compared to the majority of gods. - Assuming really giving up the latinum is better, is destroying it extra good? Or are you sinning by removing it from the Continuum? Are there Ferengi extremist sects that sink latinum into bogs or launch it into a star?
- What do they think and feel about latinum with regards to the Exchequer? What does a god need with it? Is it meant to be his lifeblood, figuratively? Or literally, via transubstantiation? (Catholic Ferengi. Cathipitolists.)
- How was latinum treated in the days before they knew to process it with gold so it could be handled safely? It's very pretty and ethereal-looking in its raw form, and also very, very toxic. Depending on the symptoms of latinum poisoning, I wonder if it had anything to do with it gaining religious significance? Ancient Ferengi priests seeing visions and going a little funny in the head from handling raw latinum for years and years?
- The way Quark and Brunt talk about taxes in S7 suggests there's not a lot of taxation in Ferengi society (officially, anyway. idk what else you'd call their ubiquitous bribes/tips than unofficial taxation). In any case, since one of the major purposes of taxation in modern economies is to control inflation by removing money (governments create/destroy money; they don't really keep a little checkbook register of surplus/deficit the way a household does) offering latinum to the Exchequer as an act of worship could be a good way to take money out of circulation for a while. - Latinum vs fiat money? Latinum is canonically used as coinage by multiple species. (It would seem like Ferengi are putting themselves at a bit of a disadvantage by also attaching a spiritual importance to it, but who knows, and this is a tangent on a tangent.) Is all their money backed by latinum? It can't be, right? Just conceptually, their stock markets and banks can't possibly be tying every value in every account to a real, physical measure of latinum, that's horribly inefficient. Can "latinum" also mean any legitimate liquid asset? Or does the Exchequer insist on the real thing? Much to ponder. - Brunt implies in Family Business that Ferenginar has houseless people and beggars. There's no point in begging if no one ever gives you anything, so some people must give charity to beggars. What's that look like, is it something kind-hearted Ferengi do in spite of the RoA explicitly stating that charity is only acceptable when you come out richer than you started? What's their rationalization in that case? Are they left feeling shameful about it? (Obviously the people stuck begging feel shitty, by design. Ironically, they might feel less shitty than we would, since the Exchequer doesn't appear to care how you get money, only that you get it.) - If you're moved to give money/material aid to a needy person, you'd probably do it quietly. Here in the good ol' US of A a common view is that "hand-outs" hurt the needy person in the long run because you're removing their impetus to stop being lazy sponges. And that's from people who follow a religion that commands them to care for the needy! So it's gotta be even harsher under a religion that's completely mask-off in its worship of individual prosperity. - (You just know Keldar was one of those people tossing a few slips of latinum for someone sleeping under a shop awning each morning. His business sense sucked but Ishka made him sound like a warm person. Folks gotta eat.) - Reincarnation... Alright, so if you were a dude and you die broke it's implied you can't reincarnate/are damned to the Vault of Eternal Destitution. Cool and fair, nothing to unpack there. What about women? They're half the population but seem to have been overlooked on this point in this here 10k-year-old religion. Which is telling in itself, of course, but you'd think someone would have addressed this? Who reincarnates female? Is the accepted understanding that females reincarnate female and are totally removed from the requirement to bid on their life? But that still doesn't solve the problem, because even if reincarnation were assigned-sex-segregated (god what a shitty idea, compels me tho) you're still losing X number of men to the Vault each generation. - I want to see what Ferengi religious debates look like. Pel is shown to be a serious scholar of the RoA as they've dug into not only the text itself but all the commentaries and refutations and deep-dives others have published about it. That's gotta fuel some spicy convo around the tongo table once everyone's a few drinks in. - Are there multiple sects? People arguing whether this or that rule is meant to be taken literally vs as metaphor? Everyone can't be in lockstep on this stuff. Quark seems to have been raised within the currently-hegemonic sect, but surely there's others.
- There don't appear to be any clergy or equivalent persons, so I wonder if there's different sects how they organize themselves? Do they host different subs on Ferengi Reddit? (Ferengi Reddit...shudder) - Ferengi atheists slacking at work or living as drifters because there's no point saving money for a next life that's not real. Life must drive them to drink. That's when you go out into space to live with the sane people and never call home.
- Is the rest of the population chill with atheists, or is that a no-go? I guess it would depend on how loud the person is and whether they follow the Rules or not.
