#also in regards to my parents especially my mom (who both share my views mostly)
adore-gregor · 2 years
My homework asignment for uni is like way too deep and way too personal 😅🥲
#it happened#for a class i had to do a reading about biases (racial etc.)...#and there are questions we need to answer the last one was if i can think of any biases i have/had#i went way too deep on that one 😅😅🥲#i went on a full on rant about how i grew up and parts of my family were/are rather conservative spreading some biases#and how that at that time especially as a kid teenager kind of messes with your belief system a bit#but that i remained an open minded person and could not be so easily influenced :))#while I never believed them however i have definetly grown even further away from that now#well i wonder if my professor actually reads that 😅🥲#and what he thinks... he seems to be a pretty forward thinking professor so...#i would have never done that if he doesn't come off like that#i feel a bit nervous idk this was very personal#but also i do like sharing things lately because it's like i want people to know me more as a person#so i hope he enjoys reading it hahah 😅🥲#i don't know who i have told about this already but yeah parts of my family are rather conservative and hold some views i don't agree with#being with them is sometimes quite difficult you don't know what to say or do... :(#i want to say so many things but also i don't want to start a 'family fight'#also in regards to my parents especially my mom (who both share my views mostly)#i'm not a person who says you can't talk to people with different opinions (but there are a few where i draw a line)#however it's rather that when i'd say some things it's some family members who couldn't deal with that and get really offended#so well#i bite my lip often#well you can't choose all your family members 🥲
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atuboflard · 2 years
After playing OMORI like 3 weeks ago and then diving into the Fandom, I feel like I got some omori brainrot hcs to share weee
Specially bout the parents (especially sunny's) cause almost everyone do be bashin them ( not entirely unwarranted )
Here's unorganized rambling
His dad is big tall ( for an Asian person cause its like accepted that they're at least ambiguous asian), like 5'11" to 6' something, while his mom is more average 5'6" ish
His dad also has a resting bitch face and is rather stoic, like sunny, making him rather intimidating (unlike sunny)
Massive baseball/softball fan, introducing Mari to it when she was teeny babey
Hc'ing that Mari was an avid baseball fan - it's why she played softball, until her knee when kaboom
Sunny's mom actually introduced.mari to the piano. She used to play it, but was never truly proficient. Getting Mari to play the piano was kinda her living vicariously thru her child
Babey Mari often plonked away at the piano because it make funni noise and cause her mom sometimes just set her in front of it as exposure theory
Sunny's dad was basically Peak Asian Student and is very good at basically everything
Honestly think it'd be interesting for Mari to actually struggle with math when she was growing up. One of her main bonding moments with her dad was them going over math when she was younger after dinner or something
Ironically Sunny is amazing at math and basically everything else, but he's either too lazy or daydreaming to actually put effort into using 100% of his brain
This mildy frustrates his dad
He still watched them do math hw tho as it was Communal Homework Time and they all did it near each other
The way their parents got together i hc as a massive long burn type thing, like it takes 10 years for them to marry style
Also hc that it was kinda not really Sunny's dad's fault for him being so quiet. They both don't like making noise, and his formative years were mostly spent with a very quiet father figure who rarely spoke, so he emulates him in that regard
This happened cause Mari was a Boisterous Bouncing Baby and did not care whatsoever about child inprintment or whatever it's called
Plus, their mom was there when Mari was still growing up
Basically mom got really busy (or was promoted wee) so she couldn't spend as much time with Sunny as she could with Mari
Despite being busier than ever, their mom still put time aside to read to them almost every day before bed (yay parenting)
Toddler Mari actually got into her dad's vintage comic stash and may or may not have trashed part of it
They went out camping at least once a year, later bringing Kel's family along with them too. Sunny and his dad often stayed up the latest to watch the stars.
This is one of the few ways they actually bond, as Sunny's not interested much in sports or exercise and they both kinda bounce off each other personality wise
Both of them can just sit together for hours without making a single noise
Of course, these good times ( and good parenting) come to an end.
(Prolly make a part 2 sometime later)
Made a part 1.5 which you can view here
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dreamyaqua · 3 years
Helloooo~!! I'm the same person who talked about Hyunjae and Haknyeon's rising signs! When I first wrote it, I wasn't deep into astrology yet. I've researched and tried to learn more about the Greek gods, the mythology, planets and associations to better my understanding. So, this time, I present all 23 members of NCT. To form an opinion on this, I watched their personal variety on their YT channel, took note of their physical habits and appearance, and read first impression stories. (1)
Also, don't worry about answering this right away! I just got very excited and wanted to share this :DD we currently have 5 members with confirmed risings; Johnny, Taeyong, Kun, Doyoung and Jaehyun. That's 18 members left, still! Also, I relied much more on their first impressions of each other as well as their appearance, habits and their neutral face because idols put up an act, which is enforced by their company. I'm running out of words so– (2)
(I decided to put the rest under a cut as the ask has gotten really long and I also put your asks together in regards to each member, I hope that’s okay!^^)
First up, Taeil! My first guesses for him were Scorpio (ruled out immediately lol), Capricorn and Taurus. I went with Capricorn at the end. Taeil just has a home-y, fatherly aura which Earth signs have. According to the members, he has that strong vibe that makes you want to learn from him. And we know that Capricorn is ruled by law and structure loving planet, Saturn. Saturn is associated with Cronus and Hestia. (3) Hestia is peace and home while Cronus was briefly the ruler of all. So, in short, a parent. Taeil as NCT's grandpa is accepted by many czennies. Which fits well. A typical Capricorn rising could have a petite stature as well as a wide-ish body type. Earth risings do tend to be stocky. Lips are usually either thin and wide or round but when they smile it's bright and feels familiar. It all starts from home~ Next up, Yuta! (4)
Yuta? Scorpio rising. I did try to see if he fits anywhere else but landed right back to Scorpio. One main reason, when he smiles, it's real. His healing and genuine smile is definitely a Scorpio rising trait. He's also pretty quiet in general but can get wild *insert clip of Yuta and Taeyong's chair race* and maybe even stir things up. Scorpio is associated with, Hades. Hades is generally a warm soul unlike his gruesome depictions. He's just a peaceful yet lonely guy. When he loves he LOVES (5) Traits seen in our double Scorpio royalty, Yuta. Winwin, Mark, Shotaro and Jungwoo is his Kore and Cerberus (you decide who's who). 
Easy tackle, now we've got Ten! Your local cat mom. As I say that, I guess Leo. Leo risings have feline features and traits, which Ten definitely has. When you watch his relay cam, his day's pretty chill and made more fun by his cats. They're just positive morning people and Ten really has that effect. Leo is associated with Apollo and Heracles (and more). (6) Apollo's a talented man (if you read Lore Olympus, I just hope you don't associate those characters with the actual deities) and so is Heracles. What do they have in common with Ten? Well, both Apollo and Ten are artistic, gifted with languages, and talented in music. With Heracles? Well, we know he's a hero, an ace. Leo is also the sun. The core of our system. We can definitely agree on Ten being NCT's talented ace, which all supports my guess of him as a Leo rising. Next, Winwin.
My first guesses for Winwin were either an Aries or Leo rising. Though, at the end, I settled for Aries. The entirety of NCT is in love (obviously, exaggerated) with Winwin, and fire signs naturally have that magnetism. Aries rules the head area, and one frequent habit of Winwin's is scratching his head. He also tends to put his head forward (called a nerd neck, due to book reading) which is typical of an Aries rising. He also appeals with his eyes when he wants something, also very Aries. Winwin as an Aries rising just feels true and self-explanatory. 
Next on our list is Jungwoo. A total Slytherin. Be a fool and fall for them, I dare you–oh never mind, you already have. Safe to say that Jungwoo is a Libra rising. Libra is Aphrodite afterthewholebeingbornoutofcastratedtesticlesthenformedfromseafoamshenanigans. We all know that Librans are pretty people. So pretty it's sickening, I'm getting too personal now. BACK ON TOPIC. I also had the thought of him being a Leo– I mean, if you've seen NCT World, Jungwoo definitely shone. Leos and Libras are similar in my opinion so it could be why I'm so unsure about it. Not many know but Aphrodite is a war goddess. Her role is very watered down, maybe because war was just not sexy to the Ancient Greeks. Still, Aphrodite conquered hearts, and Jungwoo has that main stage. Life is like a runway, especially with the way he walks. He also loves connections and making people laugh, both an Aphrodite and Apollo trait. Reason why I settled for Libra is that the first impressions of Jungwoo is that he looks serious, radiated sophistication but also wild. Aphrodite, being a magnetic and adventurous (iykwim) mad lad, has a definite influence on Jungwoo.
The next member is Lucas (12 more to go!). Lucas tries his best to make people happy. He loves seeing people be happy. And seeing how he says sorry when things don't seem to be exciting or done his usual way, I'm convinced he's a Libra rising.
I've written notes down but I have school so I'll complete this after LMAO
Back (new classes today so I'm hnghh). Okay, Mark! I believe he's where I left off. Mark is an Aries rising opinion. Also, while trying to hunt for their birth times, I stumbled upon someone saying Mark's birth time is 10:34pm. I tried it and it was Aries rising! Some habits that Mark does that's total Aries; touchy, laughs a lot, swears more than most, loud personality. He also has the Aries t-zone. His lovely gullbrows~
Next, Xiaojun. I was honestly stuck on him until I watched a fancam of him walking to the airport. His steps seem very grounded. Possibly, Taurus. I also thought he was a Scorpio and Leo but with the way Xiaojun gets defensive doesn't feel very water or fire (Aries is an exception). Xiaojun also enjoys food and cooking. He finds comfort in work, likes the easy way better, he's also quite practical. He's also hardworking. Probably either finishes homework the day it gets handed or when he's stressed. No in between. (I erased everything, I wrote by accident...) 
Hendery has the Air sign look and also the Earth sign vibe but in the end, I settled for Sagittarius. Why? Well, Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter (Zeus) and we all know that Zeus can get impulsive. Hendery seems to be so. Sag is also associated Dionysus, the stereotypical wild "people love people" drunk. Which Hendery also seems to be so. That's all for him. Next up Renjun.
Renjun has a habit of scratching or just touching his ear and head, his fight instinct is on 24/7, gets frustrated when something doesn't go right, very attentive when people tell stories, uses his whole body when laughs (stomping, throwing his neck back like it don't break). I guess he's either a Gemini, Pisces or Aries. The easily bored so they make chaos but also is helpful when needed trio, Hermes, Poseidon and Ares. Renjun just has a distinct style I can't pinpoint. No solid guess.
Dream's papa, Jeno. I believe he's a Capricorn rising. He just has that long faced, big nosed and intense eyes that Capricorn risings, from what I've observed, tend to have. I've also took up Libra and Taurus as other options but I went with Cap. Even if his go-to noises is confusion. I probably don't make 100% sense but I hope it's good enough. Anyway, Jeno has a potential to become a leader and Caps are great leaders. Not perfect but great. He also has some competitiveness in him.
7 more left! Haechan's turn! Haechan really does twist and turn people's heads. He could be a Gemini rising, mostly because he uses his hands whenever he talks, laughs, sing. He's also a trickster. Maybe Scorpio since he has that rbf and the presence that makes you quiver when you meet him in person. Another possibility is Aries, he's wild, impatient and banter skills are top notch. His silhouette either looks Arian or Scorpian. Face, Geminian or Arian. What do you think? 
Next, Na Jaemin. Virgo rising. Jaemin knows how to smile, like he knows how to attract people with it, and we all know his smile is beautiful. He also has that motherly attitude towards his friends. A total introvert as well and is just calm (but can get naggy and fastidious). CEO at eye rolling, even if habitual and unintentional. GenZ Artemis. 
Next, Yangyang. I'm dead sure on him being a Cancer. The way he walks is so baby? and my Cancer rising friends tend to do little skips and sometimes waddle. Whenever an opportunity arises, he takes it. He also enjoys comfort. These may be Taurus rising traits as well (they're similar in many ways) but when I watched ETC, Yangyang seems to have a protective side. A clingy side. So, I went with Cancer. 
Shotaro is next! Always smiling, gentle voice, admires people and loves fun. Libra. A possibility is Aries. This is based on appearance. Arians tend to have weak chins (chins that don't stick out). He also has the "always look forward to tomorrow" vibe.
I-I don't remember who's next...
I suddenly forgot what I wrote before this. I should've planned this. SUNGCHAN. My Virgo buddy. When I first saw him his vibe screamed Virgo, he just had that short face Virgos tend to have. It's a mutable sign so it tends to get overpowered but every virgo I know has a short face despite being different ascendants. I was struggling figuring him out but I decided on Pisces. I'll be taking a stretch here. So descendant is how a person views the world. His being Virgo. Sungchan seems to look at the world as structured so he could feel the want to rebel. He seems to enjoy chaos but probably helps mediate the situation for the sake of doing so. My thoughts are slowly getting tangled.
CHENLE. Chenle's a virgo rising and mostly because his rbf is piercing. He always looks like he's observing and silently judging people. It makes more sense for him to be a Scorpio as well. Yes, he's bright and fun but Scorpios do have that side. Just more serious and a lot of roasting.
FINALLY THE MAKNAE. Jisung Park. Libra rising. He just likes peace but when he's chaotic, he'd want you to match his vibe. A balance, in a way. He also seems to get frustrated/stressed easily, gullible, awkward hands, and he's always quite pretty. Calming to look at. That's all. What do you think their signs are? I want hear your opinion :DD Also, I hope your exams went well!! You probably put in your 100% best so of course it did!!
First of all, thank you so much for your support! My exams actually went well and I’m so relieved I got it all over with for this semester.^^ And now, as you’ve already noticed in an ask I’ve answered earlier, I don’t cover NCT on this blog and therefore, I haven’t really given their rising signs much thought so far, so I’m not going to really have an opinion myself but I wanted to thank you so much for your hard work with all of this and for sharing it with us!! It was super interesting to read and I can only say that I think all of guesses make sense to me.
As a Leo rising myself, I felt super flattered while reading Ten’s paragraph - I’d feel super honoured to share my rising sign with him and I also feel like his energy is familiar to me, so I could totally believe that to be true!^^ And also, omg, I’d love for Yangyang to be a Cancer rising! I seem to attract Cancer risings left and right and he’s recently become one of my ults, so that would be great :’) (I’ll definitely start to analyze him more in the near future haha)
Oh, oh!! Btw, my close friend @jacksvnshine made a very in-depth analysis of Mark’s possible rising sign and she guessed him to be an Aries rising like you did! She’s so amazing at what she does and if it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t know a thing about astrology. So I can highly recommend checking out her blog and I also really want to link her analysis for you here as you might find it interesting to read, and it’s exceptionally well made!^-^
I’m sorry that I can’t really give you my opinion on their rising signs, I haven’t studied them enough in that sense :( and I personally struggle with rising sign guesses because I always feel like I don’t know enough to make an “accurate” guess but oh well- a guess is a guess, we can never know for sure but my mind doesn’t really want to accept that. :’)
I truly enjoyed reading through your messages and guesses, thank you again for sharing this with us!! I’m sure there’ll be others who’ll find it interesting to read as well!^-^
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peterstanslizzie · 4 years
Re-watching Lizzie Mcguire: Episode 2.8 (Inner Beauty)
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Miranda and Lizzie making detention fun
- Gordo wants to expand his filmmaking repertoire and so, he wants to shoot his own music video for the song, ‘Us Against The World’ by Play, starring his best friends, Lizzie and Miranda whom are both practicing their dance moves in Lizzie’s living room:
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“Britney, Britney, Janet and J Lo” vs “ Brtiney, Janet, Janet...”
- The both of them then take a snack break to which Gordo get all concerned about because he thinks they’re not taking his new venture seriously. Relax Gordo, there’s nothing wrong with taking a break lol. 
- In school the next day, we see Miranda being upset about getting a B on a recent Science test. She basically feels like she’s coming up short, which I can totally relate. 
