#also if you are worried yes they are still enby I just felt like drawing frisk with a skirt
titsmasher69 · 1 month
lazy art but I had fun
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Hii! I want more Piama x MC x Ruelle's kids ! Could you maybe write about Asther coming out as enby to their mothers? Thank you!!
A single ray of sunshine danced it's way so eloquently across her eldest twin's deep emerald hair, that it shimmered brilliantly in the low lighting of their bedroom. Ruelle smiled fondly as she stood in the doorway - watching them idly doodling on a piece of parchment. Their artistic skills better than hers at the age of nine, than she could ever hope to be - though, she could tell something was weighing heavy on them. They had always been a bit of a deep thinker, but lately she had noticed that slightly pained, far away look in their usually sharp amber eyes, one too many times. She knocked softly on thick wooden door before taking a single step inside.
"I will pay you three gold pieces to draw a picture of your Mother dressed all in black." Ruelle smirked, imagining Piama's face as it scrunched at the audacity of it.
"Make it four, and you've got a deal." Her young child smirked in return, a mischievous glint to their eyes. Ruelle only laughed, making her way further into the large bedroom that housed their twins.
"Do you not feel like playing with your sisters? They were asking for you."
Ruelle took a seat next to them at the small crafting table she had made for the twins when they were born. Smiling as she peered over at their drawing - a bright purple dragon with a multitude of yellow flames pouring out from it's snout.
"Not really.. You know how they can be. Always... talking..."
Ruelle laughed, always astounded at just how alike they were.
"Indeed. They are truly their Mother's daughters."
The young child chuckled, their smile quickly fading - replaced by a much more somber look. A deep shadow casting over their brilliant amber eyes. They were the same hue as Ruelle's, but the shape of the Queen's.
"You know.. If something is bothering you, you can always talk to me." She said softly, watching her child as they idly played with their hair. A nervous tick of theirs she had become accustomed to over the years.
"I know... it's just.." They pause, taking a deep breath before going back to their doodle. Being so much like herself, Ruelle knew better than to press them. They both were the types of people who needed time to process things - to figure out their words before allowing them to pass through their lips. Instead of saying anything else, Ruelle leaned over and grabbed a piece of parchment and a quill, dipping it in a deep black ink before starting a doodle of her own. Within moments her child started to laugh, as a crude drawing of Piama dressed all in black started to take shape.
"You better not let Mother see that." They laughed.
"Heh... I intend to leave it on her pillow." She replied with a smirk, making them laugh even more. They sighed heavily placing their own quill on the table before speaking.
"Mom... would you still... love me if I was.. different?" They asked tentatively, averting their eyes.
"I will always love you. No matter what." She replied, but she knew there was much more to their question than just a need for reassurance.
"... Are you sure? Because... I don't always feel the same way as everyone else does."
"As who feels the about what?"
"Well like... how Lylia and Willowyn feel. How they're always so happy when they get new dresses. I've never felt happy about wearing them. They don't make me feel... comfortable."
"Well, that is understandable. Not everyone likes to wear dresses. I am not particularly fond of them, myself."
"I.. I know.. it's more than that, though. Like... sometimes when I'm called a daughter... or a sister.. or a Spring Princess.. it just makes me feel.. not great. Like a part of me isn't being seen."
Ruelle only nodded, trying to give them all the time they needed to talk through whatever was weighing so heavily on their heart - always so completely blown away by how well spoken they were.
"Like... in my body.. I don't feel like a 'she'.. or a 'he'.. I just feel like... me. If that makes any sense." They sighed, leaning back in their chair. Ruelle could tell they were getting frustrated with themselves and placed a hand on their shoulder.
"It absolutely makes sense, dear. You know we have people who are close to our family who feel quite the same way, and we love them just the same." She replied.
"We do?" They asked, eyes wide.
"We do... take Galen for example." A look of revelation spilled across the young child's face as they nodded.
"Of course!" They exclaimed. Ruelle smiled, moving her chair a little closer to them.
"So, alright.. neither the pronoun 'she' or 'he' feels fitting to you? Would 'they' be a more comfortable fit?"
"Oh... yes! 'They' would be much better!"
Ruelle nodded and she could see as the worries slowly started to melt off of them, a small smile coming to their face. It was as if they had played out this scene a million times in their head, and it was actually turning out the way they had hoped.
"Things like daughter and sister.. Princess.. those can all be changed, too. We always want you to feel comfortable in your home. To be yourself." She replied, pausing before continuing. "And we can also have something other than dresses made for you, as well. If you want, we can sit down with Galen sometime and pick their brain on some other fashions."
At this suggestion they truly beamed, looking happier than Ruelle had seen them look in quite a long time - and even though her rough exterior would show otherwise - Ruelle's heart was filled with warmth. She ran her fingers through their hair affectionately and smiled at them. She had always known they were special - and would quickly stab anyone who deemed them as 'different'. They were a rare and beautiful soul. A brilliant light that was only trying to find it's place in the world, and she would defend their right to be their true selves to no end.
"Is there anything else we can do that would help? A new hair cut perhaps?"
Ruelle was almost taken back by the look of pure gratitude that spilled so deeply across their young face. A layer of unspent tears rising to their eyes.
"You.. you would let me do that?" They asked, playing with the ends of their long emerald hair.
"Of course we would."
"Won't you need to talk this over with Mother and Mama first?"
"I will do that, of course, but I am quite certain they will have no issues with it, and I can always threaten to stab them if they do." Ruelle replied with a smirk.
"Pretty sure they're used to that already, Mom." They said as they rolled their eyes, getting a rare laugh out of Ruelle. Their eyes growing somber again before continuing. "And.. do you think they will be.. accepting of everything else we talked about?"
She cupped their face with her hand, smiling at them before placing a soft kiss to their forehead.
