#also it contrasts with millies color
bigbeanbear · 8 months
I don’t really understand how some people can interpret Charlie and Vaggie’s relationship as “sisters” or “uninteresting” if they have finished Hazbin Hotel Season 1 completely, because Chaggie’s love languages (both mutual and unique ones) are so obvious.
Their mutual love language is obviously “Physical Touch”. From the start, their hands are on each other constantly. Sure, they are not a PDA couple like Moxxie and Millie, who like to passionately tongue kiss in public, but they LOVE holding hands to support each other. Plus a lot of small gestures like touches on face, shoulder and thigh, just come very naturally to them like an old married couple. I think they enjoy their more intimate moments in private, as Charlie kisses Vaggie on the lost eye in their bedroom, or they deep kiss in an empty hallway.
When it comes to the unique ones, Charlie’s giving love language to Vaggie is “Gifts”. Even when she rants about Vaggie hiding big secret from her to Alastor all the way to Cannibal Town, as soon as they are in Rosie’s emporium, Charlie lands her eyes on the souvenir section and immediately picks up that keychain doll that somehow resembles a chaggie love child for Vaggie. Also, I think it’s possible that the red bow and eye patch that Vaggie wears all the time were gifted by Charlie too, considering how the red theme symbolizes Charlie, especially in the pilot, these things are the only red parts on Vaggie contrasting her own grey/white color theme. Giving gifts showing how much Charlie loves Vaggie makes sense, she’s super rich as the Princess, and Vaggie owned nothing when she was left in Hell. So I definitely think Vaggie appreciates and cherishes all the small gifts from Charlie.
On Vaggie’s side, her unique giving love language to Charlie is “Act of Service”. She manages the hotel for Charlie, supports Charlie’s dream no matter what, and swears to protect Charlie with her life. It also makes sense, considering Vaggie had been a faithful soldier for years, being in service for the person she loves most just comes naturally from her. Again, Vaggie had nothing when she was left to die, so she devotes her whole body to Charlie. I can see that it’s kind of unhealthy to Vaggie’s own psyche, since she sees no value in her own being and feels worthless if she cannot be useful to Charlie, but I think it is something the show might explore in the future. Charlie seems to enjoy receiving service from Vaggie too, she appreciates how much Vaggie’s done for her, and considers them as a team with herself leading and Vaggie executing. Vaggie is very good at materializing Charlie’s plans too. I don’t see anyone analyzing this, but Vaggie’s persuasion of Carmilla is pretty well done that efficiently gets to the weakest spot of Carmilla. Vaggie is the one that acts.
Chaggie is not the perfect sapphic couple, but what makes them kind of outstanding is them being a deeply-in-love stable couple beyond the initial crush and honeymoon phase. I like having such representation like them.
Btw, the script writer of episode 3 and 7 highlighting Chaggie’s relationship is Ariel Ladensohn, who is a lesbian in a stable relationship irl, so I have some faith that the show can do Chaggie justice in the future seasons.
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ok so i talked to a professional lighting designer i know and here’s what’s going on with the picture:
basically sets will use a key light that will highlight the subject of a scene. this light is normally yellow in tone and the brightest one on a set. you can see here its coming from the upper right corner and making the girl’s hair and shoulder the most highlighted part of the shot and also very yellow in tone. she is most likely standing in will’s light, preventing him from being properly highlighted.
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now, to ensure that that bright yellow light doesn’t over expose the shot, another light needs to counteract it. it needs to create a shadow for the highlight to contrast with. this is called a fill light. because the key light is yellow, the opposite color will be taken from the color wheel to contrast it: blue. this is why will looks so pale, the blue tones of the fill light are the only thing shining on him due to her blocking him from the key light. the fill light looks like its coming from the opposite direction as the key light thus she is not obscuring him from it.
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this would also explain what looks on the surface to be mistakes in makeup application. stranger things is netflix’s darling, they have good makeup artists!! they wouldnt just not apply makeup under his bangs or around the collar of his shirt!! this is just the result of where she isn’t blocking the key light contrasting with the fill light that he’s mostly bathed in.
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the reason the lighting looks so dramatic is because the white balance in the picture was likely off due to this being a paparazzi photo where they were unaware of the lighting conditions, whereas that’s something they adjust to using the filming cameras when they know what lighting to expect.
ok thats all thank you for coming to my ted talk!!!
(he also said that an actor would never wear an earpiece mic like that so sorry to burst anyone’s bubble, this is a PA not millie😭)
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campbell-rose · 1 year
Helluva Rewrite: Moxxie
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A big thing with Moxxie was just me wanting him to not look like a butler. I don’t know what it is with Viv and men in suits, but I'm not a fan. To keep his vest from blending into his pants, I untucked a bit of his undershirt. I want each member of IMP to stand out visually from one another (because all imps literally look related to some degree lol) so I gave Moxxie green in his color palette to contrast the orangish red tone I gave his skin. I also think green eyes will help him stand out very nicely from the group. Instead of striped I put gold rings on his tail and gave him a couple rings on his fingers because greed and gold. Since Viv loves bowties, I let Mox keep his but made it droopy because I think it’s cuter. Originally, I was going to keep his coattails, but I feel like with the shape of his legs it just muddies his silhouette. 
With Moxxie there isn’t much about his character I have to gripe about or want to change. He’s a skilled gunman with knowledge of the subject and history of guns. Cool, now for that, I’m working in his greed traits and decided that he outright hoards guns (since viv wants to claim imps hoard things). Moxxie has a vast collection and is always keeping them nice and spiffy. 
Now one thing I don’t like about Moxxie is his insecurity. Moreso the fact that it’s constantly being played up, like in Unhappy Campers where he’s like a crotchety old woman going through menopause because his wife is more popular than him. At that point it’s just stupid for the sake of drama. Since I made Millie the insecure one, I’m going to play up Moxxie’s straight man status. 
Moxxie is going to be the level headed cool sniper type I suppose. He’s not going to be as expression as Millie, the blue oni to her red in a sense. I think the comedy of that could be when something does make him lose his composure (I think I'll draw up a redone scene as an example) like Millie’s parents outright disliking him or Striker singing about how he sucks and should go fuck himself. I like the idea that because of his childhood as the son of an abusive mob boss father he’s learned to shove bad feelings down rather than express them outright. This doesn’t mean I want him to be a stone faced rock. No, I mostly just want him to express surface level exasperation and frustration with Blitzø’s antics (like his big “WHAT?” when Blitz mentions he hired Strikker) 
So an example of this could be Striker’s song. After he tells Moxxie to go fuck himself, a close shot of Moxxie’s face shows it twitching. He adjusts his glasses, stands up, and excuses himself. (Millie recognizes that this is bad because she knows him and follows) But she loses him in Striker’s fangirl crowd. Moxxie will be visibly upset as he climbs the stairs before hearing Millie calling for him and regaining his composure – until he notices the glow coming from Striker’s room that catches his attention. 
So I don’t want this Moxxie to be a straight-faced ass, just a more composed character. 
Back to his insecurity real quick! Mozzie is a trained assassin but his is not physically strong enough to fight hand to hand. This is a weak spot for him because his father constantly shat all over him growing up and would literally smack him around and Moxxie was (in his own mind) too physically weak to stop it from happening. 
As to how he met Blitzo... well in this I don’t want the bs jail in hell bit because there has been no justifiable ass pulls by Viv or the team. Idk I'm having trouble. Maybe they met through Millie? Like Moxxie meets Millie doing something and is like ‘holy shit I love this chick fuck you dad I'm out.’ 
Idk that’s what I'm going with I'll fix it later this took way too long to do and i'll still gotta do Blitzo and Stolas and maybe the other characters and then maybe rework season one idk i'll focus on just doing Blitzo and reworking my Loona again
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lordystrange · 2 years
10 best byler proofs by me
10. The cast, especially David (who knows the ending) and Finn (who might know something), are always so happy talking about Byler. They wouldn’t be if Will ended up dying alone as a sad gay. Also no one likes milkvan except maybe Millie unless she’s acting… Caleb even said ”Lucas and Max’s love is real unlike Milkvan’s”.
