#also im sorry it took me so long to respond
pumpkinhrat · 9 months
your gerry and michael are the only things that matter in this world anymore
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Kicking my feet, twirling my hair - and so are they :P THANKYOUU!!
[Image ID: A digital drawing of Gerard Keay and Michael the Distortion. The angle of the drawing suggests that Gerry is taking a picture of himself and Michael. Gerry lies on his stomach with his feet in the air while twirling his hair. Michael is in the background behind him and he's making a heart with his hands above his head. End ID]
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soranker · 6 months
hi….! any chance we can see your art process ? it’s fine if not! i was wondering if u do a sketch before your lines or you just skip directly to lineart? your art is very beautiful!
HI!!! AUGGHHHJHH THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH T__T my art style is kinda simple imo so my process is pretty bare-bones ^^;; there's not rly much too it!! it also kinda changes depending on how uhhhh lazy im feeling in the moment HAHA
probably around half of my drawings are straight to line art bc they're rly just doodles or things i decide to draw without any planning (but also im kinda impatient so i try to skip the sketching step if i can LOL...). but if i DO have a specific pose in mind for a drawing, i'll start with a sort of mannequin sketch or loose pass, then depending on how messy it is, ill either do the lineart pass on the layer on top or duplicate the sketch and then clean it up.
and then my coloring process is not sophisticated at all i just create a new layer and then paint bucket tool away LMAOOOO
here's an example of a drawing where i did sketch first ^_^
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ladybeug · 10 months
MAN THE MUSICAL NUMBERS CAUGHT ME SO OFF GUARD I HAD TO PAUSE AND STARE FROWNING okok!!! so the thing was that one time agessss ago you said liking ml fanfics is just wanting to read the same story over and over again and after that textbook 2016 post reveal final kiss that sentence just flashed in my mind and everything that happened in the movie (the ladynoir patrol fighting in the rooftops, the adrien snapping at his dad, gabriel being actually decent) just shifted in context for me and the realization of how fanfic coded the movie is and how that directly related to my enjoyment was so clear i couldnt stop laughing hdhshsjs
i remember saying that and its STILL TRUE!! And honestly you're putting it in perspective for me, thats why i liked the things i liked about the movie. like the ladynoir patrol fighting on the roofs also did lowkey make my dreams come true they could have done whatever they wanted in the rest of the movie, that scene is what i live for.
And that last scene really did feel like it was out of a fanfic, A 2016 FANFIC, its OLD FANDOM VIBES. back when we were still chewing up the concept of a reveal and not picking apart the bones of adrien's identity like mad scientists.
I remember thinking im sure ive read this scene somewhere. idk where but i have. all of it in different pieces a million times.
Anyways thank you for sharing this i love it?? good take
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babygirlbondage · 7 months
Hi, hope your vacation was wonderful! I just stumbled across your page and could not look away for hours. You’re very skilled!
As a thank you, I wanted to say the fantasy which took me over the edge (the asks telling for reduced time got me thinking). Oh btw, they/she/(maybe it) trans fem nb, but no worries if you’re at capacity for ask subs. Regardless enjoy :).
I want to be clicker trained when right on the edge. There’ll be more things integrated as time passes (giving a pathetic “arf~” at every click, making sure my collar is on, etc), but the main focus remains a step below satisfaction, fully submissive to my master. Every click erases all human thoughts, leaving me extremely horny and with begging eyes. Absolute putty.
One night, after a few denial filled days, I’m told i get to top and, if well behaved, even cum. positioned behind her, chin near his shoulder with my ear next to his mouth. hips shaking, pleasure shooting everywhere, being told how good a pup i am and how good i’m making my owner feel.
eventually, finally, given permission. However, they starts clicking at every thrust. no matter how hot and frustrated i am, relief never comes. i start begging through whimpers, but the only responses received are faux pity “cum puppy, you’ve been so good.” “Aww, what’s wrong mutt?” and eventually “It’s ok, you’ll get another chance pet. Eventually.” After clean up is a well deserved snack and drifting off in a tight cuddle.