"Listen to me, my child. There is literally nothing about who you are that your Mother and Mama would not accept. They love you without limitations. As do I. That will never change."
They smiled at her, scrunching their nose slightly.
"Gah.. you're so mushy sometimes, Mom." They replied with a smirk, but Ruelle could see the pure happiness beaming through their eyes.
"Heh, yes... that is certainly a word people would use to describe me." She replied dryly, making them laugh.
"Could we.. do you think we could go and find them now? And talk to them? Lylia and Willowyn too?" They asked, and Ruelle nodded.
"Of course. I think Mama is done with her council meetings for the day, and dinner will be served soon. We can tell them all then. Would you like that?"
"I would, yes.. and Mom? Thank you."
Ruelle nodded as she stood, smiling fondly at them as she held out her hand for them to take.
"Of course." She replied, pausing as she stopped at the door. "Just one more question."
"Your name... if you've thought about changing it.. what would it be?"
They smiled at her wide, eyes beaming with appreciation.
"Asther." They answered swiftly, smiling wider.
"Asther it is, then." Ruelle replied with a firm nod - taking her child's hand in hers, as she led them down the long halls of Attadellys
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cobaltusami · 3 years
Tropical Vacation pt 8
Well, this isn't the fic I was planning to release next, but oh well-- I was feeling It.
Hey hi hello dolls! It's been a long ass time since I've updated this series, and unfortunately there aren't many tickles in this part, but there Is a ton of fluff! either the next part or the part after will be chock full of tickles! (Or both)
I hope It's alright!
Characters In this part: All of DR1 girls excluding Junko and Mukuro, All of the DR2 girls. Lee!Chihiro
Word count: 3429
All previous parts, as well as my other fics, can be found here!: Masterlist
Hina kicked at the sand absentmindedly as she gazed longingly out at the water. “Man, I really missed seeing the ocean but…” She crossed her arms and made a face. “What good Is it If I can’t swim in it!? I’m like a fish, If I don’t swim In water I’ll die!!”
Sakura smiled amusedly at her best friend. She can be so dramatic sometimes… “Hina, they said It was safe to swim In…”
“Yeah but Monokuma didn’t give me any of my swimsuits…” She mumbled dejectedly, kicking a rock into the water.
Yeah, they didn’t exactly get the chance to pack their stuff or even ask Monokuma for specific things from their rooms. Aside from the morning announcements he hasn’t even shown up-- not that anyone besides Byakuya was complaining.
“Ugh!! That’s It!” Hina ripped off her red jacket and tossed it to Sakura. “Hold my jacket, I’m going In!”
The Martial artist fumbled the piece of clothing, caught off guard by the swimmers sudden outburst. She quickly grabbed the brunette’s arm to stop her. “W-Wait! Instead of doing that… Why don’t we just go find the store and see If it carries swimsuits?” She suggested.
As usual Sakura was the voice of reason amongst the chaotic gays.
Hina paused, thinking it over. “Okay… That sounds good In theory, But what if they don’t carry them?”
“Then I’m sure they’ll carry donuts… we’ll get some to cheer you up then ask Usami if she knows where the swimsuits are.”
Aoi giggled as she took her jacket back from the tall girl and tied it around her waist. “I like the way you think!” She grinned. “Let’s go!”
“Alright, Let’s just ask Nekomaru where the store Is.”
They both looked to Neko, who had stuck around to keep an eye on Mondo.
“No need! I can show you where it is if you want.” Mahiru volunteered, suddenly behind the two.
Hina squeaked as they both quickly turned to face the Photographer.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you both.” The red head apologized with a sympathetic smile.
“Geez Mahiru!” Hina giggled, placing her hand over her still racing heart. “You got me good!”
“Are you sure? We don’t want to trouble you.”
Mahiru nodded with a smile. “I’m sure. Actually, I was coming to find you two. Apparently Usami has something to tell us girls...”
The two tensed. It’s not a motive, Is it?
“What do you think It is?” Hina asked as she started walking with Sakura and Mahiru.
“I’m honestly not sure. Normally she gathers all of us, not just the girls.” Mahiru responded.
As they crossed over the bridge to the second island, the girls of both classes came into view. Even Toko, surprisingly.
“Hey Toko!” Hina waved her hand at the writer. “Glad to see you out of your room!” she smiled as she turned to face her.
“W-Where Ha-Have you two b-b-been?!”
“We were checking out the beach.” Aoi answered. “Sorry, did we worry you?”
“D-Don’t b-be ridiculous! Why w-w-would I worry a-about you m-m-meatheads?!” she blushed.
Hina smiled and wrapped her arms around the awkward girl’s shoulders in a hug. “Aww, You WERE worried about us!”
“S-Shut up!” Toko blushed even more, batting the brunette away.
Soon enough, Usami appeared out of nowhere. Much like they were used to Monokuma doing. “Love love! Hello everyone!” She greeted the group cheerfully. “I hope you are all getting along okay!”
“We’re doing fine, Usami.” Chiaki smiled, patting Chihiro on the shoulder. She had brought them along and wanted to include them In on whatever Usami had planned.
“I’m glad to hear that.” Usami replied. “As some of you may know, I no longer have my magic stick…”
“Magic stick?” Sakura repeated quietly, confused.
“It’s a long story.” Mahiru whispered back.
“But It appears that Monokuma must have one of his own. Because there’s some new buildings on this island!” Usami explained, surprised. “One of such buildings, Is a women’s clothing boutique. Which is why I asked you all here.”
Sonia’s face brightened. “Really?? Wow! That Is wonderful!”
“I thought I should tell you all first before I told the boys.” Usami giggled. “I thought It might be a nice chance to bond with the other class’s girls.”
“And enby.” Chiaki and Mahiru both said at the same time. Chihiro smiled at the two girls In response.
