#also if you read all of this dang good on you and you're officially my favorite
arwainian · 6 months
The F@tT Fic Marathon: Catching up finally.
🎉I have officially read the full Friends at the Table AO3 tag!🎉
My very silly quest has reached its technical end point after EXACTLY 10 months of intensive reading! It has been sometimes grueling, often delightful, and led to me developing intense opinions in directions i never thought possible to myself. But I have done it, and I am extremely pleased with myself.
To get some housekeeping out the way, I usually give recs upon a writeup, but since there were only three fics left for me to read i'm just gonna shout them out generally.
Fics 1981-1983
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check out i'm too scared to say half of the things i do (when i picture you) by waltztangocache for partizan era Kal'mera Broun fantasizing about Valence and trying to keep from letting that slip through their telepathic bond
and if you like Christmas fic, fangirl_squee has got you covered with Fero "not liking Christmas" but being roped into it anyway, and the Bluff City Masks crew hunting down some Christmas mini-miracles
and like, if you're looking for something to read, remember every single writeup has come with at least one personal recommendation. it's all under the tag #fatt fic marathon (also a caveat that these recommendations come from my personal tastes, i might not have mentioned a fic during the marathon that's a favorite of yours and i hope you continue to deeply enjoy what you love even when it might not have hit where I would have liked)
if you would like to take a look at the massive spreadsheet I used to keep track of which fics I was set to read together, as well as other info like what season it was for, and word count, here is a link to it!
What next?
First of all, I'm gonna spend a good long time reading other things. I've accumulated a great big To-Be-Read pile of pleasure reading consisting of both real-ass books and other fanfic that have been put at a lower priority while I powered through this project. I have had fun, but it is high time for a Break to read and do other stuff for a bit. (*glances nervously at my unstarted secsam project*)
If you happen to like my thoughts about what I'm reading, this past year I tried to keep track with reading log posts. They got stripped down to the basics over the course of the year and Finals Season sorta took it out of me so there's nothing for the past couple weeks BUT. i like reading a lot and i like talking about it a lot. so that's all tagged as #cal reading log if you want to keep up with me and my reading
and, what shall happen to these writeups! I'm not interested in continuing these in perpetuity, but I may give a final send off one when the tag hits 2000 (i'm still deciding). otherwise, this is likely the end of them. I might still shout out inidivudual cool fics that get published as I read them, but that's just like, good fandom practice to spread around cool fanworks tbh, rather than this weird thing I've done. nonetheless, i hope y'all had fun watching this journey
and a final thank you to all of the lovely authors who have made fanfic writing their hobby and have chosen to share what they write with others. Thank you! it is extremely obvious that I could not have done this if they never put pen to page or fingertip to keyboard and did the dang thing in the first place. you've made some cool stuff and i like reading it.
Happy New Year Everyone!
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telomeke · 29 days
Eugene talks about how he's currently too stretched creatively, and is leaving the Try Guys to focus on his other projects. (He has two films in production, as well as a queer fantasy novel and a graphic novel in the works.) His departure does not appear to be happening with any rancor, but what he says about the difficulty in keeping up a public, onscreen persona is also very heartfelt and moving. Nonetheless, he's also kept the door open for guest spots with the Try Guys in the future. And he's only leaving after the current season, so we can still catch him in Try Guy videos for now.
Full transcript of the audio follows, if you'd like to speed read through:
- [Rachel] You ready? (Eugene sighs) - Dear friends, well, it's my time. I've wanted to have this heart to heart with y'all for quite a while now. It is with immense gratitude and unconditional love for Zach, Keith, our partners, our staff, and all of you who have supported us that I'm announcing my official departure from The Try Guys. After 10 profoundly impactful years, my time here on YouTube has come to an end. There's no version of this announcement in which I can properly express how emotional this moment is for me, how hard it is to close such a meaningful chapter of my life. But in the spirit of so much of my digital work, I'm gonna give it one last try.
I want to preface this by giving my heartfelt thanks to Zach and Keith, my bespectacled baby brothers, my tall and tiny nerd. I have no idea how we ended up on this wild journey together, but I couldn't have asked for better, smarter, weirder, funnier, and above all kinder individuals to have ridden alongside. It's been a great irreplicable honor that I will always treasure. And though our time in viral videos may be over, our friendship is forever. Even if I'll hate it when your spawn call me Guncle in the future, I shall train to become the best goddamn gay uncle in recorded human history.
Keith, you are such a shining light, truly the most physically gorgeous specimen alive with those long legs and huge mouth. After today, you are undeniably the hottest Try Guy. Zach, you're an absolute rock star. Every opinion you have is 100% correct, and I want to proclaim on record that I am the Letty Ortiz to your Dom... Guys, come on. I'm not saying all of this. - No, this is so much better than I ever imagined. Keep going, keep going. - Yes, the more emotional you get, the more everyone's gonna be okay with it. - Can you cry on cue? That would be so good for this. - Oh my gosh. Crying in the thumbnail. That'd be tits! Give it to us! (everyone laughs) - Rachel, will you please make them stop? - Yeah, you can't do this. It's a sincere video. You can't make him fake cry. - Okay. - Make him take off his shirt so we can objectify him one more time. - You being naked would be tits! (Zach laughs) - If y'all are gonna keep doing this, then just come over here and join me in presenting a few points. - Okay. So should we do the whole three guys one couch? - Absolutely not. - Dang. - Kind of invented the couch, but, okay, whatever.
- That being said, the three of us have always held a mutual, empathetic understanding about when the right time was for me to take a bow. - Some of you may have seen this coming for a while, as Eugene's schedule has gotten busier over the past few years. We thank you for your patience regarding a formal clarification. We wish we could have told you sooner, but certain circumstances outside of our control kind of challenged the three of us to come together in solidarity, and I'm very glad that we did. - Me too. So I'd like to reiterate, in case anyone misinterprets this as some kind of interpersonal ill will, that this is the furthest thing from drama. We have been through the worst version of that together. And all of my decisions have been made in consideration of what we built. And these two will always have my undying support, even if it happens to be from afar. - As you've witnessed with other notable goodbyes this year, there's a myriad of motivations for YouTubers to step away. Some are retiring, others are burnt out. Many have issues with the platform itself, as you've heard us talk about before. But again, our shows, they're not leaving YouTube at all. - Yeah, we're staying. I mean, he's leaving. - He's leaving. - I'm leaving. They're staying. But it's still a very personal decision for me, which I'll expand on later in this video. Rest assured the three of us have been discussing and planning these major changes together for a very long time now. - Of course, there's really no perfect time for this. This was always gonna be bittersweet, and we know that. We agreed though that now makes the most sense considering all the exciting new things that are happening at the company and in our lives. - Speaking of which, I just wanna say that I'm so, so, so proud of these two and our staff for your vision. Did I just elbow your stomachs? - Yeah, elbowed my belly. - I'm trying to express affection. - It was good. - You're almost there. - What do I do instead? If I go down... - If you go down it will be less affectionate or more affectionate, depending on the type of affection you like to give. - You were telling us how proud you are. - I was. Okay. Speaking of which, I am so, so proud of these two and our staff for your vision and hard work for the next era of 2nd Try. Now one of our long-term goals has always been to use the privilege of our platform to expand into a wider cast of diverse voices. - So we like to think that we're not really losing Eugene, but we're gaining so many more perspectives that deserve the opportunity to shine. However, we cannot let Eugene go without filming one last season of classic Try Guys videos. - And you can watch those episodes starting tonight at 2ndtry.tv. They're also gonna be here available on YouTube for free at a later time. Either way, I'm gonna miss you, buddy. - Yeah, 'cause, you know, we love you. - Oh. I love you all too. Come here. Come here. - Okay. - Come here. - Let's go for it. - This is a real one. - This is nice. - All right, now, if you would be so kind, I'd like to spend my last moments here with our beautiful, incredible audience. - Makes sense. - Cool. - [Zach] Okay. - I... (Keith and Zach giggle) - [Keith] Wee! - [Zach] Woo! Where do you wanna get lunch? - I'm the one leaving. This doesn't make sense. - [Zach] Oh, it's so bright. - [Keith] Oh my god. - It's fine. Okay. I'll wait till their bit's done. How are they gonna get back inside?