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- To make matters worse, she now thinks she’s fat after looking at the stills Gordo took of them from rehearsals the other day. It’s sad to see her nitpick every single body part on that photo. Anyways, it’s pretty clear what direction this episode is going to take and what issues that are going to be tackled, which are body dysmorphia and eating disorders. I definitely have my own personal opinions regarding how Miranda’s storyline was handled in this episode but I’ll save it for the ‘Overall Thoughts’ section. 
- Lizzie and Gordo are clearly shocked to hear how negatively Miranda views herself and she also declares to them that she’s going on a diet. 
Crash Diet Woes
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- At lunch, Gordo notices that Miranda isn’t having anything to eat. Miranda gives the excuse that she had a very heavy breakfast in the morning. Even after Lizzie tries to offer her some of her own lunch, she strangely acts like she just got a paper cut and has to go to the bathroom to run her finger over cold water. Girl, we know you’re not a good actress...stop it! 
- After leaving in a hurry, both Lizzie and Gordo are even more concerned now because it’s obvious that Miranda is forcing herself to go on a strict diet. Lizzie even points out that Miranda is not that kind of person to starve herself like that.  
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-  After school, Lizzie and Miranda are going through another practice session and this time around, they’re showing their moves in front of Lizzie’s mom, Jo. Jo is super impressed with the girls and asks Gordo if she can be in his MV (music video) too. but he kind of indirectly shot her down lol. But worst of all, she was trying to act all cool despite being disappointed about being turned down:
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Her face here definitely does not read “I’m kidding” lmao
- Anyways, throughout the rehearsal, it’s very apparent that Miranda is starting to feel woozy based on her facial expressions. Despite this, she still insists that she and Lizzie continue practicing. Big mistake here because a few seconds into their next run-through, she becomes lightheaded and drops to the floor. They all rush over to help her up and they ask her what’s up. Miranda lies again and says she had a really heavy lunch when she definitely did not. Lizzie is definitely concerned about her best friend’s wellbeing. 
Defensive Miranda
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- Some time after Miranda’s fainting spell, Lizzie and Gordo are discussing what they should say or do with regards to Miranda’s problem. Well, it’s mostly Gordo who’s talking because he’s not giving Lizzie any chance to give her two cents. But I got to say this; It’s unfortunate that Gordo thinks that just because Miranda is a girl, he feels like he can’t talk to her about the issues she’s facing with her body image. As her best friend, I feel like he should at least hear out what's going through her mind. But again, I need to remember that Gordo is just a teenage boy and he can’t help but to feel awkward in this type of circumstance.
-  Next, we see Lizzie at the mall with Miranda to shop for new outfits for their upcoming MV shoot. As I’ve predicted, Miranda feels dejected going through the rack of clothes she thinks she won’t look good in. Lizzie tries putting things into perspective with Miranda but she just gives off this nasty and defensive attitude towards Lizzie.
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Again, what’s with the attitude?
- Lizzie decides to come clean and be honest with her best friend by saying that she’s making a bad decision by going on all these crazy fasts. I generally feel like what Lizzie said to Miranda was appropriate, especially after reminding her that they’re best friends and she should feel comfortable being able to open up to her. 
- Miranda is just not having it with Lizzie and says something really passive aggressive and in the end, she just storms off. I feel like being Miranda’s friend is exhausting at times. 
- At home, Lizzie is feeling down about what just happened and she explains to her mom about the problems she’s facing without revealing Miranda’s identity. Poor Jo first thought that her own daughter was the one with body image issues. Also, who is Lizzie fooling when she tells Jo that she’s talking about a friend? It’s pretty clear that this friend she’s referring to is Miranda lol. Well, at least to me it would have been obvious.
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-  Well, Jo is just as shocked to find out that the person is actually Miranda and she freaks out about it some more after connecting this to the fainting incident in their living room a few days ago. Luckily, she calms down and tells Lizzie that if the situation doesn’t improve in a few days, she will have a sit down with  both Miranda herself and with Miranda’s mom. Daniela. 
Opening Up
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- It’s the day of the actual music video shoot and Miranda surprisingly shows up. Gordo tries apologizing to her for the comment he made about her eating too much but Ms. Sanchez is still upset at him for who knows why. Lizzie then steps in and apologizes to her for butting into her life and her issues at the mall.  But she also tells her that she’s very concerned about her wellbeing and it’s actually scaring her. Aww poor baby.
- In my opinion, I feel like Lizzie doesn’t have to explain her concern over Miranda. I think it’s very obvious that Lizzie only has good intentions. But I guess sometimes it’s good to break it down to the other person who is going through the motions. Fortunately for all three of them, Miranda opens up to them about all the issues she’s facing at school and the pressure she feels coming from her parents regarding what she wants to do in the future. 
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- Because of the overwhelming pressure she’s facing, she feels like she needs something in her life that she is able control, which are her eating habits. I think this is a very common feeling to have amongst people who suffer from eating disorders or body dysmorphia. And I like how Miranda explains that it’s something that she really feels deep within even though it doesn’t make sense on paper. It’s just how our brain works really. 
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I wonder if that look Miranda is giving to Gordo is a good one or a bad one lol
- Lizzie explains to Miranda that she relates to her struggles as well because she too, feels pressure to fit in. Even Gordo shares the same feeling for being non-muscular and probably short lol. She then reassures Miranda that being her best friends means that they will support her through this no matter what.  And  in the end, Miranda thanks them for having her back. I'm glad she came around lol.
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Rock those flips Hilary!
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The teacher definitely has some moves of his own too!
- The episode ends with our favorite trio watching the fully-shot iconic MV of Miranda and Lizzie dancing incredibly and looking amazing together at the same time. But most importantly, they look healthy and happy.
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Miranda is definitely feeling herself in this music video
B-Plot: Matt’s 5687th Career, An Artist 
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The resemblance is uncanny
- In this episode, Matt’s storyline centers around him being an artist, to which his school apparently thinks he’s a very talented one at that. They notify Jo about his ‘newfound talent’ and she wants to nurture that in him. I can already tell this whole plot is going to be campy. At least Sam is questioning this whole thing:
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“Sensitive? Matt eats mud!”. ICONIC
-  We then see Matt creating a portrait of Lanny in the backyard using the splatter paint technique, if I’m not mistaken. As expected, he makes a mess outside because he got his paint all over the patio, the plants and even Lanny himself. I don’t get why Jo is encouraging this given all the shenanigans he  pursued in majority of the past episodes. But most of all, I wonder who is the teacher at his school who thinks he has this talent? I could be wrong though; He might actually have a gift....
- Later, they decide to take Matt’s work outside and both Matt and Lanny are now going through pieces of junk outside to see what can be used for his next masterpiece. I smell disaster in the horizons for sure.
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- And I was right! The Mcguire home is ridden with all the trash Matt and Lanny brought home with them from the junkyard.  Jo and Sam sees this and they are just shocked. But I’m very surprised to see that Jo is still trying to encourage Matt. I thought she would put her foot down by now. 
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OK. This should be the trigger lol
- Matt pretty much butchered poor Sam’s car. Jo finally sees that Matt has crossed the line (when she should have reeled him in days ago) and tells him to stick to creating art on paper. This boy needs to be restricted, which come to think of it...it’s not really an appropriate word to use given the main storyline of this episode but I’ll just leave it at that lol.
Overall Thoughts
- I feel like this is the first episode of Lizzie Mcguire so far that dealt with a very serious topic, apart from maybe the bullying situation Matt was facing in the season 1 episode, ‘Sibling Bonds’. Episodes like this one really stood out to me over the years till today because it was mainly on an issue a main character was facing both physically and internally.  And it had nothing to do with relationship drama or girl drama. So naturally, the episode was very memorable.
- In terms of the execution of Miranda’s eating disorder storyline, I had issues with it but I also have some positives to say. Let’s start with the negatives; I just feel like the show kind of made it seem that Miranda’s body image issues went away within a week of it popping up. You can see by the end, Miranda was happy with how she looked in the music video. In fact, she was even praising herself. And that’s just not the reality of most people’s struggles with ED and body dysmorphia. These things just don’t go away so quickly. That being said, I definitely don’t think Miranda had an eating disorder based on what I’ve seen in this episode. But because things are shown through the lens of a children’s TV show camera, things might not appear to be so clear cut. 
- But I could view them having showed the viewers that Lizzie and Gordo having Miranda’s back no matter what means that they will continue to be there for her in case the issues she’s facing do come back. Moreover, I wish that the show would’ve added a separate conversation between Miranda and her mom or at least show Jo talking to Miranda because I think including adults in this would add more seriousness to the situation. Again, this is a TV show that is targeted towards kids and young preteens. So, there’s bound to be some problems here and there. 
- As for the positives, I recall myself pointing out earlier in this review that Gordo should feel like he should be able to talk to Miranda about her issues. And so, I’m very glad that he was included in the scene by the school staircase with Miranda and Lizzie. If it were just the two girls, I would honestly be upset because Gordo is supposed to be Miranda’s best friend too and differences in gender shouldn’t dictate the conversations best friends should have with one another. So, that made me feel really glad.
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squishybuttercup · 4 years
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Nam Jaejoong
28 years old - Genius - Slob - Bookworm
@simvicii​ Alex’s Bachelor Challenge
(NOTE: Under the cut is LOOONG story with his earlier life containing tw violence and depression. If you’re okay with that content, I hope you take the time to get to know Jae.)
Jae was orphaned when he was 10, and he had been keeping to himself mostly ever since then. His family had gone through series of tragedies, but most of those things do not make sense to a child. When he was 6, his older sister was diagnosed with Leukemia. Their parents’ relation started to strain as they struggle to earn money for his sister’s treatments and for their basic needs. They worked multiple jobs, and took turns in taking care for their children, but Jae was mostly overlooked. Both of them had to stop school, and so their only activities at home were reading and house chores (which eventually Jae had to do most as his sister’s condition worsened). Their parents were barely home, and when they were, all they would do is fight (screaming at each other and throwing things around the house). Eventually, his father stopped coming home. Without enough financial aid, medical treatments for his sister halted. She died when Jae was around 9 years old.
After years of struggles and pain, his mother was pushed to a point of experiencing depression. Again, a child wouldn’t know what to do in his situation. After all these things, the worst was yet to come for him. Robbers came to their house one night, and his mother tried to fight them of from stealing what is left of their savings. Jae rushed to help her but one of the robbers attacked him, all he could remember was a sharp pain on his face before he passed out (This resulted in him having a scar on his face). He woke up in a hospital bed, wherein a police officer broke the news to him, his mother was killed in the robbery. The orphanage has sent him from foster families after foster families. Jae spent most of his time on his own, reading books and trying experiments (when he has resources). He had a hard time at school because most kids and teachers just saw him as a weird kid. When he was 17 his genius potentials were noticed by their school principal who decided to give him a test, wherein if he passed he is then qualified to continue on to college despite him stopping school for a few years.
After passing the exam, Jae was then introduced to a couple willing to adopt him even though he is almost in legal age. The couple were both middle-aged doctors, who never had a chance to have a child of their own. They think that he will fit right in their household, and he did like it there. He had access to a library with a lot of medical books, a comfortable bed, and supportive guardians. During his time spent with them and in college, he slowly started to open up to other people. It was a little awkward for him at first to call them “mom” and “dad” but he got used to it.
For his bachelor’s degree, he took up BS Psychology. His course was a big part of how he was able to help himself heal and to also attend therapy. His social life also started to grow as he participated in different organizations that are about healthcare and environment preservation. When it comes to his dating life, well, college girls and boys don’t usually take interest on someone who has his face buried in a book. He went on a few first dates, but none of those developed into anything serious.
He did of course still spend most of his time reading, especially fictions which are fantasy genre since that was his interest when he was a kid. Jae was usually submerged in studying; this applies to all kinds of topics ranging from social issues up to medical discoveries. Whenever this happens, he tends to ignore the random papers, candy wrappers, water bottles littered in his room so his mom describes him as bit of a slob. (Their housemaid confirmed this).
His motto in life is “Keep Learning”. He values individual growth and always finds ways on self-improvement. He tried out sports during this time too, which are basketball and tennis. They were fun for him but they didn’t exactly become his favorite activities. But his experience did help him realize that hobbies aside from reading are important as well. This was how he developed the habit of jogging every other day, and he also tried going to the gym but that didn’t work out for him so he opted for exercising at home instead.
Jae entered medical school when he was 22, and he originally planned to pursue being a General Practitioner. But during his third year, when he had to choose his field of specialization in medical practice, he chose to focus on being a surgeon. Furthermore, his goal is to be a neurosurgeon.
When it comes to family bonding, they genuinely enjoy discussions related to their field of expertise. His dad is a Physician and his mom is an OB-GYN. But medical field aside, they enjoy watching action movies together. They also go out to eat ice cream during summer, and their favorite food to eat during winter is ramen.
  Right now, at age 28, he has finished 2 years of internship. He is currently evaluating his life and his goals in life.
“I’m working as an intern in the same hospital where my parents work. But I decided to take a small break from that for now. I am passionate about my career, but I’m also the kind of guy who dreams of having his own family. And uhm.. I’ve been thinking that I’m not getting any younger, and now more than ever I want to take this shot at love. I talked it out with my parents, because they’ve always been supportive of my career, and they said they want what’s best for me, and that I’m the one who knows that. I’m going to admit that the idea of my own family also terrifies me, but I also know that with the kind of person I am now, I’m going to be a responsible and loving father/husband.”
The reason why Jae is even able to make this choice, despite the well-known fact that doctors are busy as heck, is because of his security in his workplace and the support from his parents and friends. The hospital he works on ensures not only the best care for its patients, but also to its workers. The board members and all staff are aware of Jae’s capability as a doctor and treats him with high regard even though he’s only an intern so far. He had a discussion with the Director of the hospital before he started internship, to which he expressed his intentions and wishes regarding his working hours incase he decides to start a family. The Director is a good friend of their family, and one of the few people who knows about his past. Which is why he has made arrangements for Jae, with the knowledge that he will still be able to work his best.
Jae doesn’t really know what to think of fate or coincidences, but just during the start of his break, he saw “The Bachelor: Alexander Goth”. He wasn’t one to have crushes immediately on someone, more so on someone he hasn’t met. But boy did Alex leave an impression on him. The more he read about him, his interest in him develops and he hopes to get to know him in person someday. He deeply respects Alex’s work as an author, and he’s pretty excited to read his works!
“I’m entering this challenge and I view it as me spending time with possibly the love of my life. When it comes to what I look for in a relationship, I want someone I can grow with. People are so obsessed with finding their Perfect Match, and most of the time they just look for someone who is completely compatible with who they are at the moment, and worse they only want these ideal soulmates. I think that it’s important for partners to respect, trust and love each other. But they should also be aware that people continuously change overtime, and that as partners they must grow together and always choose each other.”
  Here is a CAS picture of him where his scar is now visible:
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squishybuttercup’s notes: hi love!! I know that your aim with this challenge is to have gameplay-centered legacy. But the reason why I wrote this much detail about him is for you (and alex) to get to know him well. Gameplay-wise he can just work as doctor in the sims world and be one of the two best dads in the sims world. Also Jae isn’t the type of person who shares his life story away, so I imagine him telling Alex himself about that part ^_^ I’m super excited for this and I hope Nam Jaejoong gets picked! Anything else not mentioned here you may ask me or opt to have your own interpretation I don’t mind as I am literally offering him to be in your game ajsdfsjkl this also means i acknowledge that you might change his looks to fit your game’s aesthetics. also ily :p
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thepropertylovers · 4 years
Feature Friday with Matthew Chaffee
Happy Friday, friends. Though the weeks are running together and what day it is means almost nothing anymore, we’re so happy it’s finally the weekend. The last few weeks have been some of the busiest for us (feeling grateful for that) and we’re looking forward to relaxing just a bit this weekend. Do you have any fun plans?