9. Mike has been queercoded throughout the whole series. Especially with queer colors, he spent s4 dressed as a gay pride flag. Also bi and pan colors are associated with him. Also Ted’s ”our son with a girl?” and everything Eddie said about forced conformity etc
8. Byler parallelling other romantic ships like Jancy, Jopper and Lumax. I’m not listing examples because there are SO MANY! (Also Milkvan parallelling all the platonic/dead ships)
7. Mileven being bones. We have nothing that shows their actual, deep love they’re ”supposed to have”. We don’t know what Mike loves about El and what El loves about Mike. We don’t know what makes them a compatible match romantically. We only know things that don’t make them compatible: El feeling the need to lie to Mike, Mike feeling embarrassed of his nerdy self with El, El feeling unloved by Mike, Mike feeling inferior to El…
6. The desert scenes. The triple take ofc, but also the car roof top convo with Will (jancy parallell). Will is talking about how it’s scary to say how you really feel because what if they don’t like the truth. And Mike NODS. If the truth was that he loved El exactly like El wanted, El would like that truth. So what is the truth Mike is worried that El doesn’t like…?
5. Mike’s monologue. He had to be pushed by Will to open his mouth. He lied about him loving her at first sight. He copied the t-shirt part from Eddie. He kept saying she’s his superhero which El doesn’t wanna be. He didn’t include anything personal about El and their relationship after the t-shirt thing… Also El didn’t seem to like what she heard and their love didn’t save the world. And they didn’t even talk after it. And while filming it they didn’t focus on just the couple (like they did with byler in s2 shed scene) and they let Finn improvise as if it wasn’t that important (as important as the van scene…)
4. Mike would be so poorly written if he wasn’t into Will and I don’t think the Duffers would just ignore his character. Also all the lip glances and heart eyes wouldn’t make sense.
3. Byler/Milkvan contrast. When Will was gone and they found his ”body”, Mike heard Will breathing in a radio channel and believed he was alive. He didn’t rest for a second, he did everything he could to find him. When he thought El was dead, he didn’t go looking for her, even tho a couple times he actually saw her. Also in s3 when Milkvan had a fight, Max said Mike will be crawling back to her begging for forgiveness in no time. Instead Mike laid on a sofa and ate and complained. When Byler had a fight… well we all know what Mike did then.
2. Mike and Will’s relationship has always been different from other friendships. They’ve said it themselves (”pls don’t tell the others, they wouldn’t understand”, ”Hawkins is not the same without you”, ”you make her me feel better for being different”). Also their scenes together have always been a big deal (van scene took an entire day to film, crazy together was written before s1 was even filmed) and they are shot in a really romantic way (music, lighting…)
1. In the beginning of s3, Will said to Joyce that he’s not gonna fall in love. That made his arc about romance. We know now that he already fell in love, but he doesn’t believe it’s requited. If s5 goes from ”i don’t think he loves me back” to ”he doesn’t love me back” we get literally nowhere and the entire storyline (since s1) would be useless and waste of time and money. They wouldn’t make Will suffer 4 seasons and then suffer some more. So believe me when I say it goes ”I don’t think he loves me back” to ”He does love me back!”
I wish you all a very merry byler endgame in s5! 💚
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the-nysh · 1 year
Trimax vol1: Longhaired Meryl Appreciation
Both Vash and Meryl grew out their hair in the 2yr timeskip since Fifth Moon (prev vol), that they'll both get haircuts before formally returning to duty. BUT! Since in-universe it's Meryl's birthday (February), and as an experienced (and silly!) ~professional~ she understands the value of taking a well-deserved vacation before she inevitably gets swept into the chaotic typhoon of her job again....so for now, here's her looking radiant with her longer hairstyle:
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Bonus comparison to her typical hair length looks like this:
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Additional chapter character notes of interest below the cut:
When her coworkers start gossiping and making assumptions about how horrible and dangerous her job (supervising Vash) must've been, she gently corrects them--defending Vash's name, saying "it wasn't such a terrible experience; Vash was a very different person than everyone thought he was; he was actually a very caring and honest man." Very good! She's seen much of his genuine kindness and efforts on their travels, that she won't sit idly by when others continue to misjudge him or speak ill of his character.
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(Interestingly in contrast, it seems Meryl has a tolerance towards barbs and criticisms thrown at herself--remaining comparatively silent and/or suppressing it when she's the topic, but she will speak her mind on behalf of others, like Vash's reputation here.)
When her boss calls her to identify recent photos of Vash, she has tears of recognition--it's the first time (and confirmation he's alive) she's seen him after Fifth Moon! She notes his hair color has changed...
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However, this time that's her boss's only use for her, as he's hired another guy in charge to intercept Vash. Meryl tries to help by offering the new guy all her reports on Vash as references, but the guy rudely insults and dismisses her! Saying her reports are uselessly no better to him than tabloids--as if she were writing Vash as another 'legendary mysterious hero'--which ah! If her previous words to her coworkers were any clue, she was probably working just as hard to clear Vash's name thru her insurance reports too. :') Lovely integrity and consistent dedication, Meryl!
She was willing to let the new guy go (while dissing a silly gesture behind his back~ again, she refrained from arguing or speaking up for herself here) and sit this one out, until she learns he's a trained military soldier...uhoh. (*cough* whom Vash also doesn't trust and won't open his door for...until the guy mentions lies he brings word from Meryl--ding!)
Although Meryl was supposed to be on vacation, she personally intervenes upon realizing this in-house 'insurance agent' is a hit-man with an unethical approach to 'risk management'--he's here to kill Vash and she does NOT agree with that! (Her non-lethal stance on dealing with targets actually aligns with Vash's values!)
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The guy berates her as foolish to get so involved, while pointing a gun at her head--so brave, Meryl! She calmly remembers what her coworker said, about how "a woman can't be happy when she's always getting thrown into life-threatening situations" and thinks back to every danger she's encountered--the Nebraskas, BDN and the Bad Lads, Monev the Gale, EG the Mine...Fifth Moon, to finally focusing on...Vash's smile.
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Almost like a grounding effect. 'Do it for him~' Where normally yes, she'd agree, but getting so 'foolishly' involved and thrust into countless dangerous situations becomes necessary and worth it (for Vash's smile...)
Also because, did the guy completely dismiss and underestimate her so bad, thinking she'd carelessly come here all by herself without a plan?! Hah! Cause Milly's on supportive sniper stungun duty to trash into this guy's ego; played 'em well, girls~ With this, Meryl's once again stepped in to take preventative measures against trouble to help save Vash's life, even from afar without him knowing.
Although Milly asks if they can go meet Vash, Meryl insists on keeping professional boundaries at a distance for now--so they can prioritize their self-care enjoying their much-needed vacation, as they'll meet that 'troublemaker' through work and soon get carried away by the typhoon again, all in due time~
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(Back at the office, now who's going to be their most qualified replacement for that guy injured on the job? Ding ding, all along that would be Meryl!)
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Sketched some Millie and Moxxie concepts this morning. Inspired by @aesterlite 's concepts because their concepts were so nice!! (Check out his other works too they're cool!!)
More notes under
Additional notes
Kept my headcanon about sinners and imps having specific traits/eye colors depending on the ring they live in. I think this may reflect sinners more than hell born, Moxxie desperately needs brown eye contacts.
Gave Moxxie a scar to reflect his violent home life/work life.
Made Moxxie's design more blue-ish, ONLY because while Greed is represented by the color green canonically, I assigned that color more to Envy instead. Idk, the de-saturated blue is a nice contrast on him. (It's annoying since yellow/gold could be Greed, but that was assigned to Gluttony instead? World building hard),
Made Millie look much more 'farm-girl/country'. Maybe a bit on the nose. For some reason I was thinking of Millie maybe loving being able to express her femininity while also being a powerhouse, so I just gave her a pink flannel lol. Of course, her character would have to demonstrate that as well :3.
Wanted to make Millie's overalls orange since wrath is seen to look a little bit like a desert/very orange, sandy place. Denim is a tough material butblue might get stained easily, so orange better hides stains.
Made Millie lose the tip of her tail in a farm accident. I mean, you're not gonna tell me Millie practically got off scot-free in, problably, the most violent ring of hell. Give her scars!!!
^ This is also why she has a lost tooth, although her tooth gap was also nice.
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messier074 · 1 year
Trigun Vol 2 Chapter 2
 (if anyone saw me post this with no text, no you didn’t)
Here I am, once again, to talk about random details for far too long (actually not very long this time because I am working on some fics for a fandom event and don’t have the mental energy to write super long posts. I may be lying, let’s see how long this post ends up being). 
So, first thing, this chapter opens with a colored page of Legato and Vash. Legato looms over Vash, his hand outstretched over Vash, almost like he’s puppeteering him. This page really shows how, at least in what we’ve seen, Legato seems to be a much more pressing threat than Knives. Yes, this is Knives’ plan, but Legato is the one executing it. He is the one pulling the strings, as it were. He maneuvers Vash and the Gung-Ho Guns into positions where one of them has to die, all to give Vash “a taste of the hell [he] deserves” according to Legato.
