#also im out of colored printer ink :(
baylardian-1 · 1 year
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some art for a friend's birthday :)
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bloodsadx · 1 year
every time i go to print a new shirt theres a few feelings. the first feeling is annoyance and lots of fretting over the art part of it. im rly precious abt what a drawing for a shirt should look like most of the time so i will redraw the same idea like 40 times until it feels charming. then i gotta print transparencies which is always a pain in the ass especially since i do big ass shirts thats like such an annoying process gotta do math gotta split the art up into chunks gotta do color separations. then i get excited cause im like yes this is gonna be such a cool shirt. then i get annoyed again bc i have to reset like 4 to 20 screens for my dumb shirt. then i get rly worried im gonna print super badly and waste a bunch of expensive blanks cause like the shirts and hoodies i print on cost like at least 7 or 8 bucks some of the hoodies i have rn are like 30 bucks wholesale. they would cost u like 80 dollars to buy them Not wholesale. so like thats a decent amt of pressure. then i start printing and its like 4 hours of like doing a print then standing there while i wait for ink to cure under the heat. then printing. then waiting. its a lot of waiting. waiting for office stores to open so i can buy ink for my printer then waiting for my time in the studio then waiting for screens to dry then coating them then waiting for them to dry then washing them out then waiting for them to dry then printing then waiting for the ink to dry. but after like a week i have a bunch of shirts, most of which i will never see again after i mail them out. so the final stage is sort of waiting indefinitely for somebody who has one of the shirts i made to @ me on somewhere and be like shirt by bloodsad and then im like Yes. anyway im just sitting in the studio rn bc my legs hurt and ive been here for like 9 hours and i was here like 9 hours 2 days ago and then yesterday i was also here cleaning stuff and 3 days ago i was here for about 9 hours and the day before that too and it all sort of blends together and a lot of it is me sitting in a chair at 3 am when my legs hurt. this is what a job is but i guess because most of it is spent like alone it doesnt feel like real. i often feel like its going to go away soon or like im doing something illegal even though it wont and im not. a lot of last year i kept standing on the street corner at like 4 am by myself smoking looking at the asphalt and thinking “how much of my time in portland will i remember as just times when i was not at the studio, preparing to go to the studio, and then how much of the time will i remember as me being at the studio, thinking about how soon i will no longer be at the studio, i will be somewhere else, somewhere not in portland?” its weird when u think that u will not be in the place youve been in a year repeatedly for a year soon and then that turns into two years and then you realize that probably u will continue to be in that place indefinitely. i see older people who are in portland and i think about how many of them live here intentionally or just forgot they were supposed to move somewhere else. i think about if thats just the state of living for everybody or if its a factor of my age or being a zoomer or whatever. but idk i guess im printing shirts. no joke or point to this post
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callipraxia · 10 months
okay I’m here to thank you. Do you remember that post from like a Long Time Ago where you talked about what inks you used to plan/outline fwjb on paper? well, a few days after I heard about that, I went to the nearest store and bought the shittiest composition notebook and highlighters you’ve ever fucking seen in your life. then I forgot about it for like a very, Very long time. that's important context.
I suddenly remember it existed three days ago. I picked it up, decorated it, and colored two full pages of marker because. because well why not. The first couple pages are soaked in ink my bad. anyways—I finally decided to start actually WRITING in it, in PENCIL, because while actual writing notebooks would be a lot better than a Fucking Composition Notebook, I’m pinched. so. I did that. and guess what?!? it helped! it fucking helped! my weird ass outlines On Paper! I figured out a WHOLE Three Act Structure for do you remember hanging up the stars, AND have begun loosely sorting all of the POVs I have in the search for future reference. like?!? oh god it’s so helpful to have something I can Look At. very shitty picture attached (ignore the gagging mess of handwriting, never grew out of third grade cursive hybrid lettering, you might not even be able to read it--) (this is for the stars)
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so… thank you! this was very helpful and that wasn’t your intention with the post but fuck all I Listened. you’ve got organized writing a lot more than I do, lol. will possibly take More Notes in the future…! :)
oh Wow now im getting feelings from showing off my handwriting to a public for the first time. hopefully this doesnt unlock and unbridled the terrible ordeal of being known anxiety! /lh
Ooh, cool! And your handwriting’s quite nice and very legible, so don’t be anxiety about it!
Composition books are also perfectly valid forms of writing notebook. I’m writing the first draft of Tracey’s journal in one, actually, because that’s the kind of notebook he’s writing in in-universe, and the McGucket memoir’s on a purple legal pad. The FWJB outlines and notes, meanwhile, were written mostly on loose sheets of printer paper, gathered into a folder (which proved invaluable as a supplement for my memory, which went into full leaky-faucet mode for a while halfway or so through IE cos COVID/2022 being Just The Worst Year). Most of my one-shots are written in my tiniest handwriting on bits of scrap paper, including a number of those alignment sheets the printer spits out when you plug it in. As much as I love good-quality notebooks, they aren’t always the right tool for the job…especially if you just hoard them and never deem any idea good enough to ‘waste’ them on (I’m convinced that getting the FWJB notebooks on clearance sale was directly tied psychologically to my willingness to actually use them, somehow or the other).
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heleizition · 2 years
hon, your art is amazing and i imagine a whole lot of people would pay for it. will pay for it. if i had more money I would pay for it. you have a very pretty style and the way you color is amazing and still mystical to me after having seen a vid of u coloring (that one with hyena jason i think? or steph as her animal form i dont quite remember the subject but i remember it inspired me to try drawing with color again) to reach more buyers using multiple platforms prob good. whateve u decide nice
my bad ran out of space there. wether u decide to DO sell now or not, both is fine. ur decision and feelings are valid and you're allowed to take ur time if u aint ready yet or dont feel like it. have a nice day owo
sondosnsis thats so sweet !! im glad i could inspire you to draw with colors again !!
theres just so much to think about when it comes go logistics :
i could go through a website like redbubble or smth else that does basically everything for u except i would NOT win any money with it which is, no offence, one of the reason why i wanna start selling my art, or i could invest in a printer and cardboard paper and ink and be the one to take care of the shop.... but im really not sure ill be able to do that o(-(
or i could order prints via Vistaprint or smth and send out prints myself, but once again its hard to evaluate how much will be bought nad if it's worth it...
its also hard to evaluate because ever since i left the dc fandom i havent been really able to see if people still interract w my art or smth... because i just wanna draw my ocs.. but i could still sell my "old" dc art, ive been asked to multiple times.... ahrhfhfhhfh o(-(
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jocosejoni · 2 years
HI ok I love ur stuff and ur stories and ur style of making comics and im looking to start making comics in the near future, do you have any advice or tips???? I hope u have a good day :] !!
!!! Ooo!! Get ready this is gonna be a lot! Maybe I'll put in random art???? to separate it????
So for advice:
Before you draw any pages or anything, have the story written! It doesn't have to be a book it can even just be a word doc w/ bullet points of what you want to happen. For CoD I have a general 5 point story thing (beginning, rising action, climax, falling action, and ending) with big things I want to happen under them that I end up building the chapters around.
Have your characters fully fleshed out too. Maybe your story doesn't have anyone get ice cream, but we all need to know what their favorite flavor is and why.
Find a style you like that's fast and easy and ideally doesn't do too much damage to your hands/wrists cause with comics you're gonna be drawing A LOT. Remember to take breaks to stretch your wrists/fingers/shoulders and to not look at a screen for a bit. And mental health breaks, they say "Comics will Break your Heart" and they mean it.
Lots of people say to start with short projects first and I think that's a good idea!!! you can always build on short stories if your heart desires, but also if you have a giant magnum opus idea that you think is perfect, just start it now! ALSO, also, if something happens and you gotta end it early its okay too, you can always reboot it! IF CARTOONS CAN HAVE A BILLION REBOOTS so can your comics.
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Vintage 2013 Conner (technically CoD is a reboot of a comic I started in hs/early college that I had to end because a character I had based on a real person died in the comic and a few weeks after that page went up the real person died irl and I got SCARED.)
For Tips:
I love using all mediums. Sometimes its fun to experiment and use mediums specific to your story. Maybe you wanna do a mermaid comic, maybe try it in a watercolor style??? I normally use like a heavy ink style, but with CoD I wanted something sharper so I've been trying that.
Usually the flow with comics is Script, Thumbnails, Pencils at page size, inks, colors, and finally lettering. But after Scripting and Thumbnailing It can go in whatever order.
For lettering font choice is important! You want it to be legible and fit well with the tone of the story/dialogue. There's lots of good lettering info and free fonts for personal/self publishing use here: https://blambot.com/ They also have a scripting guide but there's been a newer guide floating around too that's trying to standardize scripts (cause if you start working with writers you'll find that EVERYONE is so different when they send you a script) https://www.oheysteenz.com/scs-template
I am inhumanly fast at comics usually, and that's because I like to cheat. I don't always do pencils. on digitally drawn comics I'll take a photo of the thumbnail and draw over it cause its just a general idea of where things need to go. On traditionally inked ones I do the same thing but I end up printing the thumbnail onto the Bristol paper.