And yes I see the humor in that this is what took me over lol.
-♾️ if it’s available
im never at capacity for subs honey, i love adding new ones to my little collection and teasing you! especially fellow trans subs, you guys hold a special place in my mind. also thank you for the compliments on my blog im really happy you like it!!
and youd be the perfect puppy to clicker train with fantasies like that in your head. watching you whimper and shake as you got so close but never getting the sweet release you crave would be a divine and pathetic sight.
youd look so needy, giving me your best puppy eyes and silently begging to cum. of course the you would be denied longer because i find joy in your torment. teasing you for not being able to cum when you hear that click.
such a simple noise yet it holds so much power over you, doesnt it? the press of a button and you cant control yourself anymore? what a dumb mutt.
dumb is perfection though when it comes to pets. with time youll be so well trained that youll beg for the clicker to be involved, itll be better than anything you could ever long for. no orgasm would be able to top the sound of the clicker when you get close. the click will resonate in your stupid puppy brain, like a song you cant get out of your head.
youll be fully reduced to a barking, needy, denied mess. serving your master will be the only thing you want. and of course on special occasions youll get to cum, but it certainly wont be often. youll be praised frequently though for being a good girl. i think all good puppies should be told when they make their masters proud after all.
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g00brielandbeez · 7 months
It’s October! Which also means it’s AVM awareness month! I had a hemorrhagic stroke caused by an AVM at 13 (I’ll be completely cleared by 17/18 so I’m 2 more years) but since that happened to me, I have decided that celebrating is the best way to bring awareness!
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An AVM can form in the brain, where mine was, or the spine and is an extremely rare condition! About 1% of the population have AVM’s and even less actually have one rupture! It is basically a deformed blood vessel that happens in the womb. All this to say Happy AVM awareness month! Please if you can help bring awareness to this!
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im glad you're ztill here :) stay strong and keep going, you awesome human
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sungsuho · 2 years
Hey I saw your tags on a prev post, can you tell me how you pirate content safely? (you can publish privately) thanks!
ok im going to start out that im not the 'end all be all' of piracy im like. constantly improving my craft (lol) but i'll explain everything i do to make sure i dont get caught while extensively downloading media
before that though if you just want to stream media and not torrent it you can just go to r/piracy's megathread and click the links through there
i WAS going to put this all under a read more but i was trying to link additional resources and this post has most of their explanation under a read more and since they deactivated their account you can't access it anymore. so on the off chance i deactivate i want to keep this post accessible, sorry its so long lol
some of this tutorial is only truly accessible if you have a computer that can stay on 24/7, which i know is not viable for everyone, so i went ahead and highlighted the things you need a computer thats always on for in blue
(honestly, you probably do all the things you need an always on computer for with a raspberry pi but i dont know jack shit about those (yet) so you'd have to look elsewhere on how to do that) i do all of my piracy on a windows desktop computer
1. the first thing you want to do when beginning your torrenting life is purchasing a good vpn.
i personally don't trust any vpn sponsored by youtubers to not sell you data to companies for profit, so i use ProtonVPN since i use their mail service and their servers are based in Norway i believe which has EXTREMELY strict privacy laws. they have a free version of it but it doesn't allow you to torrent.