“Right! I’m sorry, I’ll remember that for next time!” Usami apologized. “Anyway! There’s also a spa on the Island! So enjoy yourselves!”
She disappeared from sight, leaving the group to talk amongst themselves.
“This has to be a trick of some kind.” Kyoko said thoughtfully. “A motive, Maybe?”
“Yeah, I am not trusting It either.” Peko agreed.
“It’s gotta be a motive, It’s been too peaceful!” Hina chimed in.
“What If Monokuma put ‘Saw’ movie level traps in the clothing?” Ibuki theorized. “And the moment we put on the clothes-- SQUISH! BLEH! Off with our heads!”
Mahiru cringed at the gory sounds Ibuki tried to make, sighing softly. “I doubt he would have time to do that. But It’s definitely suspicious…”
“And why only things for girls?” Akane thought aloud. “It seems like a trap.”
“I think we should check It out regardless.” Celeste smiled. “I think a spa trip sounds lovely, perhaps even worth the risk.”
“I GOT IT!” Hina yelled in realization, all attention now on her. “WHAT IF MONOKUMA PUT SHARKS IN THE SPA?!”
“This again…? H-Hina I doubt there Is enough water for sharks in the spa.” Sakura sighed. She loved this girl, but sometimes she could be a bit… out there.
“She might actually be onto something.” Kyoko surprisingly agreed with her wild theory after a moment of thinking.
“H-H-How wo-would that e-even be possible?” Toko stammered in disbelief.
“Maybe not specifically sharks, but that would be the least suspecting place to put something dangerous.” The detective calmly theorized. “It may be too dangerous to check out without more muscle power.”
“Why do we need more muscle power? Sakura, Peko an’ I can handle it!” Akane grinned.
“No offense to you three, but there is strength in numbers.” Kyoko responded, to which Sakura and Peko nodded in agreement. “But there are less places to hide dangerous traps In a boutique, So I think we should be okay to check that out.”
“And then we get the boys to go with us to the spa?” Peko asked for clarification.
“Yes. I think that would be wise.”
So with the group in agreement (except for Toko, who immediately went back to her room), the girls and enby headed to the boutique to investigate.
After some time looking around for clues or traps, they were shocked to find it was literally just a normal clothing store… or so It seemed.
“That’s strange.” Kyoko said, surprised as she inspected a piece of clothing.
“What? Did you find something?” Chiaki asked, yawning as she approached the detective.
“It’s… just clothes.”
“You mean, These are actually safe?” Sayaka asked curiously, poking her head around the corner to look at the two girls.
“It appears so… I’d still check before you try anything on but--”
She was already back around the corner with Ibuki. “Oh my gosh, Ibuki! With some leggings this would look so cute on you!”
Sonia giggled. “I agree!”
Ibuki looked at the frilly mini dress held up against her body in pure disgust. “Eugh! Ibuki doesn’t do this style anymore, It makes Ibuki feel restricted.”
“Okay, maybe not this dress then…” Sayaka put it back and looked around for another one. “We should match for our concert though.”
While the three looked through the costume dresses, Chihiro was on the other side of the store looking at all the cute casual dresses. They felt a little self conscious looking at them.
“Hi, Chihiro.” Mahiru greeted, approaching the small programmer with her girlfriend in tow. “Are you alright?”
Chihiro jumped in surprise, immediately letting go of the dress they were looking at. “O-Oh! Hi Mahiru… Hiyoko.” They greeted the two girls shyly.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you!” Mahiru apologized with a small smile. “I was just coming over to look for a new sun dress.”
Chihiro nodded, absentmindedly going back to looking at the dress they found as Mahiru began shuffling the articles of clothing on the rack.
The red head stole a few glances over at Chihiro, noticing their hesitancy. “Are you okay?”
Hiyoko tilted her head curiously as she too looked up from the dresses.
“Y-Yeah, I’m fine! S-Sorry… am I distracting you?”
The two ultimates exchanged glances before looking back at the small enby. “Of course not… I’m just concerned about you.”
“O-Oh… there’s no reason to be concerned, I’m okay… really.” Chihiro put on the best smile they could, but Mahiru, who constantly photographed smiling people, immediately knew it was forced.
Hiyoko’s eyes scanned the clothing rack in front of Chihiro until she noticed a disturbed article of clothing, she walked over and plucked it from the rack. “This Is a cute dress.” She commented, drawing both Mahiru and Chihiro’s attention.
Hiyoko looked at the Programmer and smiled. “You should try It on.”
Mahiru had to do a double take, had someone replaced her fiery imp of a girlfriend with someone sweet???
Chihiro blushed brightly. “Um… I-I could never pull that off…”
“Sure you could.” Mahiru smiled, following Hiyoko’s lead.
“I-I don’t know…”
“Chihiro!” Sonia bounced over brightly. “You would look adorable in that!”
“Maybe If we found a sweater to go with it you’d feel better.” Chiaki smiled.
“Ooh! And some accessories!” Sayaka joined in.
Chihiro had a bad feeling about this…
“R-Really girls, I-Its okay! I was heading over to look at skirts anyways!” They tried backing away, but the girls weren’t letting them off the hook that easily.
Meanwhile, Hina found the swimsuits much to her excitement. They were pretty cute too! Some of them were plain, others had skirts to them, pretty patterns, bikinis, one pieces… you name it, they had it.
Hina picked up a red tropical flower patterned bikini with a skirt. “Check this out Sakura, It’s so cute! And It’s my size!” she squealed happily.
The martial artist stopped what she was doing and looked over at her best friend with an amused smile. “It looks nice.”
After another moment of searching she produced a similar bikini and showed It to Sakura again.
“That kind of looks like the last one.”
“Mhm! Except It’s white with red and pink flowers! What do you think?”
“It’s… pretty?”
“Good, Because It’s your size.” Hina grinned impishly.
Sakura paused. “Hina… I don’t do bikinis.”