This week’s Feature Friday is Matthew, who shares what it was like growing up in a conservative environment, the response he got from his senior high school class when he came out in front of them by reading an essay (!), and his advice for those struggling to come out. We enjoyed getting to know Matthew and we think you will, too. See what we mean below…
What is your favorite place you’ve ever traveled to and why? Unfortunately, my answer to this question isn’t very exciting. Growing up, my family never had a lot of extra money to spend on traveling, so most of our vacations consisted of road trips around the Midwest. Don’t get me wrong, I got to see some fascinating places and make great memories with my family, but I haven’t been anywhere particularly exotic. I have been to New York City twice, both times for a music department tour in high school, and I’d have to say that it’s probably my favorite place I’ve traveled to. It was so much bigger and so much more cosmopolitan than anything I had ever seen or was used to, so it was quite overwhelming. The sheer vibrancy of it all – the lights, the smells, the languages – was intoxicating. Attending a performance of Phantom of the Opera on Broadway would probably have to go on my list of top ten life experiences thus far. It’s definitely not somewhere I could live for any length of time, but for somewhere to visit, it was phenomenal. 
Where did you grow up? What was your environment like? I’ve spent the entirety of my life living in West Michigan, which, as you may or may not know, is pretty traditional and conservative. More specifically, I’m from Grandville, which is a city of about 16,000 located in the Greater Grand Rapids area. Dutch heritage and Reformed (Protestant) Christian values play a big role in shaping the culture of the circles I grew up in. I attended a Christian Reformed Church, and I was educated in a private Christian school where my graduating class consisted of approximately seventy students. My family consists of myself, my mother, my father, and my brother, who is five years younger than me. I am very close with my parents, and I’d say my relationship with my brother is typical of siblings with our age gap. Family and faith have always been central parts of my life, and I don’t foresee that changing. 
How did your environment growing up shape who you are as a person? Growing up in a pretty conservative area definitely had an impact on my younger years. I remember in elementary school, like many children, I would parrot my parents’ political views when “discussing” politics with my peers. However, with the growing revelation about my sexuality that came with puberty, my views slowly began to change. Another catalyst for my shifting views occurred in middle school, when a good friend of mine was deported to Guatemala due to an error in her parents’ paperwork. The injustice of it all really impacted me and opened my eyes to a world that before had been largely hidden. High school gave me my first opportunity to connect with international students. As I have always been interested in learning about different cultures, I quickly befriended them and even helped start my high school’s International Club, which provided opportunities for American and international students to interact and attend various cultural events. Finally, my Aunt Dawn and Uncle Tim have played a major role in exposing me to issues concerning social justice. Although both of them grew up in West Michigan – just like my parents – their life circumstances have provided them with opportunities not experienced by most of my other family members. Because of this, they have always stood out to me as being somehow “different”, more engaged and more vibrant and passionate than most people I know. As I grew older and began paying more attention to the things my Aunt and Uncle would talk about, I began to realize the value behind the causes they were advocating. When taken together, my friends, my family, my sexuality, and my desire to continuously learn and expand my horizons have shaped me into who I am today. 
What’s one interesting fact about you? Besides English, I’m speak conversational Spanish and basic French and Korean. I also can play piano and trumpet, and I love to sing (though I don’t know if I’m any good or not, since I’m too shy to sing in front of anyone). 
What is one thing you love about yourself? Learning to love myself hasn’t been easy; it’s a process, and definitely something I’m still working on. But one thing I’ve always been proud of is my imagination. I’m a dreamer, and my mind is a wild place. I keep a running note on my phone of all the random, crazy things I think up so that maybe someday I can make them happen. 
What brings you the most joy in life? Oh boy. There are so many things I could talk about here. I love being outdoors. In particular, I love to bike. Bike trails are plentiful where I live, and Grand Rapids has begun to install bike lanes, so getting around and finding new places to ride is a cinch. My favorite ride is from Grand Rapids out to Lake Michigan, which I do a few times every summer with my best friend. Other outdoor activities I enjoy are hiking and hammocking. I firmly believe that everyone should own a good hammock. In addition to outdoor activities, I love to cook and bake. My specialties are ice cream and gourmet mac & cheese. Someday I hope to write a mac & cheese cookbook and title it “MAC: The Complete Guy to Everyone’s Childhood Favorite” (M-A-C are my initials). I also make a mean hummus. I love to learn. I’ve spent countless hours on Wikipedia reading about the most arbitrary topics. Whether it’s German political parties or the Japanese folklore, I’ve probably read about it. Nothing is off limits. As a result, my mind is a veritable treasure trove of random and mostly useless facts. Finally, I find joy in spending quality time with friends and family. Whether it’s playing ultimate frisbee, exploring a new city, dumpster diving at Krispy Kreme (a tradition at my college), or having late-night campfire talks, I’m down for just about anything as long as I’m with the right people. 
How old were you when you came out? What was your experience like? My coming out experience was a rather long process. Pretty much as soon as I began to have romantic feelings toward people, I realized that I had them for both guys and girls. This was around fourth or fifth grade, and I told myself that it was normal, that I wasn’t actually attracted to guys, but that I just knew that some guys were really good-looking. Once I reached middle school, I started to come to terms with the fact that maybe I was attracted to guys. But I continued to tell myself that I was more attracted to girls. I did the whole “percentage” thing, where I was like, “okay, I’m eighty percent straight, twenty percent gay.” I first came out as bisexual to my friend Carly. Freshman year of high school I told a few more friends that I was bi, and it went over pretty well. Sophomore year I briefly dated a girl, then junior year I began dating another girl. That lasted for about a year until we broke up early spring of my senior year. The breakup gave me a lot to think about, but even while dating her I realized that something never really felt right; I could never really imagine myself with her – or with any girl for that matter – for the long term. After much soul searching, I finally accepted that I was gay. One of the last big projects senior year was the “Where I Stand” paper. This was an essay written by every senior for English class, and it was basically an opportunity to say whatever you wanted and to be really open and vulnerable and reflect on your life leading up to that point. I decided to incorporate my coming out into my paper. It wasn’t the central focus, rather more of a side note. Thankfully, my English teacher, Mrs. Hoeve (now Dr. Hoeve) was extremely supportive throughout the process. On the day when everyone shared their papers, I concluded mine to thunderous applause, which was especially remarkable considering the fact that most of my classmates came from the same conservative, Reformed Christian background as I did. On the whole, I couldn’t have asked for a better coming-out experience at school. 
How did your friends and family take it? Did you face any backlash? How did/do you deal with that? I waited to come out to my parents until after my graduation and open house in order to not burden them with the news. Finally, after the celebrations had ended, I let them read my paper. The fifteen minutes or so that I waited in my room while they read it downstairs were the most agonizing of my life, because I knew how earth-shattering the revelation would be to them. When they finally came up to my room, their expressions were pretty much what I’d expected – reassuring, yet somehow disheartening at the same time. They assured me that they still loved me, that they were proud of me, and that they were glad I had told them. Since that time, we have only discussed my sexuality on a few occasions. When I first told them that I was dating a guy, it was almost like coming out all over again; I think that revelation finally made my sexuality real to them. In the intervening time, I have seen my mom making definite strides in becoming more open-minded not just toward me but in general, which is great. My dad, though he accepts and loves me, is very set in his ways – though, to be fair, I have had fewer conversations with him regarding my sexuality. My dad’s parents disowned me when I came out to them, though that hasn’t had much of an impact on me due to the fact that I was never very close to them. My mom’s parents, on the other hand, have always been incredible grandparents to me, so coming out to them, especially knowing their stance on other issues, was pretty nerve- wracking. Incredibly, the news didn’t seem to affect them at all, and their treatment of me since that time hasn’t differed in the least; they are still the loving, generous grandparents I’ve always known, and for that I’m extremely thankful. My friends have all been very accepting as well, though this was to be expected considering I have always associated with my more relaxed, open-minded peers. 
What did you learn about yourself in the coming out process? One of the most meaningful lessons I’ve learned about myself in the coming-out process is truly understanding what I value and stand for. I was raised as a Christian, and my faith is still very important to me. If anything, it’s actually become stronger as I’ve navigated the ups and downs of my journey with my sexuality. I’ve talked with numerous gay men who, at one point or another, renounced religion for various reasons, but often those reasons involved the church’s negative treatment or exclusion of LGBTQ+ individuals. To me, this is heartbreaking. As someone who identifies both as gay and as a Christian, seeing the false dichotomy that has been constructed around these two identities is challenging and frustrating, because I personally don’t believe that such exclusivity has any place in either institution. At its core, Christianity is about love. Sure, there are endless theological arguments to be made, but I don’t believe that these are necessary in order for a Christian to be accepting of another’s sexuality. Indeed, many of my friends are Christians; these are the same friends who accept my sexuality and wholeheartedly support me. Furthermore, the professors at the private Christian university I attend vehemently assert that Christianity and social justice go hand- in-hand, and that this includes advocacy for LGBTQ+ rights. Seeing this kind of support coming from within circles that are often viewed as hostile toward the LGBTQ+ community has been so incredibly encouraging. Not only has this served to reinforce my identity as both a gay man and a Christian, but it has also provided me with confidence when speaking about these issues. 
What would you tell today’s LGBTQ youth who are struggling to come out in fear they won’t be accepted by family, friends, society? You just might be surprised. People you’d never expect to support you will rally around you and love you. It’s also possible that people who truly care about you, but who may not be supportive right now, will have a change of heart when they find out. Sometimes it takes time. Case in point: my own parents, who are still processing and learning about what it means to have a gay son. Know, too, that family can mean more than one thing. Friends are the family you choose, so seek out and surround yourself with people who will love and accept you for who you are, especially if your actual family doesn’t. As cliché as it sounds, it does get better. Sometimes you just have to put in the effort to make it better for yourself and accept the challenges along the way. 
What is a difficult or challenging obstacle you have overcame in your life, or hope to overcome? By far the most difficult obstacle I’ve had to overcome in my life has been my struggle with mental illness, namely anxiety and depression. I was extremely anxious as a young child, to the point where I would induce vomiting before any sort of performance or sporting event so that it wouldn’t happen while on stage or on the field. Looking back, I think my anxiety was to blame for a lot of missed opportunities. For example, I don’t view myself as a particularly athletic person. But is this actually true? Or did I just never really try for fear of failure? Anxiety also manifests itself in my relationships. Elementary school friendships were rocky at best, and college presented its own challenges with meeting people and putting myself out there. More recently, depression has been a major struggle in my life. As I mentioned, I struggled initially to make friends at college (though this has since changed), and as I result, I became very depressed. I saw all the people around me getting settled into their friend groups while I felt alone. There was a point where my loneliness led me to seriously contemplate suicide, and I believe that perhaps the only thing that stopped me was when a friend checked in on me and gave me a hug. Since that time, I’ve been working on slowly but surely moving my center of identity to within myself, rather than placing it in other people and their judgements of me. I am focusing on pursuing my hobbies and interests, taking time to care for myself, and accepting my emotions as valid while simultaneously analyzing them through an objective lens. By doing this, I have become less worried about maintaining relationships and instead have been able to be present and actually enjoy them while also feeling more comfortable in the times when I’m alone. 
Who is your biggest inspiration and why? My biggest inspiration is my mom’s sister Dawn. She is one of the wisest, most thoughtful, and most gracious people I know. I actually came out to her before I told my parents; due to her close relationship with my mom, I knew she would have some good suggestions for how to break the news to them, and that she would be able to help my mom process the news after the fact. To give an idea of the type of person Dawn is, here’s a little anecdote: When I worked as a Resident Assistant in college, I had a resident come out to me. I was thrilled and honored to have him entrust me with such a significant part of his identity, and I really valued the opportunity to walk alongside him in his journey. I mentioned to him the role Dawn had played in my own coming-out process, and he asked if she might be willing to offer some advice to his mom. I reached out to Dawn, and she willingly agreed. I came to find out later from this resident that his mother and my aunt had talked for over an hour on the phone. I don’t know very many people who would go so far out of their way to help and support a complete stranger. 
Where do you see yourself in five years? Oh boy. Honestly, I try not to plan too far ahead, because that can be dangerous for an overthinking dreamer like me. But if I had to say, five years from now I actually hope to be doing exactly what you guys (PJ & Thomas) are doing. I joke that my dream is to have my own HGTV show, and while the odds of that happening are slim to none, I’d be happy to flip houses and develop property even without a TV show. I also hope to meet the man of my dreams, get married, and start a family, though this might take a little longer than five years down the road to happen. My greatest fear is actually never finding love. I know it seems a little ridiculous for a twenty-one-year-old to be worrying about that sort of thing, but it’s hard when you have friends who have been in serious relationships for years or who are getting engaged. I have to keep reminding myself that people find love at different times and in different places, and that I shouldn’t compare my own journey with others’.
Any last words you want to leave people with? Feel free to share! Feel free to message me! I always love getting to meet new people and hear their stories.
Thank you so much, Matthew! You can follow him on Instagram here. Hope you have a great weekend, friends!! xx
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neurodiversenerd · 5 years
How to Include Autistic Women in Your Feminism
Hey, given that this is an activist post, I might be mentioning certain issues that might be triggering to some. Check the tags and stay safe. Ily. ❤️ 
Ever since activist and feminist Audre Lorde devised intersectionality as a way of describing the experience of multiply-marginalized women, feminism has adapted to include women of color, trans women, queer women, disabled women and religious minority women. Although white, non-intersectional feminism is still pervasive and is the dominant ideology carried on by cishet white women, a significant portion of the feminist movement has embraced the identities and diversity among various groups of women.
Intersectionality allows for us to look at the various ways womanhood affects those experiencing it, instead of just slapping one catch all experience of femininity onto all women. It lets us understand that a woman of color, for example, has less amounts of racial privilege than a white woman and must deal with the burden of specific stereotypes around being a woman of color. Intersectional feminism centers the women with multiple identities, or “intersections,” that society considers unfavorable or marginalized.
However, with all the strides intersectional theory has made in social justice circles, the plight of Autistic women is largely ignored by even the most inclusive feminist circles.
Disabled women as a broader group are often lumped together, even though cognitively disabled, intellectually disabled and physically disabled women contend with incredibly different forms of ableism. Alternatively, the feminist movement also tends to cater to physically disabled women who often have more visibility (which, granted, isn’t a lot) and acceptance than those whose minds are thought to be lesser.
It’s common in the disabled community for people to justify their humanity by asserting their neurotypicality, while erasing and oppressing non-neurotypicals. The pro-Autistic movement itself is mostly made up of women, queer individuals and people of color, and yet somehow it always ends up headed by cis white men. In both feminism and Autistic advocacy, women (especially ones with multiple intersections) are ignored and pushed to the sidelines despite typically facing greater oppression than cis autistic men.
Thus, it’s important to make sure to be inclusive towards autistic women and GNC individuals in both feminism and disabled activism. Here are some ways that I’ve compiled on how to make your feminism both inclusive and accepting as a queer, Autistic feminist.
1.       Mention Autistic Women and Bodily Autonomy
Women’s rights to their bodies are an important topic to discuss in feminism, but Autistic women deal with specific challenges in regard to consent and access to care and their bodies, so it’s important to bring up these issues in your discussions.
For starters, the court case Buck v. Bell still stands to this day. The case itself took place in the early 20th century during the eugenicist movement, and the court’s ruling allowed the forced sterilization of anyone labeled feebleminded. It’s legal for parents and guardians of the disabled to sign paper and sterilize anyone under their control regardless of whether the person in question consent to it even now. This is especially unsettling for women of color, who have historically been abused by eugenicist doctors. (See The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks and the book Imbeciles for more information on these topics).
In the medical industry, there are also barriers Autistic women must deal with. Today, there are still ableist debates about whether Autistic and other disabled people deserve emergency medical treatment and organ transplants. Once again, this is especially bad for women of color who deal with medical abuse and malpractice committed against them in modern times.
The gist is, the most vulnerable Autistic women often don’t have the ability to consent to harmful and damaging procedures.
For transgender Autistic women, the burden is tenfold. Many Autistic trans people on social media have shared their stories about how people struggled to believe that they were trans because of their neurological difference. This makes transitional care and access much harder for GNC Autistic people and trans people, as their gender identity is viewed as a symptom.
2.       Talk About Consent
Along with consent to medical procedures, there’s also the fact that Autistic women are particularly vulnerable to the whims of violence against women. Here are some ideas to mention when talking about consent.
