#also in my head: Idc I'm gonna do it anyway
ritzzor · 6 months
I keep rotating childhood friends durgetash in my brain like a kitten on a roomba.
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pcetstcrtured · 4 months
to everyone who saw my previous post - pls just don't worry abt it ... i've changed my mind & decided i will not be trying what i was going to try. i just keep running into more issues & things i don't know how to do/fix & ... i simply don't have the patience to try to learn how (there is a reason i don't make my own reason & my graphics are all self-made & very very simple-)
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toecrust69 · 1 year
Hi! I’m not sure if you’re still taking requests but if you are, can I ask for one, Batfam x vigilante!male!reader (or gn, idc) The reader is a teen (younger than Tim and older than Damian). He’s like super smart and knows martial arts and is a total badass. The bat family has been trying to catch him for a year now. The reader just stopped a drug dealing, near the docks and was about to go back to patrolling but nightwing and Robin show up. They fight for a bit and robin kicks the reader in the water. The reader is exhausted too and passes out. Nightwing sees the reader not coming back up and dives in and rescues him. They take him back to the bat cave, put him in like a cell and the batfam starts questioning him. They find out he’s a kid and a orphan and ALSO knows who they are, bruce decides to adopt him (the reader and Robin not wanting that) but Bruce says something like since the readers just a kid and he already knows their identity, might as well adopt him and keep a eye on him. Thank youuuuu, I hope you can do this! Sorry if it’s a bit much <3
Super Cool Title
Tw: profanity but honestly who cares, bad writing, bad fight scenes
Authors note: don't worry about it at all! I hope u enjoy <3 Also, the reader is gender-neutral so I'm gonna try my best to not use any pronouns. Please let me know if you find any mistakes and I will fix them as soon as possible. Also, I changed some stuff up, so I hope you don't mind.
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The harsh wind hit you as you jumped from rooftop to rooftop.
You'd occasionally go down if you ever heard a noise, but so far, you haven't.
It was a quiet night.
Quiet nights weren't common in Gotham, but every time there was one, something happened by the end of it.
You didn't know if it was some sort if curse put on Gotham but you honestly wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.
You landed on a bridge overlooking a river, but you must be been too deep in thought to notice the loud thud behind you.
You did, however, hear the familiar voice of Robin behind you.
"ow," he hissed.
You whipped your head back to look at him and saw him there, on the ground, holding his knee to his chest.
You stifled a laugh as you crochet down in front of him, but still a few feet apart.
"What's wrong?" you began mockingly, "I thought Robins could fly, so why did you fall?".
"Fuck you," he hissed through gritted teeth.
You rolled your eyes and stared patiently at him, waiting for him to give up and ask for help.
He sensed your heavy gaze on him and glanced up at you.
"What" he demanded— rather aggressively might I add— but you decided to ignore it.
You pretended to pick at your nails then said; "oh, nothing much... Just waiting for you to swallow your pride and ask me for some much-needed help."
You smirked when his glare hardened, clearly annoyed.
He clearly wasn't giving up any time soon, so you decided to take manors into your own hands.
Standing up, you fished a mini med kit from your pockets and walked towards him.
He didn't seem to notice you until you were crouched down in front of him —closer this time— examining his seemingly hurt ankle.
He squirmed in your touch and yelled profanities at you as you tried to calm him down and keep him still.
"What do you think you're doing!? Let go of me you mo-"
"Shut up!" your voice was stern which seemed to help him follow your orders. "Stop moving so much— I can barely see what's wrong"
A quiet moment passed and soon you were bandaging his ankle.
"Why are you here, anyway?" you asked. "Still trying to catch me?" you teased with a smirk as you finished wrapping his ankle.
It wasn't a secret that Batman and his family had been trying to catch you for a little over a year now; there had been many articles written about the latest fight between you and Batman.
And, you guessed it, Batman never won.
*sigh*, you're just too cool for your own good...
A mischievous smirk graced his lips as he spoke, "Yes, was it too obvious?".
Before you could process what he was saying, he was launching himself at you and you were on the ground with him hovering only inches above you.
He raised his fists to punch you, but you caught it before it got the chance to.
Kicking him off of you, you stood up and watched as he struggled to do the same.
Your breaths were heavy and you brought your fists and guard down.
You couldn't help but feel bad for the kid. He was still young— younger than you. You know what it feels like to–
Suddenly, you were pushed to the ground, again, with somebody hovering atop you.
The fall was so hard that it knocked the air out of your lungs, but you still managed to crane your neck up to see who it was, only to have a hand planter on your head, twisting it back to where it once was.
"You good, Robin?" ah, you recognized that voice— it was Nightwing.
He nodded his head and pointed to his bandaged ankle. "Yes, I'm okay," he pointed at you, "This imbecile here helped me out".
With his other hand, Nightwing took both of your wrists and held them together as makeshift handcuffs.
Before you could speak, Nightwing beat you to it. "Oh, is that so?" he said mockingly, "I didn't know you had it in ya. Thanks for helping him out but we gotta take you back now."
You groaned. Not this shit again, you thought.
But you weren't going to go without a fight.
He stood up, picking you up in the process. He held you flush against his back and leaned down to whisper in your ear, "You won't escape this time".
You took this position to your advantage and turned your head to face him. Before he could react, you swept your tongue over his cheek.
He stumbled back in disgust and touched his cheek with his hand. He glanced down at his hand in disgust and you took the opportunity to high kick him in the face.
He stumbled back into the ground with a groan and held his now broken and bloody nose.
You turned to face Robin who was now standing up, ready to fight.
He launched himself at you once again but you punched him in the face before he could reach you.
Dumbass, you thought.
He fell to the ground, clearly embarrassed, and you circled him before speaking.
"Say, Robin, was you falling and getting hurt all part of your plan to —unsuccessfully— catch me again?" you taunted.
His glare hardened on you but then glanced behind you.
You didn't think much of it until you realized that he was starting at something behind you.
You couldn't even turn your head fully before you felt somebody hit your back, causing you to stumble forwards.
But you fought yourself before you could fall (again), and turned to face the culprit.
There you saw Nightwing again, in a fighting position.
Fuck not agai-
Your thoughts were quickly interrupted by another fight between both Nightwing and Robin.
You might've been strong when fighting with one of them, but not with two of them.
The whole thing was a blur, but all you know is that you somehow ended up tumbling down the bridge rather ungracefully.
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Panting, Dick turned to Damian and saskef if he was okay.
"You good?"
"Yes", he responded through labored breaths. "Now all we have to do is bring them back and hope we don't end up getting our asses beat again".
"yeah, you gotta admit they're pretty good."
Damian nodded reluctantly in response. He glanced down at the water and then asked "Why haven't they come up yet?"
He shook his head mindlessly, still trying to catch his breath, when he realized–
"Holy shit where are they!?"
Dick frantically looked down at the water, Damian following suit.
They stared in horror as tiny air bubbles made their way up to the surface.
Before Damian could, Dick dove down into the water to get you.
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The last thing you remember before blacking out was Robin— aka Damian— kicking you into the water with Nightwing— aka Dick— by his side.
Yeah, that's right, you know their identity.
You had to admit it took you a while to figure it out, but when you did, you honestly weren't that surprised.
What did surprise you, however, was how quickly you found Superman's identity.
That and how he hid it.
God, the people of Gotham can be so stupid sentimes
I mean— he had the money and the family, so why not?
Anyways, that's not important.
What is important, however, was for you to get out of here.
You had woken up about five minutes ago, but you made no move to show it.
You tried your best to gather some information on where and how you got here.