“Why not?”
Sakura immediately got flashbacks. She recalled when she had first started gaining muscle and went to the beach with her friends, she had gotten stared at and made fun of. She was made so uncomfortable that she just went home.
Hina pouted. She knew that was code for something serious. “Fine, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable… I’ll keep looking.”
“Thank you for respecting my--”
They were interrupted by Chihiro shrieking, they looked at each other in alarm and bolted in the direction of the sound. Upon rounding the corner they found Chihiro wrapped up in Sayaka’s arms while Chiaki and Mahiru tickled them.
Sakura sighed in relief upon seeing it was just something harmless.
Hina grinned. “You good Chihiro?” She couldn’t help but tease them.
“Hehehehelp mehehe!” They squealed as Chiaki squeezed their sides.
“Why are you all ganging up on Chihiro?” Sakura asked, feeling some pity for the smol programming bean.
“Why not?” Hina retorted. “Chihiro’s too cute not to tickle!”
“Hinahaha you’re not hehehelping!” They blushed even more.
“Oh sorry~ I’ll help you now.” Hina smiled innocently, approaching the trapped enby. The swimmer fluttered her fingers against their belly, drawing even more squeals of laughter. “There, do you feel helped now?” she giggled.
“Hahahahahaha! That’s nohohohot whahahat I meheheheant!” They whined.
“Chihiro started crying because they did not feel they could pull off this dress.” Sonia explained gently, holding the dress up. “So the others are trying to cheer them up.”
Sakura frowned. She understood where Chihiro was coming from, but literally Chihiro would look so fucking cute in that dress. It was a white ruffle sundress with a light yellow ribbon sash.
It was bewildering that Chihiro didn’t think they could pull it off…
Sakura scanned around until her eyes fell on a light yellow sweater with short sleeves, she picked it up and walked back over to the giggling programmer.
The girls stopped tickling and looked at the piece of clothing in the tall girl's hands. Chihiro slid to the floor in a heap of lingering giggles and soft gasps.
The white haired girl sat down next to them. “Chihiro, I understand how you feel. You feel like everyone Is going to be staring at you and judging you.”
They nodded meekly, staring at the floor.
“And maybe people have done that to you before…” She paused as Chihiro nodded again. “But you’re among your friends here, and we aren’t judging you In the slightest.”
“Yeah, Sakura’s right.” Chiaki agreed, sitting down too. The other girls followed suit. “We would never judge you.”
“We all have things we are self conscious about, Chihiro.” Sonia smiled kindly at the enby. “I am self conscious about my skin.”
“R-Really…? But you’re so pretty…” Chihiro looked at her.
“Thank you, but so are you.” Sonia pinched Chihiro’s cheek gently. “I burn in the sunlight, The kids I went to school with used to call me ‘Princess lobster’. So I try to avoid exposing myself to the sun.”
Chihiro blushed at the compliment and looked back down.
“I’m super self conscious about my weight.” Hina spoke up next. “I’m always weighing myself. I used to get teased for how many sweets I eat, my friends told me I was going to end up alone because no one would be able to look at me.”
“Hina, You’re gorgeous. You don’t have to worry about your weight!” Chihiro frowned.
“I used to get made fun of because I had braces when I was younger.” Sayaka shared. “They said I’d never be a singer because the metal in my braces would mess with the recording equipment.”
“Do I even need to say what I’m self conscious about?” Hiyoko sulked, folding her arms across her chest. “I’m short.”
Mahiru put her hand on Hiyoko’s shoulder. “You’ll hit a growth spurt someday.” She teased. “People called me a boy growing up.”
“I-I-I’ve al-always been s-s-s-super c-c-clumsy. People h-h-have always ma-made fun o-of me for It.” Mikan said softly.
“Of course they have, You’re a walking pile of pig barf!” Hiyoko snapped.
“Aah! I’m sorry!” Mikan cried.
Mahiru shoved her hand over Hiyoko’s mouth and pulled her into her lap to keep her contained. She sighed. Welp, so much for her being kind…
“People I went to school with used to accuse me of stuffing my bra, and constantly harassed me because of my home life.” Akane said quietly.
“I was feared, I was told I had monster eyes. Most kids avoided me.” Peko chimed In.
Kyoko looked down at her gloved hands then back up at Chihiro. “I think my insecurity should be obvious…”
“I got made fun of for loving video games. And I’ve got some pudge.” Chiaki poked her stomach.
After a moment of silence the girls looked at Sakura, who gave a hesitant sigh. “Do I need to say It?”
“Yes.” All except for Chihiro said in unison.
Sakura sighed again. “I get called ogre. People call me a freak or abomination. When I started bulking up, people told me that I looked better before and I lost a lot of friends because they were embarrassed to be seen with me.”
“Remind me to smack Hiro and Hifumi when I see them next.” Hina said quietly.
“Hiro doesn’t mean any harm by It.” she waved her off.
Hearing their friends being open about their insecurities made them feel a little better about opening up.
“Um…” Chihiro kept staring at the floor. “Kids I went to school with knew me when I Identified as a boy… and the first day I went to school in a dress, I got beat up and made fun of. Since then, I’ve been afraid to wear dresses… N-Not that skirts are much different… I’m just kind of traumatized by them.”
“Chihiro, You are adorable and beautiful.” Hina smiled warmly.
“Trust me, If anyone comes near you to beat you up or make fun of you… they’ll have a lot of people to get through first.” Chiaki added.
“You are one of a kind, don’t let people like that ruin something for you.” Sakura said gently.
Hina side eyed her, receiving a quiet; ‘shut up’ In response.
Chihiro sniffled, wiping their eyes. “Th-Thanks guys…”
“If you don’t want to try on the dress, We respect your comfort zone. You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” Mahiru put a hand on their shoulder reassuringly.