I want to be fully transparent about my reasons for leaving YouTube. And some of these have been difficult for me to find the confidence to express, but y'all deserve a comprehensive explanation. Well, first, in regards to my time, which is the primary issue we've cited, yes, I have become enormously inundated with work. I'm the busiest I've ever been in my entire life, and I'm so, so thankful to be committing my blood, sweat, and tears into projects that mean the world to me. Projects that have been in rigorous development for many years, which I'll elaborate more on in a bit. Now, as you know, once they required my undivided attention, I couldn't appear as often as I used to in videos. And it hasn't gone unnoticed how much my gradual withdrawal has upset some of you. And I am truly sorry for that. To express this as simply as possible, working full-time here became untenable, and it's evident that I can't continue keeping one foot in. So this amorphous arrangement where people end up asking the very fair question, "Is Eugene even a Try Guy anymore?" that will only disappoint all parties involved, especially you, the viewers who have stood by us. So for clarity's sake, we've decided to establish a clean break because clean breaks are ultimately better for the healing process. And I sincerely hope to guest star in future videos, and I don't wanna risk them being tainted by any embitterment. I want us to collectively look forward to those reunions with joy.
Now onto what I've been working on. My primary passions are writing and directing in the film and literary spaces. And my focus has always been on fiction, behind the camera and the pen. And that has never changed. And to hope to achieve any success in those spaces, gosh, it requires a lifetime of commitment. And first, my feature film. I've been writing and developing what will be my directorial debut for some time now. And we are in the active stage of packaging, and I am thrilled to be bringing it to life. The incomparable creatives at Killer Films believed in my script and have been working tirelessly with me for the past few years to get to this critical point. And I can't share more yet, but believe me when I say that it is the unbridled expression of my soul, and I have never been more determined and inspired. Now if you're unfamiliar with the industry, it's an exceedingly rare and blessed opportunity to be able to, one, get a movie produced at all, and two, gain the trust of others as a filmmaker. It requires 110% of my investment, both physically and emotionally. And I'm finally at a place in my journey as an artist to tackle this with unwavering conviction in my vision. And on top of that, the same can be applied to the literary world. I hold tremendous reverence for the writing process and am committed to proving myself as an author. So many aren't afforded this extraordinary opportunity, and I really don't want to squander it. As some of you know, I've been hard at work writing my novel, which is the first in an epic queer fantasy duology with the brilliant folks over at Macmillan and Feiwel & Friends. Due to certain unforeseen circumstances, we've had to push the release date. So you can expect it to be available next year in 2025, and I cannot wait for you to read it. Separately, I've also been writing my first graphic novel with Vault Comics, a twisted horror fantasy musical titled "Buckaroo". And you can expect more news about that and many other developments I can't mention yet in the very near future. My devotion is to creating original stories that will fundamentally thrive in other mediums.
This all brings me to a crucial message that I humbly want to emphasize. While yes, these projects are time consuming, I haven't necessarily prioritized them because I view the digital space as somehow beneath them. No, no. I have worked here online proudly for a decade and will always champion how profound and spectacular this medium can be. But after this past decade of work, of being invited into your homes, of having the privilege of getting to know so many of you, I've come to terms with the fact that this simply isn't the right space for me. The internet can be a fun, rewarding, fantastic place where many creatives shine, including my colleagues who are so, so talented at what they do. In truth, more often than not, I've experienced the opposite effect and leaving will be the best decision for preserving my mental health.
Now it makes me wildly uncomfortable to divulge all of this as I don't want to come off like I'm complaining. I can never stop repeating how deeply fortunate and thankful I am to have ever, ever been on this platform. But I'm going to try to open up as eloquently as possible because I really do care about all of you watching who might have come to care about me. I was always a private person, which has continually been at odds with the demands of being an online personality. Relatability, vulnerability, accessibility, all keywords you're familiar with about what makes a great YouTuber. Unfortunately, these weren't second nature to me, even though I tried my best. I really tried. I already contend with a complex relationship with my identities, so to have to casually discuss and publicize them at length, often in a positive and humorous manner, was exceptionally tough. This is an unscripted comedy channel after all, and that is why I removed myself completely from podcasting. I was trying to find ways to set boundaries and protect myself. But as someone who heavily saturated your screens for so many years, it might have come off as me growing distant and disinterested.
And if you have ever felt that way and if my colleagues have ever felt that way, then please know that that was never ever my intention. In all honesty, I was enduring more anguish, especially after involuntarily going viral for something so agonizing and demoralizing. Demand for my openness only grew. Strangers have been quick to tell me that I owe them my feelings and that I owe them my time to appear in content and that it's all just part of the job. Now contrary to the brave face I try to put on, I've always been profoundly aware of others' expectations. And if I'm unable to satisfy those expectations while staying true to myself, then maybe it's just not right. And many of you watching have probably experienced something similar in your own lives, that poignant moment when you know deep down that it's time for a change. Even if it hurts and even if it's hard, you know what? That change can be wonderful for everyone involved. And that is why I know that this simply isn't the right space for me and that that should be okay. I sincerely hope that it will be okay for all of you. And how I best express myself has been through narrative projects and ones that I can be fully immersed in, ones that can be guarded and intentional, long-term and precious, because that's where I'm most comfortable and energized, when I'm translating my identity, cultures, family history, and demons into work that can be dark and radical and strange and provocative. And while I also have made so, so many memories here that I'll always cherish, in the end, I can't stay. I wish I could be better at all of this for you and for my friends here at 2nd Try. I wish I found an alternative way to make this work because many YouTubers manage to flourish while protecting their peace. But the best, brightest version of myself is the me that can disappear behind my work, and that should be okay.
I chalk some of that up to how I've always had to navigate my privacy and presentation, which tends to be an integral part of the queer experience. It's why I've always relished experimenting with fashion as it's a way for me to transform into an alternate higher version of myself that's dazzling and powerful and self-possessed. You witnessed me learning how to paint my fantasies through clothing in real time. I bring this up because I don't want the summary of my issues to diminish the countless occasions where I have genuinely felt growth, connection, and happiness. A vital aspect of my time with y'all online was my coming out journey. That was undeniably raw and real. And I have grown so much louder and prouder about such a controlled, buried part of myself that was largely due to how emboldened I became because of so many of you out there, and I am eternally grateful for that.
I've also become uncompromisingly secure and appreciative of my representing of Asianness, of my Asianness. So much of that is thanks to the climate I was incredibly lucky to be a part of online where we carved out spaces to show more multifaceted, nuanced aspects of our unique backgrounds. To even be considered a voice in our community is an honor I hold dear every waking moment because I was someone who had always felt so voiceless before.
Fuck! I'm not supposed to cry. Overall, I've undergone an invaluable kind of education that could only happen through social media. It's inspired me to champion progressive values even when the world tries to stamp them out. I fully embrace the power of activism, and I'm more dedicated than ever to lead projects that explore and employ underrepresented talent. My time here with you has helped shape those principles, and I aim to never ever lose that energy. And although I've confessed the more stressful facets of my 10 years on YouTube, if I ever happened to make you smile or laugh or cry, then please know that you were instrumental in keeping me going 'cause you inspired me. Because regardless of the platform, to be able to share essential parts of myself, to garner an emotional response, and to have a spirited discourse, all of that qualifies as art. It constituted a meaningful relationship between us. And it ended up making me learn how to smile and laugh and cry too. And you, my dear friends, have my profound thanks for the opportunity and privilege to have been a part of your lives. Thank you, thank you, thank you. In conclusion, I want you to take away this one incontrovertible truth. You, all of the fans, and everyone here at 2nd Try could never be the reason I left because you were all the reason I stayed. Well, that's it. I hope y'all enjoy my final season of videos ahead, but this is my official sign off from the internet for the last time as a Try Guy. And as a guy who still has much to try, I know we'll meet again. Love, Eugene.
- That's a cut and that's a wrap on Eugene Lee Yang. (everyone applauds) Wait. Come hug him. - No! - [Rachel] Yes! - [Keith] We did. - No. - We didn't order you a lunch though. Are you cool with that? - One last time. - Taco salad. - Congrats. - I love you all. Now just the hugs to the camera. (everyone laughs) - [Rachel] Miss you most of all. - [Eugene] I'll miss you most of all.
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uncle-fruity · 2 years
[Image description: a sceenshot of user @fen-thenobling replying to a different post. The comment reads:
Hi, sorry, I know this is probably annoying but, I really want to go on T to deepen my voice, but I'm really scared of losing my hair.. I can't find any good direct sources from trans people, just vague medical papers. My hair is really important to me, it's something that I take pride in and that people talk about and compliment a lot and I play with it and I really don't want to lose it. Could you, if you have the ability to, maybe talk about your hair?
END Image Description]
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So fen-thenobling asked this in the replies of that positivity post about T & singing. I hope you're okay with me answering this question this way. Also, not annoying at all that you asked -- I welcome talking about this stuff, and my ask box is always open if you ever wanna talk more. Anyway, I have a lot to say about this, so I wanted to give it its own post!