Following sample is from apoppy chapter 2 and features traditional penciling which allows you to make fun notes like "less dick shapes" very accurate inks and to flesh out any drawing problems you might have.
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For Drawing Print Comics:
In Clip Studio/photoshop/procreate, You want a canvas that's 300 DPI or higher sized appropriately for what size book you want to make. Regular size comics I make at 11x17 inches and size down for books to like 10 something by 6 something. Different printers have slightly different requirements and they all should have templates available. If you're coloring it export your image in CMYK, its gonna look weird on the webpage but don't worry.
For traditional drawing: 11x17 Bristol Board and ink. Some people swear by certain brands, I'm cheap and use a giant bottle of Speedball Ink and a brush or a set of fine tip pens like Faber Castell Pitt Pens or Microns. I like those because they're waterproof and I like to paint at random. Scanning should be done in full color at 300+ DPI but, that size is a challenge, I've had to scan in sections and piece it together digitally. It Sucks, but large flatbed scanners are hard to find. I haven't tried one of those kind that feeds the paper through tho.
I don't know much about the mobile format comics as far as pacing goes. I'm in the grandpa zone and think mobile format is making you do more work for nothin cause if a "normal" episode has like 60 panels you could equate that to print comics and say that it's 10, 6 panel pages or 6, 10 panel pages (which is a lot of panels you sorta don't wanna go over 10 if you don't have to but that's all up to you) and over the course of history webcomics have only ever posted like 1 page a week or more. anyone posting a page every day is wildin.
Oh oh oh also! Coloring!! everyone colors differently but i swear by making your own color palette. CoD started with a limited color palette and has been building over the years, and Apoppytheosis has a very very limited color palette and a rule for that comic was to not use any other colors. (any other colors seen were from another palette color doing something weird over the top of that layer) (This is the apoppytheosis color palette. Apoppy 2 is similar but more vibrant.)
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Anyway I'm going rambly!! feel free to reach out if you got specific questions on pages or approaches to stuff!! I went to college for comics and I could talk about this all night.
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arlecchno · 1 year
SHSJDJSK OH MY GOD HI ITS ME JELLYFISH (silly text coloring is very fun to me) AGAIN HAHAH - okay so one , oh my god youre so nice WTF AAAH two , i dont have a board in real life because goodness the amount of printer ink id use to make little pictures for it …. the google slide i made was an absolute shitpost (because thats pretty much just how i think LMAO) im really into genshin lore itself and have a handful of “original” (as in ive never seen anyone else talk about em) theories (ive made a slideshow for one of them too —though i must admit it needs a lot of revision— and another is currently in progress) so i have a bit of a knack for “narrative detective work” as i call it LOL . little fun fact here (because im a total a show - off) i actually started seeing yunjin as a suspect around the ball arc ! (official documentation of my suspicion was the 5th of december between chapters 21 - 23 , if i recall correctly) the suspicious bolded texts about their relationship and viktors lie when asked about yunjins whereabouts /REALLY/ set off some alarm bells in my head , among other things . admittedly i never solved these cases a really long time before the main cast finds out , but i think its still a win , yeah ? honestly it was a bit of a shocker to me when it was revealed yunjin was “playing as” viktor , i never really considered that possibility in my head at the time ! kudos to you my friend , youve successfully plot - twisted the detective ! (haha) id totally log onto my actual tumblr account to send you the silly theoryboard i made for another fic because i think its funny to show people but its SO unprofessional and weird so idk tell me if youd like to see it i guess - i hope my unfiltered ranting doesnt bother you lmao , ALSOBEFOREIFORGET ILY2 <3 <3 (/p) BUT IT IS LIKE 2AM RIGHT NOW SO I WILL ONCE AGAIN SIGN OFF !! (note: please dont mind any spelling or grammar mistakes because i inevitably get a little braindead when its so late at night -)
yours truly ,
- jellyfish
i should've mentioned the google slides board instead of just board because i knew what you meant haha! 😭 and about the running out of ink thing is so true i think if i had an irl corkboard where i solve out a case it's gonna be one hell of a mess...
and wow!!! i like genshin lore a lot but never really have the time to invest in everything since well, there's a whole lot of 'em 😔 it's actually so cool that you write up these digital boards and solve out stuff!! so interesting to see new kinds of ways to spend your free time~
i'm glad you caught on that yun jin was the serial killer around those chapters! i actually did purposely plan to start making her suspicious around the grad ball arc since it was one of the breaking points of y/n and kuni's relationship, so her having a big role in it makes everything more conflicted and wicked. it's a really nice addition to her character lmao
yun jin playing as viktor was something i myself hadn't expected to do ngl. i have no idea how i managed to execute that perfectly but i'm glad i did, seeing everyone's reactions to it is really comical and enjoyable! i love making people squirm! /hj
if you're comfortable with it, then sure! feel free to share that board with your theories on that fic you're talking about~ it'd be nice to see what goes on inside your head (I SWEAR THIS IS MEANT IN A NICE WAY!!!)
also, you never bother me!!! i like getting my inbox full with people interacting with me, so if anyone here who reads this wants to hit me up, then feel free to do so! i'm always open to new anons and friends :D
have a very nice day jellyfish and happy new year's eve / new year's! have a splendid 2023 up ahead 🫶
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cocksuki2 · 2 years
this is a side grievance but like.. mac’s default color system is Color LCD which is fine and dandy if ur like... just using ur mac for non-art things... but it also means that everyone looking at digital art on a mac is likely looking at a color scheme that is different from what the artist probably drew it as. 
most art programs (like procreate and adobe) will use RBG color profiles or CYMK as defaults (procreate is RBG since its not built for printing but rather for creating digital pieces). RBG is good for digital art that you would post online and CYMK is typically what’s used when you’re printing with ink on a printer. in short, a color profile helps sync the computer display with what would come out of your printer or (in the case of phones and cameras) what you are taking a photo of. 
now.. normal people don’t rly need to know that bc if they’re not digital artists, it’s not really going to affect their life. but it also means that when they look at art on their computer, they’re usually not seeing the full range of color that the piece was originally drawn in. 
Color LCD struggles a lot with speed bc it needs to rearrange some things to be able to make sense of the colors and put it on the screen. since consumers value speed, a lot of computer manufacturers (mac being one) will speed up Color LCD displays by reducing the number of colors it can process and recognize and as a result certain colors are displayed differently in hue and tone on the screen. it’s almost inconsequential... except when you’re looking at art or clothing or anything where the colors matter. 
like... that colored sketch i just posted for example... the sky in that drawing when it’s displayed on my ipad in the procreate program is a soft (almost baby) blue. on my computer, it’s displayed as a light indigo or periwinkle... which is FINE but it’s less compelling and dulled down when compared to how i actually drew it. the difference is almost miniscule, but not small enough that if you held them next to each other, it’s not noticeable. it is VERY noticeable. and it’s BEYOND frustrating. 
it’s also why i’m not surprised when people who order things on their laptop get the product and the color is different than what they saw online. part of that could be manufacturer errors, but part of it could also be owed to the actual color profile of your computer... especially if the difference is minimal. any artist knows very well that even the slightest difference in color can change the entire feel of a piece and anyone who pays attention to what colors look good on them knows that the smallest changes in tone can wash you out. 
anyway... all this to say that im frustrated bc the colors on that sketch do NOT look like that, though the problem is KIND OF fixed on mobile. 
i’m not sure if the photo does the difference justice and the colors STILL aren’t accurate for the reasons above if ur looking at this on a macbook with the default color profile (and bc they are photos of screens which usually distorts color)... but this kinda shows the difference in what im talking about. 
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the left is what is displayed on my computer and the right is what is displayed on my ipad. keep in mind that these colors are 1) photos of screens 2) and processed through sending and uploading so they’ve lost some quality and the true value of their colors. but this should be adequate enough to show you the general difference between the two colors. 
the colors themselves aren’t accurate, but the difference is. anyway... that’s the difference between the mac default Color LCD and RBG color profiles. 
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candiednova · 3 years
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i really like drawing my swatchling sona GYTHJTNRHTGR
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pinkcdraws · 2 years
Hello! I saw your security breach merch/pics and I really REALLY love them! For your digital pictures, what size canvas/brush did you use? My pics are sort of blurry and the lines are kind of pixelated :(
Also! When you do stickers, do you tend to shade the art or leave it flat? Im using a regular printer to print mine and Im not sure what’s the better option
Thank you so much and have an amazing day!!!