NEVER USE A FREE VPN FOR TORRENTING EITHER! they are like. the least secure vpns in the world . a vpn is expensive but basically all of them are for plans that last well over a year so its a worthwhile investment
2. the next thing you'll want to do is select and set up your torrenting client
i personally use qbittorrent and it works great. DO NOT USE UTORRENT. while their are some versions that don't have a cryptominer attached to it, basically all of the versions do at this point so its better to just steer clear
once you have your torrenting client downloaded, you will want to set it up to only be able to connect to the internet through you're vpn. the images below show you how to do it in qbittorrent
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(image descriptions available in the alt text)
once you've done the steps in the image, click "apply" and then "ok" in the bottom right of the settings tab
the next part is only necessary if you are going to seed torrents (which i recommend you do if you can)
if you ARE going to seed torrents, you are going to need to enable port forwarding in your vpn and connect your torrenting client to the port specifed. the following images will show you how to do that with ProtonVPN and qBittorrent
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(image descriptions available in the alt text)
once you've done the steps in the image, click "apply" and then "ok" in the bottom right of the settings tab. you will want to make sure that connection status button, located two buttons to the left of your displayed download speed is a GREEN electrical cord plug. if it is red then you cannot download or seed. if it is yellow then you can download, but you cannot seed. it will take a couple of minutes for the specified port to update and the connection status to turn green.
3. now that you've done the hard part, its time for the EVEN HARDER part (this is, however, all completely optional). it is now time to set up tracked tv shows, movies, etc to automatically torrent when updates or a better quality becomes available
you do this using Radarr (for movies), Lidarr (for music), Sonarr (for TV shows), and Prowlarr (as your indexer to manage what torrent hosting clients you want these applications to use). when you download these applications and install them, you are going to want to
you first want to download all of these applications using the links above. you can choose which applications to download based on the things you're going to be downloading, however for any of these applications to work you are going to NEED to download Prowlarr. for simplicity sake i will walk you through setting up all of these from the beginning of my list to the end, except im starting with prowlarr first because that's what you need to set up the rest.
however, when installing ANY of these applications, you are going to have to choose whether to install it as a system tray application or a windows service. I'm going to copy and paste from the Prowlarr wiki what the difference means, though it applies to all of the applications
A Windows Service runs even when the user is not logged in, but special care must be taken since Windows Services cannot access network drives (X:\ mapped drives or \\server\share UNC paths) without special configuration steps.
Additionally the Windows Service runs under the 'Local Service' account, by default this account does not have permissions to access your user's home directory unless permissions have been assigned manually. This is particularly relevant when using download clients that are configured to download to your home directory.
It's therefore advisable to install Prowlarr as a system tray application if the user can remain logged in. The option to do so is provided during the installer.
now that you've installed the programs you want, its time to set up prowlarr. i am once again going to show you how to set it up using pictures
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(image descriptions available in the alt text)
that is how you add what torrent indexers (the websites that host torrents) you want to use to prowlarr. I only used TorrentGalaxy as an example, I don't actually use that site. I recommend being VERY careful and selective with what websites you use if they are a public tracker, as any of their torrents can host viruses. do your research before adding them. for convenience, however, I will list all of the public trackers I use so you can add them to Prowlarr if you like:
Internet Archive
Shana Project
you can also add private trackers, which is basically the same setup except you will have to input your username and password and/or an api key to allow prowlarr to access your account. I will explain private trackers later.
i will now show you how to connect prowlarr with the other applications you downloaded, once again with images
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you want to do this with every application you're using.
that's the basics for setting up Prowlarr. you can further customize it with the help of the Prowlarr wiki if you'd like, but this is all I'll be covering in this tutorial.
setting up the other applications pretty intuitive if after setting up prowlarr, however if you do need help this is the video i watched to set up the rest. you only need to watch how to set up one of these applications to know how to set up the rest, and you can ignore literally everything this person is saying besides how to set up sonarr radarr and lidarr. seriously, don't listen to the rest of what this person has to say it will only confuse you. i have the video hyperlinked to where you need to start to learn how to set up these applications (the one she walks you through in depth is sonarr)
4. now that you've set up the torrent trackers (or skipped that part, those are, again, optional), it's time to go back to your torrenting client and configure how it handles your torrents.
you can only download so many megabytes a second, and when you have a million torrents downloading at once it makes every single torrent download at a snails pace because of that. so, what you're going to want to do is set it to download only a certain number of torrents at a time, and queue the rest to download once one torrent finishes.