So, I haven't noticed a significant thinning in my hair so far. I'm officially one year on T, and I'm 30-years-old, as a point of reference. My hairline has changed a bit, but nothing dramatic, mostly just squared out a bit. I'm pretty sure my mom's side men have some balding patterns, so that's probably going to be my fate down the road. Then again, my dad has pretty thick hair still, so maybe I'll take after him. Hard to say, though I tend to resemble my mom's side in general, so 🤷 I also shaved my head a few years back, and that really helped me process some feelings about my hair before I ever started T.
That said. You know, taking T comes with a lot of changes, and you have to be prepared for the possibility of any or all of them. Personally, my logical/self-comforting thought process is that no one gets to choose everything about the body they have. I've known cis women who have extremely thin hair/are balding. I've known cis guys who kept their thick hair until they died of old age. I have a friend whose brothers all had white hair before they were in their mid-30s. I've known people who have lost their hair due to cancer treatments or other medical situations.
I know that's not necessarily a comfort to someone who is afraid to lose their hair, but this is my point: bodies are so varied and unique that it's hard to say what will and won't happen to your hair on T without my having a better understanding of biology and your particular genes (which probably isn't going to happen). However, it is my opinion that no matter what direction your body grows and changes, it will be a beautiful act of creation and existence. I often feel alone in these sentiments, but I think all bodies are important and beautiful in their own ways. I do a lot of work to really internalize that viewpoint, because I think it's important to recognize how dang incredible and unique existence is. Besides, I know from experience that all types of people are attracted to people for things that are not even close to mainstream beauty standards.
So, I guess all that to say... T is a big decision to make. I won't sugarcoat it. If you have a lot of balding folks in your family, then you may share the same pattern of hair loss, and that will be something I suggest you come to terms with before you start T. If that ends up being a deal breaker, that's extremely valid. Only you get to decide how to prioritize your transition goals, and it's important that you weigh the pros and cons for yourself.
Personally, I don't think it's such a tragedy to go bald. It wasn’t even a concern of mine when I decided to start T, despite having a pretty nice head of hair myself that I have a lot of positive feelings about. Certainly, it feels good to have a nice head of hair/hairstyle that's important to your own self image, and I would never mock anyone for being disappointed in losing a part of their appearance that they really felt good about or admired for. But I guess I just want to say that if you do end up experiencing that: you are more than your hair, your self worth isn't solely based on your hair, and there will always be something about you that people will want to compliment and gush about. You will always have traits that make you shine.
I think the idea of knowingly making permanent changes to your body can feel really scary. I think there's a feeling in some transmascs that if their transition doesn't perfectly match their vision, if they don't turn out to be their version of Hot, then they'll be the ones who are to "blame" for losing the nice things they liked about their old bodies. That can feel like a difficult burden to shoulder. I think that stems from the fearmongering/coercive detransition tactics we face as well as how often so many of our bodies have been objectified by society, how many of us have internalized that we have to be attractive to be worthy. But the truth is that no one has full control over the future of their bodies, and it's important to know that everyone's bodies will change with time in so many different ways. What's important is that you learn how to adapt to that change as it comes. What's important is that you enjoy the ongoing creation of yourself.
But, you know, for some actual comfort, T doesn't rapid-fire make your hair fall out when you start to take it, and especially if you're young, you probably don't have to worry about balding until at least your mid-to-late 30s -- but I'm pretty sure the average age for balding is older than that even. If you can ask about the hair patterns of cis men in your family & get a timeline of when they started to lose hair, you'll have a better idea of what to expect for yourself. I would also suggest you really explore your fear surrounding hair loss. What qualities do you think you would lack if you don't have your hair? Are there other qualities that can take that place? Are you afraid of letting yourself or other people down? Are you afraid of regret? What is the worst case scenario if you lost your hair? What's the best case scenario if you go on T? Can you find comfort if you end up compromising one thing for another? I think exploring those root emotions will help you process the subject and help you decide how to move forward.
Anyway, I'm rambling at this point. I really think you will make the decision that feels right for you, but I hope you don't fear your future self whichever path you choose. You don't owe anyone your hair, nor do you owe anyone to rush your decision about hormones. People who love and respect you will support you and trust you to make decisions for yourself. And I'll be rooting for you to find the direction that makes you happiest.
Hopefully that helps! Please lmk if you have any thoughts or feelings about this! Mine is only one perspective, and you've asked a guy who is extremely comfortable with & honestly revels in the idea of having an "imperfect" body. I can sometimes be annoyingly optimistic/passionate about this stuff, so please forgive me. I just really love transitioning & becoming a new version of myself & everything that comes with it.
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apieceofsushi · 2 years
heyyyyyy remember when I did that card art analysis back in June for the mafuyu event on the jp server? yeahhhhh totally wouldn't dare attempt that again yeah noooo wayyyy
been staring at these cards all day, so jokes aside, let's dive in! feel free to share insights/opinions, I really want to understand every side of these cards as much as possible....*sobs* I love them so much
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From Now On And Forever - Toya Aoyagi
if you have been following my blog, then surely you know that I have been in a frenzy the past couple of days, starting with the untrained art for this toya card. if you didn't already know this was like, THE akitoya event, then this card is how you know. first off, we finally have official art of the boys without their jackets (thank god, Japan gets really hot y'know let them breathe). secondly, THEY'RE DOING THE GAY FIST BUMP THINGY AAAAAAAAA--so proud of them :')))
thirdly, I love how akito is in the trained art as well! it doesn't happen very often that a second character is in trained art (I now have the obligation to dig through all of the trained art that does and post it here lol), so...it really does scream akitoya event! but....about the trained art.....
HOW. and I repeat HOW is toya not like. screaming and clinging to akito for dear life?? (I will draw to make a joke out of this and post it at some point) if you didn't already know, toya is scared as hell of heights, so I find it hilarious that they chose the theme to be high up in the sky...
also, while obviously I need to read a few more of the vbs event stories, I'm curious to know what the broken cage means...is it Toya's freedom to be his own person, and not be forced to play classical music? the ability to be able to sing with his partner that he truly values? Clearly, the boys are sitting in the cage because even if they can leave, they're still in midair (it seems, anyways)....lots to unpack here!
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Midnight Making - Kohane Azusawa
aaaah...this kohane card is so cute......wheqgfqygufhijo it's rare to see kohane in glasses....AND WITH HER HAIR DOWN TOO! she looks so different...and kaito there while she dozes off is a cute touch :D the pink theme is really nice as well, considering that untrained art never really has a theme compared to other's in the set, this one is really pleasing, in my opinion...
now. now. the trained art is absolutely stunning--she looks even cuter in this one, which I didn't know what possible...kohane's innocent little face, looking up at the birds...
OH YEAH. THE BIRDS. so in toya's(+ akito if we're being technical) and kaito's trained cards, the birds are black. (crows, maybe?) but in an and kohane's, the birds are white (doves, most likely). surely, there has to be a deeper meaning to this, right? when you take a second to look it up, no matter what species, white birds are always pure and represent everything good. but black birds are typically the opposite...but I found it interesting that they could represent "change". maybe it'll make more sense when some translations come out for this event, but hmmm....
also, I love kohane's bucket hat. so much. she wears one in a few card cameos + one three star I think (I will now make a collection of this and post it dw), and it's just soooo cuuutteeeeeeee! they really know how to make her look adorable, huh?
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You're Particular, Aren't You? - KAITO
damn, I never thought I might become a kaito simp, but this might be the turning point. the untrained art is cute, obviously I don't have context for what's going on there, but seeing street sekai kaito all confident always makes me laugh...I love how rain and meiko are just there. in shock. at whatever is going on. dang it I really need those story translatioooooons--
the TRAINED art is what I can't stop looking at, which is expected. kaito is just standing there and he looks amazing iwqfuhgqeojpwjfie
it's interesting thought, as he isn't in a cage, but on solid ground, near... construction? there's clearly some stairs there, so he appears to be high up...it looks like the empty sekai, if you look closely. strange...
and again, there are the black birds, which surely symbolize something...I just can't put my finger on what, exactly. this whole set just looks really pleasing, I'm not sure what else to say lol
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Nuanced Language - An Shiraishi
ah yes, the three-star card. I swear, three-star cards never disappoint, do they? they always look just as incredible as the four-star ones...
for the untrained art, I like the atmosphere a lot, for some reason! it's nice seeing An do things that you'd expect one to do while working...it's simple, it's cute...what else do I need to say?
the trained art, ofc is super pretty... she doesn't appear to be in a cage, like KAITO, but she still seems rather high up. when I saw this card, it made me wonder if all the characters are looking at something in particular...like say, if An was looking up to Kohane...
it's also interesting how she is holding flowers, could that be a reference to the last vbs event? are the birds, like, going to carry them up to Kohane, like how people spectated that Akito's and Toya's art was related in some way for the previous event? I'll never know...
also. An in a hat. not just any hat, but....qjwhfvhaihdfvjkwafefe hang on lemme get over the heart attack I'm currently experiencing right now--
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How To Spend Our Days Off - Akito Shinonome
ah yes. YOU. the one who's been part of all of the chaos...this card is what fully convinced me that this event is a "snazzy jazzy" one.
don't ask how I came up with that. I don't know either.