But that was easier said than done when you were put in the hospital room that was boarded off from the rest of what you assumed to be the Batcave.
Suddenly, the door opened and you heard two heavy footsteps enter the room, along with a light one.
"How do you find them?" a deep voice, who you assumed was Bruce, asked.
"This little demon spawn here kicked them into the water and they passed out", Dick explained.
"Hey!" Damian hissed. "I already said I was sorry", his voice sounded lower and a bit guilty than before.
Bruce only hummed, stepping closer to you and it took everything in you not to freak out.
He reached his hand out to brush a strand of hair from your face and you internally thanked him because that strand had been tickling and annoying you since you woke up.
"Well, they're something" he started plainly and they simply hummed in response.
The door opened and another set of step walked in.
"What did you find on them?" Bruce asked the mystery person.
"Well, they live in an orphanage not too far from here. Actually, its the same one Dick grew up in." his voice was tired, deep, and familiar... Ah! Tim, aka Red Robin
He continued, "Their mom and dad died a couple years ago in a car accident driving and left an inheritance of 3,000 dollars that they will get once they turn 18. Oh! And I think they know our identity"
What? How the fuck did he-
"How the fuck do you know that?!" Damian asked, earning a light slap from Bruce.
"Language!" he demanded and you could practically hear him rolling his eyes.
"Oh, because they've been awake this whole time and they have a whole Google slide about us."
Your eyes snapped open and everybody turned to look at you.
An awkward beat passed when Dick finally broke the this atmosphere.
"I knew that".
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You stood in front of the Batcomputer, arms crossed over your chest, as you watched the chaos fold right in front of you.
You changed out the hospital gown and borrowed one of Tims's old shirts that fit you like a glove.
Everybody was screaming at one another and all you did was lean back and quietly munch away on one of alfreds cookies.
His cookies were delicious and you'd gladly sell your soul for the recipe.
Speaking of Alfred, he walked up beside you with a tiny metal tray holding more cookies and gestured at you to take some more.
You gladly accepted with a small 'thank you' and he was on his way.
Jason had arrived not that long ago when he heard that they finally caught you.
He was mainly arguing with Damian and Bruce but you honestly didn't care all that much.
All you could focus on were the damn cookies.
What did catch your attention, however, was Bruce's next words.
"Why don't I just adopt them!? They already know our identity and they'd make a great addition to the family and team!" he screamed.
"Hell no" you and Damian screeched at the same time while everybody else kept quiet.
You briefly glanced at Damian only for him to look around the now quite room.
They seemed to be considering it.
Damian let out a sarcastic and breathy laugh. "There's no fucking way you're actually considering this, Father", he muttered under his breath but still loud enough for everybody to hear.
His voice was almost as small as he felt.
"For once, I agree with him" you said, pointing at him.
"Aw, look, they're both already getting along like siblings." Jadon pointed at you, "I'm gonna call you demon spawn 2.0" Jason teased and smirked.
You and Damian both snapped your heads at him and gave him the coldest glare you could muster at the same time.
Usually, Jason wouldve cowered away in fear but he was too busy laughing his ass off at the resemblance.
You both rolled your eyes and turned back to face Bruce and the others. At the same time without realizing it.
Some of them were holding back laughter while the rest had their mouth open in shock.
Damian tilted his head and you asked, "What?".
They shook their heads and went back to what they were talking about.
"Well, I don't see why not" Cass started from her spot on the table. "They already know our identity —like you said —and we could always train them to be better".
Everybody else nodded in agreement except for you and Damian, who stared in shock.
"I can't belive this-!"
"You can't be serious-!"
You and Damian spoke at the same time, causing both of you to snap your head ad glare at one another before turning your head again.
Bruce brought up a hand to pinch the bridge of his nose and sighed in annoyance.
He muttered random words under his breath for a moment as everybody stared at him in confusion.
He eventually snapped his head up and finally spoke; "It's final," he pointed at you, "you're getting adopted," he pointed and Damian, "and you two are getting along"
You both stared at him for a brief second, disbelief written all over your face as you began protesting rather loudly.
Bruce finally snapped and turned to look at you both. "I said it's final! You can't change my mind!" His voice was stern, and a bit scary, so you stayed quiet.
He sighed in relief once you actually shut up.
He turned his back to face you, muttering to himself again.
You leaned over to Damian and whispered, "does he do that often?".
Damian leaned in a bit too and answered, "yeah, but don't worry, you'll get used to it".
You nodded absently and straightedge your back again when Bruce turned to look at you two again
"See!" He gestured at you two, "you're already getting along well. Jason was right, now stop whining." He began walking away.
They're already making me grow white hairs, he thought
Jason dramatically gasped at his words and followed behind him. "What was that!?"
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Finally! Im done! I really hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I love writing this. I'm really proud of how this turned out and I'm honestly kinda surprised that I managed to finish this quickly
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heeseongism · 2 years
Ok I'm gonna need more enha dick analysis from u
Shits too funny
Heeseung has been WRECKING me lately can we get one of him please?? I feel like he would rock our socks off fr
omg im so glad you've enjoyed them bby!! jakes, jay and hoons can be found here 🤍
first things first, lets start by stating the obvious
even when this dude is soft it look like theres a whole ass baseball bat in there so for the sake of my mental sanity im not gonna imagine how big he gets when hes hard
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i internally debate with myself on whether hes hes got one of those pornhub dom daddy dicks or a subby petite camboy cock,,, i blame his ridiculous duality and his VERY OBVIOUS SWITCH BEHAVIOR but some of you guys arent ready for that convo
like hes either VEINY AF with one of those cocks that literally droop bcs of how heavy they are OR hes got one of those zucchini like dicks I SWEAR I MEAN IT IN A GOOD WAY 💀 ik you guys are probably sick of my analogies ever since i said jake has an inverted ice cream cone cock BUT LISTEN TO ME by zucchini i mean that his cock is smooth and thick but also he has a pretty big tip just google what a zucchini is and you'll understand what i mean 🧍‍♀️ LIKE????????
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now heeseung is actually pretty tanned and has a gorgeous amount of melanin but those stupid white washing filters hide it from us ‼ and so i feel like hes the same as jay and has a pretty tanned cock BUT heeseung seems like his tip goes more on the pink side than the red side
in conclusion: heeseung has a big ass fucking dick and its a mfing crime that hes not throwing me on his bed, whipping out his cock, and re-arranging my intestines to the point where i can't even remember what my own name is and the only thing i can think or do is moan his name ALL BEFORE dragging me down the stairs, bending me over the kitchen table and fucking me again from behind whilst putting me in a chokehold with his bulging biceps and pulling me head back by my hair and spitting in my mouth.
im filing a lawsuit.
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delicatereader · 11 months
No way (part 2) - Anakin x reader
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• brother's bestfriend trope
• summary: Anakin and you had a moment before, now you're friend invites you to their party but you must have dates...
• warnings: idk jealousy, mentions of sex, swears
• a/n: I got carried away with their friendships but idc. I used Taylor, Gracie and Harry bc I couldnt think names. I havent proof read it and I'm trying to make a flashback to their kiss. The party should be interesting...
"Party at mine, tonight" Stephen announces as he walks into the living room. All of you were hanging out (meaning scrolling through your phones and talk shit). Of course Ben and Anakin were in attendance, your friend froup was small but not too small. In addition of you, Ben and Ani, Taylor and Gracie (your besties), and of course Ethan and Stephen. You, tay and grace have been inseparable since you could remember. Ethan and Stephen came into your lives later (through Ben's college experience).