this setup is pretty self explanatory, so I won't use images and just explain it.
go back to the settings of your torrenting client, and click on the "BitTorrent" tab (this might be a tab specific to qbittorrent, if you are using a different client look for a tab that is called something similar) (you can alternatively just google how to set torrents to queue for your specific client)
click the checkbox next to the option "torrent queuing"
customize how many active downloads and uploads you want. I personally recommend having no more than 6 torrents downloading at a time so that way they can all download relatively fast. i have my seed (upload) limit set to 60 because I'm in private trackers (which i will explain more about later), but if you don't want to seed for whatever reason you can set that to 0 and it SHOULD (don't quote me on this) automatically stop your torrent once its finished downloading. this could also potentially throttle your download speed because torrents don't like it when you're not uploading them while downloading them, don't quote me on that either having downloads set to 0 is not something im familiar with at all
you can optionally also set your download and upload limits in the "speed" category of settings, though i recommend keeping them both at infinity
5. setting up your downloaded media so you can watch it
this part is really easy and ALSO technically optional but it makes your life so much more convenient so i really recommend doing it. we're going to set up Plex Media Server so it can auto sort through your libraries and organize everything.
download plex and create an account
launch the server and go to the settings page, indicated by the wrench icon in the top right
scroll all the way down the settings directory until you get to the 'Manage" subheading and click on "Libraries"
assign your media libraries to the folders on your hard drive. for this you are going to want to keep movies, tv, and music all in separate folders, and you are going to want to keep your tv shows within your tv folder separate as well.
click 'scan library files' and watch plex update your library in real time
there will be times where plex isn't able to grab the metadata for a piece of media you have, but i can tell you how to (hopefully) prevent that from happening:
in the settings menu, go to the "network" tab under the "settings" subheading
uncheck the box next to "Enable server support for IPv6"
thats it! it should be able to get the metadata for all your media now
6. joining private trackers
this is honestly some Advanced levels of torrenting, and you shouldn't join them if you don't have a device that can be on and seeding 24/7
private trackers are torrent trackers that you can only use if you have a registered account with. they generally have a higher quality selection of torrents with faster download speeds due to a higher seeders to leecher ratio. each tracker has their own rules you need to follow, but they all have similar baselines
maintain your download-to-upload ratio (this will be specified in the trackers FRQ)
after you finish downloading something, you then need to seed it for a certain amount of time (normally a week) or else it will be considered a 'hit n run' and you will face the appropriate consequences
some things are free leach, which means you can download them without it contributing negatively to your ratio. if you seed and upload free leaches they will count to your ratio positively, however
most private trackers are invite-only, but some do occasionally have open signups which you can track on r/opensignups
when joining any private tracker, i recommend only downloading things that are free leach until you have built a good buffer between your upload to download ratio.
this is barely a drop in the water explanation of private trackers, but it's a part of torrenting that i feel like most people don't know about and/or don't know how to get started with, so i felt like it was worth mentioning. r/piracy has a more in-depth explanation (and a better "how to get started" guide on their megathread
and that's it! this is my indepth beginners guide to torrenting and piracy. i will maybe come back to this later and add more / make the formatting better (tumblr post formatting has such bad options...)
linked below are some useful resources for torrenting and pirating in general that i have saved.
my favorite public torrent tracker
r/piracy megathread
r/roms megathread for video game console downloading (direct downloads mostly, not torrents)
r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH beginners guide to piracy
nintendo switch roms (direct downloads)
nintendo switch emmulator
ns emmulator setup guide
sideload apps on an apple device
hacked spotify ipa (ios app) that you can use above link to sideload
a less convient way to sideload apps onto apple if altstore doesnt work for you
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samgelina-jolie · 8 months
How do you feel about Santana, Brittany, Quinn and Rachel being one big poly couple? 👀👀
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the glee sapphic senate 💞
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4kts · 2 months
THE NEW EVENT!!!!!!!!(#!#(#;#(#;#($;#)*("
Anon, anon.... Im so sorry this is super late but omg.... That event was delicious- i was eating the lore up and im starving for more!!!!