First off, many Autistic women use alternative methods of communication. Neurotypical women can usually say an explicit ‘yes’ or ‘no,’ though they still face violence. For Autistic women who are nonverbal and communicate through AAC, in a victim blaming culture such as ours their hindered ability to consent can be used against them.
Through ABA therapy, Autistic women are also further taught that their ‘no’ doesn’t matter. True ABA therapy, created by Ivar Lovaas, is essentially legal conditioning. The aim of this psychological form of abuse is to train Autistic children into seeming more Neurotypical instead of embracing their unique neurology and changing their environment to fit their needs. These kids are taught to obey authority at all times, or else they’ll deal with the use of an aversiv e. This of course, discourages their active consent to a situation and puts Autistic women in a dangerous position.
If they are physically as well as cognitively disabled, they may not physically be able to resist or run from an attacker. In many cases, an incidence of assault is justified by the perpetrator claiming that the victim wouldn’t have had a consensual encounter otherwise because they are “ugly” or unworthy of a healthy relationship. Autistic women are often considered to be such..
Trans women and women of color, who are often assaulted more frequently than cis white, women are of course very vulnerable when it comes to this issue. As such, it’s vital to mention this at any discussion of consent.
3.       Know that Toxic Femininity Affects Us More than Neurotypical Women
To preface this, I want to say that there’s nothing wrong with being feminine. I myself identify as a femme woman, out of my own personal fashion sense and aesthetic. I like being a feminine woman and wearing dresses and having long hair, though these also aren’t the only ways to be feminine, of course. Embracing femmeness does not mean that someone is servicing the patriarchy, and embracing androgyny and/or butchness also doesn’t mean said person has internalized misogyny. Everyone is entitled to the way they want to present, and feminism should be about uplifting how people choose to present themselves instead of putting down women they don’t think look “liberated” or “feminist” enough.
That being said, the patriarchy tends to enforce feminine roles on cis women and police the feminine expression of transwomen to make them “prove” they’re really trans and “sure” about being women. I like to call this “Toxic Femininity,” the way that women are pressured to conform to Eurocentric femininity regardless of how they actually want to present, but then oppressed for both their femmeness or their alternate presentation if they disregard the aforementioned. Either way, women can’t win.
Abiding by gender roles is exhausting for anyone, but for Autistic women who have limited energy to go into their daily activities and deal with sensory issues and neurotypicals. As such, gender presentation is often pretty low on our list of priorities. Autistic women are often unable to conform to society as our hindered social skills prevent us from perceiving these norms. It’s hard for us to fully conceptualize what’s acceptable and what’s not. As such, it takes extra effort for us to live up to Toxic Femininity.
With our sensory perception, certain clothes are uncomfortable for us and it’s sometimes a necessity to wear certain textures. Men’s clothing or androgynous clothing are often more comfortable, so it’s not uncommon to find us wearing those. As such, we are often labeled butch or non-femme regardless of how we actually identify our presentation. We are cast aside by Toxic Femininity.
This is of course, even more true for fat women, trans women, and physically disabled Autistic women, who’s bodies already don’t abide by the unattainability that Toxic Femininity forces us to live up to.
4.       Downplay the Voice of Neurotypicals in Autistic Women’s Issues
Despite their position of being privileged oppressors of the Autistic community, most of our advocacy is done by parents and relatives of Autistic people who believe that they are more entitled to our community and voices. They are the “Autism moms” and those with blue puzzle piece signs in their backyards, constantly yelling over us.
Most of the Autism organizations are run by these people, who often don’t consult with Autistic people about the needs of our community. Even though most of them don’t think they hate Autistic people and may even share common goals with the community, they still oppress us because they’re centering the voices of the privileges instead of the voices that are affected no matter how supportive they are.
An Autistic inclusive feminist space means downplaying Neurotypical rhetoric, meaning stopping the use of hate symbols like puzzle pieces and functioning labels. Cut out the influence of ableist organizations and monitor the use of words like “retarded” in your space. This will be difficult in a pervasively ableist society, but it will be worth it in making a more united social justice movement.
It also means allowing Autistic people to have input in their own issues, and allowing them to reclaim their agency. Know that no matter how many Autistic people you know, if you’re Neurotypical, you will never truly experience being Autistic even if you know more about the condition.
5.       Autistic Women Can Still be Racist, Homophobic, or Transphobic – Don’t Be Afraid to Let Them Know
There are usually 2 stereotypes Neurotypicals believe about us, and strangely enough, they’re complete opposites. We’re either hyperviolent, unfeeling school shooters to them or perfect innocent angels who never do anything wrong. Obviously, these are ableist because they assume that all Autistic people are the same, but most people tend to look at us as the latter stereotype because it’s more “politically correct” even though both viewpoints are hurtful in different ways.
As such, when Autistic people are genuinely oppressive, they aren’t held accountable. I’ve had interactions with homophobic Autistic people who accepted me for my Autism but not the fact that I was a girl who loved girls. I’ve met misogynist Autistic men who viewed me as an object and wouldn’t respect my boundaries and right to say ‘no’ to a relationship. As an Autistic white person, I myself hold institutional power over Autistic people of color and as such, am able to be racist.
Autistic people shouldn’t be given a free pass for their bigotry, and assuming that they should denies them their agency and oppresses others in that space.
Autistic women have a lot to contribute to feminism, and neurotypical women should allow them the opportunity to rise against their own oppression. Thanks for reading and for making your feminism inclusive –
Trust me, it means the world to us.
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olivieblake · 5 years
your most recent video/explanation makes me love Theo and you 5471816 times more (which I didn’t think was even poSsiBLe bc I feel like I already love you both so much) also side note: since your opposite gender parent shapes how you view yourself, can this mean you’re theo’s mom? :) (while simultaneously being him...) idk if you’d want that label, but I already kind of think of you as the mom of all the hp babies anyway; joanne who?) like I want to thank you for birthing host Lee Jordan yknow?
ahh!! I just had a fear that my earlier message was insensitive, and I wanted to apologize/add some thoughts: i don’t know how hard it was for you to share the truth behind Theo with us, especially since the connection felt so precious and personal... so I want to say sorry for my flippant remarks I so appreciate your transparency and openness in sharing and I wanted to reiterate how much I appreciate you and all the work and life that you craft into your writing and your characters ❤️
never fear, my darling, it was not insensitive at all. actually, my first thought was oHmYgoD I miGhT bE sOMeOnE’s AcTuaL MoThEr SoMeDaY and then I swiftly pushed it aside because I can’t imagine what that would be like for the child in that scenario (i.e., my progeny). not that I think I’d be a bad mom. I think I’d be similar to helen from Commoner’s Guide. like, mostly here to discuss lubrication and read tarot cards from time to time. I really look forward to being a witchy grandmother, actually! I think I would take to that beautifully
anyway where was I
it WAS hard but there’s no need to treat it like we’re in mourning, I’m happy if it makes you happy and also reminds you that I am the mother of Lee Jordan! (oh god, what if I have a lee jordan. hmm. that just seems so unlikely tbh) I just want to be as honest as possible about my experiences, especially if people can benefit from hearing them in regards to either their craft or their personal lives. It makes me feel good to know that is appreciated and possibly desired, so thank you!
also as a sidebar I always assume anyone using a username means well. conversely, I brace myself for all anons, because I tend to presume that anyone who doesn’t present their identity in order to have a mutual conversation has questionable motives. MY NAME MY BLOOD MY WORD ya feel?
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holyblackspear · 5 years
For the OC OTP prompts - how about,,, every other emoji :3
Ahah, thank you for asking dear, I was in the mood for some writing about these idiots! I’m going to continue with Johnathan and Bull as in the previous ask ;) Since it’s long, I’m putting this under the cut!
❣️ When did your OC first realise they were in love? How did they react to the realisation? I’m actually writing a fic about this I hope to post soon, but to sum it up: On a mission, when Bull got hurt in his place and risked his life for him. It made him feel horrible and guilty, but they talked a few hours later. They both opened up a little about their past, and that gave him perspective about his own story and about how he wanted Bull to be happy. It was the first time he consciously realized he cared for the Qunari, that it wasn’t just about desiring him physically but rather something far bigger and more rooted in his heart.He didn’t take it well. Actually, he got terrified. He had seen Bull for being the type to sleep around, his upbringing not contemplating the idea of a stable relationship. Love had hurt him in the past already, so he was more scared and upset about his feelings and their impossibility to be reciprocated (that’s how he thought to be back then) than happy.
💝 What kinds of gifts does your OC receive from their partner(s)? What kinds of gifts do they give in return? Jonathan knows Bull likes dawnstone, so he likes to collect it when he’s on missions so he can forge weapons and stuff for him with it. He’s also aware of his love for food, so he likes to sneak away silently from the group and fetch snacks here and there to show him all of a sudden. The one he likes to give him the most is chocolate, since it’s canonically rare.He insists with Bull that the best gift he could receive from him is his time and presence, but Bull doesn’t listen (luckily). He’d bring the elf books about the sky and its stars and planets, something Johnathan is very passionate about. He’d also bring him herbs for his pipe since he’s kind of a heavy smoker (though he’s trying to slow down a little).
💕 Describe an ideal date form them! Ideal date? As stated here, obviously for these two dorks: Hunting down a Dragon! The surprise when seeing one, the adrenaline pumping as they face the beast and the triumphant shout when they come out of it alive and successful … I mean, can you think of anything more romantic?On a more common note, however, a night spent stargazing talking about their lives would be perfect. Johnathan loves the sky and the stars and loves hearing about Bull’s stories. It makes them feel closer to open up under the infinite mantel of the universe, giving them a sense of intimacy that nothing else can.
💔 Has your OC had a bad breakup or nasty ex? If so does this have any affect on their current relationship? He did, and a very bad one actually.Back to the days when Johnathan was still young and unmarked, around fifteen years old, he had fallen for a wandering elf that had asked to be taken in by clan Lavellan for a while, waiting for the spring to come and the weather to get more clement. He was older than him and his knowledge for life, hunting and human culture fascinated him. Plus, he was a teenager eager to experiment with love and sexuality, so the elf’s flirting and teasing flattered and excited him.Having no previous examples of how a relationship should work he didn’t interpret the plenty of red flags that were there. He didn’t complain about being left alone for long periods of time, about not receiving proper attention after they got physical for the first time and most importantly he didn’t think it was bad to have sex in a rush, sometimes without explicitly consenting, only to be left alone after his partner had climaxed.To top it off, he kept it a secret to everyone else because he was shy and feared to be seen badly by the clan for liking a man (since the elves are usually concerned about having children to continue the race exterminated by the humans), so nobody could actually tell him. Plus, when he expressed the possible desire to open up to at least his friends and parents, his partner would get mad and oppose strongly.The real hit came when Spring actually arrived. Johnathan thought that he was going to stay in the clan in the name of the love they shared, but the man simply went away with a shrug, telling him he had a wife and children to go back to in the clan he belonged to. Of course, poor Johnathan was shattered, and his heart considerably hardened in regards to romantic love.He didn’t become untrustful, however. Years passing by made him realize that what he went through was an exception, rather than the rule and that most people weren’t anyhow similar to him.
💘 What do they love most about their partner(s)? What do their partner(s) love most about them? Johnathan loves Bull’s beard. Seriously! He doesn’t grow it, it’s scratchy and black, perfect for snuggling (and even better for … added sensation)That and the half-smile he makes, that sort of little grin Bull does. It drives him mad in a positive way.Bull likes his eyes and ears. Johnathan is a very serious person, mostly has a resting bitch face. Those two traits, however, are always highly expressive. His ears twitch and move, plus they’re long and sensitive, so it’s fun to tease the elf. And his eyes, well … they’re big, they’re colourful, they’re freaky, and the truest and most sincere part of the Inquisitor. So much’s hidden behind them, only waiting to be seen by a sufficiently attentive glance.
💖 What are some little subtle ways they show that they love each other? Bull stops Johnathan while he’s working, sometimes, cups his face and kisses him. It’s brief and simple, sometimes not even on the lips, but when he breaks away and whispers “Kadan” with his soft voice, the elf remembers he’s not alone, and that he’s loved more than he ever thought possible.Johnathan, on the other hand, takes care of him. Bull’s not very good at doing that himself, so the blond says nothing and simply acts, putting balm on his horns, massaging the leg when he wears the brace and such. Also, both of them do little things for each other. Sharpen the other’s weapon, fill in a document while the other’s asleep … things like these.
💗 Describe your OC’s partner(s) from their point of view! What do they really think about them? He thinks Bull’s a beautiful man, both in and out, that has suffered too much and still managed to remain kind like few others. At first he’s scary, he’s good at lying, too good at hiding what’s not quite right underneath his skin.But he’s sweet and caring, sometimes too selfless to believe. Plus he’s a walking paradox, so full of antitheses it’s funny. He’s surprising, knowledgeable and unexpected and all Johnathan could ask for and more. His heart tightens every time he stares at him for a while and his mind starts wandering.
💞 What do their respective families think of their relationship? Since Bull doesn’t have a family in the common sense of the term, I’d say the Chargers have nothing against it. They grew accustomed to the Inquisition and to Johnathan more specifically, seeing how caring of a leader he is. They probably tease them for being their “mommy and daddy” since they’re always worrying about their safety. The mom is Bull, of course.Johnathan’s parents, on the other hand, had a brief moment of disbelief and implicit opposition. They were hoping to see their child happily married with one of their kind and to have grandchildren, so being told their little boy was in love with a Qunari mercenary was … a lot to take in.It lasted very little, however. Johnathan’s dad saw how he was starting to get emotional and how his son was hurt by their reaction, to the point he was almost crying. He hugged “his little elf” while talking to his wife, both realizing that the whole Inquisition had changed their son and how he was happy with the man at his side. Eventually, the grew found of the Qunari (who has the same shitty dad humour of Joni’s father) and found happiness in their son’s. Plus, they adore their adoptive grandchildren.
🖤 Have they ever had a really bad argument where they almost broke up? I don’t think so. They’re both rational men who don’t let their feelings drive them. They had fights, most likely, especially about how careless and selfless the other was being towards himself, but never so bad they’d get close to breaking up. I think they’d rather spend some time alone to figure it out before sitting down and talking it out.
💌 Write a love letter from your OC to their partner(s). BONUS: write a reply! Fun fact: Johnathan is not good at expressing his feelings, let alone if he has to write a long, heartfelt letter.So the exchange would probably go like this:(Fancy letter with sigil and rice paper from Johnathan)Bull,let’s find and fight a dragon.My necklace’s missing the thrill of the fight.Yours, JohnathanI’m not even joking.
💜 Give a random fact about their daily life together! Sometimes Johnathan wakes up still tired and complains about the make-up he has (wants, rather) to put on. Bull is happy to apply it for him, all focused and dead serious.The result is close to atrocious, but Joni doesn’t have the heart to kill his toothy smile and leaves his quarters regardless, proud of his green racoon eyes and the fard too heavy on the cheeks.Pretty much everyone has figured out what’s going on. They find it very sweet, though it looks ridiculous.
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iluvtv · 3 years
Still Watching: A Love Letter to my Mom
The content below has not been censored for your consideration as neither the Real Housewives nor my mother would have approved of such blasphemy.
The decline in blogging was conveniently intentional.
There were other projects.
My career as a TV critic wasn’t exactly gaining steam.
My readership technically wasn’t booming.
For a time there had been an unmistakable fulfillment in my blogging habits.
Full disclosure: this work held undeniable titillation, provoked as it were by the vain echoes of my own subconscious. It was too enticing not to indulge  the ego, booming, unselfconsciously through the page as I “eloquently” deciphered probable intentions of a writer’s room.
But was this self-aggrandizing, albeit surely intellectually stimulating task truly worthwhile?
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I kept falling back on this tricky notion of time management. Was taking copious amounts of notes regarding my viewing habits (a laborious task which required endless rewinds and thusly an inability to watch TV with others) coupled with the studious investment of actually researching and writing a cohesive piece which included a clear argument for television as a medium and thereby proving a consistent thesis, truly a valuable use of my time?
Not to mention, of course, the added effort of finagling my mother to invest her energies toward a strong copy-edit.