Anyway, Stephen continues to provide you the info for the party. "It's gonna be so cool, dark lighting, scary but hot costumes"
"Costumes?" Gracie interrupts
"Costumes. For you girls, I would recommend a pirate or a slutty nurse!" he advises. You hear Anakin's chuckle across the room. You roll your eyes at him, "speak, ass" you push him to continue.
"Ok ok fine!" he responds
"Drinks provided, strong ones provided. Also bring dates." he informs
You freeze at the word 'dates'
"Dates?" you repeat shrugging
"Dates." he confirms
Gracie has been flirting with Ethan for a while now, you've been sensing some sparks and signals, so they'll go together. As for Tay, your brother will follow her everywhere and try to persuade her into going with his charms. Stephen gets dates easy, that guy is the definition of a good looking frat boy man.
"These four are set I guess." Stephen breaks the thoughts in the air
"What?" Tay speaks up
"I mean, Gracie and Ethan are going together" our heads turn to their blushing faces. "I'm assuming Ben is going to annoy till you go with him" he grins in your brother's direction.
"No, not this time" she claims
"We'll see" my brother replies with a wide smirk on his face
"So you two who are you going with?" Ethan breaks his silence to ask you and Anakin
"I don't know" Anakin replies not caring about it
"Why don't you two go together" Gracie shoots
"Yea you two go together" Ethan agrees with Gracie. Soon everyone shakes their heads in agreement, except you two.
"No way I'm going with him" you reject
"And no way I'm going with her" he supports you
The last thing you want is something like what happend yesterday to happend again. You told him to stay away from you and that's what he is doing. He looks just as disinterested as you in this suggestion.
"Ughh" Taylor complains in the background
Suddenly you have an idea. You dive back into your phone and search through your contacts to text Harry, a "friend" of yours. He's had a crush on you for years and a few weeks ago you slept with him, it was a drunk decision.
"Then who are you going with? huh?" Stephen asks with a worrying look, not for you but for his party.
"I have an idea" you respond. Suddenly, Tay and Gracie jump from the bean bags on the floor to your side in the sofa.
"No, is that who I think it is" Taylor squeals whilst whispering
"I don't know, you tell me" you smirk answering her question
"Come on, isn't he dating someone?" Gracie asks
"No, not since...you know." you reply hinting at your night with Harry
"God he's so- " Taylor mutters
Ben clears his throat and furrows his eyebrows towards me and Tay. Anakin takes a quick glance up at you before focusing back on Ben's little interruption.
"Shut the fuck up!" Tay yells, causing everybody to laugh at Ben
"Who are you talking about?" Ethan asks
"No one" you shoot out, a but too fast
"I'll give you a hint" Tay speaks up
"No!" you warn her, but before you could interrupt she spills-
"Tall, brunette, greeny blue eyes, cheshire smile and HOTTT!" she said the "HOTT" way too aggressively and loud. She wasn't wrong though.
"Harry? You fucked Harry! Like Harry Crest?!" Stephen explodes out of surprise
"What! you fucked him? I left you with him thinking he will take you home safely" Ben follows Stephen's path of emotions
"Oh he took her home alright!" Gracie mutters under her breath
"Shut up Gracie! I don't even know if he's gonna be there" you reply to this hysteria
"Oh he's gonna be there!" Stephen says
"There's no party without him" he continues
Anakin again looks up when Stephen mentions him, but this time staring into you deeply
"We'll see" you conclude the conversation and head to the kitchen to find a snack.
You hear some steps behind, it was Anakin
"You fucked Harry Crest?" He asks plainly
"What happend to hello? How are you?" you tease him (taking inspo from the tiktok audio of course)
"Hello you slept with Harry?" He repeats
"Ummm- yea" you respond
He pauses for way too long, looking at you with confusion
"First of all its none of your business and second of all why do you care?" You shoot at him
"I don't care!" he states
"Ok you don't care" you repeat his answer to annoy him. You move past him and grab and apple.
"I mean it must be easy for you to get a date? right?" you ask him
"Oh yea? why is that?" he looks at you with his tongue pressed onto his cheeks inside his mouth.
God he's so hot
"I mean come on-" you you wave your hand around loosely in his direction
"Come on what?" he moves closer to you
You hesitate to respond, giving him more confidence to close the space between you
"Come one what sweetheart?" He towers you trying to push out an answer
Fortunately you hear your phone buzz, it was Harry. You step away from Anakin and attend the phone. You press it to your ear whilst looking at Anakin. He lowers his head and let's out a chuckle.
"Hi Harry!" you speak into your phone. You continue to have your conversation standing infront of Anakin staring at him.
"So I was thinking...are you going to the Stephen's party tonight?" you slip in the question
"Yes" Harry replies
"Good cause I need a dancing buddy" you smile (kind of blushing) and speak into the phone
"I'm free" he replies whilst letting out a chuckle
"Alright I'll see you there" you nod your head still smiling uncontrollably
You end the phone and tilt your head up to look at Anakin, who wholeheartedly hated that phone call but found it amusing in his own way.
"Sorry I have to get ready" you clear your throat moving towards him. In response he hums.
"I have a date" you smirk at him in victory
He looks up and down at you as you leave the kitchen, "ok" he mutters under his breath with a questioning smirk across his face.
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Honest to God there is nothing more hypocritical of a bunch of whiny proshippers complaining about hate
yet preach free speech as long as they get to jerk off to kids getting fucked by their parents.
The hypocrisy is appalling.
'oh oh proshipping doesn't mean that stuff anymore, we're Clearly anti censorship oh oh the horrors of being called a creep for making celestialcest smut and giggling about siblings diddling each other. but we totally don't glorify dark topics why would you say such a thing'
like pick a fucking struggle. deal with the consequences of your actions. None of this is okay.
And mind you, this is coming from someone who is a major proponent of dark fiction. people should get to write whatever fucked up shit they want to. coping, venting, idc the reason
but you cannot honest to God be stupid enough to assume you're not a walking red flag. No one owes you trust that you're 'doing it for the right reasons' or 'don't support the morally stripped content' just like how you don't have to owe anyone an explanation. That street goes both ways
It's even stupider, when these fucks are all like 'u should clearly know I don't condone this'. I'm sorry, are we all a hivemind now? Are we above communication? It literally cost nothing to add a note of 'hey btw I think this shit isn't okay in case you can't read the room'. if ppl decide to assume bad faith after that then that's on them. but being a fucking mule about it? really? thought we were supposed to be adults here
speaking of which
"Children shouldn't be reading this anyway, My audience is smarter than that" ok thanks for infatizing and being ablest. nothing says fun like attempting to grow and try new things regardless of learning disabilities. or do you think we all roll over and die before highschool?
Also are we gonna brush past the part where the sun and moon show is literally made with kids in mind? Why again are we so desperate for smut over a show literally built around found family? 'everyone here is so immature' yeah bud, it takes one to know one. we were all kids. all of us were the newbies of the internet at one point. I ain't saying ya gotta hold anyone's hand or babysit but is throwing a hissy fit over finding spiders in a jar labeled spider the hill you really wanna die on? if you don't like it, leave
you literally preach that same shit yet seldomly follow your own advice.