Hey tysm! My canvas size is usually around 3000x3000 (350-400 dpi). As for brush size, I guess it depends on ur brush and program, but I've been drawing in Procreate and the brush I'm using is at 7% size! I do use a Cricut to cut my stickers, so when I put my files into the Cricut program and resize them for print, the program does a good job at not making it all blurry so that also helps.
As for shading, so far for the couple of stickers I've made so far, I've done a mix of both and I do like both styles (the ones with shading are very minimal) I guess if you'd like to save some ink, you could go no shading but I'm not sure how much it'd save. I know that as long as my stickers print on the glossy setting, the colors come out great, shading or not!
Hopefully this was all helpful but if you have kore questions just send an ask! (Or if anyones got questions about Etsy stuff and making products, I'm more than happy to provide any info!)
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warmau · 4 years
ateez x coworker!au | sf9 ver    *this post was commissioned (someone asked for some cute ateez) <3
diligent and always on time, he puts way too much effort into any project on his plate 
if there’s any word to describe him its workaholic, but hongjoong insists that he’s just being a good employee - nothing more
but it’s like,,,,,,,,,,,you’re doing the regional managers job and you are literally not,,,,,,,the regional manager
he’s some how the assistant to the regional manager and like. no one understands how because like hongjoong most definitely does the brunt of the work 
but during annual reviews he’s always downplaying it and that evil good for nothing regional manager takes the credit
wooyoung and san on a regular basis: what if the regional managers tires get slashed accidentally or what if we hide all of those ugly ties he wears or what if we hack into the company's assets and make it look like hes laundering money-
hongjoong: dont do that
wooyoung and san winking: yeah, sure, “don’t do that”
hongjoong: no like seriously dont do that 
his little office space is really cutely decorated though and hes the best gift giver at office parties because he always gives something handmade and unique
you have a bracelet that you got last christmas from him when you guys got paired for the exchange, and it’s really so cute and colorful you always wear it
and the office guys tease hongjoong about it like, “hey - are you guys a couple? c’mon tell us the truth - you have a matching bracelet for yourself!”  (hongjoong feverishly refuses this but the tips of his ears always get red)
one time mingi, with all the good naturedness of his heart commented that you must find the deep, dark exhaustion eyebags under hongjoong eyes cute - you know, like a racoons! 
and you were like o-oh well- y-y-es?!?!?! and hongjoong had proceeded to drag the poor intern out of the break room by his ear
it’s like the shy office romance that everyone is cheering for that doesnt really happen
until one evening as hongjoong is getting ready to finally leave for the day he’s astonished to see you
frantically searching on your hands and knees for something in the dim office lights
“did you lose your keys?”
he asks and you’re so startled you hit your head on the desk you’re under as you come up - you put your hands up embarrassingly and mumble that no,,,,,you lost that bracelet he gave you,,,,
he lets out a little “oh!” and waves his hand in the air as if its nothing, he tells you not to worry - it was just a little gift-
“no, it’s important to me,,,,,,,” 
your voice is a slight whisper and hongjoong barely catches
“w-why is it so important to you?”
“because you made it.”
you turn back to start looking again, when you hear hongjoong put his things down on the floor and join you
his hand is warm when it brushes over yours a little 
he’s never had someone cherish something he’s made like this before and so even if you two have to spend the whole night searching - he’s down for that
and when you do find it,,,,and there’s still time to take you to dinner,,,,he thinks he’s very much down for that too
spends half his day running away from potential suitors who come down from all the different departments just to ask him out for lunch or after work drinks
he’s just a low ranking officer, he doesn’t get what the craze is about?!?!
hongjoong, taking one hard look at seonghwa: i know what its about
seonghwa: plEAse tell me so i can live a peaceful life
hongjoong, sighing: dude. its your face
and even on the days when he comes in with glasses perched on the end of his nose and a slightly crumpled shirt from having to rush to iron in the morning
like it does not matter - he looks like and literally is - an angel
has a weird irritation about little spots on documents, like if dirt gets in the printer and its on the page hes like,,,,,eye twitching,,,,,,,,,no
three bottles, at least, of hand sanitizer on his desk 
his headphones match his laptop, which match his wireless keyboard, which match his mouse - the color scheme we are going for is a calming ivory 
once got called in for causing a disturbance, but it was literally not his fault, he went to ask the billing department if they had any extra ink and came downstairs with like five people all chattering at max volume about if he had plans next saturday
wooyung: damn man being beautiful must suck
seonghwa: oh thank you for understanding, it really is-
wooyoung: SIKE it rocks how do i know? look at me!
yeosang to seonghwa: just ignore him, he does this at least twice a day
you know seonghwa, how could you not, and you agree with the majority opinion: he is insanely handsome
but you have your own problems to worry about, that being a very nasty manager who seems to have it out for you
so like seonghwa, you spend half your day hiding from someone, which means 
solace in the supplies closet
one day, as you’re sitting inside there, trying to work on a memo draft on your phone 
the door swings open - and you jump to pretend like you’re looking for staples
but instead, it closes with a harsh noise and the person slides down against the door - heaving and fanning themselves
“a-are you ok?”
you ask, worried that the shortness of breath is from them feeling sick - when in reality its just seonghwa, on the run from lovestruck coworkers 
he shakes his head and mumbles that he’s sorry for barging in 
but you shake your head, tell him its fine
you’re both under this impression that one of you is going to bounce soon - like this is a supply closet, not the break room - but after about five minutes of utter silence
seonghwa goes, “are you also running away from work people who are in love with you?”
you giggle, but shake your head “actually running away from a work person who hates me.”
he gives you an apologetic look, but you just wave it off - not like there’s much either of you can do about it anyway
its silent for a while, and you keep trying to do as much editing as you can on your phone, not really paying attention to the way seonghwa’s eyes flick toward you in the dark
not until he clears his throat and is like, “well i think the coast is clear so ill be going back out there-”
you nod, thinking you should probably return too before your manager goes bonkers and says you’ve abandoned your position or something
as you near the door though - suddenly seonghwa shyly extends his arm
you blink in confusion and he just goes, “maybe if we go out together itll be less scary?”
the sentiment is adorable and you take his palm in yours, giving it a gentle squeeze
though the moment you two step out - there are at least ten pairs of eyes on you and suddenly seonghwa makes sure to swing your hands behind your backs
he leans down, “dont want anyone to get the wrong idea and then you end up getting hurt too.”
but you think about it for a moment before tugging your hands out into the open - a wave of gasps passes through the people around you like a wave through the sea
you tiptoe up and explain, “maybe if they think you’re taken they’ll back off?”
the sentence shouldnt make seonghwa’s heart jump in his chest like it does - but hey, maybe your plan will work
(or maybe your manager will hate you even more because what - you bagged SEONGHWA? OF ALL PEOPLE?)
really really REALLY good at bullshitting stellar work
and not in a last minute oh shit kind of wooyoung way, but in a i dont actually know anything about the material but damn am i going to make it sound like i do kind of way
and to be fair, if yeosang stared you down in a board room meeting for fifteen to twenty minutes selling you a pitch and blinking like a cat on the hunt then like 
im pretty sure you’re just going to buy into the pitch
interns are scared of him because they think hes like the no nonsense, dont bother me type
which he plays into sometimes because its fun and the interns will do what he says without bothering him about it
but the reality is he can be quite silly,,,,,,,,,jongho has on occasion caught yeosang getting giddy over like kitten youtube videos on break and everytime yeosang is like you didnt see anything
and jongho is like sure, not until it becomes beneficial to me and i use it against you
yeosang: wh
jongho: so the weather, huh?
knows everyone’s business somehow, but only gets invested if its like super super super juicy - i.e. someone in corporate is stealing money or there’s a secret poker game on the weekend for promotions
like no, san, yeosang doesnt care that you lied on your taxes
you are one of the newer hires, not an intern, just new to the job 
and although everyones been pretty inviting - you kind of maybe really think that yeosang,,,,,,,,hates you
he has this routine, an hour before everyone leaves on friday he goes around the department to see if anyone wants to go downstairs and across the street to get some coffee with him
you asume its a kind of “yay the weekends here” thing - which you are very down for, but its been like a month since youve been here 
and yeosang has never asked you 
hell, he even asks intern mingi - who half the time is doing these starbucks runs so he doesnt have the pleasure of ever really saying no
you had chalked it up to - oh im new, and hes maybe shy? but that makes no sense because this is kang yeosang
shyness isnt an adjective you’d use for him - so the only other logical explanation is,,,,,,,you must have had a really horrible first impression
you decide to ask san about it - he seems pretty close to yeosang and hes also been super open with you - but when you go, “did i do something to make yeosang angry?”
san nearly spits out the rice he’s chewing on - he gets fidgety in his seat, something you arent used to seeing, and says he has to go
curious, you decide to ask wooyoung the same question - but get the same panicked response
so you as yunho, who gives you a sad puppy kind of look and then jongho, who just???????? chuckles
it makes no sense and you’re even more confused than before - when suddenly its friday and yeosang - yesong is approchaing your desk
“do you want to go to starbucks with me?”