I really have to write up a separate spoilery post on Legato, because Boy Oh Boy I have things to say.
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The colors here are also striking, the cool blue of Legato’s hair and the background a stark contrast against the terracotta color that Vash is colored in. It almost makes it look like Vash has been made out of stone or of clay, carved from the earth, thus reinforcing the many connections that have been made between Vash and the land of this planet, even as we see in this chapter, he is not from here. Actually, now that I’m thinking about it, the background almost looks like the night sky, just like the stars the ships fell from.
Also in this chapter, we get more of Milly being the most perceptive of the crew. I love her, she’s the best.
And then this is just one of my favorite pages in the manga.
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Well since it seems I am in my Trigun Era TM might as well make some predictions! Possible spoilers for Stampede(? and some spoilers for the 98' anime (I just started the manga so no worries there). here's what I think could happen to give us a devastating exciting season finale and hopefully tease a season 2, since 12 eps is so short! I hope we get more. also there's a certain gal I would love to see show up ;)
Writing this after episode 9 has come out btw
here we go: I think July might get destroyed for the finale. I'm sure I'm not the first to point out that it seems July is still around, unlike the og Trigun, and it's such a relevant thing I can totally see them going for it in present time. the lost city of July...
Vash knows Nai is in July, that's where they were going, and now Zazie has taken Meryl and Roberto there. hopefully in the remaining 3 eps we get to see how big and crowded the city is, so we can really feel the destruction if/when it happens idk. Nai was able to do. something to Vash in ep 3 that put him in that weird trance, and he might do it again, this time activating the gate thingy so it levels the city.
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this poster they released for this season's big climax is not only very cool look at them go, but it supports the idea I think. Big night city fight?? Neon lights and tall buildings and holograms? I'm so down for that nai's got some cake btw wtf
I think Roberto could also die here. I do like the guy, and he is a fun sort of straight man that contrasts well with the colorful personalities that Vash, Meryl and Wolfwood have going on lol but I sense death flags, sorry uncle downer.
He has been quite pessimistic and more or less focused on staying out of trouble, so I could see him getting killed helping Meryl and maybe expressing a bit of hope for a better future, something like that. it could work. Or you know, he could go "fuck this" and retire lmao my man has I'm-too-old-for-this energy
Then we could get some form of timeskip. not super long, anything between a year to idk, 5 years max? I can see Vash disappearing to avoid hurting people again like in the 98' anime after August (Augusta?), and then we get a slightly more experienced, more confident Meryl meeting up with him again. And Wolfwood of course. and hey, maybe Meryl gets to be senpai now! Give her guns! like 100 of em!! Give her Millie!!! Best Girl Assistant!!
There, that's what I think could happen. Now we wait and see, I could be dead wrong. All I hope is we do get a season 2 though pretty pleaaaase? I will miss the blorbos too much otherwise
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i had to reread n edit this before posting like i was going over an essay jesus christ ((tristamp spoilers))
tldr; i was honestly disappointed but i still don't think it was completely awful + i hope if they do a 2nd season it's better *wants to see milly*.... fuck the director though
EDIT!!! 2nd season was confirmed so you can ignore the points where i question if it will happen lol
EDIT 2 actually idt i'll watch the 2nd season... for reasons that just hit me so.... + fuck night*w as well
most of this was written before the finale eek
the major problems were that the pacing was soooooo weird n some of the changes (both story wise and design wise) they made were questionable esp towards the latter half
my positive points:
i do still think individual eps at the first half were really good
i loved the animation + how they used colors
the backgrounds are cool
the artstyle shift in wolfwood's flashback was cool
i've always been "ok" abt vashwood honestly (sorry) but i will acknowledge they were very yaoiful here. i saw a person who didn't ship vashwood say the ep in tristamp where they literally just met made them ship it which was really funny bc how did that change your mind so fast
i'm ngl the milly + eriks name drops made me *JAWDROP* but that's something that only matters to ppl who watched/read the ogs first
my negative points (uh oh):
white washed wolfwood (+ his skintone is soo inconsistent in merch)
they gave vash no room to breathe n he doesn't get big sillay moments after ep 3
^ this is true for every character except i guess roberto? more on roberto later
^^^ goes with the previous too points but it felt like they were way too focused on the drama n sadness without enough (long lasting) happy or hopeful moments to contrast or balance it out overall - to the point were the characterization of our main cast suffered for it bc there wasn't enough there with them to make that properly work. and THEN the silly moments ended up suffering too bc they start feeling out of place. the drama beats kept happening one after the other at breakneck speed without breaks, messing up the pacing as well (i can kinda blame this at least partially on the fact they only had 12 eps when the og was 26 eps but i've watched plenty of 12 ep series with great pacing so i don't really know what happened here?)
i disagreed with this at first, but the lore with vash being front-loaded really did hurt the story a bit in the long run. obviously they did still spread the full details out over the course of the show but it was :\
specific to "the running man"- it's my fav ep tbh but it was strange how all the townsfolk were partying w the nebraskas with no indication they'd arrest them after they did so much damage n vash didn't even get to fix the damaged plant?? so why were they so joyous when the initial problem wasn't solved?
roberto.... was such a weird character... he managed to be both a dick n a guy w no personality, he was there to give exposition + attempt to be funny? n then die. also the marketing staff fucking hates him he's never in any merch wtf ((edited after the finale: well now we know he wasn't meant to replace milly (i had a whole paragraph complaining abt that lol) + now i feel like they added him just to kill someone other than wolfwood off))
i can't speak much on elendria bc i had so much trouble reading trimax forever ago that i never retained anything abt her other than she's trans, but everything involving her in tristamp felt strange/ like it didn't work. i have essentially same feeling about livio here. they threw legato to the side??
what the fuck was the thing with the plants towards the end. it just hit me what the hell
minor nitpicks:
i miss the old anime's ost :( tristamp's ost isn't bad by any means n there are tracks that i really like it's just idk man. especially with the the op song, i couldn't get myself to not skip the op SORRY. could you imagine how hype it would've been if a new rendition of H.T. or NO-BEAT started playing
i'm fine with stamp vash's design (blasphemous i know) but man would'n've one of his og coat designs worked well in 3d? i feel like it would've ((added after the finale: the new coat did look nice in black + they brought back his old hair in the last ep tho so. MAYBE... IN SEASON 2.... CLASSIC COAT....? *delusional*))
NO LOVE & PEACE?!?!?!?!
one of my nitpick points was that they technically didn't give vash the black hair bc i really wanna see it animated one day but assuming they are teasing a season 2 maybe they will eventually. but then how...?
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bearpillowmonster · 6 months
Yeah, I put a period, but not for dramatic effect, but because, well, I'm not sure I see myself continuing it.
First off, we're introduced to "the new guy"
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Ok, whatever, could just be-
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Oh...He's Jimmy. Yes, Jimmy. This tall, bald and broad shouldered guy is...Jimmy. It's not even that he's black, My Adventures did that yet it's not the only time and he still resembles Jimmy from the comics, I actually almost prefer it that way. But here he doesn't even look like a Jimmy in general, like I couldn't call this guy that, strictly Jim or James-
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Oh...so this is a reverse harem *takes a sip of tea* huh. She even goes on a blind date.
But with Milly Alcock being cast as Supergirl, I wanted a little more of a rounded view of the state of her character in live action, I liked Sasha Calle, Laura Vandervoort was ok but I saw room for improvement (mainly her story though), Helen Slater is a bit more classic in her approach and now we have Melissa-
I'll tell you what, I heard them play Bad Mama Jama and that's like-my new headcanon, that's her theme song as far as I'm concerned, I love that for her. The suit ain't half bad, I like the red logo with the subtle yellow outline, plus I've seen some of my favorites of all time coming in later seasons so that's cool.
It's funny because it uses the same sound effects and even some special effects as Smallville. I did notice that they border closer with those scenes though- they can be really cool but sometimes really cheesy, like that plane rescue was a cool scene, some really good shots in some otherwise stale productions that I was seeing thus far. They also...yeah, I'll say it, they have good set design. I didn't mention it with Smallville but I've come to realize that a lot of what Smallville built up is how I picture that town, like the Kent Farm, but this one has some nice tones, a nice grey under palette with good lighting and colors splashed in so it's not too overbearing but still matching the lighting's vibrance. Very modern.