They looked at the dress In Sonia’s lap, then back up at the girls. “No… I… I want to try It on.”
“Are you sure?” Sonia asked.
They nodded, more sure this time. “You’re right. I need to learn not to take things to heart so much. Everyone has something they don’t like about themselves, even the people who picked on you.”
“That’s exactly right.” Kyoko nodded with a faint smile.
Chihiro took the dress from Sonia and stood up, they were about to head to the dressing room but they were stopped by Sakura, who handed them the matching sweater she found for the dress.
The enby gave her a smile before taking the article of clothing and retreating to the closed room with a new pep in their step.
A few minutes passed by, and something had occurred to Mahiru. “Wait a minute, Ibuki? You never said what you were made fun of for.”
Ibuki looked up at the red head, previously she had been drawing shapes on the floor with her finger waiting for Chihiro to come out. “Oh, Ibuki didn’t?”
“No, You didn’t.” Chiaki confirmed, eyeing the musician.
“Welllll…” Ibuki looked away sheepishly.
“Were you not bullied?” Sonia asked.
“N-No. Ibuki was bullied.” She sighed. “Ibuki was made fun of for the way she talks In the third person. Also the way she dressed.”
“I think It’s… endearing.” Sayaka smiled.
“Ibuki didn’t mention It because Ibuki didn’t want to be reassured or complimented.” She smiled shyly, tapping her index fingers together. “Ibuki doesn’t know how to take compliments…”
“I understand that.” Sakura responded.
Hina, again, side eyed her best friend. “I will hype you up and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.”
“Nothing huh?” She didn’t even bother looking at Hina, she blindly squeezed at the swimmer’s side, making her squeak and giggle as she twitched away.
“Come to think of it…” Kyoko hummed, glancing over at Celeste. “You didn’t say anything either.”
“That Is because there Is nothing I was made fun of for.” Celeste smiled, closing her eyes as she did.
Hmm… doubtful.
Chiaki looked at the wall clock. “Chihiro’s been In there a while… I think someone should go check on them.”
Before anyone else could volunteer, surprisingly, Hiyoko was on her feet. “I’ll do it.” with that she disappeared into the back room as well.
Mahiru blinked in surprise. “Should I go with her?”
No one got the chance to answer before Hiyoko came back out, Chihiro In tow.
The Traditional dancer stepped aside so the girls could see Chihiro, they were absolutely radiating happiness. “S-Sorry, I kind of froze up… How do I look?”
“Ohmigosh, Chi you look so cute!!” Hina squealed.
“That dress looks like It was made for you, You look so pretty!” Sonia beamed, stars practically in her eyes.
The Programmer giggled and twirled around in the dress happily.
The other girls quickly got over their surprise and flooded Chihiro with compliments. (even Kyoko and Celeste complimented them, shockingly.)
The rest of the boutique visit hit different for the group, they felt a lot lighter and closer than before.
Sayaka and Ibuki had decided to just coordinate colors, that way they could both wear something they wanted to wear.
Hina and Sakura found a few swimsuits they liked.
Chihiro got a bunch of different dresses and had a mini fashion show with Hiyoko, Mahiru, and Chiaki.
Right then.
Time to go find the boys and check out the spa...
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giant-sketches · 4 years
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 A cute moment during Virgil’s current time with the Sides at the fort that isn’t really a part of the bigger narrative, but I still wanted to draw (animate). They’ve all been getting along wonderfully and both Patton and Roman love to see Virgil grow so they bug him about it all the time, today is no exception. 
This is also what happens when two boyfriends want to watch their third, size shifting boyfriend grow only to fall in love with him all over again and eventually embarrasses him to a point of massive grow leading to a literal downfall. Enjoy!
Patton: “Hey Virgil can you grow for us, pretty please?”
Virgil: “But I did that for you guys last week.”
Roman: “You can’t count that you only went a foot taller!”
Patton: “Roman’s right! 7′10 barley looks any different from your usual 6′10. We want to see a bigger growth this time. You promised!”
Virgil: “Fine. I guess I did promise I’d grow from time to time to help Roman get used to it, but Patton it’s not like you need to see this.”
Patton: “Of course I do!”
Virgil: “Why’s that?”
Patton’s eyes were gleaming with excitement! Virgil asked, but he kind of already knew the reason.
Patton: “It’s super COOL!!!”
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A typical Patton-like answer, he thought. Virgil sighed and accepted his fate as the two drew closer to him. Virgil found himself suddenly surrounded by Patton at his front and Roman in the back.
Virgil: “You guys don’t need to be so close to me for this.”
Patton: “Don’t look so worried kiddo, I just want a good view.”
Roman: “I personally feel it’s better to be as close as possible in order to bare fruit in my goal of being comfortable around you at any size. Thus, I shall remain here!”
Virgil: “Suit yourselves then. I’ll start off slow.”
- Virgil then jumped a couple of inches, but Roman and Patton were already captivated by his new height. Virgil could easily see so on their faces, but calmed himself in order to concentrate. 
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He continued while breathing in and out until he felt a pair of soft lips press up against him. In shock, Virgil darted his gaze downwards to spot Patton cheerfully nuzzling and smooching Virgil’s stomach.
Virgil: “Pa-Patton! What are you doing kissing me all of a sudden and down there of all places?!”
- Patton didn’t respond and simply kept on delivering kiss after kiss to Virgil’s tummy. Virgil cheeks turned a bright red from embarrassment and all Roman did was laugh with amusement. Virgil was so flustered that he jumped an entire foot, only to discover that another pair of warm lips had made their way to his lower back.
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Virgil: “Not you too Roman!”
- Same as Patton, Roman too didn’t respond and kept on kissing viciously. He could feel both their hands resting on his hips and the thoughts of them kissing any closer to other unnamed regions caused his entire face to light up like a Christmas tree. The amount of little kisses they were placing on him was super ticklish and his brain started to melt from the constant sensation. Virgil was losing his composure and as a result his growth accelerated. 