the way you jump up and beam must seem like a schoolkid getting their first a+ on a project, but you don’t care - and as you follow yeosang out the whole office gives a big sigh of relief
in the elevator down, yeosang keeps himself tucked in the corner and the bliss you had felt starts to wear down
wait,,,,maybe he invited me because hes sick of me asking other people if he hates me? is he about to tell me he hates me over some iced coffee?!?!
but as you step out and make your way toward the cafe, yeosang stops - putting a light hand on your elbow
immediately you start apologizing, you dont know where it comes from - but like an open faucet you just start saying sorry for the most random things and yeosang just gives you a confused look that shuts you up
“wait - why are you apologizing to me?”
he inquires and your shoulders shake a little, “well,,,,,i mean - didnt i piss you off?”
he looks to the side and sighs, “far from it - actually i pissed myself off more than anything else.”
he crosses his hands before returning his gaze to yours, a fine pink dust settles over his skin
“its just, i was avoiding you because im not, im not like - you know im not like good at like asking - asking peopl- people i like -”
he starts to stutter, or better yet almost malfunction, as he tries to explain
you almost feel like apologizing again for making this so hard on him, when he just throws his hands up
“i like you - and not in the we’re just co-workers kind of way - and yes, i find it hard to approach people i find cute. there. im not mad at you and yes im aware i look like a fool, so lets just go get our coffee-”
your smile almost stretches off your face as you hear his words, instead of knowing what else to say you step forward and takes his hands into yours
“you dont look like a fool, and yes we should get coffee but only if you admit that this is kind of our first date-”
he holds back the urge to laugh but stares down into the sparkles of your eyes
“are you sure? starbucks on a first date is kind of,,,,,,,”
“im sure, ive been waiting for you to ask me to come to starbucks with you for a whole month so its very fitting”
you and yeosang have a good giggle about that - when you come back to the office, san asks where his hot chocolate is but you and yeosang are so busy rubbing shoulders and being even cuter together that you just walk past him
san: im so deeply hurt, but also so deeply moved by how sweet they look with one and other
the office has wildly differing opinions on him, but one things for sure: hes brilliant in the weirdest of ways
on a 9-5 basis he gets like one hour of work done on a good day but lets say like the company is going through a major crisis
the person with the lifesaving idea SOMEHOW will be wooyoung (aided by hongjoong who probably just needs to curb some of wooyoungs enthusiasm)
but yes, like people will write him off as giddy and loud - but hes not dumb 
wooyoung: “you can have a bachelors degree and do dumb stuff, like thats not illegal.”
jongho: “vandalizing the ceos car when you were an intern here is illegal though.”
wooyoung, eyes wide: “how do you know about- i never did that,,,,,,,,”
makes memes and shares them in the work gc and the only people who get them are san and jongho, san because he shares a brain with wooyoung and jongho because hes literally young
hongjoong and mingi everytime: i dont get it....
you are a transfer from the companys overseas office and wooyoung takes to you right away 
mostly because you’re different and know all this cool stuff that he doesnt 
and you really like his fun energy, even though yeosang will be like “dont get tricked by it”
so when you and wooyoung get paired for a marketing project - you are both over the moon
its the night before its due and you and wooyoung have. nothing
you’re both spread out in the empty confrence room, wooyoung chugging a monster energy - while you nearly fall asleep and drop the tablet you’re working on straight on your face
wooyoung is like “lets just ask for an extension” but you insist you cant, this is your first big project here and you want to make an impression
but the slump you’re both in is BAD 
suddenly wooyoung takes the tablet off your hands and you sit up, hoping he’s thought of something, but instead he blasts some pop song and you cringe as you fall back in your chair
“turn it off, i cant think with that noise.”
“c’mon, dancing will help us think of ideas.”
“wooyoung - seriously, we need to do some work or -”
he doesnt listen to you, he just pulls you up from your seat and twirls you around
you groan and try to tell him that its not going to work - but wooyoung just says it doesnt need to, you guys just need to have some fun before you die over this stupid project
you dont want to admit that hes right - that your body feels like its been reduced to a bag of sludge - so you let him twirl you again until you’re dancing too
the anxiety from the project loosens a little as you watch wooyoung dance unabashedly, tie swinging over his shoulder and dress shirt a mess
you join him, kicking off your shoes and just letting go for these ten blissful minutes
you don’t notice and as you turn toward wooyoung, your ankle catches on one of the chairs and you go tumbling toward him as he catches you and cushions your fall
you both laugh and wooyoung looks up into your smiling face - happy to see it bright after you’d looked so miserable the whole day
actually, he doesnt say it outloud, but this happiness on you is probably the most beautiful happiness hes seen on someone
it glitters and for a moment he doesnt want to let your inviting warm weight off of him
and then - just as his eyes wavier down a little from your eyes to your lips he goes
you sit up and he follows suit, grasping your shoulders
you want to ask him how he got it, what prompted it, but hes already talking a mile a minute
and to be honest, hes pretty happy you didnt get to ask - the answers totally embarrassing - like whats he gonna say
your natural beauty inspired me? how,,,,,,,,how sweet - corny, he means corny!
he can most definitely turn on the charm when he needs to, making himself out to be put together and organized 
but troublemaking is just too good to pass up, no wonder he and wooyoung are often referred to as partners-in-crime
100% the host for the monthly office karaoke contest 
somehow the bartender always gets a little pale when san comes tumbling in because,,,,,,,he is clumsy and quite good at breaking things,,,,,,
he outwits seonghwa into helping him clean up his desk when it gets too crazy
and frequently gets bonked on the head by hongjoong who catches him falling asleep over the keyboard
or trying to play on the switch - but then getting his headphones disconnected and now everyone can hear tom nook’s voice
he adheres to the dress code, but likes to have sparkly pins in his hair or a colorful belt from time to time
just because the bleakness of corporate life SUCKS and is not san’s vibe at ALL
but hey, money.
you like san’s karaoke contests and really enjoy just how much he puts into the performances
even if everyone else is giving their half-baked effort on songs from the early 2000s
you yourself dont ever get up to sing, just because of a shyness thing and also you much rather just watch san cause havoc
until one day you show up and you and san are the only ones,,,,,,,,there
somehow - everyone else has things to do this evening - so you tell him you can just comeback next month
when he insists that no, you two can have fun together!
you end up on what someone might call an impromptu date with san,,,,,
where he does his favorite songs and you cheer while the bartender sends over two drinks “on the house” and whispers to you when you collect them that he hopes you can “be the person who will calm san down”
its awfully embarrassing,,,,,but at the same time kind of fun,,,,,,until san invites you up for a duet
you are saying no, but san is waving you over, and someone wolf whistles from somewhere
and before you know it you are up there - and san puts a hand on yours as he passes you the mic
you kind of mumble into the mic, and believe me its nothing like what san belts out when hes up there
and still - san is jumping up and down and looks like he’s legitimately having the time of his life
his energy kind of boosts your confidence and one might say you even sing a bit of the song
when the night is over, san offers to take the train with you to your stop and if you want - he’ll even take the time to walk you home
just as you two are about to emerge from the station, just sort of basking in each others presence you both get your email notifications from work
taking your phones out you read the message
subject: finally hooking those two up body: ‘so, bets on a kiss - do you think they kissed? i think they did, or at least got close to it - you know how san is during karaoke’
the next email appears, this one is from jongho
subject: re: finally hooking those two up body: ‘which idiot cc’d san and them on the email,,,,,,,,,,,,’
you and san sort of stare down at your screens and then back up at each other
the realization dawns on you: nobody was actually too busy for karaoke,,,,,,,the whole office just wanted to set you up on a date,,,,,,
you are truly at a lose for words when suddenly san is typing back and before you can question it you get a ping!
subject: re:re: finally hook those two up body: ‘haven’t kissed yet, but the nights still young.
everyone's handyman - and by everyone, i mean everyone. the janitor has asked him to screw in lightbulbs before.
fairly good worker all around, he can come in late on certain days because hes helping grandmas cross streets or saving kittens from trees
and there have been instances of tiny mistakes, mostly because his attention was on giving feedback to the interns
but yeah no complaints, hes never even been given like a warning
very tidy work appropriate outfits - like tie tucked into sweater vest baby
feels guilty when he does have enough lunch to share with every single person, you know hes bringing his jumbo salad bowl to work
the worst lie hes ever told on the job is pointing to his cup and being like, yep thats my morning coffee!!!