Very weird contrast between comic book goofiness and drama though, there's a way to meld it but I can't tell who they're trying to appeal to, is it the average woman? Because I'm pretty sure alien of the week isn't it. "My mother locked them away but I accidentally set them free." They sure aren't skimping on characters either, Hank Henshaw? Maxwell Lord? Pretty cool, it's just a bit too been there done that type for me, it's just not my thing, but it was an entertaining few episodes for me. (let's check another one of these tho...)
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thetorturedmusesdept · 6 months
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Millie's Pinterest
DESCRIBE YOUR CHARACTER’S AESTHETIC IN FIVE WORDS OR LESS Knives. Axes. Guns. Horns. Tails. Millie's aesthetic is definitely that of an Imp Assassin. WHAT FLOWER WOULD YOU CONNECT TO YOUR CHARACTER? WHY? Red Chrysanthemum. Red chrysanthemums represent love and passion. They convey the language of "I love you." Millie may not have her memories at the moment, but she loves her husband so so much and would do anything for him. PICK A CRYSTAL THAT YOU FEEL FITS YOUR MUSE BEST AND EXPLAIN THE CONNECTION Prehnite. Prehnite brings truth, healing, and love. "The stone of unconditional love and perfect for healing," this stone is good for Millie because she holds endless unconditional love for her husband and could also due with some healing. due to things from her past. OUT OF WATER, FIRE, EARTH, AND AIR, WHICH ELEMENT DO YOU THINK REPRESENTS YOUR CHARACTER BEST? As a Sagittarius, Millie is a Fire element! Fire elements are all about energy, charisma, and desire. They are intuitive and love drama, and are emotionally transparent, expressing how they feel easily. All of this is pretty accurate for Millie! WHAT COLOR DO YOU MOST STRONGLY ASSOCIATE WITH YOUR MUSE? I associate Millie with Red, Black, and Yellow thanks to her appearance. Red people are bold, boisterous, and full of energy. They're also a bit competitive. Black personalities are strong-willed and determined people, and they aren't afraid to go after what they want. Yellow in contrast to these, are happy and cheerful, fun-loving and dynamic. All of these combined describe Millie very well. IS THERE AN ANIMAL YOU FEEL FITS YOUR MUSE’S PERSONALITY BEST? Millie would be a bee! While they can be cute, they can also be deadly if they decide to sting you. ARE THERE ANY CHOICES YOUR CHARACTER MAKES SOLELY BECAUSE IT FITS THEIR AESTHETIC? Millie definitely likes to stick to her aesthetic as a stealthy assassin by wearing all black! PICK ONE QUOTE THAT YOU THINK OF WHEN YOU THINK OF YOUR CHARACTER AND SHARE IT WITH US Her quote "Guilty and innocent aren't our business Moxx. Killin' who we're paid to is. Our. Business!" It shows that she genuinely doesn't care whether a person is innocent or guilty - if she's hired to take them out, then that's her job. LIST OFF THE TOP THREE KINDS OF IMAGERY THAT COME TO MIND WHEN YOU THINK OF YOUR MUSE Knives, axes, and horns. DESCRIBE YOUR MUSE USING ONLY AO3 TAGS
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greatwesternway · 2 years
TTTE/DC 2015 - 2016
So among the mini choo choos, there are many DC Comics themed trains. And DC is a thing I also know about so how's about some thots on how apt these character match-ups are?
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Thomas as Superman: Predictable, basic, obvious. I get why, but le sigh. They're both blue! They're both THE flagship character. *yawn*
Diesel as Batman: No, but I do like where their heads were at when they arrived at this. They're both black and also both duplicitous in their way. Batman's always been the odd man out in the Justice League by his own design, intentionally wouldn't become a full member until the big shit went down, so that's a neat parallel.
Diesel 10 as The Joker: Ignoring Thomas and the Magic Railroad (as I always do unless I caint) I think he's more of a Lex Luthor than a Joker. His machinations are much more deliberate, he's not just out to cause chaos, he has a particular intention and motivation. Would also accept Arsenal since they both have mechanical arms.
Millie as Harley Quinn: I think if anyone on the NWR was going to be Harley, it'd be Rebecca but she wasn't a character yet when this set came out.
Spencer as Cyborg: Obvious (they're both silver!), but I don't hate it. Could also go with S.T.R.I.P.E., Captain Atom, Steel. Mirror Master, if we wanted to make him a villain. Ooh, Gentleman Ghost woulda been clever!
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Luke as Beast Boy: Love it! They're both green and small and Luke had that episode about making friends with that deer so they both have an affinity for animals.
Charlie as The Riddler: Love this too! They've both got purple in their color schemes and Charlie's jokes are always in a riddle format. Very good match.
Millie as Catwoman: Better match than Harley. Other good matches: Huntress, Star Sapphire, Black Canary.
Percy as Robin: I hate that it's true, but it is. Percy is peak sidekick. Remains to be seen which Robin though. Would Percy eventually turn into Nightwing or Red Hood? Suppose it depends on if we're talking T&F Percy or RWS Percy.
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Emily as Wonder Woman: No. Emily's better as Hawkgirl. They both wear green and gold and they're both kind of a bitch. (Which is to say, Emily being a bitch like she was early on in her history would have been interesting and not : [] if there had been any other female characters (a Wonder Woman) to contrast that to).
Henry as Green Arrow: Obvious, but not as obvious as making him Green Lantern would have been. This might also be a joke about the real train also called Green Arrow. If it were my line of toy trains dressed as superheroes though, Henry would have been Metamoprho to play on the whole involuntarily being made into a weird frankenmonster thing.
Stephen as Sinestro: Fucking wild-ass match out of left field. I cannot fathom the logic of it and I suspect there is none. I kinda do love it for that, but I think if we're actually trying, Stephen is Shining Knight, a blast from the past who always wants to tell you about the time he fought Morgan le Fay. "'Tis a good story."
Thomas as Batman: No, but I get why if this is the sequel to the last set. Also they went with retro blue Batman instead of black to make it fit so points for that.
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James as Flash: Perfect. Red, fast, James is similarly jokey when he has room to be, he's the one the other guys don't take seriously.
Salty as Aquaman: I mean, yeah. Obvious, but in a way unavoidable, I think.
Flynn as Firestorm: Flynn coulda been any fire hero, but Firestorm's deal is that he's actually two (or more) consciousnesses fused into one, with one guy controlling the body and the other(s) advising. So that's not a bad match for the guy who fights fires and can switch between rails and roads.
Spencer as Cyborg: See previous.
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Thomas as Superman: See previous.
Flynn as Firestorm: See previous.
Sidney as The Penguin: Ehhh, yeah, okay, I guess if you want to go off the chubby face thing. Buuuut Solomun Grundy would be better! They both have memory problems. And Grundy's not strictly a villain per se so it kinda plays on the diesels being antagonists for a while, despite most of them being pretty cool guys.
Millie as Catwoman: See previous.
Paxton as Lex Luthor: Haha, no! Paxton might make a good Trickster though. Only falls in with the wrong crowd when he gets confused.
'Arry as Shazam: If there's a train who should be Shazam, it's probably Bill or Ben. Or maybe Phillip. As for 'Arry, how about Metallo?
Diesel 10 as The Joker: See previous.
Edward as Black Adam: Wild-ass choice without context, but now that'd I've posited Bill/Ben as Shazam... Edward is often put at odds with Bill and Ben and Black Adam is old and wise. And he's got a redemption arc going now so ???
Percy as Robin: See previous
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Millie as Harley Quinn: See previous.
Ferdinand as Martian Manhunter: Maybe they were going for the isolation angle of being banished to Misty Island if you squint? Given that he was banished to Misty Island for being naughty though, Lobo might be a fun take on him.
Thomas as Batman: See previous.
Samson as Black Manta: Haha, I don't think so. Captain Atom perhaps, who chose (wrongly) to side with the US military over the Justice League when they went to rescue The Question from the government? Ooh, or - wild-ass take - General Eiling, who turned himself into a monster to prove some point about civilians being at the mercy of superheroes, beat the shit out of a bunch of non-super powered heroes, and then got tolt by a little old lady that he was the super-powered being they needed to be protected from. These guys both thought they knew; they didn't know.
Porter as Captain Cold: Not bad, since his deal is his sandboxes are kept up on his boiler to keep the sand warm and therefore dry in case his rails are wet or icy. Given that he's about sand, I think Hourman might have been a fun if tenuous leap too.
Victor as Hawkman: Eh. Not bad, but there's better options for him. Red Tornado would have been good, same color scheme and Red Tornado is also a relatively empathetic machine.
Emily as Poison Ivy: Not sultry enough. Daisy might be good for Poison Ivy.