I'm honestly really happy about the card line-up this time around. For the past two Toya focused events, it was with Akito and An both being in the Gacha (and in the same places too, mind you). so having them both in the shop was actually relieving. and Akito did get to be in the trained art!!! WITH TOYA!!!! so it all works out.
there's probably a lot more I could say, but I didn't want this to sit in my drafts for much longer...enjoy my ramblings uwegfyuewfiew :)
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writers-ex · 1 year
spider 2shin?!?! why didn't they save y/n that's so mean 😭😭😭😭i thought at least yuna would've hmp also ryujin stealing a kiss 👀🫣🥵 that's hOT THAT's HOT !!! hgnfjfhdjxhdhsndjdjsjjs excited for the next installment!!!
also yoo!!! YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU LIKE PJO!??? i love pjo 😭😭😭😭 i remember waiting for the release of the last book of the series that was a sequel to pjo i read it bc i loved pjo so much skdjdjsjsjdjs
also !!! i like dancing as well we have a lot of stuff in common 💗💗💗 i mean i'm not good at it but i wanna get back to dancing as exercise hnghhh i had itzy's not shy and it'z summer memorized before as well as bp's playing w fire idk if i still do now hnghh hopefully i find the time again but wow i can't imagine dancing and singing in front of an audience i'd be too embarrassed you're so nrave for that😩
ALSO ALSO!! u right frozen 2 slayed!! icb disney deleted the video that they made for THE promotion of disney+ here probably bc the one w inti the unknown got millions of views (3M last i checked if i'm not mistaken??) compared to their other videos to promote their shows hmp!!! there's only one out of three left (https://youtu.be/1tcFWWkjKjc)
thankfully someone recorded the one that got millions of views (a member of my fave grp was there too he sang w one famous actress and another power vocal who won a tv competition) bc i downloaded the hd version of the video but deleted it bc i didn't think disney would delete another video 😭😭😭 (they deleted janella's version of How Far I'll Go that she sang for moana's release years ago bc it got more views than the original/american version so there's only one video left of that performance which is on wish bus😭😭😭)
https://youtu.be/FbeaY3BHXVA wAIT NO IT's BACK?! IN THE OFFICIAL CHANNEL?! i have hope for the disney+ performance then 🥹 but it might take yrs dafuq
https://youtu.be/RbIy7RVM9OQ this one has the third performance which is so cool bc zack performed in a historical site within the capital city (i live in the greater area of the city lmao)
you won't be able to save these performances in the spotify playlist i'm afraid hngh
also last !!! thank you for the well wishes for ppop 🥹 yea you said it right haha it's just my way of contributing to helping ppop rise hngh no pressure at all but if you or anyone else is interested here's a ten min vid of a fan organized event that i didn't get to attend bc it happened on sunday and sunday is family dayy (we passed by the venue event on the way home but i didn't see anything :(( one of my fave gg made a surprise appearance after having just performed somewhere else they appeared last "KAIA" in the interview and all of this was for free no fee for artists they willingly went to perform for fans 🥹🥹🥹)
ahhh!! thank u for listening i'm gonna give y'alls a break from the links and stuff this is my last for a while hahaha
- 😚
i will write the pt 2 of the spider!itzy y/n revenge plot when i have time and if i dont within a month plz remind me T^T anyone actually- im dead serious plz remind me i will forget
I LOVE PJO!! i read his stuff during the pandemic and it began my comfort series, i'm stoked for his next book and the disney show <333333 i am a camphalf blood camper and felt a connection with jason bc glasses buddies unite :)
and dang i just learned twice TT, bts's bapsae, pentagon shine (THATS MY SONG), and skz miroh but i've been forgotten them :,)
i gotchu here are the links to some amazing performances <3 and darn :,) i'll make a youtube playlist for myself then hehe the moana one isn't working btw T_T
link one
link two
link three
and NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you're welcome to keep spamming ik life gets busy and rough but the ask box and my dms will always be open if you need a pick me up or smol drabble or just to say hey :3 i gotchu boo
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misscammiedawn · 1 year
Cammie posting: Desire - Under Your Spell
Camden posting: Savage Garden - To The Moon And Back
Dawn posting: Spray - Cosmic Kylie
Thank you Anon! So, let's go one by one!
Desire Under Your Spell
Eeee! This is such a sweet and soft lil' subby song if you read it like that-- I'll be a good girl and ignore the "I am trapped by an obsession that won't go away and left to pine and long for that which is unobtainable" reading because we're all hypnofetishy folx here (at least--- you should be on my Hypno Community Tumblr Account?) and it's more fun to smile and swoon at being completely and utterly spellbound <3
Also Drive is a dang good movie <3
Savage Garden - To The Moon And Back
Okay, so uuuuh-- full transparency here, anon? I have been listening to this song since I was 13 years old and sing along loudly on car rides every now and again-- it and The Tower by Vienna Teng ARE my Camden songs and have been for as long as Camden has been a thing-- well, I didn't know Vienna Teng existed until 2012-- so--
And I'll ignore the voice in the back of my head that says you knew that already, because I do not know who sent this and that could just be a huge coincidence--
But like? For real. Camden has always always always been defined by this song since I was 19 years old and started imagining what my "femsona" would be like...
I should probably type about how Camden came about someday...
Maybe not today though!
So-- anyway! Thank you anon, that is a nail disturbingly well hit on the head!
I always loved the Spanish guitar break and the 2nd verse kind of hits harder these days since I was an angsty teen =/
Spray - Cosmic Kylie
So I'm clearly hearing this for the first time-- it's an official YT video with only 700 views from a channel with 5.8k subscribers of a UK specific band. I shouldn't be trying to decode who sent this by dissection, but at the same time they did do a cover of Run With Us on this same album and I do know someone who searches for covers of that song---
This song effing SLAPS! So listen to it if you have a moment!
"We will worship sunsets and explain the inexplicable with flawed logic and charm.
Because I'm much more than a star - I'm an actual star!"
Is pretty dang on-point for when I'm in mind-bending seduction mode <3
Anon, you're lovely, I adore you more than you know and would love to hear your reply if this at all was good commentary? :D
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vernahateclub · 5 months
All post-wedding dialogue
I married Amirah and here are all the NPC lines after the wedding sequence
(captured during EA, might have changed since then. Also no Haru/Logan)
Andy: Nice shindig, Builder. Course, if it was me; organ music is a bit corny. I woulda done rock guitars! Twenty minute drum solo between vows! Dancers explode out of the cake, they're wearing- wait a sec, am I seriously talkin' about my own wedding right now? Get it together, Andy. Get it together...
Arvio: Anyone who doesn't believe in true love... well, it's a pity they missed this ceremony! Even one with a heart of stone would have melted after hearing your wedding vows...
Banjo: Meow!
Burgess: "Though you met in darkness, your souls are on in the Light..." Pretty good, huh! Heh, well. Not mine. Deacon of Meidi! But it totally reminded me of you two! You shine brighter than like... all the stars combined!
Catori: If your marriage was a business, I'd invest every last penny! Here's to wishing you many years of happiness.
Coco: Coo! Coo!
Cooper: Welcome to the club, builder! The marriage club! Now, it's not an official organization. We don't have membership cards. I mean, we have marriage licenses, which, I reckon for all intents and purposes could suffice as a membership card, but, well, to me that just wouldn't feel right. First thing you're gonna wanna get straightened out in your marriage is who sleeps on which side of the bed... (you realize there has probably never been a better time to slowly back away.)
Dan-bi: Congratulations, congratulations! And now, as this monumentous ceremony nears its close: time to get down to business... that's right, I'm talkin' about babies, baby! Good chance our kids'll be the same age... then they can have a best friend right out the gates! Well... you think about it...!
Deputy Captain: Meow meow!
Elsie: So what was it like standin' up there? Was it more... beauty of this miracle called life? Or more... Warmth of the Bright Sun in the form of finding true love amongst those closest to you? Ooh, I can tell the way you're lookin' at me, it's both!