Actually, let's go a step further: you're not welcomed here anymore than the gore anons are
The reason why murder and gore is more acceptable than pedophilia smut is because one of these attracts actual predators. Porn is still porn at the end of the day, whether it's video or a picture, or words. and if it's on a screen it will fuck your head up the same way you can't have just one cigaret. it's always 'one more can't hurt' until it's an addiction you cannot escape from. And once someone is in that cycle, it gets worse. because soon the same thing that got rocks off doesn't work anymore. so then you find something stronger to get that high. then you have to find another stronger way to get that same effect
And that is exactly how convicted pedophiles go from using fictional kiddy porn to actual csem. There is actual fucking evidence for this shit with neurobiology and psychology to back it up
TL;DR violent video games don't create serial killers because people can only have a dopamine addiction. video game addiction is like sugar addiction Porn however can most definitely create pedophiles and rapist because of the involvement of dopamine, oxytocin, norepinephrine, vasopressin. porn addiction is like meth or heroin
These 2 are Not remotely comparable to the other 2
ALL, actions have consequences. It does not matter if you are a celebrity, or a fic author with 3 views. You are not an exception, and you feed the machine that gets kids groomed, trafficked, and even killed when you choose to sexualize and normalize pedophilia and incest.
So if you're getting shamed for getting giddy over shipping shit like Killcode and Bloodmoon or Sun and Dazzle. maybe you should think long and hard about why that is.
This is so much bigger than fighting over 'making dolls kiss'.
Get the fuck out of a fandom filled with kids before you get someone hurt
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burrowingdweller · 2 months
9 people you want to know better tag
I'm finally doing it! XD Interacting with people, look at me
Thanks for the tag, @brassic-bitch!
Three ships: JUST THREE? 😦😭 You're tearing me apart. (c) Errm, doesn't make it easier that my ships are usually fucked up XD Because, you see, if we look at Brassic, I'd put Vin x Davey on the top, then Vin x Erin, and only then FINE Vin x Tommo XD See what I mean? But, oh, well, three ships are here, eh? 🤭
First ship: Alucard x Integra from Hellsing
Girlbossing 🤝
Last song: Hated by life by Mafumafu (plays in my head on repeat since the very morning)
Movie: Is it the last one or just favourite?.. Anyway it's gonna be WOLFWALKERS (running across the room) (also it's an ✨animated movie✨ idc)
Currently reading: Reading a series by Lei Mi, currently on pause after reading Profiler and Skinner Box, getting ready to start the next one
Currently watching: I don't watch anything now, just looking at my "to watch list" in silence :_) But I wanna go with either Frieren, or Dungeon Meshi, or Blue eyed samurai. Also wanna rewatch Gurren Lagann with my friend who hasn't watched it 🥺
Currently eating: tea 😶 (right, right, it's zucchini with sour cream)
Currently craving: healthy brains for me and my homies 🤝
UHHMMM @sn0otchie @jjeniuss maybe? 👉👈 And anyone who's interested in doing this 🥺🤲
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stvrl0st · 14 days
guys for the past like 2 days I've been going insane whenever i think abt my s/o so I'm gonna do the thing that I did with neville&enzo/zhara&mattheo.
also idk if I've ever said who he is so s/o reveal ig
ME. (cindy kimberly as my fc) & if you don't know who the guy is (you should tho. he's amazing🤨‼️ .ᴊᴏᴋᴇ.) he's an actor (mainly on broadway) named (IDONTFUCKINGKNOWIFTHATSTHERIGHTWORD) jeremy jordan😻🫶
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so idk of those pics make sense but I'm trying okay😭
HOW WE MET. alr so i sorta explained this in a post a few weeks ago but i deleted it so if you wanna know just ask or smt idk. OKAY SO. year 2024 or 2025 I'm still deciding anyway so there's this new movie coming out (the greatest showman) & I end up having the role of anne wheeler & he gets the role of phillip carlyle (HE ACTUALLY WAS SUPPOSED TO BUT THEY GAVE IT TO ZAC EFRON😭) & ofc I'm gonna do this troupe because why tf not. anyway so I didn't know who the cast was because they cast me rly sudden & I'm like well known because I was in hannah montana & in the mcu ANNDDDD was in multiple musicals on broadway🤭 (also keeping most of the og cast) so anyway first day on the set AND YES I SCIRPTED THE FIRST SCENE WE DID WAS THE PART AFTER THE OTHER SIDE KNOWING ME YES. anyhooo so yeah in costume & all that (ALSO THIS IS THE SCENE IF YOU DONT KNOW.)
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SO FILMING THIS SCENE. FIRST SCENE WE DID (not the whole movie just like the first scene I did) so we had to do a couple retakes & stuff (I KNOW HOW IT IS IN MY HEAD I JUST DONT KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN IT.) okay so like the 2nd ir 3rd retake everyone took like a 15 minute break & we like fully met idk if that makes sense. BUT BASICALLY. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT IDC WHAT YOU GUYS THINK😭😻🫶
annddddd ofc we started hanging out more & stuff😻
I have more things I'm just sure this is enough for now
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spidey-bie · 1 year
Hey buddy this is the-cat-and-the-birdie
Uhh quick question you got any Hobie headcanons? I’m curious and also not normal about him at all
also if you have any advice on how not to lose my mind everytime I see a drawing of him please let me know cause this man is robbing me of my heart and sanity
It's literally impossible I've tried so hard but my mind is gone.
Anyways headcanons. (Idk if you wanted relationship based ones or just Hobie related ones but oh well. These are gonna be random as hell lol.)
General Headcanons
You can take Hobie and his Caribbean roots from my cold dead hands (and even then I'll arise from the grave to fight you)
I feel like he knows how to cook but he acts like he can't just to mess with everyone.
Aroace Hobie supremacy here. (We all heard that I hate labels line right. Aroace was the first thing that popped in my mind IDC IDC.)
I feel like back in his home dimension he just picks up kids off the street to adopt. Or at the very least all the kids in his area know of him and absolutely adore him.
He crafts in his down time when he's not punching fascists. It started as just patches on his jacket but now he straight up just crochets plushies that he gives to the spider band and the kids in his area.
He's just the hypeman. Always hyping up his friends and motivating them because he didn't get that when he was their age.
He seems like he's the cool and suave type at first but he's actually a huge dork like every other spiderman. He's constantly telling Gwen and Pav about his favorite Punk artists and whatever new tech is coming out in his universe.
Romantic Headcanons
His love language is acts of service, physical touch, and words of affirmation Fight me.
Like he just is always on you if he can be. Leaning against you while talking, lying across you if you're sitting down, head resting on top of yours type beat. (You get what I'm saying here.)
He's the best guy to go too if you need a pick me up. You're feeling down? Well he's not having it.
He definitely takes you on the coolest kind of dates. Not the traditional movie and dinner type stuff. Nah y'all are gonna go to some underground spot that had a hidden entrance and a passcode.
He's fairly neutral to PDA. Like he probably won't initiate it himself half of the time. But if you initiate it he'll definitely reciprocate it.
A/N: This reminds me I have to do more research on Jamaican culture for future works. If someone could help there that'd be nice. That's one down 2 more to go. I think I haven't looked at my inbox yet.
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This story has been in the works quite literally since I drove home from the cinema after watching Infinity War. It started off as a fix-it, no matter what the MCU outcome would be, and then I watched Endgame and made my fix-it cover as many cracks in that story as I could.
Personally, I like my idea waaaaaaay better. No, I'm not biased, what?
Jump down the rabbit hole with me, my friend because I'm going to infodump so much on you. I will try to keep it brief, but I already can feel it's not gonna happen because I'm so excited to share this story. So apologies in advance @sobeautifullyobsessed
In the comics, there are actually seven stones not six due to some god-like entity with the power of Infinity committing suicide out of loneliness. As a result of this act, the entity split into the six stones we know plus the Ego Stone which holds the entity's psyche; however, that stone was lost to an alternate reality somehow.
I hate the Ego Stone part, but I saw great potential with the idea of seven stones however.