A violent surge of emotion coursed through his body causing it to spasm. The unnatural movement, accompanied by Virgil’s dramatically increasing frame pushing up against them, snapping Patton and Roman back to reality. Sadly, it was too late as the both of them found themselves falling over.
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Patton and Roman: “OW!”
- Startled by Patton and Roman’s cries of pain, Virgil regained his senses ans slowed his growth. He titled his head down to see both of them rubbing their sore bottoms and gave a small chuckle at karma working her magic.Still, he felt bad about hurting them and apologized.
Virgil: “Sorry, looks like I got carried away. Still you two really got me riled up there with all the kissing!”
Patton: “Sorry Virgil, I just couldn’t help myself.”
Roman: “Same, I got jealous when I saw Patton having all the fun and decided to join in.”
Virgil, was taken aback by their affectionate words. Not that he wasn’t over the moon with joy at hearing them. 
Virgil: “Next time, make sure to let me know beforehand okay?”
Patton and Roman: “NEXT TIME?!”
Virgil: “Yes I said next time, now do you both understand?”
Patton and Roman: “YES!!!” 
To be continued.
@paranoidgurl​ @pattonvirglsanders​ @suckedinfandoms​ @crystalk17​ @enby-phoenix​ @gentlegiantdreamer​ @just-some-gt-trash​ @avenirunknown​ @sanders-sides-virgil​ @bluegreeninbtwn​ @notkolaidoscop​ @lgbtqiaemo​
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cjwallflower · 4 years
Marvel Gender Headcanons
because i doubt some of these people are cis
i claim this man for the trans community
he realised he was trans at around present time (15-16 years old)
he knows his family and friends will accept him
he’s still N E R V O U S
but he still wants to be true to his identity
so he wears the trans flag colours!!
Ned obvs catches on, but doesn’t say anything
Tony’s the first one Peter comes out to, bc i’m soft and irondad owns my heart
Tony gets him a spider suit with a binder built in
Peter is absolutely the kind of trans guy who forgets to take off his binder (i’m not projecting what do you mean)
he comes out to his aunt May next, and she breaks out the scissors
the other eventually figure it out, and they accept him immediately
Peter: Hey Clint?
Clint: Yo
Peter: I’m trans
Clint: *takes a gulp of his soda* wig
Peter: ???
they love him though let’s be real
Natasha Punches A Transphobe
someone calls Peter a tr*nny 
Natasha sends them on a one way trip to space :)
Peter absolutely decides to go on T
and he is a handsome!! boy!!
he eventually tells Ned and MJ, and they accept him too
Ned buys him a trans flag
by the time they’re graduating high school, Peter passes as cis very well
i’m claiming Tony as trans too
i promise there’s other gender identities here jdsfhkhsdfkjh
Tony came out in the 80s of all times
we know Howard
it didn’t go over well
Maria didn’t say much about it, but Howard was actively against it
Tony didn’t care at all
he literally snuck out and got a fake ID so he could start on T
Tony was almost 18 at that point, but he still used Howard’s money
just to piss him off
well Howard ended up dying like 3 years later
Maria survived because fuck you
but Tony never ended up getting any surgeries because he ended up getting busy with the company
he just didn’t have time, with all the recovery that goes into it
he’s still on T though!!
mans has tiddies and a beard, the boomers get confused
he tends to keep it more private though
Pepper knows, how could she not?
Pepper is the sole reason Tony survived to adulthood lbr
Peter found out accidentally
Tony got oil on a shirt while fixing one of his machines, and Peter walked in while he had it off
he saw the binder and boyyy was that a surprise
but it totally explained how Tony already knew so much about supporting Peter in his transition
the problem with being an ADHD workaholic?? 
when Tony hyperfocuses, he forgets to take off his binder
Jarvis: Sir, you need to take off your binder
Tony: Gimme like five more minutes, I need to finish this
Jarvis: Sir, it’s been 38 hours??
Tony: *already moving onto the next task* What’s your point?
his ribs are so fucked
Pepper and Peter remind him too
my boy is a mess
this is solely because my nb loml claimed thor as nb and it’s super fucking valid
i love you babe 🥺
so Thor learned about different genders from Loki
and also from Peter tbh
but Thor LOVED the idea of being in between
it just made him really happy!!
he started using those labels a lot, even though he didn’t know much about what they meant
being on Earth more, he started to learn more about them
mostly because they replaced cops at pride (Peter’s idea)
so Thor decided to learn more
he knew he liked boys, that wasn’t uncommon on Asgard
gender expression was very open, but that blurred the lines a lot for him
when he got to non-binary, it clicked
“oh that sounds like me”
he was excited he’d figured it out
his immediate instinct?
he went to tell Loki
the only problem was Loki was asleep
“what do you wANT-”
it took like ten minutes for Loki to figure out what he meant
Loki was tired give him a break
he just kinda pushed Thor’s face away and went back to sleep
they talked about it again in the morning
after Loki got some coffee he was more receptive
“I accept you, just please stop waking me up at 2 am”
Thor’s just trying his best
he doesn’t know how to be non-binary though
(there is no right way to be enby though)
so Loki tried a few example sentences using they/them pronouns
Thor LOVED it
so now Thor wanted to use they/them pronouns
Loki isn’t a brain cell by any means
but he sure feels like one sometimes
and he’s tired of it
Thor announced it to everyone they saw
some people heard it multiple times
they were happy for their thude
and Thor wore an enby flag to their first pride!!
now the protector of the lesbians says non-library rights
Loki basically always knew he was genderfluid
it just seemed really obvious to him?
he realised he wasn’t cis when he was 7
he transformed into a girl for fun 
and she was like “oh i like this-”
so she experimented with that
and she fucking loved all of them
so she turned back into a boy and went to Frigga
that’s how he found out about the word genderfluid
so he basically just grew up shapeshifting as much as he wanted
when they eventually went to earth, Loki couldn’t shapeshift as much
after he was redeemed, he still needed to be recognisable so they wouldn’t think he was to pull a fast one on them
he was uncomfy 
Loki stays in his room a lot
he just really doesn’t wanna deal with it
he still shapeshifts in private!