Anyways- messy rambling and yapping about the event under the cut 🤩🙏 (its all over the place lol)
Theyre so adorable 🥺 i love them so, so much.... Pls dont tear them apart 🙇‍♀️💦
Gamigin is so cute and caring and overall a sweet boy that deserves all the love and world... 🥺, i love his thing with lapping up lucifer's tears when he cries in his sleep lolololol its so silly and cute (uhm... What if- a comfort bot where gamigin licks up ur tears up and overall being affectionate and comforting to you as u use him as a shoulder to cry on?????? 👀)
I didnt expect for there to be a war between dragons and angels 🤯 i wanna learn more about it!
Ngl- i honestly thought the seraphims hated lucifer thats why he was fallen- I DIDNT EXPECT THEM TO BE SWEET TO HIM???? (Naur more like obsessed 🙄 but i dont blame them 😌 i'd be obsessed with lucifer too)
Nahhh, michael having a brocon towards lucifer was something i didnt expect lol cuz he seems to despise gabriel but maybe thats just sibling thingz idk 🤷‍♀️
I was super duper sad when michael killed him broooooo i thought he was gon die 🥹🥹🥹 im so glad he's alive!!!! I wanna see more of him pls pls plssss he's so adorable and his interactions with gamigin and lucifer is so cutee gahhh.... They really are a family 🥹💖💖💖💖
And at the ending??? Lmaoooo i like how nonchalant the trio (buer, morax, marabas) are when they had lots of injuries- they were very invested with the story and i dont blame them because i was too 😌
Overall, I LOVE THE EVENT! so much delicious lore to gobble up!
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teacupofdrpepper · 1 year
I love your work. Call me Alio but please do go essay on that! Like I doubt Sanemi would enjoy hurting his brother. Like good lord if he did he be so mad at himself and I know he be comforting to Genya. I fact I have a headcanon that correlate with Genya guilt if you wanna hear. Genya feel so guilty for what he said to Nemi that he do something and be like 'Hit me I deserve it'll keep I know Nemi be hurt
I DO WANT TO HEAR IT I want to hear all your genya thoughts, I haven’t stopped thinking about genya since 2021 and I have the ao3 to prove it, I know in everchanging after all of Genya’s horrid abuse he actually has that mindset with sanemi and it’s so sad to read but I absolutely love it, so even in the canon verse Genya would be 100% desperate to keep sanemi by that he would allow him to be hit and insulted by sanemi and then sanemi just feeling horrified at Genya’s said desperation it is so good it’s so mm god I love co dependency so much
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princess-ditzy · 5 months
🩷🌺🍓SEND THIS TO OTHER BLOGGERS YOU THINK ARE WONDERFUL. KEEP THE GAME GOING 🩷🌺🍓 whenever things like this hit my inbox i always think of you, in honor of being my oldest mutual who's still not deactivated, plus just now every time i reblog haikyuu i think of the time we were both obsessed 💜
stop this made me tear up a little 😭😭
you're one of my favorite people to see on my dash and I love seeing what you're currently reading/watching. it's given me a decent list of options to check out if I ever want to venture into the unknown lmao
sending you love back 💞💞💞
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YOUR LAST POST ABOUT DORIAN EXACTLY EXACTLY!!!!! MORALLY AMBIGUOUS FUCKED UP IN THE HEAD DORIAN COME BACK THE KIDS MISS YOU!!!!! especially since in exu it was how he in his own flawed way thought was the best thing when he tried to save his friends from lolth's influence.....it could very well be his reaction when he finds out about otohan: rage, fury, revenge, grief, that overwhelming sense of failure of when you left was when your friends needed you the most addij to possible insecurities of will the bells accept him?? is he still one of them?? has he missed out on too much?? ....it breaks him down even more after whatever the fuck is going in with ck......and while it's good that he's grown and changed for the better IT WOULD BE INTERESTING TO SEE HOW HE DEALS WITH IT ALL...... AKA DORIAN STORM FUCK SHIT UP AGAIN PLEASE JUST A LITTLE BIT