Ernest: If I ever need to write about the perfect wedding, I'll always be able to draw upon this moment for inspiration. Congratulations, Builder
Fang: I pray for you to be forever... as two swans
Grace: You're going to have to give the rest of us dating advice at some point, Builder. It's not easy to bag a keeper like you did, eh?
Heidi: What a wonderful ceremony... Hey, extended family means expanded homestead, am I right! Just come by Construction Junction anyti- oh, shoot, I just did an ad spot at your wedding. Sorry! And congratulations again!
Hugo: Nothin' like a good start as a good omen for a happy marriage. Steer the course, Builder. You've got this.
Jasmine: Your wedding has been super fun, Builder! I love the flowers, too! I just wish there was someone here taking pictures... maybe that's what I'll do when I grow up; take pictures at weddings. Then you can relive this moment anytime you want!
Jensen: Hey, with this wonderful ceremony coming to an end, it's time to start thinking about your honeymoon! Why not take a train to Lucien! I hear it's nice this time of year.
Justice: Dang, Builder, you're a lover and a fighter! Not many people get to say that! Hence... you know, the whole nature of the phrase revolving around the idea that one must choose one or the other...
Krystal: Ah, shoot... I was really hopin' we could have someone from the Salvage Co. Who could make it through the ceremony without cryin' but... aw, here it goes...! Waaahhh!
Mabel: Oh, Builder. You two are like peas in a pod. Like bread and butter. A real match made in heaven! Oh... I can hardly contain myself...!
Macchiato: Meow!
Matilda: I must say, in all my years, I have never read for a more earnest and unwavering couple. I wish you the best, but can say you hardly need any thoughts or prayers; your love is one that will surely last a lifetime.
Meerkat: Squeak! Squeak squeak!
Mi-an: You two look amazing together! And just think, all of this started with you hopping off that train platform oh so long ago... we've come so far and built so much... some of us building even... relationships!
Miguel: Keep your wedding vows, Builder. Take them home, put them somewhere safe. If ever things are hard, look at them again and try to recall the splendor of this moment. Congratulations.
Mort: Congratulations, Builder. You know, I always say my greatest achievement was convincing Martle to marry me. I wish you two the same happiness.
Nemo: Ruff! Ruff ruff!
Owen: Whew... I said I wasn't gonna cry... Oh, who am I kiddin', here come the waterworks... wahhh...! You two... are just so beautiful together... sniff...
Pablo: Love the outfits! You two match in just about every way possible! Seeing you two... oh... it makes me want to almost think about maybe considering having thoughts about one day... thinking about getting married.
Pebbles: Marry! Marry! Marry! When my ma and my pa gon get married...?!
Pen: Heyyy, you actually went through with it! I was kinda hoping to see someone get left at the altar, but... this while 'magical moment' thing kinda works, too. Congratulations!
Qi: Excellent work, Builder. Though, new to the sport, I'm quite confident that you're winning at wedding-having. I can honestly say I have never seen anyone so skilled at weddings before.
Rian: Hey! Me an' Dan-bi got married here, too! I guess not that much of a coincidence, it's the only place in town... but we've got that in common now and uh... I dunno, maybe gettin' married here is good luck or somethin'.
Rocky: Aw, man... I'm gettin' all warm and fuzzy inside... I... nah, Riast, I ain't cryin'... I'm just... talkin' in a really high voice for some reason...! Congratulations...!
Trudy: The family is the foundation of our society. It makes me proud to see someone like you putting down roots in our humble town. I'll keep trying to make our town a better place for you and your loved ones!
Unsuur: Wow, this wedding is great. You should get married every day.
Venti: I was clapping for you guys so much my hands hurt. Clap clap clap. Ow!
Vivi: I am just so glad with how the attire turned out, you two look absolutely to die for. Riast, it really has been an honor to be here and to be able to contribute on your special day. Congratulations! Now go and enjoy yourself, your grandma said so!
X: I want a brother! I want a sister! More birdies! More birdies!
Yan: Heyyy there newbie! Thanks again for the invite! Say, you're out of shrimp cocktails. And those tiny hotdogs. Aaaand... well, pretty much all of the hors d'oeuvres; I stuffed 'em all in my pants for later! So yeah, very happy for you la dee da dee da, go get us a re-up on those hors d'oeuvres! I'm starvin'!
Zeke: I used to be the guy to pronounce couples. Saw a lot of 'em stick together, a lot of 'em fall apart. Sometimes, only way to know if a shoe fits is to slip it on. Here's hopin' to many comfy walks for ya, Builder.
(I don't know what Amirah says as a wedding guest, but here's what she says as a bride)
Amirah: My only regret is that this moment couldn't have come sooner. Today, I feel our love emboldened by a new spark... I love you more than I ever thought possible, Builder. Thank you for this day..
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1-mini-1 · 5 years
My 2 Cents on Translating
I was skimming through my computer and found this blog post that I never posted. I think I was hesitant because I saw varying opinions on the subject in the fandom, but idk, these are just my thoughts from my experience as a fan translator for the vocaloid/utaite fandom and what I have learned. I'm not sure if any of my thoughts are unpopular opinions or not, but I'm also not sure how much discussion there has been concerning fan translators. Also, this is really long, so if you want to skim or ignore it be my guest lol.
I guess the first thing I'll talk about is how I think writing a translation is just as much of an artform as writing original lyrics are. I know that translations aren't from scratch like an original story is, but with Japanese especially, there's sooooooo much leniency in how things can be translated into English. Here's an example of how different translations can be. This is a quote from Natsume Soseki's "Kokoro" and three published translations of it:
"I believe that a common reply, stated with passion on one's tongue, is more impactful than novel words from a cool head. The flow of blood powers the body. Words are more than waves disturbing the air, they induce great action in greater things." - From the Soseki Project site
"I believe that commonplace ideas passionately expressed are more effective in real life than the original inventions of a detached intellect. Because it is the heat of the blood that impresses us, for in addition to the words which reverberate in the air, the emotion by its intensity pierces to the soul." - Ineko Kondo
"I believe that words uttered in passion contain a greater living truth than do those words which express thoughts rationally conceived. It is blood that moves the body. Words are not meant to stir the air only; they are capable of moving greater things." - Edwin McClellan
Anyways, you get the idea lol. As you can see from these translations, the grammar structures are completely different; sometimes words are added, sometimes words are left out, and sometimes there are grammar patterns used in Japanese that just don't work in English. All these decisions are up to the translator. I've read some translations of things where whole relevant plot details were cut out just because the translator got annoyed (I'm looking at your translation of the Tale of Genji, Seidensticker).
I should probably talk about how I translate stuff. When I first started translating, I thought my lyrics were more liberal, but as I poked around and looked at other translators, I found that mine stuck more closely to the original format of the song (such as, I would keep the same phrases on the same line in the stanza, use the same format for punctuation, etc.). Song translation is different from manga or books because sentences can be broken up over a whole stanza, so translators can play a lot with how they want to arrange phrases for lyrics. I kept mine very close to the original song because I liked being able to easily identify the Japanese line with the English. I'm not sure if that's a translating "sin" but eh, that's how I liked translating my stuff. Maybe in the future I'll try something different
However, just because I saw many different translations for songs, I wouldn't go out of my way to say that any of them were wrong or bad, per say. Translating songs is a huge pain because there's no punctuation which makes it hard to keep track of everything. I've had times where I've been able to translate a 10 page story faster than I could translate a single song, just because having context and punctuation makes everything sooooo much easier. However, even if a translation is wrong, I don't think that makes it meaningless. I'm personally of the opinion that having some sort of translation is better than nothing, but that's something you need to decide for yourself. When I was first learning Japanese and couldn't fully understand the songs I listened to, if there was even just one line that I understood, I would embrace it and really love whatever meaning I grasped from it. Even if a song is translated correctly, there are lines that will impact people differently, and even an awkward or incorrect translation can resonate with the reader. Similarly, there are many times when I translate that I look at a line and think "aaahhhhh I want to change the meaning a bit because I can make it sound cooler and give it more impact than a direct translation would".
The next thing I noticed is that I kind of feel like people value native Japanese speakers (who have English as their second language, non-native English speaker) over native English speakers more (Japanese second language, non-native Japanese speaker)? Tbh, that feels like a double standard to me. Like idk, I'm fine translating Japanese into English, but I don't think I would be able to translate English into Japanese. In fact, most professional translating jobs have you translate into your native language, so I thought it was strange when I noticed that it seemed like native Japanese speakers had more favored translations. Or another one I noticed is that if someone knew more languages, their translation would also be considered better because of the assumption that taking multiple language courses is the same as being gifted with languages. Anyways, my point is that both English native speakers and Japanese native speakers both put a lot of time into learning their languages so I don't think one side should be valued less than the other. Both have their strengths and weaknesses. Native English speakers may have a harder time understanding the initial Japanese, but shape it into English better, while native Japanese speakers understand the Japanese, but have a harder time putting it into English how a native speaker would understand.