Thor ends up being the one to catch on
but he kinda knows that Loki won’t talk to him
so he sends in the spider child!
Loki and Peter have a pretty close bond
so on one of the nights they hang out, it’s a she/her day
and Loki just kinda snapped and went on a bit of a rant
and she ended up coming out to Peter
Loki totally didn’t end up crying what do you mean
she just needs a hug
obvs Peter was accepting
he gave her that hug don’t worry
this was all on a rooftop eating bad street food jhshkfhjfkhkd
he did ask if he could tell the others, and Loki reluctantly agreed
yeah, the others felt kinda bad
so they ended up compromising!!
Loki could shapeshift, but not into other people 
and she could wear whatever she wanted
they also gave her bracelets so she could express her pronouns
its a long road
and it takes a long time to build trust
but Loki really does appreciate Thor and Peter’s efforts
trans enby rights. send tweet
let’s jump back to 1930s
Bucky was transitioning before the war
he had the surgeries and was on T
Steve was the only one who really knew 
it was right when HRT was starting to become a thing
he was one of the first people to try it
and it worked pretty well!
Bucky passed easily after ~2 years on T
but then he died
RIP Bucky :(
when he comes back as a Hydra agent, they use T supplements to make his body stronger
“Jokes on you, I like that shit”
yeah no the others end up rescuing him from there
but Bucky still takes T
everyone is a bit worried about it
they think he’s still under Hydra’s control
Steve has to explain it (with Bucky’s permission)
but Bucky really starts feeling a disconnect with being a male
it’s mostly due to the trauma from Hydra
he knows he’s not a girl anymore
but he hates the idea of being a boy now
so he has no idea what he is
he ends up drawing the parallel between himself and Thor
but Bucky still sees some masculinity in Thor, which confuses him a LOT
Bucky’s always confused lbr
so he ends up finding the term Agender
and he understands it!! and likes it!!
he’s too nervous to tell the others, so he writes sentences using they/them pronouns
“Their name is Bucky Barnes”
“Bucky is tired, they need a nap”
“Bucky’s best friend is Steve. They’ve known Steve since the beginning”
Bucky is WAY happier with they/them pronouns
the problem is they don’t know how to communicate that
even to Steve, they’re just nervous
Steve ends up finding the paper, which now has over 100 sentences
so the next time they’re alone, Steve brings it up, and after a little bit of avoiding answering, Bucky tells him about it
Steve is super accepting 🥺
“Do you want me to tell the others for you?”
“Yes please, I have no idea what I’m doing-”
“I don’t think any of us do”
so Steve lets the others know, and they start using they/them pronouns
Bucky’s IMMEDIATELY so much happier
i just think they’re neat-
MJ isn’t cis, fuck you
MJ is a demigirl
and no one even figured it out for the longest time
she kinda groups herself on the more non-binary side
Peter finds out because someone calls her by they/them pronouns
“MJ?? Are you?? Non-binary??”
“Are you still a girl??” 
after like 20 mins Peter figures it out
and boy is he confused
“Why didn’t you just say it?”
“I couldn’t. Gotta keep ‘em on their toes”
the M in MJ stands for mystery
she switches from lesbian to the term Trixic (NBLW)
MJ goes to pride with Peter and Ned that year
MJ gets a girlfriend there!!
she comes out to her girlfriend upfront. she doesn’t feel like waiting
yeah she gets intense
she gets it from her moms
who can blame her
MJ sometimes wears a binder
she wore one on the first day of school, because Peter was nervous about being out (he’d come out over the summer)
MJ will punch transphobes and homophobes
even just for fun tbh
but she won’t do it immediately
she heard someone make a comment about Ned and his boyfriend and waited a few days
and then came out of nowhere
the douchebag kinda knew why though 
in conclusion, MJ is elite
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tori-beanie · 4 years
Part five has entered the ring!!!
Please refer to other previous passages of ‘Soulmarked’ to get the full story. For now....
Inspiration: https://fanartfunart.tumblr.com/post/184661279405/filed-under-aus-i-do-not-plan-on-actually-doing
If you aren’t already, please follow FanartFunart. They make amazing content and their blog is super great. Now on to the story...
Logan worked in a library. He had started after graduating two years ago, and now was in charge of most of the libraries duties. He had been happy with his soulmates, but was confused. Logan still had one black line on his arm. Virgil, Roman, and Declan were amazing, but he was still missing one. He couldn’t imagine what it would be like for his final soulmate to be by himself. Logan knew that his final soulmate was a man. After all, Logan had never been attracted to a woman before. He doubted fate, however unreliable, would give him someone he wouldn’t be attracted to. Logan sighed, walking through shelves and lost in thought. He could only believe they would meet soon.
Logan Foley worked his shift and made his way back to his home around six at night. He lived in a nice house, not too large, with his three soulmates. They all had their own jobs and helped pay for their home, and all four of them did their best. However Declan was the one that brought in the most money. Logan was just happy to live comfortably, waiting for their final soulmate. Logan was the only one of the four going to collage, but none of the others really wanted to. As he arrived home, Logan knocked four times to show who he was, then opened the door. He did that for Virgil, as if the door opened suddenly it scared him. As he walked into the living room, he only saw Roman. Virgil had the evening shift at the grocery store, and Declan liked to take walks on occasion. It was a nice way to relax, and it was some exercise. Logan removed his shoes, then moved to sit on the couch with Roman. It was time to relax.