- You know who they're definitely not chill with: socialists. Do they have Satanic Panics about this or that media turning the youth into commies? If you're an outspoken socialist, are you looking at exile? Arrest? An unexpected date with an Eliminator? - Conspicuous consumption seems to be a thing, and it's interesting in light of the whole "needing a good high score for a good reincarnation" idea. It still boils down to showing off how much you can afford to waste, but the stakes are undoubtedly higher for the faithful. - If something happens and you're at risk if losing everything, is it safer to just off yourself while you still have money? What if you're going to lose more than you'd ever be able to make back? (In economics this is called a perverse incentive lulz)
- The Great Monetary Collapse must have suuuuucked. It's the Great Depression x100, and also your god is mad at you, maybe??? And your next life is totally screwed now, too. Fuckin' dire, man. When Quark mentioned it in the show, it was with this flippant air like he was waiting to see how Miles and Julian reacted. He might have elaborated more if they hadn't reacted...the way he probably assumed they would. (Partially a self-fulfilling prophecy given the way he primed them to treat it as a joke, but I digress.) - Suicide rates are measurably higher in societies that elevate achievement and work ethic (see the Protestant vs Catholic divide on this, it's interesting and very depressing as a lapsed protestant in a protestant-dominated country). Just saying. - On this same bummer track: hedonic depression could be very commonplace among Ferengi. Every minute not spent working is spent on distraction because life is just such an exhausting grind, and a lot of factors determining whether you're a good/successful person are out of your control. Booze, porn, and gambling are all very distracting, and thus very popular. If a lot of this just sounds like regular degular capitalism: yes. It's actually proving difficult to push the fictional society further out because we're already living beyond satire. Maybe that's why I like these awful little guys so much. (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
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relaxxattack · 3 years
(i dont care to do c! tags bc theres. so many characters. if i dont say cc! then im talking abt the characters) normally i am not one to think much about the syndicate bc outside of ranboo being there to protect tubbo the syndicate Frustrates me a bit but. if phil starts to realize just how fucked over tubbo got by schlatt being erased from the narrative (and especially how shittily techno has treated tubbo) then i really hope they lean into like. the fact that the syndicate may soon turn into phil, niki, ranboo, and possibly the mystery member (im including mystery member mostly because i think tubbo is on good terms with almost everyone except like. dream, possibly wilbur but we'll see, and like the eggpire ppl but none of them are likely options but it is possible that the mystery member could just be neutral) all like. wanting tubbo to be safe and phil is *just* reasonable enough that i think he'd realize how unfair it is for tubbo to have been subjected to so much shit just for techno to introduce even more fear and the need to hide in his life
like phil already keeps the bee duo marriage and michael a secret, he lets tubbo come over and while of course its mostly from the semi lore vibes phil seems vaguely fond of tubbo already (i dont think phil and tubbo have father/son vibes tho, more just like. tubbo is just That Kid that adults cant help but adore even though the kid will rob them of house and home. slightly amused elder watching a tiny fucking gremlin make sex jokes and talk about soviet russia), niki from what i remember still cares about tubbo (probably because she cant redirect any anger towards him without realizing how unjustified it would be kcnsks she can come up with excuses for hating tommy but tubbo didnt do anything that niki has a problem with outside of her maybe having a bad view on butcher army if she knows about it?), ranboo is. ranboo. i dont need to clarify. and then like said theres a very low possibility of the fifth member *disliking* tubbo or being unable to sympathize with him.
people talk a lot about how techno needs to lose in a way that he cant easily come back from without introspection and i think while the rest of the syndicate standing up for tubbo would increase technos grudge against tubbo initially its also like. something that i think would maybe force techno to see tubbo as a person because now theres nothing techno can box (haha gettit. tubbox tubbo in a box tubbo getting boxed into certain roles by people who refuse to let him out techno esp doin this teehoo) tubbo into that wouldnt just. acknowledge that tubbo is a person. hes not apart of the government anymore, not planning any failed revolution, the most negative title to his name is being one of the nuke makers but even then thats out of fear and safety and techno knows that. otherwise tubbos current crimes are nothing thats special to tubbo (like. stealing and searching for evidence in ppls homes and stuff, the latter of which techno doesnr even know about). right now tubbos a husband, a father, a friend, a kid, *ex*-government, a person. and just.