when in fact it was soothing decaffeinated earl gray tea because coffee makes him jittery
 your assigned to yunho for basic intern training and youre so lucky and thankful because like 
youve heard the horror stories, but he is seriously just an angel
and doesnt get annoyed at your questions and even helps out when you get confused
the only thing is that sometimes he gets so engrossed in showing you how to format this document
or where to get the copy paper 
that personal space sorta siezes to exist and now hes hovering over you with his big hands over your keyboard
or his chest pressed to your back as he helps get the supplies from the top shelf
and you are not complaining its just,,,,,,,,,,,you know,,,,,,,,embarrassing
and sometimes you have to excuse yourself
or just wiggle away and you dont want to hurt his feelings or anything 
its just you hate that with each day you see yunho’s smile in the morning and something in your chest gets a little tighter
and you are not about to date a co-woker, no way no how
even though yunho meets every checklist for the perfect boyfriend
because 1) its probably against the rules and 2) you dont want to just get your heartbroken by the man who is just that kind to everyone
until one day hongjoong makes an offhanded comment about how yunho has never taken this much of a liking to an intern like you
and you think about it all day, up until its the only thing on your mind and it takes yunho five tries of calling your name until you snap out of it and go
“hongjoong suggested this good place to eat, do you want to come have lunch with me since i didnt bring anything in today?”
your mouth works faster than your mind and you go,
“like a date?”
before immediately clamping your palm over and muttering an apology
but yunho’s ears go bright and he sort of loses his composure for a moment till a small, squeaky answer comes out
“yeah,,,,like a date?”
eager to please intern,,,,,,,but add in a dash of absolute obliviousness
like he wants to help everyone but sometimes the instructions from like five different people just turn to mush in his brain
and hes like delivering coffee to the wrong person or printing out three hundred copies of that poorly photoshopped meme wooyoung made instead of the needed documents
but no one can get mad at him because have you seen him? like it would be straight up illegal to even raise your voice at him
hes so sweet that numerous people offer their homemade lunches to him and hes always like eating a sandwich from hongjoong or freshly baked cookies from yunho 
the older ladies of the office just a d o r e him (a little too much, but like hes so sweet natured he doesnt even read into it)
his pants are always short and someone is always like poor mingi’s ankles are so cold
but at the same time he can lift like ,,,,, one hundred pounds of printer cartridge's so its like,,,,,,,,, ok so maybe those skinny ankles actually put in a lot of work,,,,,,,,
you’re the ceos only child and when they’re off on business, you’re in charge of the department where mingi interns
and like anyone else you have a huge soft spot for him, even though you dont try to show it because favoritism is a no-no
actually in general you try to be as fair and as understanding as possible, because your parent isnt really the type
a lot of the office really likes you, but now and then someone will say something snippy or rude about you 
simply because they think you got your job through just being the ceo’s kid or that you’re only lenient to try and get in with one of the office heartthrobs
you try not to take it personally and you bite your tongue when it comes to putting those rumors and the people who spread them in place
but one afternoon, you can clearly hear a group of people talking about how you lack the leadership skills to ever take over the company
it hurts, you can feel the pain in your chest, but you try to wrestle through it until you hear mingi’s voice
“i dont think you should say that about them.”
you turn and peek your head passed the cubical - mingi’s tall frame is standing in front of the pack
“what do you know, you’re just a lowly intern.”
“thats true, but ive seen them work and theyre really good at leading. theyre also doing two jobs at once - both theirs and the ceos, i dont think anyone here has to deal with so much work.”
youd think his tone was being mocking, just like theirs, but his voice is clean and clear
like hes just stating a truth he believes in 
when one of them starts badmouthing mingi, you step in and tug him away from the conversation as the office workers disperses back to their seats
you tug him toward the stairs and out of earshot and mumble a small thank you
“huh? why are you thanking me?”
“well you stood up for me so-”
he shrugs his shoulders, “i was just saying the truth.”
you nod, embarrassment on your cheeks as you realize that its mingi youre talking to - of course he wouldnt have any other motive but to -
“and theyre wrong you know, one of them was saying youre not pretty and thats a lie too. youre good at your job and -”
“wait, what”
you back up and mingi blinks - “i said youre good at your j-”
“no before that, you think im-”
you both stare at each other as the realization sinks into mingi’s expression and he sort of opens his mouth like a gaping fish - 
“i-i - i just - i -”
you stiffle a giggle and shake your head, “no no, its nice that you think that. it makes me really happy.” 
“well, im just a lowly intern so i mean i dont know if its such a great compliment-”
you lean up and peck his cheek, making him freeze midstence
“youre not a lowly intern, i believe youre way more than that and sooner or later youll probably be promoted too!”
“pr-promoted? like to a worker or like ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,to,,,,,,,,,,your,,,,,,,,,,,,boyfriend,,,,,,,,,,,”
kid genius, has a higher position than most people double his age
knows everyone's secrets so no one even tries to start shit with him about it
loves watching the office go into chaos when the printer isnt working and apparently hes the only one who knows how to fix a goddamn paper jam
but hes on a coffee break, let him watch everyone tear each other apart before he actually just presses a button to fix this all
like mingi, he can actually lift way more than him, but why would he - the intern is there for a reason lol
probably has an early college degree from some prestigious school and he doesnt talk about it but he knows people whisper about it 
and hes like so what i still work at this dump but like what - is someone gonna rat on him to the ceo? - no, because he’ll just tell the ceo about that one time that person tried to charge the company card for their vacation plane tickets :) 
gets work done fast and early, spends the rest of the day just playing minecraft
you used to be jongho’s number one rival for youngest, smartest position
but he sorta beat you out over time and even though you were pissed about it for a long while
youve kinda gotten over the rivalry
instead youre comfortable in your other department and dont really see jongho around anymore
which you think is normal - and actually youre under the impression that jongho is happy to be rid of you
but the reality is he makes up way too many excuses to go up to your floor, i.e. “the bathroom is better there” “their breakroom has this k-cup i like” “the view from the windows are nicer”, etc.
no one notices, or if they do - no one dares to make a peep
but you ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, are starting to think its a little suspicious
so you confront him, as he stands awkwardly by the window at the end of the hall
“are you like spying on me?”
jongho turns around, dark eyes widening just a bit
“what? no. i just like the view.”
“jongho, your office is like three floors above mine - you arguably have the better view.”
he shrugs as if its nothing but you press on
“why are you coming down here - wait, oh my gosh - do you like someone in my department?!??”
you suddenly get bright and clap your hands together, “c’mon you have to tell me!”
he looks you over once and makes a hmph sound, “why would i tell you?”
you pout
“i know we were rivals for a while, but c’mon - i promise ill put in a good word for you so who is it?”
you step closer and jongho feels his tie get a little tighter
“the new intern? they’re cute - or is it someone older like in the-”
you stop and buffer - looking at him and for the first time jongho drops his eyes to the floor first
“m-me? you’re coming down here for me? is it because of our riv-”
he sets the cup he was holding on the windowsill and suddenly you’re the nervous one
“you’re right. i come here because the person i like on this floor is you.”
he reaches out to touch your wrist but you step back, the confession is too shocking to handle and you scurry off before you can say anything in return
you slide down against the stall of the bathroom and let out the breath you’re holding
its not that you dont like jongho back, actually your whole rivalry was sort of just a cover up for your one-sided feelings
you just never thought that they’d be reciprocated,,,,,,,
you try to pull yourself together - marching out to the sink and looking into your reflection
we cant let jongho win again, he might have confessed first, but your still rivals no matter how much you like each other so just go out there and - and - 
you cant think of exactly the word, but before you know it your rushing out and to the stairs
jongho doesnt look too surprised to see you bust into his office - but the rest of the office turns to look at you two
“yo-you cant say you like me first, why? well - well because ive liked you longer, so im saying it now. i like you. so i win. no arguing. take me to dinner. bye.”
and with that you turn on your heel, jongho nods - secretly smiling to himself as he puts on his headphones
yunho to mingi: isnt it crazy, jongho just got asked out in front of the whole office!
mingi, blinking: wait what? i thought that person was just mad at him
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by brock-checkitout
Do you like cheese? Yeah but not to an obsessive extent like most people on the internet seem to be. I have a lower tolerance when it comes to cheeses with stronger or more pungent flavors, and I like sticking to those on the creamy side, like feta and burrata.
What type of shampoo do you use? Dove.
Do turtles make you happy? I mean not as much as dogs would but they are animals, so encountering one would still make me giddy and happy :)))
Name one person who snores in their sleep. Both of my parents, which is why I used to dread whenever we’d book a trip and there’s only one main room available for the 5 of us.
Would you walk around a grocery store with a bra as glasses? Sure, if I was gonna do it for like a cause or something. Or if I got paid for it. I can’t imagine why I’d ever have to casually/randomly do it. Also how would that even work, if it actually had to work as glasses???
Can you do the HoeDown ThrowDown? That movie came out when we were in the midst of moving houses and everything was super hectic in my little 10 year old life, so I never got to wach it, actually. I missed out on the whole Hoedown Throwdown craze and I distinctly remember jealously watching over my classmates as they danced it together.