It was an investment, sure. But then again none of it was necessarily difficult at least in the classical sense of the word.
Actually, the engaging my mother bit was sort of easy. Not only was I skilled at the subtle art of stroking of her ego; “Your attention to detail is just so much better than mine. You are so smart…” I also possessed a valuable trump card which, admittedly, brought as much pleasure as my own voice: she actually liked my writing!
To have known my mother is to know what a huge compliment this fan-dom truly was.
My mother was proudly authentic. She had no shame over her inability to “fake it”.
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This personality trait demanded a certain dedication on her part. She was famous for telling my girlfriends they looked like sluts at our eighth-grade dance and embarrassing fits at the market while her younger children tried to disappear into the kid’s seat of the shopping cart. Patronizing eye rolls were par for the course. When a third grade Hebrew School teacher lauded my literary skills my loving, supportive mother made it abundantly clear she didn’t think I was a bad writer but maybe just too… precious?
Admittedly, poetry about attempted genocide from an eight-year-old may hold some tonal issues.
No matter, after 30 years of practice I had found my niche. I was everything she seemed to be looking for in a writer: I would rather drink turpentine than emote and I like really “got” satire. Finally, my words were funny and thusly, the woman who had helped foster this cynical humor had little trouble understanding my intentions.
We fell into lockstep. Her killer, critical eye and unparalleled editing skills were a welcomed privilege. I was no longer precious. A trait which carried over in my ability to “take a note.” I fully understood the value of a critical red pen from a grammar die-hard. Particularly one, who not only had a deep ceded appreciation for my style (she helped cultivate it, after all) but also a keen understanding of the objective, which only a mother could boast.
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I was fully aware what a priceless service this was.
And so, I kept watching. My notetaking became obsessive. Whenever I pondered this expense of time, I considered the reality: rewriting dialogue was improving my own. I was becoming a better writer.
Since both my mother and I were committing countless hours to the free and underappreciated service of my viewing recommendations, it didn’t take long for the shows and topics I bothered dissecting to be unequivocally dictated by her unapologetic tastes. Or better stated, my own experience of such.
As an aside, I’d be remiss not to note that in losing both my parents it has become abundantly clear that one’s guardians (especially good ones) mostly exist in relation to ourselves and our already noted inflated egos.
Basically, the television I studied, the theories I pondered, the conclusions I drew had to appeal in large part to Dale Allen Boland. This was a nuanced role. An honest woman of remarkable talent she also happened to be the strict television gatekeeper of my childhood. Back in the 90’s a desire for this blue light pulsed through my veins like an addict in search of her next hit. I hadn’t been picky at all back then. This was a time in my life when even Jerry Springer reruns in black and white, streamed through bunny ears in my Jr. High weight room took the edge off.
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To be frank, while at first her editing felt crucial so as not to embarrass myself on the interwebs it soon became clear that the bigger part of my ask was just any sort of consistent audience. In time it became obvious that my mother hadn’t only become a fan, but she was, in fact, my blog’s only fan.
And as any good writer knows, you gotta’ appeal to your base.
It helped, of course, that my mother had been my earliest educator (dictator) of media. The San Francisco Chronicle’s Datebook and the New Yorker were mainstays next to the can, meaning my earliest poos were made all the more pleasurable by the accompaniment of Adair Lara and John Carrol. By 34 I was not only well versed in what she found tolerable, but also possessed a keen understanding of how to stylize this appeal.
Simpsons? Yes. Danielle Steele? Not so much. Had she given Danielle an opportunity? Of course not! But I was willing to play her game.
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We both were expending a lot of energies at this point and since any real readership was in the slim to none margins it was crucial that we at least reward ourselves.
In retrospect I understand that this was actually how we enjoyed time together.
After she died my father noted that my mother and I had always shared a very special intellectual connection. A greater compliment than sharing a literary bond with Dale had never been given. In fact, in my father’s wake it is easy to see that this final gift from him may have been the most important. In saying so, he finally acknowledged what I’d always longed to hear. He respected, perhaps even envied not only my intelligence, but my mother’s too.
While I had given up on blogging years before their deaths, my diligent notetaking continued up until them. I accepted that my time critiquing television for free to a marginal audience had not been without purpose (though I missed the motive of the maternal connection it fostered until just now). I am well aware that through my efforts I had gained the confidence to write a novel. I understood that to maintain this skill set a continued attention to television’s minutia was critical.
But then, she died. Suddenly, grief allowed me space to achieve an entirely different and antithetical goal I’d set years earlier and had made no real efforts to achieve: to do less.
Finally I was able to let thoughts wave over me. I allowed flashes of “brilliance” to be fleeting. I relaxed into a space of agitated ease. I exclusively sought joy. In doing so I concurrently and without coincidence leaned into a brand of watching which had always been considered “just desserts.”
Bravo TV became a life raft. I watched Real Housewives and Summerhouse with a certain amused stillness I hadn’t exhibited since my complacent years as a co-ed.
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The day following my mother’s memorial I listened to “Radio Andy” on Siris XM in a monotonous loop throughout the entire 6-hour drive home. I slept to Bravo podcasts. I read tweets from Bravo fan accounts during session breaks.
I noticed Bravo was keeping me smiling. The network and commentary was rewarding me with a source to which I could focus. I appreciated the humor.
Two months later my father died. Mind blank I leaned in harder to the quiet blankness this watching served.
But then, I noticed something.
Watching Kathryn Dennis of Southern Charm open a coke can with her teeth in a loudly expensive living room, next to her foam roller it occurred to me that these women were the antithesis of my own mother.
Vicky Gunvalson whooping it up at a classy resort represented everything my mother had no tolerance for.
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To see these women as satirical requires a certain level of empathy for their antics that would have eluded Dale.
Their bad behavior was just too black and white. For my mom there would have been nothing charmingly relatable about a woman like Lisa Barlow of Salt Lake City, placatingly sipping a constant stream of fountain soda through a plastic straw while proudly bragging she wasn’t “like a regular mom,” proving this factoid by feeding her children drive through fast-food for every meal and ignoring their calls when she was at a party.
These are women that bat fake eyelashes and scream at each other through plastic pumped lips. They float effortlessly in azul pools in Mexico boosted by the silicone in their tits.
My mom also wasn’t a regular mom but she wouldn’t have found this indulgent brand of opulence at all inspirational, aspirational or relatable. She did not identify as a “powerhouse” or a woman who needed to tell other women that she “lifted up other women” over an expensive cocktail brunch with “40 of her closest girlfriends” all of whom wielded designer purses like coats of armor.
This trope, repeated often throughout every Housewives franchise for the past 20 years would have just pissed my mother off.
It’s not that she didn’t relate to women behaving badly this just wasn’t her brand of bad behavior. She maybe could have sympathized if they’d been wearing Walmart rather than Prada.
Lorelai Gilmore? Sure, why not? Emily Gilmore? Definitely not.
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It’s funny because in a certain sense my mother’s proud authenticity and lack of shame in her outbursts would have made her an ideal housewife. But the weight these women put on things and beauty would have been too damn distracting to her.  
In spite of being a woman whose love language was often a good screaming match she would have found any and all of the dramatic fights on Housewives absolutely insufferable.
And in spite of my deep love for the genre, convincing Dale that any of this was actually satire worth watching would have been an exercise in futility.
I embraced this factoid quietly and with little work on my end (other than setting the DVR to catch up on back seasons of Atlanta) I leaned into a space which never would have been tolerated.
It felt good.
It was my own.
In doing so, I came up with a million things about Bravo to share. Perhaps one day I will. God knows I need to create a new fan base.
But before I could even consider either changing the channel or sitting down to a blog analyzing how one housewife’s ludicrous and racist notion that eating chicken feet was somehow any different than eating chicken nuggets, I got this text from my mom’s best friend: “have you seen Derry Girls.”
Maybe an audience was asking for a resurrection, after all.
But as I flipped to Netflix and started a new note labeled “Derry Girls” it occurred to me that I first must come to terms with how much things have changed.
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There is a certain level of self-actualization left amidst the cluttered grief of losing my parents. As I write this, I am continuously tempted to take a break for “Mom’s consideration”. Her feedback would have supplied an unrequited serotonin boost, like a gentle promise to my oh so evasive ego that there was purpose in my efforts, that the writing I was doing was valuable. When my mom was alive I always knew that someone would appreciate my continued efforts, making it tolerable to finish, and tidy, and publish. My mother was like a promise that not only my words but also I myself was worthwhile.
This chore of loving, maternal reassurance is, of course, now my own. A truth my mother, who never needed to brag about lifting up other women, would have celebrated.
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Nothing would have made my mom happier than me making my own choices, editing my own words and being my own cheerleader Perhaps she died just to prove it. To know Dale Allen Boland is to suspend belief that she maybe could have made her last stubborn point through such dramatic means.
And to be totally frank; that is a storyline not even a housewife could pull off.
Thank you for being my greatest cheerleader. I love you Mom.
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cinnamon-sorceress · 4 years
Why does Leek love AMPL so much?
Word count: 2529; Reading: 5 minutes; Difficulty: 7; Charge: 0; Before I joined the Ampleforth official telegram group, I didn't understand that Leek was therefore passionate concerning this coin. I think about this coin from my own perspective. But after getting into the state telegram group, I was able to observe Leek's thoughts and behavior. Of course, I am very acquainted with leeks, and I am with them each day. The AMPL coin has several characteristics that are very appealing to leeks. The first is to "divide dividends" each day to stimulate the short-term excitement of leeks. Leek is an extremely short-sighted animal. If you go to the "square" of AICOIN, you can view probably the most leeks. Regarding expense, everyone will say that so long as you buy in the bear market and sell within a bull marketplace, you can make money. This is simply not a genuine flower, in fact it is generally correct. But what do you actually do? Leave the market in a bear market, plus come in to take a position in the bull market. Ethereum Some time ago, the stock market was on fire. When I was on the subway, I was shocked to see that the subway had been full of people watching the K collection. I submitted a sentence in the circle of close friends: "Let me inform a ghost story. Individuals on the subway are all viewing the K-line." Affirmed, the currency markets plummeted completely. Stocks tend to be more expensive in a bull market, and it is easier to lose cash when bought, rather than income, but leeks only enter the marketplace through the bull market, especially at the highest point of the bull marketplace. It is because only in a bull marketplace can you earn money "faster". It takes three, five, or a decade to buy shares in the bear marketplace to make cash. Can't wait. Leek does not have any patience. Once the currency market was on fire in 2018, I borrowed a lot of money to invest in projects. Since it will be borrowed money, it'll be repaid for a while. It is difficult for me to hold a currency for a long period, I can only invest in projects that can be "quickly" listed. Most of the leeks in stocks are borrowed cash, which must be repaid for a while. It is impossible to hold the purchased stocks for a long period. Also if it is not borrowed money, even if it is indeed own money, Leek hopes to make money "quickly" rather than waiting 3, five yrs and ten years to create money. If you tell Leek, it will take ten years because of this investment to return. Leek will be scared to passing away. A decade later, I don't know easily am nevertheless there, I can't wait. From the psychological perspective, anyone who has no patience to hold back for a return on investment, his native family lacks comfort and security. He has no basic feeling of protection and rely upon the world. Just how he interacts with the world is like the employees who shift bricks on the design site. They must be paid day-to-day. I shifted the bricks nowadays, and you need to pay me today. Hand, I can't wait around for the finish of the 30 days. I ran away afraid of you at the end of the 30 days. These people live in a bad family, and their parents cannot give him a feeling of security, especially his mother. Because of this, these children are very impatient with function and lifetime. You must get the return instantly, and you also can't wait. They are generally impatient and effortlessly get frustrated. In the small information on life, if you go to a eating place and await one minute to end up being served, you will be really anxious, you'll yell and eliminate your respect. In the event that you chase a woman, please eat a meal, and you can't "enter bed", you will experience a delay in your efforts and you will immediately modification your goal. Their impatience is manifested in all respects of life. In college, many classmates cheated on exams. They prefer to say that provided that they know this question, select C. You don't need to find out why this reply is. I love to figure out precisely why C is chosen for these subjects and how it really is calculated. When I was in college, I was extremely playful, studied badly, and cheated in exams. However in my coronary heart, I really hope to clarify the calculation procedure for each problem. I quite definitely disagree with the practice of basically remembering the answers to get ready for the exam. AMPL's daily fixed-point "dividends" (leeks state dividends are in fact systemic inflation, that is neither bullish nor bearish, and neutral), that may quickly stimulate the enjoyment of leeks. I really believe that if we make an hourly "dividend" coin, Leek could be even more excited. They can stay up all night and stare at their wallets. You can find two hottest gambling games in Macau casinos, one is bet size and another is baccarat. Both these games are very easy, and both possess the comfort and velocity of opening two eyes. Each game only takes 1 minute. It was too easy, as well fast to provide suggestions to gamblers. A game like TEXAS HOLD EM contains a complicated sport process. Many gamblers aren't fascinated. Gamblers who like TEXAS HOLD EM are mostly brain-like people who like the considering process. You will see the TEXAS HOLD EM area, and you can find fewer vulgar individuals. There is also a kind of person who doesn't like to use his brain and only loves to try his fortune. He breaks in to the sport of Texas Hold'em. He likes to near his eye and ALL IN prior to the flop and doesn't like complicated reasoning procedure. Through this simplified processing method, a complicated intellectual game is compressed right into a simple luck game. Of course, from the rational perspective, he was to do so. Because I've no benefit in cleverness or proficiency, therefore i changed to play a casino game of luck with you, and neither folks comes with an advantage. It's like, easily go to college, I cannot pass you, but if you come to buy lottery tickets, you and me will tie. Children who lack patience, the household that was raised in the catastrophic change, mom and dad are usually emotionally unstable, usually create conflict, tension, and destruction inside the family, causing the child to develop a fear, stress, and impatient character. The science fiction novel "Three-body" describes a terrible three-body civilization. As the three suns shift irregularly in the sky, the three-body civilization often enters the "chaotic era". Civilization didn't create for a few years, and it had been destroyed by natural disasters the moment it entered the farming culture. I believe that people surviving in this environment are afraid to build long-term worth, because your design will be ruined by the "heaven" anytime. It is better to think brief and shallow, long-term considerations often fail. I once spent a lot of time studying spiritual exercise. It could be said responsibly that most of the spiritual exercise is deceptive. But various spiritual schools help people set up a long-term value rather than short-sighted. For instance, Brahman (commonly misunderstood as Buddhism) advocates that people are reincarnated and multi-generational. There are various such thoughts in Chinese Ming Dynasty novels. Therefore the good and bad factors you do in this life will have consequences within the next life. Simply put, you don't only live an eternity, you have to live life many, many lifetimes, which means you have to construct long-term worth. The task that can't be completed in this living could be completed within the next life. In ancient periods, it had been called "cultivation for most generations." What I just talked about is the first feature of AMPL. It could provide immediate opinions and return rapidly. This is appetizing for leeks.
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AMPL's second "advantage", Leek loves. Its theory is very simple. If I speak to Leek about how exactly MakerDAO works, most Leeks are scared away. EASILY talk about Uniswap's constant item formula, provided that I dare to create the method below, the reading level of this post will undoubtedly be reduced by 50%. Not forgetting discussing Balancer's power constant product method, leeks are usually scared to perform quicker than rabbits. Leek is most afraid of mathematics. There are a great number of formulas and charts in the AMPL white paper, but this is only a matter of light source. non-e of the mathematics in the white paper exceeds elementary school level. I am aware why the group has to create such a simple thing so challenging, because they're afraid that others will look down on the design, and they are afraid that everyone will state "that is it?" The person who writes the book either lifts the weight lightly or lifts light weight. As long as you cook leeks two times, it is possible to understand the theory of AMPL. If the price is higher than 1.06, the coin will be expanded, and if the cost is lower than 0.94, the coin will undoubtedly be reduced. Understand in one minute. (Despite having such a very simple principle, you may still find lots of leeks mistakenly thinking that this coin is a permanent "dividend") The third benefit of AMPL, it could be bought on the exchange, Kucoin and Bitfinex can be purchased. This kind of "internal disk" of NXM is very tough, and leek can't be bought. There are some coins, only Uniswap offers it, and Leek can't learn it. I often meet some close friends asking how to buy Hong Kong shares and how exactly to buy US stocks. We told them to download the Futu APP. However they all found it as well difficult. It really is too tough to open a bank-account in Hong Kong. Anyone who has used it once will find it easy. Nevertheless, you see many people are speculating in A shares, no one is speculating in Hong Kong stocks and shares and US shares. People who can purchase Tencent and Pinduoduo are rare, plus they are already high-end players in stocks. Any sport has fewer high-end players and several low-end players. Every time you increase a level, you drop 90% of the populace. Promotion: Becoming a member of the "Old Han and His Friends" Knowledge Earth, you can view Han Jiangxue's daily push for the next time. The very first thing you see will be Han Jiangxue's personal group, however the private group has been closed. Knowledge Planet ID: 14842945. 288 goals are billed. The planet includes a restricted lifespan. It expires on February 10, 2021, with 6 months staying. Choose whether to become listed on regarding to your personal situation.