No matter what the translator's native language is though, I've learned that having skills in a foreign language isn't the only requirement to be a good translator; you also need to have proper understanding of grammar and a large vocabulary in your native language. Also, proper reading of the translation requires the same amount of understanding for English grammar and vocabulary. I realized this after I took a lot of comparative literature classes and realized how much of a potato I am lol. I think it makes sense though, as a lot of the lyrics from utaite and vocaloid songs are usually extremely well thought out poetry. Multiple songwriters I've translated for have mentioned that as they tried to write better lyrics, they eventually had to immerse themselves in studying literature and their native language much more than the average person would. I often think that since literature and translating doesn't abide by scientific law that the humanities are actually more difficult to grasp than STEM subjects (and trust me, I've studied far on both sides of the spectrum).
The last thing I'll touch on is that… just appreciate your fan translators and don't give them a hard time please. Like nobody gets paid to do this stuff and usually they do it because they really like something, so just let people learn and try their best. Yes, they won't be perfect translations, but once again, fan translators aren't paid. They're translating out of the goodness of their heart. After all, translators don't need to translate a song to understand it, so in the end they don't really lose anything if they stop translating. As international fans, I feel like there are three options that we have to choose from eventually: 1. Rely on fan translations, even with their mistakes 2. Don't use translations and just enjoy the music or 3. Learn Japanese. I think all options are great, but they are personal decisions and shouldn't be used to knock other people down and make them feel bad. If there's a mistake in a translation, it is not intentional and the translator literally has no idea unless someone tells them (as translations are a combined reflection of both Japanese AND English ability). All I know is that Vocaloid was popularized from amateur musicians just doing what they wanted for fun, and so I think a really cool thing that the international fandom has that Japan doesn't is that we have awesome fan translators that are also amateurs and are doing translations for fun.
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lo-frequency · 3 years
Hi I love your blogand your writinh so much it's so good!
Could I request a shoto/denki and toga x chubby reader (if you're not comfortable writing with toga you can just to denki and shoto) thanks!
Fortunately for you, anon, I did them all! (and it's kinda long, so my bad lol) Also, there's mention of insecurity in Toga's, but it quickly turns to fluff. As always, please enjoy!
-Believe it or not, Denki was nervous to confess to you because he was afraid of being rejected. You’re so cute and cool and that he was sure there’s no way you actually returned his feelings. It was worth a shot, tho. So imagine his joy when you said you felt the same way :)
-Rants about you all the time to his friends, to the point where they feel like they know you personally before you’ve even met. They also get to hear all the tmi stories about what the two of you do alone, because he can’t help himself (if they don’t walk away first, lol).
-He knew you looked squishy before, but couldn’t believe how soft your skin was when he finally got to hold you. It was almost unfair. He often finds himself caressing your skin mindlessly whenever you’re close together, hand always ghosting across your arm or hand (or your thigh ;) ).
-Lays back on you to play video games, his head cushioned by your pillowy chest and the rest of his body situated between your legs as you watch him play. Play in his hair or rub his arms and he will fall asleep. The tingly feeling he gets when cuddling with you is his favorite kind of electricity.
-Zaps your butt “by accident”
-Easily flustered, but he tries to play it off with his cool act. Just kiss his cheek or tell him he’s handsome and watch him ramble about knowing he’s “irresistible” until he flushes red up to his ears.
-Denki can be pretty corny at times but he does have his serious moments, mostly when you two are alone together. He shows you what’s beneath his goofy facade, a boy with dreams and aspirations just like everyone else. After seeing this side of him, it’s a little irritating to hear people reduce him to an idiot (although he does have his moments 💀)
-Them thighs tho 😏 “Dang babe, you been working out?” “Not really, Kaminari” He clucks his tongue. “Sheesh, imagine being that thicc...naturally” he says, shaking his head as if it were a shame.
-Truly believes he has the best s/o in the whole school. Does not take offense to being called a simp 🤷🏾‍♀️.
-Wasn’t aware of it at first, but became super attracted to people with your same body type. His eyes always lingered on them in public, and he couldn’t help but think they were kinda hot (sorry, y/n)
-Very affectionate, but loves to receive as much as give, so please give this man plenty of kithes and hugs, he gets the shakes if he doesn’t get his daily dose of Y/n love.
-Y’all are so silly together, always cracking jokes or giggling about something. You eventually develop a similar sense of humor, and have so many inside jokes people can’t decipher your conversation. If anybody has anything negative to say about y’all: Denki puts his hand over his earpiece and says to you (from right next to him) “Pikachu to Big Sexy, I’m picking up some negative vibes on the radar, do you copy?” And you, holding your hand up to your own ear, say “Affirmative, doing a diagnostic scan...it’s a hater, confirmed.” Cue the obnoxious laughter, lmaoo
-Never forgets the anniversaries or relationship milestones. He even remembers the date of yall’s first kiss, and thinks about it every time the date passes (although he wouldn’t tell you that tho, that would be too sappy, even for him).
-The way you and Shoto became acquainted was a little unorthodox. You fell on him during a training session one day, and the feeling of your soft body pressed against his was a new experience for him, to put it mildly. Shoto stood up from it a changed man. Call it an awakening, if you will.
-You were a little put off by all his staring since that incident, thinking he didn’t like you despite all your profuse apologies. But after Izuku dropped hints that it was probably fascination rather than contempt, your relationship progressed smoothly from there (thanks mostly to your efforts, since Shoto had no clue how to approach you).
-Shoto still had a staring problem once y’all became official, too. Whenever you asked him what he was looking at, he was not ashamed to tell you exactly why: you are too fine not to stare (ok, maybe he didn’t say it exactly like that)
-Not overly affectionate in public, but has a tendency to always stand or sit close to you whenever he can. Just sharing the same space is intimate to him.
-Sharing a bowl of soba noodles 💕
-Buys you expensive gifts all the time, and loves to see you using them. Especially if it’s clothes, it’s like a piece of him is always with you even when you’re not together (plus, it shows you’re all his ;) ).
-Now, I’m gonna tell y’all a little secret. It’s pretty shocking, so be warned: Shoto sometimes pretends to be oblivious when you hint at wanting affection, just to make you beg for it. Maybe you brush your hand against his, and he moves it. Or maybe he saw you lean for a kiss and he casually turns the other way just to hear you complain. He likes it, makes him feel wanted.
-Devious, I know, but just get even 😏
-When y’all are alone, he loves when you hold him close and just sit there, peacefully enjoying each other’s presence. He also likes to lay on your lap while reading a book or watching tv with you, slowly nodding off as you comb your fingers through his hair.
-Obsessed with you, but not in an unhealthy way, it’s just that you’ve become such a big part of his life that he kinda...thinks about you all the time. Shoto is canonically not very talkative, but I think that with you, he’d open up more about his true thoughts and feelings. So when he shoots you that blank stare when his classmates are up to some bull, you know exactly what it means.
-Also revels in knowing you that well, too. He’d flex how much he knows about you to the other people and sometimes unintentionally embarrasses you in the process
-For example: “Here Y/n, a cherry popsicle just for you!” Shoto immediately hands you some napkins before adding “Y/n doesn’t usually eat cherry popsicles, they always drop the red juice on their clothes.” Like gee, good looking out Shoto...thanks for telling the whole class I can’t eat without messing up my clothes 💀. He’s sweet tho, he has good intentions.
-She made it very clear from the beginning that she liked you, and with how smitten she was, who were you to refuse her (aggressive) advances?
- She thought your plump figure was just so cute, one of the cutest things she’d ever seen, and she quickly developed an unhealthy obsession with squeezing your chub.
-When you two are together, Toga is always attached to you in some way, whether she’s hanging off your arm or has her arms looped around your shoulders.
-Starts to eat the same foods you eat, borrow your clothes all the time, listen to your favorite artists, whatever way she could become closer to you
-Writes you love letters or sends you cute text messages all the time, you’re always on her mind, even when she’s on missions. “My Y/n is wayy cuter than you! Let’s get this over quick so I go back to them, ok? 🥰 🔪🔪”
-I know y’all were waiting for this...she most definitely uses her quirk on you. Toga loves you so much, she wants to become you. So one day, you finally allow her to give it a try.