Patton had just graduated recently. However, he was still alone. His world was in shades of grey, and he was scared. He still hadn’t meant his soulmate, and he wondered if he ever would. After all, Patton didn’t know anyone who hadn’t met their soulmate before graduation! The boy was sitting at the park, feeding squirrels as he sat in his sorrow. However when someone sat next to him, he was surprised. Patton wasn’t used to others stopping near him, especially when he seemed sad like this. With curiosity overtaking him, he looked over and gasped in surprise.
This man’s eyes… One seemed to be yellow, and the other was green. He could see the colors again! Patton’s eyes widened as he looked around in confusion, not able to see everything. He had yellow and green, but everything else was still missing… The boy gasped as he saw a bright light. What looked to be a heart filled in with another shade of grey. It was a beautiful locket that went over this boy’s chest, a key slot right in the middle. However there was more. Yellow ribbons seemed to fill in, connecting all of the images together. It seemed he had found all of his soulmates.
Patton gasped. This man was his! At least, he was one of his. He obviously had more since he couldn’t see all the colors yet, but he had them! All he had to do was meet his gaze, and Patton had gotten some colors.
“Oh wow… Hi there! You have uh… I mean, I’m Patton! It’s great to meet you! I’ve waited so long to get this chance!”
Roman was bored. He had been job hunting all morning, as after his graduation he needed something to do. He didn’t really get paid for acting in the community theatre, and he needed to being more money in the house than he could just working at a gas station. He wanted a real job. Something better! At the moment, Roman was rather sure that he would be a waiter at a diner down the street. It was something, and would pay him more than the gas station did. Yes, it would be a good change.
He looked up as Logan walked inside, grinning and motioning for the man to come and sit beside him. When Logan did, Roman leaned over and gave him a short kiss. After all, Logan wasn’t one for excessive displays of affection. They both turned towards the TV, silently reaching to hold each other’s hands. Yes, Logan was much more accustomed to gentle displays like this, so Roman did his best to keep it a bit lower with Logan. It would only upset him if he got too eccentric.
“How was work Lo?”
“It’s fine. Same as yesterday. How has looking for a job been going?”
“Oh, great! I got an interview for tomorrow at that costume diner down the street.”
Logan nodded, seeming to be fine with the thought. He wanted Roman to be happy with his job, but they all had a duty to pay for their house as well as food and clothes. Roman did bring in some money from his job at the gas station, but as a waiter he would bring in even more! It would be good for their family. Roman paused as he heard his phone go off, and his eyes widened. It was a picture of Declan smiling beside another boy. He was crying, but had a bright smile on his face. But the one thing Roman noticed was blue. Declan’s heart on his chest was blue. De had found him. Their final soulmate!
Declan felt complete. He was holding his crying soulmate with a grin. Honestly they were both overwhelmed, but smiling brightly. Yes, Declan had been lucky enough to meet their final soulmate. He already sent a picture to Roman, knowing he would share it with the others. He was excited for their group to finally be complete. Now he wouldn’t have to watch Logan think about it all the time with a frown, or watch Virgil angst about the words they had yet to be spoken to him written on his arm. Maybe Roman would stop complaining about the music thing too. And from what he understood about Patton, they could give this boy his colors back. Apparently he eighteen year old had been living without them since he was four years old. He really had been waiting a long time.
Declan stayed at the park and talked to Patton for nearly an hour. The sun was setting by the time they finished their conversation, and Patton had a bright smile on his face. He had been told about his other soulmates, and another picture had been sent to them, one with Patton actually giving them a happy grin with Declan’s arm around him. He really did seem happy. As time passed, Declan offered Patton the chance to come home with him, and The younger boy accepted immediately. He had earned his impatience after all. Fourteen years without color! Patton wouldn’t be alone anymore. Not with De and the others by his side. Patton wanted to meet his soulmates. The people he had been kept away from for so long! Declan offered him a hand, and they were on their way to the house that would soon be complete.
Virgil was tired. He had the evening shift stocking shelves at a local grocery store. He liked it, as late at night, not a lot of people showed up. And when closing the store he always got to have time to himself. Yes, it could be rather relaxing. However something that distracted him today was Romans text tone. They usually didn’t text Virgil when he was at work, so this must be important. He seemed uneasy, not knowing if the message would be positive or negative. Then again, Virgil was rather good at worrying… He hummed softly. Virgil knee he should look at the message, but he should also wait for a break first. No need to upset his boss by being on his phone. Besides, he would get a break in twenty minutes. He could look at whatever had been sent to him then.
Virgil was an efficient worker, getting through a few more shelves before he headed into the back room for his half hour long break. Finally he pulled out his phone, opening up his message from Roman and gasping. There were two pictures now, one of a crying boy with light blue eyes with De, and a second one with the same two people, but both smiling and looking to be very very happy. Had it happened? Had Declan finally come across their last soulmate? Virgil couldn’t agree he looked like a puffball. Hopefully he wouldn’t be too sensitive.
After texting back and forth a bit, Virgil was told that this boy, Patton, would be coming over to the home in a bit. Too bad Virgil was still at work! He wouldn’t get to meet Patton with everyone else. He wasn’t too happy with that, but Virgil could always meet him later. They were soulmates, and Virgil needed their meeting to be natural. After all, Patton’s words on his wrist still needed to be said. He still needed to hear them. But Virgil had something now he didn’t when he was smaller. He had hope. And with this Patton, they could all be complete
They could be together.
General Tags: @midnight--fox @your-friendly-neighborhood-enby @heathers-dorkness-0923
Soulmarked Tags: @logan-sanders-is-my-binch @fanartfunart @dragonsworn05 @i-have-n0-idea-what-im-d0ing @astraheart04 @aitsyagirlanxiety @bexxbeauty @asphodenizen
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