Let's start at the very beginning. After the creation of the universe, the Creator saw it was good and presented it with gifts: Stones that controlled certain elements of the universe. Sometime after, who knows how long after, a secret organization of beings from across the universe banded together to protect the stones and make sure their powers would not be abused. But there was one among them who sought a Stone he wasn't meant to keep. He stole it, killed the Stone's keeper, and used its power to flee. But he was unworthy and unable to handle the Stone's power, and it killed him. But since he fled, the Stone was lost to an alternate reality. Ours. The Stone in question? Light: a power that seems to encompass all the rest of the Stones' powers while also keeping its own. (it may be mary sue-ish but idc)
The rest of this band of protectors searched in vain, but alas, the Stone could not be found. The band was disbanded, and the Stones were spread far and wide for safe keeping. Agamotto was one of the last of this band, and only he had been successful in doing what the rest could not.
And the Light Stone was lost to time and history in their reality. In ours, the Stone grew dormant and even depressed as it searched the future for a way to return to its universe. And it found one in the form of a baby not yet born. Seeping from its Stone casing through the expectant mother, the powers of the Stone lay waiting for the time this baby would bridge realities to get it back home.
Jump ahead to 14 months before Infinity War, and Dr. Strange finds himself wounded and in his attempt to return to his own dimension, he accidentally finds himself in ours where a young woman named Aurora (or Rory to her friends) manages to tend to his wounds and take care of him so he could return home when he was ready. An unlikely friendship arose, and in return - especially after hearing how our reality views his - he gave her a gift: a sling ring and the lessons needed to use it properly. It took some effort, but eventually it clicked. Now she was free to come and go as she chose.
In the time Rory spent wandering their reality, she had successfully wove her way into a world and friendships she believed she wasn't supposed to have but would take anyway (this was well before I learned the consequences of multiverse meddling so I'm going to ignore such things. They don't exist).
Rory was in our dimension when Thanos began taking Infinity Stones, and her unknown connection with them made her hear voices in her head: the Stones begging for help and rescue. And when Dr. Strange peers into so many futures in a desperate hope to find victory, he does find one. The lost Stone residing in none other than his friend from the other dimension. Who was now also stuck in said other dimension. And he had to make sure there was a way to get her back to theirs. Which also required making sure Scott Lang is in the Quantum Realm before Thanos laid the devastating blow.
When all that occurs as the Master Chessplayer devised, he used what last bit of magic he had before turning to ash to do two things: appear to Rory and assure her the task she would find herself taking on would be one she could do, despite it all, and appear to Scott in the Quantum Realm and lead him to a Quantum vortex leading to the right dimension to get Rory (who he insisted was vital to winning) and lead her back to their dimension before that vortex closed again for another 100 years. Success.
The problem with working in the Quantum Realm though is once Scott and Rory get back to the right dimension, two years have passed (screw the five year gap). The pair make their way to the Avengers compound, and Scott has been devising a plan the whole way there. Once the remaining Avengers give them all the full story, Scott explains how Strange put a lot of emphasis on Rory’s importance, much to her chagrin. But he and Bruce convince the rest that Strange’s way is the way to go considering they’ve seen how legit he is. Scott gives his first plan: the time heist, and Rory, who has heard Strange speak of the wonders and dangers of Time, said absolutely not.
Then Scott came up with plan number 2: a Quantum Heist. A dangerous plan to send all of them and Thanos to the Quantum Realm where the Infinity Stones would be rendered useless and the playing field would be leveled. The reason why the Stones still exist is because in this story, Thanos needs all the Stones to destroy them. Since he did not, he could not do that even though he tried, rendering him weaker than before.
In the process of everyone working on making sure this plan would actually work, some plot things happen. Rory discovers what she possesses and what her infinite heritage is, uses that power to restore Mjolnir and remind Thor he's still worthy, and test her newfound powers in the Quantum Realm to make sure those Infinity powers really would be useless.
But there was a problem during testing. Rory accidentally fell into one of those Quantum vortexes which led her to a time and place where she meets (and has a philosophical debate with) Thanos himself. Too little too late, she realizes she is not in the same Time she left and Thanos learns there will be a group to go against him in his quest with her at the lead with the power he wants most of all.
She manages to get back, but now the Avengers know Thanos will be waiting for them which will make the job extra challenging. Not only that, but Thanos is rebuilding his army just for confronting them. So they have to cut him off from his army to get him alone and then get him to the Quantum Realm via the bifrost through Thor's axe. By some miracle, they manage to do not only that, but get the Stones from Thanos in the Quantum Realm too! But he escapes them before they could finish him off, and they use the Quantum Tunnel built in Endgame to return to the compound in the right time and space.
Bruce snaps his fingers, reverting himself back to Bruce/Hulk instead of Professor Banner, right at the time Thanos unleashes his attack on the compound.
Cue the epic portals scene plus one human woman with the blazing powers of Light at her disposal. Major fighting ensues, and mostly everything plays out similarly but Strange knows one extra thing the rest do not. Tony is still meant to snap his fingers, and he will survive as long as Rory helps him carry the burden of the Stones. And with milliseconds to spare, Rory gets to Tony in time. The only real casualty on the heroes' side is Rory takes a lot of the damage from the snap, leaving Tony with lightning scars on his arm. Strange, Shuri, and Dr. Cho take care of her injuries.
So the war is over, and it's a happy ending, right? Not yet. The universe is very scarred and weary from such a war, and it needs a jumpstart. It needs an outpouring of love to heal such wounds. And using the power of all the Stones, Rory manages to do something pretty incredible. She came from a universe of untapped love for the marvel universe, and she acts as a catalyst, a bridge between universes for all that outpouring of love to go right to where it needs to go. And like a great tidal wave, the love and devotion of the fans practically floods that universe, giving it the medicine and jumpstart it needs to move forward like the Infinity War never occurred.
But the cost of such an act was high, and the Infinity Stones were returned to their Creator. Forever. Rory was allowed to live, and since the Light powers were basically fused with her soul, remnants of said power were left behind. Only time will tell if it will be useable or not as she heals.
And that is a rather large synopsis of my Endgame rewrite.
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scarrletmoon · 2 hours
Do you have any Ed and Stede fic you could recommend to me? I love your fics so I think I'd like your recommendations :)
i'm so flattered 😭i barely read anything to begin with for multiple reasons (nothing to do with quality -- i've been in a lot of fandoms and this one BY FAR consistently has the most incredible fic) but uuuuhhhh let's go through my most recent bookmarks!