Charlie as The Riddler: See previous.
Scruff as The Atom: I mean, he is small so I see where they were going with that. He could be a better Creeper though!
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Rosie as Supergirl: I think Wonder Girl is a little more of a tomboy, but not by that much so whatev.
Spencer as Doomsday: Damn, that escalated, dint it? I mean, they are both gray so okay. You know, though. If you made Gordon Superman, then this makes a lot of sense.
Thomas as Bizarro: It's surprising and I'm into it! And it sort of follows. Like Bizarro, Thomas also often tries to imitate people he admires, thinking that he is their equal, but finds he cannot match their skills. Just ain't built for that.
Gator as Killer Croc: Obvious, but they had to do it, I suppose.
Diesel as Two-Face: Love it! No notes!
Diesel 10 as Solomon Grundy: I know I said this for Sidney, but fuck it, I like this too. Especially since it does play on the whole anti-villain thing that Grundy sometimes has going.
Troublesome Truck as Scarecrow: I feel the really apt thing to do would be to make Troublesome Trucks something that there are a legion of. Apokolips grunts or Cadmus guys or- Oh. Oh no! Troublesome Truck should have been Mr. Mxyzptlk!
Ben as Plastic Man: You know what, yeah! Plastic Man is a reformed burglar and a chucklefuck besides. I see where they were goin' with it. If you make Bill the Elongated Man, you can play with the whole "we don't need two stretchy guys" gag.
Rosie as Hawkgirl: Nope, that should a been Emily's.
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ravenwitch45 · 2 years
What helluva boss character has the best fashion sense?
Ah, this is a tough one, everyone's got style. In different ways but still. The answer definitely varies from person too. But you asked me so I'll give my honest opinion
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Blitzo. (I know Millie and Moxxie are in the picture but we all know Blitzo steals the show here) Also @rodeoblitz cause I want him to see me praise his favorite character. Now to appreciate every outfit cause damn does King got a wardrobe
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Frankly I believe Blitzo is the king of fashion. Cause he can pull off anything. His regular buisness suit fits him perfectly, it's dark, the red accents match his skin tone, and while it's classy the skull pin makes it clear it's wearer can be far from civil. Perfect for an Assassin Boss.
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Loo Loo Land switches things up slightly by suiting I.M.P up in... well suits and once again he pulls it off. Not saying M&M don't mind you but this is Blitzo post. White is an interesting color as it matches his scar which works better then you would think. He also has sunglasses in this outfit mostly which he looks good in too.
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C.H.E.R.U.B is a whole menagrie of outifts, as I.M.P switches up their disguises for each location. Blitzo starts out in a black trench coat, what I think are red heeled tights, or they might just be really high boots, either way the color works to contrast the black. He's also got a pink and blue wig and matching make up to complete the clown like look, All the color works well to stop the drab black from over powering the outfit. Nice look.
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Next is a lion fur suit perfect to ruin Lyle's view of nature in. A lion is a cool choice, and brown and tan is something we've never seen him in, still he rocks it, And the red collar ties in his favorite accent color in smoothly
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Next is a crossdressing look that belongs on a run way. Pink is a natural feminine switch from his usual red. and the Fur shawl shows just how well Blitzo likes to dress himself. I want this look to return cause he looks gorgeous. Not technichally a clothing detail but can we just say using a big wig to conceal his horns is genius, both in character and of the animators. Love it.
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Finishing off our C.H.E.R.U.B extravaganza is Blitzo's christmas look. Probably his most colorful look ever alongside the dress and yet again he looks great. It's completely red with white accents. Almost the complete opposite of his normal look. And again an uncoventional solution for his horns with a santa hat for one and what I think is a stocking on the other. More colorful looks on out boi please.
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Harvest Moon Festival has him sport a much more casual outfit then usual, yet still he brings a vest, cause damn he will be the most fancy person around along with his boyfriend even if he looks a little overdressed. This technichally also applies to the dress but Blitzo is gloveless in this look showing off the white scarring on his hands. It works really well with the white on the vest, and the off white on his shirt. I really like when he plays his outfit on his scars a little. It's a bold choice and it pays off.
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Last but certainly not least is a look perfect to cry i- I mean go on a romantic date with Stolas with, that will go perfectly I'm sure. Either way it's a spiked black leather jacket over a red shirt, with black pants and boots as usual, with him using his skull pin as a belt accessory. It's very simalir look to his usual but the slight off black color of the jacket works well and the sharp shapes of the spikes and collar fit his own deviousness as well as Lust itself. Honestly hope we see this look again.
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Well that was a ride, hope you enjoyed another entry of "I go way overboard on an ask cause I wanna talk about something at length". Also second place prize to Stolas mainly for his own date outfit, as well as his usual but I digress. Blitzo just looks good in anything and I didn't even go into the Instagram outfits, like the Vampire costume which he looks great in too. Hail to the King of Fashion everybody.
Thanks for the ask, I enjoyed it.
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eutxrpe · 5 years
hcs: dating bnha boys as idols // p. 2
part two! again, these gender neutral headcanons are from a western point of view. please send in requests or ideas!! enjoy! -sxn
⋄⋆⊹⋄⋆⋄⋆⊹⋄⋆⋄⋆⊹⋄⋆ shoto todoroki // shoto
shoto spoils you. and when i say spoils, i mean he spoils you hard.
what else he is going to do with his father’s money if not to spend it on you?
“sho, this is the fifth sweater you’ve bought me this week.”
buys and gives you clothing all the time.
since he is unintentionally a heartthrob, it hurt the fans a bit to see shoto with a significant other. but most of them got over after seeing him so happy and blushy over you.
he does not beat around the bush introducing the fact that he’s in a relationship. at one of his concerts, he’ll be ending the set. then he’ll look back at the audience and say nonchalantly, ���i’m dating someone.” and walk off the stage. iconic moment.
because of that, shoto isn’t scared of pda, meaning he does things that aren’t very acceptable to do in public.
writes you love songs and performs them on the piano. he’s both smooth and dense at the same time, and no one can figure out how.
dedicates performances to you. sometimes he’ll say your name and other times, it’s pet names, like “my love” or “songbird”
likes when you come to his performances and rehearsals for moral support. watching him dance is otherworldly. the focused look on his face as he pulls off a new move is adorable. he’ll kiss you gently while you’re in his lap when he’s on break.
if he messes up on choreography, he lets out a muffled swear because he’ll never admit it, but he’s a perfectionist at heart.
at home, you’ll hear him practice the ukulele and when he sings along, it’s beautiful. the contrast of the high uke and his low voice is appealing and it never fails to bring you to sit down next to him.
“how was that try, my love?” 
“perfect as always, shoto.” 
wearing his merchandise is a never-failing way to bring a smile onto shoto’s face. his perfect partner was openly supporting him and his music? it made him want to shower you with love and cuddles. 
this man. loves. cuddles. shoto will drape himself on top of your figure until you’re forced to hold him in your arms and play with his hair. he’ll mumble into your chest as he drifts off to sleep.
dying your hair color together is something he’s always wanted to do with you.
as for dates, shoto likes low-key ones where you just relax at home. it’s never boring, doing spa nights, game nights, cooking and baking together. he also enjoys going to cafes with you and getting his strawberry milk.
can and will make out with you on a live stream because he really doesn’t care who sees.
likes to listen to classical, lo-fi, and r&b around the house. expect to see him with his headphones on or blasting music on a speaker while he’s doing chores or just chilling on your bed. he belts the songs if he gets really into it and his voice is beautiful, so you’re not complaining.
dude hits the meanest milly rock when he’s dancing. don’t @ me
shoto can really dance when he’s listening to rap. it starts with him humming and nodding to the beat and doesn’t even stop when both of you are screaming the lyrics while he’s going off. 
you’ve fell for this man and oh, love, he’s constantly falling for you.
⋄⋆⊹⋄⋆⋄⋆⊹⋄⋆⋄⋆⊹⋄⋆ tenya iida // ingenium
is the perfect gentleman towards you.
all of his fans are so glad that you two are happy together. he’s even more of an inspiration after meeting you, iida’s self care and optimistic attitude just shining at this point.
offers you his coat, scarf, hat, and many other articles of clothing when it gets cold outside.
“you must be cold, my dear! do you want my coat?”