-She tells you to close your eyes, and when she gives you permission to open them, you find yourself staring...yourself in the face. And you do not like it 🤢. There’s something so strange about seeing yourself in 3rd person, in all dimensions. Is this how you look to her, all the time? You quickly lose interest in this little charade, looking everywhere but at yourself as Toga prances around doing sexy poses in your body and giggling. However, when she sees your reaction, she stops.
- “Hm? What’s wrong, Y/n?” she asks with a tilt of (your) her head. You glance at yourself, then look away again. “This is so weird. I don’t like looking at myself” you say, grimacing at the slight bounce and jiggle of your body when she walks toward you.
-In Toga’s eyes, you were absolutely adorable. In fact, she was getting a little hot and bothered just taking peeks at herself (you) in the mirror. She’s used to feeling you up for sure, but being you was a whole other experience. Though, she can understand your insecurity. After all, it’s hard to live in a world that constantly tells you your true self is abnormal. She knows from experience.
-So, she comes up to you with a flirty grin on her face...and starts showering you with kisses, in your body! You start to protest, weirded out by the feeling of your own lips on your cheeks but she would not relent. Toga was determined to show you what being loved (by you) felt like from her perspective, with your irresistible “imperfections” and all 💕
Thanks for tuning in! :)
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purplerose244 · 4 years
The Last Kids on Earth season 3 is out and OMG AAAAAAAAAA 😍😍😍
Back when it came out I made a post about season 2 as well if you're interested 😉
I should start by saying that I legit didn't know this season was going to happen until, like, three days ago 😅
I just got on Netflix and started watching trailers mindlessly "horror, horror, animation movie cool, new season The Last Kids on Earth, another horror, tv sho- WAIT". That was one great surprise, but at the same time I was sincerely scared. Because season 2 was so GOOD and I was scared we weren't going to see the same level again.
But boy was I, mm no I can do it better, but boy was I...! Nah nah, not enough... okay...
Like, this is officially my favorite season ASAP, and season 2 was in pole position until today 🤩 Really, the building, the drama, the mystery, all the development from ALL the characters! Really amazing 👌👌
Also side note, did the animation improve? Like, this scenery right here??
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IT LOOKS GREAT?!?!? Maybe it's just me 🤷‍♀️ Alright, back to the show 👍
First of all, I'm so happy Dirk got some space. He was already super lovable but seeing him actually struggling because he genuinely wanted these monsters to like him, man 💕 Interesting how this ex bully was struggling so hard to fit in in a group, and also kinda of legit. I'm guessing, after so much time spent reacting with violence, he didn't develop a lot of social skills. Another reason why I think he loves his friends so much, which was shown into this season BEAUTIFULLY 👌👌
Then Quint. Maybe I'm biased because I absolutely love Quint and Jack's friendship, but them talking and having a confrontation about being each other first best friend was really touching 😔 It really hit also when Quint admitted that he always got angry at Jack but never shown. Just like Jack he hid some stuff, because he didn't want to mess up his first significant friend. They are both messes, I guess this is why they work so well together 😉 And about messes, Quint overworking himself because he wants to be super useful to his friends, after last season when he struggled so much to find a way to be Quint-essential? HECK YEAH CONSISTENCY 😎😎
Also we had June. I'm liking her more and more as the seasons progress, especially because even if she is indeed the coolest and probably the strongest of the team, she has her flaws and worries. She is not an untouchable female character of pure perfection, she is a kid, just like the others... who happens to be bad*ss 😚 Her getting so obsessed on the radio was both funny and significant, she really must miss her parents a lot...
Now, I talked about Jack A LOT for season 2. About how much he wants to protect his friends, about his abandonment and trust issues and how this apocalypse is the only reason he was a family. I wondered how it was going to be brought forward further.
And it was INCREDIBLE. And angsty. Man Jack is so filled with angst 😰
From Jack's almost instant, and quite hilarious sometimes, fear and rivalry for the radio, to him trying his hardest to have fun with his friends because that's when he feels the happiest, to him freaking out because he is sure, ABSOLUTELY sure, that the moment his friends will find their families they will leave him behind. I was sweating when he raised the radio to break it, intense moment.
He didn't exactly learn his lesson from last season 😅 Which is fine and believable honestly, he is an orphan who grew up with families very not memorable, that didn't give him the stability he needed. No surprise he came out as the most fragile character of them all, almost getting overwhelmed by his fears.
My world, when he imagined his friends finding their families and he ran towards a couple that disappeared, leaving him crying?? I'm sorry?? I HAVE A HEARTACHE HERE 😭😭😭
And dang, I got chills at the whole Rezzoch affair, I didn't know what was going to happen and the nightmare world was so OUCH MY HEART AGAIN. I might be biased again because I have a little sick passion about seeing my favorite characters suffer 😅 Also the possession is a common theme that I adore so 🤷‍♀️ Gosh, all the supports from his friends, all the strength to banish Rezzoch away from his body, that was so satisfying to watch!
At the end, the final radio scene was really nice. Not as game changing as I though honestly, but still cool and cozy... WHO WAS THE GIRL AT THE END ON THE GIANT CREATURE?!? I NEED A SEASON 4 ALREADY HELP!! 😱
I feel very satisfied, it's more than I expected and I'm so happy they're keeping the same hype! 🤩🤩🤩 It's also interesting to see how all four of them are kinda stereotypical characters, and that's pulled forward in a coherent development: Dirk the bully who turned good, Quint the nerd, Jack the hero/goofball, June the cool girl. And the show doesn't hide it, but instead brings them forward and show how their traits evolve. From a bully to a "monster", from a nerd to a scientist, from a bad*ss to a leader, from a no one to a part of a family ❤
Also the other interactions were great, Dirk and the monster chef, Skaelka and June still the best duo, Quint and June getting so much closer (also basically sharing leadership, nice), Jack and Rover because Rover is a good boy 💙💙 Also special thanks to Bardle for being an absolute delight in everything, from being the wizard to being hilarious 😂😂 Love tsundere monster sorcerer 💕
Well, that was it! I really needed to get it out of my system 😚 Thanks for reading!
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
okay it's getting late and i'm only just finished with chapter 6- but quil best writer award when???
seriously though i haven't been invested in kotlc in a short while because of other stuff and the lack of new official content, but dang- this is really good- it's like a full book! like full- with the storyline, and the wording, and the development! i checked the wordcount before i started reading- and quil... you WROTE A WHOLE BOOK?! you're still writing a book!
I just- wow!
anyways i'll be back to finish this in the next few days, but i'm super excited to catch up and i'm super excited for dragon wings marella lol
i think you should know that every time I answer one of these I have to pull up the chapter you're talking about in a different tab because i never remember what happens in each one. You probably know what happens in the first chapters better than I do tbh, which I think is hilarious. but back to what you're saying
"quil best writer award when." I'm. I am floored. I am speechless. I am so flattered. this is such high praise!! i am just a funky little guy writing some funky little words!! I feel I must confess this: I actually hardly edit the au at all. ever. when I say I'm "editing" I actually mean "I'm reading it once to see if there's obvious things wrong or things I want to explain more" but that's it. every chapter has just been a first draft, go with the flow kinda thing. and yet!! here we are!! I don't even know what i'd do with a best writer award--probably put it next to the new dragon on my bookshelf so they could vibe. I don't know if what i'm saying makes any sense, but ahh!! thank you!!
I will single-handedly rebuild the fandom during this content drought and reel you all back in with my novel-length fanfiction /j. okay but honestly the wings au is probably gonna turn out to be like...actually fantasy-novel length at this rate. like a published novel. but thank you so much--the storyline was one of the things I was hesitant about when i first published it, because I essentially just went "hey. remember those eight and a half novels and all their worldbuilding? forget almost everything. i've broken it into pieces and we're starting over." but you all have been overwhelmingly kind and supportive of all the changes and the way i've incorporated their old world into this new one I broke. and the wording! I try to stay true to some of Shannon's style, as sometimes when a fanfic author has a style too different from the original media it can feel weird and less like the characters (not always! there are several fics out there with very unique writing styles that don't feel strange at all, this is just something I've personally noticed). But, shannon is also writing for middle grade, and I wanted to add my own personal twist instead of just using her voice. so there's some things of my own that I do (most noticeable is the intentional misuse of grammar for drama, probably, but I am curious what else you all notice that's unique to me) and don't do (I don't think i've used "corrected" as a dialogue tag more than a handful of times) to separate it. and then the development! a lot of development in canon rn has to do with romantic relationships, as we're focusing on the aftermath of sophitz and a focus on sophie and keefe, but we can't separate them from their tension and denial at the moment. I think there's a lot more to them we don't get to see because of it, so I'm trying to develop some of that in the wings au (and there's some characters I just haven't gotten to yet, like Wylie and Maruca, so I'm not ignoring them, dw)
and yes! I am still basically writing a book! at this point I should design a cover for it too...I wonder what would be on it, the parts that stand out the most in the story that I should symbolize it all in one image. but before I get to that I should continue writing the story I suppose! I'm currently maybe 40% (rough estimate) of the way through writing chapter 13, but I must admit my classes do make it annoying at times, taking up more time than I would like (this is what I get for taking more classes than I strictly needed to. I do not know how to take a break when it comes to education /lh). but that's not important rn
you sent this a few days ago, so I don't know if you've finished your reread/catch-up since then, but if you did I hope you enjoyed it!! if you haven't then I hope you will enjoy if you ever do read the rest! there's about a week before the next chapter comes out, which is around 8.1k words at the moment (same length as the last one), so if you are caught up then there's even more to look forward to soon! and i'll probably post the first snippet from chapter 12 tomorrow, as I usually do that the sunday before posting day.
dragon wings Marella owns my entire heart and i'm very excited to do more with her (was actually writing about her earlier today!).