in case you don't want to scroll through all the rambles (oh and feel free to tag anyone if they're on tumblr, i just linked their ao3 pages):
An Uncharted Level of Waves by Living_City (E)
politely menacing by daydreamcrash (E)
charted by darcylindbergh (E)
serial blusher by daydreamcrash (T)
CringeFail Mob Boss Stede (series) by Panda_Birds (T)
but that's none of my business by chaotic_neutral_knitter (T)
Telescope by Jimsnose (E)
Untitled by oatmilktruther (T)
An Uncharted Level of Waves by Living_City (E)
something about this trans ed fic just got me. something about ed talking about his body with someone he trusts? something about how you can tell how deeply stede adores ed even when it's not from his perspective? also uuummm this has coming untouched, so. i'm a simple man,
politely menacing by daydreamcrash (E)
i'm so stupidly picky when it comes to stede characterization, but i took a chance bc i saw "what if......stede in the cat collar" and you know what. it was fuckin great. i love when stede gets to be the brat. i love seeing ed and stede trust each other. i like when ed gets to dom on his own terms. i love them being disgustingly in love
charted by darcylindbergh (E)
i assume im like, the last person to read this but it's one of those fics that just pops into my head out of nowhere sometimes and i just 🫠 as i said before, im a simple man and i'm a sucker for play that involves one of them trying to distract the other. sexually. anyway it's hot AND shows off how intelligent and skilled ed is. win-win
serial blusher by daydreamcrash (T)
(see sometimes i read stuff that isn't filth!) this fic is SO FUCKIN FUNNY. i just love the fact that ed's spent so long trying to meet someone, but of course the guy he instantly falls head over heels for is the one archie never even considered. it's "stede? STEDE stede?" manifested into a hilarious 5k fic. i love it
CringeFail Mob Boss Stede by Panda_Birds (T)
just gonna rec this entire series bc it's so FUCKING funny. i haven't read Performance Review but i trust sowmz' humor so much that i'm going to rec it sight unseen. they just manage to capture stede's terrible but kind-hearted boss energy without going too far into clueless michael scott territory. also ed is completely smitten and everyone is confused by it. it's great
but that's none of my business by chaotic_neutral_knitter (T)
i've probably hyped this fic too many times but idc. it's 1.5k of lucius losing his mind bc he's CONVINCED ed and stede have something going on but NO ONE will believe him (except exactly who you'd expect)
Telescope by Jimsnose (E)
another one of my always-recs. pretty sure jimsnose has left the fandom at this point but that doesn't change the fact that Telescope is incredible and i hope one day i write something even half as good as this. one thing i love about their writing is how you don't so much read it as let it HAPPEN to you. and sometimes i remember parts of this fic like glimpses through that telescope and it's just so incredibly vivid. you can feel the tension so well between ed and stede here, how much they care for each other, how that breaks them, how it brings them together. and jimsnose so good at what they do that i happily read their Ted Lasso fic. i've never watched Ted Lasso. idk if i ever will. idk what i was doing over there, reading it. but the fics are fuckin banger
Untitled by oatmilktruther (T)
first of all, read anything abs writes on sight, like go sub to them right now if you haven't already (i'm biased but im RIGHT). im picking kind of a weird one but you try and get the image of leather and stede and tongue-tied ed out of your head. right. exactly.
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feelingpure · 10 months
“I'm sure you don't want to come, considering what a fucking self-righteous bore you've turned into!”
When I catch Hawkins Fuller:
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Further live reactions under the cut, because wuifdbivfyisvdtusdyif I need to yell about whatever tf else is gonna take place.
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THEY GOT MY BOY DOING BLOW Y'ALL 😭 (ok it's the late 70s so yes everyone is doing coke, and he didn't do it like a novice, but I'm still blaming them idc). And the finger sucking... we'll come back to that at some point lmao. What is going awn?
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Ok, now he's been fed pills on the dance floor. 😂 Anyway the soundtrack is banging, so now i'm like (booging to forget):
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Not this being-jealous-of-craig thing pls.
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Tim is... not looking like he's having a good time anymore. 😭
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And something's happening with the rest on the dancefloor. I'm feeling very anxious.
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Marcus and Frankie having a domestic at his work place. “I have news for you. You are a big chocolate gay man.” and his student is watching in the background. 👀 Ok Marcus, time to confront some things (I hope)! And then he said THAT, and then he did THAT. Omg, the way Frankie yeeted him 😭 everyone is in pain.
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Skippy is very 💅 here. And I can't decide if I fully hate Craig or... he's v annoying but also lol?
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The boyfriends are fighting! Aaaaahhh, GET HIM TIM!
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Ok suddenly something very different is happening... also that Tim/Hawk kiss, yes! (it was a lil slutty, but that's all I've been wanting). OH I WAS NOT EXPECTING THIS WTF IS HAPPENING OMG WFQOVBSDVBSFJKB!
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Nvm... it's not happening, even though Hawk tried to force their heads together like a kid playing with 2 dolls. Cause look at his face peaking from between theirs hahah. 😂 Anyway... WHEN DID CRAIG TAKE HIS SHORTS OFF LMAOOO?! They just weren't there all of a sudden??!!
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WAIT I'M ACTUALLY SCREAMING. IT'S ACTUALLY HAPPENING NOW (via some v questionable words from Hawk but).
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👀👀👀 WAIT WHAT-- WHVBDLAD. So Hawk can get it up if Skippy is there. Alright. And Craig's dirty foot just hanging out right there as they kiss aaahhh lol. Ok, apparently I've hit the image limit haha, but there's a lot of limbs in places... and someone is calling me rn so I have to pause wtf. 😭😭😭
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So I came back after I finished watching it and. Well well, that was a terrible time to pause ietbhfvebigadwn!!! Anyway, I'd keep blabbing on next to more caps if it'd let me.
But just... that whole episode was A LOT. The way things escalated, the way scenes turned upside down and then back again. The explosive husband arguments! The ending to that threesome was wild. The final 70s Tim/Hawk scene. OUCH.
Yes, Hawk's been hurt but. Hm, I have a lot of feelings, will probs have to be a separate post if I get the chance. There's too much to dissect. All in all; I am a Tim Laughlin warrior, and if you're yelling at him Hawk then I'm gonna have to yell at you.
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WHISKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i need ur thoughts & notes on visual appearances for all of the greats!!! what do they all look like out of costume & what r their costumes & vibes like & everything................ wgat would u want to see in art of them etc......... for no particular reason........... kicks clip studio paint under my desk.........
HIIIII HIHIHHIHIIII <3 omgg ok. alright. ok this is gonna get long i am SO SORRY in advance my ass is gonna RAMBLE
STRIDER!!! i have a very clear image in my head of him ok. short king. like 5'2. dark skin, lots of scars from various incidents, keeps his hair in cornrows bc he does not want it to be loose and long bc during his trigger event it was grabbed and pulled a lot while he was getting beat up!!! briefly debated cutting it all off but he did just start growing it out after being made to keep it short in foster homes and he doesn't wanna reset that progress ANYWAY after joining the greats he usually still wears hoodies and jeans, but now he's finally got a little bit of Spending Money so he wears some techwear stuff sometimes, and he might throw on some simple jewelry like thin chain necklaces and the occasional ring or two. no piercings tho, does not want things people could yank out of his skin!!!! the simple jewelry does make him feel like he actually stands out a lil bit more. also V IMPORTANT he finally gets some fucking mobility aids after joining the greats!! he wears a knee brace on his right leg sometimes and he also has one of those sword canes!!! it's got a poignard dagger hidden in it!!! his hero costume is like. fantasy rogue shit. black cloak with a hood, scarf over his lower face, and he wears combat boots EVERYWHERE no he doesn't care if they dont go with his outfit GRAYSON, they're good fucking boots and they're COMFORTABLE dammit!!! may occasionally wear platforms. he likes 2 feel tall
grayson!!! honestly i feel like i'm doing him so dirty w the image of him in my head bc he's a tiefling in canon but here he's just a basic fucking white guy. basic as shit kind of nerdy looking white guy. there's practically nothing to work with in canon for grayson all we know if that he's described as stoic so i'm taking that as hes autistic as hell and doesn't know how to fucking Talk to people. nerdy ass white boy obsessed with medieval shit!!! he's got curly brown hair and has glasses and wears like button ups and shit like that. his costume is a full suit of armor with dragon motifs and he fights with a two sided polearm!!! i have decided tho i would like him 2 have some vaguely inhuman traits??? idk how traits like that work in worm yet tho, like idk if it's a cauldron case 53 specific thing??? i don't think it is but PLS correct me if im wrong!!! i just want him 2 have tiny horns or maybe other small tiefling traits like a tail or something if that is in any way possible without him being a case 53. just as a Nod to what he is in canon bc if i just make him a white boy with no inhuman traits whatsoever i would be like That's Not Grayson who tf is this cracker!!!