i think that with how much foreshadowing about tubbos execution no longer being a secret amongst the witnesses and tubbo himself and soon being something that people close to techno like phil and ranboo know about as well (in that i want phil to learn that techno did it and for ranboo to learn about it in general bc hes just biased enough for tubbo and just smart enough that i think even if somehow he wasnt told who did it he could figure it out), and with the fact that tubbos lore has been confirmed to now be something thats actively going to be played into? i think (or at least hope) that it might spur phil and techno into finally seeing tubbos side of the story (and probably also get into the possibility of tubbo opening up to tommy and ranboo but i do think realistically either tubbo will try to play it off/not truly open up about how much its effected him or tubbo will at first shut down or go into complete repression mode, especially if phil and ranboo get the story from other people rather than tubbo himself [but god do i hope they confront tubbo himself]. either those two or tubbo talks about his emotions through fucking snapping at something/someone like he did at quackity when reminded of his execution, which as long as its Not tommy or ranboo ill absolutely be cheering on him for)
which is all a very convoluted way of saying uhh. *grabby paws at the ccs currently involved in the arc of clearing up personal misconceptions about l'manberg (and especially tubbos involvement and how easily those around him judged him based off of their versions of the story)* tubbo lore? tubbo healing tubbo talking about his problems? characters learning to see him as a person and recognizing how traumatized he is and that hes not uneffected but actively repressing any effects? please? (also ending note as the cherry on top of this essay that im sorry for dropping into your inbox: im kind of glad that tommys healing arc and tubbos possible healing arc are going to happen at similar times but are still separate. something something its nice to see acknowledgement that tommy and tubbo wont heal in the same way and arent going to know how to help each other but theyre still going through it together. their arcs are intertwining without removing their individuality and as someone w major co-dependency issues its kind of nice idk. you can be there for someone and still acknowledge that you have your own things to go through too and that while you wont be alone you shouldnt force those around you to support you. the bench trio are all helping each other out of free will and genuine love for each other while still realizing they have some problems they arent ready to talk about yet that arent forced to the open because theyre all doing their best to handle each other with care and i just. bench trio my beloveds. the kids are alright.) -🎭🎪 (also as the actual end note if theres ever a need to refer to me as something other than the emojis mask or eyez works fine but the idea of my name being the emojis is also Very Funny to me so do what you will)
im working on my aperture camera college assignment rn and my brain is sort of fried so i dont have an intelligent answer, but i got the happy chemical reading this.
yeah. i think we all know here that my favorite character is tubbo, and i REALLY hope we get him addressing anything that’s happened to him in canon. pretty much all of what you said sounds very good. *grabby hands* spare tubbo lore? please? spare tubbo lore?
perhaps during the three weeks wilburs off in the fucking woods (/lh) we could have a the-others-find-out-what-happened-to-tubbo-(and in DETAIL)-arc. pleaseeeeeeeee and ty
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alectology-archive · 3 years
I’ve been curious: how do you feel about the Tithe in the spring court in MAF? On the one hand, it seems like taxes, which would be necessary to fund the rebuilding of the court? We know from book one that fae are not human and sometimes must be treated with force because they won’t listen to reason, but we also know that Rice doesn’t do that (wonder how he got so wealthy then. Hmmm) but all of Illyria doesn’t have infrastructure so he’s not really in a position to brag... On the other hand, 1/2
2/2 while book one does acknowledge that some lesser fae get pretty animalistic and must be handled with force (even Feyrug remarks on that early in the book, if I remember correctly), Tamlin is so BRUTAL about the tithe. Like give them a break, ffs. Jeez dude. And like I said, Rice does manage to run *some* of his court without a tithe/taxes or anything... so idk. What are you thoughts on the tithe?
This is difficult to answer, partly because sarah janet is incompetent and we literally have no idea how faerie economy works and partly because I am not particularly sure about that stuff either. But I do think it’s realistic to expect payment of taxes and tithes because any ruler can only keep the governing system functioning and their territory in order only with adequate resources, and those resources have to come from somewhere.
When it comes to Riceman (I’m not sure how taxes are handled in canon but going by your ask I think he doesn’t tax specific territories? *cough is it velaris of course it velaris*), not having a uniform system of taxes and favouring a single territory is gross and not something I can get behind.
There are several things to consider when discussing Tam: 1. His cruelty in MAF was a total retcon 2. the narrative set him up to be Bad and convince people that Rice was Good TM by comparing his flaws with Rice’s most ideal self 2. If Tam's going to apply a rule and demand tithe from his subjects I think it's reasonable of him to treat everyone equally and that might mean being a little harsh. HOWEVER it also doesn't excuse him for not considering special cases, not being empathetic, and not having protections in place for the economic (?) welfare of his subjects.
Tldr: tam was right to ask for tithe because taxes are needed to govern territories but it was cruel of him to demand it from lesser faeries who said they couldn't pay. I don't think rice is a good example of a good ruler either because he's selective about the people who get the privilege of not paying taxes while also following an extravagant lifestyle while there are literal buildings in disrepair in velaris and the illyrians have bad infrastructure.
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