right! because he's never mean just to be mean. he's defensive or protective. and he'll never know how imogen's face fell when he said he didn't know how to get to them to help, (as far as we know) he doesn't know that he was on orym's mind in what was almost his last moment, he doesn't know that they've been to the fey realm to meet nana morri, he doesn't know that fearne was made to choose who she was saving immediately after she was brought back herself (which was so. fucked.), i personally have the sneaking suspicion he might have been able to relate to the tension imogen has with her dad, chet reconnected with an old love which is right up a bard's alley. and truly ive been stuck on the fact that the shade creeper/mother arc wrapped 2 episodes after he left. like within 24 in game hours. there's so much. and he was so invested. even if he isn't as close to the rest of the hells, he spent MONTHS. with fearne and orym. and so much has happened that was wrapped up in strings their trio has been following since they met. and team im going to be honest. ultimately. i want orym to break and for dorian to break because he finds out that orym broke. i think it would suit their dynamic and also i want to see it happen.
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masonscig · 1 year
AAAAH can I just say I am so soft that you remembered me and zuri🥺
I completely get why Sofia would feel pressured to say yes, it's a loaded question. Especially with her feelings about her mortality (which I'd love to hear about btw if you're down to share👀👀).
Zuri ends up saying that she's curious when she's asked about the blood drinking. She's always been a big supernatural fangirl so her answer would usually be a yes lol, but she's worried that she's only valuable to people now (ub, the chamber, rebecca - especially rebecca) because of her blood. After the brief conversation with her LI (i still have her romancing everyone💀) about her blood and them being tempted by it, she isn't keen on the possibility of having those thoughts confirmed.
Also, re: the chamber. How did Sofia feel about them before and after meeting them? And how does she feel about not being a detective anymore?
Which just sooo...uuuuaaah. I feel like it's WAY too soon for that, I don't don't have words to express how bummed I was when I read that. Especially since the detective can't say no. They've only had that title for a couple of months. I get that they're so involved that it makes sense for them to eventually be a full on agent, but in the 3rd book of a 7 book series? With the detective barely getting a chance to think about it?🧍🏽‍♀️
YES OF COURSE !!!! <333 oh my gosh there are so many wayhaven oc's that just float around in my brain – even if i'm not active, i'll think about them sometimes and be like "hmm i wonder if (insert mutual) is working on something (insert oc) related right now :)" i love zuri !!!!!!!
ok this is probably gonna be long so i'm preemptively putting the rest under the cut
AH !!!! i love mortality talk hehe okay so i've written this in fic form before more fleshed out than this but here's a tl;dr version <3 so sofía's whole thing is that she struggles letting go of who she thought she was going to be and reconciling with what her life is – she's always wondering what her life could've been if she'd done a, b, or c. and with mason, it's the first time she's really able to let go, because there aren't any expectations – except for turning. sofía knows if she chose to turn, it wouldn't be her choice. she'd be turning for mason. and a huge part of her character is the fact that she's taking her own agency back by not turning – truthfully, i still don't know if she ever will! if she made the decision it'd be in old age (okay time to laugh about mis/hka's whole 'de-aging' thing, because she's afraid of being 40 years old i guess) TY FOR ASKING I LOVE TALKING AB THIS STUFF
also ZURI !!!!!! i just want to hug her and tell her she's worth more than her blood UGH also all of ub needs to give her a smooch and tell her everything is okay </3 she's precious 2 me !!!!!! i really hope that by the time that we get blood drinking in canon, she's more comfortable with it <333 she deserves a lil bitey bite KFMKDKMDF
OOF THE CHAMBER.......... so many thoughts. so so so many. none of them good honestly LMAO so i think sofía was nervous/scared to meet them at first, because although she's able to woo over most people with her trademark friendly/genuine approach – the whole thing just made her very uneasy. afterwards, she felt even worse – a lot of her discomfort comes from her feeling like overall she has a lack of agency in any situation relating to her job, and meeting an even more authoritative, what-we-say-always-goes-no-matter-what group that's expecting her to kneel at their feet and blindly serve them, is fucking with her mind. she was accepting of the existence of supernaturals in book 1, but truthfully, the more she learns, the more i think internally she's starting to freak out.