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pussiehands1 · 7 years
meta #7 // ‘you and i understand each other’ tw: childhood/sexual abuse, partial headcanon/speculation based, homophobic slurs, autism mention.
           The closest thing Mac has to a healthy bond is with Charlie, mainly stemming from the fact they’ve known each other since childhood and they therefore know more about each other than any of the other members of the gang. Since there’s a lot of ground to cover I’ll try and split the parts into periods of chronological age rather than of specific moments ( although they will have examples ). Some of this is speculation based, anything that is not followed by an episode number or ‘in one episode’ is headcanon surrounding other elements of the show. You’re welcome to ask but this won’t be expanded on in this meta.
            Mac and Charlie have known each other since they were children although there’s never a clear cut reason as to how they’d met or why. My speculation is that they met on some kind of playground. Since both their mothers are lax when it comes to their whereabouts / their actual safety, their early days could have consisted of a situation where Charlie attempt to run away from home only to end up on the bad side of Philly where he finds Mac. The two strike up a friendship and then they attend the same school etc. The only glimpse we see of Mac and Charlie as children is in the Christmas episode (S6E13). Where they spend the day throwing rocks at trains as their own special tradition. Without any money but a strong bond, Mac and Charlie pick out piles of rocks for each other as gifts. Charlie picks smooth rocks ( and chomps on the rough ones until they’re smooth because they hurt Mac’s hands ). Mac picks the misshapen ones because Charlie likes to make stories about them. The fact their parents allow both of them to spent time together on a very family orientated holiday shows the kind of family bond that they have. Regardless of the holiday/time, they always find time to share it with people they love - each other. As well as this, Charlie becomes the first person to actually buy Mac a gift, something that he always wanted, years later after finding out about the traditions he had as a child. Charlie, who is usually emotionally ignorant of most, shows an act of selflessness that’s arguably only present around Mac - this being one of those times.
                Charlie for a lot of reasons views Mac as safety, specifically regarding Charlie’s years of sexual abuse at the hands of his Uncle. The song ‘Nightman’ (S4E13) and the play itself tells a story of how Charlie perceives the events of the molestation from Uncle Jack, who is the Nightman ( he comes in the night and he touches the ‘baby boy’. Charlie’s Mom being a prostitute and potentially ‘selling’ Charlie - the troll - 'you gotta pay the troll toll to get into this boys hole' etc) . In the original script Charlie writes Mac as The Dayman who is regarded as the hero of the song, he protects the baby boy from the Nightman. This plays out until Dennis decides he wants to be the Dayman instead which Charlie gets angry about. As mentioned above he and Mac were together as children. My personal thought is that Mac used to stay over at Charlies and offered protection unknowingly, Uncle Jack couldn't have came into his room when Mac stayed over and therefore he kept the Nightman away. In the song, Charlie refers to the Dayman being someone who is a fighter of the Nightman, a friend for everyone and a master of karate. The last two are things are what Mac would define himself as. Mac is by far the easiest member of the gang to communicate with, he gets so excited about making ideas or talking to people because its in his nature and he also has a wild obsession with martial arts. Charlie especially had NO other friends as a kid, so to him Mac is the ultimate best friend and he would almost worship their friendship at that age because of how their mentality works. Charlie’s ability to extend himself to be like Mac (when Mac dances Charlie copies the dance moves (S6E2), when Mac is standing in a specific way Charlie will copy (S7E4), Charlie laughs at Mac’s jokes even when he doesn't understand him etc). Mac projects a lot of 'badassary' onto people and Charlie has no reason not to believe it. If Charlie can believe he's like the Dayman then he in turn can fight the Nightman, which in turn would make the abuse stop. Charlie then adopts the role of the Dayman at the end of the play which then allows him to move on with his life.
                Mac and Charlie as teenagers used to canonically hang out and get high, they were then later joined by Dennis (S7E12). This didn’t just happen at school but also at Charlie’s house where they used to dwell in the basement. During this time they begin to grow into their own personalities and since they’re the only real comfort each other have, they probably talk about girls they like or what interests them. As this would have been in the 80s, it’s unlikely that Mac would confide in Charlie about his types of fantasies regarding men. Charlie who also has very toxic relationship with men ( Mac being the exception ) would most likely try to steer away from this kind of conversation. As two guys who are experiencing changes there is a possibility that they may have kissed a couple of times, if only to break their kissing virginity, but with how their relationship then develops it’s unlikely anything more came from it. Mac and Charlie also used to ‘wrestle’ together and gave each other ringworm which then spread to the whole team. As this would have been a pursuit of Mac, mostly because of how its regarded as a manly sport - but also to get closer to other guys - Charlie is the one that offers support, agreeing to help Mac home in the skills before practice. This kind of support also stems into adulthood both as a physical and emotional trait.
             The close bond that Mac and Charlie have has grown from the above section and developed further as they reach adulthood. Dee and Dennis both go to college and these two are left alone again. They slowly become, at this point, the only people they can each rely on. They have a closer bond than Dee and Dennis, who arguably should be closer considering they’re related. The shows makes us aware of this by placing them as direct parallels to them (S7E7, S11E1). In the games especially they’re very supportive, often their cards involve team work like mending a broken bottle, their flag is composed from a joint imaginative idea rather than depicting themselves and during emotional battery, Mac tries to amp up Charlie not to cry. Dee and Dennis however are very competitive, they have to force themselves to team up (Dennis gluing his hand to Dee) all for the sake of winning. Mac and Charlie in this regard become a collective, two halves of a whole that’s a title that should only really be reserved for biological bonds. The show makes a good point here: You choose your family, which is what they regard themselves as.
           Mac will always have a soft spot for his parents, however, and while the other members of the gang don’t mention it, the relationship between them and Mac is toxic. Charlie however continuously goes with Mac to see his dad in prison (S2E10,S3E11,S10E7) for no other reason than to support him which often ends in terrible situations. Not only that but Charlie sits back and watches as Mac’s Dad rejects him, not telling him how much Mac’s Dad hates him from the lack of love in his voice. Pair this in direct contrast to how Dennis delivers the news regarding the letters he was hiding from Luther (S11E10) or how Charlie reacts to Dee mentioning that her mom used to call her the worst (S10E9). Charlie takes notice of Mac’s feelings whereas the other members don’t and Charlie does not offer this kind of support for any of the others. In the same way, Mac gives Charlie support in his ideas and in Charlie’s lack of understanding and mental capabilities (S8E1) regarding his Dyslexia. While there are times where they will argue or friction will occur, the two get over the arguments quickly and this isn’t brought up later.
           It’s normal for Charlie and Mac to be paired together, episodes that stem - but are not limited to (S1E1, S2E3, S3E9, S4E5, S4E10, S5E11, S6E5, S7E4, S8E1, S9E7, S10E1, S10E10, S11E8, S12E4). These schemes are often out of the blue, random and generally obnoxious. They are plans that nobody else wants to get involved in that the other’s can’t understand. Wheres most character dynamics have changed regarding canon ( Mac / Dennis. Dennis + Dee / Frank. Frank / Charlie etc ) these two have remained consistent in their support for each other. From S2 and them going to spend Frank’s money all the way to S12 where they catch a leprechaun. No matter the situation the two can usually convince each other to do what the other wants. It’s a mixture of their own head-space and complete trust in each other. Charlie, just as he did when he was a teenager, supports Mac in his pursuits and selflessly lends a hand (S6E4) without a want for anything. Whereas Dennis + Dee usually have motive to lend a hand, Mac and Charlie exist in a world where it’s very give and take (in relation to each other). There are times canon strays from this (S2E4) and Charlie manipulates Mac to get what he wants. However Mac is also capable of this (S3E5) where they will play on each other’s insecurities/weakness’ to get what they want. This, however, is nothing compared to what other members of the gang are willing to do to get what they want.
              Mac’s big arc in Sunny is that he spends a long walk coming out of the closet. Charlie, for all his lack of understanding in everything, knows every part of Mac. It’s already fairly established that Charlie looks up to Mac, specifically when he mentions about not believing until Mac says something (S7E8, S8E10). Charlie can often misunderstand levels of humour in a situation (mostly due to his his PDA - a rare form of autism) and a strong example of this is in (S10E9). Mac tells the gang that there are two gay guys on board and Charlie responds with a ‘who’s the other guy’ laughing with the rest of the gang when Mac remains unimpressed. His intent isn’t to make Mac feel uncomfortable but to bring light to the situation at hand. In my own personal beliefs, I think somewhere between S10 and S12 Mac confides in Charlie regarding his sexuality. I believe this for two reasons. 1) Mac has confided in his insecurities with Charlie before (S8E1) when he informs the gang that Mac assess people with ocular pat downs because he’s insecure. Something Mac would never openly admit to to anybody else. His masculine pride won’t allow it - showing he trusts Charlie more than he trusts himself. 2) Charlie has expressed multiple times that he knows Mac is gay and Mac hasn’t been as offended as he is when Dennis or somebody else brings it up. (S8E8) Charlie states ‘whatever it is you’re into, men, women’ and Mac shrugs. (S12E4) ‘My friend has weird women issues’. Charlie never explicitly says it and for Mac that’s comforting, it’s the label that triggers him more than anything, especially since gay has such a negative connotation. Charlie was probably there as they were called faggot, gay boys because he was also part of it. These words demean and push away a place in the community, in the 80s being gay would take you out of the traditional family, you would be regarded as ‘other’. Mac has never had a real home, he comes from a broken family, he wants that anchor/security family provides. He strives for it, Charlie KNOWS this and does not push for Mac to come out.
               Mac has always had Charlie to rely on for his own thoughts/feelings because in a way they share a lot of them. Charlie to Mac is someone that won’t judge him and who will protect him ( emotionally and physically as shown (S8E5) when Charlie punches Dennis ). It’s then logical to assume that this is something he talks to Charlie about, at least in passing, before it actually happens. Charlie - with respect - then doesn’t use this as a form of manipulative abuse or to force Mac out of the closet before he’s ready. Mac on the other hand, helps Charlie without even realising it. Mac protected Charlie from Uncle Jack and by association Charlie sees Mac as safety, though he doesn’t always believe it (S10E9) ‘Your head of security just choked himself out’. This is again not mentioned to his face and Charlie doing things like, spraying Mac’s cologne on himself (S3E10) almost as a comfort when he’s uncomfortable position, shows Charlie as a very dedicated best friend/follower of Macs. 
            Mac and Charlie might not be the best kind of people but together they bring out a kind of love that people strive to find, it’s supportive and unconditional. They regard each other as family but more than that. They’re two pieces of a disjointed puzzle from very deprived families who have experienced unbelievable horrors as children/teenagers, they’ve grown up together and continued to remain dedicated to their friendship despite absolutely everything. For them home is not a place, it’s a person. Home offers a sense of safety and family - two things that they both want more than anything.
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ladeeheroine · 7 years
Swan Queen and Robert Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love
This is my first post ever on my blog and it’s really long.
Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Loves states that “love can be understood in terms of three components that together can be viewed as forming the vertices (vertex) of a triangle. The triangle is used as a metaphor, rather than as a strict geometric model. These three components are intimacy, passion, and decision/commitment. Each component manifests a different aspect of love.
Intimacy. Intimacy refers to feelings of closeness, connectedness, and bondedness in loving relationships. It thus includes within its purview those feelings that give rise, essentially, to the experience of warmth in a loving relationship.
Passion. Passion refers to the drives that lead to romance, physical attraction, sexual consummation, and related phenomena in loving relationships. The passion component includes within its purview those sources of motivational and other forms of arousal that lead to the experience of passion in a loving relationship.
Decision/commitment. Decision/commitment refers, in the short-term, to the decision that one loves a certain other, and in the long-term, to one’s commitment to maintain that love. These two aspects of the decision/commitment component do not necessarily go together, in that one can decide to love someone without being committed to the love in the long-term, or one can be committed to a relationship without acknowledging that one loves the other person in the relationship.”
Wikipedia also describes these three elements of Sternberg’s theory:
Passion: Passion can be associated with either physical arousal or emotional stimulation. Passion is defined in three ways:
A strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or about doing something.
A strong feeling (such as anger) that causes people to act in a dangerous way.
Strong sexual or romantic feeling for someone.
Intimacy: Intimacy is described as the feelings of closeness and attachment to one another. This tends to strengthen the tight bond that is shared between those two individuals. Additionally, having a sense of intimacy helps create the feeling of being at ease with one another, in the sense that the two parties are mutual in their feelings.
Intimacy is primarily defined as something of a personal or private nature; familiarity.
Commitment: Unlike the other two blocks, commitment involves a conscious decision to stick with one another. The decision to remain committed is mainly determined by the level of satisfaction that a partner derives from the relationship. There are three ways to define commitment:
A promise to do or give something.
A promise to be loyal to someone or something.
The attitude of someone who works very hard to do or support something.
I thought it would be interesting to take the different relationships on OUAT and pair them with one of the following love triangles. Sternberg also states that “the three components of love generate eight possible kinds of love when considered in combination. It is important to realize that these kinds of love are, in fact, limiting cases: No relationship is likely to be a pure case of any of them.”
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1. Snow White/Prince Charming
2. Rumpelstiltskin/Belle French
3. Captain Hook/Emma Swan
4. Robin Hood/Regina Mills
5. Emma Swan/Regina Mills
1. Its easy to see that Snow and Charming fit the model of Consummate Love. Snow and Charming are the prototype for true love, so it make sense that they represent a kind of love that is rare or the kind of love that everyone hopes to find. Its the standard, but rarely is it found in its purest form.
2. It seems like Rumpel and Belle’s love was Consummate at some point during the story, but probably not in its purest form. The Triangular Theory of Love can also be applied to certain genres of Story Telling. Sternberg suggest that the possibilities are endless, but he lists 26 different categories including addiction and business, which seem to make sense for Rumpel and Belle, mostly expressed through Rumpel’s behavior toward Belle.
Addiction. Strong anxious attachment; clinging behavior; anxiety at thought of losing partner.
Business. Relationships as business propositions; money is power; partners in close relationships as business partners.
Perhaps business more so in the sense that Rumpel is always willing to make deals to ensure his relationship with Belle.
For now, Rumpel and Belle seem to represent either Non-Love or Infatuation. I admit, I don’t follow their story as closely as others, so maybe it is moving into a different kind of love. Any thoughts on this?
3. I believe Hook and Emma represent Fatuous Love. There is decision/commitment and passion, but it’s lacking intimacy. The bondedness that Stenberg describes isn’t there. It feels forced, especially coming from Emma and she has expressed her uncertainties about her relationship with Hook in one form or another.
Wikipedia describes Sternberg’s intimacy as “a feeling of ease, in the sense that the two parties are mutual in their feelings.” Emma rarely seem at ease in her interactions with Hook. The viewer never gets a sense of whether or not this relationship is what she truly wants. There seems to be a desperation and an obligation there and she seems to overlook a lot of her doubts because she has chosen to be committed to Hook no matter how she might really feel. Commitment is also described as a cold love because it doesn’t require passion or intimacy.   