RAM MY BELOVED. ok. this guy is straight up jesse mccree. idc that mccree's name has changed i haven't been invested in overwatch in a while but anyway ram just straight up looks like jesse mccree 2 me im SORRY!! like. he is not Muscular like mccree is, he was def skinnier in college and then after joining the greats he put on some weight that he def needed. he's latino, he's from texas, he's got that mccree haircut and scruffy facial hair, he wears cowboy boots and jeans and plaid shirts and OFC a cowboy hat!!! sometimes wears sunglasses when his extreme perception is Too Much for him. he's got a couple tattoos prbably, just random shit he got in college that he thought would look cool, like skulls or knives or some shit. his hero costume is kind of like in canon where he wears a poncho and cowboy hat and all that western shit, but he also wears a bandanna over his lower face. basically when he first joined the greats he was a skinny mexican/texan college kid with Trauma and Depression and a really bad vyncent sol style soul patch and then he got better and turned into a bear <3
min ily!!! she's a halfling in canon and i cannot imagine her as anything but Short As Fuck. like under 5 ft. like 4'6 or somewhere in that range. LITERALLY so fucking tiny!!!! squish her like a bug!!!! i always imagined her in canon with sailor moon ass purple pigtails so i think she's got purple hair. maybe she's the reason virion dyed his idk idk!!!! out of costume she dresses like she shops at claire's tbh. mabel pines but grown up. silly shaped earrings and pants with rhinestones on them and silly graphic tshirts and comfy cardigans!! girl WHAT are you even wearing!!! in costume she is SO different though. she has been underestimated bc of her appearance so she wants to make sure people know she is Not To Be Fucked With. i am so bad at cape costume design so idk exactly what it would look like but im picturing like. black bodysuit with bright blue spiky armor that looks like ice over the vitals, the arms and legs of the bodysuit are cut off to leave them bare because she's transforming her limbs into water and ice in battle more often than not, and her head is wreathed in ice to cover her face and hair. she WILL change her legs into tall ass ice spikes and walk around towering over everyone with her featureless spiky ice head. horrifying thing to see coming at u!!! like slenderman but elsa flavoured
GOD im sorry this is so long. jesus. anyway chungus!!! im changing his name btw his name is gus and chungus was just a shitty mean nickname he was given in school. i CANNOT take his ass seriously with a name like chungus so im changing it. anyway!! u thought ram was a bear??? well chungus is like. a fucking BEAR. ram is like a cub and gus is a Real Bear. Large Hairy Man!!! genuinely fucking huge. tall as hell too. u know hafthor bjornsson?? that fucking guy but fatter and hairier probably. he's like over 6ft. has long hair that he keeps pulled back. sometimes he lets min or virion braid it <3 doesn't rly care about fashion!!! lots of athletic wear!!! in costume he wears a lot of dnd barabarian type shit. always shirtless. wears small pieces of armor like shoulder guards and stuff just for aesthetic reasons but doesn't fucking listen to grayson when grayson's like PLEASE wear some proper armor to protect your vitals shoulder guards aren't gonna do shit!! put on a shirt at least!!! and u know those art pieces of ctechnoblade with the pig skull over his face??? gus wears a skull as his mask!! not sure what kind of skull yet. idk. boar maybe so he's got tusks. sick as hell
points at alphonz. white boy. whitest of white boys you have ever seen. before his trigger event he was like. blond prettyboy. good little catholic boy <3 button ups and khakis and nice shoes. and then he went thru The Horrors!! he let his hair grow out after joining the greats but he doesn't really like. maintain it well. min often brushes it for him bc shes the only one who can get close to him in his super bright super heated breaker state. that's not even important 2 his appearance but its important 2 me that you know that. ANYWAY he puts on some muscle after joining the greats and doing physical training with gus!! also doesn't really care about what he wears anymore so it's a lot of like. wearing whatever someone else has left lying around. strider's graphic tees and gus' huge sweaters and grayson's button ups. likes wrapping himself up in ram's poncho and sleeping on the couch. would wear min's cardigans if they weren't too small to fit him but he does wear her jewelry sometimes. he doesn't really. have much of his own. and doesn't really want to get things of his own because it could all be wiped away in a second if another endbringer attacks. yk. GOD IM SORRY IM RAMBLING JESUS his costume is full paladin armor. elaborate as shit with like a cloak and stuff. grayson had a lot of fun making it for him it was like an art project <3 in his breaker state his entire body looks like it's made of light. glowing like a christmas tree!! and ofc yk he's got wings made of light in his breaker state. that simurgh shit stuck w him!!!
ANYWAY. yeah. tbh they all share clothes a lot. gus can't rly borrow anyone else's clothes bc he's the biggest and this saddens him but to rectify this sometimes the others will purposely buy very oversized stuff to wear as pyjamas so he can steal it and wear it. min can and will steal everyone's shit because she's the smallest. she's got a hoard of sweaters and shirts in her room and she only gives them back when she wants to steal something else. they're family your honour
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talksosweet · 1 month
auriga and ursa minor for the ask game 🫶🫶
auriga ⟢ if you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would you want to go?
hmm i'd love to go to america for a year (defo not permanently no offence to americans but ur country is lowk fucked 😬😬) and experience all the stereotypical american stuff js bc it's so different to ireland and looks sm better 😭😭 also i want to go to target and taco bell and chick fil a and js like shops that aren't in ireland/the uk SO bad
ursa minor ⟢ if you could live multiple lives of your choosing, what would they look like? who would you be, where would you live and what would you be doing?
I HAVE THIS ALL THOUGHT OUT I THINK ABT IT ALL THE TIME 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 okay so i'm not gonna say everything and this will lowk sound crazy but i promise to some extent it makes sense if u know like all the details abt my life ig idk ANYWAYS i would be singer and i'd get famous at like 16 and then drop my first album at 17 and it would win aoty at the grammys along w like a load of other awards and i would be the youngest to win aoty (sorry billie but i like being the best so....) and then at 19 i'd drop my second album and then at 21 drop my third album and they'd all do rlly well and win lots of stuff AND ALSO i'd write a song for a hunger games movie and win an oscar for it 😋😋 and then the part that sounds insane but idc it's all in my head anyways is that whilst i was doing music i also went to uni in london after i left secondary school and studied law (i want to be a lawyer so that's where this is coming from 😭) and i get my degree or wtv and then js continue to focus on music so it's kinda random but idc 🙏🏻🙏🏻
thats like the main thing but other than that i'd love to be an actress, lawyer (duh), computer programmer and uhhhh idk i can't think of anything else rn 😭😭
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*Warning, this is gonna be a ridiculously long post...
So, some of you reeeeally wanted to know just a teeny weenie bit more about my weird boy huh? Well, here ya go:
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Yeah, where do I freakin' start with this--? It was not only hard to put together despite the very simple (and more obvious) inspirations... but I had to mega ponder whatever the heck I was on when creating this character, LOL
Lets break it down all over again:
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It is extremely obvious (I think) of which characters Tilde's appearance mostly stems from... our funny scout robots from Cave Story: Mr. Traveler and Curly Brace themselves. (Which heehee geddit he has a punctuation naem TILDE ~~ xdd)
I'm pretty sure some of you have probably assumed (Especially with how much I pair them together...^^") Tilde is... well... their kid somehow--
Not... quite? It's... much more complicated than that, don't worry about it! Anyways, I basically chucked them both into a blender to combine their appearances together as much as possible; an example of this is Tilde's hair! It's a blonde color like Curly's and straight; but has a waviness, spiking up at the ends like Quote's hair.