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regrettablewritings · 4 years
I don't know if you're going to officially start doing writing for Benoit Blanc but if you are can i please request 1, 4, and 12 please?
Sure, I can take a crack . . . Stuff’s under the cut!
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1. Who makes the first move?: Benoit does, but there’s a good chance you don’t realize it at first. You try not to consider yourself especially oblivious, but there’s a lot of factors going on here. For one, you generally don’t get hit on very often. At least, not that you know of. The only times you were left without a doubt were often very unpleasant situations because the comments and questions directed at you were downright uncomfortable or too brusque for your taste. And other times, they’d be so vague and seemingly without direction that their intentions escaped you. You preferred things plain and simple, stated clear and upfront. It was just easier that way. Benoit is always unapologetically himself. He doesn’t really feel much of a need to put on airs. The most he ever got was playing along with suspects to lower their defenses, but even that could be argued. It’s what made him endearing in your eyes, rather than the pain in the neck your superior, Lt. Elliot, had hyped him up as being. Every time the detective came by your desk, requesting your assistance, or even just to chat, he was quite gentlemanly about it. And that was the best word you could describe him with: A sweet southern gentleman. It was his biggest charm . . . and perhaps his biggest disadvantage. After all, in the world of today, nearly any of his actions that he deemed indicative of wanting to court could also easily be passed off as just being nice. He holds the door open for you? “Thank you, Dete -- I mean, Mr. Blanc.” He brought you donuts? “How sweet! I’ll bring them to the break room.” He brought in something for you to fidget with? “Were you reading my mind? I have been feeling antsy lately . . .” He compliments how you look. You’d just laugh it off or vehemently deny it. He almost wants to kick himself when he realizes he had been going about it the wrong way the whole time. Amazing detective his ass -- “Ms. (L/N)? I hope I’m not overstepping any boundaries, but I was wondering if it would interest you to join me for dinner some time.” Oh. Oh! Oh . . . For most, it wasn’t a big move. For you, it was pretty dang noticeable.
4. Who can’t keep their hands to themselves?: Neither of you are particularly handsy. For him, it’s because he wants to respect your space; he never has been the most touchy-feely person anyway. For you, you just aren’t the most touch-oriented person. Benoit doesn’t mind it, and you don’t mind it either. But on the occasion you accompany him somewhere or you both are out and about and you find yourself being overwhelmed or he worries there’s a chance you might get lost or hell, maybe just because, one of you will link hands with the other. It’s a small but sweet and simple gesture and it suits you just fine. In private, I wouldn’t call it handsy, but you don’t mind cuddling into his hold when you’re relaxing and watching a movie.
12. What first changes when it starts getting serious?: When Benoit begins to suspect that maybe this courtship is headed towards something a bit more intense, he can’t help but incorporate you into his work a bit more. Admittedly, a little bit of it is to see how much of it you can take (after all, up until now, his work has pretty much been his life), but it’s pretty optimistic about it. You are, after all, an administrative support for the local unit. Most of it is frankly because it’s his way of bonding with you when he’s not exactly off the clock. He generally likes to have another brain on the scene when investigating. Nothing against the officers he often finds himself paired with, he just knows how they think and it does tend to be a bit rigid. You, on the other hand, have the best of both worlds: Civilian enough to have an open mind, but also having some experience with cases to where you can recall patterns from previous situations that could potentially apply in the now. Plus, he just likes how your mind thinks. You also suspect he just likes to hear you talk. In addition to this, he also makes more of an effort to not make his life just about work. You both do, really, but this has been an especial issue for Benoit, seeing as it’s an awfully old and hard habit to break. You become more open and allow yourself to follow his lead and become a little less unabashed about yourself. And he adores it! You may not necessarily become as flamboyant but don’t get the wrong idea: You allowing yourself to be more of what you feel, and before him no less? He feels downright honored!
Thank you for asking!
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eleanorfenyxwrites · 3 years
i think that asks have more characters than a reply on the post so here we are lol
first: "Lan Xichen wouldn’t trade it for anything. He spares a moment to be actively grateful that he’ll never have to. He can do this every day now, after all. As often as they all want." this is like the cutest thing I've ever read they're in LOVE and SOFT and they DESERVE IT
second: the sort of therapy/treatment for lxc's time displacement is super cool! i like the way it acknowledges both sides and we get to see a little of this new, kinder reality :')
third: THAT ENDINGGGG AHHHHHHHHH YOU'RE GONNA KILL ME, WHAT THE HELL????? I love your sneaky, not totally good, not totally bad nhs and his not totally accidental terrible timing but I am SO SCARED about the next part you have officially put the fear of god in me that you warned about when I asked if nmj and my knew about the Stabbing, lxc is boutta qi deviate SO HARD
Ah yes hello, I was hoping to hear from you for your third reason specifically! To which I say: 😈😈😈
Lol but seriously, thank you so much for this, you’ve absolutely made my day! I was grinning like a moron the whole time I was reading, I’m so so happy you’re enjoying it ☺️
1. They’re so dang soft and I love writing them being gentle and in love, they absolutely deserve it. This whole AU is my love letter to them deserving a gentle life.
2. Thank you, I’m glad it works outside of my head! This whole time I’ve kind of been visualizing this as a spin-off of a wangxian fic that doesn’t actually exist except in my brain, so basically LWJ and WWX are offering ‘summaries’ of what they’ve already been through, if that makes sense? This is like. A companion fic/epilogue to a fic that doesn’t exist. I’m glad it seems to be working out okay 😅
3. YOU’RE NOT READY (😘) (also thank you for also appreciating my very morally grey NHS, I love him so much)
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wickymicky · 3 years
How I see it you're not role-playing as a music critic u simply have a hobby and have opinions about said hobby, which are fun to write down and then more fun if people who also have that hobby can read them and see what u think!
That said, I did get the feeling that u wrote them more because u rly were thinking abt it a lot and wanted to share it without putting pressure on friends to read it, but if that's no longer the case then i could see that it's a bit more of a choice instead of just something u do for fun to engage with kpop
i mean i kinda wanna pretend to be a music critic haha, to be honest. i wanna post my list like im anthony fantano doing his top 100 albums of the year lol. but obviously... i dont have an audience for something like that. but that's okay i suppose
basically like... on the one hand i think my opinions are great and i love my taste and i think im objectively correct (LMAO) but on the other hand i think my opinions are dumb and i'm skeptical of my taste and i think im objectively not very knowledgeable about this stuff and likely to get people reacting like "what are you talking about" hahaha. these two gut feelings are in constant combat lol. obviously i dont actually think im objectively correct or objectively wrong, but you know how it is sometimes
shrug. i'll see what i'll do, i guess. i'll probably get over this feeling of "why do you think people care? who do you think you are? do you think youre a music review magazine publishing their official year-end lists that people take seriously? do you think youre anthony fantano? do you think youre an award show? come on." eventually haha, and i'll probably post the things. i think some amount of self-doubt like that is good though tbh. helps keep things in moderation.
it's just tough cause i'm also just really trying to figure out what the hell i wanna do with my life. so i'm not just looking at this as a fun thing to do because i like something, i'm also looking at it as like... if i wanna try to be some type of writer, or video-maker, or something... i mean stuff like this is practice for that. even just the act of setting out to do a project and following through on it and doing the dang thing is something i need to practice. so but what if i'm making it out to be a bigger deal than it's actually worth? well then maybe i need to take a step back and be like "you know what? fuck it. whatever". idk. im not explaining myself very well. i feel like im just rambling at this point haha. but yeah it's like... a whole thing. don't worry about it and don't worry about me haha. this all has way more to do with just where i'm at in life than it does with any kpop song list
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