In terms of story telling, Hook and Emma seem to fall into the categories of addiction, collection, game, house & home, horror, pornographic, sacrifice, and travel.
Addiction. Strong anxious attachment; clinging behavior; anxiety at thought of losing partner.
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Collection. Partner viewed as “fitting in” to some overall scheme; partner viewed in a detached way.
Perhaps Emma wanting to have true love like her parents have? 
Game. Love as a game or sport.
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House and Home. Relationships have their core in the home, through its development and maintenance.
They made a big deal about Emma being afraid to take that step with Hook.
Horror. Relationships become interesting when you terrorize or are terrorized by your partner. 
This can be seen clearly in Hook’s time as a Dark One. Emma and her entire family were threatened by him.
Pornography. Love is dirty, and to love is to degrade or be degraded.
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Sacrifice. To love is to give of oneself or for someone to give of him or herself to you.
Emma sacrificed herself and her entire family to go and save Hook. Some might read that as romantic, but if your love puts others in harms way, including your son, that might be a red flag. I think Emma’s actions here can also fit under addiction.
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Travel. Love is a journey.
This can be seen in Emma’s choice to travel to the Underworld to try and save Hook. There was a true love test on this journey, but it wasn’t true love based on what the show has shown us as evidence of true love. There was also the failed heart split.
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4. Robin and Regina’s love seems to fall under Romantic Love. There is passion and intimacy, but no commitment, especially on Robin’s part once Marian came back. He was committed to Marian despite his feelings for Regina and he even left Regina because he was so committed to Marian.
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As far as story telling, Robin and Regina seem to fall into the categories of addiction and fantasy.
Addiction. Strong anxious attachment; clinging behavior; anxiety at thought of losing partner.
Once Robin ended things with Regina she had thoughts of killing Marian to get him back. Then she decided to hunt down the author so he could change her story and give her a happy ending with Robin.
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Fantasy. Often expects to be saved by a knight in shining armor or to marry a princess and live happily ever after.
Of course, the entire show could be looked at in terms of fantasy, but I chose fantasy for them in particular because a part of the interest or attraction Regina had for Robin was because Tinkerbell told her he was her true loved based on the fairy dust leading her to Robin. They also have not had a True Love’s kiss despite Regina referring to him as her true love.
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Once the hoax of Zelena pretending to be Marian came to light, I think maybe Robin and Regina’s love became Companionate Love, possibly Empty Love. Zelena becoming pregnant with Robin’s child really muddied things. I wouldn’t mind someone else’s point of view on this if anyone has the time!
5. At this point in the story, I think Emma & Regina have Companionate Love, which includes intimacy and commitment, two things that need to be strong if they are to lead to a pure form of Consummate Love or True Love. The intimacy and commitment between Regina and Emma has been expressed over and over again throughout the story and more so than it has between Emma & Hook or Regina & Robin.
A more thorough love story is being told between them than has been between them and their respective love interests or supposed true loves.
Concerning the Triangular Theory of Love in regard to story telling, Emma and Regina seem to fall under the categories of addiction, government (democratic), recovery, sacrifice, sewing, travel, and student-teacher.
Addiction. Strong anxious attachment; clinging behavior; anxiety at thought of losing partner.
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And more recently, Regina expressing to Emma that she is scared to raise Henry alone or in other words, she doesn’t want Emma to die.
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Government. (a) Autocratic. One partner dominates or even controls other. (b) Democratic. Two partners equally share power.
Their magic is stronger together.
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I think the fact that they respect each other as Henry’s mom could also fit under government.
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Recovery. Survivor mentality; view that after past trauma, person can get through practically anything.
Both Emma and Regina have trauma in their past that they are overcoming. Emma even thinks that Regina understands her in a way that her family doesn’t because they have experienced some of the same trauma.
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Sacrifice. To love is to give of oneself or for someone to give of him or herself to you.
More recently, Regina has sacrificed her own safety to rescue Emma from the wish realm. I also wonder if Regina will sacrifice herself in a big way to try and stop Emma’s vision from happening and if it will be an act of true love.
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Image by vargesz
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Image by vargesz
Emma has sacrificed herself for Regina several times throughout the story, and even her relationship with Hook, to try and ensure Regina’s happiness.  
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Regina indirectly sacrificed her relationship with Robin for Emma. If they had never gone to the Underworld, Hades wouldn’t have escaped and he wouldn’t have been able to kill Robin.
Sewing. Love is whatever you make it.
I decided to include sewing as a part of Emma and Regina’s story telling because they have created their own family in spite of their past differences (and of course this includes Snow and Charming, too).
Travel. Love is a journey.
Emma and Regina travel to Neverland and work together to get their son back. Regina goes to the Underworld to help Emma and later she chooses to stay when she had the opportunity to leave. They have also gone on a couple of road trips which further developed their intimacy and commitment.
Student-teacher.  Love is a relationship between a student and a teacher.
Neverland is also a good example of Regina beginning to teach Emma.
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The only thing missing between Emma and Regina is the physical passion or attraction. It seems like if the plan has been, and is, just for them to be good friends, then why haven’t we at least seen a hug by now? If they are strictly friends, wouldn’t that make sense by now? It could be the show runners stringing people along. I hope not. They are shown holding hands as the prepare to enter a portal and leave the wish realm. Maybe this is the beginning of the physical.
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I get that the goal of a show is to stretch a story out and keep people interested for the duration. I never watch a television show with the expectation that all of my wishes for the characters will happen immediately, as frustrating as that can be sometimes. 
That being said, (and with them saying that this story line is to be completed by the end of season 6) it only makes sense that they will move Emma and Regina’s story along so that their relationship becomes a pure form of Consummate Love. There are lots of theories out there about how Emma and Regina’s relationship parallels Snow and Charming’s that would help to support this.
That’s just what makes logical sense to me based on the story I’ve been watching. The story they have been telling for Emma and Regina is vastly different than the story they have been telling for Hook and Emma or even Robin and Regina.
When comparing Hook and Emma vs. Emma and Regina, the story telling categories for Hook and Emma are, what I would consider, more unhealthy than the categories for Emma and Regina…or perhaps the experiences within those categories because the categories themselves are not necessarily bad.
One could argue that Emma and Regina’s early relationship would have fallen into more unhealthy categories, but I think the difference is that early on Emma and Regina didn’t have any of the three elements that made love. They would have fallen under No Love at that time or even Infatuation, which is only passion, and anger can be a form of passion. Sternberg also has a triangular theory of hate, so may Emma and Regina’s early relationship would need to be measured based on that theory. And now that I think about it, maybe Rumpel and Belle need to be measured against the theory of hate as well.
The problem is that Hook and Emma are supposed to be leaning toward true love, but there are so many issues between them that continue to go unresolved. So, if they were to give Hook and Emma true love at this point, it wouldn’t ring true within the context of the story they are telling. It would be bad or incomplete storytelling. On the other hand, Regina and Emma’s story has been fully fleshed out…except for that final element of physical passion…and we have seen two people who have come to love and care about one another deeply.  
This analysis could certainly be fleshed out even more and I think it has been in many ways. I’ve read lots of great theories, but I probably haven’t read them all, so I apologize if someone has already discussed Stenrberg’s Triangular Theory of Love. I’ve seen it several times on my dash in reference to a completely different blog I follow and decided that it would be interesting to compare the different kinds of love to the main adult relationships on OUAT.
Here is the link to Sternberg’s Theory: www.robertjsternberg.com/love/
Here is the link to the theory as described by Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangular_theory_of_love
I found all of my images on Google. If I need to remove any please inform me! 
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doomedandstoned · 7 years
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Fallout Ritualist:
A Visit with Mikko Kääriäinen of Cardinals Folly
~By Billy Goate (Editor in Chief)~
Photographs by Jouni Parkku
There's something about that voice. Mikko Kääriäinen (best known as Count Karnstein) of the Finnish band CARDINALS FOLLY croons like a stern master with ice water for blood. Dare not knock on the door of his estate seeking shelter from the tempest. His singing incites shivers as he wails and thrashes about, bemoaning the wiles of the devil and the fate of foodhardy thrill seekers. Mikko joined our own Stephanie V. Cantu for her podcast Crypt of Despair last year and I was eager to get to get a proper interview with him in these pages. Come with me now, into the shadows to a domain where doom is law and riffs conjure soul-stealing specters. This is the twisted realm of Cardinals Folly...
You draw significant inspiration from mysticism and the occult. What are your own beliefs about the supernatural? And while we're on the subject, have you ever encountered something uncanny, unearthly, or otherwise unexplainable?
I guess it's mere curiosity that has brought this devious individual and many others on the brink of great things. Teenage rebellion is a pathway to many things you will be able to truly understand later on, to expand your consciousness to unnatural levels. I believe in the devil as an ideal collaborator in spiritual rebellion -- a dark power of nature, relentless illumination, self-deification, and resistance of the right-hand path. A cultivated inspiration and idol for individuals like us. Of course, The Master will always take care of its own, the truly initiated and dedicated, and therefore things will always happen. From everyday charms to weirder incidents. I don´t want to pick out anything special, for it´s not about bragging how weird your life has been. That´s the naturality or unnaturality of this kind of mind -- you just live it. Nothing is that strange anymore. That´s almost like a Biblical term to me, at this point. Reference based on the many, the majority, what they would think.
Interesting. I’m guessing you’re well read on the occult. For the novice, what tomes would you recommend for reading? I’m guessing Dennis Wheatley’s novels will be among them, given the band's name.
Well, for someone willing to get both a factual and fictional overall briefing about the western esoteric and occult practices, I recommend the following starters:
Stephen Flowers: 'Lords of the Left-Hand Path' (1997)
Dennis Wheatley: 'The Devil and All His Works' (1971)
Don Web: 'Overthrowing the Old Gods: Aleister Crowley and the Book of the Law' (2013)
Trevor Ravenscroft: 'The Spear of Destiny' (1972)
Anton LaVey: 'The Satanic Bible' (1969)
H.P Blavatsky: 'The Secret Doctrine' (1888)
Eliphas Levi: 'Transcendental Magic: Its Doctrine and Ritual' (1855)
Dennis Wheatley: 'The Devil Rides Out' (1950) or 'Strange Conflict' (1941)
How long have you been singing and playing bass? I'm curious about what lit the fire inside of you to get started with both.
I started everything with this band. I needed a vision of a band to make happen, to actually give a damn. Never been one of those bedroom metal musicians. Cardinals Folly and its early version symbolize my musical career. I simply started to play bass and sing when we started playing doom in 2004, without having any experience. To be honest, the more I see in this life, the more I like my choices. There´s a shitload of stagnated bands out there. Bands with members who can play, but are pretty clueless about anything else. I´m glad I had no specific pattern to start laboring when we started. I´ve learned it all myself along the way, which certainly suits me very well. I´m a person of my own. Our heaviest influence among traditional doom bands was Reverend Bizarre, when we started. Reverend Bizarre was emerging in Finland and it felt the closest thing to us. Of course, there are also typical old school legends like Saint Vitus, Pentagram, Cathedral, etc., but Reverend Bizarre was so present, especially in our early works. Now all that really remains from their influence is the cinematic gothickry, but that I love too much to ever let it go. Besides, it´s nothing that unusual in metal, generally. They just did it really well, I want to do it even better -- really combine the themes and the music.
Holocaust of Ecstasy & Freedom by Cardinals Folly
I admit I’m a little late to the game. The Coven was the original incarnation of Cardinal’s Folly, right?
You could say so. The idea didn´t change one bit and we simply continued with a new drummer and new moniker. Like I said, we were total newbies back then to everything regarding functioning as a band, so we made up a proper fitting name hastily in our excitement, without giving it too much thought. Our first drummer left and we got a new one, who was really into doom and very experienced with the underground. So we forged our visions stronger and had more artistic approach. I found the true name for us and we set the course to where we are today.
Around 2012-2013, there was a complete change of line-up. Was the future of Cardinals Folly in doubt at that point in time?
I´ve always been very demanding regarding people´s input in Cardinals Folly. I never chose to be the leader of the band. It came naturally, because of my level of ambition, temperament, and vision. Cardinals Folly is my baby, and I was never truly happy with the input of the previous members. Our guitar player had no time to really play in a band and since we took our name in 2007, our drummer had always had self-doubts about his playing and we always argued about many things. He´s a friend of mine still, and probably always will be, but we weren´t exactly the dream team, musically. I was always pushing forward and he was stalling.
With Juho joining in guitar around 2012 and Joni in drums 2014, we got the right dedicated members to push things forward. The future of Cardinals Folly has never truly been in doubt, as it´s always been a major creative outlet for me. But you can speculate if I had made it to this point without these guys. Probably not. The band would exist anyway, but you kind of need the lineup to truly make it something. After all, band life is about sharing our views, rehearsing, talking crap, playing live, doing records, drinking together -- that´s what it is to me.
So how did you come to meet your current partners, Juho and Joni? You’re the primary songwriter, naturally, so I’m curious how these two contribute to or otherwise enhance your musical ideas.
They both just answered the ads I had left. I really like that I didn´t take them into the band because of some guaranteed friendship. They weren´t old fishing buddies. That sort of thing is overrated, when it comes to band members. Also, if the band has ambition, it can fuck over the friendship or the friendship can fuck over the band, if you know what I mean. You need brutal honesty, sometimes. Making music like Cardinals Folly is about ambition and vision, so it doesn´t help one bit if you´re a great guy otherwise. Previous members were perfect examples of that.
Juho trained on a few songs on acoustic guitar over the weekend up north at his parents and returned early from his holiday to make it to the audition down south, where he nailed everything totally. Joni did the same, without missing a beat. The musical collaboration and understanding is on a very high level here. An exceptionally high level that even most pro musicians can´t reach with each other for different personal reasons. I´ve seen this. We can together spice up the original idea and structure for a song without changing the atmosphere or screwing anything over. We simply enrich it with good flavors. I or Juho come up with a few matching riffs and we complete the song usually as a group, throwing in riffs and fixing the arrangements for whole band. The original idea remains, but grows some muscle around itself.
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Lyrics sometimes exist already before the song, but usually some interesting theme pops up after the feeling I get from the music and I finish the lyrics in a frenzy of inspiration from that. In my opinion, combining the music with the fitting and believable lyrics of a similar atmosphere is very important. If you fuck that up, you´re not in the game anymore. Our approach is similar and we talk the same “language,” because we´re not educated musicians, but three guys on a mission they all completely understand, both spiritually and musically. I feel we´re a real band -- a three-piece unit. We work everything together, despite of who wrote the original ideas. Nothing is ever personal. We understand our art and wish to push it forward. That is the priority in Cardinals Folly for us all, despite also being friends. It's very easy for me to say this, since it´s nothing, but a transcription of what happens in the world of Cardinals Folly nowadays.
You balk at trendiness in music, “laughing at stoner/retro trends as Cardinals Folly since 2007.” In “Hyperborean,” there is the declamatory “No Trends!” in the chorus. Obviously it’s an important sentiment to you.
It feels very natural to me, that a metal band not only plays hard, but also views hard. With my current understanding of the music I´m doing, I certainly wouldn't settle for less, in any way. This is my chosen lifestyle. Metal music in general is dominated by trends, which is understandable, but spoils the danger and excitement levels of this kinda music completely. I´ll be honest with you, I rarely even listen to new doom anymore. I do still get excited when I hear something totally ass-ripping, like the new Caskets Open album, for an example, but mostly you can predict the moves of the bands, even their behavior. The whole thing is just like my mom making a metal band, and as much as I love my mom, she´s not cut out for this. I feel I need to look elsewhere if I want inspiration. I´m over 30, but I´m still a rebel. I just don´t feel it enough.
Are you coming across many acts that are going their own way, perhaps even a little misunderstood? We’d love to know about bands in Finland, in particular, that have earned your respect and patronage.
Well, just to make it short by recommending some Finnish bands you might not know about: Caskets Open, Seremonia, Kohti Tuhoa, Vinum Sabbatum, Slave Hands, Chestburster and why don´t you also check out the Lithuanian band Hellhookah, because so far Arnas is the only one staying up and downing vodka later than I do! Great people, great band.