Do you like Hershey's Chocolate bars? Just the cookies and cream variant.
What smiley face do you use the most? :) I very rarely use others.
What type of cell phone do you have? I have an iPhone 8.
Do you listen to rap? Not so much. For the most part, I stick to my tried and tested albums, like Jay-Z and Kanye’s Watch the Throne.
Look at something green, does it have batteries in it? That would be a nearby alcohol bottle, and no, it does not need batteries.
What's the first thing that comes to your mind when I say: PRINTER? Ink and paper.
What is the last cuss word you said out loud? Not so sure, but since I commonly say shit and fuck they could serve as safe enough guesses.
Do you like cows? Sure.
What kind of car does your mother drive? These days we split ‘my’ car between us since we sold our third car, which used to be the one she’d usually drive. The new arrangement used to bug me at first because it meant I now had to notify my mom in advance whenever I planned to drive out, but I’ve since gotten used to the setup.
What do you get in your tacos? I don’t eat tacos. Not that I dislike them; there are just many other Mexican dishes I find more filling.
What is your opinion on blueberries? As a flavor, it’s fine. But I actually tried an actual blueberry for the very first time last week when my aunt sent over a blueberry cheesecake - I really wanted to give it a chance, but I still found it nasty :( I really don’t know why I hate fruits so much lmao.
Are you currently wearing lip gloss/chap stick? Nopes.
Is there a bottle of lotion near you? There isn’t.
Name one person that you know that smokes. Sam smokes superexcessively. Like I’ve completely forgotten how much she can smoke in an evening until I hung out with her again a few weeks ago. It was half impressive and half terrifying; and my clothes ended up smelling because of it.
What's your favorite season? We don’t have the usual four seasons, but based on what I’ve seen in media, spring and winter look and feel the most pleasant to me.
Are any of your friends vegetarians? No.
What is one phrase that you hate hearing? “All lives matter” really pisses me off.
Can you name four presidents right now? Rodrigo Duterte, Ramon Magsaysay, Fidel Ramos, Diosdado Macapagal. But because I’m guessing this meant American presidents...George W. Bush, John F. Kennedy, Andrew Jackson, Harry Truman.
What is the first thing you think of when I say: HOOD? A jacket.
Do you currently own a cat? Nope.
What do you think of Ulta? I think of the fact that I’ve never heard of that before and I don’t actually know what this is referring to.
Have you ever walked into a club and asked for a Coke? No.
Do you like classical music? Sure, some.
What is your opinion on Oreos? I had the biscuits like a billion times as a kid to the point that I got sick of them. I will always pick the Oreo flavor in other desserts though, be it cheesecake, cupcake, cookies, milkshakes, tc. 
Do you like Chips-Ahoy? No, tastes too artificial/processed. I’ll always go for freshly-baked cookies.
What did ya think of this survey? It was fine. I *think* I haven’t taken this before either, so that’s a plus lol.
survey by carolynnnnonia
1. What time did you wake up this morning? Around 6:30ish.
2. When did you take your default picture? It’s not a photo of me, it’s a still from BoJack Horseman. Years ago I saw someone on Twitter use it as a default and I found it hilarious, so I decided to do the same thing for this blog.
3. Are you hungry? Mmm not so much right now actually. I had a midnight snack that I only got to finish by like 2 AM so I still feel pretty filled.
4. Have you ever cheated on a test? Yup but just once. When I ended up perfecting the exam I cheated on, I felt like a fraud and I’ve never cheated since. I’d rather get an honest 99 than get a 100 that I’m ashamed of, lol.
5. When was the last time you ate ice cream? I think it had been last week when we had a cookies and cream tub in the fridge.
6. What computer game is in your CPU? I don’t play PC games and it’s been a hoooooot minute since I’ve seen a CPU.
7. Do you like Audrey Hepburn? You’ve come to the right person :))) Yup, obsessed. Have watched her entire filmography except for the ones that are impossible to find DVDs of or online.
8. What color is your winter jacket?
9. Do you have any siblings? Yup.
10. Would you call yourself skinny? Not anymore. I’ve filled up a bit over the last few years but I’m still usually seen as thin. I was a lot skinnier in my teens.
11. Does your phone take pictures? Yes, 2008 survey, it does.
12. Who is your favorite neighbor? They’re not really neighbors, but the construction workers who are currently working on a new house from across ours are crazy over Cooper and love to greet him and give him a few pats when I take him out. My actual neighbors are rather quiet and we tend to keep to ourselves.
13. Do you wish at 11:11? No.
14. Have you ever gotten a detention? We don’t have detention here.
15. Do you still watch Disney Channel? Nah, we took out our cable last year because no one was using it anymore. And I doubt there’s anything watchable on Disney Channel for a twentysomething?? Lmao I usually stick to the shows and movies I grew up with, so.
16. Who did you last IM? Angela.
17. Who is your least favorite teacher? Whoever hated me for no reason in middle and high school. Then in college, I had to power through a misogynist, sexist, delusional Duterte-supporting professor for an entire semester as well.
18. What were you doing six hours ago? I was winding down and watching Good Mythical Morning videos to eventually doze off.
19. What is your ringtone? Just the default iPhone ones.
20. Does your door have a dead bolt on it? I had to look this up haha but yeah.
21. Have you ever been to a show? Like, a live shooting of a show? Hmm....I don’t remember ever going to one yet. I remember being invited to one because they needed seat fillers, but I had school at the time and was never available on the day of the shoot.
22. What are some details about your first kiss? Innocent, pure. Even though that person ended up disappointing me, I don’t regret having my first kiss with them.
23. What college do you want to attend/currently attend? I went to UP.
24. Have you had any soda today? No and I most likely won’t.
25. What is your favorite scary movie? Carrie, The Shining, and Evil Dead are some good ones.
26. Do you own a Wii? We used to and it was a big part of my late childhood to my early teens. We had thrown it out years ago, though, because it stopped working.
27. Did you wear shorts today? I currently am wearing shorts, yeah, and I plan on wearing shorts for the rest of the day.
28. Anything fun happening this weekend? There’s an official Kim Seonho fanmeet happening tonight on Facebook and I’m so excited for it lmaaaaaaoooo
29. What shoes did you wear today? One of my sneakers.
30. What is your favorite type of Pop Tart? We only get 5 flavors here in the Philippines, but my favorite is the chocolate fudge one.
31. Do you subscribe to any magazines? Nope.
32. What was the last television show you watched? I didn’t watch it on TV, but I watched a few clips from this show called Caught in Providence on Facebook. I have such a soft spot for that show.
33. Do you know any other languages? If I’m not speaking in English, I use Filipino, yes.
34. Are you wearing anything green? No.
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skunkes · 4 years
can i ask how you made your print series? i recognize a lot of it from your sketchbook posts and i really love it!
ok so!! I scanned some sketchbook pages, enlarged em, added the borders from close ups of other sketchbook pages, used some big french paper (19 x 25) and my school’s print shop’s enormous printer to digitally print that out! 
at the same time, I picked some doodles I liked from all these pages, redrew them because a lot were/are old, printed them and all their color layers also using the big fancy printer, but as transparencies, burned them onto some screens and screenprinted them on top of the digitally printed paper! I mixed some inks with transparent base to let the sketchbook page bgs come through...
i keep being asked this but im not sure if this is the answer yu (or others!) wanted but i love screenprinting and the process so if it isnt, I can answer any more specific questions yu have!
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channoticedmeuwu · 3 years
AyYyY YOO WAIT WHAT- WAIT IM WATCHING MHA TOO RN- I mean I watched the first 3 ran out of time BUT LIKE I STILL KEEP UP WITH IT cuz one of my irl friends is a MHA stan- and kdrama mygod I have way too much man- I’m not even joking I tried making a list and it’s like WHOO I cant even paste it it’s way too long and omg I tried calligraphy man but it just looks like chicken scratch but with a hint of ✨ colour ✨ lmaofuckimrunningOutOfSpaceAgainIfItsNotTooMuchForYouToDropTheMaterialsThenPlsDo!-🥴
Calligraphy tips under the cut!
calligraphy and lettering tips :
okay so, to start from scratch, I used sticks (yes, you read that right. I'll get into that later) to do calligraphy. Then I switched to a brushpen after I got a hang of it. I used around 3 months to practice, after which I moved onto brushpen. The pens I use are the tombow dual brushpens, and the tombow hard-tip and soft-tip pens.
A brush tip is like a brush, the more pressure you put, the thicker the line you draw. The lesser you put, the thinner it gets.
If you know cursive, it'll be easier for you to write in calligraphy, tho if you don't, you don't have to learn it first, only practice the way you'll write your letters. I can't do cursive, and still can't lmao. My letters look like this
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a good exercise to practice when you're a complete beginner is the wave practice. Like I explained earlier, the brushpen makes lines depending on how much pressure you apply. When you make upper strokes, (start from the bottom and drag up), you must apply less pressure in order to get a thin line. When you make lower strokes, (start from the top and drag down) you must apply more pressure than you did last time to get a thick line.