“tenya, you’re shivering...”
doesn’t like pda that much, but will lock pinkies with you when walking around town.
while your relationship is public, iida doesn’t make to make you or any viewers uncomfortable so kisses during performances are kept backstage. 
when he’s practicing for concerts, he likes having you near him because you’re one of his biggest support systems.
his touches and kisses towards you are very gentle, but passionate, love seeping from every one of them.
at home, he’s also very gentle-handsy. enjoys surprising you with hugs from behind and chuckles if you jump.
hug or kiss ingenium when he gets home and you’ll make him melt. guaranteed.
tenya likes to spend any time with you, so dates are often different from one to the next. he won’t say it, but walking around the city or going to a park and picnicking are some of his favorite dates.
he likes to match and wear his merch together and surprising him with it causes him to beam and sweep you up in a bear hug.
doing q&as with his fans are fun, because half of the questions are romantic and iida rambling about how much he loves you online is honestly great to see.
his dancing does not improve over time and you can vouch for that statement. however, his singing improves greatly, managing to fluster you with one sentence.
don’t even get me started on how flustered he’ll make you when he plays the bass -sometimes the stringed instrument, sometimes the guitar- and sings. it’s incredible how fast you’ll feel heat rise to your face.
he has classical training in the bass, but the surprise you feel when he pulls out an electric guitar and sings?
mainly listens to classical and jazz music, but he has a soft spot for alternative music. catch him aggressively head nodding to P!ATD and he’ll blush.
during interviews if he gets asked about you, he’ll practically sing praises to the camera.
comments section: “honey, he’s whipped as hell.” “get you a man who talks about you like ingenium talks about (y/n)”
your love is obvious, to say the least.
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kathyprior4200 · 4 years
Hazbinstagram: The Case of the Missing Blitzo
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A Hazbinstagram ™ story
  An ongoing story from the great creators and artists of "Hazbinstagram!"
For as long as he could remember since July, Blitzo had found a new horse to be his loving friend. He loved her so much, that he gave her different names everyday. During his everyday life at I.M.P. Blitzo had claimed that his horse had helped him make decisions. His associates thought the horse was part of his imagination. Stolas wanted to meet his horse as well, to see what she looked like.
But one day, Blitzo mysteriously disappears after posing in a picture full of static. Many speculate that he had been kidnapped.
But who? Could it be the demon who photo-bombed his last photo? His horse? A rival company?
Or perhaps a familiar radio loving demon with sinister plans of his own...
Alastor has a shadowy horse creature with a skeletal body, sharp teeth and black wings. The eyes glow teal and the mane and tail are thick and black. The creature may have captured Blitzo and gone back to its master. (Art and idea by Radio Hazbin!)
Fun Fact: Alastor was also the name of one of Hades' horses when he rose from the ground to capture Persephone.
 Blitzo was seen smiling as he took a selfie in static. Red and black shapes were behind him, appearing to be a distorted form of reality.
 Blitzo spoke and texted with static lacing his words: “Hanging with my horse, Enamel Pin. She said it was ok for me to take a picture with her. O3O.”
 Cherri Bomb responded: “What the hell type of horse does this to a camera?”
 Other comments soon appeared on Instagram, or rather, Voxtagram as the TV Overlord owned all technological platforms.
 “No horse does that, but I know a deer who does.”
 “Who else is red, got antlers on his head and doesn’t like being on camera?”
 “I don’t think that’s a horse, I think that’s a certain deer overlord.”
 “Alastor, is that you?”
 “I think Blitzo’s horse friend might be a certain radio demon.”
 “Oh deer.”
 “I wonder if the horse and Alastor are related. He also has the effect on pictures.”
 “Are we speculating that Blitzo is riding Alastor…a new ship is coming!”
 “Please save Blitzo from that thing.”
  Stolas was concerned, and began to type. “Hm…Blitzo, I’m a bit concerned about your horse friend. I haven’t read anything on horses distorting cameras. Can we talk?”
 Blitzo replied in an arrogant tone: “I don’t know what you’re talking about. My horse can do whatever she wants. She’s just cool like that.”
 Stolas responded: “Alright, if you say so. I may do some more research on this. But I am glad she’s so kind to you, Blitzy.”
 Blitzo added: “She’s very nice and eats the cockroaches at my place.”
 Later, Blitzo posted a child-like colored drawing of himself holding an iced coffee in his hand. Below the drawing was a colored tan horse with a black mane with her head lowered, surrounded by gray. The picture read: ”How I met my horsie. One day, I was just walking to get coffee again. She was all alone. I asked her if she wanted coffee. She said “You bet I do.” As we sat at the table, everyone ran away screaming for some reason.”
 Blitzo posted: “The comic of my horsie and me meeting for the first time.”
 Moxxie responded with: “Will all due respect sir, your “horsie” looks nothing like that.”  
 A commenter asked, “Does he look like a deer?”
 Moxxie was flabbergasted at the comments. “Why do you guys keep saying that thing looks like a deer? That thing looks nothing close to those. You humans are weirdly obsessed with deers.”
 Another commenter warned: “It might be the Radio Demon. Please warn your boss, Moxxie.”
 The grumpy imp wasn’t having it. Moxxie posted: “What are you all talking about?! That “horsie” looks nothing similar to the Radio Demon. Your strange obsessions over the Radio Demon worries me, humans.”
 (That’s the fandom for you, Moxxie!!!)
 Another commenter yelled: “Moxxie, what the hell does the horse look like?!”
 Moxxie replied: “I’d rather not talk about it.”
 Blitzo stepped in. “It was because my horse was amazing and beautiful. Moxxie is just being a puss.”
 Moxxie grumbled and typed: “I disagree, sir. Just keep that thing away from me.”
 Blitzo was offended: “She has a name, Mox!”
 Moxxie: “Sir, I can’t keep up with all the nonsensical names you keep giving it! What even is it right now?!”
 Blitzo: “Her name is Sandal! She is just very fond of getting her names.”
 Stolas added: “This is sweet. I’d really love to meet your horse friend someday.”
 Moxxie had a bad gut feeling inside him. It was the same feeling he had when his boss had brought one of the Furby imp creatures home. They were known to inhibit an old organ that was now in Alastor’s possession “Your Highness, I really don’t think this is a good idea.”
  Bitzo then took a selfie of himself with iced coffee in his hand. Behind him, an imp wearing a gray mask was seen standing with a knife over another imp on the ground. Blitzo posted: “Just got coffee and I was taking a selfie when this guy photobombed my picture. Not cool. My horse (renamed to Glove) is down the street. Waiting for her right now.”
 Stolas agreeed: “Some people are so inconsiderate.”
 Someone asked: “How does the coffee taste?” Blitzo replied with “Gooood.”
 Somebody else asked: “Why does this look like Moxxie killing Millie?”
 Moxxie fumed as he responded: “What the fuck is wrong with you humans?! Why would I ever hurt Millie? You humans are disgusting.”
 Several hours pass by. A concerned and confused Stolas held his white rotary phone with little wings on it in his hand. He posted: “Blitzo didn’t answer for our scheduled call. I suppose I’ll try again tomorrow.”
 The next day passed. Stolas stared forlornly at his rotary phone. He posted: “Tried calling Blitzo again. His receptionist said he hasn’t been in today but she’d have him call me back (I don’t think she will). Via is mad at me. This is a terrible day…”
 Someone asked, “Why is Via angry?”
 Stolas responded: “Via is angry with me because I wouldn’t let her go to a concert without supervision.”
 Moxxie later posted a picture of himself in his room by closed blinds. He had a sad, far-away look on his face, a contrast to his usually grumpy demeanor. He posted: “I enjoyed how peaceful it has been as of late. But this is just awfully quiet…Not that I care, but has anyone seen the smooth brain noise maker that is my boss?”
 Stolas texted Moxxie: “He hasn’t been there at all?!”
 Moxxie said: “No, Your Highness. I haven’t seen him around since he went out to get coffee.”
 Stolas: “Have you contacted his daughter?”
 Moxxie: “Well, yes, but she keeps ignoring me.”
 Stolas texted Moxxie, Millie and Loona: “Has Blitzo been home? Is he alright?”
 Loona: “He’s not on his couch, so no. I don’t know man, maybe he found horses outside, ran after them and got lost…”
 Angel Dust came in to the conversation as well. “Man, mystery shows are hitting real now.”
 Loona posted a picture of an empty couch with a pink pillow on it. She said: “He’s not home yet, I thought he’d be back by now.”
 Stolas: “We’ll find him.”
 Loona: “He’d better have a good fucking excuse.”
 Moxxie: “For once, I agree with you, Loona.”
 Stolas later held up a flier of Blitzo flipping the bird. On the top, the flier read, “Have you seen me? Goes by Blitzo, the “o” is silent.”
 Stolas: “Had these made. Will be giving them to Moxxie, so Blitzo’s associates can put them up around the city. If anyone knows anything, please call I.M.P.”