Tilde's antenna earphone things are green, and his eye color is also that bluescreen blue that Curly has as well, lol.
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So Tilde's outfit inspirations! Tilde is actually wearing Sue Sakamoto's sweater, along with someone's long green scarf. Its a bit old and worn out... but it's very shnazzy, dontcha think? ^^ In earlier drawing drafts of Tilde back in 2021, his sleeves were actually much more sprite accurate to Sue's-- But then I played OneShot and drew them droopy like Niko's once and it... stuck. idc its staying too. I think I wanted to give him a cuteness bonus, so I gave him hairpins thanks to Chase from Harvest Moon lol
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Underneath Tilde's sweater he is wearing a simple black tank with magenta shorts, like Quote's tank and sprite Curly's pants. His shoes I unfortunately don't have a direct correlation for their colors, but they're inspired by Cave Story 3D JP Curly's shoes.
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A much more rare appearance, but this is what Tilde looks like as an adolescent-- Don't question why, just roll with it-- I have my reasons and I won't tell you :^) When I was drawing him, my brain just handed me Basil from Omori. Literally, just Basil's energy and a bit of the Mother series protagonists for outfit design... I tried to swishing it around a bit and ended up with a very puntable looking guy, which was the exact vibe I was going for~ >:3c
I gave Tilde a sweater turtleneck and called it a day, then Lucas came to mind again when I was coloring-- Which overall made this particular bit of the outfit more interesting ^^ Tilde here is also wearing Toroko's pendant. Not really much else to cover here, since the many traits from Tilde's youth carries into here. Continuing...
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Oh boy, how the times have changed and he's all grown up now T_T
Tilde when he's older takes almost all the liberties from especially Quote, wearing his infamous deadpan expression naturally... but he still remains extremely expressive like Curly ^^
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Tilde's outfit is very obviously influenced by them, from their cargo pants to their color schemes (which are also admittedly being carried from his youth as well.) Quote's Blade Strangers design (If you ever heard of it.) was definitely an influence for him as well--
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BUT to keep him looking a bit more fresh, I devised to use even more of that special jrpg sauce i love to throw on my characters lmAO
Y'all should already know from my previous post that I'm a weeb a Japanese culture enthusiast, not gonna explain that again
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Specially for his outfit Tetsuya Nomura's character designs immediately come to mind, i cannot tell you which one specifically.
While imagining the "cool rpg boy outfit" all these characters blend together in my head, probs because they seem to have similar vibes LOL (very cool Nomura-san)
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100% CERTAIN Felix from Golden Sun had an influence on Tilde's outward appearance. I actually drew older Tilde before teen Tilde, and I gave him long hair partly bc of him-- lmao
(While Soren from Fire Emblem is not a main influence for Tilde, he is simply here because I hate him for making me realize long haired dudes are just,,, peak character design idk what to tell you.)
So that's Tilde's sheet
goes very crazy I know
If imma do a Tilde sheet, i gotta do it properly-- He's the best(est)
I'm very tired I worked on this for almost a whole week lol imma sleep or something
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slushi-chan · 4 months
I get so pissed and annoyed with this fandom drawing art of Bo hating Vincent and being cruel as adults! Could I see Bo resentful or cruel at a young age towards his twin? Yeah, of course! But for near 20 years all they have is each other in a damn near toxic co dependent unhealthy way because of their shitty parents
I'd be fucking pissed too!!!
And Bo STILL in that moment felt guilty for calling his brother a freak just to hurt him and tried complimenting and reassuring him.
Trust me, I am not good with forgiving ppl that can't apologize bc I personally suck up my pride and do it if I care but then again Bo goes out of his way to talk to Vince right away when my sister would've called me every name in the book, we would've argued and left without a word
And this man that suffered so much trauma and so much hate at such a young age STILL has a soft spot for his twin and STILL tries in his own fucked up way right away to make amends for snapping at him
I'm sorry, yes, Bo is shitty. He's a rapist, sadist, murderer, toxic, manipulative, controlling.
But I physically cannot see fanart of Bo abusing Vincent cruelly bc idc he would never. Istg ppl just saw Bo be mean to his brother in a shitty situation and since he didn't apologize (He tried in his way) then he must be abusive to Vince too! If anything they both resent each other yet if one dies the other might as well die too
No hate to the author who will be unnamed (I don't remember their name anyways 😅) but there was one fanfic of Bo beating his 'wife' reader because another man said hi to her and he does this regularly then ties her up when they got KIDS and I cannot see it. Not for a guy saying hi that was gonna get killed anyways. Could I see Bo 'taking what's his' to mark reader sexually? Sadly yeah his boundaries with women are non existent but a WIFE? He would have to be insane with jealousy and idc I can't see someone finally loving him and putting him first over his twin for the first time ever being his punching bag. A captive reader that develops stockholm syndrome and disobeys? Yeah probably bc he doesn't 'love' them. But a wife with kids???? Uh uh. That man would seperate his domestic life and violence as much as he could just my opinion. Everyone is entitled to their own renditions and dark material but I feel the fandom makes Bo way more hateful than he is
Carly was a woman he instantly looked at as prey and was a victim he knew was dying so if he had to have fun cutting off a finger or SA her in the basement then in his warped mind why not? That imo is ttly different than his brothers or fictional kids or S/o IM JUST SAYING!!
(Sorry for the rambling I have a hard time finding others that see Bo is more than the unreliable narrorator Carly is in the film that is done so subtly and Bo IS a pos that's its easy to overlook)
Also Vincent is shown to be strong and he kills more than Bo does in the movie, he could stand up for himself but he doesn’t, because Bo isn’t abusing him, not to mention him holding Bo’s dead beaten body and cry yelling to the best of his ability, they clearly care about each other.
I feel like people see that one scene and the opening and assume Bo is angry and abusive all the time (also people can write him however they want but I feel like I see a lot of people boiling his character down to just being angry and violent and mean) and he had behavior problems as a kid but just because he did and is mean in one scene doesn’t mean that’s just how he is, people change as they get older, I had anger issues as a kid (I now realize it was probably related to my ADHD I didn’t know I had back then) I acted out when I got mad, I was violent sometimes, now as an adult I don’t act out anymore, I don’t even get as angry, there’s no reason Bo couldn’t have changed or learned to cope as he got older, even with all the shitty toxic shit as a kid, once he was older he could have worked on it himself, we don’t know but like people just assume oh he was an angry kid with behavioral issues and he yelled at Vince as an adult and don’t take in any other context from the scene and decide he’s angry and has anger issues and that’s his entire character.
Also I agree he wouldn’t treat a wife like that, man was not given love as a kid he wouldn’t risk the person who actually loves him, plus we see he clearly cares about Vince, when he tells him ‘Ma would be proud’ he’d be the same way if he fell in love with someone I think, he’d try his best to make up when he did fuck up, he’d show he cares
Is Bo a bad person, yes he very much is, he does horrible things including heavily implied SA, and he has no problem murdering people, but he’s not rotten to the core with no redeeming anything who’s only bad with no good
No one take this as you’re wrong or bad for your interpretation of Bo, if someone wants to write him like that go ahead, you do you, it’s your writing and you should do what you want, I just wish more people looked deeper into Bo’s character and thought more critically instead of just accepting Carly, a victim who only sees a small window of the Sinclair’s life and behavior, as the truth
Actually I think it was one of your posts I saw that made me see Bo this way, you were the one who converted me lol
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