Then, you basically mush it together in a wave. Like this !
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tombow dual brushpens :
• Notes and tips : my pen, the tombow dual brushpen, looks like this. This one is color #453. It has a normal marker at the back, and the brushpen in front. I personally recommend this one, the tip never wears out, which is a problem some cheap brushpens have.
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• Price and where to find : I got these pens in a pack of 10 off of Amazon, I believe I got the pastel color pack. It was for around $24.
Tombow hard-tip and soft-tip pens :
• notes and tips : this one is way smaller, and I got these in black. They give a more solid lettering. The hard-tip is easier as it offers a more firmer approach. Soft-tip is more free. Both are equally good for lettering.
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• price and where to find them : I got these off of Amazon too. They came in the same pack for $5. Pretty cheap and really worth it.
• sticks :
Tips and notes : Now, I used these sticks for practice, to get a hang of the way I form my letters, and to learn HOW to do calligraphy. This doesn't have any flexibility, (ofc because it's a piece of wood), but it'll help you form your letters, which will make it simpler when you change to brush. I dipped them in ink/paint + water and lettered.
pens look like this, and my calligraphy when I used them looked like this
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The trick with these ones is that you have to use the the whole cut of the stick to letter (for thicker strokes) and use only the top tip to letter (for thin strokes)
It sounds complicated, but it's not. The tip of this also replicates a highlighter, so if you know how to work with these, you can do calligraphy with highlighters and pens with slanted tips too!
• Price and where to find them : I found these from my local stationary store, for less than a dollar. They had 5 in a pack. Try looking for them! I really recommend getting a hand of your letters before you move onto the strokes.
For my spreads alone : I use pictures printed out from my printer, these brushpens for titles, a silver gel pen to make some things pop by highlighting or adding effects on the letters, and some washi tape! I also used random paper, like newspaper, scrap paper, card paper, old book pages, magazine paper, LITERALLY ANYTHING to make my spreads. I've even used real flowers from my garden, which I pressed into my book so I could get a stamp type sample. It sounds like a hastle, so you can always start off simple, and then get more detailed! It's not hard, but really fun! Play some music in the background too!
I personally have heard alot about aliexpress, so do consider browsing it for any supplies you may like!
some YouTubers that helped me start a journal and learn calligraphy : @mihan, @Amanda RachLee, @honeymilks, @iwazumin, @justinebujo, @milkcloud and some others you can browse!
Last tip : some spreads may be good and absolutely beautiful! Some may be a little on the satisfactory side. Don't let that discourage you! Always take a break, drink a cup of tea, rest your hands and breathe, and start over! It's absolutely fun!
Good luck, love! I'm rooting for you!
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pbandjesse · 4 years
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I am going to go take a bath after this. I feel kind of dirty. Today was a long day. It wasnt bad at all. Just felt really long. 
I slept pretty well last night. Felt pretty cozy. James let me give him a birthday present. A nice night. 
I woke up this morning and felt pretty good. The heat had come on and being in the apartment felt pretty nice. James was feeling kind of sad and then we also are finally out of printer ink and so I cant print my shipping labels. Stressful. Itll get done but James was upset that he couldnt get it to work. But I told him it would be okay and gave lots of hugs and soon it was time to leave for work. 
I had a good drive in. We didnt have any kids until almost 10. So it was a quiet day. Dasia got there the same time as me. She had a very fluffy cropped jacket on that was super cool. 
I spent the morning sewing. Putting frogs together. I am going to take a few day frog break and make some other stuff this weekend. But I have plenty as a back catalog to post so Im not to worried. I listened to a podcast and sewed and it was nice. 
My dad called and we talked for a while. He was breaking up a little but it was nice to talk to him. I was hoping we could still do some kind of thanksgiving but its not going to happen. I just hope I can see my parents soon. I miss them. 
Eventually we had the sisters show up. But the older girl didnt even bring her laptop?? I was just baffled about what to do. I just had her read? Until I could figure out what to do. 
I had put up on my instagram about the new BIg Frog I got and asked for name suggestions. And then this morning took my favorites and had people vote on them. The final name that was decided on is Microwave Pip Maurice. Or Mike for short. A beautiful name for a beautiful frog. And the voting was fun too. I love the interaction. 
Lana called me to check in and remind me and Dasia to log our training hours. And I told her about the laptop situation and she said to use the PAL center's computer lab. But then didnt beleive me when I told her they didnt have one. And they was like is she even in the program? Magnet schools arent in the program? And I was just like. I have no idea? I have nothing to do with the registration. It was so weird. 
But eventually I was able to get an old laptop for the student and she got to do a little bit of her work but I am very worried about her being very behind her peers. I did help her sister with some math though and while she didnt 100% get it she was for sure on her way to getting it. And that felt nice to help her. 
The day was mostly just. Chill though. And the sun came out and it was beautiful. So I asked the girls to do independent work until 2 and we could go outside. And that was a really fun time. 
I brought my silk and eventually we went and got a hammock and we chilled. I think next week if its nice we could set up more then one of the hammocks. I do need to check our camping stuff this weekend because we are going camping next weekend. But also my one blue hammock wasnt in the trunk and I am worried about where that could be. I love the blue ones and will be sad if it got lost. 
We finished up the day with swings and the inside to clean up the class. These girls are super sweet and are just very quick to help clean up. Me and Dasia clocked out and off I went. 
I had seen a salad words on my way to work this morning. And so I headed there. Turned out it was inside of a grocery store. Which was perfect because I wanted to get James a birthday pie. I got my salad and the pie and some of that food coloring gel to write on the top. And headed out. 
Tried to unlock someone elses car? It was the same kind and color and I was just so confused when it wouldnt open. Was embarrassing. But no one else noticed and I got to my car and headed home. 
I was happy to be home. I had my salad. It was great. Sweetp tried to steal my roll. Fun times had by all. 
I spent some time cleaning. Just picking things up. James had vacuumed today. But I tidied up a bit more. 
I played animal crossing for a little. Laid with sweetP. I worked in the studio for a little. Took pictures for the store.  I decorated the pie for James. And now I am just ready to take a bath. I am looking forward to the two days off. And James's birthday! I hope its just an excellent day. 
Goodnight everyone. Take care of eachother!
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comicteaparty · 4 years
June 13th-June 19th, 2020 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble chat that occurred from June 13th, 2020 to June 19th, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
What is your physical and digital workspace like when you’re working on your story?
🌈ERROR404 🌈
LOL it really depends on what stage I'm in of the process - My storyboarding space is at home, as comfortable as I can be, a beer and some food at the ready and pure silence. The cats have to be freshly fed, otherwise I'll be harassed and lose my headspace entirely LOL. I usually work on my story boards digitally, just at a very small scale, with my script/outline on my computer and working on my ipad! The double screen helps a LOT, although i would just print out the script if I had access to a printer, haha. When I'm working on the actual page itself, it's a very different story. I usually just try and work on it in tiny little batches during the day when I'm stuck at home, and usually work around the animals as best i can, lmao. Truthfully, I really prefer to be in a coffee shop when I'm working on finishing pages, it makes me so much more productive than i am in this house with so many things to take care of right in front of me, but, obviously, that's a bit difficult to do these days. ;; I usually reserve food and drink until after I pass a milestone in inking/sketching to help motivate me to keep going for as much as I can before taking a break, and I need some kind of music or video playing in the background to keep myself from being absolutely bored out of my mind. My shading process, since it's in black and white, is very easy and i can finish it in one setting, easy, no matter what I'm working with. I also work digitally for my pages, of course, although I don't need more than my ipad and clip studio for it!
freshly fed cats
🌈ERROR404 🌈
They are BEASTS when hungry, the little bastards (love them)
I may only work in peace when they're post-food napping lmao
we only have one, but same
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I work almost entirely in the corner of my IKEA couch at home I used to work at a proper desk with a Cintiq, but when I switched to Procreate on an iPad, I migrated to the couch and surrounded myself with a nest of clothes and blankets and books and... here I am, bein' cozy. With terrible posture But when I was between jobs last year, I did rent a little coworking space down the street so I could get out of my pajamas and go get comic stuff done there. It was a godsend. I like drawing at my favorite coffee shop every so often too, but I tend to hide my work while I draw, and there, everyone can look over my shoulder The coworking space had a tall artist desk that was rarely used, so I often grabbed that one. Not cheap, but to stave off cabin fever, heck yes, worth it.
🌈ERROR404 🌈
Ahhh I've been really thinking about getting a studio space one of these days I really shouldn't rn, with my finances as they are, but I could REALLY make use of one recently
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I loved the space I used last year. They recently had to close for... current-event reasons... and are going to reopen with all sorts of plexiglass barriers between the desks I feel so bad for them. Good studio spaces are wonderful, I would support them again if I ever was out of a job!