 Cherri Bomb offered words of encouragement. “I’m sure that little guy is around somewhere, Your Majesty. He’ll show up eventually!”
 Moxxie to Stolas: “We will do everything we can to find that idiot, Your Highness.”
 Stolas to Moxxie: “Moxxie, I wish I could help you, aside from making these posters.”
 Moxxie to Stolas: “Much appreciated for the posters, Your Highness.”
 Angel Dust: “Aye, keep looking feathas. Hell ain’t too big a place ta miss the guy with horns that big.”
 More theories were posted:
 “Maybe he was taken by his horse or furby.”
 “Loona, I don’t think Blitzo has an excuse, I think he was kidnapped.”
 “It’s either the horse or the dude stabbing in the background.”
 “Don’t worry, he’ll be fine. His horse is taking care of him.”
   Meanwhile, in a dark hideout…
 Blitzo’s yellow eyes were wide as saucers as he sat terrified on what appeared to be a green floor with missing tiles. A head of an imp rested in the background. He seemed to have been kidnapped by a gang of imps, perhaps jealous of I.M.P. and looking for money.
 Blitzo: “Ok those guys finally left me alone so I could turn on my phone. You wouldn’t believe what I had to do to keep my phone. (RIP my third burner phone). Anyways, everything is fine. I wanted to get on this Voxtagram (Vox controls all technology and media websites). Because if I tried texting everyone, it’d take too long and calling would alert the dumbass kidnapper. Can someone come pick me up before they try to kill me?”
 Stolas bellowed at the top of his lungs: “Blitzy! Where are you?!”
 Blitzo responded: “I don’t know. Smells bad, though. I’ll get out, just ask my horse to come get me, please.”
 Moxxie was terrified too: “Sir, where in the living Hell are you?! Are you hurt?!”
 Blitzo instead yelled and typed in all caps: “Send horse!”
 Angel Dust typed the emoji for wide eyes.
 The next picture showed a blurred Stolas rushing forward. Stolas could do nothing but type in gibberish in all caps.
 Blitzo: “I don’t know where I am, Stolas! Just send my horsie!”
 Stola began to panic. “I don’t know how to send for your horse! That is why you needed to introduce us!”
 One of the walls concealing Blitzo in darkness burst open, sending bricks and dust everywhere. Blitzo squinted as a circle of light shone into the space. A figure stepped through the hole on all fours, tall and majestic. Blitzo took one look at the savior creature and raced toward it, happy tears falling from his face. The energy radiating from the horse was beyond anything found in Hell…or anywhere else for that matter.
 It was a tall shadowy horse with a skeletal black body, reminiscent of a thestral or a nightmare horse from legends. The hooves were pointed and curved, shaped like miniature weapons. The horse’s mane and tail flowed long and black, outlined in a red aura. The horse’s neck was long and thin as was the head. Its eyes glowed teal and white, giving off an ethereal feel. And although there was static surrounding the horse, it didn’t have the malevolence associated with Alastor and his minions.
 Did this creature decide to shapeshift around Blitzo to watch over him?
 The horse spoke to Blitzo telepathically, her voice that of a human female laced with static. At the same time, the voice commanded divine respect.
 “I am SpindleHorse. You are safe now, Blitzo. Let us be off.”
 SpindleHorse had indeed, broken the (fourth) wall.
 Without hesitation, Blitzo climbed up on the horse’s bony back and with graceful gallops, the horse vanished into the shadows. Blitzo grinned like a little kid as the horse speed down the streets, enjoying the bumpy ride.
 Blitzo ecstatically typed his next post: “Rescue! I told you all my horse would come get me! Spindle broke the wall down! She said I could post the picture. She’s giving me a ride home. I can’t wait to see everyone!”
 Loona, Millie, Moxxie and Stolas cried with joy and relief. For although Blitzo could be a childish annoying asshole, he was still a dear member of their family.
  Loona posted first: “Thank Satan you’re alright! Cuz I…”
 Loona paused, trying to defuse her inner feelings…
 “…because we’re out of food! I need you to go grocery shopping, that’s the only reason I’m relieved. The only reason.”
 Underneath the meth, drinks and her short temper, the hellhound secretary was relieved her adopted father was safe. Life was simply too lonely without the group of imps around.
 Millie beamed. She, of course, was very happy that her boss was safe and sound. Stolas as well, was overjoyed that his lover was unhurt. Even Moxxie, who constantly chided Blitzo’s mannerisms, had a soft spot for his boss.
  Stolas was overjoyed. “Oh thank goodness! I’m coming over, immediately!”
 Moxxie said: “I still don’t want to get close to her but…thank you, Spindle.”
 Stolas rushed over as Blitzo dismounted the horse in front of the palace. The imp was soon locked in a feathery embrace. Stolas let out some hoots and draped his feathery wings over him.  
 “Blitzy, you’re alright! Oh I was worried sick. Missed you so, so much!”
 “Arugh, heh, heh, okay, Stolas, I missed you too…” He was struggling for breath. “You can…fuck…let go now.”
 Stolas did before opening his beak in a smile. “Did you say you want to fuck?”
 “No, not now!” Blitzo exclaimed, brushing wrinkles off his dark blue navy suit. “I gotta rest then get back to work.”
 “I completely understand. I’ll take you home right away!”
 Stolas traced a glowing yellow symbol in front of him and a flaming portal appeared, leading back to the I.M.P. office. Blitzo stepped through it before turning around.
 “Thank you…Stolas. For sending me my horse and all.”
 “Of course,” Stolas replied. “I hope I can meet her sometime. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to call me. And I mean anything.”
 “Will do.”
 Stolas closed the portal and posted a picture of him and Blitzo hugging.
 Stolas exclaimed in all caps, “Blitzo is safe and sound! Thank you, Spindle!”
 Moxxie typed a message to his boss: “Sir, please be more careful. The next time you go out to get coffee, take your horse with you. I will put a slight increase to the horse budget for the time being. Please rest up for today.”
  Blitzo found himself in the middle of a group hug, surrounded by Loona, Moxxie and Millie. Millie squealed happily as she hugged him. “I’m so glad you’re okay, sir!” she said. “Mox and I were very worried.”
 “You guys do know that I was only gone for like a day, right?” Blitzo asked, rolling his eyes. Tears fell from his eyes despite himself.
 “Still…that doesn’t exclude the fact that…we may have missed you a bit,” Moxxie replied. Loona uncharacteristically enough gave Blitzo a small kiss on his forehead with her tongue. For a moment, Loona was smiling and wagging her tail like a happy puppy reunited with her owner. Then, all too soon, she separated herself from him, her tough demeanor returning. “Yeah, you’re fine, good. Now I really need some fucking food and drinks right now.”
 Millie was the last one to let go of Blitzo. “If you need anything or want something done, we’ll be happy to get to it. Need anything? Iced coffee? A horse song? Two new human heads?”
 Blitzo had to chuckle. “Thanks Millie, but I’m fine. Let’s get to work everyone.”
 Thus, the ordinary day at I.M.P. continued on.
 Blitzo then posted a picture of a fork in a cup of ramen noodles with an egg in it.
 Blitzo said, “Everyone was bugging me today. It was kind of nice. Everything finally calmed down, so I had some 3 AM noodles.”
 Stolas added: “Don’t hesitate to call if you need anything!”
 Moxxie chided: “Cup of noodles isn’t healthy for you, sir. Next time, if you want to consume some 3 AM noodles, I will make some just for you.”
 Blitzo sighed. “I don’t need to be babied, Mox. Don’t worry about me. For real, I like noodles in a cup, though.”
 Moxxie decided to let him enjoy his noodles.
 Moxxie then had an idea. He did something that he would normally never do. Millie had said it was a great idea and that Blitzo would love it. Moxxie placed a gift on Blitzo’s desk the next day. It was a bag of horse shaped pasta noodles colored yellow, green and pink. On it was a note: “Feel better soon! P.S. please stop consuming junk food in the middle of the night.” From Moxxie and Millie.
Moxxie posted: “About to deliver this homemade pasta to my boss. Millie and I made this so my boss wouldn’t consume extremely unhealthy things in the middle of the night. Recipe on VoxTube. Horse shaped pasta mold is a Satan send.”
 Blitzo responded: “Oh I love this, but I still wanna eat ramen at 3 AM.”
 Moxxie replied: “What you had was obviously a cup of noodles and that is extremely bad for your body. Do you have any idea what they put in those? For crying out loud, please refrain from eating such cheap and unhealthy things.”