also! i think that she's deeply upset about not being a detective – not because she ever wanted to be a cop in the first place, but because for years, she's held onto the idea that this year is the year she'll go to med school. "i can leave this job at anytime. this is just temporary." but the more that she gets sucked into the supernatural world, the more she's having to divorce herself from the version of herself that she's always wanted to be. (she wants to be a person who helps people, even though she already is, but she never thinks what she's doing is enough)
SORRY FOR THE DUMP ABOVE DKMFMKDFMKD i just love talking about her so much ugh im sorry
ALSO YES TO THE LAST PARAGRAPH !!! dude. it's SOOOOO soon. and i know from the stuff mis/hka has said, i highly doubt that this is a setup for something later – like even the idea that mc joins the agency and is immediately terrible at the position for narrative purposes – or even the idea of mc being forced to join for surveillance purposes – i just don't trust her with those types of complexities
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lavendorii · 8 months
what are some tips to a vampire potentially wanting to get into persona 5...? (me)
ok first! if you're going to play persona 5, you definitely want to play persona 5 royal, as it not only adds an entirely new arc in the end game but it also remasters and makes the user experience much more enjoyable.
it's always a good rule of thumb to read the doesthedogdie page before getting into something as immersive as a video game, in my opinion! you do of course run the risk of seeing spoilers, but if you have triggers that you're very sensitive of then I think it's better to prioritize them. The game itself is far from perfect, it's over all very good until the scattered moments of anime fan service bullshit. I'll provide some prominent results from doesthedogdie and elaborate on what they mean in the alt text so I don't make a wall of text.
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I also reccomend using a gifting guide to get closer to the npcs of your choosing, as well as using a guide for the multiple choice questions that decide how well hanging out with said npc goes. The latter is less necessary, but! when you reach rank 9 with most female confidants, you are given the choice to date them or not. Sometimes the accept and decline options aren't very clear.
one last thing, the final section does get kind of weird about reality. No fourth wall breaking, but it very much is around reality being. wrong. for a while
that being said! I highly, highly recommend the game. It has its weird and degenerate moments, but they are far fewer and far outshone by the story strengths. It's really no worse than danganronpa in terms of tastelessness, in my eyes it's better. The concept is strong, the characters are easy to get attatched to, and the gameplay is fun. I just only focused on the downsides of it the game because I think the warnings are very important.
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artist-ladychelsea · 9 months
see you like kris and silver so here’s some art I made of them
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Some of this is from a Pokémon owlhouse au lol
These are so cute! 😭 Thank you for sending them in!
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ribbed-vault-heart · 1 year
Yo I would love a special in the mail! Those look so cool!! :D
i dont know if im willing to part with any of my other postcards BUT i would LOVE to send u something!!!! ive been collecting magazine clippings for collages and i have some really cool ones i could send with a letter :)
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cleo-serotonin · 2 years
I’m honestly bummed the Disney Little Mermaid remake won’t have mermaid costumes like in H2O. They could definitely afford it!
im not really up to date with the live action little mermaid movie (because i was never that into the little mermaid idk why) but yeah disney could definitely afford that. and im sure the technology and mechanics that go into creating the tails has improved alot since 2005, so if it looked that good almost 2 decades ago just imagine what could be done now.
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