🌈ERROR404 🌈
it's good they've found ways to make it safer, though!
My old workspace was in the basement of my home in canada and it was always perpetually freezing even in the summer and i was frequently visited by spiders so my current workspace is a huge improvement in that regard. I do miss my old ergonomic desk chair though. I'm definitely not the kind of person who can draw in bed or on the couch. I need to be in workmode and having a designated space just for that is necessary for me to get in the right headspace for that.
my workspace rn is just my desk with my laptop and my drawing tablet. my laptop is stacked on top of a pile of books so i can see the screen (otherwise my tablet blocks my line of sight). it's kinda simple
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
Depends. I have a Cintiq Mobile Studio, so I can draw pretty much every where and sometimes in the oddest position, but most of the time I am on my desk with the cintiq hooked up to a second monitor so I don't have to look down so much.(edited)
Holmeaa - working on WAYFINDERS
For Wayfinders: Thumbnails are somewhere cozy and the only physical work. Me and Q sit and plan them out together. The rest of wayfinders are made on Photoshop, and flat colors in clip paint studio. In the world I would love a nice studio place in an office with others. During corentine I have been working from home, and I am not that good at it, being quite the extrovert. Before corentine I was in a artist residency where I worked on Wayfinders which had a workstation and all the programs we could need. It is so nice and me and Q are going to return there when it opens up again!
I have an iPad so usually on the couch, cozied up with coffee and pillows and blankets. But sometimes at the table. But usually on the couch like the gremlin I am
I have a large drafting table, a mini drafting table, and a lapdesk in my papasan when we ink/draw! Toning and letters are all done on the desktop in its own space
I need to get a good lap desk. But that sounds like a grand setup!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
My first time hearing about a lapdesk
Omg I need one
They are the best things ever Mine has just the pencil holder !(some come with cup holders and its a waste of space imo)
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Wow I like your setup of the drafting tables
I wanna show pics of them....if im allowed in this chat?
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
I hope so, I'm not sure which channel we can post studio photos at? I did see some did before?
Ill post in shop talk since creator babble gets archived
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
my current space is uh.... a bit better than my last one. I used to work on an old writers desk for a decade and I did most of my comic work sitting there cramped up with my desktop taking most of the space. Now I have an L shaped desk where I have my desktop on the shorter end. The longer end it's my pen, pencils, and watercolor stuff. my display tablet occupy the space at times so switching from digital and traditional without worrying about setup hassle is a lot better than what I dealt with before lol.
I'm glad the days I had to curl up and draw with no privacy are long gone now
I’ve got a little drafting table where I draw all my comic pages. I’m messy with my pens so they’re kind of strewn about until I start to lose them. Then I put them back. I’m not particularly neat. I spend most of the comic process off the computer, so most of my digital work is just on an iPad where I can sit anywhere. I try to keep good lighting around my drafting table and there’s always loose eraser shavings all over.
Natasha Berlin (Pot of Gold)
I got myself a lil corner desk by the dining table. Not as well-lit as I'd like, but it's decently ergonomic and I started putting posters on my wall Plus I can leave work mindset easily by turning off my computer and forgetting about the dark corner in the dining room XD(edited)
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
My desk is really sloppy and covered in all kinds of junk. I have a harmonica, a ball of yarn, a bunch of ink bottles, etc on my desk. I have my sketchbook under my tablet and usually a notebook somewhere for writing. My tablet sits to the right of my laptop (on top of sketchbook) while I'm not using it and when I'm using it it goes over my computer keyboard. I sometimes have a glass of water or some food sitting to the lefthand side
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
The only thing I wanna share about my workspace is this
once i spent over three hours looking for that damned pen
never again
🌈ERROR404 🌈
Ajkdhfkjs the models for hte magazine im crying
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Oh my God
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
mad giggling
Deo101 [Millennium]
youre gonna manage to lose the string
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i know in my heart deo is right but still i hope
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
You should weld a metal chain to it
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Watch me lose the whole tablet
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Oh nooo
I believe in you!
My workspace is a black table with a white, yellow, blue and green tablecloth with 3 black chairs. It's next to the kitchen. On it, is my laptop and the left side is my clipboard, 3 blue folders full of writing. Then above it, is 3 sketchbooks and another blue folder from a class that I took in community college.
June 16, 2020
I have one long desk at almost three meters. On the left side is all my coffee and tea supplies, in the middle is my work space and on the right is my dining table xD I get everything done from there, despite having a mobilestudio so I COULD sit anywhere and work, lol. It's a blessing during holiday seasons to be able to bring it everywhere, but at some I like my designated working space. Although I am moving in a few weeks, so who knows what my new workspace will be
My workspace is anywhere I can draw or write. It's more of a "Will I be interrupted over something petty or stupid" issue than space. Not that I don't want more space.
Mitzi (Trophallaxis)
My workspace is a big, broken corner desk I managed to lug out of an old apartment when it was gonna be trashed. Before then, I'd just draw in bed. I don't remember, but I'm pretty sure the folding chair I sit at is a similar affair. It's got a Dollar General throw pillow on it so I can at least say I'm trying to save my back. The top of the desk is a mess of mostly old bottles and cans, pencils, incense ash, and my old tarot deck. I love this setup dearly. This is the first time I've ever had my own desk space, much less a space I can decorate or leave as messy as I want. Got my own art up on the walls with sticky tack and all! Also the cat's scratching post is directly behind me, because we've learned the cat won't use it unless it's as in the way as possible. What can ya do, lol.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Oh cats...
I got spoiled with an adjustable desk. It is six feet long, and has a whiteboard top for noodling with dry erase markers
my main computer is set up on an adjustable stand so it floats over the desk, and then I have my cintiq, which we tried to mount on a similar stand but then it was just too heavy
I keep my dice collection nearby because fidgeting helps think things through sometimes
and rolling to make odd decisions never hurts
lately during the quarantine I've been sharing the office with my spouse so we've had to establish rules over when it's okay to bug each other(edited)
oh yeah and we also have a whiteboard installed in the office, and it rules!(edited)
Shizamura 🌟 O Sarilho
Mine is pretty simple: I have a laptop that's long stopped being portable and is now mostly just sitting at my desk at all times and a 19 inch Ugee as my display. I usually keep a lot of stuff on top of my desk, but it's mostly just a mess because I have been using it for work too for a while now
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I suppose I'll talk about my setup too :) My main setup is where I do digital art. I share an office with my SO, so we both have workspaces on opposite walls from each other. I work on a corner desk that holds my beefy computer, two monitors, and a Huion Kamvas GT-191. That's where I draw my comic and pretty much everything else done digitally. Ngl, it's a mess right now. I have comic notes and location floor plans in sketchbooks and DnD character sheets spread out all over the surface, and random pens and sticky notes. In the corner of the room, we have a nice large-format printer where I produce prints for conventions. I actually sketch my pages on an iPad pro in Procreate, so during the sketch phase, sometimes I'll just bundle up on my couch and do it, or before quarantine, sometimes I'd sketch on the go. My other workspace (which hasn't gotten much love as of late tbh) is a drafting table in the corner of our living room. I keep a tabletop easel on it and my Copic markers, as well as whatever I'm working on at the moment. (RN it's some ink washes.) The drawers hold all my ink, pencils, erasers, etc. Next to the drafting table is where I keep all my large charcoal, graphite, and oil pastel drawings (mostly school projects), and my large paintings. Other than that, I have a nifty little cart where I keep painting supplies :) I will say, this setup is by far an enormous improvement from my previous setups.
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darthputa · 5 years
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process for proj.1 of my desgin 1 class. Abstract and Nonrepresentational “mark making”
It was extremely tedious ( 40 sheets of random marks that couldn’t represent anything with a variety of materials, after some time theres only so many ways you can use a damn pencil) and for me redundant being that Im not really a foundations student but I suppose a positive way to look at it would be a refresher in the elements/principles of design and framing your composition!
Original sheet was done with india ink, we then had to make a viewfinder and pick a piece of our original image to crop, cut out and then redraw larger and in a different medium.
Sine we had so little time I ended up doing mine digitally, changing my original color concept from green to blue, and adding gold.
Sadly since we had to use bristol board the printing didnt work, it sucked up all the vibrant color. It also refused to not print with a border and the computer lab tech that night didnt know anything about printers and thus couldnt help me (go figure).
I tried to fix it by going over with copic marker and medium but eventually I gave up.
I added gold foil for extra spice ™
It was voted best in my lab class and will be considered for an upcoming art show?? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ we will see I have go go against other pieces from other labs so ill letcha know!
So anyway heres Value of Lapis Lazuli, 14x17 mixed media on bristol, 2019 Denton TX 😜
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