  The next post showed Blitzo under a blanket getting ready for bed. His head was just in front of his pink pillow on the couch. A plushie of Spirit the horse lay next to him.
 Blitzo posted: “Gonna stay in bed today. Got to lay low since everyone wants to talk to me. You guys knew I’d be fine.”
 Stolas mentioned, “We were just worried. I’ll give you some space for a while. Rest all you can. Pet your horse. I’ll talk to you at a later date.”
 Blitzo smiled and picked up a little brown horse figure beside him. “I also found my little horsie that looks like my horse! I wonder where she’s been…”
 The next day, Blitzo posted a selfie of him in the woods on Earth. Two raccoons were fighting over food from behind him.
 Blitzo: “Went to my job today and took this picture in the living world!”
 Someone asked, “Yo, are those two raccoons fighting back there?”
 Blitzo replied: “It’s not about them. This is all about me!”
 Later that night, back in his room, Blitzo was woken up by a soothing voice.
 Blitzo bolted up from the couch and stood upon shaking legs.
 It was Spindle the horse. The air around her briefly warped and morphed into little shapes. Bits of other worlds faded in and out, even showing a slice of Earth before fizzling out.
 “Is everything alright?”
 “Yes,” she responded. “I woke you up to say my goodbye.”
 Blitzo was stunned. “Y-you’re leaving?”
 “My work here is done,” she said. “I did my part to keep you safe. Now I must ensure that others are safe as well. I have other worlds to attend to as well: Heaven, Earth, Zoophobia…”
 “Wait, zoo what?”
 “Nothing of concern.” Her voice mixed with an eerie sounding neigh of dismissal. Her red aura illuminated the darkness. “Thank you for the iced coffee, by the way, it was tasty.”
 Blitzo couldn’t stop the tears falling from his eyes. This regal marvelous creature had saved his life and bonded with him for many months. She was like the friend he had never had…perhaps almost like a motherly figure.
 The horse nuzzled close to him, their foreheads touching. Blitzo’s hand cupped under her long chin while a black tendril tenderly touched his shoulder.
 “We will meet again, soon. Whether in this life or the next. Farewell for now.”
“Goodbye, Spindle. Thank you for everything.”
 Spindle stepped back, turned around and disappeared through a hole of white light. Then, in the blink of an eye, it was dark once more.
 The other characters briefly got to see Spindle as well. As she trot noiselessly against the asphalt, everyone stared to look, almost transfixed. Even the Radio Demon stopped what he was doing and stood respectfully. There was admiration for SpindleHorse’s immense power in his red eyes. Niffty jumped for joy next to Charlie whose eyes were shining with happiness.
 “Please come back again!” she called out. “The Happy Hotel welcomes all.”
  In a rare moment, Husk and Vaggie had genuine smiles on their faces, as if staring at the horse long enough would make their problems go away.
 “Thank you, Spindle!” called Angel Dust with several waves of his many hands. “You saved that imp’s life.”
 “Much appreciated,” Cherri Bomb added. “Catch ya later!” The characters waved one by one.
 SpindleHorse neighed and reared up on two hooves as static filled the air. The horse vanished through another white portal in static before all was quiet and normal once more.
  Blitzo posted a picture of him and his horse saying goodbye. “My horse woke me up in the middle of the night saying she had to go because she repaid me by saving me. I got her coffee, and she saved me, so we’re even. One last picture together before she has to go. She says the name is Spindle, so it stays.”
 Stolas knew that the goodbye was bittersweet for Blitzo. He tried to comfort his friend. “I’m so sorry Blitzo…Perhaps someday, she’ll return and visit. You were always good to her.”
 Stolas sent a picture of himself posing seductively with his grey fluffy chest exposed. Another showed Stolas displaying his butt and dark gray tail features in front of the camera. “Maybe these will cheer you up!”
 “Stolas, stop sending me nudes when I’m thinking about my horse!” Blitzo responded in sudden annoyance.
 Stolas chuckled a bit. “Sorry, I thought they would get your mind off things!”
 Even Loona was feeling the melancholy in the air. It was like everyone was suddenly feeling an unexplained connection to the elusive equine. “She will be missed…”
 “Just like the end of Spirit,” said a commentator, recalling when Spirit had reunited with his mother and galloped freely in the vast meadow.
 “You get me,” Blitzo responded, pleased to have someone else share their love of the classic film.
 Moxxie, too, couldn’t escape the strange feeling. “Can’t believe I’m saying this, but I am going to miss her. I do wish she has a good horse life.”
 “Thank you, SpindleHorse!” Millie added. “We love you and we miss you!”
 Blitzo then posted, almost to himself: “You only know what you have when it goes.”
 Stolas then posted his drawing of Blitzo smiling at the tall skeletal horse.
 Stolas said, “Wanted to make something Blitzo may like while he’s recovering. I’ll just drop it off later. Maybe have it framed if he’d like…” He added, “I’m proud of this one.”
 But Blitzo, ever the stubborn one, bluntly said, “My horse doesn’t look like that.”
 Stolas was taken aback, hurt. There was no reason for him to be rude like that, even if the drawing wasn’t the same as the real horse. Stolas decided to give the imp some space.
 Then he thought about his daughter. Maybe Octavia might not be mad at him like she was before. Sure, she wanted to go to Lilith’s Resist rock concert playing at Loo-Loo World for a while, but overprotective Stolas wasn’t going to allow it. There she was, a typical diva teenager who didn’t want her goofy dad to follow her everywhere.
 “Just another day in Hell,” thought Stolas with a sigh.
Meanwhile in a parallel universe...
Alastor eventually captures Blitzo and conjures his next plan:
 -Interrogate Blitzo about I.M.P.
-Have Blitzo led the way to I.M.P.
-Retrieve the book to gain access to the human world
-Offer Blitzo an opportunity to achieve musical theater dreams.
- Persuade Blitzo and other imps to make deals (songs almost always work!)
-If deal works, their souls will be mine
-Profit off I.M.P. and take over the company, thus claim Imp City as territory
-Enter human world and cause more chaos
-More souls = larger army and greater influence
-(Visit New Orleans and mom’s grave again.)
-Eventually take over both worlds for endless entertainment
-Figure out what this pandemic is in living world
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theimpossiblescheme · 4 years
My Coricopat Headcanons:
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He’s Exotica’s son, Tantomile’s twin, and Calliope’s older brother. (@thederpyllamaoflove​)
He and Tantomile didn’t feel right as the gender they were born with, so when they were very young they psychically traded bodies so they could be in their true forms.  As a side effect of this trade, their minds ebb and flow between the two bodies all the time.  He sometimes resents this connection and has always wished to be more independent, but he still loves his sister. (@tantomiles​)
He can speak telepathically with other cats, sometimes in full sentences and sometimes in mere suggestions, and sense their presence up to miles away.  He also has prophetic dreams and can communicate with ghosts.
His first language is the same French Arabic dialect his mother spoke.
Normally he and Tanto have more solidly-colored fur, but their magical connection to the lightning makes the dark stripes in their fur stand out even more when they use their powers. It’s also why their visions are especially strong during storms.
He’s the outside cat of a respect Kabbalist in a poorer part of London and prefers to stay close to him to “protect” him.  And he always leaves him a dead mouse or bird as a present for him to find. (@tantomiles​)
He’s very energetic and extroverted in contrast to Tanto, and he’s always had a very goofy sense of humor.
He’s very close with both his aunt Bombalurina and his stepmom Demeter.  If Demeter’s having a particularly bad day, he’ll come in to check on her constantly and warn any other cats away from startling her.  And he and Bomba love just talking for hours about whatever’s on their minds.
He admires Bustopher Jones a great deal, but he also hates human food, so it’s always a bit of a conundrum when he’s invited to one of the Cat About Town’s clubs.
He’s very good friends with both Skimbleshanks and Jenyanydots, and he sometimes helps Jeny in the healer’s den because of his proficiency with herbs.
He absolutely adores Old Deuteronomy and always feels calmed by his presence.
He loves Munkustrap’s pageants at the Jellicle Ball and always throws himself into his role, no matter who he’s playing.
He and Tanto mentored Mistoffelees and Jemima, helping them hone their powers and learn not to be afraid of their own potential.
He’s something of a perfectionist who will obsessively rehearse a specific dance step until he could do it in his sleep, and he gets anxious if he can’t master something right away.
He sleeps in a semi-elegant sprawl with his legs stuck out at odd angles.
He and Mungojerrie are in a queerplatonic relationship, and they look after a kitten named Milly Moore together. (@vilavixg​)
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