Coalition of the Anathematized by Cardinals Folly / Church of Void / Acolytes of Moros
Cardinals Folly has been prolific, releasing a new full-length every two years. Last year, you brought us virtually two albums worth of songs, if you include that fantastic split with Church of Void and Acolytes of Moros. Are you tapped out or do you have more songs in the works for us? If so, it would be amazing if you could give us a hint about the material you’re toying with.
Well, I would never consider us being “tapped out” at this point, regardless of the song situation, since we´re hungry and nasty bastards, one of the few bands actually living the shit! Every week we do something, be it rehearsal, studio, a live gig, or just sitting at a bar together, getting nutty ideas.
And to back this up, I will humbly say that our fourth album, Deranged Pagan Sons, which will wipe the floor with all our previous works, will be released in the fall of 2017 on CD via Nine Records and LP via Topillo Records. Fresh start with couple of up-and-coming Euro labels and the very finest we can offer. Eight tracks and 48 minutes of brutal, barbaric, heavy, in-your-face doom metal. The songs are the best, the sound is the best, and for the first fucking time ever, I don´t really even hate my vocals.
That’s awesome news! I think I speak for many when I say I can't wait to give the new record a spin. As we wrap up the conversation, anything you'd like to share with fans, or at least those who by now are becoming curious?
Later this year, you gotta face our new album in all its power. Join the doom metal cult Cardinals Folly and its ventures. Ride with the doomed ones! Retreating from it doesn´t do good for your metal credibility, so I suggest you open yourselves to it. Dance with the devil. It can´t be ignored anymore. We are going to blow off some steam and live to win, even if some boring jerks keep saying it´s a sin.
Thank you for spending time with me and the Doomed & Stoned readers!
The pleasure was all mine, and will be.
Follow The Band.
Get Their Music.
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kathydsalters31 · 4 years
August Pet Horoscopes: What the Stars Have in Store for Cats and pet dogs
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Updated July 30, 2020| For Cat People Contributed by Lisa Stardust August is a crucial month, my furry good friends. While cats(in their unlimited wisdom)currently know that International Cat Day is on August 8th, it’s worth advising the doggos that National Dog Day takes place on August 26th. These are essential days for both species, in which pet dog parents throughout the nation (and also past) have the possibility to reflect on simply just how much their pet dogs suggest to them.
These days, it’s a bond that’s more vital than ever. You extremely well might be the brightest spot in your mother or father’s day during this time. Broad strokes, below are the major highlights for the cats and puppers this month:
The Aquarius full moon on August 3rd is a time of reflection, where you can analyze your goals for the last complete month of summer.
You’ll determine to welcome your internal diva and also live big on August 4th, when Mercury enters Leo. You function hard, so you must entirely play hard.
Venus, planet of love and also elegance, goes into tender Cancer on August 7th. If you’re being educated or finding out some new tricks, you may really feel a little bit extra delicate, however attempt not to take any adverse feedback you receive too seriously throughout this time around.
Rebellious earth Uranus begins its backward trip on August 15th in Taurus. This is a great time to stroll on the wild side as well as display your individuality– people (and also other family pets) will certainly take notice.
The Leo new moon on August 18th is a suitable time to bring your desires to reality. Meow it out and bark it up– when it involves your goals, there’s a lot of possibility for you throughout this moment.
The Sun goes into Virgo on August 22nd, enabling your analytical mind to make needed as well as vital choices about mundane day-to-day life (feeding, snoozing, playing, walking, etc).
Read on for your individual indicator, and also click here for my 2020 pet astrological forecast. Feline and also Dog Horoscopes for August
Aries (March 21-April 19 )It’s vital to mark your lawn at home as well as to develop an area that belongs exclusively to you. Press all of your playthings to the edge of the room you desire to declare as your own on August 7th. At first, your parents will be a little overwhelmed regarding why you require your very own personal location– nevertheless, you
‘re part of one large, satisfied household, right? Even
individuals in the closest of families need require time. They’ll eventually get the tip and leave you to take a break and kick back by yourself. Taurus( April 20-May 20)Quarantining for the previous few months has actually been challenging for you, considering that you love being outdoors in nature. Being caged within is starting to worry you out, as you long to be outdoors– especially now. See to it your pet moms and dad offers you that area to wander, whether it’s on multiple walks a day, or simply being there to unlock and allow you outside. This is specifically crucial on August 15th, when it’s a good idea to be as forthcoming as well as direct as feasible about your demands.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Your normally positive self has been really feeling a little cynical lately. Could your current ‘tude be an extreme estimate of your inner sensations? You may consider transforming your overview and starting to search the bright side. It’s crucial to continue to seek pleasure in the simple things, whether it’s your daily walk or a romp at the canine park. If you try, you might be really feeling better by August 18th, when the brand-new moon promises to draw out a brand-new, positive side of you. (PS: I recognize it’s tough nowadays, so hang tough!)
Cancer( June 21-July 22)You are obtaining
right into the swing of points now that mom and also daddy have actually been working home for some time currently; you understand not to jump up on the laptop computer or scratch at the door during a Zoom conference. Isn’t it time you had a special treat for all this etiquette? See to it that your’rental fees treat you to your preferred snacks as a benefit. They may also surprise you with a brand-new plaything(or even better, a subscription box!)
on August 7th to reveal their recognition for being such a consistent convenience to them during these extreme times. Allow on your own be spoiled: you have actually made it! Leo (July 23-August 22)You’re feeling on your own this month. Allow’s be real, when are you not? You feel confident, which will make you intend to be the poster pet for your unique recognition vacation this month. There’s no other feline or canine who’s better than you are. Take place, take the phase while posturing for video cameras or any other time the possibility occurs: The globe needs your confidence, pep, and also love of life today. Virgo( August 23-September 22)You might be a tad paranoid on August 4th, because you’re feeling like your besties are barking behind your back. Allow me assure you, this could not
be further from the truth. Your BFFs would certainly never claim anything unfavorable regarding you: The love you! No looters, yet the power you’ve been noticing may have something to do with a special occasion they could be preparing for your birthday celebration. Stand down, relax, and also let on your own be delighted by the surprises ahead. Libra(September 23-October 22 )You’ve had a short-lived respite from interacting socially while sheltering in position with the fam; on August 7th, it’s time to rejoin the pack at the dog park. Your chums have missed you, and vice versa. Reconnection is soul-affirming, as well as you’ll be feeling the love and also re-energized throughout the brand-new moon on August 18th, when a carolers of familiar wails and yips welcome you when you get in the dog run to play.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
Jealousies in partnerships will certainly be really felt on August 15th, mostly since your good friends envy of the
gifts your moms and dads showered you with to celebrate your special holiday this month. Don’t take their bitterness to heart; your close friends simply wish they were being showered with attention, love, and also provides the method you are. If you can, share your good fortune with others, and at the minimum, aim to be charitable in your spirit around others that are much less fortunate.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
You’re getting a little tired with human beings presuming that you desire them to pet dog you all the time. Hi, it’s called borders! Before you communicate your nuisance with a bark or hiss, your mom or papa needs to know you’re greater than simply a toy. A look can speak a million words on August 7th. If that does not work instantly, offer it a couple of days, concentrate on your demands and your own self-care, and see if they occur.
Capricorn(December 22-January 19 )You’ve been making strides learning to love on your own, to not be afraid of your own darkness, as well as to bring even more pep right into your step these days. You’ll begin to see the fruits of all this effort during the new moon in Leo on August 18th. Later on, the last week of August is shaping up to be a favorable and extremely effective time for you; you may even start to see on your own in a different way, when all that effort becomes working it. Maintain it up, you’re obtaining efficient it.
Aquarius (January 20-February 18)
Lazy mid-days spent in the house are never a waste of time, particularly when you have a whole lot on your analytical mind, ruminating Aquarius. You are now in the mood to advance on a much deeper degree. The road in the direction of individual development is hard, yet you’re ready to lean right into makeover– particularly throughout the full moon on August 3rd and also on August 26th when the sunlight shifts right into Virgo. Bear in mind to go with the circulation, it’s all part of the holy strategy.
Pisces (February 19-March 20)
As a result of the full moon on August 3rd, you will certainly be searching for the right way to reveal your views throughout the remainder of the month. If you’re lucky, a fellow fuzzy good friend or pet expert will come along to help you launch your inner voice and also reach its potential on the 8th or 26th. Bear in mind: Your voice issues, your voice counts, and a great deal of cats and pets can determine and also associate with you.
Regarding the Author: Lisa Stardust has actually studied the zodiac for over a decade as
an astrologer and also planetary author, as well as has contributed to websites and also magazines such as Teen Vogue, The Hoodwitch, Cosmopolitan, and O, Oprah Magazine.
The Dog People Newsletter Subscribe as well as obtain $25 off animal sitting as well as pet strolling!
source http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/august-pet-horoscopes-what-the-stars-have-in-store-for-dogs-and-cats/
from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.blogspot.com/2020/08/august-pet-horoscopes-what-stars-have.html
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barryswamsleyaz · 4 years
August Pet Horoscopes: What the Stars Have in Store for Cats and pet dogs
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Updated July 30, 2020| For Cat People Contributed by Lisa Stardust August is a crucial month, my furry good friends. While cats(in their unlimited wisdom)currently know that International Cat Day is on August 8th, it’s worth advising the doggos that National Dog Day takes place on August 26th. These are essential days for both species, in which pet dog parents throughout the nation (and also past) have the possibility to reflect on simply just how much their pet dogs suggest to them.
These days, it’s a bond that’s more vital than ever. You extremely well might be the brightest spot in your mother or father’s day during this time. Broad strokes, below are the major highlights for the cats and puppers this month:
The Aquarius full moon on August 3rd is a time of reflection, where you can analyze your goals for the last complete month of summer.
You’ll determine to welcome your internal diva and also live big on August 4th, when Mercury enters Leo. You function hard, so you must entirely play hard.
Venus, planet of love and also elegance, goes into tender Cancer on August 7th. If you’re being educated or finding out some new tricks, you may really feel a little bit extra delicate, however attempt not to take any adverse feedback you receive too seriously throughout this time around.
Rebellious earth Uranus begins its backward trip on August 15th in Taurus. This is a great time to stroll on the wild side as well as display your individuality– people (and also other family pets) will certainly take notice.
The Leo new moon on August 18th is a suitable time to bring your desires to reality. Meow it out and bark it up– when it involves your goals, there’s a lot of possibility for you throughout this moment.
The Sun goes into Virgo on August 22nd, enabling your analytical mind to make needed as well as vital choices about mundane day-to-day life (feeding, snoozing, playing, walking, etc).
Read on for your individual indicator, and also click here for my 2020 pet astrological forecast. Feline and also Dog Horoscopes for August
Aries (March 21-April 19 )It’s vital to mark your lawn at home as well as to develop an area that belongs exclusively to you. Press all of your playthings to the edge of the room you desire to declare as your own on August 7th. At first, your parents will be a little overwhelmed regarding why you require your very own personal location– nevertheless, you
‘re part of one large, satisfied household, right? Even
individuals in the closest of families need require time. They’ll eventually get the tip and leave you to take a break and kick back by yourself. Taurus( April 20-May 20)Quarantining for the previous few months has actually been challenging for you, considering that you love being outdoors in nature. Being caged within is starting to worry you out, as you long to be outdoors– especially now. See to it your pet moms and dad offers you that area to wander, whether it’s on multiple walks a day, or simply being there to unlock and allow you outside. This is specifically crucial on August 15th, when it’s a good idea to be as forthcoming as well as direct as feasible about your demands.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Your normally positive self has been really feeling a little cynical lately. Could your current ‘tude be an extreme estimate of your inner sensations? You may consider transforming your overview and starting to search the bright side. It’s crucial to continue to seek pleasure in the simple things, whether it’s your daily walk or a romp at the canine park. If you try, you might be really feeling better by August 18th, when the brand-new moon promises to draw out a brand-new, positive side of you. (PS: I recognize it’s tough nowadays, so hang tough!)
Cancer( June 21-July 22)You are obtaining right into the swing of points now that mom and also daddy have actually been working home for some time currently; you understand not to jump up on the laptop computer or scratch at the door during a Zoom conference. Isn’t it time you had a special treat for all this etiquette? See to it that your’rental fees treat you to your preferred snacks as a benefit. They may also surprise you with a brand-new plaything(or even better, a subscription box!)
on August 7th to reveal their recognition for being such a consistent convenience to them during these extreme times. Allow on your own be spoiled: you have actually made it! Leo (July 23-August 22)You’re feeling on your own this month. Allow’s be real, when are you not? You feel confident, which will make you intend to be the poster pet for your unique recognition vacation this month. There’s no other feline or canine who’s better than you are. Take place, take the phase while posturing for video cameras or any other time the possibility occurs: The globe needs your confidence, pep, and also love of life today. Virgo( August 23-September 22)You might be a tad paranoid on August 4th, because you’re feeling like your besties are barking behind your back. Allow me assure you, this could not
be further from the truth. Your BFFs would certainly never claim anything unfavorable regarding you: The love you! No looters, yet the power you’ve been noticing may have something to do with a special occasion they could be preparing for your birthday celebration. Stand down, relax, and also let on your own be delighted by the surprises ahead. Libra(September 23-October 22 )You’ve had a short-lived respite from interacting socially while sheltering in position with the fam; on August 7th, it’s time to rejoin the pack at the dog park. Your chums have missed you, and vice versa. Reconnection is soul-affirming, as well as you’ll be feeling the love and also re-energized throughout the brand-new moon on August 18th, when a carolers of familiar wails and yips welcome you when you get in the dog run to play.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
Jealousies in partnerships will certainly be really felt on August 15th, mostly since your good friends envy of the gifts your moms and dads showered you with to celebrate your special holiday this month. Don’t take their bitterness to heart; your close friends simply wish they were being showered with attention, love, and also provides the method you are. If you can, share your good fortune with others, and at the minimum, aim to be charitable in your spirit around others that are much less fortunate.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
You’re getting a little tired with human beings presuming that you desire them to pet dog you all the time. Hi, it’s called borders! Before you communicate your nuisance with a bark or hiss, your mom or papa needs to know you’re greater than simply a toy. A look can speak a million words on August 7th. If that does not work instantly, offer it a couple of days, concentrate on your demands and your own self-care, and see if they occur.
Capricorn(December 22-January 19 )You’ve been making strides learning to love on your own, to not be afraid of your own darkness, as well as to bring even more pep right into your step these days. You’ll begin to see the fruits of all this effort during the new moon in Leo on August 18th. Later on, the last week of August is shaping up to be a favorable and extremely effective time for you; you may even start to see on your own in a different way, when all that effort becomes working it. Maintain it up, you’re obtaining efficient it.
Aquarius (January 20-February 18)
Lazy mid-days spent in the house are never a waste of time, particularly when you have a whole lot on your analytical mind, ruminating Aquarius. You are now in the mood to advance on a much deeper degree. The road in the direction of individual development is hard, yet you’re ready to lean right into makeover– particularly throughout the full moon on August 3rd and also on August 26th when the sunlight shifts right into Virgo. Bear in mind to go with the circulation, it’s all part of the holy strategy.
Pisces (February 19-March 20)
As a result of the full moon on August 3rd, you will certainly be searching for the right way to reveal your views throughout the remainder of the month. If you’re lucky, a fellow fuzzy good friend or pet expert will come along to help you launch your inner voice and also reach its potential on the 8th or 26th. Bear in mind: Your voice issues, your voice counts, and a great deal of cats and pets can determine and also associate with you.
Regarding the Author: Lisa Stardust has actually studied the zodiac for over a decade as an astrologer and also planetary author, as well as has contributed to websites and also magazines such as Teen Vogue, The Hoodwitch, Cosmopolitan, and O, Oprah Magazine.
The Dog People Newsletter Subscribe as well as obtain $25 off animal sitting as well as pet strolling!
from Lucky Dog Solutions http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/august-pet-horoscopes-what-the-stars-have-in-store-for-dogs-and-cats/
from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.tumblr.com/post/625458018385084416
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